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CALRG 2012 Conference, Open U., June 2012

Blog-based Learning Analytics for
Learning Power & Authentic Enquiry
Simon Buckingham Shum & Rebecca Ferguson
Knowledge Media Institute & Institute of Educational Technology,
The Open University, UK
Ruth Deakin Crick
Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol, UK


Geoff Austin, CodeJuggler

The story in 1 slide…
 Education is not equipping citizens for a complex, uncertain world

   Learning Dispositions: the appetite and capacity to learn at any
                         opportunity is vital

  This can be assessed as a construct called “Learning Power” (LP)

 An analytics platform hosts a web survey to build LP profiles, pools
                  data, generates real time analytics

       An “Authentic Enquiry” (AE) methodology harnesses
     personal curiosity/passion/values for self-directed enquiry

    Blogging can support reflective personal and social learning

   EnquiryBlogger Wordpress plugins add LP+AE visual analytics

            Piloted at primary, secondary + tertiary levels
So… what’s the

It is time to hold up our hands and admit that
our education system just isn t working well
Our emphasis needs not to be on proving the
residual value of outdated curricula, tests
and league tables, but on inspiring and
challenging children so that they in turn can
inspire and challenge us.
                                              Lord David Puttnam
                                      Chancellor, Open University
                 Introduction to the Learning Futures Programme

…adults and children alike see their worlds
as complex, changing, uncertain and
ambiguous, and are likely to get more, not
less, so.
The obvious question, then, is: what are the
epistemic mentalities and identities that will
enable people to thrive in such a world?
What do good learners do? What do they
enjoy? How do they react when the going
gets tough?
      Claxton & Lucas, 2009 UK National Inquiry into the Future for Lifelong Learning

We worry about disengaged low achievers...
but we need to worry about the high achievers too...

Guy Claxton: Constant change is here to stay: why schooling will always be about the future. UK ESRC Futures Meeting, May 2011.   7
Educational system (secondary+tertiary) fails to
equip learners for employment

  In one survey after another, business leaders complain that the
    majority of U.S. job applicants are ill-equipped to solve complex
    problems, work in teams, or communicate effectively.

  Hewlett envisions a new generation of schools and community
   colleges … harness the deeper learning skills of critical thinking,
   problem solving, effective communication, collaboration, and
   learning to learn to help students develop a strong foundation in
   traditional academic subjects.

Hewlett Foundation – Deeper Learning:
Educational system (secondary+tertiary) fails to
equip learners for employment

CBI's 2007 report: Time Well Spent: Embedding employability in work experience   9
Widening disconnect between what engages many young
   people, and their experience of school

     §  English Department for Education: 10% of students
         reported that they “hate” school, with disproportionate
         levels amongst less privileged learners

     §  Canadian Education Association: intellectual
         engagement falls during the middle school years and
         remains at a low level throughout secondary school

     §  US study across 27 states:
         49% students felt bored every day, 17% in every class

Gilby, N., Hamlyn, B., Hanson, T., Romanou, E., Mackey, T., Clark, J., Trikka, N. and Harrison, M. National Survey of Parents and
Children: Family Life, Aspirations and Engagement with Learning in 2008. UK Dept. Children, Schools & Families, London, 2008.
Willms, J. D., Friesen, S. and Milton, P. What did you do in school today? Transforming classrooms through social, academic, and
intellectual engagement. First National Report, Canadian Education Association, Toronto, 2009.
Yazzie-Mintz, E. Charting the Path from Engagement to Achievement: A Report on the 2009 High School Survey of Student               10
Engagement. Center for Evaluation & Education Policy, Indiana University, 2009.
To thrive and innovate in a complex world, we
need personal passion and lifelong learning

        The Power of Pull
        John Hagel III
        John Seely Brown
        Lang Davison
        Summary article in Harvard Business Review blog:                            11

Dispositions to learn

   “Knowledge of methods alone
    will not suffice: there must be
    the desire, the will, to employ
    them. This desire is an affair
    of personal disposition.”

                                        John Dewey

Dewey, J. How We Think: A Restatement of the Relation of Reflective Thinking to the
Educative Process. Heath and Co, Boston, 1933
Dispositions to learn

     “In the fixed mindset, people
      believe that their talents and
      abilities are fixed traits. They
      become over-concerned with
      proving their talents and
      abilities, hiding deficiencies,
      and reacting defensively to
      mistakes or setbacks.”
                          Carol Dweck

Interview with Carol Dweck:                                                                14
Dispositions to learn

     “In the growth mindset, people
      believe that their talents and
      abilities can be developed
      through passion, education,
      and persistence … It’s about a
      commitment to … taking
      informed risks … surrounding
      yourself with people who will
      challenge you to grow”
                          Carol Dweck

Interview with Carol Dweck:                                                                15
What do we mean by “disposition”?

 §  a relatively enduring tendency to behave in a certain
 §  but there are varying conceptions as to how fixed or
     malleable dispositions are

 Our focus is on malleable dispositions
   that are important for developing
    intentional learners, and which,
 critically, learners can recognise and
          develop in themselves
Deakin Crick R. (2011) Student Engagement: Identity, Learning Power and Enquiry - A Complex Systems Approach. In:   16
Christenson S, Reschly A and Wylie C (eds) The Handbook of Research on Student Engagement New York: Springer
What are these dispositions that
equip you for lifelong learning?

  And how would we measure
   these in order generate a
    “dispositional profile”?

Live crowdsourcing…

       Think about the most effective learners
            you’ve met/mentored/taught

     Not necessarily the highest grade scorers,
       but the ones who had a desire to learn

  What qualities/dispositions/energy did they bring?

                Tweet some key words/
                phrases now on #calrg12
The resulting
twitter stream…!/search/%23calrg12

Compare these
intuitive answers to
what the Univ.
Bristol Learning
Power project

ELLI: Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory

See the paper for examples of questions loading onto each dimension of Learning Power
Learning to Learn: 7 Dimensions of Learning Power

    Being Stuck & Static       Changing & Learning
      Data Accumulation        Meaning Making
               Passivity       Critical Curiosity
       Being Rule Bound        Creativity
 Isolation & Dependence        Learning Relationships
          Being Robotic        Strategic Awareness
  Fragility & Dependence       Resilience
ELLI: Changing & Learning

§  Effective learners know that learning itself is learnable.
    They believe that, through effort, their minds can get
    bigger and stronger, just as their bodies can and they
    have energy to learn.
§  Opposite pole: ‘being stuck and static’

§  Example ELLI items:
     §  I expect to go on learning for a long time.
     §  I like to be able to improve the way I do things.
     §  I’m continually improving as a learner.

ELLI: Meaning Making

§  Effective learners are on the lookout for links between
    what they are learning and what they already know.
    They like to learn about what matters to them.
§  Opposite pole: ‘data accumulation’

§  Example ELLI items:
     §  I like to learn about things that really matter to me.
     §  I like it when I can make connections between new
         things I am learning and things I already know.
     §  I like learning new things when I can see how they make
         sense for me in my life

ELLI: Critical Curiosity

§  Effective learners have energy and a desire to find
    things out. They like to get below the surface of things
    and try to find out what is going on.
§  Opposite pole: ‘passivity’

§  Example ELLI items:
     §  I don’t like to accept an answer till I have worked it out
         for myself.
     §  I like to question the things I am learning.
     §  Getting to the bottom of things is more important to me
         than getting a good mark.

ELLI: Creativity

§  Effective learners are able to look at things in different
    ways and to imagine new possibilities. They are more
    receptive to hunches and inklings that bubble up into
    their minds, and make more use of imagination, visual
    imagery and pictures and diagrams in their learning.
§  Opposite pole: ‘being rule bound’

§  Example ELLI items:
     §  I get my best ideas when I just let my mind float free.
     §  If I wait quietly, good ideas sometimes just come to me.
     §  I like to try out new learning in different ways.

ELLI: Learning Relationships

§  Effective learners are good at managing the balance
    between being sociable and being private in their
    learning. They are not completely independent, nor are
    they dependent; rather they work interdependently.
§  Opposite pole: ‘isolation and dependence’

§  Example ELLI items:
     §  I like working on problems with other people.
     §  I prefer to solve problems on my own.
     §  There is at least one person in my community who is an
         important guide for me in my learning.

ELLI: Strategic Awareness
§  More effective learners know more about their own
    learning. They are interested in becoming more
    knowledgeable and more aware of themselves as
    learners. They like trying out different approaches to
    learning to see what happens. They are more reflective
    and better at self-evaluation.
§  Opposite pole: ‘being robotic’.

§  Example ELLI items:
     §  If I get stuck with a learning task I can usually think of
         something to do to get round the problem.
     §  If I do get upset when I’m learning, I’m quite good at
         making myself feel better.
     §  I often change the way I do things as a result of what I
         have learned.
ELLI: Resilience

§  Dependent and fragile learners more easily go to
    pieces when they get stuck or make mistakes. They
    are risk averse. Their ability to persevere is less, and
    they are likely to seek and prefer less challenging
§  Opposite pole: ‘fragility and dependence’

§  Example ELLI items:
     §  When I have trouble learning something, I tend to get
     §  When I have to struggle to learn something, I think it’s
         probably because I’m not very bright.
     §  When I’m stuck I don’t usually know what to do about it.
Immediate feedback enabling timely reflection and
interventions, via a mentored discussion
ELLI profile showing pre/post change

Cohort analytics for
educators and
organizational leaders

   Energise learning by connecting it to
    personal curiosity/values/passion

An approach to personalising the curriculum

Where does Learning Power fit pedagogically in
the journey from Personal Self, to Publicly
certified, competent learner?

  Self                                        Competent
  Identity     qualities                      Competent
  Desire                      Skills          learner
  Motivation   Dispositions   Knowledge       Citizen
               Attitudes      Understanding   Mathematician
               Values                         Artisan

  Personal                                    Public
Authentic Enquiry:
an approach to combining learner curiosity, and the personalisation of the curriculum

In detail…

             Pedagogical challenges for
             Integrating the personal with the public
             through context-driven enquiry.

             Special Issue (Editor: Ruth Deakin Crick),
             Curriculum Journal, 2009, 20 (3), 185-306

Authentic Enquiry:
example of how the questions get ‘bigger’, starting from the focal object

15 yr old ‘NEET’ girl                        Violent young offender
Focus: Cheddar Gorge                         Focus: My Dog
§  What will be there in 15 years?          §  My dog and why he means a
§  What was there before?                       lot to me
§  How many people have been                §  Why do animals end up in
    there?                                       shelters?
§  How was the gorge made?                  §  Why do they lock people up?
§  Have any famous people been              §  Does locking people up make
    there?                                       a difference?
§  What kind of people used to              §  How have they got the power
    be there?                                    to lock people up?
§  Why do relationships matter?             §  What are their rights?

Authentic Enquiry:
Bushfield School Year 6 Authentic Enquiry projects


Blogging for learning
(from the project proposal)

Blogs offer learners opportunities to incorporate many
perspectives, develop carefully crafted contributions,
reflect and make considered responses to others
(Ferguson et al., 2007). This medium provides an environment in
which people can observe, articulate and refine practices
(Efimova et al., 2004).

At the same time, by making use of the comment facility, bloggers
are able to share thoughts, ideas and opinions (Du and
Wagner, 2005). In order for students to engage effectively with this
emerging genre, they need to be able to experiment and take
ownership of their writing, learning to develop a blog as a
space for personal learning, reflection and interaction
(Bryman and Burgess, 1994).
I    EnquiryBlogger
Composing and categorising a blog post

                           Categories relating to
                          authentic enquiry, which
                            are visualized by the

  Standard blog editor,
   including option to
    embed multimedia
Enquiry Spiral widget
Enquiry Spiral widget

ELLI Spider widget
ELLI Spider widget
Mood View widget
     ELLI Spider
I     Dashboard view
I    Enquiry Spiral
I        Dashboard view
 Mood view
I Dashboard view
Teacher’s dashboard for EnquiryBlogger
pilot trial
Masters Students

Masters level EnquiryBloggers
Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol
Masters level EnquiryBloggers
Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol
Masters level EnquiryBloggers
Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol
pilot trial
Primary Pupils

Primary School EnquiryBloggers
Bushfield School, Milton Keynes

Primary School EnquiryBloggers
Bushfield School, Milton Keynes
Primary School EnquiryBloggers
Bushfield School, Milton Keynes

“I find it helpful to blog. You get to tell everyone what
you’re feeling, what you’ve been doing. They get a picture
of what you’re doing. They might have a link to include.”

               “I think it actually really helps because you need to
               look back - could I have used that ELLI dimension,
               could I have used that one? So it sort of helps you
               think about what ELLI dimensions you could use in
               the next day, so it’s almost like revising every day,
               and it makes you think about which ones you have
               used and how you've used them.”

“I like blogging. It gets all the hard work out of my head
and then I just go home and relax.”

Summary and future work
(there’s at least 1 PhD in this!)

Summary of pilot observations
§  All Yr6 pupils were able to conduct Authentic Enquiries but
    required significant mentor input: to be sustainable we could
    reduce cohorts with longer projects
§  All of the Yr6 pupils interviewed (N=5) gave positive reasons for
    keeping blogging in future projects
§  More able Yr6 pupils were able to use the ELLI and Authentic
    Enquiry categories, but more time needed to introduce them
Future work
§  School could introduce reflective writing for learning as a genre
§  We need a more gradual process for introducing blogging (eg. Yr5)
§  We need to do detailed analysis of the blogs, coupled with learner
    and educator interviews
§  We need to explore assessment criteria for authentic enquiries:
    process + product / personal—public continuum
To join the global community…

Ferguson, R., Buckingham Shum, S. and Deakin Crick, R. (2011). EnquiryBlogger: using widgets to support awareness and reflection in a
PLE Setting. 1st Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Personal Learning Environments. PLE Conference 2011, 11-13 July, Southampton,
UK. Eprint:

Ferguson, R. and Buckingham Shum, S. (2012). Social Learning Analytics: Five Approaches. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Learning Analytics &
Knowledge, (29 Apr-2 May, Vancouver, BC). ACM Press: New York. Eprint:

Buckingham Shum, S. and Deakin Crick, R. (2012). Learning Dispositions and Transferable Competencies: Pedagogy, Modelling and
Learning Analytics. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Learning Analytics & Knowledge. (29 Apr-2 May, 2012, Vancouver, BC). ACM Press: New York.


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  • 1. CALRG 2012 Conference, Open U., June 2012 EnquiryBlogger: Blog-based Learning Analytics for Learning Power & Authentic Enquiry Simon Buckingham Shum & Rebecca Ferguson Knowledge Media Institute & Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University, UK Ruth Deakin Crick Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol, UK 1
  • 3. The story in 1 slide… Education is not equipping citizens for a complex, uncertain world Learning Dispositions: the appetite and capacity to learn at any opportunity is vital This can be assessed as a construct called “Learning Power” (LP) An analytics platform hosts a web survey to build LP profiles, pools data, generates real time analytics An “Authentic Enquiry” (AE) methodology harnesses personal curiosity/passion/values for self-directed enquiry Blogging can support reflective personal and social learning EnquiryBlogger Wordpress plugins add LP+AE visual analytics Piloted at primary, secondary + tertiary levels 3
  • 4. So… what’s the problem? 4
  • 5. It is time to hold up our hands and admit that our education system just isn t working well enough. Our emphasis needs not to be on proving the residual value of outdated curricula, tests and league tables, but on inspiring and challenging children so that they in turn can inspire and challenge us. Lord David Puttnam Chancellor, Open University Introduction to the Learning Futures Programme 5
  • 6. …adults and children alike see their worlds as complex, changing, uncertain and ambiguous, and are likely to get more, not less, so. The obvious question, then, is: what are the epistemic mentalities and identities that will enable people to thrive in such a world? What do good learners do? What do they enjoy? How do they react when the going gets tough? Claxton & Lucas, 2009 UK National Inquiry into the Future for Lifelong Learning 6
  • 7. We worry about disengaged low achievers... but we need to worry about the high achievers too... Guy Claxton: Constant change is here to stay: why schooling will always be about the future. UK ESRC Futures Meeting, May 2011. 7
  • 8. Educational system (secondary+tertiary) fails to equip learners for employment In one survey after another, business leaders complain that the majority of U.S. job applicants are ill-equipped to solve complex problems, work in teams, or communicate effectively. Hewlett envisions a new generation of schools and community colleges … harness the deeper learning skills of critical thinking, problem solving, effective communication, collaboration, and learning to learn to help students develop a strong foundation in traditional academic subjects. 8 Hewlett Foundation – Deeper Learning:
  • 9. Educational system (secondary+tertiary) fails to equip learners for employment CBI's 2007 report: Time Well Spent: Embedding employability in work experience 9
  • 10. Widening disconnect between what engages many young people, and their experience of school §  English Department for Education: 10% of students reported that they “hate” school, with disproportionate levels amongst less privileged learners §  Canadian Education Association: intellectual engagement falls during the middle school years and remains at a low level throughout secondary school §  US study across 27 states: 49% students felt bored every day, 17% in every class Gilby, N., Hamlyn, B., Hanson, T., Romanou, E., Mackey, T., Clark, J., Trikka, N. and Harrison, M. National Survey of Parents and Children: Family Life, Aspirations and Engagement with Learning in 2008. UK Dept. Children, Schools & Families, London, 2008. Willms, J. D., Friesen, S. and Milton, P. What did you do in school today? Transforming classrooms through social, academic, and intellectual engagement. First National Report, Canadian Education Association, Toronto, 2009. Yazzie-Mintz, E. Charting the Path from Engagement to Achievement: A Report on the 2009 High School Survey of Student 10 Engagement. Center for Evaluation & Education Policy, Indiana University, 2009.
  • 11. To thrive and innovate in a complex world, we need personal passion and lifelong learning The Power of Pull John Hagel III John Seely Brown Lang Davison Summary article in Harvard Business Review blog: 11
  • 13. Dispositions to learn “Knowledge of methods alone will not suffice: there must be the desire, the will, to employ them. This desire is an affair of personal disposition.” John Dewey Dewey, J. How We Think: A Restatement of the Relation of Reflective Thinking to the Educative Process. Heath and Co, Boston, 1933 13
  • 14. Dispositions to learn “In the fixed mindset, people believe that their talents and abilities are fixed traits. They become over-concerned with proving their talents and abilities, hiding deficiencies, and reacting defensively to mistakes or setbacks.” Carol Dweck Interview with Carol Dweck: 14
  • 15. Dispositions to learn “In the growth mindset, people believe that their talents and abilities can be developed through passion, education, and persistence … It’s about a commitment to … taking informed risks … surrounding yourself with people who will challenge you to grow” Carol Dweck Interview with Carol Dweck: 15
  • 16. What do we mean by “disposition”? §  a relatively enduring tendency to behave in a certain way §  but there are varying conceptions as to how fixed or malleable dispositions are Our focus is on malleable dispositions that are important for developing intentional learners, and which, critically, learners can recognise and develop in themselves Deakin Crick R. (2011) Student Engagement: Identity, Learning Power and Enquiry - A Complex Systems Approach. In: 16 Christenson S, Reschly A and Wylie C (eds) The Handbook of Research on Student Engagement New York: Springer
  • 17. What are these dispositions that equip you for lifelong learning? And how would we measure these in order generate a “dispositional profile”? 17
  • 18. Live crowdsourcing… Think about the most effective learners you’ve met/mentored/taught Not necessarily the highest grade scorers, but the ones who had a desire to learn What qualities/dispositions/energy did they bring? Tweet some key words/ phrases now on #calrg12 18
  • 19. The resulting twitter stream…!/search/%23calrg12 Compare these intuitive answers to what the Univ. Bristol Learning Power project found… 19
  • 20. ELLI: Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory See the paper for examples of questions loading onto each dimension of Learning Power 20
  • 21. Learning to Learn: 7 Dimensions of Learning Power Being Stuck & Static Changing & Learning Data Accumulation Meaning Making Passivity Critical Curiosity Being Rule Bound Creativity Isolation & Dependence Learning Relationships Being Robotic Strategic Awareness Fragility & Dependence Resilience
  • 22. ELLI: Changing & Learning §  Effective learners know that learning itself is learnable. They believe that, through effort, their minds can get bigger and stronger, just as their bodies can and they have energy to learn. §  Opposite pole: ‘being stuck and static’ §  Example ELLI items: §  I expect to go on learning for a long time. §  I like to be able to improve the way I do things. §  I’m continually improving as a learner. 22
  • 23. ELLI: Meaning Making §  Effective learners are on the lookout for links between what they are learning and what they already know. They like to learn about what matters to them. §  Opposite pole: ‘data accumulation’ §  Example ELLI items: §  I like to learn about things that really matter to me. §  I like it when I can make connections between new things I am learning and things I already know. §  I like learning new things when I can see how they make sense for me in my life 23
  • 24. ELLI: Critical Curiosity §  Effective learners have energy and a desire to find things out. They like to get below the surface of things and try to find out what is going on. §  Opposite pole: ‘passivity’ §  Example ELLI items: §  I don’t like to accept an answer till I have worked it out for myself. §  I like to question the things I am learning. §  Getting to the bottom of things is more important to me than getting a good mark. 24
  • 25. ELLI: Creativity §  Effective learners are able to look at things in different ways and to imagine new possibilities. They are more receptive to hunches and inklings that bubble up into their minds, and make more use of imagination, visual imagery and pictures and diagrams in their learning. §  Opposite pole: ‘being rule bound’ §  Example ELLI items: §  I get my best ideas when I just let my mind float free. §  If I wait quietly, good ideas sometimes just come to me. §  I like to try out new learning in different ways. 25
  • 26. ELLI: Learning Relationships §  Effective learners are good at managing the balance between being sociable and being private in their learning. They are not completely independent, nor are they dependent; rather they work interdependently. §  Opposite pole: ‘isolation and dependence’ §  Example ELLI items: §  I like working on problems with other people. §  I prefer to solve problems on my own. §  There is at least one person in my community who is an important guide for me in my learning. 26
  • 27. ELLI: Strategic Awareness §  More effective learners know more about their own learning. They are interested in becoming more knowledgeable and more aware of themselves as learners. They like trying out different approaches to learning to see what happens. They are more reflective and better at self-evaluation. §  Opposite pole: ‘being robotic’. §  Example ELLI items: §  If I get stuck with a learning task I can usually think of something to do to get round the problem. §  If I do get upset when I’m learning, I’m quite good at making myself feel better. §  I often change the way I do things as a result of what I 27 have learned.
  • 28. ELLI: Resilience §  Dependent and fragile learners more easily go to pieces when they get stuck or make mistakes. They are risk averse. Their ability to persevere is less, and they are likely to seek and prefer less challenging situations. §  Opposite pole: ‘fragility and dependence’ §  Example ELLI items: §  When I have trouble learning something, I tend to get upset. §  When I have to struggle to learn something, I think it’s probably because I’m not very bright. §  When I’m stuck I don’t usually know what to do about it. 28
  • 29. Immediate feedback enabling timely reflection and interventions, via a mentored discussion ELLI profile showing pre/post change 29
  • 30. Cohort analytics for educators and organizational leaders 30
  • 31. Authentic Enquiry Energise learning by connecting it to personal curiosity/values/passion An approach to personalising the curriculum 31
  • 32. Where does Learning Power fit pedagogically in the journey from Personal Self, to Publicly certified, competent learner? Self Competent Agent Personal Identity qualities Competent Desire Skills learner Motivation Dispositions Knowledge Citizen Attitudes Understanding Mathematician Values Artisan etc Personal Public
  • 33. Authentic Enquiry: an approach to combining learner curiosity, and the personalisation of the curriculum 33
  • 34. In detail… Pedagogical challenges for personalisation: Integrating the personal with the public through context-driven enquiry. Special Issue (Editor: Ruth Deakin Crick), Curriculum Journal, 2009, 20 (3), 185-306
  • 35. Authentic Enquiry: example of how the questions get ‘bigger’, starting from the focal object 15 yr old ‘NEET’ girl Violent young offender Focus: Cheddar Gorge Focus: My Dog §  What will be there in 15 years? §  My dog and why he means a §  What was there before? lot to me §  How many people have been §  Why do animals end up in there? shelters? §  How was the gorge made? §  Why do they lock people up? §  Have any famous people been §  Does locking people up make there? a difference? §  What kind of people used to §  How have they got the power be there? to lock people up? §  Why do relationships matter? §  What are their rights? 35
  • 36. Authentic Enquiry: Bushfield School Year 6 Authentic Enquiry projects 36
  • 38.
  • 39. Blogging for learning (from the project proposal) Blogs offer learners opportunities to incorporate many perspectives, develop carefully crafted contributions, reflect and make considered responses to others (Ferguson et al., 2007). This medium provides an environment in which people can observe, articulate and refine practices (Efimova et al., 2004). At the same time, by making use of the comment facility, bloggers are able to share thoughts, ideas and opinions (Du and Wagner, 2005). In order for students to engage effectively with this emerging genre, they need to be able to experiment and take ownership of their writing, learning to develop a blog as a space for personal learning, reflection and interaction (Bryman and Burgess, 1994).
  • 40. LI I EnquiryBlogger I I I I I I I I I I I I I
  • 41. Composing and categorising a blog post Categories relating to authentic enquiry, which are visualized by the plugins Standard blog editor, including option to embed multimedia
  • 43. Enquiry Spiral widget Connecting Choosing
  • 47. LI I I ELLI Spider I Dashboard view I I I I I I I I I I I
  • 48. LI I Enquiry Spiral I Dashboard view I I I I I I I I I I I I
  • 49. LI I I Mood view I Dashboard view I I I I I I I I I I I
  • 50. Teacher’s dashboard for EnquiryBlogger
  • 52. Masters level EnquiryBloggers Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol
  • 53. Masters level EnquiryBloggers Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol
  • 54. Masters level EnquiryBloggers Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol
  • 56. Primary School EnquiryBloggers Bushfield School, Milton Keynes 56
  • 58. Primary School EnquiryBloggers Bushfield School, Milton Keynes “I find it helpful to blog. You get to tell everyone what you’re feeling, what you’ve been doing. They get a picture of what you’re doing. They might have a link to include.” “I think it actually really helps because you need to look back - could I have used that ELLI dimension, could I have used that one? So it sort of helps you think about what ELLI dimensions you could use in the next day, so it’s almost like revising every day, and it makes you think about which ones you have used and how you've used them.” “I like blogging. It gets all the hard work out of my head and then I just go home and relax.”
  • 60. Summary and future work (there’s at least 1 PhD in this!) Summary of pilot observations §  All Yr6 pupils were able to conduct Authentic Enquiries but required significant mentor input: to be sustainable we could reduce cohorts with longer projects §  All of the Yr6 pupils interviewed (N=5) gave positive reasons for keeping blogging in future projects §  More able Yr6 pupils were able to use the ELLI and Authentic Enquiry categories, but more time needed to introduce them Future work §  School could introduce reflective writing for learning as a genre §  We need a more gradual process for introducing blogging (eg. Yr5) §  We need to do detailed analysis of the blogs, coupled with learner and educator interviews §  We need to explore assessment criteria for authentic enquiries: process + product / personal—public continuum
  • 61. To join the global community… 61
  • 62. Ferguson, R., Buckingham Shum, S. and Deakin Crick, R. (2011). EnquiryBlogger: using widgets to support awareness and reflection in a PLE Setting. 1st Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Personal Learning Environments. PLE Conference 2011, 11-13 July, Southampton, UK. Eprint: Ferguson, R. and Buckingham Shum, S. (2012). Social Learning Analytics: Five Approaches. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Learning Analytics & Knowledge, (29 Apr-2 May, Vancouver, BC). ACM Press: New York. Eprint: Buckingham Shum, S. and Deakin Crick, R. (2012). Learning Dispositions and Transferable Competencies: Pedagogy, Modelling and Learning Analytics. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Learning Analytics & Knowledge. (29 Apr-2 May, 2012, Vancouver, BC). ACM Press: New York. Eprint: