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According to the theory, to have high engagement
employee is the best asset of the organization so ideal
is that the staff is fully committed, in the same way
entrepreneurs care for their businesses or people in
general look after their own household. To Being
engaged means that employee are fully involved and
interested in the work so that it really holds attention
and inspiration to do best as they can.
In the era of business competition that become more
and more intense from globalization, we come across
the reign of the belief that the world is flat in the
ancient time to the world of modernization with the
concept of globalization.
Meaning of the word “Globalization” in the dictionary
is the process of international integration arising from
the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and
other aspects of culture including the advancement in
transportation and telecommunications infrastructure,
including the rise of the telegraph and its posterity the
Internet, are major factors in globalization, generating
further interdependence of economic and cultural
In order to think about the business strategy and
structures of world leader companies in present time
they are not deal with competition only in local head
quarter but they compete in international market like
the global company in sport shoes industry as Nike or
the most famous smartphone company like Apple.
Both company they come from different industry but
they must compete heavily in creativity and
innovation to be the leader in the market.
What are the most important activities to contribute
to the society as the role of corporation?
To answer this question by the research of the
McKinsey show that the company should creating jobs,
making innovation and producing product or service
to satisfied customer need.
In order to accomplish all three main activities above
concerning on non-human asset can raise the issue to
the company because to come up with extravaganza
creativity need many components such as high
technological advancement, strength in financial
position, ability of management team and the
efficiency of assets utilization.
The components above are very crucial for the
company to hold competitive advantage over the
rivalry in the same industry until the new trend of
management occur like a whistle blower to provoke
the company to pay attention to not only non-human
asset but also human assets like employees. Both
human assets and non-human assets are crucial for
the company to continue the operating in the long run.
Why human capitals become more important?
Employees are person who generate the ideas
contribute to organization to moving forward to the
growth according to the organization strategy.
Employees devoted themselves to work with
incentives to stimulate them to work effectively can
be both financial and non-financial reward
Having high-end technology machine or strong
financial profile can be the strength of the company
but to have the suitable human capital with high
ability to work can be the strength that cannot copied
easily by business rivalry. Competitors can purchase
the new factory with fully equipped machine to beat
your business but they cannot copy the effectiveness
of your employee to manage the factory.
Refer to the publication of world-study struck me
report state that Students in U.S.A in the universities
face the problems of grade inflated locally but they
got the lowest score in math, science and verbal skills
among countries in industrialized nation but they gain
highest score in self-confidence. This case can be
example of “Will do” people, although the GPA of
American students cannot compare among
industrialized countries members but U.S.A can be the
world leader country. These people will graduate to
be the part of organizational workforce to drive
America to success with engagement inside not only
What is employee engagement?
This is one of business concept to engaged the
employees with enthusiastic in their work for the best
of the company performance and interest. The
person with high rate of engagement to the company
they will proud, willing to work hard and being loyalty
to the company. Each individual person has their own
uniqueness in intelligence no need to account for
reward or reinforcement, and most of the company
expected that employees hold a strong in work
How many levels of engagement can be divided?
According to researchers and academics point of
views there are 3 classes of engagement including
attitudinal engagement, behavioral engagement and
trait based engagement.
Attitudinal engagement is considered as a state and is
appropriately measured through questions that ask
about pride, advocacy, overall satisfaction and
commitment to the organization. This kind of
engagement can be measured by employee
engagement index or check the employee in attitude
toward career development opportunities, the
relationship with colleague. In the case that they
satisfied they will response in positive way along with
customer satisfaction and retention finally the result
will be shown in financials result.
Behavioral engagement or State-based engagement
is focus on performance-centric, this type of
engagement deal with the employee’s willingness to
exert effort toward strategy for the organization’s
success. State-based engagement can be created or
modified by the organizational situation.
For example, a behaviorally engaged employee in a
retail environment in behaviors that aim to satisfy
every customer who walks in the door. In the cases,
the behavior exhibited by the employees supports the
organization’s value proposition.
Trait-based engagement is that which comes
naturally from within employee himself. Selecting for
the characteristics of conscientiousness and proactive
personality, for example, is a way of increasing this
sort of engagement.
What are the drivers of engagement?
There are 2 factors that related in determine
employee attitudes and behaviors on the jobs
including engageability of employee and
organizational engagement environment that cause
the effect in business performance.
Let’s start from engageability of employee
which is the biological drive that comes from the
original at birth from family of employee himself.
According to the result of psychologist found that
people exhibited behavior since they were born for
instance extraversion, self-esteem, and locus of
control, optimism, aptitudes, physical skills and
attribute become core personality of each employee.
The characteristic that meaningful for the
performance to the job in people genetics not purely
rely on DNA but needed to pass the extraction from
learning through life experience become core values
from the environment that creates long lasting impact
and influences people behaviors. When people get
older and older their behaviors also reflect their early
life experience.
To understand more about core personality of
employee can be separated into these following
factors such as demographic, and geographic.
Let’s start with the Demographic factors will be focus
on gender, age and ethnicity.
Gender is the biological things that cannot be changed,
gender not only affected only physical figure but also
lead to different in psychological manners. There is
one research from High Performance Institute about
learning through behaviors different among male and
Figure 3 mentor quality level table
The High Performance Institute analyzed data from
2500 male and female in 5 different countries to focus
stereotypes on career mentoring and psychological
The result shown that the degree of favorable in being
extraverted and enthusiastic and rate of success
among male and female in the same level but female
gain higher rate of favorable in sympathy,
dependability, and openness. At the meantime, male
gain more favorable rate in emotional stability.
Form the HR point of view mentors should be train to
avoid gender stereotypes, unconscious bias, and
double standard. The improvement in communication
can help the organization to reduce bias and build
preferable behaviors and comfortable relationship in
the organization.
A generational cohort also plays the important roles
in the organization and HR concept. Generational
cohort has been defined as "the group of individuals
who experience the same event within the same time
In order to study about the nature of each generation,
we can refer to the theory of Karl Mannheim as
“Theory of generations” that variety use in term of
generation x, y, and z. People in different generation
they raised in different environments, styles and
caused different in decision making also perception
and goals.
Figure 4 generation comparison
According to the research of
come up with the result in table format, This table
give the idea of enviromental change, technology
advancement, and internal.
If the organization can understand these different can
help the company to deal with generation cohourt
inside the organization. Now, we mostly mention
about generation x, y and the present time added
more generation z.
How they different ?
Generation x the generation born after the Western
post-World War II baby boom describing a
generational change from the Baby Boomers. They
tend to be independent, resourceful and self-
sufficient. In the workplace they values freedom,
responsibility, casual disdain for authority and
structured work hours. The Generation X mentality
reflects a shift from a manufacturing economy to a
service economy. The first generation to grow up with
computers, technology is woven into their lives.
Generation X is less committed to one employer and
more willing to change jobs to get ahead than
previous generationsbaby boomers. They adapt well
to change and are tolerant of alternative lifestyles.
Generation X is ambitious and eager to learn new
skills but want to accomplish things on their own
terms. In year 2013, their age will be 34-48 years old.
They are expected to be the senior employee in the
organization with hardworking personality.
Generation y was born in peroid or 1980-1984 they
were raised with technology and rely on it for better
performance. This generation prefers to communicate
through e-mail and text messaging rather than face-
to-face contact and prefers webinars and online
technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.
Generation Y willing to trade high pay for fewer
billable hours, flexible schedules and a better
work/life balance. Generation Y in workplace with
confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They
have high expectations of their employers, seek out
new challenges and are not afraid to question
authority. Generation Y wants meaningful work and a
solid learning curve. hey value teamwork and seek the
input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-
left-behind generation, Generation Y is loyal,
committed and wants to be included and involved.
Generation Y attention to the forms of feedback and
guidance, they benefit greatly from mentors who can
help guide and develop their young careers.
Generation z was born after the year 1984 and further,
in another few years the members will be joining the
workforce so to know and understand them can help
the company to be well prepared. They are the first
generation that born with complete technology, they
are the master in technology until they don’t know
how to solve the problem without technology. They
love to share their information, ideas and ability
through social medias. They have virtual friends and
for them hanging out with friends means talking to
them over the cell phones, emails and text messages.
Refer to the study of wikia study 60 percent of
Generation Z says they like to share their knowledge
with others online, this is a strong indicator that this
generation will want access to collaborative learning
opportunities and technologies once they have
entered the workforce so professional learning and
development and help them navigate through the
corporate world. It is true to say that they are Tech
Savvy, Digital Native, Multitask, and Speedy.
To summarize all of these three generation HR found
some issue that increaseing intense in loyalty and
generation gap. Loyalty issue can be found because
employee will be rising in less loyalty in the
organization they seek for interestinf job with
chanllenging skill and career path. Generation gap is
interesting issue now because as gen X become senoir
employee with high position they prefer their
hierachy when they have subordinate in gen Y and Z
with more conciousness in work-life balance. Gen Y
and Z, they concern more on their perfect dat make
the tradition method of management become not
After we finish in explaination of demographic point
of employee then move to the next factors in Culture
Cultural geography is the study of cultural products
and norms and their variations across and relations to
spaces and places. It focuses on describing and
analyzing the ways language, religion, economy,
government and other cultural phenomena vary or
remain constant, from one place to another and on
explaining how humans function values.
To explain more about cultural geography, we can
refer to the Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory
which is is a framework for cross-cultural
communication, developed by Geert Hofstede. This
framework describe the effects of a society's culture
on the values of its members, and how these values
relate to behavior, using a structure derived from
factor analysis. Hofstede's study established a major
research tradition in cross-cultural psychology and has
also been drawn upon by researchers and consultants
in many fields relating to international business and
What are dimensions of national cultures and values?
There are 6 dimensions including Power Distance
Index(PDI), Individualism (IDV), Uncertainty avoidance
index (UAI), Masculinity (MAS), and Long term
orientation (LTO).
First, Power Distance Index happen when less
powerful members of organizations accept and expect
that power is distributed unequally. There are 2 types
of Power Distance are high power of distance
( hierachy concentrated and respect to older people )
and low power distance ( flat hierachy and democracy
system ), from the study of Hofstede found that the
rate of power distance different among geographical
For example, Power distance index shows very high
scores for Latin and Asian countries, African areas and
the Arab world. On the other hand Anglo and
Germanic countries have a lower power distance. In
Europe, power distance tends to be lower in northern
countries and higher in southern and eastern parts
In order to deal with people from high power distance,
you should understand their hierachy steps and
power then follow the accountability inside the
organization to keep the work to flow smoothly. In
other hand, to deal with people from low power
distance being open minded persons and pay respect
to the team members by provide equal opportunities
in express their ideas can help.
Second, Individualism vs Collectivism illustrate that
individualistm, the concentration is put on personal
achievements and individual rights. People are
expected to stand up for themselves choose their own
affiliations. In contrast, collectivism, individuals act
predominantly as members of a lifelong and cohesive
group or organization. People have large extended
families, which are used as a protection in exchange
for unquestioning loyalty.
there is a significant different between developed
Western countries and Asia, North America and
Europe can be considered as individualistic with
relatively high scores. In contrast, Asia, Africa and
Latin America have strong collectivistic values. Japan
and the Arab world have middle values on this
You may have some experience with people in high
individualism background, in this situation creating
environment to encourage them to speak and going
straight to job related topic rather than personal topic
to keep their comfort zone. In contrast, to deal with
people in low individualism to show respect
traditional and create harmony environment are
quite great idea to do.
Third, Uncertainty avoidance index as the third
dimension illustrated that how people in society can
tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity due to
members of a society attempt to cope with anxiety by
minimizing uncertainty. People in high uncertainty
avoidance tend to be more emotionalm They try to
minimize the occurrence of unknown and unusual
event with careful adjustment step by step planning
and by implementing rules, laws and regulations. In
contrast, low uncertainty avoidance cultures accept
and feel comfortable in unstructured situations or
changeable environments and try to have as few rules
as possible.
Latin American countries, Southern and Eastern
Europe countries ( Germany ) and Japan are are high
in uncertainty avoidance scores but in Nordic, and
Chinese they gain low scores in uncertainty avoidance.
People from high uncertainty avoidance demand the
clear criteria in jobs, plan, communication and details
so leader should be express the command or
requirement clearly too. But for people from low
uncertainty avoidance they don’t want to have the
strict rules and structure.
Fourth, Masculinity is cultures values that
concentrated in competitiveness, assertiveness,
materialism, ambition and power, whereas feminine
cultures place more value on relationships and quality
of life. In masculine cultures, the differences between
gender roles are more dramatic and less fluid than in
feminine cultures where men and women have the
same values emphasizing modesty and caring.
Nordic ( Norway, Denmark, Sweden) gain very high
score in feminine but Japan got extremely high score
in masculinity.
People from masculine society they want you to pay
respect on senoirity and more respect to men. But
people from feminine society love to be evaluate their
performance from real ability not from age and equal
treatment in male and female.
Fifth, Long term orientation vs. Short term
orientation, Long term oriented societies attach more
importance to the future values oriented towards
rewards, including persistence, saving and capacity for
adaptation. In contrast, short term oriented societies
they values promoted are related to the past and the
present, including steadiness, respect for tradition,
preservation of one's face, reciprocation and fulfilling
social obligations.
High long term orientation scores a in East Asia like
Chin, Hong Kong and Japan. They are moderate in
Eastern and Western Europe, and low in the Anglo
countries, the Muslim world, Africa and in Latin
People in high longterm orientation they love to show
respect for traditions, and they don’t like to lose face
in public. In contrast, people in low longterm
orientation they expect the single standard job
evaluation with respect and confident to express what
they know.
What are the practical applications of the theory?
In fact, when it comes to business, promoting cultural
sensitivity will help employee work more effectively
when interacting with employee from multi
boundaries to make sure that communication is
success without misunderstanding in term of feeling
and perception. Because to understand the different
communication skills to match employee from
different backgroud can help company to improve
performance with maintain employee comfortable
According to the threory of Hofstede show that the
relationship of employee inside organization also
sourced from cultural norms because people grow up
and hold their norms unconciously then they react to
the same situation in different way.
This sort of event can called “Cultural Shock” that can
be seen in every multinational company, to solve this
problem must have starting point to understand and
learn to adjust to meet the optimum contribution
among two parties.
So, To understand the core value also help the
organization to shape the organization structure and
create environment to satify employee and to
increase the effectiveness of the company also.
What organization should learn toward employee
After the organization understand and the personal
values of employee, to motivate them to be the best
effective employees will follow by. To motivate
employee, the company should know how to match
employee personality with the organization needs.
Why the organization want to motivate their
Both types of organization are profit organization and
non-porfit organization rely on the human assets
together with non-human assets. To drive employee
to have employee engagement not only bring the
positive result in manage also improve customer
In order to hire one employees there are 3 main
procedures for the company to have to best fit
employee in the organization including recruitment
new employees, develop current employees and
First, to recruit new employee is important step to
have best fit employee in the position because to hire
people to work in each position different personality
are needed. For example, If company want to hire
new employee in 2 positions as researcher and
marketing manager, the company demanded
researcher to be more on job oriented and more
relationship oriented in marketing manager.
Why the new employee recruitment is very crucial?
If the company want to have employee who fully
engaged to the job the personalty match can motivate
them to work initially because if they enjoy what they
like they don’t think they are working and they also
want to improve their performance without pressure.
Recruitment can be considered as the foundation of
select the target people to motivate.
After company hired new members, they working
under the guideline of the company as we called
“structure”. There are 3 kinds of structures are simple
structure for small business, bureaucarcy structure for
highly routine on sprcialize skill and matrix structure
to collect specialize employee from different field to
combine their function through cross-functional
project. Different organization structure come up with
different benefit and drawback in motivation and job
satisfaction. That’s the reason why to match the best
fit personality employee better than the best
Second, to develop skills for current employees is the
key to improve employee engagement. Because
normally the company have a annual performance
evaluation to measure the performance of employee
with KPI standard to meet standard is great but to
perform as best as they can is more powerful.
How can company help employee to maximize their
To train employee, company must pay attention to
their core personality and their need clearly to come
up with the proper coaching style. Train them about in
job skills and additional skills to make them
confidence to do then they can raise their job
Development Center can be the first option to choose
for developing employee performance. Development
centers provide an opportunity for participants to
benefit from impartial and objective feedback on the
behavioral competencies they need at work, leading
to a practically focused development action plan.
Development center can be both offline and online
media, according to the trend of organization to
create the online resource for employee to access and
learn tend to be increased more and more to reach
Good goal to good motivation, To stimulate
employee to improve their capability without
incentive might not work enough. The company
should create some reward to encourage employee to
perform or behave in the proper way to match the
strategies of the company. For example, Employee of
the month campaign in McDonald can reinforce staff
to perform well in customer services. But there are
something to aware in set the goal to be clear and
achievable because the possible can improve
performance but the goal with untouchable chance
also can distort the employee motivation.
Figure 5 Goal setting theory
This idea belong to Edwin Locke called Goal Setting
Theory that can be applied to the real situation until
present time.
Figure 6 Smart goal
At the present time goal should be Smart goal can
help the company to motivate thie workforce more.
Smart com from the abbreviation on first letters
including Specific, Measurable, Achieveable, Relevant
and Time-bound.
Promote Flow experience in workplace from the
psychology Csikszentmihalyi, Flow experience is a
state in which challenges and skills are equally
matched, play an extremely important role in the
workplace. Because flow is associated with
achievement, its development could have concrete
implications in increasing workplace satisfaction and
This theory want to find activities and environments
that are conducive to flow, and then identifying and
developing personal characteristics to increase
experiences of flow. In order to achieve flow, the
following three conditions are required including
Goals are clear, Feedback is immediate and A balance
between opportunity and capacity.
Creating a workplace atmosphere that allows for flow
and growth can increase the happiness and
achievement of employees. There are barriers to
achieving flow in the workplace. First reason that flow
does not occur is that the goals of one’s job are not
clear. Second, limited feedback about one’s work can
reduce motivation and leaves the employee unaware
of whether or not they did a good job. When there is
little communication of feedback. Third, to balance
between opportunity and capacity can allow
employee to have relax feeling to work from proper
skill fit in opportunities.
Figure 7 Flow Experience Theory
Providing Equity in jobs to illustrate sense of fairness
with motivation, According to equity theory from J.
Stacy Adams to explain relational satisfaction in terms
of perceptions of fair or unfair distributions of
resources within interpersonal relationships. There
are 3 kinds of fatirness are Distributive Justice
( Fairness in the result ), Interaction Justice ( to be
treated equally ) and Procedural justice ( to have
equality in job arrangement).
Figure 8 Equity Theory
Why this theory become applicable?
Because employee then to balance the input as
contribution to receive the output as bonus. When
they perception found that the company can not give
them fairness in pay or evaluation they will reduce
their scale of input because perception of inequality
motivate employee to change their input and lead to
reduce in output as performance, they tend to have
bad attitude toward the evaluation then they will
choose to stop improve in performance or quit the
Make the job to be enrich to create job with more
interesting, meaningful, attractive, efficience lead to
more satisfaction. According to job enrichment theory
by R. Hackman & G. Oldham to proposes that an
individual will decide to behave or act in a certain way
because they are motivated to select a specific
behavior over other behaviors due to what they
expect the result of that selected behavior will be. In
essence, the motivation of the behavior selection is
determined by the desirability of the outcome.
What are characteristics of job with job enrichment?
There are 6 elements in job characteristic model that
make job more delight and tasty including greater
variety, require higher skills,more autonomy, more
responsibility, more chance for personal growh and
more work experience.
Figure 9 Job enrichment
What program should be launched to meet these
The company should concentrate in job design such
as Job rotation ( to promotes efficiency byrotate from
one job to another task ) , Job enlargement. ( to
enhancing a job by adding tasks at similar skill levels )
and job enrichment (to addi tasks that increase both
responsibility and opportunity for growth. )
What are the factors that provoke the change in
employee engagement?
There are four kinds of organization changes based on
the research of WorkTrend study are Layoffs,
Acquiring other company, Being acquired by other
company and outsourcing.
Figure 10 Main organization changes
After the survey found that the highest percent of
organization change is layoffs, outsource job, acquired
other company and being acquired by other company.
The result shows that merger and acquisition raise
employee engagement in both acquired and acquiring
company because merger is the opportunities to
increase in resource.
Moreover, the research also look at the turnover
intention, merger and acquisition increased the
engagement but employee also looking for the
secondary way to go because to be acquired provoke
employee anxiety but compare to laid off, laid off
create more intention to employee to resign. To take
a look on outsourcing that reduces the employee
engagement percentage.
Then can be seen clearly that, organization not only
bring the negative effects, they also bring good news
to the organization.
The company can reduce the negative effect of
change by help employee to learn toward change ,
express the future direction toward changes, let
employee understand clearly about change, align goal
of change with customers requirement, maintain
corporate values, identity and meaning then
engagement can be increased.
In order to measure the level of job and life
satisfaction of employees to combine both personal
driver and organization driver can be the powerful
driver for employee engageability.
According to the research by Staw in1986 in topic of
“The prediction of an employee engageability or
identification of an employee;s capacity in his
responsibilities” the result shown that there is
correlation between traits and age of the people with
job satisfaction. Staw set up the procedures to predict
job attitudes of studied group in twins by separated 2
of them and grew up in different environment. The
result had shown that 31% of job satisfaction comes
from genetics factors and another 69% from
environmental factors. From this research, conclusion
is employees’ personality traits on job attitudes and
success mostly affected by environment.
In addition, from the employees’ survey showed that
in the beginning level of career path employees get
lower score in engagement compare to management
level. Why? The reason is the engagement level will
be boost up higher when they move up the career
path ladder. In addition, management level have
more challenge tasks, combine more complex skills in
problem solving and being more consciousness so the
reward for these contribution will be more
Furthermore, research found some problems in
disengagement in every level of employees. How can
company do to minimize this disengagement?
“Emphasize in will do and minimize can do”
First of all, the organization should understand that
employees are not created equally in capability, to
hire the smartest employee may not effective as
hiring the people with high job engagement. “Can do”
is representative of people with intellectual skills but
in contrast “Will do” as the side of people with
engagement to work and organization benefits.
The critical idea is the organization should balancing
the “Can do” along with the great take care of “Will
do” to increase efficiency, productivity and reduce the
burden of the company in the side of management.
Figure 10 Employee Zoning
The organization can divide employees into 3 groups
including green zone, yellow zone, and red zone. First,
Employer should avoid hiring the person who
classified as red zone because they are worst actively
disengage then they creating productivity crimes
against co-workers and the organization. Second,
Yellow zone employee come to work with inconsistent
job engagement but they can be motivated by the
environmental factors in workplace and workforces.
Finally, Green zone as the ideal employees in
employers view point due to their energetic,
enthusiastic and individual job engagement function.
They don’t need extremely motivation because they
are the “Will do” people that are needed in the team.
Great Example from High-Tech industry
According to the annual research of WorkTrend in
2012 specific in high tech industry employees. The
study concerning in the reason why employee join the
company they select and the result show that most of
them join this industry because of the job itself at 24%,
development and growth opportunities at 20% equal
to third reason in compensation, benefit and
recognition at 20%,
Figure 11 Why employees join in high tech industry
Then the research look deeper into reason that they
join their current company, the research go on 2
groups of respondants in BRIC countries ( Brazil,
Russia, India and China) and G7 countries ( Germany,
Canada, France, Italy, Japan, USA and UK ).
Figure 12 :Why employee join their current
The result found that in BRIC countries they earn
lower salaries but have certainty path of career
advancement through training program. In contrast,
In G7 countries employee earn high salary and
employee focus on job.
Both of 2 respondants share the same focus in
compensation but vary in other aspects from the
differents in core personal values.
Moreover, the study also move to the reason to leave
organization, the result isin BRIC countries inffective
leadership and lack of growth opportunities cover 40%
of reason to leave the organization and not satisfy
with compensation at 18%.
Both of 2 respondant share the same reason to leave
in leadership ineffective, training and development
but in G7 group they are more concern in work-life
Figure 13 Why employees leave their current
organizations in high-tech industry
According to the reign of multination business, the
increasing of importance in employee raised then to
know and understand about core personality of
employee in gender, age and cultural different along
with job design, organization, intense recruitment,
and development center can help the company to
improve performance not only in management but
also in customer satisfaction because if employee
have satisfaction in workplace they will deliver the
service to customer voluntarily because to motivate
employee is not only money incentive.
o http://www.web-
 NAME : Nabduan Duangmanee
 ID : 5520212002
 English MBA 24

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Employee engagement

  • 1. 1 According to the theory, to have high engagement employee is the best asset of the organization so ideal is that the staff is fully committed, in the same way entrepreneurs care for their businesses or people in general look after their own household. To Being engaged means that employee are fully involved and interested in the work so that it really holds attention and inspiration to do best as they can. In the era of business competition that become more and more intense from globalization, we come across the reign of the belief that the world is flat in the ancient time to the world of modernization with the concept of globalization. Meaning of the word “Globalization” in the dictionary is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture including the advancement in transportation and telecommunications infrastructure, including the rise of the telegraph and its posterity the Internet, are major factors in globalization, generating further interdependence of economic and cultural activities. In order to think about the business strategy and structures of world leader companies in present time they are not deal with competition only in local head quarter but they compete in international market like the global company in sport shoes industry as Nike or the most famous smartphone company like Apple. Both company they come from different industry but they must compete heavily in creativity and innovation to be the leader in the market. What are the most important activities to contribute to the society as the role of corporation? To answer this question by the research of the McKinsey show that the company should creating jobs, making innovation and producing product or service to satisfied customer need. In order to accomplish all three main activities above concerning on non-human asset can raise the issue to the company because to come up with extravaganza creativity need many components such as high technological advancement, strength in financial position, ability of management team and the efficiency of assets utilization. The components above are very crucial for the company to hold competitive advantage over the rivalry in the same industry until the new trend of management occur like a whistle blower to provoke the company to pay attention to not only non-human asset but also human assets like employees. Both human assets and non-human assets are crucial for the company to continue the operating in the long run. Why human capitals become more important? Employees are person who generate the ideas contribute to organization to moving forward to the growth according to the organization strategy. Employees devoted themselves to work with incentives to stimulate them to work effectively can be both financial and non-financial reward Having high-end technology machine or strong financial profile can be the strength of the company but to have the suitable human capital with high ability to work can be the strength that cannot copied easily by business rivalry. Competitors can purchase the new factory with fully equipped machine to beat your business but they cannot copy the effectiveness of your employee to manage the factory. Refer to the publication of world-study struck me report state that Students in U.S.A in the universities face the problems of grade inflated locally but they
  • 2. 2 got the lowest score in math, science and verbal skills among countries in industrialized nation but they gain highest score in self-confidence. This case can be example of “Will do” people, although the GPA of American students cannot compare among industrialized countries members but U.S.A can be the world leader country. These people will graduate to be the part of organizational workforce to drive America to success with engagement inside not only intellectual. What is employee engagement? This is one of business concept to engaged the employees with enthusiastic in their work for the best of the company performance and interest. The person with high rate of engagement to the company they will proud, willing to work hard and being loyalty to the company. Each individual person has their own uniqueness in intelligence no need to account for reward or reinforcement, and most of the company expected that employees hold a strong in work engagement. How many levels of engagement can be divided? According to researchers and academics point of views there are 3 classes of engagement including attitudinal engagement, behavioral engagement and trait based engagement. Attitudinal engagement is considered as a state and is appropriately measured through questions that ask about pride, advocacy, overall satisfaction and commitment to the organization. This kind of engagement can be measured by employee engagement index or check the employee in attitude toward career development opportunities, the relationship with colleague. In the case that they satisfied they will response in positive way along with customer satisfaction and retention finally the result will be shown in financials result. Behavioral engagement or State-based engagement is focus on performance-centric, this type of engagement deal with the employee’s willingness to exert effort toward strategy for the organization’s success. State-based engagement can be created or modified by the organizational situation. For example, a behaviorally engaged employee in a retail environment in behaviors that aim to satisfy every customer who walks in the door. In the cases, the behavior exhibited by the employees supports the organization’s value proposition. Trait-based engagement is that which comes naturally from within employee himself. Selecting for the characteristics of conscientiousness and proactive personality, for example, is a way of increasing this sort of engagement. What are the drivers of engagement? There are 2 factors that related in determine employee attitudes and behaviors on the jobs including engageability of employee and organizational engagement environment that cause the effect in business performance. Let’s start from engageability of employee which is the biological drive that comes from the original at birth from family of employee himself. According to the result of psychologist found that people exhibited behavior since they were born for instance extraversion, self-esteem, and locus of control, optimism, aptitudes, physical skills and attribute become core personality of each employee.
  • 3. 3 The characteristic that meaningful for the performance to the job in people genetics not purely rely on DNA but needed to pass the extraction from learning through life experience become core values from the environment that creates long lasting impact and influences people behaviors. When people get older and older their behaviors also reflect their early life experience. To understand more about core personality of employee can be separated into these following factors such as demographic, and geographic. Let’s start with the Demographic factors will be focus on gender, age and ethnicity. Gender is the biological things that cannot be changed, gender not only affected only physical figure but also lead to different in psychological manners. There is one research from High Performance Institute about learning through behaviors different among male and female. Figure 3 mentor quality level table The High Performance Institute analyzed data from 2500 male and female in 5 different countries to focus stereotypes on career mentoring and psychological mentoring. The result shown that the degree of favorable in being extraverted and enthusiastic and rate of success among male and female in the same level but female gain higher rate of favorable in sympathy, dependability, and openness. At the meantime, male gain more favorable rate in emotional stability. Form the HR point of view mentors should be train to avoid gender stereotypes, unconscious bias, and double standard. The improvement in communication can help the organization to reduce bias and build preferable behaviors and comfortable relationship in the organization. A generational cohort also plays the important roles in the organization and HR concept. Generational cohort has been defined as "the group of individuals who experience the same event within the same time interval. In order to study about the nature of each generation, we can refer to the theory of Karl Mannheim as “Theory of generations” that variety use in term of generation x, y, and z. People in different generation they raised in different environments, styles and caused different in decision making also perception and goals.
  • 4. 4 Figure 4 generation comparison According to the research of come up with the result in table format, This table give the idea of enviromental change, technology advancement, and internal. If the organization can understand these different can help the company to deal with generation cohourt inside the organization. Now, we mostly mention about generation x, y and the present time added more generation z. How they different ? Generation x the generation born after the Western post-World War II baby boom describing a generational change from the Baby Boomers. They tend to be independent, resourceful and self- sufficient. In the workplace they values freedom, responsibility, casual disdain for authority and structured work hours. The Generation X mentality reflects a shift from a manufacturing economy to a service economy. The first generation to grow up with computers, technology is woven into their lives. Generation X is less committed to one employer and more willing to change jobs to get ahead than previous generationsbaby boomers. They adapt well to change and are tolerant of alternative lifestyles. Generation X is ambitious and eager to learn new skills but want to accomplish things on their own terms. In year 2013, their age will be 34-48 years old. They are expected to be the senior employee in the organization with hardworking personality. Generation y was born in peroid or 1980-1984 they were raised with technology and rely on it for better performance. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face- to-face contact and prefers webinars and online technology to traditional lecture-based presentations. Generation Y willing to trade high pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. Generation Y in workplace with confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They have high expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to question authority. Generation Y wants meaningful work and a solid learning curve. hey value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person- left-behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved. Generation Y attention to the forms of feedback and guidance, they benefit greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers. Generation z was born after the year 1984 and further, in another few years the members will be joining the workforce so to know and understand them can help the company to be well prepared. They are the first generation that born with complete technology, they are the master in technology until they don’t know how to solve the problem without technology. They love to share their information, ideas and ability through social medias. They have virtual friends and for them hanging out with friends means talking to them over the cell phones, emails and text messages. Refer to the study of wikia study 60 percent of Generation Z says they like to share their knowledge with others online, this is a strong indicator that this generation will want access to collaborative learning opportunities and technologies once they have entered the workforce so professional learning and development and help them navigate through the corporate world. It is true to say that they are Tech Savvy, Digital Native, Multitask, and Speedy. To summarize all of these three generation HR found some issue that increaseing intense in loyalty and
  • 5. 5 generation gap. Loyalty issue can be found because employee will be rising in less loyalty in the organization they seek for interestinf job with chanllenging skill and career path. Generation gap is interesting issue now because as gen X become senoir employee with high position they prefer their hierachy when they have subordinate in gen Y and Z with more conciousness in work-life balance. Gen Y and Z, they concern more on their perfect dat make the tradition method of management become not suitable. After we finish in explaination of demographic point of employee then move to the next factors in Culture Geography. Cultural geography is the study of cultural products and norms and their variations across and relations to spaces and places. It focuses on describing and analyzing the ways language, religion, economy, government and other cultural phenomena vary or remain constant, from one place to another and on explaining how humans function values. To explain more about cultural geography, we can refer to the Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory which is is a framework for cross-cultural communication, developed by Geert Hofstede. This framework describe the effects of a society's culture on the values of its members, and how these values relate to behavior, using a structure derived from factor analysis. Hofstede's study established a major research tradition in cross-cultural psychology and has also been drawn upon by researchers and consultants in many fields relating to international business and communication. What are dimensions of national cultures and values? There are 6 dimensions including Power Distance Index(PDI), Individualism (IDV), Uncertainty avoidance index (UAI), Masculinity (MAS), and Long term orientation (LTO). First, Power Distance Index happen when less powerful members of organizations accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. There are 2 types of Power Distance are high power of distance ( hierachy concentrated and respect to older people ) and low power distance ( flat hierachy and democracy system ), from the study of Hofstede found that the rate of power distance different among geographical area. For example, Power distance index shows very high scores for Latin and Asian countries, African areas and the Arab world. On the other hand Anglo and Germanic countries have a lower power distance. In Europe, power distance tends to be lower in northern countries and higher in southern and eastern parts In order to deal with people from high power distance, you should understand their hierachy steps and power then follow the accountability inside the organization to keep the work to flow smoothly. In other hand, to deal with people from low power distance being open minded persons and pay respect to the team members by provide equal opportunities in express their ideas can help. Second, Individualism vs Collectivism illustrate that individualistm, the concentration is put on personal achievements and individual rights. People are expected to stand up for themselves choose their own affiliations. In contrast, collectivism, individuals act predominantly as members of a lifelong and cohesive group or organization. People have large extended families, which are used as a protection in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. there is a significant different between developed Western countries and Asia, North America and Europe can be considered as individualistic with relatively high scores. In contrast, Asia, Africa and Latin America have strong collectivistic values. Japan and the Arab world have middle values on this dimension. You may have some experience with people in high individualism background, in this situation creating environment to encourage them to speak and going straight to job related topic rather than personal topic to keep their comfort zone. In contrast, to deal with people in low individualism to show respect traditional and create harmony environment are quite great idea to do. Third, Uncertainty avoidance index as the third dimension illustrated that how people in society can tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity due to members of a society attempt to cope with anxiety by minimizing uncertainty. People in high uncertainty
  • 6. 6 avoidance tend to be more emotionalm They try to minimize the occurrence of unknown and unusual event with careful adjustment step by step planning and by implementing rules, laws and regulations. In contrast, low uncertainty avoidance cultures accept and feel comfortable in unstructured situations or changeable environments and try to have as few rules as possible. Latin American countries, Southern and Eastern Europe countries ( Germany ) and Japan are are high in uncertainty avoidance scores but in Nordic, and Chinese they gain low scores in uncertainty avoidance. People from high uncertainty avoidance demand the clear criteria in jobs, plan, communication and details so leader should be express the command or requirement clearly too. But for people from low uncertainty avoidance they don’t want to have the strict rules and structure. Fourth, Masculinity is cultures values that concentrated in competitiveness, assertiveness, materialism, ambition and power, whereas feminine cultures place more value on relationships and quality of life. In masculine cultures, the differences between gender roles are more dramatic and less fluid than in feminine cultures where men and women have the same values emphasizing modesty and caring. Nordic ( Norway, Denmark, Sweden) gain very high score in feminine but Japan got extremely high score in masculinity. People from masculine society they want you to pay respect on senoirity and more respect to men. But people from feminine society love to be evaluate their performance from real ability not from age and equal treatment in male and female. Fifth, Long term orientation vs. Short term orientation, Long term oriented societies attach more importance to the future values oriented towards rewards, including persistence, saving and capacity for adaptation. In contrast, short term oriented societies they values promoted are related to the past and the present, including steadiness, respect for tradition, preservation of one's face, reciprocation and fulfilling social obligations. High long term orientation scores a in East Asia like Chin, Hong Kong and Japan. They are moderate in Eastern and Western Europe, and low in the Anglo countries, the Muslim world, Africa and in Latin America. People in high longterm orientation they love to show respect for traditions, and they don’t like to lose face in public. In contrast, people in low longterm orientation they expect the single standard job evaluation with respect and confident to express what they know. What are the practical applications of the theory? In fact, when it comes to business, promoting cultural sensitivity will help employee work more effectively when interacting with employee from multi boundaries to make sure that communication is success without misunderstanding in term of feeling and perception. Because to understand the different communication skills to match employee from different backgroud can help company to improve performance with maintain employee comfortable feeling. According to the threory of Hofstede show that the relationship of employee inside organization also sourced from cultural norms because people grow up and hold their norms unconciously then they react to the same situation in different way. This sort of event can called “Cultural Shock” that can be seen in every multinational company, to solve this problem must have starting point to understand and learn to adjust to meet the optimum contribution among two parties. So, To understand the core value also help the organization to shape the organization structure and create environment to satify employee and to increase the effectiveness of the company also. What organization should learn toward employee engagement? After the organization understand and the personal values of employee, to motivate them to be the best effective employees will follow by. To motivate employee, the company should know how to match employee personality with the organization needs.
  • 7. 7 Why the organization want to motivate their employee? Both types of organization are profit organization and non-porfit organization rely on the human assets together with non-human assets. To drive employee to have employee engagement not only bring the positive result in manage also improve customer satisfaction. In order to hire one employees there are 3 main procedures for the company to have to best fit employee in the organization including recruitment new employees, develop current employees and retirement. First, to recruit new employee is important step to have best fit employee in the position because to hire people to work in each position different personality are needed. For example, If company want to hire new employee in 2 positions as researcher and marketing manager, the company demanded researcher to be more on job oriented and more relationship oriented in marketing manager. Why the new employee recruitment is very crucial? If the company want to have employee who fully engaged to the job the personalty match can motivate them to work initially because if they enjoy what they like they don’t think they are working and they also want to improve their performance without pressure. Recruitment can be considered as the foundation of select the target people to motivate. After company hired new members, they working under the guideline of the company as we called “structure”. There are 3 kinds of structures are simple structure for small business, bureaucarcy structure for highly routine on sprcialize skill and matrix structure to collect specialize employee from different field to combine their function through cross-functional project. Different organization structure come up with different benefit and drawback in motivation and job satisfaction. That’s the reason why to match the best fit personality employee better than the best candidate. Second, to develop skills for current employees is the key to improve employee engagement. Because normally the company have a annual performance evaluation to measure the performance of employee with KPI standard to meet standard is great but to perform as best as they can is more powerful. How can company help employee to maximize their performance? To train employee, company must pay attention to their core personality and their need clearly to come up with the proper coaching style. Train them about in job skills and additional skills to make them confidence to do then they can raise their job engagement. Development Center can be the first option to choose for developing employee performance. Development centers provide an opportunity for participants to benefit from impartial and objective feedback on the behavioral competencies they need at work, leading to a practically focused development action plan. Development center can be both offline and online media, according to the trend of organization to create the online resource for employee to access and learn tend to be increased more and more to reach efficiency. Good goal to good motivation, To stimulate employee to improve their capability without incentive might not work enough. The company should create some reward to encourage employee to perform or behave in the proper way to match the strategies of the company. For example, Employee of the month campaign in McDonald can reinforce staff to perform well in customer services. But there are something to aware in set the goal to be clear and achievable because the possible can improve performance but the goal with untouchable chance also can distort the employee motivation. Figure 5 Goal setting theory This idea belong to Edwin Locke called Goal Setting Theory that can be applied to the real situation until present time.
  • 8. 8 Figure 6 Smart goal At the present time goal should be Smart goal can help the company to motivate thie workforce more. Smart com from the abbreviation on first letters including Specific, Measurable, Achieveable, Relevant and Time-bound. Promote Flow experience in workplace from the psychology Csikszentmihalyi, Flow experience is a state in which challenges and skills are equally matched, play an extremely important role in the workplace. Because flow is associated with achievement, its development could have concrete implications in increasing workplace satisfaction and accomplishment. This theory want to find activities and environments that are conducive to flow, and then identifying and developing personal characteristics to increase experiences of flow. In order to achieve flow, the following three conditions are required including Goals are clear, Feedback is immediate and A balance between opportunity and capacity. Creating a workplace atmosphere that allows for flow and growth can increase the happiness and achievement of employees. There are barriers to achieving flow in the workplace. First reason that flow does not occur is that the goals of one’s job are not clear. Second, limited feedback about one’s work can reduce motivation and leaves the employee unaware of whether or not they did a good job. When there is little communication of feedback. Third, to balance between opportunity and capacity can allow employee to have relax feeling to work from proper skill fit in opportunities. Figure 7 Flow Experience Theory Providing Equity in jobs to illustrate sense of fairness with motivation, According to equity theory from J. Stacy Adams to explain relational satisfaction in terms of perceptions of fair or unfair distributions of resources within interpersonal relationships. There are 3 kinds of fatirness are Distributive Justice ( Fairness in the result ), Interaction Justice ( to be treated equally ) and Procedural justice ( to have equality in job arrangement).
  • 9. 9 Figure 8 Equity Theory Why this theory become applicable? Because employee then to balance the input as contribution to receive the output as bonus. When they perception found that the company can not give them fairness in pay or evaluation they will reduce their scale of input because perception of inequality motivate employee to change their input and lead to reduce in output as performance, they tend to have bad attitude toward the evaluation then they will choose to stop improve in performance or quit the organization. Make the job to be enrich to create job with more interesting, meaningful, attractive, efficience lead to more satisfaction. According to job enrichment theory by R. Hackman & G. Oldham to proposes that an individual will decide to behave or act in a certain way because they are motivated to select a specific behavior over other behaviors due to what they expect the result of that selected behavior will be. In essence, the motivation of the behavior selection is determined by the desirability of the outcome. What are characteristics of job with job enrichment? There are 6 elements in job characteristic model that make job more delight and tasty including greater variety, require higher skills,more autonomy, more responsibility, more chance for personal growh and more work experience. Figure 9 Job enrichment What program should be launched to meet these characteristics? The company should concentrate in job design such as Job rotation ( to promotes efficiency byrotate from one job to another task ) , Job enlargement. ( to enhancing a job by adding tasks at similar skill levels ) and job enrichment (to addi tasks that increase both responsibility and opportunity for growth. ) What are the factors that provoke the change in employee engagement? There are four kinds of organization changes based on the research of WorkTrend study are Layoffs, Acquiring other company, Being acquired by other company and outsourcing. Figure 10 Main organization changes
  • 10. 10 After the survey found that the highest percent of organization change is layoffs, outsource job, acquired other company and being acquired by other company. The result shows that merger and acquisition raise employee engagement in both acquired and acquiring company because merger is the opportunities to increase in resource. Moreover, the research also look at the turnover intention, merger and acquisition increased the engagement but employee also looking for the secondary way to go because to be acquired provoke employee anxiety but compare to laid off, laid off create more intention to employee to resign. To take a look on outsourcing that reduces the employee engagement percentage. Then can be seen clearly that, organization not only bring the negative effects, they also bring good news to the organization. The company can reduce the negative effect of change by help employee to learn toward change , express the future direction toward changes, let employee understand clearly about change, align goal of change with customers requirement, maintain corporate values, identity and meaning then engagement can be increased. In order to measure the level of job and life satisfaction of employees to combine both personal driver and organization driver can be the powerful driver for employee engageability. According to the research by Staw in1986 in topic of “The prediction of an employee engageability or identification of an employee;s capacity in his responsibilities” the result shown that there is correlation between traits and age of the people with job satisfaction. Staw set up the procedures to predict job attitudes of studied group in twins by separated 2 of them and grew up in different environment. The result had shown that 31% of job satisfaction comes from genetics factors and another 69% from environmental factors. From this research, conclusion is employees’ personality traits on job attitudes and success mostly affected by environment. In addition, from the employees’ survey showed that in the beginning level of career path employees get lower score in engagement compare to management level. Why? The reason is the engagement level will be boost up higher when they move up the career path ladder. In addition, management level have more challenge tasks, combine more complex skills in problem solving and being more consciousness so the reward for these contribution will be more appreciated. Furthermore, research found some problems in disengagement in every level of employees. How can company do to minimize this disengagement? “Emphasize in will do and minimize can do” First of all, the organization should understand that employees are not created equally in capability, to hire the smartest employee may not effective as hiring the people with high job engagement. “Can do” is representative of people with intellectual skills but in contrast “Will do” as the side of people with engagement to work and organization benefits. The critical idea is the organization should balancing the “Can do” along with the great take care of “Will do” to increase efficiency, productivity and reduce the burden of the company in the side of management. Figure 10 Employee Zoning The organization can divide employees into 3 groups including green zone, yellow zone, and red zone. First, Employer should avoid hiring the person who classified as red zone because they are worst actively disengage then they creating productivity crimes against co-workers and the organization. Second, Yellow zone employee come to work with inconsistent job engagement but they can be motivated by the environmental factors in workplace and workforces. Finally, Green zone as the ideal employees in employers view point due to their energetic, enthusiastic and individual job engagement function.
  • 11. 11 They don’t need extremely motivation because they are the “Will do” people that are needed in the team. Great Example from High-Tech industry According to the annual research of WorkTrend in 2012 specific in high tech industry employees. The study concerning in the reason why employee join the company they select and the result show that most of them join this industry because of the job itself at 24%, development and growth opportunities at 20% equal to third reason in compensation, benefit and recognition at 20%, Figure 11 Why employees join in high tech industry Then the research look deeper into reason that they join their current company, the research go on 2 groups of respondants in BRIC countries ( Brazil, Russia, India and China) and G7 countries ( Germany, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, USA and UK ). Figure 12 :Why employee join their current organization The result found that in BRIC countries they earn lower salaries but have certainty path of career advancement through training program. In contrast, In G7 countries employee earn high salary and employee focus on job. Both of 2 respondants share the same focus in compensation but vary in other aspects from the differents in core personal values. Moreover, the study also move to the reason to leave organization, the result isin BRIC countries inffective leadership and lack of growth opportunities cover 40% of reason to leave the organization and not satisfy with compensation at 18%. Both of 2 respondant share the same reason to leave in leadership ineffective, training and development but in G7 group they are more concern in work-life balance. Figure 13 Why employees leave their current organizations in high-tech industry
  • 12. 12 Summary According to the reign of multination business, the increasing of importance in employee raised then to know and understand about core personality of employee in gender, age and cultural different along with job design, organization, intense recruitment, and development center can help the company to improve performance not only in management but also in customer satisfaction because if employee have satisfaction in workplace they will deliver the service to customer voluntarily because to motivate employee is not only money incentive. o blog/generations-defined-50-years-of-change- over-5-generations o rations#Application o enerational_cohorts o p/easyblog/entry/the-theory-of-employee- engagement o /a/GenerationX.htm o /a/GenerationY.htm o an-Capital-Blog/2013/06/Forget-Gen-Y-Get- Ready-for-Gen-Z o ultural_dimensions_theory o centre.html o wLDR_66.htm o y) o hology/a/flow.html o ry o o http://www.web- ml  NAME : Nabduan Duangmanee  ID : 5520212002  English MBA 24