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This phenomenon is critical for organizational effectiveness because managers cannot for see all contingencies or fully anticipates the activities that they may desire or need employees to perform (Katz & Kahn 1978, Organ 1988). Work behavior that goes beyond the reach of organizational measures of job performance holds promise for long term organizational success (Van Dyne, Graham & Dienesch 1994) because these types of action are purported to improve organizational efficiency, effectiveness and adaptability (Organ 1988). Doing jobs beyond what is required without expecting to be rewarded is what is referred to in this study as Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).<br />Enhancing an organization’s competitive ability is increasingly critical and behaviors, which may improve individual and organizational efficiency, become more valuable. Although there have been many studies of OCB in organizations, no known studies have examined the linkage of individual innovativeness with OCB where the effect of superior–subordinate as a mediator, is included.<br /> <br />INNOVATIVE HR PRACTICES<br />All managers have heard and read countless times how to build teams, empower your workforce and develop trust. The common place human resource practices prevalent across the entire business world are just as relevant to this business as any other. The HR policies must be integrated with business policies. The HR Professionals must have balance in terms of centralization or decentralization of HR practices are ethnocentric while others management be geocentric or regiocentric.<br /> <br />TOMORROW HR PRACTICES<br /> In turn trends like these are changing the way firms are managed organizations today must grapple with revolutionary trends accelerating product and technological change, globalizes competition, deregulation, demographic changes and trends towards a service society and the information. These trends have dramatically increased the degree of competition in virtually all industries, while forcing firms to cope with unprecedented product innovation and technological change. Companies in such an environment either become competitive high performers or they die.<br /> <br />EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION, MORALE AND INNOVATIVE HR PRACTIES<br />                                         “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times”                                                                                           <br />                                                                             - Charles Dicken<br /> <br /> The challenges facing the organization have never   been greater<br />    Issues coming on the radar of an HR Manager today are diverse; from micro level            issues where an individual employee needs hand holding to the macro issues pertaining to a global workforce and virtual teams. HR managers are expected to offer instant solutions for these issues and strategies.As an HR Manager there are a number of areas where you might want to bring in an external consultant.<br /> <br />  Employee Motivation in work place <br /> <br />         A strong team needs individuals who are dedicated to giving their best at   work.  Highly self-motivated, committed, ambitious employees give the most to their company and get the most from their work. But if you are lacking employee motivation in the workplace the effects can be dramatic. Low team morale, lack of initiative, lack of energy, mistakes and high staff turnover are just some of the clues that motivation is an issue.<br />          One of the simplest ways to get motivated is to create a Self-Motivation Action Plan.<br />By following this simple three-step process you can create an action plan that will get you motivated again.   STEP 1: Clarify the goalThe first step of your Self-Motivation Action Plan is to be clear about the end result. Identify a project that you lack motivation about. Let's use quot;
Make some sales callsquot;
 as an example.<br />Your goals should be SMART. In other words: Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic and with a Timescale.<br /> <br />STEP 2: Identify the Obstacle<br />The second step of your Self-Motivation Action Plan is to be clear about what is standing in your way. There are two types of obstacles - practical and emotional. Examples of practical obstacles are lack of time, resources or information. Examples of emotional obstacles are lack of confidence or fear of failure or rejection.<br />Make a list on your Self-Motivation Action Plan of all the obstacles standing in the way of you achieving your goal.<br />STEP 3: Handle Each ObstacleThe third step of your Self-Motivation Action Plan is the most challenging. Go through each obstacle and handle it. If the obstacle is lack of time, ask yourself quot;
How can I create time for this? What do I need to stop doing, start doing or delegate in order to create time?quot;
<br />If the obstacle is lack of confidence, ask yourself quot;
What am I afraid of? What is the worst thing that could happen?quot;
 Often the worst-case scenario is not as bad as you feared. But if it is serious, how can you reduce the risk of it occurring? What resources do you have that will help you?<br />As long as there are obstacles in the way you will lack the motivation to complete your project.  However, a clear Self-Motivation Action Plan will help you complete projects without adrenalin, willpower or unhealthy stress.<br />    INDIVIDUAL INNOVATIVENESS AND ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZEN SHIP BEHAVIOR <br />The inconsistency with which innovativeness is defined in the literature makes it difficult to grasp the essential attributes (Hurt, Joseph & Cook 1977). According to Midgley and Dowling (1978), individual innovativeness refers to the individual’s openness to new ideas and decision making to adopt an innovation free from the influence of the experiences of other employees. This definition is referred to throughout this study because it intuitively gives a more accurate interpretation of innovativeness, which is well supported, both directly and indirectly, in the literature.<br />Organizational change, creativity, and innovation schemes have been installed with individual ‘champions’. The vision is that these changes to the organizational culture will lead to greater organizational effectiveness and consequently, change agents are used to guide and facilitate the change process (McDermott & Sexton 1998, Mallon & Kearney 2001.) That is, employees who are innovative in their work place are, in essence, satisfied with their jobs and this triggers them to come up with new ways to improve current conditions. One of the ways of how innovative employees express themselves is through performance of OCB. Individual innovativeness contributes to an organization’s renewal, survival and growth in today’s turbulent and competitive business environment through the performance of OCB (Amabile 1988).<br />INNOVATIVE HUMAN RESOURCE LEADER<br />To join a dynamic, growing organization that knows where it wants to go. To make a significant contribution to business results by applying my unique talent for creating strategic focus and alignment, developing 21st century leaders and culture, and building an organizational community that shares a common mission, vision, and values.<br />TRENDS & NEEDS<br />Need for Organizational Change<br />New paradigms for Europe are clearly emerging: knowledge for and through the knowledge-based economy and sustainable development. European enterprises need to adapt and learn from this evolution and may need to be reorganized. Computer use and knowledge management will become key innovation and competition factors for<br />all types of businesses, notably the manufacturing and related service industries. However, technology innovation will not be enough and careful attention to organizational aspects is required. Success is related not so much to the current organizational methods, but rather to the way that firms adapt themselves.<br />For this to happen, organizations need to assess their performance. Industry has to be convinced that solid competitive positions are attained through quality and added value and not on cost aspects alone. This evolutionary trend involves developing<br />Work environments which support teamwork as well as personal job satisfaction.<br />European industries have to learn to look at traditional and high-tech production from a more holistic perspective, e.g. taking into account aspects such as technological innovation, human motivation and behavior, life-cycle responsibility, logistics<br />and company organization. New attitudes towards organizational change need to be understood and supported.<br />For innovation to succeed, human and technological issues should be considered within an integrated approach.<br /> Europe already exploits the knowledge opportunities given by the information society. In<br />addition adaptability of organizations and speed of adaptation are becoming critical issues. It should be recognized that Europe needs to promote more integrated RTD programmes, linking people, research and market dynamics1 within which exploitation plans – as well as socio-economic aspects - should be included from the start.<br />Collaboration and co-operation within the value chain have become a new concept of work<br />Organization, based on individual skills as well as teamwork, even between competitors.<br />Collaborative commerce is emerging characterized by more fluid, dynamic and complex relationships. Such multidimensional relationships are often described as “value constellations”.<br /> <br />SUPPORT NEEDED FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE AND IMPROVEMENT OF HUMAN CAPITAL<br />Present industrial developments involve technology and organization, the performance of both being highly dependent on human resources. Knowledge will increasingly bring a key competitive advantage within human resources.<br /> <br />Moreover, production tasks are being automated to an ever greater extent while the demand for a qualified workforce is growing dramatically. At the same time, when analyzing the workforce, we see a shortage of skilled people in strategic industrial areas. The available skills do not always correspond in quality and quantity to the skills required. This contrast will place a significant strain on our society. The technology trend indicates that unemployment will rise amongst unskilled Workers. This will entail enormous efforts in the field of education as well as a tremendous increase in continuous learning, and may require co-ordinate efforts towards the benchmarking of knowledge management within different countries, regions or organizations, and the implementation of learning schemes.<br /> <br />CONCLUSION<br /> Finally I conclude that in the competitive world the organization should have the innovative ideas then only it can lead the organization very successful. Human Resource leader should follow creative practices that practices should help to develop the employer as well as employee. Then only the organization can run successful.<br />REFERENCE<br />Gary Dessler , Human Resource management 8th Edition published by Pearson Education(Singapore) pre ltd., Indian branch,482F.I.E,Paypargani.<br /><br /><br /> <br /> ·<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Retrieved from quot;;
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 Car Loans Home  »  Infrastructure In India  » Social Infrastructure in IndiaSocial Infrastructure in India The Social Infrastructure in India includes the education system in India, health care, the management of the education and health services in India that form the basic social infrastructure definition. The India government looks after the social development in India by careful infrastructure planning and handling the social issues in close coordination.The infrastructure development of any country includes both economic infrastructure development that is the development of various sectors like  HYPERLINK quot;;
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 Finance , etc. and also the social infrastructures including education and health issues.India development is incomplete without social development and that would require focus on the infrastructure strategy for social research India. The infrastructure policy of India needs to be made more comprehensive with major changes in the infrastructure projects taken up in the past and more research behind the project infrastructure so as to yield maximum developmental results. The infrastructure research work includes the current issues that require immediate attention in a proper infrastructure report and then formulation and planning of projects in sync with the infrastructure industry. The metro cities in India including Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi and smaller cities in Maharashtra like Pune and Nagpur have a very well developed economic as well as social infrastructure. The leading one still remains Goa followed in close second by Kerala. The social infrastructure in India needs to reach the standards these states have reached individually. The health and education system of Goa and Kerala is the most developed one in India with the maximum literacy rates in both general literacy as well as health literacy.EDUCATION Education in India:Imparting education on an organized basis dates back to the days of 'Gurukul' in India. Since then the India education system has flourished and developed with the growing needs of the economy. The education in India statistics are however in a sad state showing a below average literacy rate. The education ministry in India formulates education policy in India and also undertakes education programs designed specially for kids, for women, for the people in prisons and other special projects for social development of India. Education system India:Education in India until 1976 was the responsibility of the state governments; it was then made a joint responsibility of both centre and state. The centre is represented by the Education Ministry a subsidiary of the Ministry of Human Resource Development India. The Education Ministry India decides the India education budget allocating education grants for projects to upgrade the education levels in India.The education system in India consists of primarily six levels: Nursery Class Primary ClassSecondary LevelHigher Secondary LevelGraduationPost GraduationEducation Institutions India: Education in India follows the 10+2 pattern. For higher education there are various state run as well as private institutions and universities providing a variety of courses and subjects. The accreditation of the universities is decided under the universities grant commission act that has formed autonomous institutions that have the right to provide accreditation to universities and 'vishwvidyalayas'. The education department consists of various schools, colleges and universities imparting education on fair means and education for all sections of the society. Education Problems and Reforms in India:The main problem of the education system in India is that the targets set by the centre or the ministry of education to achieve a 100% literacy rate has never been achieved except for Kerala state. Also the unorganized education sector with many state and national level education boards operating like the SSLC, ICSE, CBSE, IB and IGCSE having different curriculum and study patterns provides a non-uniformity to the India education system. The education reforms taken up include a compulsory and free education for all children below the age of 14 years, subsidized higher education and various scholarship and education programs to achieve the literacy targets. The ministry of education India under the ministry of human resource developments is undertaking the task of forming a uniform pattern in the study curriculum at all education levels in India. This education policy if followed strictly can solve the basic problems being faced by the education system of India. Also the government and all Leading Banks In India provide education loans on low interest rates to students for higher education. HEALTHHealth in IndiaHealth in India is a state government responsibility with the national health policy laying down the necessary health policy in India. The central council of health and welfare formulates the various health care projects and health department reform policies. The administration of health industry in India as well as the technical needs of the health sector are the responsibility of the ministry of health and welfare India. Health care in India has many forms. These are the ayurvedic medicine practice, Unani or Galenic Herbal Care, Homeopathy, Allopathy, Yoga, and many more. Each different healthcare form has its own treatment system and practice patterns. The medical practicing in India needs a proper licensing from the health ministry. Health Department in IndiaThe health ministry in India takes care of the health department. The main responsibility of the health ministry India is to provide hygienic health care solutions for all, supervision of the basic health infrastructure development in India by construction of hospitals, nursing homes and dispensaries as per the needs of the area. Health Care Services in India:The health care services in India are mainly the responsibility of the health ministry and also the private companies in the health industry in India collectively. Provision for adequate medical facilities for all including enough hospitals and other healthcare institutions to cater to the healthcare needs of the people, medicines and drugs supply, medical equipments and other medical products and ser vices required in the health department. Hospitals or Healthcare Institutions in India:The ministry of health and family welfare India has set up many state run hospitals that provide subsidized medical facilities to all. Besides these health ministry run health institutions, many private companies have also set up big hospitals and specialty clinics that provide health care services. The specialty healthcare institutions include heart institutes, cancer hospitals, nursing homes, and many others. Toady the health industry in India is a flouring one with many foreign health care companies extending their health services in India and providing quality healthcare services to people in India.  <br />Home | About Us | Contact Us | Feedback | Submit your site | Advertise with us | Submit Your Query | Free Site Listing | NewsLetter | Sitemap | Disclaimer <br /> A Digital Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Co-promoted Company458, Udyog Vihar Phase 5, Gurgaon, Haryana India 122001© Copyright 2006-2009 - XL Housing Portals Pvt Ltd.All Rights Reserved.<br />
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Hr practice

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Free Online Articles Directory <br />Top of Form<br />Bottom of Form<br />Why Submit Articles?<br />Top Authors<br />Top Articles<br />FAQ<br />AB Answers<br />Publish Article <br />Hello Guest<br />Login<br />Login via <br />Register<br />Hello <br />My Home<br />Sign Out<br />Top of Form<br />Email Password <br />Remember me?Lost Password?<br />Bottom of Form<br />Home Page > Business > Human Resources > innovative hr practices <br />innovative hr practices<br />Edit Article | Posted: Aug 18, 2009 | Comments: 0 | Views: 2,064 | <br />Share <br />Ads by Google<br />Innovations for Everyone Submit an innovative idea and Volkswagen will bring it to life!<br />Product Innovation Create exceptional value for your customers using Value<br />Top of Form<br />Ask a question<br />200 Characters left<br />Bottom of Form<br />Related Questions<br />What are the best HR practices/ HR focus required for a marketing & Trading company<br />Analise the differences between sony erricsson and nokia and evaluate the impact of there differences on innovation, change and competitiveness<br />What is the largest organized religion around the world?<br />INTRODUCTION<br />Innovative HR practices build competencies and capabilities for superior and winning performances today and simultaneously create long term fertility for innovation of business ideas and strategies for future.<br />Employees who go the extra mile by performing spontaneous behaviors that go beyond their role prescriptions are especially valued by the management. This phenomenon is critical for organizational effectiveness because managers cannot for see all contingencies or fully anticipates the activities that they may desire or need employees to perform (Katz & Kahn 1978, Organ 1988). Work behavior that goes beyond the reach of organizational measures of job performance holds promise for long term organizational success (Van Dyne, Graham & Dienesch 1994) because these types of action are purported to improve organizational efficiency, effectiveness and adaptability (Organ 1988). Doing jobs beyond what is required without expecting to be rewarded is what is referred to in this study as Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).<br />Enhancing an organization’s competitive ability is increasingly critical and behaviors, which may improve individual and organizational efficiency, become more valuable. Although there have been many studies of OCB in organizations, no known studies have examined the linkage of individual innovativeness with OCB where the effect of superior–subordinate as a mediator, is included.<br /> <br />INNOVATIVE HR PRACTICES<br />All managers have heard and read countless times how to build teams, empower your workforce and develop trust. The common place human resource practices prevalent across the entire business world are just as relevant to this business as any other. The HR policies must be integrated with business policies. The HR Professionals must have balance in terms of centralization or decentralization of HR practices are ethnocentric while others management be geocentric or regiocentric.<br /> <br />TOMORROW HR PRACTICES<br /> In turn trends like these are changing the way firms are managed organizations today must grapple with revolutionary trends accelerating product and technological change, globalizes competition, deregulation, demographic changes and trends towards a service society and the information. These trends have dramatically increased the degree of competition in virtually all industries, while forcing firms to cope with unprecedented product innovation and technological change. Companies in such an environment either become competitive high performers or they die.<br /> <br />EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION, MORALE AND INNOVATIVE HR PRACTIES<br />                                         “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times”                                                                                           <br />                                                                             - Charles Dicken<br /> <br /> The challenges facing the organization have never   been greater<br />    Issues coming on the radar of an HR Manager today are diverse; from micro level            issues where an individual employee needs hand holding to the macro issues pertaining to a global workforce and virtual teams. HR managers are expected to offer instant solutions for these issues and strategies.As an HR Manager there are a number of areas where you might want to bring in an external consultant.<br /> <br />  Employee Motivation in work place <br /> <br />         A strong team needs individuals who are dedicated to giving their best at   work.  Highly self-motivated, committed, ambitious employees give the most to their company and get the most from their work. But if you are lacking employee motivation in the workplace the effects can be dramatic. Low team morale, lack of initiative, lack of energy, mistakes and high staff turnover are just some of the clues that motivation is an issue.<br />          One of the simplest ways to get motivated is to create a Self-Motivation Action Plan.<br />By following this simple three-step process you can create an action plan that will get you motivated again.   STEP 1: Clarify the goalThe first step of your Self-Motivation Action Plan is to be clear about the end result. Identify a project that you lack motivation about. Let's use quot; Make some sales callsquot; as an example.<br />Your goals should be SMART. In other words: Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic and with a Timescale.<br /> <br />STEP 2: Identify the Obstacle<br />The second step of your Self-Motivation Action Plan is to be clear about what is standing in your way. There are two types of obstacles - practical and emotional. Examples of practical obstacles are lack of time, resources or information. Examples of emotional obstacles are lack of confidence or fear of failure or rejection.<br />Make a list on your Self-Motivation Action Plan of all the obstacles standing in the way of you achieving your goal.<br />STEP 3: Handle Each ObstacleThe third step of your Self-Motivation Action Plan is the most challenging. Go through each obstacle and handle it. If the obstacle is lack of time, ask yourself quot; How can I create time for this? What do I need to stop doing, start doing or delegate in order to create time?quot; <br />If the obstacle is lack of confidence, ask yourself quot; What am I afraid of? What is the worst thing that could happen?quot; Often the worst-case scenario is not as bad as you feared. But if it is serious, how can you reduce the risk of it occurring? What resources do you have that will help you?<br />As long as there are obstacles in the way you will lack the motivation to complete your project.  However, a clear Self-Motivation Action Plan will help you complete projects without adrenalin, willpower or unhealthy stress.<br />    INDIVIDUAL INNOVATIVENESS AND ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZEN SHIP BEHAVIOR <br />The inconsistency with which innovativeness is defined in the literature makes it difficult to grasp the essential attributes (Hurt, Joseph & Cook 1977). According to Midgley and Dowling (1978), individual innovativeness refers to the individual’s openness to new ideas and decision making to adopt an innovation free from the influence of the experiences of other employees. This definition is referred to throughout this study because it intuitively gives a more accurate interpretation of innovativeness, which is well supported, both directly and indirectly, in the literature.<br />Organizational change, creativity, and innovation schemes have been installed with individual ‘champions’. The vision is that these changes to the organizational culture will lead to greater organizational effectiveness and consequently, change agents are used to guide and facilitate the change process (McDermott & Sexton 1998, Mallon & Kearney 2001.) That is, employees who are innovative in their work place are, in essence, satisfied with their jobs and this triggers them to come up with new ways to improve current conditions. One of the ways of how innovative employees express themselves is through performance of OCB. Individual innovativeness contributes to an organization’s renewal, survival and growth in today’s turbulent and competitive business environment through the performance of OCB (Amabile 1988).<br />INNOVATIVE HUMAN RESOURCE LEADER<br />To join a dynamic, growing organization that knows where it wants to go. To make a significant contribution to business results by applying my unique talent for creating strategic focus and alignment, developing 21st century leaders and culture, and building an organizational community that shares a common mission, vision, and values.<br />TRENDS & NEEDS<br />Need for Organizational Change<br />New paradigms for Europe are clearly emerging: knowledge for and through the knowledge-based economy and sustainable development. European enterprises need to adapt and learn from this evolution and may need to be reorganized. Computer use and knowledge management will become key innovation and competition factors for<br />all types of businesses, notably the manufacturing and related service industries. However, technology innovation will not be enough and careful attention to organizational aspects is required. Success is related not so much to the current organizational methods, but rather to the way that firms adapt themselves.<br />For this to happen, organizations need to assess their performance. Industry has to be convinced that solid competitive positions are attained through quality and added value and not on cost aspects alone. This evolutionary trend involves developing<br />Work environments which support teamwork as well as personal job satisfaction.<br />European industries have to learn to look at traditional and high-tech production from a more holistic perspective, e.g. taking into account aspects such as technological innovation, human motivation and behavior, life-cycle responsibility, logistics<br />and company organization. New attitudes towards organizational change need to be understood and supported.<br />For innovation to succeed, human and technological issues should be considered within an integrated approach.<br /> Europe already exploits the knowledge opportunities given by the information society. In<br />addition adaptability of organizations and speed of adaptation are becoming critical issues. It should be recognized that Europe needs to promote more integrated RTD programmes, linking people, research and market dynamics1 within which exploitation plans – as well as socio-economic aspects - should be included from the start.<br />Collaboration and co-operation within the value chain have become a new concept of work<br />Organization, based on individual skills as well as teamwork, even between competitors.<br />Collaborative commerce is emerging characterized by more fluid, dynamic and complex relationships. Such multidimensional relationships are often described as “value constellations”.<br /> <br />SUPPORT NEEDED FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE AND IMPROVEMENT OF HUMAN CAPITAL<br />Present industrial developments involve technology and organization, the performance of both being highly dependent on human resources. Knowledge will increasingly bring a key competitive advantage within human resources.<br /> <br />Moreover, production tasks are being automated to an ever greater extent while the demand for a qualified workforce is growing dramatically. At the same time, when analyzing the workforce, we see a shortage of skilled people in strategic industrial areas. The available skills do not always correspond in quality and quantity to the skills required. This contrast will place a significant strain on our society. The technology trend indicates that unemployment will rise amongst unskilled Workers. This will entail enormous efforts in the field of education as well as a tremendous increase in continuous learning, and may require co-ordinate efforts towards the benchmarking of knowledge management within different countries, regions or organizations, and the implementation of learning schemes.<br /> <br />CONCLUSION<br /> Finally I conclude that in the competitive world the organization should have the innovative ideas then only it can lead the organization very successful. Human Resource leader should follow creative practices that practices should help to develop the employer as well as employee. Then only the organization can run successful.<br />REFERENCE<br />Gary Dessler , Human Resource management 8th Edition published by Pearson Education(Singapore) pre ltd., Indian branch,482F.I.E,Paypargani.<br /><br /><br /> <br /> ·<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Retrieved from quot;; <br />(ArticlesBase SC #1135577)<br />HYPERLINK quot;; quot; shiny p. kumar's Articlesquot; shiny p. kumar - About the Author:<br />Ads by Google<br />Technology Scouting Oxford Univ office offers global technology search<br />HR Jobs Jobs for Exp. Candidates +3 Yrs Earn 3 - 15 Lakhs. 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Strategic management provides overall direction to the enterprise and is closely related to the field of Organization Studies.<br />By: shiny p. kumarl Business> Human Resourcesl Aug 17, 2009 lViews: 2,405 <br />overview of indian economy<br />The Indian economy is the fourth largest economy of the world on the basis of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). It is one of the most attractive destinations for business and investment opportunities due to huge manpower base, diversified natural resources and strong macro-economic fundamentals. Also, the process of economic reforms initiated since 1991 has been providing an investor-friendly environment through a liberalised policy framework spanning the whole economy.<br />By: shiny p. kumarl News and Society> Economicsl Jul 01, 2009 lViews: 378 <br />EFFECTIVENESS OF RECRUITMENT PROCESS<br />Recruitment is one of the main departments which place the right candidates to the right job. The recruiters should identify the best candidates from different sources and job sites .Recruiters should identify the problems faced during recruitment and find an alternative to make work efficiently<br />By: shiny p. kumarl Business> Human Resourcesl Jun 30, 2009 lViews: 2,936 <br />Effectiveness of Training<br />The training program wants to conduct in every organization because it will help the employees in developing the updates skills where by new methodology and knowledge is given together handling, analyzing them for effectively and solving organizational problems. It is therefore evident that a training method is not an end in itself but a means to achieve certain specific objective.<br />By: shiny p. kumarl Business> Human Resourcesl Jun 29, 2009 lViews: 426 lComments: 2 <br />Add new Comment <br />Top of Form<br />Your Name: *<br />Your Email: <br />Comment Body: * <br /> <br />Type the verification code::*<br />* Required fields<br />Bottom of Form<br />Author Navigation<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; My Home<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; Publish Article<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; View/Edit Articles<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; View/Edit Q&A<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; Edit your Account<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; Manage Authors<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; Statistics Page<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; Personal RSS Builder<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; My Home<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; Edit your Account<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; Update Profile<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; View/Edit Q&A<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; Publish Article<br />Author Box<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; shiny p. kumar has 10 articles online <br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Contact Authorquot; <br />Contact Author <br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Subscribe to RSSquot; <br />Subscribe to RSS <br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Print articlequot; <br />Print article <br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Send to friendquot; <br />Send to friend <br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Re-Publish articlequot; <br />Re-Publish article <br />Articles Categories<br />All Categories<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; Advertising HYPERLINK quot;; Art & Entertainment HYPERLINK quot;; Automotive HYPERLINK quot;; Beauty HYPERLINK quot;; Business HYPERLINK quot;; Careers HYPERLINK quot;; Computers HYPERLINK quot;; Education HYPERLINK quot;; Finance HYPERLINK quot;; Food and Beverage HYPERLINK quot;; Health HYPERLINK quot;; Hobbies HYPERLINK quot;; Home and Family HYPERLINK quot;; Home Improvement HYPERLINK quot;; Internet HYPERLINK quot;; Law HYPERLINK quot;; Marketing HYPERLINK quot;; News and Society HYPERLINK quot;; Relationships HYPERLINK quot;; Self Improvement HYPERLINK quot;; Shopping HYPERLINK quot;; Spirituality HYPERLINK quot;; Sports and Fitness HYPERLINK quot;; Technology HYPERLINK quot;; Travel HYPERLINK quot;; Writing <br /> HYPERLINK quot;; Business<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; Agriculture HYPERLINK quot;; Ask an Expert HYPERLINK quot;; Business Ideas HYPERLINK quot;; Business Opportunities HYPERLINK quot;; Corporate HYPERLINK quot;; Customer Service HYPERLINK quot;; Entrepreneurship HYPERLINK quot;; Ethics HYPERLINK quot;; Franchise HYPERLINK quot;; Fundraising HYPERLINK quot;; Home Business HYPERLINK quot;; Human Resources HYPERLINK quot;; Industrial HYPERLINK quot;; International Business HYPERLINK quot;; Leadership HYPERLINK quot;; Management HYPERLINK quot;; Negotiation HYPERLINK quot;; Networking HYPERLINK quot;; Non Profit Organizations HYPERLINK quot;; Online Business HYPERLINK quot;; Organizational HYPERLINK quot;; Outsourcing HYPERLINK quot;; Presentation HYPERLINK quot;; Project Management HYPERLINK quot;; Public Company HYPERLINK quot;; Public Relations HYPERLINK quot;; Sales HYPERLINK quot;; Six Sigma HYPERLINK quot;; Small Business HYPERLINK quot;; Strategic Planning HYPERLINK quot;; Team Building HYPERLINK quot;; Training <br />Need Help? <br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Contact Usquot; Contact Us<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; FAQquot; FAQ<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Submit Articlesquot; Submit Articles<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Editorial Guidelinesquot; Editorial Guidelines<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Blogquot; Blog<br />Site Links <br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Recent Articlesquot; Recent Articles<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Top Authorsquot; Top Authors<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Top Articlesquot; Top Articles<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Find Articlesquot; Find Articles<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Site Mapquot; Site Map<br />Webmasters <br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Personal RSS Builderquot; RSS Builder<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; RSS: Recently Submitted Articlesquot; RSS<br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Link to Usquot; Link to Us<br />Business Info <br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Advertisingquot; Advertising<br />Top of Form<br />Bottom of Form<br />Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the HYPERLINK quot;; Terms Of Use and HYPERLINK quot;; Privacy Policy | User published content is licensed under a HYPERLINK quot;; Creative Commons License.Copyright © 2005-2010 HYPERLINK quot;; quot; Free Articlesquot; Free Articles by, All rights reserved. <br />> <br /> HYPERLINK quot;; quot; _blankquot; Ad by Ad4Game <br />Read more: HYPERLINK quot;; quot; ixzz10DMNnVUxquot; Under Creative Commons License: HYPERLINK quot;; Attribution<br />ChildrenDisabledEducationElderlyEmploymentEnvironmentHealthHuman RightsWomenYouth Top of FormBottom of Form  Top of FormLOGINForgot Your Password?New User? 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We got registered on April 28, 2000, as a non-profit under section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956, in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.Since inception, over 75,000 donors across the globe have been able to impact over a million lives by supporting 200+ organizations through GiveIndia.           right0   Bottom of FormCopyright © 2009 All rights reserved.   Disclaimer   UK Tax Payer  US Tax Payer <br />ChildrenDisabledEducationElderlyEmploymentEnvironmentHealthHuman RightsWomenYouth Top of FormBottom of Form  Top of FormLOGINForgot Your Password?New User? Sign UpBottom of FormTop of FormBottom of FormSubscribe to newsletter   List of  Certified NGOs    HomeAbout Us What We Do How GiveIndia Works Our Mission Our Achievements Legal & Financial Info Read About Us Our Supporters Our Team Careers With Us How YOU Can Help Contact Us Donate Search for a Donation Option Quick Donate Advanced Search Standing Instructions Gift a DonationHigh Value Projects iGive What is iGive? 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We have reviewed over 3,000 non-profit organizations from all over India to identify over 200 organizations that have met with the  HYPERLINK quot;; GiveIndia's Listing Criteria. They work for causes ranging from child welfare and education to disability, poverty, and women's empowerment to name a few.  Conceived by Venkat Krishnan, an IIM-A graduate in December 1999, GiveIndia is managed by a team of professionals who have earlier worked with various corporates and now have dedicated their careers to making a difference. We got registered on April 28, 2000, as a non-profit under section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956, in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.Since inception, over 75,000 donors across the globe have been able to impact over a million lives by supporting 200+ organizations through GiveIndia.           right0   Bottom of FormCopyright © 2009 All rights reserved.   Disclaimer   UK Tax Payer  US Tax Payer <br /> India Housing<br />right0Home Loans In Indiaright0Property Dealers In Indiaright0Houses On Rent In Indiaright0Builders in India right0Housing Companies in India India Real Estate |Submit Your site |Advertise with Us |Real Estate News |<br />StatecityTop of FormBottom of Form<br />Infrastructure in India HYPERLINK quot;; Energy HYPERLINK quot;; Power HYPERLINK quot;; Water HYPERLINK quot;; Oil & Gas HYPERLINK quot;; Aviation HYPERLINK quot;; Railways HYPERLINK quot;; Roadways HYPERLINK quot;; Ports & Shipping HYPERLINK quot;; Banking and Financing HYPERLINK quot;; Social Infrastructure HYPERLINK quot;; Insurance HYPERLINK quot;; Mining & Metals HYPERLINK quot;; Tourism HYPERLINK quot;; Telecom HYPERLINK quot;; Information TechnologyIndia Property HYPERLINK quot;; Land HYPERLINK quot;; Residential Property HYPERLINK quot;; Commercial Properties HYPERLINK quot;; SEZ - Special Economic Zone HYPERLINK quot;; IT Parks HYPERLINK quot;; A Home in your Budget HYPERLINK quot;; Real Estate in India HYPERLINK quot;; Infrastructure in India HYPERLINK quot;; India Real Estate HYPERLINK quot;; Market News HYPERLINK quot;; Latest Housing Projects HYPERLINK quot;; Leading Property Portals HYPERLINK quot;; Real Estate Investment in India HYPERLINK quot;; Real Estate Funds HYPERLINK quot;; Property Sites HYPERLINK quot;; FDI - Foreign Direct Investment HYPERLINK quot;; NRI Real Estate Investments HYPERLINK quot;; Legal Aspects HYPERLINK quot;; Property Registrations HYPERLINK quot;; Property Tax HYPERLINK quot;; Stamp Duty HYPERLINK quot;; Unauthorized Properties HYPERLINK quot;; Property Management HYPERLINK quot;; Property Valuation HYPERLINK quot;; Development Authorities in India HYPERLINK quot;; Housing Boards HYPERLINK quot;; Housing Authorities HYPERLINK quot;; Municipal Corporation of India HYPERLINK quot;; Housing Companies HYPERLINK quot;; HUDCO HYPERLINK quot;; CREDAI HYPERLINK quot;; CIDCO HYPERLINK quot;; NHB Residex HYPERLINK quot;; Loans in India HYPERLINK quot;; Home Loan Interest Rate HYPERLINK quot;; Finance Companies HYPERLINK quot;; Indiabulls Financial Services HYPERLINK quot;; Interest on Housing Loan HYPERLINK quot;; Home Mortgage HYPERLINK quot;; Reverse Mortgage HYPERLINK quot;; Car Loans Home  »  Infrastructure In India  » Social Infrastructure in IndiaSocial Infrastructure in India The Social Infrastructure in India includes the education system in India, health care, the management of the education and health services in India that form the basic social infrastructure definition. The India government looks after the social development in India by careful infrastructure planning and handling the social issues in close coordination.The infrastructure development of any country includes both economic infrastructure development that is the development of various sectors like HYPERLINK quot;; Energy , HYPERLINK quot;; Power , HYPERLINK quot;; Telecom , Transport ( HYPERLINK quot;; Railways , HYPERLINK quot;; Roadways , HYPERLINK quot;; Aviation and HYPERLINK quot;; Shipping ), HYPERLINK quot;; Infotech , HYPERLINK quot;; Finance , etc. and also the social infrastructures including education and health issues.India development is incomplete without social development and that would require focus on the infrastructure strategy for social research India. The infrastructure policy of India needs to be made more comprehensive with major changes in the infrastructure projects taken up in the past and more research behind the project infrastructure so as to yield maximum developmental results. The infrastructure research work includes the current issues that require immediate attention in a proper infrastructure report and then formulation and planning of projects in sync with the infrastructure industry. The metro cities in India including Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi and smaller cities in Maharashtra like Pune and Nagpur have a very well developed economic as well as social infrastructure. The leading one still remains Goa followed in close second by Kerala. The social infrastructure in India needs to reach the standards these states have reached individually. The health and education system of Goa and Kerala is the most developed one in India with the maximum literacy rates in both general literacy as well as health literacy.EDUCATION Education in India:Imparting education on an organized basis dates back to the days of 'Gurukul' in India. Since then the India education system has flourished and developed with the growing needs of the economy. The education in India statistics are however in a sad state showing a below average literacy rate. The education ministry in India formulates education policy in India and also undertakes education programs designed specially for kids, for women, for the people in prisons and other special projects for social development of India. Education system India:Education in India until 1976 was the responsibility of the state governments; it was then made a joint responsibility of both centre and state. The centre is represented by the Education Ministry a subsidiary of the Ministry of Human Resource Development India. The Education Ministry India decides the India education budget allocating education grants for projects to upgrade the education levels in India.The education system in India consists of primarily six levels: Nursery Class Primary ClassSecondary LevelHigher Secondary LevelGraduationPost GraduationEducation Institutions India: Education in India follows the 10+2 pattern. For higher education there are various state run as well as private institutions and universities providing a variety of courses and subjects. The accreditation of the universities is decided under the universities grant commission act that has formed autonomous institutions that have the right to provide accreditation to universities and 'vishwvidyalayas'. The education department consists of various schools, colleges and universities imparting education on fair means and education for all sections of the society. Education Problems and Reforms in India:The main problem of the education system in India is that the targets set by the centre or the ministry of education to achieve a 100% literacy rate has never been achieved except for Kerala state. Also the unorganized education sector with many state and national level education boards operating like the SSLC, ICSE, CBSE, IB and IGCSE having different curriculum and study patterns provides a non-uniformity to the India education system. The education reforms taken up include a compulsory and free education for all children below the age of 14 years, subsidized higher education and various scholarship and education programs to achieve the literacy targets. The ministry of education India under the ministry of human resource developments is undertaking the task of forming a uniform pattern in the study curriculum at all education levels in India. This education policy if followed strictly can solve the basic problems being faced by the education system of India. Also the government and all Leading Banks In India provide education loans on low interest rates to students for higher education. HEALTHHealth in IndiaHealth in India is a state government responsibility with the national health policy laying down the necessary health policy in India. The central council of health and welfare formulates the various health care projects and health department reform policies. The administration of health industry in India as well as the technical needs of the health sector are the responsibility of the ministry of health and welfare India. Health care in India has many forms. These are the ayurvedic medicine practice, Unani or Galenic Herbal Care, Homeopathy, Allopathy, Yoga, and many more. Each different healthcare form has its own treatment system and practice patterns. The medical practicing in India needs a proper licensing from the health ministry. Health Department in IndiaThe health ministry in India takes care of the health department. The main responsibility of the health ministry India is to provide hygienic health care solutions for all, supervision of the basic health infrastructure development in India by construction of hospitals, nursing homes and dispensaries as per the needs of the area. Health Care Services in India:The health care services in India are mainly the responsibility of the health ministry and also the private companies in the health industry in India collectively. Provision for adequate medical facilities for all including enough hospitals and other healthcare institutions to cater to the healthcare needs of the people, medicines and drugs supply, medical equipments and other medical products and ser vices required in the health department. Hospitals or Healthcare Institutions in India:The ministry of health and family welfare India has set up many state run hospitals that provide subsidized medical facilities to all. Besides these health ministry run health institutions, many private companies have also set up big hospitals and specialty clinics that provide health care services. The specialty healthcare institutions include heart institutes, cancer hospitals, nursing homes, and many others. Toady the health industry in India is a flouring one with many foreign health care companies extending their health services in India and providing quality healthcare services to people in India.  <br />Home | About Us | Contact Us | Feedback | Submit your site | Advertise with us | Submit Your Query | Free Site Listing | NewsLetter | Sitemap | Disclaimer <br /> A Digital Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Co-promoted Company458, Udyog Vihar Phase 5, Gurgaon, Haryana India 122001© Copyright 2006-2009 - XL Housing Portals Pvt Ltd.All Rights Reserved.<br />