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Electronic Tour Guide
Haneen Fuad Droubi
Master Student , Faculty of Engineering and Technology ,
Birzeit University ,
Abstract— Many visitors to Palestine and other countries need information about the buildings specially Archaeological
buildings while they passing beside it at their round, For this information they should ask Tour Guide or peoples, at many
times they didn't find answers for their questions, this paper will propose System (android application) to solve this problem.
The only thing should the visitor do is to direct his mobile towards the building to get the information about it. The applica-
tion will work as compass to determine the mobile direction using the Orientation sensor, in addition it will Determine the
longitude and latitude after accessing location APIs, then use the direction and GPS location to determine the building that
user direct his mobile towards using a new algorithm this paper will propose.
Index Terms— GPS , Sensors , Tourist guide system, Android , Algorithm , Buildings.
Smartphones are growing exponentially and become
popular to offer greater services to users, The mobile tele-
phone is more than just making calls. It allows accessing
several applications and services via the internet connection
or by building stand-alone applications.
Mobile tourism is a term that starts to appear in the last
two decades. It involves using mobile device as electronic
tourist guide [1]
. Mobile devices present many unique cha-
racteristics that make their use as electronic tourist guides
particularly attractive, such as ubiquity and convenience;
positioning: by employing technologies like GPS, users may
receive and access information and services specific to their
location.[2] While much of the underlying technology is al-
ready available, there are still open challenges with respect
to design, usability, portability, functionality and implemen-
tation aspects.
Most tourism solutions already existing, the applications
give information for the location the turism stand on. for
examples, "Android city tour guide system based on Web
service for Mumbai" focus on how to query information for
hotel, scenery, restaurant, traffic, schools and many other
sujested solutions focus on the same idea [3]
. A wireless In-
ternet phone, jointly developed by a number of enterprises
from the United States and Japan, uses the electronic com-
pass and the GPS chip to determine the specific location of
the user, and the phone will show the specific location on the
phone screen [4]. Zhejiang University carried out a similar
study, and they have developed an intelligent tour guide sys-
tem based on the Android platform. Google API is applied to
access Google Maps in the tour guide system. After calculat-
ing the right location of visitors, the mobile phone program
will display information to its users, with the GPS chip with-
in the tour guide platform to determine the location of the
user [5]. This paper propose a new algorthim to detect
where user direct his mobile and give him the informa-
The Android platform supports three broad categories of
sensors: that measure motion, orientation, and various envi-
ronmental conditions. the Most Android devices have many
types of built-in sensors for those categories some of it are
Hardware and others are Software. You can access sensors
available on the device and acquire raw sensor data, by us-
ing the Android sensor framework which is a part of
the android.hardware package and includes (SensorManager,
Sensor, SensorEvent, SensorEventListener) classes which
the proposed system will use.[6]
The Android sensor framework uses a standard 3-axis
coordinate system to express data values. The behavior of
Figure 1. Coordinate system (relative to a device)
that's used by the Sensor API. [8]
Haneen Fuad Droubi / Electronic Tour Guide (2016)
this coordinate system is the same as the behavior of the
OpenGL coordinate system, in other words the axis are not
swapped when the device's screen orientation changes. The
coordinate system is defined relative to the device's screen
when the device is held in its default orientation (Figure 1).
The X axis is horizontal and points to the right, the Y axis is
vertical and points up and the Z axis points toward the out-
side of the screen face. Coordinates behind the screen have
negative Z values. [7]
The Proposed System need TYPE_ORIENTATION sen-
sor which is a software sensor measures degrees of rotation
that a device makes around all three physical axis (x, y, z) to
determine device position, this sensor is available in all an-
droid platforms (Android1.5 (API Level 3) to Android
4.0 (API Level 14)) and derives its data from the accelero-
meter and the geomagnetic field sensor to determine a de-
vice's position relative to the magnetic North Pole. The
orientation sensor return multi-dimensional arrays of sensor
values for each SensorEvent provides azimuth (yaw), pitch,
and roll values as shown in Table (1).[8]
The proposed Sys-
tem will use Azimuth values.
SensorEvent.values[0] Azimuth (angle around the z-axis).
SensorEvent.values[1] Pitch (angle around the x-axis).
SensorEvent.values[2] Roll (angle around the y-axis).
Android has two types of location strategies GPS and
Android's Network Location Provider. The developer can
use both GPS and the Network Location Provider, or just
one. Although Network Location Provider determines user
location using cell tower and Wi-Fi signals, providing loca-
tion information in a way that works indoors and outdoors
but GPS is most accurate, as the accuracy is the important
thing in our case we will use GPS.[9]
GPS (Global Positioning System ) is a space-
based satellite navigation system that provides location and
time information in all weather conditions using longitudes
and latitudes. [11]
Latitude and longitude is the most common grid system
used for navigation. It will allow you to pinpoint your loca-
tion with a high degree of accuracy. Latitude is the angular
distance measured north and south of the Equator. The Equa-
tor is 0 degrees. As you go north of the equator, the latitude
increases all the way up to 90 degrees at the north pole..[9]
Longitude works the same way, It is angular distance
measured east and west of the Prime Meridian. The prime
meridian is 0 degrees longitude. As you go east from the
prime meridian, the longitude increases to 180 degrees. [9]
The Proposed System based on two basic rules. The First
one, is determine the mobile direction which is a device In-
clination angle relative to the magnetic North Pole after ac-
cessing TYPE_ORIENTATION sensor. The second basic
rule is determine the longitude and latitude after accessing
location APIs in the package android.location. Then com-
bine direction and GPS location to determine the building
that user directs his mobile toward using the idea of dividing
the map into squares and re-arrange buildings relative to the
user location, depending on the fact that as you go north of
the equator, the latitude increases and as you go east
from the prime meridian, the longitude increases. Then
Compute the priority of buildings relative to user location,
by computing the angle between the longitude of the user
location and the line between the user location point and the
building center point. This paper will use Birzeit University
map as a case to explain the idea of this System.
A Determine The Mobile Direction
The Proposed System will determine the mobile direction
using the Orientation Sensor . The orientation sensor lets
you monitoring the position of a device relative to the earth's
frame of reference (specifically, magnetic north).
The orientation sensor derives its data by using a device's
geomagnetic field sensor in combination with a device's
accelerometer. Using these two hardware sensors, an orien-
tation sensor provides data for the following three dimen-
sions: [7]
• Azimuth (degrees of rotation around the z axis).
This is the angle between magnetic north and the
device's y axis. For example, if the device's y axis
is aligned with magnetic north this value is 0, and if
the device's y axis is pointing south this value is
180. Likewise, when the y axis is pointing east this
value is 90 and when it is pointing west this value
is 270.
• Pitch (degrees of rotation around the x axis). This
value is positive when the positive z axis rotates
toward the positive y axis, and it is negative when
the positive z axis rotates toward the negative y
axis. The range of values is 180 degrees to -180 de-
• Roll (degrees of rotation around the y axis). This
value is positive when the positive z axis rotates
toward the positive x axis, and it is negative when
the positive z axis rotates toward the negative x
axis. The range of values is 90 degrees to -90 de-
1: imports (Sensor, SensorEvent ,SensorManager , SensorListener...)
2: implements SensorEventListener
3: //Initialize device sensor manager
SensorManager mSensorManager;
4: onCreate() {
Table 1
Haneen Fuad Droubi / Electronic Tour Guide (2016)
// Create an instance of the SensorManager class, Get a reference
to the sensor service
5: onResume() {
//register listener for the system orientation sensor
mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor (Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION),
6: onPause() {
//unregister Listener to stop the listener and save battery
7: onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
// get the angle around the z-axis rotated
degree = event.values[0];
In the first step; the Proposed System has import SensorMa-
nager class which lets you access the device's sensors, to get
an instance of this class by call-
ing Context.getSystemService() with the argument SEN-
SOR_SERVICE in step 4 in create() method.[5]
To monitor raw sensor data we need to implement two call-
back methods( onAccuracyChanged() and onSensor-
Changed() ) that are exposed through
theSensorEventListener interface, so The Proposed System
has implemented this interface in step 2. The Proposed Sys-
tem has used onSensorChanged() method which providing
us with a SensorEvent object which contains information
about the new sensor data, including: the accuracy of the
data, the sensor that generated the data, the timestamp at
which the data was generated, and the new data that the sen-
sor recorded.
The data delay controls the interval at which sensor events
are sent to the application via
the onSensorChanged() callback method. The application
use SENSOR_DELAY_GAME (20,000 microsecond delay)
as an argument to registerListener in onResume() method in
step5. As we registered listener we should unregister the
sensor event listener in onPause() method, step(6). [6]
If we
didn't unregister event the battery can drain in just a few
hours because the system will not disable sensors automati-
cally when the screen turns off. [10]
As mentioned previously an orientation sensor provides data
for three dimensions as matrix (Azimuth, Roll, Pitch).
The proposed application just need Azimuth (value[0]) to
determine the direction of the mobile, pseudo code(1) in step
7. Value[0] is the angle between magnetic north and the de-
vice y axis. If the device directed to the north y axis will
aligned with magnetic north then the value[0] = 0, and if the
device y axis is pointing south this value is 180. Likewise,
when the y axis is pointing east this value is 90 and when it
is pointing west this value is 270, Figure (3).
B Mobile Location
The Proposed System need to Determine the longitude and
latitude after accessing location APIs in the package andro-
id.location, pseudo code (2).
In order to receive location updates from NET-
WORK_PROVIDER or GPS_PROVIDER, we must request
user permission by declaring either
OCATION permission, respectively, in our Android manifest
file. The proposed System uses GPS_PROVIDER so it's
need ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission :
<uses-permission andro-
/> [3]
1: imports (Location , LocationListener ,LocationManager )
2: // Create class and implements with LocationListener
implements LocationListener
3: private LocationManager locationManager
4: onCreate()
// Get GPS location service, LocationManager object
// CAL METHOD requestLocationUpdates
( LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER,
3000, // 3 sec
10, this);
//called periodically after each 3 sec
5: onLocationChanged(Location location) {
pseudo code 1. Mobile Direction
E = 90 degree
N = 0 degree
W = 270 degree
S = 180 degree
Figure 3. value[0] relative to android mobile.
Haneen Fuad Droubi / Electronic Tour Guide (2016)
Latitude: location.getLatitude();
Longitude: location.getLongitude();
6: onProviderDisabled() {
// Called when User off GPS
show "GPS turned off "
7: onProviderEnabled() {
// Called when User on GPS
show "GPS turned on "}}
Getting user location in Android works by means of call-
back. The First parameter of requestLocationUpdates() is
the name of the provider with which to register, in our case it
is GPS_PROVIDER. The Second parameter indicate to the
minimum time interval for notifications in milliseconds, this
field is only used as a hint to conserve power, and actual
time between location updates may be greater or lesser than
this value. The Third parameter is the minimum distance
interval for notifications, in meters .
C Combine location and Direction
The idea of detecting the building which the user directed
his mobile toward has three steps: The first one, is dividing
the map into squares. The second step, is rearrange buildings
relative to the user location. The third step, is compute the
priority of buildings locations relative to user location by
computing the angle between the longitude of the user loca-
tion and the line between the user location point and the
building center point.
Dividing The Map Into Squares
The First Step in The Proposed System is dividing the map
into squares, In our case (Birzeit university map ) we don’t
need more than 25 squares. The map divided into 25
squares, 5 for each row. the application automatically will
make a 5*5 matrix of numbers of those squares that means
there is 6 longitudes and 6 latitudes as input. The application
read those coordinates from text file and store it in 2D ma-
trix then use it to detect in which square the user where. As
mentioned previous the application access GPS to detect
longitude and latitude for the point the user stands on. The
application will compare the longitude of user location with
the 6 longitudes of squares to detect the column, and com-
pare the latitude of the user point with the 6 latitudes of
squares to detect the row of the matrix, Figure (4). Now, the
application has column and row that means it can find
square number like this square = area[row][column]. After
that the application retrieve all buildings in that square.
Rearrange Buildings relative to the user location
The Second Step in The Proposed System is re-arrange
buildings relative to the user location depending on the fact
that as you go north of the equator, the latitude increases all
the way up to 90 degrees at the north pole, and as you go
east from the prime meridian, the longitude increases to 180
degrees. The Proposed System make the decision by com-
paring the longitude of user location with the building center
longitude to determine if the building in the east or the west
from user location, if the longitude of user location greater
than longitude of the building center then the building lo-
cated at west from the user else it is at east direction from
him. In addition, The proposed System compare the latitude
of user location with the building center latitude to deter-
mine if the building in the North or the South from user lo-
cation, if the latitude of user location greater than latitude of
building center then the building located at South from the
user else it is at North direction from him. That means each
building has four directions relative to the user location
(South West (SW) , North West (NW) , South East (SE) ,
North East (NE) ). Look at Figure (5) you can see that build-
ing number 28 and building number 25 are in direction SE
relative to the user location. The application uses the degree
that magnetic sensor return to determine the buildings which
it's direction is the same direction of the orientation sensor
degree :
0 – 90 = NE
90 – 180 = SE
180 – 270 = SW
270 – 360 = NW
pseudo code 2. GPS Location
Long1 long2 long3 long4 long5 long6
Figure 4. BZU campus
1 2 3 4 5
7 8
9 ..
Haneen Fuad Droubi / Electronic Tour Guide (2016)
Compute The Priority Of Buildings Relative To User
The Third step in The Proposed System is Compute the
priority of buildings which the Proposed System find in pre-
vious step relative to user location by computing the angle
between the longitude of the user location, and the line be-
tween the user location point and the building center point,
Figure (6). The Proposed System compute x = |MyLong –
Long1| and y = |MyLat – lat1| for each building then com-
pute α = tan -1 (x/y). After that, The proposed system will
compute β (the angle between y axes of user mobile and
longitude of user location) from degree (the angel returned
from orientation sensor) in four cases :
• If the direction of the building in previous step is
NE then β = degree.
• If the direction of the building in previous step is
SE then β = 180 - degree, Figure (6).
• If the direction of the building in previous step is
SW then β = degree - 180.
• If the direction of the building in previous step is
NW then β = 360 - degree.
Then The proposed system compute the difference be-
tween β and α (difference = | β – α | ) for each building, after
that the proposed system take the minimum value from all
buildings differences values .Look at Figure (6) in this case
the direction is SE, the system will choose building 28 be-
cause its difference value smaller than difference value of
building 25.
As we know any application need some inputs to give re-
sults, in our application the input is a text file contain the
longitude and latitude for each building center, in addition to
longitude and latitude for square borders and the buildings
numbers in each square for any map. The application makes
its processing on those inputs as we mentioned previously,
the outputs will be the information of the building the user
directed his mobile towards, Figure (7).
The application is compatible with all android platforms
from Android 1.5 and up.
The paper has proposed a new algorithm to detect
where the visitor direct his mobile. The Proposed System
based on two basic rules. The First one, is determine the
mobile direction which is a device Inclination angle relative
to the magnetic North Pole after accessing
TYPE_ORIENTATION sensor. The second basic rule is
determine the longitude and latitude after accessing location
APIs in the package android.location. Then combine direc-
tion and GPS location to determine the building that user
directs his mobile toward using the idea of dividing the map
into squares and re-arrange buildings relative to the user
location, depending on the fact that as you go north of the
Figure 5. Re-arrange Buildings
Figure 6. Compute The Priority Of Buildings.
(a (b
1- Find The angle
between magnetic
north and the device's
y axis using orienta-
tion sensor.
2-Find user location
(Longitude and
Latitude) from GPS.
3-Determine the user
in which square &
Rearrange buildings
relative to the user
4- Matching the angle
from step 1 with the
building locations
from step 3 .
and latitude
and Lati-
tudes for
about the
building the
user directed
his mobile
Set marker
on that
Inputs Processing Output
Figure 7. IPO Diagram for the application
Haneen Fuad Droubi / Electronic Tour Guide (2016)
equator, the latitude increases and as you go east from
the prime meridian, the longitude increases. Then Com-
pute the priority of buildings relative to user location, by
computing the angle between the longitude of the user loca-
tion and the line between the user location point and the
building center point. The application is compatible with all
android platforms from Android 1.5 and up. The algorithm
of this Proposed System can be used for OS operating sys-
tem. Until now this application needs inputs as text file, in
future the only thing it is need is the map (any map) in GIS
format then it will use the data from this map. The algorithm
of this Proposed System can be used for OS operating sys-
The magnetic sensor not working accurately if there is a
magnetic field near the android device (mobile or tablet ), so
when you use this application you should sure there is no
magnetic in 10 cm around your device.
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude and deep re-
gards to Eng. Abed Alkareem Alfanni for his encourage-
[1] M. Kenteris, D. Gavalas and D. Economou, “An in-
novative mobile electronic tourist guide application”,
Personal Ubiquitous Comput, vol. 13, (2009), pp. 103-
[2] Varshney U (2003) Issues, requirements and support for
locationintensive mobile commerce applications. Int J
Mob Commun 1(3):247–263
[3] Pawar, Lalita R., and Sarvesh S. Patwardhan. "Problems
& Suggestions for Android City Tour Guide System
Based on Web Services for Mumbai."
[4] Li Yu-hua, “The present competitive situation and im-
prove measures of Chinese tourism and improve coun-
termeasures”. Henan social science, Vol. 18, No. 5,
2010, pp.229-231.
[5] Ma Bin, Di min, Zhao Liao-ying. ”Intelligent visitors
management system based on ARM9 and nRF9E5”.
Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering ,
Vol.26, No. 12, 2009, pp. 65-68.
[6] Milette, Greg, and Adam Stroud. Professional Android
sensor programming. John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
[7] Official Android Developer’s site (Electronic) Availa-
nsors_position.html 2014-12-20
[8] Official Android Developer’s site (Electronic) Availa-
trategies.html#Challenges 2014-12-22.
[9] Kaplan, Elliott D., and Christopher J. Hegarty,
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Electronic tour guide

  • 1. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SMART CITIES SOLUTIONS ‫اﻟﻤﺆﺗﻤﺮ‬‫وﺣﺪود‬ ‫آﻓﺎق‬ :‫اﻟﺬﻛﯿﺔ‬ ‫اﻟﻤﺪن‬ ‫ﺣﻮل‬ ‫اﻟﺪوﻟﻲ‬ 1 Electronic Tour Guide Haneen Fuad Droubi 1 Master Student , Faculty of Engineering and Technology , Birzeit University , Abstract— Many visitors to Palestine and other countries need information about the buildings specially Archaeological buildings while they passing beside it at their round, For this information they should ask Tour Guide or peoples, at many times they didn't find answers for their questions, this paper will propose System (android application) to solve this problem. The only thing should the visitor do is to direct his mobile towards the building to get the information about it. The applica- tion will work as compass to determine the mobile direction using the Orientation sensor, in addition it will Determine the longitude and latitude after accessing location APIs, then use the direction and GPS location to determine the building that user direct his mobile towards using a new algorithm this paper will propose. Index Terms— GPS , Sensors , Tourist guide system, Android , Algorithm , Buildings. I INTRODUCTION Smartphones are growing exponentially and become popular to offer greater services to users, The mobile tele- phone is more than just making calls. It allows accessing several applications and services via the internet connection or by building stand-alone applications. Mobile tourism is a term that starts to appear in the last two decades. It involves using mobile device as electronic tourist guide [1] . Mobile devices present many unique cha- racteristics that make their use as electronic tourist guides particularly attractive, such as ubiquity and convenience; positioning: by employing technologies like GPS, users may receive and access information and services specific to their location.[2] While much of the underlying technology is al- ready available, there are still open challenges with respect to design, usability, portability, functionality and implemen- tation aspects. Most tourism solutions already existing, the applications give information for the location the turism stand on. for examples, "Android city tour guide system based on Web service for Mumbai" focus on how to query information for hotel, scenery, restaurant, traffic, schools and many other sujested solutions focus on the same idea [3] . A wireless In- ternet phone, jointly developed by a number of enterprises from the United States and Japan, uses the electronic com- pass and the GPS chip to determine the specific location of the user, and the phone will show the specific location on the phone screen [4]. Zhejiang University carried out a similar study, and they have developed an intelligent tour guide sys- tem based on the Android platform. Google API is applied to access Google Maps in the tour guide system. After calculat- ing the right location of visitors, the mobile phone program will display information to its users, with the GPS chip with- in the tour guide platform to determine the location of the user [5]. This paper propose a new algorthim to detect where user direct his mobile and give him the informa- tion. The Android platform supports three broad categories of sensors: that measure motion, orientation, and various envi- ronmental conditions. the Most Android devices have many types of built-in sensors for those categories some of it are Hardware and others are Software. You can access sensors available on the device and acquire raw sensor data, by us- ing the Android sensor framework which is a part of the android.hardware package and includes (SensorManager, Sensor, SensorEvent, SensorEventListener) classes which the proposed system will use.[6] . The Android sensor framework uses a standard 3-axis coordinate system to express data values. The behavior of Figure 1. Coordinate system (relative to a device) that's used by the Sensor API. [8]
  • 2. Haneen Fuad Droubi / Electronic Tour Guide (2016) 2 this coordinate system is the same as the behavior of the OpenGL coordinate system, in other words the axis are not swapped when the device's screen orientation changes. The coordinate system is defined relative to the device's screen when the device is held in its default orientation (Figure 1). The X axis is horizontal and points to the right, the Y axis is vertical and points up and the Z axis points toward the out- side of the screen face. Coordinates behind the screen have negative Z values. [7] The Proposed System need TYPE_ORIENTATION sen- sor which is a software sensor measures degrees of rotation that a device makes around all three physical axis (x, y, z) to determine device position, this sensor is available in all an- droid platforms (Android1.5 (API Level 3) to Android 4.0 (API Level 14)) and derives its data from the accelero- meter and the geomagnetic field sensor to determine a de- vice's position relative to the magnetic North Pole. The orientation sensor return multi-dimensional arrays of sensor values for each SensorEvent provides azimuth (yaw), pitch, and roll values as shown in Table (1).[8] The proposed Sys- tem will use Azimuth values. SensorEvent.values[0] Azimuth (angle around the z-axis). SensorEvent.values[1] Pitch (angle around the x-axis). SensorEvent.values[2] Roll (angle around the y-axis). Android has two types of location strategies GPS and Android's Network Location Provider. The developer can use both GPS and the Network Location Provider, or just one. Although Network Location Provider determines user location using cell tower and Wi-Fi signals, providing loca- tion information in a way that works indoors and outdoors but GPS is most accurate, as the accuracy is the important thing in our case we will use GPS.[9] GPS (Global Positioning System ) is a space- based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather conditions using longitudes and latitudes. [11] Latitude and longitude is the most common grid system used for navigation. It will allow you to pinpoint your loca- tion with a high degree of accuracy. Latitude is the angular distance measured north and south of the Equator. The Equa- tor is 0 degrees. As you go north of the equator, the latitude increases all the way up to 90 degrees at the north pole..[9] Longitude works the same way, It is angular distance measured east and west of the Prime Meridian. The prime meridian is 0 degrees longitude. As you go east from the prime meridian, the longitude increases to 180 degrees. [9] II PROPOSAL SYSTEM The Proposed System based on two basic rules. The First one, is determine the mobile direction which is a device In- clination angle relative to the magnetic North Pole after ac- cessing TYPE_ORIENTATION sensor. The second basic rule is determine the longitude and latitude after accessing location APIs in the package android.location. Then com- bine direction and GPS location to determine the building that user directs his mobile toward using the idea of dividing the map into squares and re-arrange buildings relative to the user location, depending on the fact that as you go north of the equator, the latitude increases and as you go east from the prime meridian, the longitude increases. Then Compute the priority of buildings relative to user location, by computing the angle between the longitude of the user location and the line between the user location point and the building center point. This paper will use Birzeit University map as a case to explain the idea of this System. A Determine The Mobile Direction The Proposed System will determine the mobile direction using the Orientation Sensor . The orientation sensor lets you monitoring the position of a device relative to the earth's frame of reference (specifically, magnetic north). The orientation sensor derives its data by using a device's geomagnetic field sensor in combination with a device's accelerometer. Using these two hardware sensors, an orien- tation sensor provides data for the following three dimen- sions: [7] • Azimuth (degrees of rotation around the z axis). This is the angle between magnetic north and the device's y axis. For example, if the device's y axis is aligned with magnetic north this value is 0, and if the device's y axis is pointing south this value is 180. Likewise, when the y axis is pointing east this value is 90 and when it is pointing west this value is 270. • Pitch (degrees of rotation around the x axis). This value is positive when the positive z axis rotates toward the positive y axis, and it is negative when the positive z axis rotates toward the negative y axis. The range of values is 180 degrees to -180 de- grees. • Roll (degrees of rotation around the y axis). This value is positive when the positive z axis rotates toward the positive x axis, and it is negative when the positive z axis rotates toward the negative x axis. The range of values is 90 degrees to -90 de- grees. 1: imports (Sensor, SensorEvent ,SensorManager , SensorListener...) 2: implements SensorEventListener 3: //Initialize device sensor manager SensorManager mSensorManager; 4: onCreate() { Table 1 TYPE_ORIENTATION Matrix. [7]
  • 3. Haneen Fuad Droubi / Electronic Tour Guide (2016) 3 // Create an instance of the SensorManager class, Get a reference to the sensor service mSensorManager=(SensorManager)getSystemService(SENSOR_SERVICE); } 5: onResume() { //register listener for the system orientation sensor mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor (Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION), SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME); } 6: onPause() { //unregister Listener to stop the listener and save battery mSensorManager.unregisterListener(this); } 7: onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) { // get the angle around the z-axis rotated degree = event.values[0]; } In the first step; the Proposed System has import SensorMa- nager class which lets you access the device's sensors, to get an instance of this class by call- ing Context.getSystemService() with the argument SEN- SOR_SERVICE in step 4 in create() method.[5] To monitor raw sensor data we need to implement two call- back methods( onAccuracyChanged() and onSensor- Changed() ) that are exposed through theSensorEventListener interface, so The Proposed System has implemented this interface in step 2. The Proposed Sys- tem has used onSensorChanged() method which providing us with a SensorEvent object which contains information about the new sensor data, including: the accuracy of the data, the sensor that generated the data, the timestamp at which the data was generated, and the new data that the sen- sor recorded. The data delay controls the interval at which sensor events are sent to the application via the onSensorChanged() callback method. The application use SENSOR_DELAY_GAME (20,000 microsecond delay) as an argument to registerListener in onResume() method in step5. As we registered listener we should unregister the sensor event listener in onPause() method, step(6). [6] If we didn't unregister event the battery can drain in just a few hours because the system will not disable sensors automati- cally when the screen turns off. [10] As mentioned previously an orientation sensor provides data for three dimensions as matrix (Azimuth, Roll, Pitch). The proposed application just need Azimuth (value[0]) to determine the direction of the mobile, pseudo code(1) in step 7. Value[0] is the angle between magnetic north and the de- vice y axis. If the device directed to the north y axis will aligned with magnetic north then the value[0] = 0, and if the device y axis is pointing south this value is 180. Likewise, when the y axis is pointing east this value is 90 and when it is pointing west this value is 270, Figure (3). B Mobile Location The Proposed System need to Determine the longitude and latitude after accessing location APIs in the package andro- id.location, pseudo code (2). In order to receive location updates from NET- WORK_PROVIDER or GPS_PROVIDER, we must request user permission by declaring either the ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_L OCATION permission, respectively, in our Android manifest file. The proposed System uses GPS_PROVIDER so it's need ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission : <uses-permission andro- id:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> [3] 1: imports (Location , LocationListener ,LocationManager ) 2: // Create class and implements with LocationListener implements LocationListener 3: private LocationManager locationManager 4: onCreate() // Get GPS location service, LocationManager object locationManager=(LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); // CAL METHOD requestLocationUpdates locationManager.requestLocationUpdates ( LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 3000, // 3 sec 10, this); //called periodically after each 3 sec } 5: onLocationChanged(Location location) { pseudo code 1. Mobile Direction clockwise E = 90 degree N = 0 degree W = 270 degree S = 180 degree Figure 3. value[0] relative to android mobile.
  • 4. Haneen Fuad Droubi / Electronic Tour Guide (2016) 4 Latitude: location.getLatitude(); Longitude: location.getLongitude(); } 6: onProviderDisabled() { // Called when User off GPS show "GPS turned off " } 7: onProviderEnabled() { // Called when User on GPS show "GPS turned on "}} Getting user location in Android works by means of call- back. The First parameter of requestLocationUpdates() is the name of the provider with which to register, in our case it is GPS_PROVIDER. The Second parameter indicate to the minimum time interval for notifications in milliseconds, this field is only used as a hint to conserve power, and actual time between location updates may be greater or lesser than this value. The Third parameter is the minimum distance interval for notifications, in meters . C Combine location and Direction The idea of detecting the building which the user directed his mobile toward has three steps: The first one, is dividing the map into squares. The second step, is rearrange buildings relative to the user location. The third step, is compute the priority of buildings locations relative to user location by computing the angle between the longitude of the user loca- tion and the line between the user location point and the building center point. Dividing The Map Into Squares The First Step in The Proposed System is dividing the map into squares, In our case (Birzeit university map ) we don’t need more than 25 squares. The map divided into 25 squares, 5 for each row. the application automatically will make a 5*5 matrix of numbers of those squares that means there is 6 longitudes and 6 latitudes as input. The application read those coordinates from text file and store it in 2D ma- trix then use it to detect in which square the user where. As mentioned previous the application access GPS to detect longitude and latitude for the point the user stands on. The application will compare the longitude of user location with the 6 longitudes of squares to detect the column, and com- pare the latitude of the user point with the 6 latitudes of squares to detect the row of the matrix, Figure (4). Now, the application has column and row that means it can find square number like this square = area[row][column]. After that the application retrieve all buildings in that square. Rearrange Buildings relative to the user location The Second Step in The Proposed System is re-arrange buildings relative to the user location depending on the fact that as you go north of the equator, the latitude increases all the way up to 90 degrees at the north pole, and as you go east from the prime meridian, the longitude increases to 180 degrees. The Proposed System make the decision by com- paring the longitude of user location with the building center longitude to determine if the building in the east or the west from user location, if the longitude of user location greater than longitude of the building center then the building lo- cated at west from the user else it is at east direction from him. In addition, The proposed System compare the latitude of user location with the building center latitude to deter- mine if the building in the North or the South from user lo- cation, if the latitude of user location greater than latitude of building center then the building located at South from the user else it is at North direction from him. That means each building has four directions relative to the user location (South West (SW) , North West (NW) , South East (SE) , North East (NE) ). Look at Figure (5) you can see that build- ing number 28 and building number 25 are in direction SE relative to the user location. The application uses the degree that magnetic sensor return to determine the buildings which it's direction is the same direction of the orientation sensor degree : 0 – 90 = NE 90 – 180 = SE 180 – 270 = SW 270 – 360 = NW pseudo code 2. GPS Location Lat1 Lat2 Lat3 Lat4 Lat5 Lat6 Long1 long2 long3 long4 long5 long6 Figure 4. BZU campus 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 25 9 ..
  • 5. Haneen Fuad Droubi / Electronic Tour Guide (2016) 5 Compute The Priority Of Buildings Relative To User Location The Third step in The Proposed System is Compute the priority of buildings which the Proposed System find in pre- vious step relative to user location by computing the angle between the longitude of the user location, and the line be- tween the user location point and the building center point, Figure (6). The Proposed System compute x = |MyLong – Long1| and y = |MyLat – lat1| for each building then com- pute α = tan -1 (x/y). After that, The proposed system will compute β (the angle between y axes of user mobile and longitude of user location) from degree (the angel returned from orientation sensor) in four cases : • If the direction of the building in previous step is NE then β = degree. • If the direction of the building in previous step is SE then β = 180 - degree, Figure (6). • If the direction of the building in previous step is SW then β = degree - 180. • If the direction of the building in previous step is NW then β = 360 - degree. Then The proposed system compute the difference be- tween β and α (difference = | β – α | ) for each building, after that the proposed system take the minimum value from all buildings differences values .Look at Figure (6) in this case the direction is SE, the system will choose building 28 be- cause its difference value smaller than difference value of building 25. As we know any application need some inputs to give re- sults, in our application the input is a text file contain the longitude and latitude for each building center, in addition to longitude and latitude for square borders and the buildings numbers in each square for any map. The application makes its processing on those inputs as we mentioned previously, the outputs will be the information of the building the user directed his mobile towards, Figure (7). The application is compatible with all android platforms from Android 1.5 and up. III CONCLUSION The paper has proposed a new algorithm to detect where the visitor direct his mobile. The Proposed System based on two basic rules. The First one, is determine the mobile direction which is a device Inclination angle relative to the magnetic North Pole after accessing TYPE_ORIENTATION sensor. The second basic rule is determine the longitude and latitude after accessing location APIs in the package android.location. Then combine direc- tion and GPS location to determine the building that user directs his mobile toward using the idea of dividing the map into squares and re-arrange buildings relative to the user location, depending on the fact that as you go north of the Figure 5. Re-arrange Buildings Figure 6. Compute The Priority Of Buildings. (a (b 1- Find The angle between magnetic north and the device's y axis using orienta- tion sensor. 2-Find user location (Longitude and Latitude) from GPS. 3-Determine the user in which square & Rearrange buildings relative to the user Location. 4- Matching the angle from step 1 with the building locations from step 3 . Longitude and latitude Longitudes and Lati- tudes for Information about the building the user directed his mobile towards. Set marker on that building Inputs Processing Output Figure 7. IPO Diagram for the application
  • 6. Haneen Fuad Droubi / Electronic Tour Guide (2016) 6 equator, the latitude increases and as you go east from the prime meridian, the longitude increases. Then Com- pute the priority of buildings relative to user location, by computing the angle between the longitude of the user loca- tion and the line between the user location point and the building center point. The application is compatible with all android platforms from Android 1.5 and up. The algorithm of this Proposed System can be used for OS operating sys- tem. Until now this application needs inputs as text file, in future the only thing it is need is the map (any map) in GIS format then it will use the data from this map. The algorithm of this Proposed System can be used for OS operating sys- tem. The magnetic sensor not working accurately if there is a magnetic field near the android device (mobile or tablet ), so when you use this application you should sure there is no magnetic in 10 cm around your device. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I take this opportunity to express my gratitude and deep re- gards to Eng. Abed Alkareem Alfanni for his encourage- ment. REFERENCES [1] M. Kenteris, D. Gavalas and D. Economou, “An in- novative mobile electronic tourist guide application”, Personal Ubiquitous Comput, vol. 13, (2009), pp. 103- 118. [2] Varshney U (2003) Issues, requirements and support for locationintensive mobile commerce applications. Int J Mob Commun 1(3):247–263 [3] Pawar, Lalita R., and Sarvesh S. Patwardhan. "Problems & Suggestions for Android City Tour Guide System Based on Web Services for Mumbai." [4] Li Yu-hua, “The present competitive situation and im- prove measures of Chinese tourism and improve coun- termeasures”. Henan social science, Vol. 18, No. 5, 2010, pp.229-231. [5] Ma Bin, Di min, Zhao Liao-ying. ”Intelligent visitors management system based on ARM9 and nRF9E5”. Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering , Vol.26, No. 12, 2009, pp. 65-68. [6] Milette, Greg, and Adam Stroud. Professional Android sensor programming. John Wiley & Sons, 2012. [7] Official Android Developer’s site (Electronic) Availa- ble: nsors_position.html 2014-12-20 [8] Official Android Developer’s site (Electronic) Availa- ble: trategies.html#Challenges 2014-12-22. [9] Kaplan, Elliott D., and Christopher J. Hegarty, eds. Understanding GPS: principles and applications. Artech house, 2005. [10]Official Android Developer’s site (Electronic) Availa- ble: ware/SensorManager.html 2014-12-20 [11]Shala, Ubejd, and Angel Rodriguez. "Indoor positioning using sensor-fusion in android devices." (2011).