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  Harry Wilson
Old spice was a brand that was designed for an older generation and has been around for many
                                                                                                       years, however it had almost died out until a recent re-launch aimed at a much younger
Hackett London is a very established brand and has been for many years in the UK. The brand is put     generation predominantly targeted at ethnicity this is reflected from the customers and the
across as very posh and at the same time is nostalgic and old-fashioned, much like Aston Martin with   image from the advert showing there mascot.
British racing green being perceived as the gentleman's sports car. Much of there clothing is formal
ware but they produce a lot of rugby shirts which reflects the Hackett brand as it is a traditional
sport for the British nation.
                                                                                                       This shows Levi Strouse belts in a cluttered
                                This is part of a huge display that interests                          manner with very limited styling and does
                                customers as it is abnormally large so it is                           not compulse a person to buy them from
                                unusual. However, it looks very modern and                             the look of the stand. However, the brand is
                                stylish as it uses the colour white and has crisp                      established so there is no need to advertise
                                lines. the colours are simple so the bright                            inside there own store so instead they show
                                coloured shoes stand out more and look better.                         you a wide range of their belt products to
                                                                                                       help you choose from a wide range of their

This brand of watches is a very expensive and                                       This wall panel shows an Adidas shoe range
desirable bran called Breitling. It is heavily                                      with a screen at the centre to help promote
influenced by aviation so it uses this at its                                       the shoes and the brand. The logo is blue
styling but also advertises it flying pedigree                                      and this colour of blue is associated with
with a model plane and image of a pilot so we                                       the brand so the background is their colour
can associate the make with aviation. The                                           as are some of the shoes. The step at the
display is minimalist but is very sophisticated.                                    bottom also has a function for people to try
                                                                                    the product of shoes on the help make
                                                                                    them buy the shoes. This is clever but its is
                         N0 7 Is a brand that is owned by the boots                 usable and advertise at the same time.
                         store and replicates Channel N0 5 in terms of
                         its styling. The screen helps advertise and
                         draw in the customers. The colour scheme                                                   This stand displays golf clubs which allows the
                         makes the product stand out but its also                                                   user to identify the brand and look through the
                         makes it look expensive and of a high quality.                                             selection for the club they are looking for, it is a
                         The product rang is in view so there is more                                               very interactive display as it is easy to pic up the
                         than one product so it may promote several                                                 products and to view the range. The size of
                         sales at once.                                                                             these displays may also impress the customer
                                                                                                                    and the stand can be seen from a distance to
                                                                                                                    help draw the customer over to brows the
  This displays a range of Titleist golf balls in a
  simple but professional way. Most golfers
  know the established brand so it is very                                          Max factor is a cosmetic product designed for
  popular and minimal style is needed but                                           women, this stand displays a huge range of their
  notice how the brand name appears and                                             products for the customer to study and choose
  excessive amount. There is an information                                         from so they can appeal to a big range of
  panel which helps convince you to buy them                                        customers. The colour scheme is not to cluttered
  and helps you to choose which product is                                          and looks simple and modern. They have images
  best suited for you.                                                              of models that are using the product to help
                                                                                    promote the product as people may wan to look
                                                                                    like these models and this product allows them
                                                                                    to do so.
                    The lottery point of sale is easily recognisable and is a                         This stand was at the top of an escalator so
                    very interactive stand as there is a plinth for you to                            it is the first thing you as arrive on the upper
                    use write out your ticket. There is a lot of advertising                          floor. It very clearly shows the name as
                    of the brand used and details about the lottery are                               Debenhams and the stand is very clear and
                    displayed. The signature colour of blue is heavily                                plane so it looks modern and clean, this
                    used. There are compartments are specially made for                               style is popular in homes currently. Its
                    storing the tickets that the customer will want to use                            shows a range of matching products so you
                    and they can be seen from distance and the unit also                              may buy several rather than one. The layout
                    contains a pen so it is easier to apply for the lottery                           is cluttered but the stack of towels and
                    draw.                                                                             shelves make it look a home environment.

Rolex is a very established brand and in
this display they a very large range of                                         This shampoo stand is very simple and is
their higher end products. The layout                                           made of cardboard, this makes it very
may look cluttered but there is an order                                        cheap so it can be changed regularly to
based on price, colour and style of the                                         keep people attracted to it. It displays a
watch. Rolex is a very prestigious and                                          large rang helping promote multiple
desired brand so they use there logo a                                          purchases in a simple way. The product is
lot in the display as this is desirable to                                      a also very accessible and if it is popular it
the customer and promotes sales.                                                may not be necessary to buy a big
                                                                                expensive stand.

                    This clothing stand is simple in design but it does the
                    task very well. The simple wooden background helps
                    to show of the colours of the shirts and makes them
                    stand out more. The lighting is also very clever as it
                    highlights the products and promoted them
                    accordingly, you can also see the display from a                                         This was taken inside a Hackett store, the size
                    distance. As it is made off wood it also makes it look                                   of the stand was impressive and this makes
                    expensive and established.                                                               you want to approach it. The colour scheme is
                                                                                                             simple but there is a clever order to the
                                                                                                             different colour shades. There is a huge
                                                                                                             selection to choose from, however to much
Channel is a high end brand and is very popular.                                                             choice may stop a purchase as the buyer may
The name and the logo can be seen very clearly                                                               become confused as to what they want. The
and a wide range of the products can be seen.                                                                clever seating area helps to keep people in the
The lighting on the products displayed make you                                                              area as they may want to sit down so they will
want to approach them and it makes them look                                                                 study the clothing range displayed further and
special to entice you to buy them. There is also a                                                           for longer.
wide range of the products so people are
encouraged to buy a range of items.
Hackett London is a very established brand and
has been for many years in the UK. The brand is
put across as very posh and at the same time is
nostalgic and old-fashioned, much like Aston
Martin with British racing green being perceived
as the gentleman's sports car. Much of there
clothing is formal ware but they produce a lot of
rugby shirts which reflects the Hackett brand as
it is a traditional sport for the British nation.

Hackett London is a prestigious brand but it is
more accessible then some other major designer
brands. It is popular among young ontraponers
and business professionals. The brand can
access the jet set scene and so it is popular with
a wide range of age groups from 20 onwards to        WHY I CHOSE HACKETT LONDON:
50, as people move up in the business world          I chose the brand Hackett London because it is
they may then move on to more expensive              a brand that I am familiar with and can relate
brands like Armani however, Hackett is still a       to as the theme of the British gentleman is an
high quality brand.                                  image that I think I can represent in my design
                                                     of a point of sale structure for the brand.

                                                                                                Design a new point of sale display unit for a male grooming company. The unit must display at least
                                                                                                one product from their range and must clearly identify the brand.

                                                                                                Hackett London is a very classy and established brand full of British traditionalism however, has it
                                                                                                become stuck in the past? The brand itself needs to become more accessible to younger and older
                                                                                                generations while maintaining its nesh in the market as a British institution because this is a very rare
                                                                                                quality and there are not many companies in competition with Hackett that can boast this heritage.

SIZE:                                                                  ENVIROMENT:                                                             MANUFACTURE:
A point od sale display unit needs to be large in a                    The sale unit will be within a store to                                 Theses point of sale stands are designed to be
shop so that it stands out from other units and                        protect the products from theft. The unit                               batch produced for multiple stores so jigs must be
stands out from other projects. It needs to draw                       needs to able to support itself as it will be                           assembled for quick precise construction of each
people in to look at it from the other side of the                     floor standing. It needs to be of a certain                             stand. They are not being mass produced so it
shop. However, depending on the environment it                         height so people can see it easily. It needs                            would not be cost effective to use injection
must be a suitable size to stand alone or fit on a                     to be small enough to be moved around                                   moulding. All of the stands must be made to a
shelf.                                                                 easily and sit at the end of an isle. However,                          good quality with high tolerances for maximum
                                                                       it must be large enough to store all products                           functionality.
                                                                       and display them properly.

                                                                                                                                              The point of sale display unit must
As Hackett is a classy brand it needs to be
                                                                                                                                              enhance sales of a product. It also needs
advertised in a high quality way therefor, the
                                                                                                                                              to advertise the brand and the product by
point of sale unit for their product must be
                                                                                                                                              catching people attention. They product
constructed out of high class materials such
                                                                                                                                              on the stand must also be accessible so
as chrome finishes and stainless steal or glass.
                                                                                                                                              people can easily pick up an item
High quality acrylics can also be used.
                                                                                                                                              displayed for purchase.

ASTHETICS:                                                                                                                                     SAFETY:
The aesthetics of the unit are very                                                                                                            The finished point of sale stand must not
important to entice customers and to                                                                                                           have any sharp edges or sharp points to
encourage sale. High quality materials                                                                                                         avoid customers hurting themselves
must also be used. It must have a modern                                                                                                       accidently. It must also have a stable base
feel to it but maintain class of the brand                                                                                                     so that it is stable and cant be knocked
and clean lines. Images can be used much                                                                                                       over easily. If materials such as class is
like in the marketing of the brand such as                                                                                                     used, it must be shatter resistant so
old Aston Martins cars with black and                                                                                                          people wont cut themselves if the glass
white images.                                                                                                                                  breaks.

                 PURPOSE:                                                                   COST:
                 The point of sale stand for Hackett should look                            The brand of Hackett London is a medium range of
                 attractive and reflect the brand so that people are                        price. The point of sale stand must not look cheap or
                 attracted to look at it and can remember its as the                        have a poor unattractive design however, it needs to be
                 Hackett brand. It should help promote sales of the                         cost effective so that it does not cost a fortune as this
                 product and draw people over to the stand from the                         would be unnecessary. Materials such as chrome and
                 other side or other areas of the shop.                                     glass or not cheap but on the other hand they are a lot
                                                                                            cheaper than gold or silver.
L – Logical:
•     Having the brand name on the product and the point of sale stand.
•     Display the product so people know what it looks like and can easily select one to buy it.
•     The people must be allowed to use some of the product so they can sample to see if they like it.
•     It will help sales if the product is sold in an appropriate store such as House of Fraser rather than Millets.
•     To advertise to woman as well as men because woman may buy the product for men.
•     It must be positioned in the shop so that people can see it and that they are attracted to it.
•     To sell the product in an expensive shop as people have the amount of money to buy the product or it may seem cheaper than
      other products.
•     To make the stand out of expensive materials so that it looks expensive and a high end product.
I – Illogical:
•     To sell in non-related shops such as perfume in a toy shop as people don’t go to toy shops to buy perfume.
•     To put the point of sale stand in a part of the shop were it cant be seen.
•     To make the stand to big or to small as this will make it difficult for people to use and will not promote sales effectively.
•     To sell an expensive brand in a cheap shop as people will not buy it because they think it is too expensive.
•     To make the stand flimsy as it may fall over and damage something or hurt a customer.
•     To make the stand out of cheap materials as it will look cheap.
N – Need:
•     It must display the brand so that people know who the product is made by this will promote sales.
•     It must be attractive and eye catching so that people are drawn over to the stand this will make people walk over to the stand so
      they will look at and use the product this will promote sales.
•     It needs to appeal to both woman and men as although it’s a men's product, woman often by the product for men.
•     It must be safe for the customer to use so there must not be sharp edges and it must be stable so that it will not be knocked over
      easily, damaging the product.
•     The stand must prevent theft so it may be positioned near the till or within the shop rather than near an entrance or exit.
K – Keep:
•     The us e of high quality material to give the stand an expensive look such as wood or aluminium.
•     The portability of the stand s so it must be light-weight enough to be moved around easily.
•     The use of lighting in the stands to show off the product but they also attract customers and provide lighting so the customers
      can see the product easily.
S – Scrap:
•     I would not use cheap materials such as plastic or card as theses are not durable and can make the product look cheap or
•     I would not use ideas from the stands that use vibrant colours because although this is eye catching it is not part of the |Hackett
      London colour scheme.
•     Some of the stands do not store many products and do not show the brand name effectively so I would use ideas from them.
Form Vs. Function:
•     The stand must use high end materials so that it looks modern and expensive this will help promote the brand and increase
•     In the design process I must consider parts that are difficult to male so that I can find a way of making the easily.
•     The function of the stand is very important but it also needs to look good as well as work well to be affective.
•     I should design and create jigs to help make the manufacture process more accurate and efficient.
The aesthetics of the point of sale brand are
very important as they must reflect the
chosen brand Hackett London. The colours of
the brand a clear and relaxed such as cream
or aluminium, this can be achieved by using
materials such as aluminium and glass. The
shape of the stand can also be tailored to the
brand so as well as the light colours the stand
needs soft edges but this is supported by an       E-ENVIROMENT:
angular shape.                                     The Hackett brand is marginally up-market
                                                   so it is most likely to be sold in shops like
                                                   House of Frasier but also in cosmetic shops
                                                   such as Boots. It may be stored near
                                                   entrances to draw customers in however, it
                                                   is at risk from theft. It should be situated at
                                                   the end of an isle or within the perfume
C-COST:                                            section of the store but it can also be           S-SAFETY:
Hackett London is a quality brand however is       situated by a Hackett or men's clothing           The stand must stable so it cant be knocked
it not at the top compared to brands such as       section within the store.                         over as this could cause injury to customers
Armani or Channel. The stand may use                                                                 and damage to both the stand and products.
expensive materials as they will be batch                                                            The unit cant have any sharp edges to
produced so each unit can be made of more                                                            prevent people hurting themselves. The spray
high quality materials. By spending more                                                             nozzle and aerosols must be high so they are
money on the unit it will look more high                                                             out of children's reach. If a material like glass
quality which will promote the brand.              C-CUSTOMER:                                       is used it must tempered so that it will not
                                                   The brand is aimed at a medium to high end        break into dangerous shards.
                                                   customer as Hackett specialises in Business
                                                   ware. However, it is not a massively
                                                   expensive brand so it is quite accessible.
                                                   The customers of this brand like subtle
                                                   design and will require to test the product.
M-MATIRIAL:                                        They are looking for a well presented             F-FUNTION:
The materials the unit is made of must reflect     product.                                          As well as the stand looking good and
the brand Hackett London so they may be                                                              attracting customers to it, the unit must
high quality metals and woods such as                                                                function properly as well. It will use lighting
aluminium or oak this promotes the brand                                                             to illuminate the stand this will attract
and helps ell it as high class. Glass or mirrors                                                     customers but it will also help people see the
can be used as these are also expensive and                                                          product. The customers must also be able to
high quality but the mirror finish makes the                                                         use the product by testing it so there must be
unit stand out. The lighting in the stand will     S-SIZE:                                           a product on display that is available to test.
help show off these high quality materials.        The stand be large enough so that people can      However, the overall function is to display
                                                   see it from a distance which will attract them    the product and to promote sales.
                                                   over to the stand from the other side of the
                                                   shop. It must also be an adequate size so that
                                                   it can store some of the product on the unit.
                                                   Ergonomics will be important to decide how
                                                   high and were the product is situated on the
QUESTIONNAIRE:                                                             PRODUCT INTERACTION:                                                        MARKET TRENDS:
To complete the questionnaire survey I must first create a                 I will study how people operate when they are using the                     I will need to go to shops that sell male grooming
questionnaire and test it to make sure it easily                           point of sale stand so I will watch how different people                    products so I can compare the range of point of sale
understandable. I would want to find out what point of sale                approach and use the stands in different ways. I want to                    units so I can determine what colours and materials are
stands work best and how to improve them as the                            learn what is it that people do so how they test the                        most popular at the current time. I want to learn what
questionnaire would be aimed at people who work in shops                   product so that I can improve my units interaction with                     styles are popular and which ones work best to sell the
that have a male grooming. I will speak to people who work                 the customer. I will conduct the research within shops                      product, also what display methods are popular such as
in these retail shops to help me construct the questionnaire               that sell my brand such as House of Frasier which sell                      the shape or the type of lighting used. I will conduct the
so they can understand and I find out adequate and usable                  many men's grooming products and Hackett London                             research in shops that sell male grooming products or
information. Before I create it I will need to know what I                 items. I will need to know what shops sell men's grooming                   have point of sale units in use such as john Lewis. I will
want to know and what questions I will ask. The evidence                   products and what time the shops are open as well as the                    need to know what brands are currently popular to see
will be documented buy pie charts showing the responses                    time when they are selling the most. I will document the                    the best styles used and how they style to make them
but also written extracts will also be documented.                         evidence with pictures and text accounts of how people                      popular. I will document the evidence with images and
                                                                           use the stand.                                                              text accounts describing what I saw.

MARKET COMPETITORS:                                                                                                                                                           ACCESS FM:
I need to collect information about                                                                                                                                           For each subject I will conduct a
each brand to see there target                                         23rd-Sep 25th-Sep 27th-Sep 29th-Sep 1st-Oct              3rd-Oct   5th-Oct     7th-Oct                 study and fact file on each product
market so I can compare Hackett                Moodboard                                                                                                                      as ACCESS FM is a good way of
London to its competition but to do                                                                                                                                           evaluation products and ideas.
this I need to research who the                                                                                                                                               This will show the good/bad
                                               Customer profiling
competitors are. I want to find out                                                                                                                                           aspects of each unit, what I would
who my competitors are and what                                                                                                                                               use not use. I will evaluate the
makes my brand better or worse                 Brand profiling                                                                                                                stand and conduct ACCESS FM
than competition. I will speak to                                                                                                                                             based on the information I had
managers of shops to see                                                                                                                                                      collected previously on point of
conflicting brands within the shops
                                                                                                                                                                              sale stand I have seen and
such as male grooming products                                                                                                                                                researched. I will conduct this
within House of Fraser store and               Market competition                                                                                                             research by going to shops to see
which ones come out on top. I will                                                                                                                                            the stand to collect ideas and then
conduct the research within shops                                                                                                                                             evaluate them using ACCESS FM. I
such as House of Frasier. I will need          Initial specification                                                                                                          will document the evidence by
to know more about the customer                                                                                                                                               answering each of the principles
profile of my brand to see which               Market trends                                                                                                                  through the ACCESS FM analysis of
other brands this conflicts with. I                                                                                                                                           each point of sale unit.
will document this buy written
reviews on the brand highlighting              First design anylsis
there similarities and differences.

MOOD BOARD:                                                        CUSTOMER PROFILING:                                                     BRAND PROFILING:
I will construct a mood board which will display                   I will research my brand to find out what type of person is a           I will need to collect information about my brand possibly from
products, materials which relate to my brand and point             customer of my brand and why they like my brand. I will want            their website and from the customers, I will also need to study
of sale stands. From this I will learn about mu customer           to learn what materials, colours and styles they like such as           their products and styles. I will want to learn the overall style of
profile and what materials I should use to construct my            modern of pop-art, and what how much money the have or                  my brand as well as what colours they use with what materials. I
stand. I will conduct the research by studying point of            even were they live. I will speak to the customers of my brand          will speak to people from the brand company and managers
sale stands in shops to look at aspects of them such as            to find out about there backgrounds. I will conduct the survey          within shops to learn more of my grand. I will conduct my
materials. I will use the internet to collect the image            within shops so that I can see which people by my brand. I              research within shops and by e-mailing the chosen brand to get
data for the mood board. I will need to know what type             will need to know which shops sell my product and what                  information. I will need to know which types of shop sell my
of image to look for and to search for such as different           questions to ask the customers about the brand. I will                  brand. I will document the evidence both in customer profiling
types of metal and wood names. I will document the                 document the evidence within pictures and fact files about              and the mood board as well as a written text and images
evidence by arranging the images in an order and                   some of the individual customers.                                       displayed on a page to show my brands styles and profiling.
sequence on a mood board themed page.
My customer for the brand Hackett London is
aimed at middle class but aspires to dress and
look like upper class. Therefor, Hackett tailors
its branding towards young
professionals, people who have left university
and have obtained a job in the city perhaps as a
trainee lawyer so although they have a high end
job and status, they are consumed by university
debt so they are unable to afford extremely
high end brands. Hackett also tries to influence
the jet set as they often uses pictures of young
people on speed boats at the playground of the
rich, however there are no images used of
super yachts so this demonstrates how the
brand is not at top but makes it look glamorous
and attractive to the customer. The customer is
most likely young and living in a higher end flat
close to there place of work. People will by
mainly business ware from Hackett and you can
see this in much of their advertising although
this is linked with a collection of casual ware
with clothing aimed towards holidays but it still
looks glamorous. Hackett also has sporting
heritage so they sell many items that are
focused on rugby such as rugby shirts for their
customer this also tells us a lot about the
customer in that they play sports and are out
going along side their professional work and
careers. The age range of people who buy
Hackett will depend on their life style and
situation for example. Young professionals may
use the brand from 18 to 25 or maybe 30
however, less well off people may ware the
brand through out their life as they see it as
high end for their budget. My customer would
have a good quality car such as a BMW, Audi or
Mercedes but not to the level of Ferrari or
Porsche as these are too expensive and brands
such as Channel or Armani would be used. My
customer may be a mail or female as she may
buy him the product as a gift.
Hackett was founded in 1983 by Jeremy Hackett and
Ashley Lloyd-Jennings from a stall on London's
                                                                                                             HACKETT LONDON
Portobello Road. The first shop, on the "wrong end" of
King's Road, in London Chelsea district, was selling only
used clothes.
                                                                                                             BRAND PROFILING
The company gradually expanded over several years,
increasing the number of branches and moving from           1979
                                                            Jeremy Hackett and Ashley Lloyd-Jennings meet in the Portobello Road, West London both combing the market for good second-hand
acquiring and selling second-hand clothing to designing     traditional British men’s clothing. A business partnership is soon started with a small stall in Portobello themselves, selling on the clothing
                                                            after cleaning and repairs.
and selling its own items. International expansion began
with the 1989 opening of a Spanish branch in Madrid.        1985
                                                            It becomes apparent that market demand will always exceed supply of quality second-hand clothing and accessories and Hackett and
Branches in the UK include Jermyn Street, Regent Street,    Lloyd-Jennings decide that the answer is to manufacture from new, to complement the second-hand offering. Starting from scratch but
Eastcheap, Covent Garden and Hackett has expanded to        working with traditional manufacturers, they are able to create their ideal range of clothing and accessories based on their extensive
                                                            knowledge of British men’s style.
include several prime cities in Europe.
Alfred Dunhill bought a majority stake in the company in    1988
                                                            Hackett starts to advertise in a small way and adopts two devices, which prove to have longevity, the chequer board advertising style and
1992. This cash injection facilitated the opening of the    the strapline, “Essential British Kit”, the perfect summation of everything that Hackett is about

flagship store in Sloan Street the same year. This branch   1992
remains the largest and most comprehensive of the UK        With a growing footprint in London and abroad, Hackett attracts the attention of Alfred Dunhill (eventually to become the Richemont
                                                            Luxury Goods Group) who buy a majority shareholding in Hackett. This injection of support enables Hackett to open its still current flagship
shops.                                                      store on Sloane Street, London SW1 in October 1992

Hackett London is an established brand and has been for      After repeated requests from customers to make clothes for children just like Daddy’s, Hackett produces its first range for “Essential
almost a 100 years however does the brand try to be          British Kids”.

something that it is not? Hackett London as a brand          2000
portrays itself as being extremely high class to             Charley Hackett, Jeremy’s Sussex Spaniel rescued from Batterseas Dogs’ Home, makes her modelling debut and appears in numerous
                                                             Hackett campaigns. Reportedly, Charley will now only set foot in the studio for a minimum of 10,000 dog biscuits a day
contended with brands such as Armani and Channel on
the other hand it is much more affordable than theses        2003
                                                             England become Rugby World Champions and are paraded around the streets of London in an open topped bus resplendent in their
brands and this is one of its marketing strategies. It       Hackett tailored suits. Jonny Wilkinson OBE is the hero with his last minute drop goal against Australia
prides itself on traditional Brutishness as seen in this
background image almost as a James bond, there is even       2005
                                                             Hackett becomes Official Partner to the GT1 works Aston Martin Racing team, providing official team clothing and selling a range of
a DB5 in the picture however, the real man who drives a      licensed clothing and accessories. Aston Martin Racing’s official presence in GT racing, the first since bowing out with victory in the 1959
                                                             Le Mans 24 Hours Race, has been successful with some significant victories and countless podium finishes. Class victory at Le Mans is the
DB5 would have an Armani suit. Hackett London gives          remaining ambition for the team. The Pepe London Group acquires Hackett from Richemont and invests heavily in the development of the
                                                             brand with the aim of reinforcing its position as the best in British style in the UK and abroad
you the style of these extremely high brands but it
makes it affordable. They are very similar to Ralf Lauren
as they to sell sporting ware such as for polo teams and     Hackett expands in Paris on the prestigious 'Rive Gauche' along the Boulevard des Capucines as well as in
Hackett does them for rugby and Aston Martin. Much of        Marunouchi, Japan. Hackett also introduces International Tennis under the sponsorship banner by kitting out the world's
                                                             best tennis players at the ATP Finals and the court officials at the Valencia Open Final, Spain. Snow Polo in Klosters
the brands styling hints at the English gentleman which      continues to grow in it's second year, where all the players wear fleece lined Hackett shirts
much of the brand is focused on
QUESTIONAIRE                                           1: This pie chart shows that the majority of the
                                                                 people in the survey think of Hackett London as
                                                                 high end brand, however only marginally as it
                                                                 was a ratio of 6 for yes and 4 for no. This shows
                       QUESTIONAIRE                              that the brand fits its target well because it is               No
                                                                 perceived as high end but its actually at the
                                                                 bottom of the high end range.
1. Would you consider Hackett London a high
end brand or a cheaper equivalent?
                                                                 2: This chart shows what type of colours                 Soft
                                                                 represent Hackett London the best. Half of the           colours
Yes       No                                                     people in the survey decided that soft colours           Metallic
                                                                 such as subtle blues represent the brand style of
                                                                 Hackett the best.
2. What colours do you think represent                                                                                    Bright
the brand Hackett?
                                                                 3: It is clear from this pie chart that Hackett does
Soft colours      Metallic colours       Bright colours          not have the market edge, as many people said
                                                                 that is was not a best seller and people went for
                                                                 brands like Armani instead. However, it was still               yes
3. Do you think Hackett dominates its market so sells better     a popular retail brand.
than the competition?
                                                                 4: Unit 1 was the least favourite I feel that this is
Yes       No                                                     because it is made of cardboard and is
                                                                 cheap, plane and does not attract attention. The
                                                                                                                            Unit 1
                                                                 other to stands were equal and they worked                 Unit 2
4. What point of sale do you think works best?                   much better because they are larger so store a
                                                                 bigger range of products, these stands also use            Unit 3
                                                                 clever lighting.

5. What shops do you think Hackett would be sold in?             5: The majority of people in the survey thought         lewis
                                                                 that John Lewis is the type of shop Hackett
                                                                 London would be sold in as this store sells higher      Debinams
John Lewis       Debenhams           Boots        Choice         end brands on a large scale. Debenhams is a
                                                                 similar store to John Lewis however, choice is to
                                                                 up market for Hackett London. Boots sells a lot of      Boots
6. Should it be advertised towards woman or men?                 male grooming products and most brands can be
                                                                 seen in Boots stores.
Men          Woman      Both woman and men

Thank you for completing the questionnaire, your input is very   6: Although it is a men's grooming product it
valuable.                                                        should advertised to woman as well because               Men
                                                                 they will often buy them for men as a gift
                                                                 however, the survey shows that it should be              Woman
                                                                 advertised to both so either men or woman are
THERE WERE 10 QUESTIONAIRSE SENT OUT                             attracted to buying the product.                         Both
                 Customer      Sells      Price     Advertises
                   Age        Men's     Range Of      on TV
                            Fragrance   Fragrance
1-Fred Perry     10-60      Yes         £20-£50     No
2-Barbour        15-40      No          NA          No
3-Cro’ Jack      20-50      No          NA          No
4-John Smedley   35-60      Yes         £20-£60     No
5-Blue Harbour   18-30      Yes         £20-£30     No
6-Ben Sherman    15-40      Yes         £20-£40     Yes
7-Peter Werth    18-30      No          NA          No
8-Hackett        18-30      Yes         £20-£40     Yes
9-Ted Baker      15-40      Yes         £10-£45     Yes
                                             ASTHETICS: The aesthetics are on a large scale as there are huge
                                             images in the background which draw your attention to the product.
                                                                                                                                                               ASTHETICS: The colour of the stand is very subtle but
                                             Furthermore, they display both woman and men so it is advertised
                                                                                                                                                               the colours of the products are very vibrant, this helps
                                             towards both. The colour gold is also associated with the brand and
                                                                                                                                                               draw people attention towards the stand and
                                             the logo is displayed on large scale also. COST: The cost is expensive
                                                                                                                                                               products. COST: This is a high-end brand which can be
                                             because of the scale but also the product is expensive as it is Gucci
                                                                                                                                                               quite expensive. CUSTOMER: This is for a well off
                                             so it is in perspective. CUSTOMER: The customer could be a man or
                                                                                                                                                               customer and an age range from 16-30. SIZE: The stand
                                             woman but it is very expensive so it would be a wealthy customer.
                                                                                                                                                               is very large but this makes it easily visible throughout
                                             MATERIALS: It uses materials such as glass and metals to add to the
                                                                                                                                                               the store and makes people go over to it. It also
                                             high end effect. ENVIROMENT: The stand is situated in the corner of
                                                                                                                                                               displays a to of the product and uses lighting to display
                                             the shop but it is large and very eye catching. SIZE: The stand is very
                                                                                                                                                               it better. MATIRIALS: Once again, glass is used this
                                             large but this is why it is so effective. SAFETY: The stand has no sharp
                                                                                                                                                               helps the customer see all of the products easier.
                                             edges however, it has very pointy corners. FUNCTION: The stand is
                                             easily accessible to view the products and test them.

ASTHETICS: This stand uses a glass box to display the product,
this makes it more exclusive. The simple white and black
contrast looks very modern and sharp. COST: The brand is
reasonably expensive and so the stand reflects this because
you cant access the product. CUSTOMER: A person of middle
class as this is an expensive brand, with a customer age of 25-                                                         ASTHETICS: This stand uses clean lines but with
40. ENVIROMENT: It is situated in the middle of the store but                                                           an iconic figure and logo of James Bond- OO7.
in the fragrance section. You need to go past or around it to                                                           The logo is used several times on the same
move around the store so you will see it as it is in the centre.                                                        stand. COST: The brand is very expensive is it is
SIZE: The stand is a medium size but it is big enough to be seen                                                        exclusive and that is why people buy it.
easily throughout this section of the store. FUNCTION: It is a                                                          CUSTOMER: This is a very highly priced item
display of the product however, there is only limited customer                                                          and brand, the customer models themselves on
interaction.                                                                                                            James bond but the age range could be from
                                                                                                                        25-55. ENVIRMENT: The stand is in the middle
                                                                                                                        of the fragrance section this means people
                                                                                                                        have to pass it so they will look at it. It is also
                                                                                                                        very eye catching the way it stands alone and
                                         ASTHETICS: This stand is very simple and bland. It uses simple                 will draw people in from all over the store.
                                         shelves and lighting to display the product. COST: The stand
                                         should would be cheap and affordable much like the brand.
                                         ENVIROMENT: The stand is small and is situated towards the
                                         back of the store and on a shelf. MATIRIALS: It uses glass
                                         shelving to display the products range. SAFETY: The display is
                                         very safe as young children cant reach it and It has no sharp
                                         edges, however it is made of glass. SIZE: The stand is small and
                                         simple but it still displays the product well.
ASTHETICS: This stand appears to be very glamorous and it has                                                        ASTHETICS: This unit has a very
                                            made the most of being a simple shelf unit. COST: This is very                                                       modern and high class feel to it, this
                                            high end brand so it is very expensive. The materials used in                                                        works well because of the multiple
                                            making the stand are also expensive. CUSTOMER: The                                                                   brands it displays. The lighting is also
                                            customer of this brand is likely to be very well off as this is a                                                    very affective as it illuminates the
                                            high end brand, the age range would be from 25-35.                                                                   products on the display which makes
                                            MATERIALS: The unit uses high-end materials such as glass and                                                        them stand out so customers are
                                            metal finishes to imitate gold, clever lighting has also been                                                        drawn to the stand. COST: This stand is
                                            used to help illuminate the product but also to catch your                                                           very costly as are the products this
                                            attention as it is unusual. SIZE: The stand is quite large, this                                                     reflective of the brands it displays.
                                            helps it draw people in from all over the store but it also                                                          CUSTOMER: These are high end brands
                                            displays a lot of the product. ENVIROMANT: This stand was                                                            and are very expensive so a wealthy
                                            situated in the fragrance section of the shop, on the wall facing                                                    customer is required for these brands.
                                            down and isle so it can be seen from a distance.                                                                     SIZE: This stand is very large so it can
                                                                                                                                                                 be seen from a distance which will
ASTHETICS: This stand displays multiple products and                                                                                                             attract customers to it. ENVIROMANT:
brands but is positioned well at the end of an isle so                                                                                                           This stand was in the perfume section
people will see it as they enter an isle either side of                                                                                                          of the store and was a wall mounted
the stand. COST: This stand would be relatively cheap,                                                                                                           display. MATIRIALS: The stand uses
however very cost affective because it holds multiple                                                                                                            glass to make it look high end and it
products and multiple brands but this can affect the                                                                                                             helps you see all the products. Clever
sale of each different brand. SAFETY: This stand is very                                                                                                         lighting from above displays the
safe because it is stable and has no sharp edges                                                                                                                 products better so it easier to see but
although young children are able to gain access to the                                                                                                           it also catches your attention.
product. MATERIAL: The stand uses wood and glass
predominantly however due to the size and weight of
all this material it has a aluminium structure
                                                                                                                ASTHETICS: Within the store this perfume
supporting the stand.
                                                                                                                section shows many different products and
                                                                                                                many different point of sale stands
                                                                                                                competing with each other to attract a
                                                                                                                customer. SIZE: The area is large which
                                                           ASTHETICS: This brand is Victor Rolf and it is       shows the scale of then competition.
                                                           very subtly styled. It uses black and grey and       CUSTOMER: Both man and woman will
                                                           is situated on a simple glass shelf. COST: This      come to this area of the shop to view these
                                                           is a middle brand in terms of its cost so it is      products, there is a mixture of high end
                                                           affordable. SAFETY: Other than the use of            expensive products and lower end cheaper
                                                           glass this unit is very safe as it is a fixed        products. MATIRIALS: There is a wide range
                                                           shelving unit. CUSTOMER: An age range of             of matirials used within the store, many are
                                                           30-50, this customer is fairly wealthy as this       used to reflect the profile of their brand but
                                                           is a medium priced item. SIZE: It is quite           also to catch the eye or for structural
                                                           small and does no stand out so it could              integrity within the stand.
                                                           easily be missed, however it displays a lot of
                                                           the product.
Many people will interact with the product and
stand in very different ways, people prefer some
test methods to other when trying out the colone.
These depend on the environment and the way
the product is presented, if it is in a glass box
people may assume that they are unable to test it
however, it will look exclusive. There for, testing
should be encouraged and so it is important to see
how people interact with the stand, the product
should be a height that is easy for people to access
but must not be eye for safety. Some people spray
the fragrance on themselves however, others
prefer a cardboard slip or spray the fragrance in
the air all these methods must be taken into
account when constructing the stand and
positioning the sample fragrance.

                                                       The survey was conducted with a chain store called the perfume shop. 20 people were used in
                                                       the survey through observation to see how they reacted to test a product. The most popular
                                                       method was the card slip with 9 people in survey favouring this method. In the construction of
                                                       my point of sale stand I feel it is important to provide testing facilities for all of the above
                                                       methods as they are all heavily used.
          USEFULL DATA                                                         These units can be
                                                                              situated and various
                                                                              areas depending on
                                                                             the stand, however it
                                                                             should most likely be
                                                                                 positioned in a
                                                                               perfume section of
                                         The advertising on the                     the store.
                                       stand must appeal to both
                                           woman and men.

                                                                      Use lighting to
                                                                     help display the
                          The use of water in                       product and make
                          the stand to hint at                        the stand eye
                           the freshness and                            catching.
                           the jet set such as
                            speed boats and

                                                                           To be situated in a
                                                                            store that does
                                                                           not sell clothes or

                                                              The stand
                                                               cant be
                                                              made out
                                                              of cheap
ASTHETICS: From my research there are several colours and material finishes that
match my brands house style and what my customer is looking for, these consist
of mirrored surfaces, glass and aluminium but also a selection of acrylics and
woods such as teak. The brand is also associated with subtle colours so it would be
inappropriate to use vibrant colours.


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  • 1. DT AS LEVEL COURSEWORK Harry Wilson
  • 2. Old spice was a brand that was designed for an older generation and has been around for many years, however it had almost died out until a recent re-launch aimed at a much younger Hackett London is a very established brand and has been for many years in the UK. The brand is put generation predominantly targeted at ethnicity this is reflected from the customers and the across as very posh and at the same time is nostalgic and old-fashioned, much like Aston Martin with image from the advert showing there mascot. British racing green being perceived as the gentleman's sports car. Much of there clothing is formal ware but they produce a lot of rugby shirts which reflects the Hackett brand as it is a traditional sport for the British nation.
  • 3. POINT OF SAIL DISPLAY UNITS This shows Levi Strouse belts in a cluttered This is part of a huge display that interests manner with very limited styling and does customers as it is abnormally large so it is not compulse a person to buy them from unusual. However, it looks very modern and the look of the stand. However, the brand is stylish as it uses the colour white and has crisp established so there is no need to advertise lines. the colours are simple so the bright inside there own store so instead they show coloured shoes stand out more and look better. you a wide range of their belt products to help you choose from a wide range of their items. This brand of watches is a very expensive and This wall panel shows an Adidas shoe range desirable bran called Breitling. It is heavily with a screen at the centre to help promote influenced by aviation so it uses this at its the shoes and the brand. The logo is blue styling but also advertises it flying pedigree and this colour of blue is associated with with a model plane and image of a pilot so we the brand so the background is their colour can associate the make with aviation. The as are some of the shoes. The step at the display is minimalist but is very sophisticated. bottom also has a function for people to try the product of shoes on the help make them buy the shoes. This is clever but its is N0 7 Is a brand that is owned by the boots usable and advertise at the same time. store and replicates Channel N0 5 in terms of its styling. The screen helps advertise and draw in the customers. The colour scheme This stand displays golf clubs which allows the makes the product stand out but its also user to identify the brand and look through the makes it look expensive and of a high quality. selection for the club they are looking for, it is a The product rang is in view so there is more very interactive display as it is easy to pic up the than one product so it may promote several products and to view the range. The size of sales at once. these displays may also impress the customer and the stand can be seen from a distance to help draw the customer over to brows the selection. This displays a range of Titleist golf balls in a simple but professional way. Most golfers know the established brand so it is very Max factor is a cosmetic product designed for popular and minimal style is needed but women, this stand displays a huge range of their notice how the brand name appears and products for the customer to study and choose excessive amount. There is an information from so they can appeal to a big range of panel which helps convince you to buy them customers. The colour scheme is not to cluttered and helps you to choose which product is and looks simple and modern. They have images best suited for you. of models that are using the product to help promote the product as people may wan to look like these models and this product allows them to do so.
  • 4. POINT OF SAIL DISPLAY UNITS The lottery point of sale is easily recognisable and is a This stand was at the top of an escalator so very interactive stand as there is a plinth for you to it is the first thing you as arrive on the upper use write out your ticket. There is a lot of advertising floor. It very clearly shows the name as of the brand used and details about the lottery are Debenhams and the stand is very clear and displayed. The signature colour of blue is heavily plane so it looks modern and clean, this used. There are compartments are specially made for style is popular in homes currently. Its storing the tickets that the customer will want to use shows a range of matching products so you and they can be seen from distance and the unit also may buy several rather than one. The layout contains a pen so it is easier to apply for the lottery is cluttered but the stack of towels and draw. shelves make it look a home environment. Rolex is a very established brand and in this display they a very large range of This shampoo stand is very simple and is their higher end products. The layout made of cardboard, this makes it very may look cluttered but there is an order cheap so it can be changed regularly to based on price, colour and style of the keep people attracted to it. It displays a watch. Rolex is a very prestigious and large rang helping promote multiple desired brand so they use there logo a purchases in a simple way. The product is lot in the display as this is desirable to a also very accessible and if it is popular it the customer and promotes sales. may not be necessary to buy a big expensive stand. This clothing stand is simple in design but it does the task very well. The simple wooden background helps to show of the colours of the shirts and makes them stand out more. The lighting is also very clever as it highlights the products and promoted them accordingly, you can also see the display from a This was taken inside a Hackett store, the size distance. As it is made off wood it also makes it look of the stand was impressive and this makes expensive and established. you want to approach it. The colour scheme is simple but there is a clever order to the different colour shades. There is a huge selection to choose from, however to much Channel is a high end brand and is very popular. choice may stop a purchase as the buyer may The name and the logo can be seen very clearly become confused as to what they want. The and a wide range of the products can be seen. clever seating area helps to keep people in the The lighting on the products displayed make you area as they may want to sit down so they will want to approach them and it makes them look study the clothing range displayed further and special to entice you to buy them. There is also a for longer. wide range of the products so people are encouraged to buy a range of items.
  • 5. INFORMATION: Hackett London is a very established brand and has been for many years in the UK. The brand is put across as very posh and at the same time is nostalgic and old-fashioned, much like Aston Martin with British racing green being perceived as the gentleman's sports car. Much of there clothing is formal ware but they produce a lot of rugby shirts which reflects the Hackett brand as it is a traditional sport for the British nation. THE CUSTOMER: Hackett London is a prestigious brand but it is more accessible then some other major designer brands. It is popular among young ontraponers and business professionals. The brand can access the jet set scene and so it is popular with a wide range of age groups from 20 onwards to WHY I CHOSE HACKETT LONDON: 50, as people move up in the business world I chose the brand Hackett London because it is they may then move on to more expensive a brand that I am familiar with and can relate brands like Armani however, Hackett is still a to as the theme of the British gentleman is an high quality brand. image that I think I can represent in my design of a point of sale structure for the brand.
  • 6. BREIF: TASK ANALYSIS Design a new point of sale display unit for a male grooming company. The unit must display at least one product from their range and must clearly identify the brand. SITUATION: Hackett London is a very classy and established brand full of British traditionalism however, has it become stuck in the past? The brand itself needs to become more accessible to younger and older generations while maintaining its nesh in the market as a British institution because this is a very rare quality and there are not many companies in competition with Hackett that can boast this heritage. SIZE: ENVIROMENT: MANUFACTURE: A point od sale display unit needs to be large in a The sale unit will be within a store to Theses point of sale stands are designed to be shop so that it stands out from other units and protect the products from theft. The unit batch produced for multiple stores so jigs must be stands out from other projects. It needs to draw needs to able to support itself as it will be assembled for quick precise construction of each people in to look at it from the other side of the floor standing. It needs to be of a certain stand. They are not being mass produced so it shop. However, depending on the environment it height so people can see it easily. It needs would not be cost effective to use injection must be a suitable size to stand alone or fit on a to be small enough to be moved around moulding. All of the stands must be made to a shelf. easily and sit at the end of an isle. However, good quality with high tolerances for maximum it must be large enough to store all products functionality. and display them properly. FUNCTIONS: MATIRIALS: The point of sale display unit must As Hackett is a classy brand it needs to be enhance sales of a product. It also needs advertised in a high quality way therefor, the to advertise the brand and the product by point of sale unit for their product must be catching people attention. They product constructed out of high class materials such on the stand must also be accessible so as chrome finishes and stainless steal or glass. people can easily pick up an item High quality acrylics can also be used. displayed for purchase. ASTHETICS: SAFETY: The aesthetics of the unit are very The finished point of sale stand must not important to entice customers and to have any sharp edges or sharp points to encourage sale. High quality materials avoid customers hurting themselves must also be used. It must have a modern accidently. It must also have a stable base feel to it but maintain class of the brand so that it is stable and cant be knocked and clean lines. Images can be used much over easily. If materials such as class is like in the marketing of the brand such as used, it must be shatter resistant so old Aston Martins cars with black and people wont cut themselves if the glass white images. breaks. PURPOSE: COST: The point of sale stand for Hackett should look The brand of Hackett London is a medium range of attractive and reflect the brand so that people are price. The point of sale stand must not look cheap or attracted to look at it and can remember its as the have a poor unattractive design however, it needs to be Hackett brand. It should help promote sales of the cost effective so that it does not cost a fortune as this product and draw people over to the stand from the would be unnecessary. Materials such as chrome and other side or other areas of the shop. glass or not cheap but on the other hand they are a lot cheaper than gold or silver.
  • 7. LYNX FX L – Logical: • Having the brand name on the product and the point of sale stand. • Display the product so people know what it looks like and can easily select one to buy it. • The people must be allowed to use some of the product so they can sample to see if they like it. • It will help sales if the product is sold in an appropriate store such as House of Fraser rather than Millets. • To advertise to woman as well as men because woman may buy the product for men. • It must be positioned in the shop so that people can see it and that they are attracted to it. • To sell the product in an expensive shop as people have the amount of money to buy the product or it may seem cheaper than other products. • To make the stand out of expensive materials so that it looks expensive and a high end product. I – Illogical: • To sell in non-related shops such as perfume in a toy shop as people don’t go to toy shops to buy perfume. • To put the point of sale stand in a part of the shop were it cant be seen. • To make the stand to big or to small as this will make it difficult for people to use and will not promote sales effectively. • To sell an expensive brand in a cheap shop as people will not buy it because they think it is too expensive. • To make the stand flimsy as it may fall over and damage something or hurt a customer. • To make the stand out of cheap materials as it will look cheap. N – Need: • It must display the brand so that people know who the product is made by this will promote sales. • It must be attractive and eye catching so that people are drawn over to the stand this will make people walk over to the stand so they will look at and use the product this will promote sales. • It needs to appeal to both woman and men as although it’s a men's product, woman often by the product for men. • It must be safe for the customer to use so there must not be sharp edges and it must be stable so that it will not be knocked over easily, damaging the product. • The stand must prevent theft so it may be positioned near the till or within the shop rather than near an entrance or exit. K – Keep: • The us e of high quality material to give the stand an expensive look such as wood or aluminium. • The portability of the stand s so it must be light-weight enough to be moved around easily. • The use of lighting in the stands to show off the product but they also attract customers and provide lighting so the customers can see the product easily. S – Scrap: • I would not use cheap materials such as plastic or card as theses are not durable and can make the product look cheap or unthought-of. • I would not use ideas from the stands that use vibrant colours because although this is eye catching it is not part of the |Hackett London colour scheme. • Some of the stands do not store many products and do not show the brand name effectively so I would use ideas from them. Form Vs. Function: • The stand must use high end materials so that it looks modern and expensive this will help promote the brand and increase sales. • In the design process I must consider parts that are difficult to male so that I can find a way of making the easily. • The function of the stand is very important but it also needs to look good as well as work well to be affective. • I should design and create jigs to help make the manufacture process more accurate and efficient.
  • 8. INITIAL SPECIFICATION A-ASTHETICS: The aesthetics of the point of sale brand are very important as they must reflect the chosen brand Hackett London. The colours of the brand a clear and relaxed such as cream or aluminium, this can be achieved by using materials such as aluminium and glass. The shape of the stand can also be tailored to the brand so as well as the light colours the stand needs soft edges but this is supported by an E-ENVIROMENT: angular shape. The Hackett brand is marginally up-market so it is most likely to be sold in shops like House of Frasier but also in cosmetic shops such as Boots. It may be stored near entrances to draw customers in however, it is at risk from theft. It should be situated at the end of an isle or within the perfume C-COST: section of the store but it can also be S-SAFETY: Hackett London is a quality brand however is situated by a Hackett or men's clothing The stand must stable so it cant be knocked it not at the top compared to brands such as section within the store. over as this could cause injury to customers Armani or Channel. The stand may use and damage to both the stand and products. expensive materials as they will be batch The unit cant have any sharp edges to produced so each unit can be made of more prevent people hurting themselves. The spray high quality materials. By spending more nozzle and aerosols must be high so they are money on the unit it will look more high out of children's reach. If a material like glass quality which will promote the brand. C-CUSTOMER: is used it must tempered so that it will not The brand is aimed at a medium to high end break into dangerous shards. customer as Hackett specialises in Business ware. However, it is not a massively expensive brand so it is quite accessible. The customers of this brand like subtle design and will require to test the product. M-MATIRIAL: They are looking for a well presented F-FUNTION: The materials the unit is made of must reflect product. As well as the stand looking good and the brand Hackett London so they may be attracting customers to it, the unit must high quality metals and woods such as function properly as well. It will use lighting aluminium or oak this promotes the brand to illuminate the stand this will attract and helps ell it as high class. Glass or mirrors customers but it will also help people see the can be used as these are also expensive and product. The customers must also be able to high quality but the mirror finish makes the use the product by testing it so there must be unit stand out. The lighting in the stand will S-SIZE: a product on display that is available to test. help show off these high quality materials. The stand be large enough so that people can However, the overall function is to display see it from a distance which will attract them the product and to promote sales. over to the stand from the other side of the shop. It must also be an adequate size so that it can store some of the product on the unit. Ergonomics will be important to decide how high and were the product is situated on the stand.
  • 9. QUESTIONNAIRE: PRODUCT INTERACTION: MARKET TRENDS: To complete the questionnaire survey I must first create a I will study how people operate when they are using the I will need to go to shops that sell male grooming questionnaire and test it to make sure it easily point of sale stand so I will watch how different people products so I can compare the range of point of sale understandable. I would want to find out what point of sale approach and use the stands in different ways. I want to units so I can determine what colours and materials are stands work best and how to improve them as the learn what is it that people do so how they test the most popular at the current time. I want to learn what questionnaire would be aimed at people who work in shops product so that I can improve my units interaction with styles are popular and which ones work best to sell the that have a male grooming. I will speak to people who work the customer. I will conduct the research within shops product, also what display methods are popular such as in these retail shops to help me construct the questionnaire that sell my brand such as House of Frasier which sell the shape or the type of lighting used. I will conduct the so they can understand and I find out adequate and usable many men's grooming products and Hackett London research in shops that sell male grooming products or information. Before I create it I will need to know what I items. I will need to know what shops sell men's grooming have point of sale units in use such as john Lewis. I will want to know and what questions I will ask. The evidence products and what time the shops are open as well as the need to know what brands are currently popular to see will be documented buy pie charts showing the responses time when they are selling the most. I will document the the best styles used and how they style to make them but also written extracts will also be documented. evidence with pictures and text accounts of how people popular. I will document the evidence with images and use the stand. text accounts describing what I saw. MARKET COMPETITORS: ACCESS FM: I need to collect information about For each subject I will conduct a each brand to see there target 23rd-Sep 25th-Sep 27th-Sep 29th-Sep 1st-Oct 3rd-Oct 5th-Oct 7th-Oct study and fact file on each product market so I can compare Hackett Moodboard as ACCESS FM is a good way of London to its competition but to do evaluation products and ideas. this I need to research who the This will show the good/bad Customer profiling competitors are. I want to find out aspects of each unit, what I would who my competitors are and what use not use. I will evaluate the makes my brand better or worse Brand profiling stand and conduct ACCESS FM than competition. I will speak to based on the information I had managers of shops to see collected previously on point of conflicting brands within the shops Questionaire sale stand I have seen and such as male grooming products researched. I will conduct this within House of Fraser store and Market competition research by going to shops to see which ones come out on top. I will the stand to collect ideas and then conduct the research within shops evaluate them using ACCESS FM. I such as House of Frasier. I will need Initial specification will document the evidence by to know more about the customer answering each of the principles profile of my brand to see which Market trends through the ACCESS FM analysis of other brands this conflicts with. I each point of sale unit. will document this buy written reviews on the brand highlighting First design anylsis there similarities and differences. MOOD BOARD: CUSTOMER PROFILING: BRAND PROFILING: I will construct a mood board which will display I will research my brand to find out what type of person is a I will need to collect information about my brand possibly from products, materials which relate to my brand and point customer of my brand and why they like my brand. I will want their website and from the customers, I will also need to study of sale stands. From this I will learn about mu customer to learn what materials, colours and styles they like such as their products and styles. I will want to learn the overall style of profile and what materials I should use to construct my modern of pop-art, and what how much money the have or my brand as well as what colours they use with what materials. I stand. I will conduct the research by studying point of even were they live. I will speak to the customers of my brand will speak to people from the brand company and managers sale stands in shops to look at aspects of them such as to find out about there backgrounds. I will conduct the survey within shops to learn more of my grand. I will conduct my materials. I will use the internet to collect the image within shops so that I can see which people by my brand. I research within shops and by e-mailing the chosen brand to get data for the mood board. I will need to know what type will need to know which shops sell my product and what information. I will need to know which types of shop sell my of image to look for and to search for such as different questions to ask the customers about the brand. I will brand. I will document the evidence both in customer profiling types of metal and wood names. I will document the document the evidence within pictures and fact files about and the mood board as well as a written text and images evidence by arranging the images in an order and some of the individual customers. displayed on a page to show my brands styles and profiling. sequence on a mood board themed page.
  • 11. CUSTOMER PROFILING My customer for the brand Hackett London is aimed at middle class but aspires to dress and look like upper class. Therefor, Hackett tailors its branding towards young professionals, people who have left university and have obtained a job in the city perhaps as a trainee lawyer so although they have a high end job and status, they are consumed by university debt so they are unable to afford extremely high end brands. Hackett also tries to influence the jet set as they often uses pictures of young people on speed boats at the playground of the rich, however there are no images used of super yachts so this demonstrates how the brand is not at top but makes it look glamorous and attractive to the customer. The customer is most likely young and living in a higher end flat close to there place of work. People will by mainly business ware from Hackett and you can see this in much of their advertising although this is linked with a collection of casual ware with clothing aimed towards holidays but it still looks glamorous. Hackett also has sporting heritage so they sell many items that are focused on rugby such as rugby shirts for their customer this also tells us a lot about the customer in that they play sports and are out going along side their professional work and careers. The age range of people who buy Hackett will depend on their life style and situation for example. Young professionals may use the brand from 18 to 25 or maybe 30 however, less well off people may ware the brand through out their life as they see it as high end for their budget. My customer would have a good quality car such as a BMW, Audi or Mercedes but not to the level of Ferrari or Porsche as these are too expensive and brands such as Channel or Armani would be used. My customer may be a mail or female as she may buy him the product as a gift.
  • 12. BEGINNINGS: Hackett was founded in 1983 by Jeremy Hackett and Ashley Lloyd-Jennings from a stall on London's HACKETT LONDON Portobello Road. The first shop, on the "wrong end" of King's Road, in London Chelsea district, was selling only used clothes. BRAND PROFILING The company gradually expanded over several years, increasing the number of branches and moving from 1979 Jeremy Hackett and Ashley Lloyd-Jennings meet in the Portobello Road, West London both combing the market for good second-hand acquiring and selling second-hand clothing to designing traditional British men’s clothing. A business partnership is soon started with a small stall in Portobello themselves, selling on the clothing after cleaning and repairs. and selling its own items. International expansion began with the 1989 opening of a Spanish branch in Madrid. 1985 It becomes apparent that market demand will always exceed supply of quality second-hand clothing and accessories and Hackett and Branches in the UK include Jermyn Street, Regent Street, Lloyd-Jennings decide that the answer is to manufacture from new, to complement the second-hand offering. Starting from scratch but Eastcheap, Covent Garden and Hackett has expanded to working with traditional manufacturers, they are able to create their ideal range of clothing and accessories based on their extensive knowledge of British men’s style. include several prime cities in Europe. Alfred Dunhill bought a majority stake in the company in 1988 Hackett starts to advertise in a small way and adopts two devices, which prove to have longevity, the chequer board advertising style and 1992. This cash injection facilitated the opening of the the strapline, “Essential British Kit”, the perfect summation of everything that Hackett is about flagship store in Sloan Street the same year. This branch 1992 remains the largest and most comprehensive of the UK With a growing footprint in London and abroad, Hackett attracts the attention of Alfred Dunhill (eventually to become the Richemont Luxury Goods Group) who buy a majority shareholding in Hackett. This injection of support enables Hackett to open its still current flagship shops. store on Sloane Street, London SW1 in October 1992 1995 Hackett London is an established brand and has been for After repeated requests from customers to make clothes for children just like Daddy’s, Hackett produces its first range for “Essential almost a 100 years however does the brand try to be British Kids”. something that it is not? Hackett London as a brand 2000 portrays itself as being extremely high class to Charley Hackett, Jeremy’s Sussex Spaniel rescued from Batterseas Dogs’ Home, makes her modelling debut and appears in numerous Hackett campaigns. Reportedly, Charley will now only set foot in the studio for a minimum of 10,000 dog biscuits a day contended with brands such as Armani and Channel on the other hand it is much more affordable than theses 2003 England become Rugby World Champions and are paraded around the streets of London in an open topped bus resplendent in their brands and this is one of its marketing strategies. It Hackett tailored suits. Jonny Wilkinson OBE is the hero with his last minute drop goal against Australia prides itself on traditional Brutishness as seen in this background image almost as a James bond, there is even 2005 Hackett becomes Official Partner to the GT1 works Aston Martin Racing team, providing official team clothing and selling a range of a DB5 in the picture however, the real man who drives a licensed clothing and accessories. Aston Martin Racing’s official presence in GT racing, the first since bowing out with victory in the 1959 Le Mans 24 Hours Race, has been successful with some significant victories and countless podium finishes. Class victory at Le Mans is the DB5 would have an Armani suit. Hackett London gives remaining ambition for the team. The Pepe London Group acquires Hackett from Richemont and invests heavily in the development of the brand with the aim of reinforcing its position as the best in British style in the UK and abroad you the style of these extremely high brands but it makes it affordable. They are very similar to Ralf Lauren 2009 as they to sell sporting ware such as for polo teams and Hackett expands in Paris on the prestigious 'Rive Gauche' along the Boulevard des Capucines as well as in Hackett does them for rugby and Aston Martin. Much of Marunouchi, Japan. Hackett also introduces International Tennis under the sponsorship banner by kitting out the world's best tennis players at the ATP Finals and the court officials at the Valencia Open Final, Spain. Snow Polo in Klosters the brands styling hints at the English gentleman which continues to grow in it's second year, where all the players wear fleece lined Hackett shirts much of the brand is focused on
  • 13. QUESTIONAIRE 1: This pie chart shows that the majority of the people in the survey think of Hackett London as high end brand, however only marginally as it was a ratio of 6 for yes and 4 for no. This shows yes QUESTIONAIRE that the brand fits its target well because it is No perceived as high end but its actually at the bottom of the high end range. 1. Would you consider Hackett London a high end brand or a cheaper equivalent? 2: This chart shows what type of colours Soft represent Hackett London the best. Half of the colours Yes No people in the survey decided that soft colours Metallic such as subtle blues represent the brand style of Hackett the best. colours 2. What colours do you think represent Bright colours the brand Hackett? 3: It is clear from this pie chart that Hackett does Soft colours Metallic colours Bright colours not have the market edge, as many people said that is was not a best seller and people went for brands like Armani instead. However, it was still yes 3. Do you think Hackett dominates its market so sells better a popular retail brand. No than the competition? 4: Unit 1 was the least favourite I feel that this is Yes No because it is made of cardboard and is cheap, plane and does not attract attention. The Unit 1 other to stands were equal and they worked Unit 2 4. What point of sale do you think works best? much better because they are larger so store a bigger range of products, these stands also use Unit 3 clever lighting. John 5. What shops do you think Hackett would be sold in? 5: The majority of people in the survey thought lewis that John Lewis is the type of shop Hackett London would be sold in as this store sells higher Debinams John Lewis Debenhams Boots Choice end brands on a large scale. Debenhams is a similar store to John Lewis however, choice is to up market for Hackett London. Boots sells a lot of Boots 6. Should it be advertised towards woman or men? male grooming products and most brands can be seen in Boots stores. Choice Men Woman Both woman and men Thank you for completing the questionnaire, your input is very 6: Although it is a men's grooming product it valuable. should advertised to woman as well because Men they will often buy them for men as a gift however, the survey shows that it should be Woman advertised to both so either men or woman are THERE WERE 10 QUESTIONAIRSE SENT OUT attracted to buying the product. Both
  • 14. MARKET COMPETITION Customer Sells Price Advertises Age Men's Range Of on TV Fragrance Fragrance 1-Fred Perry 10-60 Yes £20-£50 No 2-Barbour 15-40 No NA No 3-Cro’ Jack 20-50 No NA No 4-John Smedley 35-60 Yes £20-£60 No 5-Blue Harbour 18-30 Yes £20-£30 No 6-Ben Sherman 15-40 Yes £20-£40 Yes 7-Peter Werth 18-30 No NA No 8-Hackett 18-30 Yes £20-£40 Yes London 9-Ted Baker 15-40 Yes £10-£45 Yes
  • 15. EXISTING DESIGN ANALYSIS ASTHETICS: The aesthetics are on a large scale as there are huge images in the background which draw your attention to the product. ASTHETICS: The colour of the stand is very subtle but Furthermore, they display both woman and men so it is advertised the colours of the products are very vibrant, this helps towards both. The colour gold is also associated with the brand and draw people attention towards the stand and the logo is displayed on large scale also. COST: The cost is expensive products. COST: This is a high-end brand which can be because of the scale but also the product is expensive as it is Gucci quite expensive. CUSTOMER: This is for a well off so it is in perspective. CUSTOMER: The customer could be a man or customer and an age range from 16-30. SIZE: The stand woman but it is very expensive so it would be a wealthy customer. is very large but this makes it easily visible throughout MATERIALS: It uses materials such as glass and metals to add to the the store and makes people go over to it. It also high end effect. ENVIROMENT: The stand is situated in the corner of displays a to of the product and uses lighting to display the shop but it is large and very eye catching. SIZE: The stand is very it better. MATIRIALS: Once again, glass is used this large but this is why it is so effective. SAFETY: The stand has no sharp helps the customer see all of the products easier. edges however, it has very pointy corners. FUNCTION: The stand is easily accessible to view the products and test them. ASTHETICS: This stand uses a glass box to display the product, this makes it more exclusive. The simple white and black contrast looks very modern and sharp. COST: The brand is reasonably expensive and so the stand reflects this because you cant access the product. CUSTOMER: A person of middle class as this is an expensive brand, with a customer age of 25- ASTHETICS: This stand uses clean lines but with 40. ENVIROMENT: It is situated in the middle of the store but an iconic figure and logo of James Bond- OO7. in the fragrance section. You need to go past or around it to The logo is used several times on the same move around the store so you will see it as it is in the centre. stand. COST: The brand is very expensive is it is SIZE: The stand is a medium size but it is big enough to be seen exclusive and that is why people buy it. easily throughout this section of the store. FUNCTION: It is a CUSTOMER: This is a very highly priced item display of the product however, there is only limited customer and brand, the customer models themselves on interaction. James bond but the age range could be from 25-55. ENVIRMENT: The stand is in the middle of the fragrance section this means people have to pass it so they will look at it. It is also very eye catching the way it stands alone and ASTHETICS: This stand is very simple and bland. It uses simple will draw people in from all over the store. shelves and lighting to display the product. COST: The stand should would be cheap and affordable much like the brand. ENVIROMENT: The stand is small and is situated towards the back of the store and on a shelf. MATIRIALS: It uses glass shelving to display the products range. SAFETY: The display is very safe as young children cant reach it and It has no sharp edges, however it is made of glass. SIZE: The stand is small and simple but it still displays the product well.
  • 16. ASTHETICS: This stand appears to be very glamorous and it has ASTHETICS: This unit has a very made the most of being a simple shelf unit. COST: This is very modern and high class feel to it, this high end brand so it is very expensive. The materials used in works well because of the multiple making the stand are also expensive. CUSTOMER: The brands it displays. The lighting is also customer of this brand is likely to be very well off as this is a very affective as it illuminates the high end brand, the age range would be from 25-35. products on the display which makes MATERIALS: The unit uses high-end materials such as glass and them stand out so customers are metal finishes to imitate gold, clever lighting has also been drawn to the stand. COST: This stand is used to help illuminate the product but also to catch your very costly as are the products this attention as it is unusual. SIZE: The stand is quite large, this reflective of the brands it displays. helps it draw people in from all over the store but it also CUSTOMER: These are high end brands displays a lot of the product. ENVIROMANT: This stand was and are very expensive so a wealthy situated in the fragrance section of the shop, on the wall facing customer is required for these brands. down and isle so it can be seen from a distance. SIZE: This stand is very large so it can be seen from a distance which will ASTHETICS: This stand displays multiple products and attract customers to it. ENVIROMANT: brands but is positioned well at the end of an isle so This stand was in the perfume section people will see it as they enter an isle either side of of the store and was a wall mounted the stand. COST: This stand would be relatively cheap, display. MATIRIALS: The stand uses however very cost affective because it holds multiple glass to make it look high end and it products and multiple brands but this can affect the helps you see all the products. Clever sale of each different brand. SAFETY: This stand is very lighting from above displays the safe because it is stable and has no sharp edges products better so it easier to see but although young children are able to gain access to the it also catches your attention. product. MATERIAL: The stand uses wood and glass predominantly however due to the size and weight of all this material it has a aluminium structure ASTHETICS: Within the store this perfume supporting the stand. section shows many different products and many different point of sale stands competing with each other to attract a customer. SIZE: The area is large which ASTHETICS: This brand is Victor Rolf and it is shows the scale of then competition. very subtly styled. It uses black and grey and CUSTOMER: Both man and woman will is situated on a simple glass shelf. COST: This come to this area of the shop to view these is a middle brand in terms of its cost so it is products, there is a mixture of high end affordable. SAFETY: Other than the use of expensive products and lower end cheaper glass this unit is very safe as it is a fixed products. MATIRIALS: There is a wide range shelving unit. CUSTOMER: An age range of of matirials used within the store, many are 30-50, this customer is fairly wealthy as this used to reflect the profile of their brand but is a medium priced item. SIZE: It is quite also to catch the eye or for structural small and does no stand out so it could integrity within the stand. easily be missed, however it displays a lot of the product.
  • 17. PRODUCT INTERACTION Many people will interact with the product and stand in very different ways, people prefer some test methods to other when trying out the colone. These depend on the environment and the way the product is presented, if it is in a glass box people may assume that they are unable to test it however, it will look exclusive. There for, testing should be encouraged and so it is important to see how people interact with the stand, the product should be a height that is easy for people to access but must not be eye for safety. Some people spray the fragrance on themselves however, others prefer a cardboard slip or spray the fragrance in the air all these methods must be taken into account when constructing the stand and positioning the sample fragrance. The survey was conducted with a chain store called the perfume shop. 20 people were used in the survey through observation to see how they reacted to test a product. The most popular method was the card slip with 9 people in survey favouring this method. In the construction of my point of sale stand I feel it is important to provide testing facilities for all of the above methods as they are all heavily used.
  • 18. SUMMARY OF RESEARCH USEFULL DATA These units can be situated and various areas depending on the stand, however it should most likely be positioned in a perfume section of The advertising on the the store. stand must appeal to both woman and men. Use lighting to help display the The use of water in product and make the stand to hint at the stand eye the freshness and catching. the jet set such as speed boats and beaches. To be situated in a store that does not sell clothes or fragrances. The stand cant be made out of cheap materials. NOT USEFULL DATA
  • 19. FURTHER SPECIFICATION ASTHETICS: From my research there are several colours and material finishes that match my brands house style and what my customer is looking for, these consist of mirrored surfaces, glass and aluminium but also a selection of acrylics and woods such as teak. The brand is also associated with subtle colours so it would be inappropriate to use vibrant colours. COST: