SlideShare a Scribd company logo
This P.O.S is a decent P.O.S as it is interactive, with the   This P.O.S is a unique, eye catching shape which
case able to rotate in order to enable you to find your       would increase the chance of a passer by stopping
preferred dvd. Also, the big square advertisement             and filling out a lottery ticket due to the stands
above the dvds stands is effective in drawing in the          uniqueness. Also, the fact that the P.O.S is located
customer with the large text. This P.O.S however, does        at the door indicates that people leaving and
look slightly tacky with the dvds not in order and with       entering will both be drawn to the P.O.S as all
spaces between each dvd. This may prevent a                   customers will see it. The design is, however,
customer from purchasing a dvd, but this isn't very           located next to other Point of sales which would
likely. Also, seeing as the stand is located randomly,        draw attention from this one, therefore drawing
and not in the dvd section, the chance that a passer by       away potential customers.
will purchase a dvd is unlikely as the majority of them       This P.O.S is clearly displaying the brand above the
will not be looking for a dvd in that area.                   products which catches the eyes of passers by. Also,
This P.O.S has many hats and displays them neatly, with       the P.O.S rotates and is therefore interactive, which
many different styles in order to please more                 will help sell the products easier by interacting with
customers. Also, the P.O.S stands out in the                  the customer. The products are also easily
store, which will catch the eye of more customers. The        accessible, which also makes each potential sale
hats are, however, displayed at different levels and          more likely. The position in which it is located
therefore, the eye line hats will be viewed more as           however, isn't ideal as it is placed randomly with
opposed to the bottom or top sets of hats.                    files.

These watches have been displayed effectively as the          This P.O.S clearly displays the brand, alongside
yellow catches the eye of passers by and draws their          where to use the product. The P.O.S is also
eyes. Also, the watches aviation origins are                  very organised as each card is displayed in
represented here with the pilots helmet, which would          order of price, which makes it easier for the
especially attract aviation enthusiasts. The fact that a      viewer to choose which card they want. The
sole watch is not being sold suggests these watches           P.O.S also displays the cards in such a way
aren't entirely exclusive and this would loose some
                                                              that they seem to flow.
customers that like exclusivity.

This P.O.S is possibly the favourite of all, due to the
                                                               This P.O.S is shaped as a large product that it
fact that it stands out the most, which is particularly        is advertising, which is effective as the viewer
important as this will catch the eye of passers by in          can clearly see the product from the mere
the path. In addition to this, the products are in a neat      shape of the P.O.S. the products are also
presentation which will add to the wow factor of the           neatly displayed within the P.O.S, with what
viewers. The fact that the stall is in the walk way and        seems to be the more focused on products
not in a cook shop means that many will just view the          resting on top, which also seems to be the
stall as they are not looking to purchase these cooking        actual versions of what the P.O.S is
This P.O.S is really originally and is very eye-
This P.O.S is made so that the design colour matches             catching due to the layout of the products and
the products, which seems to be flowing with the                 also where they are positioned. This also relates
P.O.S. Also, the fact that the P.O.S is positioned at            to the actual products design, which is unique
the doors of the shop means that every person                    and quirky and will also advertise for the
entering the shop will pass it twice, once coming in             individual who is out of the ordinary. Also, the
                                                                 fact that that the P.O.S is positioned at the
and once exiting, increasing the chances of the
                                                                 window of the shop indicates that passers by will
customers picking up a product to purchase.                      be drawn to the P.O.S.

                                                                 This Rimmel P.O.S is advertising effectively its brand
This P.O.S is a very good P.O.S as it both clearly advertises
                                                                 and also portrays various products that Rimmel sell,
the product logo above the products, with a wide range of
                                                                 which makes it more likely that a passer by will see a
converse products being displayed under the logo. Also,
                                                                 product that they like. The use of photos also take
although the products are different colours, the shoes
                                                                 away any dullness and brighten the P.O.S up. The
seem organised due to the fact that most of the heels are
                                                                 products do, however, look slightly messy and
facing the same direction and all platforms that hold the
                                                                 unorganised which may be the factor that does not
shoes seen to be in a organised fashion. This P.O.S
                                                                 stop passers by.
however does seem slightly dull compared to some others
I've viewed as it simply brandishes the logo and product.
This P.O.S is very interesting as it uses both the back           This P.O.S is unique as most P.O.S designs that
boarding picture and the slanted platforms which holds            portray many products look unorganised and
the shoes in order to make a boring running shoe seem             also slightly tacky, and in some cases overwhelm
interesting. Also, the fact that this P.O.S is focusing on        the viewer. This design, on the other hand, does
parkour, allows the design to draw in customers as this is        not look tacky at all and in fact looks neat and
something most would like to do but have never actually           organised, which could be what the watches are
done it. The design is also by the window which would be          trying to be linked with. Also, these products
seen by passers by and the intricate shape and the                are being displayed so that one watch is
backboard will draw in the passer by. This design,                positioned above the others in the middle of the
however, does not really focus on the products, but               others. This is likely as the P.O.S is trying to sell
instead they focus on the Parkour aspect.                         the most expensive watch by portraying it as
                                                                  the most exclusive.
This P.O.S is portraying many different products in one
space so that passers by are more likely to see a product
that they would like. The P.O.S is, however, very
unorganised and looks as if not much thought was put into
it, which incidentally will likely not attract passers by. The
brand also is not evident in this P.O.S which is not very good
in terms of selling their brand.
Mr                                                  L’Oreal men expert
  The bottles are very plain,
  like medicine bottles, which                                                                      L’Oreal use aging, yet good looking men
  adds to the unique identity                                                                       such as Pierce Brosnan to advertise their
  of Mr Nattys product and                                                                          products. This will appeal to men from
  also stands out from other                                                                        about 26 to 40, from when men start to
  brands that try too hard to                                                                       think about aging and want to keep their
  be different, whereas Mr                                                                          young skin, this is why they use the
  Natty did it with minimal                                                                         actors like Pierce Brosnan in order to
  effort.                                                                                           advertise so that people will see their
                                                                                                    good skin and aspire for that.
                                 Mr Natty is a very
                                 patriotic, British brand,
                                 which is shown by their     The fact that their men expert
                                 slogan ‘cutting hair for    products all contain that orange
                                 queen, country and          colour is significant as it is an
                                 English pounds’. This       energetic colour, which will attract
                                 would also appeal to        the man looking for anti-aging
All Mr Natty products have a
                                 British patriots and        cream.
similar look, which is unique,
                                 make it more likely that
and quite old style, with the
                                 they would purchase
plain bottles and tins. They
                                 this product over
also sell many other products
which allows them to fit into
a wider market of men's
grooming and appeal to more
                                                                                                      Their advertising, unlike other men
                                                                                                      grooming adverts, is very down to
                                                                                                      earth, which would also relate to the
                                                                                                      average user, sitting in his chair
                                                                                                      casually watching TV, which is
                                                                                                      opposed to many which are up in
                                                                                                      arms and ‘up in you face.’
Old Spice               The writing is bold, which in turn is eye                                Fish Soho
                            catching and this will also help to sell
                                                                           Fish Soho is a unique brand                  They also focus on the
                            there product, along with filling
                            otherwise dull empty space.
                                                                           which is very proud of its Soho              grooming of hair and do
                                                                           roots. They also stay true to                not sell many things such
                                                                           their common background of                   as aftershaves or
                                                                           Soho in London by making                     deodorants, which limits
                                                                           their products fairly affordable             their market, but at the
                                                                           to all, but at the same time not             same time allows them to
                                                                           too cheap so that they                       focus on the hair products
                                                                           therefore do not get an image                sand attempt to lead the
The packaging has a
                                                                           of being a cheap company.                    market in that sector.
comedic feel, which would
appeal to many men with
a sense of humour,
preferably the younger

                                                                            Their products give a sea beach feel,
                                                                            due to the light blue colouring. Also the
                                                                            text seems eye-catching and fresh.
                                                                            Also, as the hairdressing shop had light
                                        The website links                   blue tiling, many of the products Fish
                                        commercials, which will likely      Soho sell portray this, which is quite
                                        put the viewer in a better          unique.
                                        mood due to the commercials
                                        comedic value, and then
                                        increase the chances of the
                                        viewer purchasing their
                                        product both due to the mood
                                        that they are in and also as the
                                        design of their products gives
                                        off a feel good factor
Hackett                                                                                      Lynx                Lynx is aimed mainly at men
                                              Hackett use stylish                                                  due to their sexual women
                                              models that most                                                     that are in their
                                              men aspire to be,                                                    advertisements. They use
                                              with stylish hair and                                                men's desire for good looking
                                              young looking                                                        women in order to draw men
                                              faces, which would                                                   in to purchase their product.
                                              likely draw
                                              attention from the
                                              younger generation
                                              that would like to
Hackett does sell a range of clothing,        grow up to look like
much of which is very expensive. This         the models.
therefore would put off young teenagers
due to the prices, targeting the slightly
older man with more money, but only
until about 25 as then men start to were
more Armani or Gucci in this clothing type.                           The text of lynx is very bold,
                                                                      which discretely implies that the
                                                                      users of this products will be big   The Lynx deodorant bottles, which they are
                                                                      and bold, which would only really    well known for, all have a unique design and
                                                                      appeal to the younger generation     instantly stand out from other brands. These
Although Hackett target clothing lines,
                                                                      of men                               designs all also would appeal to younger
they also do aftershaves, which look
                                                                                                           men who prefer the look of the bottle than
quite smart and the fact that the
                                                                                                           the actual scent.
bottles are the same, indicates that
Hackett are going for the formal look.
                                                                                                         Fish opened its first salon with two staff at 1987. the brand then really kicked
                                                                                                                   off two years later when vogue magazine covered the shop.
                                                                                                           Then in 1990, Paul Burfoot did a photo-shoot with fish product including a
‘Fed up with the pompous, prima donna attitude of most                                                   young Kate Moss. 5 years later, Harrods stocked the fish wax which boosted
hairdressers in the West End, Paul Burfoot decided to open                                                                           the companies popularity.
his own place and acquired premises on D’Arblay Street,                                                     In 2002, fish launched a men's range in boots. Then, in 2006 fish took the
Soho in 1987. Formerly a sex shop, he stripped the walls to                                                    international step up and launched their products across the states.
find beautiful art deco tiles, revealing the shop used to be
a fishmongers – hence the name ‘Fish’ was born.’

                                I believe that the target group is men and women aged 16 to 35,
                                as they sell products at that are not viewed as a starting product
                                to use on people using the products on their hair, but at this age
                                gap people are using these specific products

The fish franchise is unique as it is trying to be individual, with the fancy                        As you can see, Fish Soho do many different products, focusing on hair products,
text and light blue containers. This is also shown by their models on their                          but they also sell other grooming essentials such as deodorant, shampoo and even
website as they are individuals which are not the normal people, such as                             body wash. The individuality of this franchise is really shown by the unique,
the woman below with very unique hair. Also, I believe that Fish Soho are                            different colouring of each product, which also sub consciously encourages you to
encouraging you to be individual.                                                                    be different.
Design brief and situation

Design a new point of sale display unit for a male grooming
company. The unit must display at least 1 product from their range
and must clearly identify the brand. Possible brands are Old spice,
fish, L'Oreal men expert, Mr natty, Lynx and Hackett.

Fish Soho are a fairly new brand and, although the business is
successful and is sold in places such as boots, the brand do not have
a particular point of sale, which clearly has limited how much Fish
Soho can expand and grow. Also, seeing as the company is in
contention with brands such as VO5 and L'Oreal, they need to be
competitive in order to match these companies. Therefore a point of
sale would open the doors to the market that Fish Soho are
competing in.
Task Analysis
Aesthetics                                 Safety                                     Size
Has to fit the products design. The        The design has to be safe both to the      The design must be small enough to be
design has to be eye catching and also     customers and developer. The design        transported and moved into the shops,
advertise the product properly, without    therefore has to have no sharp edges or    but must be big enough to sand out and
overwhelming the product.                  parts that could harm someone, such as     properly advertise the product.
                                           children who will touch the design.

Cost                                       Interactivity                              Customer
The design has to be of a decent cost to   The design must allow the user to          The design appeal to the products
avoid the design looking tacky. At the     interact with the product in order to      typical customer; the individual which
same time, the design has to be at a       stand out from the average products        stands out. This also must appeal to
reasonable price in order to allow more    around it in the shops and be that edge    others at the same time in order to
designs to be produced and put into the    that determines whether the customer       expand the products appeal.
shops to advertise the product.            buys your products or the product next
                                           to it.

Social Media                               Environment                                Function
                                           The design must fit the environment, or    The design must be able to fill its main
The design will display the                                                           function; to sell Fish Soho products,
products, Facebook, Twitter page and       the shop where it will be displayed, but
                                           at he same time stand out in order to      without just being a design with a
any online Competitions taking place                                                  random product on it.
regarding the brand in order to fully      advertise the product it is displaying
inform the customers of the brands
Originality                                Materials                                  Future
The design has to stand out from the       The design must be designed from           The design must be able to last the tests
rest in order to properly advertise the    materials that do not look tacky, but at   of time in order to be able to advertise
brand and allow passers by to purchase     the same time are cheap enough to be       the product for longer. Also, the product
my product instead of another.             used for multiple point of sales.          must be unique enough to stand out
                                                                                      from future P.O.S stands as well.
Initial Specification
Aesthetics                                                      Cost                                                   Customer
My Design will relate to the brand, as the design of            The cost of the design must be cheap enough            The Design must link with the customer
the P.O.S will relate to the tiling of the Fish Soho            to be produced to go to multiple shops, but            and must therefore be unique, quirky and
original shop, blue with white filing between each              must have a fair amount spent on it in order to        individual. This will therefore attract the
tile. This also will relate to the product as they              not look tacky. As well as this, the product must      customers they already have, but the
brandish that iconic look. This will accent the                 be able to advertise a fairly expensive product        design must also appeal to others in order
product and advertise it to passers by properly.                range, Fish Soho and cant therefore look cheap.        to expand their customer market.

Environment                                                Size                                                        Safety
My product must fit within its environment in              My product will be small enough to be able to fit           my product must be safe and able t be in a
order to both allow the products surrounding to            into relatively tight spaces, but at the same time,         shop for an extended amount of time
accent my design and also be in a shop that                the product will be designed big enough to be able          without causing an accident. I will do this by
relates to the product. This will therefore attract        to stand out and fully advertise the product it will        eliminating any sharp edges and also by using
the most customers as the people in the shop will          be holding. I also would like it to be a size in which it   shatter resistant glass so that if it is knocked
be looking for something that relates to my                can be placed at eye level in order to attract              over, glass will not blanket the floor.
product. I will also most likely place it inside as I      attention.
believe that it can use the shop design to accent
the design

                  Function                                                                 Materials
                  I will make my product with its main function in mind, to                I will design my product with materials that are not expensive in
                  sell the chosen brands, fish Soho's product. I will design               order to be able to produce more than one design, but the
                  it with this in mind and will use this initial specification in          materials cannot be too cheap as that will make the design look
                  order to do this.                                                        tacky. I also will use materials that link with fish soho products.
Links FX
The design needs to display the brand logo in order to let the customer know what the design is advertising.
The Design must allow the product to be ergonomic in order for the customers to hold and view the product easily.
The design must be positioned in such a way that the passers by can properly view it. This will allow the maximum amount of passers by to view it and also create the
maximum amount of potential customers.
The product must be in a shop that relates to the products being shown. Therefore, the customers in the shop will likely be looking with that particular type of product

If the design is not placed at eye level, then some people that are simply passing by may not notice it as they are not looking for a particular product.
The design must be able to properly advertise the product as, if it doesn’t, it will not complete its main aim, to advertise the product.
 To be dishonest to the consumer so they have full trust in you
 For the unit to look cheap when displaying an expensive product
 To sell in non-related stores as you wouldn’t have many sales
 To put the point of sale unit in a place of the shop where it is not visible to the passing customers

The product on show so the customers know what they’re purchasing
The unit must stand on its own without any support so it should be freestanding
It needs to be safe to handle when customers want to test it
To inform the customers about what it does if it is a new brand
Accessible to the customer with ease otherwise if it is in a box they probably wont be bothered to ask someone about it
To be easy to use and simple

I am going to keep the social media part of it so that it is fun and interactive
I am going to keep the product on display and where there is a heavy footfall because more people will go past it
I am going to keep the theme of the brand with its old heritage look so that customers get a feel for the brand

Function vs. Form
The form of the unit so the aesthetics should be more effective than the function as more people will go past it rather than go up to it and test it
The function should be efficient, honest and reflect what the brand does for the customer
Mood board
  I will complete my mood board by researching
  the brand I have chosen and then I will take
                                                        Research Plan                                                    10 Minute Observation
                                                                                                                         For this piece of analysis, I will go to a
  photos of things such as materials and other            Customer profiling                                             shop with a point of sale and observe the
                                                                                                                         customers that interact with it for 10
  products that relate to my chosen product. I will       I will clearly profile the customers that use the product
  also research what the shops look like in Soho                                                                         minutes. I will also attempt to compare
                                                          in order to get an outline to who my design should
  in order to include the birthplace of my chosen                                                                        the product with a point of sale to a
                                                          appeal to and also gain a perspective to what I could do
  product. I will have to know before hand some                                                                          product without one. As well as this, I
                                                          in order to expand their target market to others,
  information from fish soho in order to get an                                                                          will also see how the customers interact
                                                          individual from their customers now. I will not only find
  idea of what the products are about. I will then                                                                       with the design, in order to enhance my
                                                          what type of people use this product, but also what
  group together the photos that I have chosen                                                                           understanding of how far interactivity of
                                                          gender, which will give me a bigger perspective on the
  from the internet, magazines and design books                                                                          my design will help sell the product,
                                                          target market of this product.
  in order to complete the mood board. Through                                                                           therefore helping me design my point of
  this, I hope to learn more about my product and                                                                        sale.
  what it relates to, in order to help me design my
  point of sale.
                                                                                                                 Existing design analysis
                                                                                                                 For this piece of research, I will collect 10 different
Interviews                                                                                                       pictures of point of sale products and then use access
I will interview 5 different people each, in four different shopping                                             FM in order to get a perspective on what design is the
malls In order to get the broadest point of views from the public I                                              optimum design in order to sell their product the best
can. I will choose the people I interview carefully, people that style                                           that they can. This will also allow me to gain a
their hair and stand out from the crowd, as well as some every day                                               perspective of the current point of sales and what they
shoppers in order to get different opinions on what they like in                                                 do well and also what they could do better.
point of sales and what draws their eyes. I will need to know the
questions I will ask within the interviews, however as it isn't a
questionnaire, I will also note other things the people I interview
like and do not like. I will document the information I receive on a                                                    Competitive Products
notepad and then I will go home and type the answers up in each                                                         To complete this piece of research, I
individual interview.                                                                                                   will list three different product brands
                                    Brand profiling                                                                     that my chosen brand competes with. I
                                                                                                                        will then decide how my point of sale
                                    I will clearly profile the brands that relate to my chosen brand and also
                                                                                                                        design will be able to boost my brand
                                    categorise them according to cost and how unique they are. This will help me
                                                                                                                        past these. By doing this, I will gain a
                                    gain a perspective on what brands my chosen brand is competing with and
                                                                                                                        perspective of the market I will enter
                                    also how I will need to carry out my design in order to compete with the
                                                                                                                        and also how these competitors work
                                    profiled brands. As well as this, I will be able to get more of an understanding
                                                                                                                        to be competitive.
                                    of what brands are most similar to mine.
10 Minute
For this piece of research, I visited Ernest jones to observe the
customers that were looking at this point of sale. Within about 4
minutes, more than half of the customers that were in the shop viewed
this point of sale. I also noticed that this particular make had the most
stand out point of sale which was sleek and aesthetically pleasing, with 5
different watches being displayed. From this design, I could notice a
clear difference between the customers that viewed this type of watch
compared to the other watches on sale, such as Tag Heuer or Breitling,
with a number of customers actually viewing the other watches and
leaving with Rolex watches. I chose to view customers who interacted
with Rolex as the point of sale was very good in terms of advertising the
product, which I want my design to be able to do. As well as the brilliant
design, I have learned from this that I should choose my position where
my point of sale will be placed carefully, as if my design is the best point
of sale in the chosen store, it will likely gain the most attention, even if
the product it is selling isn't the best in the shop.

For this piece of research, I visited Blue water, The Glades, Bexleyheath Shopping centre and
also Cribbs Causeway, which is in Bristol, where my Nan lives. From each I interviewed 5
people, 2 male and 3 female, then switching the numbers in order to make the interviews un
biased. From these interviews, I gathered that the majority preferred better performance of
their hair products to the way it smelt. This therefore told me that my Design for my point of
sale, in order to be most effective, should maybe allow viewers to try the product, as
opposed to maybe being able to smell the product. As well as this, I asked whether they
have ever been influenced to buying a product by the design that is advertising it. As I chose
to interview 3 people in each shopping centre that were more Indie than the average
shopper and the other 2 the average shopper in order to find the differences between each
and also open a chance to attract both types of people. As well as this, I chose people under
the age of thirty, as above that age, people generally stop using products such as fish Soho,
and switch to cheaper, more average products. From this, I found that the more Indie
people were influenced on a product by a unique design, whereas the average shopper
preferred to be able to choose a product by seeing how it worked. This therefore gave me a
choice; I could go with the unique design, the samples, or focus on both. I believe that by
focussing on both, I may focus more on one and less on the other without knowing it, but by
doing this I could expand Fish Soho's target market.
Mood board
From my mood board, I can see that the pictures that
relate to the Fish Soho product are unique and fresh,
which stand out from the norm. This will help me to
design my point of sale as I will be able to link my
mood board and therefore gain a perspective on what
sort of shape, style and colour I could use in order to
link my point of sale with my product of choice, Fish
Soho. This will allow both product and design
accentuate each other and therefore be able to sell
the product to the best my design can. As the pictures
are unique, it helps me gain a better perspective of
who my design should be targeted at. Also, I can see
that lighter blue colours link better with my product
and therefore would be the ideal choice to take when
I come to design my point of sale.
Brand Profiling


                                As you can see from my brand
                                profiling, fish Soho is located in the
                                relatively inexpensive, unique brand
                                section, however it is wavering in the
                                expensive section. This revealed to
                                me Fish Soho's biggest competitors,
                                namely American Crew and
                                Schwarzkopf and therefore allows
                                me to research the competitors in
                                order to gain ideas. As well as this, I
                                will be able to use this in order to
                                potentially research how Fish could
              Unique            expand into the other sections.
Existing design analysis
 A- This design is both aesthetically pleasing and unique as it          A- This design is very fresh and aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
 makes use of multiple separate parts in order to sell its product.      The light black and white colours smooth contrast also would
 This catches the eye and also stands out from other products.           attract many passers by. The shape of the design is also very
 The fact that it is unique will also attract the average, bored         interesting as it is how the product is shaped and when a
 shopper who wants to see something new.                                 customer approaches, they will notice this.
 C- this product makes use of simple black and white colours,            C-This design is large and also looks quite costly, but this is how
 which may seem dull, but in fact isn't as it also uses shapes and       the products are, very expensive and therefore attract more
 borders, as well as different sections to attract passers by and        businessmen. This link will clearly put out there that the product
 also stand out.                                                         is quite expensive, which may repel some, but others may
                                                                         actually be attracted to this, such as the upper class.
 C- this product was made to attract the average passer by , by its
 uniqueness and also its shapes, which are sharp and attractive.         C-I believe that this product was made to attract people who
 Also, the picture of the good looking woman would attract men           prefer expensive, glamorous products and who don’t mind
 and make it more likely that they would by the product for a gift       spending quite a bit of money. Also, seeing as the products are
 for women.                                                              displayed at eye level, the customers will easily be able to view
 E- This Design is made of card, glass and plastic, which can all be
 recycled, but they have to be separated first which is time             E- This design looks to be made out of some sort of plastic which
 consuming and also not practical. The design does, however,             may be able to be recycled, but the size of the product must first
 stand out from the average point of sale, with the downside             be taken apart, but that seems to be not the easiest of tasks.
 being that this design requires a fair amount of room in order to       The design is very big and therefore very hard to be positioned in
 be displayed; something some shops do not have.                         the shops. As well as this, the transportation of this design
                                                                         would be hard as the design is so big.
 S- This design is of a larger size, which may take up space, but
 does not overwhelm the viewer as each section accentuates               S- This design may seem too big at first, but apart from
 each other. The fact that each section is big, however, will            transportation issues, the design seems to be a good size to be
 hinder transportation and also re positioning it would be a pain.       able to advertise the product and also stand out. If this product
                                                                         was bigger, then it would be overwhelming, but if it was smaller
 S- This design contains a fair amount of glass, which can shatter       it may not stand out as mush and not advertise to its full
 and without proper precautions, seeing as the design takes up           potential.
 so much space, a running child may collide with it and shattered
 glass is likely to go everywhere. As well as this, the sharp corners    S- As this design is very large and in open space, it may be an
 may be a safety hazard as with a fall, these corners may be able        obstacle, especially for children that are running around and is
 to break skin.                                                          large enough to cause an injury. The design, however, does not
                                                                         have points sharp enough to be able to impale someone, which
 F- This Designs main function is to sell the product and I believe      shows some thought has been made into the safety of the
 that it does that very well, as the design is very unique and also      product.
 not too plain, and will draw attention to the product. It is also
 very different and easily draws the eyes of passers by, whilst          F- This Designs main function is to sell the product and I believe
 standing out from other products.                                       that it does that excellently as the products are at eye line and
                                                                         the design is big enough to stand out from the others. The actual
 M- The mix of material works very well and allows the design to         design is not too overwhelming and is refreshingly simple which
 do its job, to advertise the product. Very efficiently. I do believe,   would attract many customers.
 however, that the design could have used some material such as
 a polished metal in order to add some shine to the product.             M- With this design, I believe that plastic is the best material for
                                                                         this product, as it is very large and a lightweight plastic would be
                                                                         best in terms of transportation and safety. A metal would be too
                                                                         heavy and many woods would rot over time due to the
                                                                         perfumes in the air.
A- This product is very aesthetically pleasing, due to the sharp
corners. Also, the gold and blue colours both accentuate each          A- this design is mysterious and dark, but in a way that attracts
other, which is very soft to the eye. As well as this, the finish is   many people. The silver writing adds a sense of glamour and
very sleek and you cannot see any imperfections which is               adds value to the product that the design is selling. The point of
pleasing to the eye.                                                   sale is quite simple, basically a square base, but this simplicity is
C-although the gold colouring looks expensive, it is not as it is      actually quite refreshing.
actually wooden. This makes an impression of expensiveness,            C- this product makes use of a mysterious mix of black and silver,
which will help to attract passers by. This will also give a false     which is very stylish and catches the eyes and makes viewers feel
impression of the product being higher in the market than it           their darker side.
actually is and will help attract customers.                           C- this product was made to attract the average passer by , by its
C-I believe that this product was made to attract people who           uniqueness and also its shapes, which are sharp and attractive.
prefer expensive, glamorous products but do not want to spend          Also, the picture of the good looking woman would attract men
a truck load of money. The point of sale will help to advertise this   and make it more likely that they would by the product for a gift
as it gives the false impression of the design being made of gold,     for women.
which would attract this type of customer.                             E- This Design is made of card, glass and plastic, which can all be
E- As this product is made of wood, it will be able to be recycled     recycled, but they have to be separated first which is time
and reused, which is a benefit to the environment. This product        consuming and also not practical. The design does, however,
will be able to stand out from even the more expensive products        stand out from the average point of sale, with the downside
in its environment as the point of sale uses a unique, well            being that this design requires a fair amount of room in order to
worked gold and blue mixture. As it is wood, it will not be very       be displayed; something some shops do not have.
hard to distribute, but the wooden pillars may be a little flimsy      S- This design is of a larger size, which may take up space, but
during travelling.                                                     does not overwhelm the viewer as each section accentuates
S- This design is of an ideal shape and size, as it will fit on many   each other. The fact that each section is big, however, will
tables or stands, and also has enough room for a customer to be        hinder transportation and also re positioning it would be a pain.
able to reach inside and touch the product. I believe that this is     S- This design contains a fair amount of glass, which can shatter
the ideal scale as if it was bigger, the design would look to large    and without proper precautions, seeing as the design takes up
for the product and if it was smaller, the product would look          so much space, a running child may collide with it and shattered
squeezed.                                                              glass is likely to go everywhere. As well as this, the sharp corners
S- This Design is very safe, as there are no loose parts or sharp      may be a safety hazard as with a fall, these corners may be able
edges. The corners, however, do seem to be slightly too pointed        to break skin.
and therefore if someone were to fall on an edge, it may break         F- This Designs main function is to sell the product and I believe
skin, but generally the design seems to have had safety in mind        that it does that very well, as the design is very unique and also
when designing this point of sale.                                     not too plain, and will draw attention to the product. It is also
F- This Designs main function is to sell the product and I believe     very different and easily draws the eyes of passers by, whilst
that it does that very well, as the design is not overwhelming or      standing out from other products.
too plain, and will draw attention to the product. It is also very     M- The mix of material works very well and allows the design to
simple and requires little work to put together and fit into the       do its job, to advertise the product. Very efficiently. I do believe,
shops shelves.                                                         however, that the design could have used some material such as
M- The wooden material works very well and allows the design           a polished metal in order to add some shine to the product.
to do its job, to advertise the product. I do believe, however,
that the design could have used a plastic, such as polystyrene, as
it would have a more natural finish as the whole plastic would be
coloured, not just the surface.
Customer profiling
Fish Soho appeals more to the indie section as
it has a unique, stylish design which stands out
from the other related products in the market.
As well as this, Indie people tend to have
standout, individual hairstyles, which is what
the Fish Soho products tend to specialise at,
along with a unique, pleasing scent to the
products, which these people will like as they
tend to prefer the sharp, fresh look and scent.
Both male and female Indies will like the
products as fish has a male and female section,
which will expand their market and therefore
both male and female will use Fish Soho.
Customer Profiling

                                             Unique hairstyle
Normal hairstyle

                                    As you can see from my profiling, the customers
                                    that use Fish Soho are Indie males and females,
                                    which can be seen from their clothing and
                                    makeup. They do, however have both unique
                                    and normal hairstyles which shows that the Fish
                                    Soho target market isn't just targeted at unique
                                    hairstyles, which is a relatively small target
                                    market and with more normal hairstyles also in
                           Female   the target, the customer size is expanded.
Competitive Products

I visited Blue water a while ago in order to carry out some research, and I came across the section in Boots where they sold Fish Soho products. Right
next to this was Schwarzkopf products, which had about as many products as Fish. They both seemed to be selling, but the Schwarzkopf products
seemed to be selling more. I believe that this is as Schwarzkopf make more use of advertising, including point of sales in order to put their product on
the market better. In order to compete with Schwarzkopf, I believe Fish Soho need to advertise their products better, which indicates that my point
of sale should boost the Fish products on the market and therefore compete better with Schwarzkopf.

 American Crew
American Crew products are very similar to fish in the fact that both products do not advertise themselves very well and are usually recommended by
the Salons. Both, however, are very good at what they do, styling hair, and with a advertising boost, could have a big chance to blossom on the
market. It is for these very similarities why American Crew are big competitors, and in order to compete with American Crew, I must help fish to
advertise more in stores in order to get the advantage of shop sales over American Crew, as American Crew is a very good product and with better
advertising, could even compete with the better selling, not as good products such as Garner or Shockwaves.

At my last haircut, I was recommended Fudge, as it worked really well and smelt nice too. This product is generally not advertised much, but is
actually beginning to be. This therefore proves to be a very big competitor to Fish Soho as it is already one step ahead. Therefore, in order to be able
to properly compete with this product, Fish must expand its advertising campaign and therefore put the product fully out their and really enter the
market. Fudge is very similar to Fish Soho in the fact that it is very good at what it does, which is style hair, which will be a benefit when competing
with each other as both, when at the same advertising stage, will be roughly at the same level and therefore be massively competitive.
                                                      Summary of research
                                                                                                                                  Not as
                                                                                                          the Fish Soho target    useful
                                                                                                         market isn't just
                                                                                                         targeted at unique
                                                          my Design for my                               hairstyles, which is a
                                                           point of sale, in                             relatively small
                                                          order to be most                               target market and
                                                          effective, should                              with more normal
                              Fish Soho appeals                                                          hairstyles also in the
                              more to the indie           allow viewers to       both my product and
                                                           try the product                               target, the customer
                              section as it has a                                   design should        size is expanded.
                            unique, stylish design                                 accentuate each
                            which stands out from                                other and therefore
                             the other grooming                                   sell the product to
                               products on the                                      the best of my
                                    market              lighter blue colours       designs abilities.    I should choose my
  From my mood board,                                   link better with my                              position where my
    I can see that the                                      product and                                  point of sale will be
  pictures that relate to                               therefore would be                               placed carefully, as
  the Fish Soho product                                  the ideal choice to                              if my design is the
  are unique and fresh,                                take when I come to        Both male and          best point of sale in
  which stand out from                                   design my point of      female Indies will      the chosen store, it
         the norm               My product will                  sale                                     will likely gain the
                                                                                 like the products as
                              link with the light                                                           most attention
                                                                                 fish has a male and
                               blue colour, with
                                                                                 female section,
                                 swirling white
                                                                                 which will expand
                                designs, such as
                                                                                 their market and
                               the blue sky with       the more Indie people
 I could go with the                                                             therefore both male
                              pure white clouds         were influenced on a
unique design, the                                                               and female will use      my point of sale
                                                         product by a unique     Fish Soho.
samples, or focus on                                                                                     should boost the
                                                         design, whereas the
both. I believe that by                                                                                  Fish products on
                                                           average shopper
focussing on both, I                                                                                     the market, so
                                                       preferred to be able to
could expand Fish                                                                                        the design must
                                                         choose a product by
Soho's target market as         fish Soho's biggest                               fish Soho is located   be flawless
                                                        seeing how it worked
I'm appealing to the              competitors are                                   in the relatively
majority.                        Schwarzkopf and                                 inexpensive, unique
                                  American crew,                                     brand section,
                                  which gives me                                      however it is
                                products I can look                                 wavering in the
                                        at.                                        expensive section
Further specification
The design will be positioned at eye level in order to attract the most amount of customers as they will see
the design on the corner of their eye if it is at eye level
The design must be eye catching and link with the product in order to catch the passers by on their eye level
and allow their interest to be grasped
The materials I use must not only be of a decent price in order to make a good, yet relatively inexpensive
product, but they must also link with my design, so I must use plastics coloured of a sky blue colour, for
The design must be located in a shop that not only links to my product, but it must also attract my main
customer segment, the indie section. This will therefore help to sell my product by pleasing our target
My product must be of a size that allows the product to fit into tight places and also is easy to transport, but
must still be big enough to be eye-catching. The estimated dimensions are: 45cm x 40cm. This will be both
eye-catching and compact.
The design must be to a safe standard in order to not put the customers at risk, so I must file edges and any
glass must be secure. As well as this, the design must not be positioned on an edge so that the design
cannot fall of and shatter, causing a safety hazard from the shattered materials.
Materials~ Oak                                         Materials~ Teak
There are many types of oak, with over 600             Teak is a yellow to dark brown hardwood which is
species. However, for my design, only one type         extremely heavy, strong and durable. Often strongly
of oak interests me. This type is white oak,           figured, teak may show straight grain, mottled or
which is of a lighter shade than such oaks as red      fiddle back figures. It carves well, but because of its
oak. As well as this, oak has great strength and       high value, is often used as a veneer. Scandinavian
hardness, and is very resistant to insect and          modern, and oriental furniture styles are often
fungal attack because of its high tannin content.      crafted of teak. I don’t really want to use a veneer
It also has very appealing grain markings, which       as It looks slightly tacky and with a veneer, the
would highlight my design as aesthetically             cheaper, hidden wood may not be able to hold up
pleasing.                                              as well.
                    If I were to use this type of                              If I were to use teak, I would
                   wood on my base, it would                                   have to spend a lot of money in
                   easily be able to support my                                order to get the amount I
                   Ferris wheel components over                                desired. If I used a veneer,
                   time through wear and tear of                               however, the durability may be
                   people accidentally knocking it                             decreased. As for its weight,
                   and putting pressure on it,                                 teak is very heavy and with my
                   along with not succumbing to                                Ferris wheel components and
                   any threats to insects. Along                               everything else, my design
                   with this, my design is based for                           would be hard to move around
                   a fish Soho product, which will                             and I would have to design it to
                   be better accented by a lighter                             be taken apart to be moved.
                   shade of oak.
Aesthetics~ size of Base                             Aesthetics~ Size of Ferris Wheel
I must use the correct size of base for my              The Ferris wheels diameter must also be
design in order for it to not make other parts          carefully analysed in order to make the whole
look disproportioned. Therefore I have chosen           design proportioned and also not to
three different sizes.                                  overwhelm the base.

1                  I have created three possible
                                                                            From these choices, I can see,
                   sizes for my base. Base 1 is
                                                                            that based on the base that I
                   wide enough to be able to
                                                                            plan on using, the 25cm Ferris
                   hold a larger top
                                                                            wheel would look dis-
                   section, along with base
                                                                            proportioned and the base
                   2, whereas base 3 is slightly      30cm x 30cm           would over whelm the Ferris
2                  less wide. Base 1 and 3 is of a
                                                                            wheel. As for the 45cm Ferris
                   slightly less height than base
                                                                            wheel, I believe that that
                   2, but I now believe that base
                                                                            would oversize the base. The
                   2 is too squared and would
                                                                            35cm Ferris wheel, I believe
                   affect my designs aesthetics
                                                      25cm x 35cm           that it would compliment the
                   negatively. As well as this, I
                                                                            bases size and also would still
                   believe that base 1 is the
3                  ideal base as the wider area
                                                                            be able to hold its position,
                                                                            whereas the 45cm Ferris
                   does not only make the
                                                                            wheel may succumb to stress.
                   design less squared off, but
                   also will be able to support a
                   higher top part.

                                                      45cm x 45cm
Usability~ Handle                                    Components~ Product holder
  I am likely to use cogs to operate my                On my Ferris wheel, I will have a product holder
  design with a handle to wind the cogs,               where the compartments go on life-size ones.
  therefore I must allow the customer to               However, I must design the components so they will
  feel comfortable winding the handle,                 fit in with the rest of the design, they also must be
  which will increase the chance of the user           unique, as that is fish Soho in one word.
  buying a product.
              The hand must fit snugly around                              I can either design the holder in a
              the handle in order to have the                              squared design like many Ferris
              most comfort as, subconsciously,                             wheels, which is easy to make
              comfort will lead to the increased                           without making it look bad, the
              chance of the customer purchasing                            semi circle, which is aesthetically
              the product, this is ergonomics.                             pleasing but will still be quite
              Therefore I will most likely use a                           difficult to make and be able to
              material like rubber in order to also                        hold the product. The last is a
              allow easier reeling. I have also                            hexagonal holder, which is unique
              taken average hand measurements                              and will be able to hold the
              to now help me develop my grip                               product easily, but will be difficult
              which shows that the average hand                            to make. Overall, the square
              is 1cm long, so I will then use a 19cm                       holder will be easy to make and
              hand to model the handle.                                    also will be customisable, with
                                                                           things such as banners like on the
Length of hand           amount                                            square shape to the left.
18cm                     6
19cm                     10
20cm                     3
21cm+                    1
Manufacture~ Ferris wheel                          Construction~ Handle
There are several ways I could manufacture         With the construction of my handle, I will have the
my Ferris wheel so that is interactive and         main part which I plan on making with metal as it
rotates: Using a motor and switch to rotate        is durable and will hold over time. Then I will put a
each product to get the one you want, using a      ‘coat’ of material that I plan on being rubber with
handle and cogs to rotate the Ferris wheel,        my ergonomic hand shape in it, which will make
and finally using a tank track like way and let    the handle more comfortable than simply the
the wheel be rotated by pulling on the track. I    metal. I plan on constructing this handle by
believe, however, that the way of the cogs is      getting a metal rod, then getting a block of
currently the ideal way as it interacts with the   rubber, cutting it down to size, with a hole in the
viewer the most and also costs less than the       middle the size of the metal rod and then using a
motor way. I will do this with the use of          handheld sander to make the hand shape in the
several cogs and a rotating handle.                rubber. The hole will be tight enough on the rod
                                                   to keep itself in place.
Materials~ Rubber                                    Materials~ Foam
Rubber is fairly easy to work with and will be       Foam is very easy to work with and
fairly easy to incorporate the ergonomic hand        incorporating the ergonomics will be fairly easy
shape onto it. As well as this, it will be able to   to shape onto the foam. On the down side,
last through a fair amount of wear and tear and      however, the material is not very durable and it
in the event of damage, a replacement will be        would only take one child to tear chunks off of
fairly cheap and not take too long to make. As       it, which would make it a nuisance for the staff
well as this, dirt can be wiped off with simply a    to have to replace it. The replacement would
cloth which means less work for the shop staff       still not cost much as the rubber is very cheap,
when the design is placed in the shop. I am          and would also be quick to make. If the
therefore likely to use this as the grip due to      product got dirty, it would still be easy to clean,
the simple fact that it is both convenient and       but not as clean as the rubber, and seeing as
also fairly easy to work with.                       the rubber is more durable, I will likely use the
                                                     rubber instead.
Construction~ product holder                          Usability~ Bottom of base
I will construct my product holder by the use of      The bottom of the base will have the foam
two parts, the square part and then the bottom        material that mouse mats have on the
part. I will also make the bottom part have a small   bottom so that the design doesn’t slip off of
section go into the square part in order to make      the surface, such as any varnished wood that
the holder have the maximum support. I will use       may be in a store. This material will not only be
the bottom part to hold as the base, so the glue I    a benefit in terms of keeping the design from
use must be strong.                                   any fall damage, but the material is not very
                                                      expensive, with the only things needed to
                                                      complete the section being a glue gun and the
                                                      foam. Even if I cannot find any of the material
                                                      that I want, I will always be able to purchase a
                                                      mouse mat and strip the bottom, to use it for
                                                      my design. This will prevent the winding
                                                      handle from making the design move around,
                                                      which may annoy the customer to the point
                                                      which they leave the design and go elsewhere,
                                                      so this simple material could potentially sell
                                                      more products.
Manufacture~ product holder                            Construction~ product holder
 I must choose how to construct the main body of        To construct this product holder, I will use the finger
 the holder, with which joint to use being the focus.   joint. I with do this by running off of the following:
 There are three different joints I may use:
 Finger Joint

                     I wish to use the finger joint
                     as it is very strong, easy to
                     make and will do the job. It
                     will simply require me getting
                     four pieces of wood and
Dowell joint         measuring each square part.
                     Then, it is a simple matter of
                     gluing each square and
                     putting it together. The
                     squares and also the glue will
                     then be strong enough to
                     hold the product and also
                     handle the strain of constant
Mitre joint          movement, particularly better
                     than the mitre or dowel joint.
Components~ logo stencils                           Manufacture~ logo stencils
  My design, on the base, has stencils for the Fish   To be able to make my stencils to my desired
  Soho logos, which protrude from the base in         look and shape, I would like to use a software
  order to eliminate the sense of dullness and also   such as I-cut, which is laser cutting compatible,
  to attract attention from the customers to the      to first create the stencils on a computer, which
  products name. these components, I have             would allow me to produce the design to my
  decided, will be made separately from the base      desired outcome without having to start again
  instead of having to cut a section from the base    or waste time precisely cutting by hand with a
  and leave the shapes.                               saw, then use a laser cutting machine, from
                                                      which we have one in school which will further
                                                      allow me to spend less money, to precisely laser
                                                      cut my design to how I want it. I will then, after
                                                      I’m happy that the stencils are fine, begin to

                                                      look at placing them on my base.


This will also be a better option than carving
the logo into the base as, if I make a mistake, I
just have to re-make the stencil, whereas with
carving you will have to restart the base. With
my design, the base will be fairly large and also
a fairly expensive oak, so stencils will
potentially save a lot of money.
Materials~ logo stencils                                 Components~ Ferris wheel pylons
I would be looking at choosing 1 of 3 different          For my pylons that connect the product holders to the
materials when developing and manufacturing              cog that makes the Ferris wheel rotate, I will have to make
my stencils:                                             the individual parts and then combine them together,
                                                         which will take a while from making the two poles and
                      I will develop my logo             then connecting them. These components will be laid out
                      stencil with Acrylic as the        individually as follows:
Fiber-glass           material. I have chose this
                      as it is not only the cheapest
                      of the three, but it also
                      comes in colours which
                      have been injected and not
                      painted, like the other two
                      materials would've had to
Steel sheet           have been. Along with this,
                      it is easy to laser cut and will
                      also be fairly durable for
                      simply sitting on the base.
                      Steel and fiber-glass will
                      also have to be ordered in,           By using individual components, I can have space
                      whereas there may be some             to make a mistake and still be able to easily
Acrylic               acrylic already in stock.             correct it by replacing that individual component.
                      Acrylic does the job it is
                      meant for on my design and
                      is also fairly cheap.
Construction~ logo stencils
To finish off my logo stencils once they are
completed, I will then have to add them to the
base. In order to do this, I will need to figure out
how I will approach it. I could firstly use a Dowell
by drilling a little into the stencil and base, then
using glue to connect both which would be
strong but if I slip up with the drill, I may have to
re do a stencil, which is both time and money


I believe, however, that the simple
method of using a hot glue gun to glue the
stencils straight on to the base is better as
it may not be as strong, but it will still stay
on the base and also the aesthetics will
not be changed. It is also less time

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  • 1.
  • 2. This P.O.S is a decent P.O.S as it is interactive, with the This P.O.S is a unique, eye catching shape which case able to rotate in order to enable you to find your would increase the chance of a passer by stopping preferred dvd. Also, the big square advertisement and filling out a lottery ticket due to the stands above the dvds stands is effective in drawing in the uniqueness. Also, the fact that the P.O.S is located customer with the large text. This P.O.S however, does at the door indicates that people leaving and look slightly tacky with the dvds not in order and with entering will both be drawn to the P.O.S as all spaces between each dvd. This may prevent a customers will see it. The design is, however, customer from purchasing a dvd, but this isn't very located next to other Point of sales which would likely. Also, seeing as the stand is located randomly, draw attention from this one, therefore drawing and not in the dvd section, the chance that a passer by away potential customers. will purchase a dvd is unlikely as the majority of them This P.O.S is clearly displaying the brand above the will not be looking for a dvd in that area. products which catches the eyes of passers by. Also, This P.O.S has many hats and displays them neatly, with the P.O.S rotates and is therefore interactive, which many different styles in order to please more will help sell the products easier by interacting with customers. Also, the P.O.S stands out in the the customer. The products are also easily store, which will catch the eye of more customers. The accessible, which also makes each potential sale hats are, however, displayed at different levels and more likely. The position in which it is located therefore, the eye line hats will be viewed more as however, isn't ideal as it is placed randomly with opposed to the bottom or top sets of hats. files. These watches have been displayed effectively as the This P.O.S clearly displays the brand, alongside yellow catches the eye of passers by and draws their where to use the product. The P.O.S is also eyes. Also, the watches aviation origins are very organised as each card is displayed in represented here with the pilots helmet, which would order of price, which makes it easier for the especially attract aviation enthusiasts. The fact that a viewer to choose which card they want. The sole watch is not being sold suggests these watches P.O.S also displays the cards in such a way aren't entirely exclusive and this would loose some that they seem to flow. customers that like exclusivity. This P.O.S is possibly the favourite of all, due to the This P.O.S is shaped as a large product that it fact that it stands out the most, which is particularly is advertising, which is effective as the viewer important as this will catch the eye of passers by in can clearly see the product from the mere the path. In addition to this, the products are in a neat shape of the P.O.S. the products are also presentation which will add to the wow factor of the neatly displayed within the P.O.S, with what viewers. The fact that the stall is in the walk way and seems to be the more focused on products not in a cook shop means that many will just view the resting on top, which also seems to be the stall as they are not looking to purchase these cooking actual versions of what the P.O.S is utensils. portraying.
  • 3. This P.O.S is really originally and is very eye- This P.O.S is made so that the design colour matches catching due to the layout of the products and the products, which seems to be flowing with the also where they are positioned. This also relates P.O.S. Also, the fact that the P.O.S is positioned at to the actual products design, which is unique the doors of the shop means that every person and quirky and will also advertise for the entering the shop will pass it twice, once coming in individual who is out of the ordinary. Also, the fact that that the P.O.S is positioned at the and once exiting, increasing the chances of the window of the shop indicates that passers by will customers picking up a product to purchase. be drawn to the P.O.S. This Rimmel P.O.S is advertising effectively its brand This P.O.S is a very good P.O.S as it both clearly advertises and also portrays various products that Rimmel sell, the product logo above the products, with a wide range of which makes it more likely that a passer by will see a converse products being displayed under the logo. Also, product that they like. The use of photos also take although the products are different colours, the shoes away any dullness and brighten the P.O.S up. The seem organised due to the fact that most of the heels are products do, however, look slightly messy and facing the same direction and all platforms that hold the unorganised which may be the factor that does not shoes seen to be in a organised fashion. This P.O.S stop passers by. however does seem slightly dull compared to some others I've viewed as it simply brandishes the logo and product. This P.O.S is very interesting as it uses both the back This P.O.S is unique as most P.O.S designs that boarding picture and the slanted platforms which holds portray many products look unorganised and the shoes in order to make a boring running shoe seem also slightly tacky, and in some cases overwhelm interesting. Also, the fact that this P.O.S is focusing on the viewer. This design, on the other hand, does parkour, allows the design to draw in customers as this is not look tacky at all and in fact looks neat and something most would like to do but have never actually organised, which could be what the watches are done it. The design is also by the window which would be trying to be linked with. Also, these products seen by passers by and the intricate shape and the are being displayed so that one watch is backboard will draw in the passer by. This design, positioned above the others in the middle of the however, does not really focus on the products, but others. This is likely as the P.O.S is trying to sell instead they focus on the Parkour aspect. the most expensive watch by portraying it as the most exclusive. This P.O.S is portraying many different products in one space so that passers by are more likely to see a product that they would like. The P.O.S is, however, very unorganised and looks as if not much thought was put into it, which incidentally will likely not attract passers by. The brand also is not evident in this P.O.S which is not very good in terms of selling their brand.
  • 4. Mr L’Oreal men expert Natty The bottles are very plain, like medicine bottles, which L’Oreal use aging, yet good looking men adds to the unique identity such as Pierce Brosnan to advertise their of Mr Nattys product and products. This will appeal to men from also stands out from other about 26 to 40, from when men start to brands that try too hard to think about aging and want to keep their be different, whereas Mr young skin, this is why they use the Natty did it with minimal actors like Pierce Brosnan in order to effort. advertise so that people will see their good skin and aspire for that. Mr Natty is a very patriotic, British brand, which is shown by their The fact that their men expert slogan ‘cutting hair for products all contain that orange queen, country and colour is significant as it is an English pounds’. This energetic colour, which will attract would also appeal to the man looking for anti-aging All Mr Natty products have a British patriots and cream. similar look, which is unique, make it more likely that and quite old style, with the they would purchase plain bottles and tins. They this product over also sell many other products another. which allows them to fit into a wider market of men's grooming and appeal to more people. Their advertising, unlike other men grooming adverts, is very down to earth, which would also relate to the average user, sitting in his chair casually watching TV, which is opposed to many which are up in arms and ‘up in you face.’
  • 5. Old Spice The writing is bold, which in turn is eye Fish Soho catching and this will also help to sell Fish Soho is a unique brand They also focus on the there product, along with filling otherwise dull empty space. which is very proud of its Soho grooming of hair and do roots. They also stay true to not sell many things such their common background of as aftershaves or Soho in London by making deodorants, which limits their products fairly affordable their market, but at the to all, but at the same time not same time allows them to too cheap so that they focus on the hair products therefore do not get an image sand attempt to lead the The packaging has a of being a cheap company. market in that sector. comedic feel, which would appeal to many men with a sense of humour, preferably the younger generation. Their products give a sea beach feel, due to the light blue colouring. Also the text seems eye-catching and fresh. Also, as the hairdressing shop had light The website links blue tiling, many of the products Fish commercials, which will likely Soho sell portray this, which is quite put the viewer in a better unique. mood due to the commercials comedic value, and then increase the chances of the viewer purchasing their product both due to the mood that they are in and also as the design of their products gives off a feel good factor
  • 6. Hackett Lynx Lynx is aimed mainly at men Hackett use stylish due to their sexual women models that most that are in their men aspire to be, advertisements. They use with stylish hair and men's desire for good looking young looking women in order to draw men faces, which would in to purchase their product. likely draw attention from the younger generation that would like to Hackett does sell a range of clothing, grow up to look like much of which is very expensive. This the models. therefore would put off young teenagers due to the prices, targeting the slightly older man with more money, but only until about 25 as then men start to were more Armani or Gucci in this clothing type. The text of lynx is very bold, which discretely implies that the users of this products will be big The Lynx deodorant bottles, which they are and bold, which would only really well known for, all have a unique design and appeal to the younger generation instantly stand out from other brands. These Although Hackett target clothing lines, of men designs all also would appeal to younger they also do aftershaves, which look men who prefer the look of the bottle than quite smart and the fact that the the actual scent. bottles are the same, indicates that Hackett are going for the formal look.
  • 7. History Fish opened its first salon with two staff at 1987. the brand then really kicked off two years later when vogue magazine covered the shop. Then in 1990, Paul Burfoot did a photo-shoot with fish product including a ‘Fed up with the pompous, prima donna attitude of most young Kate Moss. 5 years later, Harrods stocked the fish wax which boosted hairdressers in the West End, Paul Burfoot decided to open the companies popularity. his own place and acquired premises on D’Arblay Street, In 2002, fish launched a men's range in boots. Then, in 2006 fish took the Soho in 1987. Formerly a sex shop, he stripped the walls to international step up and launched their products across the states. find beautiful art deco tiles, revealing the shop used to be a fishmongers – hence the name ‘Fish’ was born.’ I believe that the target group is men and women aged 16 to 35, as they sell products at that are not viewed as a starting product to use on people using the products on their hair, but at this age gap people are using these specific products The fish franchise is unique as it is trying to be individual, with the fancy As you can see, Fish Soho do many different products, focusing on hair products, text and light blue containers. This is also shown by their models on their but they also sell other grooming essentials such as deodorant, shampoo and even website as they are individuals which are not the normal people, such as body wash. The individuality of this franchise is really shown by the unique, the woman below with very unique hair. Also, I believe that Fish Soho are different colouring of each product, which also sub consciously encourages you to encouraging you to be individual. be different.
  • 8. Design brief and situation Brief Design a new point of sale display unit for a male grooming company. The unit must display at least 1 product from their range and must clearly identify the brand. Possible brands are Old spice, fish, L'Oreal men expert, Mr natty, Lynx and Hackett. Situation Fish Soho are a fairly new brand and, although the business is successful and is sold in places such as boots, the brand do not have a particular point of sale, which clearly has limited how much Fish Soho can expand and grow. Also, seeing as the company is in contention with brands such as VO5 and L'Oreal, they need to be competitive in order to match these companies. Therefore a point of sale would open the doors to the market that Fish Soho are competing in.
  • 9. Task Analysis Aesthetics Safety Size Has to fit the products design. The The design has to be safe both to the The design must be small enough to be design has to be eye catching and also customers and developer. The design transported and moved into the shops, advertise the product properly, without therefore has to have no sharp edges or but must be big enough to sand out and overwhelming the product. parts that could harm someone, such as properly advertise the product. children who will touch the design. Cost Interactivity Customer The design has to be of a decent cost to The design must allow the user to The design appeal to the products avoid the design looking tacky. At the interact with the product in order to typical customer; the individual which same time, the design has to be at a stand out from the average products stands out. This also must appeal to reasonable price in order to allow more around it in the shops and be that edge others at the same time in order to designs to be produced and put into the that determines whether the customer expand the products appeal. shops to advertise the product. buys your products or the product next to it. Social Media Environment Function The design must fit the environment, or The design must be able to fill its main The design will display the function; to sell Fish Soho products, products, Facebook, Twitter page and the shop where it will be displayed, but at he same time stand out in order to without just being a design with a any online Competitions taking place random product on it. regarding the brand in order to fully advertise the product it is displaying inform the customers of the brands activities. Originality Materials Future The design has to stand out from the The design must be designed from The design must be able to last the tests rest in order to properly advertise the materials that do not look tacky, but at of time in order to be able to advertise brand and allow passers by to purchase the same time are cheap enough to be the product for longer. Also, the product my product instead of another. used for multiple point of sales. must be unique enough to stand out from future P.O.S stands as well.
  • 10. Initial Specification Aesthetics Cost Customer My Design will relate to the brand, as the design of The cost of the design must be cheap enough The Design must link with the customer the P.O.S will relate to the tiling of the Fish Soho to be produced to go to multiple shops, but and must therefore be unique, quirky and original shop, blue with white filing between each must have a fair amount spent on it in order to individual. This will therefore attract the tile. This also will relate to the product as they not look tacky. As well as this, the product must customers they already have, but the brandish that iconic look. This will accent the be able to advertise a fairly expensive product design must also appeal to others in order product and advertise it to passers by properly. range, Fish Soho and cant therefore look cheap. to expand their customer market. Environment Size Safety My product must fit within its environment in My product will be small enough to be able to fit my product must be safe and able t be in a order to both allow the products surrounding to into relatively tight spaces, but at the same time, shop for an extended amount of time accent my design and also be in a shop that the product will be designed big enough to be able without causing an accident. I will do this by relates to the product. This will therefore attract to stand out and fully advertise the product it will eliminating any sharp edges and also by using the most customers as the people in the shop will be holding. I also would like it to be a size in which it shatter resistant glass so that if it is knocked be looking for something that relates to my can be placed at eye level in order to attract over, glass will not blanket the floor. product. I will also most likely place it inside as I attention. believe that it can use the shop design to accent the design Function Materials I will make my product with its main function in mind, to I will design my product with materials that are not expensive in sell the chosen brands, fish Soho's product. I will design order to be able to produce more than one design, but the it with this in mind and will use this initial specification in materials cannot be too cheap as that will make the design look order to do this. tacky. I also will use materials that link with fish soho products.
  • 11. Links FX Logical The design needs to display the brand logo in order to let the customer know what the design is advertising. The Design must allow the product to be ergonomic in order for the customers to hold and view the product easily. The design must be positioned in such a way that the passers by can properly view it. This will allow the maximum amount of passers by to view it and also create the maximum amount of potential customers. The product must be in a shop that relates to the products being shown. Therefore, the customers in the shop will likely be looking with that particular type of product Illogical If the design is not placed at eye level, then some people that are simply passing by may not notice it as they are not looking for a particular product. The design must be able to properly advertise the product as, if it doesn’t, it will not complete its main aim, to advertise the product. To be dishonest to the consumer so they have full trust in you For the unit to look cheap when displaying an expensive product To sell in non-related stores as you wouldn’t have many sales To put the point of sale unit in a place of the shop where it is not visible to the passing customers Need The product on show so the customers know what they’re purchasing The unit must stand on its own without any support so it should be freestanding It needs to be safe to handle when customers want to test it To inform the customers about what it does if it is a new brand Accessible to the customer with ease otherwise if it is in a box they probably wont be bothered to ask someone about it To be easy to use and simple Keep I am going to keep the social media part of it so that it is fun and interactive I am going to keep the product on display and where there is a heavy footfall because more people will go past it I am going to keep the theme of the brand with its old heritage look so that customers get a feel for the brand Function vs. Form The form of the unit so the aesthetics should be more effective than the function as more people will go past it rather than go up to it and test it The function should be efficient, honest and reflect what the brand does for the customer
  • 12. Mood board I will complete my mood board by researching the brand I have chosen and then I will take Research Plan 10 Minute Observation For this piece of analysis, I will go to a photos of things such as materials and other Customer profiling shop with a point of sale and observe the customers that interact with it for 10 products that relate to my chosen product. I will I will clearly profile the customers that use the product also research what the shops look like in Soho minutes. I will also attempt to compare in order to get an outline to who my design should in order to include the birthplace of my chosen the product with a point of sale to a appeal to and also gain a perspective to what I could do product. I will have to know before hand some product without one. As well as this, I in order to expand their target market to others, information from fish soho in order to get an will also see how the customers interact individual from their customers now. I will not only find idea of what the products are about. I will then with the design, in order to enhance my what type of people use this product, but also what group together the photos that I have chosen understanding of how far interactivity of gender, which will give me a bigger perspective on the from the internet, magazines and design books my design will help sell the product, target market of this product. in order to complete the mood board. Through therefore helping me design my point of this, I hope to learn more about my product and sale. what it relates to, in order to help me design my point of sale. Existing design analysis For this piece of research, I will collect 10 different Interviews pictures of point of sale products and then use access I will interview 5 different people each, in four different shopping FM in order to get a perspective on what design is the malls In order to get the broadest point of views from the public I optimum design in order to sell their product the best can. I will choose the people I interview carefully, people that style that they can. This will also allow me to gain a their hair and stand out from the crowd, as well as some every day perspective of the current point of sales and what they shoppers in order to get different opinions on what they like in do well and also what they could do better. point of sales and what draws their eyes. I will need to know the questions I will ask within the interviews, however as it isn't a questionnaire, I will also note other things the people I interview like and do not like. I will document the information I receive on a Competitive Products notepad and then I will go home and type the answers up in each To complete this piece of research, I individual interview. will list three different product brands Brand profiling that my chosen brand competes with. I will then decide how my point of sale I will clearly profile the brands that relate to my chosen brand and also design will be able to boost my brand categorise them according to cost and how unique they are. This will help me past these. By doing this, I will gain a gain a perspective on what brands my chosen brand is competing with and perspective of the market I will enter also how I will need to carry out my design in order to compete with the and also how these competitors work profiled brands. As well as this, I will be able to get more of an understanding to be competitive. of what brands are most similar to mine.
  • 13. 10 Minute Observation For this piece of research, I visited Ernest jones to observe the customers that were looking at this point of sale. Within about 4 minutes, more than half of the customers that were in the shop viewed this point of sale. I also noticed that this particular make had the most stand out point of sale which was sleek and aesthetically pleasing, with 5 different watches being displayed. From this design, I could notice a clear difference between the customers that viewed this type of watch compared to the other watches on sale, such as Tag Heuer or Breitling, with a number of customers actually viewing the other watches and leaving with Rolex watches. I chose to view customers who interacted with Rolex as the point of sale was very good in terms of advertising the product, which I want my design to be able to do. As well as the brilliant design, I have learned from this that I should choose my position where my point of sale will be placed carefully, as if my design is the best point of sale in the chosen store, it will likely gain the most attention, even if the product it is selling isn't the best in the shop.
  • 14. Interviews For this piece of research, I visited Blue water, The Glades, Bexleyheath Shopping centre and also Cribbs Causeway, which is in Bristol, where my Nan lives. From each I interviewed 5 people, 2 male and 3 female, then switching the numbers in order to make the interviews un biased. From these interviews, I gathered that the majority preferred better performance of their hair products to the way it smelt. This therefore told me that my Design for my point of sale, in order to be most effective, should maybe allow viewers to try the product, as opposed to maybe being able to smell the product. As well as this, I asked whether they have ever been influenced to buying a product by the design that is advertising it. As I chose to interview 3 people in each shopping centre that were more Indie than the average shopper and the other 2 the average shopper in order to find the differences between each and also open a chance to attract both types of people. As well as this, I chose people under the age of thirty, as above that age, people generally stop using products such as fish Soho, and switch to cheaper, more average products. From this, I found that the more Indie people were influenced on a product by a unique design, whereas the average shopper preferred to be able to choose a product by seeing how it worked. This therefore gave me a choice; I could go with the unique design, the samples, or focus on both. I believe that by focussing on both, I may focus more on one and less on the other without knowing it, but by doing this I could expand Fish Soho's target market.
  • 15. Mood board From my mood board, I can see that the pictures that relate to the Fish Soho product are unique and fresh, which stand out from the norm. This will help me to design my point of sale as I will be able to link my mood board and therefore gain a perspective on what sort of shape, style and colour I could use in order to link my point of sale with my product of choice, Fish Soho. This will allow both product and design accentuate each other and therefore be able to sell the product to the best my design can. As the pictures are unique, it helps me gain a better perspective of who my design should be targeted at. Also, I can see that lighter blue colours link better with my product and therefore would be the ideal choice to take when I come to design my point of sale.
  • 16. Brand Profiling Normal Inexpensive Expensive As you can see from my brand profiling, fish Soho is located in the relatively inexpensive, unique brand section, however it is wavering in the expensive section. This revealed to me Fish Soho's biggest competitors, namely American Crew and Schwarzkopf and therefore allows me to research the competitors in order to gain ideas. As well as this, I will be able to use this in order to potentially research how Fish could Unique expand into the other sections.
  • 17. Existing design analysis A- This design is both aesthetically pleasing and unique as it A- This design is very fresh and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. makes use of multiple separate parts in order to sell its product. The light black and white colours smooth contrast also would This catches the eye and also stands out from other products. attract many passers by. The shape of the design is also very The fact that it is unique will also attract the average, bored interesting as it is how the product is shaped and when a shopper who wants to see something new. customer approaches, they will notice this. C- this product makes use of simple black and white colours, C-This design is large and also looks quite costly, but this is how which may seem dull, but in fact isn't as it also uses shapes and the products are, very expensive and therefore attract more borders, as well as different sections to attract passers by and businessmen. This link will clearly put out there that the product also stand out. is quite expensive, which may repel some, but others may actually be attracted to this, such as the upper class. C- this product was made to attract the average passer by , by its uniqueness and also its shapes, which are sharp and attractive. C-I believe that this product was made to attract people who Also, the picture of the good looking woman would attract men prefer expensive, glamorous products and who don’t mind and make it more likely that they would by the product for a gift spending quite a bit of money. Also, seeing as the products are for women. displayed at eye level, the customers will easily be able to view it. E- This Design is made of card, glass and plastic, which can all be recycled, but they have to be separated first which is time E- This design looks to be made out of some sort of plastic which consuming and also not practical. The design does, however, may be able to be recycled, but the size of the product must first stand out from the average point of sale, with the downside be taken apart, but that seems to be not the easiest of tasks. being that this design requires a fair amount of room in order to The design is very big and therefore very hard to be positioned in be displayed; something some shops do not have. the shops. As well as this, the transportation of this design would be hard as the design is so big. S- This design is of a larger size, which may take up space, but does not overwhelm the viewer as each section accentuates S- This design may seem too big at first, but apart from each other. The fact that each section is big, however, will transportation issues, the design seems to be a good size to be hinder transportation and also re positioning it would be a pain. able to advertise the product and also stand out. If this product was bigger, then it would be overwhelming, but if it was smaller S- This design contains a fair amount of glass, which can shatter it may not stand out as mush and not advertise to its full and without proper precautions, seeing as the design takes up potential. so much space, a running child may collide with it and shattered glass is likely to go everywhere. As well as this, the sharp corners S- As this design is very large and in open space, it may be an may be a safety hazard as with a fall, these corners may be able obstacle, especially for children that are running around and is to break skin. large enough to cause an injury. The design, however, does not have points sharp enough to be able to impale someone, which F- This Designs main function is to sell the product and I believe shows some thought has been made into the safety of the that it does that very well, as the design is very unique and also product. not too plain, and will draw attention to the product. It is also very different and easily draws the eyes of passers by, whilst F- This Designs main function is to sell the product and I believe standing out from other products. that it does that excellently as the products are at eye line and the design is big enough to stand out from the others. The actual M- The mix of material works very well and allows the design to design is not too overwhelming and is refreshingly simple which do its job, to advertise the product. Very efficiently. I do believe, would attract many customers. however, that the design could have used some material such as a polished metal in order to add some shine to the product. M- With this design, I believe that plastic is the best material for this product, as it is very large and a lightweight plastic would be best in terms of transportation and safety. A metal would be too heavy and many woods would rot over time due to the perfumes in the air.
  • 18. A- This product is very aesthetically pleasing, due to the sharp corners. Also, the gold and blue colours both accentuate each A- this design is mysterious and dark, but in a way that attracts other, which is very soft to the eye. As well as this, the finish is many people. The silver writing adds a sense of glamour and very sleek and you cannot see any imperfections which is adds value to the product that the design is selling. The point of pleasing to the eye. sale is quite simple, basically a square base, but this simplicity is C-although the gold colouring looks expensive, it is not as it is actually quite refreshing. actually wooden. This makes an impression of expensiveness, C- this product makes use of a mysterious mix of black and silver, which will help to attract passers by. This will also give a false which is very stylish and catches the eyes and makes viewers feel impression of the product being higher in the market than it their darker side. actually is and will help attract customers. C- this product was made to attract the average passer by , by its C-I believe that this product was made to attract people who uniqueness and also its shapes, which are sharp and attractive. prefer expensive, glamorous products but do not want to spend Also, the picture of the good looking woman would attract men a truck load of money. The point of sale will help to advertise this and make it more likely that they would by the product for a gift as it gives the false impression of the design being made of gold, for women. which would attract this type of customer. E- This Design is made of card, glass and plastic, which can all be E- As this product is made of wood, it will be able to be recycled recycled, but they have to be separated first which is time and reused, which is a benefit to the environment. This product consuming and also not practical. The design does, however, will be able to stand out from even the more expensive products stand out from the average point of sale, with the downside in its environment as the point of sale uses a unique, well being that this design requires a fair amount of room in order to worked gold and blue mixture. As it is wood, it will not be very be displayed; something some shops do not have. hard to distribute, but the wooden pillars may be a little flimsy S- This design is of a larger size, which may take up space, but during travelling. does not overwhelm the viewer as each section accentuates S- This design is of an ideal shape and size, as it will fit on many each other. The fact that each section is big, however, will tables or stands, and also has enough room for a customer to be hinder transportation and also re positioning it would be a pain. able to reach inside and touch the product. I believe that this is S- This design contains a fair amount of glass, which can shatter the ideal scale as if it was bigger, the design would look to large and without proper precautions, seeing as the design takes up for the product and if it was smaller, the product would look so much space, a running child may collide with it and shattered squeezed. glass is likely to go everywhere. As well as this, the sharp corners S- This Design is very safe, as there are no loose parts or sharp may be a safety hazard as with a fall, these corners may be able edges. The corners, however, do seem to be slightly too pointed to break skin. and therefore if someone were to fall on an edge, it may break F- This Designs main function is to sell the product and I believe skin, but generally the design seems to have had safety in mind that it does that very well, as the design is very unique and also when designing this point of sale. not too plain, and will draw attention to the product. It is also F- This Designs main function is to sell the product and I believe very different and easily draws the eyes of passers by, whilst that it does that very well, as the design is not overwhelming or standing out from other products. too plain, and will draw attention to the product. It is also very M- The mix of material works very well and allows the design to simple and requires little work to put together and fit into the do its job, to advertise the product. Very efficiently. I do believe, shops shelves. however, that the design could have used some material such as M- The wooden material works very well and allows the design a polished metal in order to add some shine to the product. to do its job, to advertise the product. I do believe, however, that the design could have used a plastic, such as polystyrene, as it would have a more natural finish as the whole plastic would be coloured, not just the surface.
  • 19. Customer profiling Indie Fish Soho appeals more to the indie section as it has a unique, stylish design which stands out from the other related products in the market. As well as this, Indie people tend to have standout, individual hairstyles, which is what the Fish Soho products tend to specialise at, along with a unique, pleasing scent to the products, which these people will like as they tend to prefer the sharp, fresh look and scent. Both male and female Indies will like the products as fish has a male and female section, which will expand their market and therefore both male and female will use Fish Soho.
  • 20. Customer Profiling Male Unique hairstyle Normal hairstyle As you can see from my profiling, the customers that use Fish Soho are Indie males and females, which can be seen from their clothing and makeup. They do, however have both unique and normal hairstyles which shows that the Fish Soho target market isn't just targeted at unique hairstyles, which is a relatively small target market and with more normal hairstyles also in Female the target, the customer size is expanded.
  • 21. Competitive Products Schwarzkopf I visited Blue water a while ago in order to carry out some research, and I came across the section in Boots where they sold Fish Soho products. Right next to this was Schwarzkopf products, which had about as many products as Fish. They both seemed to be selling, but the Schwarzkopf products seemed to be selling more. I believe that this is as Schwarzkopf make more use of advertising, including point of sales in order to put their product on the market better. In order to compete with Schwarzkopf, I believe Fish Soho need to advertise their products better, which indicates that my point of sale should boost the Fish products on the market and therefore compete better with Schwarzkopf. American Crew American Crew products are very similar to fish in the fact that both products do not advertise themselves very well and are usually recommended by the Salons. Both, however, are very good at what they do, styling hair, and with a advertising boost, could have a big chance to blossom on the market. It is for these very similarities why American Crew are big competitors, and in order to compete with American Crew, I must help fish to advertise more in stores in order to get the advantage of shop sales over American Crew, as American Crew is a very good product and with better advertising, could even compete with the better selling, not as good products such as Garner or Shockwaves. Fudge At my last haircut, I was recommended Fudge, as it worked really well and smelt nice too. This product is generally not advertised much, but is actually beginning to be. This therefore proves to be a very big competitor to Fish Soho as it is already one step ahead. Therefore, in order to be able to properly compete with this product, Fish must expand its advertising campaign and therefore put the product fully out their and really enter the market. Fudge is very similar to Fish Soho in the fact that it is very good at what it does, which is style hair, which will be a benefit when competing with each other as both, when at the same advertising stage, will be roughly at the same level and therefore be massively competitive.
  • 22. useful Summary of research Not as the Fish Soho target useful market isn't just targeted at unique my Design for my hairstyles, which is a point of sale, in relatively small order to be most target market and effective, should with more normal Fish Soho appeals hairstyles also in the more to the indie allow viewers to both my product and try the product target, the customer section as it has a design should size is expanded. unique, stylish design accentuate each which stands out from other and therefore the other grooming sell the product to products on the the best of my market lighter blue colours designs abilities. I should choose my From my mood board, link better with my position where my I can see that the product and point of sale will be pictures that relate to therefore would be placed carefully, as the Fish Soho product the ideal choice to if my design is the are unique and fresh, take when I come to Both male and best point of sale in which stand out from design my point of female Indies will the chosen store, it the norm My product will sale will likely gain the like the products as link with the light most attention fish has a male and blue colour, with female section, swirling white which will expand designs, such as their market and the blue sky with the more Indie people I could go with the therefore both male pure white clouds were influenced on a unique design, the and female will use my point of sale product by a unique Fish Soho. samples, or focus on should boost the design, whereas the both. I believe that by Fish products on average shopper focussing on both, I the market, so preferred to be able to could expand Fish the design must choose a product by Soho's target market as fish Soho's biggest fish Soho is located be flawless seeing how it worked I'm appealing to the competitors are in the relatively majority. Schwarzkopf and inexpensive, unique American crew, brand section, which gives me however it is products I can look wavering in the at. expensive section
  • 23. Further specification The design will be positioned at eye level in order to attract the most amount of customers as they will see the design on the corner of their eye if it is at eye level The design must be eye catching and link with the product in order to catch the passers by on their eye level and allow their interest to be grasped The materials I use must not only be of a decent price in order to make a good, yet relatively inexpensive product, but they must also link with my design, so I must use plastics coloured of a sky blue colour, for instance. The design must be located in a shop that not only links to my product, but it must also attract my main customer segment, the indie section. This will therefore help to sell my product by pleasing our target market. My product must be of a size that allows the product to fit into tight places and also is easy to transport, but must still be big enough to be eye-catching. The estimated dimensions are: 45cm x 40cm. This will be both eye-catching and compact. The design must be to a safe standard in order to not put the customers at risk, so I must file edges and any glass must be secure. As well as this, the design must not be positioned on an edge so that the design cannot fall of and shatter, causing a safety hazard from the shattered materials.
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  • 37. Development Base Materials~ Oak Materials~ Teak There are many types of oak, with over 600 Teak is a yellow to dark brown hardwood which is species. However, for my design, only one type extremely heavy, strong and durable. Often strongly of oak interests me. This type is white oak, figured, teak may show straight grain, mottled or which is of a lighter shade than such oaks as red fiddle back figures. It carves well, but because of its oak. As well as this, oak has great strength and high value, is often used as a veneer. Scandinavian hardness, and is very resistant to insect and modern, and oriental furniture styles are often fungal attack because of its high tannin content. crafted of teak. I don’t really want to use a veneer It also has very appealing grain markings, which as It looks slightly tacky and with a veneer, the would highlight my design as aesthetically cheaper, hidden wood may not be able to hold up pleasing. as well. If I were to use this type of If I were to use teak, I would wood on my base, it would have to spend a lot of money in easily be able to support my order to get the amount I Ferris wheel components over desired. If I used a veneer, time through wear and tear of however, the durability may be people accidentally knocking it decreased. As for its weight, and putting pressure on it, teak is very heavy and with my along with not succumbing to Ferris wheel components and any threats to insects. Along everything else, my design with this, my design is based for would be hard to move around a fish Soho product, which will and I would have to design it to be better accented by a lighter be taken apart to be moved. shade of oak.
  • 38. Aesthetics~ size of Base Aesthetics~ Size of Ferris Wheel I must use the correct size of base for my The Ferris wheels diameter must also be design in order for it to not make other parts carefully analysed in order to make the whole look disproportioned. Therefore I have chosen design proportioned and also not to three different sizes. overwhelm the base. 1 I have created three possible From these choices, I can see, sizes for my base. Base 1 is that based on the base that I wide enough to be able to plan on using, the 25cm Ferris hold a larger top wheel would look dis- section, along with base proportioned and the base 2, whereas base 3 is slightly 30cm x 30cm would over whelm the Ferris 2 less wide. Base 1 and 3 is of a wheel. As for the 45cm Ferris slightly less height than base wheel, I believe that that 2, but I now believe that base would oversize the base. The 2 is too squared and would 35cm Ferris wheel, I believe affect my designs aesthetics 25cm x 35cm that it would compliment the negatively. As well as this, I bases size and also would still believe that base 1 is the 3 ideal base as the wider area be able to hold its position, whereas the 45cm Ferris does not only make the wheel may succumb to stress. design less squared off, but also will be able to support a higher top part. 45cm x 45cm
  • 39. Usability~ Handle Components~ Product holder I am likely to use cogs to operate my On my Ferris wheel, I will have a product holder design with a handle to wind the cogs, where the compartments go on life-size ones. therefore I must allow the customer to However, I must design the components so they will feel comfortable winding the handle, fit in with the rest of the design, they also must be which will increase the chance of the user unique, as that is fish Soho in one word. buying a product. The hand must fit snugly around I can either design the holder in a the handle in order to have the squared design like many Ferris most comfort as, subconsciously, wheels, which is easy to make comfort will lead to the increased without making it look bad, the chance of the customer purchasing semi circle, which is aesthetically the product, this is ergonomics. pleasing but will still be quite Therefore I will most likely use a difficult to make and be able to material like rubber in order to also hold the product. The last is a allow easier reeling. I have also hexagonal holder, which is unique taken average hand measurements and will be able to hold the to now help me develop my grip product easily, but will be difficult which shows that the average hand to make. Overall, the square is 1cm long, so I will then use a 19cm holder will be easy to make and hand to model the handle. also will be customisable, with things such as banners like on the Length of hand amount square shape to the left. 18cm 6 19cm 10 20cm 3 21cm+ 1
  • 40. Manufacture~ Ferris wheel Construction~ Handle There are several ways I could manufacture With the construction of my handle, I will have the my Ferris wheel so that is interactive and main part which I plan on making with metal as it rotates: Using a motor and switch to rotate is durable and will hold over time. Then I will put a each product to get the one you want, using a ‘coat’ of material that I plan on being rubber with handle and cogs to rotate the Ferris wheel, my ergonomic hand shape in it, which will make and finally using a tank track like way and let the handle more comfortable than simply the the wheel be rotated by pulling on the track. I metal. I plan on constructing this handle by believe, however, that the way of the cogs is getting a metal rod, then getting a block of currently the ideal way as it interacts with the rubber, cutting it down to size, with a hole in the viewer the most and also costs less than the middle the size of the metal rod and then using a motor way. I will do this with the use of handheld sander to make the hand shape in the several cogs and a rotating handle. rubber. The hole will be tight enough on the rod to keep itself in place.
  • 41. Handle Materials~ Rubber Materials~ Foam Rubber is fairly easy to work with and will be Foam is very easy to work with and fairly easy to incorporate the ergonomic hand incorporating the ergonomics will be fairly easy shape onto it. As well as this, it will be able to to shape onto the foam. On the down side, last through a fair amount of wear and tear and however, the material is not very durable and it in the event of damage, a replacement will be would only take one child to tear chunks off of fairly cheap and not take too long to make. As it, which would make it a nuisance for the staff well as this, dirt can be wiped off with simply a to have to replace it. The replacement would cloth which means less work for the shop staff still not cost much as the rubber is very cheap, when the design is placed in the shop. I am and would also be quick to make. If the therefore likely to use this as the grip due to product got dirty, it would still be easy to clean, the simple fact that it is both convenient and but not as clean as the rubber, and seeing as also fairly easy to work with. the rubber is more durable, I will likely use the rubber instead.
  • 42. Construction~ product holder Usability~ Bottom of base I will construct my product holder by the use of The bottom of the base will have the foam two parts, the square part and then the bottom material that mouse mats have on the part. I will also make the bottom part have a small bottom so that the design doesn’t slip off of section go into the square part in order to make the surface, such as any varnished wood that the holder have the maximum support. I will use may be in a store. This material will not only be the bottom part to hold as the base, so the glue I a benefit in terms of keeping the design from use must be strong. any fall damage, but the material is not very expensive, with the only things needed to complete the section being a glue gun and the foam. Even if I cannot find any of the material that I want, I will always be able to purchase a mouse mat and strip the bottom, to use it for my design. This will prevent the winding handle from making the design move around, which may annoy the customer to the point which they leave the design and go elsewhere, so this simple material could potentially sell more products.
  • 43. Manufacture~ product holder Construction~ product holder I must choose how to construct the main body of To construct this product holder, I will use the finger the holder, with which joint to use being the focus. joint. I with do this by running off of the following: There are three different joints I may use: Finger Joint I wish to use the finger joint as it is very strong, easy to make and will do the job. It will simply require me getting four pieces of wood and Dowell joint measuring each square part. Then, it is a simple matter of gluing each square and putting it together. The squares and also the glue will then be strong enough to hold the product and also handle the strain of constant Mitre joint movement, particularly better than the mitre or dowel joint.
  • 44. Components~ logo stencils Manufacture~ logo stencils My design, on the base, has stencils for the Fish To be able to make my stencils to my desired Soho logos, which protrude from the base in look and shape, I would like to use a software order to eliminate the sense of dullness and also such as I-cut, which is laser cutting compatible, to attract attention from the customers to the to first create the stencils on a computer, which products name. these components, I have would allow me to produce the design to my decided, will be made separately from the base desired outcome without having to start again instead of having to cut a section from the base or waste time precisely cutting by hand with a and leave the shapes. saw, then use a laser cutting machine, from which we have one in school which will further allow me to spend less money, to precisely laser cut my design to how I want it. I will then, after I’m happy that the stencils are fine, begin to stencil look at placing them on my base. base This will also be a better option than carving the logo into the base as, if I make a mistake, I just have to re-make the stencil, whereas with carving you will have to restart the base. With my design, the base will be fairly large and also a fairly expensive oak, so stencils will potentially save a lot of money.
  • 45. Materials~ logo stencils Components~ Ferris wheel pylons I would be looking at choosing 1 of 3 different For my pylons that connect the product holders to the materials when developing and manufacturing cog that makes the Ferris wheel rotate, I will have to make my stencils: the individual parts and then combine them together, which will take a while from making the two poles and I will develop my logo then connecting them. These components will be laid out stencil with Acrylic as the individually as follows: Fiber-glass material. I have chose this as it is not only the cheapest of the three, but it also comes in colours which have been injected and not painted, like the other two materials would've had to Steel sheet have been. Along with this, it is easy to laser cut and will also be fairly durable for simply sitting on the base. Steel and fiber-glass will also have to be ordered in, By using individual components, I can have space whereas there may be some to make a mistake and still be able to easily Acrylic acrylic already in stock. correct it by replacing that individual component. Acrylic does the job it is meant for on my design and is also fairly cheap.
  • 46. Construction~ logo stencils To finish off my logo stencils once they are completed, I will then have to add them to the base. In order to do this, I will need to figure out how I will approach it. I could firstly use a Dowell by drilling a little into the stencil and base, then using glue to connect both which would be strong but if I slip up with the drill, I may have to re do a stencil, which is both time and money consuming. stencil base I believe, however, that the simple method of using a hot glue gun to glue the stencils straight on to the base is better as it may not be as strong, but it will still stay on the base and also the aesthetics will not be changed. It is also less time consuming.