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Group Agricultural Biotechnology
Rubina Bukhari
Andleeb Anjum Qazalbash
Najida Irfan
Waqar Khan
Asma Zia
Arzish Javaid
• Introduction, Life Cycle and Role as
Model Organism
• Meiosis in Drosophila
• Polytene Chromosome
• Morgan’s Experiment with Drosophila
• Deletion Mapping
• Recombination Mapping
• Drosophila derived from the Greek word drosos
means dew loving
• They belong to the Drosophilidae family and are
agricultural pest most frequently known as fruit
• Cinderella of genetics
• They feed primarily on unripe or ripe fruits
• Most Drosophila spp. are small, about 2–4 mm
• Drosophila's wings can beat 220 times per
• Drosophila contains one of the most advanced
forms of eye among insects, i.e., compound eye
Radiation caused harmful genetic defects in the offspring of exposed humans –this was at
the advent of man's attempts to harness and exploit nuclear fission
Irradiated flies looked normal, their offspring frequently showed the effects of mutation
Using Drosophila in the 1920s, Muller discovered that x-rays caused a massive increase in
the mutation rate of genes, and could actually break chromosomes
Establish that they were found within chromosomes (long before it was even established
that DNA is the genetic material).
Morgan greatly refined the theory of inheritance first proposed by Gregor Mendel, by
using Drosophila to define genes
Father of Drosophila research “Thomas Hunt Morgan”
» The genome of the fruit fly has been entirely sequenced and annotated
» It has over 14,000 genes spread over four chromosomes, although only
three of them contain the bulk of the genome
» Two-thirds of the known disease-causing genes in humans have been
identified in the fly
» The genome information of Drosophila allows targeted tissue-specific
overexpression and downregulation of disease-inducing genes that
may be used to determine the medicinal/pharmacological effects of
various plants/plant-derived components by examining their influence
on disease progression and rescue
» The GAL4-UAS binary system in flies is a sophisticated tool used to
upregulate and downregulate a gene
Genetic study
Drosophila as a model organism -
»Mutations of any gene in D. melanogaster can be easily generated
within a month using the clustered regularly interspaced
palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated (CRISPR/Cas9) system,
allowing the creation of a large number of mutant and transgenic
fly lines
»Additionally, the life cycle of a fly is short. Within 10 –12 days at
25°C, a single viable mating pair can generate hundreds of off
springs that are genetically identical to their parents
»Moreover, Drosophila is a very small insect (approximately 3 mm
in size), very easy to handle, and requires very little space in the
soybean seed
coat extract
BSSCE upregulated the
expression of iron
metabolism genes (Fer1HCH,
Fer2LCH, dZIP13 and Mvl),
which were downregulated by
role against
pb toxicity
Pb upregulated the mRNA level
of SOD1, SOD2, CAT and Nrf2 and
BSSCE restored them to a relatively
normal level
RNA isolation,
cDNA synthesis
real time RCR
Why use Drosophila as a model to
study meiosis?
 Ease of care and handling
 Short generation time (10 days at 25°)
 Large brood sizes (one female can lay >75 eggs per day)
• Provided insight of chromosome sites (including the centromere and
the telomeres)
• Constructed the first meiotic map based on recombination frequency
• Genetic mutants easily created, maintained, and shared among
members of the Drosophila
• Maintaining classical mutant alleles, due to the availability of a wide
variety of balancer chromosomes
Ovarioles develop oocytes in temporal order, with
stem cells at one end, and mature oocytes at the
Each ovariole is divided into two main sections.
The germarium, has stem cells and early meiotic
The vitellarium, has oocytes arrested in late meiotic
prophase concerned with
 Development
 Growth of the oocyte
 The germarium (D) is composed of germline stem cells
(pink) in their niche
 Daughters of the germline stem cells (peach) divide to
form a cyst
 (E); the pro-oocytes (gray) initiate SC formation in
zygotene of prophase I
 Follicle cells (light green), daughters of follicle stem cells
(dark green), encapsulate the cyst at the posterior of the
Oocyte development: stages 1–10
Germline stem
cell (asterisk)
complex (SC)
(blue) in two-cell
Clustering in
eight-cell cysts
16-cell cysts in
region 2A
(prophase I )
break (DSB)
• One nucleus chosen as the oocyte nucleus
• Nurse cells are formed by other cells
Stage 1
• Chromosomes are reorganized and
condense to form the karyosome.
Stage 2-3
• Euchromatic SC begins to disassemble in
Stage 5
• Euchromatic SC will completely absent
• Centromeres remain clustered
Stage 7-9
• Chromosomes briefly decondense
Stage 10
• Oocytes and transcription is upregulated
before chromosomes recondense
Stage 11
• Karyosome recondenses
Stage 11
• Preparation for germinal vesicle breakdown
Stage 12
• Germinal vesicle breakdown
• Tubulin recruited to the chromosomes organized into a bipolar
• Dynamic movements of Achiasmate chr. toward s spindle poles
in prometaphase I,
Stage 13
• Achiasmate chromosomes congress to join the chiasmate
• Biorentation of chr. at metaphase plate
• Oocyte arrest metaphase 1 until activation
Stage 14
Meiosis I spindle assembly
• Upon GVBD, tubulin is recruited to the chromosomes
• Meiotic spindles are anastral (acentriolar) in Drosophila oocytes
• It is the chromosomes that recruit tubulin and organize the
direction of the developing bipolar spindle
• The spindle composed of antiparallel microtubules at the central
spindle that interact laterally with the chromosomes kinetochore
microtubules and other polar spindles
Meiosis II
• Drosophila oocytes remain arrested at metaphase I up to 2 days
• Drosophila oocyte activations as well as resumption of meiosis is a passage
through the oviduct than fertilization
• After activation, anaphase I and meiosis II completed within ∼20 min
• Ca2+ signaling plays an important role in activation
• The progression from anaphase I to meiosis II is dependent on the calcineurin
• Upon activation, the spindle rotates to align at a right angle with the anterior–
posterior axis of the oocyte and the CR of the spindle elongates
• As chromosomes move toward the spindle poles in anaphase I, the center of the
spindle pinches in between the chromosomes and an aster of microtubules
• Loss of the centrosomal protein centrosomin leads to an aberrant central aster
between the developing prometaphase II spindles, illustrating the requirement for
centrosomal proteins for the formation of the central aster
• After prometaphase II, the sister chromatids segregate away from each other on
the twin spindles to rapidly complete the second meiotic
Polytene Chromosomes
»Specific interphase chromosomes consisting of
thousands of DNA strands
»They are very large and display a characteristic
band–interband morphology
»They provide a high level of function in certain
tissues such as salivary glands of insects.
»First reported in insects by E.G.Balbiani in 1881
»Reported in Drosophila by Bulgarian geneticist
Dontcho Kostoff in 1930
VF Semeshin
Polytene Chromosomes
Formed in
• Cells that undergo transient nuclear envelope breakdown
without subsequent chromosome separation
• Pathologically from perturbations in cell cycle regulation
o Muscular dystrophy patients
o Spontaneous abortions
o Many tumor types
• Can be formed by treatment with mitosis blocking drugs
• Good study model for chromosomes
• Large size & prevalence → easy visualization of structural
Found in:
• Dipteran flies
• Collembola arthropods
• Ciliophora protozoan
• Mammalian trophoblasts
and antipodal
• Suspensor cells in plants
0.5 mm
20 μm
Repeated division of the chromosome
in the absence of cytoplasmic division
Dark Bands
more DNA and
less RNA
Light Bands
more RNA and
less DNA
• ↑ Nuclei’s volume => Cell expansion
• High level of gene expression
o Endoreduplication of larval
salivary glands => large quantities
of adhesive mucoprotein (“glue”)
before pupation
o Tandem duplication located near
the centromere => Bar phenotype
of kidney-shaped eyes
• Interacts with the active
chromatin proteins &
nucleosome remodeling
• Binding sites for RNA pol II
• Initiate replication
Zykova et al.
I. F. Zhimulev et al.
sections of the genome are not
replicated during S-phase
gene poor regions & repetitive
focus cellular resources
• DNA breaks
• Accumulation of deletions,
translocations & inversions
genes involved in cell adhesion &
specific loci are replicated additional times
compared to the rest of the genome
follicle cells in the Drosophila ovary
chorion genes (egg shell) Stormo B.M., Fox D.T., et al
The bands of polytene chromosomes become
enlarged at certain times to form swellings called
Uncoiling of individual chromomeres
Indicate the site of active genes
where mRNA synthesis takes place
Balbiani rings
Formed of DNA, RNA and a
few proteins
Sites of transcription
Contains RNA
polymerase and RNPs
Stormo B.M., Fox D.T., et al
Morgan discovery of linked genes
» Characteristics of linked genes
• Genes that are close chromosome are often inherited together
• Linked genes usually don’t separate during crossing over prophase I of
» Used Drosophila in his experiment because:
• Mature in 2 weeks
• Produce large number of offspring
• Only have 4 pairs of chromosomes
• One pair is sex chromosome
Experiments for linked genes
» Morgan crossed fruit flies for two traits
» Homozygous dominant gray bodies and normal wing size (GGWW) with
homozygous recessive black bodies and small wings (ggww)
» Expected ratio:
• ¼ gray normal
• ¼ gray short
• ¼ black normal
• and ¼ black short
GGWW × ggww
(F1) GgWw × ggww
»Instead of getting testcross ratio he observed following
• 41.5 % gray/normal
• 41.5 % black/short
• 8.5 % gray/short
• 8.5 % black/normal
»Concluded that both the genes are on the same
chromosome which indicates that genes for body color
and wing size were linked on one chromosomes.
Deviation from testcross ratio
Morgan sex linked experiment
» In 1910, Morgan published details of his research in an article titled “Sex
Limited Inheritance in Drosophila”
» Sex Lined genes on sex chromosomes
» Discovered the 1st sex linked gene in fruit flies
• Crossed red eyed female (WW) with white eyed (ww) recessive male
• In F1 all were red eyed
• Then red eyed female crossed with red eyed male
• 3:1 red eye to white eye (only male had white eyes)
» Hypothesized: Eye color must be a sex-linked gene
Morgan’s experimental cross
Deletion mapping
• Specialized genetic mapping technique that enables scientists to
determine the location of a specific gene on a chromosome
• This technique is useful when the location of alleles, variants of a
recessive gene, are known to be located within a specific region, but
their specific location is unknown
• The process of deletion mapping is that a donor strain, which carries a
point mutation in the gene of interest, cannot restore the wild-type
function of the gene when crossed with a recipient deletion mutant
strain when both the point mutation and a region of the deletion
coincide i.e. affect the same base pair. If the point mutation of one
strain does not coincide with the deletion mutation in the other strain,
then the restoration of wild-type function can occur
Deletion mapping methodology
• Designing a deletion series
• Generating deletion mutants
• Phenotypic analysis
• Correlating phenotypes with deletions
• Fine mapping and identification
• Eye development genes: Deletion mapping has been
employed to study genes involved in eye development in
Drosophila. For example, the eyeless (ey) gene is crucial for
eye formation. Deletion mapping experiments helped identify
the region of the genome containing the ey gene. Further
analysis of smaller deletions within that region allowed
researchers to pinpoint the exact location of the ey gene and
understand its role in eye development.
• Other examples include circadian rhythm genes and memory
regulation genes.
Deletion Mapping and in situ hybridization
• A form of complementation analysis can be used to determine whether a given mutation maps
within a given deletion or outside it. Essentially the deletion stock and the mutant stock are
crossed to generate flies carrying one chromosome of a pair of homologues carrying the
deletion and the other carrying the mutation (mutation/deletion). If flies of this genotype have
the mutant phenotype (the deletion fails to complement the mutation) the mutation must fall
within the deleted region so the fly has no wild type copy of the gene. Conversely if flies of this
genotype show a wild type phenotype(the deletion complements the mutation) the mutation
must map to somewhere outside this deletion.
• Collections of overlapping deletions for many regions of the Drosophila genome have been
isolated and mapped.
Deletion mapping problem
• Locations of six deletions mapped on
Drosophila chromosome
• Recessive mutations a, b, c, d, e, f, and g
are known to be located in the same
regions as deletions
• “m” and “+” represents mutation and
wild, respectively
• Order of seven mutant genes on the
g c b
a e d f
Gene order:
First genetic map
» Alfred Henry Sturtevant proposed that the "proportion of crossovers could be used
as an index of the distance between any two factors"
» Sturtevant drew first chromosomal linkage map for the genes located on the X
chromosome of fruit flies
» In Sturtevant's gene map, six traits are arranged along a linear chromosome
according to the relative distance of each from trait B. Traits include yellow body
(B), white eyes (C, O), vermillion eyes (P), miniature wings (R), and rudimentary
wings (M)
test cross
Recombination Frequency =
No. of recombinant progeny
Total no.of progeny
× 100
× 100 = 20 cM
Gene Mapping
Genotype Counts
vg+ b+ 390
vg b 410
vg b+ 110
vg+ b 90
20 cM
vg b
Why are three-point testcrosses
» Simultaneous analysis of 3 points (genes)
» By solving a three point cross you can determine two
important things:
• Order of the genes on a chromosome
• Distance between each pair of genes
Three types of
crossover with three
linked loci
Three-point testcross
can be used to map
linked genes
st e+ ss
Recombination Frequency (RF)
Recombination frequency is the frequency with which a single
chromosomal crossover will take place between two genes during
Map unit (m.u.) OR centimorgan (cM)
RF =
No.of recombinants
Total progeny
× 100
• RF (st-ss) =
× 100 = 14.57%
• RF (st-e) =
× 100 = 24.64%
• RF (e-ss) =
× 100 = 12.19%
 The map distance is equal to the frequency of recombination
• Thus, st and ss are separated by 14.57, st and e by 24.64, and e and
ss by 12.19 cM
Linkage Map:
The detection of the double recombinant classes shows that
double crossovers must occur. When crossover in one region
affects the probability of a crossover in a nearby region the
interaction is called interference.
Interference(I) = 1 − c.o.c.
c.o.c. =
Observed number of double recombinants
Expected number of double recombinants
• Coefficient of coincidence =
= 0.631
• Interference = 1-0.631 = 0.369 = 0.369×100 = 36.9%
Task 1
In fruit fly, cherub wings (ch), black body (b), and cinnabar
eyes (cn) result from recessive alleles that are all located on
chromosome 2. A homozygous wild-type fly was mated with
cherub, black, and cinnabar fly, and the resulting F1 females
were test-crossed with cherub, black, and cinnabar males.
The following progeny were produced from the test cross:
Q1. Calculate the recombinant distance between the three
Q2. Find out the linear order of the genes on the
Q3. Determine the coefficient of coincidence and the
interference for these three loci.
Task 2
Find out the order of
the genes and
calculate the
Task 3
a. Draw the alleles in their proper
positions on the chromosomes
of triple heterozygous
b. If appropriate calculate
• Zhimulev, I.F. and Koryakov, D.E. (2009). Polytene Chromosomes. In eLS,
• Polyteny: still a giant player in chromosome research - Scientific Figure on
ResearchGate. Available from:
a_fig1_318902685 [accessed 17 Jun, 2023]
• Lobo, I., & Shaw, K. (2008). Thomas Hunt Morgan, genetic recombination and gene

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Drosophila Mapping_ABD Group_1.pptx

  • 1.
  • 2. Group Agricultural Biotechnology Division Rubina Bukhari Andleeb Anjum Qazalbash Najida Irfan Members: Waqar Khan Asma Zia Arzish Javaid
  • 3. Outline • Introduction, Life Cycle and Role as Model Organism • Meiosis in Drosophila • Polytene Chromosome • Morgan’s Experiment with Drosophila • Deletion Mapping • Recombination Mapping
  • 4. Introduction • Drosophila derived from the Greek word drosos means dew loving • They belong to the Drosophilidae family and are agricultural pest most frequently known as fruit flies • Cinderella of genetics • They feed primarily on unripe or ripe fruits • Most Drosophila spp. are small, about 2–4 mm long • Drosophila's wings can beat 220 times per second • Drosophila contains one of the most advanced forms of eye among insects, i.e., compound eye
  • 6. Radiation caused harmful genetic defects in the offspring of exposed humans –this was at the advent of man's attempts to harness and exploit nuclear fission Irradiated flies looked normal, their offspring frequently showed the effects of mutation Using Drosophila in the 1920s, Muller discovered that x-rays caused a massive increase in the mutation rate of genes, and could actually break chromosomes Establish that they were found within chromosomes (long before it was even established that DNA is the genetic material). Morgan greatly refined the theory of inheritance first proposed by Gregor Mendel, by using Drosophila to define genes Father of Drosophila research “Thomas Hunt Morgan”
  • 7. » The genome of the fruit fly has been entirely sequenced and annotated » It has over 14,000 genes spread over four chromosomes, although only three of them contain the bulk of the genome » Two-thirds of the known disease-causing genes in humans have been identified in the fly » The genome information of Drosophila allows targeted tissue-specific overexpression and downregulation of disease-inducing genes that may be used to determine the medicinal/pharmacological effects of various plants/plant-derived components by examining their influence on disease progression and rescue » The GAL4-UAS binary system in flies is a sophisticated tool used to upregulate and downregulate a gene Genetic study
  • 9. Drosophila as a model organism - Advantages »Mutations of any gene in D. melanogaster can be easily generated within a month using the clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated (CRISPR/Cas9) system, allowing the creation of a large number of mutant and transgenic fly lines »Additionally, the life cycle of a fly is short. Within 10 –12 days at 25°C, a single viable mating pair can generate hundreds of off springs that are genetically identical to their parents »Moreover, Drosophila is a very small insect (approximately 3 mm in size), very easy to handle, and requires very little space in the laboratory
  • 10. Black soybean seed coat extract BSSCE upregulated the expression of iron metabolism genes (Fer1HCH, Fer2LCH, dZIP13 and Mvl), which were downregulated by Pb Drosophila role against pb toxicity Pb upregulated the mRNA level of SOD1, SOD2, CAT and Nrf2 and BSSCE restored them to a relatively normal level RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis and quantitative real time RCR (q-PCR) BSSCE in promoting iron absorption
  • 11. Why use Drosophila as a model to study meiosis?  Ease of care and handling  Short generation time (10 days at 25°)  Large brood sizes (one female can lay >75 eggs per day) • Provided insight of chromosome sites (including the centromere and the telomeres) • Constructed the first meiotic map based on recombination frequency • Genetic mutants easily created, maintained, and shared among members of the Drosophila • Maintaining classical mutant alleles, due to the availability of a wide variety of balancer chromosomes
  • 12. Ovarioles develop oocytes in temporal order, with stem cells at one end, and mature oocytes at the other Each ovariole is divided into two main sections. The germarium, has stem cells and early meiotic prophase The vitellarium, has oocytes arrested in late meiotic prophase concerned with  Development  Growth of the oocyte  The germarium (D) is composed of germline stem cells (pink) in their niche  Daughters of the germline stem cells (peach) divide to form a cyst  (E); the pro-oocytes (gray) initiate SC formation in zygotene of prophase I  Follicle cells (light green), daughters of follicle stem cells (dark green), encapsulate the cyst at the posterior of the germarium.
  • 13. Oocyte development: stages 1–10 Germline stem cell (asterisk) Cystoblast, 16-cell interconnected cyst Synaptonemal complex (SC) Unpaired centromeres (blue) in two-cell cysts Clustering in eight-cell cysts 16-cell cysts in region 2A (prophase I ) Double-strand break (DSB) formation
  • 14. • One nucleus chosen as the oocyte nucleus • Nurse cells are formed by other cells Stage 1 • Chromosomes are reorganized and condense to form the karyosome. Stage 2-3 • Euchromatic SC begins to disassemble in midprophase Stage 5 • Euchromatic SC will completely absent • Centromeres remain clustered Stage 7-9 • Chromosomes briefly decondense Stage 10 • Oocytes and transcription is upregulated before chromosomes recondense Stage 11
  • 15. • Karyosome recondenses Stage 11 • Preparation for germinal vesicle breakdown Stage 12 • Germinal vesicle breakdown • Tubulin recruited to the chromosomes organized into a bipolar spindle • Dynamic movements of Achiasmate chr. toward s spindle poles in prometaphase I, Stage 13 • Achiasmate chromosomes congress to join the chiasmate chromosomes • Biorentation of chr. at metaphase plate • Oocyte arrest metaphase 1 until activation Stage 14
  • 16. Meiosis I spindle assembly • Upon GVBD, tubulin is recruited to the chromosomes • Meiotic spindles are anastral (acentriolar) in Drosophila oocytes • It is the chromosomes that recruit tubulin and organize the direction of the developing bipolar spindle • The spindle composed of antiparallel microtubules at the central spindle that interact laterally with the chromosomes kinetochore microtubules and other polar spindles
  • 17. Meiosis II • Drosophila oocytes remain arrested at metaphase I up to 2 days • Drosophila oocyte activations as well as resumption of meiosis is a passage through the oviduct than fertilization • After activation, anaphase I and meiosis II completed within ∼20 min • Ca2+ signaling plays an important role in activation • The progression from anaphase I to meiosis II is dependent on the calcineurin pathway • Upon activation, the spindle rotates to align at a right angle with the anterior– posterior axis of the oocyte and the CR of the spindle elongates • As chromosomes move toward the spindle poles in anaphase I, the center of the spindle pinches in between the chromosomes and an aster of microtubules • Loss of the centrosomal protein centrosomin leads to an aberrant central aster between the developing prometaphase II spindles, illustrating the requirement for centrosomal proteins for the formation of the central aster • After prometaphase II, the sister chromatids segregate away from each other on the twin spindles to rapidly complete the second meiotic
  • 18. Polytene Chromosomes »Specific interphase chromosomes consisting of thousands of DNA strands »They are very large and display a characteristic band–interband morphology »They provide a high level of function in certain tissues such as salivary glands of insects. »First reported in insects by E.G.Balbiani in 1881 »Reported in Drosophila by Bulgarian geneticist Dontcho Kostoff in 1930 VF Semeshin
  • 19. Polytene Chromosomes Formed in • Cells that undergo transient nuclear envelope breakdown without subsequent chromosome separation • Pathologically from perturbations in cell cycle regulation o Muscular dystrophy patients o Spontaneous abortions o Many tumor types • Can be formed by treatment with mitosis blocking drugs Significance • Good study model for chromosomes • Large size & prevalence → easy visualization of structural features
  • 20. Found in: • Dipteran flies • Collembola arthropods • Ciliophora protozoan • Mammalian trophoblasts and antipodal • Suspensor cells in plants Chromonemata 0.5 mm 20 μm Repeated division of the chromosome in the absence of cytoplasmic division Endomitosis Dark Bands more DNA and less RNA Light Bands more RNA and less DNA Function: • ↑ Nuclei’s volume => Cell expansion • High level of gene expression o Endoreduplication of larval salivary glands => large quantities of adhesive mucoprotein (“glue”) before pupation o Tandem duplication located near the centromere => Bar phenotype of kidney-shaped eyes Interbands • Interacts with the active chromatin proteins & nucleosome remodeling • Binding sites for RNA pol II • Initiate replication Zykova et al. I. F. Zhimulev et al.
  • 21. sections of the genome are not replicated during S-phase gene poor regions & repetitive regions (heterochromatin) Merit: focus cellular resources elsewhere Consequences: • DNA breaks • Accumulation of deletions, translocations & inversions genes involved in cell adhesion & neurogenesis specific loci are replicated additional times compared to the rest of the genome follicle cells in the Drosophila ovary chorion genes (egg shell) Stormo B.M., Fox D.T., et al
  • 22. Puffing The bands of polytene chromosomes become enlarged at certain times to form swellings called puffs Uncoiling of individual chromomeres Indicate the site of active genes where mRNA synthesis takes place Balbiani rings Formed of DNA, RNA and a few proteins Sites of transcription Contains RNA polymerase and RNPs Stormo B.M., Fox D.T., et al
  • 23. Morgan discovery of linked genes » Characteristics of linked genes • Genes that are close chromosome are often inherited together • Linked genes usually don’t separate during crossing over prophase I of meiosis » Used Drosophila in his experiment because: • Mature in 2 weeks • Produce large number of offspring • Only have 4 pairs of chromosomes • One pair is sex chromosome
  • 24. Experiments for linked genes » Morgan crossed fruit flies for two traits » Homozygous dominant gray bodies and normal wing size (GGWW) with homozygous recessive black bodies and small wings (ggww) » Expected ratio: • ¼ gray normal • ¼ gray short • ¼ black normal • and ¼ black short GGWW × ggww (F1) GgWw × ggww
  • 25. »Instead of getting testcross ratio he observed following frequency: • 41.5 % gray/normal • 41.5 % black/short • 8.5 % gray/short • 8.5 % black/normal »Concluded that both the genes are on the same chromosome which indicates that genes for body color and wing size were linked on one chromosomes. Deviation from testcross ratio
  • 26. Morgan sex linked experiment » In 1910, Morgan published details of his research in an article titled “Sex Limited Inheritance in Drosophila” » Sex Lined genes on sex chromosomes » Discovered the 1st sex linked gene in fruit flies • Crossed red eyed female (WW) with white eyed (ww) recessive male • In F1 all were red eyed • Then red eyed female crossed with red eyed male • 3:1 red eye to white eye (only male had white eyes) » Hypothesized: Eye color must be a sex-linked gene
  • 28. Deletion mapping • Specialized genetic mapping technique that enables scientists to determine the location of a specific gene on a chromosome • This technique is useful when the location of alleles, variants of a recessive gene, are known to be located within a specific region, but their specific location is unknown • The process of deletion mapping is that a donor strain, which carries a point mutation in the gene of interest, cannot restore the wild-type function of the gene when crossed with a recipient deletion mutant strain when both the point mutation and a region of the deletion coincide i.e. affect the same base pair. If the point mutation of one strain does not coincide with the deletion mutation in the other strain, then the restoration of wild-type function can occur
  • 29. Deletion mapping methodology • Designing a deletion series • Generating deletion mutants • Phenotypic analysis • Correlating phenotypes with deletions • Fine mapping and identification
  • 30. Examples • Eye development genes: Deletion mapping has been employed to study genes involved in eye development in Drosophila. For example, the eyeless (ey) gene is crucial for eye formation. Deletion mapping experiments helped identify the region of the genome containing the ey gene. Further analysis of smaller deletions within that region allowed researchers to pinpoint the exact location of the ey gene and understand its role in eye development. • Other examples include circadian rhythm genes and memory regulation genes.
  • 31. Deletion Mapping and in situ hybridization • A form of complementation analysis can be used to determine whether a given mutation maps within a given deletion or outside it. Essentially the deletion stock and the mutant stock are crossed to generate flies carrying one chromosome of a pair of homologues carrying the deletion and the other carrying the mutation (mutation/deletion). If flies of this genotype have the mutant phenotype (the deletion fails to complement the mutation) the mutation must fall within the deleted region so the fly has no wild type copy of the gene. Conversely if flies of this genotype show a wild type phenotype(the deletion complements the mutation) the mutation must map to somewhere outside this deletion. • Collections of overlapping deletions for many regions of the Drosophila genome have been isolated and mapped.
  • 32.
  • 33. Deletion mapping problem • Locations of six deletions mapped on Drosophila chromosome • Recessive mutations a, b, c, d, e, f, and g are known to be located in the same regions as deletions • “m” and “+” represents mutation and wild, respectively • Order of seven mutant genes on the chromosome? Location of six deletions Mutations Results g c b a e d f Gene order:
  • 35. First genetic map » Alfred Henry Sturtevant proposed that the "proportion of crossovers could be used as an index of the distance between any two factors" » Sturtevant drew first chromosomal linkage map for the genes located on the X chromosome of fruit flies » In Sturtevant's gene map, six traits are arranged along a linear chromosome according to the relative distance of each from trait B. Traits include yellow body (B), white eyes (C, O), vermillion eyes (P), miniature wings (R), and rudimentary wings (M)
  • 37. Recombination Frequency = No. of recombinant progeny Total no.of progeny × 100 = 110+90 390+410+110+90 × 100 = 20 cM Gene Mapping Genotype Counts vg+ b+ 390 vg b 410 vg b+ 110 vg+ b 90 1000 20 cM vg b
  • 38. Why are three-point testcrosses important? » Simultaneous analysis of 3 points (genes) » By solving a three point cross you can determine two important things: • Order of the genes on a chromosome • Distance between each pair of genes Three types of crossover with three linked loci
  • 39. Three-point testcross can be used to map linked genes st e+ ss Progeny number 283 278 50 52 5 3 43 41 755 Parents DCO
  • 40. Recombination Frequency (RF) Recombination frequency is the frequency with which a single chromosomal crossover will take place between two genes during meiosis Unit: Map unit (m.u.) OR centimorgan (cM) Formula: RF = No.of recombinants Total progeny × 100
  • 41. • RF (st-ss) = 50+52+5+3 755 × 100 = 14.57% • RF (st-e) = 50+52+43+41 755 × 100 = 24.64% • RF (e-ss) = 43+41+5+3 755 × 100 = 12.19%  The map distance is equal to the frequency of recombination • Thus, st and ss are separated by 14.57, st and e by 24.64, and e and ss by 12.19 cM Linkage Map:
  • 42. Interference The detection of the double recombinant classes shows that double crossovers must occur. When crossover in one region affects the probability of a crossover in a nearby region the interaction is called interference. Interference(I) = 1 − c.o.c. c.o.c. = Observed number of double recombinants Expected number of double recombinants • Coefficient of coincidence = 5+3 0.14×0.12×755 = 8 12.68 = 0.631 • Interference = 1-0.631 = 0.369 = 0.369×100 = 36.9%
  • 43.
  • 44. Task 1 In fruit fly, cherub wings (ch), black body (b), and cinnabar eyes (cn) result from recessive alleles that are all located on chromosome 2. A homozygous wild-type fly was mated with cherub, black, and cinnabar fly, and the resulting F1 females were test-crossed with cherub, black, and cinnabar males. The following progeny were produced from the test cross: Q1. Calculate the recombinant distance between the three loci. Q2. Find out the linear order of the genes on the chromosome. Q3. Determine the coefficient of coincidence and the interference for these three loci.
  • 45. Task 2 Find out the order of the genes and calculate the interference
  • 46. Task 3 a. Draw the alleles in their proper positions on the chromosomes of triple heterozygous b. If appropriate calculate interference
  • 47. References • t=Polytene%20chromosomes%20are%20gigantic%20interphase,formation%20directly% 20under%20the%20microscope • Zhimulev, I.F. and Koryakov, D.E. (2009). Polytene Chromosomes. In eLS, (Ed.). • ,Function,high%20level%20of%20gene%20expression. • Polyteny: still a giant player in chromosome research - Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from: of-polytene-chromosomes-While-polytene-chromosomes-are-found-in- a_fig1_318902685 [accessed 17 Jun, 2023] • Lobo, I., & Shaw, K. (2008). Thomas Hunt Morgan, genetic recombination and gene mapping.