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The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit 1
    - The Person of the Spirit
The doctrine of the Trinity hinges on six truths:
  1. The Father is God.
  2. The Father is a separate person.
  3. The Son is God.
  4. The Son is a separate person.
  5. The Spirit is God.
  6. The Spirit is a separate person.
Only the two statements that are highlighted are
questioned by those who deny the Trinity.
Those who deny the Trinity usually deny two things,
  •   Jesus Christ is God.
  •   The Holy Spirit is a person.
They acknowledge that Jesus is a separate person, but
deny that he is God. The acknowledge that the Spirit is
God, but deny that he is a separate person; they treat
him as God’s active force or presence.
As far as the Holy Spirit is concerned, if we are to
believe in the Trinity we must establish that he is
  (a) God, and
  (b) a separate Person.
Since Scripture clearly treats the Holy Spirit as God, this
is seldom questioned. But some do doubt whether the
Holy Spirit is a separate person.
Lesson Outline
A. The Holy Spirit Is God
      • Here we need to establish that the word of
        God treats the Holy Spirit as part of God.

B. The Holy Spirit Is a Person
      • Here we need to establish that the word of
        God treats the Holy Spirit as a person, distinct
        from the Father and the Son, yet equal to
1. The Holy Spirit as God
The Holy Spirit as God
Since this point is not generally disputed, we shall
briefly mention a few major evidences.
  1. The Holy Spirit is called God.
  2. The Holy Spirit communes with God.
  3. The Holy Spirit communicates as God.
  4. The Holy Spirit is characterised as God.
  5. The Holy Spirit acts as God
The Holy Spirit as God
The Holy Spirit [is]    In Acts 5:3-4, the Holy
                        Spirit is explicitly called
 1. called God
                        God. To lie to the Holy
                        Spirit is to lie to God.
The Holy Spirit as God
The Holy Spirit [is]    The Holy Spirit appears
                        alongside the Father and
 1. called God
                        the Son as an equal
 2. communes with God   member of the Trinity in
                        texts like Matthew 28:19
                        and 2 Corinthians 13:14.
The Holy Spirit as God
The Holy Spirit [is]      What the Holy Spirit says,
                          God says. The Holy Spirit
 1. called God
                          is God. When quoting OT
 2. communes with God     scriptures, the NT can say
                          ‘God said’ or ‘The Spirit’
 3. communicates as God
                          with equal authority.
The Holy Spirit as God
The Holy Spirit [is]       There are many texts
                           which characterise the
 1. called God
                           Holy Spirit as possessing
 2. communes with God      all the attributes of God,
                           such as being omnipotent,
 3. communicates as God
                           omniscient, and omni-
 4. characterised as God   present.
The Holy Spirit as God
The Holy Spirit [is]       What the Holy Spirit
                           does, God does. “The
 1. called God
                           work of the Holy Spirit is
 2. communes with God      the work of God”
                           (Williams). The Spirit’s
 3. communicates as God
                           works include
 4. characterised as God   creation, providence, the
                           incarnation, regeneration,
 5. acts as God
                           and so on.
2. The Holy Spirit as a Person
The Holy Spirit as a Person
We are going to look at five lines of evidence showing
that the Holy Spirit is a Person rather than a force.
  1. Personal pronouns
  2. Personal titles
  3. Personal acts
  4. Personal relationships
  5. Personal treatment
The Holy Spirit as a Person
Five Evidences          The Holy Spirit is a
 1. Personal pronouns   ‘He’, not an ‘It’!

                        The word of God treats the
                        Holy Spirit as a Person by
                        calling the Spirit ‘he’, ‘his’, and
                        ‘him’. These pronouns
                        suggestion a person, not a
John 14:16-17
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you
another Counsellor to be with you forever— the
Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept
him, because it neither sees him nor knows him.
But you know him, for he lives with you and will
be in you.
John 14:16-17
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you
another Counsellor to be with you forever— the
Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him,
because it neither sees him nor knows him. But
you know him, for he lives with you and will be
in you.

You could not speak about a glass of water or a container of
liquid nitrogen in this way.
John 16:13-14
But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will
guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his
own; he will speak only what he hears, and he
will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring
glory to me by taking from what is mine and
making it known to you.
John 16:13-14
But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will
guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his
own; he will speak only what he hears, and he
will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring
glory to me by taking from what is mine and
making it known to you.

You could not speak about your arm or hand or any part of your
body this way.
The Holy Spirit as a Person
Five Evidences          The Holy Spirit is
 1. Personal pronouns   ‘another Helper’.
 2. Personal titles     Jesus promised that he would
                        send ‘another Helper’ to take
                        his place with his disciples. The
                        new Helper would be another
                        like him. This clearly implies
                        that the Spirit is a person just
                        as Jesus was a person.
The Holy Spirit as a Person
John 14:16-17, ESV                John 14:25-26, ESV
And I will ask the Father, and    These things I have spoken to
he will give you another          you while I am still with you.
Helper, to be with you forever,   But the Helper, the Holy
even the Spirit of truth, whom    Spirit, whom the Father will
the world cannot receive,         send in my name, he will teach
because it neither sees him       you all things and bring to your
nor knows him. You know him,      remembrance all that I have
for he dwells with you and will   said to you.
be in you.
The Holy Spirit as a Person
John 15:26, ESV                    John 16:7, ESV
But when the Helper                Nevertheless, I tell you the
comes, whom I will send to         truth: it is to your advantage
you from the Father, the Spirit    that I go away, for if I do not go
of truth, who proceeds from        away, the Helper will not come
the Father, he will bear witness   to you. But if I go, I will send
about me.                          him to you.
The Holy Spirit as a Person
Five Evidences          The Holy Spirit speaks
 1. Personal pronouns   to believers.
 2. Personal titles     The Holy Spirit communicates
                        in ways that only a person can
 3. Personal acts       communicate. Scripture often
                        describes him performing
                        communicative acts that could
                        not be said of an impersonal
The Holy Spirit as a Person
a) He speaks         Acts 13:2
                     While they were
                     worshiping the Lord and
                     fasting, the Holy Spirit
                     said, “Set apart for me
                     Barnabas and Saul for the
                     work to which I have
                     called them.”
The Holy Spirit as a Person
a) He speaks          Romans 8:26-27
b) He intercedes      In the same way, the Spirit helps
                      us in our weakness. We do not
                      know what we ought to pray
                      for, but the Spirit himself
                      intercedes for us with groans that
                      words cannot express. 27 And he
                      who searches our hearts knows
                      the mind of the Spirit, because
                      the Spirit intercedes for the saints
                      in accordance with God’s will.
The Holy Spirit as a Person
a) He speaks          John 15:26
b) He intercedes      When the Counsellor
c) He testifies       comes, whom I will send
                      to you from the Father,
                      the Spirit of truth who
                      goes out from the Father,
                      he will testify about me.
The Holy Spirit as a Person
a) He speaks          John 14:26
b) He intercedes      But the Counsellor, the
c) He testifies       Holy Spirit, whom the
                      Father will send in my
d) He teaches         name, will teach you all
                      things and will remind you
                      of everything I have said
                      to you.
The Holy Spirit as a Person
a) He speaks          John 16:8
b) He intercedes      When he comes, he will
c) He testifies       convict the world of
                      guilt in regard to sin
d) He teaches         and righteousness and
e) He convicts        judgment.
The Holy Spirit as a Person
a) He speaks          Acts 20:28
b) He intercedes      Keep watch over
c) He testifies       yourselves and all the
                      flock of which the Holy
d) He teaches         Spirit has made you
e) He convicts        overseers. Be shepherds
f) He chooses         of the church of
                      God, which he bought
                      with his own blood.
The Holy Spirit as a Person
a) He speaks          Acts 15:28
b) He intercedes      It seemed good to the
c) He testifies       Holy Spirit and to us not
                      to burden you with
d) He teaches         anything beyond the
e) He convicts        following requirements.
f) He chooses
g) He evaluates
The Holy Spirit as a Person
Five Evidences               The Holy Spirit shares a
 1. Personal pronouns        personal relationship in
                             the Trinity.
 2. Personal titles
 3. Personal acts            The Holy Spirit is named alongside
                             the Father and Son in the baptismal
 4. Personal relationships   formula and the benediction. Since
                             the Father and Son are persons, this
                             only makes sense if the Holy Spirit is
                             also a person. If he were just God’s
                             active force, why list him separately
                             from God?
The Holy Spirit as a Person
Five Evidences               Matthew 28:19
 1. Personal pronouns
                             Therefore go and make
 2. Personal titles          disciples of all
 3. Personal acts            nations, baptizing them in
                             the name of the Father
 4. Personal relationships
                             and of the Son and of the
                             Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit as a Person
Five Evidences               2 Corinthians 13:14
 1. Personal pronouns
                             May the grace of the Lord
 2. Personal titles          Jesus Christ, and the love
 3. Personal acts            of God, and the fellowship
                             of the Holy Spirit be with
 4. Personal relationships
                             you all.
The Holy Spirit as a Person
Five Evidences               We can treat the Holy
 1. Personal pronouns        Spirit like a Person.
 2. Personal titles          The Holy Spirit can be treated
 3. Personal acts            like a person. That is, we can
                             treat him in ways that only
 4. Personal relationships   make sense if he is a person,
                             not if he is a force.
 5. Personal treatment
The Holy Spirit as a Person
The Holy Spirit can be   Ephesians 4:30
 1. grieved
                         And do not grieve the
 2. resisted             Holy Spirit of God, with
 3. insulted             whom you were sealed for
 4. tested               the day of redemption.
 5. lied to
 6. quenched
 7. blasphemed
The Holy Spirit as a Person
The Holy Spirit can be   Acts 7:51
 1. grieved
                         You stiff-necked
 2. resisted             people, with
 3. insulted             uncircumcised hearts and
 4. tested               ears! You are just like your
 5. lied to              fathers: You always resist
 6. quenched             the Holy Spirit!
 7. blasphemed
The Holy Spirit as a Person
The Holy Spirit can be   Hebrews 10:29
 1. grieved              How much more severely do
 2. resisted             you think a man deserves to
 3. insulted             be punished who has trampled
                         the Son of God under
 4. tested               foot, who has treated as an
 5. lied to              unholy thing the blood of the
 6. quenched             covenant that sanctified
                         him, and who has insulted the
 7. blasphemed           Spirit of grace?
The Holy Spirit as a Person
The Holy Spirit can be   Acts 5:9
 1. grieved
                         Peter said to her, “How
 2. resisted             could you agree to test
 3. insulted             the Spirit of the Lord?
 4. tested
 5. lied to
 6. quenched
 7. blasphemed
The Holy Spirit as a Person
The Holy Spirit can be   Acts 5:3
 1. grieved
                         Then Peter
 2. resisted             said, “Ananias, how is it
 3. insulted             that Satan has so filled
 4. tested               your heart that you have
 5. lied to              lied to the Holy Spirit and
 6. quenched             have kept for yourself
                         some of the money you
 7. blasphemed
                         received for the land?”
The Holy Spirit as a Person
The Holy Spirit can be   1 Thessalonians 5:19
 1. grieved
                         Do not quench the Spirit.
 2. resisted
 3. insulted
 4. tested
 5. lied to
 6. quenched
 7. blasphemed
The Holy Spirit as a Person
The Holy Spirit can be   Matthew 12:31
 1. grieved
                         Therefore I tell you, every
 2. resisted             sin and blasphemy will be
 3. insulted             forgiven people, but the
 4. tested               blasphemy against the
 5. lied to              Spirit will not be forgiven.
 6. quenched
 7. blasphemed
3. The Holy Spirit as Our Personal God
The Holy Spirit as Our Personal God
Because we recognise the Holy Spirit as a divine
person, he can be the object of our
  1. celebration in worship
  2. communion in prayer
  3. cooperation in ministry
The Holy Spirit as Our Personal God
Celebration in Worship           Matthew 12:32
If he is fully God, it is only   Anyone who speaks a
natural to celebrate him in      word against the Son of
our worship. We worship          Man will be forgiven, but
the Triune God:                  anyone who speaks
Father, Son, and Holy            against the Holy Spirit will
Spirit. We should speak to       not be forgiven, either in
and about the Spirit with        this age or in the age to
love and honour.                 come.
The Holy Spirit as Our Personal God
Communion in Prayer           2 Corinthians 13:14
We can enjoy personal         May the grace of the Lord
fellowship with the Spirit.   Jesus Christ, and the love
In our prayers, we speak      of God, and the fellowship
to him and he speaks to       of the Holy Spirit be with
us. He also speaks to us      you all.
through the word of God.
The Holy Spirit as Our Personal God
Cooperation in Ministry       Acts 1:8
The Holy Spirit empowers      But you will receive power
us for ministry. He leads;    when the Holy Spirit
we follow. He is not a        comes on you; and you
force that we manipulate.     will be my witnesses in
He is the all-wise and all-   Jerusalem, and in all Judea
powerful Lord to whom         and Samaria, and to the
we listen and yield.          ends of the earth.
• If people deny the Trinity, they deny that (a) Jesus
  is God and (b) the Holy Spirit is a person.
• The word of God teaches that the Holy Spirit is
  both (a) God and (b) a person.
• Since the Holy Spirit is our personal God, we can
  celebrate him in worship, commune with him in
  prayer, and cooperate with him in ministry.
Doctrine of the Holy Spirit 1

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Doctrine of the Holy Spirit 1

  • 1.
  • 2. The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit 1 - The Person of the Spirit
  • 4. Introduction The doctrine of the Trinity hinges on six truths: 1. The Father is God. 2. The Father is a separate person. 3. The Son is God. 4. The Son is a separate person. 5. The Spirit is God. 6. The Spirit is a separate person. Only the two statements that are highlighted are questioned by those who deny the Trinity.
  • 5. Introduction Those who deny the Trinity usually deny two things, namely: • Jesus Christ is God. • The Holy Spirit is a person. They acknowledge that Jesus is a separate person, but deny that he is God. The acknowledge that the Spirit is God, but deny that he is a separate person; they treat him as God’s active force or presence.
  • 6. Introduction As far as the Holy Spirit is concerned, if we are to believe in the Trinity we must establish that he is (a) God, and (b) a separate Person. Since Scripture clearly treats the Holy Spirit as God, this is seldom questioned. But some do doubt whether the Holy Spirit is a separate person.
  • 7. Lesson Outline A. The Holy Spirit Is God • Here we need to establish that the word of God treats the Holy Spirit as part of God. B. The Holy Spirit Is a Person • Here we need to establish that the word of God treats the Holy Spirit as a person, distinct from the Father and the Son, yet equal to them.
  • 8. 1. The Holy Spirit as God
  • 9. The Holy Spirit as God Since this point is not generally disputed, we shall briefly mention a few major evidences. 1. The Holy Spirit is called God. 2. The Holy Spirit communes with God. 3. The Holy Spirit communicates as God. 4. The Holy Spirit is characterised as God. 5. The Holy Spirit acts as God
  • 10. The Holy Spirit as God The Holy Spirit [is] In Acts 5:3-4, the Holy Spirit is explicitly called 1. called God God. To lie to the Holy Spirit is to lie to God.
  • 11. The Holy Spirit as God The Holy Spirit [is] The Holy Spirit appears alongside the Father and 1. called God the Son as an equal 2. communes with God member of the Trinity in texts like Matthew 28:19 and 2 Corinthians 13:14.
  • 12. The Holy Spirit as God The Holy Spirit [is] What the Holy Spirit says, God says. The Holy Spirit 1. called God is God. When quoting OT 2. communes with God scriptures, the NT can say ‘God said’ or ‘The Spirit’ 3. communicates as God with equal authority.
  • 13. The Holy Spirit as God The Holy Spirit [is] There are many texts which characterise the 1. called God Holy Spirit as possessing 2. communes with God all the attributes of God, such as being omnipotent, 3. communicates as God omniscient, and omni- 4. characterised as God present.
  • 14. The Holy Spirit as God The Holy Spirit [is] What the Holy Spirit does, God does. “The 1. called God work of the Holy Spirit is 2. communes with God the work of God” (Williams). The Spirit’s 3. communicates as God works include 4. characterised as God creation, providence, the incarnation, regeneration, 5. acts as God and so on.
  • 15. 2. The Holy Spirit as a Person
  • 16. The Holy Spirit as a Person We are going to look at five lines of evidence showing that the Holy Spirit is a Person rather than a force. 1. Personal pronouns 2. Personal titles 3. Personal acts 4. Personal relationships 5. Personal treatment
  • 17. The Holy Spirit as a Person Five Evidences The Holy Spirit is a 1. Personal pronouns ‘He’, not an ‘It’! The word of God treats the Holy Spirit as a Person by calling the Spirit ‘he’, ‘his’, and ‘him’. These pronouns suggestion a person, not a force.
  • 18. John 14:16-17 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor to be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
  • 19. John 14:16-17 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor to be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. You could not speak about a glass of water or a container of liquid nitrogen in this way.
  • 20. John 16:13-14 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you.
  • 21. John 16:13-14 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. You could not speak about your arm or hand or any part of your body this way.
  • 22. The Holy Spirit as a Person Five Evidences The Holy Spirit is 1. Personal pronouns ‘another Helper’. 2. Personal titles Jesus promised that he would send ‘another Helper’ to take his place with his disciples. The new Helper would be another like him. This clearly implies that the Spirit is a person just as Jesus was a person.
  • 23. The Holy Spirit as a Person John 14:16-17, ESV John 14:25-26, ESV And I will ask the Father, and These things I have spoken to he will give you another you while I am still with you. Helper, to be with you forever, But the Helper, the Holy even the Spirit of truth, whom Spirit, whom the Father will the world cannot receive, send in my name, he will teach because it neither sees him you all things and bring to your nor knows him. You know him, remembrance all that I have for he dwells with you and will said to you. be in you.
  • 24. The Holy Spirit as a Person John 15:26, ESV John 16:7, ESV But when the Helper Nevertheless, I tell you the comes, whom I will send to truth: it is to your advantage you from the Father, the Spirit that I go away, for if I do not go of truth, who proceeds from away, the Helper will not come the Father, he will bear witness to you. But if I go, I will send about me. him to you.
  • 25. The Holy Spirit as a Person Five Evidences The Holy Spirit speaks 1. Personal pronouns to believers. 2. Personal titles The Holy Spirit communicates in ways that only a person can 3. Personal acts communicate. Scripture often describes him performing communicative acts that could not be said of an impersonal force.
  • 26. The Holy Spirit as a Person a) He speaks Acts 13:2 While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”
  • 27. The Holy Spirit as a Person a) He speaks Romans 8:26-27 b) He intercedes In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.
  • 28. The Holy Spirit as a Person a) He speaks John 15:26 b) He intercedes When the Counsellor c) He testifies comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me.
  • 29. The Holy Spirit as a Person a) He speaks John 14:26 b) He intercedes But the Counsellor, the c) He testifies Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my d) He teaches name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
  • 30. The Holy Spirit as a Person a) He speaks John 16:8 b) He intercedes When he comes, he will c) He testifies convict the world of guilt in regard to sin d) He teaches and righteousness and e) He convicts judgment.
  • 31. The Holy Spirit as a Person a) He speaks Acts 20:28 b) He intercedes Keep watch over c) He testifies yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy d) He teaches Spirit has made you e) He convicts overseers. Be shepherds f) He chooses of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.
  • 32. The Holy Spirit as a Person a) He speaks Acts 15:28 b) He intercedes It seemed good to the c) He testifies Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with d) He teaches anything beyond the e) He convicts following requirements. f) He chooses g) He evaluates
  • 33. The Holy Spirit as a Person Five Evidences The Holy Spirit shares a 1. Personal pronouns personal relationship in the Trinity. 2. Personal titles 3. Personal acts The Holy Spirit is named alongside the Father and Son in the baptismal 4. Personal relationships formula and the benediction. Since the Father and Son are persons, this only makes sense if the Holy Spirit is also a person. If he were just God’s active force, why list him separately from God?
  • 34. The Holy Spirit as a Person Five Evidences Matthew 28:19 1. Personal pronouns Therefore go and make 2. Personal titles disciples of all 3. Personal acts nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father 4. Personal relationships and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
  • 35. The Holy Spirit as a Person Five Evidences 2 Corinthians 13:14 1. Personal pronouns May the grace of the Lord 2. Personal titles Jesus Christ, and the love 3. Personal acts of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with 4. Personal relationships you all.
  • 36. The Holy Spirit as a Person Five Evidences We can treat the Holy 1. Personal pronouns Spirit like a Person. 2. Personal titles The Holy Spirit can be treated 3. Personal acts like a person. That is, we can treat him in ways that only 4. Personal relationships make sense if he is a person, not if he is a force. 5. Personal treatment
  • 37. The Holy Spirit as a Person The Holy Spirit can be Ephesians 4:30 1. grieved And do not grieve the 2. resisted Holy Spirit of God, with 3. insulted whom you were sealed for 4. tested the day of redemption. 5. lied to 6. quenched 7. blasphemed
  • 38. The Holy Spirit as a Person The Holy Spirit can be Acts 7:51 1. grieved You stiff-necked 2. resisted people, with 3. insulted uncircumcised hearts and 4. tested ears! You are just like your 5. lied to fathers: You always resist 6. quenched the Holy Spirit! 7. blasphemed
  • 39. The Holy Spirit as a Person The Holy Spirit can be Hebrews 10:29 1. grieved How much more severely do 2. resisted you think a man deserves to 3. insulted be punished who has trampled the Son of God under 4. tested foot, who has treated as an 5. lied to unholy thing the blood of the 6. quenched covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the 7. blasphemed Spirit of grace?
  • 40. The Holy Spirit as a Person The Holy Spirit can be Acts 5:9 1. grieved Peter said to her, “How 2. resisted could you agree to test 3. insulted the Spirit of the Lord? 4. tested 5. lied to 6. quenched 7. blasphemed
  • 41. The Holy Spirit as a Person The Holy Spirit can be Acts 5:3 1. grieved Then Peter 2. resisted said, “Ananias, how is it 3. insulted that Satan has so filled 4. tested your heart that you have 5. lied to lied to the Holy Spirit and 6. quenched have kept for yourself some of the money you 7. blasphemed received for the land?”
  • 42. The Holy Spirit as a Person The Holy Spirit can be 1 Thessalonians 5:19 1. grieved Do not quench the Spirit. 2. resisted 3. insulted 4. tested 5. lied to 6. quenched 7. blasphemed
  • 43. The Holy Spirit as a Person The Holy Spirit can be Matthew 12:31 1. grieved Therefore I tell you, every 2. resisted sin and blasphemy will be 3. insulted forgiven people, but the 4. tested blasphemy against the 5. lied to Spirit will not be forgiven. 6. quenched 7. blasphemed
  • 44. 3. The Holy Spirit as Our Personal God
  • 45. The Holy Spirit as Our Personal God Because we recognise the Holy Spirit as a divine person, he can be the object of our 1. celebration in worship 2. communion in prayer 3. cooperation in ministry
  • 46. The Holy Spirit as Our Personal God Celebration in Worship Matthew 12:32 If he is fully God, it is only Anyone who speaks a natural to celebrate him in word against the Son of our worship. We worship Man will be forgiven, but the Triune God: anyone who speaks Father, Son, and Holy against the Holy Spirit will Spirit. We should speak to not be forgiven, either in and about the Spirit with this age or in the age to love and honour. come.
  • 47. The Holy Spirit as Our Personal God Communion in Prayer 2 Corinthians 13:14 We can enjoy personal May the grace of the Lord fellowship with the Spirit. Jesus Christ, and the love In our prayers, we speak of God, and the fellowship to him and he speaks to of the Holy Spirit be with us. He also speaks to us you all. through the word of God.
  • 48. The Holy Spirit as Our Personal God Cooperation in Ministry Acts 1:8 The Holy Spirit empowers But you will receive power us for ministry. He leads; when the Holy Spirit we follow. He is not a comes on you; and you force that we manipulate. will be my witnesses in He is the all-wise and all- Jerusalem, and in all Judea powerful Lord to whom and Samaria, and to the we listen and yield. ends of the earth.
  • 50. Conclusion • If people deny the Trinity, they deny that (a) Jesus is God and (b) the Holy Spirit is a person. • The word of God teaches that the Holy Spirit is both (a) God and (b) a person. • Since the Holy Spirit is our personal God, we can celebrate him in worship, commune with him in prayer, and cooperate with him in ministry.