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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

              Content Management System Based on Symfony

Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony            1
Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

        Sympal is a Content Management System built
        on top of Symfony and Doctrine.

        It is an evolution of many smaller CMS systems
        used in projects over the years.

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Collection of Symfony plugins
   – sfSympalPlugin
       •   sfFeed2Plugin
       •   sfFormExtraPlugin
       •   sfSuperCachePlugin
       •   sfSympalMenuPlugin
       •   sfSympalPagesPlugin
       •   sfSympalPluginManagerPlugin
       •   sfSympalUserPlugin
       •   sfTaskExtraPlugin
       •   sfWebBrowserPlugin

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

                      The Idea

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• The idea spawned from a need
• Custom functionality in Symfony is
• Standard CMS functionality is not
  so easy

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• A project with 75% custom functionality
  and 25% CMS functionality.
• The 75% custom is no problem
• But what about that 25%?
• It sometimes ends up taking more time
  than the 75% custom!
• We repeat ourselves a lot when it
  comes to CMS functionality

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

 So the idea is to provide what something
like Drupal gives you with a powerful MVC
   framework and ORM under the hood.

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

The name Sympal was coined by my friend
  and ex co-worker Josh Reynolds a few
years ago while brainstorming. Sympal was
 born that day and I began recording notes
   and collecting code from old projects.

           Symfony + Drupal = Sympal

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  The code has existed in my own private
repositories for a long time but not until the
last few months have I started to formalize
   it in to a working product and made it
             available to the public

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony


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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• CLI or web installation
• Menus
• Breadcrumbs
• Content types
• Inline or backend content editing
• Content slots
• Plugin manager - Download/Install/Uninstall Sympal
  plugins from the CLI or web browser.
• Configuration controlled via YAML or a web form
• Security - users, groups and permissions
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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

•   Events
•   Sending E-Mail
•   Multiple Sites
•   Multiple Themes/Layouts
•   Internationalized URLs
•   Map menus to content
•   Change url of content without breaking old urls
•   SEO
•   Logged in user Dashboard
•   Uses YUI for JS framework
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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony


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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Install from your browser
• Or from the command line
• Use in new or existing projects

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  Install from your browser

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Install from the command line
$ php symfony sympal:install --interactive

• Interactive option prompts you for
  the same information as the
  browser installation
• Omit --interactive and default
  values will be used
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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  Once installed you will see the
  default Sympal website.

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Only requires one query
• Multiple menus
• Sub-menus
• No matter how large or how
  complex they only ever require one
• Menus can optionally be cached for
  0 queries.
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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  YUI tree view for managing menus

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  Drag and drop ordering

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  Right click a menu leaf to manage

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  Rendering menus is done with a
  Symfony helper

// returns instance of sfSympalMenuSite which extends sfSympalMenu
$menu = get_sympal_menu('footer');

// sfSympalMenu implements __toString() which invokes rendering
echo $menu;

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  Use custom menu class

 class myMenuClass extends sfSympalMenuSite


 echo get_sympal_menu('footer', true, 'myMenuClass');

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Specify global custom menu class
  in configuration

                   menu_class: myMenuClass

• Now all your menus use that class
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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Core of menu system is database
• sfSympalMenu implements the basic
  menu functionality
• sfSympalMenuSite extends
  sfSympalMenu and implements the
  binding to the Doctrine MenuItem
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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

    Using sfSympalMenu standalone
$menu = new sfSympalMenu('My Test Menu');

$menu->addChild('Google', '');

$sensio = $menu->addChild('Sensio', '');
$sensio->addChild('Sensio Labs', '');
$sensio->addChild('The Symfony MVC Framework', '');
$sensio->addChild('The Symfony Components', 'http://components.symfony-');
$sensio->addChild('The Doctrine ORM', '');

$menu->addChild('Yahoo', '');

echo $menu;

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Serves multiple purposes
   – Breadcrumbs
   – Admin bar menu
   – Floating editor panel
• Building hierarchical structure
  through OO interface
• Rendering HTML for the hierarchy

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Connect to events to alter these
  objects before they are rendered
• Sympal plugins can add items to
  the admin bar, menus, floating
  editor panel, etc.
• Install a Sympal plugin and the
  functionality appears in your site
  and is instantly available.
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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• The rendering of menus are done through these functions
  which can be overridden and customized.
   – render()
   – renderChild()
   – renderChildBody()
   – renderLink()
   – renderLabel()
• Rendering is split in to multiple methods to allow you to
  override only the pieces you need to change.

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Admin bar rendering is customized
  with sfSympalMenuAdminBar class

• Overrides renderChild() method so
  that the proper HTML is generated
  for YUI to work

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Breadcrumbs don’t require any
  additional queries
• Generated from the same
  information used for menus
• Also generated with special child
  class of sfSympalMenuSite named
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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  Rendering breadcrumbs are done with a Symfony helper,
  similar to the menus

    // Get the current menu item to render breadcrumbs for
    // Or render breadcrumbs for any Doctrine MenuItem instance
    $menuItem = sfSympalToolkit::getCurrentMenuItem();

    // Returns instance of sfSympalMenuBreadcrumbs
    $breadcrumbs = get_sympal_breadcrumbs($menuItem);

    echo $breadcrumbs;

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

                  Content Types

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Sympal comes bundled with two
  content types
   – Page - Simple title and body
   – ContentList - Content type which allows you to specify
     information to render a list of another type of content.
       •   Specify the query
       •   Sorting
       •   Limit
       •   Conditions of list, etc.
       •   What template to render the list with
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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Easily add new content types
  through Sympal plugins
• Generate a new Sympal plugin that
  contains the skeleton for a new
  content type which can be installed

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  Generate the new Sympal plugin
$ php symfony sympal:plugin-generate Article --content-type=Article

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Inspect the generated plugin
• Have a look at the default
  schema.yml created
               actAs: [sfSympalContentType]
                 title: string(255)
                 body: clob

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Now we can install the generated plugin
$ php symfony sympal:plugin-install Article

• Installation does the following
   – Generates models, forms, etc. for schema
   – Creates tables in the database
   – Adds a sample content list for content type
   – Adds a sample content record for content type
   – Adds a menu item to the primary menu which is
     mapped to the content list for the new content

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  When we go to add new content we
  can now add Articles

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  We can click the menu item added
  to the primary menu to view the list
  of articles.

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  Click the sample article to view it

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Rendering of content types utilizes
  Content Templates
• Use different templates to render
  different content types
• Use different templates to render
  individual content records
• By default it just uses some basic
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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

                   Inline Editing

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  Sympal allows you to edit your
  content inline when logged in as an
  authorized content editor.

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  When you double click some
  content to edit the inline editor will
  come up

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  Edit model columns inline in
  addition to content slots

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

                Plugin Manager

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Download, install and uninstall plugins
• Works from the CLI or web browser
• Sympal plugin manager tries to get a
  plugin through the symfony
  plugin:install task first then tries to find
  the plugin in SVN and check it out

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  From the command line

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  From the web browser

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  Controlled via YAML

           menu_class: sfSympalMenuSite
           super_admin_signin_url: @sympal_dashboard
           enable_all_modules: true
           admin_module_web_dir: /sfSympalPlugin
           load_default_css: true

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Or YAML can be controlled via a
  web form
• When configuration form is saved
  the YAML file is written

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Since the configuration uses the
  symfony app.yml it can be controlled at
  different levels of symfony
   – Project
   – Application
   – Module

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Other items related to content records can be
  configured at different levels. For example the
  layout can be controlled
   – Globally
   – Per site
   – Per content type
   – Per content record
• This means you can customize the layout an
  individual content record uses.

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• sfSympalUserPlugin is forked version of
   – Users
   – Groups
   – Permissions
   – Forgot Password
   – Registration

• Menus, content records, etc. can all be locked down with

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  List users

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  Edit users

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  List groups

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  Edit group

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  List permissions

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  Edit permission

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

    Sympal Admin Generator

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Sympal comes with custom admin
  generator them
• Tabbed forms for fieldsets and
  embedded forms

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  Easily click Filters to popup the
  filters form

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

         Floating Editor Panel

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  When logged in as editor and viewing a content
  record a floating editor panel is displayed

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

            Content Slot Types

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• A content slot in Sympal is an
  arbitrary piece of content and has a

• Sympal comes bundled with a few
  content slot types

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• The default slot types offered by
  Sympal are
   – Markdown
   – MultiLineText
   – RichText
   – Text
• Add your own custom slot types for
  your projects
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           YUI Rich Text Editor

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  The RichText slot type uses the YUI
  rich text editor

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  The YUI rich text editor also
  implements the ability to upload
  and embed images inline

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               Sending E-Mails

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• A reoccurring need
• Re-implementing the functionality
  over and over wasting time
• We need a standard way to send
  and manage our e-mail templates
• Sympal offers a solution

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  In your actions you can easily
  create new e-mails and send them
       class my_moduleActions extends sfActions
         public function executeSome_action(sfWebRequest $request)
           $variables = array(
              'name' => 'Jonathan H. Wage'
           $email = $this->newEmail('email_module/test', $variables);

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

 • The templates used for a Sympal e-
   mail are just a partial or component
 • In the previous example we use a
   partial named _test.php
Hello <?php echo $name ?>,
This is a test e-mail that we are sending to <?php echo $name ?>

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• The first line of the template is the
• The second line and after is the
  body of the e-mail
• This way the contents of the e-
  mail(subject and body) are
  managed in one place
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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• The newEmail() method returns an
  instance of sfSympalMail

• sfSympalMail is a wrapper around
  your mail sending program which
  defaults to Swift in Sympal

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

                   Multiple Sites

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Sympal can handle multiple sites

• A sympal site is directly bound to a
  symfony application

• This is how Sympal knows which
  site you are in and can limit the
  data to only that site
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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

Search Engine Optimization

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• SEO capabilities are built in
• You can specify global title,
  keywords and description for your
• They can also be overridden by
  each site or even by individual
  content records
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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• sfSympalAutoSEOPlugin
   – Who is going to write it? :)
   – Automatically generate SEO for content
     records from the final rendered HTML
       • Parse the first <h1> tag value for the meta title
       • Build a list of top words used in the content
         record for the meta keywords
       • Parse the first <p> tag value for the meta
   – Write good content and you’ll have SEO

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  When a user logs in and has some credentials he’ll be
  forwarded to his dashboard. A super administrator would
  see everything. Something like the below...

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Dashboard is generated using the
  sfSympalMenu classes

• The menu instance used to
  generate the dashboard is passed
  through an event so you can easily
  add to it by connecting to an event
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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  Connect to dashboard event and
  add to the menu object
           class sfSympalTestPluginConfiguration extends sfPluginConfiguration
             public function initialize()
                  array($this, 'loadDashboardBoxes')

               public function loadDashboardBoxes(sfEvent $event)
                 $menu = $event['menu'];
                 $menu->addChild('My New Box', '@route_name');

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               Multiple Themes

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Sympal offers the ability to have
  themes and you can configure in
  multiple places what them to use
   – Globally
   – Per site
   – Per content type
   – Or per content record

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• We can now easily have Sympal theme plugins
  that you can download and instantly have a
  new theme to change to
• We already have three themes available that
  you can download and use
   – sfSympalPlugin - The default theme included with
   – sfSympalJwageThemePlugin - The theme used on my
     personal website,
   – sfSympalDoctrineThemePlugin - The theme which
     powers the Doctrine website
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        Doctrine Theme

        Sympal Theme

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             Sympal CLI Tasks

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  Sympal comes with some other
  pretty useful tasks for improving
  your productivity when working in

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Most notable CLI tasks
  – sympal:delete-model - Delete a model from your
    project. Finds and deletes model, form and filter files all
    in one command
  – sympal:report-statistics - This task will report back to the
    Symfony Plugins API what all plugins you’re using in
    your project and will add them to your stack.
  – sympal:event-list - Report a list of events that are
    available for a URL in your application
      • See who has connected to an event

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  Show a list of all available events
  for a URL

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  Show only the events which have
  been connected to

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  Inspect an individual event to see
  who has connected to it and more
  importantly where!

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      More on Sympal Events

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Some might say I have overused
  the Symfony events system in

• But, I really like it and I find it very
  useful in the CMS context. It allows
  for things to be very flexible and
  “changeable” by use of events.
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• A re-occurring question
   – How can I add to a model of another plugin,
     or a model in my project from a plugin.

   – Before Sympal this was not possible but now
     if you models simply actAs sfSympalRecord
     or sfSympalContentType you can connect to
     an event which is notified during the setup of
     a Doctrine model

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• Add a new column to the Sympal User
• The schema for the model looks like
  this User:
              tableName: users
              actAs: [Timestampable, sfSympalRecord]
                first_name: string(255)
                last_name: string(255)
            # ...

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• The actAs: [sfSympalRecord]
  allows us to connect to two events
   – sympal.user.set_table_definition
   – sympal.user.set_up
• The set table definition allows us to
  add new columns, indexes, etc.
• The set up allows us to add
  relationships, add behaviors, etc.
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  Now lets connect to the set table
  definition event and add a new column
  class sfSympalTestPluginConfiguration extends sfPluginConfiguration
    public function initialize()
         array($this, 'setUserTableDefinition')

      public function setUserTableDefinition(sfEvent $event)
        $model = $event->getSubject();
        $model->hasColumn('my_new_column', 'string', 255);

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• We have a lot more events and I can’t talk about them all
• But I will try and list some of the other notable events
   –   sympal.user.pre_signin
   –   sympal.user.post_signin
   –   sympal.load_breadcrumbs
   –   sympal.<model_name>.method_not_found
   –   sympal.post_render_page_content
   –   sympal.load_tools

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

  With the Symfony events and the PHP __call()
  magic function we can fake “extending” a class
  by invoking a method_not_found event and
  letting users connect to it
     class sfSympalTestPluginConfiguration extends sfPluginConfiguration
       public function initialize()
            array(new myUserExtension(), 'extend')

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  Now lets define the
  myUserExtension class and add
  some new functionality
  class myUserExtension extends sfSympalExtendClass
    public function getFullName()
      return trim($this->getFirstName().' '.$this->getLastName());

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  Now when I work with a User model
  instance I will be able to access my
  getFullName() method

          $user = new User();
          $user->first_name = 'Jonathan';
          $user->last_name = 'Wage';

          echo $user->getFullName(); // Jonathan Wage

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                   What is next?

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Continued development of Sympal

• Work towards a 1.0 release

• Spread the word and try and get as
  much feedback as possible

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             What do we need?

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Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

• Users, testers, feedback, etc.

• Development help, documentation

• For development, we need the
  most help with the frontend
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• Frontend development
   – YUI/JS/CSS guru
   – Usability guru
• Backend development
   – Familiarity with Symfony and Doctrine
   – Familiarity with other popular CMS in any
     other languages to help with functionality and
Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony   118
Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony

       Jonathan H. Wage
       +1 415 992 5468 | | |

You can contact Jonathan about Doctrine and Open-Source or
 for training, consulting, application development, or business
        related questions at

Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony                            119

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  • 10. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Highlights Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 10
  • 11. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • CLI or web installation • Menus • Breadcrumbs • Content types • Inline or backend content editing • Content slots • Plugin manager - Download/Install/Uninstall Sympal plugins from the CLI or web browser. • Configuration controlled via YAML or a web form • Security - users, groups and permissions Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 11
  • 12. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Events • Sending E-Mail • Multiple Sites • Multiple Themes/Layouts • Internationalized URLs • Map menus to content • Change url of content without breaking old urls • SEO • Logged in user Dashboard • Uses YUI for JS framework Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 12
  • 13. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Installation Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 13
  • 14. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Install from your browser • Or from the command line • Use in new or existing projects Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 14
  • 15. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Install from your browser Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 15
  • 16. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Install from the command line $ php symfony sympal:install --interactive • Interactive option prompts you for the same information as the browser installation • Omit --interactive and default values will be used Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 16
  • 17. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Once installed you will see the default Sympal website. Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 17
  • 18. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Menus Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 18
  • 19. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Only requires one query • Multiple menus • Sub-menus • No matter how large or how complex they only ever require one query. • Menus can optionally be cached for 0 queries. Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 19
  • 20. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony YUI tree view for managing menus Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 20
  • 21. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Drag and drop ordering Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 21
  • 22. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Right click a menu leaf to manage Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 22
  • 23. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Rendering menus is done with a Symfony helper // returns instance of sfSympalMenuSite which extends sfSympalMenu $menu = get_sympal_menu('footer'); // sfSympalMenu implements __toString() which invokes rendering echo $menu; Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 23
  • 24. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Use custom menu class class myMenuClass extends sfSympalMenuSite { } echo get_sympal_menu('footer', true, 'myMenuClass'); Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 24
  • 25. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Specify global custom menu class in configuration all: sympal_config: menu_class: myMenuClass • Now all your menus use that class Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 25
  • 26. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Core of menu system is database agnostic • sfSympalMenu implements the basic menu functionality • sfSympalMenuSite extends sfSympalMenu and implements the binding to the Doctrine MenuItem model Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 26
  • 27. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Using sfSympalMenu standalone $menu = new sfSympalMenu('My Test Menu'); $menu->addChild('Google', ''); $sensio = $menu->addChild('Sensio', ''); $sensio->addChild('Sensio Labs', ''); $sensio->addChild('The Symfony MVC Framework', ''); $sensio->addChild('The Symfony Components', 'http://components.symfony-'); $sensio->addChild('The Doctrine ORM', ''); $menu->addChild('Yahoo', ''); echo $menu; Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 27
  • 28. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Serves multiple purposes – Breadcrumbs – Admin bar menu – Floating editor panel • Building hierarchical structure through OO interface • Rendering HTML for the hierarchy Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 28
  • 29. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Connect to events to alter these objects before they are rendered • Sympal plugins can add items to the admin bar, menus, floating editor panel, etc. • Install a Sympal plugin and the functionality appears in your site and is instantly available. Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 29
  • 30. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • The rendering of menus are done through these functions which can be overridden and customized. – render() – renderChild() – renderChildBody() – renderLink() – renderLabel() • Rendering is split in to multiple methods to allow you to override only the pieces you need to change. Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 30
  • 31. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Admin bar rendering is customized with sfSympalMenuAdminBar class • Overrides renderChild() method so that the proper HTML is generated for YUI to work Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 31
  • 32. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Breadcrumbs Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 32
  • 33. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Breadcrumbs don’t require any additional queries • Generated from the same information used for menus • Also generated with special child class of sfSympalMenuSite named sfSympalMenuBreadcrumbs Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 33
  • 34. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Rendering breadcrumbs are done with a Symfony helper, similar to the menus // Get the current menu item to render breadcrumbs for // Or render breadcrumbs for any Doctrine MenuItem instance $menuItem = sfSympalToolkit::getCurrentMenuItem(); // Returns instance of sfSympalMenuBreadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = get_sympal_breadcrumbs($menuItem); echo $breadcrumbs; Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 34
  • 35. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Content Types Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 35
  • 36. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Sympal comes bundled with two content types – Page - Simple title and body – ContentList - Content type which allows you to specify information to render a list of another type of content. • Specify the query • Sorting • Limit • Conditions of list, etc. • What template to render the list with Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 36
  • 37. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Easily add new content types through Sympal plugins • Generate a new Sympal plugin that contains the skeleton for a new content type which can be installed Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 37
  • 38. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Generate the new Sympal plugin $ php symfony sympal:plugin-generate Article --content-type=Article sfSympalArticlePlugin/ config/ doctrine/ schema.yml routing.yml sfSympalArticlePluginConfiguration.class.php data/ fixtures/ install.yml lib/ LICENSE package.xml.tmpl README Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 38
  • 39. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Inspect the generated plugin • Have a look at the default schema.yml created --- Article: actAs: [sfSympalContentType] columns: title: string(255) body: clob Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 39
  • 40. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Now we can install the generated plugin $ php symfony sympal:plugin-install Article • Installation does the following – Generates models, forms, etc. for schema – Creates tables in the database – Adds a sample content list for content type – Adds a sample content record for content type – Adds a menu item to the primary menu which is mapped to the content list for the new content type Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 40
  • 41. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony When we go to add new content we can now add Articles Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 41
  • 42. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony We can click the menu item added to the primary menu to view the list of articles. Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 42
  • 43. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Click the sample article to view it Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 43
  • 44. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Rendering of content types utilizes Content Templates • Use different templates to render different content types • Use different templates to render individual content records • By default it just uses some basic templates Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 44
  • 45. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Inline Editing Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 45
  • 46. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Sympal allows you to edit your content inline when logged in as an authorized content editor. Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 46
  • 47. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony When you double click some content to edit the inline editor will come up Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 47
  • 48. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Edit model columns inline in addition to content slots Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 48
  • 49. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Plugin Manager Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 49
  • 50. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Download, install and uninstall plugins • Works from the CLI or web browser • Sympal plugin manager tries to get a plugin through the symfony plugin:install task first then tries to find the plugin in SVN and check it out Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 50
  • 51. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony From the command line Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 51
  • 52. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony From the web browser Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 52
  • 53. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 53
  • 54. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Configuration Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 54
  • 55. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Controlled via YAML all: sympal_config: menu_class: sfSympalMenuSite yui_path: super_admin_signin_url: @sympal_dashboard enable_all_modules: true admin_module_web_dir: /sfSympalPlugin load_default_css: true Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 55
  • 56. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Or YAML can be controlled via a web form • When configuration form is saved the YAML file is written Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 56
  • 57. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Since the configuration uses the symfony app.yml it can be controlled at different levels of symfony – Project – Application – Module Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 57
  • 58. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Other items related to content records can be configured at different levels. For example the layout can be controlled – Globally – Per site – Per content type – Per content record • This means you can customize the layout an individual content record uses. Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 58
  • 59. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Security Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 59
  • 60. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • sfSympalUserPlugin is forked version of sfDoctrineGuardPlugin – Users – Groups – Permissions – Forgot Password – Registration • Menus, content records, etc. can all be locked down with permissions. Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 60
  • 61. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony List users Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 61
  • 62. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Edit users Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 62
  • 63. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony List groups Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 63
  • 64. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Edit group Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 64
  • 65. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony List permissions Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 65
  • 66. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Edit permission Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 66
  • 67. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Sympal Admin Generator Theme Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 67
  • 68. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Sympal comes with custom admin generator them • Tabbed forms for fieldsets and embedded forms Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 68
  • 69. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Easily click Filters to popup the filters form Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 69
  • 70. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Floating Editor Panel Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 70
  • 71. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony When logged in as editor and viewing a content record a floating editor panel is displayed Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 71
  • 72. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Content Slot Types Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 72
  • 73. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • A content slot in Sympal is an arbitrary piece of content and has a type. • Sympal comes bundled with a few content slot types Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 73
  • 74. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • The default slot types offered by Sympal are – Markdown – MultiLineText – RichText – Text • Add your own custom slot types for your projects Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 74
  • 75. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony YUI Rich Text Editor Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 75
  • 76. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony The RichText slot type uses the YUI rich text editor Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 76
  • 77. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony The YUI rich text editor also implements the ability to upload and embed images inline Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 77
  • 78. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Sending E-Mails Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 78
  • 79. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • A reoccurring need • Re-implementing the functionality over and over wasting time • We need a standard way to send and manage our e-mail templates • Sympal offers a solution Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 79
  • 80. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony In your actions you can easily create new e-mails and send them class my_moduleActions extends sfActions { public function executeSome_action(sfWebRequest $request) { $variables = array( 'name' => 'Jonathan H. Wage' ); $email = $this->newEmail('email_module/test', $variables); $email->send(''); } } Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 80
  • 81. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • The templates used for a Sympal e- mail are just a partial or component • In the previous example we use a partial named _test.php Hello <?php echo $name ?>, This is a test e-mail that we are sending to <?php echo $name ?> Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 81
  • 82. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • The first line of the template is the subject • The second line and after is the body of the e-mail • This way the contents of the e- mail(subject and body) are managed in one place Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 82
  • 83. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • The newEmail() method returns an instance of sfSympalMail • sfSympalMail is a wrapper around your mail sending program which defaults to Swift in Sympal Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 83
  • 84. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Multiple Sites Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 84
  • 85. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Sympal can handle multiple sites • A sympal site is directly bound to a symfony application • This is how Sympal knows which site you are in and can limit the data to only that site Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 85
  • 86. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 86
  • 87. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Search Engine Optimization Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 87
  • 88. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • SEO capabilities are built in • You can specify global title, keywords and description for your project. • They can also be overridden by each site or even by individual content records Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 88
  • 89. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • sfSympalAutoSEOPlugin – Who is going to write it? :) – Automatically generate SEO for content records from the final rendered HTML • Parse the first <h1> tag value for the meta title • Build a list of top words used in the content record for the meta keywords • Parse the first <p> tag value for the meta description – Write good content and you’ll have SEO Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 89
  • 90. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Dashboard Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 90
  • 91. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony When a user logs in and has some credentials he’ll be forwarded to his dashboard. A super administrator would see everything. Something like the below... Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 91
  • 92. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Dashboard is generated using the sfSympalMenu classes • The menu instance used to generate the dashboard is passed through an event so you can easily add to it by connecting to an event Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 92
  • 93. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Connect to dashboard event and add to the menu object class sfSympalTestPluginConfiguration extends sfPluginConfiguration { public function initialize() { $this->dispatcher->connect('sympal.load_dashboard_boxes', array($this, 'loadDashboardBoxes') ); } public function loadDashboardBoxes(sfEvent $event) { $menu = $event['menu']; $menu->addChild('My New Box', '@route_name'); } } Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 93
  • 94. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Multiple Themes Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 94
  • 95. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Sympal offers the ability to have themes and you can configure in multiple places what them to use – Globally – Per site – Per content type – Or per content record Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 95
  • 96. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • We can now easily have Sympal theme plugins that you can download and instantly have a new theme to change to • We already have three themes available that you can download and use – sfSympalPlugin - The default theme included with Sympal – sfSympalJwageThemePlugin - The theme used on my personal website, – sfSympalDoctrineThemePlugin - The theme which powers the Doctrine website Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 96
  • 97. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Doctrine Theme Sympal Theme Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 97
  • 98. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Sympal CLI Tasks Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 98
  • 99. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Sympal comes with some other pretty useful tasks for improving your productivity when working in Symfony Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 99
  • 100. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Most notable CLI tasks – sympal:delete-model - Delete a model from your project. Finds and deletes model, form and filter files all in one command – sympal:report-statistics - This task will report back to the Symfony Plugins API what all plugins you’re using in your project and will add them to your stack. – sympal:event-list - Report a list of events that are available for a URL in your application • See who has connected to an event Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 100
  • 101. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Show a list of all available events for a URL Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 101
  • 102. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Show only the events which have been connected to Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 102
  • 103. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Inspect an individual event to see who has connected to it and more importantly where! Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 103
  • 104. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony More on Sympal Events Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 104
  • 105. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Some might say I have overused the Symfony events system in Sympal • But, I really like it and I find it very useful in the CMS context. It allows for things to be very flexible and “changeable” by use of events. Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 105
  • 106. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • A re-occurring question – How can I add to a model of another plugin, or a model in my project from a plugin. – Before Sympal this was not possible but now if you models simply actAs sfSympalRecord or sfSympalContentType you can connect to an event which is notified during the setup of a Doctrine model Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 106
  • 107. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Add a new column to the Sympal User model • The schema for the model looks like this User: tableName: users actAs: [Timestampable, sfSympalRecord] columns: first_name: string(255) last_name: string(255) # ... Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 107
  • 108. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • The actAs: [sfSympalRecord] allows us to connect to two events – sympal.user.set_table_definition – sympal.user.set_up • The set table definition allows us to add new columns, indexes, etc. • The set up allows us to add relationships, add behaviors, etc. Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 108
  • 109. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Now lets connect to the set table definition event and add a new column class sfSympalTestPluginConfiguration extends sfPluginConfiguration { public function initialize() { $this->dispatcher->connect('sympal.user.set_table_definition', array($this, 'setUserTableDefinition') ); } public function setUserTableDefinition(sfEvent $event) { $model = $event->getSubject(); $model->hasColumn('my_new_column', 'string', 255); } } Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 109
  • 110. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • We have a lot more events and I can’t talk about them all • But I will try and list some of the other notable events – sympal.user.pre_signin – sympal.user.post_signin – sympal.load_breadcrumbs – sympal.<model_name>.method_not_found – sympal.post_render_page_content – sympal.load_tools Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 110
  • 111. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony With the Symfony events and the PHP __call() magic function we can fake “extending” a class by invoking a method_not_found event and letting users connect to it class sfSympalTestPluginConfiguration extends sfPluginConfiguration { public function initialize() { $this->dispatcher->connect('sympal.user.method_not_found', array(new myUserExtension(), 'extend') ); } } Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 111
  • 112. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Now lets define the myUserExtension class and add some new functionality class myUserExtension extends sfSympalExtendClass { public function getFullName() { return trim($this->getFirstName().' '.$this->getLastName()); } } Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 112
  • 113. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Now when I work with a User model instance I will be able to access my getFullName() method $user = new User(); $user->first_name = 'Jonathan'; $user->last_name = 'Wage'; echo $user->getFullName(); // Jonathan Wage Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 113
  • 114. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony What is next? Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 114
  • 115. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Continued development of Sympal • Work towards a 1.0 release • Spread the word and try and get as much feedback as possible Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 115
  • 116. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony What do we need? Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 116
  • 117. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Users, testers, feedback, etc. • Development help, documentation help • For development, we need the most help with the frontend Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 117
  • 118. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony • Frontend development – YUI/JS/CSS guru – Usability guru • Backend development – Familiarity with Symfony and Doctrine obviously – Familiarity with other popular CMS in any other languages to help with functionality and implementation Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 118
  • 119. Sympal - a CMS based on Symfony Questions? Jonathan H. Wage +1 415 992 5468 | | | You can contact Jonathan about Doctrine and Open-Source or for training, consulting, application development, or business related questions at Jonathan H. Wage: Sympal a CMS Based on Symfony 119