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Speech On Diwali
India festival Diwali
Diwali is the time for everyone to come together, and celebrate the wonderful festival with all their
loved ones. And, a party on this occasion is a perfect way to spread the aura of happiness that this
auspicious festival brings with itself. However, the process of planning for a Diwali party might be a
little tiring, especially for the ladies out there. It is very easy to get carried away while hosting a
Diwali party. You may spot something beautiful, and just buy it using your Diwali party as an
excuse. That is why, you need to fix a budget beforehand. Allocate a certain amount of money for
drinks, food, and other essentials, and stick to it no matter what. Diwali parties need more
Shades of orange, purple, green, deep red, magenta and dark blue make beautiful festive colors. If
you are going for a monochromatic theme, go for colors like champagne, iris, sapphire, tango
pink and laurel green. Diwali festivities are spread over multiple days in some regions, during
which celebrants explode fireworks, share sweets, and send greetings to friends and family.
Women may have their hands decorated with henna designs. Homes are decorated with small
lamps and colorful paper lanterns called diyas and kandils, important parts of Diwali decorations.
In some parts of India, Hindus also create rangoli, intricate floor paintings made of colored tikka
powder or sand. Rangoli designs are made up of an unbroken line, the idea being that there should be
no gaps through which evil spirits can enter. Motifs are usually natural – animals, flowers, etc.–
though they can also include geometric patterns.
People celebrate it by getting together with their relatives as well as nearest and dearest ones.
They celebrate it by sharing gifts, sweets, greetings and best wishes for Diwali. They enjoy a lot of
activities, playing games, firing crackers, puja and many more. People purchase new clothes for all
the family members according to their own capability. Kids enjoy this festival by wearing glittering
and blazing clothes.
People enlighten their home and pathways with the clay diyas to remove the single bit of the
darkness and to
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Festivals Essay
Jacqueline Calvo, BBus, CQU.
Cultural industries implies a 'massification' of culture and entertainment, as such, festivals are found
to be a cultural industry, involving large numbers of people working in organisation, administration,
promotion, marketing, and the creative and performing arts. Festivals come in different forms
including agricultural, cultural, historical, horticultural, and arts festivals to specific audiences and
sub–cultures (fringe festivals). Culture is about, and has been used to shape and to govern, identity;
therefore as Australia is a multicultural country rich with a complex migrant history. Australia's
identity, as such, is demonstrated as festivals are perceived to be a vehicle more content...
This is demonstrated as festivals and the arts activities are perceived to be a vehicle for 're–imaging'
cities, playing a major role in the contemporary marketing of Australian cities as national and global
destination, for example, Sydney's annual Mardi Gras festival is considered to have an international
following as people come from all different parts of the world to participate (Cryle n.d.). As Bennet
and Carter (2001, p. 5) point out, Australian culture is itself an international culture, just as Australia
is, in many fields, a culture exporting nation. Gibson (2001); and Trotter (in eds. Bennet and Carter
2001 p. 4) states that above all, culture is about, and has been used to shape and to govern, identity;
also Community–based arts, festivals and cultural programs could be seen as a valuable way of
exploring our Australian identity and developing a way to bring about diversity and harmony within
and between cultures.
Across the nation, festivals thrive, from national events (i.e. Australia Day and Anzac Day), major
capital city events (i.e. The Sydney Royal Easter Show, The AdelaideArts Festival) to street fairs in
the smallest rural towns (i.e. Morpeth Jazz Festival, The Woodford Folk Festival). From festivals
celebrating 'gay' and 'lesbian' lifestyles to those that praise multiculturalism or rural life, barely a
weekend passes in this drought–stricken land and island
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My Nepal Festival
Splash. One second I could feel my body touching the surface of the water and the next second I
was completely immersed in it. I went so deep I could feel the water pressure. Was I going to die?
I moved my hands and feet vigorously as if a shark was chasing me. I wanted to get out, breathe a
gulp of air and feel the air. I wanted to cry. With my eyes still closed and my heart beating rapidly
all I did was shout, "help me, help me" but no one came. I was sure there were around 5 people
out there who were supposed to save us. And even though I was there, shouting for help with all
my might, no one approached me. I slowly opened my eyes and tada, there I was floating in the
river (uI forgot I had air jacket on for safety) shouting for help and stamping my hand in the water.
They must have thought I was crazy. Well, it was a beautiful, sunny morning. We were all having
breakfast. As usual I was having toast with yak butter and sugar and I was talking with my Indian
friend who came to visit us on her holiday. We were comparing the food, culture and language of
Nepal and India. Even though most of the expressions, food, festivals, of both the countries are
similar we have difference in the way we celebrate them. Our main festival is Dashain which is
celebrated by receiving blessings and tika (made by red colour and rice) from elders, eating good
food and wearing nice dresses. We like things to be quite and smooth. Whereas in case of Indian
culture things get intense. They
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Speech On Divali Celebration
According to the National Council of Indian Culture of Trinidad and Tobago which stated that
Divali arrived in Trinidad and Tobago over 100 years ago when they immigrated from Indian for
the indentured labourers. Divali has evolved and now is now consider a national holiday but also
one of the biggest religious/cultural celebrations in Trinidad and Tobago. In 1966 Divali was
officially declared a public holiday for Trinidad and Tobago which was announced by Bhadase
Sagan Maharaj and other prominent Hindus who led a persistent campaign. Once Divali became a
public holiday, Hindus started organizing larger celebrations that were opened to the public and
this has set the scene for the way in which Divali is celebrated today. The National Council of
Indian Culture (NCIC) plays a tremendous role in the promotion of Divali as a national celebration
through its annual celebrations at Divali Nagar in Chaguanas. Trinidad and Tobago has define Divali
as an event that represents Trinibagians as a multi–religious, multi–ethnic society. While Divali is
essentially a Hindu festival, people of all faiths actively join in celebrating the triumph of light over
darkness, knowledge over ignorance, and good over evil. Diwali is one of the most festive and
beautiful times of the year for Hindus and Non– more content...
They believed that Indra sent the rains, which made their crops, grow. But Krishna came along and
persuaded the people to worship the mountain Govardhan, because the mountain and the land
around it were fertile. This did not please Indra. He sent thunder and torrential rain down on the
village. The people cried to Krishna to help. Krishna saved the villagers by lifting the top of the
mountain with his finger. The offering of food to God on this day of Divali is a reminder to
Hindus of the importance of food and it is a time for being thankful to God for the bounty of
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Speech Reflection Essay
During speech class this semester, I gave several different types of speeches on several different
topics. During this semester, my ability to give speeches in front of an audience has improved quite
a bit, I hope. Going into the semester, I had a really hard time giving speeches to people, but now that
speech is almost over I feel like I am more capable of doing so. I think the thing I did best during
the semester was getting good information for each of my speeches. My favorite assignment was
most likely the impromptu speech. I really liked that one because we did not have to prepare an
outline or anything like that, we just got to go up there and speak. During this semester, I learned
a lot about how to give speeches such as the proper way to stand so I do not rock, or how to use
my hands to emphasize my points. In the future, I think that I will be able to control my speed better
during my speeches which will help the people I am presenting to understand my message. I
think the skills I have acquired during speech will help me for the rest of my life. No matter what
career I choose, I am sure that at some point I will have to present to someone about something.
The skills I learned in speech will also help me just communicate with people in a one on one
situation easier than I do now. I can use these skills throughout the rest of high school and through
my six years of college still to come because whenever I have to present a project I will know how to
effectively communicate my message to my audience.
Based off of all of my reflection sheets, video evaluations, and peer critiques I have improved over
the course of the semester. At the beginning of the semester I had a problem with speed and using
to many "filler" words. As the year progressed, my speed became more and more controllable and
I used less and less filler words. After my most recent speech, I'm still not quite at the level I want
to be at, but I am far better than I was at the very beginning. I think just speaking in front of people
more than I am used to doing has helped me develop better speaking skills and grow in my ability to
effectively communicate with others. Throughout the semester I learned a lot about speaking,
performing, and
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Advantages of Festivals
Advantages of Festivals – 1
Festivals celebration is the the culture we got from our past generations.According to the history
these festivals are celebrated when they achieve something (symbol of victory),or on the occasions
where they are benefited (crop gain,happy with some gatherings etc).
These festival celebrattions have got following advantages:
1. Increase the relations among the people
2. Create an opportunity to the people of community to share their feeling and exchange their ideas
and thoughts.Additional help to discuss their problems also.
3.If we consider the families , they gather together and have some fun with all the relatives which is
a great mental relaxation and enrich family relations.
4.Will help to more content...
These rituals for Indina festivals have been followed for past several centuries with the same respect
that was used several hundred years ago.
Every Indian festival have different rituals and prayers that are followed. Every day of weekday
have a differnt stories (see hindu fasts) and different reason behind having these seven days.
Apart from just Hindu festivals there are also several muslim festivals that follow rituals of their
own and is known as Azzan and is performed when a child is born or after the new born baby is
given its first bath. This ritual is followed and prayers are offered to god. This process is followed
so that the first name that the child hears is that of the god.
Hence festivals are more important for countries like india.
Advantages of Festivals – 3
Indian Festivals celebrated by varied cultures and through their special rituals add to the colours of
Indian Heritage. Some festivals welcome the seasons of the year, the harvest, the rains, or the full
moon. Others celebrate religious occasions, the birthdays of divine beings, saints, and gurus
(revered teachers), or the advent of the New Year. A number of these festivals are common to most
parts of India. However, they may be called by different names in various parts of the country or
may be celebrated in a different fashion.
Many festivals celebrate the various harvests; commemorate great historical figures and events,
while many express devotion to the deities of different
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The Holi Event In The Hindu Religion
The Holi celebration is most commonly celebrated by the Hindu faith and is unique to its kind. It
was a little out of the norm form for me because this type of thing isn't what I have experienced ever
in my life. There was a variety of colors and music that was played throughout the experience. The
Hindu people allowed guests to enter their temple, without shoes, and dance and worship along with
them to their music. The day that Holi is celebrated is known as the Dhuli Vandana in Sanskrit, it is
celebrated by people throwing colored powder and colored water at each other. As part of their
worship experience they have bonfires that are lit on the eve of the festival, also known as Holika
Dahan or burning of Holika. The more content...
The cheerful experience one has while singing, dancing, and throwing paint at one another
illustrates the joy that one human being can have for another. The religious people that help this
festival function every year encourage those that are participating in the festivities to do so with
enthusiasm and excitement while directed towards the celebration of good conquering evil in the
world. Throughout the experience there were many people who seemed to be quite happy to a
point of natural ecstasy of the experience. The religious leaders expressed that we don't have to be
drunk or high to experience the natural highs of life like this celebration has the ability to bring out
in people.
Works Cited
(SCFI), S. f. (n.d.). Retrieved April 9, 2011, from Holi:
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Advantage Of Art Festivals
"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls." By Pablo Picasso. Over the
years, some have had the privilege of appreciating art by visiting different art galleries and
institutions. In recent times, however, art festivals have become a popular event where everyone
can participate, explore and enjoy different art works. Art festivals are events that feature different
combinations of artworks using various mediums by several artists. These festivals are usually held
at a public setting and they celebrate both the art and the artists. It is important to have such
festivals since they benefit the artists, the public and the general audience of art. Art festivals can be
an excellent advantage for indigenous artists who are trying to gain recognition and enumerating the
art pieces they produce. Throughout the years, upcoming artists have found a great deal of
difficulties trying to find different occasions to showcase their work, since most of the opportunities
they have had was trying to exhibit their art at different art institution. Artists face a lot of
competition and challenges in terms of getting galleries to represent, show or sell their art. Only an
insignificant percentage of artists will be successful in achieving recognition for their work.
"imaginative was originally founded in part as a response to issues as self representation, back in
1999 there wasn't an annual place or meeting where indigenous artists had an exclusive opportunity
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Essay On Diwali
Diwali or deepavali is a five day that festival that represents the start of the Hindu New Year. All
the fireworks, the small clay lamps and candles that are lit during the celebration is one of the
main reasons why it is called the "Festival of Lights". This festival usually falls on the month of
October or November . The lights are said to symbolize the victory of good over evil, and
brightness over darkness. The Festival of Lights creates a warm atmosphere and it is celebrated with
much joy and happiness.
The first excitement would be the new clothing that we usually run around for days buying to be
worn for deepavali. Apart from this , the elders which usually visits us would buy us sweets, gifts
and not forgetting the packet of money. Another aspect of deepavali is the many different sweet
made for the celebration . we usually visit relatives and friends with snacks and sweets and seek
their blessings. Gulab jamun, Laddoos, Halwas and Kaju cakes were my favorites. My mom says
that the festival is to mark the return of Rama to Ayodha after his defeat to ravana. She starts the
day by offering Puja to the goddess Lakshmi. The delicious food that comes along with this festival
is another reason why it should come more often in a more content...
Deepavali is celebrated on the fist day as the day that Lord Rama returned to Ayoda after
defeating Ravana. It also signifies the Harvesting Festival. Another legend is Naraksura, a monster
who was a troublemaker to the gods. The second day is called Narak Chatardasi. On this day Lord
Krishna destroyed the demon and made the world free from fear. The third day is called Diwali.
Lakshmi puja is performed on this day. All homes are decorated and lit up by Diyas. The fourth day
is called New Year of Bestavarsh. The fifth day is called Bhai Dhooj. It is about brothers and
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Diwali Festival Essay

  • 1. Speech On Diwali India festival Diwali Diwali is the time for everyone to come together, and celebrate the wonderful festival with all their loved ones. And, a party on this occasion is a perfect way to spread the aura of happiness that this auspicious festival brings with itself. However, the process of planning for a Diwali party might be a little tiring, especially for the ladies out there. It is very easy to get carried away while hosting a Diwali party. You may spot something beautiful, and just buy it using your Diwali party as an excuse. That is why, you need to fix a budget beforehand. Allocate a certain amount of money for drinks, food, and other essentials, and stick to it no matter what. Diwali parties need more content... Shades of orange, purple, green, deep red, magenta and dark blue make beautiful festive colors. If you are going for a monochromatic theme, go for colors like champagne, iris, sapphire, tango pink and laurel green. Diwali festivities are spread over multiple days in some regions, during which celebrants explode fireworks, share sweets, and send greetings to friends and family. Women may have their hands decorated with henna designs. Homes are decorated with small lamps and colorful paper lanterns called diyas and kandils, important parts of Diwali decorations. In some parts of India, Hindus also create rangoli, intricate floor paintings made of colored tikka powder or sand. Rangoli designs are made up of an unbroken line, the idea being that there should be no gaps through which evil spirits can enter. Motifs are usually natural – animals, flowers, etc.– though they can also include geometric patterns. People celebrate it by getting together with their relatives as well as nearest and dearest ones. They celebrate it by sharing gifts, sweets, greetings and best wishes for Diwali. They enjoy a lot of activities, playing games, firing crackers, puja and many more. People purchase new clothes for all the family members according to their own capability. Kids enjoy this festival by wearing glittering and blazing clothes. People enlighten their home and pathways with the clay diyas to remove the single bit of the darkness and to Get more content on
  • 2. Festivals Essay [pic] [pic] Jacqueline Calvo, BBus, CQU. ABSTRACT: Cultural industries implies a 'massification' of culture and entertainment, as such, festivals are found to be a cultural industry, involving large numbers of people working in organisation, administration, promotion, marketing, and the creative and performing arts. Festivals come in different forms including agricultural, cultural, historical, horticultural, and arts festivals to specific audiences and sub–cultures (fringe festivals). Culture is about, and has been used to shape and to govern, identity; therefore as Australia is a multicultural country rich with a complex migrant history. Australia's identity, as such, is demonstrated as festivals are perceived to be a vehicle more content... This is demonstrated as festivals and the arts activities are perceived to be a vehicle for 're–imaging' cities, playing a major role in the contemporary marketing of Australian cities as national and global destination, for example, Sydney's annual Mardi Gras festival is considered to have an international following as people come from all different parts of the world to participate (Cryle n.d.). As Bennet and Carter (2001, p. 5) point out, Australian culture is itself an international culture, just as Australia is, in many fields, a culture exporting nation. Gibson (2001); and Trotter (in eds. Bennet and Carter 2001 p. 4) states that above all, culture is about, and has been used to shape and to govern, identity; also Community–based arts, festivals and cultural programs could be seen as a valuable way of exploring our Australian identity and developing a way to bring about diversity and harmony within and between cultures. Across the nation, festivals thrive, from national events (i.e. Australia Day and Anzac Day), major capital city events (i.e. The Sydney Royal Easter Show, The AdelaideArts Festival) to street fairs in the smallest rural towns (i.e. Morpeth Jazz Festival, The Woodford Folk Festival). From festivals celebrating 'gay' and 'lesbian' lifestyles to those that praise multiculturalism or rural life, barely a weekend passes in this drought–stricken land and island Get more content on
  • 3. My Nepal Festival Splash. One second I could feel my body touching the surface of the water and the next second I was completely immersed in it. I went so deep I could feel the water pressure. Was I going to die? I moved my hands and feet vigorously as if a shark was chasing me. I wanted to get out, breathe a gulp of air and feel the air. I wanted to cry. With my eyes still closed and my heart beating rapidly all I did was shout, "help me, help me" but no one came. I was sure there were around 5 people out there who were supposed to save us. And even though I was there, shouting for help with all my might, no one approached me. I slowly opened my eyes and tada, there I was floating in the river (uI forgot I had air jacket on for safety) shouting for help and stamping my hand in the water. They must have thought I was crazy. Well, it was a beautiful, sunny morning. We were all having breakfast. As usual I was having toast with yak butter and sugar and I was talking with my Indian friend who came to visit us on her holiday. We were comparing the food, culture and language of Nepal and India. Even though most of the expressions, food, festivals, of both the countries are similar we have difference in the way we celebrate them. Our main festival is Dashain which is celebrated by receiving blessings and tika (made by red colour and rice) from elders, eating good food and wearing nice dresses. We like things to be quite and smooth. Whereas in case of Indian culture things get intense. They Get more content on
  • 4. Speech On Divali Celebration According to the National Council of Indian Culture of Trinidad and Tobago which stated that Divali arrived in Trinidad and Tobago over 100 years ago when they immigrated from Indian for the indentured labourers. Divali has evolved and now is now consider a national holiday but also one of the biggest religious/cultural celebrations in Trinidad and Tobago. In 1966 Divali was officially declared a public holiday for Trinidad and Tobago which was announced by Bhadase Sagan Maharaj and other prominent Hindus who led a persistent campaign. Once Divali became a public holiday, Hindus started organizing larger celebrations that were opened to the public and this has set the scene for the way in which Divali is celebrated today. The National Council of Indian Culture (NCIC) plays a tremendous role in the promotion of Divali as a national celebration through its annual celebrations at Divali Nagar in Chaguanas. Trinidad and Tobago has define Divali as an event that represents Trinibagians as a multi–religious, multi–ethnic society. While Divali is essentially a Hindu festival, people of all faiths actively join in celebrating the triumph of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, and good over evil. Diwali is one of the most festive and beautiful times of the year for Hindus and Non– more content... They believed that Indra sent the rains, which made their crops, grow. But Krishna came along and persuaded the people to worship the mountain Govardhan, because the mountain and the land around it were fertile. This did not please Indra. He sent thunder and torrential rain down on the village. The people cried to Krishna to help. Krishna saved the villagers by lifting the top of the mountain with his finger. The offering of food to God on this day of Divali is a reminder to Hindus of the importance of food and it is a time for being thankful to God for the bounty of Get more content on
  • 5. Speech Reflection Essay During speech class this semester, I gave several different types of speeches on several different topics. During this semester, my ability to give speeches in front of an audience has improved quite a bit, I hope. Going into the semester, I had a really hard time giving speeches to people, but now that speech is almost over I feel like I am more capable of doing so. I think the thing I did best during the semester was getting good information for each of my speeches. My favorite assignment was most likely the impromptu speech. I really liked that one because we did not have to prepare an outline or anything like that, we just got to go up there and speak. During this semester, I learned a lot about how to give speeches such as the proper way to stand so I do not rock, or how to use my hands to emphasize my points. In the future, I think that I will be able to control my speed better during my speeches which will help the people I am presenting to understand my message. I think the skills I have acquired during speech will help me for the rest of my life. No matter what career I choose, I am sure that at some point I will have to present to someone about something. The skills I learned in speech will also help me just communicate with people in a one on one situation easier than I do now. I can use these skills throughout the rest of high school and through my six years of college still to come because whenever I have to present a project I will know how to effectively communicate my message to my audience. Based off of all of my reflection sheets, video evaluations, and peer critiques I have improved over the course of the semester. At the beginning of the semester I had a problem with speed and using to many "filler" words. As the year progressed, my speed became more and more controllable and I used less and less filler words. After my most recent speech, I'm still not quite at the level I want to be at, but I am far better than I was at the very beginning. I think just speaking in front of people more than I am used to doing has helped me develop better speaking skills and grow in my ability to effectively communicate with others. Throughout the semester I learned a lot about speaking, performing, and Get more content on
  • 6. Advantages of Festivals Advantages of Festivals – 1 Festivals celebration is the the culture we got from our past generations.According to the history these festivals are celebrated when they achieve something (symbol of victory),or on the occasions where they are benefited (crop gain,happy with some gatherings etc). These festival celebrattions have got following advantages: 1. Increase the relations among the people 2. Create an opportunity to the people of community to share their feeling and exchange their ideas and thoughts.Additional help to discuss their problems also. 3.If we consider the families , they gather together and have some fun with all the relatives which is a great mental relaxation and enrich family relations. 4.Will help to more content... These rituals for Indina festivals have been followed for past several centuries with the same respect that was used several hundred years ago. Every Indian festival have different rituals and prayers that are followed. Every day of weekday have a differnt stories (see hindu fasts) and different reason behind having these seven days. Apart from just Hindu festivals there are also several muslim festivals that follow rituals of their own and is known as Azzan and is performed when a child is born or after the new born baby is given its first bath. This ritual is followed and prayers are offered to god. This process is followed so that the first name that the child hears is that of the god. Hence festivals are more important for countries like india. Advantages of Festivals – 3 Indian Festivals celebrated by varied cultures and through their special rituals add to the colours of Indian Heritage. Some festivals welcome the seasons of the year, the harvest, the rains, or the full moon. Others celebrate religious occasions, the birthdays of divine beings, saints, and gurus (revered teachers), or the advent of the New Year. A number of these festivals are common to most parts of India. However, they may be called by different names in various parts of the country or may be celebrated in a different fashion. Many festivals celebrate the various harvests; commemorate great historical figures and events, while many express devotion to the deities of different Get more content on
  • 7. The Holi Event In The Hindu Religion Holi The Holi celebration is most commonly celebrated by the Hindu faith and is unique to its kind. It was a little out of the norm form for me because this type of thing isn't what I have experienced ever in my life. There was a variety of colors and music that was played throughout the experience. The Hindu people allowed guests to enter their temple, without shoes, and dance and worship along with them to their music. The day that Holi is celebrated is known as the Dhuli Vandana in Sanskrit, it is celebrated by people throwing colored powder and colored water at each other. As part of their worship experience they have bonfires that are lit on the eve of the festival, also known as Holika Dahan or burning of Holika. The more content... The cheerful experience one has while singing, dancing, and throwing paint at one another illustrates the joy that one human being can have for another. The religious people that help this festival function every year encourage those that are participating in the festivities to do so with enthusiasm and excitement while directed towards the celebration of good conquering evil in the world. Throughout the experience there were many people who seemed to be quite happy to a point of natural ecstasy of the experience. The religious leaders expressed that we don't have to be drunk or high to experience the natural highs of life like this celebration has the ability to bring out in people. Works Cited (SCFI), S. f. (n.d.). Retrieved April 9, 2011, from Holi: Get more content on
  • 8. Advantage Of Art Festivals "The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls." By Pablo Picasso. Over the years, some have had the privilege of appreciating art by visiting different art galleries and institutions. In recent times, however, art festivals have become a popular event where everyone can participate, explore and enjoy different art works. Art festivals are events that feature different combinations of artworks using various mediums by several artists. These festivals are usually held at a public setting and they celebrate both the art and the artists. It is important to have such festivals since they benefit the artists, the public and the general audience of art. Art festivals can be an excellent advantage for indigenous artists who are trying to gain recognition and enumerating the art pieces they produce. Throughout the years, upcoming artists have found a great deal of difficulties trying to find different occasions to showcase their work, since most of the opportunities they have had was trying to exhibit their art at different art institution. Artists face a lot of competition and challenges in terms of getting galleries to represent, show or sell their art. Only an insignificant percentage of artists will be successful in achieving recognition for their work. "imaginative was originally founded in part as a response to issues as self representation, back in 1999 there wasn't an annual place or meeting where indigenous artists had an exclusive opportunity to Get more content on
  • 9. Essay On Diwali Diwali or deepavali is a five day that festival that represents the start of the Hindu New Year. All the fireworks, the small clay lamps and candles that are lit during the celebration is one of the main reasons why it is called the "Festival of Lights". This festival usually falls on the month of October or November . The lights are said to symbolize the victory of good over evil, and brightness over darkness. The Festival of Lights creates a warm atmosphere and it is celebrated with much joy and happiness. The first excitement would be the new clothing that we usually run around for days buying to be worn for deepavali. Apart from this , the elders which usually visits us would buy us sweets, gifts and not forgetting the packet of money. Another aspect of deepavali is the many different sweet made for the celebration . we usually visit relatives and friends with snacks and sweets and seek their blessings. Gulab jamun, Laddoos, Halwas and Kaju cakes were my favorites. My mom says that the festival is to mark the return of Rama to Ayodha after his defeat to ravana. She starts the day by offering Puja to the goddess Lakshmi. The delicious food that comes along with this festival is another reason why it should come more often in a more content... Deepavali is celebrated on the fist day as the day that Lord Rama returned to Ayoda after defeating Ravana. It also signifies the Harvesting Festival. Another legend is Naraksura, a monster who was a troublemaker to the gods. The second day is called Narak Chatardasi. On this day Lord Krishna destroyed the demon and made the world free from fear. The third day is called Diwali. Lakshmi puja is performed on this day. All homes are decorated and lit up by Diyas. The fourth day is called New Year of Bestavarsh. The fifth day is called Bhai Dhooj. It is about brothers and Get more content on