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Essay on Dementia in Older Adults
Introduction This assignment critically discusses about dementia, a widespread disability among
older adults today. It provides an introduction to dementia and analyses its prevalence in society. The
various forms of dementias are elaborated with description about dysfunctions and symptoms.
Nursing Assessment and Interventions are provided in the further sections which discusses about
actions nurses should take on while evaluating patients and treating them. Finally, communication,
an important Activity of Daily Living (ADL) is explored and patient/carer advice is presented so as
to maintain good health conditions in the patient. Analysis of Dementia According to (Miller, 2009),
dementia is the most accurate expression which more content...
According to Kerr, (2007) AD is largely related to the degeneration of brain weight because plaques
and neuro– fibre tangles form, causing inflammation, disrupting neuronal transmission and killing
brain tissues. AD is a progressive disease which harms the temporal and parietal brain lobes. This
causes memory loss, deterioration of visual spatial skill, complexity in communication, judgement
and recognition which in long term, results in death of brain cells (Alzheimer's Association, 2011).
VD is the second most common type of dementia; consisting of 10 to 30 percent and it is due to
dead nerve cells in infected vessels. This is often caused by transient ischemic attacks (Miller,
2009). The two widely known forms of vascular dementia is Multi–infarct dementia (MD) and
Binswanger's disease (BD) also known as sub cortical vascular dementia. MD is a result of
Transient Ischaemic Attacks (TIA) that harms the cortex of the brain which is involved with
memory. BD is related to stroke and high blood pressure and affects the "white matter" in the brain
causing movement difficulties and emotional imbalances (Alzheimer's Association, 2011). Late
adulthood, diabetes mellitus, recurrent strokes and low education are common risk factors of VD
however there are preventive measures like smoking, diabetes and sedentary lifestyle (Miller, 2009).
In FD, neuronal atrophy impinges the anterior, frontal and temporal brain lobes. Language difficulty
and varied behaviour are common
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Narrative Essay On Dementia
"Who are you?" This is a question I have heard ever since I was sixteen years old, and not from
strangers on the streets, from my very own mother. I was a teenager when my mother originally
developed Alzheimer's and then later, dementia. I can still recall the first time she ever asked me
that question. It was springtime, I know that because I had just come home from softball practice. I
had yet to take even five steps into the house when a shriek rang out. "Who are you?" My mother,
Elizabeth, yelled so loudly it attracted the attention of my father. I could do nothing else but stand
and stare at her. How was it possible that my own mother had forgotten not only my name, but also
my face? I did not know how to respond to her. Was this just some joke she was playing with me? more content...
"Julia? What's wrong?" My father Thomas asked after entering the room. "I think I just forgot my
own daughter," my mom answered for me. "I am extremely sorry Julia. I don't know what happened."
Of course, no one in our family knew what was going on. We were all just bewildered as to why
she could not remember who anybody was. Although, it was not like it just happened out of the
blue; the doctors informed us mother's memory had been deteriorating for a long time before the
name incident ever took place. No one thought anything of it when she just forgot her keys or a bag
of groceries out in the car. But of course we observed when she started forgetting who everyone was.
There was even a circumstance of my mother forgetting my younger brother, Timothy, at the
Mother and Timothy had gone to the supermarket for groceries, but when mother returned home
Timothy was not with her. Of course I noticed, but when I asked her where he was she could not
recollect that he had even left with her.
"Timothy went with you to the store," I delicately informed her. She claimed she knew no one
named Timothy and so I drove to the store to get him
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Essay On Dementia
1.2DEMENTIA Dementia is a disorder it is conditioned by impairment of at least two brain
functions such as memory loss and judgments so dementia is an illness, it is the loss of powers of
the mind and not able to remember the things and understand the things this is due to brain cells
dies faster. Globally, dementia affects about 48 million and more people, about 10% of the people
develop this disorder at some point in their lives. Dementia is more common with respect to the age,
it occurs more common in aged people and mostly for females rather than males, thus about 3% of
people between the ages 65–74, 19% between 75 and 84 and nearly half of those over 85 years of
age. Dementia can occur at the age of 20 also. 1.2.1Signs and symptoms The signs and symptoms of
dementia, where psychological and behavior problems includes as follows: пѓ Balance problems. more content...
Thus, this technique provides the information related to both amount of blood flow and the time
involved. These techniques are very useful for the brain related problems. The following are the
Benefits of MRI: It can help to evaluate the function as well as the structure of many organs. Soft
tissue structures such as heart, lungs, liver and other organs are clearer and more detailed with MRI
when comparing with the other methods. MRI provides a fast, non–invasive alternative to x–ray
angiography. MRI use no ionizing radiation. The following are the Risks of MRI: There are no
known harmful effects from exposure to the magnetic field or radio waves used in MRI. An
undetected metal implant could be affected by the strong magnetic field. There is a rare risk of a
major allergic reaction to the contrast agent. There is a rare risk of complications from the use of
gadolinium in those who have kidney disease. Those with kidney disease may be asked to have a
blood test before their MRI in order to check their kidney
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Essay on Dementia in Elder Adults
Dementia is the most feared and distressing disorder of later life. This essay will give an overview
of dementia followed by the most common types of dementia. The essay will cover the nursing
assessment and the interventions. Issues relating to sleeping disorders will be identified and it will
also explore the care required in relation to these sleeping problems for an older patient / client
suffering from dementia, as well as patient and carer advice. Analysis of Dementia Overview The
term dementia means a serious loss in memory and other intellectual abilities in a formally
unimpaired person, further than what might be expected from normal ageing (Dhanani & Wilkins,
2008). The origin of the word dementia is from a latin more content...
In the early stages, the most commonly known symptom is the failure to acquire new memories,
such as difficulty in remembering recently viewed facts. As the disease progress, symptoms include
confusion, irritability and aggression, mood swings, language breakdown, long–term memory loss,
and the general isolation of the victim as the senses decline. Gradually, bodily functions are lost,
finally leading to death (Corliss, Gilbert, & Growdon, 2009). Frontotemporal dementia is a
clinical syndrome affected by the collapse of the frontal lobe of the brain and may continue back
to the temporal lobe. It is one of three syndromes caused by frontotemporal lobar degeneration,
and the second most common dementia after Alzheimer's disease (Giannakopoulos, Hof, & Hof,
2009). Miller (2009, p. 269), claims that " Frontotemporal dementia is often discovered in people
at the age between 52 and 56 years, but it has also been reported in people between the age of 21
and 85 years." The symptoms contain weak thoughts and problem solving skills, using words
incorrectly, lack of vision, self neglect (Miller, 2009). Diagnosis is difficult, because the behavioural
changes are similar to other illness like depression, schizophrenia, and antisocial personality. There is
no particular treatment apart from protection against the disease and supervision. (Saxon, Etten &
Perkins, 2010). Vascular dementia is
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Dementia Essay
1.1Explain what is meant by the term 'dementia'.
Dementia is a disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury. It is marked by
memory disorders, personality changes and impaired reasoning.
1.2Describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia.
Key functions that are affected by dementia are: Movement like they might be a lot slower in their
reactions then what they used to be. Personality they could be nice one minute then can completely
turn. Balance, they might not be as steady on their feet as they used to be. Short term memory,
which could mean that they might be stuck in the past and does not realise that their life has
changed also their speech could be affected like they might not be more content...
It seeks to understand the emotions and behaviours of the person with dementia.
2.3 Explain why dementia should be viewed as a disability.
Dementia should be viewed as a disability because people with dementia are not aware of
requirements for living. They can forget to do basic things like eating food or drinking. Considering
these facts that they cannot act in the manner of a responsible adult makes them disabled.
3.1 List the most common causes of dementia.
Alzheimer's: Is the most common cause of dementia. During the course of the disease, the chemistry
and structure of the brain changes, leading to the death of brain cells. Vascular Dementia: If the
oxygen supply to the brain fails, brain cells may die. The symptoms of vascular dementia can occur
either suddenly, following a stroke, or over time, through a series of small strokes. Dementia with
Lewy Bodies: This form of dementia gets its name from tiny spherical structures that develop inside
nerve cells. Their presence in the brain leads to the degeneration of brain tissue. Fronto–Temporal
Dementia: Damage is usually focused in the front part of the brain; Personality and behaviour are
initially more affected than
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Dementia Essay
Unit 4222–237SADIE LEWIS Outcome 1 1.1 Dementia is the progressive decline in the cognitive
function, involving all aspects of perception, thinking, reasoning and remembering. This is largely
to do with damage or disease. This is progressive and leads to the deterioration of the mind,
affecting an individual's ability to concentrate on daily tasks. The memory is often affected, causing
them to forget people, dates and events that are recent to them, behaviour can be erratic and
noticeably different than is usual for them, and the ability to control feelings is also affected. As the
disease progresses as do the signs and symptoms. 1.2 The progressive decline in cognitive function
affects the following key more content...
Age related memory impairment: Age related memory loss, is an inevitable part of getting older,
the brain slows down as does the processing of information mild cognitive impairment. Signs that
an individual has age related impairment are forgetfulness, losing things, names of people they
know, roads they know, easily distracted, slower at accessing information as quick as they used to.
This is all normal and to be expected as we get older, and is not considered serious as long as the
individual, is able to live independently, common sense, achieve tasks as they have always done
and are able to hold a conversation, occassionaly forgetting the odd word, be able to recall
information forgotten earlier. Severe memory loss is cause for concern and could be a sign
Dementia, signs that differ from aged related are that dementia affects an individual's ability to
function, it disables them, disrupting their work, social activities, and family relationships.
Individuals with dementia will have difficulty performing their usual day to day tasks like paying
bills, washing up, changing clothes, forgetting how to do things they have done many times before.
They often don't remember times when they have had memory loss even when it is recalled to them.
Get lost and disorientated easily even when in familiar surroundings, repetitive phrases and stories
often in the same conversation. Outcome 2 2.1 The medical model of dementia is a
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Essay On Dementia
In my early 20s I was given an opportunity to work with Clara, an elderly woman who had
dementia. Everyday I would arrive at promptly at 7:30am, I would prepare breakfast, and wait
until 8:30am when she would wake up. Some days I was greeted by a cheerful Clara ready to
take on the day, other days, I would have to reintroduce myself, calm her down and remind her of
where she was, who I was, and explain to her daily routine. It was very difficult for me at times, I
never got angry, but sad. It was truly heartbreaking to see this woman that I was caring for
completely be taken over by dementia. Watching the videos, featuring Teepa Snow, brought back a
lot of memories and experiences I had with Clara. The portrayals of dementia people were
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The first suggestion, which I believe is the most important is to remind the person that you
respect and love them, and get to eye level and speak to them. What you have to realize, is for the
most part, is these people still believe that they are functioning people in society and don't realize
what effects dementia is having on them. Speaking in patronizing language, is not going to help
them or help the person caring for them, it is only going to make things more difficult. Another
suggestion, is to bring someone from the outside, which in my case was me. Clara and I formed a
bond so close, that I remember there were times that I would come back to her house because her
family were unable to reason with her when it came to simple tasks such as bathing, eating, and
even at times when she wanted to play her guitar at 3 am. The last suggestion that I wanted to
include, was to tell the person you love them, and say your good byes when you have the
opportunity. Every day when I would leave, I would talk to Clara for a while before I would head
out, I always tried my best to leave like it was last day with her because I honestly didn't know if it
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Dementia Reflective Essay
A topic I learned more of this semester in regards to the older population was dementia. Some loss
in memory function is an inevitable consequence of aging, and as one ages, it takes more time to
process information and retrieve memories. However, "Dementia is a general term that refers to
progressive, degenerative brain dysfunction, including deterioration in memory, concentration,
language skills, visuospatial skills, and reasoning, that interferes with a person's daily functioning"
(Mauk, 2014, p. 377). This loss of mental skills affects the ability to function over time, causing
problems with memory and how one thinks, impacting these individual's overall quality of life.
This topic applied to my nursing practice when I had the opportunity
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Reflective Essay On Dementia
Face flushed blood red, my hands clenched into fists, tightly holding in my distress. The Aanger
surgedpumped through my veins following the discovery that my English project had been tossed
into the trash and my laptop had been wrapped in fourteen layers of plastic bags. Breathing slowly
and recollecting my thoughts, I realized that I could never lash out at my grandmother. It was an
unpleasant start to the morning, but also, a start to understanding dementia – a common illness that,
unfortunately, affects elderly individuals. hits individuals as they grow elderly. TIt was as if the
tables had turnedspun 180В°. What once was my grandmother's care for me became my care for
her. I took initiative as she spiraled further into the depths of dementia;,
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Essay On Dementia

  • 1. Essay on Dementia in Older Adults Introduction This assignment critically discusses about dementia, a widespread disability among older adults today. It provides an introduction to dementia and analyses its prevalence in society. The various forms of dementias are elaborated with description about dysfunctions and symptoms. Nursing Assessment and Interventions are provided in the further sections which discusses about actions nurses should take on while evaluating patients and treating them. Finally, communication, an important Activity of Daily Living (ADL) is explored and patient/carer advice is presented so as to maintain good health conditions in the patient. Analysis of Dementia According to (Miller, 2009), dementia is the most accurate expression which more content... According to Kerr, (2007) AD is largely related to the degeneration of brain weight because plaques and neuro– fibre tangles form, causing inflammation, disrupting neuronal transmission and killing brain tissues. AD is a progressive disease which harms the temporal and parietal brain lobes. This causes memory loss, deterioration of visual spatial skill, complexity in communication, judgement and recognition which in long term, results in death of brain cells (Alzheimer's Association, 2011). VD is the second most common type of dementia; consisting of 10 to 30 percent and it is due to dead nerve cells in infected vessels. This is often caused by transient ischemic attacks (Miller, 2009). The two widely known forms of vascular dementia is Multi–infarct dementia (MD) and Binswanger's disease (BD) also known as sub cortical vascular dementia. MD is a result of Transient Ischaemic Attacks (TIA) that harms the cortex of the brain which is involved with memory. BD is related to stroke and high blood pressure and affects the "white matter" in the brain causing movement difficulties and emotional imbalances (Alzheimer's Association, 2011). Late adulthood, diabetes mellitus, recurrent strokes and low education are common risk factors of VD however there are preventive measures like smoking, diabetes and sedentary lifestyle (Miller, 2009). In FD, neuronal atrophy impinges the anterior, frontal and temporal brain lobes. Language difficulty and varied behaviour are common Get more content on
  • 2. Narrative Essay On Dementia "Who are you?" This is a question I have heard ever since I was sixteen years old, and not from strangers on the streets, from my very own mother. I was a teenager when my mother originally developed Alzheimer's and then later, dementia. I can still recall the first time she ever asked me that question. It was springtime, I know that because I had just come home from softball practice. I had yet to take even five steps into the house when a shriek rang out. "Who are you?" My mother, Elizabeth, yelled so loudly it attracted the attention of my father. I could do nothing else but stand and stare at her. How was it possible that my own mother had forgotten not only my name, but also my face? I did not know how to respond to her. Was this just some joke she was playing with me? more content... "Julia? What's wrong?" My father Thomas asked after entering the room. "I think I just forgot my own daughter," my mom answered for me. "I am extremely sorry Julia. I don't know what happened." Of course, no one in our family knew what was going on. We were all just bewildered as to why she could not remember who anybody was. Although, it was not like it just happened out of the blue; the doctors informed us mother's memory had been deteriorating for a long time before the name incident ever took place. No one thought anything of it when she just forgot her keys or a bag of groceries out in the car. But of course we observed when she started forgetting who everyone was. There was even a circumstance of my mother forgetting my younger brother, Timothy, at the supermarket. Mother and Timothy had gone to the supermarket for groceries, but when mother returned home Timothy was not with her. Of course I noticed, but when I asked her where he was she could not recollect that he had even left with her. "Timothy went with you to the store," I delicately informed her. She claimed she knew no one named Timothy and so I drove to the store to get him Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On Dementia 1.2DEMENTIA Dementia is a disorder it is conditioned by impairment of at least two brain functions such as memory loss and judgments so dementia is an illness, it is the loss of powers of the mind and not able to remember the things and understand the things this is due to brain cells dies faster. Globally, dementia affects about 48 million and more people, about 10% of the people develop this disorder at some point in their lives. Dementia is more common with respect to the age, it occurs more common in aged people and mostly for females rather than males, thus about 3% of people between the ages 65–74, 19% between 75 and 84 and nearly half of those over 85 years of age. Dementia can occur at the age of 20 also. 1.2.1Signs and symptoms The signs and symptoms of dementia, where psychological and behavior problems includes as follows: пѓ Balance problems. more content... Thus, this technique provides the information related to both amount of blood flow and the time involved. These techniques are very useful for the brain related problems. The following are the Benefits of MRI: It can help to evaluate the function as well as the structure of many organs. Soft tissue structures such as heart, lungs, liver and other organs are clearer and more detailed with MRI when comparing with the other methods. MRI provides a fast, non–invasive alternative to x–ray angiography. MRI use no ionizing radiation. The following are the Risks of MRI: There are no known harmful effects from exposure to the magnetic field or radio waves used in MRI. An undetected metal implant could be affected by the strong magnetic field. There is a rare risk of a major allergic reaction to the contrast agent. There is a rare risk of complications from the use of gadolinium in those who have kidney disease. Those with kidney disease may be asked to have a blood test before their MRI in order to check their kidney Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Dementia in Elder Adults Dementia is the most feared and distressing disorder of later life. This essay will give an overview of dementia followed by the most common types of dementia. The essay will cover the nursing assessment and the interventions. Issues relating to sleeping disorders will be identified and it will also explore the care required in relation to these sleeping problems for an older patient / client suffering from dementia, as well as patient and carer advice. Analysis of Dementia Overview The term dementia means a serious loss in memory and other intellectual abilities in a formally unimpaired person, further than what might be expected from normal ageing (Dhanani & Wilkins, 2008). The origin of the word dementia is from a latin more content... In the early stages, the most commonly known symptom is the failure to acquire new memories, such as difficulty in remembering recently viewed facts. As the disease progress, symptoms include confusion, irritability and aggression, mood swings, language breakdown, long–term memory loss, and the general isolation of the victim as the senses decline. Gradually, bodily functions are lost, finally leading to death (Corliss, Gilbert, & Growdon, 2009). Frontotemporal dementia is a clinical syndrome affected by the collapse of the frontal lobe of the brain and may continue back to the temporal lobe. It is one of three syndromes caused by frontotemporal lobar degeneration, and the second most common dementia after Alzheimer's disease (Giannakopoulos, Hof, & Hof, 2009). Miller (2009, p. 269), claims that " Frontotemporal dementia is often discovered in people at the age between 52 and 56 years, but it has also been reported in people between the age of 21 and 85 years." The symptoms contain weak thoughts and problem solving skills, using words incorrectly, lack of vision, self neglect (Miller, 2009). Diagnosis is difficult, because the behavioural changes are similar to other illness like depression, schizophrenia, and antisocial personality. There is no particular treatment apart from protection against the disease and supervision. (Saxon, Etten & Perkins, 2010). Vascular dementia is Get more content on
  • 5. Dementia Essay 1.1Explain what is meant by the term 'dementia'. Dementia is a disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury. It is marked by memory disorders, personality changes and impaired reasoning. 1.2Describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia. Key functions that are affected by dementia are: Movement like they might be a lot slower in their reactions then what they used to be. Personality they could be nice one minute then can completely turn. Balance, they might not be as steady on their feet as they used to be. Short term memory, which could mean that they might be stuck in the past and does not realise that their life has changed also their speech could be affected like they might not be more content... It seeks to understand the emotions and behaviours of the person with dementia. 2.3 Explain why dementia should be viewed as a disability. Dementia should be viewed as a disability because people with dementia are not aware of requirements for living. They can forget to do basic things like eating food or drinking. Considering these facts that they cannot act in the manner of a responsible adult makes them disabled. 3.1 List the most common causes of dementia. Alzheimer's: Is the most common cause of dementia. During the course of the disease, the chemistry and structure of the brain changes, leading to the death of brain cells. Vascular Dementia: If the oxygen supply to the brain fails, brain cells may die. The symptoms of vascular dementia can occur either suddenly, following a stroke, or over time, through a series of small strokes. Dementia with Lewy Bodies: This form of dementia gets its name from tiny spherical structures that develop inside nerve cells. Their presence in the brain leads to the degeneration of brain tissue. Fronto–Temporal Dementia: Damage is usually focused in the front part of the brain; Personality and behaviour are initially more affected than Get more content on
  • 6. Dementia Essay Unit 4222–237SADIE LEWIS Outcome 1 1.1 Dementia is the progressive decline in the cognitive function, involving all aspects of perception, thinking, reasoning and remembering. This is largely to do with damage or disease. This is progressive and leads to the deterioration of the mind, affecting an individual's ability to concentrate on daily tasks. The memory is often affected, causing them to forget people, dates and events that are recent to them, behaviour can be erratic and noticeably different than is usual for them, and the ability to control feelings is also affected. As the disease progresses as do the signs and symptoms. 1.2 The progressive decline in cognitive function affects the following key more content... Age related memory impairment: Age related memory loss, is an inevitable part of getting older, the brain slows down as does the processing of information mild cognitive impairment. Signs that an individual has age related impairment are forgetfulness, losing things, names of people they know, roads they know, easily distracted, slower at accessing information as quick as they used to. This is all normal and to be expected as we get older, and is not considered serious as long as the individual, is able to live independently, common sense, achieve tasks as they have always done and are able to hold a conversation, occassionaly forgetting the odd word, be able to recall information forgotten earlier. Severe memory loss is cause for concern and could be a sign Dementia, signs that differ from aged related are that dementia affects an individual's ability to function, it disables them, disrupting their work, social activities, and family relationships. Individuals with dementia will have difficulty performing their usual day to day tasks like paying bills, washing up, changing clothes, forgetting how to do things they have done many times before. They often don't remember times when they have had memory loss even when it is recalled to them. Get lost and disorientated easily even when in familiar surroundings, repetitive phrases and stories often in the same conversation. Outcome 2 2.1 The medical model of dementia is a Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Dementia In my early 20s I was given an opportunity to work with Clara, an elderly woman who had dementia. Everyday I would arrive at promptly at 7:30am, I would prepare breakfast, and wait until 8:30am when she would wake up. Some days I was greeted by a cheerful Clara ready to take on the day, other days, I would have to reintroduce myself, calm her down and remind her of where she was, who I was, and explain to her daily routine. It was very difficult for me at times, I never got angry, but sad. It was truly heartbreaking to see this woman that I was caring for completely be taken over by dementia. Watching the videos, featuring Teepa Snow, brought back a lot of memories and experiences I had with Clara. The portrayals of dementia people were more content... The first suggestion, which I believe is the most important is to remind the person that you respect and love them, and get to eye level and speak to them. What you have to realize, is for the most part, is these people still believe that they are functioning people in society and don't realize what effects dementia is having on them. Speaking in patronizing language, is not going to help them or help the person caring for them, it is only going to make things more difficult. Another suggestion, is to bring someone from the outside, which in my case was me. Clara and I formed a bond so close, that I remember there were times that I would come back to her house because her family were unable to reason with her when it came to simple tasks such as bathing, eating, and even at times when she wanted to play her guitar at 3 am. The last suggestion that I wanted to include, was to tell the person you love them, and say your good byes when you have the opportunity. Every day when I would leave, I would talk to Clara for a while before I would head out, I always tried my best to leave like it was last day with her because I honestly didn't know if it Get more content on
  • 8. Dementia Reflective Essay A topic I learned more of this semester in regards to the older population was dementia. Some loss in memory function is an inevitable consequence of aging, and as one ages, it takes more time to process information and retrieve memories. However, "Dementia is a general term that refers to progressive, degenerative brain dysfunction, including deterioration in memory, concentration, language skills, visuospatial skills, and reasoning, that interferes with a person's daily functioning" (Mauk, 2014, p. 377). This loss of mental skills affects the ability to function over time, causing problems with memory and how one thinks, impacting these individual's overall quality of life. This topic applied to my nursing practice when I had the opportunity Get more content on
  • 9. Reflective Essay On Dementia Face flushed blood red, my hands clenched into fists, tightly holding in my distress. The Aanger surgedpumped through my veins following the discovery that my English project had been tossed into the trash and my laptop had been wrapped in fourteen layers of plastic bags. Breathing slowly and recollecting my thoughts, I realized that I could never lash out at my grandmother. It was an unpleasant start to the morning, but also, a start to understanding dementia – a common illness that, unfortunately, affects elderly individuals. hits individuals as they grow elderly. TIt was as if the tables had turnedspun 180В°. What once was my grandmother's care for me became my care for her. I took initiative as she spiraled further into the depths of dementia;, Get more content on