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Muscogee Creek Nation
Since the arrival of Americans, the Muscogee Creek Nation has changed tremendously. We no longer dress up in head dresses and make sacrifices, but
we do try our best to preserve and teach our culture and heritage. Today the Creek Nation is still an organized community with a leader, meetings,
rituals, and a language.
Creek Indians can be found in many places today, and there is no definite way to tell that one is of the creek descent except by their blood. To declare
yourself as a creek citizen you must first be able to "trace back to a direct ancestor listed on the 1906 Dawes Roll" ("Muscogee"). As the creek heritage
passes from generation to generation a degree of blood is also passed down. To be considered a member of the Creek more content...
In my own family, many of the traditions we continue to celebrate and do would not have been passed on if it was not for the closeness of our
family. My mother can make many native foods from growing up around her grandmother such as traditional Creek Fry bread; things that I know I
will one day pass on to my children. I can still remember my great grandmother teaching my sister and I how to do traditional basket weaving, a
tradition still taught in classes at the Creek Nation today. "Basket–weaving is one of the oldest known Native American crafts" and shows the diversity
of tribes as the different styles of basket–weaving are still present today (Lollman). If families did not pass on our heritage, many of our native songs
and dances performed at powwows would not be around to see or reenact today. Ultimately all of the traditions we have today would not be here if it
was not for the families passing their knowledge and memories down.
Another way that many creek families have kept their culture alive is by still having traditional Indian burials and funerals. I recently had the chance
to observe this type of funeral for the first time. From this experience I noticed many traditions that I had not known or even seen before. In the creek
community according to Cheri Lollman, a death is seen as a "great accomplishment" in life, because they are now in a better place. Viewing of the
body for my great– grandmother, like in many other
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When I contemplate the word "cultural identity", I think of myself, and what makes up who I am as a person. My cultural identity influences
everything about me, from the moment I wake up, to the minute I rest my head on my pillow at night. My culture influences the way I eat, speak,
worship, and interact with people. However, I am not only affected by my own culture, but others' culture as well. I am fortunate to have an extremely
rich heritage, and I couldn't be prouder of my cultural identity. The first, and arguably one of the most important characteristics of my cultural identity
is my ethnicity. I come from a traditional Indian household, where both my parents grew up in India. My ancestors are from Tamil Nadu which is in
the southeast corner of India. However, over the years, many of them migrated to Kerala, which is located in the southwest corner. Although the two
states are very close together, their culture is vastly different. I am very proud to have such an amalgamation of cultures. Fortunately, I have been able
to visit India almost every summer, allowing me to witness many of these great practices. One huge part of my ethnicity is my language, which is
Tamil. My parents made sure that my sister and I should speak our mother tongue fluently. Being able to speak Tamil allows me to appreciate my
heritage even more. However, my mother tongue isn't the only thing that makes up my culture. Interestingly, I can naturally switch between speaking
English in an Indian
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Essay On Folk Art Of India
Folk Art
India had always been known as the land that portrayed cultural and traditional vibrancy through its conventional arts and crafts. The 35 states and
union territories sprawled across the country have their own distinct cultural and traditional identities, and are displayed through various forms of art
prevalent there. Every region in India has its own style and pattern of art, which is known as folk art. Other than folk art, there is yet another form of
traditional art practiced by several tribes or rural population, which is classified as tribal art. The folk and tribal arts of India are very ethnic and simple,
and yet colorful and vibrant enough to speak volumes about the country's rich heritage.
Folk art in India apparently has a great potential in the international market because of its traditional aesthetic sensibility and authenticity. The rural folk
paintings of India bear distinctive colorful designs, which are treated with religious and mystical motifs. Some of the most famous folk paintings of
India are the Madhubani paintings of Bihar, Patachitra paintings from the state of Odisha, the Nirmal paintings of Andhra Pradesh, and other such folk
art forms. Folk art is however not restricted only to paintings, but also stretches to other art forms such as pottery, home decorations, ornaments,
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These are not just aesthetic objects but in fact have an important significance in people's lives and are tied to their beliefs and rituals. The objects can
range from sculpture, masks (used in rituals and ceremonies), paintings, textiles, baskets, kitchen objects, arms and weapons, and the human body itself
(Tattoos and piercings). There is a deep symbolic meaning that is attached to not only the objects themselves but also the materials and techniques used
to produce
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Culture And Heritage Of Indian Food
Culture and heritage plays a role in my eating habits because the food that comes from my culture and heritage is what I have grown up eating and
enjoying at the same time. Indian food is the first food I was introduced to and I really cherish the food that my culture and heritage carries. I come
from an Indian background so the popular foods that are associated with my culture are not known to be very healthy for a human being trying to
maintain a certain diet. Indian food contains a lot of oil and ingredients of that nature and foods such as biryani,nihari and chicken tikka masala
contain a lot of clarified butter, which is pure fat, so Indian dishes are usually very fatty but there are many recipes that are much healthier versions of
Indian dishes which are not very popular. Indian foods that are good for you are sambar dal, spinach curry, and raita. My parent's place of birth which
is Hyderabad,India also plays a role in my eating choices because the food they grew up eating is what they passed on to me which is not very
healthy but if you choose to change up your dishes than it can be healthy. My parents also grew up in the sixty's and seventy's generation which is
when they ate these certain foods as well. The religion I choose to follow does not play a role in my eating habits because I am a catholic Christian
with strong beliefs in Jesus Christ and there are not strict rules as to what a person eats in my religion except on easter when the people of my religion
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The Scenic Beauty Of India
Come and Experience the Sublime Tranquility in the Hill Stations near Delhi
People from all across the globe are fascinated by the scenic beauty of India. Here in our country, various religions, traditions and cultures came into
existence. The hill stations successfully uphold century old culture and tradition that prospered years ago. India is completely dotted by awe–inspiring
hill stations starting from Jammu and Kashmir and moving onto Tamil Nadu which encapsulates 20 mountainous ranges. There are several quiet
gateways in India to choose from. Since there are 20 mountainous ranges, it gets difficult to choose one particular hill station for the tour.
The most adorable hillstation: Nainital
Based on Uttarakhand in Kumaon region, Nainital is the most charming hillstation that surrounds Lake Naini, the volcanic lake. It is adored by
millions of travelers all across the globe and so it is addressed as the 'Lake District' of India. Whether you crave for a romantic gateway or want some
private moment at the lap of nature, Nainital is perfect. Enjoy boating, sightseeing activities, eco–tourism here.
Shimla: the summer capital of British
Shimla is one of the offbeat destinations in India that was once called 'Summer Capital of British'. It is now the capital of Himachal Pradesh and
certainly a delight for the eyes. Shimla is highly appreciated for its tremendous scenic beauty, eternal and ethnic culture. Being the architectural
paradise, Shimla flaunts many architectural
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India, Religion, Culture, And Religions In India
Culture normally revolves around knowledge of a particular group of people while encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and
arts. India houses said people from several thousand ethnic groups, tribes, castes, and religions that provide a rich diversity of varying cultures. India's
history dates back several centuries and can even extend into millenniums. The vast differences in cultural diversity reflect much about India as a
country as well as the people who live there. India retains a plethora amount of religious, geographical, cultural, social, and military history that shapes
its inhabitants as well as various travelers around the globe.
Religion has been an important part of the country's culture and formation as people who settled there have discovered various practices that became
renowned today. India established four major religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. However, Islam remains prevalent in
India since it is currently the second largest religion in the world. The most dominant religion of India is Hinduism, which to this day is the oldest
religion in the world. Roughly, 84 per cent of India's population (total population: ~1.267 billion people) is devoted to Hinduism. India has a known
history of religious violence against Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians due to a large number of riots stemming from as far back as 1832. One of
the largest riots that occurred caused over 8000 deaths and an unknown
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Essay on Indian Music
Indian Music
The music of India is one of the oldest unspoken musical traditions in the world. The basis of for Indian music is "sangeet." Sangeet is a combination
of three art forms: vocal music, instrumental music (Indian music). Indian music is base upon seven modes (scales). It is probably no coincidence that
Greek music is also base upon seven modes. Furthermore, the Indian scales follow the same process of modulation (murchana) that was found in
ancient Greek music. Since Greece is also Indo–European, this is another piece of evidence for the Indo–European connection (Dance and music of
The vocal tradition is especially strong in Indian music. It is understood that the song is probably the most ancient form more content...
It is linked to the Sanskrit word "ranj" which means, "to colour" (Indian music). Therefore, rag may be thought of as an acoustic method of colouring
the mind of the listener with an emotion. It is not a tune, melody, scale, mode, or any concept for which an English word exists. It is instead a
combination of different characteristics. It is these characteristics, which define the rag. There must be the notes of the rag. They are called the swar
(Indian music). There must also be a modal structure. This is called that in North Indian music and mela in carnatic music (Carnatic music). There is
also the jati. Jati is the number of notes used in the rag. There must also be the ascending and descending structure. This is called arohana/avarohana.
Another characteristic is that the various notes do not have the same level of significance. Some are important and others less so. The important notes
are called vadi and samavadi (Indian music). There are often characteristic movements to the rag. This is called either pakad (Indian music).
The Indian rhythm is known as tal. Tal means "clap". The tabla (Indian drum instrument) has replaced the clap in the performance, but the term still
reflects the origin. The basic concepts of tal are tali, Khali,vibhag, matra, bol, theka, lay, sam, and avartan.
Tali are a pattern of clapping. In addition to the claps, there are also a number of
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The Indian Culture Essay
The Indian Culture
The Indian Culture is a very interesting culture they have a lot of different ways of living, family relationships, foods, dress, and entertainment.
One of the great themes pervading Indian life is social interdependence. People are born into groups–families, clans, subcastes, castes, and religious
communities–and live with a constant sense of being part of and inseparable from these groups. Social interaction is regarded as being of the highest
priority in Indian families, and social bonds are expected to be long lasting. All social interaction involves constant attention to hierarchy, respect, honor,
the feelings of others, rights and obligations, hospitality, and gifts of food, clothing, and more content...
Loyalty to family is a deeply held ideal for almost everyone. Large families tend to be flexible and well– suited to modern Indian life, especially for the
67 percent of Indians who are farmers or agricultural workers or work in related activities.
Joint family is also common in cities, where kinship ties can be crucial to obtaining scarce jobs or financial assistance. Not infrequently, clusters of
relatives live very near each other, easily available to respond to the give and take kinship obligations. Even when relatives cannot actually live in close
proximity, they typically maintain strong bonds of kinship and attempt to provide each other with economic help, emotional support, and other
benefits. Indian marriages are deemed almost necessary in the Indian society. Arranging a marriage is the responsibility of Indian parents and other
relatives of both bride and groom. In India there is no greater event in a family than a wedding. Some parents begin marriage arrangements on the birth
of a child, but most wait until later. The brides family usually hosts most of the ceremonies and pays for all the arrangements for large numbers of
guests for several days, including accommodation, feasting, decorations, and gifts for the groom's party. These arrangements are often extremely
elaborate and expensive and are intended to enhance the status of the
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Marriage Culture For certain countries arranged marriage is an important part of their culture and heritage. Like in the essay What's Love Got to Do
with It? by Anjula Razdan, Anjula's family that immigrated to America from the country of India believed in arranged marriage because that was the
culture they were a part of before they left India. In India the grandfather chooses who he thinks is the best suitable partner for his grandchild, which is
nothing like how Americans choose their life partners. While Americans believe in marrying for love, that might not be the best way ofmarriage for
other countries due to family reactions, success rates, and the benefits of marriage. The family's reaction is a very important part of marriage. How
your family feels about your soon to be husband or wife helps to show if the marriage is a good or bad idea. In arranged marriage the family
chooses who they think will benefit you and them the most, and most of the time your parents do know what is best for you. Even though in
arranged marriage you are marrying a complete stranger, most arranged marriages grow stronger and fall more in love the longer the marriage lasts
and if the couple has had children also plays a role in if the marriage will last or not. Arranged marriages can be useful by bringing two families
together through marriage or to make an alliance between two families, for example the essay "What's Love Got To Do With It?" by Anjula Razdan
"... arranged marriages were
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Discover Indian Cultural Heritage
Discover Indian Culture and Heritage Founded in the year 2008, the Indo–American Heritage Museum was established to showcase the heritage,
culture and diversity of Indian Americans, and at the same time preserve their history, and highlight their contributions to the fabric of American life.
The foundation hosts several programs and activities which includes presentations at school and universities, credit workshops for teachers, cultural
connection programs, educational seminars etc. All programs are conducted with the active and enthusiastic support of the Indian American
community in Chicago.
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The Indian Diaspora By Vijay Mishra
"All diasporas are unhappy, but every diaspora is unhappy in its own" (1), Vijay Mishra in his scholarly work The Literature of the Indian Diaspora,
the first line of the "Introduction" chapter (echoes Anna Karenina "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.")
poignantly marks the predicament of diasporic subject, occupying "a border zone" (1) along with their problematic association in dealing with historic
specificity of time and place. He begins theorizing diaspora (in the broadest sense and specifically Indian diaspora) not in terms of binaries between
"'old'" (3) and "'new'" (3) diaspora, but to show that "diasporic imaginary"(9) is always conditioned by "impossible mourning that transforms mourning
into melancholia" (9). There is always all–pervading sense of loss and emptiness within the diasporic space regardless of whether the subject being a
girmit, indentured plantation laborers (in Fiji, South Africa, Trinidad) of the colonial past; or the subject of a decolonized world of globalization and
hypermobility of specialized trained professionals (in the United States, Canada, Australia).
To establish this "impossible mourning" (9) of diasporic imaginary, Mishra takes into account the vast corpus of eminent authors in the field of Indian
diasporic study like V. S. Naipaul, Salman Rushdie, Amitav Ghosh, Rohinton Mistry, Hanif Kureishi, Rambai Espinet, Sudesh Mishra, M.G. Vassanji,
Bharati Mukherjee, Jhumpa Lahiri and few others. With
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My Cultural Heritage
Cultural heritage is used to describe a way of living in a certain community. My cultural heritage is a white American with a little touch of southern,
Cajun. From living in the main state of the community, Louisiana, I grew up learning the ways of life as a Cajun. Before writing this paper I
wasn't even sure if I had a cultural background being that I am just white. However, I've learned that being southern or Cajun is a culture that I did
not even recognize. My spiritual beliefs as a southern and plenty of other southern people is a Roman Catholic or Christian. Some might know the
southern states as the Bible belt. Church is a really big part of my culture and following the word of god. This is part of my culture that I am proud
of but it also can cause some issues with stereotypes. Overall, I am proud of my culture, but being a white American recently has caused issues
regarding race. White southern people have been stereotyped as races, or judgmental towards anything or anyone that does not follow the bible.
However, this is not true. Plenty of white Americans from the south are not races or judgmental towards different communities of people. The
reason a lot of people of different cultures believe this is because of the history of what happened in the southern states and dealing with other
races. Also, how involved we are with the churches and the religion we follow. This is one thing that I am not proud of about my culture. I don't
want to be viewed as these stereotypes just because of where and how I grew up. I find this being an issue of not only my culture but of a lot of
cultures, being stereotyped. Personally, I have come in contact with plenty of individuals that don't agree with my religion or don't follow my lifestyle
and we have had good relationships without judgment. To work effectively with people of different cultures, I believe that people should not assume
before getting to know the person. That all the stereotypes should be ignored because history or one person's skin tone or actions does not define all
the people that are part of that culture. I am not proud that being a white American southerner that people part of the LGBT+ community is scared of
my judgment. When caring for this
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The strength of Indian culture lies in its infinite power of assimilation, unification and expansion. Since the inception it is growing through an
over–widening process of contiguity and interchange. It has tremendous capacity of holding diverse forms and ideologies as a single force. The
axiological nature of Indian culture maps it all– enveloping and all–encompassing. It has evolved through the great ideals of spirituality which has
become its backbone. The edifice of our culture is erected on the strong pillars of experience, realization and inner– conversion. Here the culture is not
mere outer but comprises all the internal realizations about the mysteries of life and its blend with regular routine which is in form of scripture is
preserved and in to say in psychological terms it is being transferred more content...
No one is greater or lesser, superior or inferior to anyone in any context. This leads Indian masses to establish the atmosphere of religious harmony
among several religious sects and faiths without intruding anyone's line of rights and sentiments. This homogeneity of Indian civilization has tied its
people in thread of unity, despite the existence of the diversity of cast, creed, religion and traditions. Indian scriptures announce this ambiance on
global level as the concept of 'Vasudhaiv kutumbkam' and have accepted the whole world as a one big family. Indian culture's canvas is not limited
to Indian geographical region but it has enlarged itself and embraced the entire humanity through its principles of universal acceptance and appliance.
This is the practical form of the concept "Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam" of Maha Upnishad where it is encrypted that "it is mine and this belongs to other;
such views are kept only by the people having narrow mind and small heart, however to the one who are kind, gentle and have a enlarged worldview,
the whole earth is like family".
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India, a country with a rich heritage and culture faces a numerous challenges in assessing the country's tourism potential as a sustainable development
tool to fuel the economic and social growth. Travel and tourism 's effect on the financial and social advancement of a nation can be huge; paving the
way for business and trade, creating an abundance of opportunities for employments and entrepreneurship. Tourism is a window to showcase one's
culture to the world while preserving its heritage. Globally, tourism has flourished into one of the fastest growing industry, securing fourth place in the
growing economy, with the ability to shape the developing nations while the impact can be in both positive and negative ways. India with its rich
heritage and culture has huge potential to be one of the significant contributors to the Indian economy, adding to a substantial extent of the National
Income and producing immense business openings. The Macmillan Dictionary defines tourism as the business of providing services for people who
are travelling for their holiday ("Home") The first planned pre independence efforts towards promoting tourism in India were made in 1945, a
committee under the Chairmanship of Sir John Sargent, then an Educational Adviser to the Government of India. Though the development of tourism
was part of Five year plan there was no much economic growth from tourism. The Sixth Plan marked the beginning of a new era when tourism began
to be considered as a major
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Speech On Diversity In India
Harmony means the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole. Unity in diversity means oneness in the varieties. India is a best country
proving this concept for many years. India is a country where it is very clear to see unity in diversity because people of many religion, race, culture
and tradition live together without affecting each other's feelings and believes to their religion. Unity in diversity focuses on the existence of unity even
after lots of differences of cultural, social, physical, linguistic, religious, political, ideological, psychological, etc. More number of diversities makes
more complex unity. People in India are united in spite of the much diversity of races, religions, castes, sub–castes, communities, more
Harmony in diversity boosts morale of people at workplace, organization, and community. It helps in enhancing esprit de corps, relationships,
teamwork among people thus improve performance, quality of work, productivity and lifestyle. It makes communication effective even in bad
situation. Harmony do keeps people away from social problems and help to manage conflicts easily. Live in harmony do improve healthy human
relations and protects equal human rights for all. Harmony in diversity in India provides source of tourism. People of diverse cultures, traditions,
cuisines, religions and clothing attract more visitors and tourists from all across the world. It gives rise the habit of national integration among people
of the country even after being diverse in various ways. It also gives value to the rich heritages of country as well as strengthens and enriches the
cultural heritage of India. It helps to be rich in agricultural area through different crops and thus economy growth. Harmony is the source of skilled and
advance professionals in various areas to the
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Indian Culture And Its Impact On Society
India is country known all over the world for its culture and tradition. It is a land with various cultures and traditions which are as vast as the
subcontinent upon which they are located. This essay will focus on the Indian culture and highlight the different beliefs that Indians have on life
processes. The essay will show the different methods Indians use to stay healthy and how the Indian culture can determine how healthcare services are
provided to the people.
India is a nation of many different individuals, each with their own beliefs and way of life. The different beliefs that are held by these people and the
traditions they follow can have a significant impact on how they view modern healthcare. The beliefs and moral values which are a part of human
nature can have positive impacts on an individual, but can also bind them and cause negative impacts on mental and physical health (Worthington &
Gogne, 2011). It is necessary for health professionals to be aware of the cultural beliefs and influences so that they can effectively provide healthcare
services. A lack of cultural competence in care leads to poor patient outcomes, low compliance, and higher disparities regardless of the services and
systems available ("Diversity & Cultural Competency in Health Care Settings").
Depending on an individual's culture, the way in which one perceives life processes differs greatly. For Indians their culture plays a large role in how
they perceive these things. Being a nation with
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Cultural heritage in Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
The pearl of the Indian Ocean Sri Lanka, reflects a long history of its nations. From the archeological evidence of the prehistoric settlements and
prehistoric human Balangoda man (Deraniyagala, 1998) to modern food of kottu like pizza to American; make the broad diversity of culture in Sir
Lanka. By analyzing cultural heritage definition in Sinhala language, the definition given in the legislations in 1940, and its relationship with Athens
charter and 1954 UNESCO convention, I will demonstrate the cultural heritage vision imbedded in the society through legal definition. Also, I will
offer criticisms and recommendations for an improved approach to the definition of cultural heritage in Sri Lanka in broader context.
According to more content...
Both movable and immovable property referred in 1940 Ceylon Antiquities convention, shows similarities to categories in UNESCO convention,
architecture, buildings, art, books, works of art, archeological sites which are also named as movable and immovable property. While 1940 Ceylon
antiquities ordinance referring all of the antiquities of it belong to the crown as an absolute property, the 1954 UNESCO convention uses the similar
term as a "cultural property". However, 1940 Antiquities Ordinance shows unique significance through nominating trees as an ancient monuments.
4 What vision of cultural heritage is your country recommending to its citizens. The vision imbedded on Sri Lankans (citizens in Ceylon) through this
definition was that the British authority had the autonomy about the antiquities or heritage in Sri Lanka and its materialistic perspective of Sri Lanka
heritage. One of the evidence for this vision is the Ordinance's hand over of the ownership to the Britain by naming antiquities as an absolute property
of the crown. Furthermore, by using the term "property" to the antiquity, it apparently states the ownership and the connection with the market value.
Therefore, this definition promotes the materialistic value on heritage base on the British authority needs. Further, by devaluing the belief system of
natives by making the
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My Culture, Identity, And Cultural Identity
When I think of the word "cultural identity", I think of myself, and what makes up who I am as a person. My cultural identity influences everything
about me, from the moment I wake up, to the minute I rest my head on my pillow at night. My culture influences the way I eat, speak, worship, and
interact with people. However, I am not only affected by my own culture, but others' culture as well. I am fortunate to have an extremely rich heritage,
and I couldn't be prouder of my cultural identity. The first, and arguably one of the most important characteristics of my cultural identity is my
ethnicity. I come from a traditional Indian household, where both my parents grew up in India. My ancestors are from Tamil Nadu which is in the more content...
In fact, like many Hindu families, we have a small shrine in our house to perform important ceremonies. Also, I have been going to the temple
every Sunday for as long as I can remember, and I have been attending the BalaVihar program, which teaches young Hindus all about our beloved
culture. Two of the most central ideas in Hinduism that are very important to my cultural identity in terms of my outlook on life and other people
are reincarnation and karma. I believe that there is a cycle of death and rebirth, and depending on your deeds in your current life, you will be
rewarded or punished in your next life. Eventually, every Hindu's goal is to attain "Moksha" and break the cycle of life and become one with God.
My belief in karma and reincarnation affects my everyday life because when I think about my situation or other peoples' situation, I trace everything
back to actions in our previous lives. My religion is the most important part of my life, and the values that it has taught me have stuck with me
through times of joy and times of distress. My relationship with God is the most important one in my life, and it is the biggest part of my cultural
identity. Not only is my heritage a huge part of my cultural identity, but so are my hobbies and habits. Although my parents and ancestors are Indian, I
was born and raised here in the United States. Therefore, some of my habits and interests can be described as "Americanized". For example, I am a
huge sports
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Muscogee Creek Nation

  • 1. Muscogee Creek Nation Since the arrival of Americans, the Muscogee Creek Nation has changed tremendously. We no longer dress up in head dresses and make sacrifices, but we do try our best to preserve and teach our culture and heritage. Today the Creek Nation is still an organized community with a leader, meetings, rituals, and a language. Creek Indians can be found in many places today, and there is no definite way to tell that one is of the creek descent except by their blood. To declare yourself as a creek citizen you must first be able to "trace back to a direct ancestor listed on the 1906 Dawes Roll" ("Muscogee"). As the creek heritage passes from generation to generation a degree of blood is also passed down. To be considered a member of the Creek more content... In my own family, many of the traditions we continue to celebrate and do would not have been passed on if it was not for the closeness of our family. My mother can make many native foods from growing up around her grandmother such as traditional Creek Fry bread; things that I know I will one day pass on to my children. I can still remember my great grandmother teaching my sister and I how to do traditional basket weaving, a tradition still taught in classes at the Creek Nation today. "Basket–weaving is one of the oldest known Native American crafts" and shows the diversity of tribes as the different styles of basket–weaving are still present today (Lollman). If families did not pass on our heritage, many of our native songs and dances performed at powwows would not be around to see or reenact today. Ultimately all of the traditions we have today would not be here if it was not for the families passing their knowledge and memories down. Another way that many creek families have kept their culture alive is by still having traditional Indian burials and funerals. I recently had the chance to observe this type of funeral for the first time. From this experience I noticed many traditions that I had not known or even seen before. In the creek community according to Cheri Lollman, a death is seen as a "great accomplishment" in life, because they are now in a better place. Viewing of the body for my great– grandmother, like in many other Get more content on
  • 2. When I contemplate the word "cultural identity", I think of myself, and what makes up who I am as a person. My cultural identity influences everything about me, from the moment I wake up, to the minute I rest my head on my pillow at night. My culture influences the way I eat, speak, worship, and interact with people. However, I am not only affected by my own culture, but others' culture as well. I am fortunate to have an extremely rich heritage, and I couldn't be prouder of my cultural identity. The first, and arguably one of the most important characteristics of my cultural identity is my ethnicity. I come from a traditional Indian household, where both my parents grew up in India. My ancestors are from Tamil Nadu which is in the southeast corner of India. However, over the years, many of them migrated to Kerala, which is located in the southwest corner. Although the two states are very close together, their culture is vastly different. I am very proud to have such an amalgamation of cultures. Fortunately, I have been able to visit India almost every summer, allowing me to witness many of these great practices. One huge part of my ethnicity is my language, which is Tamil. My parents made sure that my sister and I should speak our mother tongue fluently. Being able to speak Tamil allows me to appreciate my heritage even more. However, my mother tongue isn't the only thing that makes up my culture. Interestingly, I can naturally switch between speaking English in an Indian Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On Folk Art Of India Folk Art India had always been known as the land that portrayed cultural and traditional vibrancy through its conventional arts and crafts. The 35 states and union territories sprawled across the country have their own distinct cultural and traditional identities, and are displayed through various forms of art prevalent there. Every region in India has its own style and pattern of art, which is known as folk art. Other than folk art, there is yet another form of traditional art practiced by several tribes or rural population, which is classified as tribal art. The folk and tribal arts of India are very ethnic and simple, and yet colorful and vibrant enough to speak volumes about the country's rich heritage. Folk art in India apparently has a great potential in the international market because of its traditional aesthetic sensibility and authenticity. The rural folk paintings of India bear distinctive colorful designs, which are treated with religious and mystical motifs. Some of the most famous folk paintings of India are the Madhubani paintings of Bihar, Patachitra paintings from the state of Odisha, the Nirmal paintings of Andhra Pradesh, and other such folk art forms. Folk art is however not restricted only to paintings, but also stretches to other art forms such as pottery, home decorations, ornaments, more content... These are not just aesthetic objects but in fact have an important significance in people's lives and are tied to their beliefs and rituals. The objects can range from sculpture, masks (used in rituals and ceremonies), paintings, textiles, baskets, kitchen objects, arms and weapons, and the human body itself (Tattoos and piercings). There is a deep symbolic meaning that is attached to not only the objects themselves but also the materials and techniques used to produce Get more content on
  • 4. Culture And Heritage Of Indian Food Culture and heritage plays a role in my eating habits because the food that comes from my culture and heritage is what I have grown up eating and enjoying at the same time. Indian food is the first food I was introduced to and I really cherish the food that my culture and heritage carries. I come from an Indian background so the popular foods that are associated with my culture are not known to be very healthy for a human being trying to maintain a certain diet. Indian food contains a lot of oil and ingredients of that nature and foods such as biryani,nihari and chicken tikka masala contain a lot of clarified butter, which is pure fat, so Indian dishes are usually very fatty but there are many recipes that are much healthier versions of Indian dishes which are not very popular. Indian foods that are good for you are sambar dal, spinach curry, and raita. My parent's place of birth which is Hyderabad,India also plays a role in my eating choices because the food they grew up eating is what they passed on to me which is not very healthy but if you choose to change up your dishes than it can be healthy. My parents also grew up in the sixty's and seventy's generation which is when they ate these certain foods as well. The religion I choose to follow does not play a role in my eating habits because I am a catholic Christian with strong beliefs in Jesus Christ and there are not strict rules as to what a person eats in my religion except on easter when the people of my religion do Get more content on
  • 5. The Scenic Beauty Of India Come and Experience the Sublime Tranquility in the Hill Stations near Delhi People from all across the globe are fascinated by the scenic beauty of India. Here in our country, various religions, traditions and cultures came into existence. The hill stations successfully uphold century old culture and tradition that prospered years ago. India is completely dotted by awe–inspiring hill stations starting from Jammu and Kashmir and moving onto Tamil Nadu which encapsulates 20 mountainous ranges. There are several quiet gateways in India to choose from. Since there are 20 mountainous ranges, it gets difficult to choose one particular hill station for the tour. The most adorable hillstation: Nainital Based on Uttarakhand in Kumaon region, Nainital is the most charming hillstation that surrounds Lake Naini, the volcanic lake. It is adored by millions of travelers all across the globe and so it is addressed as the 'Lake District' of India. Whether you crave for a romantic gateway or want some private moment at the lap of nature, Nainital is perfect. Enjoy boating, sightseeing activities, eco–tourism here. Shimla: the summer capital of British Shimla is one of the offbeat destinations in India that was once called 'Summer Capital of British'. It is now the capital of Himachal Pradesh and certainly a delight for the eyes. Shimla is highly appreciated for its tremendous scenic beauty, eternal and ethnic culture. Being the architectural paradise, Shimla flaunts many architectural Get more content on
  • 6. India, Religion, Culture, And Religions In India Culture normally revolves around knowledge of a particular group of people while encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. India houses said people from several thousand ethnic groups, tribes, castes, and religions that provide a rich diversity of varying cultures. India's history dates back several centuries and can even extend into millenniums. The vast differences in cultural diversity reflect much about India as a country as well as the people who live there. India retains a plethora amount of religious, geographical, cultural, social, and military history that shapes its inhabitants as well as various travelers around the globe. Religion has been an important part of the country's culture and formation as people who settled there have discovered various practices that became renowned today. India established four major religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. However, Islam remains prevalent in India since it is currently the second largest religion in the world. The most dominant religion of India is Hinduism, which to this day is the oldest religion in the world. Roughly, 84 per cent of India's population (total population: ~1.267 billion people) is devoted to Hinduism. India has a known history of religious violence against Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians due to a large number of riots stemming from as far back as 1832. One of the largest riots that occurred caused over 8000 deaths and an unknown Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Indian Music Indian Music The music of India is one of the oldest unspoken musical traditions in the world. The basis of for Indian music is "sangeet." Sangeet is a combination of three art forms: vocal music, instrumental music (Indian music). Indian music is base upon seven modes (scales). It is probably no coincidence that Greek music is also base upon seven modes. Furthermore, the Indian scales follow the same process of modulation (murchana) that was found in ancient Greek music. Since Greece is also Indo–European, this is another piece of evidence for the Indo–European connection (Dance and music of India). The vocal tradition is especially strong in Indian music. It is understood that the song is probably the most ancient form more content... It is linked to the Sanskrit word "ranj" which means, "to colour" (Indian music). Therefore, rag may be thought of as an acoustic method of colouring the mind of the listener with an emotion. It is not a tune, melody, scale, mode, or any concept for which an English word exists. It is instead a combination of different characteristics. It is these characteristics, which define the rag. There must be the notes of the rag. They are called the swar (Indian music). There must also be a modal structure. This is called that in North Indian music and mela in carnatic music (Carnatic music). There is also the jati. Jati is the number of notes used in the rag. There must also be the ascending and descending structure. This is called arohana/avarohana. Another characteristic is that the various notes do not have the same level of significance. Some are important and others less so. The important notes are called vadi and samavadi (Indian music). There are often characteristic movements to the rag. This is called either pakad (Indian music). The Indian rhythm is known as tal. Tal means "clap". The tabla (Indian drum instrument) has replaced the clap in the performance, but the term still reflects the origin. The basic concepts of tal are tali, Khali,vibhag, matra, bol, theka, lay, sam, and avartan. Tali are a pattern of clapping. In addition to the claps, there are also a number of Get more content on
  • 8. The Indian Culture Essay The Indian Culture The Indian Culture is a very interesting culture they have a lot of different ways of living, family relationships, foods, dress, and entertainment. One of the great themes pervading Indian life is social interdependence. People are born into groups–families, clans, subcastes, castes, and religious communities–and live with a constant sense of being part of and inseparable from these groups. Social interaction is regarded as being of the highest priority in Indian families, and social bonds are expected to be long lasting. All social interaction involves constant attention to hierarchy, respect, honor, the feelings of others, rights and obligations, hospitality, and gifts of food, clothing, and more content... Loyalty to family is a deeply held ideal for almost everyone. Large families tend to be flexible and well– suited to modern Indian life, especially for the 67 percent of Indians who are farmers or agricultural workers or work in related activities. Joint family is also common in cities, where kinship ties can be crucial to obtaining scarce jobs or financial assistance. Not infrequently, clusters of relatives live very near each other, easily available to respond to the give and take kinship obligations. Even when relatives cannot actually live in close proximity, they typically maintain strong bonds of kinship and attempt to provide each other with economic help, emotional support, and other benefits. Indian marriages are deemed almost necessary in the Indian society. Arranging a marriage is the responsibility of Indian parents and other relatives of both bride and groom. In India there is no greater event in a family than a wedding. Some parents begin marriage arrangements on the birth of a child, but most wait until later. The brides family usually hosts most of the ceremonies and pays for all the arrangements for large numbers of guests for several days, including accommodation, feasting, decorations, and gifts for the groom's party. These arrangements are often extremely elaborate and expensive and are intended to enhance the status of the Get more content on
  • 9. Marriage Culture For certain countries arranged marriage is an important part of their culture and heritage. Like in the essay What's Love Got to Do with It? by Anjula Razdan, Anjula's family that immigrated to America from the country of India believed in arranged marriage because that was the culture they were a part of before they left India. In India the grandfather chooses who he thinks is the best suitable partner for his grandchild, which is nothing like how Americans choose their life partners. While Americans believe in marrying for love, that might not be the best way ofmarriage for other countries due to family reactions, success rates, and the benefits of marriage. The family's reaction is a very important part of marriage. How your family feels about your soon to be husband or wife helps to show if the marriage is a good or bad idea. In arranged marriage the family chooses who they think will benefit you and them the most, and most of the time your parents do know what is best for you. Even though in arranged marriage you are marrying a complete stranger, most arranged marriages grow stronger and fall more in love the longer the marriage lasts and if the couple has had children also plays a role in if the marriage will last or not. Arranged marriages can be useful by bringing two families together through marriage or to make an alliance between two families, for example the essay "What's Love Got To Do With It?" by Anjula Razdan "... arranged marriages were Get more content on
  • 10. Discover Indian Cultural Heritage Discover Indian Culture and Heritage Founded in the year 2008, the Indo–American Heritage Museum was established to showcase the heritage, culture and diversity of Indian Americans, and at the same time preserve their history, and highlight their contributions to the fabric of American life. The foundation hosts several programs and activities which includes presentations at school and universities, credit workshops for teachers, cultural connection programs, educational seminars etc. All programs are conducted with the active and enthusiastic support of the Indian American community in Chicago. Get more content on
  • 11. The Indian Diaspora By Vijay Mishra "All diasporas are unhappy, but every diaspora is unhappy in its own" (1), Vijay Mishra in his scholarly work The Literature of the Indian Diaspora, the first line of the "Introduction" chapter (echoes Anna Karenina "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.") poignantly marks the predicament of diasporic subject, occupying "a border zone" (1) along with their problematic association in dealing with historic specificity of time and place. He begins theorizing diaspora (in the broadest sense and specifically Indian diaspora) not in terms of binaries between "'old'" (3) and "'new'" (3) diaspora, but to show that "diasporic imaginary"(9) is always conditioned by "impossible mourning that transforms mourning into melancholia" (9). There is always all–pervading sense of loss and emptiness within the diasporic space regardless of whether the subject being a girmit, indentured plantation laborers (in Fiji, South Africa, Trinidad) of the colonial past; or the subject of a decolonized world of globalization and hypermobility of specialized trained professionals (in the United States, Canada, Australia). To establish this "impossible mourning" (9) of diasporic imaginary, Mishra takes into account the vast corpus of eminent authors in the field of Indian diasporic study like V. S. Naipaul, Salman Rushdie, Amitav Ghosh, Rohinton Mistry, Hanif Kureishi, Rambai Espinet, Sudesh Mishra, M.G. Vassanji, Bharati Mukherjee, Jhumpa Lahiri and few others. With Get more content on
  • 12. My Cultural Heritage Cultural heritage is used to describe a way of living in a certain community. My cultural heritage is a white American with a little touch of southern, Cajun. From living in the main state of the community, Louisiana, I grew up learning the ways of life as a Cajun. Before writing this paper I wasn't even sure if I had a cultural background being that I am just white. However, I've learned that being southern or Cajun is a culture that I did not even recognize. My spiritual beliefs as a southern and plenty of other southern people is a Roman Catholic or Christian. Some might know the southern states as the Bible belt. Church is a really big part of my culture and following the word of god. This is part of my culture that I am proud of but it also can cause some issues with stereotypes. Overall, I am proud of my culture, but being a white American recently has caused issues regarding race. White southern people have been stereotyped as races, or judgmental towards anything or anyone that does not follow the bible. However, this is not true. Plenty of white Americans from the south are not races or judgmental towards different communities of people. The reason a lot of people of different cultures believe this is because of the history of what happened in the southern states and dealing with other races. Also, how involved we are with the churches and the religion we follow. This is one thing that I am not proud of about my culture. I don't want to be viewed as these stereotypes just because of where and how I grew up. I find this being an issue of not only my culture but of a lot of cultures, being stereotyped. Personally, I have come in contact with plenty of individuals that don't agree with my religion or don't follow my lifestyle and we have had good relationships without judgment. To work effectively with people of different cultures, I believe that people should not assume before getting to know the person. That all the stereotypes should be ignored because history or one person's skin tone or actions does not define all the people that are part of that culture. I am not proud that being a white American southerner that people part of the LGBT+ community is scared of my judgment. When caring for this Get more content on
  • 13. The strength of Indian culture lies in its infinite power of assimilation, unification and expansion. Since the inception it is growing through an over–widening process of contiguity and interchange. It has tremendous capacity of holding diverse forms and ideologies as a single force. The axiological nature of Indian culture maps it all– enveloping and all–encompassing. It has evolved through the great ideals of spirituality which has become its backbone. The edifice of our culture is erected on the strong pillars of experience, realization and inner– conversion. Here the culture is not mere outer but comprises all the internal realizations about the mysteries of life and its blend with regular routine which is in form of scripture is preserved and in to say in psychological terms it is being transferred more content... No one is greater or lesser, superior or inferior to anyone in any context. This leads Indian masses to establish the atmosphere of religious harmony among several religious sects and faiths without intruding anyone's line of rights and sentiments. This homogeneity of Indian civilization has tied its people in thread of unity, despite the existence of the diversity of cast, creed, religion and traditions. Indian scriptures announce this ambiance on global level as the concept of 'Vasudhaiv kutumbkam' and have accepted the whole world as a one big family. Indian culture's canvas is not limited to Indian geographical region but it has enlarged itself and embraced the entire humanity through its principles of universal acceptance and appliance. This is the practical form of the concept "Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam" of Maha Upnishad where it is encrypted that "it is mine and this belongs to other; such views are kept only by the people having narrow mind and small heart, however to the one who are kind, gentle and have a enlarged worldview, the whole earth is like family". Get more content on
  • 14. India, a country with a rich heritage and culture faces a numerous challenges in assessing the country's tourism potential as a sustainable development tool to fuel the economic and social growth. Travel and tourism 's effect on the financial and social advancement of a nation can be huge; paving the way for business and trade, creating an abundance of opportunities for employments and entrepreneurship. Tourism is a window to showcase one's culture to the world while preserving its heritage. Globally, tourism has flourished into one of the fastest growing industry, securing fourth place in the growing economy, with the ability to shape the developing nations while the impact can be in both positive and negative ways. India with its rich heritage and culture has huge potential to be one of the significant contributors to the Indian economy, adding to a substantial extent of the National Income and producing immense business openings. The Macmillan Dictionary defines tourism as the business of providing services for people who are travelling for their holiday ("Home") The first planned pre independence efforts towards promoting tourism in India were made in 1945, a committee under the Chairmanship of Sir John Sargent, then an Educational Adviser to the Government of India. Though the development of tourism was part of Five year plan there was no much economic growth from tourism. The Sixth Plan marked the beginning of a new era when tourism began to be considered as a major Get more content on
  • 15. Speech On Diversity In India Harmony means the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole. Unity in diversity means oneness in the varieties. India is a best country proving this concept for many years. India is a country where it is very clear to see unity in diversity because people of many religion, race, culture and tradition live together without affecting each other's feelings and believes to their religion. Unity in diversity focuses on the existence of unity even after lots of differences of cultural, social, physical, linguistic, religious, political, ideological, psychological, etc. More number of diversities makes more complex unity. People in India are united in spite of the much diversity of races, religions, castes, sub–castes, communities, more content... Harmony in diversity boosts morale of people at workplace, organization, and community. It helps in enhancing esprit de corps, relationships, teamwork among people thus improve performance, quality of work, productivity and lifestyle. It makes communication effective even in bad situation. Harmony do keeps people away from social problems and help to manage conflicts easily. Live in harmony do improve healthy human relations and protects equal human rights for all. Harmony in diversity in India provides source of tourism. People of diverse cultures, traditions, cuisines, religions and clothing attract more visitors and tourists from all across the world. It gives rise the habit of national integration among people of the country even after being diverse in various ways. It also gives value to the rich heritages of country as well as strengthens and enriches the cultural heritage of India. It helps to be rich in agricultural area through different crops and thus economy growth. Harmony is the source of skilled and advance professionals in various areas to the Get more content on
  • 16. Indian Culture And Its Impact On Society India is country known all over the world for its culture and tradition. It is a land with various cultures and traditions which are as vast as the subcontinent upon which they are located. This essay will focus on the Indian culture and highlight the different beliefs that Indians have on life processes. The essay will show the different methods Indians use to stay healthy and how the Indian culture can determine how healthcare services are provided to the people. India is a nation of many different individuals, each with their own beliefs and way of life. The different beliefs that are held by these people and the traditions they follow can have a significant impact on how they view modern healthcare. The beliefs and moral values which are a part of human nature can have positive impacts on an individual, but can also bind them and cause negative impacts on mental and physical health (Worthington & Gogne, 2011). It is necessary for health professionals to be aware of the cultural beliefs and influences so that they can effectively provide healthcare services. A lack of cultural competence in care leads to poor patient outcomes, low compliance, and higher disparities regardless of the services and systems available ("Diversity & Cultural Competency in Health Care Settings"). Depending on an individual's culture, the way in which one perceives life processes differs greatly. For Indians their culture plays a large role in how they perceive these things. Being a nation with Get more content on
  • 17. Cultural heritage in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) The pearl of the Indian Ocean Sri Lanka, reflects a long history of its nations. From the archeological evidence of the prehistoric settlements and prehistoric human Balangoda man (Deraniyagala, 1998) to modern food of kottu like pizza to American; make the broad diversity of culture in Sir Lanka. By analyzing cultural heritage definition in Sinhala language, the definition given in the legislations in 1940, and its relationship with Athens charter and 1954 UNESCO convention, I will demonstrate the cultural heritage vision imbedded in the society through legal definition. Also, I will offer criticisms and recommendations for an improved approach to the definition of cultural heritage in Sri Lanka in broader context. According to more content... Both movable and immovable property referred in 1940 Ceylon Antiquities convention, shows similarities to categories in UNESCO convention, architecture, buildings, art, books, works of art, archeological sites which are also named as movable and immovable property. While 1940 Ceylon antiquities ordinance referring all of the antiquities of it belong to the crown as an absolute property, the 1954 UNESCO convention uses the similar term as a "cultural property". However, 1940 Antiquities Ordinance shows unique significance through nominating trees as an ancient monuments. 4 What vision of cultural heritage is your country recommending to its citizens. The vision imbedded on Sri Lankans (citizens in Ceylon) through this definition was that the British authority had the autonomy about the antiquities or heritage in Sri Lanka and its materialistic perspective of Sri Lanka heritage. One of the evidence for this vision is the Ordinance's hand over of the ownership to the Britain by naming antiquities as an absolute property of the crown. Furthermore, by using the term "property" to the antiquity, it apparently states the ownership and the connection with the market value. Therefore, this definition promotes the materialistic value on heritage base on the British authority needs. Further, by devaluing the belief system of natives by making the Get more content on
  • 18. My Culture, Identity, And Cultural Identity When I think of the word "cultural identity", I think of myself, and what makes up who I am as a person. My cultural identity influences everything about me, from the moment I wake up, to the minute I rest my head on my pillow at night. My culture influences the way I eat, speak, worship, and interact with people. However, I am not only affected by my own culture, but others' culture as well. I am fortunate to have an extremely rich heritage, and I couldn't be prouder of my cultural identity. The first, and arguably one of the most important characteristics of my cultural identity is my ethnicity. I come from a traditional Indian household, where both my parents grew up in India. My ancestors are from Tamil Nadu which is in the more content... In fact, like many Hindu families, we have a small shrine in our house to perform important ceremonies. Also, I have been going to the temple every Sunday for as long as I can remember, and I have been attending the BalaVihar program, which teaches young Hindus all about our beloved culture. Two of the most central ideas in Hinduism that are very important to my cultural identity in terms of my outlook on life and other people are reincarnation and karma. I believe that there is a cycle of death and rebirth, and depending on your deeds in your current life, you will be rewarded or punished in your next life. Eventually, every Hindu's goal is to attain "Moksha" and break the cycle of life and become one with God. My belief in karma and reincarnation affects my everyday life because when I think about my situation or other peoples' situation, I trace everything back to actions in our previous lives. My religion is the most important part of my life, and the values that it has taught me have stuck with me through times of joy and times of distress. My relationship with God is the most important one in my life, and it is the biggest part of my cultural identity. Not only is my heritage a huge part of my cultural identity, but so are my hobbies and habits. Although my parents and ancestors are Indian, I was born and raised here in the United States. Therefore, some of my habits and interests can be described as "Americanized". For example, I am a huge sports Get more content on