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Distributed Replicated Block Device – DRBD
DATE: 17TH FEB 2014
DRBD Page 2
DRBD refers to block devices designed as a building block to form high availability (HA) clusters - Distributed Replicated
Block Device This is done by mirroring a whole block device via an assigned network. Distributed Replicated Block Device
can be understood as network based raid-1.
DRBD refers to block devices designed as a building block to form high availability (HA) clusters. This is done by mirroring a
whole block device via an assigned network. DRBD can be understood as network based raid-1.
In the illustration above, the two orange boxes represent two servers that form an HA cluster. The boxes contain the usual
components of a Linux™ kernel: file system, buffer cache, disk scheduler, disk drivers, TCP/IP stack and network interface
card (NIC) driver. The black arrows illustrate the flow of data between these components.
The orange arrows show the flow of data, as DRBD mirrors the data of a highly available service from the active node of the
HA cluster to the standby node of the HA cluster.
The upper part of this picture shows a cluster where the left node is currently active, i.e., the service's IP address that the
client machines are talking to is currently on the left node.
DRBD Page 3
The service, including its IP address, can be migrated to the other node at any time, either due to a failure of the active
node or as an administrative action. The lower part of the illustration shows a degraded cluster. In HA speak the migration
of a service is called failover, the reverse process is called failback and when the migration is triggered by an administrator
it is called switchover.
What DRBD Does?
Mirroring of important data
DRBD works on top of block devices, i.e., hard disk partitions or LVM's logical volumes. It mirrors each data block that it is
written to disk to the peer node.
From fully synchronous
Mirroring can be done tightly coupled (synchronous). That means that the file system on the active node is notified that the
writing of the block was finished only when the block made it to both disks of the cluster.
Synchronous mirroring (called protocol C in DRBD speak) is the right choice for HA clusters where you dare not lose a single
transaction in case of the complete crash of the active (primary in DRBD speak) node.
To asynchronous
The other option is asynchronous mirroring. That means that the entity that issued the write requests is informed about
completion as soon as the data is written to the local disk.
Asynchronous mirroring is necessary to build mirrors over long distances, i.e., the interconnecting network's round trip
time is higher than the write latency you can tolerate for your application. (Note: The amount of data the peer node may
fall behind is limited by bandwidth-delay product and the TCP send buffer.)
Data accessible only on the active node
A consequence of mirroring data on block device level is that you can access your data (using a file system) only on the
active node. This is not a shortcoming of DRBD but is caused by the nature of most file systems (ext3, XFS, JFS, ext4 ...).
These file systems are designed for one computer accessing one disk, so they cannot cope with two computers accessing
one (virtually) shared disk.
In spite of this limitation, there are still a few ways to access the data on the second node:
 Use DRBD on logical volumes and use LVM's capabilities to take snapshots on the standby node, and access the
data via the snapshot.
 DRBD's primary-primary mode with a shared disk files system (GFS, OCFS2). These systems are very sensitive to
failures of the replication network.
DRBD Page 4
What DRBD Does After an Outage?
After a node outage
After an outage of a node DRBD automatically resynchronizes the temporarily unavailable node to the latest version of the
data, in the background, without interfering with the service running. Of course this also works if the role of the surviving
node was changed while the peer was down.
In case a complete power outage takes both nodes down, DRBD will detect which of the nodes was down longer, and will
do the resynchronization in the right direction.
After an outage of the replication network
Restoring service after the temporary failure of the replication network is just a typical example of how the automatic
recovery mechanism just described works. DRBD will reestablish the connection and do the necessary resynchronization
After an outage of a storage subsystem
DRBD can mask the failure of a disk on the active node, i.e., the service can continue to run there, without needing to
failover the service. If the disk can be replaced without shutting down the machine, it can be reattached to DRBD. DRBD
resynchronizes the data as needed to the replacement disk.
After an outage of all network links
DRBD supports you with various automatic and manual recovery options in the event of split brain.
Split brain is a situation where, due to the temporary failure of all network links between cluster nodes, and possibly due to
intervention by cluster management software or human error, both nodes switched to the primary role while
disconnected. This is a potentially harmful state, as it implies that modifications to the data might have been made on
either node, without having been replicated to the peer. Thus, it is likely in this situation that two diverging sets of data
have been created that cannot be merged.
Distributed Replicated Block Device is actually a network based RAID 1. You are configuring DRBD on your system if you:
 Need to secure data on certain disk and are therefore mirroring your data to another machine via network.
 Configuring High Availability cluster or service.
 additional disk for synchronization on BOTH MACHINES (preferably same size)
 network connectivity between machines
 working DNS resolution (can fix with /etc/hosts file)
 NTP synchronized times on both nodes
DRBD Page 5
NTP synchronized times on both nodes(configure on both nodes)
yum -y install ntp
vim /etc/ntp.conf
# line 19: add the network range you allow to receive requests
restrict mask nomodify notrap
# change servers for synchronization
/etc/rc.d/init.d/ntpd start
chkconfig ntpd on
ntpq -p
1. BOTH MACHINES: Install EPEL repository on your system.
date -s "9 AUG 2013 11:32:08"
Import the public key:
rpm --import
To install ELRepo for RHEL-6, SL-6 or CentOS-6:
rpm -Uvh
2. BOTH MACHINES: Install Distributed Replicated Block Device utils and kmod packages from EPEL
Choose the version you prefer – drbd83 or drbd84 – i’ve had problems with drbd84 on kernel 2.6.32-358.6.1.el6.i686).
yum install -y kmod-drbd83 drbd83-utils
3. BOTH MACHINES: Insert drbd module manually or just reboot both machines.
/sbin/modprobe drbd
4. BOTH MACHINES: Create the Distributed Replicated Block Device resource file (/etc/drbd.d/disk1.res) and transfer it to
the other machine (these files need to be exactly the same on both machines!).
vim /etc/drbd.d/disk1.res
resource disk1
startup {
wfc-timeout 30;
outdated-wfc-timeout 20;
degr-wfc-timeout 30;
DRBD Page 6
net {
cram-hmac-alg sha1;
shared-secret sync_disk;
syncer {
rate 100M;
verify-alg sha1;
on {
device minor 1;
disk /dev/sdb;
meta-disk internal;
on {
device minor 1;
disk /dev/sdb;
meta-disk internal;
5. BOTH MACHINES: Make sure that DNS resolution is working as expected!
To quickly fix DNS resolutions add IP addresses FQDN to /etc/hosts on both machines as follows:
vim /etc/hosts
6. BOTH MACHINES: Make sure that both machines are using NTP for time synchronization!
To quickly fix this add an entry to your /etc/crontab file as follows and choose your NTP sync server:
vim /etc/crontab
crontab -e
1 * * * * root ntpdate your.ntp.server
7. BOTH MACHINES: Initialize the DRBD Meta data storage:
/sbin/drbdadm create-md disk1
8. BOTH MACHINES: Start the Distributed Replicated Block Device service on both nodes:
/etc/init.d/drbd start
9. On the node you wish to make a PRIMARY node run drbdadm command:
/sbin/drbdadm — –overwrite-data-of-peer primary disk1
DRBD Page 7
10. Wait for the Distributed Replicated Block Device disk initial synchronization to complete (100%) and check to confirm you are on
primary node:
cat /proc/drbd
11. Create desired filesystem on Distributed Replicated Block Device device:
/sbin/mkfs.ext4 /dev/drbd1
DRBD Installation Script
# (30 May 2013)
# GeekPeek.Net scripts - Configure and install drbd83 on CentOS 6.X script
# INFO: This script was tested on CentOS 6.4 minimal installation. The script installs and configures
# DRBD 83. It installs ELRepo and drbd83-utils and kmod-drbd83 packages. It inserts drbd
# module and creates drbd resource configuration file. It creates drbd device and EXT4 filesystem on it.
# It adds two new lines to /etc/hosts file and creates new file /etc/cron.hourly/ntpsync.
# All of the actions are done on both of the DRBD nodes so SSH key is generated and transferred for
# easier configuration!
echo "For this script to work as expected, you need to enable root SSH access on the second machine."
echo "Is SSH root access enabled on the second machine? (y/n)"
read rootssh
case $rootssh in
echo "Please enter the second machine IP address."
read ipaddr2
echo "Generating SSH key - press Enter a couple of times..."
echo "Copying SSH key to the second machine..."
echo "Please enter root password for the second machine."
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id root@$ipaddr2
DRBD Page 8
echo "Succesfully set up SSH with key authentication...continuing with package installation on both machines..."
echo "Root access must be enabled on the second machine...exiting!"
exit 1
/bin/rpm -ivh
/usr/bin/ssh root@$ipaddr2 /bin/rpm -ivh
/usr/bin/yum install -y kmod-drbd83 drbd83-utils ntpdate
/usr/bin/ssh root@$ipaddr2 /usr/bin/yum install -y kmod-drbd83 drbd83-utils ntpdate
/sbin/modprobe drbd
/usr/bin/ssh root@$ipaddr2 /sbin/modprobe drbd
echo "Creating DRBD resource config file - need some additional INFO."
echo "..."
echo "Which DRBD device is this on your machines - talking about /dev/drbd1, /dev/drbd2,... (example: 1)"
read drbdnum
echo "Enter FQDN of your current machine (example:"
read fqdn1
echo "Enter current machine IP address (example:"
read ipaddr1
echo "Enter current machine disk intended for DRBD (example: /dev/sdb):"
read disk1
echo "Enter FQDN of your second machine (example:"
read fqdn2
echo "Enter second machine IP address (example:"
read ipaddr2
echo "Enter second machine disk intended for DRBD (example: /dev/sdb):"
DRBD Page 9
read disk2
echo "Enter suitable NTP server for time synchronization (example:"
read ntpserver
echo "Creating DRBD configuration file..."
echo "resource disk$drbdnum" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo "{" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " startup {" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " wfc-timeout 30;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " outdated-wfc-timeout 20;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " degr-wfc-timeout 30;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " }" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " net {" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " cram-hmac-alg sha1;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " shared-secret "sync_disk";" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " }" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " syncer {" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " rate 100M;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " verify-alg sha1;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " }" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " on $fqdn1 {" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " device minor $drbdnum;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " disk $disk1;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " address $ipaddr1:7789;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " meta-disk internal;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " }" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " on $fqdn2 {" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " device minor $drbdnum;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " disk $disk2;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
DRBD Page 10
echo " address $ipaddr2:7789;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " meta-disk internal;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo " }" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo "}" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
echo "DRBD configuration file created /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum"
echo "$ipaddr1 $fqdn1" >> /etc/hosts
echo "$ipaddr2 $fqdn2" >> /etc/hosts
/usr/bin/scp /etc/hosts root@$ipaddr2:/etc/
echo "ntpdate $ntpserver" >> /etc/cron.hourly/ntpsync
/bin/chmod +x /etc/cron.hourly/ntpsync
/usr/bin/scp /etc/cron.hourly/ntpsync root@$ipaddr2:/etc/cron.hourly/
/usr/bin/ssh root@$ipaddr2 echo "1 * * * * root ntpdate $ntpserver" >> /etc/crontab
/usr/bin/ssh root@$ipaddr2 echo "$ipaddr1 $fqdn1" >> /etc/hosts
/usr/bin/ssh root@$ipaddr2 echo "$ipaddr2 $fqdn2" >> /etc/hosts
/usr/bin/scp /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res root@$ipaddr2:/etc/drbd.d/
/sbin/drbdadm create-md disk$drbdnum
/usr/bin/ssh root@$ipaddr2 /sbin/drbdadm create-md disk$drbdnum
/usr/bin/ssh root@$ipaddr2 /etc/init.d/drbd start &
/etc/init.d/drbd start
/sbin/drbdadm -- --overwrite-data-of-peer primary disk$drbdnum
/sbin/mkfs.ext4 /dev/drbd$drbdnum
sleep 5
/bin/cat /proc/drbd
echo "DRBD configuration completed! Please wait for the disk synchronization to complete..."
echo "...then you can now mount your DRBD disk on primary node!"

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Distributed replicated block device

  • 1. DRBD Page 1 Distributed Replicated Block Device – DRBD DATE: 17TH FEB 2014
  • 2. DRBD Page 2 DRBD refers to block devices designed as a building block to form high availability (HA) clusters - Distributed Replicated Block Device This is done by mirroring a whole block device via an assigned network. Distributed Replicated Block Device can be understood as network based raid-1. DRBD refers to block devices designed as a building block to form high availability (HA) clusters. This is done by mirroring a whole block device via an assigned network. DRBD can be understood as network based raid-1. In the illustration above, the two orange boxes represent two servers that form an HA cluster. The boxes contain the usual components of a Linux™ kernel: file system, buffer cache, disk scheduler, disk drivers, TCP/IP stack and network interface card (NIC) driver. The black arrows illustrate the flow of data between these components. The orange arrows show the flow of data, as DRBD mirrors the data of a highly available service from the active node of the HA cluster to the standby node of the HA cluster. The upper part of this picture shows a cluster where the left node is currently active, i.e., the service's IP address that the client machines are talking to is currently on the left node.
  • 3. DRBD Page 3 The service, including its IP address, can be migrated to the other node at any time, either due to a failure of the active node or as an administrative action. The lower part of the illustration shows a degraded cluster. In HA speak the migration of a service is called failover, the reverse process is called failback and when the migration is triggered by an administrator it is called switchover. What DRBD Does? Mirroring of important data DRBD works on top of block devices, i.e., hard disk partitions or LVM's logical volumes. It mirrors each data block that it is written to disk to the peer node. From fully synchronous Mirroring can be done tightly coupled (synchronous). That means that the file system on the active node is notified that the writing of the block was finished only when the block made it to both disks of the cluster. Synchronous mirroring (called protocol C in DRBD speak) is the right choice for HA clusters where you dare not lose a single transaction in case of the complete crash of the active (primary in DRBD speak) node. To asynchronous The other option is asynchronous mirroring. That means that the entity that issued the write requests is informed about completion as soon as the data is written to the local disk. Asynchronous mirroring is necessary to build mirrors over long distances, i.e., the interconnecting network's round trip time is higher than the write latency you can tolerate for your application. (Note: The amount of data the peer node may fall behind is limited by bandwidth-delay product and the TCP send buffer.) Data accessible only on the active node A consequence of mirroring data on block device level is that you can access your data (using a file system) only on the active node. This is not a shortcoming of DRBD but is caused by the nature of most file systems (ext3, XFS, JFS, ext4 ...). These file systems are designed for one computer accessing one disk, so they cannot cope with two computers accessing one (virtually) shared disk. In spite of this limitation, there are still a few ways to access the data on the second node:  Use DRBD on logical volumes and use LVM's capabilities to take snapshots on the standby node, and access the data via the snapshot.  DRBD's primary-primary mode with a shared disk files system (GFS, OCFS2). These systems are very sensitive to failures of the replication network.
  • 4. DRBD Page 4 What DRBD Does After an Outage? After a node outage After an outage of a node DRBD automatically resynchronizes the temporarily unavailable node to the latest version of the data, in the background, without interfering with the service running. Of course this also works if the role of the surviving node was changed while the peer was down. In case a complete power outage takes both nodes down, DRBD will detect which of the nodes was down longer, and will do the resynchronization in the right direction. After an outage of the replication network Restoring service after the temporary failure of the replication network is just a typical example of how the automatic recovery mechanism just described works. DRBD will reestablish the connection and do the necessary resynchronization automatically. After an outage of a storage subsystem DRBD can mask the failure of a disk on the active node, i.e., the service can continue to run there, without needing to failover the service. If the disk can be replaced without shutting down the machine, it can be reattached to DRBD. DRBD resynchronizes the data as needed to the replacement disk. After an outage of all network links DRBD supports you with various automatic and manual recovery options in the event of split brain. Split brain is a situation where, due to the temporary failure of all network links between cluster nodes, and possibly due to intervention by cluster management software or human error, both nodes switched to the primary role while disconnected. This is a potentially harmful state, as it implies that modifications to the data might have been made on either node, without having been replicated to the peer. Thus, it is likely in this situation that two diverging sets of data have been created that cannot be merged. Distributed Replicated Block Device is actually a network based RAID 1. You are configuring DRBD on your system if you:  Need to secure data on certain disk and are therefore mirroring your data to another machine via network.  Configuring High Availability cluster or service. REQUIREMENTS:  additional disk for synchronization on BOTH MACHINES (preferably same size)  network connectivity between machines  working DNS resolution (can fix with /etc/hosts file)  NTP synchronized times on both nodes
  • 5. DRBD Page 5 NTP synchronized times on both nodes(configure on both nodes) yum -y install ntp vim /etc/ntp.conf # line 19: add the network range you allow to receive requests restrict mask nomodify notrap # change servers for synchronization #server #server #server server server server server /etc/rc.d/init.d/ntpd start chkconfig ntpd on ntpq -p 1. BOTH MACHINES: Install EPEL repository on your system. Date: date -s "9 AUG 2013 11:32:08" Import the public key: rpm --import To install ELRepo for RHEL-6, SL-6 or CentOS-6: rpm -Uvh 2. BOTH MACHINES: Install Distributed Replicated Block Device utils and kmod packages from EPEL Choose the version you prefer – drbd83 or drbd84 – i’ve had problems with drbd84 on kernel 2.6.32-358.6.1.el6.i686). yum install -y kmod-drbd83 drbd83-utils 3. BOTH MACHINES: Insert drbd module manually or just reboot both machines. /sbin/modprobe drbd 4. BOTH MACHINES: Create the Distributed Replicated Block Device resource file (/etc/drbd.d/disk1.res) and transfer it to the other machine (these files need to be exactly the same on both machines!). vim /etc/drbd.d/disk1.res resource disk1 { startup { wfc-timeout 30; outdated-wfc-timeout 20; degr-wfc-timeout 30;
  • 6. DRBD Page 6 } net { cram-hmac-alg sha1; shared-secret sync_disk; } syncer { rate 100M; verify-alg sha1; } on { device minor 1; disk /dev/sdb; address; meta-disk internal; } on { device minor 1; disk /dev/sdb; address; meta-disk internal; } } 5. BOTH MACHINES: Make sure that DNS resolution is working as expected! To quickly fix DNS resolutions add IP addresses FQDN to /etc/hosts on both machines as follows: vim /etc/hosts 6. BOTH MACHINES: Make sure that both machines are using NTP for time synchronization! To quickly fix this add an entry to your /etc/crontab file as follows and choose your NTP sync server: vim /etc/crontab Or crontab -e 1 * * * * root ntpdate your.ntp.server 7. BOTH MACHINES: Initialize the DRBD Meta data storage: /sbin/drbdadm create-md disk1 8. BOTH MACHINES: Start the Distributed Replicated Block Device service on both nodes: /etc/init.d/drbd start 9. On the node you wish to make a PRIMARY node run drbdadm command: /sbin/drbdadm — –overwrite-data-of-peer primary disk1
  • 7. DRBD Page 7 10. Wait for the Distributed Replicated Block Device disk initial synchronization to complete (100%) and check to confirm you are on primary node: cat /proc/drbd 11. Create desired filesystem on Distributed Replicated Block Device device: /sbin/mkfs.ext4 /dev/drbd1 DRBD Installation Script #!/bin/sh # (30 May 2013) # GeekPeek.Net scripts - Configure and install drbd83 on CentOS 6.X script # INFO: This script was tested on CentOS 6.4 minimal installation. The script installs and configures # DRBD 83. It installs ELRepo and drbd83-utils and kmod-drbd83 packages. It inserts drbd # module and creates drbd resource configuration file. It creates drbd device and EXT4 filesystem on it. # It adds two new lines to /etc/hosts file and creates new file /etc/cron.hourly/ntpsync. # All of the actions are done on both of the DRBD nodes so SSH key is generated and transferred for # easier configuration! # CODE: echo "For this script to work as expected, you need to enable root SSH access on the second machine." echo "Is SSH root access enabled on the second machine? (y/n)" read rootssh case $rootssh in y) echo "Please enter the second machine IP address." read ipaddr2 echo "Generating SSH key - press Enter a couple of times..." /usr/bin/ssh-keygen echo "Copying SSH key to the second machine..." echo "Please enter root password for the second machine." /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id root@$ipaddr2
  • 8. DRBD Page 8 echo "Succesfully set up SSH with key authentication...continuing with package installation on both machines..." ;; n) echo "Root access must be enabled on the second machine...exiting!" exit 1 ;; esac /bin/rpm -ivh /usr/bin/ssh root@$ipaddr2 /bin/rpm -ivh /usr/bin/yum install -y kmod-drbd83 drbd83-utils ntpdate /usr/bin/ssh root@$ipaddr2 /usr/bin/yum install -y kmod-drbd83 drbd83-utils ntpdate /sbin/modprobe drbd /usr/bin/ssh root@$ipaddr2 /sbin/modprobe drbd echo "Creating DRBD resource config file - need some additional INFO." echo "..." echo "Which DRBD device is this on your machines - talking about /dev/drbd1, /dev/drbd2,... (example: 1)" read drbdnum echo "Enter FQDN of your current machine (example:" read fqdn1 echo "Enter current machine IP address (example:" read ipaddr1 echo "Enter current machine disk intended for DRBD (example: /dev/sdb):" read disk1 echo "Enter FQDN of your second machine (example:" read fqdn2 echo "Enter second machine IP address (example:" read ipaddr2 echo "Enter second machine disk intended for DRBD (example: /dev/sdb):"
  • 9. DRBD Page 9 read disk2 echo "Enter suitable NTP server for time synchronization (example:" read ntpserver echo "Creating DRBD configuration file..." echo "resource disk$drbdnum" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo "{" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " startup {" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " wfc-timeout 30;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " outdated-wfc-timeout 20;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " degr-wfc-timeout 30;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " }" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " net {" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " cram-hmac-alg sha1;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " shared-secret "sync_disk";" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " }" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " syncer {" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " rate 100M;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " verify-alg sha1;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " }" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " on $fqdn1 {" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " device minor $drbdnum;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " disk $disk1;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " address $ipaddr1:7789;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " meta-disk internal;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " }" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " on $fqdn2 {" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " device minor $drbdnum;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " disk $disk2;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res
  • 10. DRBD Page 10 echo " address $ipaddr2:7789;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " meta-disk internal;" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo " }" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo "}" >> /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res echo "DRBD configuration file created /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum" echo "$ipaddr1 $fqdn1" >> /etc/hosts echo "$ipaddr2 $fqdn2" >> /etc/hosts /usr/bin/scp /etc/hosts root@$ipaddr2:/etc/ echo "ntpdate $ntpserver" >> /etc/cron.hourly/ntpsync /bin/chmod +x /etc/cron.hourly/ntpsync /usr/bin/scp /etc/cron.hourly/ntpsync root@$ipaddr2:/etc/cron.hourly/ /usr/bin/ssh root@$ipaddr2 echo "1 * * * * root ntpdate $ntpserver" >> /etc/crontab /usr/bin/ssh root@$ipaddr2 echo "$ipaddr1 $fqdn1" >> /etc/hosts /usr/bin/ssh root@$ipaddr2 echo "$ipaddr2 $fqdn2" >> /etc/hosts /usr/bin/scp /etc/drbd.d/disk$drbdnum.res root@$ipaddr2:/etc/drbd.d/ /sbin/drbdadm create-md disk$drbdnum /usr/bin/ssh root@$ipaddr2 /sbin/drbdadm create-md disk$drbdnum /usr/bin/ssh root@$ipaddr2 /etc/init.d/drbd start & /etc/init.d/drbd start /sbin/drbdadm -- --overwrite-data-of-peer primary disk$drbdnum /sbin/mkfs.ext4 /dev/drbd$drbdnum sleep 5 /bin/cat /proc/drbd echo "DRBD configuration completed! Please wait for the disk synchronization to complete..." echo "...then you can now mount your DRBD disk on primary node!"