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Planning :
some evidence
based guidelines
When planning your media campaign
                                                                                      it is important to understand the strengths
                                                                                      of each format, how audiences respond
                                                                                      to them and how they can work together.

                                                                                      Millward Brown has analysed the evidence
                                                                                      from several key studies to create some

                                                                                      simple guidelines for marketers who want

                                                                                      to make the most effective use of all forms



                                                                                      of digital media - from websites to online




                                                                                      video, social media and mobile - as part






                                                                                      of an integrated campaign.





































01   using digital as part of
     a multi-media campaign
Digital media, like other ‘targeted’ media,
                                                                In general, digital media reach the same people
                                                                                                                         Digital media (VOD) can improve the efficiency
have low reach but potentially high impact.                     as TV (as most campaigns also use TV). The majority      of TV.                                                  To drive reach and frequency it can be
                                                                of campaigns use digital to increase frequency,                                                                  more efficient to use digital rather than
comment                                                         although some campaigns also use it to increase          comment                                                 more TV.
Digital media operate as part of a media portfolio to deliver                                                            By using YouTube you can reach lighter TV viewers
high impact, rather than reach. The high impact is a result                                                              more frequently and cheaply than by relying
of precise targeting and/or more engaging creative.             comment                                                  on TV alone.
                                                                The role of digital media depends on the size of the
                                                                TV part of the campaign. Digital is not an independent

guideline                                                       element
                                                                                                                         evidence                                             evidence
   There is a limit to the potential reach
                                                                                                                         Online makes a small contribution to the overall     Increasing investment in digital media does
   of digital campaigns. It is therefore very                                                                            campaign effect, but its share of effect is higher   not guarantee a better performance.
   important to focus on improving targeting                                                                             than its share of spend - especially on activation
                                                                   For TV-dominated campaigns, digital media
   and creative development.                                                                                             metrics. There is some evidence that online          comment
                                                                   should be planned as though everybody has             drives preference harder among the narrower
                                                                   already seen the TV.                                                                                       If investment is a measure of weight, then this
                                                                                                                         target audiences.
                                                                                                                                                                              suggests that the effect of digital is not driven
                                                                                                                                                                              by unique reach, but by the quality of creative
                                                                                                                         comment                                              and degree of integration with the other elements
                                                                                                                         Online display is efficient but this cost-efficiency   in the plan.
                                                                                                                         is probably delivered on the back of an implicit
                                                                                                                         synergy with TV.
                                                                                                                         guideline                                               Maximise the effect of digital by focusing
                                                                                                                                                                                 on the quality of creative and its
                                                                                                                            Scalability and synergy need to be taken             integration into the overall media plan,
                                                                                                                            into account when planning.                          rather than increased spend.
 Make the most of social
 media fan pages
01   using digital as part of
     a multi-media campaign
evidence                                          evidence                                              evidence
Bigger is not automatically better for brands     More frequent posts tend to result in a more          The benefits of fan pages can be categorised into
when it comes to fan bases.                       effective Fanpage.                                    those which are considered basic or ‘expected’
                                                                                                        by visitors, and those which are differentiators.
comment                                           comment                                               ‘Expected’ attributes include: regular posts;
                                                                                                        trustworthy brand news; new product info; contests/
Size is not important. Fan pages of all sizes     The more effort you put in, the greater the return.
                                                                                                        giveaways; offers. Differentiator benefits include:
can build brands strongly.
                                                                                                        variety, innovation, fun, interaction, community.

guideline                                         guideline                                             comment
                                                                                                        These categories are likely to remain fixed for a while,
   Having fewer fans doesn’t necessarily             Post regularly. In the Facebook environment        but the type of content that best delivers these benefits
   mean that the fan page isn’t working well.        we recommend at least 15 posts per month           may evolve over time.
   Think of your overall fan page effectiveness      to keep the page lively. The optimal
   as a multiplier: the impact per fan x the         frequency will depend on the objectives for
   number of fans.                                   the page and the content available. But don’t      guideline
                                                     overdo it. Over-posting can have a negative           Stay on top of the latest Facebook page
                                                     effect at very high frequencies, or if you are        trends and check out what other fan pages
                                                     posting for the sake of it.                           are doing to differentiate themselves.
 How to make websites
 more effective
 Make the most of social
 media fan pages
evidence                                                 evidence                                                     evidence
Websites and microsites can impact brand measures        Ease of use is the single most important driver              New and innovative sites are best for communicating
very strongly.                                           of success.                                                  brand messages.

comment                                                  comment                                                      comment
Although they may not reach as many viewers as display   Unlike Facebook fan pages which all share a common           Provided it is easy to use, a site that is also innovative will
campaigns, website environments give online users        layout, custom-designed websites can fail the ‘ease of       encourage users to pay greater attention. If this innovation
a greater chance to immerse themselves in the brand      use’ test simply because they are complex to navigate.       is designed skilfully around the brand message, it will be
and this improves brand attitudes.                       Microsites in particular need to be intuitive and inviting   absorbed more readily.
                                                         for first time users.

guideline                                                guideline                                                    guideline
  Integrate some kind of immersion destination              Design custom sites with simplicity and ease                 Your most interesting and innovative site
  into campaigns. Even when you are                         of use as a primary consideration. Always                    features should link directly to your intended
  using Facebook fan pages, websites and                    conduct usability testing whenever possible.                 brand message. Encourage content creativity
  campaign microsites may still be needed                                                                                within an intuitive environment. Don’t settle
  to deliver customised engagement activities.                                                                           for ordinary.
 How to deliver impact
 through online video
 How to make websites
 more effective
evidence                                                     evidence                                               evidence                                               evidence
Viral video success on a major scale occurs                  Online video is more impactful than online display.    In-stream online video (primarily pre-rolls) tend      The theory that ‘made for TV’ ads are better
infrequently but it is possible to predict with copy                                                                to impact on brand metrics more strongly than          for message association and favourability while
testing. Distinctiveness of content is the most              comment                                                autoplay video ads.                                    ‘made for online’ ads are better for persuasion
important factor.                                                                                                                                                          is unproven.
                                                             Audio-visual ads have a greater tendency to engage
                                                             online visitors than banners, and are more memorable   comment
comment                                                      as a result.                                           The act of selecting a video stream means the viewer   comment
Viral success is difficult to achieve on a large scale                                                               is more engaged. They are more likely to notice and    There is no simple answer to the question of whether
because consumers only have a limited interest in actively                                                          absorb than the ad while waiting for their content     TV ads should simply be posted online. Higher scores
engaging with content. Good isn’t good enough; ads really
need to stand out from the crowd. Copy testing can help      guideline                                              to appear, whereas an autoplay may be ignored.         for message association and favourability for TV ads
                                                                                                                                                                           used online may just be a result of the halo or synergy
identify the level of distinctiveness of the ad and its         Identify appropriate opportunities to promote                                                              effects from TV. Meanwhile persuasion measures
“talk worthy” elements which can be highlighted
in a viral PR campaign.
                                                                your video online. Test these alongside
                                                                display banners to ensure you are paying
                                                                                                                    guideline                                              may be higher for customised creative because those
                                                                                                                                                                           messages are more tightly targeted at those who see
                                                                appropriate CPM rates (higher CPMs may                 Provided you can secure sufficient                   them online.

                                                                be justified for the right opportunity, but there       appropriate inventory and are not paying

guideline                                                       remains a risk of overpaying).                         excessive CPM rates, in-stream online
                                                                                                                       video can be a very effective medium                guideline
   Aim for viral success, but don’t bank on it.                                                                        for brand messaging.                                   Although some ads may work well online
   If an ad pre-tests strongly on the key                                                                                                                                     without modification, all TV content
   attributes for a successful viral campaign,                                                                                                                                should be reviewed before it is promoted
   you may be able to invest more in viral                                                                                                                                    online. On the whole, tailoring for the
   seeding/promotion and rein back on                                                                                                                                         medium and the audience is likely
   traditional paid media. For most ads,                                                                                                                                      to improve impact. Very long ads are
   promotion via owned and paid channels                                                                                                                                      unlikely to work as pre-rolls but may work
   will also be needed.                                                                                                                                                       as virals. A “back story” (e.g. the making
                                                                                                                                                                              of) can also work well to supplement
                                                                                                                                                                              a TV ad used in this way.
05   Make the best
     use of mobile
 How to deliver impact
 through online video
Mobile ads are generally more impactful than online
display ads, although reach levels are typically
still quite low. There is also a wide variation in how
individual ads perform - some ads do very well while
others do very badly.

The mobile advertising space is still relatively uncluttered,
so mobile ads tend to be noticed strongly. Impact is also       Improve the reach of mobile ads by
being aided by the emergence of new mobile advertising          integrating them into the wider campaign.
platforms such as Apple’s iAd which is designed for use         When traffic is driven to mobile, the impact
within mobile apps on iPhone, iPod Touch,                       is strong. There is now sufficient variation
and iPad devices.                                               in creativity varies to make it worthwhile
Although the infrastructure for mobile advertising is now       pre-testing mobile ads.
largely in place, achieving high reach media plans is still
difficult. The level of creativity in ads may vary because
of differing attitudes to mobile. Sometimes it is considered
a core element of the campaign, in other cases it may
be an afterthought.
 Increasing the impact
 of online display
05   Make the best
     use of mobile
evidence                                                    evidence                                                                                                         evidence                                                      evidence
There is a wide variation in the impact of individual       Brand impact is not strongly correlated to click                                                                 Impact varies by audience and location.                       There are important differences in the way that
online ads, but some patterns can be discerned.             or interaction rates.                                                                                                                                                          viewers respond to TV and to online content.
comment                                                     comment                                                                                                          Impact will vary based on the audience targeted,              comment
People rarely watch online creatives from beginning         Campaign optimisation still tends to employ behavioural                                                          the relevance of the content, and the audience’s              TV is a passive medium. Commercial content
to end, and the execution can therefore have a significant   data ‘because it’s there’. This may result in incorrect                                                          receptivity to the brand in different environments.           is therefore designed to be disruptive in order
impact on results.                                          optimisation decisions.                                                                                          Web portals (whether ‘horizontal’ such as AOL or MSN          to grab viewers’ attention while relaxing on the
                                                                                                                                                                             or ‘vertical’ with a focus on specific sectors or interests)   sofa. Unsurprisingly there no correlation between
                                                                                                                                                                             may work well because relatively tight demographic            engagement and motivation - viewers are happy

guideline                                                   guideline                                                                                                        targeting is possible. Also, portals can project
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to be entertained by a car ad while having no intention
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           of purchasing it. In contrast, the online environment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           is an active medium in which the viewer exerts more
   Show the brand prominently on all frames                    If you have a brand objective, don’t evaluate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           control. Consumers are drawn to content which is
   of the ad; each frame of the ad should be                   or optimise your campaign based on clicks.
   able to stand on its own. Don’t make people                 Brand and behavioural impact are different.                                                                   guideline                                                     engaging but also seek out brands and categories
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           that they are predisposed towards. This means there
   work for the message… they won’t!                           It is now easier than ever before to optimise                                                                                                                               is a much stronger positive relationship between
                                                                                                                                                                                Placing ads appropriately can make
   Keep the messaging very simple, and be                      based on brand effectiveness (either using                                                                                                                                  engagement and motivation.
                                                                                                                                                                                a big difference to their performance.
   mindful of audience drop-off when using                     pre-testing or real-time in-market
                                                                                                                                                                                Pre-launch, you should consult normative
   ‘reveal’ ads.                                               optimisation techniques).
                                                                                                                                                                                data for audience and brand-specific
                                                                                                                                                                                learning about historical campaign                         guideline
                                                                                                                                                                                performance. Once in market,                                  While it is important to make online

                                                                                                                      Image source | Photographer Johan Larsson
                                                                                                                                                                                consider using real-time in-market                            content engaging, it may not be sufficient
                                                                                                                                                                                research to optimise the ads across                           to grab attention by itself. There usually
                                                                                                                                                                                sites and creative units.                                     has to be an additional motivation for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              consumers to seek it out and interact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              with it.
 Increasing the impact
 of online display
This paper is based on an analysis
of the evidence provided by the following
Millward Brown research studies:
•	 European CrossMedia
•	 MarketNorms (AdIndex)
•	 FanIndex
•	 Website evaluations
•	 Dynamic Logic Creative Best Practices
                 For further information, please contact
John Svendsen, SVP Global Brand Director - Media
e:  |  t: +44 (0) 207 126 5061
                For further information, please contact
John Svendsen, SVP Global Brand Director - Media
e: | t: +44 (0) 207 126 5061

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Digital Media Planning: some evidence based guidelines by MillwardBrown

  • 2. When planning your media campaign it is important to understand the strengths of each format, how audiences respond to them and how they can work together. Millward Brown has analysed the evidence from several key studies to create some n ig pa simple guidelines for marketers who want m ca to make the most effective use of all forms ia s ge ed pa of digital media - from websites to online tim n ul o fa de e video, social media and mobile - as part m iv ia vi ct fa ed e fe to lin lm of an integrated campaign. ef ar on e ia or sp oc h sm ug la fs y la ta ro to te sp gi th si os di di ile eb m ct e g ob w lin pa in e th e m im us on ak e of ak m er of e liv m to us ct pa de w st ho im be to w e e th th ho e ng ak si m ea cr in
  • 3. 01 using digital as part of a multi-media campaign
  • 4.
  • 5. evidence Digital media, like other ‘targeted’ media, evidence In general, digital media reach the same people evidence Digital media (VOD) can improve the efficiency guideline have low reach but potentially high impact. as TV (as most campaigns also use TV). The majority of TV. To drive reach and frequency it can be of campaigns use digital to increase frequency, more efficient to use digital rather than comment although some campaigns also use it to increase comment more TV. reach. Digital media operate as part of a media portfolio to deliver By using YouTube you can reach lighter TV viewers high impact, rather than reach. The high impact is a result more frequently and cheaply than by relying of precise targeting and/or more engaging creative. comment on TV alone. The role of digital media depends on the size of the TV part of the campaign. Digital is not an independent guideline element evidence evidence There is a limit to the potential reach guideline Online makes a small contribution to the overall Increasing investment in digital media does of digital campaigns. It is therefore very campaign effect, but its share of effect is higher not guarantee a better performance. important to focus on improving targeting than its share of spend - especially on activation For TV-dominated campaigns, digital media and creative development. metrics. There is some evidence that online comment should be planned as though everybody has drives preference harder among the narrower already seen the TV. If investment is a measure of weight, then this target audiences. suggests that the effect of digital is not driven by unique reach, but by the quality of creative comment and degree of integration with the other elements Online display is efficient but this cost-efficiency in the plan. is probably delivered on the back of an implicit synergy with TV. guideline guideline Maximise the effect of digital by focusing on the quality of creative and its Scalability and synergy need to be taken integration into the overall media plan, into account when planning. rather than increased spend.
  • 6. 02 Make the most of social media fan pages
  • 7. 01 using digital as part of a multi-media campaign
  • 8. evidence evidence evidence Bigger is not automatically better for brands More frequent posts tend to result in a more The benefits of fan pages can be categorised into when it comes to fan bases. effective Fanpage. those which are considered basic or ‘expected’ by visitors, and those which are differentiators. comment comment ‘Expected’ attributes include: regular posts; trustworthy brand news; new product info; contests/ Size is not important. Fan pages of all sizes The more effort you put in, the greater the return. giveaways; offers. Differentiator benefits include: can build brands strongly. variety, innovation, fun, interaction, community. guideline guideline comment These categories are likely to remain fixed for a while, Having fewer fans doesn’t necessarily Post regularly. In the Facebook environment but the type of content that best delivers these benefits mean that the fan page isn’t working well. we recommend at least 15 posts per month may evolve over time. Think of your overall fan page effectiveness to keep the page lively. The optimal as a multiplier: the impact per fan x the frequency will depend on the objectives for number of fans. the page and the content available. But don’t guideline overdo it. Over-posting can have a negative Stay on top of the latest Facebook page effect at very high frequencies, or if you are trends and check out what other fan pages posting for the sake of it. are doing to differentiate themselves.
  • 9. 03 How to make websites more effective
  • 10. 02 Make the most of social media fan pages
  • 11. evidence evidence evidence Websites and microsites can impact brand measures Ease of use is the single most important driver New and innovative sites are best for communicating very strongly. of success. brand messages. comment comment comment Although they may not reach as many viewers as display Unlike Facebook fan pages which all share a common Provided it is easy to use, a site that is also innovative will campaigns, website environments give online users layout, custom-designed websites can fail the ‘ease of encourage users to pay greater attention. If this innovation a greater chance to immerse themselves in the brand use’ test simply because they are complex to navigate. is designed skilfully around the brand message, it will be and this improves brand attitudes. Microsites in particular need to be intuitive and inviting absorbed more readily. for first time users. guideline guideline guideline Integrate some kind of immersion destination Design custom sites with simplicity and ease Your most interesting and innovative site into campaigns. Even when you are of use as a primary consideration. Always features should link directly to your intended using Facebook fan pages, websites and conduct usability testing whenever possible. brand message. Encourage content creativity campaign microsites may still be needed within an intuitive environment. Don’t settle to deliver customised engagement activities. for ordinary.
  • 12. 04 How to deliver impact through online video
  • 13. 03 How to make websites more effective
  • 14. evidence evidence evidence evidence Viral video success on a major scale occurs Online video is more impactful than online display. In-stream online video (primarily pre-rolls) tend The theory that ‘made for TV’ ads are better infrequently but it is possible to predict with copy to impact on brand metrics more strongly than for message association and favourability while testing. Distinctiveness of content is the most comment autoplay video ads. ‘made for online’ ads are better for persuasion important factor. is unproven. Audio-visual ads have a greater tendency to engage online visitors than banners, and are more memorable comment comment as a result. The act of selecting a video stream means the viewer comment Viral success is difficult to achieve on a large scale is more engaged. They are more likely to notice and There is no simple answer to the question of whether because consumers only have a limited interest in actively absorb than the ad while waiting for their content TV ads should simply be posted online. Higher scores engaging with content. Good isn’t good enough; ads really need to stand out from the crowd. Copy testing can help guideline to appear, whereas an autoplay may be ignored. for message association and favourability for TV ads used online may just be a result of the halo or synergy identify the level of distinctiveness of the ad and its Identify appropriate opportunities to promote effects from TV. Meanwhile persuasion measures “talk worthy” elements which can be highlighted in a viral PR campaign. your video online. Test these alongside display banners to ensure you are paying guideline may be higher for customised creative because those messages are more tightly targeted at those who see appropriate CPM rates (higher CPMs may Provided you can secure sufficient them online. be justified for the right opportunity, but there appropriate inventory and are not paying guideline remains a risk of overpaying). excessive CPM rates, in-stream online video can be a very effective medium guideline Aim for viral success, but don’t bank on it. for brand messaging. Although some ads may work well online If an ad pre-tests strongly on the key without modification, all TV content attributes for a successful viral campaign, should be reviewed before it is promoted you may be able to invest more in viral online. On the whole, tailoring for the seeding/promotion and rein back on medium and the audience is likely traditional paid media. For most ads, to improve impact. Very long ads are promotion via owned and paid channels unlikely to work as pre-rolls but may work will also be needed. as virals. A “back story” (e.g. the making of) can also work well to supplement a TV ad used in this way.
  • 15. 05 Make the best use of mobile
  • 16. 04 How to deliver impact through online video
  • 17. evidence Mobile ads are generally more impactful than online display ads, although reach levels are typically still quite low. There is also a wide variation in how individual ads perform - some ads do very well while others do very badly. comment The mobile advertising space is still relatively uncluttered, guideline so mobile ads tend to be noticed strongly. Impact is also Improve the reach of mobile ads by being aided by the emergence of new mobile advertising integrating them into the wider campaign. platforms such as Apple’s iAd which is designed for use When traffic is driven to mobile, the impact within mobile apps on iPhone, iPod Touch, is strong. There is now sufficient variation and iPad devices. in creativity varies to make it worthwhile Although the infrastructure for mobile advertising is now pre-testing mobile ads. largely in place, achieving high reach media plans is still difficult. The level of creativity in ads may vary because of differing attitudes to mobile. Sometimes it is considered a core element of the campaign, in other cases it may be an afterthought.
  • 18. 06 Increasing the impact of online display
  • 19. 05 Make the best use of mobile
  • 20. evidence evidence evidence evidence There is a wide variation in the impact of individual Brand impact is not strongly correlated to click Impact varies by audience and location. There are important differences in the way that online ads, but some patterns can be discerned. or interaction rates. viewers respond to TV and to online content. comment comment comment Impact will vary based on the audience targeted, comment People rarely watch online creatives from beginning Campaign optimisation still tends to employ behavioural the relevance of the content, and the audience’s TV is a passive medium. Commercial content to end, and the execution can therefore have a significant data ‘because it’s there’. This may result in incorrect receptivity to the brand in different environments. is therefore designed to be disruptive in order impact on results. optimisation decisions. Web portals (whether ‘horizontal’ such as AOL or MSN to grab viewers’ attention while relaxing on the or ‘vertical’ with a focus on specific sectors or interests) sofa. Unsurprisingly there no correlation between may work well because relatively tight demographic engagement and motivation - viewers are happy guideline guideline targeting is possible. Also, portals can project popularity. to be entertained by a car ad while having no intention of purchasing it. In contrast, the online environment is an active medium in which the viewer exerts more Show the brand prominently on all frames If you have a brand objective, don’t evaluate control. Consumers are drawn to content which is of the ad; each frame of the ad should be or optimise your campaign based on clicks. able to stand on its own. Don’t make people Brand and behavioural impact are different. guideline engaging but also seek out brands and categories that they are predisposed towards. This means there work for the message… they won’t! It is now easier than ever before to optimise is a much stronger positive relationship between Placing ads appropriately can make Keep the messaging very simple, and be based on brand effectiveness (either using engagement and motivation. a big difference to their performance. mindful of audience drop-off when using pre-testing or real-time in-market Pre-launch, you should consult normative ‘reveal’ ads. optimisation techniques). data for audience and brand-specific learning about historical campaign guideline performance. Once in market, While it is important to make online Image source | Photographer Johan Larsson consider using real-time in-market content engaging, it may not be sufficient research to optimise the ads across to grab attention by itself. There usually sites and creative units. has to be an additional motivation for consumers to seek it out and interact with it.
  • 21. 06 Increasing the impact of online display
  • 22. This paper is based on an analysis of the evidence provided by the following Millward Brown research studies: • European CrossMedia • MarketNorms (AdIndex) • FanIndex • Website evaluations • Dynamic Logic Creative Best Practices
  • 23. contact For further information, please contact John Svendsen, SVP Global Brand Director - Media e: | t: +44 (0) 207 126 5061
  • 24. contact For further information, please contact John Svendsen, SVP Global Brand Director - Media e: | t: +44 (0) 207 126 5061