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Capstone - Digital Marketing : Final Presentation
By: Muhammad Imran Bin Kassim - 0121A
For: Lithan
Task 1: Review and improve Lithan’s Digital Marketing Plan.
Task 2: Analyse Lithan’s website data with Google Analytics and make recommendations to optimize the website.
Task 3: Review, improve and optimize Lithan’s Search Ads campaign.
Task 4: Review, improve and optimize Lithan’s Social Media Marketing Campaign.
Task 5: Review, improve and optimize Lithan’s Content Marketing Campaign.
Task 6: Review, improve and optimize Lithan’s Email Marketing Campaign.
Task 7: Review Lithan’s SEO activities and recommend improvements.
Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan
Introduction to Lithan
Lithan takes pride in being a digital skill acceleration hub that provides appropriate, tensile, and personalized study programs for businesses, learners, and even higher education
They appeal to all types of learners, offering over 100 courses ranging from Analytical skills to Digital Marketing, Digital Business, and Information Technology.
These courses benefit learners, whether they are newcomers to their field of choice or seasoned practitioners seeking to enhance their current skill sets and familiarize themselves
with emerging trends, thus enhancing their awareness. It enables them to remain relevant and gives them a competitive advantage.
Lithan also enjoys international acclaim, having expanded its consumer reach through aggressive distribution alliances in strategic locations around the world to demonstrate its
commitment to providing superior services.
To summarize what Lithan is, it is a digital learning and talent network to grow talent and businesses in the digital economy through their proprietary, 'Disrupting Class with ClaaS'.
CLaaS® provides Competency Learning as a Service to aid in the implementation of work-integrated learning, digital solutions, and just-in-time talent growth.
Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan
Targeted Customer Segments
According to Google Analytics, the majority of traffic comes from people between the ages of 18 and 44. With COVID-19 resulting in the massive loss of Singaporean jobs, we can see a
steep rise in the middle age group in their 40s who seek education for career switching and prospect opportunities.
Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan
Situation Analysis
Lithan’s current digital marketing performance is shown by having more than 30000 learners with more than 90% completion. As of now, Lithan has opened 25 campuses.
Below is a list of Lithan’s online presence:
1. YouTube: Lithan Academy, 912 Subscriber, 134 Videos:
2. Facebook: Lithan Singapore - Local Business, 20,907 Followers, 20,261 Likes:
3. Instagram: Lithan Academy (@lithanacademysg), 1117 Followers, 117 Posts:
4. LinkedIn: Lithan, 10,043 followers:
5. Digital Senior Lithan Academy 50 Course:
6. Monster Lithan Academy Courses-online courses-Monster Education 33 Courses:
On top of that, Lithan is partnering with SG’s MySkillsFuture during these trying times to help out Singaporean and Permanent Residents with skill development.
Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan
Lithan has a wide array of more than 300 courses that come in the form of E-classes. With a short
duration of 3hrs per lesson, allowing learners to upgrade themselves without disrupting their working
Having partnered with SG's MySkillsFuture will attract more people to sign up with Lithan, as the
government is giving full subsidiaries to Singaporean who wish to upgrade themselves.
Actively present in many Social Media and Job Websites to boost its Brand Awareness, Course Detail.
Too many Lithan course choices and insured commitment, hinder potential learners when choosing the
right course that is suitable for them.
Because everything is digitized means that people, especially the pioneer age group who are used to
physical classes using pen & paper will have a hard time coping with the learning concept.
Based on the demographic shift and Google Analytics data, there has been a rise in the number of
foreign people viewing Lithan's landing pages, indicating that the school might be able to expand its
international integration to reach out to more international students.
The rise in social media-dependent and content marketing is transforming the industry to become
more digital. As a digital marketing specialist, Lithan now has a competitive advantage over other
educational institutions that lies on the Brick-and-mortar concept.
Lithan’s resources and capabilities are mostly temporary, as there are other institutes imitating
As Covid-19 opens up digital opportunities to the world, it might be taken away once the pandemic is
over. Hence, as suggested on Lithan’s temporary advantages, the school needs to innovate in learning
culture to prepare for the unforeseen future.
The threats in this day and age, due to everything being so accessible, as long as one is affluent with
Google, all answers can easily be found. However, this means that the students might not truly
understand what they are being taught, and we will end up with students not knowing how to do tasks
in their jobs.
SWOT Table
Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan
OBJECTIVES: To be the leading educational institution in Singapore by training, preparing, equipping, and producing professionals who are highly qualified and prepared for the
next phase of global digitalization.
Customers Stage SMART Goals Strategies to Achieve Goals KPI
Buyers are in the information gathering
stage, they know little about the
possible ways to meet that need or
solve that problem.
Increase new monthly visits to the website by 10,000
in 6 months.
Average 1 Post per week on Facebook, Instagram,
and blogs pertinent to the readers.
Target number of visits to blog page = 500 per
Teaching people how to choose a
Have each post on FB shared, liked, and commented
to grow by 50.
Blog postings on FB community group to discuss
the issue and create shareable content, observe
trends & what successful competitors are doing.
Target number of shares/likes/comments to FB post
= 30 per post
Explaining why your product is the best
Grow our leads to customers conversion rate by 10%
(200) before 31st December 2021.
Posting the programs with explanation and
learners testimonial through Facebook using video
(3min) and infographics.
Target number lead = 1200 people
Explaining why your product is the best
A retention rate of 4% (20) per month.
(Learners who went for certification can come back
for a diploma)
Leverage technology to personalize email for
learners/ corporate who previously finished a
course. Giving discount for return learner.
Target number retention customers = 50 people
Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan
With the current uncertainty of the COVID-19 situation, the Singapore economy is undergoing a technical recession with job loss on the rise, SMEs closing down and most importantly,
employers are raising their expectations in finding workers who can perform a diversity of tasks.
Either with or without the infliction of COVID-19, the world is already facing digital disruption in every tier of business, as well as people's lifestyles. Therefore, the Singapore
government has been actively taking action to aid people in digital transformation. One of the main focuses is to retrain workers of all ages while giving out grants. This is a rare
opportunity for institutions like Lithan, which specializes in the many educational aspects of digitalization evolution. Considering the fact that finding a new job is a challenge for those
who left school for decades, Lithan is one of the few academics who actually aid Lithan’s graduates to find a fitting job.
People are here for the skill upgrade but mostly for a JOB. It is impossible for Lithan to 100% help everyone to get a job due to work experience discrepancy and limited vacancy, hence
Lithan should focus their efforts on the following:
1. Partnership with local-borne SMEs and MNC such as ShengSiong Group who are actively aiming to educate their employees. The group had partnered with ITE to send their
staff for training in the academy, in exchange for student internships in their supermarket. It is a win-win strategy if Lithan were to consider going in this direction as
‘Internship’ could help a career switcher to close up their skill gap.
2. Working closely with the government to continue with the training courses. As millions has been spent by the government to market the awareness of such grants,
Singaporean naturally will search in the MySkillsFuture URL which Lithan will be able to backlink the URL for a high volume lead.
3. Be active in social media but not aggressively push courses. Instead, creating values for viewers through the illustration of problems with solutions and positive outcome results
if people were to join in Lithan courses.
Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan
For the marketing platforms, we would use:
● Facebook
● Instagram
● LinkedIn
● YouTube
● Website
● Blog
The two groups that we have focused on are the Millennials (ages 18-34) and the Pioneer generation (ages 40 and above). We would tailor the ways we would reach them.
For the Millennials: We would use all platforms as a marketing tool to funnel them to Lithan. However, we would be putting more effort into Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Based
on research, Millennials' habits are dependent on digital devices and social media for decision-making and solution. Making it more likely that our ads/posts would reach the targeted
For the Pioneer group: Most of these people were born before the dawn of the digital age boom, we could use all platforms as well so as not to miss out on any digitally advanced
leads, but focusing more on traditional websites such as blogs and LinkedIn. The reason being is the fact that websites and blogs have been around since the early years of internet
history, it is a more familiar form for the pioneer generation to collect information.
● Increase new monthly visits to the website by +12% (3000 people) in 6 months
● Generate Engagement for each post created in the forms of shares, likes and comments on growth by 5% (90) per month.
Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan
Initial Publishing Platform Blog
Content-Type Text, Infographics
Category Digital Marketing
Title In a post-pandemic world, Digital Marketing is the way to go! Exclusive interview with XiaXue
Keywords Digital Marketing, Digital marketing in Singapore
Customer Life Cycle Stage Awareness
Content Goal Increase employability
KPI 1000 view in 3 months
Social Media Distribution Platforms Facebook, Website, Instagram, LinkedIn
CTA Join us to learn more
Remarks Record an interview with XiaXue, an influencer on cosmetic product blogging who rose to fame by leveraging SEO. Have her advertising
Lithan’s Digital Marketing courses, creating backlinks from her blog to our website.
Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan
Writer Tina Lee $400
Designer John Ann $350
Photographer Mao De $150
Videographer Lee Dong $400
Facebook ads Keric $150
Google Ads Keric $200
YouTube ads -
Resource Allocation
Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan
Initial Publishing Platform YouTube
Content-Type Video
Category Digital Marketing
Title Why Digital Marketing is the future (feat. Brad Lau aka LadyIronChef)
Keywords Digital Marketing
Customer Life Cycle Stage Consideration
Content Goal Explaining the importance of digital transformation
KPI 10,000 views in 2 months
Social Media Distribution Platforms Facebook, Website, Instagram, LinkedIn
CTA Subscribe
Remarks Video is easy for people to digest, keeps the cost down in the long run by repurposing content yet not let it feel as genuine and stale, it
also has a humanistic touch too.
Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan
Writer Tina Lee $400
Designer John Ann $350
Photographer -
Videographer Lee Dong $400
Facebook ads Keric $150
Google Ads -
YouTube ads Keric $200
Resource Allocation
Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan
Initial Publishing Platform Facebook and Instagram
Content-Type Text, Infographics, Video
Category Digital Marketing
Title Digital Marketing Courses to consider taking up in 2021
Keywords Digital Marketing
Customer Life Cycle Stage Consideration
Content Goal Conversion
KPI 2500 view in 2 months
Social Media Distribution Platforms Website, Blog, LinkedIn
CTA Click here to learn more
Remarks Have an infographic designed with text and pictures that show them the listed course information and hyperlinks which will direct them
straight to Lithan's course page.
Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan
Writer Tina Lee $400
Designer John Ann $350
Photographer - -
Videographer - -
Facebook ads Keric $150
Google Ads Keric $150
YouTube ads - -
Resource Allocation
Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan
How to monitor our marketing performance?
● YouTube has its analytics platform for its channel called YouTube Studios. Using this free tool, Lithan can monitor its videos and interact. Also being able to check the
demographics, reach, and engagement per video.
● Same as YouTube, Instagram also has its own Instagram Analytic program. However, it is not very in-depth, thus, Hootsuite analytics would be a good option.
Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan
How to monitor our marketing performance?
● Facebook can be monitored through Facebook ads manager
● For LinkedIn, the School website, and blog. Using Google Analytics (GA) would be a good option as it has lots of ways to break down the report need, you can even customize
dashboards that can be exported and shared with colleagues, so everyone can be on the same page.
At the end of each week and month, we can monitor our progress and from there, take action to audit the posts which have not met our expected KPIs.
Task 2 – Analyse Lithan Website Data w/ Google Analytics
Finding: Technology (Devices)
There are 3 primary types of devices that people use to view Lithan’s website mobile, desktop, and Tablet. Mobile users make up the majority at 26,801(53.29%). Desktop
23,057(45.84%) users and tablet 436(0.87%) users.
The bounce rates are as follows 72.89%, 56.06%, and 56.31% respectively.
The high bounce rates for all are high.
Task 2 – Analyse Lithan Website Data w/ Google Analytics
Finding: Technology (Devices)
The view of Lithan’s website on mobile(Android)
Too much information is squeezed into a page, making the fonts too small. It needs at least size 12 for a start and adjusted according to the typeface. Mobile users’ concentration
span is less than 3-5 seconds and will click off from the site when they could not find the information needed. Another reason for the high bounce could be the user clicked it
accidentally and closed the ad without a second look.
Problem: Lithan’s Website needs to cater to other platforms, not only desktop:
More people are using their phones or other devices to browse the web. It is important to consider building the website with a responsive layout where the website
can adjust to different screens.
Load time
Waiting for a website on mobile to load will lose visitors. Nearly half of web visitors expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less, and they will potentially leave a site that
is not loaded within 3 seconds.
Task 2 – Analyse Lithan Website Data w/ Google Analytics
Finding: Technology (Devices)
● Move towards having an app developed.
● Ensure that the website design/technology supports the most common devices which people use to access it. The most well-known mobile OSes are Android, iOS, Windows
Phone OS, and Symbian. The market share ratios of those OSes are Android 47.51%, iOS 41.97%, Symbian 3.31%, and Windows Phone OS 2.57%. There are some other mobile
OSes less used. (BlackBerry, Samsung, etc.) Lithan needs to be sure that it performs well in these OSes.
● Identify opportunities to develop better content and calls to action for different devices. This is a cue to surf the site using the most popular devices to make sure that the user
experience is what is assumed.
● Identify opportunities to develop device-specific mobile apps to support the most common mobile operating systems.
● Ensure that marketing campaigns are driving traffic from the intended devices.
● With mobile web browsing beginning to take over desktop browsing, mobile optimization should be a major priority for the business going forward. Lower the high bounce
rate on mobile by fixing any bugs. Optimize the website for speed and responsiveness since the average session is longer than Mobile.
● Simplify the design for the mobile. It should be more direct and simpler to navigate.
Task 2 – Analyse Lithan Website Data w/ Google Analytics
Finding: Technology (Devices)
Good examples of Mobile app designs:
Task 3 – Study Search Ads Campaign
Finding: Keywords (25 January 2021 -25 April 2021)
Task 3 – Study Search Ads Campaign
Finding: Keywords (25 January 2021 -25 April 2021)
The keyword for the second-highest CPC is $0.39 with the second-highest bounce rate of 95.02% and the highest cost of $4,169.21 for the 4 months with zero conversions. The
interesting part of these keywords is all of them are related to job-related issues such as employment, hunting, opening, etc. Nothing is mentioned in the courses. This is misleading
and reflects the school in a bad light.
Google Ads runs like an auction with every time someone searches, the auction takes place. Running the right keywords is important, and it reduces the bounce rate and a higher
value per conversion.
● Always aim to be in the top three positions in Google Ads. If you cannot achieve it, aim for a lower ad position. Users will go beyond the 1-3 ads if they are serious about finding
the right courses. Settle for a lower position, lower decreases in CPC, and save ad cost.
● Using long-Tail Keywords is a solution to lower CPC. The more specific the relevant keywords, the cheaper the cost per click will be because of fewer people bidding. This, in
turn, may result in a better conversion rate and a lesser bounce rate.
● It is impossible to know everything people search for. There is a need for some research to find more keyword ideas before deciding the direction of how the ads will run. There
are many ways to do this, one method is to use a keyword research tool.
It is recommended to have a direct course name for keywords such as Digital marketing, Data Science, UX design, etc. Proposed keywords will be more directed to the courses Lithan
offers rather than a broad spectrum of keywords such as IT courses, digital courses, etc.
Task 3 – Study Search Ads Campaign
Finding: Keywords(25 January 2021 -25 April 2021)
Recommended Google Campaign Ad Structure
Lithan Courses
AdGroup 1: Digital Marketing AdGroup 2: SGUnited Programmes
digital marketing courses
digital marketing course in Singapore
digital marketing course 6 months
Polytechnic classes in digital marketing
online school digital marketing credited
online Singapore digital marketing for beginners
digital marketing school with certificates
Top 5 digital marketing school online Singapore
Digital marketing courses after graduation
Digital marketing course eligibility
Which digital marketing course is the best
Digital marketing course cost
6 months Diploma in digital marketing
Be A Digital Marketer
Digital Learning & Talents
SGUnited traineeship
SGUnited Skills program
SGUnited Upskilling
SGUnited programs
SGUnited mid-career courses
SGUnited applications for digital marketing
SGUnited traineeship programs
SGUnited jobs and skills
SGUnited $1,200 allowance for 6 months
SGUnited digital marketing courses
SGUnited jobs after digital marketing course
SGUnited school offering digital marketing
SGUnited top 5 digital marketing courses
SGUnited traineeship programmes
Task 3 – Study Search Ads Campaign
Finding: Keywords(25 January 2021 -25 April 2021)
Recommended Google Campaign Ad Structure
Lithan Courses
AdGroup 1: Digital Marketing AdGroup 2: SGUnited Programmes
Ad 1 Ad 1
Ad 2 Ad 2
Task 3 – Study Search Ads Campaign
1. After deciding on the Ad1 and Ad 2 groups, go to
to set up a New Campaign Goal/Objective
2. Create a campaign without a goal’s guidance.
3. For campaign type, select Search and Select Website visits
4. Enter a campaign name.
In Networks, DESELECT Google search partners and DESELECT Display Network. Expand
“Show more” settings and put in an end date for your campaign.
Setting Up Google Ad
Task 3 – Study Search Ads Campaign
5. Set the location to Singapore and include Budget 6. Create AdGroups and paste your KWs from the list that you’ve already prepared. Your KWs
should be a good mix of normal/broad/short/generic KWs and longtail KWs.
7. Enter Google Campaign URL (UTM Link) into the Final URL area for tracking and specify the correct source and medium.
Setting Up Google Ad
Task 4 – Study Social Media Marketing Activities
Social Media Platform 2: Instagram
Screenshot of Instagram Page List of Recent 6-8 Posts
Post 1 Post 2 Post 3
Post 4 Post 5 Post 6
Task 4 – Study Social Media Marketing Activities
Social Media Platform 2: Instagram
Post Date of Posting Target Audience Type of Content Engagement Suggestions URL
Post 1 25 Apr 2021 Job Seekers, Finance Students/
Text, Image 6 Likes Too wordy, too much text. Says to register interest
but does not say where. Include a link in bio as
links are not allowed in Instagram texts.
Post 2 19 Apr 2021 Job Seekers, People Looking For
Career Change
Text, Image 8 Likes Too wordy as well. Include an infographic to get
through all that information in a clean, simple to
understand manner.
Post 3 7 Oct 2020 Job Seekers, People Looking For
Career Change
Text, Image 17 Likes Include “link in bio” in the text and actually
include the link in bio such that people who see it
can understand what is the Call To Action.
Post 4 30 Sept 2020 People Interested in SkillsFuture,
Job Seekers
Text, Image 13 Likes What is SFA MOU, CDC, SSG, e2i? Not many
people know, do not use abbreviations willy-nilly
and confuse people needlessly. Write down what
those abbreviations mean at least, the full word
and put the abbreviation in brackets.
Post 5 25 July 2020 Job Seekers, People Looking For
Career Change
Text, Image 6 Likes The “click here” portion cannot be clicked, doesn’t
make sense. Change it to “copy this link into your
browser for more information”.
Post 6 18 June 2020 Fresh Grads, Job Seeking Grads Text, Image 9 Likes Boost post such that it reaches out to more people
and will get more applications, hence higher
quantity & quality of person who will get hired.
Task 4 – Study Social Media Marketing Activities
Social Media Platform 2: Instagram
● 118 Posts
● Post quite rarely on Instagram, hence that reflects the low follower count on their Instagram
● Lithan does not utilise link in bio for their page. Instagram cannot post links in the text, hence link in bio is the best option for landing pages & links
● Posts are not engaging, feel very corporate instead of interactive with the average user
● More frequent posts scheduled. Scheduling of posts are very staggered. For example, there are only 2 posts for this whole year (both in April) and average of 1 post every 1-2
months last year. Not only will this cause Instagram algorithms to not favour Lithan’s post on the feed of someone following Lithan’s page, this will deter people from following
the Instagram page as there is very little information & updates available. This is especially important as a lot of people look for their information through Instagram these days.
No updates=no engagements.
● Incorporate Link In Bio. Incorporate a tool such as Linktree,, or Smarturl in the bio of Lithan’s page. There are a few posts where it says “click here” yet
it does not show anything to click, or where there is supposed to be Call To Action, yet there is none for the user to follow through. Hence, like most companies, Lithan should
employ a link in bio option when they want users to find out more information or want to direct them to a landing page. This is a must.
● If there is a need for a call to action, such as “register interest”, make sure there is an appropriate follow up. Do not say that and then leave the user to find out where to
register interest on their own, most users will not do that. This goes back to putting the link in bio such that users know what to do next. If there is no “map” drawn for the user
to go from one action to the next, chances are there is a low chance they will want to create any sort of action.
● Do not schedule posts on weekends, unless if appropriate or necessary. An example could be when there is a trending topic on a Saturday, and they have an idea of a post that
would market Lithan and touch on the topic, in that case it is best to come up with the post & post it as soon as possible during that weekend such that there is more
engagement and is more relevant.
● Utilise Instagram Story. Lithan does not use this feature at all. Users love sharing interesting things in Instagram Story and Lithan is more likely to show up randomly in people’s
Instagram Stories when they scroll through their friend’s IG Stories as well, hence this is a very useful tool that needs to be utilised.
Task 4 – Study Social Media Marketing Activities
Recommended Social Media Schedule
Day Date Platform Caption / Message Type of Content (Image,
Video, Article etc)
Monday 3 May 2021 Instagram Catching Up With Lithan Alumni (Part 1)/ Interview with an alumnus to find out about how it was to struggle during Covid-19,
their current job and how Lithan helped them get there. Light hearted, shareable video
Video, Text
Monday 3 May 2021 Facebook Catching Up With Lithan Alumni (Part 1)/ Interview with an alumnus to find out about how it was to struggle during Covid-19,
their current job and how Lithan helped them get there. Light hearted, shareable video
Video, Text
Wednesday 5 May 2021 YouTube Intro to Digital Marketing Video
Friday 7 May 2021 Facebook 3 Tools To Get More Instagram Engagement Text, Image, Link to Article
Friday 7 May 2021 LinkedIn Covid-proof Jobs That You Need To Know About Text, Image, Link to Article
Monday 10 May 2021 Instagram How To Not Get Cancelled: 7 Things Not To Post On Social Media / A bit of a satirical post, meant to be more engaging and
shareable on IG Story
Image, Text
Thursday 13 May 2021 Facebook Catching Up With Lithan Alumni (Part 2) Video, Text
Thursday 13 May 2021 Instagram Catching Up With Lithan Alumni (Part 2) Video, Text
Friday 18 May 2021 YouTube Catching Up With Lithan Alumni/ Parts 1 + 2 combined to be posted on the YouTube page, along with additional content, after
which the YouTube video can be posted on socials as well
Monday 21 May 2021 YouTube 6 Types of Students During Online Learning (feat. JianHao Tan) Video
Task 4 – Study Social Media Marketing Activities
Reasoning for Recommended Social Media Schedule
Facebook and Instagram are 2 of the most popular social media platforms in the world (not including YouTube which is number 2 but more of a video watching platform, and
WhatsApp & Messenger at number 3 & 4 which are messaging platforms), and these are the most used platforms for users to interact with friends & family online as well as the most
used for checking on updates/new posts from pages they like & is the most shareable on the same platform.
This is especially true for Lithan, where they have the most followers on Facebook & Instagram is where it is easiest to share a post on IG Story as well as have the most reach to job
seekers and potential people that will enrol in Lithan’s courses, not to mention they are the best platforms for paid ads to reach Lithan’s target demographic. Lithan also posts very
rarely on Instagram and does not provide proper Call To Actions there, so that needs to change, and have been reflected as so in the social media schedule.
Lithan also posts rarely on YouTube, and even when they do, it is mostly webinars or videos which are not very searchable nor is it that shareable. Hence, Lithan needs to incorporate
YouTube more into their posting schedule and come up with content that are not too dull and which people would actually search for or which would keep the viewer engaged as
there are thousands of videos posted on YouTube each day. Hence, as proposed in the social media schedule, it needs to be content which doesn’t get drowned out by the rest, and
also each video needs to know what their geographical target demographic is as well (e.g. with the JianHao Tan collab, target Singaporean viewers such that it has potential to appear
on Singapore’s trending page, while also increasing exposure of Lithan for Singaporean potential students/job seekers).
As for LinkedIn, there is only one post in the current proposed schedule because Lithan post regularly on LinkedIn whenever there is a business/networking update, but only targets
potential business partners there, hence there needs to be a mix between that as well as targeting the many users on LinkedIn who use it to look for jobs or further learning, which
still would be on-brand with their other current posts. As this is Lithan’s 2nd most followed platform, along with the regular posts and this new target demographic posts, Lithan’s
LinkedIn would be rich with content.
Task 4 – Study Social Media Marketing Activities
Mock-ups of Proposed Posts
Post 1 Post 2
Facebook Catching Up With Lithan Alumni (Part 1)/
Interview with an alumnus to find out about
how it was to struggle during Covid-19, their
current job and how Lithan helped them get
there. Light hearted, shareable video
Video, Text Instagram How To Not Get Cancelled: 7 Things Not To Post On
Social Media/ A bit of a satirical post, meant to be
more engaging and shareable on IG Story
Image, Text
Task 5 – Study Content Marketing Activities
Blog URL & Screenshot of Blog:
Task 5 – Study Content Marketing Activities
Finding: Post Type
All the posts published are articles that offer little or no value to their readers. One
component that is severely lacking in the post is the addressing of problems and pain points
that are faced by Lithan’s target audience. It would be most beneficial for Lithan to address
these said problems in their blog posts to further boost awareness, increase engagement
and generate conversions.
We would strongly recommend that Lithan publish more high-quality content that addresses
the various pain points of their different customer segments & buyer personas, content to
explain the different options and solutions to these said pain points, as well as content that
would ultimately influence the various customer segments and buyer personas into
Task 5 – Study Content Marketing Activities
List of Suggested KWs
For those who are seeking a career change or a career upskill, we suggest
the following keywords to be used:
Career in IT IT Careers Singapore IT Jobs Singapore
IT Courses Singapore Professional Diploma Professional Diploma IT
SG United Courses SGUS Programme SG United Diploma
Digital Sales Course Digital Sales Diploma Digital Sales Specialist Course
Digital Marketing Course Digital Marketing Diploma Digital Marketing School
Digital Operations Singapore Digital Operations Course Digital Operations Skills
SAP ERP Singapore SAP ERP Course SAP ERP Consultant Singapore
AI Developer AI Developer Course AI Developer Diploma
IT Support Jobs Singapore Infocomm Technology Course Infocomm Technology Diploma
Systems Administrator Jobs Systems Administrator Course Systems Administrator Diploma
Cyber Security Jobs Singapore Cyber Security Course Cyber Security Diploma
For business owners or companies that are seeking digitalization of their
workplace, we would suggest the following keywords to be used:
Digital Leadership Singapore Digital Leadership Course
Digital Leadership Training Digital Workplace Singapore
Digital Workplace Course Digital Workplace Training
Digital Business Singapore Digital Business Implementation
Digital Business Course Digital Business Training
Innovation Management Singapore Innovation Management Training
Innovation Management Course Data Science Singapore
Data Science Training Data Science Course Singapore
Digital Sales Transformation Digital Sales Transformation Course
Omni Marketing Transformation Omni Marketing Course Singapore
Task 5 – Study Content Marketing Activities
Recommended Content Plan
Editorial Calendar
Post Date 1 June 2021 1 June 2021 11 June 2021 11 June 2021 21 June 2021 21 June 2021
Writer/Editor Rahman Rahman Rahman Rahman Rahman Rahman
Initial Publishing Platform Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog
Content Type Article with Infographics Article with Infographics Article with Videos Article with Videos Article with Images Article with Images
Category Digital business skills Skill upgrading Digital business skills Skill upgrading Digital business skills Skill upgrading
Title STUCK: The Problems Business
Owners Face But Don’t Talk About
WHAT NOW?: The Dilemma of
The Mid-level Career Person
5 Skills Every Business
Owner Should Acquire
10 Skills You Should Pick Up
To Stay Ahead of The Game
NOW YOU SEE ME: Why Digital
Marketing Is THE Essential Skill for
Every Business Owner
Programmes To Kickstart Your Career
In The Digital World!
Keywords ● Digital business
● Digital business skills
● Business owner skills
● Skill upgrading
● Career upskill
● Career problems
● Career dilemma
● Digital business
● Digital business
● Business owner
● Skill upgrading
● Career upskill
● Career problems
● Career dilemma
● Digital business
● Digital business skills
● Business owner skills
● Digital marketing
● Digital marketing course
● Digital marketing skills
● Skill upgrading
● Career upskill
● Career upstart
● Career upgrade
● Career solutions
● Digital career
● Career in IT
● Diploma courses
Consumer Lifecycle Stage Awareness Awareness Consideration Consideration Decision Decision
Content Goal Consumption Consumption Engagement Engagement Conversion Conversion
KPI 600 page views 950 page views 40 shares 75 shares 35 conversions 60 conversions
CTA Subscribe to our newsletter now
to be notified on all new posts.
Subscribe to our newsletter now
to be notified on all new posts.
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friends and loved ones!
Share this post to your friends
and loved ones!
Enrol for our Diploma in Digital
Marketing programme now!
Enrol now and get your free career
consultation now!
Task 6 – Study Email Marketing Activities
Email Subscription Form URL & Screenshot:
Task 6 – Study Email Marketing Activities
Finding: Drip Campaign
Upon subscribing to the mailing list, I had waited for over a week for an email from Lithan Academy confirming my successful sign-up to their email newsletter. However, I still have yet
to receive such an email. It is clear to me that an email drip campaign has not been configured and has not been put in place. This (or even the simple lack of a confirmation email)
would not only confuse subscribers, but it would also make it easier for them to forget about Lithan in their search for an academic institution and course. It would also reflect badly
on the professional outlook of Lithan academy.
I would strongly recommend the implementation of an email drip campaign for every successful subscription or sign up to the e-newsletter or mailing list, starting with a confirmation
email which should be sent out within 2 minutes of every successful sign-up. The email should not only thank subscribers and welcome them to the Lithan Academy email newsletter,
but it should also contain important contact information such as contact number and email address should the subscriber have any inquiries on Lithan Academy and the programs that
are offered.
Task 6 – Study Email Marketing Activities
Finding: Header Title
It came to my attention while subscribing to the mailing list that I was subscribing to “test mail campaign name”. This would be confusing and would not relate at all to a viewer whose
intention is to subscribe to Lithan’s mailing list for all the latest marketing news, events, and promotions. This confusion would lead them to not go through with the subscription as
they would think that the page is merely a test page.
I would not only strongly recommend, but deem it compulsory that the page be enhanced with a better header title & be changed as soon as possible to project a clearer objective
and purpose of the subscription form to viewers and potential subscribers. Examples of this would be “Subscribe to Lithan Academy’s E-Newsletter” or “Subscribe Now for Latest
Updates, Events & Promotions!”.
Task 6 – Study Email Marketing Activities
Recommended Email Plan for Mailing List Subscribers
Buyer Stage Schedule
(When to send?)
Subject Line CTA
1 Awareness Every Monday
The Digital Revolution: What Is It and How Can Your Business
Benefit From It?
Read more about it on our
2 Consideration Every Wednesday
Email Marketing Trends in 2021 Read more about it on our
3 Decision Every Friday
Kickstart Your Career in Digital Marketing With Us! Enrol for our Diploma in Digital
Marketing programme now!
Task 6 – Study Email Marketing Activities
Email Mockup
Task 7 – Study SEO Activities
Finding: Meta Description
I have observed that pages in the Lithan Academy website do not contain a meta description, as shown in the screenshots below:
It is important that the meta description is put in as it is used to summarize a web page's content. They also appear in search engine results to inform viewers about the content of a
web page before they click on it.
I would strongly recommend putting in the meta description of every page on the website to allow better SEO optimization and for the page to have a better SERP ranking.
Task 7 – Study SEO Activities
Finding: Mobile-Friendly Test
Based on my research on Google Mobile-Friendly Test, it is observed that the mobile version of the website is mobile-friendly for users and viewers, as shown in the screenshot below:
However, it is also noted that an error message returned, citing page loading issues as not all page resources could be loaded, as seen in the screenshot below:
As seen in the error message above, this affects how Google would see and understand the page, hence affecting the organic search ranking of the page.
I recommend that mobile-friendly tests are carried out regularly using tools such as Google Mobile-Friendly Test. I also recommend mobile optimization such as font size, image size,
as well as the quality & resolution of visual assets used.
Task 7 – Study SEO Activities
Finding: Website Backlink
In my research, I found that Lithan’s website received backlinks from several other websites, such as the following:
I observed that the majority of these backlinks come from educational websites as well as websites whose content cater to those who are in IT or are interested in IT.
I recommend that Lithan build relationships and earn backlinks (either paid or earned) with alternative media outlets such as SGAG, Mothership.SG and The Smart Local to appeal to
new customer segments.
Task 7 – Study SEO Activities
SEO Plan
Recommended Webpage On-page SEO
1.1 Target Keyword: Digitalized Workforce
1.2 Page Title
1.3 Page URL 1.4 Meta Description 1.5 Image Alt Tag

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Digital Marketing Capstone Project Presentation

  • 1. Capstone - Digital Marketing : Final Presentation By: Muhammad Imran Bin Kassim - 0121A For: Lithan
  • 2. Tasks Task 1: Review and improve Lithan’s Digital Marketing Plan. Task 2: Analyse Lithan’s website data with Google Analytics and make recommendations to optimize the website. Task 3: Review, improve and optimize Lithan’s Search Ads campaign. Task 4: Review, improve and optimize Lithan’s Social Media Marketing Campaign. Task 5: Review, improve and optimize Lithan’s Content Marketing Campaign. Task 6: Review, improve and optimize Lithan’s Email Marketing Campaign. Task 7: Review Lithan’s SEO activities and recommend improvements.
  • 3. Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan Introduction to Lithan Lithan takes pride in being a digital skill acceleration hub that provides appropriate, tensile, and personalized study programs for businesses, learners, and even higher education campuses. They appeal to all types of learners, offering over 100 courses ranging from Analytical skills to Digital Marketing, Digital Business, and Information Technology. These courses benefit learners, whether they are newcomers to their field of choice or seasoned practitioners seeking to enhance their current skill sets and familiarize themselves with emerging trends, thus enhancing their awareness. It enables them to remain relevant and gives them a competitive advantage. Lithan also enjoys international acclaim, having expanded its consumer reach through aggressive distribution alliances in strategic locations around the world to demonstrate its commitment to providing superior services. To summarize what Lithan is, it is a digital learning and talent network to grow talent and businesses in the digital economy through their proprietary, 'Disrupting Class with ClaaS'. CLaaS® provides Competency Learning as a Service to aid in the implementation of work-integrated learning, digital solutions, and just-in-time talent growth.
  • 4. Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan Targeted Customer Segments According to Google Analytics, the majority of traffic comes from people between the ages of 18 and 44. With COVID-19 resulting in the massive loss of Singaporean jobs, we can see a steep rise in the middle age group in their 40s who seek education for career switching and prospect opportunities.
  • 5. Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan Situation Analysis Lithan’s current digital marketing performance is shown by having more than 30000 learners with more than 90% completion. As of now, Lithan has opened 25 campuses. Below is a list of Lithan’s online presence: 1. YouTube: Lithan Academy, 912 Subscriber, 134 Videos: 2. Facebook: Lithan Singapore - Local Business, 20,907 Followers, 20,261 Likes: 3. Instagram: Lithan Academy (@lithanacademysg), 1117 Followers, 117 Posts: 4. LinkedIn: Lithan, 10,043 followers: 5. Digital Senior Lithan Academy 50 Course: 6. Monster Lithan Academy Courses-online courses-Monster Education 33 Courses: On top of that, Lithan is partnering with SG’s MySkillsFuture during these trying times to help out Singaporean and Permanent Residents with skill development.
  • 6. Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Lithan has a wide array of more than 300 courses that come in the form of E-classes. With a short duration of 3hrs per lesson, allowing learners to upgrade themselves without disrupting their working schedule. Having partnered with SG's MySkillsFuture will attract more people to sign up with Lithan, as the government is giving full subsidiaries to Singaporean who wish to upgrade themselves. Actively present in many Social Media and Job Websites to boost its Brand Awareness, Course Detail. Too many Lithan course choices and insured commitment, hinder potential learners when choosing the right course that is suitable for them. Because everything is digitized means that people, especially the pioneer age group who are used to physical classes using pen & paper will have a hard time coping with the learning concept. OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Based on the demographic shift and Google Analytics data, there has been a rise in the number of foreign people viewing Lithan's landing pages, indicating that the school might be able to expand its international integration to reach out to more international students. The rise in social media-dependent and content marketing is transforming the industry to become more digital. As a digital marketing specialist, Lithan now has a competitive advantage over other educational institutions that lies on the Brick-and-mortar concept. Lithan’s resources and capabilities are mostly temporary, as there are other institutes imitating E-classes. As Covid-19 opens up digital opportunities to the world, it might be taken away once the pandemic is over. Hence, as suggested on Lithan’s temporary advantages, the school needs to innovate in learning culture to prepare for the unforeseen future. The threats in this day and age, due to everything being so accessible, as long as one is affluent with Google, all answers can easily be found. However, this means that the students might not truly understand what they are being taught, and we will end up with students not knowing how to do tasks in their jobs. SWOT Table
  • 7. Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan OBJECTIVES: To be the leading educational institution in Singapore by training, preparing, equipping, and producing professionals who are highly qualified and prepared for the next phase of global digitalization. Customers Stage SMART Goals Strategies to Achieve Goals KPI AWARENESS Buyers are in the information gathering stage, they know little about the possible ways to meet that need or solve that problem. Increase new monthly visits to the website by 10,000 in 6 months. Average 1 Post per week on Facebook, Instagram, and blogs pertinent to the readers. Target number of visits to blog page = 500 per month CONSIDERATION Teaching people how to choose a solution. Have each post on FB shared, liked, and commented to grow by 50. Blog postings on FB community group to discuss the issue and create shareable content, observe trends & what successful competitors are doing. Target number of shares/likes/comments to FB post = 30 per post DECISION Explaining why your product is the best solution. Grow our leads to customers conversion rate by 10% (200) before 31st December 2021. Posting the programs with explanation and learners testimonial through Facebook using video (3min) and infographics. Target number lead = 1200 people RETENTION Explaining why your product is the best solution. A retention rate of 4% (20) per month. (Learners who went for certification can come back for a diploma) Leverage technology to personalize email for learners/ corporate who previously finished a course. Giving discount for return learner. Target number retention customers = 50 people
  • 8. Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan STRATEGY With the current uncertainty of the COVID-19 situation, the Singapore economy is undergoing a technical recession with job loss on the rise, SMEs closing down and most importantly, employers are raising their expectations in finding workers who can perform a diversity of tasks. Either with or without the infliction of COVID-19, the world is already facing digital disruption in every tier of business, as well as people's lifestyles. Therefore, the Singapore government has been actively taking action to aid people in digital transformation. One of the main focuses is to retrain workers of all ages while giving out grants. This is a rare opportunity for institutions like Lithan, which specializes in the many educational aspects of digitalization evolution. Considering the fact that finding a new job is a challenge for those who left school for decades, Lithan is one of the few academics who actually aid Lithan’s graduates to find a fitting job. People are here for the skill upgrade but mostly for a JOB. It is impossible for Lithan to 100% help everyone to get a job due to work experience discrepancy and limited vacancy, hence Lithan should focus their efforts on the following: 1. Partnership with local-borne SMEs and MNC such as ShengSiong Group who are actively aiming to educate their employees. The group had partnered with ITE to send their staff for training in the academy, in exchange for student internships in their supermarket. It is a win-win strategy if Lithan were to consider going in this direction as ‘Internship’ could help a career switcher to close up their skill gap. 2. Working closely with the government to continue with the training courses. As millions has been spent by the government to market the awareness of such grants, Singaporean naturally will search in the MySkillsFuture URL which Lithan will be able to backlink the URL for a high volume lead. 3. Be active in social media but not aggressively push courses. Instead, creating values for viewers through the illustration of problems with solutions and positive outcome results if people were to join in Lithan courses.
  • 9. Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan STRATEGY For the marketing platforms, we would use: ● Facebook ● Instagram ● LinkedIn ● YouTube ● Website ● Blog The two groups that we have focused on are the Millennials (ages 18-34) and the Pioneer generation (ages 40 and above). We would tailor the ways we would reach them. For the Millennials: We would use all platforms as a marketing tool to funnel them to Lithan. However, we would be putting more effort into Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Based on research, Millennials' habits are dependent on digital devices and social media for decision-making and solution. Making it more likely that our ads/posts would reach the targeted audience. For the Pioneer group: Most of these people were born before the dawn of the digital age boom, we could use all platforms as well so as not to miss out on any digitally advanced leads, but focusing more on traditional websites such as blogs and LinkedIn. The reason being is the fact that websites and blogs have been around since the early years of internet history, it is a more familiar form for the pioneer generation to collect information. KPI’s ● Increase new monthly visits to the website by +12% (3000 people) in 6 months ● Generate Engagement for each post created in the forms of shares, likes and comments on growth by 5% (90) per month.
  • 10. Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan TACTICS & ACTIONS TACTIC 1 Initial Publishing Platform Blog Content-Type Text, Infographics Category Digital Marketing Title In a post-pandemic world, Digital Marketing is the way to go! Exclusive interview with XiaXue Keywords Digital Marketing, Digital marketing in Singapore Customer Life Cycle Stage Awareness Content Goal Increase employability KPI 1000 view in 3 months Social Media Distribution Platforms Facebook, Website, Instagram, LinkedIn CTA Join us to learn more Remarks Record an interview with XiaXue, an influencer on cosmetic product blogging who rose to fame by leveraging SEO. Have her advertising Lithan’s Digital Marketing courses, creating backlinks from her blog to our website.
  • 11. Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan TACTICS & ACTIONS TACTIC 1 FREELANCERS BUDGETS Writer Tina Lee $400 Designer John Ann $350 Photographer Mao De $150 Videographer Lee Dong $400 PROMOTIONS Facebook ads Keric $150 Google Ads Keric $200 YouTube ads - Resource Allocation
  • 12. Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan TACTICS & ACTIONS TACTIC 2 Initial Publishing Platform YouTube Content-Type Video Category Digital Marketing Title Why Digital Marketing is the future (feat. Brad Lau aka LadyIronChef) Keywords Digital Marketing Customer Life Cycle Stage Consideration Content Goal Explaining the importance of digital transformation KPI 10,000 views in 2 months Social Media Distribution Platforms Facebook, Website, Instagram, LinkedIn CTA Subscribe Remarks Video is easy for people to digest, keeps the cost down in the long run by repurposing content yet not let it feel as genuine and stale, it also has a humanistic touch too.
  • 13. Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan TACTICS & ACTIONS TACTIC 2 FREELANCERS BUDGETS Writer Tina Lee $400 Designer John Ann $350 Photographer - Videographer Lee Dong $400 PROMOTIONS Facebook ads Keric $150 Google Ads - YouTube ads Keric $200 Resource Allocation
  • 14. Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan TACTICS & ACTIONS TACTIC 3 Initial Publishing Platform Facebook and Instagram Content-Type Text, Infographics, Video Category Digital Marketing Title Digital Marketing Courses to consider taking up in 2021 Keywords Digital Marketing Customer Life Cycle Stage Consideration Content Goal Conversion KPI 2500 view in 2 months Social Media Distribution Platforms Website, Blog, LinkedIn CTA Click here to learn more Remarks Have an infographic designed with text and pictures that show them the listed course information and hyperlinks which will direct them straight to Lithan's course page.
  • 15. Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan TACTICS & ACTIONS TACTIC 3 FREELANCERS BUDGETS Writer Tina Lee $400 Designer John Ann $350 Photographer - - Videographer - - PROMOTIONS Facebook ads Keric $150 Google Ads Keric $150 YouTube ads - - Resource Allocation
  • 16. Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan Control How to monitor our marketing performance? ● YouTube has its analytics platform for its channel called YouTube Studios. Using this free tool, Lithan can monitor its videos and interact. Also being able to check the demographics, reach, and engagement per video. ● Same as YouTube, Instagram also has its own Instagram Analytic program. However, it is not very in-depth, thus, Hootsuite analytics would be a good option.
  • 17. Task 1 – Digital Marketing Plan Control How to monitor our marketing performance? ● Facebook can be monitored through Facebook ads manager ● For LinkedIn, the School website, and blog. Using Google Analytics (GA) would be a good option as it has lots of ways to break down the report need, you can even customize dashboards that can be exported and shared with colleagues, so everyone can be on the same page. At the end of each week and month, we can monitor our progress and from there, take action to audit the posts which have not met our expected KPIs.
  • 18. Task 2 – Analyse Lithan Website Data w/ Google Analytics Finding: Technology (Devices) Observations There are 3 primary types of devices that people use to view Lithan’s website mobile, desktop, and Tablet. Mobile users make up the majority at 26,801(53.29%). Desktop 23,057(45.84%) users and tablet 436(0.87%) users. The bounce rates are as follows 72.89%, 56.06%, and 56.31% respectively. The high bounce rates for all are high.
  • 19. Task 2 – Analyse Lithan Website Data w/ Google Analytics Finding: Technology (Devices) The view of Lithan’s website on mobile(Android) Observations Too much information is squeezed into a page, making the fonts too small. It needs at least size 12 for a start and adjusted according to the typeface. Mobile users’ concentration span is less than 3-5 seconds and will click off from the site when they could not find the information needed. Another reason for the high bounce could be the user clicked it accidentally and closed the ad without a second look. Problem: Lithan’s Website needs to cater to other platforms, not only desktop: Mobile-friendly More people are using their phones or other devices to browse the web. It is important to consider building the website with a responsive layout where the website can adjust to different screens. Load time Waiting for a website on mobile to load will lose visitors. Nearly half of web visitors expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less, and they will potentially leave a site that is not loaded within 3 seconds.
  • 20. Task 2 – Analyse Lithan Website Data w/ Google Analytics Finding: Technology (Devices) Recommendations: ● Move towards having an app developed. ● Ensure that the website design/technology supports the most common devices which people use to access it. The most well-known mobile OSes are Android, iOS, Windows Phone OS, and Symbian. The market share ratios of those OSes are Android 47.51%, iOS 41.97%, Symbian 3.31%, and Windows Phone OS 2.57%. There are some other mobile OSes less used. (BlackBerry, Samsung, etc.) Lithan needs to be sure that it performs well in these OSes. ● Identify opportunities to develop better content and calls to action for different devices. This is a cue to surf the site using the most popular devices to make sure that the user experience is what is assumed. ● Identify opportunities to develop device-specific mobile apps to support the most common mobile operating systems. ● Ensure that marketing campaigns are driving traffic from the intended devices. ● With mobile web browsing beginning to take over desktop browsing, mobile optimization should be a major priority for the business going forward. Lower the high bounce rate on mobile by fixing any bugs. Optimize the website for speed and responsiveness since the average session is longer than Mobile. ● Simplify the design for the mobile. It should be more direct and simpler to navigate.
  • 21. Task 2 – Analyse Lithan Website Data w/ Google Analytics Finding: Technology (Devices) Good examples of Mobile app designs:
  • 22. Task 3 – Study Search Ads Campaign Finding: Keywords (25 January 2021 -25 April 2021)
  • 23. Task 3 – Study Search Ads Campaign Finding: Keywords (25 January 2021 -25 April 2021) Observations The keyword for the second-highest CPC is $0.39 with the second-highest bounce rate of 95.02% and the highest cost of $4,169.21 for the 4 months with zero conversions. The interesting part of these keywords is all of them are related to job-related issues such as employment, hunting, opening, etc. Nothing is mentioned in the courses. This is misleading and reflects the school in a bad light. Google Ads runs like an auction with every time someone searches, the auction takes place. Running the right keywords is important, and it reduces the bounce rate and a higher value per conversion. Recommendations: ● Always aim to be in the top three positions in Google Ads. If you cannot achieve it, aim for a lower ad position. Users will go beyond the 1-3 ads if they are serious about finding the right courses. Settle for a lower position, lower decreases in CPC, and save ad cost. ● Using long-Tail Keywords is a solution to lower CPC. The more specific the relevant keywords, the cheaper the cost per click will be because of fewer people bidding. This, in turn, may result in a better conversion rate and a lesser bounce rate. ● It is impossible to know everything people search for. There is a need for some research to find more keyword ideas before deciding the direction of how the ads will run. There are many ways to do this, one method is to use a keyword research tool. It is recommended to have a direct course name for keywords such as Digital marketing, Data Science, UX design, etc. Proposed keywords will be more directed to the courses Lithan offers rather than a broad spectrum of keywords such as IT courses, digital courses, etc.
  • 24. Task 3 – Study Search Ads Campaign Finding: Keywords(25 January 2021 -25 April 2021) Recommended Google Campaign Ad Structure Lithan Courses AdGroup 1: Digital Marketing AdGroup 2: SGUnited Programmes Keywords: digital marketing courses digital marketing course in Singapore digital marketing course 6 months Polytechnic classes in digital marketing online school digital marketing credited online Singapore digital marketing for beginners digital marketing school with certificates Top 5 digital marketing school online Singapore Digital marketing courses after graduation Digital marketing course eligibility Which digital marketing course is the best Digital marketing course cost 6 months Diploma in digital marketing Be A Digital Marketer Digital Learning & Talents Keywords: SGUnited traineeship SGUnited Skills program SGUnited Upskilling SGUnited programs SGUnited mid-career courses SGUnited applications for digital marketing SGUnited traineeship programs SGUnited jobs and skills SGUnited $1,200 allowance for 6 months SGUnited digital marketing courses SGUnited jobs after digital marketing course SGUnited school offering digital marketing SGUnited top 5 digital marketing courses SGUnited traineeship programmes
  • 25. Task 3 – Study Search Ads Campaign Finding: Keywords(25 January 2021 -25 April 2021) Recommended Google Campaign Ad Structure Lithan Courses AdGroup 1: Digital Marketing AdGroup 2: SGUnited Programmes Ad 1 Ad 1 Ad 2 Ad 2
  • 26. Task 3 – Study Search Ads Campaign 1. After deciding on the Ad1 and Ad 2 groups, go to to set up a New Campaign Goal/Objective 2. Create a campaign without a goal’s guidance. 3. For campaign type, select Search and Select Website visits 4. Enter a campaign name. In Networks, DESELECT Google search partners and DESELECT Display Network. Expand “Show more” settings and put in an end date for your campaign. Setting Up Google Ad
  • 27. Task 3 – Study Search Ads Campaign 5. Set the location to Singapore and include Budget 6. Create AdGroups and paste your KWs from the list that you’ve already prepared. Your KWs should be a good mix of normal/broad/short/generic KWs and longtail KWs. 7. Enter Google Campaign URL (UTM Link) into the Final URL area for tracking and specify the correct source and medium. Setting Up Google Ad
  • 28. Task 4 – Study Social Media Marketing Activities Social Media Platform 2: Instagram URL: Screenshot of Instagram Page List of Recent 6-8 Posts Post 1 Post 2 Post 3 Post 4 Post 5 Post 6
  • 29. Task 4 – Study Social Media Marketing Activities Social Media Platform 2: Instagram URL: Findings Post Date of Posting Target Audience Type of Content Engagement Suggestions URL Post 1 25 Apr 2021 Job Seekers, Finance Students/ Workers Text, Image 6 Likes Too wordy, too much text. Says to register interest but does not say where. Include a link in bio as links are not allowed in Instagram texts. mNg8F5e-/?utm_source=ig_web_co py_link Post 2 19 Apr 2021 Job Seekers, People Looking For Career Change Text, Image 8 Likes Too wordy as well. Include an infographic to get through all that information in a clean, simple to understand manner. a2HALO_/?utm_source=ig_web_cop y_link Post 3 7 Oct 2020 Job Seekers, People Looking For Career Change Text, Image 17 Likes Include “link in bio” in the text and actually include the link in bio such that people who see it can understand what is the Call To Action. caa6hjJ-/?utm_source=ig_web_copy _link Post 4 30 Sept 2020 People Interested in SkillsFuture, Job Seekers Text, Image 13 Likes What is SFA MOU, CDC, SSG, e2i? Not many people know, do not use abbreviations willy-nilly and confuse people needlessly. Write down what those abbreviations mean at least, the full word and put the abbreviation in brackets. LmplAGy/?utm_source=ig_web_cop y_link Post 5 25 July 2020 Job Seekers, People Looking For Career Change Text, Image 6 Likes The “click here” portion cannot be clicked, doesn’t make sense. Change it to “copy this link into your browser for more information”. CkYFgv4x/?utm_source=ig_web_co py_link Post 6 18 June 2020 Fresh Grads, Job Seeking Grads Text, Image 9 Likes Boost post such that it reaches out to more people and will get more applications, hence higher quantity & quality of person who will get hired. sJ6jfuw/?utm_source=ig_web_copy _link
  • 30. Task 4 – Study Social Media Marketing Activities Social Media Platform 2: Instagram URL: Observations ● 1,126 Followers ● 118 Posts ● Post quite rarely on Instagram, hence that reflects the low follower count on their Instagram ● Lithan does not utilise link in bio for their page. Instagram cannot post links in the text, hence link in bio is the best option for landing pages & links ● Posts are not engaging, feel very corporate instead of interactive with the average user Recommendation ● More frequent posts scheduled. Scheduling of posts are very staggered. For example, there are only 2 posts for this whole year (both in April) and average of 1 post every 1-2 months last year. Not only will this cause Instagram algorithms to not favour Lithan’s post on the feed of someone following Lithan’s page, this will deter people from following the Instagram page as there is very little information & updates available. This is especially important as a lot of people look for their information through Instagram these days. No updates=no engagements. ● Incorporate Link In Bio. Incorporate a tool such as Linktree,, or Smarturl in the bio of Lithan’s page. There are a few posts where it says “click here” yet it does not show anything to click, or where there is supposed to be Call To Action, yet there is none for the user to follow through. Hence, like most companies, Lithan should employ a link in bio option when they want users to find out more information or want to direct them to a landing page. This is a must. ● If there is a need for a call to action, such as “register interest”, make sure there is an appropriate follow up. Do not say that and then leave the user to find out where to register interest on their own, most users will not do that. This goes back to putting the link in bio such that users know what to do next. If there is no “map” drawn for the user to go from one action to the next, chances are there is a low chance they will want to create any sort of action. ● Do not schedule posts on weekends, unless if appropriate or necessary. An example could be when there is a trending topic on a Saturday, and they have an idea of a post that would market Lithan and touch on the topic, in that case it is best to come up with the post & post it as soon as possible during that weekend such that there is more engagement and is more relevant. ● Utilise Instagram Story. Lithan does not use this feature at all. Users love sharing interesting things in Instagram Story and Lithan is more likely to show up randomly in people’s Instagram Stories when they scroll through their friend’s IG Stories as well, hence this is a very useful tool that needs to be utilised.
  • 31. Task 4 – Study Social Media Marketing Activities Recommended Social Media Schedule Day Date Platform Caption / Message Type of Content (Image, Video, Article etc) Monday 3 May 2021 Instagram Catching Up With Lithan Alumni (Part 1)/ Interview with an alumnus to find out about how it was to struggle during Covid-19, their current job and how Lithan helped them get there. Light hearted, shareable video Video, Text Monday 3 May 2021 Facebook Catching Up With Lithan Alumni (Part 1)/ Interview with an alumnus to find out about how it was to struggle during Covid-19, their current job and how Lithan helped them get there. Light hearted, shareable video Video, Text Wednesday 5 May 2021 YouTube Intro to Digital Marketing Video Friday 7 May 2021 Facebook 3 Tools To Get More Instagram Engagement Text, Image, Link to Article Friday 7 May 2021 LinkedIn Covid-proof Jobs That You Need To Know About Text, Image, Link to Article Monday 10 May 2021 Instagram How To Not Get Cancelled: 7 Things Not To Post On Social Media / A bit of a satirical post, meant to be more engaging and shareable on IG Story Image, Text Thursday 13 May 2021 Facebook Catching Up With Lithan Alumni (Part 2) Video, Text Thursday 13 May 2021 Instagram Catching Up With Lithan Alumni (Part 2) Video, Text Friday 18 May 2021 YouTube Catching Up With Lithan Alumni/ Parts 1 + 2 combined to be posted on the YouTube page, along with additional content, after which the YouTube video can be posted on socials as well Video Monday 21 May 2021 YouTube 6 Types of Students During Online Learning (feat. JianHao Tan) Video
  • 32. Task 4 – Study Social Media Marketing Activities Reasoning for Recommended Social Media Schedule Facebook and Instagram are 2 of the most popular social media platforms in the world (not including YouTube which is number 2 but more of a video watching platform, and WhatsApp & Messenger at number 3 & 4 which are messaging platforms), and these are the most used platforms for users to interact with friends & family online as well as the most used for checking on updates/new posts from pages they like & is the most shareable on the same platform. This is especially true for Lithan, where they have the most followers on Facebook & Instagram is where it is easiest to share a post on IG Story as well as have the most reach to job seekers and potential people that will enrol in Lithan’s courses, not to mention they are the best platforms for paid ads to reach Lithan’s target demographic. Lithan also posts very rarely on Instagram and does not provide proper Call To Actions there, so that needs to change, and have been reflected as so in the social media schedule. Lithan also posts rarely on YouTube, and even when they do, it is mostly webinars or videos which are not very searchable nor is it that shareable. Hence, Lithan needs to incorporate YouTube more into their posting schedule and come up with content that are not too dull and which people would actually search for or which would keep the viewer engaged as there are thousands of videos posted on YouTube each day. Hence, as proposed in the social media schedule, it needs to be content which doesn’t get drowned out by the rest, and also each video needs to know what their geographical target demographic is as well (e.g. with the JianHao Tan collab, target Singaporean viewers such that it has potential to appear on Singapore’s trending page, while also increasing exposure of Lithan for Singaporean potential students/job seekers). As for LinkedIn, there is only one post in the current proposed schedule because Lithan post regularly on LinkedIn whenever there is a business/networking update, but only targets potential business partners there, hence there needs to be a mix between that as well as targeting the many users on LinkedIn who use it to look for jobs or further learning, which still would be on-brand with their other current posts. As this is Lithan’s 2nd most followed platform, along with the regular posts and this new target demographic posts, Lithan’s LinkedIn would be rich with content.
  • 33. Task 4 – Study Social Media Marketing Activities Mock-ups of Proposed Posts Post 1 Post 2 Facebook Catching Up With Lithan Alumni (Part 1)/ Interview with an alumnus to find out about how it was to struggle during Covid-19, their current job and how Lithan helped them get there. Light hearted, shareable video Video, Text Instagram How To Not Get Cancelled: 7 Things Not To Post On Social Media/ A bit of a satirical post, meant to be more engaging and shareable on IG Story Image, Text
  • 34. Task 5 – Study Content Marketing Activities Blog URL & Screenshot of Blog: URL:
  • 35. Task 5 – Study Content Marketing Activities Finding: Post Type Observation: All the posts published are articles that offer little or no value to their readers. One component that is severely lacking in the post is the addressing of problems and pain points that are faced by Lithan’s target audience. It would be most beneficial for Lithan to address these said problems in their blog posts to further boost awareness, increase engagement and generate conversions. Recommendations: We would strongly recommend that Lithan publish more high-quality content that addresses the various pain points of their different customer segments & buyer personas, content to explain the different options and solutions to these said pain points, as well as content that would ultimately influence the various customer segments and buyer personas into conversion.
  • 36. Task 5 – Study Content Marketing Activities List of Suggested KWs For those who are seeking a career change or a career upskill, we suggest the following keywords to be used: Career in IT IT Careers Singapore IT Jobs Singapore IT Courses Singapore Professional Diploma Professional Diploma IT SG United Courses SGUS Programme SG United Diploma Digital Sales Course Digital Sales Diploma Digital Sales Specialist Course Digital Marketing Course Digital Marketing Diploma Digital Marketing School Digital Operations Singapore Digital Operations Course Digital Operations Skills SAP ERP Singapore SAP ERP Course SAP ERP Consultant Singapore AI Developer AI Developer Course AI Developer Diploma IT Support Jobs Singapore Infocomm Technology Course Infocomm Technology Diploma Systems Administrator Jobs Systems Administrator Course Systems Administrator Diploma Cyber Security Jobs Singapore Cyber Security Course Cyber Security Diploma For business owners or companies that are seeking digitalization of their workplace, we would suggest the following keywords to be used: Digital Leadership Singapore Digital Leadership Course Digital Leadership Training Digital Workplace Singapore Digital Workplace Course Digital Workplace Training Digital Business Singapore Digital Business Implementation Digital Business Course Digital Business Training Innovation Management Singapore Innovation Management Training Innovation Management Course Data Science Singapore Data Science Training Data Science Course Singapore Digital Sales Transformation Digital Sales Transformation Course Singapore Omni Marketing Transformation Omni Marketing Course Singapore
  • 37. Task 5 – Study Content Marketing Activities Recommended Content Plan Editorial Calendar Post Date 1 June 2021 1 June 2021 11 June 2021 11 June 2021 21 June 2021 21 June 2021 Writer/Editor Rahman Rahman Rahman Rahman Rahman Rahman Initial Publishing Platform Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Content Type Article with Infographics Article with Infographics Article with Videos Article with Videos Article with Images Article with Images Category Digital business skills Skill upgrading Digital business skills Skill upgrading Digital business skills Skill upgrading Title STUCK: The Problems Business Owners Face But Don’t Talk About WHAT NOW?: The Dilemma of The Mid-level Career Person 5 Skills Every Business Owner Should Acquire 10 Skills You Should Pick Up To Stay Ahead of The Game NOW YOU SEE ME: Why Digital Marketing Is THE Essential Skill for Every Business Owner SETBACKS & COMEBACKS: 5 Diploma Programmes To Kickstart Your Career In The Digital World! Keywords ● Digital business ● Digital business skills ● Business owner skills ● Skill upgrading ● Career upskill ● Career problems ● Career dilemma ● Digital business ● Digital business skills ● Business owner skills ● Skill upgrading ● Career upskill ● Career problems ● Career dilemma ● Digital business ● Digital business skills ● Business owner skills ● Digital marketing ● Digital marketing course ● Digital marketing skills ● Skill upgrading ● Career upskill ● Career upstart ● Career upgrade ● Career solutions ● Digital career ● Career in IT ● Diploma courses Consumer Lifecycle Stage Awareness Awareness Consideration Consideration Decision Decision Content Goal Consumption Consumption Engagement Engagement Conversion Conversion KPI 600 page views 950 page views 40 shares 75 shares 35 conversions 60 conversions CTA Subscribe to our newsletter now to be notified on all new posts. Subscribe to our newsletter now to be notified on all new posts. Share this post to your friends and loved ones! Share this post to your friends and loved ones! Enrol for our Diploma in Digital Marketing programme now! Enrol now and get your free career consultation now!
  • 38. Task 6 – Study Email Marketing Activities Email Subscription Form URL & Screenshot: URL:
  • 39. Task 6 – Study Email Marketing Activities Finding: Drip Campaign Observation: Upon subscribing to the mailing list, I had waited for over a week for an email from Lithan Academy confirming my successful sign-up to their email newsletter. However, I still have yet to receive such an email. It is clear to me that an email drip campaign has not been configured and has not been put in place. This (or even the simple lack of a confirmation email) would not only confuse subscribers, but it would also make it easier for them to forget about Lithan in their search for an academic institution and course. It would also reflect badly on the professional outlook of Lithan academy. Recommendation: I would strongly recommend the implementation of an email drip campaign for every successful subscription or sign up to the e-newsletter or mailing list, starting with a confirmation email which should be sent out within 2 minutes of every successful sign-up. The email should not only thank subscribers and welcome them to the Lithan Academy email newsletter, but it should also contain important contact information such as contact number and email address should the subscriber have any inquiries on Lithan Academy and the programs that are offered.
  • 40. Task 6 – Study Email Marketing Activities Finding: Header Title Observation: It came to my attention while subscribing to the mailing list that I was subscribing to “test mail campaign name”. This would be confusing and would not relate at all to a viewer whose intention is to subscribe to Lithan’s mailing list for all the latest marketing news, events, and promotions. This confusion would lead them to not go through with the subscription as they would think that the page is merely a test page. Recommendation: I would not only strongly recommend, but deem it compulsory that the page be enhanced with a better header title & be changed as soon as possible to project a clearer objective and purpose of the subscription form to viewers and potential subscribers. Examples of this would be “Subscribe to Lithan Academy’s E-Newsletter” or “Subscribe Now for Latest Updates, Events & Promotions!”.
  • 41. Task 6 – Study Email Marketing Activities Recommended Email Plan for Mailing List Subscribers Buyer Stage Schedule (When to send?) Subject Line CTA 1 Awareness Every Monday 9am The Digital Revolution: What Is It and How Can Your Business Benefit From It? Read more about it on our blog! 2 Consideration Every Wednesday 9am Email Marketing Trends in 2021 Read more about it on our blog! 3 Decision Every Friday 9am Kickstart Your Career in Digital Marketing With Us! Enrol for our Diploma in Digital Marketing programme now!
  • 42. Task 6 – Study Email Marketing Activities Email Mockup
  • 43. Task 7 – Study SEO Activities ON-PAGE SEO Finding: Meta Description Observation I have observed that pages in the Lithan Academy website do not contain a meta description, as shown in the screenshots below: It is important that the meta description is put in as it is used to summarize a web page's content. They also appear in search engine results to inform viewers about the content of a web page before they click on it. Recommendation I would strongly recommend putting in the meta description of every page on the website to allow better SEO optimization and for the page to have a better SERP ranking. olicy-and-development-apd-mulls-incubating-glocal- global-yet-local-digital-talents-with-educlaas versity-philippines-inks-moa-with-lithan-academy-fo r-digital-programs-collaboration -pacific-s-digital-potential
  • 44. Task 7 – Study SEO Activities TECHNICAL SEO Finding: Mobile-Friendly Test Observation Based on my research on Google Mobile-Friendly Test, it is observed that the mobile version of the website is mobile-friendly for users and viewers, as shown in the screenshot below: However, it is also noted that an error message returned, citing page loading issues as not all page resources could be loaded, as seen in the screenshot below: As seen in the error message above, this affects how Google would see and understand the page, hence affecting the organic search ranking of the page. Recommendation I recommend that mobile-friendly tests are carried out regularly using tools such as Google Mobile-Friendly Test. I also recommend mobile optimization such as font size, image size, as well as the quality & resolution of visual assets used.
  • 45. Task 7 – Study SEO Activities OFF-PAGE SEO Finding: Website Backlink Observation In my research, I found that Lithan’s website received backlinks from several other websites, such as the following: I observed that the majority of these backlinks come from educational websites as well as websites whose content cater to those who are in IT or are interested in IT. Recommendations I recommend that Lithan build relationships and earn backlinks (either paid or earned) with alternative media outlets such as SGAG, Mothership.SG and The Smart Local to appeal to new customer segments. demy urses/#14-lithan
  • 46. Task 7 – Study SEO Activities SEO Plan Recommended Webpage On-page SEO 1.1 Target Keyword: Digitalized Workforce 1.2 Page Title 1.3 Page URL 1.4 Meta Description 1.5 Image Alt Tag