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AUGUST 7, 2013
This report is submitted for partial fulfillment of requirement of the BBA program as mentioned in
syllabus of the subject Critical thinking included in 6th
semester of BBA program
Roll no: 31
Section B
I am very much grateful to various people for the preparation of result.
Mainly special thanks to Dr. Vikash Kumar Kc sir for providing the opportunity to
conduct the research paper. I also appreciate his guidelines during the period of
report preparation and trusting me to complete the research paper. Similarly, I
also appreciate the help of my friend Kshitiz Baral for giving me suggestion time
by time to make research paper more appropriate. All the support was very
helpful which made me capable to continue my hard work.
I am glad that I am able to finish this research paper and hope that this report will
be helpful to readers and for also my colleagues for future reference.
The topic of gender differences in leadership style has been of great
interest to researchers in the fields of psychology, management, and sociology,
especially in recent years, as women have begun to assume more leadership
positions. This research paper presents an overview of the research on gender
differences in leadership, looks at the organizational effects of various types of
leadership, and argues for the acceptance of a diversity of non gender linked
leadership styles.
BACKGROUND……………..................................................................... 4
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM……………………………………………………………. 5
OBJECTIVE ………………………..…………………………………………………………. 5-6
LIMITATION………………………………………………………………………………….. 6-7
ORGANIZATION……………………………………………………………………………. 7-8
STUDY AREA..................................................................................... 8-10
SUMMARY…………………………………………………………………………………… 10
MAJOR FINDINGS………………………………………………………………………… 10-11
CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………………………. 11-12
RECOMMENDATION……………………………………………………………………. 12
REFERENCES………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Leadership is the act of influencing and directing people to achieve a common goal.
Leadership has been characterized as activity aimed at bringing about change in an organization
or social system to improve people’s lives. Such responsibility suggests that leaders are charged
with an enormous burden to effect organizational and social change.
The accommodation of different leadership styles is an increasingly important issue for
today’s organizations. As women become a proportionately larger part of the work force, one
of the greatest challenges for American organizations will be to assimilate a more diverse labor
force into higher level management roles (Morrison & Von Glinow, 1990).
Over the centuries, femininity has been stereotyped as dependent, submissive and
conforming, and hence women have been seen as lacking in leadership qualities. The male bias
is reflected in the false conception of leadership as mere command or control. As leadership
comes properly to be seen as a process of leaders engaging and mobilizing the human needs of
followers, women will be more readily recognized as leaders and men will change their own
leadership styles (Burns, 1978, p. 50).
Interest in gender and leadership started in the United States in the early 1970s, when
women slowly began to seek and gain entry into management. . Increased foreign competition
made U.S. companies aware of the failings of the traditional, military, authoritarian leadership
style, and thus the utilization of female talent was seen as a possible source of competitive
Over the period of time, it has been noticed that there were majority of male leaders in
top level management. The dominance of male leaders was quite natural. However the
scenario is changing as females are also counted as good leaders compare to male.
In the global context, especially in European countries, there is been active involvement
of women in enterprising field. They are working shoulder to shoulder with males and doing a
great job. For e.g. Margaret Thatcher became the Prime Minister of England. It showed that
female has also leading capacity. Related examples are currently Australian Prime Minster is
also a female, CEO of Wal-Mart organization is also a female, etc.
However in context of Nepal, there is still lot to do regarding women involvement in
business fields. The main problem for women is they lack opportunities to show their ability.
The opportunities available are limited and they are grasped by male. Due to this females are
not experiencing the power, Situation, support to be a good leader.
From the ancient age gender discrimination existed. Throughout the various ages,
developmental changes occurred but the issue of male and female remained same as previous
(especially in Asian countries). This study is important to reveal the position of male and female
in any organization regarding their leadership capability.
Leader is important whether it is male or female. Leader has significance role in making
others’ performance effective. So leader should not be differentiated by gender.
The given problem is important because:
• Both male and female have potential to be a good leader.
• Leadership depends on personality and abilities of leader.
• The coordination of both male and female abilities makes an organization
• The success of an organization depends on good leadership style whether shown
by male or female.
The situation regarding the given problem in Nepalese context is very much worse. However
the increase participation of women towards political sector has made some changing
The issue of male and female is common and it is going on from a long time ago. This
differentiation issue has been seen in every field of work.
The main objective of this research is to find out the difference in leadership style
between male and female.
However the other objectives are:
• To find similarity in leadership style between male and female.
• To provide insight about the abilities of male and female to be a good leader.
• To encourage females to compete against males to become a good leader.
• To provide awareness about importance of male and female leaders in an organization.
This report is part of our course study of Critical Thinking. By preparing this report we
are able to meet the criteria of the course. The main aim of this report is to fulfill the course of
critical thinking and its beneficiary is me myself as I am able to enlarge my knowledge about
the issue of male and female about their leadership style.
Similarly, this study can play significant role for the future reference related to same
research. This study is also significant to make aware about the importance of both male and
female leaders in any organization. So this study can also benefit organization to better
understand their human resources (male and female) and create coordination among them to
make effective performance.
The effectiveness of any report depends on how the related data are collected within
the given time. The problem during report writing occurs when data are not precise to the
given topic and the field of study is broad.
During my course of study I encountered number of problems. The study of my report
consist wide range of area and the relevant data were very hard to find. Even though data are
collected then they didn’t seem to be accurate and reliable to make any clear insight about the
issue of male and female leadership style. Similarly, in context of Nepal, there is no any data or
evidence to show what kind of difference lies in leadership style between male and female
which made very difficult to provide any knowledge related to the topic.
The other limitation during report writing was lack of sufficient time allocation. Since my
topic is broad so I have to search through internet to collect relevant data which was time
consuming. Yet the collected data weren’t appropriate to meet the criteria of report.
Furthermore, in real life leaders whatever male or female didn’t use any selective leadership
style. They were not following any particular leader behavior which created difficulty to mark
them as what type of leader.
This section provides the brief information about all the other sections of each chapter.
It is related with the proper management and presentation of this report.
In the chapter I, background, statement of problem, objectives, rationale, limitations
and itself organization sections are included.
Background section provides information about the concept of leadership and why
there is existence of gender differentiation in leadership style
Statement of problem section is all about the importance of the problem that is
difference in leadership style between male and female.
Objective section is needed to know the reason behind the study of this problem.
Rationale section shows the beneficiary party from this report.
Limitation section provides the knowledge about the problems and weaknesses of the
In the chapter II, research methodology, and study area sections are included.
Study area section defines the boundary of the topic.
Research methodology section includes research design, survey design, and data
collection technique and analysis sub sections.
In the chapter III, summary, major findings, conclusion and recommendation sections
are included.
Summary section gives the brief knowledge about the report.
Major findings section provides the knowledge of any new issues.
Conclusion section includes the knowledge that the researcher gained through the
preparation of research paper.
Recommendation section includes the suggestion given by researcher to effectively
solve the given problem or what should be done to handle the problem.
Chapter II
The topic covers wide range of area for the study. No any specific area can be selected
to conduct the study related with the topic. So the area to be covered is unlimited and it needs
to be categorized into limited area such as men and female leaders in politics, social activities,
business sector and so on. This categorization makes study area more precise and suitable to
identify the relevant problem and to obtain desired solution.
The method section of a research paper provides the information by which a study’s
validity is judged. Therefore, it requires a clear and precise description of how survey was done,
and the rationale for why specific survey procedures were chosen. The method section should
describe what was done to answer the research question, describe how it was done, justify the
survey design, and explain how the results were analyzed.
1. Research Design
The study of male and female leadership style can’t be done through single
organization. The study is based on the generalization concept and the area is wide.
Sources of data collection came from different previous studies. The data were
qualitative in nature. So data collection method entirely was secondary method.
The question lies about what to do, how to do and when to do during the report
preparation. First of all the boundary should be set to conduct the research such as
study in the field of politics, business and social. Secondly, the data for the research
cannot be collected in quantitative form so qualitative data should be taken into
consideration. Similarly, it will be better to measure the leadership style in qualitative
basis. Finally, the collected data should be analyzed properly for completion of study.
2. Survey Design
The exact information can’t be obtained through field survey. Due to the broad
nature of topic, I adopted online survey technique to collect needed information. This
survey was very helpful as a huge amount of data can be collected.
During online survey I created three aspects to know about male and female
leaders. Those aspects were political field, business field, and social field. The given
fields were analyzed to make a basis for differentiating leaders as democratic, autocratic
and laissez faire.
3. Data Collection Technique
As mentioned above I have used online survey technique to collect data. So this
defines that my data collection technique as secondary data collection method. Data
were entirely based on second hand information through use of previous reports,
journals, magazines, etc.
The research was conducted to make clear about the leadership style between
male and female. Before conducting the study there were many questions related to the
topic. So the use of secondary data collection method was attempted to answer
following questions:
• Does gender affect the leadership style?
• Does leadership style vary according to gender?
• Who is good leader between male and female?
• What are the criteria to be a good leader?
• Which is the effective leadership style?
4. Analysis
The nature of topic demands data in qualitative form so the entire research
paper is based on qualitative data. Such type of data measures the performance of
leader as good or bad, effective or ineffective, influential or uninfluential and so on. This
section studies the excellence of the research design, survey design and data collection
technique. The area to be covered was stated in research design whereas the source
from where data were collected was mentioned on survey design and data collection
Similar leadership style isn’t possible as many factors affect it such as nature of
work, situation, ability of followers and others. The collected data also states it. The data
reveals that similarity and dissimilarity both can be seen in the leadership style of male
and female.
Looking at the history, numbers of leaders (male or female) were in existence.
Some were successful while others were not. The reason behind that was their
adaptation of leadership style. For e.g. Hitler was an autocratic leader and he led his
troops effectively, for him that kind of leadership style was best due to circumstances.
Similarly, Leona Helmsley of the Helmsley Hotel Chain, Martha Stewart (business field)
was also known for adopting the autocratic leadership style.
In the present context also there seems to be no significant difference as
previous. Various leadership styles are adopted by both male and female. Considering
social and politics field both tend to adopt democratic leadership style while in
business field autocratic and democratic is adopted by male and female respectively.
In every field of work, the difference is common regarding the male and female
situation. This report highlights the different approaches of male and female as a leader. In the
early centuries, various studies were done about gender differences in leadership style. They all
began with male as being the most successful leader and running the organization in better
way. The change in different aspects such as economic, political and social, the emergence of
female was understood in organization to lead in different way.
The study begins with knowing the concept of leader and the scenario of male and
female leadership in both global and Nepalese context. The basis for differentiation in
leadership style between male and female wasn’t clear cut as it was the limitation of the study.
To overcome that limitation data were collected in secondary form through use of journals,
previous reports, and online magazines and alike. Those data were analyzed in the field of
politics, business and social. However, much difference wasn’t seen. In overall the research was
prepared considering the qualitative data.
There is always some kind of findings when the report is prepared. Previously, there is
always been male as a successful leader and performing the leading activities. Furthermore
females were working under the shadows of males and being follower for a long time. The
major finding in report can be pointed as females raised as leaders and performing different
types of leadership style than men.
Despite the societal mandates used to increase the number of women in leadership
positions (e.g., various legal measures such as affirmative action), the traditional stereotypes
remain. A female leader is frequently regarded as an aberration and “women who become
leaders are often offered the presumed accolade of being described as being like men” (Hearn
& Parkin, 1986-87, p. 38). For instance, Margaret Thatcher was often described as the “best
man” in Great Britain.
"Men and women tend to excel in different aspects of leadership," said Elva Ainsworth,
managing director of Talent Innovations. "The 'male leadership style' is strategic and visionary,
while the 'female leadership style' is more social. On one hand, this study highlights the general
areas in which men and women need leadership development. However, on the other, it
suggests that the natural styles of men and women are complementary. By creating a balance
of both types of leadership, through Board-level diversity, organizations can bring about peak
Similarly, the findings also addresses the questions aroused during the report
preparation. My study area was limited to business, political and social field.
• In all field of study it was seen that gender played vital role in leadership style. Male
were tend to be more task oriented and egocentric in nature while female were more
concerned with both maintenance of interpersonal relationships and task
• The major difference can be seen in business field rather than social and politics field. In
business field males tend to adopt autocratic style as they want to be successful
businessmen whereas females were likely to be democratic in nature to get help from
colleagues whenever needed. Such types of styles are beneficial in their own way.
• It is hard to say who the good leader is. Only the outcome doesn’t differentiate the good
leader from bad leader. Various factors such as situation, nature of job, and other
related factors should be considered. However, the one who can face and tackle the
difficult situation and can bring confidence in their followers is considered to be a good
• Leader carries the responsibility of his/her followers. It’s not easy task to be good
leader. There are not exact criterions to be a good leader. However, some needed
criterions good confidence, interpersonal skill, academic qualification, dynamic
personality, etc.
• No any particular leadership style is perfect.
Likewise, the main finding can also be said that both similarity and dissimilarity can be
found on the leadership style of male and female.
There is always some kind of difference when considered the work of male and female.
The difference lies due to their own way of working style and making different kinds of
judgment. The nature itself has given different kind of feeling and behavior to both male and
female. Furthermore, the society has also played a great role on making differentiation
between male and female. There is not an exact difference between male and female regarding
the leadership style. It is paradox in nature. Furthermore, it can be concluded that gender
doesn’t play any role in leadership because each and everyone has got ability and if they
enhance their capacity then they would succeed whatever they want.
From the management perspective, leader carries various followers to achieve some pre
assigned goal. So the leader (male or female) should adopt appropriate leadership style to
make any group task successful and effective. In this competitive business environment, every
organization should utilize its human resources. Male and female both are valuable assets for
an organization. Their capabilities should be used interchangeably whatever their leadership
styles are. Each of them excel in their own style so both should be given consideration in an

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Difference between male and female leadership style

  • 1. 1 A RESEARCH REPORT ON DIFFERENCE IN LEADERSHIP STYLE BETWEEN MALE AND FEMALE (A STUDY OF BBA PROGRAM OF JMC, SIMALCHAUR, POKHARA-8) TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY JANAPRIYA MULTIPLE CAMPUS SIMALCHAUR, POKHARA-8 AUGUST 7, 2013 This report is submitted for partial fulfillment of requirement of the BBA program as mentioned in syllabus of the subject Critical thinking included in 6th semester of BBA program RESEARCHER: ARJUN MAHAT Roll no: 31 6th semester Section B SUBMITTED TO: PROF. DR. BIKASH KUMAR KC CT INSTRUCTOR BBA, JMC
  • 2. 2 ACKNOWLEGEMENT I am very much grateful to various people for the preparation of result. Mainly special thanks to Dr. Vikash Kumar Kc sir for providing the opportunity to conduct the research paper. I also appreciate his guidelines during the period of report preparation and trusting me to complete the research paper. Similarly, I also appreciate the help of my friend Kshitiz Baral for giving me suggestion time by time to make research paper more appropriate. All the support was very helpful which made me capable to continue my hard work. I am glad that I am able to finish this research paper and hope that this report will be helpful to readers and for also my colleagues for future reference. ABSTRACT The topic of gender differences in leadership style has been of great interest to researchers in the fields of psychology, management, and sociology, especially in recent years, as women have begun to assume more leadership positions. This research paper presents an overview of the research on gender differences in leadership, looks at the organizational effects of various types of leadership, and argues for the acceptance of a diversity of non gender linked leadership styles.
  • 3. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS BACKGROUND……………..................................................................... 4 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM……………………………………………………………. 5 OBJECTIVE ………………………..…………………………………………………………. 5-6 LIMITATION………………………………………………………………………………….. 6-7 ORGANIZATION……………………………………………………………………………. 7-8 STUDY AREA..................................................................................... 8-10 SUMMARY…………………………………………………………………………………… 10 MAJOR FINDINGS………………………………………………………………………… 10-11 CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………………………. 11-12 RECOMMENDATION……………………………………………………………………. 12 REFERENCES………………………………………………………………………………… 12
  • 4. 4 BACKGROUND Leadership is the act of influencing and directing people to achieve a common goal. Leadership has been characterized as activity aimed at bringing about change in an organization or social system to improve people’s lives. Such responsibility suggests that leaders are charged with an enormous burden to effect organizational and social change. The accommodation of different leadership styles is an increasingly important issue for today’s organizations. As women become a proportionately larger part of the work force, one of the greatest challenges for American organizations will be to assimilate a more diverse labor force into higher level management roles (Morrison & Von Glinow, 1990). Over the centuries, femininity has been stereotyped as dependent, submissive and conforming, and hence women have been seen as lacking in leadership qualities. The male bias is reflected in the false conception of leadership as mere command or control. As leadership comes properly to be seen as a process of leaders engaging and mobilizing the human needs of followers, women will be more readily recognized as leaders and men will change their own leadership styles (Burns, 1978, p. 50). Interest in gender and leadership started in the United States in the early 1970s, when women slowly began to seek and gain entry into management. . Increased foreign competition made U.S. companies aware of the failings of the traditional, military, authoritarian leadership style, and thus the utilization of female talent was seen as a possible source of competitive advantage. Over the period of time, it has been noticed that there were majority of male leaders in top level management. The dominance of male leaders was quite natural. However the scenario is changing as females are also counted as good leaders compare to male. In the global context, especially in European countries, there is been active involvement of women in enterprising field. They are working shoulder to shoulder with males and doing a great job. For e.g. Margaret Thatcher became the Prime Minister of England. It showed that female has also leading capacity. Related examples are currently Australian Prime Minster is also a female, CEO of Wal-Mart organization is also a female, etc. However in context of Nepal, there is still lot to do regarding women involvement in business fields. The main problem for women is they lack opportunities to show their ability. The opportunities available are limited and they are grasped by male. Due to this females are not experiencing the power, Situation, support to be a good leader.
  • 5. 5 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM From the ancient age gender discrimination existed. Throughout the various ages, developmental changes occurred but the issue of male and female remained same as previous (especially in Asian countries). This study is important to reveal the position of male and female in any organization regarding their leadership capability. Leader is important whether it is male or female. Leader has significance role in making others’ performance effective. So leader should not be differentiated by gender. The given problem is important because: • Both male and female have potential to be a good leader. • Leadership depends on personality and abilities of leader. • The coordination of both male and female abilities makes an organization successful. • The success of an organization depends on good leadership style whether shown by male or female. The situation regarding the given problem in Nepalese context is very much worse. However the increase participation of women towards political sector has made some changing environment. OBJECTIVES The issue of male and female is common and it is going on from a long time ago. This differentiation issue has been seen in every field of work. The main objective of this research is to find out the difference in leadership style between male and female.
  • 6. 6 However the other objectives are: • To find similarity in leadership style between male and female. • To provide insight about the abilities of male and female to be a good leader. • To encourage females to compete against males to become a good leader. • To provide awareness about importance of male and female leaders in an organization. RATIONALE This report is part of our course study of Critical Thinking. By preparing this report we are able to meet the criteria of the course. The main aim of this report is to fulfill the course of critical thinking and its beneficiary is me myself as I am able to enlarge my knowledge about the issue of male and female about their leadership style. Similarly, this study can play significant role for the future reference related to same research. This study is also significant to make aware about the importance of both male and female leaders in any organization. So this study can also benefit organization to better understand their human resources (male and female) and create coordination among them to make effective performance. LIMITATIONS The effectiveness of any report depends on how the related data are collected within the given time. The problem during report writing occurs when data are not precise to the given topic and the field of study is broad. During my course of study I encountered number of problems. The study of my report consist wide range of area and the relevant data were very hard to find. Even though data are
  • 7. 7 collected then they didn’t seem to be accurate and reliable to make any clear insight about the issue of male and female leadership style. Similarly, in context of Nepal, there is no any data or evidence to show what kind of difference lies in leadership style between male and female which made very difficult to provide any knowledge related to the topic. The other limitation during report writing was lack of sufficient time allocation. Since my topic is broad so I have to search through internet to collect relevant data which was time consuming. Yet the collected data weren’t appropriate to meet the criteria of report. Furthermore, in real life leaders whatever male or female didn’t use any selective leadership style. They were not following any particular leader behavior which created difficulty to mark them as what type of leader. ORGANIZATION This section provides the brief information about all the other sections of each chapter. It is related with the proper management and presentation of this report. In the chapter I, background, statement of problem, objectives, rationale, limitations and itself organization sections are included. Background section provides information about the concept of leadership and why there is existence of gender differentiation in leadership style Statement of problem section is all about the importance of the problem that is difference in leadership style between male and female. Objective section is needed to know the reason behind the study of this problem. Rationale section shows the beneficiary party from this report. Limitation section provides the knowledge about the problems and weaknesses of the study. In the chapter II, research methodology, and study area sections are included. Study area section defines the boundary of the topic. Research methodology section includes research design, survey design, and data collection technique and analysis sub sections. In the chapter III, summary, major findings, conclusion and recommendation sections are included.
  • 8. 8 Summary section gives the brief knowledge about the report. Major findings section provides the knowledge of any new issues. Conclusion section includes the knowledge that the researcher gained through the preparation of research paper. Recommendation section includes the suggestion given by researcher to effectively solve the given problem or what should be done to handle the problem. Chapter II STUDY AREA The topic covers wide range of area for the study. No any specific area can be selected to conduct the study related with the topic. So the area to be covered is unlimited and it needs to be categorized into limited area such as men and female leaders in politics, social activities, business sector and so on. This categorization makes study area more precise and suitable to identify the relevant problem and to obtain desired solution. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The method section of a research paper provides the information by which a study’s validity is judged. Therefore, it requires a clear and precise description of how survey was done, and the rationale for why specific survey procedures were chosen. The method section should describe what was done to answer the research question, describe how it was done, justify the survey design, and explain how the results were analyzed. 1. Research Design The study of male and female leadership style can’t be done through single organization. The study is based on the generalization concept and the area is wide. Sources of data collection came from different previous studies. The data were qualitative in nature. So data collection method entirely was secondary method. The question lies about what to do, how to do and when to do during the report preparation. First of all the boundary should be set to conduct the research such as study in the field of politics, business and social. Secondly, the data for the research cannot be collected in quantitative form so qualitative data should be taken into
  • 9. 9 consideration. Similarly, it will be better to measure the leadership style in qualitative basis. Finally, the collected data should be analyzed properly for completion of study. 2. Survey Design The exact information can’t be obtained through field survey. Due to the broad nature of topic, I adopted online survey technique to collect needed information. This survey was very helpful as a huge amount of data can be collected. During online survey I created three aspects to know about male and female leaders. Those aspects were political field, business field, and social field. The given fields were analyzed to make a basis for differentiating leaders as democratic, autocratic and laissez faire. 3. Data Collection Technique As mentioned above I have used online survey technique to collect data. So this defines that my data collection technique as secondary data collection method. Data were entirely based on second hand information through use of previous reports, journals, magazines, etc. The research was conducted to make clear about the leadership style between male and female. Before conducting the study there were many questions related to the topic. So the use of secondary data collection method was attempted to answer following questions: • Does gender affect the leadership style? • Does leadership style vary according to gender? • Who is good leader between male and female? • What are the criteria to be a good leader? • Which is the effective leadership style? 4. Analysis The nature of topic demands data in qualitative form so the entire research paper is based on qualitative data. Such type of data measures the performance of leader as good or bad, effective or ineffective, influential or uninfluential and so on. This section studies the excellence of the research design, survey design and data collection technique. The area to be covered was stated in research design whereas the source from where data were collected was mentioned on survey design and data collection technique. Similar leadership style isn’t possible as many factors affect it such as nature of work, situation, ability of followers and others. The collected data also states it. The data reveals that similarity and dissimilarity both can be seen in the leadership style of male and female. Looking at the history, numbers of leaders (male or female) were in existence. Some were successful while others were not. The reason behind that was their
  • 10. 10 adaptation of leadership style. For e.g. Hitler was an autocratic leader and he led his troops effectively, for him that kind of leadership style was best due to circumstances. Similarly, Leona Helmsley of the Helmsley Hotel Chain, Martha Stewart (business field) was also known for adopting the autocratic leadership style. In the present context also there seems to be no significant difference as previous. Various leadership styles are adopted by both male and female. Considering social and politics field both tend to adopt democratic leadership style while in business field autocratic and democratic is adopted by male and female respectively. CHAPTER III SUMMARY In every field of work, the difference is common regarding the male and female situation. This report highlights the different approaches of male and female as a leader. In the early centuries, various studies were done about gender differences in leadership style. They all began with male as being the most successful leader and running the organization in better way. The change in different aspects such as economic, political and social, the emergence of female was understood in organization to lead in different way. The study begins with knowing the concept of leader and the scenario of male and female leadership in both global and Nepalese context. The basis for differentiation in leadership style between male and female wasn’t clear cut as it was the limitation of the study. To overcome that limitation data were collected in secondary form through use of journals, previous reports, and online magazines and alike. Those data were analyzed in the field of politics, business and social. However, much difference wasn’t seen. In overall the research was prepared considering the qualitative data. MAJOR FINDINGS There is always some kind of findings when the report is prepared. Previously, there is always been male as a successful leader and performing the leading activities. Furthermore females were working under the shadows of males and being follower for a long time. The major finding in report can be pointed as females raised as leaders and performing different types of leadership style than men.
  • 11. 11 Despite the societal mandates used to increase the number of women in leadership positions (e.g., various legal measures such as affirmative action), the traditional stereotypes remain. A female leader is frequently regarded as an aberration and “women who become leaders are often offered the presumed accolade of being described as being like men” (Hearn & Parkin, 1986-87, p. 38). For instance, Margaret Thatcher was often described as the “best man” in Great Britain. "Men and women tend to excel in different aspects of leadership," said Elva Ainsworth, managing director of Talent Innovations. "The 'male leadership style' is strategic and visionary, while the 'female leadership style' is more social. On one hand, this study highlights the general areas in which men and women need leadership development. However, on the other, it suggests that the natural styles of men and women are complementary. By creating a balance of both types of leadership, through Board-level diversity, organizations can bring about peak performance." Similarly, the findings also addresses the questions aroused during the report preparation. My study area was limited to business, political and social field. • In all field of study it was seen that gender played vital role in leadership style. Male were tend to be more task oriented and egocentric in nature while female were more concerned with both maintenance of interpersonal relationships and task accomplishment. • The major difference can be seen in business field rather than social and politics field. In business field males tend to adopt autocratic style as they want to be successful businessmen whereas females were likely to be democratic in nature to get help from colleagues whenever needed. Such types of styles are beneficial in their own way. • It is hard to say who the good leader is. Only the outcome doesn’t differentiate the good leader from bad leader. Various factors such as situation, nature of job, and other related factors should be considered. However, the one who can face and tackle the difficult situation and can bring confidence in their followers is considered to be a good leader. • Leader carries the responsibility of his/her followers. It’s not easy task to be good leader. There are not exact criterions to be a good leader. However, some needed criterions good confidence, interpersonal skill, academic qualification, dynamic personality, etc. • No any particular leadership style is perfect. Likewise, the main finding can also be said that both similarity and dissimilarity can be found on the leadership style of male and female. CONCLUSION There is always some kind of difference when considered the work of male and female. The difference lies due to their own way of working style and making different kinds of judgment. The nature itself has given different kind of feeling and behavior to both male and female. Furthermore, the society has also played a great role on making differentiation
  • 12. 12 between male and female. There is not an exact difference between male and female regarding the leadership style. It is paradox in nature. Furthermore, it can be concluded that gender doesn’t play any role in leadership because each and everyone has got ability and if they enhance their capacity then they would succeed whatever they want. RECOMMENDATIOS From the management perspective, leader carries various followers to achieve some pre assigned goal. So the leader (male or female) should adopt appropriate leadership style to make any group task successful and effective. In this competitive business environment, every organization should utilize its human resources. Male and female both are valuable assets for an organization. Their capabilities should be used interchangeably whatever their leadership styles are. Each of them excel in their own style so both should be given consideration in an organization. REFERENCES Leadership.html LIBRARY TRENDSIWINTER 1992