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Práctica Docente III
ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Schneider, Vanesa Milagros
Año: 3rd
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary
Cantidad de alumnos: 5
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad Temática: Gender Violence
Semanas Nº: 1 y 2
Learning Aims
During these two weeks, learners will be able to…
- Understand the basic concepts of gender-based violence, its forms and consequences;
- Develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills by doing different types of
activities designed for this aim;
- Learn First Conditional sentences form and use to talk about things that can happen in
the future.
- Work collaboratively by discussing topics orally in the zoom meeting.
Language Focus
Vocabulary related to
routine actions and future
Giving orders
Talking about actions
that can happen in the
Talking about routines
Why don´t you…?
Bare infinitive
Future simple form
Present Simple tense
Comentario [A1]: This is quite
You might try with “reflect on…”
Comentario [A2]: You should
describe the language function first.
For instance,
Talk about things that can happen in
the future, using first conditional
Práctica Docente III
Vocabulary related to the
different types of gender
violence: psychological
violence, economic
violence, physical violence
and sexual violence.
Talking about things that
can happen in the future,
depending on certain
circumstances in the
First Conditional
Sentences affirmative
Materials 1
- Power Point Presentation
- Video of the song “What is Love” by Haddaway
Materials 2
- PDF Document with activities. This document includes:
 Worksheets
 Recorded Audio (I have uploaded it to the campus)
 Link to the game:
Procedures – ZOOM Meeting
3 minutes
I will greet students and ask them how they are. Then, I will start the lesson.
10 minutes
I will start the lesson by sharing my screen, so students can see the power point presentation I
prepared to present and teach the topic (I have uploaded it to the campus). The first slide will
introduce the topic to students. It has these pictures:
Práctica Docente III
Once students can see the screen, I will ask them. “What is happening in these pictures?” “What
are the pictures about?” “What do they show?”
I expect them to answer that in both pictures a man is hitting a woman. So I will ask students
“What´s this kind of violence is called?” If they know the term, they will say it in Spanish, so I
will repeat after them in English. If they don´t know the term, I will introduce the phrase
“Gender Violence”. After that, I will ask students if they know the different types of gender
violence. I will listen to their ideas and then, I will show them the following picture which
includes the four different types.
While students look at the picture I will say to them that Gender Violence can be physical,
psychological, sexual and economic. Then, I will show them the next slides, in which each type
of violence is defined, and exemplified with pictures. (You can see them in the Power Point
Scaffolding strategies:
- Explain;
- Repeat words and key terms in English.
 Transition comments to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
“Great! Now, Let´s do an activity related to this topic!”
Práctica Docente III
5 minutes
At this stage, I will show students the next slides of the power point. These slides contain four
different dialogues in which different women are telling their friends about their problems
related to violence. (You can see this in the Power Point Presentation)
I will explain to students that they have to read the bubbles and say which kind of violence it is.
I will ask them to pay attention to meaning, looking at key words and reading to get the general
message of the text.
Scaffolding strategies:
- Explain to them what they have to do;
- Model the activity;
- Repeat words and key terms in English;
- Provide them with help if they don't know how to express themselves.
 Transition comments to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
“Excellent! Now, Let´s focus on what the women are saying.”
ACTIVITY 1: 10 minutes
In this activity, I will keep showing the same slide as before, but this time, I will ask students to
focus on form. To do so, I will divide them into two groups. I will explain to them that they
have to look at what each woman is saying, and pay attention to the form of the message. In
order to raise students´ awareness of the form of the First conditional, I will ask them the
following questions to reflect on in their groups:
- Which word is repeated in all the dialogues?
- Which verb tense do the speakers use after that word?
- Which other verb tense can you identify?
I will give them some minutes to discuss this, and I will say to them that they can take notes in
their notebooks. When they are ready, I will show them another slide in which they have to
complete the structure of the First Conditional.
This is what I will show for them to complete. I will listen to their opinions and ideas, and I will
complete the chart depending on what they say to me. If they don´t realize, I will guide them by
highlighting the repeated words and structures in the different dialogues. I will also explain to
them these kinds of sentences are divided into two parts: the main clause and the if-clause. I
will guide them while completing the chart, explaining that in the main clause, we use Future
Práctica Docente III
Simple (I will remind them that it is formed with WILL plus BARE INFINITIVE), and in the if-
clause, we use the Present Simple tense (I will also remind them of its form).
In order for students to have the form of the first conditional, I will send them this chart with
the rest of the activities afterwards.
Scaffolding strategies:
- Explain what they have to do;
- Model the activity;
- Provide them with the necessary help.
 Transition comments to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
“Great job! Now we are going to do another activity to learn more about the First conditional”
ACTIVITY 2: 6 minutes
In this activity, I will focus on the meaning of the first conditional sentences. I will ask students
what they think we use the first conditional for. I will listen to their ideas. As they will probably
answer in Spanish I will repeat their answers in English after them. Once all of them have given
their opinions, I will explain to students that we use First Conditional to talk about things that
can happen in the future. To do so, I will show them another slide with the following example:
“If I get a job, he will hit me”
If clause Main clause
If + ……….…………………………….…./ , ……………………….…..……
Main clause If clause
…………………………………………,/ If…………………………..………
Práctica Docente III
At this stage, I will lay the emphasis on making students aware that first conditional sentences
are used to talk about probable events in the future. For this reason, gender violence against
women makes women feel that if they do something, their husbands or boyfriends will hit
Scaffolding strategies:
- Explain;
- Provide them with the necessary help.
 Transition comments to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
“O.K Now it is time to listen to a song”
6 minutes
At this stage, I will say to students that, as usual, I will be sending them more activities in PDF
format for them to continue practiscing all they have learnt today. As usual, I will remember
them that they can ask me any questions that can arise when solving the activities. I will also
say to them that in the document they will find the deadline to send me the activities solved in
order for me to check them and send them feedback.
Then, I will show them the following video of the song “What is Love” by Haddaway on you
This is the link to the video:
I will explain to them that this song deals with “Gender Violence”, and that is only for them to
enjoy. Then, I will finish the meeting by saying goodbye.
After the zoom meeting, I will send students the following activities in a PDF Document for
them to do during the week. I will set them a deadline to send me the activities solved in order
for me to check them and send students feedback before the next zoom meeting.
I will send students the chart we completed orally on zoom for them to complete in writing.
The idea is that students don´t forget the structure and that they can use it as a guide to solve
the activities.
This is what they will receive:
Comentario [A3]: I loved the song,
but the video itself does not convey t
meaning. You may just share the
Práctica Docente III
As a second activity, I will send students the following audio (recorded by myself) for them to
do listening activities. The activities will be divided into While and Post listening activities. I
decided not to include a pre-listening activity because students will do it in their homes.
This is the script of the recording
Activity N° 1:
Do you remember the First Conditional structure?
Complete the chart in the same way we completed it in the zoom meeting.
If clause Main clause
If + ……….…………………………….…. / , ……………………….…..……
Main clause If clause
…………………………………………, / If…………………………..………
If + …………………………….. , ……………………………
…………………………………………, If………………………………
Mary: Hello?
Samantha: Hello, friend! How are you?
Mary: Fine, and you?
Samantha: I´m sad, very sad. I am living a nightmare.
Mary: Why? What´s the matter?
Samantha: My husband. He changes his mood suddenly without apparent reasons. No
matter what I do, he will get angry anyway.
Mary: Why don´t you talk to him?
Samantha: If talk to him, he will go crazy and hit me. He doesn´t like talking about our
Mary: So, tell your family!
Samantha: If I tell my family, he will strangle me
Mary: Oh! That´s terrible. Do something soon!
Samantha: I am so afraid that I can´t do anything. If I wear a miniskirt, he will hit me, If I
spend more money than he expects, he will insult me…..
Mary: Oh! So, Why don´t you call the police?
Samantha: If I call the police, he will kill me.
Mary: Oh! It´s a very difficult situation
Samantha: It is really terrible. If he discovers I am talking to you, he will become furious
and …. He will rape me.
Comentario [A4]: Are they
acquainted with the vocabulary?
Práctica Docente III
These are the activities students will receive :
In order for students to practice everything learnt during these weeks, I will send them a link
with a game I have created using the website “Educaplay”. In this game they have to read the
sentences and complete them with the missing words. I can see the results on the website. In
this way, they will be able to practice the new structure learnt in a fun way, and I will be able to
see their progress.
This is the link to the game:
Activity N° 2
You are going to listen to a phone conversation between two friends. Listen to it and do the
activities below.
 While listening
A) Put the events in order
Samantha says that no matter what she does, her husband will get angry, anyway. ________
Samantha says that her husband will rape her if he discovers she is talking to her friend.
Samantha tells Mary that she is living a nightmare._______________
Mary suggests Samantha call the police.______________
Samantha says that if she wears a miniskirt, her husband will hit her.__________
 After listening
B) The following First Conditional Sentences refer to different kinds of violence:
Complete the sentences with the missing words and match them with the correct type
of violence. There is one extra kind of violence.
If I wear a __________, he will______ me Economic Violence
If I spend more _______than he expects, he will ________me Physical Violence
If he ____________I am talking to you, he will ________me. Sexual Violence
Psychological Violence
Comentario [A5]: Great!
Práctica Docente III
Semanas Nº: 3y 4
Learning Aims
During these two weeks, learners will be able to…
- Revise vocabulary learnt related to different kinds of Gender Violence in the previous
- Develop critical thinking skills learning about the “Ni Una Menos” movement.
- Develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills by doing different types of
activities designed for this aim;
- Become aware of First Conditional Negative sentences form and use to talk about things
that may not happen in the future.
- Work collaboratively by discussing topics orally in the zoom meeting.
Language Focus
Types of Gender Violence:
psychological, economic,
physical and sexual.
Talking about things that can
happen in the future,
depending on certain
circumstances in the present.
First Conditional Sentences:
affirmative form.
Vocabulary related to “Ni una
menos Movement”.
Talking about things that may
not happen in the future,
depending on certain
circumstances in the present.
First Conditional Sentences:
negative form.
Materials 3
- Video about “Ni Una Menos”
- Game “Open the box” created on the website “WordWall”
Comentario [A6]: Same comment
previous weeks – focus on language
function first
Práctica Docente III
Materials 4
- PDF Document with activities. This document includes:
 Explanations and Worksheets with activities
 Tutorial Video
3rd and 4th WEEKS
This week I will have another
Procedures – ZOOM Meeting
3 minutes
I will greet students and ask them how they are. Then, I will start the lesson.
5 minutes
In order to revise the vocabulary and the structure learnt in the previous lesson and get
students involved, I will start this meeting with a game. To do so, I will share my screen to
show them the game I have created on the website “Wordwall”. This game is called “Open the
box”. I will explain to them that they have to choose one of the five boxes that will appear on
the screen. In each box, there is a different question to answer. The question can be about First
Conditional or about vocabulary. After that, we will start playing. A student will choose a box,
and I will open it. Once the box is opened, she will see the question she has to answer, with
three options for her to choose. If she chooses the wrong answer, I will give other student the
opportunity to say the correct one.
This is the link to the game:
Scaffolding strategies:
- Explain;
- Repeat words and key terms in English;
- Provide them with the necessary help.
 Transition comments to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
“Great! Now, Let´s continue with the lesson!”
Comentario [A7]: -Check gramm
– Which picture corresponds to…?
- 30 seconds might not be enough
Práctica Docente III
3 minutes
At this stage, I will ask students if they remember the topic we discussed the previous class. I
expect students will say “Yes, we worked on Gender Violence”. In case they don´t remember, I
will provide them with three options. I will say “Well, I´ll give you some clues. Did we talk
about Gender Stereotypes, about Gender Based Violence or about Gender inequality?” Probably
they will remember we talked about Gender Based Violence. So I will say “Excellent!” and I will
ask them “Do you know any movement which fights against Gender Violence in Argentina?” I
expect they will answer “Ni una Menos” because it is a very popular movement in our country.
(I have uploaded the video to the campus)
Scaffolding strategies:
- Explain;
- Repeat words and key terms in English.
 Transition comments to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
“Great, Now, we are going to watch a video, but before watching it, think of the following
Pre-Watching activity 8 minutes
Before watching the video, I will ask students some general questions they have to answer
about the video. By doing so, students will watch the video with a purpose in mind. I will ask
them “What are the women doing?” “Why are they doing so?”. I will give them some options in
order for them to answer the questions easily. I will tell them that in one of the questions two
answers can be correct. (I have uploaded the video to the campus).
What are the women doing?
- They are fighting against gender violence.
- They are fighting for better salaries.
- They are celebrating something.
Why are they doing so?
- Because they won a competition.
- Because lots of women are killed every day.
- Because they want to help to stop gender violence.
I will play the video for students to watch it for a first time and check their answers. Then, we
will watch the video again to do the after watching activity.
After- Watching activity 15 minutes
Comentario [A8]: Link??
Comentario [A9]: If you are plannin
to share screen, you know that the
image may freeze. You may share th
link and ask them to watch it during t
Práctica Docente III
At this stage, I will tell students that we are going to watch the video a second time in order to
pay attention to the different statements that the women in the video give.
I will pause the video at the first statement which says “Let´s fight. We will have a better future”
and I will ask students “What do you think this sentence means?” I will listen to their answers,
helping them to say them in English. Then I will say “Excellent!” Let´s look at the following
sentence, and I will use the zoom board to write the following conditional sentence, using the
vocabulary of the statement in the video:
“If we don´t fight together, we will not have a better future.”
After that, I will ask students “What difference can you see between this sentence and the ones
we learnt last class?” In case students don´t remember, I will also write an affirmative sentence
for them to see the difference. For example:
“If I call the police, he will kill me.”
I expect they will answer that the difference is that the first sentence is negative. So, I will ask
them to reflect on its form, and I will ask them “is it formed in the same way as the affirmative
form?” I expect they will answer “yes”. So, I will explain to them that first conditional sentences
can be positive or negative, and that negative sentences have a similar meaning to positive
ones. They are used to talk about events in the future that may not happen if we don´t do or
do something in the present.
After that, I will ask students to create negative sentences based on the other statements in the
video. To do so, I will pause the video after each statement and ask one of the students to make
the conditional negative sentence orally. In case it is difficult for her produce the sentence
orally, I will let her write the sentence down first. Once she is ready, she will say the sentence
orally and I will write it on the board for the rest to say if the sentence is correct or not. I will
continue with this procedure until the end of the video.
Scaffolding strategies:
- Model the activity;
- Give examples;
- Provide them with the necessary help
 Transition comments to link each stage of the lesson with the next one:
“You did a great job! Let´s play a game!”
6 minutes
To round up the lesson, I will invite students to play a game.
I will write five beginnings of conditional sentences and five endings on the zoom board, and I
will ask students to match the halves by using their board options. I will assign them different
colours to match the sentences, so they can match them all at the same time. When they finish,
we will check all together.
Práctica Docente III
These are the sentences I will write on the board:
My husband will hit me, if I get a job.
We won´t succeed, if we don´t fight together.
If I wear a miniskirt, my boyfriend will hurt me.
If we unite against rape, rapists will go to prison.
We won´t be free, if we are silent.
After that, I will say to students that, as usual, I will be sending them more activities in PDF
format for them to continue practicing everything they have learnt today. As usual, I will tell
them that they can ask me any questions that can arise when solving the activities. I will also
say to them that in the document they will find the deadline to send me the activities solved in
order for me to check them and send them feedback. After that, I will say goodbye to them.
After the zoom meeting, I will send to students the following activities in a PDF Document for
them to work on during the week. I will set them a deadline to send me the activities solved in
order for me to check them and send students feedback before the next zoom meeting
To continue working with the topic, I will send students a reading comprehension activity
about some the objectives of the “Ni Una Menos” movement. The text has been adapted from
The Teacher´s Magazine N°213 (June, 2018).
This is what students will receive:
Activity 1
Read the following text about some of the Objectives of the Ni Una Menos movement.
Then do the activity below.
“Ni Una Menos” is a collective voice against gender violence and gender inequality. It emerged
because of an urgent need for women to express themselves. In particular, they want to make
femicides visible, but this movement has even more objectives:
 To enhance Comprehensive Sexual education (ESI in Spanish) at all levels of education,
so that students learn how to live in a violence-free society.
 To educate teachers, so that they are qualified to teach Sexual Education.
 To guarantee protection to victims, implementing electronic monitoring of criminal
 To keep a unified official record in order to include all the victims of gender violence.
 To produce official and updated statistics on femicides in order to implement effective
public policies.
Práctica Docente III
The second activity will be the final task of this didactic Unit, in which students have to put
their creativity into action and create a flyer using the app “Canva”. The idea is that students
use everything they learnt during this month to create a flyer, giving a positive message to
women who suffer from gender violence. Their productions will be shared with the rest of the
school. In order to explain to students how to install and use this app, I will send them the
following tutorial video:
This is what they will receive:
Activity N°2
You have to create a flyer on Canva. This flyer has to include an illustration and a
positive message for victims of gender violence, using the First Conditional. Here is an
example I have created :
Watch this tutorial video to learn how to install and use Canva:
Práctica Docente III
★ In order to cater for possible SpLD students, I have planned the following in case I
have students with DYSLEXIA.
In order to cater for possible students with dyslexia, I will introduce some changes in the
activities proposed in this didactic unit. For example, in activity 1 from weeks 1 and 2, I
designed a worksheet for students to complete. Instead of asking the students with dyslexia to
complete the worksheet, I will provide him/her the complete structures. In this way, he/she
will use it as a guide. In addition, I will highlight the different parts of the conditional sentence
with different colours for him/her to identify more easily.
As regards the listening activity I have planned, I have thought that I will not send him/her the
while-listening activity (in which students have to put the events of the conversation in order)
because we know that it is difficult for students with dyslexia to listen and write and the same
time. For this reason, I will only send him/her the second listening activity, but which fewer
words for him/her to complete with. I will introduce another change in this activity: instead of
asking him/her to match the sentences with a type of violence, I will ask him/her to match
different types of violence with pictures.
I will also adapt the reading comprehension activity I have designed. To do so, I would send
him/her a shorter text and I will send him/her more clues to write the conditional sentences.
Moreover, I will ask him/her to use his/her cellphone to do it (I will let him/her choose the app
he/she likes most) since handwriting may be difficult for him/her.
Finally, during the zoom meetings, I will also repeat the new words many times and, at the same
time, I will make gestures and facial expressions to foster his/her understanding.
To be completed by your tutor:
Lesson plan
Very Good
Comentario [A10]: You can also
attach the script.
Práctica Docente III
Link to tutorial video:
a) Circle the value that best describes each category. 1 is very poor, 5 is outstanding.
Warm-up: 1 2 3 4 5
Presentation of material: 1 2 3 4 5
Timing: 1 2 3 4 5
Teaching strategies: 1 2 3 4 5
Transitions between activities: 1 2 3 4 5
Use of resources: 1 2 3 4 5
Rapport with the learners: 1 2 3 4 5
Language accuracy and fluency: 1 2 3 4 5
b) Rate this teacher’s performance on a scale of 1 – 10 (1 is very poor, 10 is outstanding)
Circle the appropriate rating: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10
Coherence and
Variety of
Stages and
Comentario [A11]: This can only b
assessed in synchronous meetings.

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Lesson 14th September
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The First Didactic Unit
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The First Didactic Unit
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Ezpeleta lp2-f2 f - pass
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Ezpeleta lp2-f2 f - pass
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Kei Medina
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Ezpeleta lp2-f2 f - pass
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Ezpeleta lp2-f2 f - pass
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Didactic unit 1

  • 1. Práctica Docente III 2020 ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Schneider, Vanesa Milagros Año: 3rd Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elementary Cantidad de alumnos: 5 Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Gender Violence Semanas Nº: 1 y 2 Learning Aims During these two weeks, learners will be able to… - Understand the basic concepts of gender-based violence, its forms and consequences; - Develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills by doing different types of activities designed for this aim; - Learn First Conditional sentences form and use to talk about things that can happen in the future. - Work collaboratively by discussing topics orally in the zoom meeting. Language Focus LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Vocabulary related to routine actions and future actions. Suggesting Giving orders Talking about actions that can happen in the future Talking about routines Why don´t you…? Bare infinitive Future simple form Present Simple tense Comentario [A1]: This is quite abstract. You might try with “reflect on…” Comentario [A2]: You should describe the language function first. For instance, Talk about things that can happen in the future, using first conditional sentences.
  • 2. Práctica Docente III 2020 N E W Vocabulary related to the different types of gender violence: psychological violence, economic violence, physical violence and sexual violence. Talking about things that can happen in the future, depending on certain circumstances in the present. First Conditional Sentences affirmative form. Materials 1 st Week - Power Point Presentation - Video of the song “What is Love” by Haddaway Materials 2 nd Week - PDF Document with activities. This document includes:  Worksheets  Recorded Audio (I have uploaded it to the campus)  Link to the game: first_conditional.html Procedures – ZOOM Meeting 3 minutes I will greet students and ask them how they are. Then, I will start the lesson. 10 minutes I will start the lesson by sharing my screen, so students can see the power point presentation I prepared to present and teach the topic (I have uploaded it to the campus). The first slide will introduce the topic to students. It has these pictures:
  • 3. Práctica Docente III 2020 Once students can see the screen, I will ask them. “What is happening in these pictures?” “What are the pictures about?” “What do they show?” I expect them to answer that in both pictures a man is hitting a woman. So I will ask students “What´s this kind of violence is called?” If they know the term, they will say it in Spanish, so I will repeat after them in English. If they don´t know the term, I will introduce the phrase “Gender Violence”. After that, I will ask students if they know the different types of gender violence. I will listen to their ideas and then, I will show them the following picture which includes the four different types. While students look at the picture I will say to them that Gender Violence can be physical, psychological, sexual and economic. Then, I will show them the next slides, in which each type of violence is defined, and exemplified with pictures. (You can see them in the Power Point Presentation) Scaffolding strategies: - Explain; - Repeat words and key terms in English.  Transition comments to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: “Great! Now, Let´s do an activity related to this topic!”
  • 4. Práctica Docente III 2020 5 minutes At this stage, I will show students the next slides of the power point. These slides contain four different dialogues in which different women are telling their friends about their problems related to violence. (You can see this in the Power Point Presentation) I will explain to students that they have to read the bubbles and say which kind of violence it is. I will ask them to pay attention to meaning, looking at key words and reading to get the general message of the text. Scaffolding strategies: - Explain to them what they have to do; - Model the activity; - Repeat words and key terms in English; - Provide them with help if they don't know how to express themselves.  Transition comments to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: “Excellent! Now, Let´s focus on what the women are saying.” ACTIVITY 1: 10 minutes In this activity, I will keep showing the same slide as before, but this time, I will ask students to focus on form. To do so, I will divide them into two groups. I will explain to them that they have to look at what each woman is saying, and pay attention to the form of the message. In order to raise students´ awareness of the form of the First conditional, I will ask them the following questions to reflect on in their groups: - Which word is repeated in all the dialogues? - Which verb tense do the speakers use after that word? - Which other verb tense can you identify? I will give them some minutes to discuss this, and I will say to them that they can take notes in their notebooks. When they are ready, I will show them another slide in which they have to complete the structure of the First Conditional. This is what I will show for them to complete. I will listen to their opinions and ideas, and I will complete the chart depending on what they say to me. If they don´t realize, I will guide them by highlighting the repeated words and structures in the different dialogues. I will also explain to them these kinds of sentences are divided into two parts: the main clause and the if-clause. I will guide them while completing the chart, explaining that in the main clause, we use Future
  • 5. Práctica Docente III 2020 Simple (I will remind them that it is formed with WILL plus BARE INFINITIVE), and in the if- clause, we use the Present Simple tense (I will also remind them of its form). In order for students to have the form of the first conditional, I will send them this chart with the rest of the activities afterwards. Scaffolding strategies: - Explain what they have to do; - Model the activity; - Provide them with the necessary help.  Transition comments to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: “Great job! Now we are going to do another activity to learn more about the First conditional” ACTIVITY 2: 6 minutes In this activity, I will focus on the meaning of the first conditional sentences. I will ask students what they think we use the first conditional for. I will listen to their ideas. As they will probably answer in Spanish I will repeat their answers in English after them. Once all of them have given their opinions, I will explain to students that we use First Conditional to talk about things that can happen in the future. To do so, I will show them another slide with the following example: “If I get a job, he will hit me” FIRST CONDITIONAL – AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES If clause Main clause If + ……….…………………………….…./ , ……………………….…..…… Main clause If clause …………………………………………,/ If…………………………..………
  • 6. Práctica Docente III 2020 At this stage, I will lay the emphasis on making students aware that first conditional sentences are used to talk about probable events in the future. For this reason, gender violence against women makes women feel that if they do something, their husbands or boyfriends will hit them. Scaffolding strategies: - Explain; - Provide them with the necessary help.  Transition comments to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: “O.K Now it is time to listen to a song” 6 minutes At this stage, I will say to students that, as usual, I will be sending them more activities in PDF format for them to continue practiscing all they have learnt today. As usual, I will remember them that they can ask me any questions that can arise when solving the activities. I will also say to them that in the document they will find the deadline to send me the activities solved in order for me to check them and send them feedback. Then, I will show them the following video of the song “What is Love” by Haddaway on you tube. This is the link to the video: I will explain to them that this song deals with “Gender Violence”, and that is only for them to enjoy. Then, I will finish the meeting by saying goodbye. ACTIVITIES After the zoom meeting, I will send students the following activities in a PDF Document for them to do during the week. I will set them a deadline to send me the activities solved in order for me to check them and send students feedback before the next zoom meeting. ACTIVITY Number 1 I will send students the chart we completed orally on zoom for them to complete in writing. The idea is that students don´t forget the structure and that they can use it as a guide to solve the activities. This is what they will receive: Comentario [A3]: I loved the song, but the video itself does not convey t meaning. You may just share the audiofile.
  • 7. Práctica Docente III 2020 ACTIVITY Number 2 As a second activity, I will send students the following audio (recorded by myself) for them to do listening activities. The activities will be divided into While and Post listening activities. I decided not to include a pre-listening activity because students will do it in their homes. This is the script of the recording Activity N° 1: Do you remember the First Conditional structure? Complete the chart in the same way we completed it in the zoom meeting. FIRST CONDITIONAL – AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES If clause Main clause If + ……….…………………………….…. / , ……………………….…..…… Main clause If clause …………………………………………, / If…………………………..……… FIRST CONDITIONAL – AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES If + …………………………….. , …………………………… …………………………………………, If……………………………… Mary: Hello? Samantha: Hello, friend! How are you? Mary: Fine, and you? Samantha: I´m sad, very sad. I am living a nightmare. Mary: Why? What´s the matter? Samantha: My husband. He changes his mood suddenly without apparent reasons. No matter what I do, he will get angry anyway. Mary: Why don´t you talk to him? Samantha: If talk to him, he will go crazy and hit me. He doesn´t like talking about our problems. Mary: So, tell your family! Samantha: If I tell my family, he will strangle me Mary: Oh! That´s terrible. Do something soon! Samantha: I am so afraid that I can´t do anything. If I wear a miniskirt, he will hit me, If I spend more money than he expects, he will insult me….. Mary: Oh! So, Why don´t you call the police? Samantha: If I call the police, he will kill me. Mary: Oh! It´s a very difficult situation Samantha: It is really terrible. If he discovers I am talking to you, he will become furious and …. He will rape me. Comentario [A4]: Are they acquainted with the vocabulary?
  • 8. Práctica Docente III 2020 These are the activities students will receive : ACTIVITY N°3 In order for students to practice everything learnt during these weeks, I will send them a link with a game I have created using the website “Educaplay”. In this game they have to read the sentences and complete them with the missing words. I can see the results on the website. In this way, they will be able to practice the new structure learnt in a fun way, and I will be able to see their progress. This is the link to the game: Activity N° 2 You are going to listen to a phone conversation between two friends. Listen to it and do the activities below.  While listening A) Put the events in order Samantha says that no matter what she does, her husband will get angry, anyway. ________ Samantha says that her husband will rape her if he discovers she is talking to her friend. ___________ Samantha tells Mary that she is living a nightmare._______________ Mary suggests Samantha call the police.______________ Samantha says that if she wears a miniskirt, her husband will hit her.__________  After listening B) The following First Conditional Sentences refer to different kinds of violence: Complete the sentences with the missing words and match them with the correct type of violence. There is one extra kind of violence. If I wear a __________, he will______ me Economic Violence If I spend more _______than he expects, he will ________me Physical Violence If he ____________I am talking to you, he will ________me. Sexual Violence Psychological Violence Comentario [A5]: Great!
  • 9. Práctica Docente III 2020 Semanas Nº: 3y 4 Learning Aims During these two weeks, learners will be able to… - Revise vocabulary learnt related to different kinds of Gender Violence in the previous lesson; - Develop critical thinking skills learning about the “Ni Una Menos” movement. - Develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills by doing different types of activities designed for this aim; - Become aware of First Conditional Negative sentences form and use to talk about things that may not happen in the future. - Work collaboratively by discussing topics orally in the zoom meeting. Language Focus LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE R E V Types of Gender Violence: psychological, economic, physical and sexual. Talking about things that can happen in the future, depending on certain circumstances in the present. First Conditional Sentences: affirmative form. N E W Vocabulary related to “Ni una menos Movement”. Talking about things that may not happen in the future, depending on certain circumstances in the present. First Conditional Sentences: negative form. Materials 3 rd Week - Video about “Ni Una Menos” - Game “Open the box” created on the website “WordWall” Comentario [A6]: Same comment previous weeks – focus on language function first
  • 10. Práctica Docente III 2020 Materials 4 st Week - PDF Document with activities. This document includes:  Explanations and Worksheets with activities  Tutorial Video 3rd and 4th WEEKS This week I will have another Procedures – ZOOM Meeting 3 minutes I will greet students and ask them how they are. Then, I will start the lesson. 5 minutes In order to revise the vocabulary and the structure learnt in the previous lesson and get students involved, I will start this meeting with a game. To do so, I will share my screen to show them the game I have created on the website “Wordwall”. This game is called “Open the box”. I will explain to them that they have to choose one of the five boxes that will appear on the screen. In each box, there is a different question to answer. The question can be about First Conditional or about vocabulary. After that, we will start playing. A student will choose a box, and I will open it. Once the box is opened, she will see the question she has to answer, with three options for her to choose. If she chooses the wrong answer, I will give other student the opportunity to say the correct one. This is the link to the game: Scaffolding strategies: - Explain; - Repeat words and key terms in English; - Provide them with the necessary help.  Transition comments to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: “Great! Now, Let´s continue with the lesson!” Comentario [A7]: -Check gramm – Which picture corresponds to…? - 30 seconds might not be enough
  • 11. Práctica Docente III 2020 3 minutes At this stage, I will ask students if they remember the topic we discussed the previous class. I expect students will say “Yes, we worked on Gender Violence”. In case they don´t remember, I will provide them with three options. I will say “Well, I´ll give you some clues. Did we talk about Gender Stereotypes, about Gender Based Violence or about Gender inequality?” Probably they will remember we talked about Gender Based Violence. So I will say “Excellent!” and I will ask them “Do you know any movement which fights against Gender Violence in Argentina?” I expect they will answer “Ni una Menos” because it is a very popular movement in our country. (I have uploaded the video to the campus) Scaffolding strategies: - Explain; - Repeat words and key terms in English.  Transition comments to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: “Great, Now, we are going to watch a video, but before watching it, think of the following questions” ACTIVITY 1 Pre-Watching activity 8 minutes Before watching the video, I will ask students some general questions they have to answer about the video. By doing so, students will watch the video with a purpose in mind. I will ask them “What are the women doing?” “Why are they doing so?”. I will give them some options in order for them to answer the questions easily. I will tell them that in one of the questions two answers can be correct. (I have uploaded the video to the campus). What are the women doing? - They are fighting against gender violence. - They are fighting for better salaries. - They are celebrating something. Why are they doing so? - Because they won a competition. - Because lots of women are killed every day. - Because they want to help to stop gender violence. I will play the video for students to watch it for a first time and check their answers. Then, we will watch the video again to do the after watching activity. After- Watching activity 15 minutes Comentario [A8]: Link?? Comentario [A9]: If you are plannin to share screen, you know that the image may freeze. You may share th link and ask them to watch it during t meeting.
  • 12. Práctica Docente III 2020 At this stage, I will tell students that we are going to watch the video a second time in order to pay attention to the different statements that the women in the video give. I will pause the video at the first statement which says “Let´s fight. We will have a better future” and I will ask students “What do you think this sentence means?” I will listen to their answers, helping them to say them in English. Then I will say “Excellent!” Let´s look at the following sentence, and I will use the zoom board to write the following conditional sentence, using the vocabulary of the statement in the video: “If we don´t fight together, we will not have a better future.” After that, I will ask students “What difference can you see between this sentence and the ones we learnt last class?” In case students don´t remember, I will also write an affirmative sentence for them to see the difference. For example: “If I call the police, he will kill me.” I expect they will answer that the difference is that the first sentence is negative. So, I will ask them to reflect on its form, and I will ask them “is it formed in the same way as the affirmative form?” I expect they will answer “yes”. So, I will explain to them that first conditional sentences can be positive or negative, and that negative sentences have a similar meaning to positive ones. They are used to talk about events in the future that may not happen if we don´t do or do something in the present. After that, I will ask students to create negative sentences based on the other statements in the video. To do so, I will pause the video after each statement and ask one of the students to make the conditional negative sentence orally. In case it is difficult for her produce the sentence orally, I will let her write the sentence down first. Once she is ready, she will say the sentence orally and I will write it on the board for the rest to say if the sentence is correct or not. I will continue with this procedure until the end of the video. Scaffolding strategies: - Model the activity; - Give examples; - Provide them with the necessary help  Transition comments to link each stage of the lesson with the next one: “You did a great job! Let´s play a game!” 6 minutes To round up the lesson, I will invite students to play a game. I will write five beginnings of conditional sentences and five endings on the zoom board, and I will ask students to match the halves by using their board options. I will assign them different colours to match the sentences, so they can match them all at the same time. When they finish, we will check all together.
  • 13. Práctica Docente III 2020 These are the sentences I will write on the board: My husband will hit me, if I get a job. We won´t succeed, if we don´t fight together. If I wear a miniskirt, my boyfriend will hurt me. If we unite against rape, rapists will go to prison. We won´t be free, if we are silent. After that, I will say to students that, as usual, I will be sending them more activities in PDF format for them to continue practicing everything they have learnt today. As usual, I will tell them that they can ask me any questions that can arise when solving the activities. I will also say to them that in the document they will find the deadline to send me the activities solved in order for me to check them and send them feedback. After that, I will say goodbye to them. ACTIVITIES After the zoom meeting, I will send to students the following activities in a PDF Document for them to work on during the week. I will set them a deadline to send me the activities solved in order for me to check them and send students feedback before the next zoom meeting ACTIVITY Number 1 To continue working with the topic, I will send students a reading comprehension activity about some the objectives of the “Ni Una Menos” movement. The text has been adapted from The Teacher´s Magazine N°213 (June, 2018). This is what students will receive: Activity 1 Read the following text about some of the Objectives of the Ni Una Menos movement. Then do the activity below. “Ni Una Menos” is a collective voice against gender violence and gender inequality. It emerged because of an urgent need for women to express themselves. In particular, they want to make femicides visible, but this movement has even more objectives:  To enhance Comprehensive Sexual education (ESI in Spanish) at all levels of education, so that students learn how to live in a violence-free society.  To educate teachers, so that they are qualified to teach Sexual Education.  To guarantee protection to victims, implementing electronic monitoring of criminal offenders.  To keep a unified official record in order to include all the victims of gender violence.  To produce official and updated statistics on femicides in order to implement effective public policies.
  • 14. Práctica Docente III 2020 ACTIVITY Number 2 The second activity will be the final task of this didactic Unit, in which students have to put their creativity into action and create a flyer using the app “Canva”. The idea is that students use everything they learnt during this month to create a flyer, giving a positive message to women who suffer from gender violence. Their productions will be shared with the rest of the school. In order to explain to students how to install and use this app, I will send them the following tutorial video: This is what they will receive: Activity N°2 You have to create a flyer on Canva. This flyer has to include an illustration and a positive message for victims of gender violence, using the First Conditional. Here is an example I have created : Watch this tutorial video to learn how to install and use Canva:
  • 15. Práctica Docente III 2020 ★ In order to cater for possible SpLD students, I have planned the following in case I have students with DYSLEXIA. In order to cater for possible students with dyslexia, I will introduce some changes in the activities proposed in this didactic unit. For example, in activity 1 from weeks 1 and 2, I designed a worksheet for students to complete. Instead of asking the students with dyslexia to complete the worksheet, I will provide him/her the complete structures. In this way, he/she will use it as a guide. In addition, I will highlight the different parts of the conditional sentence with different colours for him/her to identify more easily. As regards the listening activity I have planned, I have thought that I will not send him/her the while-listening activity (in which students have to put the events of the conversation in order) because we know that it is difficult for students with dyslexia to listen and write and the same time. For this reason, I will only send him/her the second listening activity, but which fewer words for him/her to complete with. I will introduce another change in this activity: instead of asking him/her to match the sentences with a type of violence, I will ask him/her to match different types of violence with pictures. I will also adapt the reading comprehension activity I have designed. To do so, I would send him/her a shorter text and I will send him/her more clues to write the conditional sentences. Moreover, I will ask him/her to use his/her cellphone to do it (I will let him/her choose the app he/she likes most) since handwriting may be difficult for him/her. Finally, during the zoom meetings, I will also repeat the new words many times and, at the same time, I will make gestures and facial expressions to foster his/her understanding. To be completed by your tutor: Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Needs improvement 1 Visual organization X Comentario [A10]: You can also attach the script.
  • 16. Práctica Docente III 2020 Link to tutorial video: a) Circle the value that best describes each category. 1 is very poor, 5 is outstanding. Warm-up: 1 2 3 4 5 Presentation of material: 1 2 3 4 5 Timing: 1 2 3 4 5 Teaching strategies: 1 2 3 4 5 Transitions between activities: 1 2 3 4 5 Use of resources: 1 2 3 4 5 Rapport with the learners: 1 2 3 4 5 Language accuracy and fluency: 1 2 3 4 5 b) Rate this teacher’s performance on a scale of 1 – 10 (1 is very poor, 10 is outstanding) Circle the appropriate rating: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10 Coherence and sequencing X Variety of resources X Stages and activities X Scaffolding strategies X Language accuracy x Observations Comentario [A11]: This can only b assessed in synchronous meetings.