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Digital Graphic Narrative
Nick Aldous
Shape Task
What did you like about your image?
What I liked the most about my image was its simplicity. Basing it around primary
colours it both shows the fun side to the image and the pop art side of the design. A
particular example of this is the colour of the chicken’s body. Even though a blue
chicken does not exist, in pop art people often change the colour of things so that
they don’t look real but you can very easily tell what it is meant to be.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I were to do it again, I would chose a different animal as the chicken is very hard to
warp as it has a lot of bends and curves.
What did you like about your image?
In my opinion, the best part of my image is the colour scheme. I chose a pug
to rotoscope and pugs are usually beige and black but I chose to use a range
of dark blues and reds for my image, they still contrast but look more funky
than beige and black.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I were to do it again I’d chose an animal with
more colours as this seemed to be repetitive when
it came to choosing colours.
Text Based
What did you like about your image?
The thing I like the most about my text based
image is the font. I like the font because parts of
the letter are empty whilst others have parts of
a picture in them so you can read the words and
see the picture behind it clearly.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I were to do it again I would choose a different
image so you could easily tell what it was. I’d
choose a sky as it’s a simple image compared to
a crowd.
Comic Book
What did you like about your image?
I like the variety of colours the most. As it’s quite
ironic that it’s a paintballing image that includes
a lot of different colours.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I were to do it again I would use another
artistic effect as I feel another one might look
What did you like about your image?
It shows happiness in a very simple yet effective
way. I like its simplicity and that just a dog can
make someone smile.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I did it again I’d try to dig deeper into
photographing happiness, although I like the
simplicity of the image, it’d be nice to try
something different.
What did you like about your image?
I like how small the person in the image is
compared to the building and the floor. It
effectively shows loneliness.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I did it again I would choose a more secluded
place to show mood and effect.
What did you like about your image?
I like how the image makes you think. This image is meant to show excitement and it
does but you have to think about how the picture shows excitement and the challenge of
the image is really effective.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I were to do it again I would use somebody’s facial expression to show excitement and
not something that makes you think, although I am very happy with the chosen image.
What did you like about your image?
I like the difference between the character and
the background. The background is a coloured
60’s/70’s style stripy background compared to
the cartoon character.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I were to do it again I would draw a different
character as Ralph Wiggum was too easy and
not challenging in the slightest.
Initial Ideas
Idea Generation
practice Final product
210mm x 297mm. 8-12 pages.
Story Overview
(Provide an outline of your story)
The story is about one hungry fox who bakes a gingerbread man for his lunch. But, the
gingerbread man runs away and now the fox has to catch his lunch.
My story’s target audience is the age group of 3-6 years old. It is suitable for either
gender. This book will suit anybody’s interest as it isn’t pointed towards a particular
Export Format
Advantages: PDF’s are compact and easy to compress large files.
Disadvantages: PDF’s cannot open on most computers.
(Think about who you are targeting as your audience. Consider age, gender, class,
location and other characteristics which could define your audience.) my target
audience is children between the ages of 3-6. It can be suitable for any class or
gender. The book will be written in british english so it is mainly for children who
can read british text.
Production Methods
(Explain the methods you are going to use to produce your pages. Show us the
thinking behind your decisions for a more detail response)
For my illustrations I will use coloured pencils and pens to draw the characters and
various scenes. For my text, I will use various fonts for the actual book’s dialogue,
the book’s front cover and the book’s blurb. The font for the book’s dialogue will be
clear and easy to read yet, fun and quirky. The book’s front cover will have a more
fun and lively font.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
The strengths of this proposal are that it directed at
the right age range for the story, it has the plenty of
detail to become a good book if the plan is
You could think more about the audience,
specifically whether adults would enjoy reading this
to children. Other than that it is a good proposal.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
There are a variety of different styles of ways in
which to draw the characters. This will make it
easier when it comes to actually drawing the
You could look at other books that have been
published and see what they used as their
characters. You could also focus on the background
more and get different pictures of each background
that you plan to use.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
You have written clearly how you are going to
produce your book and what materials you will use
to do so. Your statements about the PDF files were
straight forward and easy to understand.
You need to write a better explanation for you're
story as it is to short an lacks detail. Try not to
repeat your self as you have done this with the
story over view and the audience.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
You have found pictures for all the main parts of
you're story such as the fox Gingerbread man and
the setting. This shows clearly that you have an
idea and you have come to a conclusion.
You could try looking at other possibilities for you
book before you come to one conclusion. Try
finding some more pictures as these may give you
some more ideas.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
The first strength in Nicks proposal is that he has
thought clearly about how he will create his book
and gone into to detail about texts and images. I
also feel that Nick has a strong start to his story
overview and a basic idea of what the story will be
Despite the strong idea for the story, I feel Nick
needs to go into more detail about his story and
have a set order of events that will happen in the
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
Nick has focuses a lot on what his ginger bread
character may look like in his ideas generation and
has a range of different images for the character.
Nick also has a good mind map which includes
some quotes that he could use in his story.
Nick can develop his ideas further by making a
mood board for his fox character and also making a
mood board for he backgrounds throughout his
Feedback Summary
Sum up your feedback.
I feel that my feedback was very accurate. Yep, I wasn’t finished and didn’t intend to
leave some things that were left and some of them I did intend on leaving but I’ll have to
go back and check. I was told to make a mood board for my scenes which I have but I
didn’t have time to save it as a jpeg and put it in, which is a shame.
Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?
I agree with parts that say I am repeating myself. Yep, im definitely doing that and I need
to change that.
Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?
I don’t really disagree with anything, if people feel things need improving, I will improve
them. However, nobody made any rational statements like “nick needs to rethink his
whole idea of this project” which is a relief.
Original Script
Once upon a time there was a little old woman and a little old man. The little old woman thought she'd make a gingerbread man. She rolled out the dough, and cut out the shape, and she put
raisins for his eyes, and peppermints for his teeth, and put icing on his head for the hair. Then she put him in the oven, and when it smelled good, she opened up the door to take a peek and ---
Yooop!---out jumped the gingerbread man. "Stop! Stop, little gingerbread man!" said the little old lady. "I want to eat you!" "No!" said the little gingerbread man. "I can run away from
you!" "Run, run, fast as you can! Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" And away he ran! He ran till he got outside, where he saw the little old man. And the little old man said, "Stop! Stop
little gingerbread man! I want to eat you!" And the little gingerbread man said: "NO! I ran away from the little old woman, and I can run away from you too! Run, run, fast as you can! Can't catch
me, I'm the gingerbread man!" and away he ran! He ran till he came to the pigsty. And the pig said "(Oink Oink)-- Stop! Stop little gingerbread man! I want to eat you!" But the gingerbread
man said, "NO! I ran away from the little old woman, I ran away from the little old man, and I can run away from you too! Run, run, fast as you can! Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread
man!" and away he ran! He ran till he came to a house. And in front of the house was a dog. And the dog said, "STOP! Stop stop stop stop stoooooooooop! Little gingerbread man! I want to eat
you!" But the gingerbread man said, "NO! I ran away from the little old woman, and the little old man, and a pig, and I can run away from you too!" Run, run, fast as you can! Can't catch me, I'm
the gingerbread man!" and away he ran! He ran till he came to a field full of cows. And the cows said, "Mooooo! Stoooooooop! Stoooooooop little gingerbread man. We want to eat
you!" But the gingerbread man said, "NO! I ran away from the little old woman, I ran away from the little old man, and a pig, and a dog, and I can run away from you too!
Original Script
Run, run, fast as you can! Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" and away he ran! He ran till he came to a field full of cows. And the cows said, "Mooooo! Stoooooooop! Stoooooooop little gingerbread man. We
want to eat you!" But the gingerbread man said, "NO! I ran away from the little old woman, I ran away from the little old man, and a pig, and a dog, and I can run away from you too! Run, run, fast as you can! Can't catch
me, I'm the gingerbread man!" and away he ran! He ran till he came to a river. And next to the river was a fox. The fox said, "Hello little gingerbread man." The gingerbread man said, "HELLO! I ran away from the little old
woman, I ran away from the little old man, and a pig, and some cows, and I can run away from you too! Run, run, fast as you can! Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" "But," said the fox, "I never run. And I don't
want to eat you!" The gingerbread man said Run, run, fast as you can! Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" The fox said, "Run all you want, I'm not going to chase you. But-- I would like to ask you a
question." The gingerbread man said, "What?" The fox said, "How do figure you're going to get across that stream without getting wet? I mean, if you get wet, you'll get soggy, right?" The gingerbread man didn't
say anything, but he looked very thoughtful. The fox said, "I've got an idea." The gingerbread man said, "What?" The fox said, "I'm going to swim across, right now. If you want, you can hitch a ride on my
tail." The gingerbread man said, "OK," and grabbed the fox's tail. The fox started to wade into the water. After a few steps, the fox said, "Oh, little gingerbread man. The water is getting kind of deep. I'm afraid you
might get wet. Why don't you climb up onto my back?" The gingerbread man looked, and said, "Gee, the water is getting kind of deep, ok," and he climbed up onto the fox's back. After a few more steps, the fox said,
"Oh, little gingerbread man, the water is getting even deeper, I'm afraid you might get wet. Why don't you climb up onto my-- neck?" The gingerbread man looked, and said, "Gee the water is getting kind of deep, ok,"
and he climbed up onto the fox's neck. After a few more steps, the fox said, "Oh, little gingerbread man, the water is getting even deeper, I'm afraid you might get wet. Why don't you climb up onto my-- head?" The
gingerbread man looked, and said, "Gee the water is getting kind of deep, ok," and he climbed up onto the fox's head. After a few more steps, the fox said, "Oh, little gingerbread man, the water is getting even deeper,
I'm afraid you might get wet. Why don't you climb up onto my-- nose?" The gingerbread man looked, and said, "Gee the water is getting kind of deep, ok," and he climbed up onto the fox's nose. And the fox went--
SHLLLURP!-- and that was the end of the gingerbread man.
Final Script
PAGE 1 One, morning a fox came out of bed, his name was Freddy but his
friends call him Fred. The sun was yellow and his fur was red, But he only
had one thought in his head… Lunch. After he’d wake, he began to bake.
Something sweet, something you cant beat, something fun and so nice it
would want to run. A gingerbread man.
PAGE 2 So as time progressed, Freddy tried his best and the result was
just what he wanted to eat, he began to look at the head and down to the
feet. So Freddy just went to pick up his food until the gingerbread man was
incredibly rude and split milk all over the floor on his way out of the door!
Freddy was nowhere near ready, it was such a shock and a scare, the
gingerbread man ran from bottom to top and here to there!
Freddy chased the gingerbread man through the forest….
PAGE 4- Freddy chased the gingerbread man through the village.
PAGE 5- Freddy chased the gingerbread man through the rain
PAGE 6- Freddy chased the gingerbread man through boiling hot sunshine
Page 7- Freddy chased the gingerbread man from London to Tokyo.
Page 8- But wait?! The gingerbread man seems to have fallen over! At this point,
Freddy is very tired, hungry and angry at the gingerbread man. But by the
goodness of his heart, Freddy helps the gingerbread man up, dusts him off
Final Script
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Development pro forma

  • 3. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What I liked the most about my image was its simplicity. Basing it around primary colours it both shows the fun side to the image and the pop art side of the design. A particular example of this is the colour of the chicken’s body. Even though a blue chicken does not exist, in pop art people often change the colour of things so that they don’t look real but you can very easily tell what it is meant to be. What would you improve if you did it again? If I were to do it again, I would chose a different animal as the chicken is very hard to warp as it has a lot of bends and curves.
  • 5. Evaluation What did you like about your image? In my opinion, the best part of my image is the colour scheme. I chose a pug to rotoscope and pugs are usually beige and black but I chose to use a range of dark blues and reds for my image, they still contrast but look more funky than beige and black. What would you improve if you did it again? If I were to do it again I’d chose an animal with more colours as this seemed to be repetitive when it came to choosing colours.
  • 7. Evaluation What did you like about your image? The thing I like the most about my text based image is the font. I like the font because parts of the letter are empty whilst others have parts of a picture in them so you can read the words and see the picture behind it clearly. What would you improve if you did it again? If I were to do it again I would choose a different image so you could easily tell what it was. I’d choose a sky as it’s a simple image compared to a crowd.
  • 9. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like the variety of colours the most. As it’s quite ironic that it’s a paintballing image that includes a lot of different colours. What would you improve if you did it again? If I were to do it again I would use another artistic effect as I feel another one might look better.
  • 13. Evaluation What did you like about your image? It shows happiness in a very simple yet effective way. I like its simplicity and that just a dog can make someone smile. What would you improve if you did it again? If I did it again I’d try to dig deeper into photographing happiness, although I like the simplicity of the image, it’d be nice to try something different.
  • 14. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like how small the person in the image is compared to the building and the floor. It effectively shows loneliness. What would you improve if you did it again? If I did it again I would choose a more secluded place to show mood and effect.
  • 15. What did you like about your image? I like how the image makes you think. This image is meant to show excitement and it does but you have to think about how the picture shows excitement and the challenge of the image is really effective. What would you improve if you did it again? If I were to do it again I would use somebody’s facial expression to show excitement and not something that makes you think, although I am very happy with the chosen image. Evaluation
  • 17. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like the difference between the character and the background. The background is a coloured 60’s/70’s style stripy background compared to the cartoon character. What would you improve if you did it again? If I were to do it again I would draw a different character as Ralph Wiggum was too easy and not challenging in the slightest.
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  • 22. Proposal Dimensions 210mm x 297mm. 8-12 pages. Story Overview (Provide an outline of your story) The story is about one hungry fox who bakes a gingerbread man for his lunch. But, the gingerbread man runs away and now the fox has to catch his lunch. My story’s target audience is the age group of 3-6 years old. It is suitable for either gender. This book will suit anybody’s interest as it isn’t pointed towards a particular hobby. Export Format PDF Advantages: PDF’s are compact and easy to compress large files. Disadvantages: PDF’s cannot open on most computers.
  • 23. Deadline 16/10/14 Audience (Think about who you are targeting as your audience. Consider age, gender, class, location and other characteristics which could define your audience.) my target audience is children between the ages of 3-6. It can be suitable for any class or gender. The book will be written in british english so it is mainly for children who can read british text. Production Methods (Explain the methods you are going to use to produce your pages. Show us the thinking behind your decisions for a more detail response) For my illustrations I will use coloured pencils and pens to draw the characters and various scenes. For my text, I will use various fonts for the actual book’s dialogue, the book’s front cover and the book’s blurb. The font for the book’s dialogue will be clear and easy to read yet, fun and quirky. The book’s front cover will have a more fun and lively font.
  • 24. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? The strengths of this proposal are that it directed at the right age range for the story, it has the plenty of detail to become a good book if the plan is followed. You could think more about the audience, specifically whether adults would enjoy reading this to children. Other than that it is a good proposal. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? There are a variety of different styles of ways in which to draw the characters. This will make it easier when it comes to actually drawing the characters. You could look at other books that have been published and see what they used as their characters. You could also focus on the background more and get different pictures of each background that you plan to use.
  • 25. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? You have written clearly how you are going to produce your book and what materials you will use to do so. Your statements about the PDF files were straight forward and easy to understand. You need to write a better explanation for you're story as it is to short an lacks detail. Try not to repeat your self as you have done this with the story over view and the audience. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? You have found pictures for all the main parts of you're story such as the fox Gingerbread man and the setting. This shows clearly that you have an idea and you have come to a conclusion. You could try looking at other possibilities for you book before you come to one conclusion. Try finding some more pictures as these may give you some more ideas.
  • 26. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? The first strength in Nicks proposal is that he has thought clearly about how he will create his book and gone into to detail about texts and images. I also feel that Nick has a strong start to his story overview and a basic idea of what the story will be about. Despite the strong idea for the story, I feel Nick needs to go into more detail about his story and have a set order of events that will happen in the book. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? Nick has focuses a lot on what his ginger bread character may look like in his ideas generation and has a range of different images for the character. Nick also has a good mind map which includes some quotes that he could use in his story. Nick can develop his ideas further by making a mood board for his fox character and also making a mood board for he backgrounds throughout his story.
  • 27. Feedback Summary Sum up your feedback. I feel that my feedback was very accurate. Yep, I wasn’t finished and didn’t intend to leave some things that were left and some of them I did intend on leaving but I’ll have to go back and check. I was told to make a mood board for my scenes which I have but I didn’t have time to save it as a jpeg and put it in, which is a shame. Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why? I agree with parts that say I am repeating myself. Yep, im definitely doing that and I need to change that. Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why? I don’t really disagree with anything, if people feel things need improving, I will improve them. However, nobody made any rational statements like “nick needs to rethink his whole idea of this project” which is a relief.
  • 31. Original Script Once upon a time there was a little old woman and a little old man. The little old woman thought she'd make a gingerbread man. She rolled out the dough, and cut out the shape, and she put raisins for his eyes, and peppermints for his teeth, and put icing on his head for the hair. Then she put him in the oven, and when it smelled good, she opened up the door to take a peek and --- Yooop!---out jumped the gingerbread man. "Stop! Stop, little gingerbread man!" said the little old lady. "I want to eat you!" "No!" said the little gingerbread man. "I can run away from you!" "Run, run, fast as you can! Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" And away he ran! He ran till he got outside, where he saw the little old man. And the little old man said, "Stop! Stop little gingerbread man! I want to eat you!" And the little gingerbread man said: "NO! I ran away from the little old woman, and I can run away from you too! Run, run, fast as you can! Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" and away he ran! He ran till he came to the pigsty. And the pig said "(Oink Oink)-- Stop! Stop little gingerbread man! I want to eat you!" But the gingerbread man said, "NO! I ran away from the little old woman, I ran away from the little old man, and I can run away from you too! Run, run, fast as you can! Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" and away he ran! He ran till he came to a house. And in front of the house was a dog. And the dog said, "STOP! Stop stop stop stop stoooooooooop! Little gingerbread man! I want to eat you!" But the gingerbread man said, "NO! I ran away from the little old woman, and the little old man, and a pig, and I can run away from you too!" Run, run, fast as you can! Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" and away he ran! He ran till he came to a field full of cows. And the cows said, "Mooooo! Stoooooooop! Stoooooooop little gingerbread man. We want to eat you!" But the gingerbread man said, "NO! I ran away from the little old woman, I ran away from the little old man, and a pig, and a dog, and I can run away from you too!
  • 32. Original Script Run, run, fast as you can! Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" and away he ran! He ran till he came to a field full of cows. And the cows said, "Mooooo! Stoooooooop! Stoooooooop little gingerbread man. We want to eat you!" But the gingerbread man said, "NO! I ran away from the little old woman, I ran away from the little old man, and a pig, and a dog, and I can run away from you too! Run, run, fast as you can! Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" and away he ran! He ran till he came to a river. And next to the river was a fox. The fox said, "Hello little gingerbread man." The gingerbread man said, "HELLO! I ran away from the little old woman, I ran away from the little old man, and a pig, and some cows, and I can run away from you too! Run, run, fast as you can! Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" "But," said the fox, "I never run. And I don't want to eat you!" The gingerbread man said Run, run, fast as you can! Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" The fox said, "Run all you want, I'm not going to chase you. But-- I would like to ask you a question." The gingerbread man said, "What?" The fox said, "How do figure you're going to get across that stream without getting wet? I mean, if you get wet, you'll get soggy, right?" The gingerbread man didn't say anything, but he looked very thoughtful. The fox said, "I've got an idea." The gingerbread man said, "What?" The fox said, "I'm going to swim across, right now. If you want, you can hitch a ride on my tail." The gingerbread man said, "OK," and grabbed the fox's tail. The fox started to wade into the water. After a few steps, the fox said, "Oh, little gingerbread man. The water is getting kind of deep. I'm afraid you might get wet. Why don't you climb up onto my back?" The gingerbread man looked, and said, "Gee, the water is getting kind of deep, ok," and he climbed up onto the fox's back. After a few more steps, the fox said, "Oh, little gingerbread man, the water is getting even deeper, I'm afraid you might get wet. Why don't you climb up onto my-- neck?" The gingerbread man looked, and said, "Gee the water is getting kind of deep, ok," and he climbed up onto the fox's neck. After a few more steps, the fox said, "Oh, little gingerbread man, the water is getting even deeper, I'm afraid you might get wet. Why don't you climb up onto my-- head?" The gingerbread man looked, and said, "Gee the water is getting kind of deep, ok," and he climbed up onto the fox's head. After a few more steps, the fox said, "Oh, little gingerbread man, the water is getting even deeper, I'm afraid you might get wet. Why don't you climb up onto my-- nose?" The gingerbread man looked, and said, "Gee the water is getting kind of deep, ok," and he climbed up onto the fox's nose. And the fox went-- SHLLLURP!-- and that was the end of the gingerbread man.
  • 33. Final Script PAGE 1 One, morning a fox came out of bed, his name was Freddy but his friends call him Fred. The sun was yellow and his fur was red, But he only had one thought in his head… Lunch. After he’d wake, he began to bake. Something sweet, something you cant beat, something fun and so nice it would want to run. A gingerbread man. PAGE 2 So as time progressed, Freddy tried his best and the result was just what he wanted to eat, he began to look at the head and down to the feet. So Freddy just went to pick up his food until the gingerbread man was incredibly rude and split milk all over the floor on his way out of the door! PAGE 3 Freddy was nowhere near ready, it was such a shock and a scare, the gingerbread man ran from bottom to top and here to there! Freddy chased the gingerbread man through the forest….
  • 34. PAGE 4- Freddy chased the gingerbread man through the village. PAGE 5- Freddy chased the gingerbread man through the rain PAGE 6- Freddy chased the gingerbread man through boiling hot sunshine Page 7- Freddy chased the gingerbread man from London to Tokyo. Page 8- But wait?! The gingerbread man seems to have fallen over! At this point, Freddy is very tired, hungry and angry at the gingerbread man. But by the goodness of his heart, Freddy helps the gingerbread man up, dusts him off and…. Page 9 – EATS THE GINGERBREAD MAN IN ONE BIG BITE. Final Script