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Digital Graphic Narrative
Shape Task
Shape Task
What did you like about your image?
I liked the fact we got to go over the image by
selecting a shape and warping it to fit the original
images shape. I thought this was fun and creative
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would probably add more shadowing to the image
this way I can look more like a realistic cartoon
image rather than just bright shapes over the
original image
What did you like about your image?
I found rotoscope really fun because it was fast and easier
to select one part of the image and add a colour overlay.
This saves wasting time rather than warping the shape
into place it allows more time to add shadowing giving
the image a more realistic effect.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would of added more detail to the face in the original
image he had some stubble I think that I would add that
in rather than just skipping it all together.
Film Quotes
What did you like about your image?
I mainly enjoyed this task because I enjoy films so when it came to the task I
had thought up many ideas, also do to the fact I had an interest in movies it
made me quite determined and focused I wanted to test out different styles
and effects for the plans I had.
What would you improve if you did it again?
Due to the fact I had high hopes in creating my designs I didn’t realize that it
was harder than I thought. Because I had so many ideas for what I wanted
this image to look like I almost struggled to actually get the first one done and
ended up disappointed in it. If I could do it again I would focus more on the
creative side of the image rather than thinking of how I wanted it to look from
the idea in my head.
Text Based
Text Based
What did you like about your image?
I liked testing out the text tools like shaping
them and warping them making them look
twisted and different. I also liked the fact you
could add an image within to your text
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would probably test out more styles. I would
do four of the same technique rather than just
two or three
Comic Book
What did you like about your image?
I found this the most fun of the tasks due to the fact
we had a chance to experiment with different
shapes, filters and effects I liked the fact I had a
chance to make my image look like a cartoon.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I honestly would of liked to try different designs
rather than just focusing on my first idea this way I
could of seen what the other filters looked like.
Photo Story
What did you like about your image?
What would you improve if you did it again?
What did you like about your image?
I liked doing this image because it wasn’t on the
computer for a change also it was fun to be
creative with my hands and drawing out a
certain image I had planned in my head
What would you improve if you did it again?
I I could of done it again I would probably add
more detail to the illustration rather than just
rushing it
Narrative Environment
What did you like about your image?
I liked going around the original image and layer
via cutting them to give them a cartoon styled
effect it was fun to turn something that looked
quite real into something more cartoony
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would of spent more time on the sky layer
making it look better and more like clouds I
would of also added the windows into the castle
Initial Ideas
I will be having two main characters named Joel and Marline. Joel is an older man
around the age of 30 and Marline is a child around the age of 7. I will also be having
mutated monsters in my book
My book will be based in a apocalyptic city after the destruction of a nuclear war
they style will be will look quite grimy and destroyed I want this setting because I
want one of the main protagonist to
My book will have around 14 pages each around the size of 18 cm x 25 cm
Story Overview
A girl tells a story of her friend who ended up going insane but helped her to survive
the apocalypse and find her parents. The story is about her friend that looked after her
and how he was forced to used an ancient object that gave him magical powers but
turned him a little bit crazier every time he used.
Export Format
Advantages: JPEGS have high compression, They have small size, JPEGS are compatible
with most software, JEPEGS are suitable for full-color realistic images with a lot of color
and contrast
Disadvantages: JPEG is less suitable for working with text, Format does not support
transparency, Image may “fall apart” into individual squares
My target audience will be older kids around the ages of 6– 7 this is due to the fact
that the story is a lot darker than most children's books I will be giving it almost a
comic book cartoon like style to it.
The target audience will be in the ABC1 demographic due to the fact my book will
be more costly than a children's book written for a younger audience. By targeting
at ABC1 they will have a higher income to spend on my product
Production Methods
I will be drawing my images by hand doing the outlines and then scanning them in
once they are on the computer I will colour them in I will probably mainly be using
the shape tool in Photoshop this is because it will be easier to create cartoon styled
images I will be going over the images with the shape tool so I am not stretching
and shaping it all by free hand
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
I you can write the script efficiently will be able to
create a character driven story, which I think would
link up well with the ending you have planned.
Are you sure that an apocalyptic setting is the
correct decision to make for a children’s book? As
you have chosen to draw your characters (and
other features) by hand do you image each shot of
the same character will be the same image or a
separate drawing that shows the character being
animated. (you should try to do this at least once as
it will get you more marks). What ideas do you have
for colouring the pages, will the colours be solid,
use gradient overlays etc..
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
You have managed to display the tone of the book
by mirroring existing cartoons. This shows that that
the setting can be done to appeal to children.
It would be helpful if you could provide more
information in general particularly to do with each
individual character and/or scene. Is it possible for
you to make a mood board for each asset of your
project (eg. Each character, environments, other
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
You’ve clearly shown what you want your story to
be about and the social group that your book would
mainly be aimed for
You could have chosen a story that could be more
appropriate for children to read
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
You gave yourself multiple ideas to choose from
and clearly thought out the plot for each one
You could have added more information on the
characters and locations
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
I really like your mood board and have a really
good idea of the kind of illustration style you are
going for.
Flesh out your idea more and focus more on the
environments they are in and the feelings of the
characters. Also add a mind map about your final
idea and what you took influence from and your
development etc.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
Your idea is simple and easy to understand. I like
how it’s a children's book for older children and has
more of a mature feel and will translate well with
young children.
Being careful not to make it too dark and knowing
which bits to maybe leave out and what to keep in
and what to change. Make sure we really like the
characters and want them to win. Also maybe add
more colour while keeping the dark story line will
help it come off as less dark but keeping the story.
Feedback Summary
Sum up your feedback.
I think that my feedback is quite helpful by getting a different perspective they have
given me ideas that I will be adding to my work such as mood boards for each characters
and environments and how when I was given the idea to draw an image for each shot
almost as if it was being animated to give me more shots
Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?
I do agree that I have given a good idea on how I want the visual style of my work to look
and that I have gotten a good idea for how I want my plot to go.
Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?
I understand what people are saying about my book being dark and that I should make
it more happy due to the fact that it’s a children's book, but my book will be aimed at
the more older aged children my art work will also be quite bright so it wont look to dark
making the book look visually better for the children reading it
• Finn: [Finn jumps sideways] Hm! [Marceline runs ahead] Whoa!
• Ice King: Marceline! Marceline! I'm open, I'm wide open! Marceline, I've got ups! Check out my ups!
• Marceline: Uh! Nope! Ha-ha, too slow!
• Jake: Whoa! [Marceline does a slam dunk]
• Ice King: Ha-ha! Yeah, alright! Good game, good game! Take 5! [He starts to dribble but the ball bounces away] I'll get us all a
bunch of little waters.
• Finn: [Is dribbling the ball] Marceline, why did you ask ancient chumps to play basketball?
• Jake: Yeah!
• Marceline: [She sighs deeply.] Well, he's very dear to my heart. I love him.
• Jake: What you are talking about, Marceline?
• Marceline: We've been around for a long time, we have a long history together. It's... it's a long story.
• Finn: Lay it on us!
• Jake: Yeah, lay it out, Marcy!
• Ice King: Yeah! Lay down, Marceline, go to sleep! Right? What are we talking about?
• Marceline: Alright, I suppose it's about time I told someone this story.
• [Time card: ON THIS DAY 996 YEARS AGO]
• Simon: Huh.
• Marcy: Hmmmmmm...
• Simon: [He stops at a deserted mailbox] Ha-ha! Might be something in here, Marceline!
• Marcy: [Laughing] E-e-ewww! It's a dead rat!
• Simon: Hey! Yeah, so it is, looks like we've got a cute new traveling buddy.
• Marcy: Ewww, noooooooo!!
• Simon: [Giggling a bit] It's kinda cute... [He closes the mailbox chute and continues walking with Marceline.]
• Simon: [Points to a VHS tape on the ground] Hey, check it out, it's a VHS tape. You wanna watch a movie?
• Marcy: Yeah!
• [They both stare at the tape for a while.]
• Simon: ...Man, this is a boring movie.
• [Marcy giggles.]
• Simon: I like the book much better! [He throws the tape behind him and they both laugh.]
Original Script
• Marcy: You're so silly, Simon!
• Simon: He-he-he, yeah, I suppose so... Huh?
• [A rustling noise is heard in the bushes..]
• Marcy: What is that?
• Simon: I'm not sure, but it's coming our way. Come on. [They run over to a car.] Marcy, you stay in the car.
I'll be right back.
• Marcy: Simon! [pulls on his beard]
• Simon: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
• Marcy: You're not going to put it on, are you?
• Simon: I have to. To protect us.
• Marcy: But you're gonna act weird again!
• Simon: Don't worry, I can control it better now.
• Marcy: [Cringes] Mmm...
• Simon: It's okay! B.R.B. [He kisses Marcy on the forehead. He pulls his head out of the window. The
object rustling in the woods comes closer.] Oh, boy. Here it comes. Oh, bread balls. Oh, bread balls! OH,
BREAD BALLS! [puts on his crown. His nose and hair and beard grow., starts laughing maniacally] I call
upon the power of ice and snow!! Ice winds, blow!!! [Icy cold wind shoots at a deer which flies out of the
bushes and lands perfectly on its feet. It looks around confused.] Rragh! YOU WILL NO LONGER TERRIFY A
47-YEAR-OLD MAN AND A 7-YEAR-OLD GIRL! [Zaps ice at the deer. A ball forms around the deer. It becomes
frozen. Marcy gasps. Simon continues laughing.]
• Marcy: [gets out of the car] Simon, stop! It's frozen!
• Simon: Not now, Gunther, I'm doing big people things. Come play in the snow, build me a snowman.
[Sprinkles some snow on Marcy.]
• Marcy: Bleh! [Simon continues zapping the deer. The ball becomes frozen with the deer inside it. Marcy
gasps. She creates a snowball and throws it at Simon's crown.]
• Simon: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-- Huh? [The crown falls off and he suddenly hits the ground on his head. Marcy
rushes over.]
• Marcy: Simon! Simon, are you okay?!
• Simon: Uh...uh...yeah.
• Marcy: You're getting worse, Simon. Your hair and your nose are longer, and you started to hover in the
• Simon: Oh, yeah. Did I look pretty...FLY?! [starts to laugh]
• Marcy: What are you talking about? You're scaring me.
• Simon: [continues laughing. His hair and nose grow back to normal.] I'm sorry. Did I say something?
• Marcy: Simon, promise me you won't put it on again.
• Simon: [looks down] OK. I promise.
• Marcy: What is that thing?
• Simon: It's a deer.
• [Simon and Marcy walk over to the frozen deer. The looks around and breathes heavily two times]
• Marcy: If there are deers in the forest, do you think there are other things?
• Simon: [eyes widen] I don't know. [cuts to Simon and Marcy roasting food] Hm... [whistles a tune. He sets a
broken television upright] Uhh! This is gonna be good. It's gonna be worth it. [crouches behind the T.V.] Use
the remote to turn on the T.V. [throws a soda can to Marcy]
• [Marcy makes a clicking sound and pretends to hit the remote's ON button on the soda can]
• Simon: [sings the piano intro to Cheers theme song] [Singing] ♪ Making your way in the world today, takes
everything you got. ♪
• Marcy: [looks confused]
• Simon: ♪ Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot. Sometimes you want to go, where
everybody knows your name! ♪
• Marcy: What is this?
• Simon: Filmed before a live studio audience. [makes a squeaking noise] Norm!
• Marcy: Mute.
• [Simon moves his mouth without talking]
• Marcy: [laughs and then starts coughing]
• Simon: [looks at Marcy] Marcy...? [puts his hand on Marcy's forehead. He gasps.] Oh, no... Uh, you're fine.
Just a bit warm, but you should get some sleep. [Marcy is snoring]
• [Morning]
• [Marcy coughs which wakes up Simon]
• Marcy: Hey! Good morning! I made you breakfast! It's mostly pine needles and deer guts.
• Simon: [lowering his voice] Oh, you're even worse. [Normal voice] I mean, don't freak out or anything, but
we need to get you some... chicken soup! [packs up the sleeping bag] There you go. [to Marcy] There
must've been a soupery in that town, but I don't want you walking all... [spots a motorcycle] ...that way.
[both are on the motorcycle] Okay. You ready for a motorbike ride?
• Marcy: Mmm-hmm.
• Marcy: Simon, promise me you won't put it on again.
• Simon: [looks down] OK. I promise.
• Marcy: What is that thing?
• Simon: It's a deer.
• [Simon and Marcy walk over to the frozen deer. The looks around and breathes heavily two times]
• Marcy: If there are deers in the forest, do you think there are other things?
• Simon: [eyes widen] I don't know. [cuts to Simon and Marcy roasting food] Hm... [whistles a tune. He sets a
broken television upright] Uhh! This is gonna be good. It's gonna be worth it. [crouches behind the T.V.] Use
the remote to turn on the T.V. [throws a soda can to Marcy]
• [Marcy makes a clicking sound and pretends to hit the remote's ON button on the soda can]
• Simon: [sings the piano intro to Cheers theme song] [Singing] ♪ Making your way in the world today, takes
everything you got. ♪
• Marcy: [looks confused]
• Simon: ♪ Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot. Sometimes you want to go, where
everybody knows your name! ♪
• Marcy: What is this?
• Simon: Filmed before a live studio audience. [makes a squeaking noise] Norm!
• Marcy: Mute.
• [Simon moves his mouth without talking]
• Marcy: [laughs and then starts coughing]
• Simon: [looks at Marcy] Marcy...? [puts his hand on Marcy's forehead. He gasps.] Oh, no... Uh, you're fine.
Just a bit warm, but you should get some sleep. [Marcy is snoring]
• [Morning]
• [Marcy coughs which wakes up Simon]
• Marcy: Hey! Good morning! I made you breakfast! It's mostly pine needles and deer guts.
• Simon: [lowering his voice] Oh, you're even worse. [Normal voice] I mean, don't freak out or anything, but
we need to get you some... chicken soup! [packs up the sleeping bag] There you go. [to Marcy] There
must've been a soupery in that town, but I don't want you walking all... [spots a motorcycle] ...that way.
[both are on the motorcycle] Okay. You ready for a motorbike ride?
• Marcy: Mmm-hmm.
• [Motorbike sounds]
• Simon: Okay, now we're talking. [pants] Just needs a little love-- [loses grip from the motorbike because he goes to fast]
• Marcy: AAH!
• Simon: WOWZERS! [tries to catch it as it goes away but it hits a wall]
• Simon: Okay, let's try something else.
• [Marcy is seen riding a computer chair while Simon's pushing it]
• Simon: Hey, Marcy, I wrote a song for you. [sings The Soup Hunting Song]
• Marcy: [laughs] Your songs are sooo good.
• Simon: Here we go! [tries to open the door] Aw, it's locked. [throws the chair into the window] Vandalism is wrong, Marcy.
• Marcy: Okay.
• Simon: Oh, everything's gone... except for these greeting cards. [looks at the card. It says, "HEY OLD MAN..." He turns the
page. "...Have a 'soup-er' 'broth'-day! ('birthday')"] Aw...
• Marcy: Simon, look! [points at the security mirror]
• [Simon looks at the security mirror; there is something at the other aisle]
• Simon: [gets down then gasps] What is that thing? This-This is bad.
• [scene is at the crown]
• Marcy: No.
• Simon: I have to protect us.
• Marcy: No!
• [The mutant hears this then it goes toward Simon and Marcy]
• Simon: I have to.
• Marcy: No, don't put it on!
• Simon: Marcy, stay back! [knocks mutant out with the crown. He presses on the mutant then green goo comes out]
• Simon/Marcy: Aah!
• Simon: We're getting out of here!
• [Scene switches. Simon and Marcy are walking through a large concrete storm-drain]
• Marcy: [steps on a remote] Oops.
• Simon: Hey, little lady, what about a ride on an old man's back?
• Marcy: I can walk. I'm not a child, Simon.
• Simon: Look, sweetie, someday you'll be too big to hold. I'm as old as garlic balls, and if someone offered to pick me up and
carry me, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Take it when you can get it. [Carries Marcy then she sneezes on his face and laughs]
• Simon: Gross. [wipes it away] You're gross.
• Marcy: You're gross, Simon.
• Simon: We're both gross, darling. [Gasps then sees something at the top of the bridge, then walks near the bridge] A food truck! Might
be chicken soup inside there. [He climbs to the top of the bridge] Alright, now to get some chicken soup inside you--[inside it are clams]
Clams? [closes one door of the truck to see what name it is] The Clambulance?! No, I need chicken! Marceline, cover your ears!
MOTHER, MOTHER, MOTHER, MOTHER, MOTHER, MOTHER, MOTHER, MOTHER! [starts kicking the door of the truck while saying this,
then a mutant appears under the truck and grabs Simon's leg]
• Simon/Marcy: [gasps, then Simon kicks the mutant away then a mutant came out hiding at the Clambulance]
• Simon: [Frightened] Mother, Mother! [Simon shuts the door; he starts pushing it off the bridge] [Straining] Mother, Mother, Mother,
Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother...! [it falls and it repeatedly says "Clambulance" while the sirens make some noise,
then from another bridge mutants hear it and begin to chase them]
• Marcy: What are we gonna do, Simon?
• Simon: We're gonna run! [runs and jumps to a tree with pink substance; they stick to it]
• Marcy: Whoa!
• Simon: Come on, come on, come on!!
• [They fall down but the bag is stuck to the tree. They still run while being chased by mutants, then a mutant came close to them.]
• Simon: Mama, mama, mama, mama, mama mia!
• [he hits the mutant with a pillow.]
• [They run to a dark alley, then they are at a dead end]
• Marcy: Our butts are grass, right?
• [Simon puts Marcy in the car]
• Simon: Not yet.
• Marcy: Don't leave me here Simon! I can fight!
• [Pats bicep]
• Simon: I'm sorry Marcy.
• Marcy: Simon!
• [Simon closes the car door]
• Simon: You have to keep it together Simon... for her.
• Marcy: Simon you promised.
• Simon: [Simon puts on the crown, as he does he starts singing the theme song from Cheers]
• ♪ Makin' your way in the world today takes everything you've got! ♪
• [Blasts mutants with snow across the alleyway]
• ♪ Taking a break from all your worries
• Where everybody knows your name. Where everybody... ♪
• [Simon smacks the crown off his head, and sees a can of chicken soup and a pocketknife fall from the pink substance. He runs to it to
take it, but then notices it has a face, but he quickly runs back to the car to give Marceline the soup]
• Simon: Marcy! Look I-I found chicken soup! Your gonna feel awesome in a moment.
• Marcy: I'm just glad [gulp] you're ok.
• Simon: Do you feel awesome? [Marcy nods her head]
• Marcy: I love you, Simon.
• Simon: I love you... Gunther.
• [Time card: 996 years later]
• Jake: Pretty heavy
• Finn: Whoa, mama
• Ice King: Whoa, so what happens next? How does it end?
• Marceline: Well, little Marcy felt a lot better. And she and Simon lived happily ever after. [Passes
the ball to Ice King and smiles at him]
• Ice King: Aww, that's nice. [whispers] Marceline, you keep telling these chump stories while I score
a bunch of baskets.
• Marceline: [chuckles] Okay.
• Ice King: Yeah, yeah! [Ice King shouts while he dribbles basketball in and out of the hoop, while the
three are smiling at him. Finn puts one of his hands on Jake's shoulder.]
• [The episode ends.]
Story Breakdown
• Friends playing basketball tells story why she cares and invited her annoying/crazy
• Goes back 996 years ago
• Simon and Marceline open a mail box looking for food find nothing
• Hear rattling in bush get nervous
• Simon put his magical crown on to save Marceline from the monster which turns out
to just be a deer
• Marceline throws rock at the crown to turn him normal again
• Simon entertains Marceline by pretending to put on a show
• Marceline coughs Simon says she's getting worse and needs sleep
• Simon wakes up in the morning from Marceline coughing and says she needs to have
chicken soup
• They head to the city ruins looking for an old soup shop but find a van on the road
and accidently set of an alarm
• Monsters come form all angles Simon uses crown again turning him more crazy
• Head into the city find a soup shop and soup another monster appears Simon knocks
it out with crown
• Leave the shop get cornered by more monsters uses crown again turns a little more
crazy but defeats mutants and gives Marceline soup both say I love you to each
• Cuts back 996 years later to them at current time
Draft Script
1. Marline is playing basketball with two friends.
2. Joel arrives ( Who is hated by Marlines other friends).
3. Marline Establishes there friendship – leads to flashback.
4. Shows Marline ill Joel says she needs soup to make her better.
5. Joel searches one place doesn't find any soup hears a rattle in the
back and gets terrified thinking its one of the monsters turns out to
be just a pigeon.
6. Searches second place finds no soup runs into a Searches 3rd place.
finds soup but runs into monster .
7. Brings it back to Marceline makes her better.
8. Flash back the them playing basketball again .
Draft Script: Of My Version
1. Marline is playing basketball with two friends.
2. Joel arrives ( Who is hated by Marlines other friends).
3. Marline Establishes there friendship – leads to flashback.
4. Shows Marline ill Joel says she needs soup to make her better.
5. Joel searches one place doesn't find any soup hears a rattle in the
back and gets terrified thinking its one of the monsters turns out to
be just a pigeon.
6. Searches second place finds no soup runs into a Searches 3rd place.
finds soup but runs into monster .
7. Brings it back to Marceline makes her better.
8. Flash back the them playing basketball again .
Final Script:
Page 1:
“Hey Marline ready to shoot some Hoops?” said Fred.
“Yeah we just need to wait for Joel,” said Marline
“Awwh Marline why did you invite Joel he’s really lame” said Jacob the dog
“Yeah c’mon Marline he’s crazy why did you invite him?” said Fred
Page 2:
Page 3:
“Hey my bizzles” said Joel
“Awwh he’s here why do you like this guy Marline?” asked Fred
“Well…. He’s a close friend who’s very dear to my heart, we go back you know it’s a long
story!” said Marline
“C’mon Marline lay it on us” said Fred
“Yeah c’mon” said Jacob
“Ok its time I should probably tell someone” Said Marline
Page 4:
Page 5:
[About 880 years ago]
“Oh no Marline you have a temperature, we need to get you some soup!” said Joel
“No Joel you can’t go out what about the monsters?” cried Marline
“I know its risky but we need to get you better” said Joel
“No Joel I'm fine (Sneezes) honestly” said Marline
“I know sweetie but let me get you some just in case” said Joel.
Page 6
Page 7
Joel searched one place but didn't find any soup. He then heard a rattle in the back of the old
house that he was searching and got terrified thinking there was a monster, until a pigeon flew
out from the cupboard he had just opened.
“Arrrrgh, oh phew it was just a pigeon. That was too close!” Said Joel
“Oh no there's no soup here, not good, I’m going to have to search somewhere else” said Joel
Page 8 Image
Page 9
Joel ended up finding an old soup van on one of the outer roads and decided to search it but didn't manage to find
any soup there either.
“No soup here either this isn’t good I’m running of of places to look. I’m going to have to search further into the
city” said Joel.
*Sigh* “I have to do it for Marline. Be brave Joel” said Joel.
Joel began wandering into the city cautiously, feeling anxious.
Page 10
Page 11
Joel found and old supermarket and began to search it to see if he could find any soup, but he heard a growl coming from the
back of the shop. Joel noticed there was a can of chicken soup left on one of the old counters in the shop. Joel headed towards
the soup until a monster jumped out.
“Bluurrrrgggh” gargled the monster.
“Arrrrrrrgh” screamed Joel.
Joel quickly grabbed a frying pan from the floor and smacked it over the monsters head *boooong* the monster fell down to the
“Phew that was a close one” muttered Joel.
Joel grabbed the can of soup and the can opener and rushed back to Marline as fast as he could.
Page 12
Page 13
Joel rushed into Marline’s bedroom as fast as he could opening the can of chicken soup whilst
“Quickly Marline eat this and you’ll begin to feel awesome” said Joel.
*Giggle* “Okay Joel” laughed Marline.
Joel pops the spoon into Marline’s mouth feeding her the soup.
“Do you feel awesome yet?” said Joel.
“Yes Joel thank you, I love you” said Marline.
“I love you too” said Joel.
Page 14
Page 15
[Back in the present]
“Wow that was pretty heavy” said Jacob.
“Yeah that’s some serious snizz Marline” said Fred.
“Whoa, so what happens next? How does it end?”
asked Fred.
“Well, I felt a lot better and me and Joel lived happily ever after”
said Marline.
“Awwwh that’s nice” said Fred.
The End
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  • 4. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I liked the fact we got to go over the image by selecting a shape and warping it to fit the original images shape. I thought this was fun and creative What would you improve if you did it again? I would probably add more shadowing to the image this way I can look more like a realistic cartoon image rather than just bright shapes over the original image
  • 6. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I found rotoscope really fun because it was fast and easier to select one part of the image and add a colour overlay. This saves wasting time rather than warping the shape into place it allows more time to add shadowing giving the image a more realistic effect. What would you improve if you did it again? I would of added more detail to the face in the original image he had some stubble I think that I would add that in rather than just skipping it all together.
  • 8. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I mainly enjoyed this task because I enjoy films so when it came to the task I had thought up many ideas, also do to the fact I had an interest in movies it made me quite determined and focused I wanted to test out different styles and effects for the plans I had. What would you improve if you did it again? Due to the fact I had high hopes in creating my designs I didn’t realize that it was harder than I thought. Because I had so many ideas for what I wanted this image to look like I almost struggled to actually get the first one done and ended up disappointed in it. If I could do it again I would focus more on the creative side of the image rather than thinking of how I wanted it to look from the idea in my head.
  • 11. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I liked testing out the text tools like shaping them and warping them making them look twisted and different. I also liked the fact you could add an image within to your text What would you improve if you did it again? I would probably test out more styles. I would do four of the same technique rather than just two or three
  • 13. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I found this the most fun of the tasks due to the fact we had a chance to experiment with different shapes, filters and effects I liked the fact I had a chance to make my image look like a cartoon. What would you improve if you did it again? I honestly would of liked to try different designs rather than just focusing on my first idea this way I could of seen what the other filters looked like.
  • 15. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What would you improve if you did it again?
  • 17. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I liked doing this image because it wasn’t on the computer for a change also it was fun to be creative with my hands and drawing out a certain image I had planned in my head What would you improve if you did it again? I I could of done it again I would probably add more detail to the illustration rather than just rushing it
  • 19. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I liked going around the original image and layer via cutting them to give them a cartoon styled effect it was fun to turn something that looked quite real into something more cartoony What would you improve if you did it again? I would of spent more time on the sky layer making it look better and more like clouds I would of also added the windows into the castle
  • 21.
  • 22. Characters I will be having two main characters named Joel and Marline. Joel is an older man around the age of 30 and Marline is a child around the age of 7. I will also be having mutated monsters in my book Locations My book will be based in a apocalyptic city after the destruction of a nuclear war they style will be will look quite grimy and destroyed I want this setting because I want one of the main protagonist to
  • 23.
  • 24. Proposal Dimensions My book will have around 14 pages each around the size of 18 cm x 25 cm Story Overview A girl tells a story of her friend who ended up going insane but helped her to survive the apocalypse and find her parents. The story is about her friend that looked after her and how he was forced to used an ancient object that gave him magical powers but turned him a little bit crazier every time he used. Export Format JPEG Advantages: JPEGS have high compression, They have small size, JPEGS are compatible with most software, JEPEGS are suitable for full-color realistic images with a lot of color and contrast Disadvantages: JPEG is less suitable for working with text, Format does not support transparency, Image may “fall apart” into individual squares
  • 25. Deadline 22/4/166 Audience My target audience will be older kids around the ages of 6– 7 this is due to the fact that the story is a lot darker than most children's books I will be giving it almost a comic book cartoon like style to it. The target audience will be in the ABC1 demographic due to the fact my book will be more costly than a children's book written for a younger audience. By targeting at ABC1 they will have a higher income to spend on my product Production Methods I will be drawing my images by hand doing the outlines and then scanning them in once they are on the computer I will colour them in I will probably mainly be using the shape tool in Photoshop this is because it will be easier to create cartoon styled images I will be going over the images with the shape tool so I am not stretching and shaping it all by free hand
  • 26. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? I you can write the script efficiently will be able to create a character driven story, which I think would link up well with the ending you have planned. Are you sure that an apocalyptic setting is the correct decision to make for a children’s book? As you have chosen to draw your characters (and other features) by hand do you image each shot of the same character will be the same image or a separate drawing that shows the character being animated. (you should try to do this at least once as it will get you more marks). What ideas do you have for colouring the pages, will the colours be solid, use gradient overlays etc.. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? You have managed to display the tone of the book by mirroring existing cartoons. This shows that that the setting can be done to appeal to children. It would be helpful if you could provide more information in general particularly to do with each individual character and/or scene. Is it possible for you to make a mood board for each asset of your project (eg. Each character, environments, other features)?
  • 27. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? You’ve clearly shown what you want your story to be about and the social group that your book would mainly be aimed for You could have chosen a story that could be more appropriate for children to read What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? You gave yourself multiple ideas to choose from and clearly thought out the plot for each one You could have added more information on the characters and locations
  • 28. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? I really like your mood board and have a really good idea of the kind of illustration style you are going for. Flesh out your idea more and focus more on the environments they are in and the feelings of the characters. Also add a mind map about your final idea and what you took influence from and your development etc. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? Your idea is simple and easy to understand. I like how it’s a children's book for older children and has more of a mature feel and will translate well with young children. Being careful not to make it too dark and knowing which bits to maybe leave out and what to keep in and what to change. Make sure we really like the characters and want them to win. Also maybe add more colour while keeping the dark story line will help it come off as less dark but keeping the story.
  • 29. Feedback Summary Sum up your feedback. I think that my feedback is quite helpful by getting a different perspective they have given me ideas that I will be adding to my work such as mood boards for each characters and environments and how when I was given the idea to draw an image for each shot almost as if it was being animated to give me more shots Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why? I do agree that I have given a good idea on how I want the visual style of my work to look and that I have gotten a good idea for how I want my plot to go. Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why? I understand what people are saying about my book being dark and that I should make it more happy due to the fact that it’s a children's book, but my book will be aimed at the more older aged children my art work will also be quite bright so it wont look to dark making the book look visually better for the children reading it
  • 30. • Finn: [Finn jumps sideways] Hm! [Marceline runs ahead] Whoa! • Ice King: Marceline! Marceline! I'm open, I'm wide open! Marceline, I've got ups! Check out my ups! • Marceline: Uh! Nope! Ha-ha, too slow! • Jake: Whoa! [Marceline does a slam dunk] • Ice King: Ha-ha! Yeah, alright! Good game, good game! Take 5! [He starts to dribble but the ball bounces away] I'll get us all a bunch of little waters. • Finn: [Is dribbling the ball] Marceline, why did you ask ancient chumps to play basketball? • Jake: Yeah! • Marceline: [She sighs deeply.] Well, he's very dear to my heart. I love him. • Jake: What you are talking about, Marceline? • Marceline: We've been around for a long time, we have a long history together. It's... it's a long story. • Finn: Lay it on us! • Jake: Yeah, lay it out, Marcy! • Ice King: Yeah! Lay down, Marceline, go to sleep! Right? What are we talking about? • Marceline: Alright, I suppose it's about time I told someone this story. • [Time card: ON THIS DAY 996 YEARS AGO] • Simon: Huh. • Marcy: Hmmmmmm... • Simon: [He stops at a deserted mailbox] Ha-ha! Might be something in here, Marceline! • Marcy: [Laughing] E-e-ewww! It's a dead rat! • Simon: Hey! Yeah, so it is, looks like we've got a cute new traveling buddy. • Marcy: Ewww, noooooooo!! • Simon: [Giggling a bit] It's kinda cute... [He closes the mailbox chute and continues walking with Marceline.] • Simon: [Points to a VHS tape on the ground] Hey, check it out, it's a VHS tape. You wanna watch a movie? • Marcy: Yeah! • [They both stare at the tape for a while.] • Simon: ...Man, this is a boring movie. • [Marcy giggles.] • Simon: I like the book much better! [He throws the tape behind him and they both laugh.] Original Script
  • 31. • Marcy: You're so silly, Simon! • Simon: He-he-he, yeah, I suppose so... Huh? • [A rustling noise is heard in the bushes..] • Marcy: What is that? • Simon: I'm not sure, but it's coming our way. Come on. [They run over to a car.] Marcy, you stay in the car. I'll be right back. • Marcy: Simon! [pulls on his beard] • Simon: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! • Marcy: You're not going to put it on, are you? • Simon: I have to. To protect us. • Marcy: But you're gonna act weird again! • Simon: Don't worry, I can control it better now. • Marcy: [Cringes] Mmm... • Simon: It's okay! B.R.B. [He kisses Marcy on the forehead. He pulls his head out of the window. The object rustling in the woods comes closer.] Oh, boy. Here it comes. Oh, bread balls. Oh, bread balls! OH, BREAD BALLS! [puts on his crown. His nose and hair and beard grow., starts laughing maniacally] I call upon the power of ice and snow!! Ice winds, blow!!! [Icy cold wind shoots at a deer which flies out of the bushes and lands perfectly on its feet. It looks around confused.] Rragh! YOU WILL NO LONGER TERRIFY A 47-YEAR-OLD MAN AND A 7-YEAR-OLD GIRL! [Zaps ice at the deer. A ball forms around the deer. It becomes frozen. Marcy gasps. Simon continues laughing.] • Marcy: [gets out of the car] Simon, stop! It's frozen! • Simon: Not now, Gunther, I'm doing big people things. Come play in the snow, build me a snowman. [Sprinkles some snow on Marcy.] • Marcy: Bleh! [Simon continues zapping the deer. The ball becomes frozen with the deer inside it. Marcy gasps. She creates a snowball and throws it at Simon's crown.] • Simon: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-- Huh? [The crown falls off and he suddenly hits the ground on his head. Marcy rushes over.] • Marcy: Simon! Simon, are you okay?! • Simon: Uh...uh...yeah. • Marcy: You're getting worse, Simon. Your hair and your nose are longer, and you started to hover in the air! • Simon: Oh, yeah. Did I look pretty...FLY?! [starts to laugh] • Marcy: What are you talking about? You're scaring me. • Simon: [continues laughing. His hair and nose grow back to normal.] I'm sorry. Did I say something?
  • 32. • Marcy: Simon, promise me you won't put it on again. • Simon: [looks down] OK. I promise. • Marcy: What is that thing? • Simon: It's a deer. • [Simon and Marcy walk over to the frozen deer. The looks around and breathes heavily two times] • Marcy: If there are deers in the forest, do you think there are other things? • Simon: [eyes widen] I don't know. [cuts to Simon and Marcy roasting food] Hm... [whistles a tune. He sets a broken television upright] Uhh! This is gonna be good. It's gonna be worth it. [crouches behind the T.V.] Use the remote to turn on the T.V. [throws a soda can to Marcy] • [Marcy makes a clicking sound and pretends to hit the remote's ON button on the soda can] • Simon: [sings the piano intro to Cheers theme song] [Singing] ♪ Making your way in the world today, takes everything you got. ♪ • Marcy: [looks confused] • Simon: ♪ Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot. Sometimes you want to go, where everybody knows your name! ♪ • Marcy: What is this? • Simon: Filmed before a live studio audience. [makes a squeaking noise] Norm! • Marcy: Mute. • [Simon moves his mouth without talking] • Marcy: [laughs and then starts coughing] • Simon: [looks at Marcy] Marcy...? [puts his hand on Marcy's forehead. He gasps.] Oh, no... Uh, you're fine. Just a bit warm, but you should get some sleep. [Marcy is snoring] • [Morning] • [Marcy coughs which wakes up Simon] • Marcy: Hey! Good morning! I made you breakfast! It's mostly pine needles and deer guts. • Simon: [lowering his voice] Oh, you're even worse. [Normal voice] I mean, don't freak out or anything, but we need to get you some... chicken soup! [packs up the sleeping bag] There you go. [to Marcy] There must've been a soupery in that town, but I don't want you walking all... [spots a motorcycle] ...that way. [both are on the motorcycle] Okay. You ready for a motorbike ride? • Marcy: Mmm-hmm.
  • 33. • Marcy: Simon, promise me you won't put it on again. • Simon: [looks down] OK. I promise. • Marcy: What is that thing? • Simon: It's a deer. • [Simon and Marcy walk over to the frozen deer. The looks around and breathes heavily two times] • Marcy: If there are deers in the forest, do you think there are other things? • Simon: [eyes widen] I don't know. [cuts to Simon and Marcy roasting food] Hm... [whistles a tune. He sets a broken television upright] Uhh! This is gonna be good. It's gonna be worth it. [crouches behind the T.V.] Use the remote to turn on the T.V. [throws a soda can to Marcy] • [Marcy makes a clicking sound and pretends to hit the remote's ON button on the soda can] • Simon: [sings the piano intro to Cheers theme song] [Singing] ♪ Making your way in the world today, takes everything you got. ♪ • Marcy: [looks confused] • Simon: ♪ Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot. Sometimes you want to go, where everybody knows your name! ♪ • Marcy: What is this? • Simon: Filmed before a live studio audience. [makes a squeaking noise] Norm! • Marcy: Mute. • [Simon moves his mouth without talking] • Marcy: [laughs and then starts coughing] • Simon: [looks at Marcy] Marcy...? [puts his hand on Marcy's forehead. He gasps.] Oh, no... Uh, you're fine. Just a bit warm, but you should get some sleep. [Marcy is snoring] • [Morning] • [Marcy coughs which wakes up Simon] • Marcy: Hey! Good morning! I made you breakfast! It's mostly pine needles and deer guts. • Simon: [lowering his voice] Oh, you're even worse. [Normal voice] I mean, don't freak out or anything, but we need to get you some... chicken soup! [packs up the sleeping bag] There you go. [to Marcy] There must've been a soupery in that town, but I don't want you walking all... [spots a motorcycle] ...that way. [both are on the motorcycle] Okay. You ready for a motorbike ride? • Marcy: Mmm-hmm.
  • 34. • [Motorbike sounds] • Simon: Okay, now we're talking. [pants] Just needs a little love-- [loses grip from the motorbike because he goes to fast] • Marcy: AAH! • Simon: WOWZERS! [tries to catch it as it goes away but it hits a wall] • Simon: Okay, let's try something else. • [Marcy is seen riding a computer chair while Simon's pushing it] • Simon: Hey, Marcy, I wrote a song for you. [sings The Soup Hunting Song] • Marcy: [laughs] Your songs are sooo good. • Simon: Here we go! [tries to open the door] Aw, it's locked. [throws the chair into the window] Vandalism is wrong, Marcy. • Marcy: Okay. • Simon: Oh, everything's gone... except for these greeting cards. [looks at the card. It says, "HEY OLD MAN..." He turns the page. "...Have a 'soup-er' 'broth'-day! ('birthday')"] Aw... • Marcy: Simon, look! [points at the security mirror] • [Simon looks at the security mirror; there is something at the other aisle] • Simon: [gets down then gasps] What is that thing? This-This is bad. • [scene is at the crown] • Marcy: No. • Simon: I have to protect us. • Marcy: No! • [The mutant hears this then it goes toward Simon and Marcy] • Simon: I have to. • Marcy: No, don't put it on! • Simon: Marcy, stay back! [knocks mutant out with the crown. He presses on the mutant then green goo comes out] • Simon/Marcy: Aah! • Simon: We're getting out of here! • [Scene switches. Simon and Marcy are walking through a large concrete storm-drain] • Marcy: [steps on a remote] Oops. • Simon: Hey, little lady, what about a ride on an old man's back? • Marcy: I can walk. I'm not a child, Simon. • Simon: Look, sweetie, someday you'll be too big to hold. I'm as old as garlic balls, and if someone offered to pick me up and carry me, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Take it when you can get it. [Carries Marcy then she sneezes on his face and laughs]
  • 35. • Simon: Gross. [wipes it away] You're gross. • Marcy: You're gross, Simon. • Simon: We're both gross, darling. [Gasps then sees something at the top of the bridge, then walks near the bridge] A food truck! Might be chicken soup inside there. [He climbs to the top of the bridge] Alright, now to get some chicken soup inside you--[inside it are clams] Clams? [closes one door of the truck to see what name it is] The Clambulance?! No, I need chicken! Marceline, cover your ears! MOTHER, MOTHER, MOTHER, MOTHER, MOTHER, MOTHER, MOTHER, MOTHER! [starts kicking the door of the truck while saying this, then a mutant appears under the truck and grabs Simon's leg] • Simon/Marcy: [gasps, then Simon kicks the mutant away then a mutant came out hiding at the Clambulance] • Simon: [Frightened] Mother, Mother! [Simon shuts the door; he starts pushing it off the bridge] [Straining] Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother...! [it falls and it repeatedly says "Clambulance" while the sirens make some noise, then from another bridge mutants hear it and begin to chase them] • Marcy: What are we gonna do, Simon? • Simon: We're gonna run! [runs and jumps to a tree with pink substance; they stick to it] • Marcy: Whoa! • Simon: Come on, come on, come on!! • [They fall down but the bag is stuck to the tree. They still run while being chased by mutants, then a mutant came close to them.] • Simon: Mama, mama, mama, mama, mama mia! • [he hits the mutant with a pillow.] • [They run to a dark alley, then they are at a dead end] • Marcy: Our butts are grass, right? • [Simon puts Marcy in the car] • Simon: Not yet. • Marcy: Don't leave me here Simon! I can fight! • [Pats bicep] • Simon: I'm sorry Marcy. • Marcy: Simon! • [Simon closes the car door] • Simon: You have to keep it together Simon... for her. • Marcy: Simon you promised. • Simon: [Simon puts on the crown, as he does he starts singing the theme song from Cheers] • ♪ Makin' your way in the world today takes everything you've got! ♪ • [Blasts mutants with snow across the alleyway] • ♪ Taking a break from all your worries • SURE WOULD HELP A LOT!! • WOULDN'T IT BE NICE TO GET AWAY! • Where everybody knows your name. Where everybody... ♪ • [Simon smacks the crown off his head, and sees a can of chicken soup and a pocketknife fall from the pink substance. He runs to it to take it, but then notices it has a face, but he quickly runs back to the car to give Marceline the soup]
  • 36. • Simon: Marcy! Look I-I found chicken soup! Your gonna feel awesome in a moment. • Marcy: I'm just glad [gulp] you're ok. • Simon: Do you feel awesome? [Marcy nods her head] • Marcy: I love you, Simon. • Simon: I love you... Gunther. • [Time card: 996 years later] • Jake: Pretty heavy • Finn: Whoa, mama • Ice King: Whoa, so what happens next? How does it end? • Marceline: Well, little Marcy felt a lot better. And she and Simon lived happily ever after. [Passes the ball to Ice King and smiles at him] • Ice King: Aww, that's nice. [whispers] Marceline, you keep telling these chump stories while I score a bunch of baskets. • Marceline: [chuckles] Okay. • Ice King: Yeah, yeah! [Ice King shouts while he dribbles basketball in and out of the hoop, while the three are smiling at him. Finn puts one of his hands on Jake's shoulder.] • [The episode ends.]
  • 37. Story Breakdown • Friends playing basketball tells story why she cares and invited her annoying/crazy friend • Goes back 996 years ago • Simon and Marceline open a mail box looking for food find nothing • Hear rattling in bush get nervous • Simon put his magical crown on to save Marceline from the monster which turns out to just be a deer • Marceline throws rock at the crown to turn him normal again • Simon entertains Marceline by pretending to put on a show • Marceline coughs Simon says she's getting worse and needs sleep • Simon wakes up in the morning from Marceline coughing and says she needs to have chicken soup • They head to the city ruins looking for an old soup shop but find a van on the road and accidently set of an alarm • Monsters come form all angles Simon uses crown again turning him more crazy • Head into the city find a soup shop and soup another monster appears Simon knocks it out with crown • Leave the shop get cornered by more monsters uses crown again turns a little more crazy but defeats mutants and gives Marceline soup both say I love you to each other • Cuts back 996 years later to them at current time
  • 38. Draft Script 1. Marline is playing basketball with two friends. 2. Joel arrives ( Who is hated by Marlines other friends). 3. Marline Establishes there friendship – leads to flashback. 4. Shows Marline ill Joel says she needs soup to make her better. 5. Joel searches one place doesn't find any soup hears a rattle in the back and gets terrified thinking its one of the monsters turns out to be just a pigeon. 6. Searches second place finds no soup runs into a Searches 3rd place. finds soup but runs into monster . 7. Brings it back to Marceline makes her better. 8. Flash back the them playing basketball again .
  • 39. Draft Script: Of My Version 1. Marline is playing basketball with two friends. 2. Joel arrives ( Who is hated by Marlines other friends). 3. Marline Establishes there friendship – leads to flashback. 4. Shows Marline ill Joel says she needs soup to make her better. 5. Joel searches one place doesn't find any soup hears a rattle in the back and gets terrified thinking its one of the monsters turns out to be just a pigeon. 6. Searches second place finds no soup runs into a Searches 3rd place. finds soup but runs into monster . 7. Brings it back to Marceline makes her better. 8. Flash back the them playing basketball again .
  • 40. Final Script: Page 1: “Hey Marline ready to shoot some Hoops?” said Fred. “Yeah we just need to wait for Joel,” said Marline “Awwh Marline why did you invite Joel he’s really lame” said Jacob the dog “Yeah c’mon Marline he’s crazy why did you invite him?” said Fred Page 2: (Image) Page 3: “Hey my bizzles” said Joel “Awwh he’s here why do you like this guy Marline?” asked Fred “Well…. He’s a close friend who’s very dear to my heart, we go back you know it’s a long story!” said Marline “C’mon Marline lay it on us” said Fred “Yeah c’mon” said Jacob “Ok its time I should probably tell someone” Said Marline
  • 41. Page 4: (Image) Page 5: [About 880 years ago] “Oh no Marline you have a temperature, we need to get you some soup!” said Joel “No Joel you can’t go out what about the monsters?” cried Marline “I know its risky but we need to get you better” said Joel “No Joel I'm fine (Sneezes) honestly” said Marline “I know sweetie but let me get you some just in case” said Joel. Page 6 (image) Page 7 Joel searched one place but didn't find any soup. He then heard a rattle in the back of the old house that he was searching and got terrified thinking there was a monster, until a pigeon flew out from the cupboard he had just opened. “Arrrrgh, oh phew it was just a pigeon. That was too close!” Said Joel “Oh no there's no soup here, not good, I’m going to have to search somewhere else” said Joel Page 8 Image
  • 42. Page 9 Joel ended up finding an old soup van on one of the outer roads and decided to search it but didn't manage to find any soup there either. “No soup here either this isn’t good I’m running of of places to look. I’m going to have to search further into the city” said Joel. *Sigh* “I have to do it for Marline. Be brave Joel” said Joel. Joel began wandering into the city cautiously, feeling anxious. Page 10 (Image) Page 11 Joel found and old supermarket and began to search it to see if he could find any soup, but he heard a growl coming from the back of the shop. Joel noticed there was a can of chicken soup left on one of the old counters in the shop. Joel headed towards the soup until a monster jumped out. “Bluurrrrgggh” gargled the monster. “Arrrrrrrgh” screamed Joel. Joel quickly grabbed a frying pan from the floor and smacked it over the monsters head *boooong* the monster fell down to the floor. “Phew that was a close one” muttered Joel. Joel grabbed the can of soup and the can opener and rushed back to Marline as fast as he could. Page 12 (image)
  • 43. Page 13 Joel rushed into Marline’s bedroom as fast as he could opening the can of chicken soup whilst running. “Quickly Marline eat this and you’ll begin to feel awesome” said Joel. *Giggle* “Okay Joel” laughed Marline. Joel pops the spoon into Marline’s mouth feeding her the soup. “Do you feel awesome yet?” said Joel. “Yes Joel thank you, I love you” said Marline. “I love you too” said Joel. Page 14 (image)
  • 44. Page 15 [Back in the present] “Wow that was pretty heavy” said Jacob. “Yeah that’s some serious snizz Marline” said Fred. “Whoa, so what happens next? How does it end?” asked Fred. “Well, I felt a lot better and me and Joel lived happily ever after” said Marline. “Awwwh that’s nice” said Fred. The End

Editor's Notes

  1. First sentence is all kinds of wrong.