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Digital Graphic Narrative
Ethan Payne
Shape Task
Shape Task
My images are effective because of the techniques I
used such as gradient overlay, warping shapes and
layering etc. My second image is more successful than
the first one. This is because I was able to form shapes
in the correct proportion and use a simple gradient
colour scheme to match the real reference photo. If I
were to do this again I would try and use more textures
to make the character appear more realistic.
My aim for this image was to create a cartoon
character. I think this is successful as I have used block
colours and smooth surfaces to create a typical cartoon
effect however I added in undertones and drop
shadows to create dimension through the different
parts of her face such as her nose and neck etc. If I
were to do this again I would add more textures,
especially to the hair region as it looks very washed out
and would definitely look better with some shadows
and highlights.
Film Quotes
The colours scheme of this image is very fitting with the style of
the show. I used a black background behind white and hot pink
text. Behind the text I included an edited photo of the creator of
the show. The colours work well together as the text is
dramatically contrasting to the background and it is easily
readable. The fonts I have used are very suitable for the style of
the show. They are dramatic and fancy and suit the character
behind the text well. If I were to do this again I would try and
explore a wider colour pallet as I have chosen to stay around the
pink tones. Adding more bold bright colours would make it look
more attractive.
Text Based
Text Based
In the first text based task I have experimented with
different things. Something I found very successful was
leading and tracking. These are both bringing the
letters closer together and reducing the spacing
between the line. This was successful as it can change
the look of a text without having to change the font
itself. If I were to do it again I would like to experiment
these techniques with more fonts to see what their
extent is.
Comic Book
Comic Book
My aim for these was to colour overlay and create a
comic book style photo from ordinary photographs. I feel
these were both successful in the way I created them. I
like the two different styles of the two images, the first
image I used the technique to select different colours for
specific parts of the image to create the different areas of
the face. However in the second image I have chosen
random parts of the image to create more of an abstract
feel to it. I would not change anything if I were to do it
Photo Story
Photo Story
The aim of this task was to create a storyboard that
successfully tells a story. I feel I successfully told a story
in both of my photo story's. However, even though they
are both successful, I feel the second photo story is
more successful due to the different scale to the
images. If I were to do this again I would take
photographs in more contrasting lighting instead of
having all the images in a similar range of shades and
My illustration was not very successful. I don’t think
illustrating is my strength however I did succeed in
creating a clear image of a butterfly adding hints of
colour to represent the appearance of the character in
my book. To improve this illustration I could scan into
Photoshop and use the rotoscope technique to create
the same shape yet make the edges more defined and
add block colours. I do not think I will be taking
illustration forward throughout my project, however
this style of drawing can be a successful style for
certain kinds of cartoons.
Narrative Environment
I am very please with how my narrative environment resulted.
The paisley patterns for each different section of the background
works very well in creating an interesting setting to attract the
eyes of young children when reading the book so will be
something I am going to use confidently throughout my project.
The colour scheme works well to create a warm and very
pleasant setting which is important as it is promoting a healthy
earth and environment. If I were to do this narrative
environment again I would try to change the shape of certain
things such as trees. Despite them being cartoon I would like to
try and make the shape more realistic rather than just using plain
patterned circles with different shades of green to create
Initial Ideas
Idea Generation
The Three Little Princesses: the bad dragon
is trying to take the three princesses castles
for himself. In the end the three princesses
come together and stop the big bad dragon.
The Grey Caterpillar: all the other
caterpillar’s are blue and he is grey. In the
end he turns into a beautiful butterfly with
many different colours while the others are
all blue.
The Three Heads of the
Well: the kind daughter’s
fortune is rewarded with a
magnificent king for a
husband, the unkind
daughter punished with a
poor cobbler for a husband.
Cinderella: to take the original classic tale of
Cinderella and create a very dramatic
manga style character design to contrast
with the original descriptions.
Mood Board
10 pages, square sized (210 x 210 mm).
Story Overview
Based on ‘The Ugly Duckling’, a young caterpillar is different from all the rest. While all
the other caterpillars are bright blue, the protagonist caterpillar is grey. He sees himself
as dull and boring and the other caterpillars laugh at him and treat him badly because
he is ‘different’. He tries everything to be normal but nothing works. In the end all the
caterpillars make their own cocoons and hibernate, however when it is time to come
free from the cocoon all the blue caterpillars become blue butterflies and the grey
caterpillar who was picked on and laughed at for being different blossoms into a
beautiful butterfly full of many different colours, and all the other butterflies are
jealous of how he is different.
Export Format
Advantages: easily viewed, uses low storage space, PDF can be opened on any device.
Disadvantages: not free to edit PDF files, it is difficult to work with text in PDF.
19th November 2016
The target audience for my book is both male and female children from the age of
3-6. This is so my book will consist of more pictures than words and can tell the
story just as well through the pictures than it can through the text so the younger
readers who maybe cannot properly talk can still clearly understand the story.
Production Methods
To make the images on my pages I am going to use the rotoscope technique on
Photoshop. I have considered using collage with paper and different materials
(inspired from ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’) and scanning into Photoshop but this
is something I must experiment because I am more comfortable with the rotoscope
technique as I have had time to practice this.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
It is very descriptive and has a lot of detail as it
gives me all the important information so I
understand what is going on and the ideas that are
going to be used.
The story outline is a bit too long for a outline of the
story I think it could be shorter as I don’t think you
need all that detail.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
It has a lot of different ideas showing that it has be
thought about and shows that there has been time
pt in to each idea and things like mood board and
mid map are great and have had had a lot of time
put in to it.
Maybe go into further detail with the story’s and
what you would do with them and expands the
idea's a bit more.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
• You have managed to efficiently describe your
10-page book in one paragraph so it gives me a
basic overview of what your book is about.
• You have pretty much got all the necessary
advantages and disadvantages of your file type
in there.
• When describing your target audience, try to
talk about more than just the age group and
categorise it in the process, E.g.
Characteristics, Gender etc.
• Add some more production techniques. For
example, bring up how you want to add patterns
on your backgrounds just like in the idea
generation and how you’re going to do it.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
• I love how you gave each story a brief
description of their corresponding plots rather
than straight up put down their names.
• Lots of detail which really shows that you know
what you’re doing.
• Maybe try and add some more ideas in your
generation to really show that you have a
creative mind.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
- It appears that you have a clear set idea that
you will be able to make into a good quality
- Brought all of your ideas together, you can see
this through the detail of the proposal
- It is very detailed and descriptive which allows
you to sum up the whole book well in so little
space 
You could go into more detail about the audience
which would allow you to have a better
understanding about the audience and the people
you are preaching to.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
- You have searched a lot of different ideas and
techniques which have allowed you to be able
to look at all the possible options
- There is a large amount of development from
the start until the end of the idea generation
which you can see clearly
- You have supported ideas by having them on
your mind-map to follow them through to the
story boards
Adding another mood board would allow you to be
able to develop and research even more ideas and
different styles and techniques
Feedback Summary
Sum up your feedback.
Some of my feedback was to add more detail for my audience. I need to discuss more in
depth instead of mainly talking about age range. Also my feedback says to go into more
depth in my idea generation, mostly adding another mood board with more images and
structuring the two into character and setting.
Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?
I agree with adding another mood board and adding more to my idea generation
because I have the opportunity to add in so much more and research and explore my
idea into much more detail.
Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?
I disagree with the comment made about my story over view and how it is too detailed. I
feel it is at a reasonable length and I have actually missed out details of the book so I
could explain briefly.
Original Script: ‘The Ugly Duckling’
Story Breakdown
1. Setting of caterpillars on a tree top in a
colourful meadow.
2. There is a black and white caterpillar but all
the other caterpillars are blue.
3. The grey caterpillar is picked on and laughed
at for being grey.
4. The grey caterpillar tries making himself
blue but wearing the stain with the colour
from a blue leaf on a tree.
5. It begins to rain and the colour washes off.
He does not succeed.
6. He goes home to his mother who tells him
that it is okay to be different and that being
different is good.
7. All the caterpillars make cocoons for
8. As the caterpillars come free from the
cocoons all the blue caterpillars are blue
9. But the grey caterpillar turns into a
beautiful butterfly with many different
10. All the other butterflies who were once
laughing at him now look at him in jealousy
and realise how being unique is beautiful.
Draft Script
Page 1:
Once there were many beautiful blue caterpillars living in the treetops of Mushroom Meadow.
Page 2:
A grey caterpillar lived in these tree tops also. He was unique, different and he was the most beautiful caterpillar that lived
in Mushroom Meadow, he just didn’t know it yet.
Page 3:
The grey caterpillar was laughed at for being grey. All the other caterpillars were blue and bright and told the grey caterpillar
he was dull and boring. This made him cry and cry.
Page 4:
The grey caterpillar decided he wanted to be normal, so with lots of thinking he chose to cover himself in the colour from
the blue bonbon leaf.
Page 5:
Appearing in front of all the others, they couldn’t tell he was actually grey! However it began to rain and the stain from the
bonbon leaf started to wash away and all the other caterpillars laughed at him hysterically.
Page 6:
Running home to his mother; the grey caterpillar was very sad. At home his mother tells him that it is okay to be different
and that being unique is a good thing! This made the grey caterpillar smile.
Page 7:
Feeling more comfortable with himself the grey caterpillar joined together with all the others to create their individual
cocoons ready for hibernation.
Page 8:
After a long time inside the cocoon it was time for the caterpillars to come free, however all the caterpillars had become
Page 9:
All the caterpillars that were once blue had all turned into blue butterflies, each one exactly the same. But when it was time
for the grey caterpillar to fly out of his cocoon, the others discovered he had become a beautiful butterfly full of every
colour in the rainbow.
Page 10:
All the other butterflies who used to laugh at the grey caterpillar were now looking at his colourful wings in jealousy and
realising how being unique and different to everyone else is the most beautiful thing you can be!
Draft Script: 2
Page 1:
Once there were many beautiful blue caterpillars living in the treetops of Mushroom Meadow.
Page 2:
A young grey caterpillar lived in these tree tops also. The grey caterpillar was laughed at for being grey. All the other
caterpillars were blue and bright and told the grey caterpillar he was dull and boring. This made him cry and cry.
Page 3:
The grey caterpillar decided he wanted to be normal, so with lots of thinking he chose to cover himself in the colour from
the blue bonbon leaf.
Page 4:
Appearing in front of all the others, they couldn’t tell he was actually grey! However it began to rain and the stain from the
bonbon leaf started to wash away and all the other caterpillars laughed at him hysterically.
Page 5:
Running home to his older brother; the grey caterpillar was very sad. His brother tells him that it is okay to be different and
that being unique is a good thing! This made the grey caterpillar smile.
Page 6:
Feeling more comfortable with himself the grey caterpillar joined together with all the others to create their individual
cocoons ready to go to sleep for a very long time.
Page 7:
After a long time inside the cocoon it was time for the caterpillars to come free, however all the caterpillars had become
Page 8:
All the caterpillars that were once blue had all turned into blue butterflies, each one exactly the same. But when it was time
for the grey caterpillar to fly out of his cocoon, the others discovered he had become a beautiful butterfly full of every
colour in the rainbow.
Page 9:
All the other butterflies who used to laugh at the grey caterpillar were now looking at his colourful wings in jealousy and
realising how being unique and different to everyone else is the most beautiful thing you can be!
Final Script
Page 1:
Once there were many beautiful blue caterpillars living in the treetops of Mushroom Meadow.
Page 2:
A young grey caterpillar lived in these tree tops also. The grey caterpillar was laughed at for being grey.
All the other caterpillars were blue and bright and told the grey caterpillar he was dull and boring. This
made him cry and cry.
Page 3:
The grey caterpillar decided he wanted to be normal, so with lots of thinking he chose to cover himself in
the colour from the blue bonbon leaf.
Page 4:
Appearing in front of all the others, they couldn’t tell he was actually grey! However it began to rain and
the stain from the bonbon leaf started to wash away and all the other caterpillars laughed at him
Page 5:
Running home to his older brother; the grey caterpillar was very sad. His brother tells him that it is okay
to be different and that being unique is a good thing! This made the grey caterpillar smile.
Page 6:
Feeling more comfortable with himself the grey caterpillar joined together with all the others to create
their individual cocoons ready to go to sleep for a very long time.
Page 7:
After a long time inside the cocoon it was time for the caterpillars to come free, however all the
caterpillars had become butterflies!
Page 8:
All the caterpillars that were once blue had all turned into blue butterflies, each one exactly the same. But
when it was time for the grey caterpillar to fly out of his cocoon, the others discovered he had become a
beautiful butterfly full of every colour in the rainbow.
Page 9:
All the other butterflies who used to laugh at the grey caterpillar were now looking at his colourful wings
in jealousy and realising how being unique and different to everyone else is the most beautiful thing you
can be!
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  • 4. Evaluation My images are effective because of the techniques I used such as gradient overlay, warping shapes and layering etc. My second image is more successful than the first one. This is because I was able to form shapes in the correct proportion and use a simple gradient colour scheme to match the real reference photo. If I were to do this again I would try and use more textures to make the character appear more realistic.
  • 6. Evaluation My aim for this image was to create a cartoon character. I think this is successful as I have used block colours and smooth surfaces to create a typical cartoon effect however I added in undertones and drop shadows to create dimension through the different parts of her face such as her nose and neck etc. If I were to do this again I would add more textures, especially to the hair region as it looks very washed out and would definitely look better with some shadows and highlights.
  • 8. Evaluation The colours scheme of this image is very fitting with the style of the show. I used a black background behind white and hot pink text. Behind the text I included an edited photo of the creator of the show. The colours work well together as the text is dramatically contrasting to the background and it is easily readable. The fonts I have used are very suitable for the style of the show. They are dramatic and fancy and suit the character behind the text well. If I were to do this again I would try and explore a wider colour pallet as I have chosen to stay around the pink tones. Adding more bold bright colours would make it look more attractive.
  • 11. Evaluation In the first text based task I have experimented with different things. Something I found very successful was leading and tracking. These are both bringing the letters closer together and reducing the spacing between the line. This was successful as it can change the look of a text without having to change the font itself. If I were to do it again I would like to experiment these techniques with more fonts to see what their extent is.
  • 14. Evaluation My aim for these was to colour overlay and create a comic book style photo from ordinary photographs. I feel these were both successful in the way I created them. I like the two different styles of the two images, the first image I used the technique to select different colours for specific parts of the image to create the different areas of the face. However in the second image I have chosen random parts of the image to create more of an abstract feel to it. I would not change anything if I were to do it again.
  • 17. Evaluation The aim of this task was to create a storyboard that successfully tells a story. I feel I successfully told a story in both of my photo story's. However, even though they are both successful, I feel the second photo story is more successful due to the different scale to the images. If I were to do this again I would take photographs in more contrasting lighting instead of having all the images in a similar range of shades and tones.
  • 19. Evaluation My illustration was not very successful. I don’t think illustrating is my strength however I did succeed in creating a clear image of a butterfly adding hints of colour to represent the appearance of the character in my book. To improve this illustration I could scan into Photoshop and use the rotoscope technique to create the same shape yet make the edges more defined and add block colours. I do not think I will be taking illustration forward throughout my project, however this style of drawing can be a successful style for certain kinds of cartoons.
  • 21. Evaluation I am very please with how my narrative environment resulted. The paisley patterns for each different section of the background works very well in creating an interesting setting to attract the eyes of young children when reading the book so will be something I am going to use confidently throughout my project. The colour scheme works well to create a warm and very pleasant setting which is important as it is promoting a healthy earth and environment. If I were to do this narrative environment again I would try to change the shape of certain things such as trees. Despite them being cartoon I would like to try and make the shape more realistic rather than just using plain patterned circles with different shades of green to create dimension.
  • 23. Idea Generation The Three Little Princesses: the bad dragon is trying to take the three princesses castles for himself. In the end the three princesses come together and stop the big bad dragon. The Grey Caterpillar: all the other caterpillar’s are blue and he is grey. In the end he turns into a beautiful butterfly with many different colours while the others are all blue. The Three Heads of the Well: the kind daughter’s fortune is rewarded with a magnificent king for a husband, the unkind daughter punished with a poor cobbler for a husband. m/European_folktales/Engli sh_folktale_43.html Cinderella: to take the original classic tale of Cinderella and create a very dramatic manga style character design to contrast with the original descriptions.
  • 24.
  • 26. Proposal Dimensions 10 pages, square sized (210 x 210 mm). Story Overview Based on ‘The Ugly Duckling’, a young caterpillar is different from all the rest. While all the other caterpillars are bright blue, the protagonist caterpillar is grey. He sees himself as dull and boring and the other caterpillars laugh at him and treat him badly because he is ‘different’. He tries everything to be normal but nothing works. In the end all the caterpillars make their own cocoons and hibernate, however when it is time to come free from the cocoon all the blue caterpillars become blue butterflies and the grey caterpillar who was picked on and laughed at for being different blossoms into a beautiful butterfly full of many different colours, and all the other butterflies are jealous of how he is different. Export Format PDF Advantages: easily viewed, uses low storage space, PDF can be opened on any device. Disadvantages: not free to edit PDF files, it is difficult to work with text in PDF.
  • 27. Deadline 19th November 2016 Audience The target audience for my book is both male and female children from the age of 3-6. This is so my book will consist of more pictures than words and can tell the story just as well through the pictures than it can through the text so the younger readers who maybe cannot properly talk can still clearly understand the story. Production Methods To make the images on my pages I am going to use the rotoscope technique on Photoshop. I have considered using collage with paper and different materials (inspired from ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’) and scanning into Photoshop but this is something I must experiment because I am more comfortable with the rotoscope technique as I have had time to practice this.
  • 28. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? It is very descriptive and has a lot of detail as it gives me all the important information so I understand what is going on and the ideas that are going to be used. The story outline is a bit too long for a outline of the story I think it could be shorter as I don’t think you need all that detail. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? It has a lot of different ideas showing that it has be thought about and shows that there has been time pt in to each idea and things like mood board and mid map are great and have had had a lot of time put in to it. Maybe go into further detail with the story’s and what you would do with them and expands the idea's a bit more.
  • 29. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? • You have managed to efficiently describe your 10-page book in one paragraph so it gives me a basic overview of what your book is about. • You have pretty much got all the necessary advantages and disadvantages of your file type in there. • When describing your target audience, try to talk about more than just the age group and categorise it in the process, E.g. Characteristics, Gender etc. • Add some more production techniques. For example, bring up how you want to add patterns on your backgrounds just like in the idea generation and how you’re going to do it. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? • I love how you gave each story a brief description of their corresponding plots rather than straight up put down their names. • Lots of detail which really shows that you know what you’re doing. • Maybe try and add some more ideas in your generation to really show that you have a creative mind.
  • 30. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? - It appears that you have a clear set idea that you will be able to make into a good quality book - Brought all of your ideas together, you can see this through the detail of the proposal - It is very detailed and descriptive which allows you to sum up the whole book well in so little space  You could go into more detail about the audience which would allow you to have a better understanding about the audience and the people you are preaching to. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? - You have searched a lot of different ideas and techniques which have allowed you to be able to look at all the possible options - There is a large amount of development from the start until the end of the idea generation which you can see clearly - You have supported ideas by having them on your mind-map to follow them through to the story boards Adding another mood board would allow you to be able to develop and research even more ideas and different styles and techniques
  • 31. Feedback Summary Sum up your feedback. Some of my feedback was to add more detail for my audience. I need to discuss more in depth instead of mainly talking about age range. Also my feedback says to go into more depth in my idea generation, mostly adding another mood board with more images and structuring the two into character and setting. Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why? I agree with adding another mood board and adding more to my idea generation because I have the opportunity to add in so much more and research and explore my idea into much more detail. Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why? I disagree with the comment made about my story over view and how it is too detailed. I feel it is at a reasonable length and I have actually missed out details of the book so I could explain briefly.
  • 32. Original Script: ‘The Ugly Duckling’ glyDuckling_b&w_051910.pdf
  • 33. Story Breakdown 1. Setting of caterpillars on a tree top in a colourful meadow. 2. There is a black and white caterpillar but all the other caterpillars are blue. 3. The grey caterpillar is picked on and laughed at for being grey. 4. The grey caterpillar tries making himself blue but wearing the stain with the colour from a blue leaf on a tree. 5. It begins to rain and the colour washes off. He does not succeed. 6. He goes home to his mother who tells him that it is okay to be different and that being different is good. 7. All the caterpillars make cocoons for hibernation. 8. As the caterpillars come free from the cocoons all the blue caterpillars are blue butterflies. 9. But the grey caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly with many different colours. 10. All the other butterflies who were once laughing at him now look at him in jealousy and realise how being unique is beautiful.
  • 34. Draft Script Page 1: Once there were many beautiful blue caterpillars living in the treetops of Mushroom Meadow. Page 2: A grey caterpillar lived in these tree tops also. He was unique, different and he was the most beautiful caterpillar that lived in Mushroom Meadow, he just didn’t know it yet. Page 3: The grey caterpillar was laughed at for being grey. All the other caterpillars were blue and bright and told the grey caterpillar he was dull and boring. This made him cry and cry. Page 4: The grey caterpillar decided he wanted to be normal, so with lots of thinking he chose to cover himself in the colour from the blue bonbon leaf. Page 5: Appearing in front of all the others, they couldn’t tell he was actually grey! However it began to rain and the stain from the bonbon leaf started to wash away and all the other caterpillars laughed at him hysterically. Page 6: Running home to his mother; the grey caterpillar was very sad. At home his mother tells him that it is okay to be different and that being unique is a good thing! This made the grey caterpillar smile. Page 7: Feeling more comfortable with himself the grey caterpillar joined together with all the others to create their individual cocoons ready for hibernation. Page 8: After a long time inside the cocoon it was time for the caterpillars to come free, however all the caterpillars had become butterflies! Page 9: All the caterpillars that were once blue had all turned into blue butterflies, each one exactly the same. But when it was time for the grey caterpillar to fly out of his cocoon, the others discovered he had become a beautiful butterfly full of every colour in the rainbow. Page 10: All the other butterflies who used to laugh at the grey caterpillar were now looking at his colourful wings in jealousy and realising how being unique and different to everyone else is the most beautiful thing you can be!
  • 35. Draft Script: 2 Page 1: Once there were many beautiful blue caterpillars living in the treetops of Mushroom Meadow. Page 2: A young grey caterpillar lived in these tree tops also. The grey caterpillar was laughed at for being grey. All the other caterpillars were blue and bright and told the grey caterpillar he was dull and boring. This made him cry and cry. Page 3: The grey caterpillar decided he wanted to be normal, so with lots of thinking he chose to cover himself in the colour from the blue bonbon leaf. Page 4: Appearing in front of all the others, they couldn’t tell he was actually grey! However it began to rain and the stain from the bonbon leaf started to wash away and all the other caterpillars laughed at him hysterically. Page 5: Running home to his older brother; the grey caterpillar was very sad. His brother tells him that it is okay to be different and that being unique is a good thing! This made the grey caterpillar smile. Page 6: Feeling more comfortable with himself the grey caterpillar joined together with all the others to create their individual cocoons ready to go to sleep for a very long time. Page 7: After a long time inside the cocoon it was time for the caterpillars to come free, however all the caterpillars had become butterflies! Page 8: All the caterpillars that were once blue had all turned into blue butterflies, each one exactly the same. But when it was time for the grey caterpillar to fly out of his cocoon, the others discovered he had become a beautiful butterfly full of every colour in the rainbow. Page 9: All the other butterflies who used to laugh at the grey caterpillar were now looking at his colourful wings in jealousy and realising how being unique and different to everyone else is the most beautiful thing you can be!
  • 36. Final Script Page 1: Once there were many beautiful blue caterpillars living in the treetops of Mushroom Meadow. Page 2: A young grey caterpillar lived in these tree tops also. The grey caterpillar was laughed at for being grey. All the other caterpillars were blue and bright and told the grey caterpillar he was dull and boring. This made him cry and cry. Page 3: The grey caterpillar decided he wanted to be normal, so with lots of thinking he chose to cover himself in the colour from the blue bonbon leaf. Page 4: Appearing in front of all the others, they couldn’t tell he was actually grey! However it began to rain and the stain from the bonbon leaf started to wash away and all the other caterpillars laughed at him hysterically. Page 5: Running home to his older brother; the grey caterpillar was very sad. His brother tells him that it is okay to be different and that being unique is a good thing! This made the grey caterpillar smile. Page 6: Feeling more comfortable with himself the grey caterpillar joined together with all the others to create their individual cocoons ready to go to sleep for a very long time. Page 7: After a long time inside the cocoon it was time for the caterpillars to come free, however all the caterpillars had become butterflies! Page 8: All the caterpillars that were once blue had all turned into blue butterflies, each one exactly the same. But when it was time for the grey caterpillar to fly out of his cocoon, the others discovered he had become a beautiful butterfly full of every colour in the rainbow. Page 9: All the other butterflies who used to laugh at the grey caterpillar were now looking at his colourful wings in jealousy and realising how being unique and different to everyone else is the most beautiful thing you can be!