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Series 40 Developer Training
Getting Started with Game
Development on Nokia Series 40 Full
Touch Asha Phones

Michael Samarin, Ph.D
Developer Training and Evangelism

+358 40 518 18 09

Today’s topics
» This presentation is summary and compressed extracts
  relevant to game development from previous webinars:
   › Overview of full touch Asha Devices
   › Overview of graphical APIs for 2D and 3D Game
     development Mobile Java
   › User input in full touch devices
   › Useful in games performance tips on Series 40
New Series 40 Full Touch Platform

                                    Asha 305
                                    Asha 306
                                    Asha 311

                                    70 – 120 $
Asha 305, 306      Asha 308, 309         Asha 311
 Jar Size       2 Mb               2 Mb               2 Mb
Java Heap       2 Mb               2 Mb              4 Mb
 CPU             --                 --               1 GHz
                Resistive        Capacitive         Capacitive
Screen                                            Multipoint-Touch
            Multipoint-Touch   Multipoint-Touch
Series 40 Graphics APIs
» 2D Game Development
   › Game API, part of the MIDP 2.0 standard, java package:


» 3D Game Development
   › Mobile 3D Graphics API, optional JSR-184 also known as M3G
› Game API Package (MIDP)
  › GameCanvas
  › Layer
  › LayerManager
  › Sprite
  › TiledLayer
› GameCanvas
  › Double buffered
  › Convenient for minimizing code of
    game loop
  › Methods for querying status of keys
› GameCanvas
public class MyCanvas extends GameCanvas implements Runnable {
    public void run() {
        Graphics g = getGraphics();
        while(true) {
             // update the game state
            int k = getKeyStates();
             // respond to key events
› Graphical Assets
› Graphical Assets – Sprite Star
› Graphical Assets – Sprite Lightning
› Layer
  › Abstract class, any visual game
› LayerManager
  › Combines layers together,
    provides viewport
› Sprite
  › Animated game object
› TiledLayer
  › Game areas, backgrounds
› Sprite
  › Animated element of the game
  › Define Sequence, Delay
  › Flip, Rotate
  › Define Reference Point
  › Detect Collisions
› TiledLayer
  › Defines game backgrounds
  › Can be animated
  › Doesn’t have Sprite methods
› Object-Oriented 3D
                         › Scene Graph based
                         › Optional MIDP JSR
Mobile 3D Graphics API   › Very compact API

      JSR-184 or M3G     › Very fast development
                         › Optimized for small
                           memory and budget CPU
                         › Excellent implementation
                           on Series 40
Lightweight API, only 30 classes
AnimationController   IndexBuffer        RayIntersection
AnimationTrack        KeyframeSequence   SkinnedMesh
Appearance            Light              Sprite3D
Background            Loader             Texture2D
Camera                Material           Transform
CompositingMode       Mesh               Transformable
Fog                   MorphingMesh       TriangleStripArray
Graphics3D            Node               VertexArray
Group                 Object3D           VertexBuffer
Image2D               PolygonMode        World
› Immediate mode
               › Similar to OpenGL ideology

            › Retained mode

M3G Modes      › Scene Graph based
               › Entire Scene Graph can be
                 restored from file
               › Well defined M3G format

            › Can be freely mixed
Scene Graph

        Background       Mesh

          Group      Morphing Mesh

World                Skinned Mesh
                                     Sprite 3D
                                     Sprite 3D   User Object
          Group         Camera

› World
                      › Background

                   › Morphing and Skinned Mesh

Most Interesting      › Animated Geometry Objects

   Scene Graph     › Mesh
       Elements       › 3D Geometry of Visible Object

                   › Sprite 3D
                      › 2D image in 3D space
public class Canvas3D extends Canvas

         implements Runnable {

    public Canvas3D(){


    public void paint(Graphics g) {


    public void run() {


public class Canvas3D extends Canvas

         implements Runnable {
                                       private Thread thread;
    public Canvas3D(){
                                       private long startTime;
                                       private Graphics3D graphics3D;
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
                                       private World world;
                                       private Camera camera;
    public void run() {
                                       private boolean running = false;


                                       thread = new Thread(this);
public class Canvas3D extends Canvas
                                       startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
         implements Runnable {
                                       graphics3D = Graphics3D.getInstance();
    public Canvas3D(){
                                       world = new World();
                                       camera = new Camera();
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
                                       float aspect = (float) getWidth() / (float) getHeight();
                                       camera.setPerspective(30.0f, aspect, 1.0f, 1000.0f);
    public void run() {                world.addChild(camera);

    }                                  world.setActiveCamera(camera);

}                                      running = true;

public class Canvas3D extends Canvas

         implements Runnable {
    public Canvas3D(){
                                           (int)(System.currentTimeMillis() -
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
    public void run() {


public class Canvas3D extends Canvas

         implements Runnable {

    public Canvas3D(){                 while (running){

    }                                      repaint();

    public void paint(Graphics g) {        Thread.sleep(20);

    }                                  }

    public void run() {


› User input in full touch Asha devices
   › Game keys simulation
   › Touch events
   › Multipoint-touch
   › Gestures
   › Sensors
Game keys simulation
» No touch handling in Canvas?
   › Drag gestures automatically trigger simulated key events

   › Up, Down, Left, Right
› Tap: touch + release
           › Long Press (& repeated): touch +

  Touch    › Drag: touch + drag
           › Drop: touch + drag + touch down
Gestures     (“stop”) + release
           › Flick: touch + drag + release while
           › Pinch (new!): 2x touch + 2x drag +
             2x touch down (“stop”) + 2x release
Using Gestures
 › Register as gesture listener
public class MainCanvas extends Canvas implements GestureListener {
    private int curPinchDistance = -1;
    public MainCanvas() {
        // Set this as container (gesture source) and listener
        GestureRegistrationManager.setListener(this, this);
        // Register for pinch events in the whole canvas area
        gestureZone = new GestureInteractiveZone(GestureInteractiveZone.GESTURE_PINCH);
        GestureRegistrationManager.register(this, gestureZone);

       › Zone: reacts to 1+ specified gestures
            › Whole screen or rectangular area

            › Overlap possible

       › Received events → GestureListener
Using Gestures
   › Handling gestures
public void gestureAction(Object container, GestureInteractiveZone gestureInteractiveZone, GestureEvent gestureEvent) {
    int eventType = gestureEvent.getType();
    switch (eventType) {
        case GestureInteractiveZone.GESTURE_PINCH: // Pinch detected
            curPinchDistance = gestureEvent.getPinchDistanceCurrent(); break;
        case GestureInteractiveZone.GESTURE_RECOGNITION_START: /* ... */ break;
        case GestureInteractiveZone.GESTURE_RECOGNITION_END: /* ... */ break;

          › Executed in UI thread
                  › Lengthy operations (scaling image, etc.) → own thread!
› Single touch
                    › Canvas.pointerPressed() part
                      of MIDP
                    › Only tracks 1st touch point
Pointer events   › Multipoint Touch
          and       › Tracks multiple touch points
        Touch           › But: use Gesture API if only interested in

                    › Each associated with unique ID, x, y
                      and state
                    › Call-back for touch changes, but
                      status available any time
Using Multipoint-Touch

› Number of touch points                                  2 on Nokia 305 / 306
 MultipointTouch mpt = MultipointTouch.getInstance();     5 on Nokia 311
 int numTouchPoints = MultipointTouch.getMaxPointers();

    › Limited accuracy of simultaneous touch points on a resistive
      screen (Nokia 305) → no on-screen joystick & shoot button

› Register: touch point listener
  public class MainCanvas extends Canvas implements MultipointTouchListener
      public MainCanvas() {
          // ...
Using Multipoint-Touch
› Handling touch events
 public void pointersChanged(int[] pointerIds) {
     for(int i=0; i<pointerIds.length; i++) {        // Loop through the changed touch points
         int pointerId = pointerIds[i];              // Get the touch point ID
         int state = MultipointTouch.getState(pointerId); // Get the touch point state
         // Get the touch point x and y coordinates
         int x = MultipointTouch.getX(pointerId);
         int y = MultipointTouch.getY(pointerId);

         // Handle the UI update based on the touch point state, ID and coordinates
         switch(state) {
             case MultipointTouch.POINTER_PRESSED:   // A new finger was pressed against the screen
                 drawTouch(pointerId, x, y); break;
             case MultipointTouch.POINTER_DRAGGED:   // A pressed finger was dragged over the screen
                 drawTouch(pointerId, x, y); break;
             case MultipointTouch.POINTER_RELEASED: // A pressed finger was lifted from the screen
 } } }
› JSR 256 Sensor API
             › Optional Generic API: designed for
               battery, network status, also for
               temperature, blood pressure, etc.

Sensors   › Usefull in Games
             › Acceleration: –2g .. +2g, x / y / z axis
             › Double Tap: 1 .. 63, phone sides
             › Orientation: 0 .. 6, phone orientation
› Synchronous
                   › Poll sensor

                   › Example: accelerometer in
                     game loop
Sensors Modes   › Asynchronous
                   › DataListener callbacks

                   › Example: phone charger
                     plugged in
Using Multipoint-Touch
› Establish sensor connection
// Find all acceleration sensors, the contextType is left undefined
SensorInfo[] sensorInfos = SensorManager.findSensors("acceleration", null);
// Find an acceleration sensor that returns double values
for (int i = 0; i < sensorInfos.length; i++) {
    if (sensorInfos[i].getChannelInfos()[0].getDataType() == ChannelInfo.TYPE_DOUBLE) {
        accSensor = (SensorConnection)[i].getUrl());

› Check data in game loop
 // Use   1 as a buffer size to get exactly 1 value for each axis
 Data[]   data = accSensor.getData(1);
 speedX   = -data[0].getDoubleValues()[0]; // data[0] => x-axis
 speedY   = data[1].getDoubleValues()[0];   // data[1] => y-axis
Hash Acceleration
» Some iterative algorithms are slow. Proper usage of
  collections types of data structures can increase
» Vector.contains() is very slow, but Hashtable.containsKey() is
  very fast. Reconsider your algorithms to use Hashtables.
» Usage can be found in very surprising places. For example,
  Font.stringWidth() is slow, but necessary for drawing
  multiline text on Canvas. Creating a Hashtable with the
  width in each character you have used in the Font can
  transform this into a fast operation and increase
  Canvas.paint() speed.
Synchronized vs. Volatile Variables
» When a variable or Object needs to be accessed from more
  than one Thread.
» Marking a variable as volatile is the least restrictive
  approach and can have very high performance because no
  Thread is blocked.
» Only one Thread may enter the synchronized sections at
  any one time.
» Consider atomic operations on two variables. For example, when
  updating firstName and lastName from “John Smith” to “Jane
  Marceau”, do so within a synchronized block to avoid briefly exposing
  the transitional state “Jane Smith” to other threads.
» We can give the compiler and Proguard more opportunities
  to optimize the code at the compile step, and this will also
  give the ARM processor opportunities for handling these
  variables with more efficient byte codes.
  private static int loopCount = 10;
  private static long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  private static boolean enableImages = true;

  Should be
  private static final int LOOP_COUNT = 10;
  private static final long START_TIME = System.currentTimeMillis();
  private static final boolean ENABLE_IMAGES = true;
» Use int instead of short, byte or long.
  for (int i = 0; i < 3000000; i++) {
      short/int/long a = 123;
      short/int/long b = -44;
      short/int/long c = 12;
      a += c;
      b += a;
      c *= b;

  Average times spent in loops on Nokia Asha 305 (obfuscated):
  int:   710 (580) ms
  short: 900 (850) ms 50% slower
  long:  1450 (1150) ms 100% slower
Final in methods
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
    a = finalMethod(1, 2, 3);

for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
    a = nonFinalMethod(1, 2, 3);

public final int finalMethod(final int a, final int b, final int c) {
    final float x = 1.23f, y = 0.05f;
    final float z = x * y;
    final int d = a + b + c;

    return d;

public int nonFinalMethod(int a, int b, int c) {
    float x = 1.23f, y = 0.05f;
    float z = x * y;
    int d = a + b + c;

    return d;
Final in methods
Average times on a Nokia Asha 305:
finalMethod: 650 ms
nonFinalMethod: 940 ms 45% slower

In this case, the time difference comes from final keyword before
x and y. It is logical because then z value can be precalculated.
The final keywords with parameters a, b, c let us not precalculate
d or anything. And because we don’t use z, it being final does not
help us
» Generally static methods and variables should be faster.
  Oddly, with some combinations of ARM and JVM, instance
  accesses are slightly faster.

   for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
                                          Average times spent in loops
   }                                      on Nokia Asha 305
   for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {

   private static void staticMethod() {   nonStaticMethod: 570 ms
       b++; // static variable
   }                                      staticMethod: 680 ms 20%
   private void nonStaticMethod() {       slower
       a++; // instance variable
String Concatenation
If you are going to concatenate a large number of small Strings,


instead of the

String +=

operator. String is much slower because every time you
concatenate a string to another with += operator, a new
StringBuffer is created under the hood. Depending on the number
of concatenations, a single explicit StringBuffer can be many times
faster than multiple implicit StringBuffers created by String
Addition vs. Multiplication vs. Division
for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++) {
    a = 1.23f;
    b = 1.45f;
    c = 0.004523f;

    c += a;
    a = b + c;
for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++) {
                                     Average times spent in loops
    a = 1.23f;
    b = 1.45f;
                                     on Nokia Asha 305:
    c = 0.004523f;

    c *= a;                          Multiplying: 330 ms
    a = b * c;
}                                    Addition: 360 ms 9% slower
for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++) {
    a = 1.23f;                       Division: 560 ms 70% slower
    b = 1.45f;
    c = 0.004523f;

    c /= a;
    a = b / c;
Switch vs. If
The switch statement in C is implemented as a direct jump which is
extremely fast. In Java on Nokia Series 40 phones, switches are
implemented at the bytecode level as a series of if statements.
Therefore in many cases a switch statement is less efficient than a
manually created series of if..else statements in which the first
positive case is selected as the one which occurs more frequently. If
you prefer to use switch statements for code clarity, then arrange
them so that the most frequent cases appear first.
Live Demo Session
»   If you are watching these slides on SlideShare, next part is live coding
    demonstration with Nokia SDK 2.0 for Java and NetBeans. Full recording of the
    live session can be found at Nokia Developer website:

› Andreas Jakl, Nokia

Special thanks
Thank you!


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Developing games for Series 40 full-touch UI

  • 1. Series 40 Developer Training Getting Started with Game Development on Nokia Series 40 Full Touch Asha Phones Michael Samarin, Ph.D Director, Developer Training and Evangelism Futurice +358 40 518 18 09 @MichaelSamarin
  • 2. Today’s topics » This presentation is summary and compressed extracts relevant to game development from previous webinars: › Overview of full touch Asha Devices › Overview of graphical APIs for 2D and 3D Game development Mobile Java › User input in full touch devices › Useful in games performance tips on Series 40
  • 3. New Series 40 Full Touch Platform Asha 305 Asha 306 Asha 311 Retail 70 – 120 $
  • 4. Asha 305, 306 Asha 308, 309 Asha 311 Jar Size 2 Mb 2 Mb 2 Mb Java Heap 2 Mb 2 Mb 4 Mb CPU -- -- 1 GHz Resistive Capacitive Capacitive Screen Multipoint-Touch Multipoint-Touch Multipoint-Touch
  • 5. Series 40 Graphics APIs » 2D Game Development › Game API, part of the MIDP 2.0 standard, java package: ›!deve lopers-guides/ui-and-graphics/game-api.html » 3D Game Development › Mobile 3D Graphics API, optional JSR-184 also known as M3G ›!deve lopers-guides/ui-and-graphics/mobile-3d-graphics.html
  • 6. › Game API Package (MIDP) › › GameCanvas › Layer › LayerManager › Sprite › TiledLayer
  • 7. › GameCanvas › Double buffered › Convenient for minimizing code of game loop › Methods for querying status of keys
  • 8. › GameCanvas public class MyCanvas extends GameCanvas implements Runnable { public void run() { Graphics g = getGraphics(); while(true) { // update the game state int k = getKeyStates(); // respond to key events flushGraphics(); } } }
  • 10. › Graphical Assets – Sprite Star
  • 11. › Graphical Assets – Sprite Lightning
  • 12. › Layer › Abstract class, any visual game element › LayerManager › Combines layers together, provides viewport
  • 13. › Sprite › Animated game object › TiledLayer › Game areas, backgrounds
  • 14. › Sprite › Animated element of the game (character) › Define Sequence, Delay › Flip, Rotate › Define Reference Point › Detect Collisions
  • 15. › TiledLayer › Defines game backgrounds › Can be animated › Doesn’t have Sprite methods
  • 16. › Object-Oriented 3D › Scene Graph based › Optional MIDP JSR Mobile 3D Graphics API › Very compact API JSR-184 or M3G › Very fast development › Optimized for small memory and budget CPU › Excellent implementation on Series 40
  • 17. Lightweight API, only 30 classes AnimationController IndexBuffer RayIntersection AnimationTrack KeyframeSequence SkinnedMesh Appearance Light Sprite3D Background Loader Texture2D Camera Material Transform CompositingMode Mesh Transformable Fog MorphingMesh TriangleStripArray Graphics3D Node VertexArray Group Object3D VertexBuffer Image2D PolygonMode World
  • 18. › Immediate mode › Similar to OpenGL ideology › Retained mode M3G Modes › Scene Graph based › Entire Scene Graph can be restored from file › Well defined M3G format › Can be freely mixed
  • 19. Scene Graph Background Mesh Group Morphing Mesh World Skinned Mesh Sprite 3D Group Sprite 3D User Object Group Camera Light
  • 20. › World › Background › Morphing and Skinned Mesh Most Interesting › Animated Geometry Objects Scene Graph › Mesh Elements › 3D Geometry of Visible Object › Sprite 3D › 2D image in 3D space
  • 21. public class Canvas3D extends Canvas implements Runnable { public Canvas3D(){ } public void paint(Graphics g) { } public void run() { } }
  • 22. public class Canvas3D extends Canvas implements Runnable { private Thread thread; public Canvas3D(){ private long startTime; } private Graphics3D graphics3D; public void paint(Graphics g) { private World world; } private Camera camera; public void run() { private boolean running = false; } }
  • 23. setFullScreenMode(true); thread = new Thread(this); public class Canvas3D extends Canvas startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() implements Runnable { graphics3D = Graphics3D.getInstance(); public Canvas3D(){ world = new World(); } camera = new Camera(); public void paint(Graphics g) { float aspect = (float) getWidth() / (float) getHeight(); } camera.setPerspective(30.0f, aspect, 1.0f, 1000.0f); public void run() { world.addChild(camera); } world.setActiveCamera(camera); } running = true; thread.start();
  • 24. public class Canvas3D extends Canvas implements Runnable { graphics3D.bindTarget(g); public Canvas3D(){ world.animate( } (int)(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); public void paint(Graphics g) { graphics3D.render(world); } graphics3D.releaseTarget(); public void run() { } }
  • 25. public class Canvas3D extends Canvas implements Runnable { public Canvas3D(){ while (running){ } repaint(); public void paint(Graphics g) { Thread.sleep(20); } } public void run() { } }
  • 26. › User input in full touch Asha devices › Game keys simulation › Touch events › Multipoint-touch › Gestures › Sensors
  • 27. Game keys simulation » No touch handling in Canvas? › Drag gestures automatically trigger simulated key events › Up, Down, Left, Right
  • 28. › Tap: touch + release › Long Press (& repeated): touch + hold Touch › Drag: touch + drag › Drop: touch + drag + touch down Gestures (“stop”) + release › Flick: touch + drag + release while dragging › Pinch (new!): 2x touch + 2x drag + 2x touch down (“stop”) + 2x release
  • 29. Using Gestures › Register as gesture listener public class MainCanvas extends Canvas implements GestureListener { private int curPinchDistance = -1; public MainCanvas() { // Set this as container (gesture source) and listener GestureRegistrationManager.setListener(this, this); // Register for pinch events in the whole canvas area gestureZone = new GestureInteractiveZone(GestureInteractiveZone.GESTURE_PINCH); GestureRegistrationManager.register(this, gestureZone); } › Zone: reacts to 1+ specified gestures › Whole screen or rectangular area › Overlap possible › Received events → GestureListener
  • 30. Using Gestures › Handling gestures public void gestureAction(Object container, GestureInteractiveZone gestureInteractiveZone, GestureEvent gestureEvent) { int eventType = gestureEvent.getType(); switch (eventType) { case GestureInteractiveZone.GESTURE_PINCH: // Pinch detected curPinchDistance = gestureEvent.getPinchDistanceCurrent(); break; case GestureInteractiveZone.GESTURE_RECOGNITION_START: /* ... */ break; case GestureInteractiveZone.GESTURE_RECOGNITION_END: /* ... */ break; } } › Executed in UI thread › Lengthy operations (scaling image, etc.) → own thread!
  • 31. › Single touch › Canvas.pointerPressed() part of MIDP › Only tracks 1st touch point Pointer events › Multipoint Touch and › Tracks multiple touch points Multipoint- Touch › But: use Gesture API if only interested in pinch › Each associated with unique ID, x, y and state › Call-back for touch changes, but status available any time
  • 32. Using Multipoint-Touch › Number of touch points 2 on Nokia 305 / 306 MultipointTouch mpt = MultipointTouch.getInstance(); 5 on Nokia 311 int numTouchPoints = MultipointTouch.getMaxPointers(); › Limited accuracy of simultaneous touch points on a resistive screen (Nokia 305) → no on-screen joystick & shoot button › Register: touch point listener public class MainCanvas extends Canvas implements MultipointTouchListener { public MainCanvas() { // ... mpt.addMultipointTouchListener(this); }
  • 33. Using Multipoint-Touch › Handling touch events public void pointersChanged(int[] pointerIds) { for(int i=0; i<pointerIds.length; i++) { // Loop through the changed touch points { int pointerId = pointerIds[i]; // Get the touch point ID int state = MultipointTouch.getState(pointerId); // Get the touch point state // Get the touch point x and y coordinates int x = MultipointTouch.getX(pointerId); int y = MultipointTouch.getY(pointerId); // Handle the UI update based on the touch point state, ID and coordinates switch(state) { case MultipointTouch.POINTER_PRESSED: // A new finger was pressed against the screen drawTouch(pointerId, x, y); break; case MultipointTouch.POINTER_DRAGGED: // A pressed finger was dragged over the screen drawTouch(pointerId, x, y); break; case MultipointTouch.POINTER_RELEASED: // A pressed finger was lifted from the screen break; } } }
  • 34. › JSR 256 Sensor API › Optional Generic API: designed for battery, network status, also for temperature, blood pressure, etc. Sensors › Usefull in Games › Acceleration: –2g .. +2g, x / y / z axis › Double Tap: 1 .. 63, phone sides › Orientation: 0 .. 6, phone orientation
  • 35. › Synchronous › Poll sensor › Example: accelerometer in game loop Sensors Modes › Asynchronous › DataListener callbacks › Example: phone charger plugged in
  • 36. Using Multipoint-Touch › Establish sensor connection // Find all acceleration sensors, the contextType is left undefined SensorInfo[] sensorInfos = SensorManager.findSensors("acceleration", null); // Find an acceleration sensor that returns double values for (int i = 0; i < sensorInfos.length; i++) { if (sensorInfos[i].getChannelInfos()[0].getDataType() == ChannelInfo.TYPE_DOUBLE) { accSensor = (SensorConnection)[i].getUrl()); } } › Check data in game loop // Use 1 as a buffer size to get exactly 1 value for each axis Data[] data = accSensor.getData(1); speedX = -data[0].getDoubleValues()[0]; // data[0] => x-axis speedY = data[1].getDoubleValues()[0]; // data[1] => y-axis
  • 37. Hash Acceleration » Some iterative algorithms are slow. Proper usage of collections types of data structures can increase performance. » Vector.contains() is very slow, but Hashtable.containsKey() is very fast. Reconsider your algorithms to use Hashtables. » Usage can be found in very surprising places. For example, Font.stringWidth() is slow, but necessary for drawing multiline text on Canvas. Creating a Hashtable with the width in each character you have used in the Font can transform this into a fast operation and increase Canvas.paint() speed.
  • 38. Synchronized vs. Volatile Variables » When a variable or Object needs to be accessed from more than one Thread. » Marking a variable as volatile is the least restrictive approach and can have very high performance because no Thread is blocked. » Only one Thread may enter the synchronized sections at any one time. » Consider atomic operations on two variables. For example, when updating firstName and lastName from “John Smith” to “Jane Marceau”, do so within a synchronized block to avoid briefly exposing the transitional state “Jane Smith” to other threads.
  • 39. Constants » We can give the compiler and Proguard more opportunities to optimize the code at the compile step, and this will also give the ARM processor opportunities for handling these variables with more efficient byte codes. private static int loopCount = 10; private static long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private static boolean enableImages = true; Should be private static final int LOOP_COUNT = 10; private static final long START_TIME = System.currentTimeMillis(); private static final boolean ENABLE_IMAGES = true;
  • 40. Primitives » Use int instead of short, byte or long. for (int i = 0; i < 3000000; i++) { short/int/long a = 123; short/int/long b = -44; short/int/long c = 12; a += c; b += a; c *= b; } Average times spent in loops on Nokia Asha 305 (obfuscated): int: 710 (580) ms short: 900 (850) ms 50% slower long: 1450 (1150) ms 100% slower
  • 41. Final in methods for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { a = finalMethod(1, 2, 3); } for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { a = nonFinalMethod(1, 2, 3); } public final int finalMethod(final int a, final int b, final int c) { final float x = 1.23f, y = 0.05f; final float z = x * y; final int d = a + b + c; return d; } public int nonFinalMethod(int a, int b, int c) { float x = 1.23f, y = 0.05f; float z = x * y; int d = a + b + c; return d; }
  • 42. Final in methods Average times on a Nokia Asha 305: finalMethod: 650 ms nonFinalMethod: 940 ms 45% slower In this case, the time difference comes from final keyword before x and y. It is logical because then z value can be precalculated. The final keywords with parameters a, b, c let us not precalculate d or anything. And because we don’t use z, it being final does not help us
  • 43. Static » Generally static methods and variables should be faster. Oddly, with some combinations of ARM and JVM, instance accesses are slightly faster. for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { staticMethod(); Average times spent in loops } on Nokia Asha 305 for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { nonStaticMethod(); (obfuscated): } private static void staticMethod() { nonStaticMethod: 570 ms b++; // static variable } staticMethod: 680 ms 20% private void nonStaticMethod() { slower a++; // instance variable }
  • 44. String Concatenation If you are going to concatenate a large number of small Strings, use: StringBuffer.append() instead of the String += operator. String is much slower because every time you concatenate a string to another with += operator, a new StringBuffer is created under the hood. Depending on the number of concatenations, a single explicit StringBuffer can be many times faster than multiple implicit StringBuffers created by String addition.
  • 45. Addition vs. Multiplication vs. Division for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++) { a = 1.23f; b = 1.45f; c = 0.004523f; c += a; a = b + c; } for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++) { Average times spent in loops a = 1.23f; b = 1.45f; on Nokia Asha 305: c = 0.004523f; c *= a; Multiplying: 330 ms a = b * c; } Addition: 360 ms 9% slower for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++) { a = 1.23f; Division: 560 ms 70% slower b = 1.45f; c = 0.004523f; c /= a; a = b / c; }
  • 46. Switch vs. If The switch statement in C is implemented as a direct jump which is extremely fast. In Java on Nokia Series 40 phones, switches are implemented at the bytecode level as a series of if statements. Therefore in many cases a switch statement is less efficient than a manually created series of if..else statements in which the first positive case is selected as the one which occurs more frequently. If you prefer to use switch statements for code clarity, then arrange them so that the most frequent cases appear first.
  • 47. Live Demo Session » If you are watching these slides on SlideShare, next part is live coding demonstration with Nokia SDK 2.0 for Java and NetBeans. Full recording of the live session can be found at Nokia Developer website: »
  • 48. › Andreas Jakl, Nokia Special thanks