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Detailed Research on Fake News: Opportunities,
Challenges and Methods
Milap Bhanderi
Faculty of Computer Science
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Canada
Abstract—The tenacity of this paper is to explain the effects
of fake news in society with the help of diverse research work.
This paper will provide a different understanding and the
definition of fake news. Moreover, the paper will shed light upon
the opportunities of fake news such as what are the sources
and influencing factors for the misinformation and challenges
created by the fake news among the individual in terms of the
identification of the trustworthiness of the information. Several
researchers came up with the ideas to mitigate the impact of
the fake news which can be seen in the later section of the
paper and I will also discuss what are the short-come of these
solutions. Overall, this paper will comprise the various research
work accomplished in the domain of fake news and what is the
effect of the fake news in the whole society and on an individual,
some of the methods to reduce the spreading of the fake news
and what are the factors and characteristics through which the
identification of fake news is possible.
Index Terms—Fake news, misinformation, truthfulness, social
media, detection, challenges, analysis
Fake news can be defined as false information or propa-
ganda published under the pretence of being genuine news in
an attempt to mislead readers of the content and spread mis-
information via social networks and word-of-mouth. In other
words, Fake news is made-up stuff, masterfully manipulated
with the purpose to deceive in order to harm the reputation
of an organization or a person by the usage of sensationalist,
false, or completely fabricated headlines to increase readership
The proliferation of Fake news can be possible as there are
myriads of mediums through which the news can be spread
easily or it can go viral. Traditional media like Newspaper
and Television, these can be one of the media from where the
fake news can be broadcasted. There are many news channels
which show only that news which can help them to earn more
money. They are no longer interested in the validation of the
news, they just seek for the source of the news from which
they can make some money. This news channels influence the
people and because of word-of-mouth at the end, people start
believing it as it is coming from their near ones.
The other medium is social media which is one of the fastest
media for proliferation of the fake news where anything can
go viral within minutes. This can be used for good causes
where people can be made aware of something very quickly
and also harm someone’s reputation. People can post anything
and like-minded people will share it across multiple social
media platforms and this way a single post takes a shape of
viral news. This viral news has no such source which one can
verify and authenticate the truthfulness of the news. This way
the news from social media can also be helpful to give the
benefit to the people and it can be also critical for them.
The identification of the source of any news is very impor-
tant for the reader as an article, video, social media post or any
kind of news affects the reader emotionally and mentally. The
research on the detection and prevention of the fake news is
carried out and there are many solutions came up in terms of
algorithmic software where one can identify the source of the
news, the truthfulness of the news and so on. These software
and different models help to obstruct the aggrandize of the
fake news.
The remaining of the paper will describe the different
research work done in the field of mitigation of the fake
news using the different approaches and what is the outcome
from it and also what kind of challenges which needs to
be addressed yet. Moreover, we will also see what are the
problems and opportunities for fake news. In Section III, we
will see the related work which can be done with the help of
the outcomes from the research work done in this field and it
will be followed by the final concluding remarks in Section
A. Motivation
The fake news is one of the sensitive topics which can be
good or harmful for the people based on how it is described.
The proliferation of fake news is increased in several years
because of the advancement of technology where one can
easily create and share a piece of information across the world.
There are very few resources available through which we can
easily verify the accuracy of any news.
B. Objective
The main aspiration behind this research is to identify the
sources from where the fake news is generated. Also, reduce
the propagation of fake news among people from different
sources and make them aware of the mediums from which
they can be affected. This research will shed some light on
the causes of fake news and its effects on the readers’ mental
condition. Moreover, will see some of the solutions which help
to distinguish the news and how it can be prevented.
In this section, I will discuss some research work done on
the fake news regarding its causes and effects and will see
some of the proposed solutions to detect the fake news across
different media.
A. Fake News: A Survey of Research, Detection Methods, and
The Fake News is not the new term which just came
into being recently but why it is trending so much? The
reason behind this inflation of fake news is because of online
resources which makes the production and sharing of fake
news much faster than traditional news media. According
to reports from August 2017, around two-thirds people of
America get the news from the social media. As social media
reduce the physical distance between the people across the
world, it is easy to share, forward, vote, review and to inspire
others to participate in the exchange of the news with the
help of the global and easily available platforms. This kind of
online news can lead to grave repercussions, yet additionally
considerable potential political and financial advantages. Such
benevolent advantages make malevolent substances to make,
publish and distribute fake news [3].
The research tells that when there are massive political
parties and the dominating business tycoons behind the gen-
eration of the fake news, there is a greater motivation to
make fake news more powerful and indistinguishable from
truth to the public. There is some research which proves
that humans are vulnerable while discriminating truth and
prevarication when it is represented with illusory information.
Psychological research carried out on 1000 participants over
100 experiments depict that human’s accuracy of detecting
deception is very low and the accurate rates are in the range
of 55-58 percentage. In addition to that, when anyone hears the
news frequently, they are more likely to start believing it as the
fake news can effortlessly get the legitimacy and objectivity
of a representative [3].
Fig. 1. A Comparison between Concepts related to Fake News
The researchers also tried to propose two different defini-
tions for fake news. (i) Broad definition:”where news broadly
includes claims, statements, speeches, posts, among other
types of information related to public figures and organi-
zations. It emphasizes information authenticity, purposefully
adopts a broad definition for the term news and weakens
the requirement for information intentions. This definition
supports most existing fake-news-related studies, and datasets,
as provided by the existing fact-checking websites.” (ii) Nar-
row Definition: ”This narrow definition addresses the publics
perception of fake news. The narrow definition emphasizes
both news authenticity and intentions; it also ensures the
posted information is news by investigating its publisher. This
definition supports recent advancements in fake news studies”
According to this research, the study of the fake news can
be classified into four perspectives where each perspective
focuses on some characteristics of the fake news based on
the information and by implementing different methods.
1) Knowledge-based Study of Fake News: In this study, the
fake news can be analysed or detected using the method of
fact-checking which is helpful to identify the authenticity of
the news by comparing it with true facts [3].
2) Style-based Study of Fake News: This study highlights
on investigating the content of the news, however, the main
aim is to evaluate news intention that how it can mislead the
people [3].
3) Propagation-based Study of Fake News: This study
shows how someone can take benefit of the information related
to the propagation of fake news or how it propagates and users
spreading it [3].
4) Credibility-based Study of Fake News: In this study,
the relationship between news, publishers, users and posts
can be identified. Let say, someone published an article on
some website and many users forwarded that than it is more
likely to be fake news as compared to the article posted on
some authenticate websites. This study is overlapping with the
Propagation-based study [3].
The complete summary and comparison of perspectives to
study Fake News can be seen in Figure 2 below.
Fig. 2. Summary and Comparison of Perspectives to study Fake News
B. The Fake News Game: Actively Inoculating Against the
Risk of Misinformation
This research is performed based on the Inoculation theory.
The inoculation process contains two components which are
threat and refutational preemption. The ”threat” is motivational
and it refers to the identification of someone’s attitude on a
specific issue. On the other hand, the refutational preemption is
focused on providing people with some arguments to resist the
persuasion. In this research, the researcher provided news to a
focus group who educate people regarding the misinformation
In this pilot study, the players need to engage themselves
and try to create goals and motivation which shows an
individual’s characteristics. So, the ultimate goal is to have
four characters where they have 1) The ”Denier” who will
look at the topic as small and insignificant. 2) The ”Alarmist”
who contradicts of the first one and will see the news as
the bigger problem as possible. 3) The ”Clickbait Monger”
whose aim is to get as many clicks as possible and 4)
The ”Conspiracy theorist” who will disturb the mainstream
medium and influence the audience to follow it. Though the
counter-arguments are one of the important parts of the study,
researchers have already provided it to the players. In the end,
they found that this process of inoculation caused on base of
fake news game decreased the observed reliability and control
of fake news articles. Moreover, they emphasize the nature of
this study and how they recognize the different interpretation
of different roles to generate fake news [4].
C. The Current State of Fake News: Challenges and Oppor-
The authenticity of the information became one of the
vital issues which affect different industries like business and
society. The proposed solution for this problem consists of two
approaches which are 1) Human intervention where humans
will check the fact within the information and verify it. 2) The
algorithm is used to detect the fake content and the sources
from which the information is shared or originated. These
algorithms are divided based on their functionalities [5].
During the hackathon competition at Princeton University,
students developed a browser extension which verifies the
content and provides feedback on whether the content is true
or not. This extension work based on the algorithm which
basically compare the content by comparing it on Google or
Bing and tell the user about the highly trusted sources. This
algorithm also helps the user while surfing through different
social media platform like Facebook where while scrolling
through the news feed, it will identify the post and informs
you about its truthfulness. Moreover, when user post or share
anything, it will do backend processing using AI algorithms,
word extraction etc and tries to authenticate the post and if
it contains the unverified information, then it will notify the
user and user can decide the further actions like to down it or
keep it [5].
However, the main challenge for this algorithm is to detec-
tion and verification of facts. The facts are basically something
which happened on a specific time, somewhere and with
someone. There are many scenarios where validation of the
facts is not possible. Let say, many people used to report
something like ”Today is a sunny day”, ”I can’t understand
what she’s saying” etc. which is hard to compare and in that
case, the algorithm will perform its fundamental operation and
provide details accordingly [5].
D. Trends in the Diffusion of Misinformation on Social Media
As the usage of social media increased, the buildup of the
fake news fosters. In response to this matter, social media
platforms decide to limit actions to reduce the proliferation of
misinformation. The most identical social media sources are
Facebook and Twitter. Though, after the 2016 US election,
Facebook has improved its authenticity of the content and
made a significant impact. This study basically focuses on
capturing trends in misinformation that Facebook is aware of
as Facebook uses some Political and Fact-checking website
when any user flags the post or report the post as fake. Here,
the comparison of the content is based on category-level web
traffic rankings. Then with the help of page views and number
of visitors, websites are identified and are further categorised
into groups which are set of major websites, set of small
websites and set of business and culture sites [6].
The result of Facebook engagements and Twitter shares can
be seen in Fig 3. Here, one noticeable thing is that there are
some exceptional cases as the database is not in the complete
form so there can some information which do not belong to
these groups of websites and this is why the data provide after
the comparison is still not fully accurate or it may vary over
time [6].
Fig. 3. Engagement on Facebook and Twitter
Though, the relative comparison of both platforms can be
taken into consideration. Both Facebook and Twitter have
made changes to their platforms. Engagements on Facebook
affect sharing on Twitter and vice versa. The change in the
demand may not have the same effect on both the platform
but there can be some factors based on which the Facebook-
Twitter ration changes [6].
E. Audiences Acts of Authentication in the Age of Fake News:
a Conceptual Framework
In this research, the conceptual framework is proposed with
a view to how people authenticate fake information on social
media. They stated that individual first try to validate the
information by their own judgements and sources and if they
do not find a satisfactory answer from that then they will
look for the external sources. The researchers ran a study
where they took a survey and asked people an open-ended
question ”How do you verify whether the news you see on
social media, such as Facebook, is correct?”. Based on the
responses researchers go through the answers and divided into
categories and as a result, they came up with the model shown
in Fig 4 [7].
Fig. 4. Conceptual Framework Model
As per the model, when the reader will read or see a post
on social media, he or she will first try to verify it with
internal sources like Self, Source, Message and Popularity.
In the self, the reader will use his/her own intuition. In the
source, the reader will try to validate it from some authenticate
source. In the message, the user will check the tone of the
information. If these all do not help them to confirm the
information, they will look for external sources wherein the
first is Incidental and interpersonal where people passively
wait for acceptance from family and friends. In Incidental and
institutional, an individual will wait for institutional sources
to confirm news instead of searching by themselves. Lastly,
in Intentional and interpersonal, the reader will intentionally
seek out confirmation from others in their social circle [7].
F. Seeing Through Misinformation: A Framework for Identi-
fying Fake Online News
The Oxford Dictionaries named post-truth the word of the
year in the same year when BBC News announced that fake
sources are the really concerned issue in the journalism. The
speed with which the misinformation is spreading cannot be
compared with the history of communication. It is fueled by
the human’s process of understanding the information and
various mediums like social media, online news platforms and
channels and more [8].
To mitigate this issue, the researchers came up with the
framework which basically focuses on the three major concern.
i) Lexical structure, ii) Simplicity, and iii)Emotion [8].
1) Lexical Structure: The misinformation has a specific
syntax structure which distinguishes it with the factual in-
formation. There are some verbs, the content written in the
suspenseful language which we can use to detect the misin-
formation’s presence in online news content [8].
2) Simplicity: The story of the fake news is simple as the
source do not do any kind of background research to write that
story and as a result of it, the writer will only use average verbs
and average complex and lengthy statements [8].
3) Emotion: As per the research, several sources proves
that stories which are emotionally evocative tend to go viral
easily. People will start relating themselves with the story and
the words used in it. Moreover, they found that news with
negative emotion spreads faster than positive emotions [8].
To validate the framework, the researchers selected one
website and gathered some headlines from that. Now, here as
discussed, we have 3 ways to breakdown the news but here the
main focus will be on Emotion. After that, researchers have
classified it into six different categories from ”Blatant lies” to
the ”Truths”. Moreover, they used the mathematical equations
to get the result in classified categories. This LeSiE framework
provides the cues and points out the presence of the fake news
by strong positive and negative words, the number of letters
used in the title, and the preponderance of verbs, adjectives,
names or numbers [8].
G. More than Fake News - Opinion Manipulation
The model concept assumes that accessing data, collective
engagement opportunities and social media will help in the
building of the democratic societies but as negative operation
came into the existence of this model concept, now it is
challenging their wellbeing. Hate speech is getting more
attention. Famous actors and digital marketing disseminate
misinformation to harm opponents [9].
The basic understanding of the propaganda is advertising
or promoting specific ideas, through distortion, lies, mind
control, brainwashing and psychological warfare. It works to
influence the opinion and actions of the people in society
based on various factors such as emotional appeals rather than
rationality. The internet has just changed this meaning of the
propaganda and many people use it to influence people which
is called the computational propaganda which includes robots,
fake accounts, and fake news [9].
A core feature of present fake news is that it has widely
flowed online. The characteristics of fake news are that they
are: 1. Intentional: which produced to harm someone’s reputa-
tion 2. False: which is created to gain popularity 3. Deceptive:
to make people affected by it 4. Inaccurate: which is used to
misguide people by showing false statistics and information
5. Exaggerated: to make people believe which is not even
possible 6. Biased: to favour someone and make an image in
the society and 7. Unacceptable: which cannot be accepted
by society. This factors lead an individual to believe on the
information provided on the different platforms and as the
human nature tends to believe in the repetitive information
as truth, the opinion manipulation can be achieved through
propaganda and fake news [9].
After the aforesaid amount of research work, we are not still
able to mitigate the problem of fake news. In this case, one
approach can be the integration of the related research work
and come up with the new solution which probably will not
help to eliminate but at least will help the society to reduce
the proliferation and impact of fake news.
There can be one proposed solution where the research work
can be done on the different styles of fake news which can
be obtained from the [3] and we can how people interpret
the information [4]. Based on the statistical data, the revised
version of the method used in [5] can be applied in which
the framework from [8] can be incorporated with the exist-
ing solution where three major concern will breakdown the
information and it will be easy to find the actual source of
the information and this way awareness and validation of the
information and the source can be possible. Again, to check
the result of this solution, the conceptual framework from [7]
and characteristics from [9] will be useful.
The impact of fake news is aggrandizing day by day, but
there are many research methods which can be useful to
mitigate the challenges faced by society because of fake news.
Though the opportunities for fake news are probably the fake
sources and vulnerability of humans to process the data, it can
be also tackled if the suitable awareness and knowledge can
be provided to the people. As the problem spectrum itself is
too broad, the scope of related solutions are also higher.
For future work, there should be some organization which
can take accountability of the credibility of the news in the
world by enforcing some rules or by using integrated methods
which can be applied to the every journalism media and
sources and the effect of fake news can be eradicated gradually
in some of the years.
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Webopedia Definition. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 15 May 2019]
2 (2019). Fake
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3. Fake News: A Survey of Research, Detection Methods,
and Opportunities Zhou, X. and Zafarani, R. (2019).
Fake News: A Survey of Research, Detection Meth-
ods, and Opportunities. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 May 2019].
4. The Fake News Game: Actively Inoculating Against
the Risk of Misinformation Taylor and Francis. (2019).
The fake news game: actively inoculating against
the risk of misinformation. [online] Available at:
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5. The current state of fake news: challenges and opportunities
Figueira, . and Oliveira, L. (2019). The current state of
fake news: challenges and opportunities. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 May
6. Trends in the Diffusion of Misinformation on Social
Media Allcott, H., Gentzkow, M. and Yu, C. (2019).
Trends in the diffusion of misinformation on social
media - Hunt Allcott, Matthew Gentzkow, Chuan
Yu, 2019. [online] SAGE Journals. Available at:
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7. Audiences acts of authentication in the age of fake news:
A conceptual framework C Tandoc Jr, E., Ling, R.,
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(2019). Audiences acts of authentication in the age of
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Richard Ling, Oscar Westlund, Andrew Duffy, Debbie Goh,
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Fake Online News Choy, M. and Chong, M. (2019). [online] Available at: [Ac-
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Automatically Identifying Fake News in Popular Twitter
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Automatic Online Fake News Detection Combining Con-
tent and Social Signals L. Della Vedova, M., Tacchini,
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5. Figueira, Á. and Oliveira, L. (2019). The current state of fake news:
challenges and opportunities. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 May 2019].
6. Allcott, H., Gentzkow, M. and Yu, C. (2019). Trends in the diffusion of
misinformation on social media - Hunt Allcott, Matthew Gentzkow,
Chuan Yu, 2019. [online] SAGE Journals. Available at:
[Accessed 28 May 2019].
7. C Tandoc Jr, E., Ling, R., Westlund, O., Duffy, A., Goh, D. and Zheng Wei,
L. (2019). Audiences’ acts of authentication in the age of fake news: A
conceptual framework - Edson C Tandoc, Richard Ling, Oscar Westlund,
Andrew Duffy, Debbie Goh, Lim Zheng Wei, 2018. [online] SAGE Journals.
Available at:
731756 [Accessed 28 May 2019].
8. Seeing Through Misinformation: A Framework for Identifying Fake
Online News Choy, M. and Chong, M. (2019). [online]
Available at: [Accessed 28 May 2019].
9. More than Fake News - Opinion Manipulation Idid, S. (2019). [online]
Available at:
AND_POLITICS_IN_MALAYSIA [Accessed 28 May 2019].

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Detailed Research on Fake News: Opportunities, Challenges and Methods

  • 1. Detailed Research on Fake News: Opportunities, Challenges and Methods Milap Bhanderi Faculty of Computer Science Dalhousie University Halifax, Canada Abstract—The tenacity of this paper is to explain the effects of fake news in society with the help of diverse research work. This paper will provide a different understanding and the definition of fake news. Moreover, the paper will shed light upon the opportunities of fake news such as what are the sources and influencing factors for the misinformation and challenges created by the fake news among the individual in terms of the identification of the trustworthiness of the information. Several researchers came up with the ideas to mitigate the impact of the fake news which can be seen in the later section of the paper and I will also discuss what are the short-come of these solutions. Overall, this paper will comprise the various research work accomplished in the domain of fake news and what is the effect of the fake news in the whole society and on an individual, some of the methods to reduce the spreading of the fake news and what are the factors and characteristics through which the identification of fake news is possible. Index Terms—Fake news, misinformation, truthfulness, social media, detection, challenges, analysis I. INTRODUCTION Fake news can be defined as false information or propa- ganda published under the pretence of being genuine news in an attempt to mislead readers of the content and spread mis- information via social networks and word-of-mouth. In other words, Fake news is made-up stuff, masterfully manipulated with the purpose to deceive in order to harm the reputation of an organization or a person by the usage of sensationalist, false, or completely fabricated headlines to increase readership [1][2]. The proliferation of Fake news can be possible as there are myriads of mediums through which the news can be spread easily or it can go viral. Traditional media like Newspaper and Television, these can be one of the media from where the fake news can be broadcasted. There are many news channels which show only that news which can help them to earn more money. They are no longer interested in the validation of the news, they just seek for the source of the news from which they can make some money. This news channels influence the people and because of word-of-mouth at the end, people start believing it as it is coming from their near ones. The other medium is social media which is one of the fastest media for proliferation of the fake news where anything can go viral within minutes. This can be used for good causes where people can be made aware of something very quickly and also harm someone’s reputation. People can post anything and like-minded people will share it across multiple social media platforms and this way a single post takes a shape of viral news. This viral news has no such source which one can verify and authenticate the truthfulness of the news. This way the news from social media can also be helpful to give the benefit to the people and it can be also critical for them. The identification of the source of any news is very impor- tant for the reader as an article, video, social media post or any kind of news affects the reader emotionally and mentally. The research on the detection and prevention of the fake news is carried out and there are many solutions came up in terms of algorithmic software where one can identify the source of the news, the truthfulness of the news and so on. These software and different models help to obstruct the aggrandize of the fake news. The remaining of the paper will describe the different research work done in the field of mitigation of the fake news using the different approaches and what is the outcome from it and also what kind of challenges which needs to be addressed yet. Moreover, we will also see what are the problems and opportunities for fake news. In Section III, we will see the related work which can be done with the help of the outcomes from the research work done in this field and it will be followed by the final concluding remarks in Section IV. A. Motivation The fake news is one of the sensitive topics which can be good or harmful for the people based on how it is described. The proliferation of fake news is increased in several years because of the advancement of technology where one can easily create and share a piece of information across the world. There are very few resources available through which we can easily verify the accuracy of any news. B. Objective The main aspiration behind this research is to identify the sources from where the fake news is generated. Also, reduce the propagation of fake news among people from different sources and make them aware of the mediums from which they can be affected. This research will shed some light on the causes of fake news and its effects on the readers’ mental
  • 2. condition. Moreover, will see some of the solutions which help to distinguish the news and how it can be prevented. II. LITERATURE REVIEW In this section, I will discuss some research work done on the fake news regarding its causes and effects and will see some of the proposed solutions to detect the fake news across different media. A. Fake News: A Survey of Research, Detection Methods, and Opportunities The Fake News is not the new term which just came into being recently but why it is trending so much? The reason behind this inflation of fake news is because of online resources which makes the production and sharing of fake news much faster than traditional news media. According to reports from August 2017, around two-thirds people of America get the news from the social media. As social media reduce the physical distance between the people across the world, it is easy to share, forward, vote, review and to inspire others to participate in the exchange of the news with the help of the global and easily available platforms. This kind of online news can lead to grave repercussions, yet additionally considerable potential political and financial advantages. Such benevolent advantages make malevolent substances to make, publish and distribute fake news [3]. The research tells that when there are massive political parties and the dominating business tycoons behind the gen- eration of the fake news, there is a greater motivation to make fake news more powerful and indistinguishable from truth to the public. There is some research which proves that humans are vulnerable while discriminating truth and prevarication when it is represented with illusory information. Psychological research carried out on 1000 participants over 100 experiments depict that human’s accuracy of detecting deception is very low and the accurate rates are in the range of 55-58 percentage. In addition to that, when anyone hears the news frequently, they are more likely to start believing it as the fake news can effortlessly get the legitimacy and objectivity of a representative [3]. Fig. 1. A Comparison between Concepts related to Fake News The researchers also tried to propose two different defini- tions for fake news. (i) Broad definition:”where news broadly includes claims, statements, speeches, posts, among other types of information related to public figures and organi- zations. It emphasizes information authenticity, purposefully adopts a broad definition for the term news and weakens the requirement for information intentions. This definition supports most existing fake-news-related studies, and datasets, as provided by the existing fact-checking websites.” (ii) Nar- row Definition: ”This narrow definition addresses the publics perception of fake news. The narrow definition emphasizes both news authenticity and intentions; it also ensures the posted information is news by investigating its publisher. This definition supports recent advancements in fake news studies” [3]. According to this research, the study of the fake news can be classified into four perspectives where each perspective focuses on some characteristics of the fake news based on the information and by implementing different methods. 1) Knowledge-based Study of Fake News: In this study, the fake news can be analysed or detected using the method of fact-checking which is helpful to identify the authenticity of the news by comparing it with true facts [3]. 2) Style-based Study of Fake News: This study highlights on investigating the content of the news, however, the main aim is to evaluate news intention that how it can mislead the people [3]. 3) Propagation-based Study of Fake News: This study shows how someone can take benefit of the information related to the propagation of fake news or how it propagates and users spreading it [3]. 4) Credibility-based Study of Fake News: In this study, the relationship between news, publishers, users and posts can be identified. Let say, someone published an article on some website and many users forwarded that than it is more likely to be fake news as compared to the article posted on some authenticate websites. This study is overlapping with the Propagation-based study [3]. The complete summary and comparison of perspectives to study Fake News can be seen in Figure 2 below. Fig. 2. Summary and Comparison of Perspectives to study Fake News
  • 3. B. The Fake News Game: Actively Inoculating Against the Risk of Misinformation This research is performed based on the Inoculation theory. The inoculation process contains two components which are threat and refutational preemption. The ”threat” is motivational and it refers to the identification of someone’s attitude on a specific issue. On the other hand, the refutational preemption is focused on providing people with some arguments to resist the persuasion. In this research, the researcher provided news to a focus group who educate people regarding the misinformation [4]. In this pilot study, the players need to engage themselves and try to create goals and motivation which shows an individual’s characteristics. So, the ultimate goal is to have four characters where they have 1) The ”Denier” who will look at the topic as small and insignificant. 2) The ”Alarmist” who contradicts of the first one and will see the news as the bigger problem as possible. 3) The ”Clickbait Monger” whose aim is to get as many clicks as possible and 4) The ”Conspiracy theorist” who will disturb the mainstream medium and influence the audience to follow it. Though the counter-arguments are one of the important parts of the study, researchers have already provided it to the players. In the end, they found that this process of inoculation caused on base of fake news game decreased the observed reliability and control of fake news articles. Moreover, they emphasize the nature of this study and how they recognize the different interpretation of different roles to generate fake news [4]. C. The Current State of Fake News: Challenges and Oppor- tunities The authenticity of the information became one of the vital issues which affect different industries like business and society. The proposed solution for this problem consists of two approaches which are 1) Human intervention where humans will check the fact within the information and verify it. 2) The algorithm is used to detect the fake content and the sources from which the information is shared or originated. These algorithms are divided based on their functionalities [5]. During the hackathon competition at Princeton University, students developed a browser extension which verifies the content and provides feedback on whether the content is true or not. This extension work based on the algorithm which basically compare the content by comparing it on Google or Bing and tell the user about the highly trusted sources. This algorithm also helps the user while surfing through different social media platform like Facebook where while scrolling through the news feed, it will identify the post and informs you about its truthfulness. Moreover, when user post or share anything, it will do backend processing using AI algorithms, word extraction etc and tries to authenticate the post and if it contains the unverified information, then it will notify the user and user can decide the further actions like to down it or keep it [5]. However, the main challenge for this algorithm is to detec- tion and verification of facts. The facts are basically something which happened on a specific time, somewhere and with someone. There are many scenarios where validation of the facts is not possible. Let say, many people used to report something like ”Today is a sunny day”, ”I can’t understand what she’s saying” etc. which is hard to compare and in that case, the algorithm will perform its fundamental operation and provide details accordingly [5]. D. Trends in the Diffusion of Misinformation on Social Media As the usage of social media increased, the buildup of the fake news fosters. In response to this matter, social media platforms decide to limit actions to reduce the proliferation of misinformation. The most identical social media sources are Facebook and Twitter. Though, after the 2016 US election, Facebook has improved its authenticity of the content and made a significant impact. This study basically focuses on capturing trends in misinformation that Facebook is aware of as Facebook uses some Political and Fact-checking website when any user flags the post or report the post as fake. Here, the comparison of the content is based on category-level web traffic rankings. Then with the help of page views and number of visitors, websites are identified and are further categorised into groups which are set of major websites, set of small websites and set of business and culture sites [6]. The result of Facebook engagements and Twitter shares can be seen in Fig 3. Here, one noticeable thing is that there are some exceptional cases as the database is not in the complete form so there can some information which do not belong to these groups of websites and this is why the data provide after the comparison is still not fully accurate or it may vary over time [6]. Fig. 3. Engagement on Facebook and Twitter Though, the relative comparison of both platforms can be taken into consideration. Both Facebook and Twitter have made changes to their platforms. Engagements on Facebook affect sharing on Twitter and vice versa. The change in the demand may not have the same effect on both the platform
  • 4. but there can be some factors based on which the Facebook- Twitter ration changes [6]. E. Audiences Acts of Authentication in the Age of Fake News: a Conceptual Framework In this research, the conceptual framework is proposed with a view to how people authenticate fake information on social media. They stated that individual first try to validate the information by their own judgements and sources and if they do not find a satisfactory answer from that then they will look for the external sources. The researchers ran a study where they took a survey and asked people an open-ended question ”How do you verify whether the news you see on social media, such as Facebook, is correct?”. Based on the responses researchers go through the answers and divided into categories and as a result, they came up with the model shown in Fig 4 [7]. Fig. 4. Conceptual Framework Model As per the model, when the reader will read or see a post on social media, he or she will first try to verify it with internal sources like Self, Source, Message and Popularity. In the self, the reader will use his/her own intuition. In the source, the reader will try to validate it from some authenticate source. In the message, the user will check the tone of the information. If these all do not help them to confirm the information, they will look for external sources wherein the first is Incidental and interpersonal where people passively wait for acceptance from family and friends. In Incidental and institutional, an individual will wait for institutional sources to confirm news instead of searching by themselves. Lastly, in Intentional and interpersonal, the reader will intentionally seek out confirmation from others in their social circle [7]. F. Seeing Through Misinformation: A Framework for Identi- fying Fake Online News The Oxford Dictionaries named post-truth the word of the year in the same year when BBC News announced that fake sources are the really concerned issue in the journalism. The speed with which the misinformation is spreading cannot be compared with the history of communication. It is fueled by the human’s process of understanding the information and various mediums like social media, online news platforms and channels and more [8]. To mitigate this issue, the researchers came up with the framework which basically focuses on the three major concern. i) Lexical structure, ii) Simplicity, and iii)Emotion [8]. 1) Lexical Structure: The misinformation has a specific syntax structure which distinguishes it with the factual in- formation. There are some verbs, the content written in the suspenseful language which we can use to detect the misin- formation’s presence in online news content [8]. 2) Simplicity: The story of the fake news is simple as the source do not do any kind of background research to write that story and as a result of it, the writer will only use average verbs and average complex and lengthy statements [8]. 3) Emotion: As per the research, several sources proves that stories which are emotionally evocative tend to go viral easily. People will start relating themselves with the story and the words used in it. Moreover, they found that news with negative emotion spreads faster than positive emotions [8]. To validate the framework, the researchers selected one website and gathered some headlines from that. Now, here as discussed, we have 3 ways to breakdown the news but here the main focus will be on Emotion. After that, researchers have classified it into six different categories from ”Blatant lies” to the ”Truths”. Moreover, they used the mathematical equations to get the result in classified categories. This LeSiE framework provides the cues and points out the presence of the fake news by strong positive and negative words, the number of letters used in the title, and the preponderance of verbs, adjectives, names or numbers [8]. G. More than Fake News - Opinion Manipulation The model concept assumes that accessing data, collective engagement opportunities and social media will help in the building of the democratic societies but as negative operation came into the existence of this model concept, now it is challenging their wellbeing. Hate speech is getting more attention. Famous actors and digital marketing disseminate misinformation to harm opponents [9]. The basic understanding of the propaganda is advertising or promoting specific ideas, through distortion, lies, mind control, brainwashing and psychological warfare. It works to influence the opinion and actions of the people in society based on various factors such as emotional appeals rather than rationality. The internet has just changed this meaning of the propaganda and many people use it to influence people which is called the computational propaganda which includes robots, fake accounts, and fake news [9]. A core feature of present fake news is that it has widely flowed online. The characteristics of fake news are that they are: 1. Intentional: which produced to harm someone’s reputa- tion 2. False: which is created to gain popularity 3. Deceptive: to make people affected by it 4. Inaccurate: which is used to misguide people by showing false statistics and information 5. Exaggerated: to make people believe which is not even possible 6. Biased: to favour someone and make an image in the society and 7. Unacceptable: which cannot be accepted by society. This factors lead an individual to believe on the
  • 5. information provided on the different platforms and as the human nature tends to believe in the repetitive information as truth, the opinion manipulation can be achieved through propaganda and fake news [9]. III. RELATED WORK After the aforesaid amount of research work, we are not still able to mitigate the problem of fake news. In this case, one approach can be the integration of the related research work and come up with the new solution which probably will not help to eliminate but at least will help the society to reduce the proliferation and impact of fake news. There can be one proposed solution where the research work can be done on the different styles of fake news which can be obtained from the [3] and we can how people interpret the information [4]. Based on the statistical data, the revised version of the method used in [5] can be applied in which the framework from [8] can be incorporated with the exist- ing solution where three major concern will breakdown the information and it will be easy to find the actual source of the information and this way awareness and validation of the information and the source can be possible. Again, to check the result of this solution, the conceptual framework from [7] and characteristics from [9] will be useful. IV. CONCLUSION The impact of fake news is aggrandizing day by day, but there are many research methods which can be useful to mitigate the challenges faced by society because of fake news. Though the opportunities for fake news are probably the fake sources and vulnerability of humans to process the data, it can be also tackled if the suitable awareness and knowledge can be provided to the people. As the problem spectrum itself is too broad, the scope of related solutions are also higher. For future work, there should be some organization which can take accountability of the credibility of the news in the world by enforcing some rules or by using integrated methods which can be applied to the every journalism media and sources and the effect of fake news can be eradicated gradually in some of the years. V. REFERENCES 1 (2019). What Is Fake News? Webopedia Definition. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 May 2019] 2 (2019). Fake news. [online] Available at:[Accessed15May2019]. 3. Fake News: A Survey of Research, Detection Methods, and Opportunities Zhou, X. and Zafarani, R. (2019). Fake News: A Survey of Research, Detection Meth- ods, and Opportunities. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 May 2019]. 4. The Fake News Game: Actively Inoculating Against the Risk of Misinformation Taylor and Francis. (2019). The fake news game: actively inoculating against the risk of misinformation. 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