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▸In the age of complexity and uncertainty with many
unknowns organizations search for a magical way to
achieve these two objectives.
▸This requires a new way of thinking in today’s
dynamic and complex world that is shaped around
• bytes,
• atoms,
• neurons,
• genes
“ “True innovation comes
from recognizing an unmet
need and designing a creative
way to fill it.”
Design Thinking
In recent years; startups, large enterprises and non-profit organizations
have been using design thinking to foster innovation and create desirable
solutions, products, services, and experiences.
Not only a mindset, but also a workshop based study.
Design Thinking methodology includes six phases:
▸ Definition
▸ Research
▸ Interpretation
▸ Idea Generation
▸ Prototyping
▸ Evaluation
In Design Thinking Projects
▸The definition phase requires concretization skills
▸ The research phase requires observation, asking the right
questions and contextual thinking skills
▸The interpretation phase requires empathy, pattern recognition, and
intuition skills
▸The idea generation phase requires creativity, thinking out of the
box, and organic design skills
▸The prototyping phase requires visual thinking and
conceptualization skills and the ability to simplify and create images
▸The evaluation phase requires critical thinking skills
“Design thinking systematizes idea
generation which is usually done
by an unstructured way of idea
How Many Days Do Design Thinking Workshops Last?
HMW Questions Technique
▸Design thinking teams can use the ‘’how might we’’(HMW)
questions technique to define and frame the design
challenge in a concrete way. HMW questions should not be
too broad or too narrow.
Wrong Design Challenge Definitions
• How might we be a more succesful company? (too broad)
• How might we improve the sales of our dealers at remote
locations by adding a dealer search page on the mobile app? (too
Right Design Challenge
• How might we improve the sales of our dealers at remote
▸ Personas, which are representative imaginary characters, are the best way to
define and visualize target user groups.
▸ Although there can be several user profiles for a product, design thinking teams
should limit the number of personas to three (at most at four, in extreme cases) to
prevent failing into the trap of ‘’designing for everybody’’
▸ A persona description should include a name, photo and demographic info(age,
gender, education, profession, etc.) and scenario section that best represents the
mental model of the persona.
▸ Persona descriptions should not only have demographic information but should
also include psychological aspects such as interests, capabilities, weaknesses
and expectations of the persona. These psychological aspects can be defined in
the scenario section of the persona description.
Example of Persona
Example of Persona
Interview & User Observation
Teams should apply etnographic research techniques such as
interviews and user observations and identify the needs, problems and
expectations of the target audience.
▸The aim of interviews is to collect as much data as possible about
the needs and expectations of target users by asking them specific
and unbiased questions during preliminary research and the
User Observation
▸Design thinking teams should observe users in their own contexts to
uncover the needs and problems that are not captured during
Costumer Journey Map
▸Journey mapping is an effective technique used to
visualize and evaluate the end-to-end experience of
users during their engagement with a product or
service at different touch points.
▸It provides a holistic representation of each
persona group’s experience, emotions, motivation,
and satisfaction level at each part of the
Example of Customer Journey Map
Customer Journey Map Canvas (AS-IS)
Empathy Mapping
Design thinking is an empty-driven methodology which promotes
emotional design. It requires treating people not as subscribers, but as
human beings who form emotional bonds with the products, services,
or spaces they use.
Therefore, in generating insights, teams should consider not only the
needs and problems of the target audience but also the emotions.
▸ Empathy map should be prepared for each persona group.
▸ The team analyzes research data about the persona and discusses
his feelings about the current situation.
Empathy Map Canvas
Brainstorming is the spontaneous listing of creative ideas, without too
much thinking about their quality. In order to maximize the
effectiveness of brainstorming sessions, design thinking teams should
apply the following best practices:
▸ Invite all of the relevant stakeholders
▸ If needed, use ice-breaking techniques (such as asking them their
opinions about a popular subject) at the beginning of the session to
help people start collaborating.
Brain Dump
If the participants are hesitant to share their ideas in front of
the others, design thinking teams can apply the brain dump
This technique is applied as follows:
▸ Instead of telling their ideas, brainstorming participants
individually write down their ideas on sticky notes.
▸ The facilitator reminds each group to complete this process
within the time allocated.
▸ When the time is up, each group presents their ideas to the
entire team.
Reverse Brainstorming
If the participants have difficulty in generating
crative ideas; teams can apply the reverse
brainstorming technique.
It aims to approach the problem in a reversed way.
For example, if the objective is ‘’improving customer
experience at call center’’, then the team questions
how customers can have a worse experience.
Customer Journey Map Canvas (TO-BE)
At the end of the ideation session, design thinking
teams should apply convergent thinking and
prioritize solution ideas according to two main
o Value Proposition
o Difficulty of implementation
Value Proposition Canvas
Low-fidelity Prototyping
▸Many teams can generate creative
ideas, but they may not be able to
turn them into tangible solutions.
▸Prototyping allows design thinking
teams to visualize and turn
imaginary solution ideas into
tangible forms which help them
communicate with users to gain a
better understanding of how an idea
might solve the adressed challenge.
Story Board Technique
If the new solution to the design challenge is not a
software, a product, or a space but rather a service, a
business model, or a new process, then design thinking
teams can use the storyboard technique to prototype the
As in film making, the new solution is described by
visualizing user interactions as a story that is graphically
represented with pictures in sequential sections and
frames. The pictures do not have to be perfect, but they
should be easily understandable.
Define the challenge of a specific group of people
Interview and observe the target audience in its own context and
identify needs, problems and expectations associated with the
defined challenge.
Detect patterns among research data and use them to generate
actionable insights
▸Idea Generation
With inspiration from the insights, generate ideas for creative
solutions that may satisfy the needs and expectations and solve
the problems of the target audience.
Turn selected solution ideas into tangible forms.
Test the solution alternatives by using prototypes, and refine
them based on target users’ feedback.
Design Thinking Case Requirements
▸You will be given basic problems in banking environment.
▸‘’How might we’’ question for the choosen subject.
▸Imaginary Persona description
▸Customer Journey Map Canvas (AS-IS)
▸Empathy Map Canvas for persona
▸Brainstorming and Customer Journey Map Canvas (TO-BE)
▸Value Proposition Canvas for proritization of ideas
▸Story Board Technique to explain the solution as a story
Design Thinking Case Assessment
▸Design Thinking Case has 30% weight in the assessment of the course.
▸11 teams will be formed. Team members will be randomly selected.
▸You will be assigned to one of the groups.
▸You need to determine a representative for each group.
▸Before next week the repr. should be determined.
▸Next week, there will be a raffle draw for the projects / problems
▸A team of 5-10 people will score the teams.
▸The assessment criteria will be as follows
Case Assesment Criteria Points
Presentation skills 20
Research Quality 20
Contribution to Customer Experience 30
Compliance With Design Thinking Methods 20
Example of CebimPOS Case
What is CebimPOS?
▸Kuveyt Türk CebimPOS is a package solution that ensures the receiving of payments
through the transformation of your smartphone into a POS device .
▸CebimPOS menus can be used after logging into the Corporate Mobile Branch.
▸Card details and transaction information are entered into the Kuveyt Türk CebimPOS
Sales Menu.
▸Then "3D Secure and GO – Pay Safely" payment screen appears.
▸The OTP (One Time Password –) sent to payer’s smartphone, is entered on this
▸Then the payment is completed.
▸Payment is made using Kuveyt Türk CebimPOS can be shown in a list. End-of-day
follow-up can also be performed in addition to cancellation and refund transactions.
HMW Question
How might we set up better customer
experience at new CebimPOS application?
Example of Persona
Artisan Ayhan
▸Age: 45
▸Occuption: Ironmonger and has 2 workers
▸Income: 100.000+ TL Annual
▸Usually B2C Works
▸Monthly POS Turnover 10 thousand TL
▸Usually low quantity transactions
▸Requirement of quick and easy operation
▸Want to use alternative methods of 3D
▸He expects transactions with no cost
▸Receives feedback from some customers
that they do not wish to provide card details
▸Hears the convenience of different
applications from artisan friends
I'm a middle-aged small shopkeeper. I have
two employees, I'm happy with my job. I
usually use leave on Sundays and work hard
on other days.
In my spare time I enjoy spending time with
friends and family. My favorite activity is to
go to the picnic area on Sunday with my
family. I usually take a vacation by the sea
once a year.
I'm dreaming of days when I'm retiring.
When I retire, I'm thinking of buying a house
with a garden.
Example of Customer Journey Map Canvas (AS-IS)
Touch Points Application
Application in
Mobile Branch
CebimPos Login Data Input SMS Approval
Detail Cancel
End of Day
Extract of
Customers can
just apply
CebimPOS at
The CebimPOS
button on the
login screen is not
visible and does
not attract
The customer
wants to know
how to use
Customers expect
to see contactless
payment. (NFC)
Inability to receive
password by SMS
when the
cardholder is
someone else
Slip and receipt
integration may
be required)
There is a need of
viewing batch
(selecting), listing
and sending
Expectation: How
many days are
blocked when the
customer clicks on
the transaction
Need of receiving
manual day-end
Refund cannot be
made unless there
is money in the
current account
when it is
requested to be
returned in
blocked POS
The dates of the
extract cannot be
selected and the
extract is not
through the
Customers must
come to the
branch to add
new Cebim POS
Customers expect
to easily see
where CebimPos
is when they
enter the Mobile
When the first
entry to
CebimPOS, A
''Okey'' button is
displayed. when
clicked it, the
introduction tour
cannot be opened
It receives a
different error
code for each field
that is entered
incorrectly, but
customers does
not know which
information is
Some customers
want to make
without SMS.
Lack of
information on
whether the
money has been
Unable to view
transaction report
for a specific
period is a
Inability to receive
and share slip /
receipt mail from
transaction detail
Inability to display
transaction value
Changing in POS
conditions is done
manually by
representative at
the branch.
Insufficient SMS
time available to
some customers
Lack of
information in
customers end-of-
day reports
remaining limit
cannot be
displayed after
If the customer
doesn't have
money in his
account, the
customer will
have a refund
Login Transaction Post Transaction
Empathy Map Canvas
Think & Feel
▸He doesn’t want to pay cost
▸Want to get the low cost
▸He wants trust because he doesn't know his
▸ He hears the convenience of other application
from his artisan friends.
Say & Do
▸He mentions that no installment transactions
have been made.
▸ He sees the opportunities offered by other
Pain Points
▸Interruption of the operation when the phone
▸The fact that he can't give receipt to customers.
▸Inability to trade with American Express.
Gain Points
▸Easy to install and use
▸Receiving payments from customers anywhere
Example of Customer Journey Map Canvas (TO-BE)
Touch Points Application
Application in
Branch Login
Data Input SMS Approval
Detail Cancel
End of Day
Extract of
Customers can apply
online CebimPOS
For the first entry,
there can be a
animation to find the
application in mobile
branch by the
In the new
application, if the first
4 digits of the card
number are entered
as mastercard and
within the first 3 days;
transfer of
information that the
transaction cannot be
made within the first
3 days
NFC and OR code
development and
transfer of card
information to the
Receiving SMS OTP
should be left to the
customer's preference
All error codes should
be handled and the
appropriate text
should be written to
be shown to the
Specific to CebimPOS,
Flexible block and
There should be an
option to send slips to
the printer in bulk or
to send them as mail.
E-slip should be
displayed in the
transaction detail and
there should be
sharing options.
On the End of Day
screen, you will be
informed that the end
of the day is done
If there is no money in
the current account in
return, the account
can decrease to
negative balance
The application
should have graphical
reports that can be
displayed on the
screen and mail.
If the customer
already has a fixed
POS, CebimPOS can be
easily purchased from
the mobile branch
without coming to the
The introduction tour
that will be released
at the first entry
explaining the
features of the
application in a
manner and this
promotion tour
should be accessible
in the form of info on
Kuveyt Türk cards
have the opportunity
to shop in
installments. In
addition, the
required to install in
all cards should be
Transactions under a
certain amount can be
directly without SMS
The option of sharing
E-slip with adding the
mail entering area
(mail from Kuveyt
Türk) and number
entering area (SMS
from Kuveyt Türk).
There should be
information about the
obligation to block 21
days for companies
established within 6
Sending SMS or mail
to the customer after
the money is credited
to the account
The number of
blocked days
remaining and
commission rate
should be displayed
on detail screen.
Displaying the forward-
term cash flow, which
allows the customer
to adjust the
The demo version of
CebimPOS application
can be installed to the
branch personnel.
In the new application
Once the PIN is
entered 1 time a day,
the application
remains logged in the
background without
the need to login
Send a link to the
cardholder for
collection via SMS and
open the relevant
page from this link.
The option to send
the E-Slip to himself.
Also, the username
will be displayed on
the slip if transaction
comes from multiple
Authorizing the
customer to identify
CebimPOS user.
On multiple users, the
main user sees who is
performing the sales
and day-to-day
Customers can get
blocked money in
mobile branch before
blocked days end.
Presenting a historical
report screen to the
customer (transaction
date, time, user name)
Preparation of the
infrastructure related
to foreign currency
This should be
specified if an error is
received because the
customer limit is full
Login Transaction Post Transaction
Example of Value Proposition Canvas
Example of Story Board Technique
▸Ayhan downloads the new CebimPOS application.
▸He uploads the necessary documents to application screen.
▸He receives the information that the application has been approved.
▸He logins to CebimPOS by entering user information.
▸A customer comes to his shop.
▸Customer wants to pay with credit card.
▸The card information is automatically filled in when Ayhan shows the
customer's credit card to the camera.
▸He asks the customer whether he wants to pay with or without SMS
▸The customer tells him that he wants to buy without SMS OTP.
▸He completes the transaction and sends the electronic slip to the
customer by e-mail.

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Design thinking

  • 2. Thinking ▸In the age of complexity and uncertainty with many unknowns organizations search for a magical way to achieve these two objectives. ▸This requires a new way of thinking in today’s dynamic and complex world that is shaped around bang: • bytes, • atoms, • neurons, • genes
  • 3. “ “True innovation comes from recognizing an unmet need and designing a creative way to fill it.”
  • 4. Design Thinking In recent years; startups, large enterprises and non-profit organizations have been using design thinking to foster innovation and create desirable solutions, products, services, and experiences. Not only a mindset, but also a workshop based study. Design Thinking methodology includes six phases: ▸ Definition ▸ Research ▸ Interpretation ▸ Idea Generation ▸ Prototyping ▸ Evaluation
  • 5.
  • 6. In Design Thinking Projects ▸The definition phase requires concretization skills ▸ The research phase requires observation, asking the right questions and contextual thinking skills ▸The interpretation phase requires empathy, pattern recognition, and intuition skills ▸The idea generation phase requires creativity, thinking out of the box, and organic design skills ▸The prototyping phase requires visual thinking and conceptualization skills and the ability to simplify and create images ▸The evaluation phase requires critical thinking skills
  • 7. “Design thinking systematizes idea generation which is usually done by an unstructured way of idea pools.
  • 8.
  • 9. How Many Days Do Design Thinking Workshops Last?
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  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13. HMW Questions Technique ▸Design thinking teams can use the ‘’how might we’’(HMW) questions technique to define and frame the design challenge in a concrete way. HMW questions should not be too broad or too narrow. Wrong Design Challenge Definitions • How might we be a more succesful company? (too broad) • How might we improve the sales of our dealers at remote locations by adding a dealer search page on the mobile app? (too narrow) Right Design Challenge • How might we improve the sales of our dealers at remote locations?
  • 14.
  • 15. Persona ▸ Personas, which are representative imaginary characters, are the best way to define and visualize target user groups. ▸ Although there can be several user profiles for a product, design thinking teams should limit the number of personas to three (at most at four, in extreme cases) to prevent failing into the trap of ‘’designing for everybody’’ ▸ A persona description should include a name, photo and demographic info(age, gender, education, profession, etc.) and scenario section that best represents the mental model of the persona. ▸ Persona descriptions should not only have demographic information but should also include psychological aspects such as interests, capabilities, weaknesses and expectations of the persona. These psychological aspects can be defined in the scenario section of the persona description.
  • 18. Interview & User Observation Teams should apply etnographic research techniques such as interviews and user observations and identify the needs, problems and expectations of the target audience. Interview ▸The aim of interviews is to collect as much data as possible about the needs and expectations of target users by asking them specific and unbiased questions during preliminary research and the workshop. User Observation ▸Design thinking teams should observe users in their own contexts to uncover the needs and problems that are not captured during interviews.
  • 19.
  • 20. Costumer Journey Map ▸Journey mapping is an effective technique used to visualize and evaluate the end-to-end experience of users during their engagement with a product or service at different touch points. ▸It provides a holistic representation of each persona group’s experience, emotions, motivation, and satisfaction level at each part of the interaction.
  • 21. Example of Customer Journey Map
  • 22. Customer Journey Map Canvas (AS-IS)
  • 23. Empathy Mapping Design thinking is an empty-driven methodology which promotes emotional design. It requires treating people not as subscribers, but as human beings who form emotional bonds with the products, services, or spaces they use. Therefore, in generating insights, teams should consider not only the needs and problems of the target audience but also the emotions. ▸ Empathy map should be prepared for each persona group. ▸ The team analyzes research data about the persona and discusses his feelings about the current situation.
  • 25.
  • 26. Brainstorming Brainstorming is the spontaneous listing of creative ideas, without too much thinking about their quality. In order to maximize the effectiveness of brainstorming sessions, design thinking teams should apply the following best practices: ▸ Invite all of the relevant stakeholders ▸ If needed, use ice-breaking techniques (such as asking them their opinions about a popular subject) at the beginning of the session to help people start collaborating.
  • 27. Brain Dump If the participants are hesitant to share their ideas in front of the others, design thinking teams can apply the brain dump technique. This technique is applied as follows: ▸ Instead of telling their ideas, brainstorming participants individually write down their ideas on sticky notes. ▸ The facilitator reminds each group to complete this process within the time allocated. ▸ When the time is up, each group presents their ideas to the entire team.
  • 28. Reverse Brainstorming If the participants have difficulty in generating crative ideas; teams can apply the reverse brainstorming technique. It aims to approach the problem in a reversed way. For example, if the objective is ‘’improving customer experience at call center’’, then the team questions how customers can have a worse experience.
  • 29. Customer Journey Map Canvas (TO-BE)
  • 30. Prioritization At the end of the ideation session, design thinking teams should apply convergent thinking and prioritize solution ideas according to two main criteria: o Value Proposition o Difficulty of implementation
  • 32.
  • 33. Low-fidelity Prototyping ▸Many teams can generate creative ideas, but they may not be able to turn them into tangible solutions. ▸Prototyping allows design thinking teams to visualize and turn imaginary solution ideas into tangible forms which help them communicate with users to gain a better understanding of how an idea might solve the adressed challenge.
  • 34. Story Board Technique If the new solution to the design challenge is not a software, a product, or a space but rather a service, a business model, or a new process, then design thinking teams can use the storyboard technique to prototype the solution. As in film making, the new solution is described by visualizing user interactions as a story that is graphically represented with pictures in sequential sections and frames. The pictures do not have to be perfect, but they should be easily understandable.
  • 35. Summary ▸Definition Define the challenge of a specific group of people ▸Research Interview and observe the target audience in its own context and identify needs, problems and expectations associated with the defined challenge. ▸Interpretation Detect patterns among research data and use them to generate actionable insights
  • 36. Summary ▸Idea Generation With inspiration from the insights, generate ideas for creative solutions that may satisfy the needs and expectations and solve the problems of the target audience. ▸Prototyping Turn selected solution ideas into tangible forms. ▸Evaluation Test the solution alternatives by using prototypes, and refine them based on target users’ feedback.
  • 37. Design Thinking Case Requirements ▸You will be given basic problems in banking environment. ▸‘’How might we’’ question for the choosen subject. ▸Imaginary Persona description ▸Customer Journey Map Canvas (AS-IS) ▸Empathy Map Canvas for persona ▸Brainstorming and Customer Journey Map Canvas (TO-BE) ▸Value Proposition Canvas for proritization of ideas ▸Story Board Technique to explain the solution as a story
  • 38. Design Thinking Case Assessment ▸Design Thinking Case has 30% weight in the assessment of the course. ▸11 teams will be formed. Team members will be randomly selected. ▸You will be assigned to one of the groups. ▸You need to determine a representative for each group. ▸Before next week the repr. should be determined. ▸Next week, there will be a raffle draw for the projects / problems ▸A team of 5-10 people will score the teams. ▸The assessment criteria will be as follows Case Assesment Criteria Points Presentation skills 20 Research Quality 20 Contribution to Customer Experience 30 Compliance With Design Thinking Methods 20
  • 39. Example of CebimPOS Case What is CebimPOS? ▸Kuveyt Türk CebimPOS is a package solution that ensures the receiving of payments through the transformation of your smartphone into a POS device . ▸CebimPOS menus can be used after logging into the Corporate Mobile Branch. ▸Card details and transaction information are entered into the Kuveyt Türk CebimPOS Sales Menu. ▸Then "3D Secure and GO – Pay Safely" payment screen appears. ▸The OTP (One Time Password –) sent to payer’s smartphone, is entered on this screen. ▸Then the payment is completed. ▸Payment is made using Kuveyt Türk CebimPOS can be shown in a list. End-of-day follow-up can also be performed in addition to cancellation and refund transactions.
  • 40. HMW Question How might we set up better customer experience at new CebimPOS application? HMW QUESTION
  • 41. Example of Persona Artisan Ayhan ▸Age: 45 ▸Occuption: Ironmonger and has 2 workers ▸Income: 100.000+ TL Annual ▸Usually B2C Works ▸Monthly POS Turnover 10 thousand TL ▸Usually low quantity transactions ▸Requirement of quick and easy operation ▸Want to use alternative methods of 3D SMS ▸He expects transactions with no cost ▸Receives feedback from some customers that they do not wish to provide card details ▸Hears the convenience of different applications from artisan friends I'm a middle-aged small shopkeeper. I have two employees, I'm happy with my job. I usually use leave on Sundays and work hard on other days. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with friends and family. My favorite activity is to go to the picnic area on Sunday with my family. I usually take a vacation by the sea once a year. I'm dreaming of days when I'm retiring. When I retire, I'm thinking of buying a house with a garden.
  • 42. Example of Customer Journey Map Canvas (AS-IS) Touch Points Application Activities Application in Branch Mobile Branch Login CebimPos Login Data Input SMS Approval Result Information Options Transaction History Detail Cancel End of Day Report Return Extract of Account Customers can just apply CebimPOS at branch. The CebimPOS button on the login screen is not visible and does not attract attention. The customer wants to know how to use CebimPos. Customers expect to see contactless payment. (NFC) Inability to receive password by SMS when the cardholder is someone else Slip and receipt requirement (Invoice integration may be required) There is a need of viewing batch transaction (selecting), listing and sending Expectation: How many days are blocked when the customer clicks on the transaction detail Need of receiving manual day-end Refund cannot be made unless there is money in the current account when it is requested to be returned in blocked POS devices. The dates of the extract cannot be selected and the extract is not requested through the application Customers must come to the branch to add new Cebim POS user. Customers expect to easily see where CebimPos is when they enter the Mobile Branch. When the first entry to CebimPOS, A ''Okey'' button is displayed. when clicked it, the introduction tour cannot be opened again. It receives a different error code for each field that is entered incorrectly, but customers does not know which information is entered incorrectly. Some customers want to make transaction without SMS. Lack of information on whether the money has been withdrawn Unable to view transaction report for a specific period is a problem Inability to receive and share slip / receipt mail from transaction detail Inability to display transaction value date Changing in POS conditions is done manually by customer representative at the branch. Insufficient SMS time available to some customers Lack of information in customers end-of- day reports Customer's remaining limit cannot be displayed after transactions If the customer doesn't have money in his account, the customer will have a refund problem Login Transaction Post Transaction Needs&Problems&Expectations
  • 43. Empathy Map Canvas Think & Feel ▸He doesn’t want to pay cost ▸Want to get the low cost ▸He wants trust because he doesn't know his customers. Hear ▸ He hears the convenience of other application from his artisan friends. Say & Do ▸He mentions that no installment transactions have been made. See ▸ He sees the opportunities offered by other banks. Pain Points ▸Interruption of the operation when the phone rings. ▸The fact that he can't give receipt to customers. ▸Inability to trade with American Express. Gain Points ▸Easy to install and use ▸Receiving payments from customers anywhere
  • 44. Example of Customer Journey Map Canvas (TO-BE) Touch Points Application Activities Application in Branch Mobile Branch Login CebimPos Login Data Input SMS Approval Result Information Options Transaction History Detail Cancel End of Day Report Return Extract of Account Customers can apply online CebimPOS For the first entry, there can be a animation to find the application in mobile branch by the customer In the new application, if the first 4 digits of the card number are entered as mastercard and within the first 3 days; transfer of information that the MasterCard transaction cannot be made within the first 3 days NFC and OR code development and transfer of card information to the system Receiving SMS OTP should be left to the customer's preference All error codes should be handled and the appropriate text should be written to be shown to the customer. Specific to CebimPOS, Flexible block and commission preference There should be an option to send slips to the printer in bulk or to send them as mail. E-slip should be displayed in the transaction detail and there should be sharing options. On the End of Day screen, you will be informed that the end of the day is done automatically. If there is no money in the current account in return, the account can decrease to negative balance The application should have graphical reports that can be displayed on the screen and mail. If the customer already has a fixed POS, CebimPOS can be easily purchased from the mobile branch without coming to the branch. The introduction tour that will be released at the first entry explaining the features of the application in a comprehensible manner and this promotion tour should be accessible in the form of info on demand. Kuveyt Türk cards have the opportunity to shop in installments. In addition, the infrastructure required to install in all cards should be researched Transactions under a certain amount can be directly without SMS OTP. The option of sharing E-slip with adding the mail entering area (mail from Kuveyt Türk) and number entering area (SMS from Kuveyt Türk). There should be information about the obligation to block 21 days for companies established within 6 months. Sending SMS or mail to the customer after the money is credited to the account The number of blocked days remaining and commission rate should be displayed on detail screen. Displaying the forward- term cash flow, which allows the customer to adjust the payments. The demo version of CebimPOS application can be installed to the branch personnel. In the new application Once the PIN is entered 1 time a day, the application remains logged in the background without the need to login again. Send a link to the cardholder for collection via SMS and open the relevant page from this link. The option to send the E-Slip to himself. Also, the username will be displayed on the slip if transaction comes from multiple users. Authorizing the customer to identify CebimPOS user. On multiple users, the main user sees who is performing the sales and day-to-day transactions Customers can get blocked money in mobile branch before blocked days end. Presenting a historical report screen to the customer (transaction date, time, user name) Preparation of the infrastructure related to foreign currency transactions This should be specified if an error is received because the customer limit is full Ideas&ImprovementAreas Login Transaction Post Transaction
  • 45. Example of Value Proposition Canvas
  • 46. Example of Story Board Technique ▸Ayhan downloads the new CebimPOS application. ▸He uploads the necessary documents to application screen. ▸He receives the information that the application has been approved. ▸He logins to CebimPOS by entering user information. ▸A customer comes to his shop. ▸Customer wants to pay with credit card. ▸The card information is automatically filled in when Ayhan shows the customer's credit card to the camera. ▸He asks the customer whether he wants to pay with or without SMS OTP. ▸The customer tells him that he wants to buy without SMS OTP. ▸He completes the transaction and sends the electronic slip to the customer by e-mail.