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Describe Three Non-Verbal Communication Techniques To...
1. Describe three non–verbal communication techniques to maintain relationships. 2. This is a role–
play activity to be conducted in pairs. With a partner, discuss the following quote from Stephen R.
Covey: 'Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.' What is your interpretation of this quote?
What does it mean? How can it be applied in work practice? Your partner may have different ideas.
Demonstrate a range of verbal and non–verbal communication techniques for constructive and
respectful discussion as you exchange ideas. A signed observation by either an approved third party
or the assessor will need to be included in these activities as proof of completion. Ans: The three
non–verbal communication techniques to maintain relationships are; Facial Expression: The facial
expression such as happiness, sadness, anger and fear helps a lot in conveying a message. These
facial expressions are similar all over the world but non– verbal communication and behaviour
varies hugely between the cultures in the world.Since the look on a person's face is noticed , before
we hear ,facial expression contributes a lot in a successfully non–verbal communication . Gestures:
Gestures such as waving, pointing, and using fingers to indicate signals are commonly used in our
daily life. These are deliberate movement used to convey signals without uttering a word. Gestures
varies as per professions, cultures, nations, person etc.For an instance if waving my hand towards
my friends
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Do Facial Expressions And Body Expression
Research question: Do facial expression and body posture determine whether or not students find
another student approachable? Hypothesis: Students who exhibit positive nonverbal behaviours such
as a content and/or smiling facial expression and an open, straight posture will attract more social
interactions and people will be more likely to sit near them than students who have a serious and/or
solemn expression and a closed, slouched posture. 2. Two references in APA format Blairy, S.,
Herrera, P., & Hess, U. (1999). Mimicry and the judgement of emotional facial expressions. Journal
of Nonverbal Behaviour, 23(1), 5–41. doi:10.1023/A:1021370825283 Lamer, S.A., Reeves, S.L., &
Weisbuch, M. (2015). The nonverbal environment of self–esteem: Interactive effects of facial–
expression and eye–gaze on perceivers' self–evaluations. Journal of Experimental Social
Psychology, 56, 130–138. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2014.09.010 3. Method: Content facial expression: Any
expression that is natural, with no indication of discomfort and/or unpleasantness, and in which the
person's features (e.g. eyebrows, eyes, lips, nose) are relaxed. In other words, a content facial
expression is one that is neutral. Smiling: Any facial expression that exhibits amusement and
pleasantness, with lifted cheeks, and the corners of one's mouth lifted upwards (with or without teeth
showing). Open posture: One in which the limbs extend away from the torso. In other words, I will
be interpreting an exposed torso
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Nonverbal Communication : Non Verbal Communication
Literature Review
According to some psychologists, non–verbal communication varies based on a person's cultural
background, more so in the individualism–collectivism dimension. Additionally, studies have
indicated that intercultural diversities in how verbal communications are observed can be traced to
differences in facial signs that individuals from West and East look for when detecting emotions
(Serlin, Berger & Bar–Sinai, 2007). Therefore, people from distinctive cultures are expected to be
taught to express their feeling via clear indications, although those from collective cultures are
trained to subdue individual feeling, assigning them ultimately via indirect signs.
Jui–Pi (2014), offers a relatively simple–minded view of nonverbal communication as
communication without using words. On the other hand, other scholars argue that nonverbal
communication does not include the use of words, but it includes all expressive signs, signals and
prompts. It also comprises of tomes, speed, loudness and timing of the words used to communicate.
People learn nonverbal communication, as a child they start the process of verbal communication.
The major obligation of nonverbal communication is to help in the communication procedure in
means that unpretentious verbalization cannot. Verbal communication has limitation more when
communicating with an individual from different racial and ethnic background (Hsu, (2007).
However, nonverbal communication helps to bridge this gap due to the
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Comparing John Travolta's Characters In Saturday Night Fever
John Travolta stars in Saturday Night Fever while Jennifer Grey stars in Dirty Dancing. Saturday
Night Fever is about Travolta's character Tony, going through life in the 70's with his unimpactful
friends. Tony goes through a change in himself when he wants to start surrounding himself with
individuals that will impact his life in a positive way. Thus, at the end of the film, he concludes to
move out of his parents' house to start his life changing process. Grey plays Baby in Dirty Dancing
which is about Baby and her family going to a summer camp. Released in the late 80's, we see her
character falling for a dance instructor, Johnny. They both end up together at the end of the film.
Both actors can be compared on their physicality and ... Show more content on ...
The actors both showed confidence in their movements with their dance partners. For example, Grey
connected with Johnny's character with joyous facial expressions and her defined stage presence
when on stage. This confidence was mostly seen by the audience when her character had a deeper
connection with Johnny at the end of the film. Travolta did the same throughout the film by dancing
within his whole body. This includes abdominal isolations and movements of his arms and legs.
Also, through his facial expressions and expressive body language. Travolta and Grey both showed
expressions of passion and happiness when dancing as well as eye contact with their partners.
However, the types of expressions shown by the actors were different. For example, Grey had to
portray Baby as a scared dancer due to her character not being used to "dirty dancing" at the
beginning of the film. She did this through tense body language and scared eyes that can be seen by
the audience. Grey needed these expressions to be seen by the audience for the viewers to
understand how her character was unsure of her performance and had some insecurities. Travolta
showed sassy facial expression within his dancing to show the characters confidence. For example,
he would make kissy faces and bite his tongue when dancing with his partners. Because of the
facials expressed by the actors, the audience can see the characters
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Effective Communication And Nonverbal Communication In The...
Nonverbal Communication at Workplace
Effective communication can be utilized to enhance execution and to deliver desired outcomes, in
the work environment. There are numerous non–verbal prompts that are utilized regularly in the
working environment, the vast majority of which are stronger that spoken language. A handshake
can demonstrate a solid impression, despite it is positive or negative, in a professional environment.
Men tend to have preferred handshaking skills and behavior over women do; handshakes ought to
welcome, solid however not overwhelming (Rodrigo, 2013).
Work environment touching is frequently disheartened because of conveying blended messages,
however handshakes are typically encouraged and acknowledged in most cases. Another imperative
non–verbal sign is eye to eye connection, which can be utilized both decidedly and contrarily in the
working environment. For example, in the United States, eye to eye connection passes on sincerity
and genuinely; making eye contact is a challenge to open correspondence, and implies the
requirement for input. Interestingly, maintaining a strategic distance from eye to eye connection
signals distrust, lack of interest or suspicion; prolonged eye to eye connection or a gaze implies
animosity or being a tease (Henman, 2009).
In the work environment, dressing professionally is something most businesses require, it
demonstrates trust in oneself. Dressing professionally incorporates clothes that are worn, individual
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Facial Expression Paper
The main point of the article was to determine facial expression of pain intensity in endotracheal
suctioning patients who were unresponsive, in a critical condition, and have no way of
communicating what their pain level is. The facial expression shows patient's respond to pain. The
study took a place at Virginia Commonwealth University Health system, the authors recruited 50
patients who were unresponsive, and cannot make any body movement. Most of the 50 sample
participants were African American men. Everyone who were participating in the study gave their
consent form before the study began (). The study used Facial Action Coding System (FACS) to
identify muscle movement on the face, and related the muscle activity to measure pain level. FACS
was also used to understand endotracheal suctioning patient's facial expressions since they were
unable to rate they own pain level (, 2013). Researchers recorded endotracheal suctioning patient's
face muscle ... Show more content on ...
I would apply this article to patients who do not speak English or do not understand pain assessment
well. Patients who do understand English have difficulty understanding pain assessment even
though nurses have face pain assessment, it does not help some people at all. I would demonstrate
what each facial expression would look like along with the rate of the pain when asking none
English speaker what their pain is. This will help them match their facial action with the correct
number and rate their pain. I would also apply their article to patient who are in accident and unable
to rate their pain themselves. I will have to observe this patient's behavior, movement, and body
language very well when assessing pain, and assume they are in
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Simon's Facial Expression
Facial Expressions
During the interview, the accountant Simon always smiled to the shop owner Ciara, which made
Ciara to relax to communicate with Simon. When Ciara finished answering questions, Simon
sometimes nodded his head to show that he completely understood Ciara's words. Nodding head
also mean encouraging Ciara to try best to tell the fact for the next following question.
Both the interviewer and interviewee did not use meaningful gestures during the conversation. I
think the main reason is that they all get familiar with the three internal control tables so they do not
need gestures to help each other to understand their words.
Interviewing for information
The accountant Simon had a clear mind for this interview's purpose which was to obtain the internal
control information at Ciara's tailor store. At the opening part of the interview, Simon also clearly
noticed Ciara his purpose to invite her doing the interview.
The interview was highly scheduled. The accountant Simon prepared serval questions on a notebook
before the interview and asked all these questions in the order during the interview. Simon broke
down his questions into 4 parts including sales, employees, safeguards and reconciliation based on
the internal control table. The entire interview lasted ... Show more content on ...
During the interview, the interviewer Simon mainly asked open questions for the interviewee Ciara.
I think two reasons led Simon to design open questions rather closed questions. Firstly, as an entry
level accountant, Simon was not supposed to know much information about the store so he could
not design appropriate closed questions. In addition, Simon more focused on the processes of the
internal control, so open questions such as "what's your store's hiring process" could allow Ciara to
tell more details of her store's
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The Effects of Demonstrative Communication
There are several ways to communicate in the world today. The one way that I really want to look at
is the demonstrative communication. This is one type of communication that we all do and have
done, but I do not think that people realize just how many aspects there are to demonstrative
Demonstrative communication is nonverbal and unwritten communications that involve such
aspects of facial expressions, tone of voice and body language. When you think of communication,
you automatically think of someone having a verbal conversation with another person, but that is not
always the case. Communication like demonstrative is nonverbal and unwritten; it is all in the way
of your personality without spoken word. It could be the ... Show more content on
It can be simple things like when you first meet do they stand and shake hands or do they just sit
there and smile. Someone standing to shake hands when meeting someone shows that they are
professional and polite. If they just sit and smile, then they are saying that they could care less to
meet you, at least in my opinion. Another great example is if you are in school, you see the people
that can get up in front of the class and read aloud a paper that they wrote, they have confidence and
they are comfortable speaking in front of people, then you have the other students, that when they
get in front of the class they hide behind their paper, they stutter, they bow their heads. These people
are shy and do not have very much confidence in front of people. These aspects can really tell you a
lot about the people that are around you.
Demonstrative communication can be effective and ineffective. It is effective because it can give
you information about people or yourself that words could never tell. You can also get your points
across effectively because you can put strong facial expressions, body language and tone of voice
into your work. If you feel strongly about something then you are going to do whatever you can to
make it happen, therefore this being demonstrative communications. Now it also ineffective,
because demonstrative communications can be read wrong, and example of this, I think
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Personal Space Proxemics
Silence is really being silent or quite but you can say influential important communications.
Personal space proxemics and proxemics talks about space and how everyone uses it. Chronemics
talks about to how we distinguish and use time to describe or explain characters, personalities,
qualities, and interaction. The definition of an artifacts is personal items we utilize to state or reveal
our individualities, custom, culture, and heritage. Haptics is how something feels or the sense of
touch. Kinesics talks about body location or position. Kinetics also refers to and body motions and
gestures. Physical appearance helps with face to face communications or interactions. Like if you
are looking at someone who is tall, thin, short, or fat. Environmental
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Marli Heimann
The relationship between artist and machine first came to light in the writings of philosopher, Walter
Benjamin, with Benjamin stating that "photography is the first, truly revolutionary means of
reproduction." With the advent of photography, a different method of art reproduction was brought
into the forefront, allowing for a wide array of interpretation, while effectively striking a
harmonious balance between the viewer and subject in regards to relatability. Josef Albers Marli
Heimann, All During an Hour (1931) serves as a perfunctory representation in his showcase of
human expression, allowing for an intimate look into Albers' personal connection with his subject
through a mechanical mode of production. Albers photograph [Figure 1] of ... Show more content on ...
They have been relegated to not being the main focus of display, however this is an instinctive
choice made on the part of Albers. By shrinking the remaining prints of Heimann, the viewer has no
choice but to step up to the piece itself in order to get a closer and better look of Heimann. This
subtle technique that Albers uses serves as a marker to his genius, and his thorough understanding of
the craft. Albers has a deep connection to his subject, which is exuded in the array of expressions
depicted onto each print. Therefore, by having the audience exercise the need to look closely at the
smaller prints below, Albers thus extends this connection to the onlooker. To reiterate what was
stated before Heimann is good with the camera, and due in part to her being comfortable with
Albers, the level of facial expression emotes realistic conveyance, and is not contrived with two–
dimensional feeling. The implementation of lighting is artfully done, resulting in a high contrast
effect of subtle, grey shadows, which sit delicately across Heimann's face. Such an effect also helps
Heimann to continue her flirtatious relationship with the camera. The range of facial expressions
vary notably, thought by not much. She is demure and ladylike in one print, coquettish and playful
in the next, brooding and shy in another. Albers' capturing of these moments offer
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The Facial Expression Of Saint Paul The Hermit And Saint...
Whether Mona Lisa is smiling or not has become one of the most interesting debates in the world.
Some artists think the facial expression of Mona Lisa is smiling, the others, nevertheless, believe it
is only an expressionless face with a hollow stare. Why this happened is not a weird phenomenon.
One often judges a thing with her/his personal experiences, and distinct experiences make different
individuals generate diverse ideas, just like Shakespeare's words, "there are a thousand Hamlets in a
thousand people's eyes". Furthermore, art is the product of people's thoughts in different periods,
and painting is one manifestation of art because every product reflects the contemporary religious
thoughts and historical activities. Someone who appreciates a painting would not only relate to
historical period but also combine the modern ideas. Thus, when people enjoy a painting, they
always have different opinions with others because everyone sees a different world. To analyze a
painting needs to focus on many factors, like color differences, expression of facial emotions, and
pose overlooking. Therefore, two paintings which are Saint Paul the Hermit and Saint Jerome can be
distinguished in terms of three aspects, different color of paintings, unlike facial expressions, and
same living environment in the painting.
First of all, the colors used in the paintings, Saint Paul the Hermit and Saint Jerome, are quite
different. The dominant hue of the first one is dark, and another is
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Non Verbal Communication And Nonverbal Communication
One of the areas studied in psychology is the use of Non–Verbal Communication (NVC). According
to the Collins dictionary, this is defined as 'those aspects of communication, such as gestures and
facial expressions, that do not involve communication, but which may include non–verbal aspects of
speech itself (accent, tone of voice, speed of speaking, etc)'. Used daily by humans and animals
(Darwin 1972), NVC has a strong link to innate factors, and messages are sent unconsciously to the
listener. Through body language, we can deliver simple messages which can aid or replace speech,
show attitude or emotion, and with 55% of what we say being delivered through body language, and
38% dedicated to tone, it can sometimes contradict our verbal ... Show more content on ...
The study was carried out by collecting photographs, drawings and video footage to allow for a
large sample of international gestures, and as there were no guidelines for judging NVC at this time,
we are not able to question the validity of these approaches. It was noted in the study that when
filming, and asking people to repeat gestures, the actions became more awkward and unnatural,
therefor procedures where changed to ensure only first, natural performances of the gesture were
The findings showed that they hypothesis was correct as in there are differences in gestures across
the cultures, but there can also be variations within that cultures. It also discovered that to collect
accurate recordable data, video footage was the best option. This was due to photographs and
drawings not giving enough information for someone to repeat the gesture correctly. Still drawings
do not show the full motion of the gesture, the facial expression that coincides with it or the speed at
which the gesture is delivered. The advantage of filming also meant that footage could be reviewed
to allow even small gestures being noted. Findings were delivered in a short film 'A World of
Gestures – Culture and Non–Verbal Communication' and highlights that in Japan, if you point to the
side of your head, by your ear, with your index finger, and circle your finger anti–clockwise, this
means "crazy". However, the same
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Non Verbal Communication : The Secrets Of Body Language Essay
Non–Verbal Communication Non–verbal communication is essential to human communication and
makes up 93% of all communication. Body language clues can either ease the delivery of the
communication message or it can interfere with the communication message being sent. For
example, when attempting to portray confidence and power as a leader, simple things such as the
placement of one 's hand in a handshake or a pat on the back with a colleague can make a huge
impact. When attempting to portray honesty while under intense scrutiny, clues such as emotional
facial expressions, fidgeting, and body alignment can all denote whether a speaker is being
deceptive or not. For these reasons it is important that communicators examine their own body
language and other non–verbal communication. For this discussion topic, I was asked to watch a
video titled "The Secrets of Body Language". This video focused on the research behind body
language and all non–verbal communication in general. Specific examples were broken down and
discussed throughout the footage. I found these examples quite fascinating, especially the
examination of politicians who are body language coached. I 've listed below some of the topics that
I found particularly intriguing. Norming – Norming involves the process of watching a particular
person speak in certain situations and scenarios to develop a sense of what is "normal" ' for that
person. Using this information, the viewer can critique this same person 's
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Informative Speech Outline
Informative Speech Outline: Facial Expressions
Attention getter: Did you know that there are seven expressions that manifest in the exact same way
on almost everyone's face?
Reason to Listen: Today I will tell you how these facial expressions can be used to detect lies by
both humans, and computers, which can now recognize facial expressions better than humans.
Thesis Statement: Facial expressions and the way the human brain perceives them is an instrumental
piece in the concept of human communication that effects the way all humans interact with each
Credibility Statement: When I watched a TV show call "Lie to Me" which offers a fairly realistic
interpretation of Psychologist Paul Eckman, I became intrigued by the concept ... Show more
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Gender differences
Women tend to me more perceptive of the emotional meaning of facial expressions than men.
Development of these difference are related to studies showing that mothers behave differently with
their daughters than their sons.
Micro expressions
What they are: Instantaneous reactions that reveal unfiltered emotions that allows people who are
trained to see them, as well as computer systems, to detect lies.
The same as the universal expressions, they occur for about 1/15 to 1/25 of a second, usually when a
person is concealing or repressing emotion.
Micro Expressions in deception:
Less than 1% of the population has the natural ability to detect lies.
Interpreting micro expressions can be very useful for law enforcement officials to recognize
situations of danger, as well as discern the guilt of a suspect.
There are two types of facial expressions that are made while lying: the voluntary ones that serve the
lie, and the involuntary one that reveal the deceit.
Universal Expressions
Seven universal micro expressions:
Theory developed by Paul Eckman. Recognizable to all humans regardless of culture, race, gender,
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Paul Ekman and His Study on Facial Expressions
Paul Ekman was born in 1934 and at age 14 his mother committed suicide after suffering from
severe bi–polar disorder. At that point, he decided he wanted to study facial expressions of emotion
in order to assist other people before such tragic outcomes occurred. By the time he was 15, he had
enrolled in University of Chicago and became interested in group therapy. He earned his Bachelor's
degree in 1954 and in 1958 he had earned his Ph.D. in clinical psychology at Adelphi University.
His Master's thesis was about the study of facial expressions and body movement. From 1960 to
2004 he worked at the University of California and starting in 1963 he received continual research
grants from the National Institute of Mental Health for 40 years to study nonverbal behavior.
Paul Ekman was influenced by Charles Darwin's book titled, The Expression of Emotions in Man
and Animals, originally published in 1872. Charles Darwin used photos, drawings and body postures
from animals and humans and compared them with facial expressions and emotions. For instance, a
growling dog has many facial features similar to an angry human. "Darwin argued that the existence
of these similarities demonstrates that emotional expression must have evolved through natural
selection in the same way that other characteristics evolved. He further contended that the
expressions must serve a function; they enhance survival of the organism". (Reevy, G. 2010
Encyclopedia of Emotion (Vol. 2, pp. 410–411). I believe
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Nonverbal Communication: Facial Displays
Chapter 6 – Nonverbal Communication: Facial Displays
My assumption of facial displays is that they communicate the most information during interactions.
I also believe that facial expressions allow individuals to figure out the truth about how someone is
feeling. I am a 20–year–old female and was born in the United States. I practice American culture
and values daily. My personality is friendly, caring, and conservative. Sometimes I try to hide my
true feelings to avoid being put on the spot and the risk of upsetting someone else.
Kayla's assumption of facial displays is that they can be misinterpreted during communication
because individuals come from different backgrounds. Kayla also believes that depending on the
context of the interaction, ... Show more content on ...
I arrived at her house early because we did not figure out what we should do yet. She offered the
idea of meeting up with her friends and we could all go to the movies. She told me that she had not
seen them in a while and that they have been nagging her to get together. I stated, "Sure, I guess you
can tell your friends that we will be there". I did not want to do this at all, but did not want to tell
Kayla no because she kept pushing the idea. I was certain that my facial expressions displayed
irritation, but she did not catch on. Later, she asked "Are you sure that you are okay with going to
the movies? If not, speak up". I assured her that it was fine, but continued to pass her upset looks
and quiet behavior. I thought she would realize my facial expressions and change her mind. Kayla
finally proclaimed, "We are not going to the movies anymore. We can go out to eat at this nice place
down the street. I think you will enjoy that more". I answered, "Yes, I would love to do that. We can
have time to catch up now". Then, Kayla voiced that she figured I did not want to go because she
could see my increasing expressions of annoyance. She told me to stop being afraid to speak up
because sometimes she has a difficult time reading others' feelings from their
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Block Diagram Of Proposed System
A. Block diagram
Fig 3: Block Diagram of Proposed System
B. Proposed system
In mostly emotion recognition system use Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm for
detection. However, in that detection of action unit not done properly so it has some limitation.
Recognizing emotion from ensemble of features uses patch descriptors like histogram of oriented
gradients, local binary patterns and scale invariant feature transform. It has two outcomes one is
person specific and another is person independents. However, by comparing both we can say that
person dependent emotion recognition system has better performance.
The basic flow of algorithm is as show in Fig 3 As our aim is to do real time state of mind, detection
of human so input image directly taken from webcam video. Therefore, we take few second video as
input then extracting the frames from that video. After that number of frames, we apply some basic
function on that image to improve the image quality. Colour image more complex for processing so
that we convert tis colour image to the grey scale image.
Fig 4: Image processing flow for a single image.
Most real–time video processing and computer vision systems require a stream processing
architecture, in which video frames from a continuous stream are processed one (or more) at a time.
Live video processing is more complex as the input signal data is more due to live video, instead of
that if we use offline video to system and generate
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Understanding Facial Expressions Of Emotion
The ability to accurately interpret facial expressions of emotion can be considered crucial to social
interaction (Arango de Montis, Brune, Fresón, Ortega Font, Villanueva, Saracco, & Muñoz–
Delgado, 2013). Facial expressions are physiological correlates to complex mental states, thus their
major function being to swiftly communicate the current internal state, such as happiness and
confusion, between individuals (Fasel & Luettin, 2003; Blair, 2003). For example, the behavioural
phenotype for the positive mental state happiness is most commonly known to be a smile. However
negative mental states such as contempt, anger, jealousy, distress, and fear, are represented by a
more diverse range of facial expressions (Arango de Montis et al., 2013). This could be explained
through an evolutionary perspective, where negative expressions provided vital information to
survival by communicating if there was danger, and of what kind (i.e. an angry expression during
confrontation or a peer's face portraying fear) (Ohman & Mineka, 2001). Subsequently,
interpersonal and social conflict may arise from the inability to accurately interpret the information
that facial expressions reveal (Leber, Heidenreich, Stangier, & Hofmann, 2009). There are multiple
issues that may affect the misinterpretation of facial expressions. In one particular area of this field,
evidence has been given in the last several years that suggest a positive influence of non–clinical
trait anxiety on the accurate
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Finacial Tones
I always assumed reading only meant picking up a book and reading the words on the page in order
to comprehend a certain concept, but I have come to learn that there are so many other types of
reading in the world, ones that many people do not even realize. I argue that it is extremely
imperative in life to be close to family members and dearest friends, so that in the most awkward,
sad, excited, and nervous of times, one can know exactly how the other one feels by their
appearance and tone of voice. I for one never noticed the most important type of reading one can
learn to do, which is reading facial expressions and tones of voices of close family. I argue that
reading tones of voices and facial expressions is more important than being able ... Show more
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I argue that going through life not being capable of reading facial expressions and tones of voices is
like going through life without any emotional connection to anyone because being able to do so
creates the bond that holds family and friends together. Not only is it easier on me to be able to read
my family members, but it is also easier on them, so that even at the hardest times, they are able to
save themselves from speaking words that may be impossible to get out. Not only is this in the
saddest moments in life, but also in the most exciting, uncomfortable, and endearing moments that it
is essential to be able to read other people and determine what they want to say. Overall, I argue that
it is more imperative to be close to family members and dearest friends, and to learn the capability
of reading their tones of voices and facial expressions no matter what the circumstance than to have
a capability of reading a poem or piece of
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Field Observation Paper
The reading the material of last week was very interesting, as it described the term "Helper" as of
someone like counselor, psychotherapist, friends and family. It is so fascinating to have this type of
description when it comes to counseling. The class discussion was very important as we get to see
our first role play between the professor and a volunteer student, and the whole class observed their
role play.
The counselor's behavior who was the professor was nodding his head a lot to assure and validate
her to continue the conversation. I think this kind of role play was essential, as it gives the client to
be in a comfortable position. In my group, we continue such role in the observation room. As my
classmates and I had a great discussion in the observation room. We pledge to our commitment to
the group as well as to be honest and respectful towards each other. Also, we lay out everyone's
expectations and gave great feedback.
Field Exercise
I am utilizing silence this week. I used a silence exercise conversation with one of my friend who is
going through some hardship in life. It was very awkward to see me to not responding at all. As she
started talking to me and I am silent and not responding to her like I normally would. She did not
know what ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, Islam plays significant role in my daily activities. One of the five pillars is to pray and I
pray five times a day. I usually find praying is part of my life and helpful and a great self–care
throughout of the day. It keeps me to control my behavior and slow down as it meditates me each
time I pray. I occasionally find a place to sit down and listen my body after long session
appointments and stressful day at work. I like to observe the nature or listen the birds singing. These
kinds of methods helps me tremendously each day. As I continue to strive and hopefully will reach
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Facial Expression In Hilborn's Speech
As indicated before, the human face is very expressive. This point combined with the fact that "the
information relayed to the brain in visual presentations, 83% comes via the eyes, 11% via the ears,
and 6% through the other senses." (Ibid) leads us to the conclusion that facial expression in a
performance plays a vital role in creating mutual feelings between the performer and audience.
Hilborn used this technique to enhance his already well–established connection with the audience.
His facial expression throughout the performance was precisely in line with the speaker's feeling.
Beginning from the initial incident, his face color and expression, relaxed facial muscles, steady
gaze and a gentle smile, indicated calmness. This expression displayed the speaker's true happiness
in recalling his beloved and their first encounter. (Figure 7)
When he expressed OCD symptoms his face would slowly turn red, his neck becomes more rigid
and, his teeth clench. However, he still holds his smile all the while. This gives the audience the
impression that although he was disgusted, angry and anxious about his condition, as long as he had
the love of his beloved he was ... Show more content on ...
This is most evident when he repeats the line "blows out candles–" seven times which is the longest
repetition in this performance. This repetition shows rereading compulsion and its length indicate
that the speaker is losing the battle with OCD as his power wore out due to his broken heart. Since
his mental strength is no longer capable of controlling his obsessive thinking to stop himself from
repeating the line he resorts to physical reaction. He frowns, turns his left hand into a fist and
suddenly moves it toward his head as if to hit himself on the head, stamping his foot. (Figure
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Facial Expressions
Facial expressions in my life are the best describer of how I feel and think about a situation. Most of
my friends would say that I am a positive person that smiles when I am around other people;
however, my resting face looks like I am mad at the world. I did realize this until someone took a
picture and I was in the background looking utterly disgusted with life. Also, my facial expressions
are extremely exaggerated; for instance, when I am surprised it is full on, mouth open and eyes
wide. My friends tell me that when someone is speaking that I do not agree with or dislike, that it
will make expressions of confusion or disgust. I am working on changing that, because it is
important to have a neutral face in the professional world. Another ... Show more content on ...
Your tone, volume, and quality, of my voice gives the person I am communicating with great insight
into how I am doing. For instance, if I am about to cry the quality of my voice becomes shaky,
choppy, and jumps to a higher pitch. My family always knew when I was upset because before the
tears started to form, these other nonverbal characteristics began to take place. Also, when I become
angry my tone of voice is more direct and how a louder volume to make sure the person understand
that I am upset. You can have an angry tone, but then that can fade into a frustrated tone that is
similar in sound. Moreover, I must have certain tones for different people groups that I am
communicating with. When I am talking to one of my professors or instructors, I try to sound
confident and direct in how I am communicating. In contrast, when I am speaking to my friends or
family, I am enthusiastic, loud, and speak at a faster rate. When I become nervous or excited about a
topic, the rate of my speech sometimes becomes so fast that my mouth cannot keep up with the
words I am thinking. For example, I was chaplain of my senior class and I had to pray at an honors
day for my graduating class. When I finished, I thought that I was smooth and calm and spoke with
a slower rate; however, my friends informed me that they did not understand a word that I said.
People could tell that I was nervous, even though I was actively try to change the way that I spoke in
that moment. Therefore, all aspects of voice play a role in nonverbal communication. It allows a
message to me transmitted clearly, instead of reading a text that can be interpreted in numerous
ways. It allows people to study how confident I am in what I am saying, or to know when I am upset
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Difference Between Communication And Nonverbal Communication
Communication can be verbal or nonverbal, verbal communication is often misconstrued and
nonverbal communication is often more direct. Men and women converse differently whether they
are comparable to their partner or not; here are some differences in the way genders communicate
from their body language. There is a difference in the approach, gesture, and body language. Which
varies from person to person.
Men believe communication should have a clear purpose, while women on the other hand often use
communication to discover feelings and what the person they are talking to wants to say. Women
hope to meet a man who is self–assured enough and interested when they approach them. They like
to be approached from the front, rather than the back because they like to see what is coming their
way to be to be assured that they would like to build a conversation with them or not, researchers
think it is about "protection" (Science of People, 2017). Men prefer to be approached from the side
or at an angle because it is less aggressive. The front approach is often interpreted as a charge at
someone (Science of People, 2017). In the work environment, it is an easy way to meet a woman or
a man who has the same interest in each other, whether in friendships or relationships. When
approaching a woman at work, start a normal conversation, it is more likely for a woman to have
their guard up when it comes to a man approaching them, do not talk about anything that will throw
her off, but make her feel comfortable so she can maybe put her guard down. Some men may be
intimated, or feel like their manhood is at risk when a woman decides to approach them. Although
there is a difference between their interpretation of their approach between a man and a woman, it is
evident that both parties take pleasure of their confidence of each other. When a man approaches a
woman, they look at a man's appearance, meaning the way they are dressed, their hygiene and the
way they are groomed. Women initially judge a man based on his looks, but for the majority of
women, a man's looks are not the important thing about him. However, when a woman approaches a
man, they also look at a woman's appearance, but men look at different things such as their
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Human Face Expression Capture And Virtualization On Iphone
Human Face Expression Capture and Virtualization on iPhone
Jixian Ma
Abstract–This paper purposes to implement iOS class CIImage into a face detection and human face
expression capture and virtualization. With the front camera on iPhone, we are able take photos and
record real–time videos. We use the front camera on iPhone to capture human face and build a
virtualized face on screen to mimic the real–time expression of the human face in front of the
screen. We create an interesting virtualized face on screen and then evaluate the accuracy of human
face expression capture using camera with the framework CoreImage.
Index Terms–iOS application, face detection, CoreImage framework, human expression capture.
HE ... Show more content on ...
1. Process of data transmitting in this software[6]
In order to avoid taking too much time on main thread, we need to build up a buffer that store video
data stream temporarily and then put these image data into face detector to do some image
processing. After that, information that was detected will be transmitted to the first view to control
the movement of that virtualized face. For now, there have been several kinds of face recognition
applications online, however, most of them are used for capturing face when taking photos. There
are also some application to create the illusion of real 3D on iOS devices[8] .There is still no try on
virtualization of human expression application.
A. Subject Searching
During this period, I analyze the possibility of implementing human face expression and decide the
topic of this project. The deadline for searching project topic is October 23rd.
B. Initial Literature Search and Reading
Searching on the relative class reference to use camera on iPhone[7] and reading materials on face
recognition and expression recognition[6]. The deadline for collecting and reading reference
materials is November 5th.
C. Program Work and Result Evaluation
Goal of this period is to complete programming and debugging then figure out the way to optimize
the result. The final aim of this project is to virtualize human expressions on iPhone. Realizing this
function and build up demo for this project.
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Relationship Between Mother And Infant
Introduction The relationship between mother and infant is extraordinary. A lot of research has been
done to test the social stresses on dyadic synchrony on mothers and infants as well as toddlers and
pre–teens. This article extends on previous research on FFSF exposures by observing not only the
social interactions of the mother and infant from face–face interactions but also by still face pictures.
Also, assessing the infant's interactive style, the mother's behavior and dyadic synchrony in
observing the responses to the two FFSF exposures 15 minutes apart. This research is relevant to the
neuro field, and how the development of an infant's brain do to social stress. Specific Findings
The article was separated into 12 sub titles, (Methods, Participants, Procedure, Coding, Statistical
Analasis, Results, Stability of Infant's social stress response between FFSF exposures, Predicting
Infant's Response to the First Social Stress, Predicting Infant's Response to the Repeated Social
Stress, Discussion, Conclusion, References). The methods were only slightly modified from the
previous experiment. The mothers and infant's were exposed twice to the FFSF, 15 days apart and in
two minute episode (play, still face, reunion). The episodes were filmed by two cameras, one on the
mother and one on the infant.
The original hypothesis was to be able to modify the infant's behavior and the dyadic synchrony to
the repeated FFSF exposures by shorting the time between the
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Nonverbal Differences InReading Facial Expressionss Of...
Muhammad Khalid
English 12
November 15, 2017
Universal Expressions As humans, we may have many differences but one thing that is common
throughout all human race is facial expression. Wether you are from Europe, Asia, or America, we
all smile, cry, and show anger the same way. Facial expressions are not only a major part of
communication but also have a profound impact on nonverbal messages we convey and receive in
our daily lives.
Facial expression are done unknowingly and illustrate the emotion of an individual. After observing
the BET Network interview with Tupac Shakur, we see that there are many instances where the
rapper shows his anger through facial expression. The idea of facial expressions first came into
consideration as early as the 1800's, when Charles Darwin, who is regarded as "The Father of the
theory of Evolution," theorized that people show emotions the same way, regardless of ethnicity or
culture. This means that facial expressions are universal. In his article, "Reading Facial Expressions
of Emotion," David Matsumoto asserts, there are seven universal facial expressions that have been
tested by different researchers and done on variety of people. The universal facial expressions are
anger, contempt, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, and surprise. These facial expressions are the same for a
blind and non blind person. Both have the same facial expressions when these 7 things occur (Cole,
Jenkins, & Shott, 1989). At birth newborns have the same
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The Importance Of Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal communication is communication by means other than verbal communication, which is
the use of sounds and spoken language to communicate a message. Nonverbal communication
includes, body language, eye contact, gestures, facial expressions, silence, and personal space.
Nonverbal communication has different meanings in every culture. How is this communication
viewed in different cultures, and is it interpreted as offensive when a mentally disabled person
portrays nonverbal communication that is usually seen by nondisabled people as inappropriate,
offensive, and or even rude?
In any society, standing out draws attention, whether it is wanted or unwanted attention, you will get
it. In the United States, this is a good thing for businesses that want to get their services and
products noticed and is usually a good thing for people that stand out. Americans are all about
standing out. This means having the latest phones, clothes, accessories, and keeping up with the
latest trends. Most of the time the more you stand out, the more you fit in. Other countries are more
about being the same as others and by being the same as others, you are fitting in. For China, being
the same as others, is important if you are going to be viewed as a productive member of society.
This means respecting and showing respect to members of society that have a higher status than
yours, being able to perform at the same level as other children in school, and not standing out.
Mentally disabled people use and understand nonverbal communication much differently than
people that are not disabled. Their understanding of how nonverbal communication works and the
importance of it also varies from disability to disability. For example, people with autism do not
understand nonverbal communication in the form of facial expressions the same way as nondisabled
people. But they have been known to understand body language just as well as anyone else.
The United States is known for celebrating the mentally disabled by means of shelters, homes,
schools, sports, Special Olympics, raising awareness, funding for research, coddling, and even
accommodating for them in society. All of that for people that are different.
China makes no
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Facial Expression : An Import Source Of Information
Ranma Budlong
Paper I: Facial Expression,
1: The face is an import source of information when trying to decide on the attitude or mood of a
person. Eye contact is very important. Whether or not the person has eye contact or not is a factor. If
someone breaks eye contact they may be embarrassed or trying to decide on what to say. A major
amount of information is received by the two parties exchanging eye contact. Eye contact indicates
if a person wants to communicate or not. If someone looks as you approach, it is a safe bet they do
not want to communicate. If a person looks in your eyes, then they wish to communicate.
The eyes are the "mirror of the sole". The eyes can be either hard and staring or soft and
affectionate. Then there are ... Show more content on ...
How a person stands, the position of the arms and legs needs to be considered. The stiffer a stance
and crossed arms could be extreme anger. However the person could be just cold and trying to stay
warm. Chattering teeth would be a good way as well as temperature to determine the case. The eyes
not making contact at first do not mean as much. They can changed when the person notices another
entering the room. I should point out that the ears are important as well. When very angry peoples
ears often turn red. To get a proper "reading" a person needs to look at the entire body. Are their
arms at their sides, on their sides or crossed? Taken with the face and eye contact it tells the story.
II: I am going to use my deceased wife as my life experience. She was always very easy to read
whether happy, sad, angry, and very angry and it is time to leave the room and house as quickly as
possible. I remember the day we meet in 1997. A mutual friend though we would make a good
couple and we meet in a neutral place.
She was standing by the table and looked into my eyes when I saw her. She had soft interested eyes,
a slight smile on her face and she was standing tall but not stiff. She looked at me in the eyes at
once. She hid her feelings better than me. My heart was thumping in my chest but I exchanged eye
contact with her. My mouth started a bit open almost in shock to warm up very quickly. My eyes
were glowing with affection. During our first controlled
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Paul Ekman
Paul Ekman is the scientist who started the facial expression movement, he discovered the six basic
emotions happy, sad, anger, disgust, fear and surprised in which he says are universal. He used the
Facial Action Coding System which is a system to code facial expressions. Many use the FACS in
test related to emotional expressions such as for kids, adults and those who have a psychological
disorder. The six basic emotions and others are coded with Action Units that are muscle or muscle
groups that make up what we see. For example, happy is AU 6+12 and sad is AU 1+4+15.We only
know when a friend or family is sad or happy by looking at them but does having a high emotional
intelligence (EI) gives one the ability to accurately distinguish the
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Thesis On Talking Head System
Seminar topic falls under the area of computer graphics. Graphics is mainly used here for the easy
communication between computer and user. Seminar topic focuses on talking head system.Talking
head system is a technique in which an animated talking head generates lifelike face which is based
on speech recognition. Talking head system converts this speech to an animated talking head having
facial expressions and mouth movements.The seminar focuses on an approach that synthesizes ones'
face using a two and half D head model, with the facial expression driven by speech.Such system
can be made web enabled to take advantage of streaming technology.Use of lifelike talking heads
improves the quality of communication as it makes the communication easy and friendly.he
proposed implementation idea behind talking head system is to try to create visible overview of
speaker that is to create an animated talking head by giving the speech as an input by the use of
speech recognition algorithm.. As the system is ... Show more content on ...
and can choose the scale,rotation and translations. FaceGen Modeller runs on Windows XP,Vista,7
and 8.Pantium 4 is highly recommended Operating system though.Generic & frequent human faces:
Happiness, Anger, Fear, Surprise, Disgust and Sadness. Using Facial Action coding
system(FACS),human coders can manually code nearly any possible expression to look photo
realistic. Application is written in java programming language and use the SQL databases at the
backend. FACS describes total 66 muscle actions.In Facial Action coding system(FACS),Action
Unit(A.U.) are associated with the action descriptors,which in combination give rise to the facial
expressions.For example, Action unit no.6 and Action unit no.12 together in combination create an
expression for happiness. An action descriptor associated with Action unit no.6 is cheek raiser and
Action unit no. 12 is a lip corner
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Smile Experiment : Three Factors Of Empathy And Social...
Brandi Riehl Smile Experiment Southern New Hampshire University Abstract The debate over the
motives for facial expressions includes the three factors of empathy, social cues and acclimatization.
Neurosurgery research informs us that imitating facial expressions as well as showing facial
expressions as social cues is how humans interact with one another. (Steubar, 2014). The purpose of
this experiment is to show and use social cues, in the form of a smile, in two different social
circumstances. This experiment was led in an indoor shopping mall and at a VFW during a billiards
league. The shopping mall experiment is made up of strangers whereas the billiards league is made
up of familiar people. This would be a naturalistic experiment to see if strangers or familiar faces
mimic smiles. The hypothesis is that familiar faces would be more likely to mimic a smile than
strangers. Familiar faces would show a more positive engagement, whereas strangers would be more
likely to be negative. The prediction may be enough to support the hypothesis and gives light on the
motives of social cues. A smile can be expressed as an emotional instinct which reflects how a
human is feeling inside and a social cue. Many philosophers argue that smiles are used towards
survival instincts which evolve over time. The University of Amsterdam completed a study and
argued that facial expressions are social cues which can determine a human's intentions. With this
point, a smile
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Non Verbal And Interpersonal Communication
Non–Verbal and Interpersonal Communication
Humans are very intelligent beings. We say one thing and mean another, most of the times at least.
While having a conversation, it is important that we asses, analyze and then respond to have a
meaningful conversation. This is true more so in the case where we are interacting with a lot of cross
cultural people.
Non–verbal communication is nothing but body language in generic and facial expressions,
postures, gestures and interpersonal space in specific, to name a few.
Facial Expressions
Facial expressions are a part of non–verbal communication. People can recognize other persons'
emotions by reading facial expressions. In recent work, researchers "define 21 distinct emotion ...
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Eye contact is looking into people's eyes with mouth curve up and brows relaxed, while staring at
people is looking at people with brows wrinkled and lips tight. In fact, staring at people reveals the
signal of hatred that you never want to bring coworkers and customers. In addition, smile with
apples of the cheeks states truly delight. However, smiling while frowning is more or less fake and it
exhibits the feeling of being embarrassed. While talking with customer or answering their questions,
a person picks up ears and turns head to one side a little bit implies he or she is patiently listening
and serious about the conversation. Plus, as a professional staff, he or she doesn't want to be
indifferent to customers and thus snorting and crinkling nose up with mouth curve down are
definitely forbidden in business talks.
Finally, conversations between friends and families are more casual. In this case, people are relaxed.
They may not keep eye contact all the time but they prefer to use their multi–facial expressions to
express plentiful emotions. For instance, smile, laugh and grin are three popular expressions in
casual conversation, they look like the same but they do vary. The corners of mouth curve up present
a smile. The mouth is opened a bit more and the voice is then heard, which shows a laugh. Smiling
broadly and showing teeth brings a grin. Facial expressions are a crucial part of interpersonal
communication, for it conveys various
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Depression In Human Depression
Depression is a typical mood disorders the persons who are under depression stage will face much
mental and physical disorder. Now a day's machines are giving very good result based on human
depressions. In such low mood both facial expression and voice of the human being will change
when compare to the normal person. Here we are going to present a novel method by using both
visual and vocal expression we are going to find the depression level of a human.
KEYWORDS: Depression, Ridge Regression, Motion History Histrogram
The goal of this paper is to give clear idea about human depression. Finding depression level of a
human by a machine plays a vital role. As it was a fast growing technology, in near future we may
have chance that both human and machine may work together in all the fields. In that situation
machine should understand both inner and outer feelings of a human. To analysis this depression we
have used some of the technologies like partial least square algorithm, ridge regression algorithm,
motion history histrogram etc in my paper.
Depression has been considered to be a major disease around 20th country .It is a very dangerous
health problem that highly effect the person both personal and social relationship. Depression
disorder symptoms are very hard to find out. It is totally different from other disorder symptoms
.They have used pattern recognition technique in order to detect the human depression using facial
expression, eye movement, head movement ,body movement, heart rate and body temperatures.
[1]Person who suffer from depression will behave abnormal in visual and vocal expression when
compare to other person. First, they have extracted the features from audio and videos. Second, they
have used Long Short Memory Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM–RNN) technique in order to
encode dynamic information from audio and videos. Third, In order to boost up the performance
Multi Task Learning has been used .Finally it has been evaluated on the Audio Visual Emotion
Challenges (AVEC2014) Dataset. [2]
Depression is an emotional and mental breakdown; it may leads to suicide when it is left untreated.
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Facial Expressions, Personal Appearance, Detecting Deception
If I had to pick three lessons that impacted me the most this semester I'd have to choose: Facial
Expressions, Personal Appearance and Detecting Deception. I always thought I was good at reading
people but I soon realized that I, just like most people in society today, jump to conclusions that can
cause a lot of confusion. I have never been able to keep control of my facial expressions. I roll my
eyes constantly and wear my feelings on my face, as some people have told me. I never thought it
was that much of an issue until taking this class. I realized that I could be coming across as a
completely different person and be judged based on that assumption by someone. "In a real sense,
our quest for meaning in this world begins and ends with facial expression" (Eaves and Leathers
25). This line stuck out to me more than anything else in this chapter, making me realize how much
I need to work on making sure I come across the way I am wanting to. I also have been working on
"reading" further into people's facial expressions, to see if it could help me in understanding the real
reason for their attitudes. Since I plan on being a counselor in the future I feel that really being able
to read someone will help me be able to dig deeper into some of their issues. I have always tried my
hardest to not judge someone by their outward appearance. When I do catch myself though, it can
usually be read on my face. Reading the chapter on personal appearance showed me that although
we as a
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Facial Expression: Article Analysis
1. Spence A. Coffman is the author of the article.
2. The title of the article is "Facial Expression: The ability to Distinguish between enjoyment and
non–enjoyment smiles."
3. The article was published in the summer of 2013
4. I learned that the most used and easily recognized facial expression is the smile Ekman 2009. I
also found out in the article that deliberate smiles or forced smiles are produced by voluntarily
contracting the zygomaticus major muscles.
5. One of the articles cited is "Telling Lies" by Ekman (2009}.
6. The hypothesis is that the majority of the participants would perform around fifty percent in
determining enjoyment and non–enjoyment smiles. Men and women would perform at the same rate
in determining smiles as well ... Show more content on ...
The study revealed a new finding that sixty–seven percent of participants are able to recognize
differences in smiles with a better than sixty percent accuracy rate. Most participant determined
smiles best by using the facial action coding system action unit 12 format.
19. The author suggested showing an equal number of male/female smiles for the facial action
coding system. A lot of ethnic groups were underrepresented and needed to include a bigger sample
size. Making sure that the focus is not on a particular smile type meaning that both smile types
receive equal attention.
20. There were forty–four references cited in the article.
21. I thought that the learning how to distinguish or recognize different types of smiles was
interesting. The research could have more impact on how to tell if people are really enjoying
themselves or not.
22. The article was well researched, included information from other sources that helped to validate
it. I thought study was effective it highlighted several needs for the experiment. One of which is the
use of an eye–tracking system. Previous studies just relied on
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The Naked Face By Malcom Gladwell
Is it Possible to Understand Facial Expressions? The essay "The Naked Face" written by Malcom
Gladwell is about the ability of recognizing the meaning behind someone's facial expressions. He
starts the essay with a life or death situation between an inner city police officer and a suspect that
both are pointing guns at each other. The officer clearly has the right to shoot the suspect, but
decided not to base on a hunch that the armed suspect was not a threat (Gladwell 24). Gladwell then
demonstrates that the police officer is one out of a thousand people that scored really well on a
psychology test to determine if someone is lying or telling the truth based on facial expressions
(Gladwell 59). Gladwell's essay then continues with ... Show more content on ...
When mom and dad smile with their baby, the baby smiles back. If mom or dad makes a sad face,
the baby sees there is no joy in their face and will start to instinctively begin to frown. Even though
that this pattern of happy and sad facial expressions are intuitive, it is also providing the baby with
experience of how facial expressions are displaying playing happiness and sadness. Now that the
child is school age, it has many different learned experiences with facial expressions from parents,
siblings, friends, and teachers. A child will be reprimanded for doing something against the parents'
wishes and will be told to stop. Children will often test the parents' limits and continue with the
action and when the parent combines the verbal action along with the stern facial expression, the
child understand it has reached the parent's limit. Verbal communication combined with facial
expressions provides more meaning to the conversation than just words alone. Within daily
communications, people judge conversations not only by the words spoken, but with the facial
expressions during the conversation. However, a lot of today's conversation is taken place over
digital communication which hampers the subjective of the conversation. Typed conversations can
be misconstrued and taken the wrong way since there are no visual references between the two
people. As Gladwell states in his essay, people who
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Social Evaluation Of Social Evaluations
Successfully interacting with others requires that an individual learn how to make proper social
evaluations. Social evaluations increasingly become important from childhood to adulthood as
social relationships become more complex (Arnett, 1999). Arnett noted that from childhood to
adulthood, important social evaluations begin to surface and evolve into more complex forms of
judgment. Over time, the ability to discern a person's trustworthiness and approachability becomes a
vital social evaluation (Campellone & Kring, 2013). An individual's judgment on who is deemed as
approachable may affect who a person may decide to sit by in class to more serious decisions as
who to whom an individual decides to ask on a date (Zebrowitz & Montepare, ... Show more content
on ...
The status and power a person possesses could also affect a perceiver's perception of emotional
expression (Ratcliff., et al. 2015). A number of studies agree that social a number of social
evaluations are partially dependent on in group–out group relations, and status. (Campbell, Neuert,
Friesen,McKeen, 2012; Ratcliff, et al. 2015). In this review, the point of the current introduction is
to (1) present findings on current research of facial expressions relationship with an individual's
judgment of approachability, (2) preview limitations on research that test status influence on social
evaluations (3), discuss the influence of in–group and out–group influence on approachability
judgments relationship as well, and (4) how these variables will to lead the overall hypothesis of the
literature review.
The face serves as a primary medium for the exchange of nonverbal communication between people
(Green,Williams, Davidson, 2003; Willis, Windsor, Lawson, Ridley, 2014). It has been widely
accepted that facial expressions are not only used to indicate a current emotional state but also
indicate certain social cues as well. For instance, a facial expression facilitating anger can not only
relay information about mood but also tell the target decoding the facial expression to fix a current
problem within the relationship or to stay weary of threat related issues within the environment
(Fox, Lester, Russo, Bowles, Pichler, Dutton, 2000; Green et al., 2003; Willis et al.,
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Effective Body Language and Its Effects on Job Interviews
Effective Body Language and Its Effects on Job Interviews
Body language–the word speaks for itself; it is a form of communication done by our body. It is
consisted of nonverbal signals that are given off by certain movements, bodily displays or facial
expressions, though all nonverbal signals are not limited only to them. As much as 90% of human
communication is done in a non–verbal manner(Mihram, n.d); our subconscious mind–or the
mind of human beings, is responsible for this.
There goes a famous saying, "It is not about the words you say; it is about how you say it". The
adage goes effectively until today, as it is connected to nonverbal communication. This usually
during interviews. If your words ... Show more content on ...
Facial expressions for happiness, sadness, anger, etc. are the same across all
countries/cultures. This can apply to some interviewees as they can possibly come from all parts of
world. Posture, according to the Mihram(2013), sends out a signal of your confidence and power
potential. It shows little things about your personality. Gestures are mostly universal. One example
is the
shrug gesture; it implies an answer–"I don't know".
Lastly is the spacing, which according to Pease(2004), is culturally determined. It is a personal
for space–between you and someone you're interacting with.
Right and effective body language
According to CIMA, The right body language can help you demonstrate other key things that
interviewers are consciously or unconsciously looking for, by showing that you're listening properly,
knowledgeable, empathetic to the interviewer and open instead of defensive. (Body language in a
interview, 2013). Of course, people want to hire people with those traits, because they make good
employees, and as CIMA states, effective body language can help you appear like one. Body
can tell a thing or two about a person's personality, as mentioned earlier. Effective body language
positive first impressions; Smiling while responding to the person you are talking to can indicate
that you
are nice and
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Facial Expressions
A History on Universal Facial Expressions: The Works of Lamarck, Izard and Russell Kathleen
Coyne–Boyles From the time of the ancient Greeks through to the modern age, understanding and
interpreting man's emotions and body language have been a source of both fasicnation and a point of
intellectual debate. The ancient philosophers, such as Aristotle, proposed the idea that the face takes
on varying appearances which are characteristic of each of the passions (or emotions) of humankind.
The famous Greek masks of the theatre embody exaggerated facial expressions in order to dramatize
the great joys and tragedies of human existence. Artists throughout history have worked to capture
facial expression while philosophers have debated about ... Show more content on
In this way, the son inherits this soft characteristic and the facial expression becomes a feature of
soft inheritance. In Use and Disuse Theory, adaptation in a species occurs because complex force
drives organisms further up a ladder of increasing complexity. Then, environmental force adapts
organisms to their local environment. Adaptation evolves by using some characteristics more than
others based upon differing environments. Those characteristics not used or needed as much drop
off and those needed to suit a particular environment are passed on. In some ways, the so–called
Ghost of Lamarck left its impressions upon Darwin and sparked a debate among evolutionary
theorists as to whether characteristics like facial expressions are socially learned skills which can be
inherited by the next generation or if they are universal and slowly evolving, purely biologically
programmed responses to basic human survival. Universality of Facial Expressions Darwinian
thought holds that facial expressions are universal in nature and evolved in man alongside his basic
struggle for survival. These facial expressions developed in order to protect and keep the species
alive. One example would be that a tribe watches a woman take a bite out of a poisonous plant and
observes her face as she shows disgust or pain. Watching this response, the tribe knows not to taste
this plant because this facial expression has long been biologically ingrained
... Get more on ...

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  • 3. Do Facial Expressions And Body Expression Research question: Do facial expression and body posture determine whether or not students find another student approachable? Hypothesis: Students who exhibit positive nonverbal behaviours such as a content and/or smiling facial expression and an open, straight posture will attract more social interactions and people will be more likely to sit near them than students who have a serious and/or solemn expression and a closed, slouched posture. 2. Two references in APA format Blairy, S., Herrera, P., & Hess, U. (1999). Mimicry and the judgement of emotional facial expressions. Journal of Nonverbal Behaviour, 23(1), 5–41. doi:10.1023/A:1021370825283 Lamer, S.A., Reeves, S.L., & Weisbuch, M. (2015). The nonverbal environment of self–esteem: Interactive effects of facial– expression and eye–gaze on perceivers' self–evaluations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 56, 130–138. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2014.09.010 3. Method: Content facial expression: Any expression that is natural, with no indication of discomfort and/or unpleasantness, and in which the person's features (e.g. eyebrows, eyes, lips, nose) are relaxed. In other words, a content facial expression is one that is neutral. Smiling: Any facial expression that exhibits amusement and pleasantness, with lifted cheeks, and the corners of one's mouth lifted upwards (with or without teeth showing). Open posture: One in which the limbs extend away from the torso. In other words, I will be interpreting an exposed torso ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Nonverbal Communication : Non Verbal Communication Literature Review According to some psychologists, non–verbal communication varies based on a person's cultural background, more so in the individualism–collectivism dimension. Additionally, studies have indicated that intercultural diversities in how verbal communications are observed can be traced to differences in facial signs that individuals from West and East look for when detecting emotions (Serlin, Berger & Bar–Sinai, 2007). Therefore, people from distinctive cultures are expected to be taught to express their feeling via clear indications, although those from collective cultures are trained to subdue individual feeling, assigning them ultimately via indirect signs. Jui–Pi (2014), offers a relatively simple–minded view of nonverbal communication as communication without using words. On the other hand, other scholars argue that nonverbal communication does not include the use of words, but it includes all expressive signs, signals and prompts. It also comprises of tomes, speed, loudness and timing of the words used to communicate. People learn nonverbal communication, as a child they start the process of verbal communication. The major obligation of nonverbal communication is to help in the communication procedure in means that unpretentious verbalization cannot. Verbal communication has limitation more when communicating with an individual from different racial and ethnic background (Hsu, (2007). However, nonverbal communication helps to bridge this gap due to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Comparing John Travolta's Characters In Saturday Night Fever John Travolta stars in Saturday Night Fever while Jennifer Grey stars in Dirty Dancing. Saturday Night Fever is about Travolta's character Tony, going through life in the 70's with his unimpactful friends. Tony goes through a change in himself when he wants to start surrounding himself with individuals that will impact his life in a positive way. Thus, at the end of the film, he concludes to move out of his parents' house to start his life changing process. Grey plays Baby in Dirty Dancing which is about Baby and her family going to a summer camp. Released in the late 80's, we see her character falling for a dance instructor, Johnny. They both end up together at the end of the film. Both actors can be compared on their physicality and ... Show more content on ... The actors both showed confidence in their movements with their dance partners. For example, Grey connected with Johnny's character with joyous facial expressions and her defined stage presence when on stage. This confidence was mostly seen by the audience when her character had a deeper connection with Johnny at the end of the film. Travolta did the same throughout the film by dancing within his whole body. This includes abdominal isolations and movements of his arms and legs. Also, through his facial expressions and expressive body language. Travolta and Grey both showed expressions of passion and happiness when dancing as well as eye contact with their partners. However, the types of expressions shown by the actors were different. For example, Grey had to portray Baby as a scared dancer due to her character not being used to "dirty dancing" at the beginning of the film. She did this through tense body language and scared eyes that can be seen by the audience. Grey needed these expressions to be seen by the audience for the viewers to understand how her character was unsure of her performance and had some insecurities. Travolta showed sassy facial expression within his dancing to show the characters confidence. For example, he would make kissy faces and bite his tongue when dancing with his partners. Because of the facials expressed by the actors, the audience can see the characters ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Effective Communication And Nonverbal Communication In The... Nonverbal Communication at Workplace Effective communication can be utilized to enhance execution and to deliver desired outcomes, in the work environment. There are numerous non–verbal prompts that are utilized regularly in the working environment, the vast majority of which are stronger that spoken language. A handshake can demonstrate a solid impression, despite it is positive or negative, in a professional environment. Men tend to have preferred handshaking skills and behavior over women do; handshakes ought to welcome, solid however not overwhelming (Rodrigo, 2013). Work environment touching is frequently disheartened because of conveying blended messages, however handshakes are typically encouraged and acknowledged in most cases. Another imperative non–verbal sign is eye to eye connection, which can be utilized both decidedly and contrarily in the working environment. For example, in the United States, eye to eye connection passes on sincerity and genuinely; making eye contact is a challenge to open correspondence, and implies the requirement for input. Interestingly, maintaining a strategic distance from eye to eye connection signals distrust, lack of interest or suspicion; prolonged eye to eye connection or a gaze implies animosity or being a tease (Henman, 2009). In the work environment, dressing professionally is something most businesses require, it demonstrates trust in oneself. Dressing professionally incorporates clothes that are worn, individual cleanliness ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Facial Expression Paper The main point of the article was to determine facial expression of pain intensity in endotracheal suctioning patients who were unresponsive, in a critical condition, and have no way of communicating what their pain level is. The facial expression shows patient's respond to pain. The study took a place at Virginia Commonwealth University Health system, the authors recruited 50 patients who were unresponsive, and cannot make any body movement. Most of the 50 sample participants were African American men. Everyone who were participating in the study gave their consent form before the study began (). The study used Facial Action Coding System (FACS) to identify muscle movement on the face, and related the muscle activity to measure pain level. FACS was also used to understand endotracheal suctioning patient's facial expressions since they were unable to rate they own pain level (, 2013). Researchers recorded endotracheal suctioning patient's face muscle ... Show more content on ... I would apply this article to patients who do not speak English or do not understand pain assessment well. Patients who do understand English have difficulty understanding pain assessment even though nurses have face pain assessment, it does not help some people at all. I would demonstrate what each facial expression would look like along with the rate of the pain when asking none English speaker what their pain is. This will help them match their facial action with the correct number and rate their pain. I would also apply their article to patient who are in accident and unable to rate their pain themselves. I will have to observe this patient's behavior, movement, and body language very well when assessing pain, and assume they are in ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Simon's Facial Expression Facial Expressions During the interview, the accountant Simon always smiled to the shop owner Ciara, which made Ciara to relax to communicate with Simon. When Ciara finished answering questions, Simon sometimes nodded his head to show that he completely understood Ciara's words. Nodding head also mean encouraging Ciara to try best to tell the fact for the next following question. Gestures Both the interviewer and interviewee did not use meaningful gestures during the conversation. I think the main reason is that they all get familiar with the three internal control tables so they do not need gestures to help each other to understand their words. Interviewing for information Purpose The accountant Simon had a clear mind for this interview's purpose which was to obtain the internal control information at Ciara's tailor store. At the opening part of the interview, Simon also clearly noticed Ciara his purpose to invite her doing the interview. Structure The interview was highly scheduled. The accountant Simon prepared serval questions on a notebook before the interview and asked all these questions in the order during the interview. Simon broke down his questions into 4 parts including sales, employees, safeguards and reconciliation based on the internal control table. The entire interview lasted ... Show more content on ... During the interview, the interviewer Simon mainly asked open questions for the interviewee Ciara. I think two reasons led Simon to design open questions rather closed questions. Firstly, as an entry level accountant, Simon was not supposed to know much information about the store so he could not design appropriate closed questions. In addition, Simon more focused on the processes of the internal control, so open questions such as "what's your store's hiring process" could allow Ciara to tell more details of her store's ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. The Effects of Demonstrative Communication There are several ways to communicate in the world today. The one way that I really want to look at is the demonstrative communication. This is one type of communication that we all do and have done, but I do not think that people realize just how many aspects there are to demonstrative communication. Demonstrative communication is nonverbal and unwritten communications that involve such aspects of facial expressions, tone of voice and body language. When you think of communication, you automatically think of someone having a verbal conversation with another person, but that is not always the case. Communication like demonstrative is nonverbal and unwritten; it is all in the way of your personality without spoken word. It could be the ... Show more content on ... It can be simple things like when you first meet do they stand and shake hands or do they just sit there and smile. Someone standing to shake hands when meeting someone shows that they are professional and polite. If they just sit and smile, then they are saying that they could care less to meet you, at least in my opinion. Another great example is if you are in school, you see the people that can get up in front of the class and read aloud a paper that they wrote, they have confidence and they are comfortable speaking in front of people, then you have the other students, that when they get in front of the class they hide behind their paper, they stutter, they bow their heads. These people are shy and do not have very much confidence in front of people. These aspects can really tell you a lot about the people that are around you. Demonstrative communication can be effective and ineffective. It is effective because it can give you information about people or yourself that words could never tell. You can also get your points across effectively because you can put strong facial expressions, body language and tone of voice into your work. If you feel strongly about something then you are going to do whatever you can to make it happen, therefore this being demonstrative communications. Now it also ineffective, because demonstrative communications can be read wrong, and example of this, I think ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Personal Space Proxemics Silence is really being silent or quite but you can say influential important communications. Personal space proxemics and proxemics talks about space and how everyone uses it. Chronemics talks about to how we distinguish and use time to describe or explain characters, personalities, qualities, and interaction. The definition of an artifacts is personal items we utilize to state or reveal our individualities, custom, culture, and heritage. Haptics is how something feels or the sense of touch. Kinesics talks about body location or position. Kinetics also refers to and body motions and gestures. Physical appearance helps with face to face communications or interactions. Like if you are looking at someone who is tall, thin, short, or fat. Environmental ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Marli Heimann The relationship between artist and machine first came to light in the writings of philosopher, Walter Benjamin, with Benjamin stating that "photography is the first, truly revolutionary means of reproduction." With the advent of photography, a different method of art reproduction was brought into the forefront, allowing for a wide array of interpretation, while effectively striking a harmonious balance between the viewer and subject in regards to relatability. Josef Albers Marli Heimann, All During an Hour (1931) serves as a perfunctory representation in his showcase of human expression, allowing for an intimate look into Albers' personal connection with his subject through a mechanical mode of production. Albers photograph [Figure 1] of ... Show more content on ... They have been relegated to not being the main focus of display, however this is an instinctive choice made on the part of Albers. By shrinking the remaining prints of Heimann, the viewer has no choice but to step up to the piece itself in order to get a closer and better look of Heimann. This subtle technique that Albers uses serves as a marker to his genius, and his thorough understanding of the craft. Albers has a deep connection to his subject, which is exuded in the array of expressions depicted onto each print. Therefore, by having the audience exercise the need to look closely at the smaller prints below, Albers thus extends this connection to the onlooker. To reiterate what was stated before Heimann is good with the camera, and due in part to her being comfortable with Albers, the level of facial expression emotes realistic conveyance, and is not contrived with two– dimensional feeling. The implementation of lighting is artfully done, resulting in a high contrast effect of subtle, grey shadows, which sit delicately across Heimann's face. Such an effect also helps Heimann to continue her flirtatious relationship with the camera. The range of facial expressions vary notably, thought by not much. She is demure and ladylike in one print, coquettish and playful in the next, brooding and shy in another. Albers' capturing of these moments offer ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Facial Expression Of Saint Paul The Hermit And Saint... Whether Mona Lisa is smiling or not has become one of the most interesting debates in the world. Some artists think the facial expression of Mona Lisa is smiling, the others, nevertheless, believe it is only an expressionless face with a hollow stare. Why this happened is not a weird phenomenon. One often judges a thing with her/his personal experiences, and distinct experiences make different individuals generate diverse ideas, just like Shakespeare's words, "there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes". Furthermore, art is the product of people's thoughts in different periods, and painting is one manifestation of art because every product reflects the contemporary religious thoughts and historical activities. Someone who appreciates a painting would not only relate to historical period but also combine the modern ideas. Thus, when people enjoy a painting, they always have different opinions with others because everyone sees a different world. To analyze a painting needs to focus on many factors, like color differences, expression of facial emotions, and pose overlooking. Therefore, two paintings which are Saint Paul the Hermit and Saint Jerome can be distinguished in terms of three aspects, different color of paintings, unlike facial expressions, and same living environment in the painting. First of all, the colors used in the paintings, Saint Paul the Hermit and Saint Jerome, are quite different. The dominant hue of the first one is dark, and another is ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Non Verbal Communication And Nonverbal Communication One of the areas studied in psychology is the use of Non–Verbal Communication (NVC). According to the Collins dictionary, this is defined as 'those aspects of communication, such as gestures and facial expressions, that do not involve communication, but which may include non–verbal aspects of speech itself (accent, tone of voice, speed of speaking, etc)'. Used daily by humans and animals (Darwin 1972), NVC has a strong link to innate factors, and messages are sent unconsciously to the listener. Through body language, we can deliver simple messages which can aid or replace speech, show attitude or emotion, and with 55% of what we say being delivered through body language, and 38% dedicated to tone, it can sometimes contradict our verbal ... Show more content on ... The study was carried out by collecting photographs, drawings and video footage to allow for a large sample of international gestures, and as there were no guidelines for judging NVC at this time, we are not able to question the validity of these approaches. It was noted in the study that when filming, and asking people to repeat gestures, the actions became more awkward and unnatural, therefor procedures where changed to ensure only first, natural performances of the gesture were recorded. The findings showed that they hypothesis was correct as in there are differences in gestures across the cultures, but there can also be variations within that cultures. It also discovered that to collect accurate recordable data, video footage was the best option. This was due to photographs and drawings not giving enough information for someone to repeat the gesture correctly. Still drawings do not show the full motion of the gesture, the facial expression that coincides with it or the speed at which the gesture is delivered. The advantage of filming also meant that footage could be reviewed to allow even small gestures being noted. Findings were delivered in a short film 'A World of Gestures – Culture and Non–Verbal Communication' and highlights that in Japan, if you point to the side of your head, by your ear, with your index finger, and circle your finger anti–clockwise, this means "crazy". However, the same ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Non Verbal Communication : The Secrets Of Body Language Essay Non–Verbal Communication Non–verbal communication is essential to human communication and makes up 93% of all communication. Body language clues can either ease the delivery of the communication message or it can interfere with the communication message being sent. For example, when attempting to portray confidence and power as a leader, simple things such as the placement of one 's hand in a handshake or a pat on the back with a colleague can make a huge impact. When attempting to portray honesty while under intense scrutiny, clues such as emotional facial expressions, fidgeting, and body alignment can all denote whether a speaker is being deceptive or not. For these reasons it is important that communicators examine their own body language and other non–verbal communication. For this discussion topic, I was asked to watch a video titled "The Secrets of Body Language". This video focused on the research behind body language and all non–verbal communication in general. Specific examples were broken down and discussed throughout the footage. I found these examples quite fascinating, especially the examination of politicians who are body language coached. I 've listed below some of the topics that I found particularly intriguing. Norming – Norming involves the process of watching a particular person speak in certain situations and scenarios to develop a sense of what is "normal" ' for that person. Using this information, the viewer can critique this same person 's ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Informative Speech Outline Informative Speech Outline: Facial Expressions Introduction Attention getter: Did you know that there are seven expressions that manifest in the exact same way on almost everyone's face? Reason to Listen: Today I will tell you how these facial expressions can be used to detect lies by both humans, and computers, which can now recognize facial expressions better than humans. Thesis Statement: Facial expressions and the way the human brain perceives them is an instrumental piece in the concept of human communication that effects the way all humans interact with each other. Credibility Statement: When I watched a TV show call "Lie to Me" which offers a fairly realistic interpretation of Psychologist Paul Eckman, I became intrigued by the concept ... Show more content on ... Gender differences Women tend to me more perceptive of the emotional meaning of facial expressions than men. Development of these difference are related to studies showing that mothers behave differently with their daughters than their sons. Micro expressions What they are: Instantaneous reactions that reveal unfiltered emotions that allows people who are trained to see them, as well as computer systems, to detect lies. The same as the universal expressions, they occur for about 1/15 to 1/25 of a second, usually when a person is concealing or repressing emotion. Micro Expressions in deception: Less than 1% of the population has the natural ability to detect lies. Interpreting micro expressions can be very useful for law enforcement officials to recognize situations of danger, as well as discern the guilt of a suspect. There are two types of facial expressions that are made while lying: the voluntary ones that serve the lie, and the involuntary one that reveal the deceit. Universal Expressions Seven universal micro expressions: Theory developed by Paul Eckman. Recognizable to all humans regardless of culture, race, gender, ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Paul Ekman and His Study on Facial Expressions Paul Ekman was born in 1934 and at age 14 his mother committed suicide after suffering from severe bi–polar disorder. At that point, he decided he wanted to study facial expressions of emotion in order to assist other people before such tragic outcomes occurred. By the time he was 15, he had enrolled in University of Chicago and became interested in group therapy. He earned his Bachelor's degree in 1954 and in 1958 he had earned his Ph.D. in clinical psychology at Adelphi University. His Master's thesis was about the study of facial expressions and body movement. From 1960 to 2004 he worked at the University of California and starting in 1963 he received continual research grants from the National Institute of Mental Health for 40 years to study nonverbal behavior. Paul Ekman was influenced by Charles Darwin's book titled, The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals, originally published in 1872. Charles Darwin used photos, drawings and body postures from animals and humans and compared them with facial expressions and emotions. For instance, a growling dog has many facial features similar to an angry human. "Darwin argued that the existence of these similarities demonstrates that emotional expression must have evolved through natural selection in the same way that other characteristics evolved. He further contended that the expressions must serve a function; they enhance survival of the organism". (Reevy, G. 2010 Encyclopedia of Emotion (Vol. 2, pp. 410–411). I believe ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Nonverbal Communication: Facial Displays Chapter 6 – Nonverbal Communication: Facial Displays My assumption of facial displays is that they communicate the most information during interactions. I also believe that facial expressions allow individuals to figure out the truth about how someone is feeling. I am a 20–year–old female and was born in the United States. I practice American culture and values daily. My personality is friendly, caring, and conservative. Sometimes I try to hide my true feelings to avoid being put on the spot and the risk of upsetting someone else. Kayla's assumption of facial displays is that they can be misinterpreted during communication because individuals come from different backgrounds. Kayla also believes that depending on the context of the interaction, ... Show more content on ... I arrived at her house early because we did not figure out what we should do yet. She offered the idea of meeting up with her friends and we could all go to the movies. She told me that she had not seen them in a while and that they have been nagging her to get together. I stated, "Sure, I guess you can tell your friends that we will be there". I did not want to do this at all, but did not want to tell Kayla no because she kept pushing the idea. I was certain that my facial expressions displayed irritation, but she did not catch on. Later, she asked "Are you sure that you are okay with going to the movies? If not, speak up". I assured her that it was fine, but continued to pass her upset looks and quiet behavior. I thought she would realize my facial expressions and change her mind. Kayla finally proclaimed, "We are not going to the movies anymore. We can go out to eat at this nice place down the street. I think you will enjoy that more". I answered, "Yes, I would love to do that. We can have time to catch up now". Then, Kayla voiced that she figured I did not want to go because she could see my increasing expressions of annoyance. She told me to stop being afraid to speak up because sometimes she has a difficult time reading others' feelings from their ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Block Diagram Of Proposed System IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM A. Block diagram Fig 3: Block Diagram of Proposed System B. Proposed system In mostly emotion recognition system use Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm for detection. However, in that detection of action unit not done properly so it has some limitation. Recognizing emotion from ensemble of features uses patch descriptors like histogram of oriented gradients, local binary patterns and scale invariant feature transform. It has two outcomes one is person specific and another is person independents. However, by comparing both we can say that person dependent emotion recognition system has better performance. The basic flow of algorithm is as show in Fig 3 As our aim is to do real time state of mind, detection of human so input image directly taken from webcam video. Therefore, we take few second video as input then extracting the frames from that video. After that number of frames, we apply some basic function on that image to improve the image quality. Colour image more complex for processing so that we convert tis colour image to the grey scale image. Fig 4: Image processing flow for a single image. Most real–time video processing and computer vision systems require a stream processing architecture, in which video frames from a continuous stream are processed one (or more) at a time. Live video processing is more complex as the input signal data is more due to live video, instead of that if we use offline video to system and generate ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Understanding Facial Expressions Of Emotion The ability to accurately interpret facial expressions of emotion can be considered crucial to social interaction (Arango de Montis, Brune, Fresón, Ortega Font, Villanueva, Saracco, & Muñoz– Delgado, 2013). Facial expressions are physiological correlates to complex mental states, thus their major function being to swiftly communicate the current internal state, such as happiness and confusion, between individuals (Fasel & Luettin, 2003; Blair, 2003). For example, the behavioural phenotype for the positive mental state happiness is most commonly known to be a smile. However negative mental states such as contempt, anger, jealousy, distress, and fear, are represented by a more diverse range of facial expressions (Arango de Montis et al., 2013). This could be explained through an evolutionary perspective, where negative expressions provided vital information to survival by communicating if there was danger, and of what kind (i.e. an angry expression during confrontation or a peer's face portraying fear) (Ohman & Mineka, 2001). Subsequently, interpersonal and social conflict may arise from the inability to accurately interpret the information that facial expressions reveal (Leber, Heidenreich, Stangier, & Hofmann, 2009). There are multiple issues that may affect the misinterpretation of facial expressions. In one particular area of this field, evidence has been given in the last several years that suggest a positive influence of non–clinical trait anxiety on the accurate ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Finacial Tones I always assumed reading only meant picking up a book and reading the words on the page in order to comprehend a certain concept, but I have come to learn that there are so many other types of reading in the world, ones that many people do not even realize. I argue that it is extremely imperative in life to be close to family members and dearest friends, so that in the most awkward, sad, excited, and nervous of times, one can know exactly how the other one feels by their appearance and tone of voice. I for one never noticed the most important type of reading one can learn to do, which is reading facial expressions and tones of voices of close family. I argue that reading tones of voices and facial expressions is more important than being able ... Show more content on ... I argue that going through life not being capable of reading facial expressions and tones of voices is like going through life without any emotional connection to anyone because being able to do so creates the bond that holds family and friends together. Not only is it easier on me to be able to read my family members, but it is also easier on them, so that even at the hardest times, they are able to save themselves from speaking words that may be impossible to get out. Not only is this in the saddest moments in life, but also in the most exciting, uncomfortable, and endearing moments that it is essential to be able to read other people and determine what they want to say. Overall, I argue that it is more imperative to be close to family members and dearest friends, and to learn the capability of reading their tones of voices and facial expressions no matter what the circumstance than to have a capability of reading a poem or piece of ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Field Observation Paper The reading the material of last week was very interesting, as it described the term "Helper" as of someone like counselor, psychotherapist, friends and family. It is so fascinating to have this type of description when it comes to counseling. The class discussion was very important as we get to see our first role play between the professor and a volunteer student, and the whole class observed their role play. The counselor's behavior who was the professor was nodding his head a lot to assure and validate her to continue the conversation. I think this kind of role play was essential, as it gives the client to be in a comfortable position. In my group, we continue such role in the observation room. As my classmates and I had a great discussion in the observation room. We pledge to our commitment to the group as well as to be honest and respectful towards each other. Also, we lay out everyone's expectations and gave great feedback. Field Exercise Observation: I am utilizing silence this week. I used a silence exercise conversation with one of my friend who is going through some hardship in life. It was very awkward to see me to not responding at all. As she started talking to me and I am silent and not responding to her like I normally would. She did not know what ... Show more content on ... Therefore, Islam plays significant role in my daily activities. One of the five pillars is to pray and I pray five times a day. I usually find praying is part of my life and helpful and a great self–care throughout of the day. It keeps me to control my behavior and slow down as it meditates me each time I pray. I occasionally find a place to sit down and listen my body after long session appointments and stressful day at work. I like to observe the nature or listen the birds singing. These kinds of methods helps me tremendously each day. As I continue to strive and hopefully will reach my ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Facial Expression In Hilborn's Speech As indicated before, the human face is very expressive. This point combined with the fact that "the information relayed to the brain in visual presentations, 83% comes via the eyes, 11% via the ears, and 6% through the other senses." (Ibid) leads us to the conclusion that facial expression in a performance plays a vital role in creating mutual feelings between the performer and audience. Hilborn used this technique to enhance his already well–established connection with the audience. His facial expression throughout the performance was precisely in line with the speaker's feeling. Beginning from the initial incident, his face color and expression, relaxed facial muscles, steady gaze and a gentle smile, indicated calmness. This expression displayed the speaker's true happiness in recalling his beloved and their first encounter. (Figure 7) When he expressed OCD symptoms his face would slowly turn red, his neck becomes more rigid and, his teeth clench. However, he still holds his smile all the while. This gives the audience the impression that although he was disgusted, angry and anxious about his condition, as long as he had the love of his beloved he was ... Show more content on ... This is most evident when he repeats the line "blows out candles–" seven times which is the longest repetition in this performance. This repetition shows rereading compulsion and its length indicate that the speaker is losing the battle with OCD as his power wore out due to his broken heart. Since his mental strength is no longer capable of controlling his obsessive thinking to stop himself from repeating the line he resorts to physical reaction. He frowns, turns his left hand into a fist and suddenly moves it toward his head as if to hit himself on the head, stamping his foot. (Figure ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Facial Expressions Facial expressions in my life are the best describer of how I feel and think about a situation. Most of my friends would say that I am a positive person that smiles when I am around other people; however, my resting face looks like I am mad at the world. I did realize this until someone took a picture and I was in the background looking utterly disgusted with life. Also, my facial expressions are extremely exaggerated; for instance, when I am surprised it is full on, mouth open and eyes wide. My friends tell me that when someone is speaking that I do not agree with or dislike, that it will make expressions of confusion or disgust. I am working on changing that, because it is important to have a neutral face in the professional world. Another ... Show more content on ... Your tone, volume, and quality, of my voice gives the person I am communicating with great insight into how I am doing. For instance, if I am about to cry the quality of my voice becomes shaky, choppy, and jumps to a higher pitch. My family always knew when I was upset because before the tears started to form, these other nonverbal characteristics began to take place. Also, when I become angry my tone of voice is more direct and how a louder volume to make sure the person understand that I am upset. You can have an angry tone, but then that can fade into a frustrated tone that is similar in sound. Moreover, I must have certain tones for different people groups that I am communicating with. When I am talking to one of my professors or instructors, I try to sound confident and direct in how I am communicating. In contrast, when I am speaking to my friends or family, I am enthusiastic, loud, and speak at a faster rate. When I become nervous or excited about a topic, the rate of my speech sometimes becomes so fast that my mouth cannot keep up with the words I am thinking. For example, I was chaplain of my senior class and I had to pray at an honors day for my graduating class. When I finished, I thought that I was smooth and calm and spoke with a slower rate; however, my friends informed me that they did not understand a word that I said. People could tell that I was nervous, even though I was actively try to change the way that I spoke in that moment. Therefore, all aspects of voice play a role in nonverbal communication. It allows a message to me transmitted clearly, instead of reading a text that can be interpreted in numerous ways. It allows people to study how confident I am in what I am saying, or to know when I am upset with ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Difference Between Communication And Nonverbal Communication Communication can be verbal or nonverbal, verbal communication is often misconstrued and nonverbal communication is often more direct. Men and women converse differently whether they are comparable to their partner or not; here are some differences in the way genders communicate from their body language. There is a difference in the approach, gesture, and body language. Which varies from person to person. Men believe communication should have a clear purpose, while women on the other hand often use communication to discover feelings and what the person they are talking to wants to say. Women hope to meet a man who is self–assured enough and interested when they approach them. They like to be approached from the front, rather than the back because they like to see what is coming their way to be to be assured that they would like to build a conversation with them or not, researchers think it is about "protection" (Science of People, 2017). Men prefer to be approached from the side or at an angle because it is less aggressive. The front approach is often interpreted as a charge at someone (Science of People, 2017). In the work environment, it is an easy way to meet a woman or a man who has the same interest in each other, whether in friendships or relationships. When approaching a woman at work, start a normal conversation, it is more likely for a woman to have their guard up when it comes to a man approaching them, do not talk about anything that will throw her off, but make her feel comfortable so she can maybe put her guard down. Some men may be intimated, or feel like their manhood is at risk when a woman decides to approach them. Although there is a difference between their interpretation of their approach between a man and a woman, it is evident that both parties take pleasure of their confidence of each other. When a man approaches a woman, they look at a man's appearance, meaning the way they are dressed, their hygiene and the way they are groomed. Women initially judge a man based on his looks, but for the majority of women, a man's looks are not the important thing about him. However, when a woman approaches a man, they also look at a woman's appearance, but men look at different things such as their ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Human Face Expression Capture And Virtualization On Iphone Human Face Expression Capture and Virtualization on iPhone Jixian Ma Abstract–This paper purposes to implement iOS class CIImage into a face detection and human face expression capture and virtualization. With the front camera on iPhone, we are able take photos and record real–time videos. We use the front camera on iPhone to capture human face and build a virtualized face on screen to mimic the real–time expression of the human face in front of the screen. We create an interesting virtualized face on screen and then evaluate the accuracy of human face expression capture using camera with the framework CoreImage. Index Terms–iOS application, face detection, CoreImage framework, human expression capture. I. BACKGROUND T HE ... Show more content on ... 1. Process of data transmitting in this software[6] In order to avoid taking too much time on main thread, we need to build up a buffer that store video data stream temporarily and then put these image data into face detector to do some image processing. After that, information that was detected will be transmitted to the first view to control the movement of that virtualized face. For now, there have been several kinds of face recognition applications online, however, most of them are used for capturing face when taking photos. There are also some application to create the illusion of real 3D on iOS devices[8] .There is still no try on virtualization of human expression application. II. PROJECT PLAN A. Subject Searching During this period, I analyze the possibility of implementing human face expression and decide the topic of this project. The deadline for searching project topic is October 23rd. B. Initial Literature Search and Reading Searching on the relative class reference to use camera on iPhone[7] and reading materials on face recognition and expression recognition[6]. The deadline for collecting and reading reference materials is November 5th. C. Program Work and Result Evaluation Goal of this period is to complete programming and debugging then figure out the way to optimize
  • 48. the result. The final aim of this project is to virtualize human expressions on iPhone. Realizing this function and build up demo for this project. ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Relationship Between Mother And Infant Introduction The relationship between mother and infant is extraordinary. A lot of research has been done to test the social stresses on dyadic synchrony on mothers and infants as well as toddlers and pre–teens. This article extends on previous research on FFSF exposures by observing not only the social interactions of the mother and infant from face–face interactions but also by still face pictures. Also, assessing the infant's interactive style, the mother's behavior and dyadic synchrony in observing the responses to the two FFSF exposures 15 minutes apart. This research is relevant to the neuro field, and how the development of an infant's brain do to social stress. Specific Findings Design The article was separated into 12 sub titles, (Methods, Participants, Procedure, Coding, Statistical Analasis, Results, Stability of Infant's social stress response between FFSF exposures, Predicting Infant's Response to the First Social Stress, Predicting Infant's Response to the Repeated Social Stress, Discussion, Conclusion, References). The methods were only slightly modified from the previous experiment. The mothers and infant's were exposed twice to the FFSF, 15 days apart and in two minute episode (play, still face, reunion). The episodes were filmed by two cameras, one on the mother and one on the infant. Results The original hypothesis was to be able to modify the infant's behavior and the dyadic synchrony to the repeated FFSF exposures by shorting the time between the ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Nonverbal Differences InReading Facial Expressionss Of... Muhammad Khalid English 12 November 15, 2017 Universal Expressions As humans, we may have many differences but one thing that is common throughout all human race is facial expression. Wether you are from Europe, Asia, or America, we all smile, cry, and show anger the same way. Facial expressions are not only a major part of communication but also have a profound impact on nonverbal messages we convey and receive in our daily lives. Facial expression are done unknowingly and illustrate the emotion of an individual. After observing the BET Network interview with Tupac Shakur, we see that there are many instances where the rapper shows his anger through facial expression. The idea of facial expressions first came into consideration as early as the 1800's, when Charles Darwin, who is regarded as "The Father of the theory of Evolution," theorized that people show emotions the same way, regardless of ethnicity or culture. This means that facial expressions are universal. In his article, "Reading Facial Expressions of Emotion," David Matsumoto asserts, there are seven universal facial expressions that have been tested by different researchers and done on variety of people. The universal facial expressions are anger, contempt, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, and surprise. These facial expressions are the same for a blind and non blind person. Both have the same facial expressions when these 7 things occur (Cole, Jenkins, & Shott, 1989). At birth newborns have the same ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. The Importance Of Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication is communication by means other than verbal communication, which is the use of sounds and spoken language to communicate a message. Nonverbal communication includes, body language, eye contact, gestures, facial expressions, silence, and personal space. Nonverbal communication has different meanings in every culture. How is this communication viewed in different cultures, and is it interpreted as offensive when a mentally disabled person portrays nonverbal communication that is usually seen by nondisabled people as inappropriate, offensive, and or even rude? In any society, standing out draws attention, whether it is wanted or unwanted attention, you will get it. In the United States, this is a good thing for businesses that want to get their services and products noticed and is usually a good thing for people that stand out. Americans are all about standing out. This means having the latest phones, clothes, accessories, and keeping up with the latest trends. Most of the time the more you stand out, the more you fit in. Other countries are more about being the same as others and by being the same as others, you are fitting in. For China, being the same as others, is important if you are going to be viewed as a productive member of society. This means respecting and showing respect to members of society that have a higher status than yours, being able to perform at the same level as other children in school, and not standing out. Mentally disabled people use and understand nonverbal communication much differently than people that are not disabled. Their understanding of how nonverbal communication works and the importance of it also varies from disability to disability. For example, people with autism do not understand nonverbal communication in the form of facial expressions the same way as nondisabled people. But they have been known to understand body language just as well as anyone else. The United States is known for celebrating the mentally disabled by means of shelters, homes, schools, sports, Special Olympics, raising awareness, funding for research, coddling, and even accommodating for them in society. All of that for people that are different. China makes no ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Facial Expression : An Import Source Of Information Ranma Budlong Paper I: Facial Expression, 1: The face is an import source of information when trying to decide on the attitude or mood of a person. Eye contact is very important. Whether or not the person has eye contact or not is a factor. If someone breaks eye contact they may be embarrassed or trying to decide on what to say. A major amount of information is received by the two parties exchanging eye contact. Eye contact indicates if a person wants to communicate or not. If someone looks as you approach, it is a safe bet they do not want to communicate. If a person looks in your eyes, then they wish to communicate. The eyes are the "mirror of the sole". The eyes can be either hard and staring or soft and affectionate. Then there are ... Show more content on ... How a person stands, the position of the arms and legs needs to be considered. The stiffer a stance and crossed arms could be extreme anger. However the person could be just cold and trying to stay warm. Chattering teeth would be a good way as well as temperature to determine the case. The eyes not making contact at first do not mean as much. They can changed when the person notices another entering the room. I should point out that the ears are important as well. When very angry peoples ears often turn red. To get a proper "reading" a person needs to look at the entire body. Are their arms at their sides, on their sides or crossed? Taken with the face and eye contact it tells the story. II: I am going to use my deceased wife as my life experience. She was always very easy to read whether happy, sad, angry, and very angry and it is time to leave the room and house as quickly as possible. I remember the day we meet in 1997. A mutual friend though we would make a good couple and we meet in a neutral place. She was standing by the table and looked into my eyes when I saw her. She had soft interested eyes, a slight smile on her face and she was standing tall but not stiff. She looked at me in the eyes at once. She hid her feelings better than me. My heart was thumping in my chest but I exchanged eye contact with her. My mouth started a bit open almost in shock to warm up very quickly. My eyes were glowing with affection. During our first controlled ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Paul Ekman Paul Ekman is the scientist who started the facial expression movement, he discovered the six basic emotions happy, sad, anger, disgust, fear and surprised in which he says are universal. He used the Facial Action Coding System which is a system to code facial expressions. Many use the FACS in test related to emotional expressions such as for kids, adults and those who have a psychological disorder. The six basic emotions and others are coded with Action Units that are muscle or muscle groups that make up what we see. For example, happy is AU 6+12 and sad is AU 1+4+15.We only know when a friend or family is sad or happy by looking at them but does having a high emotional intelligence (EI) gives one the ability to accurately distinguish the ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Thesis On Talking Head System Seminar topic falls under the area of computer graphics. Graphics is mainly used here for the easy communication between computer and user. Seminar topic focuses on talking head system.Talking head system is a technique in which an animated talking head generates lifelike face which is based on speech recognition. Talking head system converts this speech to an animated talking head having facial expressions and mouth movements.The seminar focuses on an approach that synthesizes ones' face using a two and half D head model, with the facial expression driven by speech.Such system can be made web enabled to take advantage of streaming technology.Use of lifelike talking heads improves the quality of communication as it makes the communication easy and friendly.he proposed implementation idea behind talking head system is to try to create visible overview of speaker that is to create an animated talking head by giving the speech as an input by the use of speech recognition algorithm.. As the system is ... Show more content on ... and can choose the scale,rotation and translations. FaceGen Modeller runs on Windows XP,Vista,7 and 8.Pantium 4 is highly recommended Operating system though.Generic & frequent human faces: Happiness, Anger, Fear, Surprise, Disgust and Sadness. Using Facial Action coding system(FACS),human coders can manually code nearly any possible expression to look photo realistic. Application is written in java programming language and use the SQL databases at the backend. FACS describes total 66 muscle actions.In Facial Action coding system(FACS),Action Unit(A.U.) are associated with the action descriptors,which in combination give rise to the facial expressions.For example, Action unit no.6 and Action unit no.12 together in combination create an expression for happiness. An action descriptor associated with Action unit no.6 is cheek raiser and Action unit no. 12 is a lip corner ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Smile Experiment : Three Factors Of Empathy And Social... Brandi Riehl Smile Experiment Southern New Hampshire University Abstract The debate over the motives for facial expressions includes the three factors of empathy, social cues and acclimatization. Neurosurgery research informs us that imitating facial expressions as well as showing facial expressions as social cues is how humans interact with one another. (Steubar, 2014). The purpose of this experiment is to show and use social cues, in the form of a smile, in two different social circumstances. This experiment was led in an indoor shopping mall and at a VFW during a billiards league. The shopping mall experiment is made up of strangers whereas the billiards league is made up of familiar people. This would be a naturalistic experiment to see if strangers or familiar faces mimic smiles. The hypothesis is that familiar faces would be more likely to mimic a smile than strangers. Familiar faces would show a more positive engagement, whereas strangers would be more likely to be negative. The prediction may be enough to support the hypothesis and gives light on the motives of social cues. A smile can be expressed as an emotional instinct which reflects how a human is feeling inside and a social cue. Many philosophers argue that smiles are used towards survival instincts which evolve over time. The University of Amsterdam completed a study and argued that facial expressions are social cues which can determine a human's intentions. With this point, a smile ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Non Verbal And Interpersonal Communication Non–Verbal and Interpersonal Communication Introduction Humans are very intelligent beings. We say one thing and mean another, most of the times at least. While having a conversation, it is important that we asses, analyze and then respond to have a meaningful conversation. This is true more so in the case where we are interacting with a lot of cross cultural people. Non–verbal communication is nothing but body language in generic and facial expressions, postures, gestures and interpersonal space in specific, to name a few. Facial Expressions Facial expressions are a part of non–verbal communication. People can recognize other persons' emotions by reading facial expressions. In recent work, researchers "define 21 distinct emotion ... Show more content on ... Eye contact is looking into people's eyes with mouth curve up and brows relaxed, while staring at people is looking at people with brows wrinkled and lips tight. In fact, staring at people reveals the signal of hatred that you never want to bring coworkers and customers. In addition, smile with apples of the cheeks states truly delight. However, smiling while frowning is more or less fake and it exhibits the feeling of being embarrassed. While talking with customer or answering their questions, a person picks up ears and turns head to one side a little bit implies he or she is patiently listening and serious about the conversation. Plus, as a professional staff, he or she doesn't want to be indifferent to customers and thus snorting and crinkling nose up with mouth curve down are definitely forbidden in business talks. Finally, conversations between friends and families are more casual. In this case, people are relaxed. They may not keep eye contact all the time but they prefer to use their multi–facial expressions to express plentiful emotions. For instance, smile, laugh and grin are three popular expressions in casual conversation, they look like the same but they do vary. The corners of mouth curve up present a smile. The mouth is opened a bit more and the voice is then heard, which shows a laugh. Smiling broadly and showing teeth brings a grin. Facial expressions are a crucial part of interpersonal communication, for it conveys various ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Depression In Human Depression DEPRESSION RECOGNITION: A SURVEY ABSTRACT Depression is a typical mood disorders the persons who are under depression stage will face much mental and physical disorder. Now a day's machines are giving very good result based on human depressions. In such low mood both facial expression and voice of the human being will change when compare to the normal person. Here we are going to present a novel method by using both visual and vocal expression we are going to find the depression level of a human. KEYWORDS: Depression, Ridge Regression, Motion History Histrogram 1.INTRODUCTION The goal of this paper is to give clear idea about human depression. Finding depression level of a human by a machine plays a vital role. As it was a fast growing technology, in near future we may have chance that both human and machine may work together in all the fields. In that situation machine should understand both inner and outer feelings of a human. To analysis this depression we have used some of the technologies like partial least square algorithm, ridge regression algorithm, motion history histrogram etc in my paper. 2. DEPRESSION Depression has been considered to be a major disease around 20th country .It is a very dangerous health problem that highly effect the person both personal and social relationship. Depression disorder symptoms are very hard to find out. It is totally different from other disorder symptoms .They have used pattern recognition technique in order to detect the human depression using facial expression, eye movement, head movement ,body movement, heart rate and body temperatures. [1]Person who suffer from depression will behave abnormal in visual and vocal expression when compare to other person. First, they have extracted the features from audio and videos. Second, they have used Long Short Memory Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM–RNN) technique in order to encode dynamic information from audio and videos. Third, In order to boost up the performance Multi Task Learning has been used .Finally it has been evaluated on the Audio Visual Emotion Challenges (AVEC2014) Dataset. [2] 3. RECOGNIZING DEPRESSION Depression is an emotional and mental breakdown; it may leads to suicide when it is left untreated. So ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Facial Expressions, Personal Appearance, Detecting Deception If I had to pick three lessons that impacted me the most this semester I'd have to choose: Facial Expressions, Personal Appearance and Detecting Deception. I always thought I was good at reading people but I soon realized that I, just like most people in society today, jump to conclusions that can cause a lot of confusion. I have never been able to keep control of my facial expressions. I roll my eyes constantly and wear my feelings on my face, as some people have told me. I never thought it was that much of an issue until taking this class. I realized that I could be coming across as a completely different person and be judged based on that assumption by someone. "In a real sense, our quest for meaning in this world begins and ends with facial expression" (Eaves and Leathers 25). This line stuck out to me more than anything else in this chapter, making me realize how much I need to work on making sure I come across the way I am wanting to. I also have been working on "reading" further into people's facial expressions, to see if it could help me in understanding the real reason for their attitudes. Since I plan on being a counselor in the future I feel that really being able to read someone will help me be able to dig deeper into some of their issues. I have always tried my hardest to not judge someone by their outward appearance. When I do catch myself though, it can usually be read on my face. Reading the chapter on personal appearance showed me that although we as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Facial Expression: Article Analysis 1. Spence A. Coffman is the author of the article. 2. The title of the article is "Facial Expression: The ability to Distinguish between enjoyment and non–enjoyment smiles." 3. The article was published in the summer of 2013 4. I learned that the most used and easily recognized facial expression is the smile Ekman 2009. I also found out in the article that deliberate smiles or forced smiles are produced by voluntarily contracting the zygomaticus major muscles. 5. One of the articles cited is "Telling Lies" by Ekman (2009}. 6. The hypothesis is that the majority of the participants would perform around fifty percent in determining enjoyment and non–enjoyment smiles. Men and women would perform at the same rate in determining smiles as well ... Show more content on ... The study revealed a new finding that sixty–seven percent of participants are able to recognize differences in smiles with a better than sixty percent accuracy rate. Most participant determined smiles best by using the facial action coding system action unit 12 format. 19. The author suggested showing an equal number of male/female smiles for the facial action coding system. A lot of ethnic groups were underrepresented and needed to include a bigger sample size. Making sure that the focus is not on a particular smile type meaning that both smile types receive equal attention. 20. There were forty–four references cited in the article. 21. I thought that the learning how to distinguish or recognize different types of smiles was interesting. The research could have more impact on how to tell if people are really enjoying themselves or not. 22. The article was well researched, included information from other sources that helped to validate it. I thought study was effective it highlighted several needs for the experiment. One of which is the use of an eye–tracking system. Previous studies just relied on ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The Naked Face By Malcom Gladwell Is it Possible to Understand Facial Expressions? The essay "The Naked Face" written by Malcom Gladwell is about the ability of recognizing the meaning behind someone's facial expressions. He starts the essay with a life or death situation between an inner city police officer and a suspect that both are pointing guns at each other. The officer clearly has the right to shoot the suspect, but decided not to base on a hunch that the armed suspect was not a threat (Gladwell 24). Gladwell then demonstrates that the police officer is one out of a thousand people that scored really well on a psychology test to determine if someone is lying or telling the truth based on facial expressions (Gladwell 59). Gladwell's essay then continues with ... Show more content on ... When mom and dad smile with their baby, the baby smiles back. If mom or dad makes a sad face, the baby sees there is no joy in their face and will start to instinctively begin to frown. Even though that this pattern of happy and sad facial expressions are intuitive, it is also providing the baby with experience of how facial expressions are displaying playing happiness and sadness. Now that the child is school age, it has many different learned experiences with facial expressions from parents, siblings, friends, and teachers. A child will be reprimanded for doing something against the parents' wishes and will be told to stop. Children will often test the parents' limits and continue with the action and when the parent combines the verbal action along with the stern facial expression, the child understand it has reached the parent's limit. Verbal communication combined with facial expressions provides more meaning to the conversation than just words alone. Within daily communications, people judge conversations not only by the words spoken, but with the facial expressions during the conversation. However, a lot of today's conversation is taken place over digital communication which hampers the subjective of the conversation. Typed conversations can be misconstrued and taken the wrong way since there are no visual references between the two people. As Gladwell states in his essay, people who ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Social Evaluation Of Social Evaluations Successfully interacting with others requires that an individual learn how to make proper social evaluations. Social evaluations increasingly become important from childhood to adulthood as social relationships become more complex (Arnett, 1999). Arnett noted that from childhood to adulthood, important social evaluations begin to surface and evolve into more complex forms of judgment. Over time, the ability to discern a person's trustworthiness and approachability becomes a vital social evaluation (Campellone & Kring, 2013). An individual's judgment on who is deemed as approachable may affect who a person may decide to sit by in class to more serious decisions as who to whom an individual decides to ask on a date (Zebrowitz & Montepare, ... Show more content on ... The status and power a person possesses could also affect a perceiver's perception of emotional expression (Ratcliff., et al. 2015). A number of studies agree that social a number of social evaluations are partially dependent on in group–out group relations, and status. (Campbell, Neuert, Friesen,McKeen, 2012; Ratcliff, et al. 2015). In this review, the point of the current introduction is to (1) present findings on current research of facial expressions relationship with an individual's judgment of approachability, (2) preview limitations on research that test status influence on social evaluations (3), discuss the influence of in–group and out–group influence on approachability judgments relationship as well, and (4) how these variables will to lead the overall hypothesis of the literature review. The face serves as a primary medium for the exchange of nonverbal communication between people (Green,Williams, Davidson, 2003; Willis, Windsor, Lawson, Ridley, 2014). It has been widely accepted that facial expressions are not only used to indicate a current emotional state but also indicate certain social cues as well. For instance, a facial expression facilitating anger can not only relay information about mood but also tell the target decoding the facial expression to fix a current problem within the relationship or to stay weary of threat related issues within the environment (Fox, Lester, Russo, Bowles, Pichler, Dutton, 2000; Green et al., 2003; Willis et al., ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Effective Body Language and Its Effects on Job Interviews Effective Body Language and Its Effects on Job Interviews Body language–the word speaks for itself; it is a form of communication done by our body. It is consisted of nonverbal signals that are given off by certain movements, bodily displays or facial expressions, though all nonverbal signals are not limited only to them. As much as 90% of human communication is done in a non–verbal manner(Mihram, n.d); our subconscious mind–or the primitive mind of human beings, is responsible for this. There goes a famous saying, "It is not about the words you say; it is about how you say it". The adage goes effectively until today, as it is connected to nonverbal communication. This usually applies during interviews. If your words ... Show more content on ... Facial expressions for happiness, sadness, anger, etc. are the same across all countries/cultures. This can apply to some interviewees as they can possibly come from all parts of the world. Posture, according to the Mihram(2013), sends out a signal of your confidence and power potential. It shows little things about your personality. Gestures are mostly universal. One example is the shrug gesture; it implies an answer–"I don't know". Lastly is the spacing, which according to Pease(2004), is culturally determined. It is a personal need
  • 77. for space–between you and someone you're interacting with. Right and effective body language JOB INTERVIEWS AND EFFECTIVE BODY LANGUAGE The HIRED 5 According to CIMA, The right body language can help you demonstrate other key things that interviewers are consciously or unconsciously looking for, by showing that you're listening properly, knowledgeable, empathetic to the interviewer and open instead of defensive. (Body language in a job interview, 2013). Of course, people want to hire people with those traits, because they make good employees, and as CIMA states, effective body language can help you appear like one. Body Language can tell a thing or two about a person's personality, as mentioned earlier. Effective body language creates positive first impressions; Smiling while responding to the person you are talking to can indicate that you are nice and ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Facial Expressions A History on Universal Facial Expressions: The Works of Lamarck, Izard and Russell Kathleen Coyne–Boyles From the time of the ancient Greeks through to the modern age, understanding and interpreting man's emotions and body language have been a source of both fasicnation and a point of intellectual debate. The ancient philosophers, such as Aristotle, proposed the idea that the face takes on varying appearances which are characteristic of each of the passions (or emotions) of humankind. The famous Greek masks of the theatre embody exaggerated facial expressions in order to dramatize the great joys and tragedies of human existence. Artists throughout history have worked to capture facial expression while philosophers have debated about ... Show more content on ... In this way, the son inherits this soft characteristic and the facial expression becomes a feature of soft inheritance. In Use and Disuse Theory, adaptation in a species occurs because complex force drives organisms further up a ladder of increasing complexity. Then, environmental force adapts organisms to their local environment. Adaptation evolves by using some characteristics more than others based upon differing environments. Those characteristics not used or needed as much drop off and those needed to suit a particular environment are passed on. In some ways, the so–called Ghost of Lamarck left its impressions upon Darwin and sparked a debate among evolutionary theorists as to whether characteristics like facial expressions are socially learned skills which can be inherited by the next generation or if they are universal and slowly evolving, purely biologically programmed responses to basic human survival. Universality of Facial Expressions Darwinian thought holds that facial expressions are universal in nature and evolved in man alongside his basic struggle for survival. These facial expressions developed in order to protect and keep the species alive. One example would be that a tribe watches a woman take a bite out of a poisonous plant and observes her face as she shows disgust or pain. Watching this response, the tribe knows not to taste this plant because this facial expression has long been biologically ingrained ... Get more on ...