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First published in 2009, self-described venture capitalist Fred Wilson introduced
the concept of a golden triangle of megatrends in the technology sector that are
reshaping business today.
Hand held technology that empowers
Enabling new connections and
Live dialogue between people in different
At the heart of this golden triangle lies the nexus of disruption. This space is
open for businesses to grow and develop deeper relationships with existing and
potential customers.
In this paper we discuss the technology stack, which is the set of solutions
businesses are using to get inside the golden triangle, and maximise their
opportunities there.
2 ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology
Nexus of disruption
opportunities for
ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 3
In this paper we examine:
What comprises the technology stack
How to define the stack for your organisation
How planning ahead can help drive successful
Choosing the best way of implementing your
technology stack
Future developments in products and providers
Addressing the skills gap
Conclusions for marketers
4 ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology
However, today, for marketers, the
technology stack is the
combination of technologies an
organisation uses to automate its
marketing function and provide
quantitative information that is
used for making business
As businesses and technology has
become more complex, the
technology stack has grown to
extend beyond an organisation.
Tools like social media, exist
beyond the walls of any one
business, however their influence
and value within the business can
be considerable.
There is now a wide range of
different solutions available to
marketers, to help aggregate,
analyse and interact with customers
and their data. The challenge lies in
selecting and implementing the
right combination of technologies
to keep pace with growing
customer expectations. Those who
succeed will benefit most from the
disruptive change mobile devices;
social media; and real-time
technologies are creating.
ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 5
6 ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology
Begin with business strategy
Defining your technology stack begins with your overall business strategy.
Before you begin to look at solutions, you need to have a clear
understanding of the goals you are trying to achieve as an organisation.
The most important role of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) in
implementing a technology stack is to ensure there is complete alignment
between the marketing technology strategy and the organisation-wide
business strategy.
Marketing strategy alignment
It is useful to revisit your marketing strategy, to remind yourself of what your
team is responsible for delivering to support the overall business goals. Your
marketing strategy can guide you in the next phase, where you examine how
you are going to use technology to achieve your deliverables.
Your technology stack is a combination of tools only. Although it will support
your marketing and business strategies, it will not be able to provide you with
all the answers.
How to define your technology stack
1.Revisit overall business strategy: what do you want to
2.Identify how the marketing strategy will support overall
business goals
3.Define the technology strategy that will deliver marketing
4.Engage Board and C-Suite
5.Evaluate where your capabilities lie: vendor or in-house
6.Select technology providers
7.Implement technology stack
8.Measure outcomes.
Defining your
technology strategy
The process of defining your technology
strategy is one of constant refinement.
For each solution in your technology stack,
you need to ask the following questions:
The flow chart can help you identify solutions that cross
technology streams. You can then begin prioritising the
different solutions in order of effectiveness, and begin
looking into trials.
ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 7
What do we have in place to make use of this
How are these technologies being used by our
customers, potential customers,
former customers and our ourganisaiton?
Are there any significant new technologies we
need to be aware of or start to use that we are
not using?
What's working and what's not?
Which technologies can we retire?
Where are the gaps that need to be filled
Engagement and
The CMO has an important role in
advocating and facilitating understanding of
the technology stack across the
organisation. The Board and C-Suite need
to understand how your technology stack
drives bottom line results. Although they do
not need to necessarily understand the
technical detail behind each technology, or
how your organisation might implement it,
they will need to see a clear connection
between the technology stack and business
The other key area the CMO needs to
focus on is in collaborating with IT. By
working closely together, the CMO can
engender support from IT by collaborating
on trials and sharing experiences from
both successes and failures.
Align objectives with
business objectives
entrepreneurial culture
Encourage fast learning
Allocate budget for
testing new technologies
Demonstrate alignment
of business objectives with
technological change at
Board level
Facilitate learning gaps
at C-suite and Board level
Retain visibility for
projects across
8 ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology
Capabilities evaluation
Once you have identified the areas of the technology stack
to be explored, you need to decide where your capabilities
lie. Should you develop technologies
in-house, or look for off-the-shelf solutions? And once you
have the technologies up and running, will you have the
intellectual capital in-house to make use of the
technologies, or will you rely on outsider vendors for day-
to-day management and upkeep? Knowing how to use your
technology to its fullest, to generate meaningful business
insights, is just as important as the technology itself.
A real challenge lies here for marketing agencies. Agencies
need to have the people and skills ready and tested before
clients come to them for advice. To stay ahead of the game,
they need to investigate and understand how new
technological solutions work and can be implemented.
The decision whether to develop in-house or to use off the
shelf solutions is discussed later in this paper, where we
explore the pros and cons of point solutions and single-
vendor solutions.
Measuring success
It is important to regularly review your technology stack, and
quantify its outcomes. Return on investment is a standard
tool used to measure effectiveness, however, it does not
capture the total value generated by implementing your
technology stack. Many outcomes can be more difficult to
attach a dollar figure, such as the goodwill generated
through improved customer engagement.
Following is a checklist of things you should consider when
evaluating the performance of your technology stack:
Which technologies are customers using regularly?
Does your technology stack match the tools your
customers prefer to use?
How are technologies reducing workload from other parts
of the business, such as your call centre?
What are your feedback channels telling you about the
customer experience with your technology stack?
Should you consider surveying your audience?
Your technology stack is part of your
business infrastructure, and must be
invested in, as other parts of your business
You will need to evaluate whether to:
develop the solution in-house; or
find a reliable vendor solution that
can be integrated with your systems.
ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 9
Your IT team is going to be
your most useful source of
help when it comes to
overcoming the key IT
how to find an
infrastructure partner
how to put together
multiple solutions
where to spend your
money, in-house or external
- In-house solutions can have
a low level of sophistication,
but might work easily with
existing infrastructure
- External solutions can be
more mature, offering
more tools and features.
Many vendors now go directly
to marketing to sell their
solutions, bypassing IT
altogether. This can
undermine the IT function,
generating distrust within the
organisation. It is therefore
vital to maintain open
dialogue with IT, so they have
the opportunity to get
involved where and when
appropriate, and ensure they
are able to keep up-to-speed
with the technical aspects of
new technologies being
Information technology
Human resources,
or those responsible for
your organisational culture
Although the CMO is responsible
for leading the implementation,
everyone in the marketing team
plays an important role in
promoting the technology stack,
and facilitating productive
relationships with internal
10 ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology
People challenges
There are a number of different challenges that come
with organisational change. The particular challenges
you are likely to encounter when implementing your
technology stack include:
The Board being divorced from digital operations
- SME can be more agile, as those making the
decisions have the advantage of both a satellite
view of their business as well as hands on, front
line experience.
Legacy systems and politics that can make change
slow and costly
Managing the leadership role with IT. The CMO
should initiate and lead the overall project while
the CIO needs to:
- work out how to pull different technologies
- balance in-house and external spend/ownership/
Speed of execution and change management.
When change takes too long to implement,
momentum breaks down.
Engendering the entrepreneurial spirit so change
agents can develop within an organisation. The CMO
needs to enable a degree of risk to be taken by
business units to try new technologies and make
Skills gap: finding an analyst who has marketing skills
as well as technical skills to implement solutions.
Operational challenges
Bringing new technologies into a business becomes
challenging when you move from theory into practice.
Practical consideration and planning needs to be given
Balancing risk and reward
Funding innovation: budget needs to be made
available for small trials, so organisations can fail
and learn quickly. This is difficult for public/listed
companies who need to show a ROI within
12 months
Mapping business/outputs against technology
requirements (technology is required to meet some
Is there a safe bet anymore?
Is it possible to future proof your
Churn to new technology is costly
Create a pool of money for testing
Fire bullets before cannonballs,
that is, test incrementally using
a speculation fund.
ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 11
Look for a primary system, and then
everything needs to plug and play
with that system
Select one system and then fill
the gaps with point solutions
It makes sense to consider how flexible your business architecture is
when you’re deciding between single vendor solutions and point
solutions. The benefits of each option are described in the table.
The steps you take in implementing your technology stack
depend on which solution you use:
12 ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology
Point solution (Solving one
particular problem without
regard to related issues)
Single vendor
Point solutions are widely used to
fix a problem or implement a new
service quickly.
Easy, low cost, low
disruption to overall
architecture to change if not
Quick and easy integration
Data can be empowered across the
Point solutions can be costly
to integrate
Can silo data in one area
How good is your single vendor
at integrating point solutions?
Costly and disruptive to change if
not working
The skills gap between IT and
marketing is widening. Marketers
need to become more active in the
technology space. They need to
know more about technology and
the solutions it can provide to help
automate marketing, and provide
information for decision making.
IT also needs to catch up. Where in
the past IT projects drove business
change, the shoe is now on the
other foot. Lines of business are
coming to IT with specific
needs, or solutions that need to be
integrated into existing business
systems. IT is being asked to
develop a deeper understanding of
how technology can support
business. In addition, business is
a technical expertise in a wider
range of specific tools and
technology solutions than ever
There are a number of other, more
specific changes we see ahead, as
further democratisation of
technology continues. These are
described in the table below.
ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 13
Existing technologies are not yet being fully utilised.
Marketers can still make better use of the
technology they already have available to them.
Existing technologies may have new
applications, but we don’t know what those
applications are.
Technology will more directly affect ROI and
business success in general.
Which technologies will generate the greatest
New technologies will be developed. While we can see what is possible, it’s not clear how
people will use the new technologies.
Those who embrace change will succeed
As new technologies are rolled out, skills gaps
Education and cross training between technical
skills and marketing skills is needed to make full
use of the new technologies available.
Institutions, as well as technology providers will
need to support training and skills development of
those using new technology.
The challenge for agencies is to have the people
and skills ready and tested before clients demand.
Agencies need to be ahead of the game.
Greater computing power will enable a break
down of customer behaviour to generate
Big data computation will enable more
informed decision-making, in real time.
When marketers know more about customers
and their behaviours, how will customers
Compounding the problem is the fact that
every new technology that becomes
available creates a new skills gap to be
Business leaders need to decide how
they are going to fill the knowledge gaps.
There is a need to balance the amount of
skills required to use a new technology
against the capability that technology
brings to your organisation.
The following chart describes the
balancing act required to maintain the
right level of skills to meet the demands
of the technology you use. As
technologies become more complex and
specific, so too does the pressure mount
on generalists to combine ideas to create
value. Generalists need to become
experts quickly, so they are competent
enough to maximise the benefits new
technologies bring.
People solutions
Owning the skills needed to operate your technology
in-house is not always the right answer to addressing
the skills gap. Having control over those with the
skills is what is needed. Following are some common
solutions to this universal challenge:
Federate your technology – operate a central IT
function that services all your different business
Outsource specific services as and when required
Use virtual global teams to provide business-specific
solutions to complex problems
Apply just-in-time purchasing to technical skills
through a flexible workforce (e.g. Uber). You can
decrease the number of full-time employees, and
buy in skills as needed.
Embed associates (e.g. Facebook and Adobe)
- Partnering with technology providers to provide
skills along with technology solutions
- Employ a corporate intern: skilled professionals
who can rotate through a business, providing
practical training to others.
14 ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology
Organisational culture solutions
Organisational culture can be a powerful
tool to help stretch the skills in your
business to meet your needs.
Encourage agility – a technical aptitude
required for a dynamic environment
Strong leadership – sales and
leadership skills are needed to promote
technological change internally
Effective project management skills
are needed to keep an organisational
change program on track.
What the skills gap means for
experienced marketing professionals
Bridging the skills gap has important
implications for all marketing
professionals. Marketers will need to
increase the range of skills they bring
to work each day, as the emphasis
changes. Marketing competencies are
Technology is becoming part
of the next generation’s skills
Marketers need the ability to turn
strategy into an execution plan
Technical competency, at least at a
theoretical level, will be required for key
Marketers must develop an
understanding of the key areas
required for successful delivery:
business stakeholders, technology,
vendor etc.
Leadership will be needed to attract
and retain the right staff with the right
In summary, experienced marketers
will need to expand their generalist
business skills, while at the same time
tapping into the specialist skills and
technical ability of less experienced
What the skills gap means to business
At a broader business level, the skills
gap poses challenges for managing
organisations as a whole:
More skills are needed to deliver value
to customers
Wages are spiralling: it can cost a lot
to hire the talent you need as it is
Baseline skills can be hard to verify: it’s
hard to identify what skills a person
has, and what specific skills are
needed to implement a technology
Training and development costs are
increasing: there is a constant need to
upgrade skills. People need
to be training for their next job. This
makes it more difficult to evaluate the
cost effectiveness of training. Vendors
need to collaborate to help businesses
bridge the gap in training required to
operate new technologies.
Growth of data makes it more difficult to
analyse and interpret: businesses need
staff with hybrid skills.
There is a disconnect that
requires communication and
analytical skills combined to
turn data into information that
can be used to make informed
business decisions
ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 15
This investigation into the technology stack has highlighted a number of changes that have
important implications for marketers and the changing direction of the marketing function in
Technology has allowed large
amounts of data to be analysed
quickly, providing useful insights and
information for marketers, enabling
marketing to move from a reactive to
pro-active function.
Although marketing has recently
undergone an industrialisation, it will
continue to be transformed by
Technological solutions that address
marketing problems are many and
varied. In order to select the right
solution, decision makers need an in-
depth, practical understanding of the
marketing problem you are trying to
CMOs need to drive all aspects of
the technology stack:
- Most IT departments are
sufficiently removed from the
detail of marketing that they are
not able to pro-actively suggest
new technologies as they become
- Because technology plays such a
significant role in marketing today,
CMOs need to drive the strategy and
implementation of the technology
Single vendors can provide general
tools to support marketing, however
gaps can persist for point solutions to
fill. Deciding on the mix of
technologies, and balance between in-
house and external providers is best
done in partnership with IT.
New technologies are generating skill
gaps between those with technical
knowledge and those with broader
marketing and business experience.
Although training can go some way to
address the mismatch,
CMOs need to think of creative
ways to bridge the gap through
skills and experience together within
the organisation at times and
bringing in experts when needed at
Although the technology stack presents
many challenges for marketers, it is the
future direction businesses will be
taking. Those who harness the
opportunity it offers businesses to get
closer to their customers will ultimately
win the battle for hearts and minds.
16 ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology
These invitation-only facilitated workshops explore topics related to one of our content pillars; Customer Experience, Data, Content, Creativity, Technology.
With thanks to the members of the ADMA Customer Experience Expert Group and Teradata for their sponsorship.
Kym Boyle
Senior Director,
Technology and Systems Marketing,
Oracle Corporation
Simon O’Day
Head of Partnerships Program,
Emma Inc
Matt McGrath
Board Member and Chief Brand Officer,
Network Ten
Richard Harris
Brad Bennet
Head of Technology,
The Hallway
Hugh Bradlow
Chief Scientist,
Jon-Paul Stift
Client Partner,
Atlas |a Facebook company
Shaden Mohamed
Executive GM - Online Marketing
& Business Intelligence,
Wotif group
Jeffrey Evans
Vice President Agency, Asia Pacific,
Rachelle Kerr
Marketing Technology Director,
ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 17
Charlotte Spencer-Roy
Mike Vasavada
Director - Mobility Solutions,
Jeff Clark
Managing Partner,
Engage Digital
Stuart Waite
General Manager, Head of
Consumer Products & Technology,
News Corp
Theo Noel
Regional Director AU/NZ,
Return Path
Daniel Aunvig
Head of Customer Intelligence,
Midu Chandra
Director of Strategy & Innovation,
Katherine Milesi
Deloitte Consulting – Australia
Ray Kloss
Head of Marketing,
Steve Brennen
Senior Director of Marketing
& Advertising Sales,
Ebay Australia
Tim Knight
Group Head of Digital,
True Allianz
ADMA is the ultimate authority and go-
to resource for creative and effective
data driven marketing across all
channels and platforms, providing
insight, ideas and innovation to
advance responsive and enlightened
We represent the new era of
marketing and advertising.
We signify the full spectrum – a 360 view
– end-to-end
- From marketing to advertising
- From effective to creative
- From above to below
- From measurable to engaging.
ADMA has over 550 member
organisations including major financial
institutions, telecommunications
companies, energy providers, leading
media companies, travel service
companies, airlines, major charities,
statutory corporations, educational
institutions and specialist suppliers
to the industry including
advertising agencies, software and
internet companies.
Teradata helps companies get more value from
data than any other company. Our big data analytic
solutions, integrated marketing applications, and team
of experts can help your company gain a sustainable
competitive advantage with data.
Teradata helps organizations leverage all their data
so they can know more about their customers and
business and do more of what’s really important.
ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 19
Registered Office
Association for Data-driven
Marketing and Advertising
ACN 002 909 800
ABN 34 002 909 800
Level 6, 50 Carrington St
Sydney NSW 2000
GPO Box 3895
Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9277 5400
F +61 2 9277 5410
This whitepaper has
been produced with
thought leadership
from Teradata.

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Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology

  • 2. INTRODUCTION First published in 2009, self-described venture capitalist Fred Wilson introduced the concept of a golden triangle of megatrends in the technology sector that are reshaping business today. MOBILE DEVICES Hand held technology that empowers individuals SOCIAL MEDIA Enabling new connections and communications REAL TIME Live dialogue between people in different locations At the heart of this golden triangle lies the nexus of disruption. This space is open for businesses to grow and develop deeper relationships with existing and potential customers. In this paper we discuss the technology stack, which is the set of solutions businesses are using to get inside the golden triangle, and maximise their opportunities there. 2 ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology
  • 3. REAL TIME TECHNOLOGY STACK Nexus of disruption creates opportunities for business SOCIALMOBILE GOLDENTRIANGLE OFOPPORTUNITY ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 3
  • 4. In this paper we examine: What comprises the technology stack How to define the stack for your organisation How planning ahead can help drive successful implementation Choosing the best way of implementing your technology stack Future developments in products and providers Addressing the skills gap Conclusions for marketers 4 ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology
  • 5. However, today, for marketers, the technology stack is the combination of technologies an organisation uses to automate its marketing function and provide quantitative information that is used for making business decisions. As businesses and technology has become more complex, the technology stack has grown to extend beyond an organisation. Tools like social media, exist beyond the walls of any one business, however their influence and value within the business can be considerable. There is now a wide range of different solutions available to marketers, to help aggregate, analyse and interact with customers and their data. The challenge lies in selecting and implementing the right combination of technologies to keep pace with growing customer expectations. Those who succeed will benefit most from the disruptive change mobile devices; social media; and real-time technologies are creating. DEFININGTHE TECHNOLOGY STACK TRADITIONALLY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY HAS DEFINED THE TECHNOLOGY STACK AS THE LAYERS OF COMPONENTS OR SERVICES THATARE USED TO PROVIDE A SOFTWARE SOLUTION OR APPLICATION. ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 5
  • 6. 6 ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology DEFININGTHE TECHNOLOGYSTACK THAT WILLWORKFORYOURBUSINESS THE KEY TOACHIEVING OPTIMAL CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES IS TO MAKE IT A PRIORITY, AND BUILD OR RESHAPE YOUR BUSINESS AROUND THIS GOAL. Begin with business strategy Defining your technology stack begins with your overall business strategy. Before you begin to look at solutions, you need to have a clear understanding of the goals you are trying to achieve as an organisation. The most important role of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) in implementing a technology stack is to ensure there is complete alignment between the marketing technology strategy and the organisation-wide business strategy. Marketing strategy alignment It is useful to revisit your marketing strategy, to remind yourself of what your team is responsible for delivering to support the overall business goals. Your marketing strategy can guide you in the next phase, where you examine how you are going to use technology to achieve your deliverables. Your technology stack is a combination of tools only. Although it will support your marketing and business strategies, it will not be able to provide you with all the answers. How to define your technology stack 1.Revisit overall business strategy: what do you want to achieve? 2.Identify how the marketing strategy will support overall business goals 3.Define the technology strategy that will deliver marketing strategy 4.Engage Board and C-Suite 5.Evaluate where your capabilities lie: vendor or in-house 6.Select technology providers 7.Implement technology stack 8.Measure outcomes.
  • 7. Defining your technology strategy The process of defining your technology strategy is one of constant refinement. For each solution in your technology stack, you need to ask the following questions: The flow chart can help you identify solutions that cross technology streams. You can then begin prioritising the different solutions in order of effectiveness, and begin looking into trials. MOBILE MARKETING STRATEGY SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY DATA STRATEGY ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 7 What do we have in place to make use of this medium/information/channel? How are these technologies being used by our customers, potential customers, former customers and our ourganisaiton? Are there any significant new technologies we need to be aware of or start to use that we are not using? What's working and what's not? Which technologies can we retire? Where are the gaps that need to be filled
  • 8. Engagement and implementation The CMO has an important role in advocating and facilitating understanding of the technology stack across the organisation. The Board and C-Suite need to understand how your technology stack drives bottom line results. Although they do not need to necessarily understand the technical detail behind each technology, or how your organisation might implement it, they will need to see a clear connection between the technology stack and business outcomes. The other key area the CMO needs to focus on is in collaborating with IT. By working closely together, the CMO can engender support from IT by collaborating on trials and sharing experiences from both successes and failures. CHAMPION WITHIN MARKETING TEAM CMO LEADING TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE Align objectives with business objectives Support entrepreneurial culture Encourage fast learning Allocate budget for testing new technologies CHAMPION ACROSS BROADER ORGANISATION Demonstrate alignment of business objectives with technological change at Board level Facilitate learning gaps at C-suite and Board level Retain visibility for projects across organisation 8 ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology
  • 9. Capabilities evaluation Once you have identified the areas of the technology stack to be explored, you need to decide where your capabilities lie. Should you develop technologies in-house, or look for off-the-shelf solutions? And once you have the technologies up and running, will you have the intellectual capital in-house to make use of the technologies, or will you rely on outsider vendors for day- to-day management and upkeep? Knowing how to use your technology to its fullest, to generate meaningful business insights, is just as important as the technology itself. A real challenge lies here for marketing agencies. Agencies need to have the people and skills ready and tested before clients come to them for advice. To stay ahead of the game, they need to investigate and understand how new technological solutions work and can be implemented. The decision whether to develop in-house or to use off the shelf solutions is discussed later in this paper, where we explore the pros and cons of point solutions and single- vendor solutions. Measuring success It is important to regularly review your technology stack, and quantify its outcomes. Return on investment is a standard tool used to measure effectiveness, however, it does not capture the total value generated by implementing your technology stack. Many outcomes can be more difficult to attach a dollar figure, such as the goodwill generated through improved customer engagement. Following is a checklist of things you should consider when evaluating the performance of your technology stack: Which technologies are customers using regularly? Does your technology stack match the tools your customers prefer to use? How are technologies reducing workload from other parts of the business, such as your call centre? What are your feedback channels telling you about the customer experience with your technology stack? Should you consider surveying your audience? Your technology stack is part of your business infrastructure, and must be invested in, as other parts of your business are. You will need to evaluate whether to: develop the solution in-house; or find a reliable vendor solution that can be integrated with your systems. ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 9
  • 10. Technology challenges Your IT team is going to be your most useful source of help when it comes to overcoming the key IT challenges: how to find an infrastructure partner how to put together multiple solutions where to spend your money, in-house or external providers - In-house solutions can have a low level of sophistication, but might work easily with existing infrastructure - External solutions can be more mature, offering more tools and features. Many vendors now go directly to marketing to sell their solutions, bypassing IT altogether. This can undermine the IT function, generating distrust within the organisation. It is therefore vital to maintain open dialogue with IT, so they have the opportunity to get involved where and when appropriate, and ensure they are able to keep up-to-speed with the technical aspects of new technologies being tested. Information technology Human resources, or those responsible for your organisational culture Operations. Although the CMO is responsible for leading the implementation, everyone in the marketing team plays an important role in promoting the technology stack, and facilitating productive relationships with internal stakeholders. SMOOTH IMPLEMENTATION TAKES PLANNING THERE ARE THREE MAIN AREAS OF THE BUSINESS TO CONSIDER WHEN IMPLEMENTING YOUR TECHNOLOGY STACK. KEEPING OPEN LINES OF COMMUNICATION, AND INVOLVING EACH IN YOUR PLANNING CAN MAKE A SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE TO HOW SMOOTHLY YOUR IMPLEMENTATION GOES. YOU SHOULD AIM AT COLLABORATING WITH: 10 ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology
  • 11. People challenges There are a number of different challenges that come with organisational change. The particular challenges you are likely to encounter when implementing your technology stack include: The Board being divorced from digital operations - SME can be more agile, as those making the decisions have the advantage of both a satellite view of their business as well as hands on, front line experience. Legacy systems and politics that can make change slow and costly Managing the leadership role with IT. The CMO should initiate and lead the overall project while the CIO needs to: - work out how to pull different technologies together - balance in-house and external spend/ownership/ technology Speed of execution and change management. When change takes too long to implement, momentum breaks down. Engendering the entrepreneurial spirit so change agents can develop within an organisation. The CMO needs to enable a degree of risk to be taken by business units to try new technologies and make changes Skills gap: finding an analyst who has marketing skills as well as technical skills to implement solutions. Operational challenges Bringing new technologies into a business becomes challenging when you move from theory into practice. Practical consideration and planning needs to be given to: Balancing risk and reward Funding innovation: budget needs to be made available for small trials, so organisations can fail and learn quickly. This is difficult for public/listed companies who need to show a ROI within 12 months Mapping business/outputs against technology requirements (technology is required to meet some goals). RISKS SOLUTIONS Is there a safe bet anymore? Is it possible to future proof your solution? Churn to new technology is costly Create a pool of money for testing Fire bullets before cannonballs, that is, test incrementally using a speculation fund. ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 11
  • 12. SINGLE VENDOR POINT SOLUTION Look for a primary system, and then everything needs to plug and play with that system Select one system and then fill the gaps with point solutions > IMPLEMENTINGYOUR TECHNOLOGY STACK WITHA POINTSOLUTIONORSINGLE VENDOR THERE ARE TWO WAYS YOU CAN IMPLEMENT YOUR TECHNOLOGY STACK: EITHER WITH A SINGLE VENDOR WHO PROVIDES ALL THE TOOLS AND SYSTEMS YOU NEED; OR A POINT SOLUTION, WHERE YOU BUY IN INDIVIDUAL TOOLS TO ADDRESS INDIVIDUAL PROBLEMS. It makes sense to consider how flexible your business architecture is when you’re deciding between single vendor solutions and point solutions. The benefits of each option are described in the table. > The steps you take in implementing your technology stack depend on which solution you use: 12 ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology POINT SOLUTION V SINGLE VENDOR Point solution (Solving one particular problem without regard to related issues) Single vendor UPSIDES Point solutions are widely used to fix a problem or implement a new service quickly. Easy, low cost, low disruption to overall architecture to change if not working. Quick and easy integration Data can be empowered across the business DOWNSIDES Point solutions can be costly to integrate Can silo data in one area How good is your single vendor at integrating point solutions? Costly and disruptive to change if not working
  • 13. WHAT WE KNOWABOUT FUTURE PRODUCTS AND PROVIDERS THERE IS NO DOUBT ABOUT WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS: THE COMPANIES THAT MATCH CUSTOMER NEEDS WITH THE RIGHT TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTION WILL WIN. The skills gap between IT and marketing is widening. Marketers need to become more active in the technology space. They need to know more about technology and the solutions it can provide to help automate marketing, and provide information for decision making. IT also needs to catch up. Where in the past IT projects drove business change, the shoe is now on the other foot. Lines of business are coming to IT with specific needs, or solutions that need to be integrated into existing business systems. IT is being asked to develop a deeper understanding of how technology can support business. In addition, business is demanding a technical expertise in a wider range of specific tools and technology solutions than ever before. There are a number of other, more specific changes we see ahead, as further democratisation of technology continues. These are described in the table below. ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 13 WHAT WE KNOW WHAT WE DON’T KNOW Existing technologies are not yet being fully utilised. Marketers can still make better use of the technology they already have available to them. Existing technologies may have new applications, but we don’t know what those applications are. Technology will more directly affect ROI and business success in general. Which technologies will generate the greatest returns. New technologies will be developed. While we can see what is possible, it’s not clear how people will use the new technologies. Those who embrace change will succeed As new technologies are rolled out, skills gaps emerge. Education and cross training between technical skills and marketing skills is needed to make full use of the new technologies available. Institutions, as well as technology providers will need to support training and skills development of those using new technology. The challenge for agencies is to have the people and skills ready and tested before clients demand. Agencies need to be ahead of the game. Greater computing power will enable a break down of customer behaviour to generate understandings. Big data computation will enable more informed decision-making, in real time. When marketers know more about customers and their behaviours, how will customers respond?
  • 14. Compounding the problem is the fact that every new technology that becomes available creates a new skills gap to be bridged. Business leaders need to decide how they are going to fill the knowledge gaps. There is a need to balance the amount of skills required to use a new technology against the capability that technology brings to your organisation. The following chart describes the balancing act required to maintain the right level of skills to meet the demands of the technology you use. As technologies become more complex and specific, so too does the pressure mount on generalists to combine ideas to create value. Generalists need to become experts quickly, so they are competent enough to maximise the benefits new technologies bring. People solutions Owning the skills needed to operate your technology in-house is not always the right answer to addressing the skills gap. Having control over those with the skills is what is needed. Following are some common solutions to this universal challenge: Federate your technology – operate a central IT function that services all your different business functions Outsource specific services as and when required Use virtual global teams to provide business-specific solutions to complex problems Apply just-in-time purchasing to technical skills through a flexible workforce (e.g. Uber). You can decrease the number of full-time employees, and buy in skills as needed. Embed associates (e.g. Facebook and Adobe) - Partnering with technology providers to provide skills along with technology solutions - Employ a corporate intern: skilled professionals who can rotate through a business, providing practical training to others. WAYS TOADDRESS THE SKILLS GAP A KNOWLEDGE GAP EXISTS BETWEEN THE VARIOUS AREAS OF DIGITAL MARKETING AND TECHNOLOGY.THE DIVERGENCE BETWEEN THOSE IMPLEMENTING SEO/SEM AND THE TOOLS THAT RUN THEM, FOR EXAMPLE, IS INCREASING AS THE TECHNOLOGY BECOMES MORE SOPHISTICATED. 14 ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology
  • 15. WAYS TOADDRESS THE SKILLS GAP Organisational culture solutions Organisational culture can be a powerful tool to help stretch the skills in your business to meet your needs. Encourage agility – a technical aptitude required for a dynamic environment Strong leadership – sales and leadership skills are needed to promote technological change internally Effective project management skills are needed to keep an organisational change program on track. What the skills gap means for experienced marketing professionals Bridging the skills gap has important implications for all marketing professionals. Marketers will need to increase the range of skills they bring to work each day, as the emphasis changes. Marketing competencies are changing. Technology is becoming part of the next generation’s skills Marketers need the ability to turn strategy into an execution plan Technical competency, at least at a theoretical level, will be required for key initiatives Marketers must develop an understanding of the key areas required for successful delivery: business stakeholders, technology, vendor etc. Leadership will be needed to attract and retain the right staff with the right skills In summary, experienced marketers will need to expand their generalist business skills, while at the same time tapping into the specialist skills and technical ability of less experienced marketers. What the skills gap means to business managers At a broader business level, the skills gap poses challenges for managing organisations as a whole: More skills are needed to deliver value to customers Wages are spiralling: it can cost a lot to hire the talent you need as it is rare Baseline skills can be hard to verify: it’s hard to identify what skills a person has, and what specific skills are needed to implement a technology Training and development costs are increasing: there is a constant need to upgrade skills. People need to be training for their next job. This makes it more difficult to evaluate the cost effectiveness of training. Vendors need to collaborate to help businesses bridge the gap in training required to operate new technologies. Growth of data makes it more difficult to analyse and interpret: businesses need staff with hybrid skills. There is a disconnect that requires communication and analytical skills combined to turn data into information that can be used to make informed business decisions ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 15 DATA ≠ INSIGHT ≠ ACTION
  • 16. CONCLUSIONS This investigation into the technology stack has highlighted a number of changes that have important implications for marketers and the changing direction of the marketing function in organisations: Technology has allowed large amounts of data to be analysed quickly, providing useful insights and information for marketers, enabling marketing to move from a reactive to pro-active function. Although marketing has recently undergone an industrialisation, it will continue to be transformed by technology. Technological solutions that address marketing problems are many and varied. In order to select the right solution, decision makers need an in- depth, practical understanding of the marketing problem you are trying to address. CMOs need to drive all aspects of the technology stack: - Most IT departments are sufficiently removed from the detail of marketing that they are not able to pro-actively suggest new technologies as they become available. - Because technology plays such a significant role in marketing today, CMOs need to drive the strategy and implementation of the technology stack. Single vendors can provide general tools to support marketing, however gaps can persist for point solutions to fill. Deciding on the mix of technologies, and balance between in- house and external providers is best done in partnership with IT. New technologies are generating skill gaps between those with technical knowledge and those with broader marketing and business experience. Although training can go some way to address the mismatch, CMOs need to think of creative ways to bridge the gap through partnering skills and experience together within the organisation at times and bringing in experts when needed at others. Although the technology stack presents many challenges for marketers, it is the future direction businesses will be taking. Those who harness the opportunity it offers businesses to get closer to their customers will ultimately win the battle for hearts and minds. 16 ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology
  • 17. CONCLUSIONSACKNOWLEDGEMENTS THIS WHITE PAPER IS A RESULT OF THE EXPERIENCE, IDEAS AND THOUGHT LEADERSHIP GENERATED BY THE ADMA CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE EXPERT GROUP FROM THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE THINK TANK. These invitation-only facilitated workshops explore topics related to one of our content pillars; Customer Experience, Data, Content, Creativity, Technology. With thanks to the members of the ADMA Customer Experience Expert Group and Teradata for their sponsorship. Kym Boyle Senior Director, Technology and Systems Marketing, Oracle Corporation Simon O’Day Head of Partnerships Program, Emma Inc Matt McGrath Board Member and Chief Brand Officer, Network Ten Richard Harris Director, ADMA Brad Bennet Head of Technology, The Hallway Hugh Bradlow Chief Scientist, Telstra Jon-Paul Stift Client Partner, Atlas |a Facebook company Shaden Mohamed Executive GM - Online Marketing & Business Intelligence, Wotif group Jeffrey Evans Vice President Agency, Asia Pacific, Epsilon Rachelle Kerr Marketing Technology Director, McCorkell ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 17 WRITER AND RESEARCHER: Charlotte Spencer-Roy Copywriter Mike Vasavada Director - Mobility Solutions, mobiDdiction Jeff Clark Managing Partner, Engage Digital Stuart Waite General Manager, Head of Consumer Products & Technology, News Corp Theo Noel Regional Director AU/NZ, Return Path Daniel Aunvig Head of Customer Intelligence, SAS Midu Chandra Director of Strategy & Innovation, mobiDdiction Katherine Milesi Partner, Deloitte Consulting – Australia Ray Kloss Head of Marketing, SAP Steve Brennen Senior Director of Marketing & Advertising Sales, Ebay Australia Tim Knight Group Head of Digital, True Allianz SPONSOR:
  • 18. ADMA WHITEPAPERS OUR WHITE PAPERS ARE DESIGNED TO INFORM DECISION-MAKING EXECUTIVES ABOUT THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN AN AREA OF BEST PRACTICE. WE INCLUDE EXAMPLES OF WHAT CAN BE ACHIEVED, HOW IT CAN TRANSFORM THE OPERATIONS OF AN ORGANISATION, AND THE MAIN ISSUES YOU NEED TO CONSIDER WHEN APPLYING THE PRINCIPLES, PRACTICES AND TECHNOLOGIES TO YOUR ORGANISATION. TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT ADMA AND OUR MARKET-LEADING INSIGHTS, PLEASE VISIT US ONLINE AT ADMA.COM.AU. ABOUT ADMA THE ASSOCIATION FOR DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING AND ADVERTISING, OR ADMA, IS THE PRINCIPAL INDUSTRY BODY FOR INFORMATION BASED MARKETING AND ADVERTISING AND IS THE LARGEST MARKETING AND ADVERTISING BODY IN AUSTRALIA. TERADATA HELPS COMPANIES GET MORE VALUE FROM DATA THAN ANY OTHER COMPANY. ADMA is the ultimate authority and go- to resource for creative and effective data driven marketing across all channels and platforms, providing insight, ideas and innovation to advance responsive and enlightened marketing. We represent the new era of marketing and advertising. We signify the full spectrum – a 360 view – end-to-end - From marketing to advertising - From effective to creative - From above to below - From measurable to engaging. ADMA has over 550 member organisations including major financial institutions, telecommunications companies, energy providers, leading media companies, travel service companies, airlines, major charities, statutory corporations, educational institutions and specialist suppliers to the industry including advertising agencies, software and internet companies. © 2015 Teradata helps companies get more value from data than any other company. Our big data analytic solutions, integrated marketing applications, and team of experts can help your company gain a sustainable competitive advantage with data. Teradata helps organizations leverage all their data so they can know more about their customers and business and do more of what’s really important. Visit ADMA | Delivering more effective marketing through the right technology 19
  • 19. Registered Office Association for Data-driven Marketing and Advertising ACN 002 909 800 ABN 34 002 909 800 Level 6, 50 Carrington St Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 3895 Sydney NSW 2001 T +61 2 9277 5400 F +61 2 9277 5410 ADMAWP011_27_APR15 This whitepaper has been produced with thought leadership from Teradata.