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Definition Essay: Summary
Research Paper
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Definition Essay: Summary Research Paper Definition Essay: Summary Research Paper
Essay On Flesh And Blood So Cheap By Albert Marin
Have you ever wondered when the fire extinguisher was made? Well in the novel Flesh and Blood So
Cheap: The Triangle Fire And Its Legacy by Albert Marrin shows how the catastrophe led by a flame
that grew massive burning the triangle shirtwaist factory without use of the extinguisher, it also shows
that the owners don t tolerate safety standards or use them. Albert Marrin uses two types of evidence,
one being implicit and the other being explicit, both of them shows how the evidence can be inferred
or just stated directly out of the text. Additionally, using implicit, we can infer how the factory is
taking safety standards as careless goal. In the text, it states that Those who reached the ninth floor
stairway door found it locked. with this evidence we can infer using implicit that it implies a major
concern on the people leaving them with no way to escape except to die. Another failed mistake that
we can imply in the text states A person falling from the ninth floor struck with a force equal to eleven
thousand pounds. and another is Nothing! No ... Show more content on ...
The sub title Holocaust ultimately means destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused
by fire or nuclear war. This we can find explicit because Albert Marrin uses the term Holocaust to
indicate that the tragedy that has happened had fire involved that killed many people. Another explicit
evidence in the text is A person falling from the ninth floor struck with a force equal to eleven
thousand pounds. Some jumpers bounced off the nets, dying when they hit the ground; others tore the
nets, crashing through to the pavement. this disaster had been caused by the unsure and unsafety of
hazardness by the attempted rescue by the firemen leaving death to the workers. This we can smally
infer that the firemen had not been prepared for this kind of situation had no care for human value or
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Types Of Major Depressive Disorder
Depression in Inmates
Major depressive disorder is a mood disorder that can be found among many Americans, reaching
roughly three percent of adults and eleven percent of adolescents living in the United States. Other
forms of less severe depression affect about ten percent of adult Americans. Women are more likely to
be affected by this disorder than men, and women in their 30 s are also more likely to be affected than
women of any other age group. In the criminal justice world, many adults who are put in prison or
commit violent crimes suffer from a mental illness. Prison conditions aren t like staying in a five star
hotel by any means. Contact with people outside the prison is dependent on behavior of inmates, and
the cells only meet the ... Show more content on ...
When doing some background research, the researchers discussed that higher punishment for juveniles
is becoming more common, for example the placement of a juvenile in an adult prison setting. Before
beginning their research they also looked at the factor that the subjects of this study might not have
incarceration induced depression, as they could have experienced symptoms of depression before
being brought into the system. The research included four types of subjects: youths incarcerated for
serious offences in adult facilities; youths incarcerated for serious offences in juvenile facilities;
youths incarcerated for less serious offences and non incarcerated and non offending youths. From
their research they were able to conclude that incarcerated youths were 20 times more likely to
develop depression than those of any other category.
During a study in 2000, researchers did two Beck Depression Inventories, first when the subject was
brought into the prison setting and then again later after they had been in custody for a while. They
also did BDIs on subjects who were in different levels of custody, to determine if the strictness of the
custody that the inmates are in, is a factor of their depression. They took a sample of subjects from a
variety of prisons in North Carolina. The participants ranged from the ages of 16 to 65, although the
mean age was 29 years old. The level of education completed, also ranged from low education to
higher levels of education.
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Narrative Narrative
I never would have guessed a simple trip home would turn into a life or death situation. It was the end
of summer in 2008; my mom, grandma, and I were coming home from our short vacation we take
every summer to Ames, Iowa while my brother and dad go to Alaska. The sun shimmered down on us
as we cruised down the various roads to arrive back home.
The traffic was frantic that day forcing our old, rusty, black avalanche to exceed the maximum speed
limit on Highway 13. We neared Central City, Iowa, approximately 20 minutes from our countryside
home while I quietly played on my mom s old blackberry phone. My mom mentioned previously that
it began to appear quite gloomy in the sky. I slowly rolled down the back window next to my seat. The
heavy, damp smell of a storm emerged into my nose like a frog approaching its prey. Ominous clouds
shifted back and forth in the sky when mom finally told me to check the weather radar on her phone
while she tuned the radio into a weather station. The radio signal only let out various pitches of static.
Before I could check the radar, a loud boom rumbled in front of me; my mom slammed on the brakes,
and my grandma began latching onto her arm rest. A massive oak tree lay in front of us on the road,
blocking all oncoming traffic. Somehow mom managed to swerve around the tree as the now
impending storm began to swirl around us. Within a matter of seconds, hail pounded our windshield,
rain blinded the outside world, and the wind whipped even faster,
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Les Miserables Watchers
In Les Miserables, the watcher can establish a change in a character by contemplating traits seen when
first meeting a specific character, and at another point of change for that character. Watchers pinpoint a
dramatic change in the character Eponine, who the author introduced as a child, to when she drew her
last breath. When watchers first meet Eponine, she portrays someone spoiled, bratty, and a kiss up. By
the end of her story, moreover, she has switched roles with Cosette, and dies not getting anything she
wants, including the man of her dreams. The movie depicts a scene where a young Cosette, the
daughter of a poor woman who works a long ways away from home, leaving Cosette with a greedy
family, watches Eponine getting pampered with gifts
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Adam in Milton s Paradise Lost Essay
Adam in Paradise Lost : Fate s Ruler and Subject
A central problem in John Milton s Paradise Lost in the theological issue of free will versus fate, a
traditionally much debated question. Free will is the condition of having control or direction over fate
or destiny; the individual shapes his life and future through his actions. The opposing view, complete
lack of free will (made famous by John Calvin), is predestination, which expresses the idea that our
futures have been foreseen long before our existences, so our actions are preordained, and our paths
chosen for us. Milton s presentation of the character Adam wrestles with these ideas around free will
throughout Paradise Lost; while he does in fact eat the apple of his own ... Show more content on ...
Calvin states that God has already planned the fates and actions of all men, and their deeds
foreordained. The opposing view, that man has free will, is therefore the opposite; man decides his
own fate, his actions shape the course of his singularly individual existence. Which, then, does Adam
represent in Paradise Lost ? We first meet Adam in depth in Book V, where Eve awakens from her
disturbing dream of temptation and Adam must assuage her fears and anxiety over such an unusual
and foreboding vision. Here Adam states explicitly, in his argument against the danger of the dream,
that it is not a prediction of things to happen because she still has reason to control her actions. His
exact words, on lines 116 to 121:
But with addition strange; yet be not sad. Evil into the mind of God or Man May come and go, so
unapprov d, and leave No spot or blame behind: Which gives me hope That what in sleep thou didst
abhorr to dream, Waking thou never wilt consent to do.
With this, Adam plainly asserts that human consent has priority over any preconceived plan. He could
have stated that the dream meant nothing because God did not conceive of that in His plan but instead
he comments on the necessity to act in choosing a moral stance.
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Internal Memo for Client
In this Memo we will identify and analyze our client s legal situation and assess the situation and
describe how the law firm can help. First, we need to answer the question what is an easement. An
easement is a given or required right to use another person s land without owning or leasing it.
Easements may be either express or implied. Express easements must be in writing to be enforceable,
whereas implied easements need not be written. (Cheeseman Pg.227) . The easement is for a city
utility line on the property. So this means a property owner of a piece of property around the property
in question has the right to run a city utility line on the property.
The court that can review and resolve the situation ... Show more content on ...
Discovery is presented so there would be no surprises. All relevant facts and document must be
summated to the defendant before it goes to trial. There are three layers to discovery, written
discovery, document production and deposition. Written discovery are question and answer that is
being ask, it could be now in the present or it could be question about the past that happen years ago.
Document production anything that is related to the case such as medical records, defect case and or
computer file. Deposition is a sworn statement that can range form week to month, and years back.
Before a trial is set to be heard, a lawyer can ask for a motion to dismiss the case if there is not enough
evidence or the complain is not relevant to the case. The court will look into to see if there is a lack of
subject matter jurisdiction or a lack of personal jurisdiction. Another step in a civil court procedure is
in a form of alternative dispute resolution. Both sides have a chance to settle the dispute through
arbitration before it goes to trial. If the case does go to trial a judge or jury will decide by
preponderance of evidence if the plaintiff is to win.
On the other hand in a criminal case, there must be intent to comment a crime in order to press charge
against a person. The case between the city, the property owner, and Mr. Jones s business regarding
the right of utility easement. If Mr. Jones knows that he dose not has the right of easement and still run
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Allusions In The Grapes Of Wrath
In perhaps his greatest work, The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck tells a story of Tom Joad and his
family, who are forced to abandon their farm during the depression era Oklahoma dust bowl. They
decide to travel to California along with many other in search for jobs and homes, and look for a great
future. In the time considered, The Grapes of Wrath, gives a shockingly real view on the struggles
citizens at the time faced. In the tragic novel, The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck uses Christian
symbolism effectively in order to shape and reinforce the theme of the dignity of wrath. Steinbeck
convey s this through the use of Jim Casy, Tom Joad and Rose of Sharon. Steinbeck makes many
allusions to Christian symbols in his novel, particularly ... Show more content on ...
In the novel, Rose of Sharon is vigilant of her unborn child and symbolizes regrowth and hope for the
Joad s. It is heartbreaking as the reader finds out her child is a stillborn. As she finds her child
stillborn, she helps a dying man with the milk left inter breasts. This is seen in last chapter of the
novel, Rose of Sharon loosened one side of the blanket and bared her breast.... She squirmed closer
and pulled his head close.... Her hand move behind his head and supported it. Her fingers moved
gently in his hair. She looked up and across the barn, her lips came together and smiled mysteriously
(Steinbeck 455). Ending the novel this way, the reader acknowledges that the Rose of Sharon is
pleased with helping others regardless of her dead child and suffering to live a happy life. This topic is
further examined by Eric W. Carlson in his essay, Symbolism in the Grapes of Wrath when he
mentions, Rosasharn symbolically transmutes her maternal love to a love of all people. As implied by
her smile hair stroking gesture, Rosasharn, whose maternal instinct has been frustrated, feels a
momentary satisfaction (Carlson 174). After the death of her child, Rose of Sharon becomes a
maternal figure and cures the
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What Makes Christian Burned With Fire From Heaven
One stormy night a man finds a cave in which he can rest. This man closes his eyes and dreams of a
man named Christian. Christian is greatly distressed and carries with him a heavy burden on his back.
Wanting to escape these burdens he carries on his back, Christian learns that the city he lives in will
soon be destroyed by the fire from heaven. The author states through Christian, ...I have received
information that the city in which we live will be burned with fire from Heaven. (Bunyan, 19 20)
Christian tries to convince his family of this, but they do not believe him, instead they laugh. That is
when Christian meets a man named Evangelist, who points him in the direction of a narrow gate. He is
told that when he reaches this gate he will
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Fate In The Play Oedipus By William Winter
Fate is always there. It always has, and it always will be there. We all can choose the decisions we
make, but fate cannot be changed, since it has already been predetermined. What happens will happen,
but what changes will not change fate. Fate is also what changes you, if you think about it. All the
events that have happened in the years of you being alive lead up to today; to who you are. All the
decisions you ve made would end up driving fate into taking its own toll on future, driving up to
where you currently are and making you who you are Fate is character William Winter. In the play
Oedipus by Sophocles, Jocasta s (who is Oedipus s wife and mother) character would wind up
changing because of fate. She did not choose for or expect for things to have change in such a
negative way. Jocasta was forced to see her husband figure out that he was married to his mother She
begged Oedipus not to go any further in the search of his true identity. Perhaps she did this because
she was romantically in love with Oedipus, or maybe because she wanted things to stay as they were.
This shows that Jocasta is secretive. When she found out that the prophecies (that were told about
Oedipus) were true, she automatically tried to hide it from Oedipus Or more so push Oedipus from the
truth. ... Show more content on ...
Oedipus you must stop. I beg you stop!... I pray to god you never see who you are!... These are the last
words I will ever speak, ever Oedipus. (Sophocles|| 1344 45, 50,56,57). It was too painful for Jocasta
to watch the truth slowly yet quickly unfold right in front of Oedipus, so she ran off. Jocasta was
afraid to face her fate, and she was probably also ashamed since Oedipus would soon catch up to the
truth... There was no running from fate, or more so the truth
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The Rocky Mountains Lander s Peak
Describe: Albert Bierstadt s The Rocky Mountains, Lander s Peak (1863) and David P. Bradley s,
Indian Country Today (1997) are created by different authors, possible for different reasons, but they
have a similar subject matter. They both picture nature. Bierstadt s painting shows the landscape of the
Rocky Mountains, hence the name. Pictured are rolling valleys, rugged mountains, and what looks
like a civilization of Native Americans. On the other hand, Bradley s painting is an example of how
modern India is viewed through his eyes. Instead of beautiful hills and mountains, he illustrates roads,
food trucks, vehicles, etc. Also, in the background what seems to be airplanes are pictured, as well as,
construction. The paintings have their ... Show more content on ...
Bierstadt uses gradient features of color in his painting. He has lighter colors in the back of his
painting and darker colors in the front. This allows the painting to be subtle and aid viewers in
realizing the subject matter. Bradley, unlike Bierstadt, uses variety in his work of art. His painting is
made up of high intensity. He uses vivid colors and even shapes to express the subject matter. The
different colors used catches the eyes of those who view it. The artists chose excellent colors to go
with their paintings. Interpret: Bierstadt s painting shows the Rocky Mountains in the 1800 s. The
beautiful scenery expresses how stunning the world was during that time. There were waterfalls, tee
pees, and sprouting trees. The Earth has been bruised and beaten. The scenery illustrated in this
painting is rare. However, Bradley s painting seems to show what landscapes are like presently even if
it was created in the late 1900 s. The construction, the entertainment by the dancers express that
Bradley believes that India is more of a tourist spot now. It is not appreciated for its beauty anymore.
People come to watch the traditional dances, not participate. They come and go, they do not usually
settle. But he does show a person shooting an arrow at the billboard that says, Land Development . So,
this shows that maybe some people want the authenticity of India back, maybe even the
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Coyotes Migration Patterns
In North Carolina, there are many wondrous and awe inspiring creatures that roam free and graze the
mountain ranges and prairies. Creatures like the black bear, which rove and dominate the mountains of
the Carolina s sometimes venture down and cause a stir in populated areas. The Coyote is no different.
The Coyote, otherwise known as the Canis Latrans, is a very versatile and adaptive creature. Due to
urbanization and migration patterns, these creatures are now all over the continental United States.
Coyotes are no stranger to urban areas due to the rapid deterioration of their habitats. In lieu to those
migration patterns, North Carolina sees coyotes regularly in neighboring counties that span from the
western boarder to the eastern coast ... Show more content on ...
Though they have similar reproductive behaviors as most mammals, Coyotes pass some basic instincts
to their pups while in development and re enforce them when they are born. Debra A. Carlson and
Eric M. Gese, working for the Department of Wildland Resources at Utah State University, studied the
reproductive system and cycles of these adapt creatures. Debra A. Carlson and Eric M.Gese explain
how the coyote goes through stages, like humans, before reproduction can begin. They explain how
the coyote finds a suitable mate, conceives, gestates her pups and then provides parental care for a
certain amount of time before independency occurs and the cycle starts all over again (Carlson Gese,
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Orange Oil Advantages And Disadvantages
Orange Oil Multiple Benefits:
Use as A Diffuser:
Orange essential oil is a good diffuser and enlivens your spirits when you add it to your bath or even
combine it with a perfume.
Thus, orange essential oils have multiple benefits and are extremely helpful in curing different types
of ailments and health problems.
Beautiful Skin:
Being a common constituent of many beauty skin care products, orange oil has many healing
properties for example curing cracked and dry skin. Extracted from bitter orange as an essential oil,
neroli is known to slow down the process of aging and strengthen sensitive skin. Even acne can be
gotten rid of through application of orange oil. Gently rub your skin with orange oil twice a day for
glowing radiant skin. ... Show more content on ...
Aside from that, orange oil also contains limonene, which may cause irritation to your skin. For that
reason, be sure to combine another essential oil to orange oil before application.
Orange essential oil has mild aphrodisiac properties. Systematic and regular use can cure problems
such as frigidity, erectile problems, impotence, loss of interest in sex, and decreased libido.
Anti inflammatory:
Orange essential oil provides quick and effective relief from inflammation, whether internal or
external. regardless of the reason, whether it is excessive intake of spices, fever, infections, side
effects of antibiotics, gas, ingestion of toxic substances, or narcotics, orange essential oil can reduce
the irritation and knee pain .
It promotes secretions from all appropriate glands, including the exocrine and endocrine. Therefore, it
is frequently used to promote menstruation, lactation, digestive juices, bile, hormones and enzymes.
Wherever there is a cut or abrasion, there is always the chance of the wound becoming septic due to a
bacterial infection. This is even more likely when the wound occurred from an iron object, because
then there remains a chance of it becoming infected by tetanus
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A Brief Note On Insurance And Insurance Protection
Agreement to Insure
Subject to and in accordance with all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the applicable
Certificate of Insurance, and in consideration of the Premium paid by a Tenant to the Insurer with
respect to each Insured Lease to be insured hereunder, the Insurer hereby guarantees the Insured
against any Insured Loss(es) incurred by the Insured under each Insured Lease identified in a
Certificate of Insurance for such Insured Lease, solely to the extent that such Insured Loss(es) arise
directly from a Rent Protection Event that occurs during the Rent Protection Period for such Insured
Lease ( Rent Protection ).
Terms and Conditions
Section One ~ Conditions to the Effectiveness of Rent Protection ... Show more content on ...
Initial Term
An Insured Lease will have Rent Protection under this Agreement only during the Rent Protection
Period for such Insured Lease as specified in the applicable Certificate of Insurance therefor. The
Insurer shall not have any obligation to inform the Insured or any Tenant that the Rent Protection
Period with respect to an Insured Lease is ending or has ended, or of any non renewal of Rent
Protection for any Insured Lease.
B. Extension or Renewal of Lease
No renewal or extension of the term of an Insured Lease beyond the original stated Expiration Date
thereof shall have any Rent Protection hereunder unless the Insurer, in its sole discretion, issues a new
Certificate of Insurance directly extending Rent Protection for such extension period or renewal
following Tenant s submission to and acceptance by the Insurer of a new application for Rent
Protection prior to the original stated Expiration Date of such Insured Lease.
C. Holdover After Expiration or Termination of Insured Lease
If a Tenant or Occupant holds over in the Apartment (remains in occupancy or otherwise fails to
deliver vacant possession of the Apartment to the Insured after the Expiration Date or earlier
termination of the Insured Lease), then an additional period of time will be added to the Rent
Protection Period, not to exceed the earlier to occur of (i) the date on which vacant possession of the
Apartment is delivered to the Insured and (ii) the date which
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BUSI561 Legal Issues in Business
Discussion Board Forum 2: Contracts BUSI561 Legal Issues in Business November 10, 2013 Analysis
of the Situation Let me begin by assessing the current situation and relationship with Don. Don and I
met because of our individual desires to walk with Christ. We developed our friendship that eventually
evolved to a business relationship; we are both small business owners. Our business venture started
under favorable circumstances consistent with implied duty of faith and fair dealings. According to
Kubasek, Brennan, Browne (2012), an implied contract is formed by conduct of involved parties
rather than written or spoken words. That was exactly the case between us. Don would place routine ...
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Second, my son s authority to sign on behalf of the company should be considered. An employer may
grant employees the following authorities on its behalf: express authority, actual authority to execute
certain agreements; implied authority, the nature that an employee s position implies certain power;
and ostensible authority, an employee s authority as it appears to a third party due to representation
(Buchanan Law, 2008). I did not give my son express authority to enter into agreements on behalf of
the company. His position as a part time deliveryman should not imply or should not be perceived as
having any authority to contract. Lastly, six elements have to be present for a contract to be
enforceable: legal offer, legal acceptance, consideration, genuine assent, competent parties, and legal
objective. Although some of these were met, some were not. I believe Don unethically manipulated
the situation and deceived both my son and I. Nolo Legal Encyclopedia (n.d.)listed some instances
where a contract can be found unenforceable in the eyes of the law. These include: Lack of Capacity,
my son did not have the ability to understand exactly what he was agreeing to or what the implications
would be; Misrepresentation, Don did not spell out exactly what the contract was when he asked my
son to sign it. Instead he misled him by stating it was just formality to guarantee continued
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Tackling Environmental Pollution with Green Taxes
Introduction Green taxes were introduced objectively to tackle environment pollutions. According to
(Fullerton, Leicester, Smith, 2008), taxes on things such as Landfill, industrial energy use (the climate
change levy), aggregate levy, motor fuel differentiation, vehicle exercise duty differentiation and
central London congestion charge had either been introduced or reformed in the past 20 years to tackle
environmental pollution. These taxes are called Green Taxes or Environmental Taxes.
Global warming has brought a big concern on environmental issues in many countries, including U.K.
Different studies have suggested the need for swift and urgent actions to alleviate the possible costs of
climate change. Introducing taxes so called environmental taxes, changes trade permits and other
economic measures might play an important role to achieve cost effective control of greenhouse gas
emissions (Stern, 2007)
Figures from Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows that U.K government collected £41.4billions
from environmental taxes in the year 2010 (Office for National Statistics, 2011), rising up to 4.8% in
comparison to 2009. This implies that environmental tax revenues have increased exponentially year
on year basis, causing doubts to consumers mind on two aspects. (a) Do environmental taxes benefit
the government or consumers?. (b) Are there alternatives to environmental taxes?. In answering the
two questions, this report will review the literature of environmental
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Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Review: Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in people over the
age of 50. Every ten years after the age of 50 the prevalence of this disease increases exponentially.
Many different factors contribute to the development of AMD including genetic, environment, and
metabolic functions. Aside from smoking, abnormal blood pressure, and an unhealthy diet low in
fruits and vegetables, many more studies are concluding that similar inflammatory and oxidative
processes seen in other age related diseases are also playing a key role in the development of AMD.
This disease affects the central areas of the retina and choroid. In return central vision is impaired
while peripheral vision is usually not lost. AMD is seen in two different forms, the earlier
nonneovascular (dry) type and the more advanced neovascular (wet) type. Each form has its own
specific pathology and unique characteristics that set them apart. Fatty, protein deposits called drusens
may be the key risk factor in understanding dry AMD pathology, progression, and treatment. Once the
more advanced wet AMD is diagnosed, pathology and treatment are targeted around the formation and
destruction of abnormal blood vessels, characteristic of the wet AMD eye. The increasing prevalence
of AMD has influenced more investigation into what factors can be modulated to prevent the onset or
to stop the progression of AMD. This text will discuss the pathology of drusens and the role of
inflammation and
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Punk In Der Ddr Analysis
This display of the potential of fashion as expression directly correlates with the relationship that the
punk scene of the GDR would develop with clothing. While likely the fictional character of Sunny
would not have so intentionally, by dressing in her modern, occasionally androgynous outfits she was
using style as a way of isolating herself from her setting. In the novel Punk In Der Ddr: Too Much
Future it is explained that the punks were no longer GDR citizens, they behaved as if they were in
London and had fled the country though still being present within it. For punks both in the GDR and
globally, fashion was an incredibly important tool to distinguish yourself from the majority. Sunny, in
spite facing judgement and the punks, in spite ... Show more content on ...
The significance of punk in the GDR, which is already a socialist, not capitalist society is inherently
different. Many of the things British and American punks struggles with the most in their society s
where things the GDR itself assured to its citizens by granting them accessible, state founded
healthcare and education, as well as assigned job placements. In the government s pursuit to provide a
guaranteed quality of life, it increasingly extended its control into the details of its citizens lives,
leaving some, like the members of GDR punk movement, to feel as though their autonomy of their
future had been stripped from them. By the end of the film, Sunny has gained almost complete of
control over the direction of her life. She has rejected the opportunity of returning to the stability of a
factory job and has disconnected herself from her every potential romantic partner presented in the
film, making it clear she will not submit her autonomy in order to benefit the GDR s economy or their
declining population rate. In the optimistic closing scene of Solo Sunny, her last line, I sleep with
someone when I feel like it, I call a pig a pig, I m the one who was thrown out of The Tornadoes, my
name is Sunny, demonstrates she has finally become in touch with her own reality and identity.
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A Time Of Rapid Industrialization
The period of time between the late 1800s and the early 1900s was a time of rapid industrialization in
the United States. The great American author, Mark Twain, dubbed this period the Gilded Age. Gilded
items are covered thinly with gold leaf or gold paint, which hides all that is inside. This idea is evident
in this time period because America s golden paint, or industrialization, was hiding all the economic
and social problems on the inside. Although the Gilded Age brought along great advances in
industrialization, it brought many new problems that were never experienced before. The politics of
this time period came up short when it came to dealing with the economic and social issues it faced.
Many of the economic problems of ... Show more content on ...
Large corporations, like Rockefeller s, also used vertical integration, which is a model in which a
company controlled all aspects of production from raw materials to finished goods (Henretta,
Hindermarker, Edwards, Self, 2014, p. 547). By controlling all steps of the process, these businesses
were able to lower their prices because they could get a cheaper supply of materials. The only con to
vertical integration was that it required a large pool of starting capital to acquire the other businesses,
which perpetuated the cycle of the rich getting richer. James Bryce, author of The American
Commonwealth noted that during the Gilded Age there was a general neglect of details of politics that
had never been seen before , which allowed these large companies to take control over the economy
(Document 1). The government was too relaxed politically, and it was evident in how they handled
their affairs with large corporations. Consequently, the general neglect of political details ended up
lending itself kindly to some corrupt business practices. An example of these corrupt practices was a
trust, which was a small group of associates who hold stock from a group of combined firms and
managed them as a single entity (Henretta, 2014, p.548). These trusts were basically a cartel because
they were established as a loose organization of businesses that would collude and control the market.
The amount of power that large corporations possessed was not good
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Google and Internet Privacy
Google and Internet Privacy
In this exercise on ethics and privacy policy we focus our studies on an oft occurring situation in
offices that have multiple employees sharing office resources that may lead to intrusive instances.
The case refers to a couple of employee s complaints of unwarranted pop ups on their computers from
unsolicited advertisers. In particular, the ads pertain to some sorts of HIV/AIDS medications that
stimulate recovery from this fatal disease or at least help cope with it. The immediate suspicion goes
toward targeted marketing carried out by many online advertisers today using pervious browsing
history and other such tools available to them. The employees delve about the possibility of who these
ads were targeted ... Show more content on ...
Despites its detailed privacy policy and the many reminders to read and understand the same, users
feel compelled to agree to any and every rule that they make so as not to be left out in the information
revolution that the world seems to be warped by. This is extended to the extent of the sanctity of
personal emails and even our home being challenged by Google products like Google Ads in Gmail
and Street view on Google maps.
The argument here is based on the premise that in today s day and age where we share much
information online on sites like Google and Facebook we have to admit that there is a certain amount
of privacy we hold dear that is being taken away from us through such activities as cookie tracking
and preferential scanning of content and the fact that this leads to embarrassment when on public
The fact that Charlie was zeroed in on based on a cursory perceptive judgment speaks volumes of how
little information can go a long way in ostracizing a person. Do we really believe that a loner is more
prone to AIDS than a college going easy go lucky chap.
Also, the ostracizing of the person blamed will evidently have repercussions. Are these necessary? Do
we really need to subject a person who is already conscious of his condition (HIV positive) to further
wallow in pity. Since the material found was not of a highly objectionable nature but is very
questionable of its source the matter would go on to deeply hurt the
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Quotes For The Great Gatsby By Charris Cisneros
Imagery: It s small and red with tight steps in the front and windows so small that you d think they
were holding their breath. Bricks crumbling in places, and the front door is so swollen you have to
push hard to get in. There is no front yard just, only four elms the city planted by the curb. Out back is
a small yard that looks smaller between the two buildings on either side (Cisneros 4). Personification:
... windows so small that you d think they were holding their breath... (Cisneros 4). Personification: ...
the front door is so swollen... (Cisneros 4). Simile: My papa s hair is like a broom... (Cisneros 6).
Metaphor: And me, my hair is lazy (Cisneros 6). Simile: And Kiki, who is the youngest, has hair like
fur (Cisneros ... Show more content on ...
Imagery: ... grab the earth between their hairy toes and bite the sky with violent teeth... (Cisneros 74).
Simile: ... they d all droop like tulips in a glass... (Cisneros 75). Metaphor: home is a house in a
photograph, a pink house, pink as hollyhocks with lots of startled light (Cisneros 77). Personification:
... lots of startled light (Cisneros 77). Simile: ... wishes there were sweeter drinks, not bitter like an
empty room... (Cisneros 80). Simile: ... but sweet sweet like the island... (Cisneros 80). Simile: Sally is
the girls with eyes like Egypt and nylons like the color of smoke (Cisneros 81). Simile: ... her hair is
shiny like raven feathers.... (Cisneros 81). Simile: ... she flicks her hair like a satin shawl over her
shoulder and laughs (Cisneros 81). Simile: ... paint your eyes like Cleopatra (Cisneros 81)? Repetition:
... ,all you wanted, Sally, was to love and to love and to love... (Cisneros 83). Simile: She is always
sad like a house on fire... (Cisneros 84). Simile: ... the family that spoke like guitars (Cisneros
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What Was The Relationship Between The Neolithic And...
The Neolithic and Industrial Revolutions
The two changes in the use of the earth s resources that had the greatest effect on the world population
were the Neolithic and the industrial revolutions.
The Neolithic revolution (a.k.a. agricultural revolution) was a change in the way of life of our
ancestors. It took place about 8000 years ago among various tribes in Asia and the Middle East. It
included a transition from foraging and hunting to the domestication of animals (most probably
starting with the dog) and to farming. Tribes settled in fertile areas and formed agricultural
communities many of which grew into villages and cities. This relatively stable way of life and the
more reliable food supply (and surplus) led to the development ... Show more content on ...
Biogeochemical cycles
In the carbon cycle, the key events are the complementary reactions of respiration and photosynthesis.
Respiration takes carbohydrates and oxygen and combines them to produce carbon dioxide, water, and
energy. Photosynthesis (6CO + 12H O + Light Energy C H O + 6O +6H O) takes carbon dioxide and
water and produces carbohydrates and oxygen. The outputs of respiration are the inputs of
photosynthesis, and the outputs of photosynthesis are the inputs of respiration. The reactions are also
complementary in the way they deal with energy. Photosynthesis takes energy from the sun and stores
it in the carbon carbon bonds of carbohydrates; respiration releases that energy. Both plants and
animals carry on respiration, but only plants and other producers can carry on photosynthesis. The
chief reservoirs for carbon dioxide are in the oceans and in rock. Carbon dioxide dissolves readily in
water. Once there, it may precipitate as a solid rock known as calcium carbonate. Corals and algae
encourage this reaction and build up limestone reefs in the process. On land and in the water, plants
take up carbon dioxide and convert it into carbohydrates through photosynthesis. This carbon in the
plants now has 3 possible endings. It can be returned to the atmosphere by the plant through
respiration; it can be eaten by an animal, or it can be present in the plant when the plant dies. Animals
obtain all their carbon in their food, and, thus, all carbon
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Fear and Control of the Unknown Essay
Throughout history many communities have been persecuted for being different from the general
public. Society has often forced these unique individuals to assimilate or be constrained because of the
public s fear and anxiety of the unknown. Such insecurities led to the mistreatment and restraint of
both the slaves as portrayed in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl and the mental patients in One
Flew over the Cuckoo s Nest.
One of the most apparent and important themes in both One Flew over the Cuckoo s Nest and
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is control. Fear is used as a means to gain control over the slave
by their master or even by the slave to achieve a sense of power over the master. The white men of this
era attempted ... Show more content on ...
The black aides also harassed the men on a daily basis, asserting their control over one of the only
groups considered socially beneath them during this discriminatory era. In Incidents in the Life... the
violence is even more apparent. Gruesome accounts of punishments inflicted upon misbehaving slaves
by masters like Mr. Litch, who [...]tied a rope around a man s body, and suspended him from the
ground. A fire was kindled over him, from which was suspended a piece of fat pork. As this cooked,
the scalding drops of fat continually fell on the bare flesh (Jacobs 51).
Many characters in both novels became so desperate that they believed that death was the only
practical means of escape. Both Billy Bibbit and Cheswick in One Flew... decided suicide was their
only way out and in Incidents in the Life...Linda often wishes for death for her and for her loved ones
(68). Even McMurphy, the brave protagonist of One Flew..., hints at his own demise when he chooses
to stay after the party rather than make an easy escape (Kesey 166). This leads the reader to believe
that for McMurphy, the only method to escape with dignity is through death. The Chief evidently
agreed and in the end finished the task for him (279).
Sexuality was a greatly feared phenomenon in both the late 1800 s and the mid 1900 s. Both authors
used this
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Christians, Jews, and the Black Plague
Relations between the Christians and Jews of medieval Europe were always influenced by their
unequal social and economic statuses and the religious competition that existed between them. While
the Jews served a purpose in the Christian religion, this purpose meant that the more populous
Christians that had come to dominate Europe only tolerated the Jews. No premise of equality existed,
and the Jews came to depend on relationships with lower level rulers to secure their relative safety.
Rumors persisted that Jews had poisoned wells, and the Jews were often the targets of violence that
the Christians seemed exceedingly willing to deliver. Overall, life was better for the Christians and
worse for the Jews, although this would be of no ... Show more content on ...
One of the most documented Christian responses to the plague was the rise of the flagellants. A
spontaneous and unsanctioned movement, the flagellants sought to ward off the plague by physically
punishing themselves for the sins that had caused God to send the Black Death to punish them
(Tuchman, 1978, p. 125). Flagellant processions would typically remain on the move, marching from
town to town, while twice a day beating themselves with whips and other instruments until they drew
blood (Slack, 1988, p. 439). They were also known for their singing of religious songs while marching
and whipping themselves, which ran counter to the official Catholic Church position and caused
church officials no small amount of trouble (Lerner, 1981, p. 535 36). The official reasoning by the
Catholic Church was that the flagellant movement was an unnecessary and wrong reaction to the
Black Death, since there were equal death rates among Christians and Jews. The flagellants were also
part of a Christian movement known as premillennialism (Lerner, 1981, 534). The extensive deaths in
Europe cause many Christians to believe that the second coming of Christ was near, which would
result in the end of the world. This interest in the events that were prophesied to happen just before the
end of the world ran very high during this time. This interest was also a large influence responsible for
the rise of groups like the flagellants (Lerner, 1981, 538). Another common occurrence in
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Paying NCAAAthletes Essay
Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to inform my audience about the issue of potentially paying
college athletes so that they may make an informed decision themselves.
Thesis: As the popularity, and revenue continues to grow in college sports, the debate will be taken to
new heights about whether or not college athletes are being exploited, and if they should be
compensated monetarily.
I. (C)The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) defines amateurism as, The conviction
that people should participate in sports as a hobby (for the fun of it) rather than for money. The NCAA
mandates that all college athletes maintain this level of amateurism while in college, however, college
sports have never been more of a ... Show more content on ...
b. Throw in all of the gear associated with being a Division I college athlete and you re looking at a
hefty amount of cash being invested in each athlete.
C. Obviously some colleges have higher budgets and higher amounts of athletes than others, so how
do you make sure you pay each athlete equally while still staying above the budget? You can t.
1. Trying to pay a football team alone could plunge a university underneath their budget with an
average of nearly 100 players per team.
2. On top of that, there are 28 more sports with athletes waiting to have their pockets filled with cash.
3. And finally, it takes away funding for other important academic areas of the college.
Transition: The budget just simply isn t there for a university of any size to reasonably pay each and
every athlete so finally I will explain some different ways an NCAA athlete could possibly make some
IV. There are plenty of ways an athlete could make money, but it would require some self marketing
and a little help from the NCAA.
A. A player could seek out additional sponsorships and advertising deals like a professional athlete.
1.The athlete isn t technically making money off their playing ability they re making the money from
the name on the back of their jersey.
B. Opposers of this idea would say that equality plays a factor here as well.
2. Not every athlete is as
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An Explanation Of The Word Ghetto
Nicole, I really enjoyed your post. The word ghetto stems from when European cities in which the
Jews were restricted, and later used to describe a slum section of an American city, predominantly
occupied by a minority group who live under social and economic pressures. The word represents an
institutional and historical basis of racial exclusion. The word ghetto also has a particular racial
component, and defines those associated with the word as being represented by social isolation,
residential segregation, gross inequality, consistent poverty, and crime. Delinquent behavior from
those considered to be poor or lower class may actually be a protest against the norms and values of
the middle class, per theorist Cohen. In addition, their
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Edgar Wright
Edgar Wright Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead By Brearna Sandri
Shaun of the Dead
In this close viewing I will be using the films Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, directed by Edgar
Wright, to show significant aspects/techniques of different scenes used in both films. I will be
focusing on the features of sound effects, dialogue and comparing near same scenes within two
different films and the aspects that Edgar Wright was trying to cover.
Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz both have fence jumping scenes. In Shaun of the Dead, the scene is
opened with Shaun opening the gate quite forcefully along with the rest of his team. Shaun says The
Winchester s just over there and David says in a sarcastic tone, Just over there behind the 20 garden
fences? When David is saying the last bit of his sentence the camera pans over the fences in which
they have to jump to show audiences what they have to jump over. For example, to show why David is
being sarcastic towards Shaun, and why it s being used in that particular scene, Shaun then says What
s the matter, David? Never taken a shortcut before? , and smirks while turning behind, and tries to
jump over the fence but ends up making the fence fall over. He then picks himself back up and subtly
tries to make it seem like he didn t just break the fence. The background noise in this scene is filled
with car alarms, house alarms and deep music/sound effects. This creates the effect of a crisis
situation, as they are in a zombie apocalypse.
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Meta Research Paper
Meta Description
Looking to achieve curls and waves on your short hair? It is pretty easy with heated rollers. In this
article, we look at how to use heated rollers on short hair.
Heated rollers are known for giving a lasting hold. They give volume to your hair and a uniform, sleek
style. However, when not used the proper way especially on short hair, you may end up with loose
curls while what you actually wanted are tight curls. For this reason, this write up explains how to use
heated rollers on short hair.
Step One: Wash The Hair
Since your hair will be subjected to some heat, it really needs enough protection from the roller s heat.
Therefore, wash your short hair first using some shampoo and go easy on the conditioner. It is also ...
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To section the hair, you need to decide the type of curls you want. That is, tight or loose. If you want
tight and well defined curls, make sure to section the hair into smaller portions. For best results, the
sections should be at least one inch. This however is a matter of personal choice so don t feel
obligated to use the 1 inch sections technique. Use clips to keep sections away from each other and
ensure there are no tangles in the hair.
Step Three: Prepare Your Heated Rollers
Most hot rollers heat up very fast. So ensure you know how much time your rollers take to heat up.
Only heat the rollers you are going to use. In addition, your clips should also be ready as you will need
them to clamp it onto the hot roller to properly secure your hair. For safety purposes, ensure you know
where exactly to hold the roller because they can get too hot. So always take extra precaution while
handling the hot rollers.
Step Four: Roll The Rollers On
To put on the rollers, use the top to bottom technique. This technique ensures your hair is not tangled
as well as prevents you from getting confused. Roll everything in even the tips to get defined curls and
secure the rollers with a roller
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My Preferred Major Is Computer Science
My preferred major is computer science. Computer science is the act of coding and other operations
dealing with computer software. Computer science also deals with knowing all or most languages of
code such as Java, Python, or Linux. Along my path to deciding that I wanted to major in computer
science, I faced many obstacles and was a part of many experiences that pushed me towards this field.
Some events would be as simple as my family designating me the honorary Tech Guy or my friends
coming to me for advice on their computers. Those things are what sparked my interest. Then came
my first coding class. It was one of the most difficult things I have ever done and it was so immense.
So many commands and combinations and it just didn t seem to make sense. But then I realized, it was
made by someone. People have a knack for creating patterns. It is how the human brain works, we
take all the large amount of data that is thrown at our brains and then we make shortcuts like seeing
patterns. So that s what humans did to the machines. We gave them the same mindset. So I started
noticing shortcuts in the data and patterns and soon everything started to click.
I know I am a good match for computer science because of my mindset. I am very logical and my
mind appeals to common sense, which coding kind of revolves around. I have a love for technology.
The abilities Man has gained just from a few steel and plastic clumps with electricity in them. It really
is amazing to me. Also, I
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The Habsburg and Ottoman Empire
Throughout history there has been many religious conflicts. Of those, the Habsburg and Ottoman
Empire are two of them. The Habsburg Empire was considered a Catholic Empire and the Ottoman
was an Islam Empire. Charles V owned the Habsburg Empire. He inherited castile Aragon (Spain) and
the Habsburg territories. He also became the ruler of Aztec and Inca Empires in the Americas. (Sivers,
Desnoyer, Stow 2012 Pg. 537) After battling against France in 1519, Charles was the title of emperor.
In 1299, Osman Bey was in charge of the Ottoman Empire when he established independent rule in
Anatolia. The expansion of the Ottoman Empire began in 1453.
The battle in which Charles encountered was just the start of his religions war. At first religion served
to support political authority. While he won the title of emperor, he also was made overlord of all
German principalities and supreme among the monarchs of western Christianity. Although this title
did not mean much in terms of power and financial gain in either the German principalities or western
Christianity as a whole, it made him the titular political head of western Christianity and thereby the
direct counterpart of Sultan Suleyman in the struggle for dominance in the Christian Muslim world of
Europe, the Middle East and northern Africa. (Sivers, Desnoyer, Stow 2012 Pg. 537 538)
After this was when things started to get harder for Charles V. He was faced with Religious
differences as a challenge to political authority. Charles V.
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Analysis Of The Poem Indian Horse
In indian horse,Saul goes through a lot of issues and problems.In the end he ends up realizing that they
helped him get to who he is today. Topic
Saul,taken forcibly from his family when he s sent to st.jerome s residential school,Salvation comes
for a while through him as a hockey player.In the 1960 s he battles racism and displacement and
almost ends up dying.
The most interesting characters are the ones who undergo the greatest change
Saul went through life changing experiences that helped him recognize things.
Hockey was his only happiness when he had free time. PARAGRAPH #1
In the beginning of saul s life,he had many problems.Some of them he could fix and others he couldn
t.Saul tried to make best ... Show more content on ...
A boy named curtis white fox had his mouth washed out with lye soap for speaking ojibwe.He choked
on it and died right there in the classroom.He was 10.All the other kids learned to speak ojibway
without moving their mouth because of this .
This shows that basically ojibwe was not a legal culture to have.
Therefore the residential impacted him a lot.But in the end it showed him what is good and what is
not. How to act,How to not.Later on he is going to find something that impacts him even more than
the residential school;Hockey.
Saul is still in the residential school.But overtime he has found the game hockey.He loves the game
and will do anything to play.He tries to make the best of things but hockey is his only happiness when
he has free time.
#1 For example father leboutillier came to st jerome s around the same time that saul did.He taught
saul all about hockey,he even made a rink and assembled a team.Once saul saw them all play,he was
amazed.But saul was too young to play with them.All he could do then was shovel all the ice and
snow off the rink for them to play.
There s nothing i can do saul,the rules are the rules.If i were to break them,that would prevent
everyone else from playing Can i look after the ice then? you
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Application Of The Nursing Staff At Dwu Virtual Hospital
In the nursing field change is a daily reality. The continuing improvements in health care mean that
there are continually changing ways to provide health care. Anyone who has been in the nursing field
for any amount of time is sure to have uttered the words Do you remember when we used to...? From
a nursing point of view not all change is positive, and not all change is welcomed. Every change is
however aimed at providing the best care and achieving the best possible outcome for the patient. This
project will outline the process that will be used to introduce the nursing staff here at DWU Virtual
Hospital to the change of implementing electronic medical records.
Change Model
Leaders have a selection of change theories to review ... Show more content on ...
This plan will begin with smaller unit meetings led by the unit manager. Next, training sessions in
virtual patient records will be led first by managers and then by peers. In the third and final stage the
EMR will be implemented and all staff will be responsible for ensuring the proper use of the EMR.
Change Plan Design To initiate the plan we will begin with the first stage of Lewins Theory,
unfreezing. The unfreezing process is the process of creating a time frame for staff to become ready
for the change (Huber, 2014). Management will need to inform staff of the upcoming change. This
should be done in a small unit meeting with only the nurses and unit manager present. Keeping the
meeting small will help prevent any feelings of being intimidated and will go along with the shared
governance system recently instituted. In this meeting the manger will present researched facts
regarding EMR implementations. Among these facts would be the fact that having an EMR will save
time. Nursing staff will have access to all previous records and will no longer need to wait for other
departments to obtain these records (Gagnon et al. 2010). Also having an EMR system encourages
teamwork between the healthcare and support personnel in a facility (Gagnon et al. 2010). For
example, nursing will be able to look at the radiology and lab schedule and coordinate with them on
times for patient testing. During this meeting
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Knee Injury Case Study
On February 28th, 2017 when the Golden State Warriors were playing the Washington Wizards Kevin
Durant suffered a hyperextended left knee. His MRI showed that he had a Grade 2 sprain to his medial
collateral ligament (MCL) and a tibial bone bruise (Amick). Durant s injury happened during a
rebound when one of his own teammates got pushed back into him and made his knee hyperextend.
This type of injury would be classified as acute. I say this is an acute injury because Durant did not get
this injury from continued use or overuse of his knee. It was a fluke incident that made his knee
hyperextend. This type of injury could happen to almost anyone when placed into certain situations.
Initial treatment would be to ice often, especially in the first 48 72 hours after the injury occurred.
Crutches and a knee brace may also be beneficial if the knee shows weakness. There should be some
anti inflammatory taken to help minimize the swelling and pain of the injury. As the injury heals
strength exercises can help get the knee back into full motion. One safe exercise to help strengthen the
knee is biking. Physical therapy and weight training may also be a critical part of the healing process
to get the knee back to full strength. Before returning to sports an athlete needs to be cleared by a
physician who will perform certain tests to watch the function of the knee ( Knee: Grade 11... ). All
these treatments should come from a doctor and not just looking online or hearing from ... Show more
content on ...
This will sometimes be paired with crutches to keep weight off the injured knee. When the injury
starts to heal and there is more range of motion the athlete can just use the knee brace. After more
healing a stabilized knee brace fits the situation better because it applies compression to the knee.
When the injury is fully healed there is no need for a knee brace as the area should be fully
strengthened ( Medial Knee
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Advantages Of Mobile Application Increment
The quick increment in portable applications and applications for Android has quickened the force of
using HTML5 structures. Also, the interest for client driven versatile applications has prompted the
improvement and the use of various open source HTML5 structures to fulfill proficient portable
application development
In the event that you are one of the beginners entering in the portable application planning, it is the
best to run with HTML5 structures. It is imperative for you to be acquainted with pre composed codes
and designs that assistance in shaping structures, the gadgets, and then some. With HTML5, designers
have the upside of not beginning the things from the scratch as they can exploit libraries, contents, and
in addition ... Show more content on ...
As the source code of Twitter Bootstrap 3 consolidates Sass and LESS CSS preprocessors, it is
assembled fundamentally to make front end improvement a simple errand for designers.
4. Framework7:
Framework7 comes free and it is an open source versatile HTML system. It helps engineers in the
making of web and in addition half and half portable applications having iOS and Android look and
feel. It is a vital prototyping application that is fundamental to demonstrate working application model
on the off chance that there is any such necessity with the designers. Framework7 is one of the finest
and highlight rich structures for creating iOS half breed applications.
5. Junior:
Junior preferably bargains with regards to creating versatile applications that work like a local
application and show up stylishly for the clients. In fact, Junior is a jQuery based HTML5 system. The
system depends on Zepto.js, which is coordinated with Backbone. More to it, Junior uses Ratchet CSS
for giving extraordinary UI segments. The system is outstanding, lightweight, yet effective in the
meantime. More to it, it is utilized for prototyping iPhone applications with exceptional JavaScript
6. ChocolateChip UI:
This open source structure is utilized for making electronic portable applications that have local look
of iOS 7, Windows, and Android. ChocolateChip UI offers effective and simple to redo see for
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Mr Darcy Irony
At the beginning of the novel, Elizabeth is unaware of Mr. Darcy s affection for her because of his
hostile manner. Mr. Darcy comes off as rude and prideful to Lizzy when she overhears Mr. Darcy refer
to her as tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me (Austen 13) to Mr. Bingley. Elizabeth is
thinking Mr. Darcy was merely insulting her looks, and creates a premature opinion about his
character. This is an example of dramatic irony because Austen hints to readers Darcy s feeling
towards Lizzy, and it is recognizable that Darcy is just trying to deny and cover up his interest towards
her. The irony can give readers a feeling of excitement because they posses knowledge that the
protagonist and other characters do not. The irony also adds
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How Did The Scientific Revolution Influence The...
Scientific research has become the cornerstone of the understanding of empirical data and the inner
workings of medicine, technology, engineering, to name but a few fields of knowledge. Humans are
influenced by new scientific ideas and base medical, diet, and environmental decisions on scientific
findings. The most profound scientific revolution occurred during the European Renaissance. The time
between 1550 and 1700 marked the beginning of a new chapter of intellectual and cultural flowering
(Hatch). However, many people do not associate scientific revolutions with China. Nonetheless, China
was the first to create certain useful technology long before the Renaissance began (Shaffer, 179). The
Chinese created the Four Great Inventions, which eventually spread globally. These inventions have
changed the course of scientific development and no advancement seems to have exerted greater
power and influence in human ... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, the inventions created in China did not have such a huge impact within China, but
instead benefited other civilizations (Shaffer, 179). Before the Renaissance, Europeans were mostly
devoted to religious beliefs and God. The ideas during the Scientific Revolution challenged the
concepts presented by the Roman Catholic Church (McKay, 427). For instance, Galileo disproved the
church s theory that the sun revolved around the earth, which was an established and fixed idea at the
time (Shaffer, 167). Although Galileo had to suffer the Church s wrath, after his theory was accepted
as scientifically correct, it drove.... Christianity out of the physical universe into the region of history
and private morals (Shaffer, 161). This caused people to resent the intrusion of the Church and to put
more faith in
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Book vs Movie, Disappointment in the Difference of Gone...
The first time I saw the film adaptation of a book I had read, I was appalled at the changes that had
been made to the story. Both Gone With the Wind , the movie, and Gone With the Wind , the book, tell
an epic story of life in Georgia at the time of the Civil War and Reconstruction Era and the effect of
the war on the life of a spoiled Southern belle, Scarlett O Hara. But there are significant differences in
the characters, events and perspectives that made me realize that a screen adaptation will never be able
to capture the details and background stories that are included in a novel.
. For those who have never read the book, the characters are defined by the actors who portrayed them
and not necessarily by the way ... Show more content on ...
This change completely altered the significance of the attack and the subsequent events.
In the movie there are a couple of instances where the order of events is changed. For example, in the
movie Melanie and Ashley get married first but in the book Scarlett and Charles get married first.
Because Melanie was engaged first, it was protocol that she should be married first, but in the book
Scarlett specifically planned her wedding to occur before Melanie s. For the reader, this illustrates
how conniving Scarlett was but the movie goer does not get this insight into Scarlett s personality. In
the movie, Melanie is the first to donate her wedding ring to the cause, and Scarlett follows suit; in the
book, Scarlett is the first to put her ring in the basket. Scarlett s donation of her ring was not really a
sacrifice because it didn t have any sentimental value to her. In the movie, Rhett Butler returns the
rings to both of the women but in the book he only returns Melanie s ring. There are a couple of
significant changes in the scenes regarding the escape of Scarlett, Melanie and Prissy from Atlanta.
The importance of finding the cow as was completely understated in the movie. Melanie had no milk
and her baby was starving so, without the cow, the baby would have died. .An event that was
completely added to the movie was the rain storm they encountered night they escaped. There was no
rain in the book.
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The Headgear Debate On Women s Lacrosse
The Headgear Debate In Women s Lacrosse
In the beginning of the season, the Sherwood High School girl s lacrosse team had enough to field two
teams, a JV and a Varsity, but by the end of the season, there was only enough to field one team. At
one point in the season the team had 8 out of 26 girls out with concussions Team statistics such as this,
have the lacrosse community in an uproar over whether or not to mandate helmets for all levels of
women s lacrosse teams. The debate has arisen out of an increase in concussions and the recent
research which has provided more insight to the science of the brain and its injuries. Those in favor of
a new headgear mandate suggest that it will prevent concussions and be safer for the players, but ...
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Florida s decision brought a lot of outcry within many high school teams and even US Lacrosse. A
mandate in only 1 state had US Lacrosse in a bind because they could not all of the sudden mandate
headgear across the country, and they could not force Florida to repeal the decision as it was a
statewide vote. Not only did they mandate a helmet, that they had not tested they had changed the
rules in all of Florida to be more lax on the yellow card rule ( Why Women s ). This new headgear was
a 10 millimeter thick headband that had to be worn under the girl s goggles. Many of the high school
players spoke out against these protective headbands saying that all they were doing was creating
distraction (Pennington). It got in the way of their goggles, was flimsy, and continually fell off during
game play which caused discontent from officials as well. These headbands have been criticized
because they only cover a very small portion of the girls head and have not been very successful in
decreasing the number of concussions. In fact, some argue it could even have made the rate of
concussions rise. Ann Carpenetti, Vice President of lacrosse operations at US Lacrosse, called the
headgear decision in Florida irresponsible and continued by saying that Florida s
... Get more on ...
Essay on Severe Air Pollution in China
After many years of ignoring the air pollution, smog ridden China has finally begun to
take this issue more seriously. They are the worst country in the world when it comes to air
pollution due to their huge population and large demand of manufactured goods (AFOP). This
however is no excuse for what they do to the environment.This is a very important issue because
of how much environmental damage can be prevented as well as setting an example of pollution
reduction across the world. They must take this issue very seriously because air quality has
gotten to the point where people are getting sick and dying there (The News Tribune, 2014). I
believe for this to be a reality China must: reduce air pollution, change their energy ... Show more
content on ...
As of now China is promoting green energy to help cut back the use of
fossil fuels, but this is a slow change and they are also reducing iron production (Barbara
Finamore).The implementation of these changes may be gradual but they must be in order to
keep up with China s energy needs. These changes will be very helpful towards this crucial issue
and though it may take time will eventually have a significant impact on reduction of air
pollution in China.
Another crucial step to reducing air pollution is changing energy habits. This goes hand in
hand with reducing air pollution. If China is to permanently change their horrible air pollution
they must not only reduce air pollution, but also switch to more effective energy sources. There
are many types of clean energy sources such as: solar, wind, and hydroelectric. These energy
sources are infinite, unlike coal and oil, which will eventually run out. As well as being more
plentiful they also leave no pollution behind (NRDC). Though not all of China s needs can be
filled by green or renewable energy but any little bit helps. Since China is so large the more
clean energy we use, the less air pollution being put out. This not only effects China, but the
whole world because they re pollution is contributing to global warming as other global issues.
With continued improvements China plans to have 13% clean energy by 2017 (Barbara
Finamore). This is a huge step towards reducing air pollution
... Get more on ...

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Definition Essay Summary Research Paper

  • 1. Definition Essay: Summary Research Paper 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Definition Essay: Summary Research Paper Definition Essay: Summary Research Paper
  • 2. Essay On Flesh And Blood So Cheap By Albert Marin Have you ever wondered when the fire extinguisher was made? Well in the novel Flesh and Blood So Cheap: The Triangle Fire And Its Legacy by Albert Marrin shows how the catastrophe led by a flame that grew massive burning the triangle shirtwaist factory without use of the extinguisher, it also shows that the owners don t tolerate safety standards or use them. Albert Marrin uses two types of evidence, one being implicit and the other being explicit, both of them shows how the evidence can be inferred or just stated directly out of the text. Additionally, using implicit, we can infer how the factory is taking safety standards as careless goal. In the text, it states that Those who reached the ninth floor stairway door found it locked. with this evidence we can infer using implicit that it implies a major concern on the people leaving them with no way to escape except to die. Another failed mistake that we can imply in the text states A person falling from the ninth floor struck with a force equal to eleven thousand pounds. and another is Nothing! No ... Show more content on ... The sub title Holocaust ultimately means destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war. This we can find explicit because Albert Marrin uses the term Holocaust to indicate that the tragedy that has happened had fire involved that killed many people. Another explicit evidence in the text is A person falling from the ninth floor struck with a force equal to eleven thousand pounds. Some jumpers bounced off the nets, dying when they hit the ground; others tore the nets, crashing through to the pavement. this disaster had been caused by the unsure and unsafety of hazardness by the attempted rescue by the firemen leaving death to the workers. This we can smally infer that the firemen had not been prepared for this kind of situation had no care for human value or ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Types Of Major Depressive Disorder Depression in Inmates Major depressive disorder is a mood disorder that can be found among many Americans, reaching roughly three percent of adults and eleven percent of adolescents living in the United States. Other forms of less severe depression affect about ten percent of adult Americans. Women are more likely to be affected by this disorder than men, and women in their 30 s are also more likely to be affected than women of any other age group. In the criminal justice world, many adults who are put in prison or commit violent crimes suffer from a mental illness. Prison conditions aren t like staying in a five star hotel by any means. Contact with people outside the prison is dependent on behavior of inmates, and the cells only meet the ... Show more content on ... When doing some background research, the researchers discussed that higher punishment for juveniles is becoming more common, for example the placement of a juvenile in an adult prison setting. Before beginning their research they also looked at the factor that the subjects of this study might not have incarceration induced depression, as they could have experienced symptoms of depression before being brought into the system. The research included four types of subjects: youths incarcerated for serious offences in adult facilities; youths incarcerated for serious offences in juvenile facilities; youths incarcerated for less serious offences and non incarcerated and non offending youths. From their research they were able to conclude that incarcerated youths were 20 times more likely to develop depression than those of any other category. During a study in 2000, researchers did two Beck Depression Inventories, first when the subject was brought into the prison setting and then again later after they had been in custody for a while. They also did BDIs on subjects who were in different levels of custody, to determine if the strictness of the custody that the inmates are in, is a factor of their depression. They took a sample of subjects from a variety of prisons in North Carolina. The participants ranged from the ages of 16 to 65, although the mean age was 29 years old. The level of education completed, also ranged from low education to higher levels of education. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Narrative Narrative I never would have guessed a simple trip home would turn into a life or death situation. It was the end of summer in 2008; my mom, grandma, and I were coming home from our short vacation we take every summer to Ames, Iowa while my brother and dad go to Alaska. The sun shimmered down on us as we cruised down the various roads to arrive back home. The traffic was frantic that day forcing our old, rusty, black avalanche to exceed the maximum speed limit on Highway 13. We neared Central City, Iowa, approximately 20 minutes from our countryside home while I quietly played on my mom s old blackberry phone. My mom mentioned previously that it began to appear quite gloomy in the sky. I slowly rolled down the back window next to my seat. The heavy, damp smell of a storm emerged into my nose like a frog approaching its prey. Ominous clouds shifted back and forth in the sky when mom finally told me to check the weather radar on her phone while she tuned the radio into a weather station. The radio signal only let out various pitches of static. Before I could check the radar, a loud boom rumbled in front of me; my mom slammed on the brakes, and my grandma began latching onto her arm rest. A massive oak tree lay in front of us on the road, blocking all oncoming traffic. Somehow mom managed to swerve around the tree as the now impending storm began to swirl around us. Within a matter of seconds, hail pounded our windshield, rain blinded the outside world, and the wind whipped even faster, ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Les Miserables Watchers In Les Miserables, the watcher can establish a change in a character by contemplating traits seen when first meeting a specific character, and at another point of change for that character. Watchers pinpoint a dramatic change in the character Eponine, who the author introduced as a child, to when she drew her last breath. When watchers first meet Eponine, she portrays someone spoiled, bratty, and a kiss up. By the end of her story, moreover, she has switched roles with Cosette, and dies not getting anything she wants, including the man of her dreams. The movie depicts a scene where a young Cosette, the daughter of a poor woman who works a long ways away from home, leaving Cosette with a greedy family, watches Eponine getting pampered with gifts ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Adam in Milton s Paradise Lost Essay Adam in Paradise Lost : Fate s Ruler and Subject A central problem in John Milton s Paradise Lost in the theological issue of free will versus fate, a traditionally much debated question. Free will is the condition of having control or direction over fate or destiny; the individual shapes his life and future through his actions. The opposing view, complete lack of free will (made famous by John Calvin), is predestination, which expresses the idea that our futures have been foreseen long before our existences, so our actions are preordained, and our paths chosen for us. Milton s presentation of the character Adam wrestles with these ideas around free will throughout Paradise Lost; while he does in fact eat the apple of his own ... Show more content on ... Calvin states that God has already planned the fates and actions of all men, and their deeds foreordained. The opposing view, that man has free will, is therefore the opposite; man decides his own fate, his actions shape the course of his singularly individual existence. Which, then, does Adam represent in Paradise Lost ? We first meet Adam in depth in Book V, where Eve awakens from her disturbing dream of temptation and Adam must assuage her fears and anxiety over such an unusual and foreboding vision. Here Adam states explicitly, in his argument against the danger of the dream, that it is not a prediction of things to happen because she still has reason to control her actions. His exact words, on lines 116 to 121: But with addition strange; yet be not sad. Evil into the mind of God or Man May come and go, so unapprov d, and leave No spot or blame behind: Which gives me hope That what in sleep thou didst abhorr to dream, Waking thou never wilt consent to do. With this, Adam plainly asserts that human consent has priority over any preconceived plan. He could have stated that the dream meant nothing because God did not conceive of that in His plan but instead he comments on the necessity to act in choosing a moral stance. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Internal Memo for Client Memo � PAGE * MERGEFORMAT �1� In this Memo we will identify and analyze our client s legal situation and assess the situation and describe how the law firm can help. First, we need to answer the question what is an easement. An easement is a given or required right to use another person s land without owning or leasing it. Easements may be either express or implied. Express easements must be in writing to be enforceable, whereas implied easements need not be written. (Cheeseman Pg.227) . The easement is for a city utility line on the property. So this means a property owner of a piece of property around the property in question has the right to run a city utility line on the property. The court that can review and resolve the situation ... Show more content on ... Discovery is presented so there would be no surprises. All relevant facts and document must be summated to the defendant before it goes to trial. There are three layers to discovery, written discovery, document production and deposition. Written discovery are question and answer that is being ask, it could be now in the present or it could be question about the past that happen years ago. Document production anything that is related to the case such as medical records, defect case and or computer file. Deposition is a sworn statement that can range form week to month, and years back. Before a trial is set to be heard, a lawyer can ask for a motion to dismiss the case if there is not enough evidence or the complain is not relevant to the case. The court will look into to see if there is a lack of subject matter jurisdiction or a lack of personal jurisdiction. Another step in a civil court procedure is in a form of alternative dispute resolution. Both sides have a chance to settle the dispute through arbitration before it goes to trial. If the case does go to trial a judge or jury will decide by preponderance of evidence if the plaintiff is to win. On the other hand in a criminal case, there must be intent to comment a crime in order to press charge against a person. The case between the city, the property owner, and Mr. Jones s business regarding the right of utility easement. If Mr. Jones knows that he dose not has the right of easement and still run utility ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Allusions In The Grapes Of Wrath In perhaps his greatest work, The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck tells a story of Tom Joad and his family, who are forced to abandon their farm during the depression era Oklahoma dust bowl. They decide to travel to California along with many other in search for jobs and homes, and look for a great future. In the time considered, The Grapes of Wrath, gives a shockingly real view on the struggles citizens at the time faced. In the tragic novel, The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck uses Christian symbolism effectively in order to shape and reinforce the theme of the dignity of wrath. Steinbeck convey s this through the use of Jim Casy, Tom Joad and Rose of Sharon. Steinbeck makes many allusions to Christian symbols in his novel, particularly ... Show more content on ... In the novel, Rose of Sharon is vigilant of her unborn child and symbolizes regrowth and hope for the Joad s. It is heartbreaking as the reader finds out her child is a stillborn. As she finds her child stillborn, she helps a dying man with the milk left inter breasts. This is seen in last chapter of the novel, Rose of Sharon loosened one side of the blanket and bared her breast.... She squirmed closer and pulled his head close.... Her hand move behind his head and supported it. Her fingers moved gently in his hair. She looked up and across the barn, her lips came together and smiled mysteriously (Steinbeck 455). Ending the novel this way, the reader acknowledges that the Rose of Sharon is pleased with helping others regardless of her dead child and suffering to live a happy life. This topic is further examined by Eric W. Carlson in his essay, Symbolism in the Grapes of Wrath when he mentions, Rosasharn symbolically transmutes her maternal love to a love of all people. As implied by her smile hair stroking gesture, Rosasharn, whose maternal instinct has been frustrated, feels a momentary satisfaction (Carlson 174). After the death of her child, Rose of Sharon becomes a maternal figure and cures the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. What Makes Christian Burned With Fire From Heaven One stormy night a man finds a cave in which he can rest. This man closes his eyes and dreams of a man named Christian. Christian is greatly distressed and carries with him a heavy burden on his back. Wanting to escape these burdens he carries on his back, Christian learns that the city he lives in will soon be destroyed by the fire from heaven. The author states through Christian, ...I have received information that the city in which we live will be burned with fire from Heaven. (Bunyan, 19 20) Christian tries to convince his family of this, but they do not believe him, instead they laugh. That is when Christian meets a man named Evangelist, who points him in the direction of a narrow gate. He is told that when he reaches this gate he will ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Fate In The Play Oedipus By William Winter Fate is always there. It always has, and it always will be there. We all can choose the decisions we make, but fate cannot be changed, since it has already been predetermined. What happens will happen, but what changes will not change fate. Fate is also what changes you, if you think about it. All the events that have happened in the years of you being alive lead up to today; to who you are. All the decisions you ve made would end up driving fate into taking its own toll on future, driving up to where you currently are and making you who you are Fate is character William Winter. In the play Oedipus by Sophocles, Jocasta s (who is Oedipus s wife and mother) character would wind up changing because of fate. She did not choose for or expect for things to have change in such a negative way. Jocasta was forced to see her husband figure out that he was married to his mother She begged Oedipus not to go any further in the search of his true identity. Perhaps she did this because she was romantically in love with Oedipus, or maybe because she wanted things to stay as they were. This shows that Jocasta is secretive. When she found out that the prophecies (that were told about Oedipus) were true, she automatically tried to hide it from Oedipus Or more so push Oedipus from the truth. ... Show more content on ... Oedipus you must stop. I beg you stop!... I pray to god you never see who you are!... These are the last words I will ever speak, ever Oedipus. (Sophocles|| 1344 45, 50,56,57). It was too painful for Jocasta to watch the truth slowly yet quickly unfold right in front of Oedipus, so she ran off. Jocasta was afraid to face her fate, and she was probably also ashamed since Oedipus would soon catch up to the truth... There was no running from fate, or more so the truth ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Rocky Mountains Lander s Peak Describe: Albert Bierstadt s The Rocky Mountains, Lander s Peak (1863) and David P. Bradley s, Indian Country Today (1997) are created by different authors, possible for different reasons, but they have a similar subject matter. They both picture nature. Bierstadt s painting shows the landscape of the Rocky Mountains, hence the name. Pictured are rolling valleys, rugged mountains, and what looks like a civilization of Native Americans. On the other hand, Bradley s painting is an example of how modern India is viewed through his eyes. Instead of beautiful hills and mountains, he illustrates roads, food trucks, vehicles, etc. Also, in the background what seems to be airplanes are pictured, as well as, construction. The paintings have their ... Show more content on ... Bierstadt uses gradient features of color in his painting. He has lighter colors in the back of his painting and darker colors in the front. This allows the painting to be subtle and aid viewers in realizing the subject matter. Bradley, unlike Bierstadt, uses variety in his work of art. His painting is made up of high intensity. He uses vivid colors and even shapes to express the subject matter. The different colors used catches the eyes of those who view it. The artists chose excellent colors to go with their paintings. Interpret: Bierstadt s painting shows the Rocky Mountains in the 1800 s. The beautiful scenery expresses how stunning the world was during that time. There were waterfalls, tee pees, and sprouting trees. The Earth has been bruised and beaten. The scenery illustrated in this painting is rare. However, Bradley s painting seems to show what landscapes are like presently even if it was created in the late 1900 s. The construction, the entertainment by the dancers express that Bradley believes that India is more of a tourist spot now. It is not appreciated for its beauty anymore. People come to watch the traditional dances, not participate. They come and go, they do not usually settle. But he does show a person shooting an arrow at the billboard that says, Land Development . So, this shows that maybe some people want the authenticity of India back, maybe even the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Coyotes Migration Patterns In North Carolina, there are many wondrous and awe inspiring creatures that roam free and graze the mountain ranges and prairies. Creatures like the black bear, which rove and dominate the mountains of the Carolina s sometimes venture down and cause a stir in populated areas. The Coyote is no different. The Coyote, otherwise known as the Canis Latrans, is a very versatile and adaptive creature. Due to urbanization and migration patterns, these creatures are now all over the continental United States. Coyotes are no stranger to urban areas due to the rapid deterioration of their habitats. In lieu to those migration patterns, North Carolina sees coyotes regularly in neighboring counties that span from the western boarder to the eastern coast ... Show more content on ... Though they have similar reproductive behaviors as most mammals, Coyotes pass some basic instincts to their pups while in development and re enforce them when they are born. Debra A. Carlson and Eric M. Gese, working for the Department of Wildland Resources at Utah State University, studied the reproductive system and cycles of these adapt creatures. Debra A. Carlson and Eric M.Gese explain how the coyote goes through stages, like humans, before reproduction can begin. They explain how the coyote finds a suitable mate, conceives, gestates her pups and then provides parental care for a certain amount of time before independency occurs and the cycle starts all over again (Carlson Gese, ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Orange Oil Advantages And Disadvantages Orange Oil Multiple Benefits: Use as A Diffuser: Orange essential oil is a good diffuser and enlivens your spirits when you add it to your bath or even combine it with a perfume. Thus, orange essential oils have multiple benefits and are extremely helpful in curing different types of ailments and health problems. Beautiful Skin: Being a common constituent of many beauty skin care products, orange oil has many healing properties for example curing cracked and dry skin. Extracted from bitter orange as an essential oil, neroli is known to slow down the process of aging and strengthen sensitive skin. Even acne can be gotten rid of through application of orange oil. Gently rub your skin with orange oil twice a day for glowing radiant skin. ... Show more content on ... Aside from that, orange oil also contains limonene, which may cause irritation to your skin. For that reason, be sure to combine another essential oil to orange oil before application. Aphrodisiac: Orange essential oil has mild aphrodisiac properties. Systematic and regular use can cure problems such as frigidity, erectile problems, impotence, loss of interest in sex, and decreased libido. Anti inflammatory: Orange essential oil provides quick and effective relief from inflammation, whether internal or external. regardless of the reason, whether it is excessive intake of spices, fever, infections, side effects of antibiotics, gas, ingestion of toxic substances, or narcotics, orange essential oil can reduce the irritation and knee pain . Cholagogue: It promotes secretions from all appropriate glands, including the exocrine and endocrine. Therefore, it is frequently used to promote menstruation, lactation, digestive juices, bile, hormones and enzymes. Antiseptic:
  • 14. Wherever there is a cut or abrasion, there is always the chance of the wound becoming septic due to a bacterial infection. This is even more likely when the wound occurred from an iron object, because then there remains a chance of it becoming infected by tetanus ... Get more on ...
  • 15. A Brief Note On Insurance And Insurance Protection Agreement to Insure Subject to and in accordance with all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the applicable Certificate of Insurance, and in consideration of the Premium paid by a Tenant to the Insurer with respect to each Insured Lease to be insured hereunder, the Insurer hereby guarantees the Insured against any Insured Loss(es) incurred by the Insured under each Insured Lease identified in a Certificate of Insurance for such Insured Lease, solely to the extent that such Insured Loss(es) arise directly from a Rent Protection Event that occurs during the Rent Protection Period for such Insured Lease ( Rent Protection ). Terms and Conditions Section One ~ Conditions to the Effectiveness of Rent Protection ... Show more content on ... Initial Term An Insured Lease will have Rent Protection under this Agreement only during the Rent Protection Period for such Insured Lease as specified in the applicable Certificate of Insurance therefor. The Insurer shall not have any obligation to inform the Insured or any Tenant that the Rent Protection Period with respect to an Insured Lease is ending or has ended, or of any non renewal of Rent Protection for any Insured Lease. B. Extension or Renewal of Lease No renewal or extension of the term of an Insured Lease beyond the original stated Expiration Date thereof shall have any Rent Protection hereunder unless the Insurer, in its sole discretion, issues a new Certificate of Insurance directly extending Rent Protection for such extension period or renewal following Tenant s submission to and acceptance by the Insurer of a new application for Rent Protection prior to the original stated Expiration Date of such Insured Lease. C. Holdover After Expiration or Termination of Insured Lease If a Tenant or Occupant holds over in the Apartment (remains in occupancy or otherwise fails to deliver vacant possession of the Apartment to the Insured after the Expiration Date or earlier termination of the Insured Lease), then an additional period of time will be added to the Rent Protection Period, not to exceed the earlier to occur of (i) the date on which vacant possession of the Apartment is delivered to the Insured and (ii) the date which
  • 16. ... Get more on ...
  • 17. BUSI561 Legal Issues in Business Discussion Board Forum 2: Contracts BUSI561 Legal Issues in Business November 10, 2013 Analysis of the Situation Let me begin by assessing the current situation and relationship with Don. Don and I met because of our individual desires to walk with Christ. We developed our friendship that eventually evolved to a business relationship; we are both small business owners. Our business venture started under favorable circumstances consistent with implied duty of faith and fair dealings. According to Kubasek, Brennan, Browne (2012), an implied contract is formed by conduct of involved parties rather than written or spoken words. That was exactly the case between us. Don would place routine ... Show more content on ... Second, my son s authority to sign on behalf of the company should be considered. An employer may grant employees the following authorities on its behalf: express authority, actual authority to execute certain agreements; implied authority, the nature that an employee s position implies certain power; and ostensible authority, an employee s authority as it appears to a third party due to representation (Buchanan Law, 2008). I did not give my son express authority to enter into agreements on behalf of the company. His position as a part time deliveryman should not imply or should not be perceived as having any authority to contract. Lastly, six elements have to be present for a contract to be enforceable: legal offer, legal acceptance, consideration, genuine assent, competent parties, and legal objective. Although some of these were met, some were not. I believe Don unethically manipulated the situation and deceived both my son and I. Nolo Legal Encyclopedia (n.d.)listed some instances where a contract can be found unenforceable in the eyes of the law. These include: Lack of Capacity, my son did not have the ability to understand exactly what he was agreeing to or what the implications would be; Misrepresentation, Don did not spell out exactly what the contract was when he asked my son to sign it. Instead he misled him by stating it was just formality to guarantee continued ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Tackling Environmental Pollution with Green Taxes Introduction Green taxes were introduced objectively to tackle environment pollutions. According to (Fullerton, Leicester, Smith, 2008), taxes on things such as Landfill, industrial energy use (the climate change levy), aggregate levy, motor fuel differentiation, vehicle exercise duty differentiation and central London congestion charge had either been introduced or reformed in the past 20 years to tackle environmental pollution. These taxes are called Green Taxes or Environmental Taxes. Global warming has brought a big concern on environmental issues in many countries, including U.K. Different studies have suggested the need for swift and urgent actions to alleviate the possible costs of climate change. Introducing taxes so called environmental taxes, changes trade permits and other economic measures might play an important role to achieve cost effective control of greenhouse gas emissions (Stern, 2007) Figures from Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows that U.K government collected £41.4billions from environmental taxes in the year 2010 (Office for National Statistics, 2011), rising up to 4.8% in comparison to 2009. This implies that environmental tax revenues have increased exponentially year on year basis, causing doubts to consumers mind on two aspects. (a) Do environmental taxes benefit the government or consumers?. (b) Are there alternatives to environmental taxes?. In answering the two questions, this report will review the literature of environmental ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Review: Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in people over the age of 50. Every ten years after the age of 50 the prevalence of this disease increases exponentially. Many different factors contribute to the development of AMD including genetic, environment, and metabolic functions. Aside from smoking, abnormal blood pressure, and an unhealthy diet low in fruits and vegetables, many more studies are concluding that similar inflammatory and oxidative processes seen in other age related diseases are also playing a key role in the development of AMD. This disease affects the central areas of the retina and choroid. In return central vision is impaired while peripheral vision is usually not lost. AMD is seen in two different forms, the earlier nonneovascular (dry) type and the more advanced neovascular (wet) type. Each form has its own specific pathology and unique characteristics that set them apart. Fatty, protein deposits called drusens may be the key risk factor in understanding dry AMD pathology, progression, and treatment. Once the more advanced wet AMD is diagnosed, pathology and treatment are targeted around the formation and destruction of abnormal blood vessels, characteristic of the wet AMD eye. The increasing prevalence of AMD has influenced more investigation into what factors can be modulated to prevent the onset or to stop the progression of AMD. This text will discuss the pathology of drusens and the role of inflammation and ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Punk In Der Ddr Analysis This display of the potential of fashion as expression directly correlates with the relationship that the punk scene of the GDR would develop with clothing. While likely the fictional character of Sunny would not have so intentionally, by dressing in her modern, occasionally androgynous outfits she was using style as a way of isolating herself from her setting. In the novel Punk In Der Ddr: Too Much Future it is explained that the punks were no longer GDR citizens, they behaved as if they were in London and had fled the country though still being present within it. For punks both in the GDR and globally, fashion was an incredibly important tool to distinguish yourself from the majority. Sunny, in spite facing judgement and the punks, in spite ... Show more content on ... The significance of punk in the GDR, which is already a socialist, not capitalist society is inherently different. Many of the things British and American punks struggles with the most in their society s where things the GDR itself assured to its citizens by granting them accessible, state founded healthcare and education, as well as assigned job placements. In the government s pursuit to provide a guaranteed quality of life, it increasingly extended its control into the details of its citizens lives, leaving some, like the members of GDR punk movement, to feel as though their autonomy of their future had been stripped from them. By the end of the film, Sunny has gained almost complete of control over the direction of her life. She has rejected the opportunity of returning to the stability of a factory job and has disconnected herself from her every potential romantic partner presented in the film, making it clear she will not submit her autonomy in order to benefit the GDR s economy or their declining population rate. In the optimistic closing scene of Solo Sunny, her last line, I sleep with someone when I feel like it, I call a pig a pig, I m the one who was thrown out of The Tornadoes, my name is Sunny, demonstrates she has finally become in touch with her own reality and identity. ... Get more on ...
  • 21. A Time Of Rapid Industrialization The period of time between the late 1800s and the early 1900s was a time of rapid industrialization in the United States. The great American author, Mark Twain, dubbed this period the Gilded Age. Gilded items are covered thinly with gold leaf or gold paint, which hides all that is inside. This idea is evident in this time period because America s golden paint, or industrialization, was hiding all the economic and social problems on the inside. Although the Gilded Age brought along great advances in industrialization, it brought many new problems that were never experienced before. The politics of this time period came up short when it came to dealing with the economic and social issues it faced. Many of the economic problems of ... Show more content on ... Large corporations, like Rockefeller s, also used vertical integration, which is a model in which a company controlled all aspects of production from raw materials to finished goods (Henretta, Hindermarker, Edwards, Self, 2014, p. 547). By controlling all steps of the process, these businesses were able to lower their prices because they could get a cheaper supply of materials. The only con to vertical integration was that it required a large pool of starting capital to acquire the other businesses, which perpetuated the cycle of the rich getting richer. James Bryce, author of The American Commonwealth noted that during the Gilded Age there was a general neglect of details of politics that had never been seen before , which allowed these large companies to take control over the economy (Document 1). The government was too relaxed politically, and it was evident in how they handled their affairs with large corporations. Consequently, the general neglect of political details ended up lending itself kindly to some corrupt business practices. An example of these corrupt practices was a trust, which was a small group of associates who hold stock from a group of combined firms and managed them as a single entity (Henretta, 2014, p.548). These trusts were basically a cartel because they were established as a loose organization of businesses that would collude and control the market. The amount of power that large corporations possessed was not good ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Google and Internet Privacy Google and Internet Privacy In this exercise on ethics and privacy policy we focus our studies on an oft occurring situation in offices that have multiple employees sharing office resources that may lead to intrusive instances. The case refers to a couple of employee s complaints of unwarranted pop ups on their computers from unsolicited advertisers. In particular, the ads pertain to some sorts of HIV/AIDS medications that stimulate recovery from this fatal disease or at least help cope with it. The immediate suspicion goes toward targeted marketing carried out by many online advertisers today using pervious browsing history and other such tools available to them. The employees delve about the possibility of who these ads were targeted ... Show more content on ... Despites its detailed privacy policy and the many reminders to read and understand the same, users feel compelled to agree to any and every rule that they make so as not to be left out in the information revolution that the world seems to be warped by. This is extended to the extent of the sanctity of personal emails and even our home being challenged by Google products like Google Ads in Gmail and Street view on Google maps. The argument here is based on the premise that in today s day and age where we share much information online on sites like Google and Facebook we have to admit that there is a certain amount of privacy we hold dear that is being taken away from us through such activities as cookie tracking and preferential scanning of content and the fact that this leads to embarrassment when on public computers. The fact that Charlie was zeroed in on based on a cursory perceptive judgment speaks volumes of how little information can go a long way in ostracizing a person. Do we really believe that a loner is more prone to AIDS than a college going easy go lucky chap. Also, the ostracizing of the person blamed will evidently have repercussions. Are these necessary? Do we really need to subject a person who is already conscious of his condition (HIV positive) to further wallow in pity. Since the material found was not of a highly objectionable nature but is very questionable of its source the matter would go on to deeply hurt the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Quotes For The Great Gatsby By Charris Cisneros Imagery: It s small and red with tight steps in the front and windows so small that you d think they were holding their breath. Bricks crumbling in places, and the front door is so swollen you have to push hard to get in. There is no front yard just, only four elms the city planted by the curb. Out back is a small yard that looks smaller between the two buildings on either side (Cisneros 4). Personification: ... windows so small that you d think they were holding their breath... (Cisneros 4). Personification: ... the front door is so swollen... (Cisneros 4). Simile: My papa s hair is like a broom... (Cisneros 6). Metaphor: And me, my hair is lazy (Cisneros 6). Simile: And Kiki, who is the youngest, has hair like fur (Cisneros ... Show more content on ... Imagery: ... grab the earth between their hairy toes and bite the sky with violent teeth... (Cisneros 74). Simile: ... they d all droop like tulips in a glass... (Cisneros 75). Metaphor: home is a house in a photograph, a pink house, pink as hollyhocks with lots of startled light (Cisneros 77). Personification: ... lots of startled light (Cisneros 77). Simile: ... wishes there were sweeter drinks, not bitter like an empty room... (Cisneros 80). Simile: ... but sweet sweet like the island... (Cisneros 80). Simile: Sally is the girls with eyes like Egypt and nylons like the color of smoke (Cisneros 81). Simile: ... her hair is shiny like raven feathers.... (Cisneros 81). Simile: ... she flicks her hair like a satin shawl over her shoulder and laughs (Cisneros 81). Simile: ... paint your eyes like Cleopatra (Cisneros 81)? Repetition: ... ,all you wanted, Sally, was to love and to love and to love... (Cisneros 83). Simile: She is always sad like a house on fire... (Cisneros 84). Simile: ... the family that spoke like guitars (Cisneros ... Get more on ...
  • 24. What Was The Relationship Between The Neolithic And... The Neolithic and Industrial Revolutions The two changes in the use of the earth s resources that had the greatest effect on the world population were the Neolithic and the industrial revolutions. The Neolithic revolution (a.k.a. agricultural revolution) was a change in the way of life of our ancestors. It took place about 8000 years ago among various tribes in Asia and the Middle East. It included a transition from foraging and hunting to the domestication of animals (most probably starting with the dog) and to farming. Tribes settled in fertile areas and formed agricultural communities many of which grew into villages and cities. This relatively stable way of life and the more reliable food supply (and surplus) led to the development ... Show more content on ... Biogeochemical cycles In the carbon cycle, the key events are the complementary reactions of respiration and photosynthesis. Respiration takes carbohydrates and oxygen and combines them to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy. Photosynthesis (6CO + 12H O + Light Energy C H O + 6O +6H O) takes carbon dioxide and water and produces carbohydrates and oxygen. The outputs of respiration are the inputs of photosynthesis, and the outputs of photosynthesis are the inputs of respiration. The reactions are also complementary in the way they deal with energy. Photosynthesis takes energy from the sun and stores it in the carbon carbon bonds of carbohydrates; respiration releases that energy. Both plants and animals carry on respiration, but only plants and other producers can carry on photosynthesis. The chief reservoirs for carbon dioxide are in the oceans and in rock. Carbon dioxide dissolves readily in water. Once there, it may precipitate as a solid rock known as calcium carbonate. Corals and algae encourage this reaction and build up limestone reefs in the process. On land and in the water, plants take up carbon dioxide and convert it into carbohydrates through photosynthesis. This carbon in the plants now has 3 possible endings. It can be returned to the atmosphere by the plant through respiration; it can be eaten by an animal, or it can be present in the plant when the plant dies. Animals obtain all their carbon in their food, and, thus, all carbon ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Fear and Control of the Unknown Essay Throughout history many communities have been persecuted for being different from the general public. Society has often forced these unique individuals to assimilate or be constrained because of the public s fear and anxiety of the unknown. Such insecurities led to the mistreatment and restraint of both the slaves as portrayed in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl and the mental patients in One Flew over the Cuckoo s Nest. One of the most apparent and important themes in both One Flew over the Cuckoo s Nest and Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is control. Fear is used as a means to gain control over the slave by their master or even by the slave to achieve a sense of power over the master. The white men of this era attempted ... Show more content on ... The black aides also harassed the men on a daily basis, asserting their control over one of the only groups considered socially beneath them during this discriminatory era. In Incidents in the Life... the violence is even more apparent. Gruesome accounts of punishments inflicted upon misbehaving slaves by masters like Mr. Litch, who [...]tied a rope around a man s body, and suspended him from the ground. A fire was kindled over him, from which was suspended a piece of fat pork. As this cooked, the scalding drops of fat continually fell on the bare flesh (Jacobs 51). Many characters in both novels became so desperate that they believed that death was the only practical means of escape. Both Billy Bibbit and Cheswick in One Flew... decided suicide was their only way out and in Incidents in the Life...Linda often wishes for death for her and for her loved ones (68). Even McMurphy, the brave protagonist of One Flew..., hints at his own demise when he chooses to stay after the party rather than make an easy escape (Kesey 166). This leads the reader to believe that for McMurphy, the only method to escape with dignity is through death. The Chief evidently agreed and in the end finished the task for him (279). Sexuality was a greatly feared phenomenon in both the late 1800 s and the mid 1900 s. Both authors used this ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Christians, Jews, and the Black Plague Relations between the Christians and Jews of medieval Europe were always influenced by their unequal social and economic statuses and the religious competition that existed between them. While the Jews served a purpose in the Christian religion, this purpose meant that the more populous Christians that had come to dominate Europe only tolerated the Jews. No premise of equality existed, and the Jews came to depend on relationships with lower level rulers to secure their relative safety. Rumors persisted that Jews had poisoned wells, and the Jews were often the targets of violence that the Christians seemed exceedingly willing to deliver. Overall, life was better for the Christians and worse for the Jews, although this would be of no ... Show more content on ... One of the most documented Christian responses to the plague was the rise of the flagellants. A spontaneous and unsanctioned movement, the flagellants sought to ward off the plague by physically punishing themselves for the sins that had caused God to send the Black Death to punish them (Tuchman, 1978, p. 125). Flagellant processions would typically remain on the move, marching from town to town, while twice a day beating themselves with whips and other instruments until they drew blood (Slack, 1988, p. 439). They were also known for their singing of religious songs while marching and whipping themselves, which ran counter to the official Catholic Church position and caused church officials no small amount of trouble (Lerner, 1981, p. 535 36). The official reasoning by the Catholic Church was that the flagellant movement was an unnecessary and wrong reaction to the Black Death, since there were equal death rates among Christians and Jews. The flagellants were also part of a Christian movement known as premillennialism (Lerner, 1981, 534). The extensive deaths in Europe cause many Christians to believe that the second coming of Christ was near, which would result in the end of the world. This interest in the events that were prophesied to happen just before the end of the world ran very high during this time. This interest was also a large influence responsible for the rise of groups like the flagellants (Lerner, 1981, 538). Another common occurrence in ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Paying NCAAAthletes Essay Outline Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to inform my audience about the issue of potentially paying college athletes so that they may make an informed decision themselves. Thesis: As the popularity, and revenue continues to grow in college sports, the debate will be taken to new heights about whether or not college athletes are being exploited, and if they should be compensated monetarily. I. (C)The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) defines amateurism as, The conviction that people should participate in sports as a hobby (for the fun of it) rather than for money. The NCAA mandates that all college athletes maintain this level of amateurism while in college, however, college sports have never been more of a ... Show more content on ... b. Throw in all of the gear associated with being a Division I college athlete and you re looking at a hefty amount of cash being invested in each athlete. C. Obviously some colleges have higher budgets and higher amounts of athletes than others, so how do you make sure you pay each athlete equally while still staying above the budget? You can t. 1. Trying to pay a football team alone could plunge a university underneath their budget with an average of nearly 100 players per team. 2. On top of that, there are 28 more sports with athletes waiting to have their pockets filled with cash. 3. And finally, it takes away funding for other important academic areas of the college. Transition: The budget just simply isn t there for a university of any size to reasonably pay each and every athlete so finally I will explain some different ways an NCAA athlete could possibly make some money. IV. There are plenty of ways an athlete could make money, but it would require some self marketing and a little help from the NCAA. A. A player could seek out additional sponsorships and advertising deals like a professional athlete. 1.The athlete isn t technically making money off their playing ability they re making the money from the name on the back of their jersey. B. Opposers of this idea would say that equality plays a factor here as well.
  • 28. 2. Not every athlete is as ... Get more on ...
  • 29. An Explanation Of The Word Ghetto Nicole, I really enjoyed your post. The word ghetto stems from when European cities in which the Jews were restricted, and later used to describe a slum section of an American city, predominantly occupied by a minority group who live under social and economic pressures. The word represents an institutional and historical basis of racial exclusion. The word ghetto also has a particular racial component, and defines those associated with the word as being represented by social isolation, residential segregation, gross inequality, consistent poverty, and crime. Delinquent behavior from those considered to be poor or lower class may actually be a protest against the norms and values of the middle class, per theorist Cohen. In addition, their ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Edgar Wright Edgar Wright Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead By Brearna Sandri Shaun of the Dead In this close viewing I will be using the films Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, directed by Edgar Wright, to show significant aspects/techniques of different scenes used in both films. I will be focusing on the features of sound effects, dialogue and comparing near same scenes within two different films and the aspects that Edgar Wright was trying to cover. Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz both have fence jumping scenes. In Shaun of the Dead, the scene is opened with Shaun opening the gate quite forcefully along with the rest of his team. Shaun says The Winchester s just over there and David says in a sarcastic tone, Just over there behind the 20 garden fences? When David is saying the last bit of his sentence the camera pans over the fences in which they have to jump to show audiences what they have to jump over. For example, to show why David is being sarcastic towards Shaun, and why it s being used in that particular scene, Shaun then says What s the matter, David? Never taken a shortcut before? , and smirks while turning behind, and tries to jump over the fence but ends up making the fence fall over. He then picks himself back up and subtly tries to make it seem like he didn t just break the fence. The background noise in this scene is filled with car alarms, house alarms and deep music/sound effects. This creates the effect of a crisis situation, as they are in a zombie apocalypse. ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Meta Research Paper Meta Description Looking to achieve curls and waves on your short hair? It is pretty easy with heated rollers. In this article, we look at how to use heated rollers on short hair. ARTICLE Heated rollers are known for giving a lasting hold. They give volume to your hair and a uniform, sleek style. However, when not used the proper way especially on short hair, you may end up with loose curls while what you actually wanted are tight curls. For this reason, this write up explains how to use heated rollers on short hair. Step One: Wash The Hair Since your hair will be subjected to some heat, it really needs enough protection from the roller s heat. Therefore, wash your short hair first using some shampoo and go easy on the conditioner. It is also ... Show more content on ... To section the hair, you need to decide the type of curls you want. That is, tight or loose. If you want tight and well defined curls, make sure to section the hair into smaller portions. For best results, the sections should be at least one inch. This however is a matter of personal choice so don t feel obligated to use the 1 inch sections technique. Use clips to keep sections away from each other and ensure there are no tangles in the hair. Step Three: Prepare Your Heated Rollers Most hot rollers heat up very fast. So ensure you know how much time your rollers take to heat up. Only heat the rollers you are going to use. In addition, your clips should also be ready as you will need them to clamp it onto the hot roller to properly secure your hair. For safety purposes, ensure you know where exactly to hold the roller because they can get too hot. So always take extra precaution while handling the hot rollers. Step Four: Roll The Rollers On To put on the rollers, use the top to bottom technique. This technique ensures your hair is not tangled as well as prevents you from getting confused. Roll everything in even the tips to get defined curls and secure the rollers with a roller ... Get more on ...
  • 32. My Preferred Major Is Computer Science My preferred major is computer science. Computer science is the act of coding and other operations dealing with computer software. Computer science also deals with knowing all or most languages of code such as Java, Python, or Linux. Along my path to deciding that I wanted to major in computer science, I faced many obstacles and was a part of many experiences that pushed me towards this field. Some events would be as simple as my family designating me the honorary Tech Guy or my friends coming to me for advice on their computers. Those things are what sparked my interest. Then came my first coding class. It was one of the most difficult things I have ever done and it was so immense. So many commands and combinations and it just didn t seem to make sense. But then I realized, it was made by someone. People have a knack for creating patterns. It is how the human brain works, we take all the large amount of data that is thrown at our brains and then we make shortcuts like seeing patterns. So that s what humans did to the machines. We gave them the same mindset. So I started noticing shortcuts in the data and patterns and soon everything started to click. I know I am a good match for computer science because of my mindset. I am very logical and my mind appeals to common sense, which coding kind of revolves around. I have a love for technology. The abilities Man has gained just from a few steel and plastic clumps with electricity in them. It really is amazing to me. Also, I ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Habsburg and Ottoman Empire Throughout history there has been many religious conflicts. Of those, the Habsburg and Ottoman Empire are two of them. The Habsburg Empire was considered a Catholic Empire and the Ottoman was an Islam Empire. Charles V owned the Habsburg Empire. He inherited castile Aragon (Spain) and the Habsburg territories. He also became the ruler of Aztec and Inca Empires in the Americas. (Sivers, Desnoyer, Stow 2012 Pg. 537) After battling against France in 1519, Charles was the title of emperor. In 1299, Osman Bey was in charge of the Ottoman Empire when he established independent rule in Anatolia. The expansion of the Ottoman Empire began in 1453. The battle in which Charles encountered was just the start of his religions war. At first religion served to support political authority. While he won the title of emperor, he also was made overlord of all German principalities and supreme among the monarchs of western Christianity. Although this title did not mean much in terms of power and financial gain in either the German principalities or western Christianity as a whole, it made him the titular political head of western Christianity and thereby the direct counterpart of Sultan Suleyman in the struggle for dominance in the Christian Muslim world of Europe, the Middle East and northern Africa. (Sivers, Desnoyer, Stow 2012 Pg. 537 538) After this was when things started to get harder for Charles V. He was faced with Religious differences as a challenge to political authority. Charles V. ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Analysis Of The Poem Indian Horse Intro In indian horse,Saul goes through a lot of issues and problems.In the end he ends up realizing that they helped him get to who he is today. Topic Saul,taken forcibly from his family when he s sent to st.jerome s residential school,Salvation comes for a while through him as a hockey player.In the 1960 s he battles racism and displacement and almost ends up dying. Thesis The most interesting characters are the ones who undergo the greatest change Reasons Saul went through life changing experiences that helped him recognize things. Hockey was his only happiness when he had free time. PARAGRAPH #1 In the beginning of saul s life,he had many problems.Some of them he could fix and others he couldn t.Saul tried to make best ... Show more content on ... Quote A boy named curtis white fox had his mouth washed out with lye soap for speaking ojibwe.He choked on it and died right there in the classroom.He was 10.All the other kids learned to speak ojibway without moving their mouth because of this . Meaning This shows that basically ojibwe was not a legal culture to have. Therefore the residential impacted him a lot.But in the end it showed him what is good and what is not. How to act,How to not.Later on he is going to find something that impacts him even more than the residential school;Hockey. PARAGRAPH #2 Saul is still in the residential school.But overtime he has found the game hockey.He loves the game and will do anything to play.He tries to make the best of things but hockey is his only happiness when he has free time. #1 For example father leboutillier came to st jerome s around the same time that saul did.He taught saul all about hockey,he even made a rink and assembled a team.Once saul saw them all play,he was amazed.But saul was too young to play with them.All he could do then was shovel all the ice and snow off the rink for them to play. Quote There s nothing i can do saul,the rules are the rules.If i were to break them,that would prevent everyone else from playing Can i look after the ice then? you ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Application Of The Nursing Staff At Dwu Virtual Hospital In the nursing field change is a daily reality. The continuing improvements in health care mean that there are continually changing ways to provide health care. Anyone who has been in the nursing field for any amount of time is sure to have uttered the words Do you remember when we used to...? From a nursing point of view not all change is positive, and not all change is welcomed. Every change is however aimed at providing the best care and achieving the best possible outcome for the patient. This project will outline the process that will be used to introduce the nursing staff here at DWU Virtual Hospital to the change of implementing electronic medical records. Change Model Leaders have a selection of change theories to review ... Show more content on ... This plan will begin with smaller unit meetings led by the unit manager. Next, training sessions in virtual patient records will be led first by managers and then by peers. In the third and final stage the EMR will be implemented and all staff will be responsible for ensuring the proper use of the EMR. Change Plan Design To initiate the plan we will begin with the first stage of Lewins Theory, unfreezing. The unfreezing process is the process of creating a time frame for staff to become ready for the change (Huber, 2014). Management will need to inform staff of the upcoming change. This should be done in a small unit meeting with only the nurses and unit manager present. Keeping the meeting small will help prevent any feelings of being intimidated and will go along with the shared governance system recently instituted. In this meeting the manger will present researched facts regarding EMR implementations. Among these facts would be the fact that having an EMR will save time. Nursing staff will have access to all previous records and will no longer need to wait for other departments to obtain these records (Gagnon et al. 2010). Also having an EMR system encourages teamwork between the healthcare and support personnel in a facility (Gagnon et al. 2010). For example, nursing will be able to look at the radiology and lab schedule and coordinate with them on times for patient testing. During this meeting ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Knee Injury Case Study On February 28th, 2017 when the Golden State Warriors were playing the Washington Wizards Kevin Durant suffered a hyperextended left knee. His MRI showed that he had a Grade 2 sprain to his medial collateral ligament (MCL) and a tibial bone bruise (Amick). Durant s injury happened during a rebound when one of his own teammates got pushed back into him and made his knee hyperextend. This type of injury would be classified as acute. I say this is an acute injury because Durant did not get this injury from continued use or overuse of his knee. It was a fluke incident that made his knee hyperextend. This type of injury could happen to almost anyone when placed into certain situations. Initial treatment would be to ice often, especially in the first 48 72 hours after the injury occurred. Crutches and a knee brace may also be beneficial if the knee shows weakness. There should be some anti inflammatory taken to help minimize the swelling and pain of the injury. As the injury heals strength exercises can help get the knee back into full motion. One safe exercise to help strengthen the knee is biking. Physical therapy and weight training may also be a critical part of the healing process to get the knee back to full strength. Before returning to sports an athlete needs to be cleared by a physician who will perform certain tests to watch the function of the knee ( Knee: Grade 11... ). All these treatments should come from a doctor and not just looking online or hearing from ... Show more content on ... This will sometimes be paired with crutches to keep weight off the injured knee. When the injury starts to heal and there is more range of motion the athlete can just use the knee brace. After more healing a stabilized knee brace fits the situation better because it applies compression to the knee. When the injury is fully healed there is no need for a knee brace as the area should be fully strengthened ( Medial Knee ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Advantages Of Mobile Application Increment The quick increment in portable applications and applications for Android has quickened the force of using HTML5 structures. Also, the interest for client driven versatile applications has prompted the improvement and the use of various open source HTML5 structures to fulfill proficient portable application development In the event that you are one of the beginners entering in the portable application planning, it is the best to run with HTML5 structures. It is imperative for you to be acquainted with pre composed codes and designs that assistance in shaping structures, the gadgets, and then some. With HTML5, designers have the upside of not beginning the things from the scratch as they can exploit libraries, contents, and in addition ... Show more content on ... As the source code of Twitter Bootstrap 3 consolidates Sass and LESS CSS preprocessors, it is assembled fundamentally to make front end improvement a simple errand for designers. 4. Framework7: Framework7 comes free and it is an open source versatile HTML system. It helps engineers in the making of web and in addition half and half portable applications having iOS and Android look and feel. It is a vital prototyping application that is fundamental to demonstrate working application model on the off chance that there is any such necessity with the designers. Framework7 is one of the finest and highlight rich structures for creating iOS half breed applications. 5. Junior: Junior preferably bargains with regards to creating versatile applications that work like a local application and show up stylishly for the clients. In fact, Junior is a jQuery based HTML5 system. The system depends on Zepto.js, which is coordinated with Backbone. More to it, Junior uses Ratchet CSS for giving extraordinary UI segments. The system is outstanding, lightweight, yet effective in the meantime. More to it, it is utilized for prototyping iPhone applications with exceptional JavaScript segments. 6. ChocolateChip UI: This open source structure is utilized for making electronic portable applications that have local look of iOS 7, Windows, and Android. ChocolateChip UI offers effective and simple to redo see for ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Mr Darcy Irony At the beginning of the novel, Elizabeth is unaware of Mr. Darcy s affection for her because of his hostile manner. Mr. Darcy comes off as rude and prideful to Lizzy when she overhears Mr. Darcy refer to her as tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me (Austen 13) to Mr. Bingley. Elizabeth is thinking Mr. Darcy was merely insulting her looks, and creates a premature opinion about his character. This is an example of dramatic irony because Austen hints to readers Darcy s feeling towards Lizzy, and it is recognizable that Darcy is just trying to deny and cover up his interest towards her. The irony can give readers a feeling of excitement because they posses knowledge that the protagonist and other characters do not. The irony also adds ... Get more on ...
  • 39. How Did The Scientific Revolution Influence The... Scientific research has become the cornerstone of the understanding of empirical data and the inner workings of medicine, technology, engineering, to name but a few fields of knowledge. Humans are influenced by new scientific ideas and base medical, diet, and environmental decisions on scientific findings. The most profound scientific revolution occurred during the European Renaissance. The time between 1550 and 1700 marked the beginning of a new chapter of intellectual and cultural flowering (Hatch). However, many people do not associate scientific revolutions with China. Nonetheless, China was the first to create certain useful technology long before the Renaissance began (Shaffer, 179). The Chinese created the Four Great Inventions, which eventually spread globally. These inventions have changed the course of scientific development and no advancement seems to have exerted greater power and influence in human ... Show more content on ... On the other hand, the inventions created in China did not have such a huge impact within China, but instead benefited other civilizations (Shaffer, 179). Before the Renaissance, Europeans were mostly devoted to religious beliefs and God. The ideas during the Scientific Revolution challenged the concepts presented by the Roman Catholic Church (McKay, 427). For instance, Galileo disproved the church s theory that the sun revolved around the earth, which was an established and fixed idea at the time (Shaffer, 167). Although Galileo had to suffer the Church s wrath, after his theory was accepted as scientifically correct, it drove.... Christianity out of the physical universe into the region of history and private morals (Shaffer, 161). This caused people to resent the intrusion of the Church and to put more faith in ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Book vs Movie, Disappointment in the Difference of Gone... The first time I saw the film adaptation of a book I had read, I was appalled at the changes that had been made to the story. Both Gone With the Wind , the movie, and Gone With the Wind , the book, tell an epic story of life in Georgia at the time of the Civil War and Reconstruction Era and the effect of the war on the life of a spoiled Southern belle, Scarlett O Hara. But there are significant differences in the characters, events and perspectives that made me realize that a screen adaptation will never be able to capture the details and background stories that are included in a novel. Characters . For those who have never read the book, the characters are defined by the actors who portrayed them and not necessarily by the way ... Show more content on ... This change completely altered the significance of the attack and the subsequent events. Events In the movie there are a couple of instances where the order of events is changed. For example, in the movie Melanie and Ashley get married first but in the book Scarlett and Charles get married first. Because Melanie was engaged first, it was protocol that she should be married first, but in the book Scarlett specifically planned her wedding to occur before Melanie s. For the reader, this illustrates how conniving Scarlett was but the movie goer does not get this insight into Scarlett s personality. In the movie, Melanie is the first to donate her wedding ring to the cause, and Scarlett follows suit; in the book, Scarlett is the first to put her ring in the basket. Scarlett s donation of her ring was not really a sacrifice because it didn t have any sentimental value to her. In the movie, Rhett Butler returns the rings to both of the women but in the book he only returns Melanie s ring. There are a couple of significant changes in the scenes regarding the escape of Scarlett, Melanie and Prissy from Atlanta. The importance of finding the cow as was completely understated in the movie. Melanie had no milk and her baby was starving so, without the cow, the baby would have died. .An event that was completely added to the movie was the rain storm they encountered night they escaped. There was no rain in the book. ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Headgear Debate On Women s Lacrosse The Headgear Debate In Women s Lacrosse In the beginning of the season, the Sherwood High School girl s lacrosse team had enough to field two teams, a JV and a Varsity, but by the end of the season, there was only enough to field one team. At one point in the season the team had 8 out of 26 girls out with concussions Team statistics such as this, have the lacrosse community in an uproar over whether or not to mandate helmets for all levels of women s lacrosse teams. The debate has arisen out of an increase in concussions and the recent research which has provided more insight to the science of the brain and its injuries. Those in favor of a new headgear mandate suggest that it will prevent concussions and be safer for the players, but ... Show more content on ... Florida s decision brought a lot of outcry within many high school teams and even US Lacrosse. A mandate in only 1 state had US Lacrosse in a bind because they could not all of the sudden mandate headgear across the country, and they could not force Florida to repeal the decision as it was a statewide vote. Not only did they mandate a helmet, that they had not tested they had changed the rules in all of Florida to be more lax on the yellow card rule ( Why Women s ). This new headgear was a 10 millimeter thick headband that had to be worn under the girl s goggles. Many of the high school players spoke out against these protective headbands saying that all they were doing was creating distraction (Pennington). It got in the way of their goggles, was flimsy, and continually fell off during game play which caused discontent from officials as well. These headbands have been criticized because they only cover a very small portion of the girls head and have not been very successful in decreasing the number of concussions. In fact, some argue it could even have made the rate of concussions rise. Ann Carpenetti, Vice President of lacrosse operations at US Lacrosse, called the headgear decision in Florida irresponsible and continued by saying that Florida s ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Essay on Severe Air Pollution in China After many years of ignoring the air pollution, smog ridden China has finally begun to take this issue more seriously. They are the worst country in the world when it comes to air pollution due to their huge population and large demand of manufactured goods (AFOP). This however is no excuse for what they do to the environment.This is a very important issue because of how much environmental damage can be prevented as well as setting an example of pollution reduction across the world. They must take this issue very seriously because air quality has gotten to the point where people are getting sick and dying there (The News Tribune, 2014). I believe for this to be a reality China must: reduce air pollution, change their energy ... Show more content on ... As of now China is promoting green energy to help cut back the use of fossil fuels, but this is a slow change and they are also reducing iron production (Barbara Finamore).The implementation of these changes may be gradual but they must be in order to keep up with China s energy needs. These changes will be very helpful towards this crucial issue and though it may take time will eventually have a significant impact on reduction of air pollution in China. Another crucial step to reducing air pollution is changing energy habits. This goes hand in hand with reducing air pollution. If China is to permanently change their horrible air pollution they must not only reduce air pollution, but also switch to more effective energy sources. There are many types of clean energy sources such as: solar, wind, and hydroelectric. These energy sources are infinite, unlike coal and oil, which will eventually run out. As well as being more plentiful they also leave no pollution behind (NRDC). Though not all of China s needs can be
  • 43. filled by green or renewable energy but any little bit helps. Since China is so large the more clean energy we use, the less air pollution being put out. This not only effects China, but the whole world because they re pollution is contributing to global warming as other global issues. With continued improvements China plans to have 13% clean energy by 2017 (Barbara Finamore). This is a huge step towards reducing air pollution ... Get more on ...