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Deep Dive Spider Engine
날짜 : 2016.03.21
Ver. 1.0
작성 : DB실 전수진
 What is Spider Engine?
 Architecture
 How to Create Spider Engine
 Limitation of a Spider Engine
 Guideline
 Q&A
 What is Spider Engine?
 Architecture
 How to Create Spider Engine
 Limitation of a Spider Engine
 Guideline
 Q&A
What is Spider Engine ?
What is Spider Engine ?
Image Source :
What is Spider Engine ?
Spider Node 를 통해 하나의 DB 로 보임
Spider Node 는 데이터를 갖지않음
 What is Spider Engine?
 Architecture
 How to Create Spider Engine
 Limitation of a Spider Engine
 Guideline
 Q&A
use mysql
show tables like ‘spider%’
spider_link_failed_log : HA에서 사용되는 테이블로 스파이더에 구성된 노드가 에러가 발생하면 로그 기록
spider_link_mon_servers : HA에서 사용되는 테이블로 스파이더의 HA 모니터링하는 서버의 계정을 관리
spider_tables : 스파이더 엔진으로 구성된 테이블 리스트 출력
spider_xa : 서로 다른 노드에 분산 트랜잭션 관리
spider_xa_member : 서로 다른 노드에 분산 트랜잭션을 원격 관리하는 서버 정보 저장
 What is Spider Engine?
 Architecture
 How to Create Spider Engine
 Limitation of a Spider Engine
 Guideline
 Q&A
■ Step by Step
1. 서버 준비
Spider node Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
※ 5대 DB Server 준비
① Spider Node
(mariaDB 10.0.9)
② Data Node
⑴ MySQL 5.6.24
⑵ MySQL 5.5.30
⑶ MySQL 5.7.9
⑷ mariaDB 10.0.4
How to Create Spider Engine
■ Step by Step
2-1. 아래 링크에서 스파이더 엔진 설치 파일을 받아 설치
2-2. 스파이더 엔진을 사용하기 위한 소스 적용
mysql -uroot -p < ../mariadb/share/install_spider.sql
2-3. 스파이더 엔진 설치 완료확인
SELECT engine, support, transactions, xa
FROM information_schema.engines;
| engine | support | transactions | xa |
| CSV | YES | NO | NO |
| MyISAM | YES | NO | NO |
| MRG_MyISAM | YES | NO | NO |
| MEMORY | YES | NO | NO |
| Aria | YES | NO | NO |
| InnoDB | DEFAULT | YES | YES |
How to Create Spider Engine
Spider Engine
Node 1 (mysql 5.7.9)
Node 2 (mysql 5.6.24)
Node 3 (mysql 5.5.30)
Node 4 (mariadb 10.0.4)
Local Server
Spider Table
Remote Server
Spider Table
Schema info (O)
Partition info (O)
Index data (X)
How to Create Spider Engine
■ Step by Step II
1. 서버 준비
Spider Engine
1. 원격서버 등록
sheard_node1 :
sheard_node2 :
sheard_node3 :
sheard_node4 :
HOST '',
DATABASE 'log_db',
USER 'root',
PASSWORD '123qwe!@#',
PORT 3306
HOST '',
DATABASE 'log_db',
USER 'root',
PASSWORD '123qwe!@#',
PORT 3306
☞ Reference
Spider node
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
How to Create Spider Engine
■ Step by Step II
CREATE TABLE log_db.shardTest
, name char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "shardTest"'
PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1"'
, PARTITION shard2 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node2"'
, PARTITION shard3 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node3"'
, PARTITION shard4 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4"'
) ;
2. Shard 테이블을 생성
1) 데이터가 저장될 실제 테이블 이름과
파티션 Key 값에 따라
저장될 원격 서버의 정보를 Comment 에 입력함
Spider node
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
How to Create Spider Engine
■ Step by Step II
Spider Engine
Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
CREATE TABLE log_db.shardTest
, name char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
Spider node
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
How to Create Spider Engine
■ Step by Step II
3. 각 노드에 Data 테이블 생성
insert into log_db.shardTest(name) values ('spider_01');
insert into log_db.shardTest(name) values ('spider_01');
insert into log_db.shardTest(name) values ('spider_01');
insert into log_db.shardTest(name) values ('spider_01');
select * from shardtest;
| id | name |
| 1 | spider_01 |
| 4 | spider_01 |
| 3 | spider_01 |
| 2 | spider_01 |
Spider node
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
How to Create Spider Engine
■ Step by Step II
4. Spider 노드에서 데이터 입력 및 확인
Spider Engine
Node 1 Node 2
Node 3 Node 4
select * from shardtest;
| id | name |
| 1 | spider_01 |
select * from shardtest;
| id | name |
| 3 | spider_01 |
select * from shardtest;
| id | name |
| 4 | spider_01 |
select * from shardtest;
| id | name |
| 2 | spider_01 |
Spider node
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
How to Create Spider Engine
■ Step by Step II
5. 각 Data 노드에서 데이터 확인
1) 데이터가 잘 분산 됐는지 체크
Spider node
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
CREATE TABLE shardTest_node1(id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,name char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',PRIMARY KEY (id) )
ENGINE=FEDERATED CONNECTION='shard_node1/shardTest';
CREATE TABLE shardTest_node2(id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,name char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',PRIMARY KEY (id) )
ENGINE=FEDERATED CONNECTION='shard_node2/shardTest';
CREATE TABLE shardTest_node3(id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,name char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',PRIMARY KEY (id) )
ENGINE=FEDERATED CONNECTION='shard_node3/shardTest';
CREATE TABLE shardTest_node4(id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,name char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',PRIMARY KEY (id) )
ENGINE=FEDERATED CONNECTION='shard_node4/shardTest';
How to Create Spider Engine
■ Step by Step II
Spider Engine
0. 테스트를 위해 FEDERATED Table 구성
[localhost] ((none)) 06:31> show storage engines;
| Engine | Support | Comment | Transactions | XA | Savepoints |
| SPIDER | YES | Spider storage engine | YES | YES | NO |
| MRG_MyISAM | YES | Collection of identical MyISAM tables | NO | NO | NO |
| MEMORY | YES | Hash based, stored in memory, useful for temporary tables | NO | NO | NO |
| BLACKHOLE | YES | /dev/null storage engine (anything you write to it disappears) | NO | NO | NO |
| MyISAM | YES | MyISAM storage engine | NO | NO | NO |
| InnoDB | DEFAULT | Percona-XtraDB, Supports transactions, row-level locking, and foreign keys | YES | YES | YES |
| ARCHIVE | YES | Archive storage engine | NO | NO | NO |
| FEDERATED | NO | FederatedX pluggable storage engine | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA | YES | Performance Schema | NO | NO | NO |
| Aria | YES | Crash-safe tables with MyISAM heritage | NO | NO | NO |
| CSV | YES | CSV storage engine | NO | NO | NO |
CREATE TABLE log_db.shardTest
id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT
, name char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "shardTest"'
PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1"'
, PARTITION shard2 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node2"'
, PARTITION shard3 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node3"'
, PARTITION shard4 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4"'
) ;
SELECT * FROM log_db.shardtest;
| id | name |
| 1 | SPIDER_01 |
| 5 | key1 |
| 4 | SPIDER_01 |
| 6 | key1 |
(원격데이터 정상추출)
결론 :
간의 의존성 없슴!
How to Create Spider Engine
Q. Spider Engine 이 Federated Engine 과 의존성이 있는 것은 아닐까? (FEDERATED STORAGE ENGINES OFF?)
How to Create Spider Engine
■ spider_internal_sql_log_off
shard된 서버에 spider 엔진에서 보낸 Query를
general log 기록합니다.
(show table status from `log_db` like 'v_shardtest_group‘)
(show index from `log_db`.`v_shardtest_group`)
■ spider_remote_sql_log_off
shard된 서버에 sql_log_off 를 설정합니다.
(set session sql_log_off = 1; )
 What is Spider Engine?
 Architecture
 How to Create Spider Engine
 Limitation of a Spider Engine
 Guideline
 Q&A
Spider Engine
insert into shardtest(name) values ('spider_01');
Node 1
root@ on using TCP/IP
set session transaction isolation level read committed;
set session autocommit = 1;
start transaction
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`order by `id` desc
limit 1 for update
insert into `log_db`.`shardTest`(`id`,`name`)values(5,'spider_01')
Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id` desc
limit 1 for update
Limitation of a Spider Engine
1. INSERT (Auto Increment 발번)
Spider Engine Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
Limitation of a Spider Engine
1. INSERT (Auto Increment 발번)
Auto_increment = 1
insert into shardtest(name) values ('spider_01');
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`order by
`id` desc limit 1 for update
각 노드 Auto_increment MAX 확인
Auto_increment = 2
노드 선택
insert into shardtest(id,name) values (1,'spider_01');
insert into shardtest(id,name) values
Auto_increment = 2
insert into shardtest(name) values ('spider_02');
Node 1
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`order by
`id` desc limit 1 for update
각 노드 Auto_increment MAX 확인
Auto_increment = 3
노드 선택
insert into shardtest(id,name) values (2,'spider_01');
Node 3
insert into shardtest(id,name) values
Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
Limitation of a Spider Engine
■ spider_auto_increment_mode
-1 : 테이블 매개 변수를 사용한다.
0 : 일반모드
자동 증가 값을 원격 서버에서 얻은 카운터를 사용한다.
1 : Quick 모드
자동 증가 값을 Spider Node 내부 카운터를 사용한다.
2 : Set Zero Value
자동 증가 값을 Data Node 내부 카운터를 사용한다.
3 : null 입력시 자동 증가 값은 원격 서버에서 생성
0을 입력하면 로컬 서버에서 생성
1. INSERT (Auto Increment 발번)
☞ Reference
Node 3Node 2Node 1
Node 4
Limitation of a Spider Engine
Spider Engine
set spider_auto_increment_mode = 1;
insert into shardtest(name) values ('spider_01');
root@ on using TCP/IP
set session transaction isolation level read committed;
set session autocommit = 1;
start transaction
insert into `log_db`.`shardTest`(`id`,`name`)values(6,'spider_01')
1. INSERT (Auto Increment 발번)
Limitation of a Spider Engine
1) spider_auto_increment_mode 설정별 성능
spider_auto_increment_mode QPS AVG Query sec
0 Avg : 45 0.021
1 Avg : 185 0.005
2 Avg : 184 0.005
1. INSERT (Auto Increment 발번)
Limitation of a Spider Engine
2) spider_auto_increment_mode = 0 문제 발생
1. INSERT (Auto Increment 발번)
응답이 없음
Spider Engine
Limitation of a Spider Engine
2) spider_auto_increment_mode = 0 문제 발생
1. INSERT (Auto Increment 발번)
Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
Commit 이 없음
Limitation of a Spider Engine
2) spider_auto_increment_mode = 0 문제 발생
1. INSERT (Auto Increment 발번)
Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
general_log Commit
( X )
Spider Engine
Node 1
update shardtest set id = 9 where id = 8;
(select 0,`id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `id` = 8 for update)
delete from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `id` = 8 and `name` = 'spider_01' limit 1
insert high_priority into `log_db`.`shardTest`(`id`,`name`)values(9,'spider_01')
Data Move
Data Move
Node 1Node 4
Data move
CREATE TABLE `shardtest` (
"mysql", table "shardTest" '
Limitation of a Spider Engine
2. Update (Shard Key Update)
Node 4
Spider Engine
update shardtest set id = 9 where id = 8;
(select 0,`id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `id` = 8 for update)
delete from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `id` = 8 and `name` = 'spider_01' limit 1
insert high_priority into `log_db`.`shardTest`(`id`,`name`)values(9,'spider_01')
update shardtest set id = 17 where id = 9; (select 0,`id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `id` = 9 for update)
update `shardTest` set `id` = 17 where `id` = 9 and `name` = 'spider_01' limit 1
Node 1Spider Engine
CREATE TABLE `shardtest` (
"mysql", table "shardTest" '
Node 1 Data move
CREATE TABLE `shardtest` (
"mysql", table "shardTest" '
Limitation of a Spider Engine
2. Update (Shard Key Update)
Node 1Node 4
Data move
Node 1
Node 4
Data Move
Data Move
Node 1
update shardtest set name = 'spider_02' where id = 1;
update shardtest set name = 'spider_03' where name = 'spider_01';
Spider Engine
(select 0,`id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `id` = 1 for update)
update `log_db`.`shardTest` set `name` = 'spider_02' where `id` = 1 limit 1
update `log_db`.`shardTest` set `name` = 'spider_03' where `id` = 2 and
`name` = 'spider_01' limit 1
(select 0,`id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` = 'spider_01'
for update)
Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
Shard key (X)
Node 1
Limitation of a Spider Engine
2. Update (Shard Key 가 아닌 컬럼의 Update)
Spider Engine
Node 3
update shardtest set name = 'spider_01' where name = 'spider_02';
Spider Engine
update `log_db`.`shardTest` set `name` = 'spider_01' where `id` = 1 and
`name` = 'spider_02' limit 1
update `log_db`.`shardTest` set `name` = 'spider_01' where `id` = 13 and
`name` = 'spider_02' limit 1
(select 0,`id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` = 'spider_02'
for update)
Shard key (X)
1 건 업데이트
Limitation of a Spider Engine
2. Update (Shard Key 가 아닌 컬럼의 Update)
update shardtest set name = 'spider_03' where name = 'spider_01';
Node 1
Spider Engine
update `log_db`.`shardTest` set `name` = 'spider_03' where `id` = 1 and
`name` = 'spider_01' limit 1
(select 0,`id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` = 'spider_01'
for update)
Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
Shard key (X)
Node 1
여러 건 업데이트
Node 1
Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
1건씩 처리됨
⇒ 운영시 binlog size 급증 이슈발생가능!
Truncate table shardTest; truncate table `log_db`.`shardTest`
Limitation of a Spider Engine
3. Truncate
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
Alter table shardTest ADD COLUMN TEST_Col1 int;
Alter table shardTest DROP COLUMN TEST_Col1 int;
CREATE INDEX idx_shardtest ON shardtest(name);
DROP INDEX idx_shardtest ON shardtest;
Shard Shema 변경 없음
Limitation of a Spider Engine
4. Alter
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
Shard Shema 변경 없음
Alter table shardtest ADD COLUMN (add_col1 int);
SELECT * FROM shardtest;
(ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'add_col1' in 'field list‘)
SELECT id, name FROM shardtest;
| id | name |
| 1 | SPIDER_01 |
| 2 | SPIDER_01 |
4 rows in set (0.26 sec)
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id`,`name`
General_log Query
Limitation of a Spider Engine
4. Alter
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
Shard Shema 변경 없음
Alter table shardtest ADD COLUMN (add_col1 int);
Limitation of a Spider Engine
4. Alter
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
INSERT INTO shardtest(name) VALUES('key2');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.45 sec)
select id, name from shardtest;
| id | name |
| 1 | SPIDER_01 |
| 2 | SPIDER_01 |
| … |
| 5 | key2 |
UPDATE shardtest
set name = 'key3'
where id = 5;
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'add_col1' in 'field list'
insert into `log_db`.`shardTest`(`id`,`name`) values (5,'key2')
(select 0,`id`,`name`,`add_col1` from `shardTest` where `id` = 5 for update)
General_log Query
Alter table shardtest DROP COLUMN (add_col1 int);
Limitation of a Spider Engine
4. Alter
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
General_log Query
select * from shardtest;
| id | name |
| 1 | SPIDER_01 |
| 2 | SPIDER_01 |
| 3 | SPIDER_01 |
| 4 | SPIDER_01 |
| 5 | key1 |
| 6 | key1 |
| 7 | SPIDER_01 |
| 8 | SPIDER_01 |
Select OK
Alter table shardtest ADD COLUMN (add_col1 int);
(각 Data 노드에 컬럼추가)
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id`,`name`
※ Schema 수정 순서에 유의
1) Data node 수정
2) Spider node 수정
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`select * from shardtest;
| id | name |
| 1 | spider_01 | -- shard1
| 4 | spider_01 | -- shard2
| 3 | spider_01 | -- shard3
| 2 | spider_01 | -- shard4
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`
select * from shardtest order by id;
| id | name |
| 1 | spider_01 | -- shard1
| 2 | spider_01 | -- shard4
| 3 | spider_01 | -- shard3
| 4 | spider_01 | -- shard2
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT (order by)
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
PK 순서 ( X )
Spider Node 에서
Sort 발생
Spider Node
“Sort buffer size”
설정에 따른 성능테스트
약 100만 row TEST
| int | varchar(120) | varchar(10) |
| id | name | node_num |
| 1 | aaa | node1 |
select * from shardtest order by id;
Variables (sort_buffer_size) avg retun time
256K 16.612
512K 12.76
1M 10.562
2M 9.988
4M 7.812
8M 7.93
16M 7.508 0
256K 512K 1M 2M 4M 8M 16M
avg retun time
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT (order by)
File Sort Algorithm
1. Single Pass
 SELECT되는 모든 컬럼
버퍼에 담아 정렬하여
바로 리턴
2. Two Pass
 정렬 대상 + KEY로 정렬
하여 해당 정렬 기준으
로 KEY값 리턴
※ Two Pass는 정렬을 위하여
temp file을 사용한다.
Sort_merge_passes는 Merge
횟수를 카운트 한다.
약 100만 row TEST
| int | varchar(120) | varchar(10) |
| id | name | node_num |
| 1 | aaa | node1 |
select * from shardtest order by id;
Variables (sort_buffer_size) avg retun time
256K 16.612
512K 12.76
1M 10.562
2M 9.988
4M 7.812
8M 7.93
16M 7.508
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT (order by)
상태 확인 : show status like ‘%sort%’
INSERT INTO shardtest(name) values('SPIDER_01');
INSERT INTO shardtest(name) values('SPIDER_04’);
INSERT INTO shardtest(name) values('key1');
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`SELECT * FROM shardtest where name = 'key1';
| id | name |
| 5 | key1 |
Spider Engine
Shard DB Filter ? ?
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT (where)
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
CREATE TABLE `shardtest` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
) ENGINE=SPIDER DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table
"shardTest" '
/*!50100 PARTITION BY KEY (`id`)
(PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1" ' ENGINE = SPIDER,
PARTITION shard4 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4" ' ENGINE = SPIDER) */
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` = 'key1'
Shard DB Filtering !!!
CREATE INDEX idx_shardtest_01 ON shardtest(name);
SELECT * FROM shardtest where name = 'key1';
| id | name |
| 5 | key1 |
CREATE TABLE `shardtest` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
KEY `idx_shardtest_01` (`name`)
) ENGINE=SPIDER DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table
"shardTest" '
/*!50100 PARTITION BY KEY (`id`)
(PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1" ' ENGINE = SPIDER,
PARTITION shard2 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node2" ' ENGINE = SPIDER,
PARTITION shard3 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node3" ' ENGINE = SPIDER,
PARTITION shard4 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4" ' ENGINE = SPIDER)
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT (where)
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
select name from shardtest group by name;
KEY `idx_shardtest_01` (`name`) 있는 상태
select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest`
select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `name` desc
select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `name`
select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` > 'key1' order by `name`
select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` > 'SPIDER_01' order by `name`
| name |
| key1 |
| SPIDER_01 |
KEY `idx_shardtest_01` (`name`) 를 제거하면…
DROP INDEX idx_shardtest_01 ON shardtest;
select name from shardtest group by name;
| name |
| key1 |
| SPIDER_01 |
select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`
Shard DB Grouping??
Limitation of a Spider Engine
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
5. SELECT (Group By)
Shard DB Full ScanShard DB Grouping
select id from shardtest group by name;
| id |
| 5 |
| 1 |
Shard DB Sorting
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `name`
Shard DB Grouping
select name, count(*) from shardtest group by name;
| name | count(*) |
| key1 | 2 |
| SPIDER_01 | 6 |
select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `name`
select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest`
select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest` ?
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT (Group By)
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
CREATE TABLE `shardtest` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`node_num` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT (Group By MIN, MAX, COUNT(*) {INDEX (O)})
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
select max(id) from shardtest;
select min(id) from shardtest;
select count(id) from shardtest;
select count(*) from shardtest;
select name, min(id) from shardtest;
select name, max(id) from shardtest;
select name, count(*) from shardtest;
select name, count(id) from shardtest;
select `id` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id` desc limit 1;
select `id` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id` limit 1;
select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest`;
select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest`;
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id`,`name`;
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id`,`name`;
select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `name`;
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id`,`name`;
index (X)
CREATE TABLE `shardtest` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`node_num` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
KEY `idx_shardtest_01` (`name`),
KEY `idx_shardtest_02` (`id`,`name`)
) …
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT (Group By MIN, MAX, COUNT(*) {INDEX (X)})
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
select max(name) from shardtest;
select min(name) from shardtest;
select count(name) from shardtest;
select count(*) from shardtest;
select name, min(id) from shardtest;
select name, max(id) from shardtest;
select name, count(*) from shardtest;
select name, count(id) from shardtest;
select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`;
select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`;
select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest`;
select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest`;
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`;
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`;
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`;
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`;
CREATE TABLE `shardtest` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`node_num` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
CREATE TABLE `shardtest` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`node_num` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
) …
Full Scan
CREATE VIEW v_shardtest_group
select name, max(id) as id, count(*) as cnt
from shardtest
group by name;
CREATE TABLE `v_shardtest_group` (
`name` CHAR(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
KEY `idx_shardtest_01` (`name`)
COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "v_shardtest_group" '
/*!50100 PARTITION BY KEY (`id`)
(PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1"' ENGINE = SPIDER,
PARTITION shard2 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node2"' ENGINE = SPIDER,
PARTITION shard3 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node3"' ENGINE = SPIDER,
PARTITION shard4 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4"' ENGINE = SPIDER) */ ;
select name, sum(cnt) from v_shardtest_group group by name; select `name`,`cnt` from `log_db`.`v_shardtest_group` order by `name`
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT (Group By)
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
select * from shardtest order by id;
select * from shardtest order by name;
select id from shardtest order by id;
select name from shardtest order by id;
select id from shardtest order by name;
select name from shardtest order by name;
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT (Order By)
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`
select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest`
select `id` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id`
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`
select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest`
select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `name`
Shard DB DataSpider DB Sorting
create table join_tb(
jt_no int auto_increment
, ct_code char(4)
, ct_cnt int
, primary key(jt_no)
create table common_tb(
ct_no int auto_increment
, ct_code char(4)
, ct_name varchar(30)
, primary key (ct_no)
, key (ct_code)
COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "common_tb" '
/*!50100 PARTITION BY KEY (ct_no)
(PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1"' ENGINE = SPIDER) */
create table join_tb(
jt_no int auto_increment
, ct_ code char(4)
, ct_ cnt int
, primary key(jt_no)
COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "join_tb" '
/*!50100 PARTITION BY KEY (`jt_no`)
(PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1"' ENGINE = SPIDER,
PARTITION shard2 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node2"' ENGINE = SPIDER,
PARTITION shard3 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node3"' ENGINE = SPIDER,
PARTITION shard4 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4"' ENGINE = SPIDER) */
create table common_tb(
ct_no int auto_increment
, ct_code char(4)
, ct_name varchar(30)
, primary key (ct_no)
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT (Join)
Spider Engine Node 1
Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
insert into join_tb(ct_code, ct_cnt) values ('A001',1);
insert into join_tb(ct_code, ct_cnt) values ('A002',2);
insert into join_tb(ct_code, ct_cnt) values ('A003',3);
insert into join_tb(ct_code, ct_cnt) values ('A009',49);
insert into join_tb(ct_code, ct_cnt) values ('A010',50);
insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A001','TEST1');
insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A002','TEST2');
insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A003','TEST3');
insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A011','TEST11');
insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A012','TEST12');
insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A013','TEST13');
select a.ct_cnt, a.ct_code, b.ct_name
from join_tb a
, common_tb b
where a.ct_code = b.ct_code;
select `ct_code`,`ct_cnt` from `log_db`.`join_tb`
select `ct_code`,`ct_name` from `log_db`.`common_tb` where `ct_code` = 'A010'
select `ct_code`,`ct_name` from `log_db`.`common_tb` where `ct_code` = 'A006'
select `ct_code`,`ct_name` from `log_db`.`common_tb` where `ct_code` = 'A012'
select `ct_code`,`ct_name` from `log_db`.`common_tb` where `ct_code` = 'A007'
select `ct_code`,`ct_name` from `log_db`.`common_tb` where `ct_code` = 'A013'
select `ct_code`,`ct_name` from `log_db`.`common_tb` where `ct_code` = 'A009'
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT (Join)
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
join_tb join_tb join_tb
1단계 : join_tb 데이터 스캔
2단계 : 1단계에서 읽은 데이터를 대상
으로 common_tb 데이터 확인
Spider Engine
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
Spider Engine
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT (Join)
Insert common_tb
Global table Join View
View ?
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT (Join)
Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
alter table common_tb
COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "common_tb" '
/*!50100 PARTITION BY KEY (ct_no)
COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node2 shard_node3 shard_node4 shard_node1"'
insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A001','TEST1');
insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A002','TEST2');
insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A003','TEST3');
insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A011','TEST11');
insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A012','TEST12');
insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A013','TEST13');
insert into `common_tb`(`ct_no`,`ct_code`,`ct_name`)values(1,'A001','TEST01')
insert into `common_tb`(`ct_no`,`ct_code`,`ct_name`)values(2,'A002','TEST02')
insert into `common_tb`(`ct_no`,`ct_code`,`ct_name`)values(3,'A003','TEST03')
insert into `common_tb`(`ct_no`,`ct_code`,`ct_name`)values(11,'A011','TEST11')
insert into `common_tb`(`ct_no`,`ct_code`,`ct_name`)values(12,'A012','TEST12')
insert into `common_tb`(`ct_no`,`ct_code`,`ct_name`)values(13,'A013','TEST13')
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT (Join)
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
select a.jt_no, a.ct_cnt, a.ct_code a_ct_code, b.ct_code b_ct_code, b.ct_name
from join_tb a
, common_tb b
where a.ct_code = b.ct_code;
CREATE TABLE v_join_tb(
jt_no int
, ct_cnt int
, a_ct_code char(4)
, b_ct_code char(4)
, ct_name varchar(30)
, primary key (jt_no)
, key (a_ct_code, b_ct_code)
COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "v_join_tb" '
/*!50100 PARTITION BY KEY (`jt_no`)
(PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1"' ENGINE = SPIDER,
PARTITION shard4 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4"' ENGINE = SPIDER) */;
select * from v_join_tb
where a_ct_code = 'A001' and b_ct_code = 'A001';
select `jt_no`,`ct_cnt`,`a_ct_code`,`b_ct_code`,`ct_name`
from `log_db`.`v_join_tb`
where `a_ct_code` = 'A001' and `b_ct_code` = 'A001'
Key Point !!
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT (Join)
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
select * from v_join_tb
where a_ct_code = 'A001’and b_ct_code = 'A001'; select `jt_no`,`ct_cnt`,`a_ct_code`,`b_ct_code`,`ct_name`
from `log_db`.`v_join_tb`
where `a_ct_code` = 'A001' and `b_ct_code` = 'A001'
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT (Join)
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
INDEX Access OK !
FROM shardtest
WHERE name IN ('key1','SPIDER_01');
| id | name |
| 1 | SPIDER_01 |
| 5 | key1 |
| 4 | SPIDER_01 |
| 8 | SPIDER_01 |
| 3 | SPIDER_01 |
| 7 | SPIDER_01 |
| 2 | SPIDER_01 |
| 6 | key1 |
Temporary Table ← IN KEY
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT ( IN( ) )
drop temporary table if exists log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f5ba7f23420_shardTest;
create temporary table log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f5ba7f23420_shardTest(
id bigint
, c0 char(120) collate utf8_general_ci
engine=memory default charset=utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;
insert into log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f5ba7f23420_shardTest(id,c0)values(0,'key1'),(1,'SPIDER_01');
from log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f5ba7f23420_shardTest a,`log_db`.`shardTest` b
where a.c0 <=> b.`name`;
drop temporary table if exists log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f5ba7f23420_shardTest;
OR equal
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT ( IN( ) )
SELECT * FROM shardtest WHERE name = 'key1'
SELECT * FROM shardtest WHERE name = 'SPIDER_01';
| id | name |
| 5 | key1 |
| 6 | key1 |
| 1 | SPIDER_01 |
| 4 | SPIDER_01 |
| 8 | SPIDER_01 |
| 3 | SPIDER_01 |
| 7 | SPIDER_01 |
| 2 | SPIDER_01 |
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` = 'SPIDER_01'
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` = 'key1'
create table shardtest_key (
shard_key int
, val varchar(100)
, PRIMARY KEY (shard_no, shard_key)
COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "shardtest_key" '
/*!50100 PARTITION BY LIST (`shard_key`)
(PARTITION shard1 VALUES IN (1) COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1"' ENGINE = SPIDER,
PARTITION shard3 VALUES IN (3) COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node3"' ENGINE = SPIDER,
PARTITION shard4 VALUES IN (4) COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4"' ENGINE = SPIDER,
PARTITION shard2 VALUES IN (2) COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node2"' ENGINE = SPIDER) */
create table shardtest_key (
shard_key int
, val varchar(100)
, PRIMARY KEY (shard_no)
insert into shardtest_key(shard_key, val) values (1,'node1');
insert into shardtest_key(shard_key, val) values (2,'node2');
insert into shardtest_key(shard_key, val) values (3,'node3');
insert into shardtest_key(shard_key, val) values (4,'node4');
insert into shardtest_key(shard_key, val) values (2,'node2');
insert into shardtest_key(shard_key, val) values (3,'node3');
insert into shardtest_key(shard_key, val) values (4,'node4');
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT ( IN( ) + shardkey)
FROM shardtest_key
WHERE shard_key in (1,2)
AND shard_no in (1,5,9,2,26);
| shard_key | shard_no | val |
| 1 | 1 | node1 |
| 1 | 5 | node1 |
| 1 | 9 | node1 |
| 2 | 2 | node2 |
| 2 | 26 | node2 |
Spider Engine Node 2
Node 3 Node 4
Node 1
Limitation of a Spider Engine
5. SELECT ( IN( ) + shardkey )
drop temporary table if exists log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f0c403d1820_shardtest_key;
create temporary table log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f0c403d1820_shardtest_key(
id bigint
, c0 int(11)
, c1 int(11)
engine=memory default charset=utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;
insert into log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f0c403d1820_shardtest_key(id,c0,c1)
from log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f0c403d1820_shardtest_key a
,`log_db`.`shardtest_key` b
where a.c0 <=> b.`shard_no` and a.c1 <=> b.`shard_key`
drop temporary table if exists log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f0c403d1820_shardtest_key
id >= 1 and id <= 6
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
Limitation of a Spider Engine
SELECT * FROM shardtest where id between 1 and 6;
| id | name |
| 1 | SPIDER_01 |
| 5 | key1 |
| 4 | SPIDER_01 |
| 3 | SPIDER_01 |
| 2 | SPIDER_01 |
| 6 | key1 |
(select 0,`id`,`name`
from `log_db`.`shardTest`
where `id` >= 1 and `id` <= 6
order by `id`)
order by `id`
explain SELECT * FROM shardtest where name = 'key1' and id >= 1 and id <= 6;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | shardtest | range | PRIMARY,idx_shardtest_01 | PRIMARY | 4 | NULL | 8 | Using where |
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
Limitation of a Spider Engine
FROM shardtest
WHERE name = 'key1‘
AND id >= 1 and id <= 6;
| id | name |
| 5 | key1 |
| 6 | key1 |
(select 0,`id`,`name`
from `log_db`.`shardTest`
where `id` >= 1 and `id` <= 6
order by `id`)
order by `id`
Spider Engine
“name” filter
Shard DB Data
explain SELECT * FROM shardtest use index(idx_shardtest_01) where name = 'key1' and id >= 1 and id <= 6;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | shardtest | ref | idx_shardtest_01 | idx_shardtest_01 | 360 | const | 9687 | Using where |
idx_shardtest_01 : name
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
Limitation of a Spider Engine
FROM shardtest use index(idx_shardtest_01)
WHERE name = 'key1‘
AND id >= 1 and id <= 6;
| id | name |
| 5 | key1 |
| 6 | key1 |
select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` = 'key1'
Spider Engine
“id” filter
Shard DB Data
Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
Limitation of a Spider Engine
create index idx_shardtest_03 on shardtest(name, id);
explain SELECT * FROM shardtest use index(idx_shardtest_03) where name = 'key1' and id between 1 and 6;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | shardtest | range | idx_shardtest_03 | idx_shardtest_03 | 364 | NULL | 8 | Using where; Using index |
FROM shardtest use index(idx_shardtest_03)
WHERE name = 'key1‘
AND id between 1 and 6;
| id | name |
| 5 | key1 |
| 6 | key1 |
(select 0,`id`,`name`
from `log_db`.`shardTest`
where `id` >= 1 and `id` <= 6
and `name` = 'key1'
order by `id`,`name`
order by `id`,`name`
 What is Spider Engine?
 Architecture
 How to Create Spider Engine
 Limitation of a Spider Engine
 Guideline
 Q&A
• Shard 별로 스키마 구성 (물리적으로 같은 위치에)
• 자동 증가값은 Spider Engine 에서 처리하도록 구성
• Global 스카마의 경우 HA 기능을 사용하여 각 서버에 복제본 구성
• Index 는, Data node 에는 전통적으로 필요한 index 생성
Spider node 에는 필요한 모든 컬럼 index 생성
• 각 Node에서 가장 성능이 나쁜 서버의 속도가 전체 성능을 결정한다.
(아쉽게도 각 Node에 Query를 parallel 하게 전달하지는 않는다.)
• IN절과 ORDER BY 절은 최소화
• 조건절에 Filter 위치를 확실히 확인
• 설계 및 개발단계에 선반영 검토 (ex. 모든 쿼리에 Shard Key 조건을 추가하여 개발)
 What is Spider Engine?
 Architecture
 How to Create Spider Engine
 Limitation of a Spider Engine
 Guideline
 Q&A
Q & A
■ Spider_internal_limit
shard node에 레코드 LIMIT 제한을 준다.
■ Spider_internal_limit = 100
Query : SELECT * FROM shardtest limit 101
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
Node 1
Q & A
■ Spider_internal_limit = 100
Query : SELECT * FROM shardtest order by id limit 101
Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
■ Spider_internal_limit = -1
Query : SELECT * FROM shardtest order by id limit 100
Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
Q & A
■ Spider_internal_limit = 100
Query : SELECT * FROM shardtest limit 1000
Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
■ 결과
Q & A
■ 스키마 변경은 각 노트에 상태와 무관한가?
Node 4
Spider Engine
Q & A
■ 스키마 변경은 각 노트에 상태와 무관한가?
Node4에 접속 불가
Q & A
■ 스키마 변경은 각 노트에 상태와 무관한가?
ALL Node
Q & A
■ Spider node에 shard_key Partition + 각 노드 Partition 구조 및 인덱스 설계 고려 사항이 있는가?
Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
CREATE TABLE `shardtest_key` (
`shard_key` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`shard_no` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
Partkey_week INT,
`val` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`shard_no`,Partkey_week)
/*!50100 PARTITION BY LIST (Partkey_week)
(PARTITION character_crud_log_P00 VALUES IN (0) ENGINE = InnoDB,
PARTITION character_crud_log_P01 VALUES IN (1) ENGINE = InnoDB,
PARTITION character_crud_log_P02 VALUES IN (2) ENGINE = InnoDB,
PARTITION character_crud_log_P03 VALUES IN (3) ENGINE = InnoDB,
PARTITION character_crud_log_P04 VALUES IN (4) ENGINE = InnoDB,
PARTITION character_crud_log_P05 VALUES IN (5) ENGINE = InnoDB) */;
Spider Engine
CREATE TABLE `shardtest_key` (
`shard_key` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`shard_no` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
Partkey_week int,
`val` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`shard_no`,shard_key, Partkey_week),
key (shard_key, Partkey_week)
) ENGINE=SPIDER DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "shardtest_key" '
/*!50100 PARTITION BY LIST (`shard_key`)
(PARTITION shard1 VALUES IN (1) COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1"' ENGINE = SPIDER,
PARTITION shard3 VALUES IN (3) COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node3"' ENGINE = SPIDER,
PARTITION shard4 VALUES IN (4) COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4"' ENGINE = SPIDER,
PARTITION shard2 VALUES IN (2) COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node2"' ENGINE = SPIDER) */
■ 결론
위에서 이야기 했던 것 처럼 각 노드에 필요한 조건이 모두 전달되려면 Spider에 인덱스가 존재해야 한다.
결국 partition을 제대로 사용하려면 spider 쪽에 (shard_key + Partition_key + 필요한 인덱스) 구조로 인덱스를 만들어야 한다.
Q & A
Spider Engine
Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
실행 계획
■ Spider node에 shard_key Partition + 각 노드 Partition 구조 및 인덱스 설계 고려 사항이 있는가?
Q & A
■ Spider 복제 구성에서 SELECT 되는 기준 노드는?
Spider Engine
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
Node 1
Insert & Select
Q & A
■ Spider 복제 구성에서 SELECT 되는 기준 노드는?
Spider Engine
CREATE TABLE `common_tb` (
`ct_no` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`ct_code` char(4) DEFAULT NULL,
`ct_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
`node_name` varchar(6),
PRIMARY KEY (`ct_no`),
KEY `ct_code` (`ct_code`)
) ENGINE=SPIDER DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "common_tb" '
/*!50100 PARTITION BY KEY (ct_no)
(PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1 shard_node2 shard_node3 shard_node4"' ENGINE = SPIDER) */
CREATE TABLE `common_tb` (
`ct_no` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`ct_code` char(4) DEFAULT NULL,
`ct_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
`node_name` varchar(6) DEFAULT 'node4',
PRIMARY KEY (`ct_no`)
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
Node1, Node2, Node3, Node4
Q & A
■ Spider 복제 구성에서 SELECT 되는 기준 노드는?
Spider Engine
Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
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Deep Dive Spider Engine

  • 1. 1 Deep Dive Spider Engine 날짜 : 2016.03.21 Ver. 1.0 작성 : DB실 전수진
  • 2.  What is Spider Engine?  Architecture  How to Create Spider Engine  Limitation of a Spider Engine  Guideline  Q&A Agenda
  • 3.  What is Spider Engine?  Architecture  How to Create Spider Engine  Limitation of a Spider Engine  Guideline  Q&A Agenda
  • 4. What is Spider Engine ?
  • 5. What is Spider Engine ? Image Source :
  • 6. What is Spider Engine ? Spider Node 를 통해 하나의 DB 로 보임 Spider Node 는 데이터를 갖지않음
  • 7.  What is Spider Engine?  Architecture  How to Create Spider Engine  Limitation of a Spider Engine  Guideline  Q&A Agenda
  • 9. Architecture use mysql show tables like ‘spider%’ spider_link_failed_log : HA에서 사용되는 테이블로 스파이더에 구성된 노드가 에러가 발생하면 로그 기록 spider_link_mon_servers : HA에서 사용되는 테이블로 스파이더의 HA 모니터링하는 서버의 계정을 관리 spider_tables : 스파이더 엔진으로 구성된 테이블 리스트 출력 spider_xa : 서로 다른 노드에 분산 트랜잭션 관리 spider_xa_member : 서로 다른 노드에 분산 트랜잭션을 원격 관리하는 서버 정보 저장
  • 10.  What is Spider Engine?  Architecture  How to Create Spider Engine  Limitation of a Spider Engine  Guideline  Q&A Agenda
  • 11. ■ Step by Step 1. 서버 준비 Spider node Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 ※ 5대 DB Server 준비 ① Spider Node (mariaDB 10.0.9) ② Data Node ⑴ MySQL 5.6.24 ⑵ MySQL 5.5.30 ⑶ MySQL 5.7.9 ⑷ mariaDB 10.0.4 How to Create Spider Engine
  • 12. ■ Step by Step 2-1. 아래 링크에서 스파이더 엔진 설치 파일을 받아 설치 2-2. 스파이더 엔진을 사용하기 위한 소스 적용 mysql -uroot -p < ../mariadb/share/install_spider.sql 2-3. 스파이더 엔진 설치 완료확인 SELECT engine, support, transactions, xa FROM information_schema.engines; +--------------------+---------+--------------+------+ | engine | support | transactions | xa | +--------------------+---------+--------------+------+ | SPIDER | YES | YES | YES | | CSV | YES | NO | NO | | MyISAM | YES | NO | NO | | BLACKHOLE | YES | NO | NO | | FEDERATED | YES | YES | NO | | MRG_MyISAM | YES | NO | NO | | ARCHIVE | YES | NO | NO | | MEMORY | YES | NO | NO | | PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA | YES | NO | NO | | Aria | YES | NO | NO | | InnoDB | DEFAULT | YES | YES | +--------------------+---------+--------------+------+ How to Create Spider Engine
  • 13. Spider Engine Node 1 (mysql 5.7.9) Node 2 (mysql 5.6.24) Node 3 (mysql 5.5.30) Node 4 (mariadb 10.0.4) Local Server Spider Table *.frm *.par File Remote Server Spider Table *.frm File Data (*.ibd) Schema info (O) Partition info (O) Index data (X) How to Create Spider Engine ■ Step by Step II 1. 서버 준비
  • 14. Spider Engine 1. 원격서버 등록 sheard_node1 : sheard_node2 : sheard_node3 : sheard_node4 : CREATE SERVER shard_node1 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER mysql OPTIONS( HOST '', DATABASE 'log_db', USER 'root', PASSWORD '123qwe!@#', PORT 3306 ); CREATE SERVER shard_node4 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER mysql OPTIONS( HOST '', DATABASE 'log_db', USER 'root', PASSWORD '123qwe!@#', PORT 3306 ); ☞ Reference ... Spider node Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 How to Create Spider Engine ■ Step by Step II
  • 15. CREATE TABLE log_db.shardTest ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , name char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=spider COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "shardTest"' PARTITION BY KEY (id) ( PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1"' , PARTITION shard2 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node2"' , PARTITION shard3 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node3"' , PARTITION shard4 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4"' ) ; 2. Shard 테이블을 생성 1) 데이터가 저장될 실제 테이블 이름과 파티션 Key 값에 따라 저장될 원격 서버의 정보를 Comment 에 입력함 Spider node Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 How to Create Spider Engine ■ Step by Step II Spider Engine
  • 16. Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 CREATE TABLE log_db.shardTest ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , name char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=innodb; Spider node Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 How to Create Spider Engine ■ Step by Step II 3. 각 노드에 Data 테이블 생성
  • 17. insert into log_db.shardTest(name) values ('spider_01'); insert into log_db.shardTest(name) values ('spider_01'); insert into log_db.shardTest(name) values ('spider_01'); insert into log_db.shardTest(name) values ('spider_01'); select * from shardtest; +----+-----------+ | id | name | +----+-----------+ | 1 | spider_01 | | 4 | spider_01 | | 3 | spider_01 | | 2 | spider_01 | +----+-----------+ Spider node Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 How to Create Spider Engine ■ Step by Step II 4. Spider 노드에서 데이터 입력 및 확인 Spider Engine
  • 18. Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 select * from shardtest; +----+-----------+ | id | name | +----+-----------+ | 1 | spider_01 | +----+-----------+ select * from shardtest; +----+-----------+ | id | name | +----+-----------+ | 3 | spider_01 | +----+-----------+ select * from shardtest; +----+-----------+ | id | name | +----+-----------+ | 4 | spider_01 | +----+-----------+ select * from shardtest; +----+-----------+ | id | name | +----+-----------+ | 2 | spider_01 | +----+-----------+ Spider node Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 How to Create Spider Engine ■ Step by Step II 5. 각 Data 노드에서 데이터 확인 1) 데이터가 잘 분산 됐는지 체크
  • 19. Spider node Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 CREATE TABLE shardTest_node1(id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,name char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=FEDERATED CONNECTION='shard_node1/shardTest'; CREATE TABLE shardTest_node2(id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,name char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=FEDERATED CONNECTION='shard_node2/shardTest'; CREATE TABLE shardTest_node3(id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,name char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=FEDERATED CONNECTION='shard_node3/shardTest'; CREATE TABLE shardTest_node4(id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,name char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=FEDERATED CONNECTION='shard_node4/shardTest'; How to Create Spider Engine ■ Step by Step II Spider Engine 0. 테스트를 위해 FEDERATED Table 구성
  • 20. [localhost] ((none)) 06:31> show storage engines; +--------------------+---------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+------+------------+ | Engine | Support | Comment | Transactions | XA | Savepoints | +--------------------+---------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+------+------------+ | SPIDER | YES | Spider storage engine | YES | YES | NO | | MRG_MyISAM | YES | Collection of identical MyISAM tables | NO | NO | NO | | MEMORY | YES | Hash based, stored in memory, useful for temporary tables | NO | NO | NO | | BLACKHOLE | YES | /dev/null storage engine (anything you write to it disappears) | NO | NO | NO | | MyISAM | YES | MyISAM storage engine | NO | NO | NO | | InnoDB | DEFAULT | Percona-XtraDB, Supports transactions, row-level locking, and foreign keys | YES | YES | YES | | ARCHIVE | YES | Archive storage engine | NO | NO | NO | | FEDERATED | NO | FederatedX pluggable storage engine | NULL | NULL | NULL | | PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA | YES | Performance Schema | NO | NO | NO | | Aria | YES | Crash-safe tables with MyISAM heritage | NO | NO | NO | | CSV | YES | CSV storage engine | NO | NO | NO | +--------------------+---------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+------+------------+ CREATE TABLE log_db.shardTest ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , name char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=spider COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "shardTest"' PARTITION BY KEY (id) ( PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1"' , PARTITION shard2 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node2"' , PARTITION shard3 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node3"' , PARTITION shard4 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4"' ) ; SELECT * FROM log_db.shardtest; +----+-----------+ | id | name | +----+-----------+ | 1 | SPIDER_01 | | 5 | key1 | | 4 | SPIDER_01 | … | 6 | key1 | +----+-----------+ (원격데이터 정상추출) 결론 : FEDERATED 와 SPIDER ENGINES 간의 의존성 없슴! How to Create Spider Engine Q. Spider Engine 이 Federated Engine 과 의존성이 있는 것은 아닐까? (FEDERATED STORAGE ENGINES OFF?)
  • 21. How to Create Spider Engine ■ spider_internal_sql_log_off shard된 서버에 spider 엔진에서 보낸 Query를 general log 기록합니다. 구문 (show table status from `log_db` like 'v_shardtest_group‘) (show index from `log_db`.`v_shardtest_group`) ■ spider_remote_sql_log_off shard된 서버에 sql_log_off 를 설정합니다. 구문 (set session sql_log_off = 1; )
  • 22.  What is Spider Engine?  Architecture  How to Create Spider Engine  Limitation of a Spider Engine  Guideline  Q&A Agenda
  • 23. Spider Engine insert into shardtest(name) values ('spider_01'); Node 1 root@ on using TCP/IP set session transaction isolation level read committed; set session autocommit = 1; start transaction SET NAMES utf8 log_db select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`order by `id` desc limit 1 for update insert into `log_db`.`shardTest`(`id`,`name`)values(5,'spider_01') commit Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id` desc limit 1 for update UPDATE Lock? UPDATE Lock? Limitation of a Spider Engine 1. INSERT (Auto Increment 발번)
  • 24. Spider Engine Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Limitation of a Spider Engine 1. INSERT (Auto Increment 발번) Auto_increment = 1 insert into shardtest(name) values ('spider_01'); select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`order by `id` desc limit 1 for update 각 노드 Auto_increment MAX 확인 Auto_increment = 2 노드 선택 insert into shardtest(id,name) values (1,'spider_01'); insert into shardtest(id,name) values (1,'spider_01'); Auto_increment = 2 insert into shardtest(name) values ('spider_02'); Node 1 select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`order by `id` desc limit 1 for update 각 노드 Auto_increment MAX 확인 Auto_increment = 3 노드 선택 insert into shardtest(id,name) values (2,'spider_01'); Node 3 insert into shardtest(id,name) values (2,'spider_01'); Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
  • 25. Limitation of a Spider Engine ■ spider_auto_increment_mode -1 : 테이블 매개 변수를 사용한다. 0 : 일반모드 자동 증가 값을 원격 서버에서 얻은 카운터를 사용한다. 1 : Quick 모드 자동 증가 값을 Spider Node 내부 카운터를 사용한다. 2 : Set Zero Value 자동 증가 값을 Data Node 내부 카운터를 사용한다. 3 : null 입력시 자동 증가 값은 원격 서버에서 생성 0을 입력하면 로컬 서버에서 생성 1. INSERT (Auto Increment 발번) ☞ Reference
  • 26. Node 3Node 2Node 1 Node 4 Limitation of a Spider Engine Spider Engine set spider_auto_increment_mode = 1; insert into shardtest(name) values ('spider_01'); root@ on using TCP/IP set session transaction isolation level read committed; set session autocommit = 1; start transaction SET NAMES utf8 log_db insert into `log_db`.`shardTest`(`id`,`name`)values(6,'spider_01') commit 1. INSERT (Auto Increment 발번)
  • 27. Limitation of a Spider Engine 1) spider_auto_increment_mode 설정별 성능 spider_auto_increment_mode QPS AVG Query sec 0 Avg : 45 0.021 1 Avg : 185 0.005 2 Avg : 184 0.005 1. INSERT (Auto Increment 발번)
  • 28. Limitation of a Spider Engine 2) spider_auto_increment_mode = 0 문제 발생 1. INSERT (Auto Increment 발번) 응답이 없음 Spider Engine ?
  • 29. Limitation of a Spider Engine 2) spider_auto_increment_mode = 0 문제 발생 1. INSERT (Auto Increment 발번) Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Commit 이 없음
  • 30. Limitation of a Spider Engine 2) spider_auto_increment_mode = 0 문제 발생 1. INSERT (Auto Increment 발번) Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 general_log Commit ( X )
  • 31. Spider Engine Node 1 update shardtest set id = 9 where id = 8; (select 0,`id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `id` = 8 for update) delete from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `id` = 8 and `name` = 'spider_01' limit 1 insert high_priority into `log_db`.`shardTest`(`id`,`name`)values(9,'spider_01') Data Move Data Move Node 1Node 4 Data move CREATE TABLE `shardtest` ( ... ) ENGINE=SPIDER AUTO_INCREMENT=10 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "shardTest" ' Limitation of a Spider Engine 2. Update (Shard Key Update) Change Auto increment Node 4
  • 32. Spider Engine update shardtest set id = 9 where id = 8; (select 0,`id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `id` = 8 for update) delete from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `id` = 8 and `name` = 'spider_01' limit 1 insert high_priority into `log_db`.`shardTest`(`id`,`name`)values(9,'spider_01') update shardtest set id = 17 where id = 9; (select 0,`id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `id` = 9 for update) update `shardTest` set `id` = 17 where `id` = 9 and `name` = 'spider_01' limit 1 Node 1Spider Engine CREATE TABLE `shardtest` ( ... ) ENGINE=SPIDER AUTO_INCREMENT=18 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "shardTest" ' Node 1 Data move CREATE TABLE `shardtest` ( ... ) ENGINE=SPIDER AUTO_INCREMENT=10 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "shardTest" ' Change Auto increment Limitation of a Spider Engine 2. Update (Shard Key Update) Node 1Node 4 Data move Change Auto increment Node 1 Node 4 Data Move Data Move
  • 33. Node 1 update shardtest set name = 'spider_02' where id = 1; update shardtest set name = 'spider_03' where name = 'spider_01'; Spider Engine (select 0,`id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `id` = 1 for update) update `log_db`.`shardTest` set `name` = 'spider_02' where `id` = 1 limit 1 update `log_db`.`shardTest` set `name` = 'spider_03' where `id` = 2 and `name` = 'spider_01' limit 1 (select 0,`id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` = 'spider_01' for update) Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Shard key (X) Node 1 Limitation of a Spider Engine 2. Update (Shard Key 가 아닌 컬럼의 Update) Spider Engine Node 3
  • 34. update shardtest set name = 'spider_01' where name = 'spider_02'; Spider Engine update `log_db`.`shardTest` set `name` = 'spider_01' where `id` = 1 and `name` = 'spider_02' limit 1 update `log_db`.`shardTest` set `name` = 'spider_01' where `id` = 13 and `name` = 'spider_02' limit 1 (select 0,`id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` = 'spider_02' for update) Shard key (X) 1 건 업데이트 Limitation of a Spider Engine 2. Update (Shard Key 가 아닌 컬럼의 Update) update shardtest set name = 'spider_03' where name = 'spider_01'; Node 1 Spider Engine update `log_db`.`shardTest` set `name` = 'spider_03' where `id` = 1 and `name` = 'spider_01' limit 1 (select 0,`id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` = 'spider_01' for update) Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Shard key (X) Node 1 여러 건 업데이트 Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 1건씩 처리됨 ⇒ 운영시 binlog size 급증 이슈발생가능!
  • 35. Truncate table shardTest; truncate table `log_db`.`shardTest` Limitation of a Spider Engine 3. Truncate Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
  • 36. Alter table shardTest ADD COLUMN TEST_Col1 int; Alter table shardTest DROP COLUMN TEST_Col1 int; CREATE INDEX idx_shardtest ON shardtest(name); DROP INDEX idx_shardtest ON shardtest; Shard Shema 변경 없음 Limitation of a Spider Engine 4. Alter Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
  • 37. Shard Shema 변경 없음 Alter table shardtest ADD COLUMN (add_col1 int); SELECT * FROM shardtest; (ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'add_col1' in 'field list‘) SELECT id, name FROM shardtest; +----+-----------+ | id | name | +----+-----------+ | 1 | SPIDER_01 | … | 2 | SPIDER_01 | +----+-----------+ 4 rows in set (0.26 sec) select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id`,`name` General_log Query Limitation of a Spider Engine 4. Alter Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
  • 38. Shard Shema 변경 없음 Alter table shardtest ADD COLUMN (add_col1 int); Limitation of a Spider Engine 4. Alter Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 INSERT INTO shardtest(name) VALUES('key2'); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.45 sec) select id, name from shardtest; +----+-----------+ | id | name | +----+-----------+ | 1 | SPIDER_01 | | 2 | SPIDER_01 | | … | | 5 | key2 | +----+-----------+ UPDATE shardtest set name = 'key3' where id = 5; ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'add_col1' in 'field list' insert into `log_db`.`shardTest`(`id`,`name`) values (5,'key2') (select 0,`id`,`name`,`add_col1` from `shardTest` where `id` = 5 for update) rollback General_log Query
  • 39. Alter table shardtest DROP COLUMN (add_col1 int); Limitation of a Spider Engine 4. Alter Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 General_log Query select * from shardtest; +----+-----------+ | id | name | +----+-----------+ | 1 | SPIDER_01 | | 2 | SPIDER_01 | | 3 | SPIDER_01 | | 4 | SPIDER_01 | | 5 | key1 | | 6 | key1 | | 7 | SPIDER_01 | | 8 | SPIDER_01 | +----+-----------+ Select OK Alter table shardtest ADD COLUMN (add_col1 int); (각 Data 노드에 컬럼추가) select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id`,`name` ※ Schema 수정 순서에 유의 1) Data node 수정 2) Spider node 수정
  • 40. select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`select * from shardtest; +----+-----------+ | id | name | +----+-----------+ | 1 | spider_01 | -- shard1 | 4 | spider_01 | -- shard2 | 3 | spider_01 | -- shard3 | 2 | spider_01 | -- shard4 +----+-----------+ select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` select * from shardtest order by id; +----+-----------+ | id | name | +----+-----------+ | 1 | spider_01 | -- shard1 | 2 | spider_01 | -- shard4 | 3 | spider_01 | -- shard3 | 4 | spider_01 | -- shard2 +----+-----------+ Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT (order by) Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 PK 순서 ( X ) Spider Node 에서 Sort 발생
  • 41. Spider Node “Sort buffer size” 설정에 따른 성능테스트 약 100만 row TEST +-----+--------------+-------------+ | int | varchar(120) | varchar(10) | +-----+--------------+-------------+ | id | name | node_num | +-----+--------------+-------------+ | 1 | aaa | node1 | +-----+--------------+-------------+ TEST QUERY select * from shardtest order by id; Variables (sort_buffer_size) avg retun time 256K 16.612 512K 12.76 1M 10.562 2M 9.988 4M 7.812 8M 7.93 16M 7.508 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 256K 512K 1M 2M 4M 8M 16M avg retun time Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT (order by)
  • 42. File Sort Algorithm 1. Single Pass  SELECT되는 모든 컬럼 버퍼에 담아 정렬하여 바로 리턴 2. Two Pass  정렬 대상 + KEY로 정렬 하여 해당 정렬 기준으 로 KEY값 리턴 ※ Two Pass는 정렬을 위하여 temp file을 사용한다. Sort_merge_passes는 Merge 횟수를 카운트 한다. 약 100만 row TEST +-----+--------------+-------------+ | int | varchar(120) | varchar(10) | +-----+--------------+-------------+ | id | name | node_num | +-----+--------------+-------------+ | 1 | aaa | node1 | +-----+--------------+-------------+ TEST QUERY select * from shardtest order by id; Variables (sort_buffer_size) avg retun time 256K 16.612 512K 12.76 1M 10.562 2M 9.988 4M 7.812 8M 7.93 16M 7.508 Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT (order by) 상태 확인 : show status like ‘%sort%’
  • 43. INSERT INTO shardtest(name) values('SPIDER_01'); … INSERT INTO shardtest(name) values('SPIDER_04’); INSERT INTO shardtest(name) values('key1'); select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`SELECT * FROM shardtest where name = 'key1'; +----+------+ | id | name | +----+------+ | 5 | key1 | +----+------+ Spider Engine Filtering Shard DB Filter ? ? Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT (where) Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 CREATE TABLE `shardtest` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), ) ENGINE=SPIDER DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "shardTest" ' /*!50100 PARTITION BY KEY (`id`) (PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1" ' ENGINE = SPIDER, … PARTITION shard4 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4" ' ENGINE = SPIDER) */
  • 44. select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` = 'key1' Shard DB Filtering !!! CREATE INDEX idx_shardtest_01 ON shardtest(name); SELECT * FROM shardtest where name = 'key1'; +----+------+ | id | name | +----+------+ | 5 | key1 | +----+------+ CREATE TABLE `shardtest` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `idx_shardtest_01` (`name`) ) ENGINE=SPIDER DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "shardTest" ' /*!50100 PARTITION BY KEY (`id`) (PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1" ' ENGINE = SPIDER, PARTITION shard2 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node2" ' ENGINE = SPIDER, PARTITION shard3 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node3" ' ENGINE = SPIDER, PARTITION shard4 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4" ' ENGINE = SPIDER) */ Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT (where) Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
  • 45. select name from shardtest group by name; KEY `idx_shardtest_01` (`name`) 있는 상태 select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest` select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `name` desc select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `name` select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` > 'key1' order by `name` select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` > 'SPIDER_01' order by `name` +-----------+ | name | +-----------+ | key1 | | SPIDER_01 | +-----------+ KEY `idx_shardtest_01` (`name`) 를 제거하면… DROP INDEX idx_shardtest_01 ON shardtest; select name from shardtest group by name; +-----------+ | name | +-----------+ | key1 | | SPIDER_01 | +-----------+ select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` Shard DB Grouping?? Limitation of a Spider Engine Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 5. SELECT (Group By) Shard DB Full ScanShard DB Grouping
  • 46. select id from shardtest group by name; +----+ | id | +----+ | 5 | | 1 | +----+ Shard DB Sorting select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `name` Shard DB Grouping select name, count(*) from shardtest group by name; +-----------+----------+ | name | count(*) | +-----------+----------+ | key1 | 2 | | SPIDER_01 | 6 | +-----------+----------+ select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `name` select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest` select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest` ? Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT (Group By) Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
  • 47. CREATE TABLE `shardtest` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `node_num` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1048576 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT (Group By MIN, MAX, COUNT(*) {INDEX (O)}) Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 select max(id) from shardtest; select min(id) from shardtest; select count(id) from shardtest; select count(*) from shardtest; select name, min(id) from shardtest; select name, max(id) from shardtest; select name, count(*) from shardtest; select name, count(id) from shardtest; select `id` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id` desc limit 1; select `id` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id` limit 1; select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest`; select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest`; select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id`,`name`; select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id`,`name`; select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `name`; select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id`,`name`; “Name” index (X) CREATE TABLE `shardtest` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `node_num` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `idx_shardtest_01` (`name`), KEY `idx_shardtest_02` (`id`,`name`) ) …
  • 48. Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT (Group By MIN, MAX, COUNT(*) {INDEX (X)}) Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 select max(name) from shardtest; select min(name) from shardtest; select count(name) from shardtest; select count(*) from shardtest; select name, min(id) from shardtest; select name, max(id) from shardtest; select name, count(*) from shardtest; select name, count(id) from shardtest; select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`; select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`; select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest`; select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest`; select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`; select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`; select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`; select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest`; CREATE TABLE `shardtest` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `node_num` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1048576 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 CREATE TABLE `shardtest` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` char(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `node_num` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) … Full Scan
  • 49. CREATE VIEW v_shardtest_group AS select name, max(id) as id, count(*) as cnt from shardtest group by name; CREATE TABLE `v_shardtest_group` ( `id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` CHAR(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `cnt` INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `idx_shardtest_01` (`name`) ) ENGINE=SPIDER DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "v_shardtest_group" ' /*!50100 PARTITION BY KEY (`id`) (PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1"' ENGINE = SPIDER, PARTITION shard2 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node2"' ENGINE = SPIDER, PARTITION shard3 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node3"' ENGINE = SPIDER, PARTITION shard4 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4"' ENGINE = SPIDER) */ ; select name, sum(cnt) from v_shardtest_group group by name; select `name`,`cnt` from `log_db`.`v_shardtest_group` order by `name` Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT (Group By) Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
  • 50. select * from shardtest order by id; select * from shardtest order by name; select id from shardtest order by id; select name from shardtest order by id; select id from shardtest order by name; select name from shardtest order by name; Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT (Order By) Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest` select `id` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `id` select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` select count(*) from `log_db`.`shardTest` select `name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` order by `name` Shard DB DataSpider DB Sorting
  • 51. create table join_tb( jt_no int auto_increment , ct_code char(4) , ct_cnt int , primary key(jt_no) ); create table common_tb( ct_no int auto_increment , ct_code char(4) , ct_name varchar(30) , primary key (ct_no) , key (ct_code) ) ENGINE=SPIDER DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "common_tb" ' /*!50100 PARTITION BY KEY (ct_no) (PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1"' ENGINE = SPIDER) */ create table join_tb( jt_no int auto_increment , ct_ code char(4) , ct_ cnt int , primary key(jt_no) ) ENGINE=SPIDER DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "join_tb" ' /*!50100 PARTITION BY KEY (`jt_no`) (PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1"' ENGINE = SPIDER, PARTITION shard2 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node2"' ENGINE = SPIDER, PARTITION shard3 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node3"' ENGINE = SPIDER, PARTITION shard4 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4"' ENGINE = SPIDER) */ create table common_tb( ct_no int auto_increment , ct_code char(4) , ct_name varchar(30) , primary key (ct_no) ); Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT (Join) Spider Engine Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
  • 52. insert into join_tb(ct_code, ct_cnt) values ('A001',1); insert into join_tb(ct_code, ct_cnt) values ('A002',2); insert into join_tb(ct_code, ct_cnt) values ('A003',3); … insert into join_tb(ct_code, ct_cnt) values ('A009',49); insert into join_tb(ct_code, ct_cnt) values ('A010',50); insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A001','TEST1'); insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A002','TEST2'); insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A003','TEST3'); … insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A011','TEST11'); insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A012','TEST12'); insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A013','TEST13'); select a.ct_cnt, a.ct_code, b.ct_name from join_tb a , common_tb b where a.ct_code = b.ct_code; select `ct_code`,`ct_cnt` from `log_db`.`join_tb` select `ct_code`,`ct_name` from `log_db`.`common_tb` where `ct_code` = 'A010' select `ct_code`,`ct_name` from `log_db`.`common_tb` where `ct_code` = 'A006' select `ct_code`,`ct_name` from `log_db`.`common_tb` where `ct_code` = 'A012' … select `ct_code`,`ct_name` from `log_db`.`common_tb` where `ct_code` = 'A007' select `ct_code`,`ct_name` from `log_db`.`common_tb` where `ct_code` = 'A013' select `ct_code`,`ct_name` from `log_db`.`common_tb` where `ct_code` = 'A009' … Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT (Join) Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 join_tb common_tb join_tb join_tb join_tb 1단계 : join_tb 데이터 스캔 2단계 : 1단계에서 읽은 데이터를 대상 으로 common_tb 데이터 확인
  • 53. Spider Engine Node 1 join Node 2 join Node 3 join Node 4 join Spider Engine join Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT (Join)
  • 54. Insert common_tb common_tb DATA common_tb DATA common_tb DATA common_tb DATA ? Global table Join View View ? Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT (Join) Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
  • 55. alter table common_tb COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "common_tb" ' /*!50100 PARTITION BY KEY (ct_no) (PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node2 shard_node3 shard_node4 shard_node1"' ENGINE = SPIDER) */ TRUNCATE TABLE common_tb; insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A001','TEST1'); insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A002','TEST2'); insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A003','TEST3'); … insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A011','TEST11'); insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A012','TEST12'); insert into common_tb(ct_code, ct_name) values ('A013','TEST13'); insert into `common_tb`(`ct_no`,`ct_code`,`ct_name`)values(1,'A001','TEST01') insert into `common_tb`(`ct_no`,`ct_code`,`ct_name`)values(2,'A002','TEST02') insert into `common_tb`(`ct_no`,`ct_code`,`ct_name`)values(3,'A003','TEST03') … insert into `common_tb`(`ct_no`,`ct_code`,`ct_name`)values(11,'A011','TEST11') insert into `common_tb`(`ct_no`,`ct_code`,`ct_name`)values(12,'A012','TEST12') insert into `common_tb`(`ct_no`,`ct_code`,`ct_name`)values(13,'A013','TEST13') Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT (Join) Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
  • 56. CREATE ALGORITHM = MERGE VIEW v_join_tb as select a.jt_no, a.ct_cnt, a.ct_code a_ct_code, b.ct_code b_ct_code, b.ct_name from join_tb a , common_tb b where a.ct_code = b.ct_code; CREATE TABLE v_join_tb( jt_no int , ct_cnt int , a_ct_code char(4) , b_ct_code char(4) , ct_name varchar(30) , primary key (jt_no) , key (a_ct_code, b_ct_code) ) ENGINE=SPIDER DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "v_join_tb" ' /*!50100 PARTITION BY KEY (`jt_no`) (PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1"' ENGINE = SPIDER, .. PARTITION shard4 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4"' ENGINE = SPIDER) */; select * from v_join_tb where a_ct_code = 'A001' and b_ct_code = 'A001'; select `jt_no`,`ct_cnt`,`a_ct_code`,`b_ct_code`,`ct_name` from `log_db`.`v_join_tb` where `a_ct_code` = 'A001' and `b_ct_code` = 'A001' Key Point !! Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT (Join) Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 CREATE VIEW ALGORITHM 1) MERGE 2) TEMPTABLE
  • 57. select * from v_join_tb where a_ct_code = 'A001’and b_ct_code = 'A001'; select `jt_no`,`ct_cnt`,`a_ct_code`,`b_ct_code`,`ct_name` from `log_db`.`v_join_tb` where `a_ct_code` = 'A001' and `b_ct_code` = 'A001' Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT (Join) Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 INDEX Access OK !
  • 58. SELECT * FROM shardtest WHERE name IN ('key1','SPIDER_01'); +----+-----------+ | id | name | +----+-----------+ | 1 | SPIDER_01 | | 5 | key1 | | 4 | SPIDER_01 | | 8 | SPIDER_01 | | 3 | SPIDER_01 | | 7 | SPIDER_01 | | 2 | SPIDER_01 | | 6 | key1 | +----+-----------+ Temporary Table ← IN KEY ? Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT ( IN( ) ) drop temporary table if exists log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f5ba7f23420_shardTest; create temporary table log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f5ba7f23420_shardTest( id bigint , c0 char(120) collate utf8_general_ci ) engine=memory default charset=utf8 collate utf8_general_ci; insert into log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f5ba7f23420_shardTest(id,c0)values(0,'key1'),(1,'SPIDER_01'); select,b.`id`,b.`name` from log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f5ba7f23420_shardTest a,`log_db`.`shardTest` b where a.c0 <=> b.`name`; drop temporary table if exists log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f5ba7f23420_shardTest; OR equal
  • 59. Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT ( IN( ) ) SELECT * FROM shardtest WHERE name = 'key1' UNION ALL SELECT * FROM shardtest WHERE name = 'SPIDER_01'; +----+-----------+ | id | name | +----+-----------+ | 5 | key1 | | 6 | key1 | | 1 | SPIDER_01 | | 4 | SPIDER_01 | | 8 | SPIDER_01 | | 3 | SPIDER_01 | | 7 | SPIDER_01 | | 2 | SPIDER_01 | +----+-----------+ select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` = 'SPIDER_01' select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` = 'key1'
  • 60. create table shardtest_key ( shard_key int , shard_no int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , val varchar(100) , PRIMARY KEY (shard_no, shard_key) ) ENGINE=SPIDER DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "shardtest_key" ' /*!50100 PARTITION BY LIST (`shard_key`) (PARTITION shard1 VALUES IN (1) COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1"' ENGINE = SPIDER, PARTITION shard3 VALUES IN (3) COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node3"' ENGINE = SPIDER, PARTITION shard4 VALUES IN (4) COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4"' ENGINE = SPIDER, PARTITION shard2 VALUES IN (2) COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node2"' ENGINE = SPIDER) */ create table shardtest_key ( shard_key int , shard_no int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , val varchar(100) , PRIMARY KEY (shard_no) ); insert into shardtest_key(shard_key, val) values (1,'node1'); insert into shardtest_key(shard_key, val) values (2,'node2'); insert into shardtest_key(shard_key, val) values (3,'node3'); insert into shardtest_key(shard_key, val) values (4,'node4'); … insert into shardtest_key(shard_key, val) values (2,'node2'); insert into shardtest_key(shard_key, val) values (3,'node3'); insert into shardtest_key(shard_key, val) values (4,'node4'); Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT ( IN( ) + shardkey)
  • 61. SELECT * FROM shardtest_key WHERE shard_key in (1,2) AND shard_no in (1,5,9,2,26); +-----------+----------+-------+ | shard_key | shard_no | val | +-----------+----------+-------+ | 1 | 1 | node1 | | 1 | 5 | node1 | | 1 | 9 | node1 | | 2 | 2 | node2 | | 2 | 26 | node2 | +-----------+----------+-------+ Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 1 Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT ( IN( ) + shardkey ) drop temporary table if exists log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f0c403d1820_shardtest_key; create temporary table log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f0c403d1820_shardtest_key( id bigint , c0 int(11) , c1 int(11) ) engine=memory default charset=utf8 collate utf8_general_ci; insert into log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f0c403d1820_shardtest_key(id,c0,c1) values(0,1,1),(1,2,1),(2,5,1),(3,9,1),(4,26,1) select,b.`shard_key`,b.`shard_no`,b.`val` from log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f0c403d1820_shardtest_key a ,`log_db`.`shardtest_key` b where a.c0 <=> b.`shard_no` and a.c1 <=> b.`shard_key` drop temporary table if exists log_db.tmp_spider_bka_0x7f0c403d1820_shardtest_key values(0,1,2),(1,2,2),(2,5,2),(3,9,2),(4,26,2)
  • 62. id >= 1 and id <= 6 equal Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT ( BETWEEN ) SELECT * FROM shardtest where id between 1 and 6; +----+-----------+ | id | name | +----+-----------+ | 1 | SPIDER_01 | | 5 | key1 | | 4 | SPIDER_01 | | 3 | SPIDER_01 | | 2 | SPIDER_01 | | 6 | key1 | +----+-----------+ (select 0,`id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `id` >= 1 and `id` <= 6 order by `id`) order by `id`
  • 63. explain SELECT * FROM shardtest where name = 'key1' and id >= 1 and id <= 6; +------+-------------+-----------+-------+--------------------------+---------+---------+------+------+-------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +------+-------------+-----------+-------+--------------------------+---------+---------+------+------+-------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | shardtest | range | PRIMARY,idx_shardtest_01 | PRIMARY | 4 | NULL | 8 | Using where | +------+-------------+-----------+-------+--------------------------+---------+---------+------+------+-------------+ Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT ( BETWEEN ) SELECT * FROM shardtest WHERE name = 'key1‘ AND id >= 1 and id <= 6; +----+------+ | id | name | +----+------+ | 5 | key1 | | 6 | key1 | +----+------+ (select 0,`id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `id` >= 1 and `id` <= 6 order by `id`) order by `id` Spider Engine “name” filter Shard DB Data Index PRIMARY KEY
  • 64. explain SELECT * FROM shardtest use index(idx_shardtest_01) where name = 'key1' and id >= 1 and id <= 6; +------+-------------+-----------+------+------------------+------------------+---------+-------+------+-------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +------+-------------+-----------+------+------------------+------------------+---------+-------+------+-------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | shardtest | ref | idx_shardtest_01 | idx_shardtest_01 | 360 | const | 9687 | Using where | +------+-------------+-----------+------+------------------+------------------+---------+-------+------+-------------+ idx_shardtest_01 : name Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT ( BETWEEN ) SELECT * FROM shardtest use index(idx_shardtest_01) WHERE name = 'key1‘ AND id >= 1 and id <= 6; +----+------+ | id | name | +----+------+ | 5 | key1 | | 6 | key1 | +----+------+ select `id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `name` = 'key1' Spider Engine “id” filter Shard DB Data
  • 65. Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 Limitation of a Spider Engine 5. SELECT ( BETWEEN ) create index idx_shardtest_03 on shardtest(name, id); explain SELECT * FROM shardtest use index(idx_shardtest_03) where name = 'key1' and id between 1 and 6; +------+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------------------+---------+------+------+--------------------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +------+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------------------+---------+------+------+--------------------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | shardtest | range | idx_shardtest_03 | idx_shardtest_03 | 364 | NULL | 8 | Using where; Using index | +------+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------------------+---------+------+------+--------------------------+ SELECT * FROM shardtest use index(idx_shardtest_03) WHERE name = 'key1‘ AND id between 1 and 6; +----+------+ | id | name | +----+------+ | 5 | key1 | | 6 | key1 | +----+------+ (select 0,`id`,`name` from `log_db`.`shardTest` where `id` >= 1 and `id` <= 6 and `name` = 'key1' order by `id`,`name` ) order by `id`,`name`
  • 66.  What is Spider Engine?  Architecture  How to Create Spider Engine  Limitation of a Spider Engine  Guideline  Q&A Agenda
  • 67. Schema • Shard 별로 스키마 구성 (물리적으로 같은 위치에) • 자동 증가값은 Spider Engine 에서 처리하도록 구성 • Global 스카마의 경우 HA 기능을 사용하여 각 서버에 복제본 구성 • Index 는, Data node 에는 전통적으로 필요한 index 생성 Spider node 에는 필요한 모든 컬럼 index 생성 Performance • 각 Node에서 가장 성능이 나쁜 서버의 속도가 전체 성능을 결정한다. (아쉽게도 각 Node에 Query를 parallel 하게 전달하지는 않는다.) Query • IN절과 ORDER BY 절은 최소화 • 조건절에 Filter 위치를 확실히 확인 • 설계 및 개발단계에 선반영 검토 (ex. 모든 쿼리에 Shard Key 조건을 추가하여 개발) Guideline
  • 68.  What is Spider Engine?  Architecture  How to Create Spider Engine  Limitation of a Spider Engine  Guideline  Q&A Agenda
  • 69. Q & A ■ Spider_internal_limit shard node에 레코드 LIMIT 제한을 준다. ■ Spider_internal_limit = 100 Query : SELECT * FROM shardtest limit 101 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 1
  • 70. Q & A ■ Spider_internal_limit = 100 Query : SELECT * FROM shardtest order by id limit 101 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 ■ Spider_internal_limit = -1 Query : SELECT * FROM shardtest order by id limit 100 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1
  • 71. Q & A ■ Spider_internal_limit = 100 Query : SELECT * FROM shardtest limit 1000 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 ■ 결과
  • 72. Q & A ■ 스키마 변경은 각 노트에 상태와 무관한가? Node 4 Shutdown Spider Engine
  • 73. Q & A ■ 스키마 변경은 각 노트에 상태와 무관한가? Node4에 접속 불가
  • 74. Q & A ■ 스키마 변경은 각 노트에 상태와 무관한가? ALL Node Shutdown
  • 75. Q & A ■ Spider node에 shard_key Partition + 각 노드 Partition 구조 및 인덱스 설계 고려 사항이 있는가? Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 CREATE TABLE `shardtest_key` ( `shard_key` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `shard_no` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, Partkey_week INT, `val` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`shard_no`,Partkey_week) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 /*!50100 PARTITION BY LIST (Partkey_week) (PARTITION character_crud_log_P00 VALUES IN (0) ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION character_crud_log_P01 VALUES IN (1) ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION character_crud_log_P02 VALUES IN (2) ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION character_crud_log_P03 VALUES IN (3) ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION character_crud_log_P04 VALUES IN (4) ENGINE = InnoDB, PARTITION character_crud_log_P05 VALUES IN (5) ENGINE = InnoDB) */; Spider Engine CREATE TABLE `shardtest_key` ( `shard_key` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `shard_no` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, Partkey_week int, `val` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`shard_no`,shard_key, Partkey_week), key (shard_key, Partkey_week) ) ENGINE=SPIDER DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "shardtest_key" ' /*!50100 PARTITION BY LIST (`shard_key`) (PARTITION shard1 VALUES IN (1) COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1"' ENGINE = SPIDER, PARTITION shard3 VALUES IN (3) COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node3"' ENGINE = SPIDER, PARTITION shard4 VALUES IN (4) COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node4"' ENGINE = SPIDER, PARTITION shard2 VALUES IN (2) COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node2"' ENGINE = SPIDER) */ ■ 결론 위에서 이야기 했던 것 처럼 각 노드에 필요한 조건이 모두 전달되려면 Spider에 인덱스가 존재해야 한다. 결국 partition을 제대로 사용하려면 spider 쪽에 (shard_key + Partition_key + 필요한 인덱스) 구조로 인덱스를 만들어야 한다.
  • 76. Q & A Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4Node 1 실행 계획 1,2,3 1,2,3 ■ Spider node에 shard_key Partition + 각 노드 Partition 구조 및 인덱스 설계 고려 사항이 있는가?
  • 77. Q & A ■ Spider 복제 구성에서 SELECT 되는 기준 노드는? Spider Engine Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 1 Client insert insert Client select select Insert 부하 Insert & Select 부하
  • 78. Q & A ■ Spider 복제 구성에서 SELECT 되는 기준 노드는? Spider Engine CREATE TABLE `common_tb` ( `ct_no` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ct_code` char(4) DEFAULT NULL, `ct_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `node_name` varchar(6), PRIMARY KEY (`ct_no`), KEY `ct_code` (`ct_code`) ) ENGINE=SPIDER DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='wrapper "mysql", table "common_tb" ' /*!50100 PARTITION BY KEY (ct_no) (PARTITION shard1 COMMENT = 'srv "shard_node1 shard_node2 shard_node3 shard_node4"' ENGINE = SPIDER) */ CREATE TABLE `common_tb` ( `ct_no` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ct_code` char(4) DEFAULT NULL, `ct_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `node_name` varchar(6) DEFAULT 'node4', PRIMARY KEY (`ct_no`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node1, Node2, Node3, Node4
  • 79. Q & A ■ Spider 복제 구성에서 SELECT 되는 기준 노드는? Spider Engine Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 General_log