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La Cristiada
The Mexican People’s War
for Religious Liberty
Jean Meyer
After the Mexican Revolution of 1916, the
newly drafted Mexican Constitution greatly
restricted the function of the Church. It
halted Church control of schools, banned
monastic orders, eliminated religious
processions and outdoor masses, curtailed
Church ownership of property and forbade
priests from wearing clerical garb or voting.
Initially lightly enforced, by 1926 the
government had pushed these laws to the
limit and created a rebellion. As the
rebellion grew, so did the viciousness of
the attacks. In the United States, while the
KKK pressed the Mexican Government to
crush the rebels, the Knights of Columbus
sought to end the struggle by peaceful
means. In 1929, the American ambassador
to Mexico finally helped arrange a
non-violent end to the uprising.
ISBN: 978 0 7570 0315 8
SO | 384pp | 229 x 305
300 b & w photos & ills 
PB £26.00
Tales From
The CIA from Truman
to Obama
Peter Kross
In Tales from Langely author,
Kross, gives us the nitty-gritty on the CIA:
its hits and misses; information on the
early operations and leaders; their fights
with J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI; Operation
Paperclip; assassination plots; mole hunts;
strange insider murders; and the hunt for
bin Laden – all the details are here. As in
his recent book The Secret History of the
United States, Kross gives us fascinating,
short chapters on the people and events
that made up the CIA from its inception in
1947 to today’s scandals involving Seal
Team 6, Obama and bin Laden.
of related interest:
LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill
Kennedy £16.99
Secret History of the United States £16.99
ISBN: 978 1 93914 916 9
AUP | 378pp | 152 x 229 
PB £16.99
ISBN: 978 1 60163 288 3
NPB | 224pp | 152 x 229
34 b & w ills 
PB £13.99
of related interest:
NASA Conspiracies £13.99
Pyramids and The
Pentagon £13.99
Real Men in Black £13.99
For Nobody’s
Eyes Only
Missing Government Files
and Hidden Archives That
Document the Truth
Behind the Most Enduring
Conspiracy Theories
Nick Redfern
fascinating new information on the files
that supposedly can’t be found, that are
suspiciously “missing,” as well as the
top-secret papers that agencies admit exist
but which they are determined to keep
hidden from us. The reason: to prevent the
truth from surfacing about some of the
biggest conspiracies of all time, including:
●● The story of the buried files and photos
documenting the legendary Roswell
UFO crash of 1947
●● The truth about the secret records of
the JFK assassination that still remain
sealed from public view
●● The sensational and missing data
behind the Watergate scandal that
brought down President Nixon
ISBN: 978 1 60163 278 4
NPB | 320pp | 152 x 229
30 b & w photos 
PB £14.99
of related interest:
Advanced Civilization
of Prehistoric American
Forbidden History £15.99
Lost Colonies
of Ancient America
A Comprehensive Guide to the
Pre-Columbian Visitors Who Really
Discovered America
Frank Joseph
Could a people gifted enough to raise the
Great Pyramid more than four thousand
years ago have lacked the skills to build a
ship capable of crossing the Atlantic?
	 Were the Vikings, the most fearless
warriors and seafarers of all time, terrified
at the prospect of a transoceanic voyage?
	 If so, how are we to account for an
Egyptian temple accidentally unearthed by
Tennessee Valley Authority workers in
1935? What is a beautifully crafted metal
plate with the image of a Phoenician
woman doing in the Utah desert? And who
can explain the discovery of Viking houses
and wharves excavated outside Boston?
	 These enigmas are but a tiny fraction of
the abundant physical proof for Old World
visitors to the American continent hundreds
and thousands of years ago.
	 This book not only describes each of
these various peoples who influenced
pre-Columbian history, but it, also, offers
fresh evidence demonstrating the extent of
their impact on the American continent.
indigenous cultures
ISBN: 978 1 59143 184 8
BC | 320pp | 152 x 229
9 b & w ills 
PB £12.99
of related interest:
Exploring The Northern
Tradition £12.99
Neolithic Shamanism £15.99
Power of Ecstatic
ISBN: 978 1 62055 098 4
DB | 240pp | 152 x 229 
PB £11.99
of related interest:
Diloggún HB £44.00
Sacrificial Ceremonies of
Santería £14.99
Teachings of the Santería
Gods £14.99
Speaking to the Spirits of Misfortune
Ocha’ni lele
Misfortune works in this world as living
vibrant spirits – known in the Santería
and Lucumí faith as Osogbo – that plague
humanity but are, also, a catalyst for
selfdevelopment and conscious evolution. 	
	 Beginning with the story of his
goddaughter’s miraculous recovery from
stage IV cancer, Ócha’ni Lele explains how
Osogbo tries to bring us down and how if we
follow the prescriptions of the Orishas we
can overcome misfortune and bring
ourselves back to health and balance.
Exploring the Lucumí beliefs regarding
Osogbo, he shows that the Lucumí faith is
neither fatalistic nor defeatist but healing
and life affirming. He shares more than 40
patakís – stories stemming from the ancient
Yoruba of West Africa – about the different
spirits of Osogbo, who like the Orishas once
walked the earth in human bodies.
Baldr’s Magic
The Power of Norse Shamanism
and Ecstatic Trance
Nicholas E. Brink
Connecting Norse mythology, ecstatic
trance, the Universal Mind and the dawn of
a new age of peace and veneration for
Mother Earth, Nicholas Brink reveals how
we can use ecstatic and hypnotic trance to
learn more directly and deeply from our
distant ancestors, rediscover our
extrasensory powers and reclaim the
original magical nature of humanity. The
imminent rebirth of a peaceful, balanced,
connected world was predicted in Norse
mythology as the return of Baldr, the gentle
and compassionate Nordic god of truth,
healing and rune work.
	 Illustrating ecstatic trance postures to
connect with the ancient Nordic people and
their beliefs, to journey to exact points in
time and to access specific powers, such
as seeing into our future, Brink explores
humanity’s evolving cycle of consciousness
from the era when the Great Mother
goddess was the centre of life through
the transition to the worship of
power and physical strength in the
Bronze Age and the world of the
Secrets of
Aboriginal Healing
A Physicist’s Journey with a
Remote Australian Tribe
Gary Holz with Robbie Holz
Award-winning physicist, Gary Holz, was
diagnosed with chronic progressive multiple
sclerosis and, in 1994, his doctors told him
he had two years to live. Desperate and
depressed, he followed a synchronistic
suggestion and went to Australia to live with
a remote Aboriginal tribe. Arriving in a
wheelchair, alone, with almost no feeling
left from the neck down, Holz embarked on
a remarkable healing transformation of
body, mind and spirit and discovered his
own gift for healing others.
	 Written at the request of the Aboriginal
healers Holz worked with, this book
chronicles the process that led to his
miraculous recovery. He explains the role
played by thought in the creation of health
or disease and details the five essential
steps in the Aboriginal healing process.
ISBN: 978 1 59143 175 6
BC | 128pp | 152 x 229 
PB £12.99
of related interest:
Australian Bush Flower
Remedies £12.99
Voices of the First Day
The Toltec Secret
To Happiness
Create Lasting Change with
the Power of Belief
Ray Dodd
Based on the Toltec path, popularised by
bestselling author, don Miguel Ruiz, Dodd’s
personal teacher, THE TOLTEC SECRET TO
HAPPINESS offers four simple steps for
re-creating your life:
●● Change any fear-based belief
●● Eliminate worry and negative self-talk
●● Choose happiness, even when things
fall apart
●● Achieve true authority and personal power
For anyone interested in personal
development and spirituality THE TOLTEC
SECRET TO HAPPINESS offers an inspiring
roadmap to living the life you want.
ISBN: 978 1 57174 704 4
HRP | 152pp | 140 x 216
PB £11.99
of related interest:
Complete Idiot’s Guide to
Toltec Wisdom £14.99
On The Toltec Path £15.99
A Spirit
Walker’s Guide to
Shamanic Tools
How to Make and Use Drums, Masks,
Rattles, and Other Sacred Implements
Evelyn C. Rysdyk
A Spirit Walker’s Guide to Shamanic
Tools is specifically designed to support
those who have learned how to access the
spirit realms and have the desire to add the
right spiritual implements to their shamanic
tool kit. It is filled with practical information
on the purposes of shamanic tools as well
as guidance on how to make, buy, and
empower them for sacred use.
	 Beautifully illustrated with the author’s
original artwork and photographs of
shamans and their authentic tools, the book
pays tribute to ancient shamanic culture.
ISBN: 978 1 57863 557 3
WB | 256pp | 152 x 229
55 photos & ills 
PB £15.99
indigenous cultures - egyptian
Imhotep The African
Architect of the Cosmos
Robert Bauval and
Thomas Brophy
Egyptologist, Robert Bauval, and
astrophysicist, Thomas Brophy,
uncover the mystery of Imhotep,
ancient Egyptian superstar, pharaonic
Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Galileo and
Newton all rolled into one. Based on
their research at the Step
Pyramid Complex at
Saqqara, Bauval and
Brophy delve into
observational astronomy
to ‘decode’ the
alignments and other
design features of the
Step Pyramid Complex,
to uncover the true
origins and genius of
Imhotep. Like a
whodunit detective
story they follow the
clues that take them
on an exhilarating
magical mystery tour
starting at Saqqara,
leading them to temples in
Upper Egypt and to the
stones of Nabta Playa and the black African
stargazers who placed them there.
Land of The
Fallen Star Gods
The Celestial Origins of Ancient Egypt
New Edition of Egypt Child of Atlantis
J. S. Gordon
Radically reinterpreting the time
line of prehistory, J. S. Gordon
shows that Egyptian civilisation is
50,000 years older than
acknowledged by Egyptology. He
explores astrophysical,
cosmological, geophysical,
linguistic and anthropological
evidence to reveal forgotten
civilisations hidden beneath
the Mediterranean and
along the coast of
northwestern Africa.
He explains how the
appearance of
Egyptian and
5,000 years ago
represents not
the birth of
civilisation but
the remnants of
an immensely
ancient and
worldwide culture
ranging from Tibet and
China to Atlantis and the vastly larger
continent of which it once was part.
ISBN: 978 1 59143 164 0
BC | 304pp | 203 x 254
83 b & w ills
PB £16.99
of related interest:
Path of Initiation £26.00
Sphinx Mystery £21.00
ISBN: 978 1 93887 500 7
DIS | 320pp | 152 x 229
4pp col insert & b & w
photos throughout
PB £18.99
of related interest:
Black Genesis £16.99
Lost Knowledge of the
Ancients £15.99
Lost Technologies of
Ancient Egypt £21.00
The Exodus Reality
Unearthing the Real History of
Moses, Identifying the Pharaohs, and
Examining the Exodus from Egypt
Scott Alan Roberts
and John Ward
In this groundbreaking work, the authors
re-examine humanity’s most enduring
account of bondage, emancipation and
freedom. The Great Exodus is the story of
how one man, empowered by divine
epiphany, brought the mighty ancient
kingdom of Egypt to its knees. For
thousands of years, this story has
bolstered the faithful of three major
religions, though little historical data
confirms it. So the question must be
asked: Did it ever really happen?
	 Roberts, a historian and theologian and
Ward, an archaeologist, Egyptologist and
anthropologist, dig deeply into historical
records to answer the most vexing
●● Is there any historical evidence for the
biblical account of the Great Exodus?
●● Was Moses a real person?
ISBN: 978 1 60163 291 3
NPB | 288pp | 152 x 229
80 b & w photos & 16pp col
PB £16.99
of related interest:
Moses and Akhenaten
The Lost City
of the Exodus
The Archaeological Evidence
behind the Journey Out of Egypt
ahmed osman
When the first archaeologists visited Egypt
in the late 1800s, they arrived in the
eastern Nile Delta to verify the events
described in the biblical Book of Exodus.
Several locations believed to be the city of
the Exodus were found but all were later
rejected for lack of evidence. This led many
scholars to dismiss the Exodus narrative
merely as a myth that borrowed from
accounts of the Hyksos expulsion from
Egypt. But as Ahmed Osman shows, the
events of Exodus have a historical basis
and the ruins of the ancient city of Zarw,
where the Road to Canaan began, have
been found.
ISBN: 978 1 59143 189 3
BC | 224 pp | 152 x 229
15 b & w ills
PB £10.99
indigenous cultures
Sexual Practices
of The Druids
A Handbook of Magic and Ritual
New Edition of Celtic Sex Magic
Jon G. Hughes
One of the Druid’s most powerful tools, sex
magic ,harnesses and projects the immense
natural energy produced by orgasm to
liberate your consciousness from everyday
awareness and influence reality at will.
	 Jon Hughes reveals the fundamentals of
Celtic sex magic passed down secretly from
generation to generation. He explains how
to channel, intensify, and project your
sexual energy for magical purposes and
offers authentic instructions for a wide
range of sex magic rituals that may be used
by couples, groups and solitary
practitioners. In addition to the steps of
preparation and closure for each ritual, he
describes the workings of the 9 stages of
the sex magic ritual – Awakening,
Augmentation, Intensification, Quickening,
Orgasm and Projection, Continuance,
Relaxation, Scattering and Gift.
ISBN: 978 1 62055 202 5
DB | 256pp | 152 x 229
16pp col insert
PB £14.99
of related interest:
Ancient Celtic Festivals
Celtic Plant Magic £16.99
of Honor
Regaining the Spirit of the
Pagan Horned God
Frederick Thomas Elworthy
Edited and Introduced by
Raven Grimassi
For the modern Pagan and Witchcraft
community, horns play a major role as a
symbol of fertility, power and protection and
yet there are few books that discuss the
significance in a way that makes
sense to a practising Pagan.
HONOR, neo-pagan
scholar and award-winning
author, Raven Grimassi,
updates one of the few classic
texts on horns, Frederick Thomas
Elworthy’s classic 1900 text,
	 HORNS OF HONOR examines the
religious and ritualistic significance of
horns in many cultures, the ancient
reverence for horned gods and the
horn as a positive symbol. This
revived classic is sure to be welcomed
by all in the Pagan community.
of related interest:
Horned Shepherd £14.99
Old World Witchcraft £14.99
The Eternal Feminine within
Life & Nature
Toni Carmine Salerno
Awaken your true potential... Reach for the
stars... This beautifully presented, full-colour
book, written and illustrated with over 45 of
best-selling artist and author, Toni Carmine
Salerno’s most beloved depictions of the
Goddess, is the perfect gift for yourself or
your loved ones. With stunning full-page
images and inspirational sayings, quotes
and affirmations, GODDESS is a book you
will want to use and refer to daily as it can,
also, be used as an oracle, guiding you with
positive and life-affirming messages from
the realm of the Goddess.
of related interest:
Angels, Gods & Goddesses £13.99 inc vat
Universal Goddess Tarot £17.99 inc vat
ISBN: 978 1 92216 104 8
BA | 112pp | 214 x 288
full col ills throughout
HB £13.99
Pagan Lenormand
Oracle Cards
gina pace
illustrated by
franco rivolli
The images of the
Lenormand are recreated to
reflect pagan symbols, values
and beliefs while retaining the
clarity of the original oracle.
Each card maintains its ability
to predict mundance events while also
opening to broader metaphysical
possibilities. This deck, like pagans
themselves, walk between two worlds, once
where we live our everyday lives and one
that is much older and more magical.
iPhone 5 Covers
Protect your phone and affirm your
spiritual identity with our iDentity covers.
	 Available for iPhone 5, iDentity covers
offer complete protection to your phone.
	 Ultra slim, strong, anti-slip and
anti-scratch, our mobile phone covers,
also, come with a bonus free screen
protector gift set.
	 Don’t ever leave home anymore
without your trusted iPhone cover!
ISBN: 978 886527318 0
cover £11.99 inc vat
ISBN: 978 886527319 7
cover £11.99 inc vat
ISBN: 978 886527320 3
cover £11.99 inc vat
ISBN: 978 886527309 8
LS | 128pp | 88 x 125
36 full col cards
deck £14.99 inc vat
ISBN: 978 1 57863 543 6
WB | 288pp | 152 x 229
PB £14.99
Magic Wicca Celtic
myths & legends
Parsifal Unveiled
The Meaning of
Richard Wagner’s Masterpiece
Samael Aun Weor
Wagner’s retelling of the myth of the Holy
Grail and the knights who protect it showed
the secret path to liberation from suffering,
but no one understood it. Wagner himself
never explained Parsifal and in his wake
thousands of writers, critics and artists
have attempted to penetrate its mysteries
yet have failed, since they were not initiated
into the secret tradition it came from.
Finally, in this book by Samael Aun Weor,
the meaning of Parsifal is fully revealed
and the genius and spiritual
accomplishments of Richard Wagner
are made radiantly clear.
	 Includes a synopsis and full text of
the drama.
Himalayan Sound
The Complete Singing Bowl Book
Frank Perry
With Cymatic photography of
the bowls’ sound patterns by
John Reid
This compendious, but very readable,
volume by one of the legends of Tibetan
Singing Bowl playing should quickly establish
itself as the definitive study. Particularly
useful is the wide scope of the book, which
includes not just Tibetan bowls but Chinese
bells, drilbu and ding-sha, the planets,
elements and chakras, cymatics, overtones
and partials, nada yoga, mantras,
symbolism and the astrology of the bowls,
their relation to western music, Pythagoras
and Newton and the psychic integrity and
true awareness of the bowl user. There is
almost nothing that is not here.
ISBN: 978 1 93420 691 1
GP | 352pp | 152 x 229
PB £15.99
of related interest:
Magic Flute Unveiled £16.99
Templars and the
Assassins £14.99
ISBN: 978 1 57733 259 6
BD | 128pp | 216 x 279
PB £16.99
Whispered Notes
A Devotional Hymnal
Janice Gray Kolb and
Robert A. Kolb
Meditational hymns with piano music for
each Sunday of the year.
	 As these meditations and hymns were
being typed, my husband discovered
amongst his music a group of his hymns
that he had forgotten existed. Because of
the lost meditations he had set these
hymns aside. Now found, he asked if I
might again ask the Holy Spirit to give us
meditations to accompany each hymn so
that we might have fifty-two of each, one
set for every week of the year.
Lemurian Science
of Immortality
Acknowledged as the leading mystic of our
time, Almine once again delivers
groundbreaking revelations on the art of
youthening. Upon discovering ancients who
did not age, explorers of the Americas set
out in search for the Fountain of Youth. Not
realising it was a set of tablets rather than
an actual fountain, the records of the
Fountain of Youth are revealed in this book.
As a master translator of records of
antiquities, Almine has written an
unforgettable book that shatters existing
paradigms perpetuating death.
of related interest:
Elixir Of Immortality £14.99
Fountain Of Youth Exercises £12.99
Golden Elixir Chi Kung £12.99
ISBN: 978 1 93692 620 6
SJ | 408pp | 152 x 229
PB £18.99
Secrets of
Dragon Magic
Sacred Fires Of Hadji-Ka
This extraordinary record of the philosophy
and practices of dragon magic is
unmatched in its depth of knowledge and
powerful delivery. From the Sacred Records
of the Hadji-ka, kept by the dragons of
Avondar, the secrets of Kundalini are
revealed, designed to restore the innate,
natural magical abilities of man lost by the
separation of the spinal column and the
pranic tube. The reader is swept along on a
profound and mystical journey that pushes
perception beyond mortal boundaries.
of related interest:
Arubafirina £14.99
Dragonlore £12.99
Gift of The Unicorns £7.99
Tarot Draconis £17.99 inc vat
ISBN: 978 1 93692 656 5
SJ | 418pp | 152 x 229
PB £18.99
ISBN: 978 1 90539 831 7
POP | 352pp | 156 x 234
8pp col ills
PB £18.99
myths & legends
The Sacred Science
of Ancient Japan
Lost Chronicles of the Age of the Gods
Avery Morrow
In Japan there are roughly two dozen secret
manuscripts originally dating back to the
paleolithic era, the age of heroes and gods,
that have been handed down by the ruling
families for centuries. Rejected by orthodox
Japanese scholars and never before
translated into English, these documents
speak of primaeval alphabets, lost
languages, forgotten technologies and the
sacred spiritual science. Some even refer to
UFOs, Atlantis and Jesus coming to Japan.
	 Translating directly from the original
Japanese, Avery Morrow explores four of
these manuscripts in full as well as
reviewing the key stories of the other
Golden Age chronicles.
ISBN: 978 1 59143 170 1
BC | 224pp | 152 x 229
22 b & w ills 
PB £13.99
of related interest:
Bushido £8.99
Katas £14.99
Shoninki £14.99
The Ancient
Giants Who
Ruled America
The Missing Skeletons
and the Great Smithsonian
Richard J. Dewhurst
Drawing on 400 years of newspaper
articles and photos, first person
accounts, state historical records and
illustrated field reports, Richard J.
Dewhurst reveals not only that North
America was once ruled by an
advanced race of giants, but, also, that
the Smithsonian has been actively
suppressing the physical evidence for
nearly 150 years. He shows how
thousands of giant skeletons have been
unearthed at Mound Builder sites across
the continent, only to disappear from the
historical record. He examines other
concealed giant discoveries, such as the
giant mummies found in Spirit Cave,
Nevada dating to 8000 BCE.
ISBN: 978 1 59143 171 8
BC | 368pp | 152 x 229
92 b & w ills 
PB £16.99
of related interest:
Lost Race of Giants £15.99
There Were Giants Upon the
Earth £21.00
Vampires and
Other Creatures
of The Night
Facts, Fictions, and First-Hand Accounts
Varla Ventura
Huffington Post Weird News columnist and
author, Varla Ventura, takes readers on a
wild ride through the shadowy hills of rural
Ireland, the dark German forests and along
abandoned farms and country roads across
the world to discover some of the most
frightening and freak-tacular tales, titbits
and encounters with all those beasties that
go bump in the night.
	 Along with classic pieces from Bram
Stoker, Elliot O’Donnell, Sabine Baring-
Gould, William Butler Yeats and many
others, Ventura includes:
●● Famous vampires you may not know
●● Why banshees are the most feared of
supernatural creatures.
ISBN: 978 1 57863 547 4
WB | 256pp | 127 x 178 
PB £12.99
of related interest:
Book of Bizarre £11.99
Beyond Bizarre £13.99
The Three Ages
of Atlantis
The Great Floods That
Destroyed Civilization
Diego Marin, Ivan Minella
and Erik Shievenin
The authors reveal that there was not one,
but three Atlantises, the first in Antarctica,
the second in South America and the third in
the Mediterranean. Examining
paleoclimatology data, they show that
Antarctica was temperate 15,000 years ago
and home to the original Atlantis. They
explore geological evidence of three
worldwide super-floods 15,000, 11,600 and
8,700 years ago and show how these dates
directly parallel the freezing of Antarctica, the
arrival of Cro-Magnon man in Europe and the
destruction of Atlantis according to Plato.
of related interest:
Atlantis Beneath the Ice £13.99
ISBN: 978 1 59143 179 4
BC | 528pp | 152 x 229
16pp col insert &
60 b & w ills 
PB £21.00
ISBN: 978 1 93914 903 9
AUP | 408pp | 152 x 229
b & w photos & diagrams
PB £19.99
Flying Machines of the Ancients
David Hatcher Childress
According to early Sanskrit texts the
ancients had several types of airships called
vimanas. Like aircraft of today, vimanas
were used to fly through the air from city to
city; to conduct aerial surveys of uncharted
lands and as delivery vehicles for awesome
weapons. David Hatcher Childress takes us
on an astounding investigation into tales of
ancient flying machines.
	 In his new book, packed with photos
and diagrams, he consults ancient texts
and modern stories and presents
astonishing evidence that aircraft, similar
to the ones we use today, were used
thousands of years ago in India,
Sumeria, China and other countries.
of related interest:
Hitler’s Flying Saucers £16.99
myths & legends
Aliens In
Ancient Egypt
The Brotherhood of the Serpent and
the Secrets of the Nile Civilization
Xaviant Haze
The sophisticated civilisation of ancient
Egypt arose seemingly overnight,
complete with advanced levels of art,
agriculture, astronomy and physics.
Then, with the death of Pharaoh
Akhenaten, much of this higher
knowledge was lost or
suppressed. But evidence of this
former Golden Age, the alien visitors
behind its rise and those behind its decline,
still exists, some of it in plain sight.
	 Examining the purposefully obscured reign
of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, Haze explains how
they represent the last dynasty with access to
the sacred knowledge of stargates, free
energy and antigravity technologies,
knowledge handed down from an advanced
interstellar race in the remote past.
ISBN: 978 1 59143 159 6
BC | 320pp | 152 x 229
16pp col insert &
170 b & w ills 
PB £16.99
of related interest:
Ancient Alien Question
Lost Race of
The Giants
The Mystery of Their Culture, Influence,
and Decline throughout the World
Patrick Chouinard
Foreword by Paul Von Ward
Patrick Chouinard examines the staggering
number of corresponding giant mythologies
throughout the world, such as the Greek
and Roman titans, Norse frostgiants, the
Hindu Daityas, the biblical Nephilim, the
Celtic Formorach, the Sumerian Anunnaki
and the multitude of myths in which the sky
or world is held aloft on the shoulders of a
giant. He links these stories to Atlantis as
well as other legends of prehistoric
civilisations lost to cataclysm and great
floods whose survivors spawned the rise
of ancient civilisations.
ISBN: 978 1 59143 148 0
BC | 224pp | 152 x 229 
PB £15.99
of related interest:
Forgotten Worlds £16.99
Göbekli Tepe
Genesis of
the Gods
The Temple of the Watchers
and the Discovery of Eden
Andrew collins
introduced by
graham hancock
Built at the end of the last ice
age, the mysterious stone
temple complex of
Göbekli Tepe in Turkey is
one of the greatest challenges to 21st
century archaeology. As much as 7,000
years older than the Great Pyramid and
Stonehenge, its strange buildings and rings
of T-shaped monoliths show an
extraordinary level of sophistication and
artistic achievement.
	 Chronicling his travels to Göbekli Tepe,
Andrew Collins details the layout,
architecture and exquisite relief carvings of
ice age animals and human forms found at
this 12,000-year-old megalithic complex.
of related interest:
Beneath the Pyramids £15.99
From the Ashes of Angels £21.00
Gods of Eden £21.00
ISBN: 978 1 59143 142 8
BC | 464pp | 152 x 229
16pp col insert &
84 b & w ills
PB £16.99
The Lost Lands
A Magickal History of Lemuria, Atlantis
& Avalon
Reissue with New Design
lucy cavendish
In this daring new book, Lucy Cavendish
invites you to shed your doubts and join her
on a wondrous soul pilgrimage, travelling
through time and space to the planet's most
mysterious and powerful lands, psychic
societies and secret spiritual communities.
Share the fire dances and the water worship
of the shapeshifting tribes of Lemuria, learn
the secrets that lay deep beneath the
crystal temples of sophisticated
Atlantis and feel the deep green
peace as you speak the language
of trees in the Priestess and Druid
groves of Avalon.
of related interest:
Oracle of The Dragonfae £14.99 inc vat
Oracle of The Mermaids £14.99 inc vat
Wild Wisdom of The Faery
Oracle £24.99 inc vat
ISBN: 978 0 98055 506 6
BA | 296pp | 180 x 234
b & w ills throughout
PB £9.99
Viral Mythology
How the Truth of the Ancients Was
Encoded and Passed Down Through
Legend, Art, and Architecture
Marie D. Jones
and Larry Flaxman
Behind every myth, fairy tale and legend is
an encoded layer of wisdom, science and
truth passed down throughout history. This
book will examine how information went
“viral” long before the Internet and reveals:
●● Why esoteric knowledge was hidden in
symbols, art and architecture during
times of religious persecution
●● How stories, songs and art served to
describe actual historical events
From the great myths of the Greek, Roman
and Norse to the texts of the world’s major
religions, from folklore and fairy tales of old
to sacred edifices and monuments, from
cave paintings to the mysterious symbology
of the Tarot, VIRAL MYTHOLOGY uncovers
the information highway of the past and
explores how it affects the more modern
methods of communication today.
ISBN: 978 1 60163 295 1
NPB | 224pp | 152 x 229
15 b & w ills 
PB £13.99
of related interest:
11:11 The Time Prompt
Phenomenon £13.99
Deja Vu Enigma £13.99
Resonance Key £13.99
myths & legends
The Gift of
the Unicorns
Sacred Secrets of Unicorn Magic
Third Edition
Where have the Unicorns gone? And, what
about mystical winged horses, mermaids
and giants – do they exist? The answers to
all of our questions about these fabled
creatures can be found in THE GIFT OF THE
UNICORNS. This magical book tells the
story of the unicorns and Pegasus and their
heroism in preserving purity and innocence
during the ages of darkness on Earth. In
their own words, these beings reveal where
they went, the purpose of their golden
shoes and the sacred mission they
undertook for the Mother of All Creation.
of related interest:
Among The Mermaids £11.99
Treasures of The Unicorn £12.99
Unicorn Cards £9.99 inc vat
Wonder of Unicorns £8.99
ISBN: 978 1 93692 648 0
SJ | 188pp | 152 x 229
PB £7.99
The Vatican Heresy
Bernini and the Building of the
Hermetic Temple of the Sun
robert bauval and
chiara hohenxollern
with sandro zicari
In 16th century Italy, in the midst of the
Renaissance, two powerful movements
took hold. The first, the Hermetic
Movement expounded the return of the
“true religion of the world” based on a form
of natural magic that could draw down the
powers of the heavens and incorporate
them into statues and physical structures.
The other movement, the Heliocentric
Movement launched by Copernicus, was a
direct challenge to the Vatican’s biblical
interpretation of a geocentric world system.
	 Exploring the meeting point of these two
movements, authors Robert Bauval and
Chiara Hohenzollern reveal how the most
outspoken and famous philosophers,
alchemists, and scientists of the
Renaissance, such as Giordano Bruno and
Marsilio Ficino, called for a Hermetic
reformation of the Christian religion by
building a magical utopic city, an architectural
version of the heliocentric system.
Sacred Number and
the Lords of Time
The Stone Age Invention of
Science and Religion
richard heath
Our Stone Age ancestors discovered that
the geometry of the Earth provided a sacred
connection between human experience and
the spiritual worlds. Exploring the numerical
patterns of time and then the size and
shape of the Earth, they created an exact
science of measures and preserved their
discoveries within sacred structures,
spiritualised landscapes and mythologies,
which interpreted the religious ideas
associated with their science.
	 Examining Earth’s harmonic relevance
to the Universe as a whole, Heath shows
how we can recognise the long-forgotten
foundations of our own civilisation and
revive the sacred teaching preserved by the
four great megalithic ages.
ISBN: 978 1 62055 244 5
ITI | 320pp | 152 x 229
152 b & w ills
PB £12.99
of related interest:
11:11 The Time Prompt
Phenomenon £13.99
Math for Mystics £12.99
Sacred Number and the
Origins of Civilization £14.99
DNA of The Gods
The Anunnaki Creation of Eve and the
Alien Battle for Humanity
chris h. hardy
Further developing the revolutionary work
of Zecharia Sitchin, Chris Hardy shows that
the “gods” of ancient myth, visitors from
the planet Nibiru, created us using their
own “divine” DNA – first through DNA
extraction from their own ribs’ marrow and
later by direct relations with early human
females. Drawing upon multiple sacred
texts, Hardy details the genetic engineering
of humanity by Anunnaki scientist Ninmah,
with the help of Enki and Hermes.
of related interest:
The Lost Book of Enki £13.99
Slave Species of the Gods £21.00
ISBN: 978 1 59143 185 5
BC | 264pp | 152 x 229
8pp col insert & 27 b & w ills
PB £12.99
ISBN: 978 1 59143 178 7
BC | 288pp | 152 x 229
16pp col insert &
70 b & w ills
PB £12.99
of related interest:
Black Genisis £16.99
ISBN: 978 1 93914 919 0
AUP | 268pp | 152 x 229
PB £15.99
of related interest:
Jesus King of Edessa
Jesus and the Essenes
He Walked
the Americas
The Trail of the Prophet
New Edition
L. Taylor Hansen
About two thousand years ago a mysterious
white man walked from tribe to tribe among
the American Nations. He came to Peru
from the Pacific. He travelled through the
South and Central America, among the
Mayans, into Mexico and all of North
America, then back to ancient Tula, from
whence he departed across the Atlantic to
the land of his origin. Who was this white
Prophet who spoke a thousand languages,
healed the sick, raised the dead and taught
in the same words a Jesus Himself? These
are true Indian legends, gathered during
twenty-five years of research by L. Taylor
Hansen, archaeologist and writer, from
many different tribes all over the Americas.
natural world
High Moon
Over The Amazon
My Quest to Understand
the Monkeys of the Night
Patricia Chapple Wright
Before primatologist Patricia Chapple Wright
became the world’s foremost expert on
lemurs, she was enchanted by another
primate – Aotus, the owl monkey. It all starts
in a New York City pet shop when Wright and
her husband buy an owl monkey whose lively
and rambunctious ways soon lead the young
couple to South America to acquire him a
mate. But while Wright’s monkey family is
growing, her own begins to fall apart when
her husband leaves her and her daughter.
Undeterred by her lack of academic
experience, Wright sets out as a single
mother to study primate behaviour in the wild,
including a year at a research station in the
remote jungles of Peru.
	 This story of one woman’s transformation
from Brooklyn housewife to an accomplished
scientist will captivate fans of Jane Goodall,
Dian Fossey, and Biruté Galdikas.
Humans, Animals,
and Society
An Introduction to Human
– Animal Studies
Nik Taylor
Interest in Human-Animal Studies (HAS) has
grown exponentially in recent years, giving
rise to university and college courses
around the world specifically on this
compelling and vital subject.
	 Considering topics ranging from the
human-animal bond, meat eating and
animals in entertainment, this book
presents key concepts in simple and
easy-to-understand ways as it covers the
breadth of empirical work currently being
done in the field. Through an examination of
ideas such as anthropocentrism and the
social construction of animals, it looks at
how animals are symbolically transformed,
presented and re-presented as part of
human culture. Ultimately, the book argues
that there is nothing “natural” about our
social relations with animals, but that
animals are made use of and understood
through a human lens.
ISBN: 978 1 59056 421 9
LTB | 320pp | 152 x 229 
HB £26.00
ISBN: 978 1 57324 350 6
CON | 204pp | 152 x 152
b & w ills throughout 
PB £10.99
of related interest:
Cat Wisdom £8.99
What The Animals Taught
Me £14.99
ISBN: 978 0 97521 669 9
BA | 100pp | 150 x 150
full col throughout 
HB £8.99
of related interest:
Dog Wisdom Cards
£13.99 inc vat
Dogs Playing Cards
£6.99 inc vat
Dog Wisdom
To Lift Your Spirits and Brighten Your Day
Tanya Graham
Guidance and simple wisdom inspired by
man's best friend! DOG WISDOM is a
collection of photographs and puppy-inspired
words of wisdom which will encourage you to
lead a more relaxed and happy lifestyle.
Adopting some of the wise words of these
gorgeous puppies will inspire you to have
more fun, stay positive, allow you to give and
receive more love, help you rediscover the
joys of friendship and togetherness, give
you a greater understanding
of yourself and those around
you and inspire you to pursue
your dreams. Also available as
an oracle card set.
Random Acts
of Kindness
by Animals
Reissue with New Cover
Stephanie Laland
In the pages of this book readers will meet
remarkable dogs and cats, as well as gorillas,
dolphins, bears, seagulls, rats, birds and one
heroic pig! Even ants are caught practising
compassion, as they’re observed pulling a
thorn from an injured comrade.
	 Included are well publicised stories, such
as the gorilla that carried an injured child to
safety, as well as the more obscure, like the
German Shepherd that visited the grave of
his deceased owner every day at the same
hour. This sweet book, also, reflects human
acts of kindness to animals. Edward Lear,
author of The Owl and the Pussycat, built his
new house as an exact replica of his old one
to keep from traumatising his beloved cat.
We Animals
Jo-Anne McArthur
Drawn from many photos taken over 15
years, We Animals illustrates and
investigates animals in the human
environment: whether they’re being used
for food, fashion and entertainment or
research or are being rescued to spend
their remaining years in sanctuaries.
Award-winning photojournalist and animal
advocate, Jo-Anne McArthur, provides a
valuable lesson about our
treatment of animals,
makes animal industries
visible and accountable
and widens our circle
of compassion to
include all sentient
ISBN: 978 1 59056 426 4
LTB | 208pp | 254 x 216
b & w ills throughout 
HB £34.00
The Polar Bear
in the Zoo
A Speculation
Martin Rowe
In The Polar Bear in the Zoo,
Martin Rowe studies a
photograph by the Canadian
photojournalist Jo-Anne
McArthur in the context of
her series We Animals and the portraits of
several other photographers of captive
animals. Rowe looks at how we come to the
window to stare at the creatures and the
ways we frame our ideas about them within
the exposure and capture provided by the
photograph and the zoo. As part of his
analysis, Rowe relates his own frames as an
animal activist, his blind spots & effacements
and how the various tropes that are evoked in
McArthur’s photograph reflect our human
tendency to honour the act of seeing –
including our beliefs in the epiphanic – above
our other senses & our willingness to confront
what we see or turn away.
ISBN: 978 1 59056 391 5
LTB | 176pp | 127 x 178
b & w ills throughout 
PB £11.99
ISBN: 978 1 59056 423 3
LTB | 208pp | 152 x 229 
PB £18.99
of related interest:
Social Creatures £44.00
Teaching the Animal
natural world
ISBN: 978 1 57324 625 5
CON | 176pp | 127 x 178 
PB £11.99
of related interest:
Honey Prescription £14.99
Shamanic Way of the Bee
ISBN: 978 19221 61093
BA | 144pp 
125 x 170
31 full col cards
& guidebook 
Boxed Set £12.99 inc vat
ISBN: 978 0 98024 110 5
AjT | 176pp | 133 x 191
PB £12.99
Pets Tell the Truth
A Mystical Journey into the Animal Mind
Agnes Julia Thomas
While conducting studies intended to
unlock the secret workings of the animal
mind, the author finds herself drawn into
the spiritual and mystical world of her
subjects. Through interspecies telepathic
communication, she unravels the mystery
of the powerful bond between animals and
humans and its connection with the divine.
She explains the scientific and
metaphysical research that supports her
work, but more importantly tells a moving
and enlightening story about the power of
love, why we are here and where evolution
is leading us.
of related interest:
Animal Whispers
Empowerment Cards
£14.99 inc vat
Pet Ghosts £12.99
Your Pets Past Lives £8.99ISBN: 978 1 56589 282 8
CC | 136pp | 140 x 216
PB £14.99
The Sky and Earth
Touched Me
Sharing Nature® Wellness Exercises
joseph Bharat cornell
Wild seashores and woodlands calm and
refresh our spirits. Contact with nature
enhances our wholeness and well-being.
The powerful, compelling exercises in this
book can help readers become immersed in
nature's joyful and healing presence.
in a garden, backyard or park. Part One is
designed for personal practice; Part Two can
be shared with a friend or a group. Practise
these exercises and discover invaluable
nature awareness principles.
of related interest:
Aum £10.99
Listening To Nature £16.99
Sharing Nature With
Children £8.99
Cats Oracle
Barbara Moore
Illustrated by
Marco Turini
Anyone who loves cats
knows how many different
expressions they can show.
Luxurious peacefulness when
they sleep, innocence when they
play. Curiosity, caution,
sullenness, desire for adventure:
cats are a fresco of
a thousand conditions of the human soul.
The pen of Barbara Moore and the artistic
talent of Marco Turini combine to create 32
different cat breeds, 32 scenarios, 32
“catlike” expressions, giving the reader a
tool to play with self knowledge and
understanding of the world and to grow,
with ease, in all small things of human life.
ISBN: 978 88652 72084
LS | 85 x 125
32 full col cards &
instruction leaflet
deck £15.99 inc vat
Bees Make The
Best Pets
All the Buzz about Being Resilient,
Collaborative, Industrious, Generous,
and Sweet- Straight from the Hive
Jack Mingo
Full of fun facts, Mingo shares a potpourri of
bee and bee-keeping trivia, practical tips
and legend and lore. And here are just some
of the reasons bees make the best pets:
●● They don’t bark and whine all night if
you leave them in the garden. In fact,
they rather prefer it.
●● Bees don’t demand petting, attention or
feeding. They find their own food.
●● Bees greet you with honey for your toast &
beeswax for your candles, not dead mice.
●● When bees pay attention to your plants,
it's not to dig them up. They actually help
them blossom, bear fruit and thrive.
●● Bees don’t track mud, poison ivy or fleas
into your house.
Animal Voices
Connecting with our
Endangered Friends
Chip Richards
Illustrated by Susan Farrell
Not so long ago, the
people of our world knew
that all of life is
connected to the
heartbeat of Mother
Earth. From the mighty
whale to the tiny
bee, every living
being brings a unique
and special gift. When
the eagle takes flight
she helps us see new
possibilities. When the
gecko calls out he reminds
us to listen to our heart. When the wind
changes direction or the sun comes out from
the clouds, it brings a special message just
for you. Animal Voices connects kids with
the unique messages from our planet’s most
endangered species. They are calling to all of
us now. If you listen closely they will share
with you their wisdom and teach you to walk
in peace with all of creation. Listen to the
whispered call of Animal Voices... what
message or gift is calling to you?
natural world
Kinship with
leslie b. carlson
Leslie Carlson shares her many lessons
learned over nearly fifty years of relating to
horses. Each of the twenty-two chapters
reveals a lesson that occurs in the human/
horse relationship when we are open to
what each horse has to teach us. As a
teacher of horsemanship, the author brings
a new understanding of how our thoughts
and attitudes either create harmony with
the horse or difficulties. The stories about
each horse are fun to read, perceptive and
touching. Many of them are about Welsh
of related interest:
Horse Wise £10.99
Horses Playing Cards £6.99 inc vat
What The Animals Taught Me £14.99
When The Horses Whisper £15.99
ISBN: 978 1 56589 281 1
CC | 120pp | 178 x 254
full col photos throughout
PB £16.99
Listening to Nature
How to Deepen Your Awareness
of Nature
joseph bharat cornell
Joseph Cornell, author of the bestselling
Sharing Nature with Children, offers a
sensitive yet lively guidebook to a deeper
awareness of nature. You will learn how to
get the feel of nature through inspiring
quotations from famous naturalists,
stunning photography and Cornell's
ever-popular nature awareness activities
– simple, enjoyable exercises that give you
a direct, personal experience of the wonder
and joy of nature.
of related interest:
Aum £10.99
Sharing Nature With Children £8.99
Stone Offerings £34.00
The Secret
of Animals
Endangered Voices of
Mother Earth
Chip Richards
Illustrated by Susan Farrell
There was a time when our ways were
intimately woven with the pulse of the
natural world. The answers to life’s great
questions were found not in books but in
quiet communion with the voices of Mother
Earth. From the mighty whale to the tiny bee,
each animal and element was seen as
sacred and was honoured for the gift it
brought to the greater circle of life.
doorway to reconnect with the wisdom of
nature through the messages of a handful of
our planet’s most threatened species. By
honouring the insight they bring to us, we
deepen our connection to our own path and
calling, while awakening our role in the
preservation and balance of life. Now is the
time. Listen to the whispered call of the
secret language of animals... what message
or gift is waiting to be awoken in you?
ISBN: 978 19221 61086
BA | 125 x 170
31 full col cards and book
boxed set £14.99 inc vat
ISBN: 978 1 56589 283 5
CC | 360pp | 140 x 216
HB £21.00
Sharing Nature®
Nature Awareness Activities for All Ages
joseph cornell
Sharing Nature with Children, selling more
than half a million copies, sparked a
worldwide revolution in nature education.
Now that classic has been rewritten, with
newly added activities and games –
andcombined with Sharing Nature with
Children II in one complete volume.
	 Fans of the original nature awareness
classic will love this new version, which
incorporates the author’s latest insights.
This phenomenal teaching tool, with its
highly effective nature activities, will thrill
new readers.
of related interest:
50 Simple Steps To Save The Earth
From Global Warming £8.99
50 Simple Steps To Save The World's
Rainforests £9.99
Conscious Gardening £12.99
ISBN: 978 1 89076 405 0
APC | 106pp | 140 x 210
PB £9.99

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  • 3.
  • 4. indigenous cultures - egyptian 37 egyptian Imhotep The African Architect of the Cosmos Robert Bauval and Thomas Brophy Egyptologist, Robert Bauval, and astrophysicist, Thomas Brophy, uncover the mystery of Imhotep, ancient Egyptian superstar, pharaonic Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Galileo and Newton all rolled into one. Based on their research at the Step Pyramid Complex at Saqqara, Bauval and Brophy delve into observational astronomy to ‘decode’ the alignments and other design features of the Step Pyramid Complex, to uncover the true origins and genius of Imhotep. Like a whodunit detective story they follow the clues that take them on an exhilarating magical mystery tour starting at Saqqara, leading them to temples in Upper Egypt and to the stones of Nabta Playa and the black African stargazers who placed them there. Land of The Fallen Star Gods The Celestial Origins of Ancient Egypt New Edition of Egypt Child of Atlantis J. S. Gordon Radically reinterpreting the time line of prehistory, J. S. Gordon shows that Egyptian civilisation is 50,000 years older than acknowledged by Egyptology. He explores astrophysical, cosmological, geophysical, linguistic and anthropological evidence to reveal forgotten civilisations hidden beneath the Mediterranean and along the coast of northwestern Africa. He explains how the “spontaneous” full-fledged appearance of Egyptian and Sumerian civilisations 5,000 years ago represents not the birth of civilisation but the remnants of an immensely ancient and sophisticated worldwide culture ranging from Tibet and China to Atlantis and the vastly larger continent of which it once was part. ISBN: 978 1 59143 164 0 BC | 304pp | 203 x 254 83 b & w ills PB £16.99 of related interest: Path of Initiation £26.00 Sphinx Mystery £21.00 ISBN: 978 1 93887 500 7 DIS | 320pp | 152 x 229 4pp col insert & b & w photos throughout PB £18.99 of related interest: Black Genesis £16.99 Lost Knowledge of the Ancients £15.99 Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt £21.00 The Exodus Reality Unearthing the Real History of Moses, Identifying the Pharaohs, and Examining the Exodus from Egypt Scott Alan Roberts and John Ward In this groundbreaking work, the authors re-examine humanity’s most enduring account of bondage, emancipation and freedom. The Great Exodus is the story of how one man, empowered by divine epiphany, brought the mighty ancient kingdom of Egypt to its knees. For thousands of years, this story has bolstered the faithful of three major religions, though little historical data confirms it. So the question must be asked: Did it ever really happen? Roberts, a historian and theologian and Ward, an archaeologist, Egyptologist and anthropologist, dig deeply into historical records to answer the most vexing questions: ●● Is there any historical evidence for the biblical account of the Great Exodus? ●● Was Moses a real person? ISBN: 978 1 60163 291 3 NPB | 288pp | 152 x 229 80 b & w photos & 16pp col insert PB £16.99 of related interest: Moses and Akhenaten £16.99 The Lost City of the Exodus The Archaeological Evidence behind the Journey Out of Egypt ahmed osman When the first archaeologists visited Egypt in the late 1800s, they arrived in the eastern Nile Delta to verify the events described in the biblical Book of Exodus. Several locations believed to be the city of the Exodus were found but all were later rejected for lack of evidence. This led many scholars to dismiss the Exodus narrative merely as a myth that borrowed from accounts of the Hyksos expulsion from Egypt. But as Ahmed Osman shows, the events of Exodus have a historical basis and the ruins of the ancient city of Zarw, where the Road to Canaan began, have been found. ISBN: 978 1 59143 189 3 BC | 224 pp | 152 x 229 15 b & w ills PB £10.99
  • 5. indigenous cultures 38 paganism Sexual Practices of The Druids A Handbook of Magic and Ritual New Edition of Celtic Sex Magic Jon G. Hughes One of the Druid’s most powerful tools, sex magic ,harnesses and projects the immense natural energy produced by orgasm to liberate your consciousness from everyday awareness and influence reality at will. Jon Hughes reveals the fundamentals of Celtic sex magic passed down secretly from generation to generation. He explains how to channel, intensify, and project your sexual energy for magical purposes and offers authentic instructions for a wide range of sex magic rituals that may be used by couples, groups and solitary practitioners. In addition to the steps of preparation and closure for each ritual, he describes the workings of the 9 stages of the sex magic ritual – Awakening, Augmentation, Intensification, Quickening, Orgasm and Projection, Continuance, Relaxation, Scattering and Gift. ISBN: 978 1 62055 202 5 DB | 256pp | 152 x 229 16pp col insert PB £14.99 of related interest: Ancient Celtic Festivals £10.99 Celtic Plant Magic £16.99 Horns of Honor Regaining the Spirit of the Pagan Horned God Frederick Thomas Elworthy Edited and Introduced by Raven Grimassi For the modern Pagan and Witchcraft community, horns play a major role as a symbol of fertility, power and protection and yet there are few books that discuss the significance in a way that makes sense to a practising Pagan. In HORNS OF HONOR, neo-pagan scholar and award-winning author, Raven Grimassi, updates one of the few classic texts on horns, Frederick Thomas Elworthy’s classic 1900 text, HORNS OF HONOR. HORNS OF HONOR examines the religious and ritualistic significance of horns in many cultures, the ancient reverence for horned gods and the horn as a positive symbol. This revived classic is sure to be welcomed by all in the Pagan community. of related interest: Horned Shepherd £14.99 Old World Witchcraft £14.99 Goddess The Eternal Feminine within Life & Nature Toni Carmine Salerno Awaken your true potential... Reach for the stars... This beautifully presented, full-colour book, written and illustrated with over 45 of best-selling artist and author, Toni Carmine Salerno’s most beloved depictions of the Goddess, is the perfect gift for yourself or your loved ones. With stunning full-page images and inspirational sayings, quotes and affirmations, GODDESS is a book you will want to use and refer to daily as it can, also, be used as an oracle, guiding you with positive and life-affirming messages from the realm of the Goddess. of related interest: Angels, Gods & Goddesses £13.99 inc vat Universal Goddess Tarot £17.99 inc vat ISBN: 978 1 92216 104 8 BA | 112pp | 214 x 288 full col ills throughout HB £13.99 Pagan Lenormand Oracle Cards gina pace illustrated by franco rivolli The images of the Lenormand are recreated to reflect pagan symbols, values and beliefs while retaining the clarity of the original oracle. Each card maintains its ability to predict mundance events while also opening to broader metaphysical possibilities. This deck, like pagans themselves, walk between two worlds, once where we live our everyday lives and one that is much older and more magical. iPhone 5 Covers Protect your phone and affirm your spiritual identity with our iDentity covers. Available for iPhone 5, iDentity covers offer complete protection to your phone. Ultra slim, strong, anti-slip and anti-scratch, our mobile phone covers, also, come with a bonus free screen protector gift set. Don’t ever leave home anymore without your trusted iPhone cover! Wicca ISBN: 978 886527318 0 LS IC01 cover £11.99 inc vat Magic ISBN: 978 886527319 7 LS IC02 cover £11.99 inc vat Celtic ISBN: 978 886527320 3 LS IC03 cover £11.99 inc vat ISBN: 978 886527309 8 LS | 128pp | 88 x 125 36 full col cards OR10 deck £14.99 inc vat ISBN: 978 1 57863 543 6 WB | 288pp | 152 x 229 PB £14.99 Magic Wicca Celtic
  • 6. music 39 myths & legends Parsifal Unveiled The Meaning of Richard Wagner’s Masterpiece Samael Aun Weor Wagner’s retelling of the myth of the Holy Grail and the knights who protect it showed the secret path to liberation from suffering, but no one understood it. Wagner himself never explained Parsifal and in his wake thousands of writers, critics and artists have attempted to penetrate its mysteries yet have failed, since they were not initiated into the secret tradition it came from. Finally, in this book by Samael Aun Weor, the meaning of Parsifal is fully revealed and the genius and spiritual accomplishments of Richard Wagner are made radiantly clear. Includes a synopsis and full text of the drama. Himalayan Sound Revelations The Complete Singing Bowl Book Frank Perry With Cymatic photography of the bowls’ sound patterns by John Reid This compendious, but very readable, volume by one of the legends of Tibetan Singing Bowl playing should quickly establish itself as the definitive study. Particularly useful is the wide scope of the book, which includes not just Tibetan bowls but Chinese bells, drilbu and ding-sha, the planets, elements and chakras, cymatics, overtones and partials, nada yoga, mantras, symbolism and the astrology of the bowls, their relation to western music, Pythagoras and Newton and the psychic integrity and true awareness of the bowl user. There is almost nothing that is not here. ISBN: 978 1 93420 691 1 GP | 352pp | 152 x 229 PB £15.99 of related interest: Magic Flute Unveiled £16.99 Templars and the Assassins £14.99 Mozartthe Freemason £12.99 ISBN: 978 1 57733 259 6 BD | 128pp | 216 x 279 PB £16.99 Whispered Notes A Devotional Hymnal Janice Gray Kolb and Robert A. Kolb Meditational hymns with piano music for each Sunday of the year. As these meditations and hymns were being typed, my husband discovered amongst his music a group of his hymns that he had forgotten existed. Because of the lost meditations he had set these hymns aside. Now found, he asked if I might again ask the Holy Spirit to give us meditations to accompany each hymn so that we might have fifty-two of each, one set for every week of the year. Lemurian Science of Immortality almine Acknowledged as the leading mystic of our time, Almine once again delivers groundbreaking revelations on the art of youthening. Upon discovering ancients who did not age, explorers of the Americas set out in search for the Fountain of Youth. Not realising it was a set of tablets rather than an actual fountain, the records of the Fountain of Youth are revealed in this book. As a master translator of records of antiquities, Almine has written an unforgettable book that shatters existing paradigms perpetuating death. of related interest: Elixir Of Immortality £14.99 Fountain Of Youth Exercises £12.99 Golden Elixir Chi Kung £12.99 ISBN: 978 1 93692 620 6 SJ | 408pp | 152 x 229 PB £18.99 Secrets of Dragon Magic Sacred Fires Of Hadji-Ka almine This extraordinary record of the philosophy and practices of dragon magic is unmatched in its depth of knowledge and powerful delivery. From the Sacred Records of the Hadji-ka, kept by the dragons of Avondar, the secrets of Kundalini are revealed, designed to restore the innate, natural magical abilities of man lost by the separation of the spinal column and the pranic tube. The reader is swept along on a profound and mystical journey that pushes perception beyond mortal boundaries. of related interest: Arubafirina £14.99 Dragonlore £12.99 Gift of The Unicorns £7.99 Tarot Draconis £17.99 inc vat ISBN: 978 1 93692 656 5 SJ | 418pp | 152 x 229 PB £18.99 ISBN: 978 1 90539 831 7 POP | 352pp | 156 x 234 8pp col ills PB £18.99
  • 7. myths & legends 40 The Sacred Science of Ancient Japan Lost Chronicles of the Age of the Gods Avery Morrow In Japan there are roughly two dozen secret manuscripts originally dating back to the paleolithic era, the age of heroes and gods, that have been handed down by the ruling families for centuries. Rejected by orthodox Japanese scholars and never before translated into English, these documents speak of primaeval alphabets, lost languages, forgotten technologies and the sacred spiritual science. Some even refer to UFOs, Atlantis and Jesus coming to Japan. Translating directly from the original Japanese, Avery Morrow explores four of these manuscripts in full as well as reviewing the key stories of the other Golden Age chronicles. ISBN: 978 1 59143 170 1 BC | 224pp | 152 x 229 22 b & w ills  PB £13.99 of related interest: Bushido £8.99 Katas £14.99 Shoninki £14.99 The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America The Missing Skeletons and the Great Smithsonian Cover-Up Richard J. Dewhurst Drawing on 400 years of newspaper articles and photos, first person accounts, state historical records and illustrated field reports, Richard J. Dewhurst reveals not only that North America was once ruled by an advanced race of giants, but, also, that the Smithsonian has been actively suppressing the physical evidence for nearly 150 years. He shows how thousands of giant skeletons have been unearthed at Mound Builder sites across the continent, only to disappear from the historical record. He examines other concealed giant discoveries, such as the giant mummies found in Spirit Cave, Nevada dating to 8000 BCE. ISBN: 978 1 59143 171 8 BC | 368pp | 152 x 229 92 b & w ills  PB £16.99 of related interest: Lost Race of Giants £15.99 There Were Giants Upon the Earth £21.00 Banshees, Werewolves, Vampires and Other Creatures of The Night Facts, Fictions, and First-Hand Accounts Varla Ventura Huffington Post Weird News columnist and author, Varla Ventura, takes readers on a wild ride through the shadowy hills of rural Ireland, the dark German forests and along abandoned farms and country roads across the world to discover some of the most frightening and freak-tacular tales, titbits and encounters with all those beasties that go bump in the night. Along with classic pieces from Bram Stoker, Elliot O’Donnell, Sabine Baring- Gould, William Butler Yeats and many others, Ventura includes: ●● Famous vampires you may not know ●● Why banshees are the most feared of supernatural creatures. ISBN: 978 1 57863 547 4 WB | 256pp | 127 x 178  PB £12.99 of related interest: Book of Bizarre £11.99 Beyond Bizarre £13.99 The Three Ages of Atlantis The Great Floods That Destroyed Civilization Diego Marin, Ivan Minella and Erik Shievenin The authors reveal that there was not one, but three Atlantises, the first in Antarctica, the second in South America and the third in the Mediterranean. Examining paleoclimatology data, they show that Antarctica was temperate 15,000 years ago and home to the original Atlantis. They explore geological evidence of three worldwide super-floods 15,000, 11,600 and 8,700 years ago and show how these dates directly parallel the freezing of Antarctica, the arrival of Cro-Magnon man in Europe and the destruction of Atlantis according to Plato. of related interest: Atlantis Beneath the Ice £13.99 ISBN: 978 1 59143 179 4 BC | 528pp | 152 x 229 16pp col insert & 60 b & w ills  PB £21.00 ISBN: 978 1 93914 903 9 AUP | 408pp | 152 x 229 b & w photos & diagrams throughout  PB £19.99 Vimana Flying Machines of the Ancients David Hatcher Childress According to early Sanskrit texts the ancients had several types of airships called vimanas. Like aircraft of today, vimanas were used to fly through the air from city to city; to conduct aerial surveys of uncharted lands and as delivery vehicles for awesome weapons. David Hatcher Childress takes us on an astounding investigation into tales of ancient flying machines. In his new book, packed with photos and diagrams, he consults ancient texts and modern stories and presents astonishing evidence that aircraft, similar to the ones we use today, were used thousands of years ago in India, Sumeria, China and other countries. of related interest: Hitler’s Flying Saucers £16.99
  • 8. myths & legends 41 Aliens In Ancient Egypt The Brotherhood of the Serpent and the Secrets of the Nile Civilization Xaviant Haze The sophisticated civilisation of ancient Egypt arose seemingly overnight, complete with advanced levels of art, agriculture, astronomy and physics. Then, with the death of Pharaoh Akhenaten, much of this higher knowledge was lost or suppressed. But evidence of this former Golden Age, the alien visitors behind its rise and those behind its decline, still exists, some of it in plain sight. Examining the purposefully obscured reign of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, Haze explains how they represent the last dynasty with access to the sacred knowledge of stargates, free energy and antigravity technologies, knowledge handed down from an advanced interstellar race in the remote past. ISBN: 978 1 59143 159 6 BC | 320pp | 152 x 229 16pp col insert & 170 b & w ills  PB £16.99 of related interest: Ancient Alien Question £16.99 Lost Race of The Giants The Mystery of Their Culture, Influence, and Decline throughout the World Patrick Chouinard Foreword by Paul Von Ward Patrick Chouinard examines the staggering number of corresponding giant mythologies throughout the world, such as the Greek and Roman titans, Norse frostgiants, the Hindu Daityas, the biblical Nephilim, the Celtic Formorach, the Sumerian Anunnaki and the multitude of myths in which the sky or world is held aloft on the shoulders of a giant. He links these stories to Atlantis as well as other legends of prehistoric civilisations lost to cataclysm and great floods whose survivors spawned the rise of ancient civilisations. ISBN: 978 1 59143 148 0 BC | 224pp | 152 x 229  PB £15.99 of related interest: Forgotten Worlds £16.99 Göbekli Tepe Genesis of the Gods The Temple of the Watchers and the Discovery of Eden Andrew collins introduced by graham hancock Built at the end of the last ice age, the mysterious stone temple complex of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey is one of the greatest challenges to 21st century archaeology. As much as 7,000 years older than the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge, its strange buildings and rings of T-shaped monoliths show an extraordinary level of sophistication and artistic achievement. Chronicling his travels to Göbekli Tepe, Andrew Collins details the layout, architecture and exquisite relief carvings of ice age animals and human forms found at this 12,000-year-old megalithic complex. of related interest: Beneath the Pyramids £15.99 From the Ashes of Angels £21.00 Gods of Eden £21.00 ISBN: 978 1 59143 142 8 BC | 464pp | 152 x 229 16pp col insert & 84 b & w ills PB £16.99 The Lost Lands A Magickal History of Lemuria, Atlantis & Avalon Reissue with New Design lucy cavendish In this daring new book, Lucy Cavendish invites you to shed your doubts and join her on a wondrous soul pilgrimage, travelling through time and space to the planet's most mysterious and powerful lands, psychic societies and secret spiritual communities. Share the fire dances and the water worship of the shapeshifting tribes of Lemuria, learn the secrets that lay deep beneath the crystal temples of sophisticated Atlantis and feel the deep green peace as you speak the language of trees in the Priestess and Druid groves of Avalon. of related interest: Oracle of The Dragonfae £14.99 inc vat Oracle of The Mermaids £14.99 inc vat Wild Wisdom of The Faery Oracle £24.99 inc vat ISBN: 978 0 98055 506 6 BA | 296pp | 180 x 234 b & w ills throughout PB £9.99 Viral Mythology How the Truth of the Ancients Was Encoded and Passed Down Through Legend, Art, and Architecture Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman Behind every myth, fairy tale and legend is an encoded layer of wisdom, science and truth passed down throughout history. This book will examine how information went “viral” long before the Internet and reveals: ●● Why esoteric knowledge was hidden in symbols, art and architecture during times of religious persecution ●● How stories, songs and art served to describe actual historical events From the great myths of the Greek, Roman and Norse to the texts of the world’s major religions, from folklore and fairy tales of old to sacred edifices and monuments, from cave paintings to the mysterious symbology of the Tarot, VIRAL MYTHOLOGY uncovers the information highway of the past and explores how it affects the more modern methods of communication today. ISBN: 978 1 60163 295 1 NPB | 224pp | 152 x 229 15 b & w ills  PB £13.99 of related interest: 11:11 The Time Prompt Phenomenon £13.99 Deja Vu Enigma £13.99 Resonance Key £13.99
  • 9.
  • 10. myths & legends The Gift of the Unicorns Sacred Secrets of Unicorn Magic Third Edition Almine Where have the Unicorns gone? And, what about mystical winged horses, mermaids and giants – do they exist? The answers to all of our questions about these fabled creatures can be found in THE GIFT OF THE UNICORNS. This magical book tells the story of the unicorns and Pegasus and their heroism in preserving purity and innocence during the ages of darkness on Earth. In their own words, these beings reveal where they went, the purpose of their golden shoes and the sacred mission they undertook for the Mother of All Creation. of related interest: Among The Mermaids £11.99 Treasures of The Unicorn £12.99 Unicorn Cards £9.99 inc vat Wonder of Unicorns £8.99 ISBN: 978 1 93692 648 0 SJ | 188pp | 152 x 229 PB £7.99 The Vatican Heresy Bernini and the Building of the Hermetic Temple of the Sun robert bauval and chiara hohenxollern with sandro zicari In 16th century Italy, in the midst of the Renaissance, two powerful movements took hold. The first, the Hermetic Movement expounded the return of the “true religion of the world” based on a form of natural magic that could draw down the powers of the heavens and incorporate them into statues and physical structures. The other movement, the Heliocentric Movement launched by Copernicus, was a direct challenge to the Vatican’s biblical interpretation of a geocentric world system. Exploring the meeting point of these two movements, authors Robert Bauval and Chiara Hohenzollern reveal how the most outspoken and famous philosophers, alchemists, and scientists of the Renaissance, such as Giordano Bruno and Marsilio Ficino, called for a Hermetic reformation of the Christian religion by building a magical utopic city, an architectural version of the heliocentric system. Sacred Number and the Lords of Time The Stone Age Invention of Science and Religion richard heath Our Stone Age ancestors discovered that the geometry of the Earth provided a sacred connection between human experience and the spiritual worlds. Exploring the numerical patterns of time and then the size and shape of the Earth, they created an exact science of measures and preserved their discoveries within sacred structures, spiritualised landscapes and mythologies, which interpreted the religious ideas associated with their science. Examining Earth’s harmonic relevance to the Universe as a whole, Heath shows how we can recognise the long-forgotten foundations of our own civilisation and revive the sacred teaching preserved by the four great megalithic ages. ISBN: 978 1 62055 244 5 ITI | 320pp | 152 x 229 152 b & w ills PB £12.99 of related interest: 11:11 The Time Prompt Phenomenon £13.99 Math for Mystics £12.99 Sacred Number and the Origins of Civilization £14.99 DNA of The Gods The Anunnaki Creation of Eve and the Alien Battle for Humanity chris h. hardy Further developing the revolutionary work of Zecharia Sitchin, Chris Hardy shows that the “gods” of ancient myth, visitors from the planet Nibiru, created us using their own “divine” DNA – first through DNA extraction from their own ribs’ marrow and later by direct relations with early human females. Drawing upon multiple sacred texts, Hardy details the genetic engineering of humanity by Anunnaki scientist Ninmah, with the help of Enki and Hermes. of related interest: The Lost Book of Enki £13.99 Slave Species of the Gods £21.00 ISBN: 978 1 59143 185 5 BC | 264pp | 152 x 229 8pp col insert & 27 b & w ills PB £12.99 43 ISBN: 978 1 59143 178 7 BC | 288pp | 152 x 229 16pp col insert & 70 b & w ills PB £12.99 of related interest: Black Genisis £16.99 ISBN: 978 1 93914 919 0 AUP | 268pp | 152 x 229 PB £15.99 of related interest: Jesus King of Edessa £21.00 Jesus and the Essenes £11.99 He Walked the Americas The Trail of the Prophet New Edition L. Taylor Hansen About two thousand years ago a mysterious white man walked from tribe to tribe among the American Nations. He came to Peru from the Pacific. He travelled through the South and Central America, among the Mayans, into Mexico and all of North America, then back to ancient Tula, from whence he departed across the Atlantic to the land of his origin. Who was this white Prophet who spoke a thousand languages, healed the sick, raised the dead and taught in the same words a Jesus Himself? These are true Indian legends, gathered during twenty-five years of research by L. Taylor Hansen, archaeologist and writer, from many different tribes all over the Americas.
  • 11. natural world 44 High Moon Over The Amazon My Quest to Understand the Monkeys of the Night Patricia Chapple Wright Before primatologist Patricia Chapple Wright became the world’s foremost expert on lemurs, she was enchanted by another primate – Aotus, the owl monkey. It all starts in a New York City pet shop when Wright and her husband buy an owl monkey whose lively and rambunctious ways soon lead the young couple to South America to acquire him a mate. But while Wright’s monkey family is growing, her own begins to fall apart when her husband leaves her and her daughter. Undeterred by her lack of academic experience, Wright sets out as a single mother to study primate behaviour in the wild, including a year at a research station in the remote jungles of Peru. This story of one woman’s transformation from Brooklyn housewife to an accomplished scientist will captivate fans of Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Biruté Galdikas. Humans, Animals, and Society An Introduction to Human – Animal Studies Nik Taylor Interest in Human-Animal Studies (HAS) has grown exponentially in recent years, giving rise to university and college courses around the world specifically on this compelling and vital subject. Considering topics ranging from the human-animal bond, meat eating and animals in entertainment, this book presents key concepts in simple and easy-to-understand ways as it covers the breadth of empirical work currently being done in the field. Through an examination of ideas such as anthropocentrism and the social construction of animals, it looks at how animals are symbolically transformed, presented and re-presented as part of human culture. Ultimately, the book argues that there is nothing “natural” about our social relations with animals, but that animals are made use of and understood through a human lens. ISBN: 978 1 59056 421 9 LTB | 320pp | 152 x 229  HB £26.00 ISBN: 978 1 57324 350 6 CON | 204pp | 152 x 152 b & w ills throughout  PB £10.99 of related interest: Cat Wisdom £8.99 What The Animals Taught Me £14.99 ISBN: 978 0 97521 669 9 BA | 100pp | 150 x 150 full col throughout  HB £8.99 of related interest: Dog Wisdom Cards £13.99 inc vat Dogs Playing Cards £6.99 inc vat Dog Wisdom To Lift Your Spirits and Brighten Your Day Tanya Graham Guidance and simple wisdom inspired by man's best friend! DOG WISDOM is a collection of photographs and puppy-inspired words of wisdom which will encourage you to lead a more relaxed and happy lifestyle. Adopting some of the wise words of these gorgeous puppies will inspire you to have more fun, stay positive, allow you to give and receive more love, help you rediscover the joys of friendship and togetherness, give you a greater understanding of yourself and those around you and inspire you to pursue your dreams. Also available as an oracle card set. Random Acts of Kindness by Animals Reissue with New Cover Stephanie Laland In the pages of this book readers will meet remarkable dogs and cats, as well as gorillas, dolphins, bears, seagulls, rats, birds and one heroic pig! Even ants are caught practising compassion, as they’re observed pulling a thorn from an injured comrade. Included are well publicised stories, such as the gorilla that carried an injured child to safety, as well as the more obscure, like the German Shepherd that visited the grave of his deceased owner every day at the same hour. This sweet book, also, reflects human acts of kindness to animals. Edward Lear, author of The Owl and the Pussycat, built his new house as an exact replica of his old one to keep from traumatising his beloved cat. We Animals Jo-Anne McArthur Drawn from many photos taken over 15 years, We Animals illustrates and investigates animals in the human environment: whether they’re being used for food, fashion and entertainment or research or are being rescued to spend their remaining years in sanctuaries. Award-winning photojournalist and animal advocate, Jo-Anne McArthur, provides a valuable lesson about our treatment of animals, makes animal industries visible and accountable and widens our circle of compassion to include all sentient beings. ISBN: 978 1 59056 426 4 LTB | 208pp | 254 x 216 b & w ills throughout  HB £34.00 The Polar Bear in the Zoo A Speculation Martin Rowe In The Polar Bear in the Zoo, Martin Rowe studies a photograph by the Canadian photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur in the context of her series We Animals and the portraits of several other photographers of captive animals. Rowe looks at how we come to the window to stare at the creatures and the ways we frame our ideas about them within the exposure and capture provided by the photograph and the zoo. As part of his analysis, Rowe relates his own frames as an animal activist, his blind spots & effacements and how the various tropes that are evoked in McArthur’s photograph reflect our human tendency to honour the act of seeing – including our beliefs in the epiphanic – above our other senses & our willingness to confront what we see or turn away. ISBN: 978 1 59056 391 5 LTB | 176pp | 127 x 178 b & w ills throughout  PB £11.99 ISBN: 978 1 59056 423 3 LTB | 208pp | 152 x 229  PB £18.99 of related interest: Social Creatures £44.00 Teaching the Animal £43.00
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  • 13. natural world 46 Kinship with Horses leslie b. carlson Leslie Carlson shares her many lessons learned over nearly fifty years of relating to horses. Each of the twenty-two chapters reveals a lesson that occurs in the human/ horse relationship when we are open to what each horse has to teach us. As a teacher of horsemanship, the author brings a new understanding of how our thoughts and attitudes either create harmony with the horse or difficulties. The stories about each horse are fun to read, perceptive and touching. Many of them are about Welsh Cobhorses. of related interest: Horse Wise £10.99 Horses Playing Cards £6.99 inc vat What The Animals Taught Me £14.99 When The Horses Whisper £15.99 ISBN: 978 1 56589 281 1 CC | 120pp | 178 x 254 full col photos throughout PB £16.99 Listening to Nature How to Deepen Your Awareness of Nature joseph bharat cornell Joseph Cornell, author of the bestselling Sharing Nature with Children, offers a sensitive yet lively guidebook to a deeper awareness of nature. You will learn how to get the feel of nature through inspiring quotations from famous naturalists, stunning photography and Cornell's ever-popular nature awareness activities – simple, enjoyable exercises that give you a direct, personal experience of the wonder and joy of nature. of related interest: Aum £10.99 Sharing Nature With Children £8.99 Stone Offerings £34.00 The Secret Language of Animals Endangered Voices of Mother Earth Chip Richards Illustrated by Susan Farrell There was a time when our ways were intimately woven with the pulse of the natural world. The answers to life’s great questions were found not in books but in quiet communion with the voices of Mother Earth. From the mighty whale to the tiny bee, each animal and element was seen as sacred and was honoured for the gift it brought to the greater circle of life. THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF ANIMALS is a doorway to reconnect with the wisdom of nature through the messages of a handful of our planet’s most threatened species. By honouring the insight they bring to us, we deepen our connection to our own path and calling, while awakening our role in the preservation and balance of life. Now is the time. Listen to the whispered call of the secret language of animals... what message or gift is waiting to be awoken in you? ISBN: 978 19221 61086 BA | 125 x 170 31 full col cards and book boxed set £14.99 inc vat ISBN: 978 1 56589 283 5 CC | 360pp | 140 x 216 HB £21.00 Sharing Nature® Nature Awareness Activities for All Ages joseph cornell Sharing Nature with Children, selling more than half a million copies, sparked a worldwide revolution in nature education. Now that classic has been rewritten, with newly added activities and games – andcombined with Sharing Nature with Children II in one complete volume. Fans of the original nature awareness classic will love this new version, which incorporates the author’s latest insights. This phenomenal teaching tool, with its highly effective nature activities, will thrill new readers. of related interest: 50 Simple Steps To Save The Earth From Global Warming £8.99 50 Simple Steps To Save The World's Rainforests £9.99 Conscious Gardening £12.99 ISBN: 978 1 89076 405 0 APC | 106pp | 140 x 210 PB £9.99