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politics & current affairs
                               Voices of the                                   Turning Tragedy
                               Food Revolution                                 into Victory
                               You Can Heal Your Body and                      Lessons Learned from Cops Who Have
                               Your World with Food!                           Fallen Enforcing the Law
                               John Robbins and                                Lawrence N. Blum
                               Ocean Robbins                                   According to Blum, officers’ lack of
                               Over the course of nine days in the spring      knowledge and skill in controlling the stress
                               of 2012, John and Ocean Robbins gathered        of the moment has increased their risk of
                               together leading insights from some of the      being killed, assaulted or making mistakes
                               world’s brilliant scientists, doctors and       that cost them dearly in career or family
                               nutritionists. They conducted more than         relationships. Through visceral, real-life
                               twenty galvanising and deeply informative       accounts of officers that he has personally
                               interviews, broadcast worldwide at The          worked with, he identifies pitfalls, errors
                               Food Revolution Summit.                         and traps that are created when officers
                               	 Voices OF the Food Revolution                 lose control over how their brains and
                                                                                                                                ISBN: 978 1 55896 676 5
ISBN: 978 1 57324 624 8        collects these interviews making them           bodies react to unexpected crises; explains
                                                                                                                                LTB  |  154pp  |  152 x 229 
CON  |  288pp  |  140 x 216    available in book form for the first time.      why and how this lack of control occurs and
                                                                                                                                PB £16.99
PB £15.99                      This inspiring collection includes              provides mental, emotional and
                               passionate conversations with the leading       behavioural tools that have proven highly        of related interest:
                               voices of the food politics today such as       effective at enhancing performance.
                                                                                                                                Force Under Pressure £16.99
                               Dean Ornish, Rory Freedman (Skinny Bitch),                                                       Why Good People Do Bad
                               Frances Moore Lappe, Kathy Freston, Neal                                                         Things £14.99
                               Barnard, T. Colin Campbell, Caldwell
                               Esselstyn, Gene Baur
                                                                               One Day in
                               All Politics                                    the LIfe of
                               is Religious                                    179212
                                                                               Notes from an
                               Speaking Faith to the Media,
                                                                               American Prison
                               Policy Makers and Community
                                                                               Jens Soering
                               Rabbi Dennis Ross
                                                                               To a correctional facility in Virginia he is
                               Foreword by Rev. Barry W Lynn                   known as Prisoner 179212. But to a legion
                               This book provides ideas and strategies for     of journalists and legal reform activists he
                               expressing a clear, forceful and progressive    is Jens Soering, a German citizen who has
                               religious point of view that is all too often   endured, for the past twenty-six years, a life
                               overlooked and under-represented in public      sentence without realistic hope of release,
                               discourse. It identifies the religious themes   referred to as “the other death penalty.”
                               in today's great debates – gay rights, the      	 Told with dry humour, this book provides
                                                                                                                                ISBN: 978 1 59056 345 8
                               needs of children and families, church-state    an hour-by-hour survey of everyday life in
                                                                                                                                LTB  |  176pp  |  127 x 203 
                               separation and reproductive rights, including   an American medium-security facility with
                                                                                                                                PB £15.99
ISBN: 978 1 59473 374 1        access to sex education, contraception and      all of its attendant hardships,
SLP  |  192pp  |  152 x 229    abortion care – and presents new language       contradictions and even revelations.             of related interest:
PB £15.99                      and methods for effective communication         Soering illustrates the importance of
                                                                                                                                Church of The Second
                               with the media, policy makers and               meditation and faith when confronted with
                                                                                                                                Chance £18.99
                               community. It steers away from the polemics     extreme adversity, in addition to making a
                                                                                                                                Expensive Way To Make
                               and jargon of politics and instead relies on    highly compelling case for prison reform.
                                                                                                                                Bad People Worse £10.99
                               factual historical examples, current events                                                      Way of The Prisoner £16.99
                               and personal stories to illustrate the best
                               ways to communicate the positive role faith
                               can play in personal and public life.           Understanding
                                                                               Animal Abuse
                               Reclaiming                                      A Sociological Analysis

                               Prophetic Witness                               Clifton Flynn
                                                                               In his overview of contemporary sociological
                               Liberal Religion in the Public Square
                                                                               understanding of animal abuse, Clifton Flynn
                               Paul Rasor                                      asks why studying animal abuse is important,
                               Religion is often equated with conservatism     examines the connections between animal
                               in the national political, social and media     abuse and human violence, surveys the
                               dialogue and religious liberalism has all but   theses surrounding the supposed link
                               disappeared from the public eye. Paul           between abuse of animals and humans and
                               Rasor makes a compelling argument that          lays out some theoretical perspectives on the
                               while religious liberals often fight for        issue. The book offers recommendations for
                               justice, they tend to shy away from             policy and professionals and directions for
                               grounding their advocacy in faith. He           future research. Ultimately, UNDERSTANDING
                                                                                                                                ISBN: 978 1 59056 339 7
                               examines the fears and assumptions              ANIMAL ABUSE challenges the reader to
                                                                                                                                LTB  |  148pp  |  127 x 203 
                               behind this reluctance and charts a course      consider animal abuse as not limited just to
                                                                                                                                PB £10.99
                               toward reclaiming their prophetic voice.        harmful acts committed by individuals. It asks
ISBN: 978 1 55896 676 5                                                        us to extend our notion of abuse to the
SHB  |  336pp  |  152 x 229                                                    systemic cruelty of factory farms and
PB £12.99                                                                      vivisection laboratories.

popular science
                               Impossible Realities Infinite Energy
                               The Science Behind Energy Healing,
                               Telepathy, Reincarnation, Precognition,
                               and Other Black Swan Phenomena                      Tesla, Cold Fusion,
                                                                                   Antigravity, and the
                               Maureen Caudill                                     Future of Sustainability
                               Caudill, a career computer scientist                Edited By
                               specialising in artificial intelligence and         Finley Eversole
                               neural networks, presents a wealth of
                               anecdotal and empirical evidence to prove           Foreword by
                               the existence (and power) of:                       John L. Petersen
                               ●● Psychokinesis (most                              Exploring five nearly unknown geniuses of
                                   famously spoon bending)                         our past – John Worrell Keely, Nikola Tesla,
                               ●● Remote viewing                                   Viktor Schauberger, Royal Raymond Rife
                               ●● Energy healing                                   and T. Townsend Brown – and their
                               ●● Telepathy, animal telepathy                      revolutionary discoveries about free energy,
ISBN: 978 1 57174 663 4        ●● Precognition                                                                                      ISBN: 978 1 59477 380 8
                                                                                   electricity, water vortex motion, electric ray
HRP  |  256pp  |  152 x 229    ●● Survival after death                                                                              ITI  |  448pp  |  152 x 229
                                                                                   and super-microscope technology and
PB £15.99                      ●● Reincarnation                                                                                     74 b & w ills throughout 
                                                                                   antigravity, this book helps to restore their
                               She presents the strongest                          long-suppressed scientific legacies and          PB £15.99
of related interest:           case yet for bringing                               bring us one step closer to the destiny they
Parapsychology                 paranormal phenomena                                                                                 of related interest:
                                                                                   foresaw. Eversole has gathered research
Revolution £14.99              from the margins into the                                                                            Fantastic Inventions of
                                                                                   from leading experts on cold fusion,
Science and Psychic            realm of the normal and                                                                              Nikola Tesla £14.99
                                                                                   zero-point energy, power from water and
Phenomena £15.99               credible. It is a book both                                                                          Hydrogen Economy £13.99
                                                                                   the free-energy potential of the Searl Effect
Science and The Akashic        for true believers and                                                                               Secrets of Antigravity
                                                                                   Generator to reveal technologies that work
Field £12.99                   sceptics alike.                                                                                      Propulsion £20.99
                                                                                   with Nature's laws and that, if fully
                                                                                   implemented, could establish sustainable
                                                                                   energy systems in a single generation.

                               Global Awakening                                    Consciousness
                               New Science and the                                 Bridging the Gap Between Conventional
                               21st-Century Enlightenment                          Science and the New Super Science of
                               Michael Schacker                                    Quantum Mechanics
                                                                                   eva herr
                               Introduction by Stephen Larsen
                                                                                   This extraordinary book is concerned with
                               Sharing his 30 years of intensive research          the question: does the presence of sensate
                               into the history of change as well as the           awareness, cognitive awareness and
                               evolution of consciousness and regenerative         self-awareness or all of them combined
                               science, Schacker explains how our current          assure that consciousness is active? Are
                               shift from the old mechanistic worldview to a       these attributes of consciousness? Are they
                               new organic worldview based on biological           signifiers of consciousness? What is the
                               models follows the same pattern as other            nature of consciousness; do we have free
                               paradigm shifts across history, including the       will; what are the differences between mind
                               18th-century Enlightenment and the                  and brain, energy and physical objects and
                               American Revolution. He reveals the creative        the body and the soul?
ISBN: 978 1 59477 482 9
                               geniuses who have contributed to the birth          	 Eva Herr is seeking answers to the             ISBN: 978 1 93790 705 1
PSP  |  480pp  |  152 x 229
                               of the organic worldview, beginning with            intriguing questions most of us know little      RR  |  224pp  |  140 x 216 
40 b & w ills 
                               Goethe, Kant and Rodale. He details the             about. Each person Eva interviews reveals        PB £15.99
HB £26.00
                               stages every paradigm shift progresses              the importance, as well as the necessity, of
                               through: the Early Enlightenment, the                                                                of related interest:
of related interest:                                                               paying attention to our subjective, inner
                               Conservative Backlash, the Intensive Phase          experiences in order to more effectively         New Science and
Hydrogen Economy £13.99
                               and the Flip Point.                                 relate and interact with the present world in    Spirituality Reader £12.99
Struggle For Your
                               	 Explaining that we are currently in the           which we live. Every one of the scholars         Science and The Afterlife
Mind £15.99
                               throes of the Flip Point, the critical last phase   interviewed by Eva offer us a new                Experience £15.99
Quantum Shift in the
                               of our paradigm shift, Schacker shows how           understanding, as well as a more hopeful         Subtle Energy Body £26.00
Global Brain £12.99
                               the mechanistic worldview is crumbling              understanding of human and cosmic reality
                               around us and nothing but a complete                at its most fundamental level .
                               transformation in the way we think will keep
                               us from the path of total self-destruction.

      general                                                                  Psychosis
                                                                               Understanding and Healing the
                                                                               Wounded Soul

                                Psyche’s Knife                                 John Watkins
                                Archetypal Explorations of Love                The book takes a bold quantum leap beyond
                                and Power                                      the restrictive bio-medical notions of
                                                                               ‘illnesses’ such as schizophrenia and bipolar
                                Elizabeth Eowyn Nelson                         disorder to view these conditions from a
                                PSYCHE’S KNIFE examines the myth of Eros       holistic perspective that reveals a ‘method in
                                and Psyche as a metaphor for the               the madness’ of psychosis. The author, John
                                development of soul in the psychology of       Watkins, writes that some episodes may
                                women, explicating the tropes of love and      function as a desperate coping strategy
                                power as depicted by Psyche’s use of a         while others reflect a profound
                                knife in attempting to learn the identity of   developmental crisis or spontaneous
                                her lover.                                     self-healing process. UNSHRINKING                ISBN: 978 0 85572 400 9
                                	 Nelson examines the metaphor of              PSYCHOSIS draws on the accumulated               MAP  |  360pp  |  135 x 210 
                                the knife from all angles – alchemical,        wisdom of mental health experts and              PB £27.99
                                sacrificial, lunar, phallic – and delves       individuals with firsthand experience to
                                into the mythology and imagery of women        outline ways of responding to psychosis
                                and knives, connecting our deep past to        that will promote healing and recovery.
ISBN: 978 1 88860 253 1
CH  |  192pp  |  140 x 216      our present lives and our possibilities for    of related interest:
PB £16.99                       the future.                                    Healing Schizophrenia £21.00
                                of related interest:                           Lifting Your Depression £15.99
                                14 Steps To Awaken The Sacred                  Living With Bipolar Disorder £8.99
                                Feminine £11.99                                Spiritual Gift Of Madness £18.99
                                Goddess In The Gospels £12.99
                                Like A Tree £19.99
                                Psyches Stories Volume 3 £21.00
                                                                               Jung the Mystic
                                                                               The Esoteric Dimensions of Carl Jung’s
                                                                               Life and Teachings
                                The ADD Myth                                   Gary Lachman
                                How to Cultivate the Unique Gifts of           Although he is often called the “founding
                                Intense Personalities                          father of the New Age,” Carl Jung, the
                                                                               legendary Swiss psychiatrist best known for
                                Martha Burge                                   his groundbreaking concepts like the
                                ADHD coach, Martha Burge, proposes that        collective unconscious, often took pains to
                                those suffering from what is commonly          avoid any explicit association with
                                understood as ADHD are not sick or             mysticism or the occult. Yet Jung lived a life
                                impaired. They are just different and with     rich in paranormal experiences – arguing
                                the appropriate therapy, can become            for the existence of poltergeists in a debate
                                exceptional human beings.                      with Sigmund Freud and participating in
                                	 THE ADD MYTH explains:                       séances. It is these critical experiences –
                                ●● The five intense personality traits:        often fleetingly touched on in other             ISBN: 978 0 39916 199 5
                                    sensual, psychomotor, intellectual,        biographies or critical studies and just as      JPT  |  272pp  |  133 x 216 
                                    creative and emotional                     frequently used to make a case against           PB £14.99
                                ●● Where intense people fit on the             Jung and his philosophies – that form the
ISBN: 978 1 57324 582 1             spectrum of personality types              core of this exciting new biography, JUNG        of related interest:
CON  |  256pp  |  152 x 229     ●● Why the medical profession should seek      THE MYSTIC.                                      Beginners Guide To Jungian
b & w ills, charts & figures        alternative explanations for ADHD                                                           Psychology £14.99
PB £15.99                       THE ADD MYTH will raise awareness of the                                                        C G Jung £16.99
                                underlying condition of intensity and help                                                      Madame Blavatsky £14.99
of related interest:            people who previously thought of themselves
Children of Now £13.99
Gift of Learning £14.99
                                as broken develop more fulfilling lives.
                                                                               Jungian Symbolic
Living with A Hyperactive
Child £10.99                                                                   Psychology
                                                                               Carlos Amadeu Botelho
                                                                               In JUNGIAN SYMBOLIC PSYCHOLOGY the
                                                                               concept of symbol is extended to
                                                                               encompass the entire individual and
                                                                               collective psyche. Structuring symbols,
                                                                               complexes and functions are expressed as
                                                                               polarities that include both the subjective
                                                                               and objective worlds. Consciousness is
                                                                               described as the interaction of five
                                                                               archetypal forms of intelligence.
                                                                               of related interest:
                                                                               Blake Jung and The Collective                    ISBN: 978 1 88860 249 4
                                                                               Unconscious £19.99                               CH  |  352pp  |  140 x 216 
                                                                                                                                PB £21.00

psychology – general
                               The Book of I                                    Personality
                               An Illustrious Collection of Self                How it Forms
                               Reflections                                      henry kellerman
                               Edited By Joan Konner                            Perhaps the central question of psychology
                               Are there many selves? Is there a true self?     involves how personality – personhood –
                               Are you the one you choose? Or are you the       is formed. The twin factors or causes, of
                               one that chooses you?                            nature (genetics) versus nurture
                               	 These and other age-old questions are          (environment), always lurk and subtly
                               answered by this collection of pithy sayings     interplant in an epigenetic synthesis.
                               and witty rejoinders from the likes of William   This book, for professionals as well as for
                               Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, Peter Sellers,     general readers, identifies and consolidates
                               Jean Paul-Sartre, Gertrude Stein, Carl Jung,     an understanding of personality
                               Marilyn Monroe and many more of history’s        development, personality type, and
                               most introspective – and, perhaps,               personality style. Twelve Styles are identified
                               narcissistic – writers, poets, philosophers,     and displayed through case examples.
                               musicians, comedians, actors and politicians.    of related interest:                              ISBN: 978 1 59056 353 3
                               of related interest:                                                                               AMH  |  204pp  |  152 x 229 
ISBN: 978 1 59056 366 3                                                         Beyond Freud £21.00
                                                                                                                                  PB £21.00
LTB  |  176pp  |  127 x 178    Great Quotes From Great Leaders £7.99            Jung The Mystic £14.99
HB £15.99                      Thunk! £9.99                                     Spiritual Gift of Madness £18.99

                               It’s All in Your                                 Music and Its
                               Dreams                                           Secret Influence
                               How to Interpret Your Sleeping                   Throughout the Ages
                               Dreams to Make Your Waking                       New Edition
                               Dreams Come True
                                                                                Cyril Scott
                               Kelly Sullivan Walden
                                                                                With a new introduction by
                               This is a comprehensive dream book that          Desmond Scott
                               teaches you how to use your dreams to get
                               what you want out of life. In addition, dream    Composer and author, Cyril Scott, explores
                               expert Kelly Sullivan Walden explains:           the role of music in the evolution of
                               ●● Tricks for remembering your dreams            humanity and shows how it has pushed
                               ●● How to heal yourself and others through       human evolution forward. Exploring the
                                  your dreams                                   works of classical composers Scott reveals
                               What makes this book particularly helpful        how their compositions were actively
                               and useful is its wide range of topics and       influenced by a hierarchy of initiates,
                                                                                                                                  ISBN: 978 1 59477 487 4
ISBN: 978 1 57324 590 6        practical advice. Chock full of helpful          evolved spiritual intelligences and devas to
                                                                                                                                  ITI  |  224pp  |  152 x 229 
CON  |  272pp  |  140 x 216    anecdotes and filled with helpful exercises      make the way fertile for human spiritual
                                                                                                                                  PB £14.99
PB £14.99                      and tips, this is truly a book that will allow   evolution. Scott shows how the music of
                               readers everywhere to make their dreams          great composers affects not only those            of related interest:
of related interest:           come true.                                       listening, but, also, society as a whole –
Lucid Dreaming £15.99                                                           from Beethoven's influence on the creation
                                                                                                                                  Experience HB £44.00
Master of Lucid Dreams                                                          of psychoanalysis to Chopin’s influence on
                                                                                                                                  Healing Sounds £14.99
£15.99                                                                          the emancipation of women.
Simply Dreams £9.99

                               The Safety Bubble                                The Finch Bumper
                               A Practical Guide to Keeping Children
                               Safe and Sound
                                                                                Book of Parenting
                                                                                parenting experts
                               dr victoria atkinson
                                                                                This value-packed book gives readers an
                               This book empowers families and                  unrivalled collection of advice from 13 of
                               professionals alike with the information to      Australia’s most renowned parenting
                               understand how and why children are              practitioners. Key advice from highly-
                               injured and more importantly, teaches            acclaimed Finch parenting titles is
                               them to see and experience spaces through        combined into one volume for easy access
                               childproof glasses. Each chapter tackles         to the topics that most concern parents.
                               safety strategies for some part of a child’s     	 Finch Publishing, which celebrated its
                               world; from nursery and home setup, to the       20th anniversary in 2012, is recognised
                               back garden, playground, pool, garage and        worldwide for the quality of its Australian
                               car. THE SAFETY BUBBLE, also, explains the       parenting list including Steve Biddulph’s
ISBN: 978 0 85572 426 9        staggering array of baby equipment.              bestseller, Raising Boys.
MAP  |  260pp  |  135 x 210    of related interest:                                                                               ISBN: 978 1921 462 849
PB £19.99                      How To Teach Your Baby To Read £11.99                                                              FP  |  320pp  |  152 x 229 
                               How To Teach Your Baby To Swim £12.99                                                              PB £19.99
                               Yoga of Pregnancy Week By Week £12.99

psychology – parenting
                                     Fit Baby,                                           If I Have to Tell You
                                     Smart Baby,                                         One More Time...
                                     Your Baby!                                          The Revolutionary Program That Gets
                                                                                         Your Kids to Listen Without Nagging,
                                     From Birth to Age Six                               Reminding or Yelling
                                     Glenn doman, douglas doman                          Amy McCready
                                     and bruce hagy
                                                                                         In this invaluable book, founder of the
                                     The early development of mobility in new            popular online parenting course, Postive
                                     babies is a vital part of their future ability to   Parenting Solutions, Amy McCready presents
                                     learn and grow to full potential.                   a nag and scream-free programme for
                                     	 In FIT BABY, SMART BABY, YOUR BABY!,              compassionately, yet effectively, correcting
                                     Glenn Doman, along with Douglas Doman               your childs behaviour.
ISBN: 978 0 75700 376 9              and Bruce Hagy guide you in maximising              	 McCready draws on Adlerian psychology,
SO  |  304pp  |  191 x 229           your child's physical capabilities. They            which focuses on the central idea that every
full col photos & ills throughout    clearly explain each stage of mobility and          human being has a basic need to feel                ISBN: 978 0 399 16059 2
PB £16.99                            show how to create an environment that              powerful – children being no exception to the       JPT  |  320pp  |  140 x 210 
                                     will help your baby more easily achieve that        rule. According to McCready, when this need
of related interest:                                                                                                                         PB £13.99
                                     stage. Full-colour charts, photographs,             isn't met in positive ways, kids resort to
How To Teach Your Baby               illustrations and detailed, yet easy-to-follow,     negative methods. She provides parents with         of related interest:
Math £11.99                          instructions are included to help you create        a virtual toolbox that they can use to give their   Grow The Tree You
What To Do About Your                an effective home programme.                        children the power they crave – and do away         Got £13.99
Brain-Injured Child £15.99
                                                                                         with the misbehaving that adults dread.

                                     at Naptime                                          Teenagers and Grief
                                     A Woefully Inadequate Guide                         Doris Zagdanski
                                     to Early Motherhood
                                                                                         The death of a parent, sibling or friend is
                                     Gillian Martin and                                  devastating for the teenager. Apart from
                                     Emma Kaufmann                                       death, the most common way young people
                                     There are secrets that no baby book will tell       experience grief is through divorce,
                                     you, stories that no parenting magazine will        separation, a re-marriage or creation of a
                                     even touch with a pair of forceps. And that’s       blended family. Other triggers include loss of
                                     a shame because out of postnatal                    home, pets and personal property through
                                     nastiness and the human struggle with               fire, flood, obesity or poor body image.
                                     sleep-deprivation, couch stainage and               	 TEENAGERS AND GRIEF is an important
                                     perineum bruising, comes forth humour;              guide for teenagers and parents alike.
                                     lots of it. Read about how real mums try to         Parents will find ways to help their children
ISBN: 978 1921 462 177                                                                   by showing them how to cope with loss and
FP  |  256pp  |  148 x 208           lose their baby weight, discover how to
                                     transform your partner into a sex symbol            helping them to express their grief,
PB £23.99                                                                                thoughts and feelings. There is, also,
                                     using only household bleach and a pair of
                                                                                         critical information on when parents need           ISBN: 978 0 85572 405 4
of related interest:                 rubber gloves and sing along to a selection
                                                                                         to seek urgent outside help.                        MAP  |  112pp  |  135 x 210 
Acupoint and Trigger Point           of politically incorrect nursery rhymes.
                                                                                                                                             PB £14.99
Therapy for Babies and               	 Cocktails at Naptime is a hilarious               of related interest:
Children £16.99                      look at those first twelve months (from birth       Now That The Funeral Is Over £12.99
                                     to back-to-work) and the perfect antidote to        Whats Dead Mean? £12.99
                                     the ‘how to’ parenting manuals and the glut         When Pets Die £13.99
                                     of ‘girlfriend’ books.

                                     Peaceful Parent,                                    How to Be
                                     Happy Kids                                          The Almost
                                     How to Stop Yelling and                             Perfect Parent
                                     Start Connecting                                    Teens reveal the Guidance and
                                     Dr Laura Markham                                    Support They Crave
                                     Most parenting books focus on changing a            teenagers who know
                                                                                                                                             ISBN: 978 1 93165 704 4
                                     child's behaviour, but the truth is that            compiled by j. s. salt                              SI  |  144pp  |  152 x 114 
                                     children change only when their
                                                                                         Here are truly wise parenting tips from the         PB £7.99
                                     relationship with their parents changes.
                                     When parents develop an empathic                    experts themselves – teenagers ages
                                                                                         13-18. Presented in their own words and             of related interest:
                                     understanding that allows them to see
                                                                                         handwriting, teens reveal the guidance,             Be The Parent Your Child
                                     things from the child’s perspective, real
                                                                                         support and understanding they crave.               Deserves £11.99
                                     change can take place for the good.
                                                                                         	 Always listen to me, no matter how busy           Happy Children £18.99
                                     Bringing together the latest research in
                                                                                         you are. – Jessica, age 15                          How To Be The Almost
ISBN: 978 0 39916 028 8              brain development with a focus on
                                                                                         	 Be more open with me on adult                     Perfect Husband £7.99
PGB  |  304pp  |  140 x 210          emotional awareness (for both parents and
                                                                                         subjects so I can be more open with you.            How To Be The Almost
PB £12.99                            children), this approach eliminates threats,
                                                                                         – Don, age 18                                       Perfect Wife £7.99
                                     power struggles and manipulation,in favour
                                     of setting limits, with empathy and                 	 These meaningful suggestions are sure
of related interest:
                                     communication.                                      to touch your heart, tickle your funny bone
Disconnected Kids £13.99                                                                 and show you how to give your teenage
Reconnected Kids £13.99                                                                  children the most important gift of all – love.

psychology – parenting
                               Baby Care                                      Men at Birth
                               Nurturing Your                                 Real Stories from Australian Men about
                               Baby Your Way                                  the Birth of Their Children
                               Rhodanthe                                      David Vernon
                               Lipsett                                        Many men are bewildered, put off or just
                               The arrival of a new baby can be an            plain scared by the idea of childbirth. Birth
                               overwhelming event. This book helps            is one area of life where husbands and
                               parents understand the needs of the tiny       male partners do not have much control of
                               individual who has entered their lives and     what is going on. They may be left feeling
                               provides reassuring advice about the many      helpless in their ability to assist their
                               ways to meet these needs.                      partner in one of the most significant
                               	 Rhodanthe Lipsett has drawn together         moment of both their lives. All these factors
                               her knowledge, experience, and her             can leave men feeling very out of place,
                               wisdom gained over a lifetime of caring for    awkward and sometimes downright useless!
                               babies and those who care for them. She        	 However, these beautifully written             ISBN: 978 1 921 462 238
ISBN: 978 1921 462 306         has added to that the best advice from         stories about birth dispel many of the fears     FP  |  224pp  |  152 x 229 
FP  |  480pp  |  155 x 230     experts in the field. The book’s subtitle is   men have around birth and encourage and          PB £23.99
PB £27.99                      ‘Nurturing your baby your way’, and that is    guide men in ways they can be of most
                               exactly what this book is about.               assistance, both practically and emotionally     of related interest:
                               of related interest:                           during the big event.                            First-Time Father £19.99
                                                                              	 The stories in Men at Birth cover              Relieving Pelvic Pain
                               Art of Giving Birth £14.99                     a range of birth experiences, such as
                               Bouncing Back After Your                                                                        During and After Pregnancy
                                                                              home births, hospital births, surgical           £14.99
                               Pregnancy £12.99                               births and births where postnatal
                                                                              depression was a factor.

                                                                              Pleiadian Principles
      psychic awareness                                                       for Living
                                                                              A Guide to Accessing Dimensional
                                                                              Energies, Communicating With the
                               Dancing on a Stamp                             Pleiadians, and Navigating These
                                                                              Changing Times
                               Startling Revelations
                               from the Other Side                            christine day
                               Garnet Schulhauser                             The Pleiadians call this time the New
                                                                              Dawning, a time for us to renounce our
                               Garnet Schulhauser, a retired corporate        fear-based, three-dimensional illusions and
                               lawyer, had an experience that changed his     consciously align with the new fourth- and
                               life. His Spirit Guide appeared in the guise   fifth- dimensional energies that are
                               of a homeless man and revealed answers         anchoring on our planet. 		
                               to “the big questions.” This book describes    	 How can we live by Pleiadian principles
                               that experiences and reveals universal         and use them to assist us in our                 ISBN: 978 1 60163 261 6
                               wisdom that will both delight and amaze        enlightenment process? This second major         NPB  |  192pp  |  152 x 229 
                               New Thought readers.                           title channelled by Christine Day is a           PB £15.99
                               	 The spirit guide (Albert is his name)        spiritual but practical roadmap that will
                               revealed information that is antithetical to   show you how to navigate through these           of related interest:
                               everything that Christian holy men have        challenging, changingtimes,                      Pleiadian Agenda £12.99
                               preached for thousands of years and            to understand the roles                          Pleiadian Initiations of
ISBN: 978 1 88694 032 1        provides refreshing newinsights into the       presaged by our
OMP  |  192pp  |  140 x 216                                                                                                    Light £18.99
                               journey of the soul.                           conscious choice.                                Pleiadian Workbook £15.99
PB £12.99
                               of related interest:
                               Meditations From Conversations with
                               God £6.99
                               Questions and Answers On Conversations         Archangels
                               With God £13.99                                Oracle Cards
                                                                              Book and Card Set
                                                                              Adriano Buldrini
                                                                              Artist and esoteric scholar, Adriano Buldrini,
                                                                              has created 22 paintings of the Archangels
                                                                              in oil, capturing the oldest and most
                                                                              authentic aspects of the angelic symbolism
                                                                              and traditions. This deck creates a channel
                                                                              between the human and the angelic, helping
                                                                              us to the light and to the love of the Lord.

                                                                                                                               ISBN: 978 886527144 5
                                                                                                                               LS  |  192pp  |  88 x 125
                                                                                                                               22 full col cards
                                                                                                                               full col throughout
                                                                                                                               Boxed set £14.99 inc vat

psychology – psychic awareness
                              The Tradition of                                 Molecular
                              Household Spirits                                Consciousness
                              Ancestral Lore and Practices                     Why the Universe Is Aware
                              Claude lecouteux                                 of Our Presence
                              Why do we hang horseshoes for good luck
                                                                               Françoise Tibika
                              or place wreaths on our doors? Why does          Revealing the intimate connections
                              the groom carry his new bride over the           between mind and matter, Françoise Tibika
                              threshold? These customs represent the           explains that conscious communication
                              last vestiges from a long, rich history of       exists all the way down to the very
                              honouring the spirits of our homes. They         molecules of which we – and the universe
                              show that a house is more than a building:       – are made. Using the fundamental laws of
                              it is a living being with a body and soul.       thermodynamics to support her argument
                              Examining the extensive traditions               – especially the first law: “energy is neither
                              surrounding houses from mediaeval times          created nor destroyed” – as well as modern
ISBN: 978 1 62055 105 9       to the present, Claude Lecouteux reveals         scientific research in quantum physics and
                                                                                                                                ISBN: 978 1 59477 484 3
ITI  |  240pp  |  152 x 229   that humanity had an extremely sacred            molecular biology, Tibika explores how each
                                                                                                                                PSP  |  144pp  |  152 x 229
21 b & w ills                 relationship with their homes and all the        atom of the universe is intrinsically linked
                                                                                                                                16 b & w ills 
PB £14.99                     spirits who lived there alongside them –         with all other atoms through their memories
                                                                                                                                PB £12.99
                              from the spirit of the house itself to the       and the information they carry. She shows
                              mischievous elves, fairies and imps who          not only how each atom of your being is          of related interest:
                              visited, invited or not.                         part of the greater whole of the universe,       Darwin’s Unfinished
                              of related interest:                             but, also, how your thoughts, feelings and       Business £16.99
                                                                               state of mind are profoundly related to the      Morphic Resonance £16.99
                              Goblinproofing One’s Chicken Coop £9.99
                                                                               activity of each of your molecules.              Science and The Akashic
                              Return of The Dead £16.99
                              Secret History of Poltergeists and                                                                Field £12.99
                              Haunted Houses £15.99
                              Witches Werewolves and Fairies £14.99
                                                                               Your Psychic Soul
                                                                               Embracing Your Sixth Sense
                                                                               Judith Pennington
                                                                               Psychic development, intuition, sixth sense
                                                                               – all of these and more have become
                                                                               increasingly popular as the mainstream
                                                                               world experiences a paradigm shift toward
                                                                               a more holistic view of ourselves and
                                                                               everyone around us.
                                                                               	 The purpose of this book is to
                                                                               show you, the reader, how to tap into the
                                                                               superconscious knowledge and wisdom
                                                                               of your soul and its higher self in order to
                                                                               reach your highest potential and perhaps
                                                                               teach others how to do so.
                                                                               of related interest:                             ISBN: 978 0 87604 700 2
                                                                               How To Get A Good Reading From A                 4D  |  192pp  |  140 x 210
                                                                               Psychic Medium £5.99                             b & w ills
                                                                               Psychic Self-Defense £15.99                      PB £14.99
                                                                               Simply Psychic £9.99
                              Confessions of a
                              Rebel Angel                                      Science and the
                              The Wisdom of the Watchers and the               Afterlife Experience
                              Destiny of Planet Earth                          Evidence for the Immortality of
                              Timothy Wyllie                                   Consciousness
                              More than two hundred millennia ago the
                                                                               Chris Carter
                              high angel Lucifer launched a revolution         In this book, Chris Carter shows that
                              which led to the quarantine of 37 planets,       evidence of life beyond death exists and
                              including our own, from the rest of the          has been around for millennia, predating
                              Multiverse. Now, after eons of isolation, the    any organised religion. Focusing on three
                              rebel angels are being redeemed and we           key phenomena – reincarnation,
                              are being welcomed back into the                 apparitions and communications from the
                              benevolent and caring Multiverse with a          dead – Carter reveals 125 years of
                              massive transformation of consciousness          documented scientific studies by
                              and a reconnection to our celestial destiny. 	   independent researchers and the British
ISBN: 978 1 59143 147 3
                              	 Writing through Timothy Wyllie, rebel          and American Societies for Psychical
BC  |  488pp  |  152 x 229                                                                                                      ISBN: 978 1 59477 452 2
                              angel Georgia describes her years                Research that rule out hoaxes, fraud and
8pp col insert                                                                                                                  ITI  |  384pp  |  152 x 229 
                              stationed on Earth as a watcher. Arriving        hallucinations and prove these afterlife
PB £18.99                                                                                                                       PB £15.99
                              500,000 years ago as part of the first           phenomena are real.
of related interest:          angelic expedition to Earth she was sent         	 He explains how these findings on the          of related interest:
                              here to prepare the indigenous inhabitants       afterlife have been ignored and denied
Return of The Rebel                                                                                                             Science And Psychic
                              for higher consciousness.                        because they are incompatible with the
Angels £18.99                                                                                                                   Phenomena £15.99
                                                                               prevailing doctrine of materialism.
Rise And Fall of The                                                                                                            Science and The Near-
Nephilim £14.99                                                                                                                 Death Experience £15.99

psychology – psychic awareness

                                  Ascension Cards                                   Beyond the Source
                                  Accelerate Your Journey to the Light              Part 1
                                  Diana Cooper                                      Messages from the
                                                                                    Co-Creators of the Universe
                                  Each of the 52 beautiful cards offers a
                                  description of a specific ascension energy        Guy Steven Needler
                                  or Ascended Master, guidance on its use           Guy Needler has been in touch with God (or
                                  and an affirmation to assist with                 “The Source” ) and discovered that there
                                  assimilation of the wisdom. Through them          are actually 12 Source Entities who are
                                  individuals will work with the gold and silver    calling the shots and running the universe.
                                  violet flame for transformation and raise         In this book, he records his conversations
                                  the energy in themselves and others, call in      with six of the twelve and describes the
                                  unconditional love and draw on the                work that each of them are engaged in.
                                  elements to bring hope, peace and love to         	 Needler discovered a way to transport
                                  the world, among others.                          himself through meditation to the highest
                                  	 The subjects range from the 12 chakras          dimension where god and the co-creators
ISBN: 978 1 84409 600 8           and fire through Commander Ashtar and             exist. In that place and state he discovered     ISBN: 978 1 88694 033 8
FHP  |  80pp  |  130 x 187        Mother Mary’s aquamarine mantle. These            many things about reality which he shares        OMP  |  208pp  |  140 x 216 
52 full col cards                 cards may be employed in a variety of ways        in this book.                                    PB £14.99
boxed SET £14.99 inc vat          – such as a daily source of guidance and
                                  inspiration, a point of study for a group         of related interest:
of related interest:              discussion, a source for determining which        History of God £13.99
Transition To The Golden          areas of an ascension path require the
Age In 2032 £8.99                 most immediate attention or as a 52-step
                                  study course for ascension.                       Angel Heart Sigils
                                                                                    Mystical Symbols from the
                                                                                    Angels of Atlantis

                                  Awakening                                         Stewart Pearce
                                                                                    illustrated by Richard Crookes
                                  Past Lives                                        Sigils are seals and, like the Talisman of
                                  A Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Exploration          the fabled Grimoire, they bring about great
                                  John Z. Amoroso                                   magic. In this Oracle, their kindled
                                                                                    intelligence will utterly transform your life.
                                  This book is a step-by-step process to
                                                                                    For when we feel that we are not in touch
                                  uncover and define the positive and
                                                                                    with the Source, even though we are
                                  negative themes that dominate our lives
                                                                                    extensions of Source energy, we may bathe
                                  and to start to explore the deeper roots of
                                                                                    in their teachings and feel our lives
                                  those themes that reside in past lives.
                                                                                    changed forever.
                                  	 In uncovering past life stories, readers
                                                                                    	 As in the days of Atlantis, drawing just       ISBN: 978 1 84409 606 0
                                  will gain deeper insights as to how positive
                                                                                    one card or two or three will utterly shift      FHP  |  64pp  |  133 x 191
                                  and negative themes function in their lives
                                                                                    your perspective, providing you with a           44 full col cards  |  44 full col ills
                                  and how to de-energise the negative and
                                                                                    feeling of sustainable joy and well being.       boxed set £12.99 inc vat
                                  accentuate the positive. The exercises in
                                                                                    Therefore, please place in your heart the
ISBN: 978 0 87604 685 2           the book allow the reader to regress back
                                                                                    knowledge that the Archangels will always        of related interest:
4D  |  192pp  |  140 x 210        to past lives.
                                                                                    ensure you choose the aspects that are           Alchemy of Voice £7.99
b & w ills  |  includes free CD   	 Includes a 74-minute past life
                                                                                    most significant for your learning and           Angels of Atlantis Oracle
74 mins                           regression audio CD.
                                                                                    evolution, as they graciously hold you in        Cards £12.99 inc vat
PB £14.99                         of related interest:                              love and light.                                  Heart’s Note £7.99
                                  Big Book of Reincarnation £15.99
                                  Science and The Near-Death
                                  Experience £15.99
                                  Your Pets Past Lives £8.99                        The Lightworker’s
                                  True Angel Stories                                Source
                                  777 Messages of Hope and Inspiration              An Enlightening Guide to Awaken
                                                                                    the Power Within
                                  Diana Cooper
                                                                                    Sahvanna Arienta
                                  This inspirational book of 777 true angel
                                  stories, exercises and visualisations will open   If you are a Lightworker you may be going
                                  you up to the wonders of the angelic realms.      though life with a constant urge to embrace
                                  You will find yourself gasping in awe at some     a higher purpose. You know you have a
                                  stories, shaking your head in wonder at           calling but you don’t yet know what it is or
                                  others and nodding as you read the simplicity     how to go about finding it. THE
                                  of many of them. Every page is full of            LIGHTWORKER’S SOURCE is a much-
                                  reminders about how the angels can                needed guide for newly awakened or even
                                  transform your life and exercises and             fully conscious Lightworkers to reveal their
                                  visualisations that you can practise yourself.    authentic selves and find fulfilment in the
                                  Stories are from teachers of the Diana            lives they are destined to live.
                                                                                                                                     ISBN: 978 1 60163 248 7
                                  Cooper School, with some strewn in from           	 THE LIGHTWORKER’S SOURCE will help
                                                                                                                                     NPB  |  256pp  |  133 x 210 
ISBN: 978 1 84409 612 1           other people and Diana herself; Diana herself     you understand:
                                                                                                                                     PB £13.99
FHP  |  256pp  |  152 x 229       adds a brief introduction to each story as well   ●● The signs and symptoms of awakening
PB £11.99                         as visualizations and meditations.                     to your Lightworker role                    of related interest:
                                                                                    ●● How to use your dreams for guidance
                                  of related interest:                                                                               Indigo Adults £13.99
                                                                                         and as a gateway to your higher self
                                  2012 And Beyond £9.99                                                                              Lightworker £13.99
                                  Angels of Light Cards £6.99 inc vat                                                                Psychic Intuition £14.99

psychology – psychic awareness
                              Communication                                    Future Memory
                              from the Other Side                              New Edition
                              Death Is Not the End of Life,                    P.M.H. Atwater
                              Love, or Relationships                           According to P.M.H. Atwater, one of the
                              Anthony Quinata                                  foremost investigators into near-death
                                                                               experiences, future memory allows people
                              There is no doubt that Anthony Quinata           to “live” life in advance and remember the
                              is a gifted medium. His book is filled with      experience in detail when something
                              testimonials from the many lives he’s            triggers that memory.
                              touched. Each story brings hope, healing         	 Atwater explains the unifying and
                              and often humour to the people who are           permanent effect of that experience is a
                              reaching out – sometimes they come in            “brain shift” which she believes “may be at
                              pain or in grief, sometimes they are there       the very core of existence itself.” In FUTURE
                              to help a friend; many do not even have a        MEMORY, Atwater shows that structural
                              belief in the afterlife or an expectation that   and chemical changes are occurring in our
ISBN: 978 0 87604 621 0       any communication will occur. But                brains, changes indicative of higher            ISBN: 978 157174 688 7
4D  |  118pp  |  140 x 210    Anthony’s gift never fails to assist them        evolutionary development.                       HRP  |  344pp  |  152 x 229 
PB £10.99                     and he finds that in helping others, he,                                                         PB £18.99
                                                                               of related interest:
                              too, has learned a great deal.
of related interest:                                                           Beyond The Indigo Children £13.99
                                                                               This Book Is From The Future £13.99
Big Book of Near Death
Experiences £18.99

                              Journey of                                       Children of
                              the Angels                                       the Fifth World
                                                                               A Guide to the Coming Changes in
                              The Tobias Materials                             Human Consciousness
                              Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe                         P. M. H. Atwater
                              Tobias is the entity who first appeared to       Atwater explains what is happening to our
                              Geoffrey Hoppe on an airplane in 1997.           species and our world – from neurological
                              Tobias is an angelic being who has lived         changes and climate upheavals to the drive
                              many lifetimes on Earth and came back            to be constantly “connected” through
                              through the angelic realms for what he calls     screen-based technology and the
                              the “biggest evolution of consciousness          unnecessary widespread use of drug
                              humanity has ever experienced.” He               therapies. She reveals through case histories
                              lovingly assists those who are going             how these children, born with universal
                              through spiritual                                consciousness encoded in their DNA, act as
                              transformations, seeking                         agents for world change by reflecting back
                              to integrate their divinity                                                                      ISBN: 978 1 59143 153 4
ISBN: 978 1 57863 546 7                                                        every misguided aspect of business, politics,   BC  |  272pp  |  152 x 229 
                              with their humanity                              religion, entertainment, technology and
WB  |  208pp  |  140 x 216    and rediscovering the                                                                            PB £13.99
PB £14.99                                                                      culture so we can’t ignore what needs to be
                              God within. His                                  repaired. Atwater shows how children labeled
                              spiritual and                                    as autistic or otherwise “damaged” have
of related interest:          inspirational
Live Your Divinity £14.99                                                      enormous potential for greatness.
                              messages have been
Magdalene Version £13.99      delivered through
                              Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe
                              for the past 15 years.

                              Return Again                                     Heavenly Hugs
                              How to Find Meaning in Your                      Comfort, Support, and
                              Past Lives and Your Interlives                   Hope From the Afterlife
                              Georgina Cannon                                  Carla Wills-Brandon
                              Award-winning hypnotherapist, Dr. Georgina       Nearly 2,000 cases of departing visions
                              Cannon, shows how we can consciously             and visitations from deceased relatives and
                              influence our future by better                   friends collected by the author prove that
                              understanding our past. Discover:                there is life after death. At the moment of
                              ●● Planes of existence                           physical death, departed loved ones return
                              ●● Karma                                         to the dying to ease travel from this life to
                              ●● Soul Mates (you may have more than one)       the next. Friends, family and healthcare
                              ●● Past lives and your “interlife” – where       workers, also, report seeing these loving
                                  you meet those with whom you have a          spiritual travel guides. Such encounters
                                  soul contract to plan your next life.        – reported by individuals from a wide
                              Cannon offers a step-by-step process with        variety of cultural, ethnic and religious
ISBN: 978 1 57863 528 3       simple explanations and pragmatic exercises      backgrounds – clearly illustrate that the       ISBN: 978 1 60163 230 2
WB  |  176pp  |  152 x 229    that readers can use to answer questions         personality, soul or consciousness does not     NPB  |  272pp  |  133 x 210 
PB £14.99                     about their past and current lives.              disappear or “die.”                             PB £12.99
                              of related interest:                             	 To live our lives to the fullest, we must
                                                                               relieve ourselves of the false notion that      of related interest:
                              Healing Lost Souls £21.00
                                                                               death is the end. Departing visions help us     Near-Death Experiences,
                              Past Life Dreamwork £13.99
                                                                               do this.                                        The Rest of The Story £16.99
                              Phoenix Cards £27.99 inc vat

psychology – psychic awareness
                               The World’s                                     The Paranormal
                               Weirdest Places                                 Equation
                               Nick Redfern                                    A New Scientific Perspective on Remote
                                                                               Viewing, Clairvoyance, and Other
                               In THE WORLD’S WEIRDEST PLACES,                 Inexplicable Phenomena
                               mysterious pages, you will find Redfern’s
                               personal top 25 paranormal-themed               James D. Stein
                               locations and the strange, amazing and          Scientists are generally highly sceptical of
                               diabolical things that lurk within them.        the existence of such phenomena as
                               From the legendary Loch Ness to the slopes      ghosts and communication with the dead,
                               of Mount Shasta, California; from the dark      extrasensory perception (ESP), precognition
                               depths of the Solomon Islands to the heart      and telekinesis. Nevertheless, many great
                               of the Kremlin; and from the magical            scientists have believed – and do believe
                               landscape of Sedona, Arizona, to the            – in the supernatural.
                               turbulent waters of the Devil’s Sea of          	 THE PARANORMAL EQUATION presents
                               Japan, THE WORLD’S WEIRDEST PLACES              an argument for the existence of
ISBN: 978 1 60163 237 1                                                                                                        ISBN: 978 1 60163 228 9
                               reveals the sheer astonishing scale of          supernatural phenomena based on the
npb  |  224pp  |  152 x 229                                                                                                    NPB  |  256pp  |  152 x 229
                               strangeness that dominates our planet.          mathematics and science discovered
25 b & w photos                                                                                                                PB £14.99
PB £13.99                      of related interest:                            during the last century. It, also, explains
                               Memoirs of A Monster Hunter £12.99              why supernatural phenomena must exist if        of related interest:
                                                                               the universe satisfies certain conditions –     Parapsychology
                                                                               conditions which are accepted by many           Revolution £14.99
                                                                               working scientists.                             Science and Psychic
                               Supernatural                                                                                    Phenomena £15.99

                               Writings on an Unknown History
                               richard smoley                                  The Everyday
                               Nostradamus... channeling... Atlantis...
                               divination. Most serious people consider
                               such topics nonsense. But look again.           A Practical Guide to Activating
                               Writing with intellectual verve and a deeply    Your Psychic Gifts
                               critical mind, religious thinker Richard        Karen Harrison
                               Smoley explores and reconsiders the
                                                                               Discover how psychic you really are with this
                               supernatural in history and today.
                                                                               comprehensive and practical guide to
                               	 For any reader, at any level of experience,
                                                                               developing and honing your psychic skills.
                               who has ever been curious about an arcane
                                                                               THE EVERYDAY PSYCHIC shows you how to
                               subject – from psychical powers to secret
                                                                               harness your natural psychic abilities and
                               societies – here is a book that
                                                                               experiment with psychic tools to get answers,
ISBN: 978 0 39916 182 7        gives a complete yet precise,
                                                                               guide your decisions and enrich your life.
JPT  |  240pp  |  133 x 210    critical, yet serious and
                                                                               	 For the curious seeker as well as the
PB £10.99                      always respectful account
                                                                               skilled practitioner, THE EVERYDAY PSYCHIC
                               of topics from the unseen
                                                                               offers techniques, tips and tools designed      ISBN: 978 1 57863 529 0
of related interest:           world.
                                                                               to awaken, refresh and sharpen one’s            WB  |  240pp  |  152 x 229 
Book Of Secrets £13.99         	 SUPERNATURAL is a
                                                                               natural psychic gifts by:                       PB £14.99
Essential Nostradamus          brilliant primer to the
                                                                               ●● Activating your psychic gifts
£12.99                         occult and magical
                                                                               ●● Becoming more intuitive                      of related interest:
Mystery Traditions £16.99      traditions of the West.
                                                                               ●● Remembering your dreams                      Swami Panchadasi’s
                                                                                                                               Clairvoyance & Occult

                               Afterlife                                                                                       Powers £14.99

                               Conversations                                   Angelic Creation
                               with Hemmingway                                 White Eagle Calendar 2013
                               A Dialogue on His Life,                         White Eagle
                               His Work and the Myth
                                                                               This year the ever-popular White Eagle
                               frank demarco                                   calendar is on the theme of Angelic
                               This book proceeds along three tracks. The      Creation. The quotations from White Eagle
                               first is the correction of The Hemingway        inside help to attune to and work with the
                               Myth. To correct the myth, it is necessary to   angels. There are, also, meditations            ISBN: 978 0 85487 225 1
                               understand: This is a matter less of new        specially chosen to link with the vibrations    WE  |  18pp  |  234 x 170
                               information than of new interpretation. A       of each month and taken in part from the        12 b & w ills 
                               second strand shows how communication           book Planetary Harmonies by Joan                spiralbound £5.99 inc vat
                               with the non-physical proceeds, showing         Hodgson who founded the White Eagle
                               what can be done and how easily, so as to       School of Astrology. The preface, also,         of related interest:
ISBN: 978 1 93790 706 8        encourage people to try it.                     contains meditations for the days of the        Inner Reflections
RR  |  400pp  |  152 x 229     	 The third strand, the most important,         week, also from Planetary Harmonies.            Engagement Calendar 2013
PB £15.99                      which depends upon the other two,               	 The White Eagle calendar is designed to       £14.99 inc vat
                               provides a new model of the physical/           be a companion in the home or workplace.        Planetary Harmonies
of related interest:           non-physical                                    Spiral-bound to be hung, with a cardboard       HB £7.95
Becoming A Writer £12.99       interaction,                                    backing so it can also be placed on a desk      Quiet Mind HB £4.95
Jung The Mystic £14.99         demonstrating the                               or table. The images of nature provide a        White Eagle’s Little Book of
Science and The Afterlife      true function                                   focal point and a reminder of the work of       Angels £6.00
Experience £15.99              of physical existence.                          the angels in creation throughout our world.

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  • 3. popular science Impossible Realities Infinite Energy The Science Behind Energy Healing, Telepathy, Reincarnation, Precognition, Technologies and Other Black Swan Phenomena Tesla, Cold Fusion, Antigravity, and the Maureen Caudill Future of Sustainability Caudill, a career computer scientist Edited By specialising in artificial intelligence and Finley Eversole neural networks, presents a wealth of anecdotal and empirical evidence to prove Foreword by the existence (and power) of: John L. Petersen ●● Psychokinesis (most Exploring five nearly unknown geniuses of famously spoon bending) our past – John Worrell Keely, Nikola Tesla, ●● Remote viewing Viktor Schauberger, Royal Raymond Rife ●● Energy healing and T. Townsend Brown – and their ●● Telepathy, animal telepathy revolutionary discoveries about free energy, ISBN: 978 1 57174 663 4 ●● Precognition ISBN: 978 1 59477 380 8 electricity, water vortex motion, electric ray HRP  |  256pp  |  152 x 229  ●● Survival after death ITI  |  448pp  |  152 x 229 and super-microscope technology and PB £15.99 ●● Reincarnation 74 b & w ills throughout  antigravity, this book helps to restore their She presents the strongest long-suppressed scientific legacies and PB £15.99 of related interest: case yet for bringing bring us one step closer to the destiny they Parapsychology paranormal phenomena of related interest: foresaw. Eversole has gathered research Revolution £14.99 from the margins into the Fantastic Inventions of from leading experts on cold fusion, Science and Psychic realm of the normal and Nikola Tesla £14.99 zero-point energy, power from water and Phenomena £15.99 credible. It is a book both Hydrogen Economy £13.99 the free-energy potential of the Searl Effect Science and The Akashic for true believers and Secrets of Antigravity Generator to reveal technologies that work Field £12.99 sceptics alike. Propulsion £20.99 with Nature's laws and that, if fully implemented, could establish sustainable energy systems in a single generation. Global Awakening Consciousness New Science and the Bridging the Gap Between Conventional 21st-Century Enlightenment Science and the New Super Science of Michael Schacker Quantum Mechanics eva herr Introduction by Stephen Larsen This extraordinary book is concerned with Sharing his 30 years of intensive research the question: does the presence of sensate into the history of change as well as the awareness, cognitive awareness and evolution of consciousness and regenerative self-awareness or all of them combined science, Schacker explains how our current assure that consciousness is active? Are shift from the old mechanistic worldview to a these attributes of consciousness? Are they new organic worldview based on biological signifiers of consciousness? What is the models follows the same pattern as other nature of consciousness; do we have free paradigm shifts across history, including the will; what are the differences between mind 18th-century Enlightenment and the and brain, energy and physical objects and American Revolution. He reveals the creative the body and the soul? ISBN: 978 1 59477 482 9 geniuses who have contributed to the birth Eva Herr is seeking answers to the ISBN: 978 1 93790 705 1 PSP  |  480pp  |  152 x 229 of the organic worldview, beginning with intriguing questions most of us know little RR  |  224pp  |  140 x 216  40 b & w ills  Goethe, Kant and Rodale. He details the about. Each person Eva interviews reveals PB £15.99 HB £26.00 stages every paradigm shift progresses the importance, as well as the necessity, of through: the Early Enlightenment, the of related interest: of related interest: paying attention to our subjective, inner Conservative Backlash, the Intensive Phase experiences in order to more effectively New Science and Hydrogen Economy £13.99 and the Flip Point. relate and interact with the present world in Spirituality Reader £12.99 Struggle For Your Explaining that we are currently in the which we live. Every one of the scholars Science and The Afterlife Mind £15.99 throes of the Flip Point, the critical last phase interviewed by Eva offer us a new Experience £15.99 Quantum Shift in the of our paradigm shift, Schacker shows how understanding, as well as a more hopeful Subtle Energy Body £26.00 Global Brain £12.99 the mechanistic worldview is crumbling understanding of human and cosmic reality around us and nothing but a complete at its most fundamental level . transformation in the way we think will keep us from the path of total self-destruction. 80
  • 4. psychology Unshrinking general Psychosis Understanding and Healing the Wounded Soul Psyche’s Knife John Watkins Archetypal Explorations of Love The book takes a bold quantum leap beyond and Power the restrictive bio-medical notions of ‘illnesses’ such as schizophrenia and bipolar Elizabeth Eowyn Nelson disorder to view these conditions from a PSYCHE’S KNIFE examines the myth of Eros holistic perspective that reveals a ‘method in and Psyche as a metaphor for the the madness’ of psychosis. The author, John development of soul in the psychology of Watkins, writes that some episodes may women, explicating the tropes of love and function as a desperate coping strategy power as depicted by Psyche’s use of a while others reflect a profound knife in attempting to learn the identity of developmental crisis or spontaneous her lover. self-healing process. UNSHRINKING ISBN: 978 0 85572 400 9 Nelson examines the metaphor of PSYCHOSIS draws on the accumulated MAP  |  360pp  |  135 x 210  the knife from all angles – alchemical, wisdom of mental health experts and PB £27.99 sacrificial, lunar, phallic – and delves individuals with firsthand experience to into the mythology and imagery of women outline ways of responding to psychosis and knives, connecting our deep past to that will promote healing and recovery. ISBN: 978 1 88860 253 1 CH  |  192pp  |  140 x 216  our present lives and our possibilities for of related interest: PB £16.99 the future. Healing Schizophrenia £21.00 of related interest: Lifting Your Depression £15.99 14 Steps To Awaken The Sacred Living With Bipolar Disorder £8.99 Feminine £11.99 Spiritual Gift Of Madness £18.99 Goddess In The Gospels £12.99 Like A Tree £19.99 Psyches Stories Volume 3 £21.00 Jung the Mystic The Esoteric Dimensions of Carl Jung’s Life and Teachings The ADD Myth Gary Lachman How to Cultivate the Unique Gifts of Although he is often called the “founding Intense Personalities father of the New Age,” Carl Jung, the legendary Swiss psychiatrist best known for Martha Burge his groundbreaking concepts like the ADHD coach, Martha Burge, proposes that collective unconscious, often took pains to those suffering from what is commonly avoid any explicit association with understood as ADHD are not sick or mysticism or the occult. Yet Jung lived a life impaired. They are just different and with rich in paranormal experiences – arguing the appropriate therapy, can become for the existence of poltergeists in a debate exceptional human beings. with Sigmund Freud and participating in THE ADD MYTH explains: séances. It is these critical experiences – ●● The five intense personality traits: often fleetingly touched on in other ISBN: 978 0 39916 199 5 sensual, psychomotor, intellectual, biographies or critical studies and just as JPT  |  272pp  |  133 x 216  creative and emotional frequently used to make a case against PB £14.99 ●● Where intense people fit on the Jung and his philosophies – that form the ISBN: 978 1 57324 582 1 spectrum of personality types core of this exciting new biography, JUNG of related interest: CON  |  256pp  |  152 x 229 ●● Why the medical profession should seek THE MYSTIC. Beginners Guide To Jungian b & w ills, charts & figures  alternative explanations for ADHD Psychology £14.99 PB £15.99 THE ADD MYTH will raise awareness of the C G Jung £16.99 underlying condition of intensity and help Madame Blavatsky £14.99 of related interest: people who previously thought of themselves Children of Now £13.99 Gift of Learning £14.99 as broken develop more fulfilling lives. Jungian Symbolic Living with A Hyperactive Child £10.99 Psychology Carlos Amadeu Botelho Byington In JUNGIAN SYMBOLIC PSYCHOLOGY the concept of symbol is extended to encompass the entire individual and collective psyche. Structuring symbols, complexes and functions are expressed as polarities that include both the subjective and objective worlds. Consciousness is described as the interaction of five archetypal forms of intelligence. of related interest: Blake Jung and The Collective ISBN: 978 1 88860 249 4 Unconscious £19.99 CH  |  352pp  |  140 x 216  PB £21.00 81
  • 5. psychology – general The Book of I Personality An Illustrious Collection of Self How it Forms Reflections henry kellerman Edited By Joan Konner Perhaps the central question of psychology Are there many selves? Is there a true self? involves how personality – personhood – Are you the one you choose? Or are you the is formed. The twin factors or causes, of one that chooses you? nature (genetics) versus nurture These and other age-old questions are (environment), always lurk and subtly answered by this collection of pithy sayings interplant in an epigenetic synthesis. and witty rejoinders from the likes of William This book, for professionals as well as for Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, Peter Sellers, general readers, identifies and consolidates Jean Paul-Sartre, Gertrude Stein, Carl Jung, an understanding of personality Marilyn Monroe and many more of history’s development, personality type, and most introspective – and, perhaps, personality style. Twelve Styles are identified narcissistic – writers, poets, philosophers, and displayed through case examples. musicians, comedians, actors and politicians. of related interest: ISBN: 978 1 59056 353 3 of related interest: AMH  |  204pp  |  152 x 229  ISBN: 978 1 59056 366 3 Beyond Freud £21.00 PB £21.00 LTB  |  176pp  |  127 x 178  Great Quotes From Great Leaders £7.99 Jung The Mystic £14.99 HB £15.99 Thunk! £9.99 Spiritual Gift of Madness £18.99 It’s All in Your Music and Its Dreams Secret Influence How to Interpret Your Sleeping Throughout the Ages Dreams to Make Your Waking New Edition Dreams Come True Cyril Scott Kelly Sullivan Walden With a new introduction by This is a comprehensive dream book that Desmond Scott teaches you how to use your dreams to get what you want out of life. In addition, dream Composer and author, Cyril Scott, explores expert Kelly Sullivan Walden explains: the role of music in the evolution of ●● Tricks for remembering your dreams humanity and shows how it has pushed ●● How to heal yourself and others through human evolution forward. Exploring the your dreams works of classical composers Scott reveals What makes this book particularly helpful how their compositions were actively and useful is its wide range of topics and influenced by a hierarchy of initiates, ISBN: 978 1 59477 487 4 ISBN: 978 1 57324 590 6 practical advice. Chock full of helpful evolved spiritual intelligences and devas to ITI  |  224pp  |  152 x 229  CON  |  272pp  |  140 x 216 anecdotes and filled with helpful exercises make the way fertile for human spiritual PB £14.99 PB £14.99 and tips, this is truly a book that will allow evolution. Scott shows how the music of readers everywhere to make their dreams great composers affects not only those of related interest: of related interest: come true. listening, but, also, society as a whole – Harmonic Lucid Dreaming £15.99 from Beethoven's influence on the creation Experience HB £44.00 Master of Lucid Dreams of psychoanalysis to Chopin’s influence on Healing Sounds £14.99 £15.99 the emancipation of women. Simply Dreams £9.99 parenting The Safety Bubble The Finch Bumper A Practical Guide to Keeping Children Safe and Sound Book of Parenting parenting experts dr victoria atkinson This value-packed book gives readers an This book empowers families and unrivalled collection of advice from 13 of professionals alike with the information to Australia’s most renowned parenting understand how and why children are practitioners. Key advice from highly- injured and more importantly, teaches acclaimed Finch parenting titles is them to see and experience spaces through combined into one volume for easy access childproof glasses. Each chapter tackles to the topics that most concern parents. safety strategies for some part of a child’s Finch Publishing, which celebrated its world; from nursery and home setup, to the 20th anniversary in 2012, is recognised back garden, playground, pool, garage and worldwide for the quality of its Australian car. THE SAFETY BUBBLE, also, explains the parenting list including Steve Biddulph’s ISBN: 978 0 85572 426 9 staggering array of baby equipment. bestseller, Raising Boys. MAP  |  260pp  |  135 x 210  of related interest: ISBN: 978 1921 462 849 PB £19.99 How To Teach Your Baby To Read £11.99 FP  |  320pp  |  152 x 229  How To Teach Your Baby To Swim £12.99 PB £19.99 Yoga of Pregnancy Week By Week £12.99 82
  • 6. psychology – parenting Fit Baby, If I Have to Tell You Smart Baby, One More Time... Your Baby! The Revolutionary Program That Gets Your Kids to Listen Without Nagging, From Birth to Age Six Reminding or Yelling Glenn doman, douglas doman Amy McCready and bruce hagy In this invaluable book, founder of the The early development of mobility in new popular online parenting course, Postive babies is a vital part of their future ability to Parenting Solutions, Amy McCready presents learn and grow to full potential. a nag and scream-free programme for In FIT BABY, SMART BABY, YOUR BABY!, compassionately, yet effectively, correcting Glenn Doman, along with Douglas Doman your childs behaviour. ISBN: 978 0 75700 376 9 and Bruce Hagy guide you in maximising McCready draws on Adlerian psychology, SO  |  304pp  |  191 x 229 your child's physical capabilities. They which focuses on the central idea that every full col photos & ills throughout  clearly explain each stage of mobility and human being has a basic need to feel ISBN: 978 0 399 16059 2 PB £16.99 show how to create an environment that powerful – children being no exception to the JPT  |  320pp  |  140 x 210  will help your baby more easily achieve that rule. According to McCready, when this need of related interest: PB £13.99 stage. Full-colour charts, photographs, isn't met in positive ways, kids resort to How To Teach Your Baby illustrations and detailed, yet easy-to-follow, negative methods. She provides parents with of related interest: Math £11.99 instructions are included to help you create a virtual toolbox that they can use to give their Grow The Tree You What To Do About Your an effective home programme. children the power they crave – and do away Got £13.99 Brain-Injured Child £15.99 with the misbehaving that adults dread. Cocktails at Naptime Teenagers and Grief A Woefully Inadequate Guide Doris Zagdanski to Early Motherhood The death of a parent, sibling or friend is Gillian Martin and devastating for the teenager. Apart from Emma Kaufmann death, the most common way young people There are secrets that no baby book will tell experience grief is through divorce, you, stories that no parenting magazine will separation, a re-marriage or creation of a even touch with a pair of forceps. And that’s blended family. Other triggers include loss of a shame because out of postnatal home, pets and personal property through nastiness and the human struggle with fire, flood, obesity or poor body image. sleep-deprivation, couch stainage and TEENAGERS AND GRIEF is an important perineum bruising, comes forth humour; guide for teenagers and parents alike. lots of it. Read about how real mums try to Parents will find ways to help their children ISBN: 978 1921 462 177 by showing them how to cope with loss and FP  |  256pp  |  148 x 208  lose their baby weight, discover how to transform your partner into a sex symbol helping them to express their grief, PB £23.99 thoughts and feelings. There is, also, using only household bleach and a pair of critical information on when parents need ISBN: 978 0 85572 405 4 of related interest: rubber gloves and sing along to a selection to seek urgent outside help. MAP  |  112pp  |  135 x 210  Acupoint and Trigger Point of politically incorrect nursery rhymes. PB £14.99 Therapy for Babies and Cocktails at Naptime is a hilarious of related interest: Children £16.99 look at those first twelve months (from birth Now That The Funeral Is Over £12.99 to back-to-work) and the perfect antidote to Whats Dead Mean? £12.99 the ‘how to’ parenting manuals and the glut When Pets Die £13.99 of ‘girlfriend’ books. Peaceful Parent, How to Be Happy Kids The Almost How to Stop Yelling and Perfect Parent Start Connecting Teens reveal the Guidance and Dr Laura Markham Support They Crave Most parenting books focus on changing a teenagers who know ISBN: 978 1 93165 704 4 child's behaviour, but the truth is that compiled by j. s. salt SI  |  144pp  |  152 x 114  children change only when their Here are truly wise parenting tips from the PB £7.99 relationship with their parents changes. When parents develop an empathic experts themselves – teenagers ages 13-18. Presented in their own words and of related interest: understanding that allows them to see handwriting, teens reveal the guidance, Be The Parent Your Child things from the child’s perspective, real support and understanding they crave. Deserves £11.99 change can take place for the good. Always listen to me, no matter how busy Happy Children £18.99 Bringing together the latest research in you are. – Jessica, age 15 How To Be The Almost ISBN: 978 0 39916 028 8 brain development with a focus on Be more open with me on adult Perfect Husband £7.99 PGB  |  304pp  |  140 x 210  emotional awareness (for both parents and subjects so I can be more open with you. How To Be The Almost PB £12.99 children), this approach eliminates threats, – Don, age 18 Perfect Wife £7.99 power struggles and manipulation,in favour of setting limits, with empathy and These meaningful suggestions are sure of related interest: communication. to touch your heart, tickle your funny bone Disconnected Kids £13.99 and show you how to give your teenage Reconnected Kids £13.99 children the most important gift of all – love. 83
  • 7. psychology – parenting Baby Care Men at Birth Nurturing Your Real Stories from Australian Men about Baby Your Way the Birth of Their Children Rhodanthe David Vernon Lipsett Many men are bewildered, put off or just The arrival of a new baby can be an plain scared by the idea of childbirth. Birth overwhelming event. This book helps is one area of life where husbands and parents understand the needs of the tiny male partners do not have much control of individual who has entered their lives and what is going on. They may be left feeling provides reassuring advice about the many helpless in their ability to assist their ways to meet these needs. partner in one of the most significant Rhodanthe Lipsett has drawn together moment of both their lives. All these factors her knowledge, experience, and her can leave men feeling very out of place, wisdom gained over a lifetime of caring for awkward and sometimes downright useless! babies and those who care for them. She However, these beautifully written ISBN: 978 1 921 462 238 ISBN: 978 1921 462 306 has added to that the best advice from stories about birth dispel many of the fears FP  |  224pp  |  152 x 229  FP  |  480pp  |  155 x 230  experts in the field. The book’s subtitle is men have around birth and encourage and PB £23.99 PB £27.99 ‘Nurturing your baby your way’, and that is guide men in ways they can be of most exactly what this book is about. assistance, both practically and emotionally of related interest: of related interest: during the big event. First-Time Father £19.99 The stories in Men at Birth cover Relieving Pelvic Pain Art of Giving Birth £14.99 a range of birth experiences, such as Bouncing Back After Your During and After Pregnancy home births, hospital births, surgical £14.99 Pregnancy £12.99 births and births where postnatal depression was a factor. Pleiadian Principles psychic awareness for Living A Guide to Accessing Dimensional Energies, Communicating With the Dancing on a Stamp Pleiadians, and Navigating These Changing Times Startling Revelations from the Other Side christine day Garnet Schulhauser The Pleiadians call this time the New Dawning, a time for us to renounce our Garnet Schulhauser, a retired corporate fear-based, three-dimensional illusions and lawyer, had an experience that changed his consciously align with the new fourth- and life. His Spirit Guide appeared in the guise fifth- dimensional energies that are of a homeless man and revealed answers anchoring on our planet. to “the big questions.” This book describes How can we live by Pleiadian principles that experiences and reveals universal and use them to assist us in our ISBN: 978 1 60163 261 6 wisdom that will both delight and amaze enlightenment process? This second major NPB  |  192pp  |  152 x 229  New Thought readers. title channelled by Christine Day is a PB £15.99 The spirit guide (Albert is his name) spiritual but practical roadmap that will revealed information that is antithetical to show you how to navigate through these of related interest: everything that Christian holy men have challenging, changingtimes, Pleiadian Agenda £12.99 preached for thousands of years and to understand the roles Pleiadian Initiations of ISBN: 978 1 88694 032 1 provides refreshing newinsights into the presaged by our OMP  |  192pp  |  140 x 216  Light £18.99 journey of the soul. conscious choice. Pleiadian Workbook £15.99 PB £12.99 of related interest: Meditations From Conversations with God £6.99 Questions and Answers On Conversations Archangels With God £13.99 Oracle Cards Book and Card Set Adriano Buldrini Artist and esoteric scholar, Adriano Buldrini, has created 22 paintings of the Archangels in oil, capturing the oldest and most authentic aspects of the angelic symbolism and traditions. This deck creates a channel between the human and the angelic, helping us to the light and to the love of the Lord. ISBN: 978 886527144 5 LS  |  192pp  |  88 x 125 22 full col cards full col throughout OR04  Boxed set £14.99 inc vat 84
  • 8. psychology – psychic awareness The Tradition of Molecular Household Spirits Consciousness Ancestral Lore and Practices Why the Universe Is Aware Claude lecouteux of Our Presence Why do we hang horseshoes for good luck Françoise Tibika or place wreaths on our doors? Why does Revealing the intimate connections the groom carry his new bride over the between mind and matter, Françoise Tibika threshold? These customs represent the explains that conscious communication last vestiges from a long, rich history of exists all the way down to the very honouring the spirits of our homes. They molecules of which we – and the universe show that a house is more than a building: – are made. Using the fundamental laws of it is a living being with a body and soul. thermodynamics to support her argument Examining the extensive traditions – especially the first law: “energy is neither surrounding houses from mediaeval times created nor destroyed” – as well as modern ISBN: 978 1 62055 105 9 to the present, Claude Lecouteux reveals scientific research in quantum physics and ISBN: 978 1 59477 484 3 ITI  |  240pp  |  152 x 229 that humanity had an extremely sacred molecular biology, Tibika explores how each PSP  |  144pp  |  152 x 229 21 b & w ills  relationship with their homes and all the atom of the universe is intrinsically linked 16 b & w ills  PB £14.99 spirits who lived there alongside them – with all other atoms through their memories PB £12.99 from the spirit of the house itself to the and the information they carry. She shows mischievous elves, fairies and imps who not only how each atom of your being is of related interest: visited, invited or not. part of the greater whole of the universe, Darwin’s Unfinished of related interest: but, also, how your thoughts, feelings and Business £16.99 state of mind are profoundly related to the Morphic Resonance £16.99 Goblinproofing One’s Chicken Coop £9.99 activity of each of your molecules. Science and The Akashic Return of The Dead £16.99 Secret History of Poltergeists and Field £12.99 Haunted Houses £15.99 Witches Werewolves and Fairies £14.99 Your Psychic Soul Embracing Your Sixth Sense Judith Pennington Psychic development, intuition, sixth sense – all of these and more have become increasingly popular as the mainstream world experiences a paradigm shift toward a more holistic view of ourselves and everyone around us. The purpose of this book is to show you, the reader, how to tap into the superconscious knowledge and wisdom of your soul and its higher self in order to reach your highest potential and perhaps teach others how to do so. of related interest: ISBN: 978 0 87604 700 2 How To Get A Good Reading From A 4D  |  192pp  |  140 x 210 Psychic Medium £5.99 b & w ills Psychic Self-Defense £15.99 PB £14.99 Simply Psychic £9.99 Confessions of a Rebel Angel Science and the The Wisdom of the Watchers and the Afterlife Experience Destiny of Planet Earth Evidence for the Immortality of Timothy Wyllie Consciousness More than two hundred millennia ago the Chris Carter high angel Lucifer launched a revolution In this book, Chris Carter shows that which led to the quarantine of 37 planets, evidence of life beyond death exists and including our own, from the rest of the has been around for millennia, predating Multiverse. Now, after eons of isolation, the any organised religion. Focusing on three rebel angels are being redeemed and we key phenomena – reincarnation, are being welcomed back into the apparitions and communications from the benevolent and caring Multiverse with a dead – Carter reveals 125 years of massive transformation of consciousness documented scientific studies by and a reconnection to our celestial destiny. independent researchers and the British ISBN: 978 1 59143 147 3 Writing through Timothy Wyllie, rebel and American Societies for Psychical BC  |  488pp  |  152 x 229 ISBN: 978 1 59477 452 2 angel Georgia describes her years Research that rule out hoaxes, fraud and 8pp col insert  ITI  |  384pp  |  152 x 229  stationed on Earth as a watcher. Arriving hallucinations and prove these afterlife PB £18.99 PB £15.99 500,000 years ago as part of the first phenomena are real. of related interest: angelic expedition to Earth she was sent He explains how these findings on the of related interest: here to prepare the indigenous inhabitants afterlife have been ignored and denied Return of The Rebel Science And Psychic for higher consciousness. because they are incompatible with the Angels £18.99 Phenomena £15.99 prevailing doctrine of materialism. Rise And Fall of The Science and The Near- Nephilim £14.99 Death Experience £15.99 85
  • 9.
  • 10. psychology – psychic awareness Ascension Cards Beyond the Source Accelerate Your Journey to the Light Part 1 Diana Cooper Messages from the Co-Creators of the Universe Each of the 52 beautiful cards offers a description of a specific ascension energy Guy Steven Needler or Ascended Master, guidance on its use Guy Needler has been in touch with God (or and an affirmation to assist with “The Source” ) and discovered that there assimilation of the wisdom. Through them are actually 12 Source Entities who are individuals will work with the gold and silver calling the shots and running the universe. violet flame for transformation and raise In this book, he records his conversations the energy in themselves and others, call in with six of the twelve and describes the unconditional love and draw on the work that each of them are engaged in. elements to bring hope, peace and love to Needler discovered a way to transport the world, among others. himself through meditation to the highest The subjects range from the 12 chakras dimension where god and the co-creators ISBN: 978 1 84409 600 8 and fire through Commander Ashtar and exist. In that place and state he discovered ISBN: 978 1 88694 033 8 FHP  |  80pp  |  130 x 187 Mother Mary’s aquamarine mantle. These many things about reality which he shares OMP  |  208pp  |  140 x 216  52 full col cards cards may be employed in a variety of ways in this book. PB £14.99 boxed SET £14.99 inc vat – such as a daily source of guidance and inspiration, a point of study for a group of related interest: of related interest: discussion, a source for determining which History of God £13.99 Transition To The Golden areas of an ascension path require the Age In 2032 £8.99 most immediate attention or as a 52-step study course for ascension. Angel Heart Sigils Mystical Symbols from the Angels of Atlantis Awakening Stewart Pearce illustrated by Richard Crookes Past Lives Sigils are seals and, like the Talisman of A Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Exploration the fabled Grimoire, they bring about great John Z. Amoroso magic. In this Oracle, their kindled intelligence will utterly transform your life. This book is a step-by-step process to For when we feel that we are not in touch uncover and define the positive and with the Source, even though we are negative themes that dominate our lives extensions of Source energy, we may bathe and to start to explore the deeper roots of in their teachings and feel our lives those themes that reside in past lives. changed forever. In uncovering past life stories, readers As in the days of Atlantis, drawing just ISBN: 978 1 84409 606 0 will gain deeper insights as to how positive one card or two or three will utterly shift FHP  |  64pp  |  133 x 191 and negative themes function in their lives your perspective, providing you with a 44 full col cards  |  44 full col ills and how to de-energise the negative and feeling of sustainable joy and well being. boxed set £12.99 inc vat accentuate the positive. The exercises in Therefore, please place in your heart the ISBN: 978 0 87604 685 2 the book allow the reader to regress back knowledge that the Archangels will always of related interest: 4D  |  192pp  |  140 x 210 to past lives. ensure you choose the aspects that are Alchemy of Voice £7.99 b & w ills  |  includes free CD Includes a 74-minute past life most significant for your learning and Angels of Atlantis Oracle 74 mins regression audio CD. evolution, as they graciously hold you in Cards £12.99 inc vat PB £14.99 of related interest: love and light. Heart’s Note £7.99 Big Book of Reincarnation £15.99 Science and The Near-Death Experience £15.99 Your Pets Past Lives £8.99 The Lightworker’s True Angel Stories Source 777 Messages of Hope and Inspiration An Enlightening Guide to Awaken the Power Within Diana Cooper Sahvanna Arienta This inspirational book of 777 true angel stories, exercises and visualisations will open If you are a Lightworker you may be going you up to the wonders of the angelic realms. though life with a constant urge to embrace You will find yourself gasping in awe at some a higher purpose. You know you have a stories, shaking your head in wonder at calling but you don’t yet know what it is or others and nodding as you read the simplicity how to go about finding it. THE of many of them. Every page is full of LIGHTWORKER’S SOURCE is a much- reminders about how the angels can needed guide for newly awakened or even transform your life and exercises and fully conscious Lightworkers to reveal their visualisations that you can practise yourself. authentic selves and find fulfilment in the Stories are from teachers of the Diana lives they are destined to live. ISBN: 978 1 60163 248 7 Cooper School, with some strewn in from THE LIGHTWORKER’S SOURCE will help NPB  |  256pp  |  133 x 210  ISBN: 978 1 84409 612 1 other people and Diana herself; Diana herself you understand: PB £13.99 FHP  |  256pp  |  152 x 229   adds a brief introduction to each story as well ●● The signs and symptoms of awakening PB £11.99 as visualizations and meditations. to your Lightworker role of related interest: ●● How to use your dreams for guidance of related interest: Indigo Adults £13.99 and as a gateway to your higher self 2012 And Beyond £9.99 Lightworker £13.99 Angels of Light Cards £6.99 inc vat Psychic Intuition £14.99 87
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