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Mystery Babylon
An ancient pagan religious system has
been successfully inserted into nearly
every human institution, including the
Christian church.
This system is based on an ancient
Babylonian Mystery cult. A religion that
embraced the worship of a pagan trinity
(Nimrod, Semiramis, & Tammuz).
After the Lord God confused the
people’s languages at the Tower of
Babel, mankind spread to all parts of
the earth, taking with them variations of
this Babylonian system. Mystery
religions were quite common
throughout the ancient world.
Mystery religions, by their very nature,
were designed to propagate two different
doctrines: 1) the Public (exoteric)
teachings were intended for the laity.
The common worshipers were thought to
be the Uninitiated or Profane and were
considered unworthy or unable to handle
the deeper mysteries.
2) The True Teachings (esoteric) were
intended for a small inner circle of
Initiates. These people were the Priest
Class or the Illuminated who received
and protected the true doctrine.
The Mystery religions later gave birth to
another, more intellectually based or
‘reasoned’ form of Mystery cult called
Gnosticism was a religious system
which competed with, and even
attempted to merge with, the early
Christian church. Gnosticism, like the
older Mystery religions, is based on a
system of protected teachings in which
only the Initiated or Adepts are privy.
This sacred knowledge eventually
teaches the Initiate that man is actually
a god or part of a greater godhead
Within both the Mystery religions and
Gnostic sects, gradually revealed
gnosis (knowledge) would be
dispensed in the form of allegorical
tales. This type of teaching serves the
purpose of weeding out the
Undeserved from receiving sacred
Within both the Mysteries and
Gnosticism, lying is not considered to
be a moral dilemma. On the contrary,
deceiving the Profane is considered a
valuable and necessary tool. It is the
primary method of protecting sacred
The Mystery religions (and the Gnostics
in particular) valued the Old Testament.
However, they interpreted scripture
much more allegorically and not literally.
Of course, by doing so, it enabled them
to create almost any justification for their
teachings. Cults and Satanists today
operate in much the same way.
They value the Bible, but only as an
esoteric tool.
Revelation 17:5
And on her forehead a name
was written:
Mystery Babylon the Great,
The Mother of Harlots and of
the Abominations of the Earth.
Revelation 17:23b
…by your sorcery all the nations were
The Watch Tower Bible
and Tract Society
(Jehovah’s Witnesses)
Charles Taze Russell; founder of the
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
Russell’s Gravesite Near Pittsburg, PA
Note: Pyramid with capstone
Most are well aware of the ‘pyramid and capstone’
connection with Masonry. This design on the U.S.
dollar bill was implemented by 32nd
Freemason, Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Knights Templar Logo of Freemasonry
Russell’s Pyramid with
Knights Templar Crown and
Cross (above).
‘Illuminated eye’ on capstone
of pyramid (below).
Created by 32nd
Freemason, Franklin D.
Close-up of plaque on Russell’s Pyramid
Masonic Compass and Square with Knights
Templar Crown and Cross
Greater Pittsburg Masonic Center
Note: Flag pole and fir trees next to slab
Russell’s Pyramid in relation to the Greater
Pittsburg Masonic Center
Early Watch Tower Publication
Note: Templar logo at top left corner.
• “…Seven hours before
his death, addressing his
traveling companion,
Brother Menta Sturgeon,
he said, “Make me a
Roman toga.” Using the
bed sheets, Brother
Sturgeon made a toga,
which Brother Russell put
on himself.” Joseph
Rutherford’s eulogy of
C.T. Russell
Menta Sturgeon (describing C.T. Russell’s last hours)
Zion’s Watch Tower,
December 1, 1916
“It was then that he stood again and said,
‘Please make me a Roman toga.’ I did not
understand what he meant… I said, ‘Brother
Russell, I do not understand what you mean.’ He
said, ‘I will show you’.’’ [ The rest of the
testimony goes on to describe the way in which a
white bed sheet was prepared and folded by
Sturgeon using Russell’s specific criteria]
Albert Mackey, 33rd
Degree FM,
Mackey’s Encyclopedia of
“…he who sought office wore a
white shining robe… From the
color of his robe or toga candida,
he was called candidatus,
whence the word candidate.
The derivation will serve to
remind the Freemason of the
purity of conduct and
The Divine Plan of the Ages, by C.T. Russell
Note: Emphasis on the Pyramid
More of the Divine Plan of the Ages
Note: Emphasis on Egyptian pyramids
The Rosicrucian Manual.
(The Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis)
Modern era Freemasonry is the offspring of an earlier Gnostic
secret society called the Rosicrucians.
Inside the Rosicrucian Manual
Note: Emphasis on Pyramidology and the preceding page’s emphasis
on Sacred Geometry (specifically the Triangle within the Circle).
Russell’s The Divine Plan of the Ages next to
the Rosicrucian Manual
Russell’s The Divine Plan of the Ages with
Egyptian winged solar disk
Egyptian winged solar disk (Uraeus).
Symbol of the Egyptian sun god Ra,
a.k.a. Osiris.
Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval,
Talisman, page 357
“…very similar pseudo-Egyptian temple at Freemason’s
Hall in Philadelphia, USA, on the floor of which can be
seen the winged-uraeus or solar-serpent, the supreme
symbol of ancient Egypt. Many other Royal Arch
Chapters around the world are likewise designed or
partly designed as Egyptian temples…”
Winged solar disk shown above Annubis (Egyptian
god of the dead). He is a form of Osiris.
Jehovah’s Witnesses Assembly Hall
Egyptian winged Uraeus
located above the Assembly Hall
A book that is commonly used
by the Watch Tower;
Knowledge That Leads to
Eternal Life.
You will discover during this
presentation that Freemasonry
believes itself to be part of a
continuing stream of ancient
A major part of which, are the
doctrines of the early Gnostics.
Mankind achieves salvation
via divine knowledge (gnosis).
• “Many Masons shake hands with
me and give me what I know is
their grip; they don’t know me
from a Mason. Something I do
seems to be the same as
Masons do, I don’t know what it
is; but they often give me all
kinds of grips and I give them
back, then I tell them I don’t
know anything about it except
just a few grips that have come
to me naturally.” (June, 1913;
convention discourse ‘The
Temple of God’, Convention
Report Sermons, p.362
***Note: this quote was found
on a website attempting to
prove C.T. Russell was not a
Russell admits to receiving
and returning Masonic grips.
Think about Russell’s
explanation for giving
Masonic handshakes.
Does this sound like a
reasonable explanation,
or an absurd excuse being
used by a Mason who has
been found out.
Does it seem reasonable to you that
Charles Taze Russell might have been a
But, why would Russell try to keep his
Masonic membership secret?
Perhaps one of world’s foremost
authorities on Freemasonry can assist.
Albert Pike, 33rd
Degree Freemason,
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,
page 104-105
“Masonry, like all Religions, all
the Mysteries, Hermeticism, and
Alchemy, conceals its secrets
from all except the Adepts and
Sages, or the Elect, and uses
false explanations and
misinterpretations of its symbols
to mislead those who deserve
only to be misled; to conceal the
Webster’s Colligate Dictionary,
10th Edition, 1996
Esoteric- a: designed for or understood
by the specially initiated alone.
b: of or relating to knowledge that is
restricted to a small group.
Christian Science
Mary Baker Eddy,
Founder of Christian Science
Mary Baker Eddy.
Note: Cross Jewelry tilted at an angle.
Photograph of Eddy
with tilted cross.
Also notice the Crown
on top of her head.
Mary Baker Eddy
and Cross Jewelry
In every photo or portrait,
when Mrs. Eddy wears
this jewelry, the cross will
be at an angle.
Eddy and tilted cross
Mary Baker Eddy
and tilted cross
Note: Difficult to see, but again the tilted cross
Christian Science Logo
Symbol of the Knights Templars
Science and Health
by Mary Baker Eddy
Christian Science logo
Templar Logo
“In 1921, on the 100th
anniversary of Eddy’s birth, a 100-
ton, eleven-foot granite pyramid was dedicated on the site
of her birthplace in Bow, New Hampshire. A gift from the
Freemasons…” New World Encyclopedia
“...a granite pyramid was
dedicated, a gift from the
Masons, the only other
religious society members
are permitted to join.”
The Evangelization Station,
Pamphlet #067
Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval,
page 181
“ In the case of the Gnostic religion the reader will
recall from Part 1 that the return to the heavenly
realm could not be achieved by blind faith but was to
be striven for through gnosis– ‘revealed knowledge’
of the reality of things…the ‘divine part’ of man
consists of ‘mind, intellect, spirit, and reason’… The
individual’s quest for gnosis, in both its Hermetic
and purely Gnostic forms, involved putting off the
material world and its illusions.”
Ron Rhodes,
Handbook on Cults and New Religions:
Christian Science, page 59
“Sin, sickness, and death are allegedly illusions
that people can conquer by correct thinking….
The rationale behind the ‘illusion’ explanation is that
all things in the universe are ultimately God.”
Ron Rhodes,
Handbook on Cults and New Religions:
Christian Science, page 59
“Christian Science proponents accept the Bible,
but they interpret it esoterically, seeking hidden or
secondary meanings… The best way to ascertain
such hidden meaning is to utilize Eddy’s Science
and Health with Key to the Scriptures as a guide.
This guide provides the metaphysical meanings
that lie behind the literal text of Scripture, enabling
one to understand its mysteries.
Ron Rhodes,
Handbook on Cults and New
Religions: Christian Science,
page 59-60
“Eddy believes that all things in the
universe are God (pantheism) …
A natural outgrowth of the idea that
all is God, is that humanity is also
J.D. Buck, 33rd
Degree Freemason,
The Kentucky Monitor,
page XX
“The three really great rituals of the
human race are the Prajapati ritual of
ancient Hinduism, the Mass of the
Christian Church, and the Third Degree
of Masonry. Widely as they a differ in
detail, and far apart as they may seem
to be in externals, yet together they
testify to the profoundest insight of the
human soul: that God becomes man
that man may become God!”
“ This group [ Christian Science ] was founded
by Mary Baker Eddy… Helena P. Blavatsky
[ 32nd
Degree FM ] was a associate of Mary
Baker Eddy… Eddy herself married a Mason
and this was the only secret society which she
allowed other members to join. She even had
some of her material published in the
Freemason’s Monthly Magazine... Even the
presidents of the Mother Church in 1922-24
were Masons. ”
Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated,
Dr. Cathy Burns, page 352
Now we have a reasonable
explanation as to why the
Freemasons think so highly
of Mrs. Eddy, and why they
would honor her memory
with this pyramid.
Genesis Ch. 3:3-5
But the fruit of the tree which is in the midst
of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not
eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye
shall not surely die: for God doth know that
in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes
shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods,
knowing good and evil.
What did the Gnostics teach, in
regards to the Garden of Eden
Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval,
Harper-Collins Pub., 2004, page 92
“…the account given in the Nag Hammadi texts [Gnostic texts] of the
‘temptation’ of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden depicts the serpent
not as the villain of the piece, as the Old Testament Book of Genesis
portrays him, but rather as the hero and true benefactor of mankind:
‘What did God say to you?’ the Serpent asked Eve. ‘Was it, Do not
eat from the tree of knowledge [gnosis] ?’ She replied: He said, Not
only do not eat from it, but do not touch it lest you die.’ The Serpent
reassured her, saying, ‘Do not be afraid. With death you shall not
die; for it was out of jealousy that he said this to you. Rather your
eyes shall open and you shall come to be like gods, recognizing evil
and good.’…
Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval,
Harper-Collins Pub., 2004, page 92
“After Adam and Eve had eaten of the tree of knowledge, the Gnostics
taught that they experienced enlightenment, awoke to their own luminous
nature and could distinguish good from evil, just as the serpent had
promised. Seeing their intellectual and spiritual transformation, the
demiurge [Jehovah] was jealous and roused his demonic companions:
‘Behold, Adam! He has come to be like one of us, so that he knows
the difference between the light and the darkness. Now perhaps he
also will come to the tree of life and eat from it and become
immortal. Come let us expel him from Paradise down to the land
from which he was taken, so that henceforth he might not be able to
recognize anything better. And so they expelled Adam from
Paradise, along with his wife.’”
The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints
Joseph Smith founder of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints
Joseph Smith,
History of the Church, Deseret Books,
1978, Vol. 4, Ch. 32, p. 550-551
“Tuesday, 15– I officiated as grand
chaplain at the installation of the
Nauvoo Lodge of Free Masons, at
the Grove near the Temple… In the
evening I received the first degree
in Freemasonry in the Nauvoo
Lodge, assembled in my general
business office.”
“Wednesday, March 16– I was
with the Masonic Lodge and rose
to the sublime degree.”
[Smith reached the sublime
degree in less than 24 hours]
The Doctrine of the Law
(LDS central axiom)
“As Man is, God was, and as God is,
Man may become.”
Think about this teaching.
“…as God is, Man may become.”
Joseph Smith, 33rd
Degree FM,
History of the Church, Vol.6, page 306
“Here then is eternal life… to know the
only wise and true God; and you have
got to learn how to be Gods yourself,
and to be kings and priests to God, the
same as all gods have done before
you… To inherit the same power, the
same glory and the same exaltation,
until you arrive at the station of God.”
Brigham Young;
Joseph Smith’s successor
Degree Freemason, Brigham Young;
Successor to Joseph Smith and first
Governor of Utah.
Brigham Young and his 21 wives
Masonic beehive logo from the Grand Lodge
of Connecticut.
Masonic apron with beehive
Joseph Smith Memorial
Note: beehive on top
Utah’s Beehive quarter dollar
Joseph Smith and the
angel Moroni.
Angel Moroni on top of LDS Salt Lake City Temple
• Early diagram of
Nauvoo Temple
• Note weather
vane on top.
Close up of Moroni on top of Nauvoo Temple.
Note: Inverted Masonic Compass and Square, along with
blazing heart above.
Logo of Masonic Grand Lodge in London
with inverted Compass and Square (also note wavy sword
pointing upward)
There is no question that the LDS church
deliberately associates itself with Freemasonry.
Jonathan Blanchard, President of
Wheaton College (Former 33rd
degree Freemason),
Scotch Rite Illustrated,
Vol. II, page 380
“Its legend [ 14th
degree initiation]
Says that the real name of God
was lost, till it was found by
Masons, engraved on a three-
cornered gold plate, in ‘the ruins
of Enoch.’ Whether the Mormon
Jo. Smith, who was a Mason,
took his story of gold plates from
this on, or invented a like legend
of his own, the two are similar in
origin, nature and effect. They
both utterly destroy Christianity ,
while pretending to favor and
expand it.”
LDS Temple in Salt Lake City
Masonic (FIDES) Grip: Salt Lake Temple
Beehive: Salt Lake Temple
Illuminated eye: Salt Lake Temple
Salt Lake City LDS Temple
Note: inverted pentagrams for windows. Also notice sun faces along
side of the building as well.
Windows for the LDS Temple
Completed LDS Temple window
Eastern Star.
Symbol of women’s Freemasonry
(inverted pentagram)
Masonic Chart with inverted pentagram (Symbol of
Eastern Star)
Inverted Pentagrams on side of Salt Lake Temple
Eastern Star handbook
LDS temple in Salt Lake City
Note: crescent moon design
Face of the Greek sun-god, Apollo.
Located in a German museum.
Face of Apollo at Salt Lake City Temple
Milton R. Hunter (LDS Elder),
The Gospel Through the Ages,
page 15
“The appointment of Jesus to be
the Savior of the world was
contested by one of the other sons
of God. He was called Lucifer…
this spirit brother of Jesus
desperately tried to become the
Savior of mankind.”
*** Notice that the Watchtower Society teaches
the same thing… Jesus is actually an angel and
therefore, Lucifer would be His brother. ***
The quote you just read,
from LDS elder-Milton R.
Hunter, is a teaching from
the early Gnostics.
They taught that the Serpent
(Lucifer) was sent by the
God of Light to inform Adam
and Eve that they were
really gods.
The Serpent sacrificed
himself for man.
Masonic logo with twin pillars of Freemasonry
Note: globes on top of pillars
Masonic Chart with
numerous occult images
Note: Twin pillars with globes on top.
See how the globe on the left
represents the world that mortals
inhabit. The globe on the right
represents the spirit realm were the
gods reside.
This is a dualistic view of the Cosmos.
Very common in Gnosticism.
Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Two Pillars of Freemasonry.
Note: world globe on the left, and
celestial globe on right
Masonic chart with twin pillars
Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Masonic twin pillars with globes in background.
Two Pillars of Freemasonry
Masonic artwork with twin pillars
Mormon Tabernacle Choir next to Masonic chart
with Twin Pillars
Twin pillars. Notice again, the globe on the left
represents the material world. The globe on the
right represents the spirit world.
Twin pillars from a Masonic website.
Note: the black pillar represents the earth. The white pillar represents
the spirit realm.
Masonic apron with beehive (top), all-seeing eye,
and pillars. Also note pentagram at bottom right.
Masonic chart with beehive, twin pillars, pentagrams,
all-seeing eye, compass and square,…etc, etc.
William Schnoebelen, (former Witch and
Mormonism’s Temple of Doom, pages 12-13
“ I was amazed at how well the occult
symbolism had been carried through on
the stitched marks: the temple
garment was a textbook study in
Luciferian symbolism. I was well
acquainted with Masonic symbols
because at a certain point in my Wiccan
development, my teacher told me to
seek Masonic initiation, so I did…
Here I learned the profound links
between Lucifer-worship, Wicca and
LDS temple undergarment
Note: Square and inverted Compass in the stitching.
An historical perspective of the LDS Temple
undergarment; all of which contain the Square and inverted
Mormon Doctrine,
by Bruce R. McConkie, page 321
“God was once a man like us and
dwelt on earth, the same as Jesus
Christ did, and you have got to
learn to be gods yourselves the
same as all gods before you.
Namely by going from one small
degree to another, from a small
capacity to a greater one.”
Manly Palmer Hall, 33rd
Degree FM,
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, 1923,
page 92
“ Man is a god in the making…”
LDS diagram of Salvation Possibilities
Note: use of sun, crescent moon, and pentagram symbols
LDS salvation possibilities chart
Note: sun, crescent moon, and pentagrams…
Also: use of “The Veil” in their terminology
Masons with aprons
Masonic apron with all-seeing eye and twin pillars
Mormon Apron with all-seeing eye
(source: Arts and Entertainment Network)
Masonic Apron with all-seeing eye and twin pillars
Masonic apron next to Mormon apron
Mormons wearing aprons and using occult hand
Masonic Lodge Sphinx (left)
Rosicrucian Lodge Sphinx (below)
Public park (Gilgal Garden)
located in Salt Lake City.
Joseph Smith Sphinx.
The New Century Book
of Facts, Continental Pub.
Company, 1951, page 904
Osiris- The Egyptian god
of the sun. He was
worshipped under the
form of an ox.
LDS baptismal.
Because Mormonism is an extension of
Freemasonry, it is no surprise that the baptismal is
designed after the mystery cult of Osiris.
Remember the LDS Salvation Chart?
Notice that the most sought after goal, regarding the afterlife,
is to achieve the ‘Celestial Kingdom’ which is represented by
the sun. This explains the continuing Egyptian-Masonic
allusions. All of this is centered on pagan sun worship.
Ron Rhodes,
Handbook on Cults and New Religions:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
page 69
“ Mormons define ‘sin’ as a wrong
judgment, a mistake, an imperfection, or
an inadequacy.”
*** Notice, once again, man’s problem is not that he
is rebellious. Instead, man is ignorant and does not
possess the correct gnosis. When man gains divine
knowledge, he then becomes a god.
This is Gnosticism.***
Pause and consider what you
are seeing. This is not just a
case of a few cult leaders who
just happen to have been
They have deliberately brought
Masonic imagery into their
respective religions.
Therefore, it should not come as
any surprise that their respective
doctrines are also Masonic.
The New Age Movement
Helena P. Blavatsky
“Godmother” of the New Age Movement;
Founder of the Theosophical Society
H.P. Blavatsky with husband
Henry Steele Olcott
Original logo of the Theosophical Society
H.P. Blavatsky wearing her Masonic
white lambskin sash
Edith Starr Miller ( Lady Queensborough )
Occult Theocracy, Vol. 2, page 566
“ …as for Mme Blavatsky, the Christs
are beings who have succeeded in
developing in themselves certain
superior powers latent in all men …its
consequences are that anyone who
makes enough fuss about himself can
become a god, thus reducing the idea
ad absurdum. This principle which
when further elaborated leads to the
usual Gnostic belief that Man is God. ”
Helena Blavatsky next to her
honorary Masonic 32nd
Belief Beyond Boundaries: Wicca, Celtic Spirituality,
and the New Age, Edited by JoAnne Pearson,
2002, page 22
“Societies such as the Theosophical Society and,
in particular, the Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn, were influenced by the close knit secrecy of
freemasonry and its claims to be the guardian of a
powerful secret of ancient provenance.”
Annie Wood Besant;
President of the Theosophical Society
Annie Wood Besant;
Degree Freemason
Annie Wood Besant;
Degree Freemason,
Is Theosophy Anti-Chirstian?,
page 16
“ All men are innate
divinity .”
Annie Wood Besant
Note: this right hand pose is a Masonic/Cabalistic
hand signal called the ‘devil’s claw’
Belief Beyond Boundaries: Wicca, Celtic Spirituality,
and The New Age, Edited by JoAnne Pearson,
2002, page 26
“By the mid-1880’s, freemasonry, spiritualism and
theosophy had firmly woven themselves into the
fabric of British occultism and into the subculture of
secret societies.”
Alice Ann Bailey.
She was arguably, the most influential
New Age leader of the 20th
Alice Ann Bailey,
The Externalization of the Hierarchy,
Lucis Trust publishing company, p. 511
“The Masonic Organization is the
custodian of the law; it is the home of
the Mysteries and the seat of
initiation… Masonry is a far more occult
organization that can be realized, and
is intended to be the training school
for the coming advanced occultists.”
Book written by Foster Bailey
Degree Freemason),
husband of Alice A. Bailey
Blavatsky -- Besant -- Bailey
All were high level Freemasons
Current Logo of the
Theosophical Society.
Note: Sun in the background and serpent with
tail in its mouth.
Masonic Logo: serpent with
tail in its mouth
Albert Pike, 33rd
Degree Freemason
and author of Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Albert Pike’s Masonic
Degree medal.
Note: Sun in the background and serpent with
tail in its mouth.
Logo of the Theosophical Society
compared to Albert Pike’s medal.
Note: this combination of serpent with sun is an occult
expression of the ‘Solar Serpent’ or ‘Fiery Serpent’.
It is of a Babylonian origin.
Masonic alchemical logo
Note: serpents with tails in mouths—compass and square—
zodiac symbols—2 interlocking triangles
Benjamin Crème (New Age leader),
The Reappearance of the Christ and the
Masters of Wisdom, page 87
“The new religions will manifest, for
instance, through organizations like
Freemasonry. In Freemasonry is
embedded the core of the secret
heart of the occult mysteries…
Through the Orders of Masonry, the
Initiatory Path will be trodden and
Initiation will be taken.”
Dr. Allan Boudreau, 32nd
Degree Mason,
Curator and Librarian, Grand Lodge of the
State of New York, The Meaning of Masonry,
page 4
“ In this Aquarian age, when
many individuals and groups are
working in various ways for the
eventual restoration of the
mysteries, an increasing number
of aspirants are beginning to
recognize that Freemasonry may
well be the vehicle for this
achievement. ”
The original name for Scottish Rite Magazine
was The New Age.
George Washington wearing Masonic regalia.
The New Age, February 1973.
Note: the Masons changed the name of their magazine in order to
distance themselves from the New Age Movement.
Henry C. Clausen, 33rd
Degree Freemason,
Sovereign Grand Commander- Mother Council
of World Freemasonry;
Emergence of the Mystical, page 19
“…Today we are at the threshold of a new
era…We look forward to transformation
into a New Age using, however, the
insight and wisdom of the ancient
mystics. This new world view is
emerging because there has been a
recent correlation between modern
physics and mysticism of Eastern
Century Witchcraft
Gerald Gardner founder of
century Witchcraft (a.k.a. Wicca)
Gerald B. Gardner
Belief Beyond Boundaries: Wicca, Celtic Spirituality,
and The New Age, Edited by Joanne Pearson,
2002, page 37
“Wiccans use the term ‘Wicca’ to denote a
mystery religion involving a process of
initiation and rigorous training within a
cosmos polarized between male and female
forces, all of which is an inheritance from
the magical secret societies from which
Wicca is descended.”
Wicca considers itself a
“mystery religion”.
What do you suppose, is the name of
the “magical secret society” from
which this “mystery religion”
Belief beyond Boundaries: Wicca, Celtic
Spirituality, and The New Age,
Edited by Joanne Pearson, 2002, page 32
“Gardner was born in the early
years of the fin de siecle in 1884, in
Crosby, Liverpool, and was a
freemason, Rosicrucian, and
member of the Ordo Templi
Orientis and other secret societies.”
Gerald B. Gardner was a
Freemason and also a member
of the Satanic cult – Ordo Templi
Satanist and 33rd
Freemason, Aleister Crowley
(left), assisted Gardner in the
formation of Wicca.
Notice the initials O.T.O. and the
name Baphomet beneath
Crowley’s picture.
Witchcraft secrets for sale.
Notice: pentagram
Popular books on Witchcraft.
Note: book on the left with pentagram within circle.
The book on the right displays a dualistic oak tree.
Another market niche for Witchcraft.
Note: pentagram inside of circle, inside of an inverted triangle.
Marketing to teenagers.
Notice crystals at the bottom left. Both the New Age Movement and
Wicca come from the same source.
Early 20th
century Masonic lodge.
Pentagram within the circle. This photo predates
the creation of Wicca. Who created Wicca?
Wiccan mantra beads; pentagram
inside the circle
Symbol for the Order of Eastern Star
(Women’s Freemasonry)
Wiccan book with pentagram.
Eastern Star artwork
Wiccan Elementals Diagram next to
logo for the Order of Eastern Star.
More Witchcraft books
Promise of popularity, power, and good looks.
Note: occult symbols on clothing--crescent moon with pentagram--
yin yang symbol--pentagram in circle.
Very common Wiccan Triple-goddess portrayal.
These three women represent the phases of the moon. Notice the Sun god
symbol the middle woman displays. This is an occult reference to Lucifer.
As with all Masonic off-shoots, the promise of
becoming a god.
Joseph Fort Newton, 32nd
Degree Freemason,
The Religion of Masonry: An Interpretation,
Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., p. 37
Regarding the Third Degree of
“… it testifies to the profoundest
insight of the human soul – that
God becomes man that man may
become God.”
Logo of a Witches coven
Note: pentagram in circle…also oak leaf, acorns
and misletoe (symbols of Druid witchcraft)
Famous Witch, Janet Farrar
Notice the emphasis on Egyptian imagery
( Pharaohic allusions as in Freemasonry )
Janet Farrar
(famous witch)
Another book by Janet Farrar
Janet Farrar and Stewart Farrar,
The Life and Times of a Modern Witch,
Phoenix Publishing Co., page 121
“ It is generally agreed that the biggest single
influence in the modern expansion of ritual magic,
and the occult explosion in general, in the Western
world, was the Golden Dawn. This magical
fraternity, founded by Freemasons at the end of
the 19th
century, developed a complex ritual system
with ten degrees of initiation relating to the
Cabalistic Sephiroth.”
Wiccan/New Age books place great emphasis
on the Magic Circle
Witchcraft Magic Circle.
This is a form of Alchemy where the magician-witch
believes they can tap into powers from the spirit world.
The Book of Shadows is quite
common in Wicca
Wiccan magic circle with pyramid in center.
Note: This behavior is believed to act as a conduit.
They are focusing energy in order to penetrate the spirit realm.
Masonic alchemical diagram.
Notice the circular tablet and the “spiritual pyramid” which
emanates from the tablet. Note zodiac symbols on perimeter.
Wiccan circle and pentagram to be
used on Witchcraft alter.
Note: zodiac symbols on the perimeter.
Wiccan circle and pentagram compared to
Masonic alchemical chart. Both use zodiac
symbols; both have 5 points that emanate power
into the spirit world; both emphasize the moon and
the sun (dualistic allusion).
This comes from a Pagan website.
Compare: both emphasize sun and crescent moon; notice
how the elemental symbols at bottom of pillars are the
same as the pagan webpage. This is because Druid
Witchcraft and Masonry are esoterically the same.
William Schnoebelen, (former Witch and Satanist)
The Dark Side of Freemasonry:
The Witchcraft Connection, page 168
“ There is something about
the lodge that has always
attracted sorcerers. The
historical list of occultists
and witches in the last
century who were
Freemasons reads like a
Who’s Who of twentieth
century occultism…”
Freemason Druid Order;
Notice the men in the background wearing
Masonic regalia.
Early 20th
Century Masonic ceremony;
Druid Order (Stonehenge).
Advertisement for upcoming Druid celebration
at Stonehenge. Notice the two illuminated eyes
with pyramids included…serpent with tail in mouth.
Tarot cards originated in Egypt.
Tarot is very common in The New Age, Witchcraft,
and also among Cabalists.
Tarot cards with All-seeing eye.
Tarot is a form of divination.
Tarot deck: “conceived, designed and painted
by W. Bro. P.C. Browne PZ”
Masonic tarot deck continued
The Mason who created this deck knows that the
pentagram inside the circle is Satanic.
These are all the tools of Witchcraft.
Notice the Masonic Compass and Square.
Very common tarot card used in Witchcraft;
Notice on the alter: circular pentagram tablet, chalice, and
the dagger (the dagger and chalice represent the male and
female genitalia).
Wiccan tarot card compared to Masonic tarot deck.
All of the tools are identical; witch’s staff; pentagram in circle; sword;
chalice; infinity symbol.
The Nation of Islam
Wallace Fard; founder of the Nation of Islam.
Prince Hall Freemason
Prince Hall Freemason;
Elijah Muhamad
Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd
page 6418, Heading: Nation of Islam
“ In lectures Elijah Muhammad
proclaimed that [Wallace] Fard was
God incarnate and that he, Elijah
Muhammad, was the messenger of
God commissioned to teach black
Americans about their true nature as
the original people of earth, godlike
and destined to rule the universe.”
Louis Farrakan;
Prince Hall Freemason
Nation of Islam officer (left).
Freemason (Shriner) on the right.
It is a fact that Shriners swear an oath to Allah.
Both show the crescent moon with pentagram.
And both have the tassel.
The Moorish Science
Temple was the
predecessor to the Nation
of Islam.
Notice the All-seeing eye,
and the Masonic Fides
hand clasp.
The gentleman is
performing the hand sign
for the Master of the
Second Veil.
White Supremacist
(Ku Klux Klan, Aryan
Nation, etc)
Nathan Bedford Forrest,
founder of the Ku Klux Klan.
He can be found on numerous Masonic websites.
Artist rendition of a KKK initiation rite.
Notice: ‘Cable tow’ around the neck.
Masonic initiation rite. Notice the ‘cable tow’
around the initiate’s neck.
Aryan Nation flag
Note: crown and sword
Knights Templar crown and cross
Aryan Nation flag
Ron Rhodes,
Handbook on Cults and
New Religions, Ch. 33
(Theosophy), page 196
“…Blavatsky claims to have
received via spiritistic
contact with Ascended
Masters, not only individual
human beings but the
human race as a whole
evolves. So far this
evolution has produced
three races: the Lemurian
race, the Atlantean race,
and the Aryan race.”
Original logo of Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society.
The swastika originates in Persia. It is a sun symbol used in the
ancient Aryan religion, Zoroastrianism. The Nazi Party played on this
image and its history. Adolf Hitler was a devotee of Blavatsky.
Masonic pin. Aryanism and Masonry both
use the swastika; because they both subscribe to an
ancient Aryan philosophy.
Oddfellows marching through town
wearing Masonic sashes.
Oddfellows lodge with ‘Three Linked Chain’ on top.
Masonic Compass and Square with
‘Three Linked Chain’.
Gathering of Aryan Nation.
Notice the background; they are using an
Oddfellows lodge.
Oddfellows Chart.
Notice all-seeing eye; three linked chain;
heart in hand; etc.
Oddfellows award ceremony.
Two gentlemen are exchanging a
Master Mason grip.
Lodge portrait of Oddfellows.
Oddfellows Coat of Arms
Note: Three linked chain at top; Masonic beehive;
rose in the middle.
Oddfellows chart of occult symbols.
Note: All-seeing eye; Beehive; Masonic grip; etc.
Aleister Crowley;
The 20th
Century’s most influential Satanist.
Aleister Crowley in his youth;
note the cabalistic hand signal.
Crowley with a Satanic book.
He is also performing the ‘Horned god’ pose.
Aleister Crowley in Masonic regalia.
He was a 33rd
Degree Freemason.
Eastern Star Bibles
Satanic Bibles
Early 20th
Century Masonic Lodge.
Pentagrams seem to have a spiritual
Logo from the First Church of Satan compared to
Deg.) Blavatsky’s logo and
Deg.) Albert Pike’s medal.
Satanist, Eliphas Levi;
former Roman Catholic priest (Jesuit)
Eliphas Levi; 33rd
Degree Freemason;
and creator of Baphomet.
Note: this is a dualistic diagram meant to emphasize the differences between the
spirit world and the world of matter (Gnosticism). It is a type of yin-yang symbol.
Aleister Crowley in Masonic regalia next to
Baphomet. Notice the wall behind Crowley has the symbol
and name of Baphomet. Also notice the letters O.T.O. which
stand for ‘Ordo Templi Orientis’ (Satanic organization).
Aleister Crowley tarot deck.
Notice the serpent is shaped in the infinity symbol and has tail in
mouth; also notice the dualistic yin-yang.
William Wynn Westcott; (Satanist)
Degree Freemason. Creator of the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn.
C.W. Leadbeater; Luciferian and
Degree Freemason.
Theodore Reuss; Luciferian and
Degree Freemason.
Arthur Edward Waite, 33rd
Degree Freemason,
A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and of
Cognate Instituted Mysteries: Their Rites,
Literature and History, 1970 ed., page 421
“…the Master builder of the Third
Degree does actually rise as
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot
by Arthur Edward Waite.
Arthur Edward Waite, 33rd
Degree Freemason,
The Book of Black Magic, page 244
“First Conjuration Address to Emperor
Lucifer. Emperor Lucifer, Master and
Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure
thee to leave thine abode, in what-ever
quarter of the world it may be situated
and come hither to communicate with
me. I command and I conjure thee in
the Name of the Mighty Living God,
Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to appear
without noise and without…”
L. Ron Hubbard; founder of Scientology.
Interview with Hubbard’s son,
L. Ron Hubbard Jr.,
Penthouse Magazine, June 1983
Hubbard: “…The Antichrist.
Alestair Crowley thought of
himself as such. And when
Crowley died in 1947, my
father then decided that he
should wear the cloak of the
beast and become the most
powerful being in the universe.”
Degree Freemason,
Aleister Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard were quite
familiar with one another.
Interview with L. Ron Hubbard’s son,
L. Ron Hubbard Jr.,
Penthouse Magazine, June 1983
Penthouse: “You were sixteen years old
at that time. What did you believe in?
Hubbard: “ I believed in Satanism.
There was no other religion in the house!
Scientology and black magic. What a lot
of people don’t realize is that Scientology
is black magic that is just spread out over
a long time period… Black magic is the
inner core of Scientology.”
L. Ron Hubbard was a member
of the Rosicrucian Order.
Hubbard was also a member of
Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.),
a Satanic organization
founded by Freemasons.
O.T.O. later came under the
leadership of Aleister Crowley.
This is a Rosicrucian
It is covered with
numerous occult
Notice the 3-scalloped
edges located at the
four ends of the cross.
The cross on the left, is a Rosicrucian Cross.
The cross on the right, is the cross of
What would be the odds of
L. Ron Hubbard having been
a Freemason?
Scientology’s celebration of the anniversary of
L. Ron Hubbard’s birthday.
Notice the two pillars in the middle with balls on top.
Book by L. Ron Hubbard;
Note: the letter ‘O’ with the dot in the middle is a stylize zodiac
sun symbol.
Have you noticed that the Sun seems to be a
reoccurring theme amongst all of these occultists?
It represents illumination, wisdom, enlightenment,
gnosis…. Knowledge into the Mysteries.
Tom Cruise is an active proponent
of Scientology.
Scientology, like all Masonic
off-shoots, operates on the principle
of gradually revealed information
All of these cults package
themselves differently. But the true
Esoteric teachings are always the
Knowledge = Godhood.
Hosea Ballou,
founder of the Universalist Church,
He was a Freemason.
The Universalist Church later
merged with the Unitarian Chruch.
Sir Oliver Lodge;
Spiritualist (Necromancer) and
Notice the logo of the
‘First Spiritual Temple’ which
associates itself with Lodge.
( Circle within the Triangle )
These Masonic off-shoots seem
compelled to carry their esoteric
symbols with them into their
newly created cults.
Charles Fillmore, Founder of
Unity Church.
Degree Freemason
It does not take long to
discover that the Unity
School of thought is nothing
more than New Age trying to
package itself as Christian.
Fillmore was a friend of
Mary Baker Eddy.
Interesting book from
the Charles Filmore
Reference Library.
Notice the winged
Uraeus at the bottom.
Egyptian symbols are
important to these
people because ancient
Egypt was a hotbed of
occult wisdom.
Emanuel Swedenborg; Freemason
(creator of the Swedenborgisan Rite of Freemasonry)
William Penn;
The Society of Friends
(a.k.a. Quakers)
William Penn was a
The first American
Rosicrucian colony was
established in Philadelphia,
Sir Francis Dashwood,
founder on the Hell Fire Club;
Freemason and Rosicrucian
There are only 2 explanations
for almost every major cult in
the past 250 years being
founded by high level
The First possibility: A chance
coincidence. The odds of
which would almost be
The Second possibility:
this was done deliberately
and these cults are actually
market niches designed to
spread Masonry’s true and
hidden religion.
If this second possibility seems
plausible, then it is fair to ask a few
What is this secret religion?
What spheres of influence has this
secret religion penetrated?
Where did this religion originate?
What is the secret religion
of Freemasonry?
Albert Pike, 33rd
Morals and Dogma,
page 213
“Every Masonic Lodge
is a temple of religion;
and its teachings are
instruction in religion.”
Albert Pike, 33rd
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry, page 819
“The Blue Degrees are but the
outer court or the portico of the
Temple. Part of the symbols are
displayed there to the Initiate,
but he is intentionally misled by
false interpretations. It is not
intended that he shall
understand them; but it is
intended that he shall imagine
he understands them. Their true
explication is reserved for the
Adepts, the Princes of Masonry.”
Albert Pike, 33rd
Degree F.M.,
Morals and Dogma, page 104
“Masonry, like all the Religions, all the
Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy,
conceals its secrets from all except
the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect,
and uses false explanations and
misinterpretations of its symbols to
mislead those who deserve only to be
misled; to conceal the Truth, which it
calls Light.”
Albert Pike, 33rd
Degree F.M.,
Morals and Dogma,
page 103
“The truth must be kept
secret and the masses
need a teaching
proportioned to their
imperfect reason.”
We are firmly establishing that Freemasonry
does not consider lying and deception to be a
moral dilemma. In fact, they consider
deception to be an imperative. This is because
Freemasonry believes itself to be the modern-
day representation of the ancient pagan
Mystery Religions (specifically Babylonian).
These mystery cults had a Priest Class of
inner-circle Initiates who were privy to the true
religious doctrines. But the common
worshipper (Uninitiated or Profane) were given
the false and exoteric teachings.
Albert Pike, 33rd
Degree Freemason,
Morals and Dogma, page 817
The Templars, like all other Secret
Orders and Associations, had two
doctrines, one concealed and reserved
for the Masters, which was Johannism;
the other public, which was the Roman
Catholic. Thus they deceived their
adversaries whom they sought to
Albert Pike, 33rd
Degree F.M.,
Morals and Dogma, page 103
“A Spirit… that loves wisdom
and contemplates the Truth
close at hand, is forced to
disguise it, to induce the
multitudes to accept it… Fictions
are necessary to the people,
and the Truth becomes deadly
to those who are not strong
enough to contemplate it in all
its brilliance.”
Is there a connection with Albert Pike’s
book, Morals and Dogma, and the
pagan Mystery religions?
Is there a connection with Gnosticism?
Remember, a copy of Morals and
Dogma is given to every Freemason
reaching the 32nd
Admittedly, that does not mean that
every 32nd
Degree Freemason will read
the book, much less understand it.
However, this is not the issue.
The point is, someone does understand
the contents of Morals and Dogma.
And they want to spread the teachings.
Albert Pike, 33rd
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,
page 321
“Lucifer the Light-bearer!
Strange and mysterious
name to give to the Spirit of
Darkness! Lucifer the Son
of the Morning! Is it he who
bears the Light, and with its
splendors intolerable blinds
feeble, sensual, or selfish
Souls? Doubt it not!”
C.W. Leadbeater, 33rd
The Hidden Life of Freemasonry,
Theosophical Publishing House,
1928, page 336
“The 33rd
degree links the
Sovereign Grand Inspector
General with the Spiritual
King of the World Himself,
That Mightiest of Adepts
who stands at the head of
the Great White Lodge, in
whose strong hands lie the
destinies of earth…”
Arthur Edward Waite,
33rd Degree Freemason,
The Book of Black Magic, page 244
“First Conjuration Addressed to
Emperor Lucifer. Emperor Lucifer,
Master and Prince of Rebellious
Spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine
abode, in what-ever quarter of the
world it may be situated and come
hither to communicate with me.
I command and I conjure thee in
the Name of the Mighty Living
God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
to appear without noise and
Albert Pike, 33rd
Degree Freemason,
Instructions to World Supreme Councils,
August 14, 1889
“That which we must say to the
crowd is– We worship a God, but it
is the God that one adores without
superstition. To you, Sovereign
Grand Inspectors General, we say
this, that you may repeat it to the
Brethren of the 32nd
, 31st
and 30th
degrees– The Masonic religion
should be, by all of us initiates of the
high degrees, maintained in the
purity of the Luciferian doctrine.”
Manly Palmer Hall, 33rd
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry,
Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply
Co., page 48
“When the Mason learns that
the key to the warrior on the
block is the proper application of
the dynamo of living power, he
has learned the mystery of his
Craft. The seething energies of
Lucifer are in his hands and
before he may step upward, he
must prove his ability to properly
apply energy.”
Helena P. Blavatsky, 32nd
Degree Freemason,
The Secret Doctrine
“One of the most hidden secrets involves
the so-called fall of Angels. Satan and his
rebellious host will thus prove to have
become the direct Saviours and Creators
of divine man. Thus Satan, once he
ceases to be viewed in the superstitious
spirit of the church, grows into the
grandiose image. It is Satan who is the
God of our Planet and the only God.
Satan (or Lucifer) represents the
Centrifugal Energy of the Universe this
ever-living symbol of self-sacrifice for the
intellectual independence of humanity.”
Eliphas Levi, 33rd
The Mysteries of Magic,
page 428
“What is more absurd and
more impious that to attribute
the name of Lucifer to the devil,
that is to personify evil. The
intellectual Lucifer is the spirit
of intelligence and love; it is the
paraclete, it is the Holy Spirit,
while the physical Lucifer is the
great agent of the universal
Aleister Crowley, 33rd
Degree Freemason
and Satanist.
Aleister Crowley (Master Therion),
Magick, 1930, page 93
“The blood is the life… there is some
ground for the belief that there is a
definite substance , not isolated as
yet, whose presence makes all the
difference between live and dead
matter, It would be unwise to
condemn as irrational the practice of
those savages who tear the heart
and liver from the adversary, and
devour them while yet warm…(cont)
“…The animal should therefore be
killed within the Circle, or the
Triangle, as the case may be, so
that its energy cannot escape…
chose that victim which contains the
greatest and purest force. A male
child of perfect innocence and high
intelligence is the most satisfactory
and suitable victim.”
This picture comes from
Degree Freemason,
Manly P. Hall’s book:
The Secret Teachings of
All Ages.
Notice , as Aleister
Crowley mentioned in the
previous slide, this
sorcerer has conjured up a
demon within the Circle
and Triangle.
This is not a coincidence.
(aka. Cabala or Qabalah)
Albert Pike, 33rd
Degree Freemason,
Morals and Dogma, page 744
“ All truly dogmatic religions have
issued from the Kabalah and
return to it everything scientific
and grand in the religious dreams
of all the illuminati… all the
Masonic associations owe to it
their Secrets and their Symbols.”
A few Kabbalistic books.
Most people think of Cabala as a recently
developed Jewish-New Age sect.
More books on the Kabbalah.
Look closely at the themes. What would a
reasonable person conclude regarding Cabbala?
Evidently, the Kabbalah has something to do with
Jewish Mysticism. Notice the Triangle in the Circle.
Craig Heimbichner,
Blood of the Alter (quoted in Codex Magica)
“ Kabbalah: The sacred books of black magic of
Orthodox Judaism which form a large part of the
basis of the western secret societies, from
Rosicrucianism to Freemasonry and the OTO.
Kabbalism is itself derived from the sorcery of
ancient Babylon and…Pharaohic Egypt.
John Torrell, publisher
The Dove (quoted in Codex Magica)
“ The Cabala contains such power and demonic
teaching, it is more than enough to give the
ideology the driving force needed to lead the world
astray and to keep such an evil conspiracy alive
through the centuries…The Cabala is a teaching
source of the Freemasons as well as for other
William J. Schnoebelen,
The Dark Side of Freemasonry (Codex Magica)
“ Kabbalism is a system of Jewish mysticism and
magic and is the foundational element in modern
witchcraft. Virtually all of the great witches and
sorcerers of this century were Kabbalists.”
James Lloyd,
The Apocalypse Chronicles,
Vol. 7, No. 1, 2005 (Codex Magica)
“ The Hebrew Cabala is a series of occultic
writings that are as demonic as any incantation
ever uttered in witchcraft. Webster’s Dictionary
tells us the Cabala is ‘an occult religious
philosophy developed by certain Jewish rabbis…”
Abingdon Dictionary of Living Religions,
Keith Crim, General Editor, page 394-395
KABBALA (Ju—Heb.; lit., ‘tradition’ ‘to receive’)
Traditional term for the many forms of Jewish
Mysticism… with the chronic trauma of the
DISPORA [destruction of the temple by Titus in 70
A.D. and the resulting dispersion] , and Kabbala is
one of its responses... It spread throughout
Europe and the entire Jewish world. The
conceptual components of this tradition derive from
three sources: 1) rabbinic Judaism,
2) Jewish Gnosticism, and 3) Jewish Neoplatonic,
and Neoaristotelian philosophy.
Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike.
Every Freemason, reaching the 32nd
receives a copy of this book.
Morals and Dogma is supposed to be
an outline that explains
Freemasonry’s origins, doctrines, and
symbols; within the context of the
32 degrees of the Scottish Rite.
The contents of this book should give
us an idea as to what they think is
important for a Mason to learn.
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, by Albert Pike
The following is a small example of differing topics
mentioned within Morals and Dogma, and the
number of times each topic is mentioned:
Kabalah ………………………………..70x
Druid, (ism), (ic) ……………………….35x
Gnostic, (ism), (ois)……………………33x
Magic, Magi, Magician………………...31x
The Mysteries (mystery religions)……46x
When was the last time you read a
book that discussed any of
these subjects?
Topics such as Druid witchcraft,
Kabbalah, and Gnosticism probably
don’t come up much within most
normal men’s organizations.
The Babylonian Talmud is the foundational
book of the Kabbalah.
Abingdon Dictionary of Living Religions,
Keith Crim, General Editor, page 394-395
KABBALA “…Rabbinic Judaism supplied a fully
developed theology, a sacred and authoritative
body of literature based on the Bible and the
Talmud… the ultimate return of all reality to its
metaphysical roots in the supernal, divine world of
the One… Whatever happens ‘here’ in our
universe is happening ‘there’ within God, for
justice and mercy, male and female, good and evil,
six days of creation and Sabbath, and all other
constituents of reality are also various names of
God, pointing to the infinite modalities of his being.”
In 70 AD, the Nation of Israel was dispersed into
the surrounding pagan nations, after the
destruction of the temple by the Romans.
Many Jews fled East and North into the old
Babylonian areas. The Jewish religious leaders
were incredibly devastated and became very
embittered because they felt Jehovah had reneged
on certain promises. Any explanation for their
current misery would suffice.
Any explanation except one: That Jesus was the
promised Messiah and the Jewish people were
suffering the consequences of rejecting Him.
Because the Nation of Israel could not bring itself
to admit it’s error, the Rabbis had to figure out
what went wrong.
Did they disobey God? Of course not!
Was Jesus really the Messiah? Of course not!
Due to the their pridefulness, they had to concoct a
modified religion which somehow allowed
themselves to be right, and thus, make Jehovah
an evil deceiver who tricked Israel into believing
His promises.
This new Jewish religion is called the Kabbalah.
Modern Judaism is different from what we have
been led to believe. The foundation of Orthodox
Judaism is based on the Kabbalah.
Satanist and 33rd
Degree Freemason,
Eliphas Levi writes on the Qabalah.
Dr. William Wynn Westcott,
Degree Freemason, Supreme Magus,
History of the Societas Rosicruciana in
Anglia, December 30, 1900
“The aim of the Society is to afford mutual
aid and encouragement in working out the
great problems of Life… the system of
philosophy founded upon the Cabala
and the doctrines of Hermes Trismegistus,
which was inculcated by the original
Fratres Rosae-Crueis…”
Today’s occultists don’t even bother hiding the Masonic
connection anymore. Look at the list along the left margin.
Hermetic-Alchemical diagram emphasizing
‘Above and Below’. It is a type of Yin-Yang symbol; the
separation of the ‘world of light (above)’ and ‘the world of
darkness (below)’. It is a key theme in Cabbala.
Degree Freemason, Manly P. Hall and his
book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages.
Notice the ‘Above and Below’ diagram on the cover.
Very popular occult artwork. Notice the man breaking out
of the ‘world of matter’ into to the ‘spirit world’. He is
attempting to gain Gnosis (wisdom). This is the purpose of
Freemasonry. They feel Lucifer can assist them.
Freemason ceremony with black and
white tiles. The white tile represents the spirit
nature of the cosmos. The black tile represents
the material world in which mortals inhabit.
Masonic lodge with dualistic tiles.
Picture found on a Gnostic website displaying
their church’s alter. Notice the black and white dualistic
tiles on the floor…also notice the Egyptian obelisks.
Black and White tiled floor;
Kabbalah Simply Stated.
Very common examples of the Cabbalistic Sephiroth.
a.k.a. Kabbalistic Tree of Life. This is a tool used to help the
Cabbalist understand, what they perceive to be, the dualistic
nature of God. It helps them reason out in their minds how a
good God can allow evil to exist. They reason that Jehovah
and Satan are the same deity.
Tarot card with Kabbalistic Sephiroth over
a Masonic black and white tile floor. Also notice the dualistic
Pillars of Freemasonry; numerous occult symbols.
Masonic apron with dualistic theme.
Masonic emblem of the 33rd
Double-headed eagle (dualism)
Occult artwork loaded with Masonic symbolism.
Very popular ‘Above and Below’ symbol used
in the Kabbalah, Wicca, and the New Age.
This Masonic-Alchemical diagram is also a dualistic ‘Above
and Below’ symbol. The serpent above, with the wings
and crown, represents the spirit realm. They hold on to
each others tail as a representation of Intigration.
Together, they represent ‘The One’.
Modern-day sorcerer’s book on Alchemy
‘Above and Below’ from a Wiccan website.
Advertisement to join the Rosicrucians.
‘As Above – So Below’ ; Rosicrucianism was the predecessor to
modern Freemasonry.
Tarot Pictorial created by 33rd
Degree F.M.,
Arthur Edward Waite. The Witch-Magician pictured is
performing the ‘As Above So Below’ sign. It is intended as
a way of integrating the spirit world and the physical world.
Albert Pike’s double-headed eagle medal.
Dualistic symbol; another type of yin-yang.
Albert Pike, 33rd
Degree Freemason,
Instructions to World Supreme Councils,
August 14, 1889
“Yes, Lucifer is God, and
unfortunately Adonay is also God.
For the eternal law is that there is
no light without shade, no beauty
without ugliness, no white without
black, for the absolute can only
exist as two Gods…”
Carl Hackse (Dr. Bataille),
Le Diable au XIX Siecle
“The Cabala is Occult Science itself. It is the secret
theology of the initiates; theology essentially Satanic.
In a word the counter-theology. Our God, the God
of the Christians, is the power of evil in the eyes of
the Cabalists; and for them the power of good, the
real God, is Lucifer.”
William Schnoebelen (former Witch and Satanist),
Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie, page 130
“ It is important to note that many
notions, both the Jewish heresy of
qabalism and the Hellenic heresy of
gnosticism, emerged from the blend
of Jewish and Zoroastrian
philosophy… the meanderings of
Jewish thinkers were far away from
what the Hebrew bible taught…
It assumes that the Lord of Light and
the Lord of Darkness are equal, but
they are not.”
This Gnostic (dualistic) belief system is expressed in
the black and white tiles of all the Masonic lodges.
This also explains the
dualistic pillars of
The pillar on the left
represents the BELOW
(flesh and matter).
The pillar on the right
represents the ABOVE
This is why 33rd
Degree F.M., Eliphas Levi’s Baphomet
performs the ‘Above and Below’.
It represents this dualistic belief system and their view of
the Cosmos. Conflicting but equal gods. And in their
occult way of thinking, Lucifer is the good God.
Helena Blavatsky,
Degree Freemason,
The Secret Doctrine, 1893,
page 446
“Once that the key to
Genesis is in our hands, the
scientific and symbolical
Kabalah unveils the secret.
The Great Serpent of the
garden of Eden and the
Lord God are identical.”
Albert Pike, 33rd
Morals and Dogma,
page 102
“The true name of Satan, the
Kabalists say, is that of
Yahveh reversed; for Satan is
not a black god, but the
negation of God...for the
Initiates, this is not a Person,
but a Force, created for
good, but which may serve
for evil. It is the instrument of
Liberty or Free Will.”
Masonic Lodge logo; notice the text that reads:
This is an expression of the desire to integrate the World of Matter (below)
with the Spirit World (above).
These dualistic pictures all mean the same thing.
Two worlds: one is the world of Light (spirit), the other is the evil-dark
world in which people are trapped (matter/flesh). These occultist
believe that people are actually gods trapped inside of flesh; put there
by an evil demi-god named Jehovah (a deceitful being who wants
mankind to stay ignorant of their true divine nature).
They feel that once these two worlds are united into
‘The One’ then all mankind will benefit from this union.
Mankind will become God, because in their way of thinking,
God is in everything. Thus, people are also God.
The Uninitiated are just ignorant of this fact.
The motivation of these modern-day Magi, is the belief that
they are doing mankind a service by helping the
Uninitiated discover their potential for becoming God.
These sorcerers feel they are the vanguards of a secret
knowledge (gnosis) which must eventually be revealed
globally so we can all make the transition.
They take the Serpent at his word. They feel that Satan-Lucifer will open
their eyes and they will become as God. They see Jehovah as wanting to
keep mankind ignorant of man’s god-potential. They take the Garden of
Eden story and turn it upside down.
This is precisely what the Gnostic (Nag Hammadi) texts teach.
This Satanic twisting of the Scriptures (Kabbalah) is the
natural result of a nation that continually rejected God’s
mercy. The rejection of Messiah, being the ultimate refusal
to accept God’s love.
Abingdon Dictionary of Living Religions,
Keith Crim, General Editor, page 444
MAGEN DAVID (Ju—Heb.; lit. ‘shield of David’).
The six-pointed star formed by two equilateral
triangles... During the period of the Second
Temple it was common among both Jews and
non-Jews… It is found of a frieze alongside the
five pointed star and the swastika. Its use as a
magical symbol and a protective amulet seems to
have first become common in the KABBALA in
the early fourteenth century.
This Jewish-Cabalistic amulet portrays the true esoteric
meaning behind the Star of David. Two gods, equal but
separate; and Satan is the ‘god of light’.
Albert Pike, 33rd
Morals and Dogma,
“ This is the doctrine of
the Kabalah, with which
you will no doubt seek to
make yourself
acquainted, as to the
Creation. ”
A central teaching among the ancient Gnostics
was that the god or demiurge, who created the
visible heavens and earth, was an evil or flawed
god who entrapped divine souls within bodies of
sinful matter-flesh.
The Gnostic Society Library,
The Nag Hammadi Text, Introduction
“The creator god, the one who claimed to
evolving orthodox dogma to have made
man, and to won him …was a lying demon
and not God at all.”
Albert Pike,
Morals and Dogma, page 687
“ The deity of the Old
Testament is everywhere
represented as the direct
author of Evil, commissioning
evil and lying spirits to men,
hardening the heart of
Pharoah, and visiting the
iniquity of the individual sinner
on the whole people.”
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, by Albert Pike
Spiritual Alchemy is an attempt to integrate
the ‘Above and Below’. The Kabbalah is its foundation.
Alchemy Unveiled compared to Morals and Dogma.
All of the modern-day high level Witches, New Agers,
Satanists, and Occultists are very aware of the Masonic
connections with their respective religions.
The Cabalistic Sepheroth superimposed over the dualistic black and
white pillars of Freemasonry. It is incredibly easy to make the
Masonic-Kabbalistic connection because most Occultists don’t even
bother hiding it anymore.
Albert Pike, 33rd
Degree F.M.,
Morals and Dogma, page 741
“ Masonry is a search after
Light. That search leads us
directly back, as you see, to
the Kabalah. ”
We have established that Freemasonry
is definitely not compatible with
Christianity. Masonry is Satanic at its
very core. By stealth, they have
created all of the major cults for the
purpose of spreading their secret
religion; which is based on the Ancient
Mystery Religions.
The next most reasonable
question would be:
Who created Freemasonry
and why?
There is only one institution that
could possibly surpass
Freemasonry as being the most
Pagan, Occult, and outright
pseudo-Christian organization in
the world.
Assyrian relief representing Baal-Hadad; the sun god of
that region. Notice, the crescent moon represents the
womb of the woman giving birth to the sun god.
Isis, the wife of the Egyptian sun god, Osiris. She gives
birth to Horus (who is an incarnate form of Osiris).
The horns on top of her head represent her position as the
moon goddess and she is shown giving birth to the sun.
Babylonian tablet. Notice at the top, the moon
giving birth to the sun.
Hellenistic (Greek) coin with crescent moon
giving birth to the sun.
Ezekiel 8:13
Then said he unto me, ‘Hast thou seen this,
O son of man? Turn thee yet again, and thou
shalt see greater abominations than these.’
And he brought me into the inner court of the
LORD’S house, and behold, at the door of the
temple of the LORD, between the porch and
the altar, were about five and twenty men,
with their backs toward the temple of the
LORD, and their faces toward the east; and
they worshipped the sun toward the east.
National flag of Turkey
Moon giving birth to the sun.
Flag of Tunisia.
Thoth, the Egyptian god of
Wisdom. Notice on top of
his head; Moon giving birth
to the sun. Masonry likes to
identify with Thoth because
he represents gnosis.
Thoth is shown assisting Anubis, (‘god of the dead’).
Thoth is the Egyptian equivalent to the Greek Hermes and
the Roman Mercury. Note that in Islam, Allah also judges
a man’s life with scales.
Pharaoh with ostrich feather fans.
Pharaoh’s daughter being carried alongside
baby Moses.
Pharaoh was believed to be the sun-god in the flesh (Horus).
This is the sun-god being carried in a procession.
The Pope of the Roman Catholic Church being
carried in exactly the same manner.
Egyptian relief compared to
photo of the Pope.
Pagan moon-goddess, Astarte, with moon giving
birth to the sun above hear head.
Dianna (left) with crescent moon on head.
Isis (right) with same, as she holds Horus.
Egyptian relief filled with occult symbols.
Horus-Pharaoh with hawk for his head. Notice the solar
serpent on top of the seated Horus.
Stylized Hindu ‘Om’ symbol created to emphasize
the crescent moon and sun symbol.
Shriner Fez; Crescent moon giving birth to the sun.
Notice: Islamic sword and image of Pharoah.
Wicca Logo
Notice how the
crescent moon is giving
birth to the sun.
Wicca proudly defines
itself as a modern day
Mystery Religion.
All of these are based on the ancient mystery religions.
The womb of the moon goddess gives birth to the incarnate
sun god.
Deuteronomy 4:19
And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to
heaven, and when you see the sun, the
moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven,
you feel driven to worship them and serve
them, which the LORD your God has divided
to all the peoples under the whole heaven as
a heritage.
Ezekiel: 8:13-14
“ He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again,
and thou shalt see greater abominations
that they do. Then he brought me to the
door of the gate of the LORD’S house which
was towards the north; and behold, there sat
women weeping for Tammuz.”
Famous depiction on Madonna and Child.
Mary is seated inside of the crescent moon with the
sun behind her.
Roman Catholic cathedral with Mary and
crescent moon.
Another well know Catholic depiction of
Mary standing on the crescent moon. The sun is in the
New age-Wiccan jewelry;
goddess stands within the
crescent moon.
These Roman Catholic depictions of Mary being
associated with the moon, are quite common.
Mary standing as ‘Queen of Heaven’ on the crescent moon.
Notice she is not crushing the serpents head, as the
Catholic bible reads in Genesis Ch. 3:15.
Sun behind her head; crescent moon; and she
is not crushing the head of the serpent.
Card from a Masonic tarot deck; loaded with occult
symbols. Notice the moon at the feet of Isis.
This is not Mary and Jesus. It is a picture from The Secret
Teachings of All Ages, by 33rd
Degree Freemason,
Manly P. Hall (Luciferian).
Notice: 1) the zodiac on the perimeter. 2) the sun behind
the woman. 3) the crescent moon at her feet. 4) the
serpent at the woman’s feet. 5) mother and child with solar
halos (Babylonian sun-disk on the child).
Degree F.M., Manly P. Hall is
using this to demonstrate an accurate
archetype or theme that was
universally used within the ancient
mystery religions (pagan religions).
The sun-god (Father)
The moon-goddess (Mother)
The incarnate sun-god (Son)
A type of pagan trinity which most
religious historians trace back to
ancient Babylon.
Hall’s pictorial archetype is actually quite accurate.
However, Hall is incorrect in his assertion that
Christianity is based on a prior pagan myth.
But, Hall is quite accurate in recognizing the
Sun-god and Moon-goddess connection
within the Roman Catholic Church.
When the languages of
man were confused at the
Tower of Babel, mankind
dispersed to all parts of the
One of the results being,
the spreading of the pagan
mystery religions and the
accompanying worship of
the sun, moon, and stars.
Ralph Edward Woodrow,
Babylon Mystery Religion: Ancient and Modern,
1993, page 3-4
“Following his [ Nimrod’s ] death… his wife Semiramis
claimed he was the sun god. Later she gave birth to
a son, she claimed that her son, Tammuz by name,
was their hero Nimrod reborn… She claimed her son
was supernaturally conceived and that he was the
promised seed, the ‘savior.’ In the religion that
developed, however, not only was the child
worshipped, but the mother was worshipped also!”
These are a few
examples of Mother and
Child deities from
differing regions.
The original template
being: Semiramis and
Tammuz of Babylon
(top left).
Roman Catholic Monstrance.
The priest transforms a round disk of bread into the body of their god.
This disk then sits within the solar blaze on top of the crescent moon.
This is the moon giving birth to the incarnate sun-god.
Monstrances like these are very common.
The host sits in the crescent moon.
Logo from the Pagan Federation.
All the Wiccans, Druids, Pagans, etc…recognize the Sun (male) and Moon
(female) components of the ancient mysteries. It is a system that is also
alive within Freemasonry and Roman Catholicism.
This is a representation of the womb of the
Moon-goddess giving birth to the Incarnate
Almost without exception, the Roman Catholic
Monstrance is a portrayal of the incarnate Sun-god
within the goddess womb; accompanied by a
solar blaze on the perimeter.
Rev. Alexander Hislop,
The Two Babylons, page 159-160
“ In the fourth century, when the queen of heaven,
under the name of Mary, was beginning to be
worshipped in the Christian Church, this unbloody
sacrifice was brought in… a small thin wafer and on
its roundness the Church of Rome lays so much
stress… The thin round cake… occurs on alters.
Almost every jot or tittle in the Egyptian worship had a
symbolical meaning. The round disk, so frequent in
the sacred emblems of Egypt symbolized the sun.”
Mithras of the Persian and Babylonia pantheon;
later adopted by pagan Rome. Mithraism was an
ancient mystery religion.
Secret Sosieties: The Cult
of Mithra, page 54
“The bread eaten by the
initiate represented Mithra
and, by doing so, he was
ready to accept the sun god
as the source of all
Ralph Edward Woodrow,
Babylon Mystery Religion: Ancient and
Modern, page 49
“ Instead of the empire constantly being
divided--with pagans in conflict with
Christians—why not take such steps as
might be necessary to mix elements of both
religions together, he [Constantine]
reasoned, and thereby bring a united force
to the empire? Even the cross symbol was
not a divisive factor, for by this time it was
in use by Christians, and to the worshipper
of Mithra in Constantine’s forces, the cross
could give no offense, for they had long
fought under the standard bearing a
Mithraic cross of light.”
The Harper Collins Dictionary of Religion,
Jonathan Z. Smith, Editor
1999, page 723
“ Mithraism-- ancient Roman mystery cult,
know in antiquity as the Mysteries of Mithras,
that flourished throughout the Roman Empire
from the first through the fourth centuries. …
remains of the cult have been found in every
part of the empire …the cult often met
underground because they were designed to
imitate caves.
Should it come as any
surprise that Albert Pike, in his
book Morals and Dogma,
refers to the mystery religion
of Mithraism over 31 times?
What organization, do you
think, is a good candidate for
being the creator of
Templar Chief, Jaques
On the 700th
anniversary of the
burning of the Templars, the
Vatican reported that they just
happened to have found
documents that prove that the
Templars were wrongly
The implication is that
Freemasonry and Catholicism
are actually compatible.
Wiccan tarot card depicting a sorcerer performing the
‘Above and Below’ symbol. He is attempting to tap into power from the
spirit world in order to perform Magic in the material world.
Roman Catholic priest calling on power from the
spirit world to make a mystical transformation in
the material world.
“ Seek where you will, through heaven
and earth, and you will find one
created being who can forgive the
sinner, who can free him from the
chains of hell. That extraordinary
being is the priest, the Roman
Catholic priest. ”
The Catholic Priest, page 78
William Schnoebelen, (former Witch and
Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie,
page 85-86
“ It is interesting how effortlessly
the Catholic can slide into Pagan
practices. For example, I would
venture to say that about 95% of
the 200 witches we initiated were
raised Catholic… Voodoo,
Macumba and Santeria can
effortlessly blend…”
William Schnoebelen (former Witch-Satanist),
Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie,
page 85
“…the vast majority of executions
for witchcraft were done by the
Roman Catholic church, which is not
really an orthodox Christian
institution… The Roman church is
far closer to Paganism than it is to
Christianity. Even many Pagans
have noticed the resemblance.
Many witches have sought out the
Roman priesthood as part of their
magickal development.”
“ Thou art a priest
forever: bishop…
He is no longer a man, a
sinful child of Adam, but
an ‘Alter Christus’ ,
another Christ…
Forever a priest of the
Most High, with power
over the Almighty. ”
The Catholic Priest, p. 78
“ God Himself is obliged to abide by the
judgment of his priests, either not to
pardon or to pardon, according as they
refuse or give absolution… The
sentence of the priest precedes, and
God subscribes to it. ”
Dignities and Duties of the Priest, Vol. 12, p. 27
Newspaper article
reporting that the
Vatican has no problem
with Potter’s witchcraft.
Pause for a moment and
consider what you are seeing.
Should true Bible believing
Christians have any fellowship
with this system?
Are there Christian leaders who
want to merge with this?
Staff of Osiris.
Notice the pine cone at the top. The pine cone was a fertility symbol
used in many of the ancient pagan religions.
Albert Pike, 33rd
Degree Freemason,
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, page 292
“ This is the staff of Osiris, also, and his
monogram, and was adopted by the
Christians as a Sign.”
Albert Pike is correct. The Staff of Osiris
is the origin of the Roman Church’s CHI RHO symbol.
World’s largest pinecone; located at the Vatican.
Note it is flanked by two peacocks.
Assyrian relief of a cherub holding a pine cone in
one hand, and ‘holy water’ in the other.
Babylonian relief of sun-god
Tammuz with pine cone in
Ancient pagan occult talisman.
Notice the pinecone on the tumb.
Bacchus, the Greek god of wine and fertility,
shown with pine cone staff.
The Pope with his crucifix staff. Notice the
pinecone at the foot of the cross.
Pope John Paul II.
Pinecone on the staff.
Albert Pike, 33rd
Degree Freemason,
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, page 292
“ The vestments of the priests of Horus
were covered with these Crosses.”
The ‘Priests of Horus’ are still covered with these crosses.
These crosses originated in Babylon and were then spread to
other areas, including Egypt. They are a sun symbol.
Temple of Baal.
Brick from the temple of Baal.
Notice circle with cross in center represents the sun.
This is a very popular
Wiccan talisman.
It is called the
These women
represent the different
phases of the moon.
Notice that the woman in
the center represents the
full moon. She is called
the Mother-goddess.
She is holding the symbol
of the sun-god in her
hands and is focusing it
at her womb.
In the occult, the sun
represents the male, and
the moon represents the
Relief portraying Mithra (Persian sun god) as the
‘Lion Headed One’. Notice the solar orb on which
he stands.
St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican in Rome.
Obelisk (Washington Monument) designed and
created by Freemasons. It represents the sex organ
of the Egyptian sun-god Osiris.
Ralph Edward Woodrow,
Babylon Mystery Religion, Ancient and Modern,
page 31
“Originally, the obelisk was associated
with sun worship… upright objects such
as the obelisk also had a sexual
significance. Realizing that through
sexual union life was reproduced, the
phallus was considered (along with the
sun) a symbol of life. These were
beliefs represented by the obelisk.”
St. Peter’s Square.
Notice: 1) Sun dome on the Vatican. 2) The phallus of the Egyptian sun
god, Osiris (obelisk). 3) The solar wheel in the center.
Look closely, from left to right:
1) Wiccan Mother-goddess displaying the symbol of her Light-
bearer, Lucifer. 2) Eucharist with the symbol of the Roman-
Persian sun god, Mithra. 3) The sex organ of the Egyptian
sun-god, Osiris in the center of a solar wheel.
Something about Mary
Jeremiah 44:15-17
Then all the men which knew that their wives
had burned incense unto other gods, and all
the women… answered Jeremiah, saying:
‘As for the word that hast spoken unto us in
the name of the LORD, we will not hearken
unto thee. But we will certainly do whatsoever
thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn
incense unto the queen of heaven, and to
pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have
done… for then had we plenty of victuals, and
were well, and saw no evil.”
Pope Pius IX, Ubi Primum,1849
“ For God has committed to Mary
the treasury of all good things, in
order that everyone may know that
through her are obtained every
hope, every grace, and all
salvation. For this is His will, that
we obtain everything through
Pope John Paul II, Dives in
Misericordia, 1980
“ In fact, by being assumed into
heaven she has not laid aside
the office of salvation but by
the manifold intercession she
continues to obtain for us the
grace of eternal salvation.”
Pope John Paul II
“Membership in the Militia
means complete dedication
to the Kingdom of God and to
the salvation of souls through
Mary Immaculate.”
Roman Catholic depiction of Mary. She is given the titles:
Co-Redemtrix, Mediatrix of All Graces, and Advocate. She replaces
Jesus. This is how they justify displaying her with pierced hands.
Helena Blavatsky,
The Secret Doctrine, page 539
“ The Celestial Virgin which
thus become the Mother of
Gods and Devils at one and
the same time; for she is
the ever-loving beneficent
Deity…. But in antiquity and
reality Lucifer… and Satan
at one and the same time. ”
Cardinal St. Alphonse di Liguori,
The Glories of Mary,
pp 130, 137, 141, 143, 169, 170
“ The Virgin [ Mary ] is even
the Queen of Hell and
Sovereign Mistress of Devils.
The way of Salvation is
open none otherwise… All
power is given to Thee. ”
Sincere, yet deceived people who are
trapped in a system of idolatry.
Ralph Edward Woodrow,
Babylon Mystery Religion: Ancient and
Modern, 1993, page 4
“Much of the Babylonian worship was
carried on through mysterious
symbols – it was a ‘mystery’ religion…
This system of idolatry spread from
Babylon to the nations, for it was from
this location that men scattered over
the face of the earth… they took the
worship of the mother and child, and
various mystery symbols with them…
Babylon was the primeval source from
which all systems of idolatry flowed.”
Venus emerging from seashell.
Mary and seashell.
Venus with seashell overhead.
Statue of the Virgin Mary with
seashell overhead.
Mary within the seashell.
Venus emerging from the shell.
Madonna and Child with seashell.
The artist who painted the picture on the right, understands
the Catholic Mary-Venus connection.
These women are almost identical.
The Catholic Encyclopedia,
Vol. 7, page 459
“Devotion to Our Blessed Lady in its ultimate
analysis must be regarded as a practical
application of the doctrine of the Communion
of the Saints. Seeing that this doctrine is not
contained, at least explicitly, in the earlier
forms of the Apostles’ Creed, there is perhaps
no ground for surprise if we do not meet with
any clear traces of the cultus of the Blessed
Virgin in the first Christian centuries…”
Dagon the fish-god deity of the Philistines.
Priest of Dagon.
Dagon was the primary deity of the Philistines. See how the priest
identifies with the deity by his dress. Notice the ‘holy water’ and bread.
Assyrian relief of priests worshipping.
Notice the priest in the Dagon regalia. Also, notice the winged orb with
the all-seeing eye.
Priest of Dagon (left);
Pope Benedict (right).
Pope John Paul II.
Mitre of Dagon the fish-god.
The goddess Cybele also wearing the
Dagon mitre.
Groves and Grottos
One reoccurring theme within pagan mythology is
that of a god or goddess which emerges from a
cave or grotto. This is a grotto of Mithra.
Typical portrayal of
Diana as the
‘Goddess of the Grove’.
In the mystery religions,
the grove would serve the
same purpose as a grotto.
The Initiates would meet in
these places, in private,
and practice their worship.
Advertisement for an upcoming Pagan festival;
Diana’s Grove. Very little has changed.
Mary being depicted as a goddess emerging
from the grotto. This is very common in
Roman Catholicism.
Famous painting of the Virgin and Jesus within
a grotto.
Mary in the grotto.
Milk Grotto located in Bethlehem. This is the place
where, in Catholic tradition, Mary bore the Savior
and where He was breast fed.
Entrance to the Milk Grotto
The Vatican promises a blessing to faithful women
who pilgrim to this shrine. They receive a blessing
to become pregnant.
Grotto of Carmentis.
The goddess of childbirth.
The holy family inside the grotto.
Another pagan god inside the grotto.
Grotto of Dionysius.
John Paul II venerates Mary inside the grotto.
The ‘Queen of Heaven’ inside the Grotto.
The ‘goddess’ comes forth from the grotto.
Formerly a cave used by the worshippers
of Diana. Now a Catholic shrine.
Eastern god inside the grotto.
Mary within a grotto.
Buddha in a grotto.
Mary again inside of a cave-grotto.
This is the way the mother goddesses of the ancient mystery
religions were represented; emerging from a cave.
‘Structure of
Freemasonry’ chart.
What does Freemasonry
have to do with Groves
and Grottos?
Look closely at the
bottom center of the
page. You will
notice that once the
candidate passes
through the first
three Degrees, he is
then brought into
the ‘greater
Look above the
Blue Lodge and
notice that the
initiate is now able
to enter into the
You will also notice
to the left of the
…the Tall Cedars,
aka the Grove.
Pagan website with emphasis on the Grove.
The Druids would meet in oak groves.
2 Kings 23:4-5
“ And the king commanded… bring forth out
of the temple of the LORD all the vessels that
were made for Baal, and for the grove, and
for all the host of heaven, and he burned
them… And he put down the idolatrous
priests… them also that burned incense unto
Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the
planets, and to all the host of heaven. ”
Diana in the grove. She is usually depicted with
hunting dogs or a deer.
Goddess Grove. This is a modern Wiccan park
were one can stroll and meditate.
Remember this entry from LDS
founder, Joseph Smith ?
Joseph Smith, History of the Church,
Deseret Books, 1978, Vol. 4,
Ch. 32, pages 550-551
“Tuesday 15,-- I officiated as
grand chaplain at the
installation of the Nauvoo
Lodge of Free Masons, at the
Grove near the Temple…”
* Notice: not in the Temple,
but at the Grove.
In Druidism and Wicca,
Pan is the God of the
He is the male counterpart
to the moon-goddess.
At the higher levels of
Wicca, Pan is the
representation of Lucifer.
Tower of Babel.
The Tower of Babel is usually depicted as
a spiraling tower.
Mary ‘Queen of Heaven’ on a spiral tower.
Mary on a spiral tower.
Mary on a spiral tower.
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Cults and Esoterica
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Cults and Esoterica

  • 1. This presentation is not for sale. There is no copyright. You may copy and distribute. Absolutely no profit is to be made from this presentation. You are viewing an opinion.
  • 2. This presentation was created by a sinner has no hope other than the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • 3. View this material gradually. This information is meant to be viewed in sequence.
  • 5. Hypothesis: An ancient pagan religious system has been successfully inserted into nearly every human institution, including the Christian church.
  • 6. This system is based on an ancient Babylonian Mystery cult. A religion that embraced the worship of a pagan trinity (Nimrod, Semiramis, & Tammuz).
  • 7. After the Lord God confused the people’s languages at the Tower of Babel, mankind spread to all parts of the earth, taking with them variations of this Babylonian system. Mystery religions were quite common throughout the ancient world.
  • 8. Mystery religions, by their very nature, were designed to propagate two different doctrines: 1) the Public (exoteric) teachings were intended for the laity. The common worshipers were thought to be the Uninitiated or Profane and were considered unworthy or unable to handle the deeper mysteries.
  • 9. 2) The True Teachings (esoteric) were intended for a small inner circle of Initiates. These people were the Priest Class or the Illuminated who received and protected the true doctrine.
  • 10. The Mystery religions later gave birth to another, more intellectually based or ‘reasoned’ form of Mystery cult called Gnosticism.
  • 11. Gnosticism was a religious system which competed with, and even attempted to merge with, the early Christian church. Gnosticism, like the older Mystery religions, is based on a system of protected teachings in which only the Initiated or Adepts are privy. This sacred knowledge eventually teaches the Initiate that man is actually a god or part of a greater godhead collective.
  • 12. Within both the Mystery religions and Gnostic sects, gradually revealed gnosis (knowledge) would be dispensed in the form of allegorical tales. This type of teaching serves the purpose of weeding out the Undeserved from receiving sacred knowledge.
  • 13. Within both the Mysteries and Gnosticism, lying is not considered to be a moral dilemma. On the contrary, deceiving the Profane is considered a valuable and necessary tool. It is the primary method of protecting sacred gnosis.
  • 14. The Mystery religions (and the Gnostics in particular) valued the Old Testament. However, they interpreted scripture much more allegorically and not literally. Of course, by doing so, it enabled them to create almost any justification for their teachings. Cults and Satanists today operate in much the same way. They value the Bible, but only as an esoteric tool.
  • 15. Revelation 17:5 And on her forehead a name was written: Mystery Babylon the Great, The Mother of Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth.
  • 16. Revelation 17:23b …by your sorcery all the nations were deceived.
  • 17. The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah’s Witnesses)
  • 18. Charles Taze Russell; founder of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
  • 19. Russell’s Gravesite Near Pittsburg, PA Note: Pyramid with capstone
  • 20. Most are well aware of the ‘pyramid and capstone’ connection with Masonry. This design on the U.S. dollar bill was implemented by 32nd Degree Freemason, Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • 21. Knights Templar Logo of Freemasonry
  • 22. Russell’s Pyramid with Knights Templar Crown and Cross (above). ‘Illuminated eye’ on capstone of pyramid (below). Created by 32nd Degree Freemason, Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • 23. Close-up of plaque on Russell’s Pyramid
  • 24. Masonic Compass and Square with Knights Templar Crown and Cross
  • 25. Greater Pittsburg Masonic Center Note: Flag pole and fir trees next to slab
  • 26. Russell’s Pyramid in relation to the Greater Pittsburg Masonic Center
  • 27. Early Watch Tower Publication Note: Templar logo at top left corner.
  • 28. • “…Seven hours before his death, addressing his traveling companion, Brother Menta Sturgeon, he said, “Make me a Roman toga.” Using the bed sheets, Brother Sturgeon made a toga, which Brother Russell put on himself.” Joseph Rutherford’s eulogy of C.T. Russell
  • 29. Menta Sturgeon (describing C.T. Russell’s last hours) Zion’s Watch Tower, December 1, 1916 “It was then that he stood again and said, ‘Please make me a Roman toga.’ I did not understand what he meant… I said, ‘Brother Russell, I do not understand what you mean.’ He said, ‘I will show you’.’’ [ The rest of the testimony goes on to describe the way in which a white bed sheet was prepared and folded by Sturgeon using Russell’s specific criteria]
  • 30. Albert Mackey, 33rd Degree FM, Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry “…he who sought office wore a white shining robe… From the color of his robe or toga candida, he was called candidatus, whence the word candidate. The derivation will serve to remind the Freemason of the purity of conduct and character.”
  • 31. The Divine Plan of the Ages, by C.T. Russell Note: Emphasis on the Pyramid
  • 32. More of the Divine Plan of the Ages Note: Emphasis on Egyptian pyramids
  • 33. The Rosicrucian Manual. (The Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis) Modern era Freemasonry is the offspring of an earlier Gnostic secret society called the Rosicrucians.
  • 34. Inside the Rosicrucian Manual Note: Emphasis on Pyramidology and the preceding page’s emphasis on Sacred Geometry (specifically the Triangle within the Circle).
  • 35. Russell’s The Divine Plan of the Ages next to the Rosicrucian Manual
  • 36. Russell’s The Divine Plan of the Ages with Egyptian winged solar disk
  • 37. Egyptian winged solar disk (Uraeus). Symbol of the Egyptian sun god Ra, a.k.a. Osiris.
  • 38. Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval, Talisman, page 357 “…very similar pseudo-Egyptian temple at Freemason’s Hall in Philadelphia, USA, on the floor of which can be seen the winged-uraeus or solar-serpent, the supreme symbol of ancient Egypt. Many other Royal Arch Chapters around the world are likewise designed or partly designed as Egyptian temples…”
  • 39. Winged solar disk shown above Annubis (Egyptian god of the dead). He is a form of Osiris.
  • 41. Egyptian winged Uraeus located above the Assembly Hall
  • 42. A book that is commonly used by the Watch Tower; Knowledge That Leads to Eternal Life. You will discover during this presentation that Freemasonry believes itself to be part of a continuing stream of ancient wisdom. A major part of which, are the doctrines of the early Gnostics. Mankind achieves salvation via divine knowledge (gnosis).
  • 43. • “Many Masons shake hands with me and give me what I know is their grip; they don’t know me from a Mason. Something I do seems to be the same as Masons do, I don’t know what it is; but they often give me all kinds of grips and I give them back, then I tell them I don’t know anything about it except just a few grips that have come to me naturally.” (June, 1913; convention discourse ‘The Temple of God’, Convention Report Sermons, p.362 ***Note: this quote was found on a website attempting to prove C.T. Russell was not a Freemason.***
  • 44. Russell admits to receiving and returning Masonic grips. Think about Russell’s explanation for giving Masonic handshakes. Does this sound like a reasonable explanation, or an absurd excuse being used by a Mason who has been found out.
  • 45. Does it seem reasonable to you that Charles Taze Russell might have been a Freemason? But, why would Russell try to keep his Masonic membership secret? Perhaps one of world’s foremost authorities on Freemasonry can assist.
  • 46. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Freemason, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, page 104-105 “Masonry, like all Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism, and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth…”
  • 47. Webster’s Colligate Dictionary, 10th Edition, 1996 Esoteric- a: designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone. b: of or relating to knowledge that is restricted to a small group.
  • 49. Mary Baker Eddy, Founder of Christian Science
  • 50. Mary Baker Eddy. Note: Cross Jewelry tilted at an angle.
  • 51. Photograph of Eddy with tilted cross. Also notice the Crown on top of her head.
  • 52. Mary Baker Eddy and Cross Jewelry
  • 53. In every photo or portrait, when Mrs. Eddy wears this jewelry, the cross will be at an angle.
  • 55. Mary Baker Eddy and tilted cross
  • 56. Eddy Note: Difficult to see, but again the tilted cross
  • 58. Symbol of the Knights Templars
  • 59. Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy
  • 62. “In 1921, on the 100th anniversary of Eddy’s birth, a 100- ton, eleven-foot granite pyramid was dedicated on the site of her birthplace in Bow, New Hampshire. A gift from the Freemasons…” New World Encyclopedia
  • 63. “...a granite pyramid was dedicated, a gift from the Masons, the only other religious society members are permitted to join.” The Evangelization Station, Pamphlet #067
  • 64. Talisman, Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval, page 181 “ In the case of the Gnostic religion the reader will recall from Part 1 that the return to the heavenly realm could not be achieved by blind faith but was to be striven for through gnosis– ‘revealed knowledge’ of the reality of things…the ‘divine part’ of man consists of ‘mind, intellect, spirit, and reason’… The individual’s quest for gnosis, in both its Hermetic and purely Gnostic forms, involved putting off the material world and its illusions.”
  • 65. Ron Rhodes, Handbook on Cults and New Religions: Christian Science, page 59 “Sin, sickness, and death are allegedly illusions that people can conquer by correct thinking…. The rationale behind the ‘illusion’ explanation is that all things in the universe are ultimately God.”
  • 66. Ron Rhodes, Handbook on Cults and New Religions: Christian Science, page 59 “Christian Science proponents accept the Bible, but they interpret it esoterically, seeking hidden or secondary meanings… The best way to ascertain such hidden meaning is to utilize Eddy’s Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures as a guide. This guide provides the metaphysical meanings that lie behind the literal text of Scripture, enabling one to understand its mysteries.
  • 67. Ron Rhodes, Handbook on Cults and New Religions: Christian Science, page 59-60 “Eddy believes that all things in the universe are God (pantheism) … A natural outgrowth of the idea that all is God, is that humanity is also God.”
  • 68. J.D. Buck, 33rd Degree Freemason, The Kentucky Monitor, page XX “The three really great rituals of the human race are the Prajapati ritual of ancient Hinduism, the Mass of the Christian Church, and the Third Degree of Masonry. Widely as they a differ in detail, and far apart as they may seem to be in externals, yet together they testify to the profoundest insight of the human soul: that God becomes man that man may become God!”
  • 69. “ This group [ Christian Science ] was founded by Mary Baker Eddy… Helena P. Blavatsky [ 32nd Degree FM ] was a associate of Mary Baker Eddy… Eddy herself married a Mason and this was the only secret society which she allowed other members to join. She even had some of her material published in the Freemason’s Monthly Magazine... Even the presidents of the Mother Church in 1922-24 were Masons. ” Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, Dr. Cathy Burns, page 352
  • 70. Now we have a reasonable explanation as to why the Freemasons think so highly of Mrs. Eddy, and why they would honor her memory with this pyramid.
  • 71. Genesis Ch. 3:3-5 But the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
  • 72. What did the Gnostics teach, in regards to the Garden of Eden story?
  • 73. Talisman, Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval, Harper-Collins Pub., 2004, page 92 “…the account given in the Nag Hammadi texts [Gnostic texts] of the ‘temptation’ of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden depicts the serpent not as the villain of the piece, as the Old Testament Book of Genesis portrays him, but rather as the hero and true benefactor of mankind: ‘What did God say to you?’ the Serpent asked Eve. ‘Was it, Do not eat from the tree of knowledge [gnosis] ?’ She replied: He said, Not only do not eat from it, but do not touch it lest you die.’ The Serpent reassured her, saying, ‘Do not be afraid. With death you shall not die; for it was out of jealousy that he said this to you. Rather your eyes shall open and you shall come to be like gods, recognizing evil and good.’…
  • 74. Talisman, Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval, Harper-Collins Pub., 2004, page 92 “After Adam and Eve had eaten of the tree of knowledge, the Gnostics taught that they experienced enlightenment, awoke to their own luminous nature and could distinguish good from evil, just as the serpent had promised. Seeing their intellectual and spiritual transformation, the demiurge [Jehovah] was jealous and roused his demonic companions: ‘Behold, Adam! He has come to be like one of us, so that he knows the difference between the light and the darkness. Now perhaps he also will come to the tree of life and eat from it and become immortal. Come let us expel him from Paradise down to the land from which he was taken, so that henceforth he might not be able to recognize anything better. And so they expelled Adam from Paradise, along with his wife.’”
  • 75. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)
  • 76. Joseph Smith founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • 77. Joseph Smith, History of the Church, Deseret Books, 1978, Vol. 4, Ch. 32, p. 550-551 “Tuesday, 15– I officiated as grand chaplain at the installation of the Nauvoo Lodge of Free Masons, at the Grove near the Temple… In the evening I received the first degree in Freemasonry in the Nauvoo Lodge, assembled in my general business office.”
  • 78. “Wednesday, March 16– I was with the Masonic Lodge and rose to the sublime degree.” [Smith reached the sublime degree in less than 24 hours]
  • 79. The Doctrine of the Law (LDS central axiom) “As Man is, God was, and as God is, Man may become.” Think about this teaching. “…as God is, Man may become.”
  • 80. Joseph Smith, 33rd Degree FM, History of the Church, Vol.6, page 306 “Here then is eternal life… to know the only wise and true God; and you have got to learn how to be Gods yourself, and to be kings and priests to God, the same as all gods have done before you… To inherit the same power, the same glory and the same exaltation, until you arrive at the station of God.”
  • 82. 33rd Degree Freemason, Brigham Young; Successor to Joseph Smith and first Governor of Utah.
  • 83. Brigham Young and his 21 wives
  • 84. Masonic beehive logo from the Grand Lodge of Connecticut.
  • 86. Joseph Smith Memorial Note: beehive on top
  • 88. Joseph Smith and the angel Moroni.
  • 89. Angel Moroni on top of LDS Salt Lake City Temple
  • 90. • Early diagram of Nauvoo Temple • Note weather vane on top.
  • 91. Close up of Moroni on top of Nauvoo Temple. Note: Inverted Masonic Compass and Square, along with blazing heart above.
  • 92. Logo of Masonic Grand Lodge in London with inverted Compass and Square (also note wavy sword pointing upward)
  • 93. There is no question that the LDS church deliberately associates itself with Freemasonry.
  • 94. Jonathan Blanchard, President of Wheaton College (Former 33rd degree Freemason), Scotch Rite Illustrated, Vol. II, page 380 “Its legend [ 14th degree initiation] Says that the real name of God was lost, till it was found by Masons, engraved on a three- cornered gold plate, in ‘the ruins of Enoch.’ Whether the Mormon Jo. Smith, who was a Mason, took his story of gold plates from this on, or invented a like legend of his own, the two are similar in origin, nature and effect. They both utterly destroy Christianity , while pretending to favor and expand it.”
  • 95. LDS Temple in Salt Lake City
  • 96. Masonic (FIDES) Grip: Salt Lake Temple
  • 98. Illuminated eye: Salt Lake Temple
  • 99. Salt Lake City LDS Temple Note: inverted pentagrams for windows. Also notice sun faces along side of the building as well.
  • 100. Windows for the LDS Temple
  • 102. Eastern Star. Symbol of women’s Freemasonry (inverted pentagram)
  • 103. Masonic Chart with inverted pentagram (Symbol of Eastern Star)
  • 104. Inverted Pentagrams on side of Salt Lake Temple
  • 106. LDS temple in Salt Lake City Note: crescent moon design
  • 107. Face of the Greek sun-god, Apollo. Located in a German museum.
  • 108. Face of Apollo at Salt Lake City Temple
  • 109. Milton R. Hunter (LDS Elder), The Gospel Through the Ages, page 15 “The appointment of Jesus to be the Savior of the world was contested by one of the other sons of God. He was called Lucifer… this spirit brother of Jesus desperately tried to become the Savior of mankind.” *** Notice that the Watchtower Society teaches the same thing… Jesus is actually an angel and therefore, Lucifer would be His brother. ***
  • 110. The quote you just read, from LDS elder-Milton R. Hunter, is a teaching from the early Gnostics. They taught that the Serpent (Lucifer) was sent by the God of Light to inform Adam and Eve that they were really gods. The Serpent sacrificed himself for man.
  • 111. Masonic logo with twin pillars of Freemasonry Note: globes on top of pillars
  • 112. Masonic Chart with numerous occult images Note: Twin pillars with globes on top. See how the globe on the left represents the world that mortals inhabit. The globe on the right represents the spirit realm were the gods reside. This is a dualistic view of the Cosmos. Very common in Gnosticism.
  • 114. Two Pillars of Freemasonry. Note: world globe on the left, and celestial globe on right
  • 115. Masonic chart with twin pillars
  • 116. Mormon Tabernacle Choir Masonic twin pillars with globes in background.
  • 117. Two Pillars of Freemasonry
  • 118. Masonic artwork with twin pillars
  • 119. Mormon Tabernacle Choir next to Masonic chart with Twin Pillars
  • 120. Twin pillars. Notice again, the globe on the left represents the material world. The globe on the right represents the spirit world.
  • 121. Twin pillars from a Masonic website. Note: the black pillar represents the earth. The white pillar represents the spirit realm.
  • 122. Masonic apron with beehive (top), all-seeing eye, and pillars. Also note pentagram at bottom right.
  • 123. Masonic chart with beehive, twin pillars, pentagrams, all-seeing eye, compass and square,…etc, etc.
  • 124. William Schnoebelen, (former Witch and Satanist) Mormonism’s Temple of Doom, pages 12-13 “ I was amazed at how well the occult symbolism had been carried through on the stitched marks: the temple garment was a textbook study in Luciferian symbolism. I was well acquainted with Masonic symbols because at a certain point in my Wiccan development, my teacher told me to seek Masonic initiation, so I did… Here I learned the profound links between Lucifer-worship, Wicca and Masonry.”
  • 125. LDS temple undergarment Note: Square and inverted Compass in the stitching.
  • 126. An historical perspective of the LDS Temple undergarment; all of which contain the Square and inverted Compass.
  • 127. Mormon Doctrine, by Bruce R. McConkie, page 321 “God was once a man like us and dwelt on earth, the same as Jesus Christ did, and you have got to learn to be gods yourselves the same as all gods before you. Namely by going from one small degree to another, from a small capacity to a greater one.”
  • 128. Manly Palmer Hall, 33rd Degree FM, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, 1923, page 92 “ Man is a god in the making…”
  • 129. LDS diagram of Salvation Possibilities Note: use of sun, crescent moon, and pentagram symbols
  • 130. LDS salvation possibilities chart Note: sun, crescent moon, and pentagrams… Also: use of “The Veil” in their terminology
  • 132. Masonic apron with all-seeing eye and twin pillars
  • 133. Mormon Apron with all-seeing eye (source: Arts and Entertainment Network)
  • 134. Masonic Apron with all-seeing eye and twin pillars
  • 135. Masonic apron next to Mormon apron
  • 136. Mormons wearing aprons and using occult hand signals.
  • 137. Masonic Lodge Sphinx (left) Rosicrucian Lodge Sphinx (below)
  • 138. Public park (Gilgal Garden) located in Salt Lake City. Joseph Smith Sphinx.
  • 139. The New Century Book of Facts, Continental Pub. Company, 1951, page 904 Osiris- The Egyptian god of the sun. He was worshipped under the form of an ox.
  • 140. LDS baptismal. Because Mormonism is an extension of Freemasonry, it is no surprise that the baptismal is designed after the mystery cult of Osiris.
  • 141. Remember the LDS Salvation Chart? Notice that the most sought after goal, regarding the afterlife, is to achieve the ‘Celestial Kingdom’ which is represented by the sun. This explains the continuing Egyptian-Masonic allusions. All of this is centered on pagan sun worship.
  • 142. Ron Rhodes, Handbook on Cults and New Religions: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, page 69 “ Mormons define ‘sin’ as a wrong judgment, a mistake, an imperfection, or an inadequacy.” *** Notice, once again, man’s problem is not that he is rebellious. Instead, man is ignorant and does not possess the correct gnosis. When man gains divine knowledge, he then becomes a god. This is Gnosticism.***
  • 143. Pause and consider what you are seeing. This is not just a case of a few cult leaders who just happen to have been Freemasons.
  • 144. They have deliberately brought Masonic imagery into their respective religions. Therefore, it should not come as any surprise that their respective doctrines are also Masonic.
  • 145. The New Age Movement
  • 146. Helena P. Blavatsky “Godmother” of the New Age Movement; Founder of the Theosophical Society
  • 147. H.P. Blavatsky with husband Henry Steele Olcott
  • 148. Original logo of the Theosophical Society
  • 149. H.P. Blavatsky wearing her Masonic white lambskin sash
  • 150. Edith Starr Miller ( Lady Queensborough ) Occult Theocracy, Vol. 2, page 566 “ …as for Mme Blavatsky, the Christs are beings who have succeeded in developing in themselves certain superior powers latent in all men …its consequences are that anyone who makes enough fuss about himself can become a god, thus reducing the idea ad absurdum. This principle which when further elaborated leads to the usual Gnostic belief that Man is God. ”
  • 151. Helena Blavatsky next to her honorary Masonic 32nd Degree
  • 152. Belief Beyond Boundaries: Wicca, Celtic Spirituality, and the New Age, Edited by JoAnne Pearson, 2002, page 22 “Societies such as the Theosophical Society and, in particular, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, were influenced by the close knit secrecy of freemasonry and its claims to be the guardian of a powerful secret of ancient provenance.”
  • 153. Annie Wood Besant; 2nd President of the Theosophical Society
  • 155. Annie Wood Besant; 33rd Degree Freemason, Is Theosophy Anti-Chirstian?, page 16 “ All men are innate divinity .”
  • 156. Annie Wood Besant Note: this right hand pose is a Masonic/Cabalistic hand signal called the ‘devil’s claw’
  • 157. Belief Beyond Boundaries: Wicca, Celtic Spirituality, and The New Age, Edited by JoAnne Pearson, 2002, page 26 “By the mid-1880’s, freemasonry, spiritualism and theosophy had firmly woven themselves into the fabric of British occultism and into the subculture of secret societies.”
  • 158. Alice Ann Bailey. She was arguably, the most influential New Age leader of the 20th Century.
  • 159. Alice Ann Bailey, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, Lucis Trust publishing company, p. 511 “The Masonic Organization is the custodian of the law; it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of initiation… Masonry is a far more occult organization that can be realized, and is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists.”
  • 160. Book written by Foster Bailey (33rd Degree Freemason), husband of Alice A. Bailey
  • 161. Blavatsky -- Besant -- Bailey All were high level Freemasons
  • 162. Current Logo of the Theosophical Society. Note: Sun in the background and serpent with tail in its mouth.
  • 163. Masonic Logo: serpent with tail in its mouth
  • 164. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Freemason and author of Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
  • 165. Albert Pike’s Masonic 33rd Degree medal. Note: Sun in the background and serpent with tail in its mouth.
  • 166. Logo of the Theosophical Society compared to Albert Pike’s medal. Note: this combination of serpent with sun is an occult expression of the ‘Solar Serpent’ or ‘Fiery Serpent’. It is of a Babylonian origin.
  • 167. Masonic alchemical logo Note: serpents with tails in mouths—compass and square— zodiac symbols—2 interlocking triangles
  • 168. Benjamin Crème (New Age leader), The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, page 87 “The new religions will manifest, for instance, through organizations like Freemasonry. In Freemasonry is embedded the core of the secret heart of the occult mysteries… Through the Orders of Masonry, the Initiatory Path will be trodden and Initiation will be taken.”
  • 169. Dr. Allan Boudreau, 32nd Degree Mason, Curator and Librarian, Grand Lodge of the State of New York, The Meaning of Masonry, page 4 “ In this Aquarian age, when many individuals and groups are working in various ways for the eventual restoration of the mysteries, an increasing number of aspirants are beginning to recognize that Freemasonry may well be the vehicle for this achievement. ”
  • 170. The original name for Scottish Rite Magazine was The New Age.
  • 171. George Washington wearing Masonic regalia. The New Age, February 1973. Note: the Masons changed the name of their magazine in order to distance themselves from the New Age Movement.
  • 172. Henry C. Clausen, 33rd Degree Freemason, Sovereign Grand Commander- Mother Council of World Freemasonry; Emergence of the Mystical, page 19 “…Today we are at the threshold of a new era…We look forward to transformation into a New Age using, however, the insight and wisdom of the ancient mystics. This new world view is emerging because there has been a recent correlation between modern physics and mysticism of Eastern religions.”
  • 174. Gerald Gardner founder of 20th century Witchcraft (a.k.a. Wicca)
  • 176. Belief Beyond Boundaries: Wicca, Celtic Spirituality, and The New Age, Edited by Joanne Pearson, 2002, page 37 “Wiccans use the term ‘Wicca’ to denote a mystery religion involving a process of initiation and rigorous training within a cosmos polarized between male and female forces, all of which is an inheritance from the magical secret societies from which Wicca is descended.”
  • 177. Wicca considers itself a “mystery religion”. What do you suppose, is the name of the “magical secret society” from which this “mystery religion” originated?
  • 178. Belief beyond Boundaries: Wicca, Celtic Spirituality, and The New Age, Edited by Joanne Pearson, 2002, page 32 “Gardner was born in the early years of the fin de siecle in 1884, in Crosby, Liverpool, and was a freemason, Rosicrucian, and member of the Ordo Templi Orientis and other secret societies.”
  • 179. Gerald B. Gardner was a Freemason and also a member of the Satanic cult – Ordo Templi Orientis. Satanist and 33rd Degree Freemason, Aleister Crowley (left), assisted Gardner in the formation of Wicca. Notice the initials O.T.O. and the name Baphomet beneath Crowley’s picture.
  • 180. Witchcraft secrets for sale. Notice: pentagram
  • 181. Popular books on Witchcraft. Note: book on the left with pentagram within circle. The book on the right displays a dualistic oak tree.
  • 182. Another market niche for Witchcraft. Note: pentagram inside of circle, inside of an inverted triangle.
  • 183. Marketing to teenagers. Notice crystals at the bottom left. Both the New Age Movement and Wicca come from the same source.
  • 184. Early 20th century Masonic lodge. Pentagram within the circle. This photo predates the creation of Wicca. Who created Wicca?
  • 185. Wiccan mantra beads; pentagram inside the circle
  • 186. Symbol for the Order of Eastern Star (Women’s Freemasonry)
  • 187. Wiccan book with pentagram.
  • 189. Wiccan Elementals Diagram next to logo for the Order of Eastern Star.
  • 191. Promise of popularity, power, and good looks. Note: occult symbols on clothing--crescent moon with pentagram-- yin yang symbol--pentagram in circle.
  • 192. Very common Wiccan Triple-goddess portrayal. These three women represent the phases of the moon. Notice the Sun god symbol the middle woman displays. This is an occult reference to Lucifer.
  • 193. As with all Masonic off-shoots, the promise of becoming a god.
  • 194. Joseph Fort Newton, 32nd Degree Freemason, The Religion of Masonry: An Interpretation, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., p. 37 Regarding the Third Degree of Freemasonry: “… it testifies to the profoundest insight of the human soul – that God becomes man that man may become God.”
  • 195. Logo of a Witches coven Note: pentagram in circle…also oak leaf, acorns and misletoe (symbols of Druid witchcraft)
  • 196. Famous Witch, Janet Farrar Notice the emphasis on Egyptian imagery ( Pharaohic allusions as in Freemasonry )
  • 198. Another book by Janet Farrar
  • 199. Janet Farrar and Stewart Farrar, The Life and Times of a Modern Witch, Phoenix Publishing Co., page 121 “ It is generally agreed that the biggest single influence in the modern expansion of ritual magic, and the occult explosion in general, in the Western world, was the Golden Dawn. This magical fraternity, founded by Freemasons at the end of the 19th century, developed a complex ritual system with ten degrees of initiation relating to the Cabalistic Sephiroth.”
  • 200. Wiccan/New Age books place great emphasis on the Magic Circle
  • 201. Witchcraft Magic Circle. This is a form of Alchemy where the magician-witch believes they can tap into powers from the spirit world.
  • 202. The Book of Shadows is quite common in Wicca
  • 203. Wiccan magic circle with pyramid in center. Note: This behavior is believed to act as a conduit. They are focusing energy in order to penetrate the spirit realm.
  • 204. Masonic alchemical diagram. Notice the circular tablet and the “spiritual pyramid” which emanates from the tablet. Note zodiac symbols on perimeter.
  • 205. Wiccan circle and pentagram to be used on Witchcraft alter. Note: zodiac symbols on the perimeter.
  • 206. Wiccan circle and pentagram compared to Masonic alchemical chart. Both use zodiac symbols; both have 5 points that emanate power into the spirit world; both emphasize the moon and the sun (dualistic allusion).
  • 207. This comes from a Pagan website.
  • 208. Compare: both emphasize sun and crescent moon; notice how the elemental symbols at bottom of pillars are the same as the pagan webpage. This is because Druid Witchcraft and Masonry are esoterically the same.
  • 209. William Schnoebelen, (former Witch and Satanist) The Dark Side of Freemasonry: The Witchcraft Connection, page 168 “ There is something about the lodge that has always attracted sorcerers. The historical list of occultists and witches in the last century who were Freemasons reads like a Who’s Who of twentieth century occultism…”
  • 210. Freemason Druid Order; Notice the men in the background wearing Masonic regalia.
  • 211. Early 20th Century Masonic ceremony; Druid Order (Stonehenge).
  • 212. Advertisement for upcoming Druid celebration at Stonehenge. Notice the two illuminated eyes with pyramids included…serpent with tail in mouth.
  • 213. Tarot cards originated in Egypt. Tarot is very common in The New Age, Witchcraft, and also among Cabalists.
  • 214. Tarot cards with All-seeing eye. Tarot is a form of divination.
  • 215. Tarot deck: “conceived, designed and painted by W. Bro. P.C. Browne PZ”
  • 216. Masonic tarot deck continued
  • 217. The Mason who created this deck knows that the pentagram inside the circle is Satanic.
  • 218. These are all the tools of Witchcraft. Notice the Masonic Compass and Square.
  • 219. Very common tarot card used in Witchcraft; Notice on the alter: circular pentagram tablet, chalice, and the dagger (the dagger and chalice represent the male and female genitalia).
  • 220. Wiccan tarot card compared to Masonic tarot deck. All of the tools are identical; witch’s staff; pentagram in circle; sword; chalice; infinity symbol.
  • 221. The Nation of Islam
  • 222. Wallace Fard; founder of the Nation of Islam. Prince Hall Freemason
  • 224. Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd Ed., page 6418, Heading: Nation of Islam “ In lectures Elijah Muhammad proclaimed that [Wallace] Fard was God incarnate and that he, Elijah Muhammad, was the messenger of God commissioned to teach black Americans about their true nature as the original people of earth, godlike and destined to rule the universe.”
  • 226. Nation of Islam officer (left). Freemason (Shriner) on the right. It is a fact that Shriners swear an oath to Allah.
  • 227. Both show the crescent moon with pentagram. And both have the tassel.
  • 228. The Moorish Science Temple was the predecessor to the Nation of Islam. Notice the All-seeing eye, and the Masonic Fides hand clasp. The gentleman is performing the hand sign for the Master of the Second Veil.
  • 229. White Supremacist Organizations (Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nation, etc)
  • 230. Nathan Bedford Forrest, founder of the Ku Klux Klan. He can be found on numerous Masonic websites.
  • 231. Artist rendition of a KKK initiation rite. Notice: ‘Cable tow’ around the neck.
  • 232. Masonic initiation rite. Notice the ‘cable tow’ around the initiate’s neck.
  • 233. Aryan Nation flag Note: crown and sword
  • 234. Knights Templar crown and cross
  • 236. Ron Rhodes, Handbook on Cults and New Religions, Ch. 33 (Theosophy), page 196 “…Blavatsky claims to have received via spiritistic contact with Ascended Masters, not only individual human beings but the human race as a whole evolves. So far this evolution has produced three races: the Lemurian race, the Atlantean race, and the Aryan race.”
  • 237. Original logo of Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society. The swastika originates in Persia. It is a sun symbol used in the ancient Aryan religion, Zoroastrianism. The Nazi Party played on this image and its history. Adolf Hitler was a devotee of Blavatsky.
  • 238. Masonic pin. Aryanism and Masonry both use the swastika; because they both subscribe to an ancient Aryan philosophy.
  • 239. Oddfellows marching through town wearing Masonic sashes.
  • 240. Oddfellows lodge with ‘Three Linked Chain’ on top.
  • 241. Masonic Compass and Square with ‘Three Linked Chain’.
  • 242. Gathering of Aryan Nation. Notice the background; they are using an Oddfellows lodge.
  • 243. Oddfellows Chart. Notice all-seeing eye; three linked chain; heart in hand; etc.
  • 244. Oddfellows award ceremony. Two gentlemen are exchanging a Master Mason grip.
  • 245. Lodge portrait of Oddfellows.
  • 246. Oddfellows Coat of Arms Note: Three linked chain at top; Masonic beehive; rose in the middle.
  • 247. Oddfellows chart of occult symbols. Note: All-seeing eye; Beehive; Masonic grip; etc.
  • 249. Aleister Crowley; The 20th Century’s most influential Satanist.
  • 250. Aleister Crowley in his youth; note the cabalistic hand signal.
  • 251. Crowley with a Satanic book. He is also performing the ‘Horned god’ pose.
  • 252. Aleister Crowley in Masonic regalia. He was a 33rd Degree Freemason.
  • 256. Pentagrams seem to have a spiritual meaning.
  • 257. Logo from the First Church of Satan compared to (32nd Deg.) Blavatsky’s logo and (33rd Deg.) Albert Pike’s medal.
  • 258. Satanist, Eliphas Levi; former Roman Catholic priest (Jesuit)
  • 259. Eliphas Levi; 33rd Degree Freemason; and creator of Baphomet. Note: this is a dualistic diagram meant to emphasize the differences between the spirit world and the world of matter (Gnosticism). It is a type of yin-yang symbol.
  • 260. Aleister Crowley in Masonic regalia next to Baphomet. Notice the wall behind Crowley has the symbol and name of Baphomet. Also notice the letters O.T.O. which stand for ‘Ordo Templi Orientis’ (Satanic organization).
  • 261. Aleister Crowley tarot deck. Notice the serpent is shaped in the infinity symbol and has tail in mouth; also notice the dualistic yin-yang.
  • 262. William Wynn Westcott; (Satanist) 33rd Degree Freemason. Creator of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
  • 263. C.W. Leadbeater; Luciferian and 33rd Degree Freemason.
  • 264. Theodore Reuss; Luciferian and 33rd Degree Freemason.
  • 265. Arthur Edward Waite, 33rd Degree Freemason, A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and of Cognate Instituted Mysteries: Their Rites, Literature and History, 1970 ed., page 421 “…the Master builder of the Third Degree does actually rise as Christ…”
  • 266. The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite.
  • 267. Arthur Edward Waite, 33rd Degree Freemason, The Book of Black Magic, page 244 “First Conjuration Address to Emperor Lucifer. Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in what-ever quarter of the world it may be situated and come hither to communicate with me. I command and I conjure thee in the Name of the Mighty Living God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to appear without noise and without…”
  • 269. L. Ron Hubbard; founder of Scientology.
  • 270. Interview with Hubbard’s son, L. Ron Hubbard Jr., Penthouse Magazine, June 1983 Hubbard: “…The Antichrist. Alestair Crowley thought of himself as such. And when Crowley died in 1947, my father then decided that he should wear the cloak of the beast and become the most powerful being in the universe.”
  • 271. Satanist--33rd Degree Freemason, Aleister Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard were quite familiar with one another.
  • 272. Interview with L. Ron Hubbard’s son, L. Ron Hubbard Jr., Penthouse Magazine, June 1983 Penthouse: “You were sixteen years old at that time. What did you believe in? Hubbard: “ I believed in Satanism. There was no other religion in the house! Scientology and black magic. What a lot of people don’t realize is that Scientology is black magic that is just spread out over a long time period… Black magic is the inner core of Scientology.”
  • 273. L. Ron Hubbard was a member of the Rosicrucian Order. Hubbard was also a member of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), a Satanic organization founded by Freemasons. O.T.O. later came under the leadership of Aleister Crowley.
  • 274. This is a Rosicrucian Cross. It is covered with numerous occult symbols. Notice the 3-scalloped edges located at the four ends of the cross.
  • 275. The cross on the left, is a Rosicrucian Cross. The cross on the right, is the cross of Scientology.
  • 276. What would be the odds of L. Ron Hubbard having been a Freemason?
  • 277. Scientology’s celebration of the anniversary of L. Ron Hubbard’s birthday. Notice the two pillars in the middle with balls on top.
  • 278. Book by L. Ron Hubbard; Note: the letter ‘O’ with the dot in the middle is a stylize zodiac sun symbol.
  • 279. Have you noticed that the Sun seems to be a reoccurring theme amongst all of these occultists? It represents illumination, wisdom, enlightenment, gnosis…. Knowledge into the Mysteries.
  • 280. Tom Cruise is an active proponent of Scientology. Scientology, like all Masonic off-shoots, operates on the principle of gradually revealed information (gnosis). All of these cults package themselves differently. But the true Esoteric teachings are always the same. Knowledge = Godhood.
  • 281. Hosea Ballou, founder of the Universalist Church, He was a Freemason. The Universalist Church later merged with the Unitarian Chruch.
  • 282. Sir Oliver Lodge; Spiritualist (Necromancer) and Freemason. Notice the logo of the ‘First Spiritual Temple’ which associates itself with Lodge. ( Circle within the Triangle ) These Masonic off-shoots seem compelled to carry their esoteric symbols with them into their newly created cults.
  • 283. Charles Fillmore, Founder of Unity Church. 33rd Degree Freemason It does not take long to discover that the Unity School of thought is nothing more than New Age trying to package itself as Christian. Fillmore was a friend of Mary Baker Eddy.
  • 284. Interesting book from the Charles Filmore Reference Library. Notice the winged Uraeus at the bottom. Egyptian symbols are important to these people because ancient Egypt was a hotbed of occult wisdom.
  • 285. Emanuel Swedenborg; Freemason (creator of the Swedenborgisan Rite of Freemasonry)
  • 286. William Penn; The Society of Friends (a.k.a. Quakers) William Penn was a Rosicrucian. The first American Rosicrucian colony was established in Philadelphia, Penn.
  • 287. Sir Francis Dashwood, founder on the Hell Fire Club; Freemason and Rosicrucian
  • 288. There are only 2 explanations for almost every major cult in the past 250 years being founded by high level Freemasons.
  • 289. The First possibility: A chance coincidence. The odds of which would almost be incalculable.
  • 290. The Second possibility: this was done deliberately and these cults are actually market niches designed to spread Masonry’s true and hidden religion.
  • 291. If this second possibility seems plausible, then it is fair to ask a few questions: What is this secret religion? What spheres of influence has this secret religion penetrated? Where did this religion originate?
  • 292. What is the secret religion of Freemasonry?
  • 293. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree, Morals and Dogma, page 213 “Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion.”
  • 294. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, page 819 “The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or the portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry.”
  • 295. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree F.M., Morals and Dogma, page 104 “Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light.”
  • 296. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree F.M., Morals and Dogma, page 103 “The truth must be kept secret and the masses need a teaching proportioned to their imperfect reason.”
  • 297. We are firmly establishing that Freemasonry does not consider lying and deception to be a moral dilemma. In fact, they consider deception to be an imperative. This is because Freemasonry believes itself to be the modern- day representation of the ancient pagan Mystery Religions (specifically Babylonian). These mystery cults had a Priest Class of inner-circle Initiates who were privy to the true religious doctrines. But the common worshipper (Uninitiated or Profane) were given the false and exoteric teachings.
  • 298. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Freemason, Morals and Dogma, page 817 The Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters, which was Johannism; the other public, which was the Roman Catholic. Thus they deceived their adversaries whom they sought to supplant.”
  • 299. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree F.M., Morals and Dogma, page 103 “A Spirit… that loves wisdom and contemplates the Truth close at hand, is forced to disguise it, to induce the multitudes to accept it… Fictions are necessary to the people, and the Truth becomes deadly to those who are not strong enough to contemplate it in all its brilliance.”
  • 300. Is there a connection with Albert Pike’s book, Morals and Dogma, and the pagan Mystery religions? Is there a connection with Gnosticism?
  • 301. Remember, a copy of Morals and Dogma is given to every Freemason reaching the 32nd Degree. Admittedly, that does not mean that every 32nd Degree Freemason will read the book, much less understand it.
  • 302. However, this is not the issue. The point is, someone does understand the contents of Morals and Dogma. And they want to spread the teachings.
  • 303. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, page 321 “Lucifer the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!”
  • 304. C.W. Leadbeater, 33rd Degree, The Hidden Life of Freemasonry, Theosophical Publishing House, 1928, page 336 “The 33rd degree links the Sovereign Grand Inspector General with the Spiritual King of the World Himself, That Mightiest of Adepts who stands at the head of the Great White Lodge, in whose strong hands lie the destinies of earth…”
  • 305. Arthur Edward Waite, 33rd Degree Freemason, The Book of Black Magic, page 244 “First Conjuration Addressed to Emperor Lucifer. Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in what-ever quarter of the world it may be situated and come hither to communicate with me. I command and I conjure thee in the Name of the Mighty Living God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to appear without noise and without…”
  • 306. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Freemason, Instructions to World Supreme Councils, August 14, 1889 “That which we must say to the crowd is– We worship a God, but it is the God that one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd , 31st and 30th degrees– The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.”
  • 307. Manly Palmer Hall, 33rd Degree, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., page 48 “When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy.”
  • 308. Helena P. Blavatsky, 32nd Degree Freemason, The Secret Doctrine “One of the most hidden secrets involves the so-called fall of Angels. Satan and his rebellious host will thus prove to have become the direct Saviours and Creators of divine man. Thus Satan, once he ceases to be viewed in the superstitious spirit of the church, grows into the grandiose image. It is Satan who is the God of our Planet and the only God. Satan (or Lucifer) represents the Centrifugal Energy of the Universe this ever-living symbol of self-sacrifice for the intellectual independence of humanity.”
  • 309. Eliphas Levi, 33rd Degree, The Mysteries of Magic, page 428 “What is more absurd and more impious that to attribute the name of Lucifer to the devil, that is to personify evil. The intellectual Lucifer is the spirit of intelligence and love; it is the paraclete, it is the Holy Spirit, while the physical Lucifer is the great agent of the universal magnetism.”
  • 310. Aleister Crowley, 33rd Degree Freemason and Satanist.
  • 311. Aleister Crowley (Master Therion), Magick, 1930, page 93 “The blood is the life… there is some ground for the belief that there is a definite substance , not isolated as yet, whose presence makes all the difference between live and dead matter, It would be unwise to condemn as irrational the practice of those savages who tear the heart and liver from the adversary, and devour them while yet warm…(cont)
  • 312. “…The animal should therefore be killed within the Circle, or the Triangle, as the case may be, so that its energy cannot escape… chose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim.”
  • 313. This picture comes from 33rd Degree Freemason, Manly P. Hall’s book: The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Notice , as Aleister Crowley mentioned in the previous slide, this sorcerer has conjured up a demon within the Circle and Triangle. This is not a coincidence.
  • 315. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Freemason, Morals and Dogma, page 744 “ All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah and return to it everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of all the illuminati… all the Masonic associations owe to it their Secrets and their Symbols.”
  • 316. A few Kabbalistic books. Most people think of Cabala as a recently developed Jewish-New Age sect.
  • 317. More books on the Kabbalah. Look closely at the themes. What would a reasonable person conclude regarding Cabbala?
  • 318. Evidently, the Kabbalah has something to do with Jewish Mysticism. Notice the Triangle in the Circle.
  • 319. Craig Heimbichner, Blood of the Alter (quoted in Codex Magica) “ Kabbalah: The sacred books of black magic of Orthodox Judaism which form a large part of the basis of the western secret societies, from Rosicrucianism to Freemasonry and the OTO. Kabbalism is itself derived from the sorcery of ancient Babylon and…Pharaohic Egypt.
  • 320. John Torrell, publisher The Dove (quoted in Codex Magica) “ The Cabala contains such power and demonic teaching, it is more than enough to give the ideology the driving force needed to lead the world astray and to keep such an evil conspiracy alive through the centuries…The Cabala is a teaching source of the Freemasons as well as for other groups.”
  • 321. William J. Schnoebelen, The Dark Side of Freemasonry (Codex Magica) “ Kabbalism is a system of Jewish mysticism and magic and is the foundational element in modern witchcraft. Virtually all of the great witches and sorcerers of this century were Kabbalists.”
  • 322. James Lloyd, The Apocalypse Chronicles, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2005 (Codex Magica) “ The Hebrew Cabala is a series of occultic writings that are as demonic as any incantation ever uttered in witchcraft. Webster’s Dictionary tells us the Cabala is ‘an occult religious philosophy developed by certain Jewish rabbis…”
  • 323. Abingdon Dictionary of Living Religions, Keith Crim, General Editor, page 394-395 KABBALA (Ju—Heb.; lit., ‘tradition’ ‘to receive’) Traditional term for the many forms of Jewish Mysticism… with the chronic trauma of the DISPORA [destruction of the temple by Titus in 70 A.D. and the resulting dispersion] , and Kabbala is one of its responses... It spread throughout Europe and the entire Jewish world. The conceptual components of this tradition derive from three sources: 1) rabbinic Judaism, 2) Jewish Gnosticism, and 3) Jewish Neoplatonic, and Neoaristotelian philosophy.
  • 324. Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike. Every Freemason, reaching the 32nd Degree, receives a copy of this book.
  • 325. Morals and Dogma is supposed to be an outline that explains Freemasonry’s origins, doctrines, and symbols; within the context of the 32 degrees of the Scottish Rite. The contents of this book should give us an idea as to what they think is important for a Mason to learn.
  • 326. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, by Albert Pike The following is a small example of differing topics mentioned within Morals and Dogma, and the number of times each topic is mentioned: Kabalah ………………………………..70x Druid, (ism), (ic) ……………………….35x Gnostic, (ism), (ois)……………………33x Magic, Magi, Magician………………...31x The Mysteries (mystery religions)……46x
  • 327. When was the last time you read a book that discussed any of these subjects? Topics such as Druid witchcraft, Kabbalah, and Gnosticism probably don’t come up much within most normal men’s organizations.
  • 328. The Babylonian Talmud is the foundational book of the Kabbalah.
  • 329. Abingdon Dictionary of Living Religions, Keith Crim, General Editor, page 394-395 KABBALA “…Rabbinic Judaism supplied a fully developed theology, a sacred and authoritative body of literature based on the Bible and the Talmud… the ultimate return of all reality to its metaphysical roots in the supernal, divine world of the One… Whatever happens ‘here’ in our universe is happening ‘there’ within God, for justice and mercy, male and female, good and evil, six days of creation and Sabbath, and all other constituents of reality are also various names of God, pointing to the infinite modalities of his being.”
  • 330. In 70 AD, the Nation of Israel was dispersed into the surrounding pagan nations, after the destruction of the temple by the Romans. Many Jews fled East and North into the old Babylonian areas. The Jewish religious leaders were incredibly devastated and became very embittered because they felt Jehovah had reneged on certain promises. Any explanation for their current misery would suffice. Any explanation except one: That Jesus was the promised Messiah and the Jewish people were suffering the consequences of rejecting Him.
  • 331. Because the Nation of Israel could not bring itself to admit it’s error, the Rabbis had to figure out what went wrong. Did they disobey God? Of course not! Was Jesus really the Messiah? Of course not! Due to the their pridefulness, they had to concoct a modified religion which somehow allowed themselves to be right, and thus, make Jehovah an evil deceiver who tricked Israel into believing His promises. This new Jewish religion is called the Kabbalah.
  • 332. Modern Judaism is different from what we have been led to believe. The foundation of Orthodox Judaism is based on the Kabbalah.
  • 333. Satanist and 33rd Degree Freemason, Eliphas Levi writes on the Qabalah.
  • 334. Dr. William Wynn Westcott, 33rd Degree Freemason, Supreme Magus, History of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, December 30, 1900 “The aim of the Society is to afford mutual aid and encouragement in working out the great problems of Life… the system of philosophy founded upon the Cabala and the doctrines of Hermes Trismegistus, which was inculcated by the original Fratres Rosae-Crueis…”
  • 335. Today’s occultists don’t even bother hiding the Masonic connection anymore. Look at the list along the left margin.
  • 336. Hermetic-Alchemical diagram emphasizing ‘Above and Below’. It is a type of Yin-Yang symbol; the separation of the ‘world of light (above)’ and ‘the world of darkness (below)’. It is a key theme in Cabbala.
  • 337. 33rd Degree Freemason, Manly P. Hall and his book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Notice the ‘Above and Below’ diagram on the cover.
  • 338. Very popular occult artwork. Notice the man breaking out of the ‘world of matter’ into to the ‘spirit world’. He is attempting to gain Gnosis (wisdom). This is the purpose of Freemasonry. They feel Lucifer can assist them.
  • 339. Freemason ceremony with black and white tiles. The white tile represents the spirit nature of the cosmos. The black tile represents the material world in which mortals inhabit.
  • 340. Masonic lodge with dualistic tiles.
  • 341. Picture found on a Gnostic website displaying their church’s alter. Notice the black and white dualistic tiles on the floor…also notice the Egyptian obelisks.
  • 342. Black and White tiled floor; Kabbalah Simply Stated.
  • 343. Very common examples of the Cabbalistic Sephiroth. a.k.a. Kabbalistic Tree of Life. This is a tool used to help the Cabbalist understand, what they perceive to be, the dualistic nature of God. It helps them reason out in their minds how a good God can allow evil to exist. They reason that Jehovah and Satan are the same deity.
  • 344. Tarot card with Kabbalistic Sephiroth over a Masonic black and white tile floor. Also notice the dualistic Pillars of Freemasonry; numerous occult symbols.
  • 345. Masonic apron with dualistic theme.
  • 346. Masonic emblem of the 33rd Degree. Double-headed eagle (dualism)
  • 347. Occult artwork loaded with Masonic symbolism.
  • 348. Very popular ‘Above and Below’ symbol used in the Kabbalah, Wicca, and the New Age.
  • 349. This Masonic-Alchemical diagram is also a dualistic ‘Above and Below’ symbol. The serpent above, with the wings and crown, represents the spirit realm. They hold on to each others tail as a representation of Intigration. Together, they represent ‘The One’.
  • 351. ‘Above and Below’ from a Wiccan website.
  • 352. Advertisement to join the Rosicrucians. ‘As Above – So Below’ ; Rosicrucianism was the predecessor to modern Freemasonry.
  • 353. Tarot Pictorial created by 33rd Degree F.M., Arthur Edward Waite. The Witch-Magician pictured is performing the ‘As Above So Below’ sign. It is intended as a way of integrating the spirit world and the physical world.
  • 354. Albert Pike’s double-headed eagle medal. Dualistic symbol; another type of yin-yang.
  • 355. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Freemason, Instructions to World Supreme Councils, August 14, 1889 “Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods…”
  • 356. Carl Hackse (Dr. Bataille), Le Diable au XIX Siecle “The Cabala is Occult Science itself. It is the secret theology of the initiates; theology essentially Satanic. In a word the counter-theology. Our God, the God of the Christians, is the power of evil in the eyes of the Cabalists; and for them the power of good, the real God, is Lucifer.”
  • 357. William Schnoebelen (former Witch and Satanist), Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie, page 130 “ It is important to note that many notions, both the Jewish heresy of qabalism and the Hellenic heresy of gnosticism, emerged from the blend of Jewish and Zoroastrian philosophy… the meanderings of Jewish thinkers were far away from what the Hebrew bible taught… It assumes that the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness are equal, but they are not.”
  • 358. This Gnostic (dualistic) belief system is expressed in the black and white tiles of all the Masonic lodges.
  • 359. This also explains the dualistic pillars of Freemasonry. The pillar on the left represents the BELOW (flesh and matter). The pillar on the right represents the ABOVE (spirit).
  • 360. This is why 33rd Degree F.M., Eliphas Levi’s Baphomet performs the ‘Above and Below’. It represents this dualistic belief system and their view of the Cosmos. Conflicting but equal gods. And in their occult way of thinking, Lucifer is the good God.
  • 361. Helena Blavatsky, 32nd Degree Freemason, The Secret Doctrine, 1893, page 446 “Once that the key to Genesis is in our hands, the scientific and symbolical Kabalah unveils the secret. The Great Serpent of the garden of Eden and the Lord God are identical.”
  • 362. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree, Morals and Dogma, page 102 “The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God...for the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will.”
  • 363. Masonic Lodge logo; notice the text that reads: ‘LET THAT WHICH IS BELOW BE AS THAT WHICH IS ABOVE.’ This is an expression of the desire to integrate the World of Matter (below) with the Spirit World (above).
  • 364. These dualistic pictures all mean the same thing. Two worlds: one is the world of Light (spirit), the other is the evil-dark world in which people are trapped (matter/flesh). These occultist believe that people are actually gods trapped inside of flesh; put there by an evil demi-god named Jehovah (a deceitful being who wants mankind to stay ignorant of their true divine nature).
  • 365. They feel that once these two worlds are united into ‘The One’ then all mankind will benefit from this union. Mankind will become God, because in their way of thinking, God is in everything. Thus, people are also God. The Uninitiated are just ignorant of this fact.
  • 366. The motivation of these modern-day Magi, is the belief that they are doing mankind a service by helping the Uninitiated discover their potential for becoming God. These sorcerers feel they are the vanguards of a secret knowledge (gnosis) which must eventually be revealed globally so we can all make the transition.
  • 367. They take the Serpent at his word. They feel that Satan-Lucifer will open their eyes and they will become as God. They see Jehovah as wanting to keep mankind ignorant of man’s god-potential. They take the Garden of Eden story and turn it upside down. This is precisely what the Gnostic (Nag Hammadi) texts teach.
  • 368. This Satanic twisting of the Scriptures (Kabbalah) is the natural result of a nation that continually rejected God’s mercy. The rejection of Messiah, being the ultimate refusal to accept God’s love.
  • 369. Abingdon Dictionary of Living Religions, Keith Crim, General Editor, page 444 MAGEN DAVID (Ju—Heb.; lit. ‘shield of David’). The six-pointed star formed by two equilateral triangles... During the period of the Second Temple it was common among both Jews and non-Jews… It is found of a frieze alongside the five pointed star and the swastika. Its use as a magical symbol and a protective amulet seems to have first become common in the KABBALA in the early fourteenth century.
  • 370. This Jewish-Cabalistic amulet portrays the true esoteric meaning behind the Star of David. Two gods, equal but separate; and Satan is the ‘god of light’.
  • 371. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree, Morals and Dogma, “ This is the doctrine of the Kabalah, with which you will no doubt seek to make yourself acquainted, as to the Creation. ”
  • 372. A central teaching among the ancient Gnostics was that the god or demiurge, who created the visible heavens and earth, was an evil or flawed god who entrapped divine souls within bodies of sinful matter-flesh. The Gnostic Society Library, The Nag Hammadi Text, Introduction “The creator god, the one who claimed to evolving orthodox dogma to have made man, and to won him …was a lying demon and not God at all.”
  • 373. Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, page 687 “ The deity of the Old Testament is everywhere represented as the direct author of Evil, commissioning evil and lying spirits to men, hardening the heart of Pharoah, and visiting the iniquity of the individual sinner on the whole people.”
  • 374. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, by Albert Pike
  • 375. Spiritual Alchemy is an attempt to integrate the ‘Above and Below’. The Kabbalah is its foundation.
  • 376. Alchemy Unveiled compared to Morals and Dogma. All of the modern-day high level Witches, New Agers, Satanists, and Occultists are very aware of the Masonic connections with their respective religions.
  • 377. The Cabalistic Sepheroth superimposed over the dualistic black and white pillars of Freemasonry. It is incredibly easy to make the Masonic-Kabbalistic connection because most Occultists don’t even bother hiding it anymore.
  • 378. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree F.M., Morals and Dogma, page 741 “ Masonry is a search after Light. That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabalah. ”
  • 379. We have established that Freemasonry is definitely not compatible with Christianity. Masonry is Satanic at its very core. By stealth, they have created all of the major cults for the purpose of spreading their secret religion; which is based on the Ancient Mystery Religions.
  • 380. The next most reasonable question would be: Who created Freemasonry and why?
  • 381. There is only one institution that could possibly surpass Freemasonry as being the most Pagan, Occult, and outright pseudo-Christian organization in the world.
  • 382. Assyrian relief representing Baal-Hadad; the sun god of that region. Notice, the crescent moon represents the womb of the woman giving birth to the sun god.
  • 383. Isis, the wife of the Egyptian sun god, Osiris. She gives birth to Horus (who is an incarnate form of Osiris). The horns on top of her head represent her position as the moon goddess and she is shown giving birth to the sun.
  • 384. Babylonian tablet. Notice at the top, the moon giving birth to the sun.
  • 385. Hellenistic (Greek) coin with crescent moon giving birth to the sun.
  • 386. Ezekiel 8:13 Then said he unto me, ‘Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these.’ And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD’S house, and behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.
  • 387. National flag of Turkey Moon giving birth to the sun.
  • 389. Thoth, the Egyptian god of Wisdom. Notice on top of his head; Moon giving birth to the sun. Masonry likes to identify with Thoth because he represents gnosis.
  • 390. Thoth is shown assisting Anubis, (‘god of the dead’). Thoth is the Egyptian equivalent to the Greek Hermes and the Roman Mercury. Note that in Islam, Allah also judges a man’s life with scales.
  • 391. Pharaoh with ostrich feather fans.
  • 392. Pharaoh’s daughter being carried alongside baby Moses.
  • 393. Pharaoh was believed to be the sun-god in the flesh (Horus). This is the sun-god being carried in a procession.
  • 394. The Pope of the Roman Catholic Church being carried in exactly the same manner.
  • 395. Egyptian relief compared to photo of the Pope.
  • 396. Pagan moon-goddess, Astarte, with moon giving birth to the sun above hear head.
  • 397. Dianna (left) with crescent moon on head. Isis (right) with same, as she holds Horus.
  • 398. Egyptian relief filled with occult symbols. Horus-Pharaoh with hawk for his head. Notice the solar serpent on top of the seated Horus.
  • 399. Stylized Hindu ‘Om’ symbol created to emphasize the crescent moon and sun symbol.
  • 400. Shriner Fez; Crescent moon giving birth to the sun. Notice: Islamic sword and image of Pharoah.
  • 401. Wicca Logo Notice how the crescent moon is giving birth to the sun. Wicca proudly defines itself as a modern day Mystery Religion.
  • 402. All of these are based on the ancient mystery religions. The womb of the moon goddess gives birth to the incarnate sun god.
  • 403. Deuteronomy 4:19 And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun, the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, you feel driven to worship them and serve them, which the LORD your God has divided to all the peoples under the whole heaven as a heritage.
  • 404. Ezekiel: 8:13-14 “ He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do. Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD’S house which was towards the north; and behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.”
  • 405. Famous depiction on Madonna and Child. Mary is seated inside of the crescent moon with the sun behind her.
  • 406. Roman Catholic cathedral with Mary and crescent moon.
  • 407. Another well know Catholic depiction of Mary standing on the crescent moon. The sun is in the background.
  • 408. New age-Wiccan jewelry; goddess stands within the crescent moon.
  • 409. These Roman Catholic depictions of Mary being associated with the moon, are quite common.
  • 410. Mary standing as ‘Queen of Heaven’ on the crescent moon. Notice she is not crushing the serpents head, as the Catholic bible reads in Genesis Ch. 3:15.
  • 411. Sun behind her head; crescent moon; and she is not crushing the head of the serpent.
  • 412. Card from a Masonic tarot deck; loaded with occult symbols. Notice the moon at the feet of Isis.
  • 413. This is not Mary and Jesus. It is a picture from The Secret Teachings of All Ages, by 33rd Degree Freemason, Manly P. Hall (Luciferian).
  • 414. Notice: 1) the zodiac on the perimeter. 2) the sun behind the woman. 3) the crescent moon at her feet. 4) the serpent at the woman’s feet. 5) mother and child with solar halos (Babylonian sun-disk on the child).
  • 415. 33rd Degree F.M., Manly P. Hall is using this to demonstrate an accurate archetype or theme that was universally used within the ancient mystery religions (pagan religions). The sun-god (Father) The moon-goddess (Mother) The incarnate sun-god (Son) A type of pagan trinity which most religious historians trace back to ancient Babylon.
  • 416. Hall’s pictorial archetype is actually quite accurate. However, Hall is incorrect in his assertion that Christianity is based on a prior pagan myth.
  • 417. But, Hall is quite accurate in recognizing the Sun-god and Moon-goddess connection within the Roman Catholic Church.
  • 418. When the languages of man were confused at the Tower of Babel, mankind dispersed to all parts of the earth. One of the results being, the spreading of the pagan mystery religions and the accompanying worship of the sun, moon, and stars.
  • 419. Ralph Edward Woodrow, Babylon Mystery Religion: Ancient and Modern, 1993, page 3-4 “Following his [ Nimrod’s ] death… his wife Semiramis claimed he was the sun god. Later she gave birth to a son, she claimed that her son, Tammuz by name, was their hero Nimrod reborn… She claimed her son was supernaturally conceived and that he was the promised seed, the ‘savior.’ In the religion that developed, however, not only was the child worshipped, but the mother was worshipped also!”
  • 420. These are a few examples of Mother and Child deities from differing regions. The original template being: Semiramis and Tammuz of Babylon (top left).
  • 421. Roman Catholic Monstrance. The priest transforms a round disk of bread into the body of their god. This disk then sits within the solar blaze on top of the crescent moon. This is the moon giving birth to the incarnate sun-god.
  • 422. Monstrances like these are very common. The host sits in the crescent moon.
  • 423. Logo from the Pagan Federation. All the Wiccans, Druids, Pagans, etc…recognize the Sun (male) and Moon (female) components of the ancient mysteries. It is a system that is also alive within Freemasonry and Roman Catholicism.
  • 424. This is a representation of the womb of the Moon-goddess giving birth to the Incarnate Sun-God.
  • 425. Almost without exception, the Roman Catholic Monstrance is a portrayal of the incarnate Sun-god within the goddess womb; accompanied by a solar blaze on the perimeter.
  • 426. Rev. Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons, page 159-160 “ In the fourth century, when the queen of heaven, under the name of Mary, was beginning to be worshipped in the Christian Church, this unbloody sacrifice was brought in… a small thin wafer and on its roundness the Church of Rome lays so much stress… The thin round cake… occurs on alters. Almost every jot or tittle in the Egyptian worship had a symbolical meaning. The round disk, so frequent in the sacred emblems of Egypt symbolized the sun.”
  • 427. Mithras of the Persian and Babylonia pantheon; later adopted by pagan Rome. Mithraism was an ancient mystery religion.
  • 428. Secret Sosieties: The Cult of Mithra, page 54 “The bread eaten by the initiate represented Mithra and, by doing so, he was ready to accept the sun god as the source of all nourishment.”
  • 429. Ralph Edward Woodrow, Babylon Mystery Religion: Ancient and Modern, page 49 “ Instead of the empire constantly being divided--with pagans in conflict with Christians—why not take such steps as might be necessary to mix elements of both religions together, he [Constantine] reasoned, and thereby bring a united force to the empire? Even the cross symbol was not a divisive factor, for by this time it was in use by Christians, and to the worshipper of Mithra in Constantine’s forces, the cross could give no offense, for they had long fought under the standard bearing a Mithraic cross of light.”
  • 430. The Harper Collins Dictionary of Religion, Jonathan Z. Smith, Editor 1999, page 723 “ Mithraism-- ancient Roman mystery cult, know in antiquity as the Mysteries of Mithras, that flourished throughout the Roman Empire from the first through the fourth centuries. … remains of the cult have been found in every part of the empire …the cult often met underground because they were designed to imitate caves.
  • 431. Should it come as any surprise that Albert Pike, in his book Morals and Dogma, refers to the mystery religion of Mithraism over 31 times? What organization, do you think, is a good candidate for being the creator of Freemasonry?
  • 432. Templar Chief, Jaques Demolay. On the 700th anniversary of the burning of the Templars, the Vatican reported that they just happened to have found documents that prove that the Templars were wrongly condemned. The implication is that Freemasonry and Catholicism are actually compatible.
  • 433. Wiccan tarot card depicting a sorcerer performing the ‘Above and Below’ symbol. He is attempting to tap into power from the spirit world in order to perform Magic in the material world.
  • 434. Roman Catholic priest calling on power from the spirit world to make a mystical transformation in the material world.
  • 435. “ Seek where you will, through heaven and earth, and you will find one created being who can forgive the sinner, who can free him from the chains of hell. That extraordinary being is the priest, the Roman Catholic priest. ” The Catholic Priest, page 78
  • 436. William Schnoebelen, (former Witch and Satanist) Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie, page 85-86 “ It is interesting how effortlessly the Catholic can slide into Pagan practices. For example, I would venture to say that about 95% of the 200 witches we initiated were raised Catholic… Voodoo, Macumba and Santeria can effortlessly blend…”
  • 437. William Schnoebelen (former Witch-Satanist), Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie, page 85 “…the vast majority of executions for witchcraft were done by the Roman Catholic church, which is not really an orthodox Christian institution… The Roman church is far closer to Paganism than it is to Christianity. Even many Pagans have noticed the resemblance. Many witches have sought out the Roman priesthood as part of their magickal development.”
  • 438. “ Thou art a priest forever: bishop… He is no longer a man, a sinful child of Adam, but an ‘Alter Christus’ , another Christ… Forever a priest of the Most High, with power over the Almighty. ” The Catholic Priest, p. 78
  • 439. “ God Himself is obliged to abide by the judgment of his priests, either not to pardon or to pardon, according as they refuse or give absolution… The sentence of the priest precedes, and God subscribes to it. ” Dignities and Duties of the Priest, Vol. 12, p. 27
  • 440. Newspaper article reporting that the Vatican has no problem with Potter’s witchcraft.
  • 441. Pause for a moment and consider what you are seeing. Should true Bible believing Christians have any fellowship with this system? Are there Christian leaders who want to merge with this?
  • 442. Staff of Osiris. Notice the pine cone at the top. The pine cone was a fertility symbol used in many of the ancient pagan religions.
  • 443. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Freemason, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, page 292 “ This is the staff of Osiris, also, and his monogram, and was adopted by the Christians as a Sign.”
  • 444. Albert Pike is correct. The Staff of Osiris is the origin of the Roman Church’s CHI RHO symbol.
  • 445. World’s largest pinecone; located at the Vatican. Note it is flanked by two peacocks.
  • 446. Assyrian relief of a cherub holding a pine cone in one hand, and ‘holy water’ in the other.
  • 447. Babylonian relief of sun-god Tammuz with pine cone in hand.
  • 448. Ancient pagan occult talisman. Notice the pinecone on the tumb.
  • 449. Bacchus, the Greek god of wine and fertility, shown with pine cone staff.
  • 450. The Pope with his crucifix staff. Notice the pinecone at the foot of the cross.
  • 451. Pope John Paul II. Pinecone on the staff.
  • 452. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Freemason, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, page 292 “ The vestments of the priests of Horus were covered with these Crosses.”
  • 453. The ‘Priests of Horus’ are still covered with these crosses. These crosses originated in Babylon and were then spread to other areas, including Egypt. They are a sun symbol.
  • 455. Brick from the temple of Baal. Notice circle with cross in center represents the sun.
  • 456. This is a very popular Wiccan talisman. It is called the Triple-goddess. These women represent the different phases of the moon.
  • 457. Notice that the woman in the center represents the full moon. She is called the Mother-goddess. She is holding the symbol of the sun-god in her hands and is focusing it at her womb. In the occult, the sun represents the male, and the moon represents the female.
  • 458. Relief portraying Mithra (Persian sun god) as the ‘Lion Headed One’. Notice the solar orb on which he stands.
  • 459. St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican in Rome.
  • 460. Obelisk (Washington Monument) designed and created by Freemasons. It represents the sex organ of the Egyptian sun-god Osiris.
  • 461. Ralph Edward Woodrow, Babylon Mystery Religion, Ancient and Modern, page 31 “Originally, the obelisk was associated with sun worship… upright objects such as the obelisk also had a sexual significance. Realizing that through sexual union life was reproduced, the phallus was considered (along with the sun) a symbol of life. These were beliefs represented by the obelisk.”
  • 462. St. Peter’s Square. Notice: 1) Sun dome on the Vatican. 2) The phallus of the Egyptian sun god, Osiris (obelisk). 3) The solar wheel in the center.
  • 463. Look closely, from left to right: 1) Wiccan Mother-goddess displaying the symbol of her Light- bearer, Lucifer. 2) Eucharist with the symbol of the Roman- Persian sun god, Mithra. 3) The sex organ of the Egyptian sun-god, Osiris in the center of a solar wheel.
  • 465. Jeremiah 44:15-17 Then all the men which knew that their wives had burned incense unto other gods, and all the women… answered Jeremiah, saying: ‘As for the word that hast spoken unto us in the name of the LORD, we will not hearken unto thee. But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done… for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil.”
  • 466. Pope Pius IX, Ubi Primum,1849 “ For God has committed to Mary the treasury of all good things, in order that everyone may know that through her are obtained every hope, every grace, and all salvation. For this is His will, that we obtain everything through Mary.”
  • 467. Pope John Paul II, Dives in Misericordia, 1980 “ In fact, by being assumed into heaven she has not laid aside the office of salvation but by the manifold intercession she continues to obtain for us the grace of eternal salvation.”
  • 468. Pope John Paul II “Membership in the Militia means complete dedication to the Kingdom of God and to the salvation of souls through Mary Immaculate.”
  • 469. Roman Catholic depiction of Mary. She is given the titles: Co-Redemtrix, Mediatrix of All Graces, and Advocate. She replaces Jesus. This is how they justify displaying her with pierced hands.
  • 470. Helena Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, page 539 “ The Celestial Virgin which thus become the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent Deity…. But in antiquity and reality Lucifer… and Satan at one and the same time. ”
  • 471. Cardinal St. Alphonse di Liguori, The Glories of Mary, pp 130, 137, 141, 143, 169, 170 “ The Virgin [ Mary ] is even the Queen of Hell and Sovereign Mistress of Devils. The way of Salvation is open none otherwise… All power is given to Thee. ”
  • 472. Sincere, yet deceived people who are trapped in a system of idolatry.
  • 473. Ralph Edward Woodrow, Babylon Mystery Religion: Ancient and Modern, 1993, page 4 “Much of the Babylonian worship was carried on through mysterious symbols – it was a ‘mystery’ religion… This system of idolatry spread from Babylon to the nations, for it was from this location that men scattered over the face of the earth… they took the worship of the mother and child, and various mystery symbols with them… Babylon was the primeval source from which all systems of idolatry flowed.”
  • 474. Venus emerging from seashell.
  • 476. Venus with seashell overhead.
  • 477. Statue of the Virgin Mary with seashell overhead.
  • 478. Mary within the seashell.
  • 479. Venus emerging from the shell.
  • 480. Madonna and Child with seashell.
  • 481. The artist who painted the picture on the right, understands the Catholic Mary-Venus connection. These women are almost identical.
  • 482. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 7, page 459 “Devotion to Our Blessed Lady in its ultimate analysis must be regarded as a practical application of the doctrine of the Communion of the Saints. Seeing that this doctrine is not contained, at least explicitly, in the earlier forms of the Apostles’ Creed, there is perhaps no ground for surprise if we do not meet with any clear traces of the cultus of the Blessed Virgin in the first Christian centuries…”
  • 483. Dagon the fish-god deity of the Philistines.
  • 484. Priest of Dagon. Dagon was the primary deity of the Philistines. See how the priest identifies with the deity by his dress. Notice the ‘holy water’ and bread.
  • 485. Assyrian relief of priests worshipping. Notice the priest in the Dagon regalia. Also, notice the winged orb with the all-seeing eye.
  • 486. Priest of Dagon (left); Pope Benedict (right).
  • 487. Pope John Paul II. Mitre of Dagon the fish-god.
  • 488. The goddess Cybele also wearing the Dagon mitre.
  • 490. One reoccurring theme within pagan mythology is that of a god or goddess which emerges from a cave or grotto. This is a grotto of Mithra.
  • 491. Typical portrayal of Diana as the ‘Goddess of the Grove’. In the mystery religions, the grove would serve the same purpose as a grotto. The Initiates would meet in these places, in private, and practice their worship.
  • 492. Advertisement for an upcoming Pagan festival; Diana’s Grove. Very little has changed.
  • 493. Mary being depicted as a goddess emerging from the grotto. This is very common in Roman Catholicism.
  • 494. Famous painting of the Virgin and Jesus within a grotto.
  • 495. Mary in the grotto.
  • 496. Milk Grotto located in Bethlehem. This is the place where, in Catholic tradition, Mary bore the Savior and where He was breast fed.
  • 497. Entrance to the Milk Grotto
  • 498. The Vatican promises a blessing to faithful women who pilgrim to this shrine. They receive a blessing to become pregnant.
  • 499. Grotto of Carmentis. The goddess of childbirth.
  • 500. The holy family inside the grotto.
  • 501. Another pagan god inside the grotto.
  • 503. John Paul II venerates Mary inside the grotto.
  • 504. The ‘Queen of Heaven’ inside the Grotto.
  • 505. The ‘goddess’ comes forth from the grotto.
  • 506. Formerly a cave used by the worshippers of Diana. Now a Catholic shrine.
  • 507. Eastern god inside the grotto.
  • 508. Mary within a grotto.
  • 509. Buddha in a grotto.
  • 510. Mary again inside of a cave-grotto. This is the way the mother goddesses of the ancient mystery religions were represented; emerging from a cave.
  • 511. ‘Structure of Freemasonry’ chart. What does Freemasonry have to do with Groves and Grottos?
  • 512. Look closely at the bottom center of the page. You will notice that once the candidate passes through the first three Degrees, he is then brought into the ‘greater mysteries’. Look above the Blue Lodge and notice that the initiate is now able to enter into the Grotto….
  • 513. You will also notice to the left of the Grotto… …the Tall Cedars, aka the Grove.
  • 514. Pagan website with emphasis on the Grove. The Druids would meet in oak groves.
  • 515. 2 Kings 23:4-5 “ And the king commanded… bring forth out of the temple of the LORD all the vessels that were made for Baal, and for the grove, and for all the host of heaven, and he burned them… And he put down the idolatrous priests… them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven. ”
  • 516. Diana in the grove. She is usually depicted with hunting dogs or a deer.
  • 517. Goddess Grove. This is a modern Wiccan park were one can stroll and meditate.
  • 518. Remember this entry from LDS founder, Joseph Smith ? Joseph Smith, History of the Church, Deseret Books, 1978, Vol. 4, Ch. 32, pages 550-551 “Tuesday 15,-- I officiated as grand chaplain at the installation of the Nauvoo Lodge of Free Masons, at the Grove near the Temple…” * Notice: not in the Temple, but at the Grove.
  • 519. In Druidism and Wicca, Pan is the God of the Grove. He is the male counterpart to the moon-goddess. At the higher levels of Wicca, Pan is the representation of Lucifer.
  • 521. The Tower of Babel is usually depicted as a spiraling tower.
  • 522. Mary ‘Queen of Heaven’ on a spiral tower.
  • 523. Mary on a spiral tower.
  • 524. Mary on a spiral tower.