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The Dance of Reality
A Psychomagical Autobiography
Alejandro Jodorowsky re-creates
the incredible adventure of his
life as an artist, filmmaker,
writer and therapist. This is
autobiography as an act of
healing. Through the retelling of
his own life, he shows we do not
start off with our own
personalities – they are given to
us by one or more members of our
family tree. To be born into a family,
Jodorowsky says, is to be possessed.
To peer back into our past is equivalent
to digging into our own souls. If we can dig
deep enough, beyond familial projections, we
shall find an inner light – a light that can help
us through life’s most difficult tests.
	 Offering a glimpse into the mind and life
of one of the most creative and enigmatic
visionaries of our time, THE DANCE OF
REALITY is the book upon which
Jodorowsky’s critically acclaimed 2013
Cannes Film Festival film of the same name
was based.
Dark Wine Waters
My Husband of a Thousand
Joys and Sorrows
The dynamics of codependency are
brilliantly illuminated in this heartbreaking
story of a marriage destroyed by the
husband’s addiction to alcohol. Author and
widow, Dr. Frances Simone, describes the
progression of the disease through all its
stages, her husband's attempt at treatment
and subsequent relapse, his suicide and
her own recovery through a twelve-step
programme for families.
End Your Addiction Now £14.99
Shock £12.99
Vitamin Cure For Alcoholism £12.99
When Enough Is Enough £13.99
The Joey Song
A Mother’s Story of Her Son’s Addiction
This is the story of the lesson of “letting
go,” learned by the codependent mother of
an addicted son, a charming but defiant
relapser. Hope and despair alternate as all
attempts to “help” the son fail. For her own
sanity, Sandy must stop trying to control
Joey and his disease; however, her love is
palpable and undying. Parents will relate to
this stark, hopeful tale.
Codependence and The Power of
Detachment £11.99
Don’t Let Your Kids Kill You £14.99
Intervention Book £14.99
Tails of Recovery £14.99
ISBN: 978 1 62055 281 0
PSP | 424pp | 152 x 229
8pp col insert &
29 b & w photos 
PB £16.99
Metagenealogy £25.00
Psychomagic £21.00
Tarot of Marseille
£31.00 inc vat
Way of Tarot £26.00
ISBN: 978 1 93761 264 1
CRP | 224pp | 152 x 229 
PB £11.99
ISBN: 978 1 93761 271 9
CRP | 200pp | 152 x 229
PB £11.99
There is a River
The Story of Edgar Cayce	
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) is known to
millions today as the grandfather of
the New Age. A medical clairvoyant,
psychic and Christian mystic, Cayce
provided medical, psychological and
spiritual advice to thousands of
people who swore by the
effectiveness of his trance-based
	 But Cayce was not always a
household name. When a young,
sceptical journalist named Thomas
Sugrue first met Cayce in 1927 the world
had not yet heard of “the sleeping
prophet.” During years of unique access,
Sugrue completed his landmark biography,
which, on its publication in 1942, brought
national attention to Cayce and stands as
the sole record written during the seer’s
	 This edition includes a new introduction
by historian, Mitch Horowitz, which
highlights the enduring meaning of Cayce’s
ISBN: 978 0 399 17266 3
JPT | 432pp | 140 x 210
PB £14.99
Contemporary Cayce £13.99
Edgar Cayce
Companion £19.99
Edgar Cayce on The Akashic
Records £62.00 inc vat
Essential Edgar Cayce £12.99
The Man From Mars
Ray Palmer’s Amazing Pulp Journey
Meet Ray Palmer. A hustler, a trickster and a
visionary. The hunchbacked Palmer, who
stood at just over four feet tall, was,
nevertheless, an indomitable force, the ruler
of his own bizarre sector of the universe.
	 In the first-ever biography devoted to
the figure who moulded modern geek
culture, pulp scholar, Fred Nadis, paints a
vivid portrait of Palmer – a brilliant,
charming and wildly wilful iconoclast who
helped ignite the UFO craze, convinced
Americans of hidden worlds and
government cover ups and championed the
occult and paranormal.
Haunted Mind £16.99
Our Gods Wear Spandex £14.99
Secret Teachings of All Ages £21.00
A Man of
The Life of an Eccentric
in an Age of Change
The interests of Athanasius Kircher, the
legendary seventeenth-century priest-
scientist, knew no bounds. From optics to
music to magnetism to medicine, he offered
up inventions and theories for everything
and they made him famous across Europe.
His celebrated museum in Rome featured
magic lanterns, speaking statues, the tail of
a mermaid and a brick from the Tower of
Babel. Holy Roman Emperors were his
patrons, popes were his friends and in his
spare time he collaborated with the
Baroque master Bernini.
rise, success and eventual fall of this
fascinating character as he attempted to
come to terms with a changing world.
ISBN: 978 0 399 16884 0
JPT | 304pp | 152 x 229
PB £14.99
ISBN: 978 1 59463 189 4
RB | 352pp | 140 x 203
PB £13.99
Many Faces,
One Voice
Secrets from the Anonymous People
MANY FACES, ONE VOICE is a must-read
companion book to the award-winning
documentary The Anonymous People.
Together with the film, this collection of
insights, illuminated by vibrant faces and
voices of recovery, takes the reader along a
journey of individual growth and, potentially,
to world change. A vital record of the lives
and testimony of brave people who have
come out of the shadow of anonymity to
fight stigma and discrimination – people
who now publicly advocate for the 23 million
Americans suffering with addiction. Their
inspiring stories, told in intimate detail, are
essential to understanding the success, the
hope and the power of recovery. 	
ISBN: 978 1 937612 93 1
CRP | 384pp | 152 x 229
PB £15.99
Our Auntie Rosa
The Family of Rosa Parks
Remembers Her Life
and Lessons
A warrior in the fight for freedom, justice
and equality, Rosa Parks had the vision for
a better world. She demonstrated that one
person’s actions can indeed make a
difference. What many don’t know is the
person behind the persona. “Auntie Rosa,”
as she was called by the many nieces and
nephews she helped raise, extended her
love and encouragement to her closest kin.
She was a guiding force and inspiration in
their lives and, in this remarkable book,
they share with readers the great wisdom
Auntie Rosa imparted to them.
ISBN: 978 0 399 17389 9
JPT | 208pp | 140 x 216
HB £21.00
Wangari Maathai
Visionary, Environmental Leader,
Political Activist
Nobel Peace Prize laureate, fighter for
democratic space, founder of the Green
Belt Movement and inspiration for women
and grassroots activists throughout the
world, the environmentalist, Wangari
Maathai, (1940–2011) was a complex and
multifaceted figure. In this book, fellow
Kenyan, Namulundah Florence, offers an
expansive examination of Maathai’s
role as a public figure, teacher
inside and beyond the classroom,
symbol of resistance to
oppression and very visible
woman in a patriarchal society.
Florence reveals the
complexities and many
dimensions of this fascinating
and extraordinary voice for
women in Africa and beyond.
Paper Love
Searching For the Girl
My Grandfather Left Behind
Years after her grandfather’s death,
journalist, Sarah Wildman, stumbled upon
a cache of his letters in a file labelled
“Correspondence: Patients A–G.” What she
found inside weren’t dry medical histories;
instead what was written opened a path
into the destroyed world that was her
family’s pre-war Vienna. One woman’s
letters stood out: those from Valy – Valerie
Scheftel – her grandfather’s lover who had
remained behind when he fled Europe six
months after the Nazis annexed Austria.
	 Obsessed with Valy’s story, Wildman
began a quest that lasted years and
spanned continents. In the course of
discovering Valy’s ultimate fate, she was
forced to reexamine the story of her
grandfather’s triumphant escape and how
this history fit within her own life.
ISBN: 978 1 59463 155 9
RB | 400pp | 152 x 229
b & w photos throughout
HB £24.99
Into the Fullness
of the Void
A Spiritual Autobiography
One of Israel’s leading cultural figures, Dov
Elbaum grew up in an ultra-Orthodox
Jerusalem family and was a prodigy who
seemed destined for greatness in the world
of Talmud study. But in his late teens,
he abruptly broke away and set off
into secular Israeli society.
	 In this fascinating
and courageous
autobiography, Elbaum
seeks to understand his
decision and its
consequences. With the
structure of Kabbalah as his
road map, he journeys into
the deep recesses of his soul.
	 This is an intimate,
honest, revealing work, both deeply
personal and strikingly universal.
ISBN: 978 1 58023 715 4
JL | 304pp | 152 x 229 
PB £15.99
Book of Words £15.99
Bringing The Psalms To
Life £15.99
Davening £15.99
God, Faith & Identity
from the Ashes
Reflections of Children and
Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors
For the children and grandchildren of
Holocaust (Shoah) survivors and refugees
from Nazi persecution, the suffering and
survival of their immediate ancestors and
the annihilation of virtually their entire
families have, in large part, shaped their
perspectives on God, faith and Jewish
identity. Their reflections on the memories
transmitted to them and its effect on their
lives will inform, challenge and inspire
people of all faiths and backgrounds.
	 Intended for a popular audience of
people of all faiths and backgrounds,
these emotionally powerful, deeply moving
statements will have a profound effect
on the way our and future generations
understand and shape their understanding
of the Holocaust and their own personal
identity in years to come.
ISBN: 978 1 58023 805 2
JL | 352pp | 152 x 229
HB £21.99
Black Holocaust For
Beginners £12.99
Defiant £13.99
I Am Jewish £16.99
Jews And Judaism In The
21st Century £16.99
ISBN: 978 1 59056 451 6
LTB | 288pp | 152 x 229 
PB £18.99
Earth Heroes: Champions of
The Wilderness £10.99
Green Belt Movement £13.99
Next Eco-Warriors £16.99
Sheroes £14.99
business & reference
Bukowski for
Bukowski was one of the most
unconventional writers and
cultural critics of the twentieth
century. He lived an
unorthodox, idiosyncratic life
and wrote in a style that was
unique – a style that is
impossible to classify or
categorise. His work was at
times cynical or humorous and
was always brilliant and
challenging. His life and work
are distinguished not only by a
remarkable talent for words, but,
also, by his rejection of the dominant social
and cultural values of American society.
playwright, Carlos Polimeni, evaluates the
life and literary achievements of the cult
writer whose voice of dissidence and
discontent is still heard and appreciated by
readers worldwide.
Stanislavski for
BEGINNERS charts the
development of the
Stanislavski system. It shows
how it grew from his own
practice as an actor and
director. It includes a clear
exposition of the key
elements of the system, such
as relaxation, concentration,
emotion, memory, units and
objectives and the
superobjective. Finally, the
book explores the Method of
Physical Actions, which he worked on in the
years before his death and which he called
“the result of my whole life’s work”.
an invaluable guide to the Stanislavski
system and a fascinating chronicle of his
life. It shatters some common myths and
misconceptions and blows away the
cobwebs, bringing his ideas vividly to life.
ISBN: 978 1 939994 35 6
FB | 192pp | 152 x 229
b & w ills throughout
PB £12.99
History of Opera for
Beginners £12.99
Shakespeare for
Beginners £12.99
ISBN: 978 1 939994 37 0
FB | 160pp | 152 x 229
b & w ills throughout
PB £12.99
Anarchism for
Beginners £11.99
McLuhan for
Beginners £12.99
Post Modernism for
Beginners £12.99
Sell Local
Think Global
50 Innovative Ways to Make a Chunk
of Change and Grow Your Business
After years of sharing her small-business
tips and marketing tricks with readers of
her popular blog, and
column in the Long Beach Post, Olga
Mizrahi has taken her message to the
streets, urging business owners to focus in
while reaching out.
	 You’ll be excited and motivated to
clearly state your difference to the world
and your neighbourhood – while confidently
selling yourself and your business. Through
50 low-cost, do-it-yourself tips, SELL LOCAL,
THINK GLOBAL will help you:
●● Work out what makes you and your
business truly different.
●● Discover the secrets of “SoLoMo”
marketing, both online and off.
●● Spruce up your Web and mobile
presence by learning to love analytics.
●● Walk boldly into the future by embracing
social media and customer reviews.
Your Self
Survival Guide
How to Go From Why Me? to Why Not?
It’s time to stop being second-rate; it's time to
be great! With more than 25 years in the
trenches, motivational expert Karen Berg
shows you how to transcend the ordinary and
become extraordinary with this tough-love
programme about getting to the point, getting
what you want and getting ahead.
will help you refocus your energy and get back
on track, first by helping you identify the
elements of self-sabotage, then by providing
sound advice for reinventing yourself and
eliminating sabotage from your life.
	 This essential guide will help you get rid
of the “buts,” banish the “if onlys” and break
the cycle of playing it safe. Complete with
anecdotes and expert panel interviews,
features checklists, worksheets, quizzes and
more to help you finally get the success you
deserve – because you earned it.
ISBN: 978 1 60163 351 4
CP | 256pp | 133 x 210
PB £13.99
Living Your Unlived
Life £12.99
Now Habit £12.99
Thunk! £9.99
Zen and The Art of
Happiness £9.99
ISBN: 978 1 60163 340 8
CP | 256pp | 152 x 229
40 b & w ills
PB £13.99
30 Days to Social Media
Success £11.99
Battling Big Box £13.99
Secrets of Power
Negotiating £14.99
business & reference
All Hands on Deck
Navigating Your Team Through Crises,
Getting Your Organization Unstuck, and 	
		 Emerging Victorious
shows any leader or aspiring leader exactly
what to do with an underperforming
business. Following his advice, recognition
and rewards come quickly. It even allows
leaders without an MBA or Oxbridge
education to leapfrog over those who have
superior credentials or stronger ties to the
old boys’ network.
	 Peter’s own career is the best
illustration of his methods. A former special
operations infantry officer and decorated
combat veteran, Boni became a high-tech
CEO of a wide variety of companies during
a 30-year business career, leading many of
them through the varying stages of growth,
maturity, trouble and renewal.
ISBN: 978 1 60163 372 9
CP | 320pp | 152 x 229
27 b & w photos
PB £15.99
Rules & Tools
for Leaders
From Developing Your Own Skills to
Running Organizations of Any Size,
Practical Advice for Leaders at All Levels
Revised and Updated 4th Edition
This is a fully revised, updated and
reorganised edition of a classic management
handbook. It never loses sight of the big
picture of how any company should operate.
It provides useful and time-tested advice that
can be implemented immediately to the
benefit of the entire organisation. From
defining the qualities of outstanding leaders
to putting good leadership skills into practice,
from managing yourself and others to
handling the difficult tests that leadership
brings, this book includes valuable checklists
and reviews. In addition, it highlights some of
the best leadership programmes and presents
a host of compelling and instructive anecdotes
that illustrate the ideas throughout.
Making a Living by Making a Difference
filled with examples of people
who have meaningful jobs in
cause-focused organisations.
These stories capture their
spirit, intelligence,
imagination and heart. The
book is an inspirational
guide to finding meaningful
work and offers advice to
anyone who feels that sitting
on the sidelines is just not
	 An old Yaqui Indian
proverb reads, “If you have
a choice of paths to take in
life, take the path with a
CAREERS will show you how.
How to Manage an Effective
Non Profit Organization £13.99
Subversive Job Search £12.99
ISBN: 978 1 60163 359 0
CP | 288pp | 152 x 229
50 b & w ills
PB £14.99
ISBN: 978 0 399 16351 7
PGB | 256pp | 152 x 229
PB £13.99
CEO Code £14.99
Great Quotes from Great
Leaders £7.99
Your Ultimate
Success Plan
Stop Holding Yourself Back and Get
Recognized, Rewarded, and Promoted
Somewhere between self-help and
self-promotion lies self-awareness and
PLAN is a book that provides surprisingly
easy-to-apply business strategies in an
approachable, actionable, authentic way
and encourages you to find your voice and
realise your potential.
	 With principles based on awareness,
forgiveness, strategic application and
follow-through, you can join the thousands
of enlightened converts who have
participated in Tamara’s workshops and
seminars for more than 25 years.
ISBN: 978 1 60163 366 8
CP | 224pp | 152 x 229
PB £13.99
Be your Own Best
Publicist £13.99
Change Your Attitude £11.99
Lead Inside the Box
How Smart Leaders Guide Their Teams
to Exceptional Results
Every employee is different, but,
unfortunately, many leaders use a one-size-
fits-all approach to leading. In doing so,
these, otherwise well-intentioned, leaders
are working harder than they should while
not getting all they could out of their teams.
	 LEAD INSIDE THE BOX gives leaders a
way to get the best out of their teams by
focusing their energy where it will make the
biggest difference.
	 Through simple frameworks brought to
life with stories from the trenches, leaders
will be able to see their own teams – and
themselves – from a new perspective.
ISBN: 978 1 63265 004 7
CP | 288pp | 133 x 210
PB £14.99
Happy 95% of the Time
Three Simple, Proven Ways
to Overcome Depression and
Feel Content Almost All of
the Tme
Walter Doyle Staples, PhD
EAN 978-1-60163-371-2
A guide to controlling your every-
day thoughts, moods, and feelings
to find true happiness.
You’re Lying!
Secrets From an Expert Military
Interrogator to Spot the Lies
And Get to the truth
Lena Sisco
EAN 978-1-60163-362-0
Relax, establish rapport, baseline
peoples’ verbal and nonverbal
language, look for deviations, and
extract the truth.
100 Ways to Overcome
Go from Self-Conscious to
Barton Goldsmith, PhD and
Marlena Hunter, MA
EAN 978-1-60163-369-9
Offers many ideas to help you
make contacts and friends in
any situation
Everyday Healing
Stand up, Take Charge, and Get
Your Health Back...One Day at a
Janette Hillis-Jaffe
EAN 978-1-60163-370-5
A daily guide that helps people
take charge of and improve their
health significantly.
Bloodline of the Gods
Unravel the Mystery in
Human Blood to Reveal the
Aliens Among Us
Nick Redfern
EAN 978-1-60163-365-1
Are some of us—whether
knowingly or unknowingly—the
product of extraterrestrial gene-
The Power of Angel
Energetic Exercises and
Techniques to Activate Divine
Joanne Brocas
EAN 978-1-60163-374-3
Takes energy medicine to the
next level by focusing on pow-
erful healing exercises with the
Between Now and When
How My Death Made My Life
Worth Living
Richard House, MD
EAN 978-1-60163-375-0
The true story of a doctor’s
near-death experience and his
quest for answers
The Oneness Blessing
How Deeksha Can Help You
Become Your Authentic Self,
Heal Your Relationships, and
Transform the World
Paula Rosenfeld
EAN 978-1-60163-361-3
A simple but powerful way
to discover what is unique,
extraordinary, and true within
Career Press
N e w R e l e a s e s
New Page Books
business & reference
Moms Mean
A Guide to Creating a Successful
Company and Happy Life as a Mom
What does it take to be successful as both
a mum and as an entrepreneur? MOMS
MEAN BUSINESS gives existing and
potential mum business owners the
encouragement, advice and healthy dose of
“how-to” they need.
	 In this helpful guide, you will create a
customised strategy that includes:
●● The tools needed to manage time and
productivity when your priorities as a
mum and business owner conflict
●● An approach to self-care that allows you
to handle all that's thrown your way
Behind-the-scenes stories and advice from
well-known mum entrepreneurs make
MOMS MEAN BUSINESS fun to read and
full of that all-important “me, too!” factor.
Rise To The Top
How Women Leverage Their
Professional Persona to Earn More
More than ever, women are achieving
outstanding levels of professional success.
Whether CEOs, board members,
entrepreneurs or high performers, women
are a game-changing force in the global
economy. But women want and need to be
paid appropriately for their contributions –
no matter what rung of the ladder they're
on. There has never been a stronger focus
on women's pay than now, from politicians
to activists to corporate businesses. RISE
TO THE TOP is written from the inside
perspective of a leading female executive-
compensation advisor who understands
how pay is determined and rewards and
benefits are granted in the corporate World.
Climbing The Corporate Ladder In High
Heels £12.99
Leader Phrase Book £12.99
Stealing The Corner Office £13.99
ISBN: 978 1 60163 350 7
CP | 288pp | 133 x 210
12 b & w ills 
PB £13.99
High-Altitude Woman £16.99
Rise To The Top £13.99
Woman’s Book of
Confidence £11.99
Woman’s Book of Courage
ISBN: 978 1 60163 333 0
CP | 224pp | 133 x 210
PB £13.99
Secrets of
From Concept to Commerce
Ms. Tolchin has created an all-in-one guide
that addresses the critical issues that new
inventors might fail to even consider. From
terminology to patenting, from licensing to
marketing, each expert offers clear and
practical advice to help inventors reach
their goals. Every chapter presents the
information in a sequence that will allow
the inexperienced inventor to navigate the
waters of product development. By
following the steps offered and heeding the
advice of these seasoned professionals,the
reader will stand a better chance of
avoiding pitfalls and finding success at
journey’s end.
ISBN: 978 0 7570 0407 0
SO | 272pp | 152 x 229
PB £16.99
Funny Business
Harnessing the Power of Play to Give
Your Company a Competitive Advantage
Play is an essential, necessary and natural
human activity... and it’s for adults and
companies too. Play is an immersive process
that allows us to ask “What if?” – to break
free of the strictures that limit creativity and
satisfaction. It is not about reverting to
childhood, but a way to use the processes
that came naturally to us as children but
have been trained out of us, labelled as
inappropriate or otherwise diminished.
	 FUNNY BUSINESS will show you how
adults and companies can recapture and
use this powerful tool to foster innovation,
increase their competitive advantage and
create a vibrant and satisfying workplace. It
delves into the concepts of play and what
makes it so powerful in children’s
development and dispels the myths and
beliefs that have made play a dirty word.
ISBN: 978 1 60163 364 4
CP | 224pp | 152 x 229
10 b & w charts
PB £13.99 The Birth of a Brand
Launching Your Entrepreneurial
Passion and Soul
From the shores of Malibu to Mount
Kilimanjaro, follow business maverick,
Brian Smith, as he tells his story of
founding the world-renowned UGG Australia
brand and reveals the secret to its
	 On Brian’s trek, see him stumble and
fall, but watch him put his heart and soul
into every sole he sells to overcome all
odds and find ultimate success. Soak in his
decades of experience and wisdom.
Witness the birth of a brand, the sale of a
lifetime and the making of a legend.
ISBN: 978 1 58270 535 4
BW | 256pp | 152 x 229
HB £21.00
business & reference
Starting A
Learn What You Need in 2 Hours
You have a brilliant idea and a
pocketful of ambition. Now what?
Do you have what it takes to be an
entrepreneur? Are you a self-
motivated dynamo ready to dive into
the business jungle and seize your
turf? Do you really know what you’re
getting into?
	 In this essential guide, learn
	 how to:
●● Test your idea’s worth.
●● Develop a business plan.
●● Line up financing.
●● Avoid the most common mistakes.
ISBN: 978 9 07725 636 7
NV | 160pp | 165 x 229
PB £14.99
401 Questions Every
Should Ask £15.99
e-Preneur £13.99
Business Basics
Learn What You Need in 2 Hours
If you want to take your business
global, you must do your homework,
get advice, make connections and be
aware of the risks you face. Every
element in your original business plan
will need to be reconsidered as you
target international markets.
	 BASICS, the sixth title in the 		
	best-selling Crash Course for 		
	Entrepreneurs series, gives you 	
	 the vital information and insights 	
	 you need to:
●● Learn about cultural issues
●● Successfully enter new markets
●● Ensure you get paid and are
●● Make the most of support from
trade and governmental agencies
●● Secure funding
●● Deal with real estate and logistics
●● Capitalise on immigration trends
●● Manage at a distance
will reduce your learning curve and
help you succeed!
Managing Your
Learn What You Need in 2 Hours
You may be a one-person band, the
only manager in your company or the
manager of other managers in a
larger company. Whatever the size of
your business, having a strong
grounding in the thinking and
practices of effective managers and
leaders will make you more capable.
	 In this essential guide, you'll learn 	
	 how to:
●● Create a vibrant office culture.
●● Make meetings really work (and
kill those that don't).
●● Cut costs and spend wisely.
●● Hire and motivate the best
ISBN: 978 9 07725 638 1
NV | 160pp | 165 x 229 
PB £14.99
Financial Statements
Sales and Marketing £14.99
Starting A Business £14.99
ISBN: 978 9 07725 641 1
NV | 192pp | 165 x 229
PB £14.99
Business Finance
Basics £14.99
Business Law Basics £14.99
Financially Savvy
Entrepreneur £13.99
Sales and
Learn What You Need in 2 Hours
You have a brilliant idea and are
ready to invest all your time and
hard-earned cash. But what if you
aren’t really sure how to market or
sell that stunning service or perfect
product? What if you are a bit of an
introvert and aren’t even sure that
you can sell it at all?
	 In this guide, you’ll learn how to:
●● Train and coordinate a sales and
marketing team.
●● Establish prices and profit
●● Get and keep customers.
ISBN: 978 9 07725 637 4
NV | 160pp | 165 x 229
PB £14.99
30 Days To Online PR &
Marketing Success £11.99
Cashvertising £12.99
Each of the books in the Crash Course for Entrepreneurs series offers a high-level overview of the critical things you
need to know and do if you want to survive and thrive in our super-competitive world. Of course, there’s much more to
learn about each topic, but what you'll read here will give you the framework for learning the rest.
business & reference
The Great Years, The Great Cars
Playing out your puberty blues in a big wild
Commodore, accelerating round a bend in
a full-strength Torana, cruising the beaches
in a sleek Monaro – these are the stuff of
Australian memories.
	 HOLDEN captures the essence of these
three great cars – Commodore, Toaran,
Monaro their muscle, their romance, their
engineering – as well as their glory days
round the Bathurst roads. It features
photos, stories and a comprehensive
history of the Australia's best loved cars,
plus a detailed analysis of all the models of
the great cars.
Holden vs Ford £16.99
Rock ‘N’ Roll
Photography is
The New
State of Origin
35 Years 1980-2014
Written by Liam Hauser, STATE OF ORIGIN:
35 YEARS 1980-2014 is a fascinating
celebration of rugby league and the
legendary State of Origin series, which is
one of the most widely, followed sporting
events since it was established in 1980.
Every game of each series is explored in
detail, with a blow-by-blow account of all of
the key incidents that determine its
complexion and outcome. These colourful
field reports illuminate how the games ebb
and flow and how fine the line is between
success and failure.
ISBN: 978 1 925017 61 8
ROP | 336pp | 250 x 200
HB £19.99
Flash Wisdom
A Curated Collection of
Mind-Blowing, Perspective-Changing,
and Eye-Opening Quotes
The right quotation can change your life.
That compressed idea expressed in just a
few words, a sentence or two can shift your
thinking, trigger an epiphany and alter your
way of seeing the world. The wisest, most
experienced and most thoughtful people in
history have left behind these little
thought-bombs. This book collects
surprising, jolting, discomforting and
comforting insights into living a full,
unbridled life, questioning authority and
reality, relating to fellow humans, creating,
risking, loving, living with uncertainty and
staying sane in an insane world.
	 This book of rousing insights and
challenging thoughts will appeal to anyone
who is searching, anyone who doesn’t fit in,
anyone who questions the way things are…
which is to say, all of us.
ISBN: 978 1 938875 12 0
DIS | 320pp | 127 x 178
PB £11.99
100 Things You Are Not
Supposed to Know £11.99
ISBN: 978 1 92501 736 6
ROP | 224pp | 230 x 230
over 300 full col photos
PB £16.99
Bad English
A History of Linguistic Aggravation
English is a glorious mess of a language,
cobbled together from a wide variety of
sources and syntaxes and changing over
time with popular usage. Many of the words
and usages we embrace as standard and
correct today were at first considered slang,
impolite or just plain wrong.
	 Whether you consider yourself a
stickler, a nitpicker or a rule-breaker in the
know, BAD ENGLISH is sure to enlighten,
enrage and, perhaps, even inspire. Filled
with historic and contemporary examples,
the book chronicles the long and
entertaining history of language mistakes
and features some of our most common
words and phrases, including:
●● Decimate
●● That/which
●● Enervate/energise
●● Bemuse/amuse
●● Literally/figuratively
●● Ain’t
ISBN: 978 0 399 16558 0
PGB | 272pp | 152 x 216
PB £15.99
Saussure for
challenging ideas of Ferdinand de Saussure
(1857-1913) into clear and illuminating
terms, focusing on the unifying principles of
his teachings and showing how his thoughts
on linguistics migrated to anthropology.
	 Ferdinand de Saussure’s work is so
powerful that it not only redefined modern
linguistics, it also opened our minds to new
ways of approaching anthropology, literary
criticism and psychoanalysis. Upon his
death, however, his students were so
inspired by his teachings that they published
them as the “Course in General Linguistics.”
through this course, points out the unifying
principles and shows how these ideas
migrated from linguistics to other subjects.
ISBN: 978 1 939994 41 7
FB | 128pp | 152 x 229
b & w ills throughout
PB £11.99
Linguistics for
Beginners £11.99
McLuhan for
Beginners £12.99
Is There An
App for That?	
Hailey Discovers Happiness
through Self-Acceptance	
Summer is over and poor Hailey is just
dreading going back to school. She just
doesn’t feel like she fits in! If only she could
be tall like Tyler or fast like Braden or maybe
even clever like Cade. But everyone knows
that just can’t happen… or can it? Imagine
Hailey’s surprise when she wakes the next
morning to find her boring old bathroom
mirror is covered in Magic Apps! The apps
promise to make her taller, faster, brighter
and so much more! What harm is there in
trying it? The apps only last one day and
surely this will solve all of her problems, right?
	 Hailey learns, with help from her mum
and friends, that she has so much to offer
just by being herself. And that to truly be
happy, she needs to look within herself
instead of relying on others. 	
Gas Happens!	
What to Do When It Happens to You 
Join Gus as he and his classmates learn
the brief biology lesson behind why we all
fart and the right and wrong way to handle
it when it happens! in public.	
	 As teachers and parents, we’ve all been
there. Wind is passed and a variety of
sniggers, giggles and negative comments
ensue. But did you know that everyone and
every living thing farts (except jelly fish
and coral sponges)? If it’s so natural
and so common, why do we struggle
with teaching children how to respond
appropriately when it happens!?
Award-winning author, Julia Cook, will
have children and adults in stitches as
you read the hilarious tale of Gus, the
student who passes wind in class.
Is There An App
for That?	
Lessons to Teach and Reinforce
Self-Acceptance and Positive Changes
Activity Guide
Everyone has something to offer, if he or
she could just look within, recognise his or
her strengths and use them as
springboards for exciting opportunites! But
self-acceptance is not an easy lesson to
learn and it’s an even more difficult lesson
to teach. Luckily, author and
teacher, Bryan Smith, has
developed this fantastic activity
guide, designed to accompany the
Is There an App for That? picture
book. Twenty activities for teachers
to use with their year 5 pupils are
	 Included are activities with
step-by-step instructions, lists of
materials, worksheets and answer
keys. The free CD includes ready-to-print
forms and handouts.	
What is Respect?
WHAT IS RESPECT? is Etan Boritzer’s 14th
title in the best selling ‘What is?’ series on
life concepts and difficult topics that help
our children develop critical thinking skills
and emotional intelligence. This book helps
our children to understand their own
self-respect as well as respect for friends,
schoolmates and family, respect for
religious and cultural diversity and even
respect for planet earth. The fun text is
filled with questions that stimulate
interactive discussion and real insights.
What is Family? £6.99
What is Feeling? £6.99
What is Peace? £6.99
What is Right? £6.99
ISBN: 978 1 934490 74 7
BT | 32pp | 229 x 229
PB £9.99
Making Friends is
an Art £9.99
Peer Pressure Gauge £9.99
ISBN: 978 1 934490 76 1
BT | 32pp | 229 x 229
full col ills throughout
PB £9.99
ISBN: 978 1 934490 75 4
BT | 36pp | 216 x 229
PB with free CD £16.99
What Is
WHAT IS A FEELING? is the 13th title in Etan
Boritzer's best selling children's book series
on character education and difficult topics.
	 WHAT IS A FEELING? examines how we
can understand feelings and where they
come from, while at the same time learning
the best ways to express our feelings
without hurting ourselves and others. The
importance of emotional awareness and
intelligence is stressed so that children
have guides for allowing safe and creative
expression of their feelings.
What is Beautiful? £6.99
What is Death? £6.99
What is Dreaming? £6.99
What is a Friend? £6.99
What is Funny? £6.99
ISBN: 978 0 99100 837 7
VLB | 40pp | 203 x 254
full col ills throughout
PB £6.99
ISBN: 978 0 99100 830 8
VLB | 40pp | 203 x 254
full col ills throughout
PB £6.99
Noisy Bird
Every kind of bird has their very own kind of
sound! Cheerful sounds, mournful sounds,
sweet sounds, weird sounds. You can tell
who they are without even opening your
eyes. And what fun to sing along!.
	 Ages 4 to 9
Noisy Bug Sing-Along £7.99
Noisy Frog Sing-Along £7.99
ISBN: 978 1 58469 514 1
DAP | 32pp | 242 x 242
full col ills throughout
PB £7.99
ISBN: 978 1 934490 77 8
BT | 32pp | 178 x 254
full col ills throughout
PB £9.99
Garden in My
Mind £10.99
ISBN: 978 1 58469 497 7
DAP | 32pp | 229 x 279
full col ills throughout 
PB £7.99
Finn’s Space
In this fabulous space adventure, Finn and
his friends Agapay and Vaz discover to their
surprise that they are each given special
powers. Finn can build things with the
power of his mind, Agape can communicate
with all species while Vaz can make himself
and others invisible. Thrown into many
adventures, the three friends combine their
skills and work together to save the
universe. They even earn their own fire
dragons and bring back technology from
the future with spectacular and sometimes
hilarious results on their home planet
	 Ages 7 to 10
Angel Colouring Book £3.95
Tara And Her Talking Kitten
Meet A Mermaid £5.99
Tara And The Talking Kitten
Meet A Unicorn £5.99
ISBN: 978 1 84409 652 7
FHP | 128pp | 152 x 216
full col ills throughout
PB £9.99
Decibella and
her 6-inch Voice
Spunky, spirited Isabella is a screamer.
	 She shouts out her every thought, idea
and feeling. She loves using her loud voice
so much, everyone calls her “Decibella!”
	 Isabella doesn’t know how or when to
use a softer, quieter voice until her teacher
introduces the “five volumes” of voice:
6-inch, Whisper, Table-Talk, STRONG
Speaker and Outside.
	 With patience and a little practice
(saying “SLURPADOODLE” out loud is a big
help!), Isabella learns what volume is
appropriate when speaking in class,
chatting in the library, sitting at the lunch
table or playing outside.
ISBN: 978 1 934490 58 7
BT | 32pp | 229 x 229
full col ills throughout 
PB £9.99
I Just Don’t Like The Sound
of No! £9.99
I Just Want To Do It
My Way! £9.99
Well, I Can Top That! £9.99
Worst Day of My Life
Ever! £9.99
The Power of
Willie Bohanon & Friends
Learn the Power of
An insightful look at the power of self-
determination, written in a comic-book style
that is sure to please young readers. Join
Willie and his friends as they discover what
it means to have self-determination. In their
adventure, Willie and the gang come across
characters who possess the power of
self-determination and characters who
don’t. The consequences for both are easy
to see and leave a lasting impression on
Willie and his friends.
ISBN: 978 1 934490 66 2
BT | 32pp | 178 x 254
full col ills throughout 
PB £9.99
ISBN: 978 1 934490 62 4
BT | 32pp | 229 x 229
full col throughout
PB £9.99
Making Friends is an
Art! £9.99
Sorry, I Forgot To Ask! £9.99
Teamwork isn’t My Thing,
and I Don’t Like To
Share! £9.99
You Stink!
A fresh approach to a dirty dilemma.
	 How do you make young children
understand the importance of bathing
and brushing?
	 In this ingenious tale, young readers are
sure to get the message that good
hygiene will improve their health and
their relationships!
	 The story centres
around a fork named
Jean who hates taking baths in
the sink and detests
showering in the dishwasher.
	 It’s a clever fable with
a timeless message.
Discovering the
Importance of
Completing Tasks	
Hunter Lane is more interested in outer
space than anyone Mrs Julian has ever
taught in her years as a teacher. He loves
to read about space, draw pictures about
space and imagines himself soaring
through the atmosphere as an astronaut
some day! But, unfortunately, for Hunter,
his day dreams about space are interfering
with his ability to get his work done in class.
With help from his dad and Mrs Julian,
Hunter learns the steps to completing tasks
and the value of completing even
the most simple of “missions”.
The Dandelion
Seed’s Big Dream
Consider the dandelion. It lives life fully,
flies with beauty, survives storms, endures
darkness, never gives up. It is one of
nature's greatest success stories. Like
dandelions, each of us can make the world
a brighter place. The trick is to bloom right
where we are.
	 The book, also, includes information
and activities about dandelions and weeds,
seed dispersal and the theme of courage,
patience and perseverance.
	 Ages 4 to 10
All Around Me I See £7.99
Dandelion Seed £7.99
In A Nutshell £7.99
In The Trees,
Honeybees £7.99
ISBN: 978 1 58469 509 7
DAP | 32pp | 229 x 279
full col ills throughout
PB £7.99
The Garden of Time
“With beautiful images and words, The
Garden of Time offers a magical path
through the seasons and allows the sacred
breath of life to blow through all our souls.”
– Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, author of The
Shema in the Mezuzah
	 In this story based on ancient Jewish
legend, Adam and Eve walk through the
Garden of Eden, noticing what is happening
around them and deciding what holidays
they will celebrate based on what they see,
smell, hear and taste. Gorgeous text and art
illuminate Judaism, the calendar and the
environment for both children and adults.
	 Guides to the Jewish holidays and
Jewish iconography are included.
ISBN: 978 1 558967 29 8
SHB | 32pp | 254 x 203
full col ills throughout
HB £11.99
Ayat Jamilah, Beautiful
Signs £14.99
Child’s Book of Animal
Poems and Blessings £10.99
Child’s Book of Blessings
and Prayers £10.99
Kindness £14.99
Portals Cards
Inspiration Through the Peace
and Beauty of Nature
The 52 cards in the NATURE PORTALS
card deck combine nature photos with
uplifting words to expand your awareness
of nature's gifts and bring balance and
renewal into your life. Take the cards with
you on a nature outing and choose one to
deepen your experience. Or when you're
unable to get outside, look at the photos
and feel yourself immersed in the natural
	 Bruce and Carol Malnor are teachers,
authors and workshop presenters. They’ve
found inspiration and joy in nature and are
delighted to provide these cards with the
hope that you, too, will benefit from
nature’s peace and beauty.
Prairie That
Nature Built
A wild prairie is a lively place in this
rhythmic romp with munchers and
crunchers above and below the grasses so
thick and fires that flare and rains that
quench – and always the prairie grows
	 The book, also, includes information
and activities for a fuller appreciation of
this marvellous, disappearing habitat.
	 Ages 4 to 10
All Around Me I See £7.99
Discover The Seasons £8.99
Do Animals Have Feelings Too? £7.99
In The Trees, Honeybees £7.99
ISBN: 978 1 58469 475 5
DAP  |  102 x 152
52 full col cards
DECK £16.99 inc vat
Molly’ Organic Farm £7.99
Nature-Speak £19.99
Sharing Nature with
Children: 20th Anniversary
Edition £8.99
ISBN: 978 1 58469 492 2
DAP | 32pp | 229 x 279
full col ills throughout 
PB £7.99
By The Seashore
Board Book
Discover natural treasures at the beach!
Seashells were the homes of sea creatures,
now washed ashore. They are works of art,
waiting to be admired and identified. This
book introduces young children to ten
common shells and offers a hands-on
lesson in nature’s simple wonders, as they
walk the beach counting and naming these
beautiful shells.
	 Ages 4 to 10
ISBN: 978 1 58469 489 2
DAP | 26pp | 165 x 161
full col ills throughout 
On Kiki’s Reef £7.99
Over in The Jungle Board
Book £6.99
Over in The Ocean £7.99
Walk in The Rainforest
Board Book £6.99
Anne Frank
and the
In most windows I saw people working and
children playing. When the soldiers came,
people began covering their windows, so I
couldn’t see inside anymore. But the tiny
attic window of the narrow brick house
behind Otto Frank’s business offices had
no shade. For a long time the rooms were
empty. Then one day, Otto’s whole family
came to live there. They called their new
home the Secret Annex…
	 A story of Anne Frank, who loved a
tree and the tree who promised never
to forget her.
	 Ages 6 to 9
God Faith & Identity From the
Ashes HB £21.00
Hannah Senesh £16.99
Sisterhood of The Rose £12.99	
ISBN: 978 1 558967 38 0
SHB | 32pp | 229 x 305
full col ills throughout
HB £11.99
Pitter and Patter
Take a ride with Pitter on a water cycle!
You’ll go through a watershed, down,
around and up again. How about going with
Patter? You’ll even go underground. Oh, the
places you’ll go and the creatures you’ll
see. A water drop is a wonderfully
adventurous thing to be!
	 Ages 4 to 10
Grit & Bear It!
Activity Guide
Dozens of activities to help reinforce a
child’s ability to show grit and
perseverence. Created specifically for
secondary school students and designed to
accompany the Grit & Bear It! book. The 25
activities included in these pages will
engage students, encourage and inspire
them to have important conversations with
adults outside the classroom and teach
them how to persevere in daily life.
Garden In My Mind Activity Guide £17.99
I Just Want To Do It My Way! Activity
Guide For Teachers £16.99
Grit & Bear It!
Executive function involves the ability to
manage time, plan, organise, strategise and
control impulses. These can be difficult skills
for some students to grasp, even at the
secondary level. But they are critical to social
and emotional development. In GRIT & BEAR
IT!, students are introduced to the concept of
“grit” through stunning illustrations and
straight-forward statements. Reading this
book will help young people understand the
benefits of persistence.
101 Life Skills Games For Children £12.99
Basic Social Skills For Youth £5.50
Garden In My Mind £10.99
ISBN: 978 1 934490 65 5
BT | 96pp | 210 x 279
full col ills throughout
PB with free CD £19.99
ISBN: 978 1 934490 64 8
BT | 32pp | 152 x 152
full col ills throughout 
PB £8.99
Priscilla & The
Perfect Storm
Activity Guide
Lessons for Common
Core Classroom Ideas
for Teaching Staying
Calm and Dealing with
Easy-to-use lesson plans
give teachers creative
options for teaching social
skills. Its pages are filled
with Common Core literacy
activities and social skill
development activities that
are classroom friendly. All of
the activities are designed to
help students master the
skills of “Staying Calm” and
“Practicing Self-Control.”
	This is the partner book to
Priscilla & The Pefect Storm.
Priscilla & The
Perfect Storm
Priscilla is a perfectionist.
But when she doesn’t
achieve perfection – only
earning 88 on a test or not
scoring a goal in a football match
– she gets angry. Very angry. Her
emotions get the best of her and
she unleashes a wave of anger
and frustration.
	 With guidance and instruction
from her mum, however, Priscilla
learns how to manage her
emotions and expectations. In the
process, she discovers that
success doesn’t always mean
being the best. 		
Written in a style young readers can
easily understand and complemented
by vivid illustrations, PRISCILLA & THE
PERFECT STORM is an enlightening and
empowering read.
ISBN: 978 1 934490 60 0
BT | 32pp | 178 x 254
full col ills throughout
PB £16.99
Decibella and Her 6-Inch
Voice £9.99
I Just Want To Do It
My Way! £9.99
Sorry, I Forgot To Ask! £9.99
ISBN: 978 1 934490 61 7
BT | 32pp | 216 x 279
full col ills throughout
PB with free CD £16.99
I Just Don’t Like The Sound
of No! Activity Guide for
Teachers £16.99
I Can’t Believe
You Said That!
Activity Guide for Teachers
It’s confusing for children to understand
why they should speak up in one setting,
then keep their thoughts to themselves in
another. These children need to learn how
to analyse social situations and how to
choose appropriate words to say.
More and more teachers are being
asked to help teach and reinforce
this skill. This book includes more
than 20 activities designed to help
students visualise what a social
filter is and then practise using it in
a safe setting. Each activity provides
a list of materials, teacher
instructions and an enclosed CD
with reproducible handouts,
worksheets and reward coupons.
ISBN: 978 1 934490 69 3
BT | 32pp | 216 x 279
full col ills throughout
PB with free CD £9.99
I Can’t Believe
You Said That!
My Story about Using My
Social Filter…or Not!
RJ’s mouth is getting him into a lot of
trouble. A rude comment at school earned
him a detention. An insensitive remark at
home earned him a scolding and made his
sister cry. RJ doesn’t realise his words are
wrong. He thinks he's just offering feedback.
	 It’s time RJ starts using a social filter
when he speaks. With help from his parents,
he learns he doesn’t have to verbalise every
thought that pops into his head. In fact,
sometimes the less said the better!
I Cant Believe I Just Did That £11.99
I Just Don’t Like The Sound of No! £9.99
I Just Want To Do It My Way! £9.99
Sorry, I Forgot To Ask! £9.99
ISBN: 978 1 934490 67 9
BT | 32pp | 229 x 229
full col ills throughout 
PB £9.99
ISBN: 978 1 934490 68 6
BT | 32pp | 229 x 229
full col ills throughout 
PB with free CD £14.99
Chizi’s Tale
The True Story of an
Orphaned Black Rhino
In Zimbabwe, during a recent August, two park
rangers made a surprising discovery. They
found an abandoned baby black rhino, only
days old. They called the park manager who,
knowing the rhino could not survive alone, did
something as surprising as the discovery itself
– he took the baby rhino home.
	 CHIZI’S TALE is the true story of that
baby rhino. Chizi will live with the park
manager, his wife and their children until he
matures and can be released back into the
wild. Written by a young author determined
to share Chizi’s story as a way to help save
the black rhino from extinction, 		
CHIZI’S TALE is a remarkable, moving story
about an endearing and vulnerable rhino
and the brave family helping him.
ISBN: 978 0 692 22042 9
Ke | 32pp | 216 x 216
26 col ills and 9 col photos
HB £12.99
Over on a Mountain
Somewhere in the World
Discover twenty cool animals, ten great
mountain ranges and seven continents all
in one story! And do it in the age-old style of
children the world over – by clapping,
counting, singing and acting like... Well,
animals! What fun!
	 Ages 3 to 8
Over in Australia £7.99
Over in the Forest £7.99
Over in the Jungle £7.99
ISBN: 978 1 58469 519 6
DAP | 32pp | 254 x 229
full col ills throughout
PB £7.99
The Smile That Went
Around The World
New Edition
In a modern world where emails
and photos can be sent to the
other side of the planet in seconds
and where planes fly to far off countries
everyday, it makes you realise just how easily
a simple smile can actually go around the
world. Here's an uplifting story of how one
smile finds its way around the world,
cheering up everyone along the way.
	 What starts out as a simple gift, soon
turns into a chain-reaction of smiles and
kindness in this heart-warming
story about a smile... that
went around the world.
ISBN: 978 0 87516 875 3
DV | 24pp | 235 x 235
full col ills throughout
HB £13.99
Dandelion Seed £7.99
Invisible String HB £14.99
Little Soul and The
Sun £14.99
Random Acts of
Kindness £12.99
ISBN: 978 1 58270 450 0
BW | 208pp | 152 x 229
PB £12.99
So You
Want To
Be a Dancer?
The Ultimate Guide
to Exploring the
Dance Industry
In the sixth instalment of the Be
What You Want series, SO, YOU WANT TO BE
A DANCER? goes behind the curtains and
pointed shoes to help readers discover how
to break into dance. From ballet,
contemporary, hip-hop and even the West
End, this book unveils what it really takes to
build a career in dance today. Plus, sections
on choreography, technical direction and
even costume design shows kids there’s
more than one way to follow your dreams.
	 In addition to tips and interviews from
dance professionals, SO, YOU WANT TO BE A
DANCER? includes inspiring stories from
kids who are in the industry right now, as
well as activities, a glossary and resources
to open up a whole new world of possibilities
that are both exciting and rewarding.
ISBN: 978 1 58270 406 7
BW | 256pp | 140 x 216
PB £10.99
What if I am an
A Teen’s Guide to Exploring a Life
Without Religion
Have you ever wondered what religion and
belief means for your life? Maybe you
believe in nothing at all. Does that mean
you’re an atheist? What does atheism even
mean? Regardless of the religious
background you grew up with, it’s natural to
question what you believe… or what you
don’t. Establishing your views about religion
and spirituality is part of becoming an
individual, but outside pressures can make
it tough to know what is right for you.
	 WHAT IF I’M AN ATHEIST? offers a
thoughtful exploration of how atheism or
the absence of religion can affect your life.
From discussing the practical significance
of holidays to offering conversation starters
and tips, this guide is an invaluable
resource about religion, spirituality and the
lack there of.
Dream Doctor
A Lighthearted Journey to Help the
Children in Your Life Discover Dreams
Have Something to Teach Us
This book offers a wonderful way for
parents and their children to explore the
meaning of dreams together. This book
brings to light what occurs in the dark of
the night when our subconscious mind is
busy sending us important messages.
Children will easily relate to the main
character who is plagued by nightmares
and her search for answers. The peculiar
dream doctor will ease the fears of
children and adults who seek the
meaning of their dreams. ISBN: 978 1 88694 036 9
OMP | 40pp | 203 x 254
14 b & w ills
PB £6.99
The Secret of
Mago Castle	
When Angeline set out to escape her
troubles among the red rocks of Sedona,
Arizona, she never imagined that she would
discover her destiny. Five lives converge in
this sleepy tourist town where the fate of
the Earth hangs in the balance. As
Angeline, Toby, Noah, Suna and Leuters
discover latent supernatural abilities and
wisdoms from an ancient past, they race
against time to dissolve the veils between
the physical and spiritual worlds,
determining whether the corruption of
thousands of years of human civilisation
will be allowed to continue or whether
humanity will get a fresh start. THE SECRET
OF MAGO CASTLE is a fantasy
novel that addresses
the real issues
A Novel
JUMPING is a work of visionary fiction that
begins with a nihilistic act. The main
character, a young man, feels life’s limits are
killing him, drives to a remote area, walks
100 yards and leaps into a dark and
mysterious chasm, known locally as
the“Void.” Friends and family are stunned.
What he meets in the Void is his own larger
spiritual history – a cohort of souls he
incarnated with, a string of past lives he
visits – and he’s changed profoundly and
permanently. Because of his story, others
jump. What are they jumping to?
Dawn on Kukulkan £14.99
Demon Lover £12.99
Diary of a Drug Fiend £14.99
Revelations of the
Ruby Crystal
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Deep 2015 - Biog - Fiction

  • 1.
  • 2. biography 2 The Dance of Reality A Psychomagical Autobiography ALEJANDRO JODOROWSKY Alejandro Jodorowsky re-creates the incredible adventure of his life as an artist, filmmaker, writer and therapist. This is autobiography as an act of healing. Through the retelling of his own life, he shows we do not start off with our own personalities – they are given to us by one or more members of our family tree. To be born into a family, Jodorowsky says, is to be possessed. To peer back into our past is equivalent to digging into our own souls. If we can dig deep enough, beyond familial projections, we shall find an inner light – a light that can help us through life’s most difficult tests. Offering a glimpse into the mind and life of one of the most creative and enigmatic visionaries of our time, THE DANCE OF REALITY is the book upon which Jodorowsky’s critically acclaimed 2013 Cannes Film Festival film of the same name was based. Dark Wine Waters My Husband of a Thousand Joys and Sorrows FRANCES SIMONE The dynamics of codependency are brilliantly illuminated in this heartbreaking story of a marriage destroyed by the husband’s addiction to alcohol. Author and widow, Dr. Frances Simone, describes the progression of the disease through all its stages, her husband's attempt at treatment and subsequent relapse, his suicide and her own recovery through a twelve-step programme for families. OF RELATED INTEREST: End Your Addiction Now £14.99 Shock £12.99 Vitamin Cure For Alcoholism £12.99 When Enough Is Enough £13.99 The Joey Song A Mother’s Story of Her Son’s Addiction SANDRA SWENSON This is the story of the lesson of “letting go,” learned by the codependent mother of an addicted son, a charming but defiant relapser. Hope and despair alternate as all attempts to “help” the son fail. For her own sanity, Sandy must stop trying to control Joey and his disease; however, her love is palpable and undying. Parents will relate to this stark, hopeful tale. OF RELATED INTEREST: Codependence and The Power of Detachment £11.99 Don’t Let Your Kids Kill You £14.99 Intervention Book £14.99 Tails of Recovery £14.99 ISBN: 978 1 62055 281 0 PSP | 424pp | 152 x 229 8pp col insert & 29 b & w photos  PB £16.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Metagenealogy £25.00 Psychomagic £21.00 Tarot of Marseille £31.00 inc vat Way of Tarot £26.00 ISBN: 978 1 93761 264 1 CRP | 224pp | 152 x 229  PB £11.99 ISBN: 978 1 93761 271 9 CRP | 200pp | 152 x 229 PB £11.99 There is a River The Story of Edgar Cayce THOMAS SUGRUE Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) is known to millions today as the grandfather of the New Age. A medical clairvoyant, psychic and Christian mystic, Cayce provided medical, psychological and spiritual advice to thousands of people who swore by the effectiveness of his trance-based readings. But Cayce was not always a household name. When a young, sceptical journalist named Thomas Sugrue first met Cayce in 1927 the world had not yet heard of “the sleeping prophet.” During years of unique access, Sugrue completed his landmark biography, which, on its publication in 1942, brought national attention to Cayce and stands as the sole record written during the seer’s lifetime. This edition includes a new introduction by historian, Mitch Horowitz, which highlights the enduring meaning of Cayce’s message. ISBN: 978 0 399 17266 3 JPT | 432pp | 140 x 210 PB £14.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Contemporary Cayce £13.99 Edgar Cayce Companion £19.99 Edgar Cayce on The Akashic Records £62.00 inc vat Essential Edgar Cayce £12.99 The Man From Mars Ray Palmer’s Amazing Pulp Journey FRED NADIS Meet Ray Palmer. A hustler, a trickster and a visionary. The hunchbacked Palmer, who stood at just over four feet tall, was, nevertheless, an indomitable force, the ruler of his own bizarre sector of the universe. In the first-ever biography devoted to the figure who moulded modern geek culture, pulp scholar, Fred Nadis, paints a vivid portrait of Palmer – a brilliant, charming and wildly wilful iconoclast who helped ignite the UFO craze, convinced Americans of hidden worlds and government cover ups and championed the occult and paranormal. OF RELATED INTEREST: Haunted Mind £16.99 Our Gods Wear Spandex £14.99 Secret Teachings of All Ages £21.00 A Man of Misconceptions The Life of an Eccentric in an Age of Change JOHN GLASSIE The interests of Athanasius Kircher, the legendary seventeenth-century priest- scientist, knew no bounds. From optics to music to magnetism to medicine, he offered up inventions and theories for everything and they made him famous across Europe. His celebrated museum in Rome featured magic lanterns, speaking statues, the tail of a mermaid and a brick from the Tower of Babel. Holy Roman Emperors were his patrons, popes were his friends and in his spare time he collaborated with the Baroque master Bernini. A MAN OF MISCONCEPTIONS traces the rise, success and eventual fall of this fascinating character as he attempted to come to terms with a changing world. ISBN: 978 0 399 16884 0 JPT | 304pp | 152 x 229 PB £14.99 ISBN: 978 1 59463 189 4 RB | 352pp | 140 x 203 PB £13.99
  • 3. biography 3 Many Faces, One Voice Secrets from the Anonymous People BUD MIKHITARIAN AND GREG WILLIAMS MANY FACES, ONE VOICE is a must-read companion book to the award-winning documentary The Anonymous People. Together with the film, this collection of insights, illuminated by vibrant faces and voices of recovery, takes the reader along a journey of individual growth and, potentially, to world change. A vital record of the lives and testimony of brave people who have come out of the shadow of anonymity to fight stigma and discrimination – people who now publicly advocate for the 23 million Americans suffering with addiction. Their inspiring stories, told in intimate detail, are essential to understanding the success, the hope and the power of recovery. ISBN: 978 1 937612 93 1 CRP | 384pp | 152 x 229 PB £15.99 Our Auntie Rosa The Family of Rosa Parks Remembers Her Life and Lessons SHEILA MCCAULEY KEYS AND EDDIE B. ALLEN A warrior in the fight for freedom, justice and equality, Rosa Parks had the vision for a better world. She demonstrated that one person’s actions can indeed make a difference. What many don’t know is the person behind the persona. “Auntie Rosa,” as she was called by the many nieces and nephews she helped raise, extended her love and encouragement to her closest kin. She was a guiding force and inspiration in their lives and, in this remarkable book, they share with readers the great wisdom Auntie Rosa imparted to them. ISBN: 978 0 399 17389 9 JPT | 208pp | 140 x 216 HB £21.00 Wangari Maathai Visionary, Environmental Leader, Political Activist NAMULUNDAH FLORENCE Nobel Peace Prize laureate, fighter for democratic space, founder of the Green Belt Movement and inspiration for women and grassroots activists throughout the world, the environmentalist, Wangari Maathai, (1940–2011) was a complex and multifaceted figure. In this book, fellow Kenyan, Namulundah Florence, offers an expansive examination of Maathai’s role as a public figure, teacher inside and beyond the classroom, symbol of resistance to oppression and very visible woman in a patriarchal society. Florence reveals the complexities and many dimensions of this fascinating and extraordinary voice for women in Africa and beyond. Paper Love Searching For the Girl My Grandfather Left Behind SARAH WILDMAN Years after her grandfather’s death, journalist, Sarah Wildman, stumbled upon a cache of his letters in a file labelled “Correspondence: Patients A–G.” What she found inside weren’t dry medical histories; instead what was written opened a path into the destroyed world that was her family’s pre-war Vienna. One woman’s letters stood out: those from Valy – Valerie Scheftel – her grandfather’s lover who had remained behind when he fled Europe six months after the Nazis annexed Austria. Obsessed with Valy’s story, Wildman began a quest that lasted years and spanned continents. In the course of discovering Valy’s ultimate fate, she was forced to reexamine the story of her grandfather’s triumphant escape and how this history fit within her own life. ISBN: 978 1 59463 155 9 RB | 400pp | 152 x 229 b & w photos throughout HB £24.99 Into the Fullness of the Void A Spiritual Autobiography DOV ELBAUM One of Israel’s leading cultural figures, Dov Elbaum grew up in an ultra-Orthodox Jerusalem family and was a prodigy who seemed destined for greatness in the world of Talmud study. But in his late teens, he abruptly broke away and set off into secular Israeli society. In this fascinating and courageous autobiography, Elbaum seeks to understand his decision and its consequences. With the structure of Kabbalah as his road map, he journeys into the deep recesses of his soul. This is an intimate, honest, revealing work, both deeply personal and strikingly universal. ISBN: 978 1 58023 715 4 JL | 304pp | 152 x 229  PB £15.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Book of Words £15.99 Bringing The Psalms To Life £15.99 Davening £15.99 God, Faith & Identity from the Ashes Reflections of Children and Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors EDITED BY MENACHEM Z. ROSENSAFT PROLOGUE BY ELIE WIESEL For the children and grandchildren of Holocaust (Shoah) survivors and refugees from Nazi persecution, the suffering and survival of their immediate ancestors and the annihilation of virtually their entire families have, in large part, shaped their perspectives on God, faith and Jewish identity. Their reflections on the memories transmitted to them and its effect on their lives will inform, challenge and inspire people of all faiths and backgrounds. Intended for a popular audience of people of all faiths and backgrounds, these emotionally powerful, deeply moving statements will have a profound effect on the way our and future generations understand and shape their understanding of the Holocaust and their own personal identity in years to come. ISBN: 978 1 58023 805 2 JL | 352pp | 152 x 229 HB £21.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Black Holocaust For Beginners £12.99 Defiant £13.99 I Am Jewish £16.99 Jews And Judaism In The 21st Century £16.99 ISBN: 978 1 59056 451 6 LTB | 288pp | 152 x 229  PB £18.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Earth Heroes: Champions of The Wilderness £10.99 Green Belt Movement £13.99 Next Eco-Warriors £16.99 Sheroes £14.99
  • 4. biography 4 business & reference Bukowski for Beginners CARLOS POLIMENI ILLUSTRATED BY MIGUEL REP Bukowski was one of the most unconventional writers and cultural critics of the twentieth century. He lived an unorthodox, idiosyncratic life and wrote in a style that was unique – a style that is impossible to classify or categorise. His work was at times cynical or humorous and was always brilliant and challenging. His life and work are distinguished not only by a remarkable talent for words, but, also, by his rejection of the dominant social and cultural values of American society. In BUKOWSKI FOR BEGINNERS, playwright, Carlos Polimeni, evaluates the life and literary achievements of the cult writer whose voice of dissidence and discontent is still heard and appreciated by readers worldwide. Stanislavski for Beginners DAVID ALLEN ILLUSTRATED BY JEFF FALLOW STANISLAVSKI FOR BEGINNERS charts the development of the Stanislavski system. It shows how it grew from his own practice as an actor and director. It includes a clear exposition of the key elements of the system, such as relaxation, concentration, emotion, memory, units and objectives and the superobjective. Finally, the book explores the Method of Physical Actions, which he worked on in the years before his death and which he called “the result of my whole life’s work”. STANISLAVSKI FOR BEGINNERS is both an invaluable guide to the Stanislavski system and a fascinating chronicle of his life. It shatters some common myths and misconceptions and blows away the cobwebs, bringing his ideas vividly to life. ISBN: 978 1 939994 35 6 FB | 192pp | 152 x 229 b & w ills throughout PB £12.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: History of Opera for Beginners £12.99 Shakespeare for Beginners £12.99 ISBN: 978 1 939994 37 0 FB | 160pp | 152 x 229 b & w ills throughout PB £12.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Anarchism for Beginners £11.99 McLuhan for Beginners £12.99 Post Modernism for Beginners £12.99 Sell Local Think Global 50 Innovative Ways to Make a Chunk of Change and Grow Your Business OLGA MIZRAHI After years of sharing her small-business tips and marketing tricks with readers of her popular blog, and column in the Long Beach Post, Olga Mizrahi has taken her message to the streets, urging business owners to focus in while reaching out. You’ll be excited and motivated to clearly state your difference to the world and your neighbourhood – while confidently selling yourself and your business. Through 50 low-cost, do-it-yourself tips, SELL LOCAL, THINK GLOBAL will help you: ●● Work out what makes you and your business truly different. ●● Discover the secrets of “SoLoMo” marketing, both online and off. ●● Spruce up your Web and mobile presence by learning to love analytics. ●● Walk boldly into the future by embracing social media and customer reviews. Your Self Sabotage Survival Guide How to Go From Why Me? to Why Not? KAREN BERG It’s time to stop being second-rate; it's time to be great! With more than 25 years in the trenches, motivational expert Karen Berg shows you how to transcend the ordinary and become extraordinary with this tough-love programme about getting to the point, getting what you want and getting ahead. YOUR SELF-SABOTAGE SURVIVAL GUIDE will help you refocus your energy and get back on track, first by helping you identify the elements of self-sabotage, then by providing sound advice for reinventing yourself and eliminating sabotage from your life. This essential guide will help you get rid of the “buts,” banish the “if onlys” and break the cycle of playing it safe. Complete with anecdotes and expert panel interviews, YOUR SELF-SABOTAGE SURVIVAL GUIDE features checklists, worksheets, quizzes and more to help you finally get the success you deserve – because you earned it. ISBN: 978 1 60163 351 4 CP | 256pp | 133 x 210 PB £13.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Living Your Unlived Life £12.99 Now Habit £12.99 Thunk! £9.99 Zen and The Art of Happiness £9.99 ISBN: 978 1 60163 340 8 CP | 256pp | 152 x 229 40 b & w ills PB £13.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: 30 Days to Social Media Success £11.99 Battling Big Box £13.99 Secrets of Power Negotiating £14.99 business
  • 5. business & reference 5 All Hands on Deck Navigating Your Team Through Crises, Getting Your Organization Unstuck, and Emerging Victorious PETER J. BONI In ALL HANDS ON DECK, Peter J. Boni shows any leader or aspiring leader exactly what to do with an underperforming business. Following his advice, recognition and rewards come quickly. It even allows leaders without an MBA or Oxbridge education to leapfrog over those who have superior credentials or stronger ties to the old boys’ network. Peter’s own career is the best illustration of his methods. A former special operations infantry officer and decorated combat veteran, Boni became a high-tech CEO of a wide variety of companies during a 30-year business career, leading many of them through the varying stages of growth, maturity, trouble and renewal. ISBN: 978 1 60163 372 9 CP | 320pp | 152 x 229 27 b & w photos PB £15.99 Rules & Tools for Leaders From Developing Your Own Skills to Running Organizations of Any Size, Practical Advice for Leaders at All Levels Revised and Updated 4th Edition MAJOR GENERAL PERRY M. SMITH AND BRIGADIER GENERAL JEFFREY W. FOLEY This is a fully revised, updated and reorganised edition of a classic management handbook. It never loses sight of the big picture of how any company should operate. It provides useful and time-tested advice that can be implemented immediately to the benefit of the entire organisation. From defining the qualities of outstanding leaders to putting good leadership skills into practice, from managing yourself and others to handling the difficult tests that leadership brings, this book includes valuable checklists and reviews. In addition, it highlights some of the best leadership programmes and presents a host of compelling and instructive anecdotes that illustrate the ideas throughout. Compassionate Careers Making a Living by Making a Difference JEFFREY W. PRYOR AND ALEXANDRA MITCHELL FOREWORD BY ARCHBISHOP DESMOND TUTU COMPASSIONATE CAREERS is filled with examples of people who have meaningful jobs in cause-focused organisations. These stories capture their spirit, intelligence, imagination and heart. The book is an inspirational guide to finding meaningful work and offers advice to anyone who feels that sitting on the sidelines is just not enough. An old Yaqui Indian proverb reads, “If you have a choice of paths to take in life, take the path with a heart.” COMPASSIONATE CAREERS will show you how. OF RELATED INTEREST: How to Manage an Effective Non Profit Organization £13.99 Subversive Job Search £12.99 ISBN: 978 1 60163 359 0 CP | 288pp | 152 x 229 50 b & w ills PB £14.99 ISBN: 978 0 399 16351 7 PGB | 256pp | 152 x 229 PB £13.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: CEO Code £14.99 Great Quotes from Great Leaders £7.99 Your Ultimate Success Plan Stop Holding Yourself Back and Get Recognized, Rewarded, and Promoted TAMARA JACOBS Somewhere between self-help and self-promotion lies self-awareness and advancement. YOUR ULTIMATE SUCCESS PLAN is a book that provides surprisingly easy-to-apply business strategies in an approachable, actionable, authentic way and encourages you to find your voice and realise your potential. With principles based on awareness, forgiveness, strategic application and follow-through, you can join the thousands of enlightened converts who have participated in Tamara’s workshops and seminars for more than 25 years. ISBN: 978 1 60163 366 8 CP | 224pp | 152 x 229 PB £13.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Be your Own Best Publicist £13.99 Change Your Attitude £11.99 Lead Inside the Box How Smart Leaders Guide Their Teams to Exceptional Results VICTOR PRINCE AND MIKE FIGLIUOLO Every employee is different, but, unfortunately, many leaders use a one-size- fits-all approach to leading. In doing so, these, otherwise well-intentioned, leaders are working harder than they should while not getting all they could out of their teams. LEAD INSIDE THE BOX gives leaders a way to get the best out of their teams by focusing their energy where it will make the biggest difference. Through simple frameworks brought to life with stories from the trenches, leaders will be able to see their own teams – and themselves – from a new perspective. ISBN: 978 1 63265 004 7 CP | 288pp | 133 x 210 PB £14.99
  • 6. Happy 95% of the Time Three Simple, Proven Ways to Overcome Depression and Feel Content Almost All of the Tme Walter Doyle Staples, PhD EAN 978-1-60163-371-2 A guide to controlling your every- day thoughts, moods, and feelings to find true happiness. You’re Lying! Secrets From an Expert Military Interrogator to Spot the Lies And Get to the truth Lena Sisco EAN 978-1-60163-362-0 Relax, establish rapport, baseline peoples’ verbal and nonverbal language, look for deviations, and extract the truth. 100 Ways to Overcome Shyness Go from Self-Conscious to Self-Confident Barton Goldsmith, PhD and Marlena Hunter, MA EAN 978-1-60163-369-9 Offers many ideas to help you make contacts and friends in any situation Everyday Healing Stand up, Take Charge, and Get Your Health Back...One Day at a Time Janette Hillis-Jaffe EAN 978-1-60163-370-5 A daily guide that helps people take charge of and improve their health significantly. Bloodline of the Gods Unravel the Mystery in Human Blood to Reveal the Aliens Among Us Nick Redfern EAN 978-1-60163-365-1 Are some of us—whether knowingly or unknowingly—the product of extraterrestrial gene- tinkering? The Power of Angel Medicine Energetic Exercises and Techniques to Activate Divine Healing Joanne Brocas EAN 978-1-60163-374-3 Takes energy medicine to the next level by focusing on pow- erful healing exercises with the archangels Between Now and When How My Death Made My Life Worth Living Richard House, MD EAN 978-1-60163-375-0 The true story of a doctor’s near-death experience and his quest for answers The Oneness Blessing How Deeksha Can Help You Become Your Authentic Self, Heal Your Relationships, and Transform the World Paula Rosenfeld EAN 978-1-60163-361-3 A simple but powerful way to discover what is unique, extraordinary, and true within yourself Career Press N e w R e l e a s e s New Page Books
  • 7. business & reference 7 Moms Mean Business A Guide to Creating a Successful Company and Happy Life as a Mom Entrepreneur ERIN BAEBLER AND LARA GALLOWAY What does it take to be successful as both a mum and as an entrepreneur? MOMS MEAN BUSINESS gives existing and potential mum business owners the encouragement, advice and healthy dose of “how-to” they need. In this helpful guide, you will create a customised strategy that includes: ●● The tools needed to manage time and productivity when your priorities as a mum and business owner conflict ●● An approach to self-care that allows you to handle all that's thrown your way Behind-the-scenes stories and advice from well-known mum entrepreneurs make MOMS MEAN BUSINESS fun to read and full of that all-important “me, too!” factor. Rise To The Top How Women Leverage Their Professional Persona to Earn More STACEY HAWLEY More than ever, women are achieving outstanding levels of professional success. Whether CEOs, board members, entrepreneurs or high performers, women are a game-changing force in the global economy. But women want and need to be paid appropriately for their contributions – no matter what rung of the ladder they're on. There has never been a stronger focus on women's pay than now, from politicians to activists to corporate businesses. RISE TO THE TOP is written from the inside perspective of a leading female executive- compensation advisor who understands how pay is determined and rewards and benefits are granted in the corporate World. OF RELATED INTEREST: Climbing The Corporate Ladder In High Heels £12.99 Leader Phrase Book £12.99 Stealing The Corner Office £13.99 ISBN: 978 1 60163 350 7 CP | 288pp | 133 x 210 12 b & w ills  PB £13.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: High-Altitude Woman £16.99 Rise To The Top £13.99 Woman’s Book of Confidence £11.99 Woman’s Book of Courage £11.99 ISBN: 978 1 60163 333 0 CP | 224pp | 133 x 210 PB £13.99 Secrets of Successful Inventing From Concept to Commerce EDITED BY EDITH G. TOLCHIN Ms. Tolchin has created an all-in-one guide that addresses the critical issues that new inventors might fail to even consider. From terminology to patenting, from licensing to marketing, each expert offers clear and practical advice to help inventors reach their goals. Every chapter presents the information in a sequence that will allow the inexperienced inventor to navigate the waters of product development. By following the steps offered and heeding the advice of these seasoned professionals,the reader will stand a better chance of avoiding pitfalls and finding success at journey’s end. ISBN: 978 0 7570 0407 0 SO | 272pp | 152 x 229 PB £16.99 Funny Business Harnessing the Power of Play to Give Your Company a Competitive Advantage CHRISTOPHER BYRNE Play is an essential, necessary and natural human activity... and it’s for adults and companies too. Play is an immersive process that allows us to ask “What if?” – to break free of the strictures that limit creativity and satisfaction. It is not about reverting to childhood, but a way to use the processes that came naturally to us as children but have been trained out of us, labelled as inappropriate or otherwise diminished. FUNNY BUSINESS will show you how adults and companies can recapture and use this powerful tool to foster innovation, increase their competitive advantage and create a vibrant and satisfying workplace. It delves into the concepts of play and what makes it so powerful in children’s development and dispels the myths and beliefs that have made play a dirty word. ISBN: 978 1 60163 364 4 CP | 224pp | 152 x 229 10 b & w charts PB £13.99 The Birth of a Brand Launching Your Entrepreneurial Passion and Soul BRIAN SMITH From the shores of Malibu to Mount Kilimanjaro, follow business maverick, Brian Smith, as he tells his story of founding the world-renowned UGG Australia brand and reveals the secret to its mega-success. On Brian’s trek, see him stumble and fall, but watch him put his heart and soul into every sole he sells to overcome all odds and find ultimate success. Soak in his decades of experience and wisdom. Witness the birth of a brand, the sale of a lifetime and the making of a legend. ISBN: 978 1 58270 535 4 BW | 256pp | 152 x 229 HB £21.00
  • 8. business & reference 8 Starting A Business Learn What You Need in 2 Hours SCOTT L. GIRARD, JR., MICHAEL F. O’KEEFE AND MARC A. PRICE You have a brilliant idea and a pocketful of ambition. Now what? Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Are you a self- motivated dynamo ready to dive into the business jungle and seize your turf? Do you really know what you’re getting into? In this essential guide, learn how to: ●● Test your idea’s worth. ●● Develop a business plan. ●● Line up financing. ●● Avoid the most common mistakes. ISBN: 978 9 07725 636 7 NV | 160pp | 165 x 229 PB £14.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: 401 Questions Every Entrepreneur Should Ask £15.99 e-Preneur £13.99 International Business Basics Learn What You Need in 2 Hours SCOTT L. GIRARD, JR., MICHAEL F. O’KEEFE, MARC A. PRICE AND KATE SCRIBNER If you want to take your business global, you must do your homework, get advice, make connections and be aware of the risks you face. Every element in your original business plan will need to be reconsidered as you target international markets. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS BASICS, the sixth title in the best-selling Crash Course for Entrepreneurs series, gives you the vital information and insights you need to: ●● Learn about cultural issues ●● Successfully enter new markets ●● Ensure you get paid and are protected ●● Make the most of support from trade and governmental agencies ●● Secure funding ●● Deal with real estate and logistics ●● Capitalise on immigration trends ●● Manage at a distance INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS BASICS will reduce your learning curve and help you succeed! Managing Your Business Learn What You Need in 2 Hours SCOTT L. GIRARD, JR., MICHAEL F. O’KEEFE AND MARC A. PRICE You may be a one-person band, the only manager in your company or the manager of other managers in a larger company. Whatever the size of your business, having a strong grounding in the thinking and practices of effective managers and leaders will make you more capable. In this essential guide, you'll learn how to: ●● Create a vibrant office culture. ●● Make meetings really work (and kill those that don't). ●● Cut costs and spend wisely. ●● Hire and motivate the best employees. ISBN: 978 9 07725 638 1 NV | 160pp | 165 x 229  PB £14.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Financial Statements £15.99 Sales and Marketing £14.99 Starting A Business £14.99 ISBN: 978 9 07725 641 1 NV | 192pp | 165 x 229 PB £14.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Business Finance Basics £14.99 Business Law Basics £14.99 Financially Savvy Entrepreneur £13.99 Sales and Marketing Learn What You Need in 2 Hours SCOTT L. GIRARD, JR., MICHAEL F. O’KEEFE AND MARC A. PRICE You have a brilliant idea and are ready to invest all your time and hard-earned cash. But what if you aren’t really sure how to market or sell that stunning service or perfect product? What if you are a bit of an introvert and aren’t even sure that you can sell it at all? In this guide, you’ll learn how to: ●● Train and coordinate a sales and marketing team. ●● Establish prices and profit projections. ●● Get and keep customers. ISBN: 978 9 07725 637 4 NV | 160pp | 165 x 229 PB £14.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: 30 Days To Online PR & Marketing Success £11.99 Cashvertising £12.99 Each of the books in the Crash Course for Entrepreneurs series offers a high-level overview of the critical things you need to know and do if you want to survive and thrive in our super-competitive world. Of course, there’s much more to learn about each topic, but what you'll read here will give you the framework for learning the rest. CRASH COURSE FOR ENTREPRENEURS
  • 9. business & reference 9 reference Holden The Great Years, The Great Cars Playing out your puberty blues in a big wild Commodore, accelerating round a bend in a full-strength Torana, cruising the beaches in a sleek Monaro – these are the stuff of Australian memories. HOLDEN captures the essence of these three great cars – Commodore, Toaran, Monaro their muscle, their romance, their engineering – as well as their glory days round the Bathurst roads. It features photos, stories and a comprehensive history of the Australia's best loved cars, plus a detailed analysis of all the models of the great cars. OF RELATED INTEREST: Holden vs Ford £16.99 Rock ‘N’ Roll Photography is The New Trainspotting £19.99 State of Origin 35 Years 1980-2014 LIAM HAUSER Written by Liam Hauser, STATE OF ORIGIN: 35 YEARS 1980-2014 is a fascinating celebration of rugby league and the legendary State of Origin series, which is one of the most widely, followed sporting events since it was established in 1980. Every game of each series is explored in detail, with a blow-by-blow account of all of the key incidents that determine its complexion and outcome. These colourful field reports illuminate how the games ebb and flow and how fine the line is between success and failure. ISBN: 978 1 925017 61 8 ROP | 336pp | 250 x 200 HB £19.99 Flash Wisdom A Curated Collection of Mind-Blowing, Perspective-Changing, and Eye-Opening Quotes RUSS KICK The right quotation can change your life. That compressed idea expressed in just a few words, a sentence or two can shift your thinking, trigger an epiphany and alter your way of seeing the world. The wisest, most experienced and most thoughtful people in history have left behind these little thought-bombs. This book collects surprising, jolting, discomforting and comforting insights into living a full, unbridled life, questioning authority and reality, relating to fellow humans, creating, risking, loving, living with uncertainty and staying sane in an insane world. This book of rousing insights and challenging thoughts will appeal to anyone who is searching, anyone who doesn’t fit in, anyone who questions the way things are… which is to say, all of us. ISBN: 978 1 938875 12 0 DIS | 320pp | 127 x 178 PB £11.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: 100 Things You Are Not Supposed to Know £11.99 ISBN: 978 1 92501 736 6 ROP | 224pp | 230 x 230 over 300 full col photos PB £16.99 Bad English A History of Linguistic Aggravation AMMON SHEA English is a glorious mess of a language, cobbled together from a wide variety of sources and syntaxes and changing over time with popular usage. Many of the words and usages we embrace as standard and correct today were at first considered slang, impolite or just plain wrong. Whether you consider yourself a stickler, a nitpicker or a rule-breaker in the know, BAD ENGLISH is sure to enlighten, enrage and, perhaps, even inspire. Filled with historic and contemporary examples, the book chronicles the long and entertaining history of language mistakes and features some of our most common words and phrases, including: ●● Decimate ●● That/which ●● Enervate/energise ●● Bemuse/amuse ●● Literally/figuratively ●● Ain’t ISBN: 978 0 399 16558 0 PGB | 272pp | 152 x 216 PB £15.99 Saussure for Beginners TERRENCE W. GORDON ILLUSTRATED BY ABBE LUBELL SAUSSURE FOR BEGINNERS puts the challenging ideas of Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) into clear and illuminating terms, focusing on the unifying principles of his teachings and showing how his thoughts on linguistics migrated to anthropology. Ferdinand de Saussure’s work is so powerful that it not only redefined modern linguistics, it also opened our minds to new ways of approaching anthropology, literary criticism and psychoanalysis. Upon his death, however, his students were so inspired by his teachings that they published them as the “Course in General Linguistics.” SAUSSURE FOR BEGINNERS takes you through this course, points out the unifying principles and shows how these ideas migrated from linguistics to other subjects. ISBN: 978 1 939994 41 7 FB | 128pp | 152 x 229 b & w ills throughout PB £11.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Linguistics for Beginners £11.99 McLuhan for Beginners £12.99
  • 10. children’s 10 Is There An App for That? Hailey Discovers Happiness through Self-Acceptance BRYAN SMITH ILLUSTRATED BY KATIA WISH Summer is over and poor Hailey is just dreading going back to school. She just doesn’t feel like she fits in! If only she could be tall like Tyler or fast like Braden or maybe even clever like Cade. But everyone knows that just can’t happen… or can it? Imagine Hailey’s surprise when she wakes the next morning to find her boring old bathroom mirror is covered in Magic Apps! The apps promise to make her taller, faster, brighter and so much more! What harm is there in trying it? The apps only last one day and surely this will solve all of her problems, right? Hailey learns, with help from her mum and friends, that she has so much to offer just by being herself. And that to truly be happy, she needs to look within herself instead of relying on others. Gas Happens! What to Do When It Happens to You  JULIA COOK ILLUSTRATED BY ANITA DUFALLA Join Gus as he and his classmates learn the brief biology lesson behind why we all fart and the right and wrong way to handle it when it happens! in public. As teachers and parents, we’ve all been there. Wind is passed and a variety of sniggers, giggles and negative comments ensue. But did you know that everyone and every living thing farts (except jelly fish and coral sponges)? If it’s so natural and so common, why do we struggle with teaching children how to respond appropriately when it happens!? Award-winning author, Julia Cook, will have children and adults in stitches as you read the hilarious tale of Gus, the student who passes wind in class. Is There An App for That? Lessons to Teach and Reinforce Self-Acceptance and Positive Changes Activity Guide BRYAN SMITH ILLUSTRATED BY KATIA WISH Everyone has something to offer, if he or she could just look within, recognise his or her strengths and use them as springboards for exciting opportunites! But self-acceptance is not an easy lesson to learn and it’s an even more difficult lesson to teach. Luckily, author and teacher, Bryan Smith, has developed this fantastic activity guide, designed to accompany the Is There an App for That? picture book. Twenty activities for teachers to use with their year 5 pupils are included. Included are activities with step-by-step instructions, lists of materials, worksheets and answer keys. The free CD includes ready-to-print forms and handouts. What is Respect? ETAN BORITZER ILLUSTRATED BY JEFF VERNON WHAT IS RESPECT? is Etan Boritzer’s 14th title in the best selling ‘What is?’ series on life concepts and difficult topics that help our children develop critical thinking skills and emotional intelligence. This book helps our children to understand their own self-respect as well as respect for friends, schoolmates and family, respect for religious and cultural diversity and even respect for planet earth. The fun text is filled with questions that stimulate interactive discussion and real insights. OF RELATED INTEREST: What is Family? £6.99 What is Feeling? £6.99 What is Peace? £6.99 What is Right? £6.99 ISBN: 978 1 934490 74 7 BT | 32pp | 229 x 229 PB £9.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Making Friends is an Art £9.99 Peer Pressure Gauge £9.99 ISBN: 978 1 934490 76 1 BT | 32pp | 229 x 229 full col ills throughout PB £9.99 ISBN: 978 1 934490 75 4 BT | 36pp | 216 x 229 PB with free CD £16.99 What Is Feeling? ETAN BORITZER ILLUSTRATED BY JEFF VERNON WHAT IS A FEELING? is the 13th title in Etan Boritzer's best selling children's book series on character education and difficult topics. WHAT IS A FEELING? examines how we can understand feelings and where they come from, while at the same time learning the best ways to express our feelings without hurting ourselves and others. The importance of emotional awareness and intelligence is stressed so that children have guides for allowing safe and creative expression of their feelings. OF RELATED INTEREST: What is Beautiful? £6.99 What is Death? £6.99 What is Dreaming? £6.99 What is a Friend? £6.99 What is Funny? £6.99 ISBN: 978 0 99100 837 7 VLB | 40pp | 203 x 254 full col ills throughout PB £6.99 ISBN: 978 0 99100 830 8 VLB | 40pp | 203 x 254 full col ills throughout PB £6.99 Noisy Bird Sing-Along JOHN HIMMELMAN Every kind of bird has their very own kind of sound! Cheerful sounds, mournful sounds, sweet sounds, weird sounds. You can tell who they are without even opening your eyes. And what fun to sing along!. Ages 4 to 9 OF RELATED INTEREST: Noisy Bug Sing-Along £7.99 Noisy Frog Sing-Along £7.99 ISBN: 978 1 58469 514 1 DAP | 32pp | 242 x 242 full col ills throughout PB £7.99
  • 11. children’s 11 ISBN: 978 1 934490 77 8 BT | 32pp | 178 x 254 full col ills throughout PB £9.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Garden in My Mind £10.99 ISBN: 978 1 58469 497 7 DAP | 32pp | 229 x 279 full col ills throughout  PB £7.99 Finn’s Space Adventures DIANA COOPER ILLUSTRATED BY KATE SHANNON In this fabulous space adventure, Finn and his friends Agapay and Vaz discover to their surprise that they are each given special powers. Finn can build things with the power of his mind, Agape can communicate with all species while Vaz can make himself and others invisible. Thrown into many adventures, the three friends combine their skills and work together to save the universe. They even earn their own fire dragons and bring back technology from the future with spectacular and sometimes hilarious results on their home planet Earth. Ages 7 to 10 OF RELATED INTEREST: Angel Colouring Book £3.95 Tara And Her Talking Kitten Meet A Mermaid £5.99 Tara And The Talking Kitten Meet A Unicorn £5.99 ISBN: 978 1 84409 652 7 FHP | 128pp | 152 x 216 full col ills throughout PB £9.99 Decibella and her 6-inch Voice JULIA COOK ILLUSTRATED BY ANITA DUFALLA Spunky, spirited Isabella is a screamer. She shouts out her every thought, idea and feeling. She loves using her loud voice so much, everyone calls her “Decibella!” Isabella doesn’t know how or when to use a softer, quieter voice until her teacher introduces the “five volumes” of voice: 6-inch, Whisper, Table-Talk, STRONG Speaker and Outside. With patience and a little practice (saying “SLURPADOODLE” out loud is a big help!), Isabella learns what volume is appropriate when speaking in class, chatting in the library, sitting at the lunch table or playing outside. ISBN: 978 1 934490 58 7 BT | 32pp | 229 x 229 full col ills throughout  PB £9.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: I Just Don’t Like The Sound of No! £9.99 I Just Want To Do It My Way! £9.99 Well, I Can Top That! £9.99 Worst Day of My Life Ever! £9.99 The Power of Self-D Willie Bohanon & Friends Learn the Power of Self-Determination KIP ‘MR. J’ JONES ILLUSTRATED BY CHAD ISELY An insightful look at the power of self- determination, written in a comic-book style that is sure to please young readers. Join Willie and his friends as they discover what it means to have self-determination. In their adventure, Willie and the gang come across characters who possess the power of self-determination and characters who don’t. The consequences for both are easy to see and leave a lasting impression on Willie and his friends. ISBN: 978 1 934490 66 2 BT | 32pp | 178 x 254 full col ills throughout  PB £9.99 ISBN: 978 1 934490 62 4 BT | 32pp | 229 x 229 full col throughout PB £9.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Making Friends is an Art! £9.99 Sorry, I Forgot To Ask! £9.99 Teamwork isn’t My Thing, and I Don’t Like To Share! £9.99 Hygiene... You Stink! JULIA COOK ILLUSTRATED BY ANITA DUFALLA A fresh approach to a dirty dilemma. How do you make young children understand the importance of bathing and brushing? In this ingenious tale, young readers are sure to get the message that good hygiene will improve their health and their relationships! The story centres around a fork named Jean who hates taking baths in the sink and detests showering in the dishwasher. It’s a clever fable with a timeless message. Spacing Out! Discovering the Importance of Completing Tasks STEPHIE MCCUMBEE Hunter Lane is more interested in outer space than anyone Mrs Julian has ever taught in her years as a teacher. He loves to read about space, draw pictures about space and imagines himself soaring through the atmosphere as an astronaut some day! But, unfortunately, for Hunter, his day dreams about space are interfering with his ability to get his work done in class. With help from his dad and Mrs Julian, Hunter learns the steps to completing tasks and the value of completing even the most simple of “missions”. The Dandelion Seed’s Big Dream JOSEPH ANTHONY ILLUSTRATED BY CRIS ARBO Consider the dandelion. It lives life fully, flies with beauty, survives storms, endures darkness, never gives up. It is one of nature's greatest success stories. Like dandelions, each of us can make the world a brighter place. The trick is to bloom right where we are. The book, also, includes information and activities about dandelions and weeds, seed dispersal and the theme of courage, patience and perseverance. Ages 4 to 10 OF RELATED INTEREST: All Around Me I See £7.99 Dandelion Seed £7.99 In A Nutshell £7.99 In The Trees, Honeybees £7.99
  • 12. children’s 12 ISBN: 978 1 58469 509 7 DAP | 32pp | 229 x 279 full col ills throughout PB £7.99 The Garden of Time JILL HAMMER ILLUSTRATED BY ZOE COHEN “With beautiful images and words, The Garden of Time offers a magical path through the seasons and allows the sacred breath of life to blow through all our souls.” – Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, author of The Shema in the Mezuzah In this story based on ancient Jewish legend, Adam and Eve walk through the Garden of Eden, noticing what is happening around them and deciding what holidays they will celebrate based on what they see, smell, hear and taste. Gorgeous text and art illuminate Judaism, the calendar and the environment for both children and adults. Guides to the Jewish holidays and Jewish iconography are included. ISBN: 978 1 558967 29 8 SHB | 32pp | 254 x 203 full col ills throughout HB £11.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Ayat Jamilah, Beautiful Signs £14.99 Child’s Book of Animal Poems and Blessings £10.99 Child’s Book of Blessings and Prayers £10.99 Kindness £14.99 Nature Portals Cards Inspiration Through the Peace and Beauty of Nature BRUCE AND CAROL MALNOR The 52 cards in the NATURE PORTALS card deck combine nature photos with uplifting words to expand your awareness of nature's gifts and bring balance and renewal into your life. Take the cards with you on a nature outing and choose one to deepen your experience. Or when you're unable to get outside, look at the photos and feel yourself immersed in the natural world. Bruce and Carol Malnor are teachers, authors and workshop presenters. They’ve found inspiration and joy in nature and are delighted to provide these cards with the hope that you, too, will benefit from nature’s peace and beauty. The Prairie That Nature Built MARYBETH LORBIECKI ILLUSTRATED BY CATHY MORRISON A wild prairie is a lively place in this rhythmic romp with munchers and crunchers above and below the grasses so thick and fires that flare and rains that quench – and always the prairie grows green. The book, also, includes information and activities for a fuller appreciation of this marvellous, disappearing habitat. Ages 4 to 10 OF RELATED INTEREST: All Around Me I See £7.99 Discover The Seasons £8.99 Do Animals Have Feelings Too? £7.99 In The Trees, Honeybees £7.99 ISBN: 978 1 58469 475 5 DAP  |  102 x 152 52 full col cards DECK £16.99 inc vat OF RELATED INTEREST: Molly’ Organic Farm £7.99 Nature-Speak £19.99 Sharing Nature with Children: 20th Anniversary Edition £8.99 ISBN: 978 1 58469 492 2 DAP | 32pp | 229 x 279 full col ills throughout  PB £7.99 Seashells By The Seashore Board Book MARIANNE BERKES ILLUSTRATED BY ROBERT NOREIKA Discover natural treasures at the beach! Seashells were the homes of sea creatures, now washed ashore. They are works of art, waiting to be admired and identified. This book introduces young children to ten common shells and offers a hands-on lesson in nature’s simple wonders, as they walk the beach counting and naming these beautiful shells. Ages 4 to 10 ISBN: 978 1 58469 489 2 DAP | 26pp | 165 x 161 full col ills throughout  BOARD BOOK £6.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: On Kiki’s Reef £7.99 Over in The Jungle Board Book £6.99 Over in The Ocean £7.99 Walk in The Rainforest Board Book £6.99 Anne Frank and the Remembering Tree SANDY EISENBERG SASSO ILLUSTRATED BY ERIKA STEISKAL In most windows I saw people working and children playing. When the soldiers came, people began covering their windows, so I couldn’t see inside anymore. But the tiny attic window of the narrow brick house behind Otto Frank’s business offices had no shade. For a long time the rooms were empty. Then one day, Otto’s whole family came to live there. They called their new home the Secret Annex… A story of Anne Frank, who loved a tree and the tree who promised never to forget her. Ages 6 to 9 OF RELATED INTEREST: God Faith & Identity From the Ashes HB £21.00 Hannah Senesh £16.99 Sisterhood of The Rose £12.99 ISBN: 978 1 558967 38 0 SHB | 32pp | 229 x 305 full col ills throughout HB £11.99 Pitter and Patter MARTHA SULLIVAN ILLUSTRATED BY CATHY MORRISON Take a ride with Pitter on a water cycle! You’ll go through a watershed, down, around and up again. How about going with Patter? You’ll even go underground. Oh, the places you’ll go and the creatures you’ll see. A water drop is a wonderfully adventurous thing to be! Ages 4 to 10
  • 13. children’s 13 Grit & Bear It! Activity Guide TAMARA ZENTIC ILLUSTRATED BY LISA M. GRIFFIN Dozens of activities to help reinforce a child’s ability to show grit and perseverence. Created specifically for secondary school students and designed to accompany the Grit & Bear It! book. The 25 activities included in these pages will engage students, encourage and inspire them to have important conversations with adults outside the classroom and teach them how to persevere in daily life. OF RELATED INTEREST: Garden In My Mind Activity Guide £17.99 I Just Want To Do It My Way! Activity Guide For Teachers £16.99 Grit & Bear It! TAMARA ZENTIC ILLUSTRATED BY LISA M. GRIFFIN Executive function involves the ability to manage time, plan, organise, strategise and control impulses. These can be difficult skills for some students to grasp, even at the secondary level. But they are critical to social and emotional development. In GRIT & BEAR IT!, students are introduced to the concept of “grit” through stunning illustrations and straight-forward statements. Reading this book will help young people understand the benefits of persistence. OF RELATED INTEREST: 101 Life Skills Games For Children £12.99 Basic Social Skills For Youth £5.50 Garden In My Mind £10.99 ISBN: 978 1 934490 65 5 BT | 96pp | 210 x 279 full col ills throughout PB with free CD £19.99 ISBN: 978 1 934490 64 8 BT | 32pp | 152 x 152 full col ills throughout  PB £8.99 Priscilla & The Perfect Storm Activity Guide Lessons for Common Core Classroom Ideas for Teaching Staying Calm and Dealing with Frustration STEPHIE MCCUMBEE ILLUSTRATED BY KELSEY DE WEERD Easy-to-use lesson plans give teachers creative options for teaching social skills. Its pages are filled with Common Core literacy activities and social skill development activities that are classroom friendly. All of the activities are designed to help students master the skills of “Staying Calm” and “Practicing Self-Control.” This is the partner book to Priscilla & The Pefect Storm. Priscilla & The Perfect Storm STEPHIE MCCUMBEE ILLUSTRATED BY KELSEY DE WEERD Priscilla is a perfectionist. But when she doesn’t achieve perfection – only earning 88 on a test or not scoring a goal in a football match – she gets angry. Very angry. Her emotions get the best of her and she unleashes a wave of anger and frustration. With guidance and instruction from her mum, however, Priscilla learns how to manage her emotions and expectations. In the process, she discovers that success doesn’t always mean being the best. Written in a style young readers can easily understand and complemented by vivid illustrations, PRISCILLA & THE PERFECT STORM is an enlightening and empowering read. ISBN: 978 1 934490 60 0 BT | 32pp | 178 x 254 full col ills throughout PB £16.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Decibella and Her 6-Inch Voice £9.99 I Just Want To Do It My Way! £9.99 Sorry, I Forgot To Ask! £9.99 ISBN: 978 1 934490 61 7 BT | 32pp | 216 x 279 full col ills throughout PB with free CD £16.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: I Just Don’t Like The Sound of No! Activity Guide for Teachers £16.99 I Can’t Believe You Said That! Activity Guide for Teachers JULIA COOK ILLUSTRATED BY KELSEY DE WEERD It’s confusing for children to understand why they should speak up in one setting, then keep their thoughts to themselves in another. These children need to learn how to analyse social situations and how to choose appropriate words to say. More and more teachers are being asked to help teach and reinforce this skill. This book includes more than 20 activities designed to help students visualise what a social filter is and then practise using it in a safe setting. Each activity provides a list of materials, teacher instructions and an enclosed CD with reproducible handouts, worksheets and reward coupons. ISBN: 978 1 934490 69 3 BT | 32pp | 216 x 279 full col ills throughout PB with free CD £9.99 I Can’t Believe You Said That! My Story about Using My Social Filter…or Not! JULIA COOK ILLUSTRATED BY KELSEY DE WEERD RJ’s mouth is getting him into a lot of trouble. A rude comment at school earned him a detention. An insensitive remark at home earned him a scolding and made his sister cry. RJ doesn’t realise his words are wrong. He thinks he's just offering feedback. It’s time RJ starts using a social filter when he speaks. With help from his parents, he learns he doesn’t have to verbalise every thought that pops into his head. In fact, sometimes the less said the better! OF RELATED INTEREST: I Cant Believe I Just Did That £11.99 I Just Don’t Like The Sound of No! £9.99 I Just Want To Do It My Way! £9.99 Sorry, I Forgot To Ask! £9.99 ISBN: 978 1 934490 67 9 BT | 32pp | 229 x 229 full col ills throughout  PB £9.99 ISBN: 978 1 934490 68 6 BT | 32pp | 229 x 229 full col ills throughout  PB with free CD £14.99
  • 14. children’s 14 Chizi’s Tale The True Story of an Orphaned Black Rhino JACK JONES ILLUSTRATED BY JACQUI TAYLOR In Zimbabwe, during a recent August, two park rangers made a surprising discovery. They found an abandoned baby black rhino, only days old. They called the park manager who, knowing the rhino could not survive alone, did something as surprising as the discovery itself – he took the baby rhino home. CHIZI’S TALE is the true story of that baby rhino. Chizi will live with the park manager, his wife and their children until he matures and can be released back into the wild. Written by a young author determined to share Chizi’s story as a way to help save the black rhino from extinction, CHIZI’S TALE is a remarkable, moving story about an endearing and vulnerable rhino and the brave family helping him. ISBN: 978 0 692 22042 9 Ke | 32pp | 216 x 216 26 col ills and 9 col photos HB £12.99 Over on a Mountain Somewhere in the World MARIANNE BERKES ILLUSTRATED BY JILL DUBIN Discover twenty cool animals, ten great mountain ranges and seven continents all in one story! And do it in the age-old style of children the world over – by clapping, counting, singing and acting like... Well, animals! What fun! Ages 3 to 8 OF RELATED INTEREST: Over in Australia £7.99 Over in the Forest £7.99 Over in the Jungle £7.99 ISBN: 978 1 58469 519 6 DAP | 32pp | 254 x 229 full col ills throughout PB £7.99 The Smile That Went Around The World New Edition PATRICE KARST ILLUSTRATED BY JANA CHRISTY In a modern world where emails and photos can be sent to the other side of the planet in seconds and where planes fly to far off countries everyday, it makes you realise just how easily a simple smile can actually go around the world. Here's an uplifting story of how one smile finds its way around the world, cheering up everyone along the way. What starts out as a simple gift, soon turns into a chain-reaction of smiles and kindness in this heart-warming story about a smile... that went around the world. ISBN: 978 0 87516 875 3 DV | 24pp | 235 x 235 full col ills throughout HB £13.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Dandelion Seed £7.99 Invisible String HB £14.99 Little Soul and The Sun £14.99 Random Acts of Kindness £12.99 ISBN: 978 1 58270 450 0 BW | 208pp | 152 x 229 PB £12.99 So You Want To Be a Dancer? The Ultimate Guide to Exploring the Dance Industry LAUREL VAN DER LINDE In the sixth instalment of the Be What You Want series, SO, YOU WANT TO BE A DANCER? goes behind the curtains and pointed shoes to help readers discover how to break into dance. From ballet, contemporary, hip-hop and even the West End, this book unveils what it really takes to build a career in dance today. Plus, sections on choreography, technical direction and even costume design shows kids there’s more than one way to follow your dreams. In addition to tips and interviews from dance professionals, SO, YOU WANT TO BE A DANCER? includes inspiring stories from kids who are in the industry right now, as well as activities, a glossary and resources to open up a whole new world of possibilities that are both exciting and rewarding. ISBN: 978 1 58270 406 7 BW | 256pp | 140 x 216 PB £10.99 What if I am an Atheist? A Teen’s Guide to Exploring a Life Without Religion DAVID SEIDMAN Have you ever wondered what religion and belief means for your life? Maybe you believe in nothing at all. Does that mean you’re an atheist? What does atheism even mean? Regardless of the religious background you grew up with, it’s natural to question what you believe… or what you don’t. Establishing your views about religion and spirituality is part of becoming an individual, but outside pressures can make it tough to know what is right for you. WHAT IF I’M AN ATHEIST? offers a thoughtful exploration of how atheism or the absence of religion can affect your life. From discussing the practical significance of holidays to offering conversation starters and tips, this guide is an invaluable resource about religion, spirituality and the lack there of. Dream Doctor A Lighthearted Journey to Help the Children in Your Life Discover Dreams Have Something to Teach Us KATHRYN ANDRIES This book offers a wonderful way for parents and their children to explore the meaning of dreams together. This book brings to light what occurs in the dark of the night when our subconscious mind is busy sending us important messages. Children will easily relate to the main character who is plagued by nightmares and her search for answers. The peculiar dream doctor will ease the fears of children and adults who seek the meaning of their dreams. ISBN: 978 1 88694 036 9 OMP | 40pp | 203 x 254 14 b & w ills PB £6.99
  • 15. fiction The Secret of Mago Castle REBECCA TINKLE When Angeline set out to escape her troubles among the red rocks of Sedona, Arizona, she never imagined that she would discover her destiny. Five lives converge in this sleepy tourist town where the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance. As Angeline, Toby, Noah, Suna and Leuters discover latent supernatural abilities and wisdoms from an ancient past, they race against time to dissolve the veils between the physical and spiritual worlds, determining whether the corruption of thousands of years of human civilisation will be allowed to continue or whether humanity will get a fresh start. THE SECRET OF MAGO CASTLE is a fantasy novel that addresses the real issues humanity currently faces. Jumping A Novel JANE PERANTEAU JUMPING is a work of visionary fiction that begins with a nihilistic act. The main character, a young man, feels life’s limits are killing him, drives to a remote area, walks 100 yards and leaps into a dark and mysterious chasm, known locally as the“Void.” Friends and family are stunned. What he meets in the Void is his own larger spiritual history – a cohort of souls he incarnated with, a string of past lives he visits – and he’s changed profoundly and permanently. Because of his story, others jump. What are they jumping to? OF RELATED INTEREST: Dawn on Kukulkan £14.99 Demon Lover £12.99 Diary of a Drug Fiend £14.99 Revelations of the Ruby Crystal BARBARA HAND CLOW In her debut as a novelist, bestselling author and acclaimed spiritual teacher Barbara Hand Clow weaves an erotically charged story of romance, deep earth forces, psychic powers, aristocracy and Vatican world control centered on an ancient ruby that inspires mystical visions. Set in Rome in 2012, the story follows Sarah Adamson, a beautiful young Catholic graduate student from Boston studying at the Vatican Library for her thesis on the first Christian heretic, Marcion of Pontus. Revealing the very nature of how evil gets into the world, this novel of romance, mystery, heresy and spirituality uncovers the esoteric foundations for the emergence of a golden new age. ISBN: 978 1 935127 71 0 BLM | 368pp | 127 x 203 PB £12.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Goat Foot God £16.99 Horned Shepherd £10.99 ISBN: 978 1 59143 197 8 BC | 464pp | 152 x 229 8 b & w ills HB £16.99 OF RELATED INTEREST: Alchemy of Nine Dimensions £14.99 Catastrophobia £13.99 Liquid Light of Sex £15.99 Mind Chronicles £21.00 ISBN: 978 1 57174 719 8 HRP | 288pp | 140 x 216 PB £12.99 15