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Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL

                                  BRUCE MOMJIAN,

                                   February, 2009

   There are indisputable advantages of doing data processing in the database
   rather than in each application. This presentation explores the ability to push
   data processing into the database using SQL, functions, triggers, and the
   object-relational features of POSTGRESQL.

Creative Commons Attribution License             
Pre-SQL Data Access

No one wants to return to this era:
    Complex cross-table access

    Single index

    No optimizer

    Simple WHERE processing

    No aggregation

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                         1
SQL Data Access

You probably take these for granted:

    Easy cross-table access, with optimizer assistance

    Complex WHERE processing

    Transaction Control


    Portable language (SQL)

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                        2

Welcome to the
next generation
of data storage.

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                 3

1. SQL

2. Functions and Triggers

3. Customizing Database Features

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL              4
1. SQL

Make full use of the
SQL tools available.

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL            5
2. Functions and Triggers

Put your programs
in the database.

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                           6
3. Customizing Database Features

Change the
database features.

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                        7
1. SQL

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL            8
Table Constraints
                         Table creation requires concentration.

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                 9
Unique Test in an Application

    LOCK tab;
    SELECT ... WHERE col = key;
    if not found
        INSERT (or UPDATE)

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                          10
UNIQUE Constraint

        col ... UNIQUE

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                       11
Preventing NULLs

    if (col != NULL)

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                      12
NOT NULL Constraint

        col ... NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE customer (name TEXT NOT NULL);

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                         13
Primary Key Constraint




Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                            14
Ensuring Table Linkage
                                     Foreign —> Primary

    SELECT *
    FROM primary
    WHERE key = col
    if found
        INSERT (or UPDATE) INTO foreign;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                            15
Ensuring Table Linkage
                                     Primary —> Foreign

    SELECT *
    FROM foreign
    WHERE col = key
    if found
    UPDATE/DELETE primary;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                            16
Ensuring Table Linkage

    CREATE TABLE statename (
                       code CHAR(2) PRIMARY KEY,
                       name VARCHAR(30)

    CREATE TABLE customer
                                        customer_id   INTEGER,
                                        name          VARCHAR(30),
                                        telephone     VARCHAR(20),
                                        street        VARCHAR(40),
                                        city          VARCHAR(25),
                                        state         CHAR(2) REFERENCES statename,
                                        zipcode       CHAR(10),
                                        country       VARCHAR(20)
Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                                     17
Ensuring Table Linkage
                                       Larger Example

    CREATE TABLE customer
                              customer_id   INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                              name          VARCHAR(30),
                              telephone     VARCHAR(20),
                              street        VARCHAR(40),
                              city          VARCHAR(25),
                              state         CHAR(2),
                              zipcode       CHAR(10),
                              country       VARCHAR(20)

    CREATE TABLE employee
                              employee_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                              name        VARCHAR(30),
                              hire_date DATE

    CREATE TABLE part (
Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                  18
                          name       VARCHAR(30),
                          cost       NUMERIC(8,2),
                          weight     FLOAT

    CREATE TABLE salesorder (
                                order_id      INTEGER,
                                customer_id   INTEGER REFERENCES customer,
                                employee_id   INTEGER REFERENCES employee,
                                part_id       INTEGER REFERENCES part,
                                order_date    DATE,
                                ship_date     DATE,
                                payment       NUMERIC(8,2)

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                            19
Ensuring Table Linkage
                              Prevent Change to Primary

    SELECT ...
    FROM foreign
    WHERE col = key
    IF found
    UPDATE/DELETE primary;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                         20
Ensuring Table Linkage
                         REFERENCES Constraint
                      NO ACTION/RESTRICT (default)

    CREATE TABLE foreign
        col ... REFERENCES primary (col)
                ON UPDATE NO ACTION -- not required
                ON DELETE NO ACTION -- not required

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                     21
Ensuring Table Linkage
                             Cascade Change to Primary

    SELECT ...
    FROM foreign
    WHERE col = key
    IF found
        UPDATE/DELETE foreign;
    UPDATE/DELETE primary;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                        22
Ensuring Table Linkage
                               REFERENCES Constraint

    CREATE TABLE foreign
        col ... REFERENCES primary (col)
                ON UPDATE CASCADE
                ON DELETE CASCADE

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                        23
Ensuring Table Linkage
             Set Foreign to NULL on Change to Primary

    SELECT ...
    FROM foreign
    WHERE col = key
    IF found
        UPDATE foreign SET col = NULL;
    UPDATE/DELETE primary;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                       24
Ensuring Table Linkage
                               REFERENCES Constraint
                                      SET NULL

    CREATE TABLE foreign
        col ... REFERENCES primary (col)
                ON UPDATE SET NULL
                ON DELETE SET NULL

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                        25
Ensuring Table Linkage
        Set Foreign to DEFAULT on Change to Primary

    SELECT ...
    FROM foreign
    WHERE col = key
    IF found
        UPDATE foreign SET col = DEFAULT;
    UPDATE/DELETE primary;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                     26
Ensuring Table Linkage
                               REFERENCES Constraint
                                   SET DEFAULT

    CREATE TABLE foreign
        col ... REFERENCES primary (col)
                ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT
                ON DELETE SET DEFAULT

    CREATE TABLE order (cust_id INTEGER REFERENCES customer (id));

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                    27
Controlling Data

    if col > 0 ...
       (col = 2 OR col = 7) ...
       length(col) < 10 ...
       INSERT/UPDATE tab;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                      28
CHECK Constraint

        col ... CHECK (col > 0 ...

    CREATE TABLE customer (age INTEGER CHECK (age >= 0));

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                           29
Check Constraint Example

    CREATE TABLE friend2 (
                 firstname          VARCHAR(15),
                 lastname           VARCHAR(20),
                 city               VARCHAR(15),
                 state              CHAR(2)        CHECK
                                                   (length(trim(state)) = 2),
                 age                INTEGER        CHECK
                                                   (age >= 0),
                 gender             CHAR(1)        CHECK
                                                   (gender IN (’M’,’F’)),
                 last_met           DATE           CHECK
                                                   (last_met BETWEEN ’1950-01-01’
                                                    AND CURRENT_DATE),
                      CHECK (upper(trim(firstname)) != ’ED’ OR
                             upper(trim(lastname)) != ’RIVERS’)

    INSERT INTO friend2
    VALUES (’Ed’, ’Rivers’, ’Wibbleville’, ’J’, -35, ’S’, ’1931-09-23’);

    ERROR: ExecAppend: rejected due to CHECK constraint friend2_last_met
Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                                   30
Default Column Values

    if col not specified
       col = DEFAULT;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                           31
DEFAULT Constraint

        quantity ... DEFAULT 1

    CREATE TABLE customer (created timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                          32
Auto-numbering Column

    CREATE TABLE counter (curr INTEGER);
    INSERT INTO counter VALUES (1);
    val = SELECT curr FROM counter FOR UPDATE;
    UPDATE counter SET curr = curr + 1;
    INSERT INTO tab VALUES (... val ...);

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                       33

        col SERIAL

        col INTEGER DEFAULT nextval(’tab_col_seq’)

    CREATE TABLE customer (id SERIAL);

    CREATE SEQUENCE customer_id_seq;
    CREATE TABLE customer (id INTEGER DEFAULT nextval(’customer_id_seq’));

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                            34
Constraint Macros

        CHAR(12) CHECK (VALUE ~ ’^[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$’);
    CREATE TABLE company ( ... phnum phone, ...);

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                  35

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL   36

    SELECT *
    FROM tab1, tab2
    WHERE tab1.col = tab2.col
    SELECT *
    FROM tab1
    WHERE col NOT IN
        SELECT tab2.col
        FROM tab2

    SELECT *
    FROM tab1 LEFT JOIN tab2 ON tab1.col = tab2.col;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                      37

    SELECT *
    FROM tab1, tab2
    WHERE tab1.col = tab2.col
    SELECT *
    FROM tab2
    WHERE col NOT IN
        SELECT tab1.col
        FROM tab1

    SELECT *
    FROM tab1 RIGHT JOIN tab2 ON tab1.col = tab2.col;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                       38

    SELECT *
    FROM tab1, tab2
    WHERE tab1.col = tab2.col
    SELECT *
    FROM tab1
    WHERE col NOT IN
        SELECT tab2.col
        FROM tab2
    SELECT *
    FROM tab2
    WHERE col NOT IN
        SELECT tab1.col
        FROM tab1

    SELECT *
    FROM tab1 FULL JOIN tab2 ON tab1.col = tab2.col;
Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                      39
ANSI Outer Join Example

    SELECT *
    FROM customer LEFT JOIN order ON = order.cust_id;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                   40

    total = 0
    FOREACH val IN set
        total = total + val;
    SELECT SUM(val) FROM tab;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                41

    max = MIN_VAL;
    FOREACH val IN set
        if (val > max)
            max = val;

    SELECT MAX(val) FROM tab;

    SELECT MAX(cost) FROM part;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                42
                                    GROUP BY SUM()


    save = ’’;
    total = 0;
    FOREACH val IN set
        if val != save and save != ’’
            print save, total;
            save = val;
            total = 0;
        total = total + amt;
    if save != ’’
        print save, total;

    SELECT val, SUM(amt) FROM tab GROUP BY val;
Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                    43
                                    GROUP BY MAX()

    save = ’’;
    max = MIN_VAL;
    FOREACH val IN set
        if val != save and save != ’’
            print save, max;
            save = val;
            max = MIN_VAL;
        if (amt > max)
            max = amt;
    if save != ’’
        print save, max;

    SELECT val, MAX(amt) FROM tab GROUP BY val;
Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                    44
                                    GROUP BY Examples

    SELECT part, COUNT(*)
    FROM order
    ORDER BY part;

    SELECT cust_id, SUM(due)
    FROM order
    GROUP BY cust_id

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                       45
Merging SELECTs

    SELECT     * INTO TEMP out FROM ...

    SELECT *
    SELECT *
    SELECT *;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                     46
Joining SELECTs

    DELETE FROM out WHERE out.* NOT IN (SELECT ...);
    DELETE FROM out WHERE out.* NOT IN (SELECT ...);

    SELECT *
    SELECT *
    SELECT *;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                      47
Subtracting SELECTs

    DELETE FROM out WHERE out.* IN (SELECT ...);
    DELETE FROM out WHERE out.* IN (SELECT ...);

    SELECT *
    SELECT *
    SELECT *;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                         48
Controlling Rows Returned

    FOR i = 1 to 5
        FETCH IN limdemo

    SELECT *
    LIMIT 5;

    MOVE 20 IN limdemo
    FOR i = 1 to 5
        FETCH IN limdemo;

    SELECT *
    OFFSET 20 LIMIT 5;
Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                        49
Controlling Rows Returned
                              LIMIT/OFFSET Example

    SELECT order_id, balance
    FROM order
    ORDER BY balance DESC
    LIMIT 10;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                        50
Locking SELECT Rows
                                        FOR UPDATE

    LOCK tab;
    UPDATE customer SET balance = 0 WHERE id = 4452;

    SELECT *
    FROM customer
    WHERE id = 4452
    UPDATE customer
    SET balance = 0
Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                         51
WHERE id = 4452;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL   52
Temporary Tables

    CREATE TABLE tab (...);
    DROP TABLE tab;

    CREATE TEMP TABLE tab (...);

    SELECT *
    FROM tab1, tab2, tab3
    WHERE ...

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                      53
Automatically Modify SELECT
                              VIEW - One Column

    SELECT col4
    FROM tab;

    CREATE VIEW view1 AS
    SELECT col4
    FROM tab;

    SELECT * FROM view1;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                       54
Automatically Modify SELECT
                               VIEW - One Row

    SELECT *
    FROM tab
    WHERE col = ’ISDN’;

    CREATE VIEW view2 AS
    SELECT *
    FROM tab
    WHERE col = ’ISDN’;

    SELECT * FROM view2;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                       55
Automatically Modify SELECT
                               VIEW - One Field

    SELECT col4
    FROM tab
    WHERE col = ’ISDN’;

    CREATE VIEW view3 AS
    SELECT col4
    FROM tab
    WHERE col = ’ISDN’;

    SELECT * FROM view3;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                       56
Automatically Modify

    INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (...);
    INSERT INTO tab2 VALUES (...);

    CREATE RULE insert_tab1 AS ON INSERT TO tab1 DO
    INSERT INTO tab2 VALUES (...);

    INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (...);

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                      57
Automatically Modify
                                   Rules Example

    CREATE TABLE service_request
        customer_id INTEGER,
        description text,
       cre_user text DEFAULT CURRENT_USER,
       cre_timestamp timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

    CREATE TABLE service_request_log
        customer_id INTEGER,
        description text,
        mod_type char(1),
        mod_user text DEFAULT CURRENT_USER,
       mod_timestamp timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                          58
Rules Example - Rule Definition

    CREATE RULE service_request_update AS -- UPDATE rule
    ON UPDATE TO service_request
        INSERT INTO service_request_log (customer_id, description, mod_type)
        VALUES (old.customer_id, old.description, ’U’);

    CREATE RULE service_request_delete AS -- DELETE rule
    ON DELETE TO service_request
        INSERT INTO service_request_log (customer_id, description, mod_type)
        VALUES (old.customer_id, old.description, ’D’);

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                              59
Multi-User Consistency

     Atomic Changes

     Atomic Visibility

     Atomic Consistency


                                     User 1                               User 2                      Descrip
    BEGIN WORK                                                                              User 1 starts a t
    UPDATE   acct SET balance = balance - 100 WHERE acctno = 53224                          remove 100 from
    UPDATE   acct SET balance = balance + 100 WHERE acctno = 94913                          add 100 to an a
    SELECT   * FROM acct                                                                    sees both change
                                                                     SELECT   * FROM acct   sees no changes

                                                                     SELECT   * FROM acct   sees both change
Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                                                60


    LISTEN myevent;
    NOTIFY myevent;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                   61
Application Walk-through


Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                 62
2. Functions and Triggers

                          Placing Code
                       Into the Database:
                      Server-side Functions

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                           63
Single-Parameter Built-In Functions/Operator

    SELECT factorial(10);
    (1 row)

    SELECT 10!;
    (1 row)

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                        64
Two-Parameter Built-in Function/Operator

    SELECT date_mi(’2003-05-20’::date, ’2001-10-13’::date);
    (1 row)

    SELECT ’2003-05-20’::date - ’2001-10-13’::date;
    (1 row)

    psql df
    psql do

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                             65
Custom Server-Side Functions

    Create function

    Call function, manually or automatically

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                        66
Compute Sales Tax

    total = cost * 1.06;
    INSERT ... VALUES ( ... total ... );

    INSERT ... VALUES ( ... cost * 1.06, ... );

    CREATE FUNCTION total(float)
    RETURNS float
    AS ’SELECT $1 * 1.06;’
    LANGUAGE ’sql’;

    INSERT ... VALUES ( ... total(cost) ... )

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                       67
Convert Fahrenheit to Centigrade

    cent = (faren - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0
    INSERT ... VALUES ( ... cent ... )

    INSERT ... VALUES ( ... (faren - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0, ... )

    CREATE FUNCTION ftoc(float)
    RETURNS float
    AS ’SELECT ($1 - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0;’
    LANGUAGE ’sql’;

    INSERT ... VALUES ( ... ftoc(faren) ... )

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                               68
Compute Shipping Cost

    if cost < 2
        shipping = 3.00
    else if cost < 4
        shipping = 5.00
    else shipping = 6.00

    INSERT ... VALUES ( ... cost + shipping ... );

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                           69
Shipping Cost Function

    CREATE FUNCTION           shipping(numeric)
    RETURNS numeric
            WHEN $1           < 2 THEN CAST(3.00 AS numeric(8,2))
            WHEN $1           >= 2 AND $1 < 4 THEN CAST(5.00 AS numeric(8,2))
            WHEN $1           >= 4 THEN CAST(6.00 AS numeric(8,2))
    LANGUAGE ’sql’;

    INSERT ... VALUES ( ... cost + shipping(cost) ... );

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                               70
String Processing — PL/pgSQL

    CREATE FUNCTION spread(text)
    RETURNS text
    AS $$
        str text;
        ret text;
        i integer;
        len integer;
        str := upper($1);
        ret := ’’; -- start with zero length
        i := 1;
        len := length(str);
        WHILE i <= len LOOP
            ret := ret || substr(str, i, 1) || ’ ’;
            i := i + 1;
        END LOOP;
        RETURN ret;
Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                        71
    LANGUAGE ’plpgsql’;

    SELECT spread(’Major Financial Report’);
     M A J O R F I N A N C I A L R E P O R T
    (1 row)

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                    72
State Name Lookup
                                    SQL Language Function

    SELECT name
    FROM statename
    WHERE code = ’AL’;

    CREATE FUNCTION getstatename(text)
    RETURNS text
    AS ’SELECT name
        FROM statename
        WHERE code = $1;’
    LANGUAGE ’sql’;

    SELECT getstatename(’AL’);

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                           73
State Name Lookup From String
                         PL/pgSQL Language Function

    CREATE FUNCTION getstatecode(text)
    RETURNS text
    AS $$
       statename_rec record;
       i integer;
       len integer;
       matches record;
       search_str text;
        state_str := initcap($1); -- capitalization match column
        len := length(trim($1));
        i := 2;
        SELECT INTO statename_rec * -- first try for an exact match
        FROM statename
        WHERE name = state_str;
        IF FOUND
        THEN RETURN statename_rec.code;
        END IF;
Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                     74
WHILE i <= len LOOP -- test 2,4,6,... chars for match
             search_str = trim(substr(state_str, 1, i)) || ’%’;
             SELECT INTO matches COUNT(*)
             FROM statename
             WHERE name LIKE search_str;
             IF matches.count = 0 -- no matches, failure
             THEN RETURN NULL;
             END IF;
             IF matches.count = 1 -- exactly one match, return it
                 SELECT INTO statename_rec *
                 FROM statename
                 WHERE name LIKE search_str;
                 IF FOUND
                 THEN RETURN statename_rec.code;
                 END IF;
             END IF;
             i := i + 2; -- >1 match, try 2 more chars
         END LOOP;
         RETURN ’’;
    LANGUAGE ’plpgsql’;

    SELECT getstatecode(’Alabama’);
    SELECT getstatecode(’ALAB’);
Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                   75
SELECT getstatecode(’Al’);
    SELECT getstatecode(’Ail’);

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL   76
State Name Maintenance

    CREATE FUNCTION change_statename(char(2), char(30))
    RETURNS boolean
    AS $$
        state_code ALIAS FOR $1;
        state_name ALIAS FOR $2;
        statename_rec RECORD;
        IF length(state_code) = 0 -- no state code, failure
        THEN RETURN ’f’;
            IF length(state_name) != 0 -- is INSERT or UPDATE?
                SELECT INTO statename_rec *
                FROM statename
                WHERE code = state_code;
                IF NOT FOUND -- is state not in table?
                THEN     INSERT INTO statename
                         VALUES (state_code, state_name);
                ELSE     UPDATE statename
                         SET name = state_name
Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                77
WHERE code = state_code;
                 END IF;
                 RETURN ’t’;
             ELSE -- is DELETE
                 SELECT INTO statename_rec *
                 FROM statename
                 WHERE code = state_code;
                 IF FOUND
                 THEN    DELETE FROM statename
                         WHERE code = state_code;
                         RETURN ’t’;
                 ELSE RETURN ’f’;
                 END IF;
             END IF;
         END IF;
    LANGUAGE ’plpgsql’;

    SELECT   change_statename(’AL’,’Alabama’);
    SELECT   change_statename(’AL’,’Bermuda’);
    SELECT   change_statename(’AL’,’’);
    SELECT   change_statename(’AL’,’’); -- row was already deleted

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                    78

    SELECT *
    FROM (SELECT * FROM tab) AS tab;

    SELECT *
    FROM ( SELECT 1,2,3,4,5 UNION
             SELECT 6,7,8,9,10 UNION
           SELECT 11,12,13,14,15) AS tab15;
    col| col| col| col| col
     1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
     6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
    11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
    (3 rows)

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                        79
Function Returning
                                      Multiple Values

    GER, x5 INTEGER);
    ’SELECT 1,2,3,4,5;’

    SELECT * FROM func5();
     x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5
      1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
    (1 row)

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                    80
Function Returning
                                      a Table Result

    ’   SELECT 1,2,3,4,5 UNION
        SELECT 6,7,8,9,10 UNION
        SELECT 11,12,13,14,15;’

    SELECT * FROM func15();
     x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5
      1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
      6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
     11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
    (3 rows)
Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                               81
Automatic Function Calls




Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                         82
Trigger on Statename

    CREATE FUNCTION trigger_insert_update_statename()
    RETURNS trigger
    AS $$
         IF new.code !~ ’^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]$’
         THEN RAISE EXCEPTION ’State code must be two alphabetic characters.’;
         END IF;
         IF !~ ’^[A-Za-z ]*$’
         THEN RAISE EXCEPTION ’State name must be only alphabetic characters.’;
         END IF;
         IF length(trim( < 3
         THEN RAISE EXCEPTION ’State name must longer than two characters.’;
         END IF;
         new.code = upper(new.code); -- uppercase statename.code = initcap(; -- capitalize
         RETURN new;
Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                                 83
LANGUAGE ’plpgsql’;

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL   84
Install Trigger
                                      On Statename

    CREATE TRIGGER trigger_statename
    ON statename
    EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_insert_update_statename();

    INSERT     INTO    statename    VALUES   (’a’, ’alabama’);
    INSERT     INTO    statename    VALUES   (’al’, ’alabama2’);
    INSERT     INTO    statename    VALUES   (’al’, ’al’);
    INSERT     INTO    statename    VALUES   (’al’, ’alabama’);

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                                  85
Function Languages








Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                        86
Function Examples




Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                       87
3. Customizing Database Features

     Adding New
   Data and Indexing

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                        88




    CREATE OPERATOR CLASS (index type)

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL              89
Create New Data Type
                      With Operator and Index Support

    Write input/output functions

    Register input/output functions with CREATE FUNCTION

    Register type with CREATE TYPE

    Write comparison functions

    Register comparison functions with CREATE FUNCTION

    Register comparison functions with CREATE OPERATOR

    Register operator class for indexes with CREATE OPERATOR CLASS

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                               90
Create New Data Type






Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                          91

Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL                92

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Data Processing Inside PostgreSQL

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  • 4. Post-Ingres Welcome to the next generation of data storage. Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 3
  • 5. Contents 1. SQL 2. Functions and Triggers 3. Customizing Database Features Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 4
  • 6. 1. SQL Make full use of the SQL tools available. Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 5
  • 7. 2. Functions and Triggers Put your programs in the database. Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 6
  • 8. 3. Customizing Database Features Change the database features. Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 7
  • 9. 1. SQL Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 8
  • 10. Table Constraints Table creation requires concentration. Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 9
  • 11. Unique Test in an Application BEGIN; LOCK tab; SELECT ... WHERE col = key; if not found INSERT (or UPDATE) COMMIT; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 10
  • 12. UNIQUE Constraint CREATE TABLE tab ( col ... UNIQUE ); CREATE TABLE customer (id INTEGER UNIQUE); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 11
  • 13. Preventing NULLs if (col != NULL) INSERT/UPDATE; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 12
  • 14. NOT NULL Constraint CREATE TABLE tab ( col ... NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE customer (name TEXT NOT NULL); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 13
  • 15. Primary Key Constraint UNIQUE   NOT NULL   CREATE TABLE customer (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 14
  • 16. Ensuring Table Linkage Foreign —> Primary BEGIN; SELECT * FROM primary WHERE key = col FOR UPDATE; if found INSERT (or UPDATE) INTO foreign; COMMIT; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 15
  • 17. Ensuring Table Linkage Primary —> Foreign BEGIN; SELECT * FROM foreign WHERE col = key FOR UPDATE; if found ? UPDATE/DELETE primary; COMMIT; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 16
  • 18. Ensuring Table Linkage Example CREATE TABLE statename ( code CHAR(2) PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(30) ); CREATE TABLE customer ( customer_id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(30), telephone VARCHAR(20), street VARCHAR(40), city VARCHAR(25), state CHAR(2) REFERENCES statename, zipcode CHAR(10), country VARCHAR(20) ); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 17
  • 19. Ensuring Table Linkage Larger Example CREATE TABLE customer ( customer_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(30), telephone VARCHAR(20), street VARCHAR(40), city VARCHAR(25), state CHAR(2), zipcode CHAR(10), country VARCHAR(20) ); CREATE TABLE employee ( employee_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(30), hire_date DATE ); CREATE TABLE part ( Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 18
  • 20. part_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(30), cost NUMERIC(8,2), weight FLOAT ); CREATE TABLE salesorder ( order_id INTEGER, customer_id INTEGER REFERENCES customer, employee_id INTEGER REFERENCES employee, part_id INTEGER REFERENCES part, order_date DATE, ship_date DATE, payment NUMERIC(8,2) ); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 19
  • 21. Ensuring Table Linkage Prevent Change to Primary BEGIN; SELECT ... FROM foreign WHERE col = key FOR UPDATE; IF found ABORT; UPDATE/DELETE primary; COMMIT; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 20
  • 22. Ensuring Table Linkage REFERENCES Constraint NO ACTION/RESTRICT (default) CREATE TABLE foreign ( col ... REFERENCES primary (col) ON UPDATE NO ACTION -- not required ON DELETE NO ACTION -- not required ); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 21
  • 23. Ensuring Table Linkage Cascade Change to Primary BEGIN; SELECT ... FROM foreign WHERE col = key FOR UPDATE; IF found UPDATE/DELETE foreign; UPDATE/DELETE primary; COMMIT; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 22
  • 24. Ensuring Table Linkage REFERENCES Constraint CASCADE CREATE TABLE foreign ( col ... REFERENCES primary (col) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 23
  • 25. Ensuring Table Linkage Set Foreign to NULL on Change to Primary BEGIN; SELECT ... FROM foreign WHERE col = key FOR UPDATE; IF found UPDATE foreign SET col = NULL; UPDATE/DELETE primary; COMMIT; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 24
  • 26. Ensuring Table Linkage REFERENCES Constraint SET NULL CREATE TABLE foreign ( col ... REFERENCES primary (col) ON UPDATE SET NULL ON DELETE SET NULL ); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 25
  • 27. Ensuring Table Linkage Set Foreign to DEFAULT on Change to Primary BEGIN; SELECT ... FROM foreign WHERE col = key FOR UPDATE; IF found UPDATE foreign SET col = DEFAULT; UPDATE/DELETE primary; COMMIT; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 26
  • 28. Ensuring Table Linkage REFERENCES Constraint SET DEFAULT CREATE TABLE foreign ( col ... REFERENCES primary (col) ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT ON DELETE SET DEFAULT ); CREATE TABLE order (cust_id INTEGER REFERENCES customer (id)); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 27
  • 29. Controlling Data if col > 0 ... (col = 2 OR col = 7) ... length(col) < 10 ... INSERT/UPDATE tab; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 28
  • 30. CHECK Constraint CREATE TABLE tab ( col ... CHECK (col > 0 ... ); CREATE TABLE customer (age INTEGER CHECK (age >= 0)); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 29
  • 31. Check Constraint Example CREATE TABLE friend2 ( firstname VARCHAR(15), lastname VARCHAR(20), city VARCHAR(15), state CHAR(2) CHECK (length(trim(state)) = 2), age INTEGER CHECK (age >= 0), gender CHAR(1) CHECK (gender IN (’M’,’F’)), last_met DATE CHECK (last_met BETWEEN ’1950-01-01’ AND CURRENT_DATE), CHECK (upper(trim(firstname)) != ’ED’ OR upper(trim(lastname)) != ’RIVERS’) ); INSERT INTO friend2 VALUES (’Ed’, ’Rivers’, ’Wibbleville’, ’J’, -35, ’S’, ’1931-09-23’); ERROR: ExecAppend: rejected due to CHECK constraint friend2_last_met Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 30
  • 32. Default Column Values if col not specified col = DEFAULT; INSERT/UPDATE tab; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 31
  • 33. DEFAULT Constraint CREATE TABLE tab ( quantity ... DEFAULT 1 ); CREATE TABLE customer (created timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 32
  • 34. Auto-numbering Column CREATE TABLE counter (curr INTEGER); INSERT INTO counter VALUES (1); ... BEGIN; val = SELECT curr FROM counter FOR UPDATE; UPDATE counter SET curr = curr + 1; COMMIT; INSERT INTO tab VALUES (... val ...); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 33
  • 35. SERIAL/Sequence CREATE TABLE tab ( col SERIAL ); CREATE TABLE tab ( col INTEGER DEFAULT nextval(’tab_col_seq’) ); CREATE TABLE customer (id SERIAL); CREATE SEQUENCE customer_id_seq; CREATE TABLE customer (id INTEGER DEFAULT nextval(’customer_id_seq’)); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 34
  • 36. Constraint Macros DOMAIN CREATE DOMAIN phone AS CHAR(12) CHECK (VALUE ~ ’^[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$’); CREATE TABLE company ( ... phnum phone, ...); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 35
  • 37. Using SELECT’s Features Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 36
  • 38. ANSI Outer Joins - LEFT OUTER SELECT * FROM tab1, tab2 WHERE tab1.col = tab2.col UNION SELECT * FROM tab1 WHERE col NOT IN ( SELECT tab2.col FROM tab2 ); SELECT * FROM tab1 LEFT JOIN tab2 ON tab1.col = tab2.col; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 37
  • 39. ANSI Outer Joins - RIGHT OUTER SELECT * FROM tab1, tab2 WHERE tab1.col = tab2.col UNION SELECT * FROM tab2 WHERE col NOT IN ( SELECT tab1.col FROM tab1 ); SELECT * FROM tab1 RIGHT JOIN tab2 ON tab1.col = tab2.col; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 38
  • 40. ANSI Outer Joins - FULL OUTER SELECT * FROM tab1, tab2 WHERE tab1.col = tab2.col UNION SELECT * FROM tab1 WHERE col NOT IN ( SELECT tab2.col FROM tab2 ) UNION SELECT * FROM tab2 WHERE col NOT IN ( SELECT tab1.col FROM tab1 ); SELECT * FROM tab1 FULL JOIN tab2 ON tab1.col = tab2.col; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 39
  • 41. ANSI Outer Join Example SELECT * FROM customer LEFT JOIN order ON = order.cust_id; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 40
  • 42. Aggregates SUM() total = 0 FOREACH val IN set total = total + val; END FOREACH SELECT SUM(val) FROM tab; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 41
  • 43. Aggregates MAX() max = MIN_VAL; FOREACH val IN set if (val > max) max = val; END FOREACH SELECT MAX(val) FROM tab; SELECT MAX(cost) FROM part; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 42
  • 44. Aggregates GROUP BY SUM() qsort(set) save = ’’; total = 0; FOREACH val IN set if val != save and save != ’’ { print save, total; save = val; total = 0; } total = total + amt; END FOREACH if save != ’’ print save, total; SELECT val, SUM(amt) FROM tab GROUP BY val; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 43
  • 45. Aggregates GROUP BY MAX() save = ’’; max = MIN_VAL; FOREACH val IN set if val != save and save != ’’ { print save, max; save = val; max = MIN_VAL; } if (amt > max) max = amt; END FOREACH if save != ’’ print save, max; SELECT val, MAX(amt) FROM tab GROUP BY val; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 44
  • 46. Aggregates GROUP BY Examples SELECT part, COUNT(*) FROM order ORDER BY part; SELECT cust_id, SUM(due) FROM order GROUP BY cust_id ORDER BY 2 DESC; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 45
  • 49. Subtracting SELECTs EXCEPT SELECT * INTO TEMP out; DELETE FROM out WHERE out.* IN (SELECT ...); DELETE FROM out WHERE out.* IN (SELECT ...); SELECT * EXCEPT SELECT * EXCEPT SELECT *; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 48
  • 50. Controlling Rows Returned LIMIT/OFFSET DECLARE limdemo CURSOR FOR SELECT ... FOR i = 1 to 5 FETCH IN limdemo END FOR SELECT * LIMIT 5; DECLARE limdemo CURSOR FOR SELECT ... MOVE 20 IN limdemo FOR i = 1 to 5 FETCH IN limdemo; END FOR SELECT * OFFSET 20 LIMIT 5; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 49
  • 51. Controlling Rows Returned LIMIT/OFFSET Example SELECT order_id, balance FROM order ORDER BY balance DESC LIMIT 10; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 50
  • 52. Locking SELECT Rows FOR UPDATE BEGIN; LOCK tab; SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE id = 4452; UPDATE customer SET balance = 0 WHERE id = 4452; COMMIT; BEGIN; SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id = 4452 FOR UPDATE; ... UPDATE customer SET balance = 0 Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 51
  • 53. WHERE id = 4452; COMMIT; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 52
  • 54. Temporary Tables CREATE TABLE tab (...); ... DROP TABLE tab; CREATE TEMP TABLE tab (...); SELECT * INTO TEMPORARY hold FROM tab1, tab2, tab3 WHERE ... Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 53
  • 55. Automatically Modify SELECT VIEW - One Column SELECT col4 FROM tab; CREATE VIEW view1 AS SELECT col4 FROM tab; SELECT * FROM view1; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 54
  • 56. Automatically Modify SELECT VIEW - One Row SELECT * FROM tab WHERE col = ’ISDN’; CREATE VIEW view2 AS SELECT * FROM tab WHERE col = ’ISDN’; SELECT * FROM view2; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 55
  • 57. Automatically Modify SELECT VIEW - One Field SELECT col4 FROM tab WHERE col = ’ISDN’; CREATE VIEW view3 AS SELECT col4 FROM tab WHERE col = ’ISDN’; SELECT * FROM view3; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 56
  • 58. Automatically Modify INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE Rules INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (...); INSERT INTO tab2 VALUES (...); CREATE RULE insert_tab1 AS ON INSERT TO tab1 DO INSERT INTO tab2 VALUES (...); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (...); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 57
  • 59. Automatically Modify INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE Rules Example CREATE TABLE service_request ( customer_id INTEGER, description text, cre_user text DEFAULT CURRENT_USER, cre_timestamp timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); CREATE TABLE service_request_log ( customer_id INTEGER, description text, mod_type char(1), mod_user text DEFAULT CURRENT_USER, mod_timestamp timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 58
  • 60. Rules Example - Rule Definition CREATE RULE service_request_update AS -- UPDATE rule ON UPDATE TO service_request DO INSERT INTO service_request_log (customer_id, description, mod_type) VALUES (old.customer_id, old.description, ’U’); CREATE RULE service_request_delete AS -- DELETE rule ON DELETE TO service_request DO INSERT INTO service_request_log (customer_id, description, mod_type) VALUES (old.customer_id, old.description, ’D’); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 59
  • 61. Multi-User Consistency Atomic Changes   Atomic Visibility   Atomic Consistency   Reliability   User 1 User 2 Descrip BEGIN WORK User 1 starts a t UPDATE acct SET balance = balance - 100 WHERE acctno = 53224 remove 100 from UPDATE acct SET balance = balance + 100 WHERE acctno = 94913 add 100 to an a SELECT * FROM acct sees both change SELECT * FROM acct sees no changes COMMIT WORK SELECT * FROM acct sees both change Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 60
  • 62. Notification LISTEN/NOTIFY signal()/kill() LISTEN myevent; NOTIFY myevent; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 61
  • 63. Application Walk-through Gborg, Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 62
  • 64. 2. Functions and Triggers Placing Code Into the Database: Server-side Functions Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 63
  • 65. Single-Parameter Built-In Functions/Operator SELECT factorial(10); factorial ----------- 3628800 (1 row) SELECT 10!; ?column? ---------- 3628800 (1 row) Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 64
  • 66. Two-Parameter Built-in Function/Operator SELECT date_mi(’2003-05-20’::date, ’2001-10-13’::date); date_mi --------- 584 (1 row) SELECT ’2003-05-20’::date - ’2001-10-13’::date; ?column? ---------- 584 (1 row) psql df psql do Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 65
  • 67. Custom Server-Side Functions Create function   Call function, manually or automatically   Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 66
  • 68. Compute Sales Tax total = cost * 1.06; INSERT ... VALUES ( ... total ... ); INSERT ... VALUES ( ... cost * 1.06, ... ); CREATE FUNCTION total(float) RETURNS float AS ’SELECT $1 * 1.06;’ LANGUAGE ’sql’; INSERT ... VALUES ( ... total(cost) ... ) Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 67
  • 69. Convert Fahrenheit to Centigrade cent = (faren - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0 INSERT ... VALUES ( ... cent ... ) INSERT ... VALUES ( ... (faren - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0, ... ) CREATE FUNCTION ftoc(float) RETURNS float AS ’SELECT ($1 - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0;’ LANGUAGE ’sql’; INSERT ... VALUES ( ... ftoc(faren) ... ) Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 68
  • 70. Compute Shipping Cost if cost < 2 shipping = 3.00 else if cost < 4 shipping = 5.00 else shipping = 6.00 INSERT ... VALUES ( ... cost + shipping ... ); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 69
  • 71. Shipping Cost Function CREATE FUNCTION shipping(numeric) RETURNS numeric AS ’SELECT CASE WHEN $1 < 2 THEN CAST(3.00 AS numeric(8,2)) WHEN $1 >= 2 AND $1 < 4 THEN CAST(5.00 AS numeric(8,2)) WHEN $1 >= 4 THEN CAST(6.00 AS numeric(8,2)) END;’ LANGUAGE ’sql’; INSERT ... VALUES ( ... cost + shipping(cost) ... ); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 70
  • 72. String Processing — PL/pgSQL CREATE FUNCTION spread(text) RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE str text; ret text; i integer; len integer; BEGIN str := upper($1); ret := ’’; -- start with zero length i := 1; len := length(str); WHILE i <= len LOOP ret := ret || substr(str, i, 1) || ’ ’; i := i + 1; END LOOP; RETURN ret; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 71
  • 73. END; $$ LANGUAGE ’plpgsql’; SELECT spread(’Major Financial Report’); spread ---------------------------------------------- M A J O R F I N A N C I A L R E P O R T (1 row) Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 72
  • 74. State Name Lookup SQL Language Function SELECT name FROM statename WHERE code = ’AL’; CREATE FUNCTION getstatename(text) RETURNS text AS ’SELECT name FROM statename WHERE code = $1;’ LANGUAGE ’sql’; SELECT getstatename(’AL’); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 73
  • 75. State Name Lookup From String PL/pgSQL Language Function CREATE FUNCTION getstatecode(text) RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE state_str; statename_rec record; i integer; len integer; matches record; search_str text; BEGIN state_str := initcap($1); -- capitalization match column len := length(trim($1)); i := 2; SELECT INTO statename_rec * -- first try for an exact match FROM statename WHERE name = state_str; IF FOUND THEN RETURN statename_rec.code; END IF; Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 74
  • 76. WHILE i <= len LOOP -- test 2,4,6,... chars for match search_str = trim(substr(state_str, 1, i)) || ’%’; SELECT INTO matches COUNT(*) FROM statename WHERE name LIKE search_str; IF matches.count = 0 -- no matches, failure THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; IF matches.count = 1 -- exactly one match, return it THEN SELECT INTO statename_rec * FROM statename WHERE name LIKE search_str; IF FOUND THEN RETURN statename_rec.code; END IF; END IF; i := i + 2; -- >1 match, try 2 more chars END LOOP; RETURN ’’; END; $$ LANGUAGE ’plpgsql’; SELECT getstatecode(’Alabama’); SELECT getstatecode(’ALAB’); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 75
  • 77. SELECT getstatecode(’Al’); SELECT getstatecode(’Ail’); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 76
  • 78. State Name Maintenance CREATE FUNCTION change_statename(char(2), char(30)) RETURNS boolean AS $$ DECLARE state_code ALIAS FOR $1; state_name ALIAS FOR $2; statename_rec RECORD; BEGIN IF length(state_code) = 0 -- no state code, failure THEN RETURN ’f’; ELSE IF length(state_name) != 0 -- is INSERT or UPDATE? THEN SELECT INTO statename_rec * FROM statename WHERE code = state_code; IF NOT FOUND -- is state not in table? THEN INSERT INTO statename VALUES (state_code, state_name); ELSE UPDATE statename SET name = state_name Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 77
  • 79. WHERE code = state_code; END IF; RETURN ’t’; ELSE -- is DELETE SELECT INTO statename_rec * FROM statename WHERE code = state_code; IF FOUND THEN DELETE FROM statename WHERE code = state_code; RETURN ’t’; ELSE RETURN ’f’; END IF; END IF; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE ’plpgsql’; SELECT change_statename(’AL’,’Alabama’); SELECT change_statename(’AL’,’Bermuda’); SELECT change_statename(’AL’,’’); SELECT change_statename(’AL’,’’); -- row was already deleted Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 78
  • 80. SELECT Inside FROM SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM tab) AS tab; SELECT * FROM ( SELECT 1,2,3,4,5 UNION SELECT 6,7,8,9,10 UNION SELECT 11,12,13,14,15) AS tab15; col| col| col| col| col ---+----+----+----+---- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 (3 rows) Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 79
  • 81. Function Returning Multiple Values CREATE TABLE int5(x1 INTEGER, x2 INTEGER, x3 INTEGER, x4 INTE- GER, x5 INTEGER); CREATE FUNCTION func5() RETURNS SETOF int5 AS ’SELECT 1,2,3,4,5;’ LANGUAGE SQL; SELECT * FROM func5(); x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 ----+----+----+----+---- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 (1 row) Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 80
  • 82. Function Returning a Table Result CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func15() RETURNS SETOF int5 AS ’ SELECT 1,2,3,4,5 UNION SELECT 6,7,8,9,10 UNION SELECT 11,12,13,14,15;’ LANGUAGE SQL; SELECT * FROM func15(); x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 ----+----+----+----+---- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 (3 rows) Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 81
  • 83. Automatic Function Calls Trigger BEFORE/AFTER ROW   INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE   OLD/NEW   Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 82
  • 84. Trigger on Statename CREATE FUNCTION trigger_insert_update_statename() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF new.code !~ ’^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]$’ THEN RAISE EXCEPTION ’State code must be two alphabetic characters.’; END IF; IF !~ ’^[A-Za-z ]*$’ THEN RAISE EXCEPTION ’State name must be only alphabetic characters.’; END IF; IF length(trim( < 3 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION ’State name must longer than two characters.’; END IF; new.code = upper(new.code); -- uppercase statename.code = initcap(; -- capitalize RETURN new; END; $$ Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 83
  • 86. Install Trigger On Statename CREATE TRIGGER trigger_statename BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON statename FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_insert_update_statename(); INSERT INTO statename VALUES (’a’, ’alabama’); INSERT INTO statename VALUES (’al’, ’alabama2’); INSERT INTO statename VALUES (’al’, ’al’); INSERT INTO statename VALUES (’al’, ’alabama’); Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 85
  • 87. Function Languages SQL   PL/pgSQL   PL/TCL   PL/Python   PL/Perl   PL/sh   C   Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 86
  • 88. Function Examples /contrib/earthdistance   /contrib/fuzzystringmatch   /contrib/pgcrypto   Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 87
  • 89. 3. Customizing Database Features Adding New Data and Indexing Features Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 88
  • 90. Creation CREATE FUNCTIONS in C   CREATE TYPE   CREATE OPERATOR   CREATE OPERATOR CLASS (index type)   Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 89
  • 91. Create New Data Type With Operator and Index Support Write input/output functions   Register input/output functions with CREATE FUNCTION   Register type with CREATE TYPE   Write comparison functions   Register comparison functions with CREATE FUNCTION   Register comparison functions with CREATE OPERATOR   Register operator class for indexes with CREATE OPERATOR CLASS   Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 90
  • 92. Create New Data Type Examples /contrib/chkpass   /contrib/isn   /contrib/cube   /contrib/ltree   /src/backend/utils/adt   Processing Data Inside PostgreSQL 91