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Instruction Manual
Created by: Robin Stone, Co-op Student, BBA
Department of National Defence
CFB Esquimalt
Table of Contents
Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 2
Database Main Page........................................................................................................................ 2
Reports............................................................................................................................................ 3
Report Overview......................................................................................................................... 4
Opening a Report ........................................................................................................................ 4
Drop Down Menus.................................................................................................................. 4
Prompts ................................................................................................................................... 5
Report Layout ............................................................................................................................. 6
Types of Report........................................................................................................................... 7
Detailed................................................................................................................................... 7
Summary................................................................................................................................. 9
Overdue Assessments ........................................................................................................... 10
Entering/Editing Data ................................................................................................................... 11
Database on the Network.......................................................................................................... 11
Password Protected................................................................................................................... 12
Location Specific Confined Spaces .......................................................................................... 13
Editing Current Confined Space Records............................................................................. 14
Adding a New Confined Space............................................................................................. 15
CS Types with Generic Hazard Assessments ....................................................................... 16
Editing Current Generic Assessment Records...................................................................... 17
Adding a New Generic Assessment Record......................................................................... 17
Attaching Documents................................................................................................................ 18
Changing Database Options.......................................................................................................... 19
Welcome to the Confined Space Database!
This is a simple guide to help you navigate through this database.
Database Main Page
This is the page you see when you first open up the Confined Space Database:
When the database first opens, you must approve all content and trust the document.
This Main Menu page will allow you to easily navigate to the two main functions of this
database: entering/editing data and viewing reports.
The instruction manual you are currently reading can be found by clicking on the green
“Instructions” button.
You can exit the database by clicking on the red “Quit” button.
Reports are dynamic presentations of the data entered into a database. They are deigned to
display current, user-friendly, and useful information in a format that is easily exported, printed,
or changed. The reports in this database are designed to best serve the Confined Space
information needs of the people working at CFB Esquimalt.
To access the Reports page, click on this button
(found on the Main Menu)
This is what the Reports page looks like:
There are three different types of reports available to be search in six different ways. All are
explained in more detail further in this section.
If you need to return to the Main Menu or go back a page, use the buttons in the lower left of the
NOTE: If you use the X in the upper right corner it will close the entire database.
Report Overview
All of the reports include a few features which are the same:
Opening a Report
Each of the reports is opened by first entering in some data to filter the report by. The first four
reports include drop down menus which you select the information you wish to include in your
report. The last two reports use a prompt.
Drop Down Menus
To view the options available in the drop down menus, select the downward facing arrow on the
right-hand side of the selection box. The list of available options will appear directly below the
selection box, as shown here:
Highlight, and then select the option you would like to search by. Once you have an option
selected into the drop down menu, you may select the type of report you are interested in
producing: “Detailed”, “Summary”, or “Overdue Assessments”.
Report #4 requires you to use two drop down menus before opening it.
Reports 5 & 6 do not have drop down menus, however, when you select the type of report you
want (Detailed, Summary, or Overdue Assessments), you will be prompted for more
Report 5 asks you to “Enter Detachment”:
There are 3 detachments in this database: Esquimalt, Comox, and Chilliwack. This report will
filter data to only display information from the detachment you are interested in. You only need
to type in an abbreviated version of the detachment name, as listed in the pop-up window (Esq,
Cmx, or Cwk)
Report 6 prompts you to “Enter Confined Space ID Number”:
The confined space ID number is a unique alpha-numeric number assigned to every known
confined space.
If you know the specific number associated with the confined space, and only wish to see
information from that one location – you may enter that information into this prompt.
Note: You may enter full or partial ID numbers to further adjust and customize your
Report Layout
Every report has the following features:
 Report Title - General: Main title of the report. It gies information on the type of report
you selected and search you did to create the report. It does not change to reflect any
filters you may have included in the drop-down menus or prompts.
 Report Title – Specific: This sub-title is dynamic and will reflect the options you chose
in the drop-down menus. Note: reports created with the prompts do not include this
 Action Buttons: Allows you to print, export, close the report, or return to the top of the
page. They are not visible when you print or export.
 Number of Results: Total number of results generated for the report. This is found at the
top and bottom right of the report.
 Report Headings: Describes the details found in the body of the report
 Report Details: The information you seek.
 Date: This is the date the report was generated. It is included when printed or exported
to PDF.
 Page Numbers: Also included when printed or exported to PDF.
NOTE: Always close a report using the “Close” action button. If you use the X in the
upper right corner it will close the entire database.
Number of Results
Page Numbers
Action ButtonsReport Title - General
Report Title - Specific
Action Button
Types of Report
There are 3 different types of reports available: Detailed, Summary, and Overdue Assessments.
This report provides the most detailed information available for
the confined spaces being searched. (NOTE: Demolished
buildings will appear in this report – see below.)
After you select from a drop-down menu or enter info into the prompt and select the “Detailed”
button, you will see a report like this:
(Note: AH-SMH01 is not demolished – data was changed to provide an example of what you would see for
demolished locations as there are currently no demolished locations in this database)
This report includes the following information:
Location Name
Includes Detachment acronym, full location name, and acronym
of location. (i.e. Esq - Albert Head (AH))
Confined Space ID
i.e. AH-SMH15
Type of Confined Space
Selected from a pre-defined list of Confined Space types (i.e.
Crawl Space, Manhole – Sewer)
Description Description of the confined space
Attached pictures of the confined space. These can be opened,
viewed and printed from the report.
Class Classification assigned to the Confined Space (A, B, or C)
Generic Hazard
Assessment Report
A general hazard report with information regarding the “Type” of
confined space. For example, there is one general hazard report
that is the same for all Electrical Vaults. Note: this is a PDF
attachment and can be opened from the report.
Location Specific
Assessment Report
A report specific to the location it is attached to. For example,
there may be a specific report with details only pertaining to AH-
SMH15, so this report would only be found attached to this entry.
Note: this is a PDF attachment and can be opened from the
Notes Any additional notes regarding the report information
Most Recent Assessment
The date which the confined space was most recently assessed
Demolished This only appears if the location has been tagged as demolished
Due for Inspection
This only appears if the most recent assessment date is greater
than three years prior to the current date
No Date Entered This only appears if there is no assessment date listed in this field
This report provides fewer details about the confined spaces being
searched. It is useful for looking up and finding information about
many spaces in one location.
After you select from a drop-down menu or enter info into the prompt and select the “Summary”
button, you will see a report like this:
(Note: AH-SMH01 is not demolished – data was changed to provide an example of what you would see for
demolished locations as there are currently no demolished locations in this database)
This report includes the following information:
Location Name
Includes Detachment acronym, full location name, and acronym
of location. (i.e. Esq - Albert Head (AH)). If you search by
Location, the location name will be listed at the top of the report
only. Otherwise, it will be in the body of the report.
Confined Space ID
i.e. AH-SMH15
Type of Confined Space
Selected from a pre-defined list of Confined Space types (i.e.
Crawl Space, Manhole – Sewer). If you search by Type of
Confined Space, the type will be listed at the top of the report
only. Otherwise, it will be in the body of the report.
Description Description of the confined space
Classification assigned to the Confined Space (A, B, or C). If you
search by classification – the class will be listed at the top of the
report only. Otherwise, it will be in the body of the report.
Demolished This only appears if the location has been tagged as demolished
Due for Inspection
This only appears if the most recent assessment date is greater
than three years prior to the current date
No Date Entered This only appears if there is no assessment date listed in this field
Overdue Assessments
This report only shows results that are either missing
assessment dates, or are overdue for an assessment (more than
3 years since last date entered). All up to date confined spaces
will not show up in these reports. (NOTE: demolished buildings will NOT appear in these
After you select from a drop-down menu or enter info into the prompt and select the “Overdue
Assessments” button, you will see a report like this:
This report includes the following information:
Location Name
Includes Detachment acronym, full location name, and acronym
of location. (i.e. Esq - Albert Head (AH)). If you search by
Location, the location name will be listed at the top of the report
only. Otherwise, it will be in the body of the report.
Confined Space ID
i.e. AH-SMH15
Type of Confined Space
Selected from a pre-defined list of Confined Space types (i.e.
Crawl Space, Manhole – Sewer). If you search by Type of
Confined Space, the type will be listed at the top of the report
only. Otherwise, it will be in the body of the report.
Description Description of the confined space
Classification assigned to the Confined Space (A, B, or C). If you
search by classification – the class will be listed at the top of the
report only. Otherwise, it will be in the body of the report.
Demolished This only appears if the location has been tagged as demolished
Due for Inspection
This indicates that the most recent assessment date is greater than
three years prior to the current date. If the record is current, it
would not be included in the report
No Date Entered
This indicates that there is no assessment date listed in the
assessment date field. If a current date is entered, the record would
not be included in the report.
Entering/Editing Data
Database on the Network
on the O: Drive (O:BCE_RISK_MANAGEMENTSafetyConfined Space)
Like many documents, a COPY of the original database will be available on the N: Drive. This
file will need to be replaced with a new copy of the original periodically.
DO NOT add new data into the database found on the N: Drive.
To access the Enter New Data page, click on this button:
(found on the Main Menu)
Password Protected
When you attempt to open the Enter/Edit Data page, you will be prompted to enter a password.
This section of the database is password protected. Only
people trained and authorized to enter new data will have
access to this password.
If you do not have this password, click “Cancel” to return
to the Main Menu.
After entering the correct password the Enter/Edit Data page will open. It looks like this:
Location Specific Confined Spaces
To add or change information regarding a specific confined space,
click this button:
You will always see the first confined space record entered when you open this page.
Use these buttons to navigate through records.
Use this button to delete records.
Editing Current Confined Space Records
Most of the time you will be editing current records, so you need to find the records needed for
The first step is to highlight the field you wish to search within.
Once the field is highlighted, click the “Find Record” button.
A “Find and Replace” window will prompt you
for information to find the record you need.
Type the information for the record you are
searching for and press the “Enter” key.
From this window you can also select from the
“Look In” drop-down menu an option to search the current document rather than the current
You can navigate to the next record with the “Find Next” button.
NOTE: to see any changes or additions reflected in the reports, you must close the form
you are working in by using the “Back” button. The “Main Menu” button does not close
the form (which is helpful for not entering the password many times).
Adding a New Confined Space
Use this button to add a new record. It will open a blank form to fill out
for the building you are adding.
Field Name Description
1 Location Select the general location from the drop down list.
2 Confined Space ID number Enter in the alpha-numeric confined space ID number
3 Type of Confined Space Select the type from the drop down list
4 Classification Select the classification from the drop down list
5 Location Description
Type in a breif description of the exact location of the
confined space
6 Pictures
Attach any pictures of the confined space. For more details
on how to attach documents, see below.
Most Recent Assessment
Type in the date of the most recent
assessment for this confined space. You can
type in the date manually, or click the
calendar icon and select the date (see
8 Location Specific Reports
Attach any assessment documents in PDF. For more details
on how to attach documents, see below.
9 Notes from Report
Type any important comments about the assessment report
or confined space not captured elsewhere.
10 Demolished? Click the check box if the confined space is demolished.
This will only be used when editing existing records.
CS Types with Generic Hazard Assessments
To add or change information regarding the generic hazard
assessments, click this button:
This is what you see when you open the Generic Assessments form:
Use these buttons to navigate in this form
Editing Current Generic Assessment Records
Every generic record is on this page, so to find the record you need to change simply scroll or
use the arrows until you have highlighted the record you need.
There are only 2 pieces of information you can change in this form: Type of Confined Space, and
the Generic Hazard Assessment.
Any title typed into the “Type of Confined Space” field will be reflected throughout the
database. Data typed into this field are found on the drop down lists and pulled into all of the
The second field allows you to attach a generic report specific to the type of confined space. This
report will then be attached to all confined spaces of the same type. For example, if there is a
general report for Sewer Manholes, you only need to attach it once in this form and it will link
the attachment to all of the sewer manholes records.
Use the instructions below for attaching documents.
Adding a New Generic Assessment Record
To add a new confined space type with generic assessment, scroll to the bottom of the list, or use
this button:
The row with the asterisk (*) is what a blank record looks like:
To fill out the new record, simply type the name of the confined space in the first field, and
attach the document in the second.
NOTE: to see any changes or additions reflected in the reports, you must close the form
you are working in by using the “Back” button. The “Main Menu” button does not close
the form (which is helpful for not entering the password many times).
Attaching Documents
There are many places in this database where documents should be attached. By attaching
documents, users of the database have the ability to open and reference the document when
looking at report results.
This is how to attach a document.
When you click into any field where a document can be attached, a ghost window will appear
that looks like this:
You can either click “Space Bar” or use the mouse to select
the paperclip icon to open the “Attachments” window.
Click the “Add” button
A “Choose File” window will open. Navigate using
the left pane to the file that you wish to attach.
When you have highlighted the file you wish to attach.
Double click it.
The file is now attached to the record.
Click “OK” to confirm the attachment and return to the
NOTE: This file has been attached to the database. It is not a link to the original file. If
the original file is changed, it will not be reflected in the database.
Changing Database Options
First, click the small downward arrow next to the
Quick Access Toolbar. Select “More
Second, select “Current Database” from the navigation pane on the left.
 Display Document Tabs
 Display Navigation Pane
 Allow Full Menus
 Allow Default Shortcut Menus
Accept all the notifications that prompt, and restart the database.
Now you will be able to view and modify all of the Access Objects. Including: tables, queries,
forms, reports, relationships, control models, etc.
Use the same steps listed above and de-select the same options to re-lock the database.

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  • 1. Instruction Manual 2016 Created by: Robin Stone, Co-op Student, BBA Department of National Defence CFB Esquimalt
  • 2. 1 Table of Contents Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 2 Database Main Page........................................................................................................................ 2 Reports............................................................................................................................................ 3 Report Overview......................................................................................................................... 4 Opening a Report ........................................................................................................................ 4 Drop Down Menus.................................................................................................................. 4 Prompts ................................................................................................................................... 5 Report Layout ............................................................................................................................. 6 Types of Report........................................................................................................................... 7 Detailed................................................................................................................................... 7 Summary................................................................................................................................. 9 Overdue Assessments ........................................................................................................... 10 Entering/Editing Data ................................................................................................................... 11 Database on the Network.......................................................................................................... 11 Password Protected................................................................................................................... 12 Location Specific Confined Spaces .......................................................................................... 13 Editing Current Confined Space Records............................................................................. 14 Adding a New Confined Space............................................................................................. 15 CS Types with Generic Hazard Assessments ....................................................................... 16 Editing Current Generic Assessment Records...................................................................... 17 Adding a New Generic Assessment Record......................................................................... 17 Attaching Documents................................................................................................................ 18 Changing Database Options.......................................................................................................... 19
  • 3. 2 Introduction Welcome to the Confined Space Database! This is a simple guide to help you navigate through this database. Database Main Page This is the page you see when you first open up the Confined Space Database: When the database first opens, you must approve all content and trust the document. This Main Menu page will allow you to easily navigate to the two main functions of this database: entering/editing data and viewing reports. The instruction manual you are currently reading can be found by clicking on the green “Instructions” button. You can exit the database by clicking on the red “Quit” button.
  • 4. 3 Reports Reports are dynamic presentations of the data entered into a database. They are deigned to display current, user-friendly, and useful information in a format that is easily exported, printed, or changed. The reports in this database are designed to best serve the Confined Space information needs of the people working at CFB Esquimalt. To access the Reports page, click on this button (found on the Main Menu) This is what the Reports page looks like: There are three different types of reports available to be search in six different ways. All are explained in more detail further in this section. If you need to return to the Main Menu or go back a page, use the buttons in the lower left of the screen. NOTE: If you use the X in the upper right corner it will close the entire database.
  • 5. 4 Report Overview All of the reports include a few features which are the same: Opening a Report Each of the reports is opened by first entering in some data to filter the report by. The first four reports include drop down menus which you select the information you wish to include in your report. The last two reports use a prompt. Drop Down Menus To view the options available in the drop down menus, select the downward facing arrow on the right-hand side of the selection box. The list of available options will appear directly below the selection box, as shown here: Highlight, and then select the option you would like to search by. Once you have an option selected into the drop down menu, you may select the type of report you are interested in producing: “Detailed”, “Summary”, or “Overdue Assessments”. Report #4 requires you to use two drop down menus before opening it.
  • 6. 5 Prompts Reports 5 & 6 do not have drop down menus, however, when you select the type of report you want (Detailed, Summary, or Overdue Assessments), you will be prompted for more information. Report 5 asks you to “Enter Detachment”: There are 3 detachments in this database: Esquimalt, Comox, and Chilliwack. This report will filter data to only display information from the detachment you are interested in. You only need to type in an abbreviated version of the detachment name, as listed in the pop-up window (Esq, Cmx, or Cwk) Report 6 prompts you to “Enter Confined Space ID Number”: The confined space ID number is a unique alpha-numeric number assigned to every known confined space. If you know the specific number associated with the confined space, and only wish to see information from that one location – you may enter that information into this prompt. Note: You may enter full or partial ID numbers to further adjust and customize your results.
  • 7. 6 Report Layout Every report has the following features:  Report Title - General: Main title of the report. It gies information on the type of report you selected and search you did to create the report. It does not change to reflect any filters you may have included in the drop-down menus or prompts.  Report Title – Specific: This sub-title is dynamic and will reflect the options you chose in the drop-down menus. Note: reports created with the prompts do not include this feature.  Action Buttons: Allows you to print, export, close the report, or return to the top of the page. They are not visible when you print or export.  Number of Results: Total number of results generated for the report. This is found at the top and bottom right of the report.  Report Headings: Describes the details found in the body of the report  Report Details: The information you seek.  Date: This is the date the report was generated. It is included when printed or exported to PDF.  Page Numbers: Also included when printed or exported to PDF. NOTE: Always close a report using the “Close” action button. If you use the X in the upper right corner it will close the entire database. Number of Results Report Headings Report Details Date Page Numbers Action ButtonsReport Title - General Report Title - Specific Action Button
  • 8. 7 Types of Report There are 3 different types of reports available: Detailed, Summary, and Overdue Assessments. Detailed This report provides the most detailed information available for the confined spaces being searched. (NOTE: Demolished buildings will appear in this report – see below.) After you select from a drop-down menu or enter info into the prompt and select the “Detailed” button, you will see a report like this: (Note: AH-SMH01 is not demolished – data was changed to provide an example of what you would see for demolished locations as there are currently no demolished locations in this database) This report includes the following information: Location Name Includes Detachment acronym, full location name, and acronym of location. (i.e. Esq - Albert Head (AH)) Confined Space ID Number i.e. AH-SMH15 Type of Confined Space Selected from a pre-defined list of Confined Space types (i.e. Crawl Space, Manhole – Sewer) Description Description of the confined space Pictures Attached pictures of the confined space. These can be opened, viewed and printed from the report. Class Classification assigned to the Confined Space (A, B, or C) Generic Hazard Assessment Report A general hazard report with information regarding the “Type” of confined space. For example, there is one general hazard report that is the same for all Electrical Vaults. Note: this is a PDF
  • 9. 8 attachment and can be opened from the report. Location Specific Assessment Report A report specific to the location it is attached to. For example, there may be a specific report with details only pertaining to AH- SMH15, so this report would only be found attached to this entry. Note: this is a PDF attachment and can be opened from the report. Notes Any additional notes regarding the report information Most Recent Assessment Date The date which the confined space was most recently assessed Demolished This only appears if the location has been tagged as demolished Due for Inspection This only appears if the most recent assessment date is greater than three years prior to the current date No Date Entered This only appears if there is no assessment date listed in this field
  • 10. 9 Summary This report provides fewer details about the confined spaces being searched. It is useful for looking up and finding information about many spaces in one location. After you select from a drop-down menu or enter info into the prompt and select the “Summary” button, you will see a report like this: (Note: AH-SMH01 is not demolished – data was changed to provide an example of what you would see for demolished locations as there are currently no demolished locations in this database) This report includes the following information: Location Name Includes Detachment acronym, full location name, and acronym of location. (i.e. Esq - Albert Head (AH)). If you search by Location, the location name will be listed at the top of the report only. Otherwise, it will be in the body of the report. Confined Space ID Number i.e. AH-SMH15 Type of Confined Space Selected from a pre-defined list of Confined Space types (i.e. Crawl Space, Manhole – Sewer). If you search by Type of Confined Space, the type will be listed at the top of the report only. Otherwise, it will be in the body of the report. Description Description of the confined space Class Classification assigned to the Confined Space (A, B, or C). If you search by classification – the class will be listed at the top of the report only. Otherwise, it will be in the body of the report. Demolished This only appears if the location has been tagged as demolished Due for Inspection This only appears if the most recent assessment date is greater than three years prior to the current date No Date Entered This only appears if there is no assessment date listed in this field
  • 11. 10 Overdue Assessments This report only shows results that are either missing assessment dates, or are overdue for an assessment (more than 3 years since last date entered). All up to date confined spaces will not show up in these reports. (NOTE: demolished buildings will NOT appear in these reports.) After you select from a drop-down menu or enter info into the prompt and select the “Overdue Assessments” button, you will see a report like this: This report includes the following information: Location Name Includes Detachment acronym, full location name, and acronym of location. (i.e. Esq - Albert Head (AH)). If you search by Location, the location name will be listed at the top of the report only. Otherwise, it will be in the body of the report. Confined Space ID Number i.e. AH-SMH15 Type of Confined Space Selected from a pre-defined list of Confined Space types (i.e. Crawl Space, Manhole – Sewer). If you search by Type of Confined Space, the type will be listed at the top of the report only. Otherwise, it will be in the body of the report. Description Description of the confined space Class Classification assigned to the Confined Space (A, B, or C). If you search by classification – the class will be listed at the top of the report only. Otherwise, it will be in the body of the report. Demolished This only appears if the location has been tagged as demolished Due for Inspection This indicates that the most recent assessment date is greater than three years prior to the current date. If the record is current, it would not be included in the report No Date Entered This indicates that there is no assessment date listed in the assessment date field. If a current date is entered, the record would not be included in the report.
  • 12. 11 Entering/Editing Data Database on the Network ONLY ENTER DATA INTO THE ORIGINAL DATABASE. This file will be stored on the O: Drive (O:BCE_RISK_MANAGEMENTSafetyConfined Space) Like many documents, a COPY of the original database will be available on the N: Drive. This file will need to be replaced with a new copy of the original periodically. DO NOT add new data into the database found on the N: Drive. To access the Enter New Data page, click on this button: (found on the Main Menu)
  • 13. 12 Password Protected When you attempt to open the Enter/Edit Data page, you will be prompted to enter a password. This section of the database is password protected. Only people trained and authorized to enter new data will have access to this password. If you do not have this password, click “Cancel” to return to the Main Menu. After entering the correct password the Enter/Edit Data page will open. It looks like this:
  • 14. 13 Location Specific Confined Spaces To add or change information regarding a specific confined space, click this button: You will always see the first confined space record entered when you open this page. IF YOU CHANGE ANY DATA IN A CURRENT RECORD, IT WILL BE SAVED AUTOMATICALLY AND WITHOUT NOTIFICATION. SEE THE SECTION ON CHANGING OR ADDING DATA TO AN EXISTING ENTRY FOR MORE INFORMATION. Use these buttons to navigate through records. Use this button to delete records.
  • 15. 14 Editing Current Confined Space Records Most of the time you will be editing current records, so you need to find the records needed for editing. The first step is to highlight the field you wish to search within. Once the field is highlighted, click the “Find Record” button. A “Find and Replace” window will prompt you for information to find the record you need. Type the information for the record you are searching for and press the “Enter” key. From this window you can also select from the “Look In” drop-down menu an option to search the current document rather than the current field. You can navigate to the next record with the “Find Next” button. NOTE: to see any changes or additions reflected in the reports, you must close the form you are working in by using the “Back” button. The “Main Menu” button does not close the form (which is helpful for not entering the password many times).
  • 16. 15 Adding a New Confined Space Use this button to add a new record. It will open a blank form to fill out for the building you are adding. Field Name Description 1 Location Select the general location from the drop down list. 2 Confined Space ID number Enter in the alpha-numeric confined space ID number 3 Type of Confined Space Select the type from the drop down list 4 Classification Select the classification from the drop down list 5 Location Description Type in a breif description of the exact location of the confined space 6 Pictures Attach any pictures of the confined space. For more details on how to attach documents, see below. 7 Most Recent Assessment Date Type in the date of the most recent assessment for this confined space. You can type in the date manually, or click the calendar icon and select the date (see image). 8 Location Specific Reports Attach any assessment documents in PDF. For more details on how to attach documents, see below. 9 Notes from Report Type any important comments about the assessment report or confined space not captured elsewhere. 10 Demolished? Click the check box if the confined space is demolished. This will only be used when editing existing records.
  • 17. 16 CS Types with Generic Hazard Assessments To add or change information regarding the generic hazard assessments, click this button: This is what you see when you open the Generic Assessments form: IF YOU CHANGE ANY DATA IN A CURRENT RECORD, IT WILL BE SAVED AUTOMATICALLY AND WITHOUT NOTIFICATION. SEE THE SECTION ON CHANGING OR ADDING DATA TO AN EXISTING ENTRY FOR MORE INFORMATION. Use these buttons to navigate in this form
  • 18. 17 Editing Current Generic Assessment Records Every generic record is on this page, so to find the record you need to change simply scroll or use the arrows until you have highlighted the record you need. There are only 2 pieces of information you can change in this form: Type of Confined Space, and the Generic Hazard Assessment. Any title typed into the “Type of Confined Space” field will be reflected throughout the database. Data typed into this field are found on the drop down lists and pulled into all of the reports. The second field allows you to attach a generic report specific to the type of confined space. This report will then be attached to all confined spaces of the same type. For example, if there is a general report for Sewer Manholes, you only need to attach it once in this form and it will link the attachment to all of the sewer manholes records. Use the instructions below for attaching documents. Adding a New Generic Assessment Record To add a new confined space type with generic assessment, scroll to the bottom of the list, or use this button: The row with the asterisk (*) is what a blank record looks like: To fill out the new record, simply type the name of the confined space in the first field, and attach the document in the second. NOTE: to see any changes or additions reflected in the reports, you must close the form you are working in by using the “Back” button. The “Main Menu” button does not close the form (which is helpful for not entering the password many times).
  • 19. 18 Attaching Documents There are many places in this database where documents should be attached. By attaching documents, users of the database have the ability to open and reference the document when looking at report results. This is how to attach a document. When you click into any field where a document can be attached, a ghost window will appear that looks like this: You can either click “Space Bar” or use the mouse to select the paperclip icon to open the “Attachments” window. Click the “Add” button A “Choose File” window will open. Navigate using the left pane to the file that you wish to attach. When you have highlighted the file you wish to attach. Double click it. The file is now attached to the record. Click “OK” to confirm the attachment and return to the form. NOTE: This file has been attached to the database. It is not a link to the original file. If the original file is changed, it will not be reflected in the database.
  • 20. 19 Changing Database Options ONLY PEOPLE WHO HAVE A STRONG UNDERSTANDING OF DATABASE DESIGN SHOULD ENTER THIS AREA OF THE DATABASE AS SMALL CHANGES CAN CAUSE MULTIPLE FUNCTIONS TO STOP WORKING. First, click the small downward arrow next to the Quick Access Toolbar. Select “More Commands…” Second, select “Current Database” from the navigation pane on the left. Select:  Display Document Tabs  Display Navigation Pane  Allow Full Menus  Allow Default Shortcut Menus
  • 21. 20 Accept all the notifications that prompt, and restart the database. Now you will be able to view and modify all of the Access Objects. Including: tables, queries, forms, reports, relationships, control models, etc. Use the same steps listed above and de-select the same options to re-lock the database.