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Mobile Quality Crew Meetup, Vienna, April 23rd 2015
Cross Mobile Testautomation with
Xamarin & SpecFlow
• Xamarin
• Test automation in agile projects
• Specification-By-Example
• SpecFlow
• UI automation on mobile devices
• Mobile app automation with SpecFlow
Native development for each platform
Abstracting the platform
Xamarin approach
Compilation and run time
Android APK
Android/Linux kernel
IL code for platform
specific profile
VS solution with
Android APK
Shared Code
Mono CLR for iOS
Mono CLR for
profile assembly
AOT ARM Binary
iOS App (C#)
Android App
profile assembly
profile assembly
iOS/Cocoa Touch
Native mobile apps with C#/Xamarin
1. Reuse existing .NET/C# Know-How
2. Powerful platform and tools
(Linq, Xml, Events/Delegates, Parallel Programming, Visual Studio/TFS, …)
3. Shared code for multi-platform apps
Required Know-How
twitterListView.setOnItemClickListener (new OnItemClickListener () {
public void onItemClick (AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
Intent tweetDetails = new Intent (TwitterScreen.this, TweetDetailsScreen.class);
tweetDetails.putExtra ("TweetID", TwitterFeed[position].ID);
startActivity (tweetDetails);
twitterListView.ItemClick += (s, e) => {
var tweetDetails = new Intent (this, typeof (TweetDetailsScreen));
tweetDetails.PutExtra ("TweetID", TwitterFeed[e.Position].ID);
StartActivity (tweetDetails);
Development environment
OS Mac OSX, Windows Windows
UI Designer Android, iOS
Build Android, iOS (via Xamarin Build Host on Mac OSX)
Debug Android (Device and ARM/x86 emulator)
iOS (Device and emulator on Mac)
.NET libaries availabile on Xamarin
Assembly feature set
mscorlib.dll SL
OpenTK.dll OpenGL/OpenAL
System.dll SL+
System.Core.dll SL
System.Data.dll NET35-
System.Data.Service.Client.dll vollständiger OData Client
System.Json.dll SL
System.Runtime.Serialization.dll SL
System.ServiceModel.dll SL (WCF)
System.ServiceModel.Web.dll SL+
System.Transactions.dll NET35
System.Web.Services NET35-
System.Xml.dll NET35
System.Xml.Linq.dll NET35
s.SymbolWriter.dll Für Compiler
TDS Protokoll
Mono.Security.dll Cryptographic API
monotouch.dll iOS Bindings
Mono.Android.dll Android Bindings
One UI definition for 3 platforms (iOS, Android, WP)
in XAML (data binding)
translates to native UI controls on each platform
can be mixed with custom UI
Test Automation
agile projects
Test automation becomes expensive when …
• automating manual tests
• automation makes tests
• automating only after
right moment
Manual tests
Asserts Multiple combined
Structure ACT-ASSERT-
Dependent features
Long test path with
high chance to break
Cause and impact of
error hard to trace
Automated Check
Single aspect of a
single feature
Independent features
Short test path with
lower chance to break
Cause and impact of
error easy to relate
What to automate
Test automation pyramid
Source: Mike Cohn many
few hard
// Go to web page 'http://localhost:40001/' using new browser instance
BrowserWindow localhostBrowser = BrowserWindow.Launch(
new System.Uri(this.RecordedMethod1Params.Url));
// Click 'Register found item' link
Mouse.Click(uIFundstückerfassenHyperlink, new Point(56, 9));
// Click 'Save' button
Mouse.Click(uISpeichernButton, new Point(44, 14));
int fundNr1 = int.Parse(uIFundNr127Pane.InnerText.Substring(9));
// Click 'Register found item' link
Mouse.Click(uIFundstückerfassenHyperlink, new Point(63, 7));
// Click 'Save' button
Mouse.Click(uISpeichernButton, new Point(34, 11));
int fundNr2 = int.Parse(uIFundNr128Pane.InnerText.Substring(9));
Assert.IsTrue(fundNr1 + 1 == fundNr2);
// Click 'Close' button
Mouse.Click(uICloseButton, new Point(26, 11));
A readable test case
Scenario: New found items should receive a
consecutive number for the current year
Given the previous found item of the
current year had the number 145
When I register a new found item
Then the last found item of the
current year should have the number 146
When to test (right moment)
Acceptance criteria checks
Unit Tests
business view
technical view
Exploratory tests
User Journey tests
Performance, Scalability,
Usability,Security, …
New dimension: defining the product
Synergy: Specification of requirements and tests
Agile Testing Quadrants: Brian Marick
Automated checks don’t replace manual testing
manual check
in definition of done
for stories
Main success paths
acceptance criteria
No/(fewer) manual
regression checks
Fewer paths
are enough
More time
for exploration
Agile “requirements”
Image from: 50 Quick ideas to improve your user stories:
Agile specifications
define upfront define just-in-time
for a
User Stories
public void CalculateDiscount(Order order)
if (order.Customer.IsNew)
order.FinalAmount =
Math.Round(order.Total * 9/10);
Register as “bart_bookworm”
Go to “/catalog/search”
Enter “ISBN-0955683610”
Click “Search”
Click “Add to Cart”
Click “View Cart”
Verify “Subtotal” is “$33.75”
We’d like to encourage new customers to buy in our shop.
Therefore we want offer 10% discount for their first order.
Original idea for the illustration: George Dinwiddie,
Agile specifications
define upfront define just-in-time
User Stories
Specification with examples
Examples …
make abstract descriptions better understandable
are usually not formally documented or exchanged
Examples Tests
describe validate
fulfillment of
consist of
Register as “bart_bookworm”
Go to “/catalog/search”
Enter “ISBN-0955683610”
Click “Search”
Click “Add to Cart”
Click “View Cart”
Verify “Subtotal” is “$33.75”
public void CalculateDiscount(Order order)
if (order.Customer.IsNew)
order.FinalAmount =
Math.Round(order.Total * 9/10);
We’d like to encourage new customers to buy in our shop.
Therefore we want offer 10% discount for their first order.
Original idea for the illustration: George Dinwiddie,
Original idea for the illustration: George Dinwiddie,
New customers should receive 10% discount:
Given the customer hasn‘t ordered yet
When the customer adds a book for EUR 37.50 to the shopping cart
Then the shopping cart shows a total price of EUR 33.75.
Actually, this is not quite right:
Books on sale should be excluded!
Original idea for the illustration: George Dinwiddie,
border cases
3 Amigos
Original idea for the illustration: George Dinwiddie,
Collecting Acceptance Criteria
“I would try to put a book into the
shopping cart …”
“I would try to remove a book
from the shopping cart…”
“I’d check whether the shopping cart
is empty, when I enter the shop …”
Books can be added to
shopping cart.
Books can be removed from
shopping cart.
Shopping cart should be empty
when entering the shop.
... ? …
As a potential customer
I want to collect books in a shopping cart
So that I can order several books at once.
“Imagine this story is
already implemented:
How would you verify it?”
“I would try to add 1000 books to
the shopping cart …”
Exploration through examples
Books in catalogue:
Title Author
Specification-By-Example Gojko Adzic
Impact Mapping Gojko Adzic
Explore It! Elisabeth Hendrickson
Competitive Engineering Tom Gilb
… I want to find books in the catalogue by author and title
Search for … Books found …
Spec Specification-By-Example
Hend Explore It!
et Explore It!, Competitive Engineering
Key examples: Breaking the model
Books in catalogue:
Title Author
Specification-By-Example Gojko Adzic
Impact Mapping Gojko Adzic
Explore It! Elisabeth Hendrickson
Competitive Engineering Tom Gilb
… I want to find books in the catalogue by author and title
Search for … Books found …
Spec Specification-By-Example
Hend Explore It!
et Explore It!, Competitive Engineering
What happens, if I search for
“Explore Specification”?
Can I search for single
characters, e.g. “e”?
Is the number of search results
limited, or paged?
Is the search also performed in the
sub-title of a book?
Purpose of the examples
• Shared understanding:
acceptance criteria
• Documentation:
specification details
• Regression-tests:
violated specifications
SpecFlow – BDD for .NET
#62 in Visual Studio Gallery based on popularity (Apr 23 2015)
#303 most downloaded package on NuGet
in the last 6 weeks (Apr 23 2015)
~1‘400 unique daily visitors on
> 30’000 active users
> 40 contributors
Feature: Description of feature or user story
Szenariogrundriss: Beschreibung des Akzeptanzkriteriums
Szenario: Beschreibung des Akzeptanzkriteriums
Gherkin Feature Files
Background: context for all scenarios in the feature file
Scenario: Description of acceptance criterion
Angenommen/Wenn/Dann: Automatisierte Szenario Schritte
Given/When/Then: automated scenario steps
Scenario Outline: Description of acceptance criterion
Angenommen/Wenn/Dann: Automatisierte Szenario Schritte
Given/When/Then: automated scenario steps with <place holder>
Examples: table with examples for <place holders>Examples: table with examples for <place holders>
Given: automated scenario steps
Abstract acceptance criteria
As a shop visitor
I want to collect books in my shopping basket
so that I can purchase multiple books at once.
Books can be added to the shopping basket
Books can be removed from the shopping basket
Shopping basket is initially empty
The same book can be added multiple times to the shopping
Scenarios: Examples in Gherkin
As a shop visitor
I want to collect books in my shopping basket
so that I can purchase multiple books at once.
Books can be added to the shopping basket
Given my shopping basket is empty
When I add the book “Harry Potter” to my shopping basket
Then my shopping basket should contain 1 copy of “Harry Potter”
As a shop visitor
I want to collect books in my shopping basket
so that I can purchase multiple books at once.
Books can be added to the shopping basket
Scenarios: Examples in Gherkin
Given my shopping basket contains 1 copy of “Harry Potter”
When I add the book “Harry Potter” to my shopping basket
Then my shopping basket should contain 2 copies of “Harry Potter”
The same book can be added multiple times to the shopping basket
The same book can be added multiple times to the shopping basket
Structure of Scenarios
Given my shopping basket contains 1 copy of “Harry Potter”
When I add the book “Harry Potter” to my shopping basket
Then my shopping basket should contain 2 copies of “Harry Potter”
Title: Describes intention/abstract acceptance criterion
Arrange: Context, describes state of the system
Act: Execution of the feature
Assert: Assertion of observable behaviour
And I should see the warning: “Book already existed in basket”
up steps
Automated continuous validation
Given my shopping basket contains 1 copy of “Harry Potter”
When I add the book “Harry Potter” to my shopping basket
Then my shopping basket should contain 2 copies of “Harry Potter”
„Step Definitions“ are binding individual steps to an automatable interface of the application.
Automation does not necessarily have to bind to the UI.
Automatability of system is supported/evolving with development.
UI automation
on mobile devices
Available tools/libraries
• Android
• Android 2.3+: Instrumentation
• Android 4.2+: UiAutomator
• selendroid
• Appium
• Robotium
• Xamarin.UITest
• iOS
• UIAutomation
• Appium
• ios-driver
• Xamarin.UITest
• Frank
• KIF (Keep it functional)
Selenium: cross platform, existing know how
• Android
• selendroid
• Appium
• iOS
• Appium
• ios-driver
Appium (
• Provides WebDriver API (JSON Wire Protocol)
• Uses native UI Automation library
• Can test native & hybrid Apps, mobile web apps
• Clients for C#, Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, JavaScript
• Works with devices and emulators
Automation with SpecFlow and Appium
SpecFlow & Appium
• Write acceptance criteria independent of the platform
• Write bindings against a Selenium- like- API
• Run it on a devices or emulator
SpecFlow automation
on the
controller layer
Different levels of automation
Business Layer
Data Layer
Trigger behaviour
through controller
Assert behaviour
on model, db, ..
Setup pre-conditions
through service
• Reuse the same feature files
• Write new bindings against the
Faster feedback from tests
UI Automation Test Controller Test
Why is it faster?
• No overhead for deploying and starting the app
• No need to wait for UI animations to finish
• No delays for searching UI controls
Advantages Controller Testing
• Faster
• Better testable App architecture
(Xamarin.Forms & MVVM)
Controller tests cannot fully replace UI tests
• UI tests are still needed
• Diversity of mobile devices
• Changes of manufacturer
• Different Hardware
 Screen sizes
 Densities
 …
• Automated UI tests are still faster than manual testing
Excuses for avoiding mobile test automation
• “This is just a small app”
• “Only complex end-end tests would make sense”
• “Maintaining automated tests is too costly”
• Diversity of devices
• Small apps also run into regressions
• Bad feedback on app store cannot be undone
Automated testing in mobile App development
• Business readable automated checks
• specification of acceptance criteria
• test first development
• Testability is an ongoing architectural concern
• every new feature needs to be testable
• not every acceptance criterion needs to be tested through UI
• Automated tests don’t replace manual testing entirely
• exploratory testing
• assertions that are hard to automate
• …
Questions and further information
Andreas Willich (
Christian Hassa (

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Cross mobile testautomation mit Xamarin & SpecFlow

  • 1. COPYRIGHT, TECHTALK - WWW.TECHTALK.AT ANDREAS WILLICH (@SABOTAGEANDI) CHRISTIAN HASSA (@CHRISHASSA) Mobile Quality Crew Meetup, Vienna, April 23rd 2015 Cross Mobile Testautomation with Xamarin & SpecFlow
  • 2. 2 Topics • Xamarin • Test automation in agile projects • Specification-By-Example • SpecFlow • UI automation on mobile devices • Mobile app automation with SpecFlow
  • 4. 4 Native development for each platform
  • 7. 7 Compilation and run time Android APK Android/Linux kernel IL code for platform specific profile VS solution with projects iOS APP Android APK Shared Code (C#,VB.NET) Mono CLR for iOS (Monotouch) Mono CLR for Android (Monodroid) Multi-Platform profile assembly Dalvik Android.* Java.* IL+JIT AOT ARM Binary iOS App (C#) Android App (C#) Xamarin.iOS profile assembly Xamarin.Android profile assembly iOS/Cocoa Touch iOS APP ARM binary
  • 8. 8 Native mobile apps with C#/Xamarin 1. Reuse existing .NET/C# Know-How 2. Powerful platform and tools (Linq, Xml, Events/Delegates, Parallel Programming, Visual Studio/TFS, …) 3. Shared code for multi-platform apps
  • 11. 11 Xamarin.Android twitterListView.setOnItemClickListener (new OnItemClickListener () { public void onItemClick (AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { Intent tweetDetails = new Intent (TwitterScreen.this, TweetDetailsScreen.class); tweetDetails.putExtra ("TweetID", TwitterFeed[position].ID); startActivity (tweetDetails); } }; twitterListView.ItemClick += (s, e) => { var tweetDetails = new Intent (this, typeof (TweetDetailsScreen)); tweetDetails.PutExtra ("TweetID", TwitterFeed[e.Position].ID); StartActivity (tweetDetails); }; C#
  • 12. 12 Development environment OS Mac OSX, Windows Windows UI Designer Android, iOS Build Android, iOS (via Xamarin Build Host on Mac OSX) Debug Android (Device and ARM/x86 emulator) iOS (Device and emulator on Mac)
  • 13. 13 .NET libaries availabile on Xamarin Assembly feature set mscorlib.dll SL OpenTK.dll OpenGL/OpenAL System.dll SL+ System.Core.dll SL System.Data.dll NET35- System.Data.Service.Client.dll vollständiger OData Client System.Json.dll SL System.Runtime.Serialization.dll SL System.ServiceModel.dll SL (WCF) System.ServiceModel.Web.dll SL+ System.Transactions.dll NET35 System.Web.Services NET35- System.Xml.dll NET35 System.Xml.Linq.dll NET35 Mono.CompilerService s.SymbolWriter.dll Für Compiler Mono.Data.Sqlite.dll ADO.NET für SQLite Mono.Data.Tds.dll TDS Protokoll Support Mono.Security.dll Cryptographic API monotouch.dll iOS Bindings Mono.Android.dll Android Bindings
  • 14. 14 Xamarin.Forms One UI definition for 3 platforms (iOS, Android, WP) in XAML (data binding) translates to native UI controls on each platform can be mixed with custom UI
  • 16. 16 Test automation becomes expensive when … • automating manual tests • automation makes tests unreadable • automating only after implementation structure readability right moment
  • 17. 17 Structure Manual tests Asserts Multiple combined features Structure ACT-ASSERT- ACT-ASSERT- ACT-ASSERT- … Dependent features Long test path with high chance to break Cause and impact of error hard to trace Automated Check Single aspect of a single feature ARRANGE – ACT – ASSERT Independent features Short test path with lower chance to break Cause and impact of error easy to relate
  • 18. 18 What to automate User journeys Acceptance- criteria Units exploratory testing Test automation pyramid Source: Mike Cohn many few hard easy Automatability
  • 19. 19 // Go to web page 'http://localhost:40001/' using new browser instance BrowserWindow localhostBrowser = BrowserWindow.Launch( new System.Uri(this.RecordedMethod1Params.Url)); // Click 'Register found item' link Mouse.Click(uIFundstückerfassenHyperlink, new Point(56, 9)); // Click 'Save' button Mouse.Click(uISpeichernButton, new Point(44, 14)); int fundNr1 = int.Parse(uIFundNr127Pane.InnerText.Substring(9)); // Click 'Register found item' link Mouse.Click(uIFundstückerfassenHyperlink, new Point(63, 7)); // Click 'Save' button Mouse.Click(uISpeichernButton, new Point(34, 11)); int fundNr2 = int.Parse(uIFundNr128Pane.InnerText.Substring(9)); Assert.IsTrue(fundNr1 + 1 == fundNr2); // Click 'Close' button Mouse.Click(uICloseButton, new Point(26, 11)); Readability
  • 20. 20 A readable test case Scenario: New found items should receive a consecutive number for the current year Given the previous found item of the current year had the number 145 When I register a new found item Then the last found item of the current year should have the number 146
  • 21. 21 When to test (right moment) Acceptance criteria checks (ATDD, BDD) Unit Tests (TDD) business view technical view Exploratory tests User Journey tests Performance, Scalability, Usability,Security, … productdefinition productcritique New dimension: defining the product Synergy: Specification of requirements and tests Agile Testing Quadrants: Brian Marick
  • 22. 22 Automated checks don’t replace manual testing User journeys Acceptance- criteria Units exploratory testing manual check in definition of done for stories Main success paths Undiscovered acceptance criteria No/(fewer) manual regression checks Fewer paths are enough More time for exploration
  • 24. 24 Agile “requirements” Specification- By-Example Image from: 50 Quick ideas to improve your user stories: Why? Outcome How? Specification
  • 25. 25 Agile specifications define upfront define just-in-time Code Reminder for a conversation Goals Impacts Epics User Stories Acceptance criteria Why? Outcome How? Specification
  • 26. 26 public void CalculateDiscount(Order order) { if (order.Customer.IsNew) order.FinalAmount = Math.Round(order.Total * 9/10); } Register as “bart_bookworm” Go to “/catalog/search” Enter “ISBN-0955683610” Click “Search” Click “Add to Cart” Click “View Cart” Verify “Subtotal” is “$33.75” We’d like to encourage new customers to buy in our shop. Therefore we want offer 10% discount for their first order. Original idea for the illustration: George Dinwiddie,
  • 27. 27 Acceptance criteria Agile specifications define upfront define just-in-time Code Goals Impacts Epics User Stories Bugs Why? Outcome How? Specification
  • 28. 28 Specification with examples Examples … make abstract descriptions better understandable are usually not formally documented or exchanged Examples Tests Requirements describe validate fulfillment of consist of
  • 29. 29 Register as “bart_bookworm” Go to “/catalog/search” Enter “ISBN-0955683610” Click “Search” Click “Add to Cart” Click “View Cart” Verify “Subtotal” is “$33.75” public void CalculateDiscount(Order order) { if (order.Customer.IsNew) order.FinalAmount = Math.Round(order.Total * 9/10); } We’d like to encourage new customers to buy in our shop. Therefore we want offer 10% discount for their first order. Original idea for the illustration: George Dinwiddie,
  • 30. 30 Original idea for the illustration: George Dinwiddie, New customers should receive 10% discount: Given the customer hasn‘t ordered yet When the customer adds a book for EUR 37.50 to the shopping cart Then the shopping cart shows a total price of EUR 33.75.
  • 31. 31 Actually, this is not quite right: Books on sale should be excluded! Original idea for the illustration: George Dinwiddie,
  • 32. 32 “Happy Path” Technical feasibility Exceptions, border cases 3 Amigos Original idea for the illustration: George Dinwiddie,
  • 33. 33 Collecting Acceptance Criteria “I would try to put a book into the shopping cart …” “I would try to remove a book from the shopping cart…” “I’d check whether the shopping cart is empty, when I enter the shop …” Books can be added to shopping cart. Books can be removed from shopping cart. Shopping cart should be empty when entering the shop. ... ? … As a potential customer I want to collect books in a shopping cart So that I can order several books at once. “Imagine this story is already implemented: How would you verify it?” “I would try to add 1000 books to the shopping cart …”
  • 34. 34 Exploration through examples Books in catalogue: Title Author Specification-By-Example Gojko Adzic Impact Mapping Gojko Adzic Explore It! Elisabeth Hendrickson Competitive Engineering Tom Gilb … I want to find books in the catalogue by author and title Search for … Books found … Spec Specification-By-Example Hend Explore It! et Explore It!, Competitive Engineering Context Action Assertion
  • 35. 35 Key examples: Breaking the model Books in catalogue: Title Author Specification-By-Example Gojko Adzic Impact Mapping Gojko Adzic Explore It! Elisabeth Hendrickson Competitive Engineering Tom Gilb … I want to find books in the catalogue by author and title Search for … Books found … Spec Specification-By-Example Hend Explore It! et Explore It!, Competitive Engineering What happens, if I search for “Explore Specification”? Can I search for single characters, e.g. “e”? Is the number of search results limited, or paged? Is the search also performed in the sub-title of a book?
  • 36. 36 Purpose of the examples • Shared understanding: acceptance criteria • Documentation: specification details • Regression-tests: violated specifications
  • 38. 38 SpecFlow – BDD for .NET #62 in Visual Studio Gallery based on popularity (Apr 23 2015) #303 most downloaded package on NuGet in the last 6 weeks (Apr 23 2015) ~1‘400 unique daily visitors on > 30’000 active users > 40 contributors
  • 39. 39 Feature: Description of feature or user story Szenariogrundriss: Beschreibung des Akzeptanzkriteriums Szenario: Beschreibung des Akzeptanzkriteriums Gherkin Feature Files Background: context for all scenarios in the feature file Scenario: Description of acceptance criterion Angenommen/Wenn/Dann: Automatisierte Szenario Schritte Given/When/Then: automated scenario steps Scenario Outline: Description of acceptance criterion Angenommen/Wenn/Dann: Automatisierte Szenario Schritte Given/When/Then: automated scenario steps with <place holder> Examples: table with examples for <place holders>Examples: table with examples for <place holders> Given: automated scenario steps @tagname @tagname @tagname @tagname
  • 40. 40 Abstract acceptance criteria As a shop visitor I want to collect books in my shopping basket so that I can purchase multiple books at once. Books can be added to the shopping basket Books can be removed from the shopping basket Shopping basket is initially empty The same book can be added multiple times to the shopping basket
  • 41. 41 Scenarios: Examples in Gherkin As a shop visitor I want to collect books in my shopping basket so that I can purchase multiple books at once. Books can be added to the shopping basket Given my shopping basket is empty When I add the book “Harry Potter” to my shopping basket Then my shopping basket should contain 1 copy of “Harry Potter”
  • 42. 42 As a shop visitor I want to collect books in my shopping basket so that I can purchase multiple books at once. Books can be added to the shopping basket Scenarios: Examples in Gherkin Given my shopping basket contains 1 copy of “Harry Potter” When I add the book “Harry Potter” to my shopping basket Then my shopping basket should contain 2 copies of “Harry Potter” The same book can be added multiple times to the shopping basket
  • 43. 43 The same book can be added multiple times to the shopping basket Structure of Scenarios Given my shopping basket contains 1 copy of “Harry Potter” When I add the book “Harry Potter” to my shopping basket Then my shopping basket should contain 2 copies of “Harry Potter” Title: Describes intention/abstract acceptance criterion Arrange: Context, describes state of the system Act: Execution of the feature Assert: Assertion of observable behaviour And I should see the warning: “Book already existed in basket” Triple-A constraint “Checks” Chaining up steps
  • 44. 44 Automated continuous validation Given my shopping basket contains 1 copy of “Harry Potter” When I add the book “Harry Potter” to my shopping basket Then my shopping basket should contain 2 copies of “Harry Potter” System „Step Definitions“ are binding individual steps to an automatable interface of the application. Automatable interface UI Automation Automation does not necessarily have to bind to the UI. Automatability of system is supported/evolving with development.
  • 46. 46 Available tools/libraries • Android • Android 2.3+: Instrumentation • Android 4.2+: UiAutomator • selendroid • Appium • Robotium • • Xamarin.UITest • iOS • UIAutomation • Appium • ios-driver • • Xamarin.UITest • Frank • KIF (Keep it functional)
  • 47. 47 Selenium: cross platform, existing know how • Android • selendroid • Appium • iOS • Appium • ios-driver
  • 48. 48 Appium ( • Provides WebDriver API (JSON Wire Protocol) • Uses native UI Automation library • Can test native & hybrid Apps, mobile web apps • Clients for C#, Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, JavaScript • Works with devices and emulators
  • 51. 51 SpecFlow & Appium • Write acceptance criteria independent of the platform • Write bindings against a Selenium- like- API • Run it on a devices or emulator
  • 54. 54 Different levels of automation Controller Business Layer Data Layer Model View Device automation Trigger behaviour through controller Assert behaviour on model, db, .. Setup pre-conditions through service interfaces Out-of-process In-process
  • 55. 55 How? • Reuse the same feature files • Write new bindings against the Controller/ViewModel/…
  • 57. 57 Faster feedback from tests UI Automation Test Controller Test
  • 58. 58 Why is it faster? • No overhead for deploying and starting the app • No need to wait for UI animations to finish • No delays for searching UI controls
  • 59. 59 Advantages Controller Testing • Faster • Better testable App architecture (Xamarin.Forms & MVVM)
  • 60. 60 Controller tests cannot fully replace UI tests • UI tests are still needed • Diversity of mobile devices • Changes of manufacturer • Different Hardware  Screen sizes  Densities  … • Automated UI tests are still faster than manual testing
  • 62. 62 Excuses for avoiding mobile test automation • “This is just a small app” • “Only complex end-end tests would make sense” • “Maintaining automated tests is too costly” • Diversity of devices • Small apps also run into regressions • Bad feedback on app store cannot be undone
  • 63. 63 Automated testing in mobile App development • Business readable automated checks • specification of acceptance criteria • test first development • Testability is an ongoing architectural concern • every new feature needs to be testable • not every acceptance criterion needs to be tested through UI • Automated tests don’t replace manual testing entirely • exploratory testing • assertions that are hard to automate • …
  • 64. 64 Questions and further information Andreas Willich ( Christian Hassa (