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Optic disk evaluation and utility of high-tech 
devices in the assessment of glaucoma 
Sherry J. Bass, O.D. and Jerome Sherman, O.D. 
SUNY State College of Optometry and The Eye Institute and Laser Center. New York, New York 
Background: Every clinician has at one time or another exam-ined 
a patient who was misdiagnosed as having glaucoma 
or whose diagnosis of glaucoma was missed. Although glau-coma 
can exist with normal intraocular pressures, clinicians 
often rely on the presence of visual-field defects and the 
degree of optic disk cupping to direct care. However, assess-ment 
of cupping is but one small part of optic disk evalua-tion 
in glaucoma, and other features of the optic nerve head 
and retinal nerve fiber layer must be closely inspected to help 
diagnose borderline cases. In addition, glaucoma can exist 
without visual-field loss. High-tech devices offer an added 
dimension in the objective assessment of structure when 
subjective tests of function and/or ophthalmoscopic obser-vations 
are equivocal. 
Methods: This article details the various parameters of optic disk 
and retinal nerve fiber layer evaluation and their significance 
in the assessment of glaucoma. In addition, the role of four 
high-tech devices is evaluated for their utility in the assess-ment 
and progression of glaucomatous damage. 
Conclusions: When one attempts to classify a patient as hav-ing 
glaucoma, the degree of cupping and the presence or 
absence of visual f~eldlo ss can be misleading. Prior to defin-itive 
diagnosis, a thorough evaluation of the optic disk and 
retinal nerve fiber layer, and appropriate use of high-tech 
devices, should help reduce the under-diagnosis and over-diagnosis 
of this disease. 
T he determination of whether or not a patient has glau-coma 
and when to institute treatment is a diagnostic 
challenge for many clinicians. A patient with the "Big 
ThreeM-i.e., elevated intraocular pressures (IOPs), glauco-matous 
optic disk cupping, and glaucomatous visual-field 
loss-should be treated. The challenge presents when deter-mining 
if a patient who has only one or two of these signs 
should be treated, and persists when a patient is being 
treated for many years who does not, in fact, have glaucoma 
at all. Cupping of the optic nerve head and high intraocu-lar 
pressure have always been classic hallmarks of glaucoma 
and are frequently used to make the diagnosis of this dis-ease. 
The presence of an elevated intraocular pressure, how-ever, 
is no longer considered an absolute harbinger of 
glaucoma. Glaucoma exists in patients with normal 
intraocular pressures, and glaucoma never develops in the 
majority of ocular hypertensives. l However, suspicious cup 
size, shape, and depth continue to concern the eye care prac-titioner. 
Visual-field loss is another feature that can be misleading. 
Erroneous interpretation of visual-field loss can result in the 
Key Words: Assessment, evaluation, glaucoma, misdiagnosis of glaucoma, while the absence of field loss 
devices, optic disk, testing can falsely convince a practitioner that the patient does not 
have glaucoma. 
Clinicians have witnessed the birth of high-tech diagnostic 
procedures that were developed to quantify structural 
aspects of the optic nerve, retina, and retinal nerve fiber 
layer (RNFL). Since most of these devices have normative 
Bass SJ and Sherman J, optic disk evaluation and of databases, they can help classify the patient on the basis of 
high-tech devices in the assessment of glaucoma. Optometry ~fati~ticaanla lysis of ~0mpari~0ton th~e ir normative data- 
2004:75:277-96. base. Some of these techniques have the potential to aid cli- 
[iulre 1 A, A larye optic disk IS usually associated with a large cup; 13, a small optlc dlsk a usually associated with a small cup, or no cup at all 
nicians in the assessment of an abnormality at an 
initial visit, while others are best suited for the 
determination of change over time. In addition, 
these tests-which are objective-have added a 
whole new dimension to glaucoma detection by 
removing the variability factors associated with 
subjective visual-field testing. And since structural 
damage may precede functional loss in glaucoma, 
instruments that can objectively and quantita-tively 
assess structural damage now play an inte-gral 
role in the early assessment of glaucoma. 
Evaluation of the optic nerve head 
Glaucoma affects the structure of the optic nerve 
head in some way and at some point in the course 
of the disease. There are several intrapapillary and 
peripapillary features of the optic nerve head exam-ination, 
in addition to cupping, whose association 
with optic nerve damage has been suggested, war-ranting 
close ophthalmoscopic inspection for 
signs of the glaucomatous disease pro~ess.~ 
Optic disk size 
Determination of optic disk size is important 
because a large normal disk is nearly always asso-ciated 
with a large cup (see Figure 1, A). The only 
apparent exception to this rule is the rare con-genital 
disk anomaly, Morning Glory syndrome, 
in which a large disk is encountered with no cup 
because of the presence of fibroglial tissue in the 
center of the disk. In contrast, a small normal disk 
nearly always has a small cup (see Figure 1, B). 
Although a 0.5 CID ratio in a patient with a large 
disk is probably normal, a 0.5 CID ratio in a 
patient with a small disk is most likely glauco-matous. 
One could argue, therefore, that a CID 
ratio is meaningless unless the approximate size 
of the disk is also considered. The size of the optic 
disk varies between and within individuals. A 
summary of 23 published studies2 established the 
range of values for optic disk area between 1.70 
mm2 to 3.34 mm2. A disk can be grossly esti-mated 
as large or small using the 5-degree spot 
size of a direct ophthalmoscope. The illumination 
from this spot size should just about cover a disk 
of normal size. In patients with large disks, the 
light would cover only part of the disk, whereas 
in small disks the light covers the disk plus reti-nal 
areas outside the disk. 
There are certain ethnic, gender, and ametropic 
associations with disk size. Disk size is generally 
smallest in whites, larger in Mexicans, and largest 
in people of African d e s ~ e n ti;t ~al so tends to be 
larger in males than in fern ale^.^ Although there 
is no ametropic association with disk size 
between -5.00 and + 5.00 D, large disks are asso-ciated 
with high myopia and small disks are asso-ciated 
with high hyperopia. 
Large disks have a greater neuro-retinal rim area,3 
more optic nerve fibers, and less nerve fiber 
crowding than small disks.4 Small disks are asso-ciated 
with non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic 
neuropathy (AION),5d isk d r ~ s e na,n~d non-dis-tinct 
disk borders (pseudopapilledema).7 But does 
disk size determine susceptibility to glaucoma? 
Since blacks have large optic disks and a greater 
likelihood for development of glaucoma when 
ISSUE H I G H L l G H l 
Fiuun 2 The normal neuroretinal rim. thickest inferiorly, then superiorly, then nasally, and th~nnest 
compared to whitest8 one might assume that a 
larger disk size is associated with greater glau-coma 
susceptibility. Non-highly-myopic patients 
with normal tension glaucoma (NTG) have been 
reported to have larger optic disk size than 
patients with primary open-angle glaucoma 
(POAG).9H owever, in POAG and secondary open-angle 
glaucoma (S0AG)-e.g., pigmentary glau-coma- 
the disk size is n ~ r m a l . ' ~ , ~ ' 
What about small disks? Small disks are associ-ated 
with factors that affect perfusion of the optic 
disk (as evidenced by the greater association with 
non-arteritic AION5) and axoplasmic flow in the 
axons of the ganglion cells (as evidenced by the 
association with disk drusen6). In addition, the 
nerve fibers are more crowded in small disks, 
leaving them more susceptible to mechanical 
damage in glaucoma.12 Furthermore, small disks 
may have a smaller reserve because of a smaller 
number of nerve fibers than larger disks3 
Although these factors would support a greater 
susceptibility of glaucoma in small optic disks, 
some studies have demonstrated that glaucoma-tous 
optic disk atrophy is independent of disk 
~ i z e . ' ~D,i's~h size is therefore not definitive in deter-mination 
of susceptibility to development of glau-coma. 
Disk size is important, however, when 
judging the degree of cupping and making the 
determination as to whether a particular cup size 
is likely physiological, as opposed to pathological, 
for a certain disk size. 
Optic disk shape 
The normal shape of the optic 
disk is oval, having a vertical 
diameter that is about 10% 
greater than the horizontal diam-eter. 
Significant corneal astig-matism 
and amblyopia associated 
with increased corneal astigma-tism 
correlate significantly with 
an abnormal optic disk shape.15 
Before suspecting glaucoma in a 
patient with a vertically elon-gated 
disk, a significant amount 
of against-the-rule astigmatism 
should be ruled out. Studies have 
suggested that susceptibility to 
glaucoma is not dependent on 
optic disk shape.16 The shape of 
the optic disk in highly myopic 
eyes (> 12D), however, is more 
oval, elongated, and oblique than 
in other eyes. This suggests that 
the myopic stretching in these eyes pulls more on 
the optic disk in some directions than in others, 
and that the vertical elongation may be the rea-son 
high myopia is a risk factor for the develop-ment 
of glaucoma. 
Neuro-retinal rim size and shape 
The size of the neuro-retinal rim is indicative of 
the anatomic reserve capacity of the optic disk 
and correlates well to the size of the disk: the 
larger the disk, the greater the rim area and optic 
nerve fiber count.3 Anatomically, axons from gan-glion 
cells close to the optic disk are positioned 
more centrally within the optic disk, whereas 
axons from peripheral retina lie at the optic nerve 
head margins. The shape of the neuro-retinal rim 
usually follows the "ISNT" rule: It is broadest 
inferiorly, followed by the superior, nasal, and 
temporal regions, where it is the narrowed7 (see 
Figure 2). In glaucoma, these regions are affected 
differently at various stages of the disease. Early 
glaucoma usually affects the inferotemporal 
and superotemporal rim disk regions. As glau-coma 
advances to the moderate stage, the great-est 
amount of rim loss occurs in the temporal 
horizontal region. In advanced glaucoma, only the 
nasal sector of the disk rim remains.18 Ophthal-moscopic 
observation of rim loss most often 
occurs in glaucomatous optic neuropathy, while 
it may not necessarily occur in other forms of 
optic neuropathy. Therefore, careful examination 
2 79 
V O L U M E 7 5 l N U M B E R 5 l M A Y 2 0 0 4 OPTOMETRY
of the size and shape of the neuro-retinal rim tis-sue 
over time may be a prime way to differenti-ate 
glaucomatous optic nerve disease from other 
etiologies. Some of the high-tech instruments that 
quantify changes in rim area over time are useful 
in this regard. 
Neuro-retinal rim pallor 
Pallor of the neuro-retinal rim is more often a 
sign of non-glaucomatous optic neuropathy 
than glaucomatous optic neuropathy.lg The 
overall disk pallor seen in advanced glaucoma is 
due to a more excavated cup rather than pallor 
of the neuro-retinal rim. It is more common to 
see a healthy pink rim-albeit very thin-in mod-erately 
advanced glaucoma, than a pale one. 
Overall, a nerve head with a pale rim needs to 
be investigated for other etiologies, such as 
ischemic optic neuropathy, intracranial masses, 
and hereditary and congenital optic nerve dis-eases. 
In addition, the pseudophakic eye can 
exhibit "pseudo-pallor" of the neuro-retinal rim. 
One major exception to this rule is the eye with 
angle closure glaucoma; following a large and 
rapid rise in IOP, the disk often appears pale, 
without dramatic cupping.20 Cupping of the optic 
nerve head, along with neuro-retinal rim pallor, 
may also be non-glaucomatous and has been 
reported in posterior ischemic optic neuropathy21 
and giant cell arteriti~.~~ 
Cupldisk ratio in relation to disk size 
Of all disk parameters, cupldisk ratio appears to 
be used most frequently in assessment of glau-comatous 
risk. This one feature may label a 
patient a glaucoma suspect, despite normal 
intraocular pressures and the fact that all other 
aspects of the disk are normal. 
Cup-to-disk ratios vary widely, even in the nor-mal 
population, and can range from 0.0 to 
0.9.17 Therefore, it is possible for a large CID 
ratio in a large optic disk to be physiological. 
It is important to assess both the horizontal 
and vertical cupldisk ratios, since the normal 
optic disk may have a slightly greater hori-zontal 
cup than vertical cup. In glaucoma, the 
vertical cup increases faster than the hori-zontal 
cup due to loss of the neuro-retinal rim 
superiorly and inferiorly. Therefore, a cup that 
is vertically elongated is more likely indicative 
of glaucoma. 
The over-diagnosis and under-diagnosis of 
glaucoma can be minimized if the practitioner 
understands the relationship of CID ratio to disk 
size. Large disks are generally associated with 
large ClDs and small disks are generally asso-ciated 
with small ClDs. While a large CID ratio 
in a large disk is expected, it is unusual to see 
any significant degree of cupping in a small 
optic disk. An average or large CID ratio in a 
small disk is particularly suspicious in the pres-ence 
of vertical elongation of the cup. In fact, 
most small optic disks have either no cup or a 
cup size that is 10% to 20% the size of the disk. 
Early glaucoma in a small disk may be missed, 
because a small degree of increase in cupping 
in a cup that is small to begin with can easily 
go unnoticed-especially when intraocular 
pressures are normal. 
In these cases, it is crucial that other available 
means of optic nerve head assessment be used. 
For example, small glaucomatous disks with small 
cups have been shown to demonstrate abnor-malities 
in the peripapillary region,23 primarily as 
a thinning or decrease in visibility of the retinal 
nerve fiber layer. This can be appreciated as an 
increase in the clarity of the retinal vessels near 
the disk. Other telltale signs include diffuse andlor 
focal attenuations in the retinal arteri~lesa~n~d t~~ 
peripapillary chorioretinal atr~phy.~~,~~ 
The large cup (or "macrocup") may be seen in 
patients with large optic nerve heads, or 
macrodisks. The patient with a primary or con-genital 
large disk or macrodisk will probably have 
a macrocup, which is physiological and not glau-c~ 
matousA.~ft er the first year of life, these disks 
are constant and the cupping does not ~hange.~ 
The secondary or acquired macrocup does 
undergo change, as seen in glaucoma (due to 
decreasing neuro-retinal rim tissue) and in high 
myopia (in which myopic stretching enlarges the 
disk and thereby the cup). 
The inconclusiveness of CID ratio, as a diag-nostic 
clue, has multiple implications in this 
regard: a large disk with a large cup and a nor-mal 
neuro-retinal rim should not summarily be 
labeled as glaucomatous. Conversely, patients in 
whom early glaucomatous changes develop in 
the presence of a macrocup may be deceptively 
perceived as having advanced glaucomatous cup 
excavation. However, visual fields in these cases 
[iNUr3e O ptic disk (Drance) hemorrhages in glaucoma are ephemeral and may 
would probably exhibit early defects and not 
advanced defects. 
Optic cup shape and depth 
When evaluating cup shape and/or cup depth 
ophthalmoscopically, one must remember that 
the border between the optic cup and optic disk 
is based on contour, not color, and is best assessed 
stereoscopically. This is especially useful in eyes 
with shallow cups, as seen in myopic disks. 
While the optic disk has a shape that is oriented 
vertically, the optic cup shape is horizontally oval, 
with a horizontal diameter about 7% to 10% 
longer than the vertical.18 This discrepancy 
explains the shape of the neuro-retinal rim, 
which is thickest inferiorly and superiorly and 
thinnest nasally and temporally. A change in the 
optic cup shape from horizontal to vertical is the 
result of loss to the superior and inferior neuro-retinal 
disk rim seen in early glaucoma. Some of 
the high-tech devices place a high emphasis on 
CUP shape (contour) in the differentiation of nor-mal 
vs. abnormal cupping. 
In addition to evaluation of cup shape in detec-tion 
of glaucoma, practitioners also evaluate cup 
depth, which depends on the cup area. Generally, 
the larger the optic cup, the greater its depth.28 
Therefore, congenitally large disks (primary 
macrodisks) are not only associ-ated 
with large cups, but also 
with deep cups. The exception to 
this is the large disk found in the 
high myopic eye with glaucoma; 
many of these cups remain very 
shallow, like their non-glauco-matous 
counterpart^.^ Cup depth 
also has some association with 
the type of glaucoma; eyes with 
traumatic glaucoma with angle 
recession and juvenile onset 
POAG reportedly have the deep-est 
~ ~ p s . ~ ~ , ~ ~ 
Optic disk hemorrhages 
Optic disk hemorrhages are 
detected in less than 8% of 
patients with glaucoma31 (see Fig-ure 
3) and have a greater associ-ation 
with NTG than other types 
be missed (redarrow). of g l a ~ c o m a .O~p~tic, ~di~sk hem-orrhages 
may also be caused by 
other etiologies, such as vascular 
occlusive disease, Valsalva maneuvers, and optic 
disk drusen. In our clinical experience, optic disk 
hemorrhages in glaucoma-previously termed 
"Drance hemorrhagesn-are ephemeral, and 
hence only a fraction of their true number are 
ever observed. 
Since optic disk hemorrhages occur in a small 
percentage of patients with glaucoma and can 
be associated with other etiologies, the presence 
of a disk hemorrhage alone is not a sufficient 
indicator of glaucoma, and has a low sensitiv-ity 
for the diagnosis of this disease. The pres-ence 
of an optic disk hemorrhage, along with 
other glaucomatous risk factors, however, 
should be viewed as an additional risk factor. 
Optic disk hemorrhage can also be perceived as 
a sign of progression in established cases of 
Peripapillary chorioretinal atrophy 
Since the early 19001s, many investigators have 
reported observable peripapillary atrophy in glau-coma 
and have correlated the degree of atrophy 
with the degree of glaucomatous disk damage34 
and field loss.35 The role of this feature as an indi-cator 
of glaucomatous damage to the optic nerve 
head, however, remains controversial. The atro-phy 
is basically divided into a central beta zone 
and peripheral alpha zone36 (see 
Figure 4). Irregularities in pig-mentation 
and chorioretinal 
thinning characterize the outer 
alpha zone while visible sclera, 
retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) 
atrophy, and visibility of the 
choroidal vessels characterize 
the inner beta zone. While the 
alpha zone is present in almost 
all normal eyes, peripapillary 
atrophy of the beta zone is more 
likely to be indicative of glau-coma, 
occurring in less than 20% 
of normal patients.36 Peripapil-lary 
atrophy occurs more fre-quently 
in myopic disks and 
tilted disks, but this atrophy is 
generally localized temporal, 
superotemporal, and inferotem-poral 
to the optic nerve head, 
and rarely in the nasal peripap- illary region. These zones are Fiuure 4 veln occlusion. 
reportedly larger36 in glaucoma-tous 
Peripapillary atrophy in a glaucomatous disk in a patient with disk collaterals from an old 
disks and can encircle the 
entire disk (the so-called "halo gl~ucomatosus"i)n Glaucoma causes nerve fiber layer damage via 
end-stage disease. Because these zones can exist localized defects, diffuse loss, or a combination 
in normal eyes, this feature, too, has a low dif- of the two. The localized defects occur in about 
ferential specificity. However, an enlargement in 20% of glaucoma patients38 and manifest as 
these two zones over time does sometimes dif- wedge-shaped dark areas that are widest further 
ferentiate glaucomatous from non-glaucomatous from the disk, coming to an apex at the edge of 
disease. the disk (see Figure 5). Notches in the neuro-reti-nal 
rim tissue, optic disk hemorrhage (the cor- 
Retinal nerve fiber layer evaluation responding RNFL defect appears 6 to 8 weeks 
after the onset of the hemorrhage), and/or peri- 
The RNFL contains bundles of all the retinal gan- papillary atrophy may appear in the same sector dion axons gathered Mueller as the RNFL defect. Such defects have been 
processes. It is usually visible ophthalmoscopi- shown to be o p ~ t ~ a ~mo s c o p ~vicsiabl~e ~ayft er 
cally, but its presence can be better detected with 50% of the RNFL is lost.39 ~h~ other type of loss, 
the use of red-free filters and red-free photo- diffuse loss, results in a greater visibility and clar-graphs. 
In addition, some modern high-tech ity of the large retinal vessels and is more diffi-instruments 
have been designed cult to detect than focal loss. Since studies have 
assess this aspect of the retina, via confocal scan- demonstrated that the degree of RNFL loss tor-laser 
tOmOg- relates well with the degree of optic disk damage 
raphy, and scanning laser polarimetry. The due to glaucoma,40~t4h1e RNFL must be carefully 
RNFL is thickest and most visible inferotempo- evaluated to avoid the over-diagnosis of glaucoma 
ral the disk, the in eyes with a large cup/large disk and the under-ral, 
nasal superior, and nasal inferior sector.37 diagnosis of glaucoma in eyes with a small 
Defects in the RNFL can occur in glaucoma, but cup/small disk. 
can also be associated with other diseases that 
cause optic neuropathy (e.g., disk drusen, toxo-plasmosis 
retinochoroiditis, optic pits, optic neu- Optic disk drusen 
ritis, compressive optic neuropathy, demyelinating Virtually ignored by both clinicians and researchers, 
disease, etc.). the relationship between disk drusen and glaucoma 
OPTOMETRY V O L U M E 7 5 l N U M B E R 5 l M A Y 2004
m[iuure8 A wedgeshaped r e t i n h v e f lber layer (RGdLe)fe ct i n g h u c o m is an example of locallzed RNFL loss. 
nerve fiber layer loss. The arcuate 
scotoma and nasal step often found 
in eyes with disk drusen are essen-tially 
identical to the field deficits 
found in glaucoma.4z Although disk 
drusen do not necessarily prevent 
the development of cupping, they 
make the interpretation more dif-ficult." 
Patients with disk drusen 
often experience nerve fiber layer 
loss, greatly reducing the redun-dancy 
of the RNFL. Patients with 
disk drusen in whom glaucoma 
develops are, therefore, at greater 
risk of frank field defects earlier in 
the course of their disease process. 
Optic nerve drusen or disk drusen 
are comprised of hyaline bodies 
with a mucolsrotein matrix nf 
.- I in approximately 2% of all eyes and 
generally progress throughout life. 
In our clinical experience, buried 
disk drusen in young children are 
often considered the most common 
cause of blurred disk borders I (pseudopapilledema). Since disk 
drusen have an autosomal domi- Fiuure 6 A- Top: Dlsk with optic nerve head drusen and no observable cup; Lower left B-scan ultra-sonography 
reveals an elevat~ona bove the disk (arrowl, and Lower right the elevation 
nant inheritance pattern and sur-perslsts 
at a lower sensitivity setting-a pattern typical of calcified optlc nerve drusen. face as age increases45 (see Figure 6), 
examination of the child's parents often reveals frank 
disk drusen. Large surface disk drusen, which appear 
calcified ophthalmoscopically, are remarkably easy 
to document with B-mode ophthalmic ultrasonog-raphy. 
This procedure may confii the diagnosis 
because ultrasound reflections from calcified drusen 
(like bone) persist at low sensitivity levels (see Figure 
6). Although disk drusen often appear to be calcified, 
not all disk drusen are calcified; thus, not all can be 
confirmed with ultrasonography. Disk drusen that are 
not calcified may also be more difficult to observe 
directly. Subtle or even occult (hidden) disk drusen 
are generally not diagnosed, but their presence often 
prevents observable cupping from being observed. 
This is to be expected when one considers that disk 
drusen sitting in an optic cup are like ice cubes fdl-ing 
up a glass. It is virtually impossible to determine 
the depth of a glass when something solid is filling 
it up. Likewise, instruments that measure disk topog-raphy- 
and the naked eye observing stereo disk pho-tographs- 
will also be unable to detennine the depth 
of the optic cup when solid masses such as drusen 
"fill it up." 
The presence of disk drusen is the single most 
common cause of glaucoma without cupping.46 
Disk drusen alone (or disk drusen along with 
glaucoma) often results in nerve fiber layer loss, 
as demonstrated by visual fields and/or objective 
instruments that measure RNFL thickness with 
a paradoxically normal-or even super-normal-disk 
topography (as demonstrated by objective 
instruments that measure optic disk topography). 
The combination of an abnormal nerve fiber layer 
(via visual fields and/or objective measurement 
of RNFL thickness) and a small cup (via stereo 
disk photographs and/or normal optic disk 
topography) strongly suggests the presence of disk 
drusen, which can be obvious, subtle, or occult. 
Summary of optic newe head evaluation 
The degree of optic disk cupping is not necessarily 
indicative of the presence of glaucoma. When any 
patient with equivocal cupping in the presence 
or absence of demonstrated field loss is assessed, 
the most significant optic disk features to closely 
evaluate include, but are not limited to: 
a. shape of the neuro-retinal rim 
b. relationship of cupldisk ratio to optic disk 
c. optic cup shape and depth 
d. decreased visibility of the RNFL and local-ized 
RNFL defects 
e. presence of disk drusen 
Standard of care vs. state-of-the-art in glaucoma diagnosis 
The decision faced by many clinicians regarding 
whether to commence treatment can be difficult, 
since the size of the cup is not always diagnos-tic. 
Likewise, the presence or absence of elevated 
intraocular pressures is not always diagnostic. 
Optic nerve head and peripapillary features 
require careful evaluation, although at times oph-thalmoscopic 
clues are lacking. Certainly, the deci-sion 
becomes easier as the patient is followed over 
time, when the clinician has had an opportunity 
to make observations of changes in the cupping 
and decreases in the rim tissue. Diagnosis is also 
less equivocal when field defects begin to 
appear and when IOPs demonstrate an increas-ing 
trend. However, when observing a patient for 
the first few visits, treatment decisions may not 
be obvious. While many clinicians realize this, 
cases of under- and over-diagnosis of this dis-order 
are encountered frequently. While some 
clinicians prefer to err on the side of over-treating- 
assuming they are less likely to expe-rience 
litigious consequences in the future-there 
are financial considerations, as well as quality of 
life issues, for some patients-especially those 
who experience side effects from medications 
they may not need. Furthermore, while results of 
the Ocular Hypertensive Treatment Study 
(OHTS) have helped clinicians reconsider treat-ing 
certain ocular hypertensive patients, nor-motensive 
glaucoma patients continue to be 
under-diagnosed until a significant increase in 
cupping flags the clinician's attention. 
Standard of care testing in glaucoma 
Standard of care testing-namely, static automated 
perimetry-continues to be the mainstay of deter-mining 
functional loss in glaucomatous disease. 
Its value in following disease progression is 
unquestionable. However, as an aid in the 
detection of early glaucoma, perimetry falls short 
in some instances. This is especially true of the 
patient whose field loss is inconsistent from visit 
to visit, whose field loss falls outside of the cen-tral 
30 degrees, whose field loss is not considered 
"glaucomatous," and/or who fails to demonstrate 
field loss despite the presence of other risk fac-tors 
(elevated IOP, strong family history, suspi-cious 
cupping, and RNFL loss). 
Manufacturers of automated perimeters have 
attempted to improve the ability of the practi-tioner 
to detect glaucoma earlier. The develop- 
ment of short wavelength automated perimetry 
(SWAP) and frequency doubling technology 
(FDT) have opened new avenues for early diag-nosis. 
SWAP is based on the hypothesis that there 
is less redundancy in the color vision pathway 
than the luminance pathway. Therefore, a blue 
stimulus against a yellow background is testing 
a narrower population of cells and should theo-retically 
be affected first in early disease. The high 
sensitivity of SWAP in early detection of glaucoma 
has been reconfirmed in a study of 500 eyes of 
250 ocular hypertensive patients.47 FDT taps into 
the motion detectors in the visual pathway, which 
are believed to be affected in early glaucoma. The 
potential for FDT to be used as a screening 
method in glaucoma detection has been docu-mented. 
Perimetry remains the single, most important 
functional test to identify not only glaucoma, but 
also retinal, optic nerve, and visual pathway dis-orders. 
Unlike perimetry, tests that determine 
structural integrity of the disk and RNFL are not 
likely to alert the practitioner to suspect intracra-nial 
tumors and other brain disorders that 
affect the temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes. 
Although perimetry has widespread applications, 
at least four factors limit its clinical utility: 
1. Redundancy of retinal ganglion cells 
which result in normal visual fields in many 
cases until half of the ganglion cells and their 
axons are lost. 
2. Speed; visual-field testing can never furnish 
more than one bit of information per second 
because visual-field testing is limited by the 
patient's speed in pressing the button. 
3. Subjectivity of perimetry. 
4. Incomplete testing of the visual field, in 
that not all retinal points are tested. 
State-of-the-art the role of high-tech devices 
Over the past several years, there has been an 
explosion of new technologies that are particularly 
well-suited for the diagnosis and management of 
glaucoma. Collectively, these devices were 
designed to provide objective evidence of abnor-malities 
in disk topography and/or nerve fiber 
layer thinning, and retinal thickness. Designed for 
in-office use by the clinician, they vary in their 
user-accessibility, ease of interpretation, and 
affordability. A primary, common goal of these 
technologies is the early detection of structural 
abnormalities that precede functional loss 
(i.e. ,normal visual fields). All the high-tech 
devices have added a new and exciting dimension 
to glaucoma detection. They are objective as 
opposed to subjective, they are fast (65,000 bits 
of information are acquired in less than one sec-ond 
with several of the high-tech devices), and 
hundreds of thousands of data points are col-lected, 
in contrast to the limited number of points 
in visual-field testing. However, the practitioner 
must recognize the limitations of some of these 
instruments, as well as the importance of obtain-ing 
good quality images, and use all clinical data 
available when interpreting the findings. 
What do these devices offer and how accurate are 
they? What information do they add to diagno-sis 
and management of glaucoma and other optic 
neuropathies? Does this information justify the 
cost? What are the shortcomings? 
HRT 11 
Some practitioners claim that a good set of stereo 
disk photographs is all that an astute clinician 
needs to detect a glaucomatous disk. However, 
evaluation and interpretation of disk photographs 
is subject to inter-clinician ~ariabilityI.t ~is~ p~ar~- ~ 
ticularly difficult to quantify topographical 
attributes of the optic nerve head from stereo pho-tographs. 
A clinician's only quantitative meas-urement 
when evaluating an optic nerve head is 
an estimate of the C/D ratio to the nearest 5%, 
with N f 5% inter-observational accuracy. An 
accurate quantification of topographical features 
offers the ophthalmic clinician a means of detect-ing 
slow and subtle change. 
The HRT I1 (Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph-Hei-delberg 
Engineering, Inc., Carlsbad, California) is 
a commercially available confocal scanning laser 
ophthalmoscope that uses a 670-nm red-diode 
laser source to provide real-time three-dimen-sional 
images and measurements of optic disk 
topography and RNFL. This is accomplished with-out 
pupil dilation or ocular contact. Three 
series of scans are captured in quick succession 
and then averaged. Image quality is assessed by 
the standard deviation or variability between the 
three scans. Stereometric parameters of disk 
topography are measured in detail. The "top five" 
parameters (as reported by Heidelberg Engi-neering) 
are: rim area, rim volume, cup shape 
measure, height variation contour, and RNFL 
thickness. Mean RNFL "thickness" is measured 
at the disk border using an artificial reference 
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Figure 7 HRT II quantifies various parameters of disk topography (on the bottom left) and compares these values against the normative database in the 
analysis (on the right). Areas in red represent the cup; green represents the neuroretinal rim. The superior temporal neuroretinal rim is flagged as 
borderline (yellow exclamation point) and the superior, nasal, and inferior temporal neuroretinal rim are flagged as outside normal limits (red ic). 
plane located 50 microns beneath the retinal sur- is used to differentiate optic nerve head cup from 
face of the papillomacular bundle (at the temporal neuro-retinal rim. Of the top five parameters, cup 
aspect of the disk border). The reference plane shape measure has been shown to have the best 
diagnostic pre~ision.S~ix~ e qual sectors of the 
neuro-retinal rim are evaluated and compared 
(corrected for age) against the instrument's nor-mative 
database, which consists of approximately 
200 whites. Sectors are assigned a green check 
mark if the RNFL and rim are within the pre-dicted 
range; a yellow exclamation mark if they 
are borderline; and a red "x" if they are outside 
normal limits. This six-sector evaluation uses 
Mooresfields Regression Analysis, a linear regres-sion 
analysis that has been demonstrated to have 
a sensitivity of 93.5% and specificity of 88.4%.52 
All the parameters are globally analyzed and the 
patient's overall topographic results are catego-rized 
as "normal," "borderline," or "outside nor-mal 
limits" (see Figure 7). 
This technology has some analytical shortcom-ings: 
without providing for racial variation in the 
normative database, Hispanics and blacks-whose 
disks and C/Ds tend to be larger than those 
of whites-tend to be flagged as "outside normal 
limits," even if they are physiologically sound. 
Furthermore, small to minimal cupping is con-sistently 
classified as "normal," requiring that the 
clinician carefully consider other findings (e.g., 
myopia, blurred disk borders, etc.), so as not to 
miss the glaucomatous disk with small cups. 
This technology may prove to be most useful in 
helping the clinician determine the progression of 
cupping and other topographical changes over 
time, rather than flagging an abnormal disk at an 
initial visit. A progression change probability 
analysis and trend analysis are used to monitor 
any change over time (see Figure 8). 
The GDxVCC (Laser Diagnostics Technology, Inc., 
San Diego, California) is a scanning laser 
polarimeter that indirectly measures the thickness 
of the RNFL using a near-infrared laser. GDx 
makes use of the principle of birefringence of the 
RNFL as an indirect indicator of its thickness. 
Because the RNFL is a lamellar structure, con-sisting 
of parallel layers, it will regularly and pre-dictably 
slow (retard) the speed at which 
polarized light passes through it. The thicker the 
RNFL, the greater is the retardation or birefrin-gence. 
RNFL thickness is analyzed over a "meas-urement 
circle," with an inner radius 1.2 mm 
from the center of the disk, extending outward 
20 degrees. Since the disk is never assessed, this 
instrument is completely independent of any disk 
The device performs a scan in 0.7 seconds and 
the analysis takes about 1 minute per eye. Nei-ther 
pupil dilation nor corneal contact is required. 
Image quality is assessed on a scale from 1 to 10, 
with 10 being the best. The printout contains 
parameter summary measures, which include the 
TSNIT (Temporal, Superior, Nasal, Inferior, 
Temporal) average of RNFL thickness and inter-eye 
symmetry. These and other parameters are 
statistically compared to normative data, corrected 
for age and race. The technology's normative 
database consists of 600 patients (70% whites and 
Hispanics, 12% Asians, and 18% blacks). 
Abnormal data are depicted in red on the print-out, 
along with the probability values depicting 
the degree of statistical significance. In addition, 
all the data are globally summated in the form of 
a Nerve Fiber Indicator (NF1)-formerly called 
"The Number" in an earlier version of this instru-ment. 
The NFI, which will be anywhere from 1 
to 100, is a mathematical construct based on an 
algorithm that was trained to differentiate normal 
subjects from patients with glaucoma, using a 
combination of summary data and raw data 
points. Generally, a number less than 30 is con-sidered 
to be normal, numbers between 31 and 
50 are considered highly suspicious of RNFL loss, 
and numbers above 50 are indicative of signifi-cant 
RNFL loss. The numbers assigned to all of 
these parameters are also valuable for the deter-mination 
of change over time. All measurements 
are independent of disk topography. An additional 
feature of the most recent version of the 
GDxVCC includes a deviation plot, which 
depicts the statistical significance of abnormal 
points in the RNFL measured 0.6 degrees apart 
superior and inferior to the optic nerve (see Fig-ure 
9). The instrument also incorporates a pro-gram 
to analyze progression over time. Areas in 
the thickness map that are depicted in blue over 
time are indicative of statistically significant RNFL 
loss (see Figure 10). 
A shortcoming of the first iteration of this tech-nology 
was that other lamellar structures in the 
eye (e.g., the cornea) affected these measure-ments- 
some to a greater degree than others. 
Since the cornea is a primary contributor of 
birefringence in the eye, a corneal compensator 
had to be incorporated to cancel out the 
-k.cIw w 4 4 m 4 4 8 
. - .. ' . - a / - - - .OYlnr l . I * Y b d - . . . . 9- A= aaud w-r 
.IL.lrr am1 4 M d 
-arraUm U O U W - - ---a 
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- Alre 8 Progression analysis on the HUT11 The area an red denotes stat~stcallys ~g n f~c alnots s an the anferaor neuroret~narll m over tame (redarrowj 
corneal birefringence from the total measure- cel birerefringence from all corneas). A vari-ments. 
The original compensator was "fixed," able compensator (GDxVCC) has replaced the 
(i.e., it did not change position and did not can- fixed compensator. It initially measures each 
. . . . . . . . . 
'. .. '. .. '. '. .. Fiber Analysis : ":: . '. -,: 
. . 
Figure 8 The GDxVCC display The thickness maps (red arrow) reveal retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thinning in both eyes-greater left eye. 
The deviat~onp lot (yellowarrow) denotes statistically significant RNFL attenuation in both eyes-greater left eye. The TSNlT (Temporal. 
Superior, Nasal. Inferior, Temporal) curve (blue arrow) is reduced in both eyes-greater in left eye. The Nerve Fiber Indicator is 48 right eye 
and 77 left eve, both abnormal. 
individual patient's cornea and adjusts the istic (ROC) curve of 0.95 for the NFI, with a 
compensator accordingly to cancel out the sensitivity of 90% and a specificity of 91%.53 
corneal birerefringence from that eye. Data In our clinical experience, reproducibility of 
accumulated so far on 390 normals and 253 measurements in both normal and glaucoma 
patients with glaucoma have demonstrated an patients appears to be within 2 to 4 microns for 
area under the Receiver Operator Character- all parameters. 
V O L U M E 7 5 l N U M B E R 5/MAY 2004 OPTOMETRY
Fijure 10 Progression analysis on the GDxVCC Areas of progressive retinal nerve fiber layer loss over a 3Xyear period in this patient are depicted in 
blue (yellow arrow). 
Stratus OCllM (OCT 3) posed axial A scans that approximate a cross-sec- 
Optical Coherence Tomography /Stratus OCT, iion of the retina and opiic nerve head. Images 
Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc., Dublin, California) uses are obtained through an undilated pupil with no 
a superluminescent diode laser light that is scat- corneal contact. The quality of resolution 
tered, reflected, and absorbed by retinal tissue. allows the differentiation of 7 to 8 retinal layers 
The resultant image is up of many juxta- in this latest clinically available version of the 
OPTOMETRY V O L U M E 7 5 l N U M B E R 5 l M A Y 2004
. . . . . . . 
Fiuure 11 A, Stratus OCT ONH Topography: On the left, the display demonstrates a cross-section through the disk (6 to 12 o'clock) and parameters of 
disk topography in this patient. On the upper right, the cup is depicted in green and the disk is depicted in red Below these displays are 
quantified disk parameters. B, Stratus OCT RNFL Thickness Analysis: On the left side, average RNFL thickness around the optic nerve head, 
in a circular area 3.4 mm in diameter, is displayed in a TSNlT curve (Temporal, Superior, Nasal, Inferior, Temporal) for each eye. On the right 
side, average thickness is displayed in 12 o'clock-hour sectors and in four quadrants for both eyes. The black curve represents the patient's RNFL 
thickness, which is below the normative database in this case. Areas depicted in green are within 95% of the normative database for that age 
group, areas in yellow in between 1 % and 5% of the normative database, and any areas in red lie below 1% of the normative database. 
2 9 1 
Olaucoma - Analysis 
nation Date: 211031 
Filure 12 A. The Retinal Thickness Analyzer (RTA) optic nerve head topography display. The cup is depicted in red and the neuroretinal rim in green 
(upper halfl. Various optic nerve head parameters are noted in the lower half of the display. B (on facing page), The RTA measures retinal 
thickness at the macula. Retinal thinning due to ganglion cell loss may be a sign of early glaucoma. Areas in blueon the deviation map 
represent statistically significant areas of retinal thinning (blue arrow). 
OCT, including the RNFL. The OCT was origi-nally 
developed to detect structural abnormal-ities 
in the macula, not readily apparent on 
ophthalmoscopy, such as various stages of 
macular holes, cysts, cystoid macular edema, 
central serous choroidopathy, etc. An additional 
feature of the Stratus OCT is the ability to obtain 
quantitative measurements of optic disk topog-raphy 
and RNFL thickness. A series of 4-mm 
long radial line scans at 12 clock hours across 
the disk allows topographic measurement of disk 
parameters (see Figure 11, A). The instrument 
objectively finds the margin of the disk, using 
a signal from the end of the retinal pigment 
epithelium. Disk parameters that are measured 
include cup volume, disk, cup and rim area, and 
OPTOMETRY V O L U M E 7 5 l N U M B E R 5 l M A Y 2004
cupldisk ratios. To determine RNFL thickness, 
a circular scan of 3.4-mm diameter is centered 
on the optic nerve head and a peripapillary 
cross-sectional image is obtained and displayed 
as a TSNIT curve (see Figure 11, B). 
'Itvo recent developments in this technology 
include the establishment of a normative data-base 
to establish reference values in a normal 
population and software that allows the assess-ment 
of image quality. The normative database 
was obtained by evaluating the RNFL thickness 
measurements in an ethnically wide variety of 
410 subjects (60% white, 27% Hispanic, 8% 
black, 3% Asian, 2% other), from which 328 
qualified scans were obtained.54 Evaluating the 
signallnoise ratio after obtaining an image 
assesses the image quality. Clinical experience 
has demonstrated good reproducibility when the 
RNFL is normal or mildly reduced. However, the 
technology currently appears to have difficulty 
when the RNFL is very thin, and an error mes-sage 
is generated that the data is sub-optimal for 
The Retinal Thickness Analyzer 
The Retinal Thickness Analyzer (RTA-Talia 
Technology, Newe-Ilan, Israel) is a digitized laser 
slit-lamp that makes use of a helium-neon laser 
(543-nm wavelength) as a light source. The instru-ment 
measures retinal thickness using a beam 
splitter that splits the incoming light into two sep-arate 
beams. One beam is reflected off the reti-nal 
pigment epithelium (RPE) and the other 
reflects off the internal limiting membrane 
(ILM). The difference between these two reflec-tions 
is a measurement of the retinal thickness at 
that point. The RTA was originally developed for 
the objective detection of retinal thickening, as 
seen in clinically significant macular edema 
(CSME)i n diabetic retin~pathyC.~u~rr ently, the 
RTA has added software to create a topographi-cal 
map of the optic nerve head. It maps out a 
two-dimensional rimlcup area map with hori-zontal 
and vertical cross-sectional graphs, a disk 
area image, RNFL cross-section (TSNIT Curve), 
and a three-dimensional topography map of the 
optic nerve (see Figure 12). The RNFL thickness 
is determined by measuring retinal thickness in 
the macula, since the paracentral RNFL is 
believed to be affected early in glaucoma. In a 
study of 10 normal patients comparing the RTA 
measurements with HRT I1 measurements, the 
mean cup depth, mean RNFL thickness, and 
cross-sectional area were significantly smaller on 
the RTA than the HRT 11, but the reproducibility 
was not significantly different between instru-m 
e n t ~ . ~ ~ 
When using this technology, the pupil must be 
a minimum of 6 mm, usually requiring dilation. 
In addition, images may be difficult to obtain 
in eyes with media opacities or in pseudophakia. 
The RTA measures retinal thickness but does 
not selectively evaluate the RNFL. Since it meas-ures 
total retinal thickness, a diabetic patient 
having macular CSME (resulting in retinal thick-ening) 
and glaucoma (resulting in retinal thin-ning) 
could conceivably end up with a normal 
retinal thickness in the macula. Based on the 
fact that 40% of the RNFL ganglion cell bodies 
are in the central 20 degrees, the RTA is 
designed to detect early glaucoma by evaluat-ing 
retinal thickness around the macula. 
Although there is a substantial population of 
ganglion cell bodies in the macula, the RNFL in 
this region is actually very thin, perhaps only 
10% of its thickness around the optic nerve 
head. Any detected loss in retinal thickness in 
the macula is due, therefore, to loss of ganglion 
cell bodies, not RNFL loss. 
Although the RTA, like the HRT 11, can generate 
a TSNIT curve around the disk, both are really 
topographical curves and not true thickness 
curves. In contrast, the GDxVCC and Stratus 
OCTTM generate TSNIT curves around the optic 
disk that are based on RNFL thickness. Moreover, 
both latter technologies theoretically measure all 
the RNFL and not just the RNFL in the macula. 
The clinician is not challenged by the clear-cut 
cases of glaucoma and non-glaucoma. But a dis-ease 
whose presentation has such a broad over-lap 
with the normal population necessarily 
creates a confounding "gray" area into which glau-coma 
suspects are lumped, until further evidence 
either affirms or negates their status. The diag-nosis 
of glaucoma is complicated in these equiv-ocal 
cases. The careful assessment of various optic 
nerve head features-apart from cupping-is help-ful 
in the correct classification of such patients. 
In cases in which optic nerve head assessment is 
not decisive, the high-tech instruments available 
today provide a valuable adjunct with the objec-tive 
assessment of optic nerve head and RNFL 
Neither Dr. Sherry J. Bass nor Dr. Jerome Sherman has any financial or propri-etary 
interest in any of the companies mentioned in this article. 
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Corresponding author: 
Sherry J. Bass, O.D. 
SUNY State College of Optometry 
33 West 42nd Street 
New York, New York 10036 

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Criterios diagnosticos en glaucoma

  • 1. ISSUE H I G H L I G H T Optic disk evaluation and utility of high-tech devices in the assessment of glaucoma Sherry J. Bass, O.D. and Jerome Sherman, O.D. SUNY State College of Optometry and The Eye Institute and Laser Center. New York, New York Background: Every clinician has at one time or another exam-ined a patient who was misdiagnosed as having glaucoma or whose diagnosis of glaucoma was missed. Although glau-coma can exist with normal intraocular pressures, clinicians often rely on the presence of visual-field defects and the degree of optic disk cupping to direct care. However, assess-ment of cupping is but one small part of optic disk evalua-tion in glaucoma, and other features of the optic nerve head and retinal nerve fiber layer must be closely inspected to help diagnose borderline cases. In addition, glaucoma can exist without visual-field loss. High-tech devices offer an added dimension in the objective assessment of structure when subjective tests of function and/or ophthalmoscopic obser-vations are equivocal. Methods: This article details the various parameters of optic disk and retinal nerve fiber layer evaluation and their significance in the assessment of glaucoma. In addition, the role of four high-tech devices is evaluated for their utility in the assess-ment and progression of glaucomatous damage. Conclusions: When one attempts to classify a patient as hav-ing glaucoma, the degree of cupping and the presence or absence of visual f~eldlo ss can be misleading. Prior to defin-itive diagnosis, a thorough evaluation of the optic disk and retinal nerve fiber layer, and appropriate use of high-tech devices, should help reduce the under-diagnosis and over-diagnosis of this disease. T he determination of whether or not a patient has glau-coma and when to institute treatment is a diagnostic challenge for many clinicians. A patient with the "Big ThreeM-i.e., elevated intraocular pressures (IOPs), glauco-matous optic disk cupping, and glaucomatous visual-field loss-should be treated. The challenge presents when deter-mining if a patient who has only one or two of these signs should be treated, and persists when a patient is being treated for many years who does not, in fact, have glaucoma at all. Cupping of the optic nerve head and high intraocu-lar pressure have always been classic hallmarks of glaucoma and are frequently used to make the diagnosis of this dis-ease. The presence of an elevated intraocular pressure, how-ever, is no longer considered an absolute harbinger of glaucoma. Glaucoma exists in patients with normal intraocular pressures, and glaucoma never develops in the majority of ocular hypertensives. l However, suspicious cup size, shape, and depth continue to concern the eye care prac-titioner. Visual-field loss is another feature that can be misleading. Erroneous interpretation of visual-field loss can result in the Key Words: Assessment, evaluation, glaucoma, misdiagnosis of glaucoma, while the absence of field loss devices, optic disk, testing can falsely convince a practitioner that the patient does not have glaucoma. Clinicians have witnessed the birth of high-tech diagnostic procedures that were developed to quantify structural aspects of the optic nerve, retina, and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL). Since most of these devices have normative Bass SJ and Sherman J, optic disk evaluation and of databases, they can help classify the patient on the basis of high-tech devices in the assessment of glaucoma. Optometry ~fati~ticaanla lysis of ~0mpari~0ton th~e ir normative data- 2004:75:277-96. base. Some of these techniques have the potential to aid cli- VOLUME 75lNUMBER 5lMAY 2004 OPTOMETRY
  • 2. ISSUE H I G H L I G H T [iulre 1 A, A larye optic disk IS usually associated with a large cup; 13, a small optlc dlsk a usually associated with a small cup, or no cup at all nicians in the assessment of an abnormality at an initial visit, while others are best suited for the determination of change over time. In addition, these tests-which are objective-have added a whole new dimension to glaucoma detection by removing the variability factors associated with subjective visual-field testing. And since structural damage may precede functional loss in glaucoma, instruments that can objectively and quantita-tively assess structural damage now play an inte-gral role in the early assessment of glaucoma. Evaluation of the optic nerve head Glaucoma affects the structure of the optic nerve head in some way and at some point in the course of the disease. There are several intrapapillary and peripapillary features of the optic nerve head exam-ination, in addition to cupping, whose association with optic nerve damage has been suggested, war-ranting close ophthalmoscopic inspection for signs of the glaucomatous disease pro~ess.~ Optic disk size Determination of optic disk size is important because a large normal disk is nearly always asso-ciated with a large cup (see Figure 1, A). The only apparent exception to this rule is the rare con-genital disk anomaly, Morning Glory syndrome, in which a large disk is encountered with no cup because of the presence of fibroglial tissue in the center of the disk. In contrast, a small normal disk nearly always has a small cup (see Figure 1, B). Although a 0.5 CID ratio in a patient with a large disk is probably normal, a 0.5 CID ratio in a patient with a small disk is most likely glauco-matous. One could argue, therefore, that a CID ratio is meaningless unless the approximate size of the disk is also considered. The size of the optic disk varies between and within individuals. A summary of 23 published studies2 established the range of values for optic disk area between 1.70 mm2 to 3.34 mm2. A disk can be grossly esti-mated as large or small using the 5-degree spot size of a direct ophthalmoscope. The illumination from this spot size should just about cover a disk of normal size. In patients with large disks, the light would cover only part of the disk, whereas in small disks the light covers the disk plus reti-nal areas outside the disk. There are certain ethnic, gender, and ametropic associations with disk size. Disk size is generally smallest in whites, larger in Mexicans, and largest in people of African d e s ~ e n ti;t ~al so tends to be larger in males than in fern ale^.^ Although there is no ametropic association with disk size between -5.00 and + 5.00 D, large disks are asso-ciated with high myopia and small disks are asso-ciated with high hyperopia. Large disks have a greater neuro-retinal rim area,3 more optic nerve fibers, and less nerve fiber crowding than small disks.4 Small disks are asso-ciated with non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AION),5d isk d r ~ s e na,n~d non-dis-tinct disk borders (pseudopapilledema).7 But does disk size determine susceptibility to glaucoma? Since blacks have large optic disks and a greater likelihood for development of glaucoma when 278 OPTOMETRY VOLUME 75lNUMBER 5lMAY 2004
  • 3. ISSUE H I G H L l G H l Fiuun 2 The normal neuroretinal rim. thickest inferiorly, then superiorly, then nasally, and th~nnest temporally. compared to whitest8 one might assume that a larger disk size is associated with greater glau-coma susceptibility. Non-highly-myopic patients with normal tension glaucoma (NTG) have been reported to have larger optic disk size than patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG).9H owever, in POAG and secondary open-angle glaucoma (S0AG)-e.g., pigmentary glau-coma- the disk size is n ~ r m a l . ' ~ , ~ ' What about small disks? Small disks are associ-ated with factors that affect perfusion of the optic disk (as evidenced by the greater association with non-arteritic AION5) and axoplasmic flow in the axons of the ganglion cells (as evidenced by the association with disk drusen6). In addition, the nerve fibers are more crowded in small disks, leaving them more susceptible to mechanical damage in glaucoma.12 Furthermore, small disks may have a smaller reserve because of a smaller number of nerve fibers than larger disks3 Although these factors would support a greater susceptibility of glaucoma in small optic disks, some studies have demonstrated that glaucoma-tous optic disk atrophy is independent of disk ~ i z e . ' ~D,i's~h size is therefore not definitive in deter-mination of susceptibility to development of glau-coma. Disk size is important, however, when judging the degree of cupping and making the determination as to whether a particular cup size is likely physiological, as opposed to pathological, for a certain disk size. Optic disk shape The normal shape of the optic disk is oval, having a vertical diameter that is about 10% greater than the horizontal diam-eter. Significant corneal astig-matism and amblyopia associated with increased corneal astigma-tism correlate significantly with an abnormal optic disk shape.15 Before suspecting glaucoma in a patient with a vertically elon-gated disk, a significant amount of against-the-rule astigmatism should be ruled out. Studies have suggested that susceptibility to glaucoma is not dependent on optic disk shape.16 The shape of the optic disk in highly myopic eyes (> 12D), however, is more oval, elongated, and oblique than in other eyes. This suggests that the myopic stretching in these eyes pulls more on the optic disk in some directions than in others, and that the vertical elongation may be the rea-son high myopia is a risk factor for the develop-ment of glaucoma. Neuro-retinal rim size and shape The size of the neuro-retinal rim is indicative of the anatomic reserve capacity of the optic disk and correlates well to the size of the disk: the larger the disk, the greater the rim area and optic nerve fiber count.3 Anatomically, axons from gan-glion cells close to the optic disk are positioned more centrally within the optic disk, whereas axons from peripheral retina lie at the optic nerve head margins. The shape of the neuro-retinal rim usually follows the "ISNT" rule: It is broadest inferiorly, followed by the superior, nasal, and temporal regions, where it is the narrowed7 (see Figure 2). In glaucoma, these regions are affected differently at various stages of the disease. Early glaucoma usually affects the inferotemporal and superotemporal rim disk regions. As glau-coma advances to the moderate stage, the great-est amount of rim loss occurs in the temporal horizontal region. In advanced glaucoma, only the nasal sector of the disk rim remains.18 Ophthal-moscopic observation of rim loss most often occurs in glaucomatous optic neuropathy, while it may not necessarily occur in other forms of optic neuropathy. Therefore, careful examination 2 79 V O L U M E 7 5 l N U M B E R 5 l M A Y 2 0 0 4 OPTOMETRY
  • 4. ISSUE HIGHLIGHT of the size and shape of the neuro-retinal rim tis-sue over time may be a prime way to differenti-ate glaucomatous optic nerve disease from other etiologies. Some of the high-tech instruments that quantify changes in rim area over time are useful in this regard. Neuro-retinal rim pallor Pallor of the neuro-retinal rim is more often a sign of non-glaucomatous optic neuropathy than glaucomatous optic neuropathy.lg The overall disk pallor seen in advanced glaucoma is due to a more excavated cup rather than pallor of the neuro-retinal rim. It is more common to see a healthy pink rim-albeit very thin-in mod-erately advanced glaucoma, than a pale one. Overall, a nerve head with a pale rim needs to be investigated for other etiologies, such as ischemic optic neuropathy, intracranial masses, and hereditary and congenital optic nerve dis-eases. In addition, the pseudophakic eye can exhibit "pseudo-pallor" of the neuro-retinal rim. One major exception to this rule is the eye with angle closure glaucoma; following a large and rapid rise in IOP, the disk often appears pale, without dramatic cupping.20 Cupping of the optic nerve head, along with neuro-retinal rim pallor, may also be non-glaucomatous and has been reported in posterior ischemic optic neuropathy21 and giant cell arteriti~.~~ Cupldisk ratio in relation to disk size Of all disk parameters, cupldisk ratio appears to be used most frequently in assessment of glau-comatous risk. This one feature may label a patient a glaucoma suspect, despite normal intraocular pressures and the fact that all other aspects of the disk are normal. Cup-to-disk ratios vary widely, even in the nor-mal population, and can range from 0.0 to 0.9.17 Therefore, it is possible for a large CID ratio in a large optic disk to be physiological. It is important to assess both the horizontal and vertical cupldisk ratios, since the normal optic disk may have a slightly greater hori-zontal cup than vertical cup. In glaucoma, the vertical cup increases faster than the hori-zontal cup due to loss of the neuro-retinal rim superiorly and inferiorly. Therefore, a cup that is vertically elongated is more likely indicative of glaucoma. The over-diagnosis and under-diagnosis of glaucoma can be minimized if the practitioner understands the relationship of CID ratio to disk size. Large disks are generally associated with large ClDs and small disks are generally asso-ciated with small ClDs. While a large CID ratio in a large disk is expected, it is unusual to see any significant degree of cupping in a small optic disk. An average or large CID ratio in a small disk is particularly suspicious in the pres-ence of vertical elongation of the cup. In fact, most small optic disks have either no cup or a cup size that is 10% to 20% the size of the disk. Early glaucoma in a small disk may be missed, because a small degree of increase in cupping in a cup that is small to begin with can easily go unnoticed-especially when intraocular pressures are normal. In these cases, it is crucial that other available means of optic nerve head assessment be used. For example, small glaucomatous disks with small cups have been shown to demonstrate abnor-malities in the peripapillary region,23 primarily as a thinning or decrease in visibility of the retinal nerve fiber layer. This can be appreciated as an increase in the clarity of the retinal vessels near the disk. Other telltale signs include diffuse andlor focal attenuations in the retinal arteri~lesa~n~d t~~ peripapillary chorioretinal atr~phy.~~,~~ The large cup (or "macrocup") may be seen in patients with large optic nerve heads, or macrodisks. The patient with a primary or con-genital large disk or macrodisk will probably have a macrocup, which is physiological and not glau-c~ matousA.~ft er the first year of life, these disks are constant and the cupping does not ~hange.~ The secondary or acquired macrocup does undergo change, as seen in glaucoma (due to decreasing neuro-retinal rim tissue) and in high myopia (in which myopic stretching enlarges the disk and thereby the cup). The inconclusiveness of CID ratio, as a diag-nostic clue, has multiple implications in this regard: a large disk with a large cup and a nor-mal neuro-retinal rim should not summarily be labeled as glaucomatous. Conversely, patients in whom early glaucomatous changes develop in the presence of a macrocup may be deceptively perceived as having advanced glaucomatous cup excavation. However, visual fields in these cases 280 OPTOMETRY VOLUME 75lNUMBER 5IMAY 2004
  • 5. ISSUE HIGHLIGHT [iNUr3e O ptic disk (Drance) hemorrhages in glaucoma are ephemeral and may would probably exhibit early defects and not advanced defects. Optic cup shape and depth When evaluating cup shape and/or cup depth ophthalmoscopically, one must remember that the border between the optic cup and optic disk is based on contour, not color, and is best assessed stereoscopically. This is especially useful in eyes with shallow cups, as seen in myopic disks. While the optic disk has a shape that is oriented vertically, the optic cup shape is horizontally oval, with a horizontal diameter about 7% to 10% longer than the vertical.18 This discrepancy explains the shape of the neuro-retinal rim, which is thickest inferiorly and superiorly and thinnest nasally and temporally. A change in the optic cup shape from horizontal to vertical is the result of loss to the superior and inferior neuro-retinal disk rim seen in early glaucoma. Some of the high-tech devices place a high emphasis on CUP shape (contour) in the differentiation of nor-mal vs. abnormal cupping. In addition to evaluation of cup shape in detec-tion of glaucoma, practitioners also evaluate cup depth, which depends on the cup area. Generally, the larger the optic cup, the greater its depth.28 Therefore, congenitally large disks (primary macrodisks) are not only associ-ated with large cups, but also with deep cups. The exception to this is the large disk found in the high myopic eye with glaucoma; many of these cups remain very shallow, like their non-glauco-matous counterpart^.^ Cup depth also has some association with the type of glaucoma; eyes with traumatic glaucoma with angle recession and juvenile onset POAG reportedly have the deep-est ~ ~ p s . ~ ~ , ~ ~ Optic disk hemorrhages Optic disk hemorrhages are detected in less than 8% of patients with glaucoma31 (see Fig-ure 3) and have a greater associ-ation with NTG than other types be missed (redarrow). of g l a ~ c o m a .O~p~tic, ~di~sk hem-orrhages may also be caused by other etiologies, such as vascular occlusive disease, Valsalva maneuvers, and optic disk drusen. In our clinical experience, optic disk hemorrhages in glaucoma-previously termed "Drance hemorrhagesn-are ephemeral, and hence only a fraction of their true number are ever observed. Since optic disk hemorrhages occur in a small percentage of patients with glaucoma and can be associated with other etiologies, the presence of a disk hemorrhage alone is not a sufficient indicator of glaucoma, and has a low sensitiv-ity for the diagnosis of this disease. The pres-ence of an optic disk hemorrhage, along with other glaucomatous risk factors, however, should be viewed as an additional risk factor. Optic disk hemorrhage can also be perceived as a sign of progression in established cases of glaucoma. Peripapillary chorioretinal atrophy Since the early 19001s, many investigators have reported observable peripapillary atrophy in glau-coma and have correlated the degree of atrophy with the degree of glaucomatous disk damage34 and field loss.35 The role of this feature as an indi-cator of glaucomatous damage to the optic nerve head, however, remains controversial. The atro-phy is basically divided into a central beta zone VOLUME 75INUMBER 5/MAY 2004 OPTOMETRY
  • 6. ISSUE H I G H L I G H T and peripheral alpha zone36 (see Figure 4). Irregularities in pig-mentation and chorioretinal thinning characterize the outer alpha zone while visible sclera, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) atrophy, and visibility of the choroidal vessels characterize the inner beta zone. While the alpha zone is present in almost all normal eyes, peripapillary atrophy of the beta zone is more likely to be indicative of glau-coma, occurring in less than 20% of normal patients.36 Peripapil-lary atrophy occurs more fre-quently in myopic disks and tilted disks, but this atrophy is generally localized temporal, superotemporal, and inferotem-poral to the optic nerve head, m and rarely in the nasal peripap- illary region. These zones are Fiuure 4 veln occlusion. reportedly larger36 in glaucoma-tous Peripapillary atrophy in a glaucomatous disk in a patient with disk collaterals from an old disks and can encircle the entire disk (the so-called "halo gl~ucomatosus"i)n Glaucoma causes nerve fiber layer damage via end-stage disease. Because these zones can exist localized defects, diffuse loss, or a combination in normal eyes, this feature, too, has a low dif- of the two. The localized defects occur in about ferential specificity. However, an enlargement in 20% of glaucoma patients38 and manifest as these two zones over time does sometimes dif- wedge-shaped dark areas that are widest further ferentiate glaucomatous from non-glaucomatous from the disk, coming to an apex at the edge of disease. the disk (see Figure 5). Notches in the neuro-reti-nal rim tissue, optic disk hemorrhage (the cor- Retinal nerve fiber layer evaluation responding RNFL defect appears 6 to 8 weeks after the onset of the hemorrhage), and/or peri- The RNFL contains bundles of all the retinal gan- papillary atrophy may appear in the same sector dion axons gathered Mueller as the RNFL defect. Such defects have been processes. It is usually visible ophthalmoscopi- shown to be o p ~ t ~ a ~mo s c o p ~vicsiabl~e ~ayft er cally, but its presence can be better detected with 50% of the RNFL is lost.39 ~h~ other type of loss, the use of red-free filters and red-free photo- diffuse loss, results in a greater visibility and clar-graphs. In addition, some modern high-tech ity of the large retinal vessels and is more diffi-instruments have been designed cult to detect than focal loss. Since studies have assess this aspect of the retina, via confocal scan- demonstrated that the degree of RNFL loss tor-laser tOmOg- relates well with the degree of optic disk damage raphy, and scanning laser polarimetry. The due to glaucoma,40~t4h1e RNFL must be carefully RNFL is thickest and most visible inferotempo- evaluated to avoid the over-diagnosis of glaucoma ral the disk, the in eyes with a large cup/large disk and the under-ral, nasal superior, and nasal inferior sector.37 diagnosis of glaucoma in eyes with a small Defects in the RNFL can occur in glaucoma, but cup/small disk. can also be associated with other diseases that cause optic neuropathy (e.g., disk drusen, toxo-plasmosis retinochoroiditis, optic pits, optic neu- Optic disk drusen ritis, compressive optic neuropathy, demyelinating Virtually ignored by both clinicians and researchers, disease, etc.). the relationship between disk drusen and glaucoma OPTOMETRY V O L U M E 7 5 l N U M B E R 5 l M A Y 2004
  • 7. ISSUE HIGHLIGHT m[iuure8 A wedgeshaped r e t i n h v e f lber layer (RGdLe)fe ct i n g h u c o m is an example of locallzed RNFL loss. nerve fiber layer loss. The arcuate scotoma and nasal step often found in eyes with disk drusen are essen-tially identical to the field deficits found in glaucoma.4z Although disk drusen do not necessarily prevent the development of cupping, they make the interpretation more dif-ficult." Patients with disk drusen often experience nerve fiber layer loss, greatly reducing the redun-dancy of the RNFL. Patients with disk drusen in whom glaucoma develops are, therefore, at greater risk of frank field defects earlier in the course of their disease process. Optic nerve drusen or disk drusen are comprised of hyaline bodies with a mucolsrotein matrix nf .- I in approximately 2% of all eyes and generally progress throughout life. In our clinical experience, buried disk drusen in young children are often considered the most common cause of blurred disk borders I (pseudopapilledema). Since disk drusen have an autosomal domi- Fiuure 6 A- Top: Dlsk with optic nerve head drusen and no observable cup; Lower left B-scan ultra-sonography reveals an elevat~ona bove the disk (arrowl, and Lower right the elevation nant inheritance pattern and sur-perslsts at a lower sensitivity setting-a pattern typical of calcified optlc nerve drusen. face as age increases45 (see Figure 6), VOLUME 75lNUMBER 5lMAY 2004 OPTOMETRY
  • 8. ISSUE HIGHLIGHT examination of the child's parents often reveals frank disk drusen. Large surface disk drusen, which appear calcified ophthalmoscopically, are remarkably easy to document with B-mode ophthalmic ultrasonog-raphy. This procedure may confii the diagnosis because ultrasound reflections from calcified drusen (like bone) persist at low sensitivity levels (see Figure 6). Although disk drusen often appear to be calcified, not all disk drusen are calcified; thus, not all can be confirmed with ultrasonography. Disk drusen that are not calcified may also be more difficult to observe directly. Subtle or even occult (hidden) disk drusen are generally not diagnosed, but their presence often prevents observable cupping from being observed. This is to be expected when one considers that disk drusen sitting in an optic cup are like ice cubes fdl-ing up a glass. It is virtually impossible to determine the depth of a glass when something solid is filling it up. Likewise, instruments that measure disk topog-raphy- and the naked eye observing stereo disk pho-tographs- will also be unable to detennine the depth of the optic cup when solid masses such as drusen "fill it up." The presence of disk drusen is the single most common cause of glaucoma without cupping.46 Disk drusen alone (or disk drusen along with glaucoma) often results in nerve fiber layer loss, as demonstrated by visual fields and/or objective instruments that measure RNFL thickness with a paradoxically normal-or even super-normal-disk topography (as demonstrated by objective instruments that measure optic disk topography). The combination of an abnormal nerve fiber layer (via visual fields and/or objective measurement of RNFL thickness) and a small cup (via stereo disk photographs and/or normal optic disk topography) strongly suggests the presence of disk drusen, which can be obvious, subtle, or occult. Summary of optic newe head evaluation The degree of optic disk cupping is not necessarily indicative of the presence of glaucoma. When any patient with equivocal cupping in the presence or absence of demonstrated field loss is assessed, the most significant optic disk features to closely evaluate include, but are not limited to: a. shape of the neuro-retinal rim b. relationship of cupldisk ratio to optic disk size c. optic cup shape and depth d. decreased visibility of the RNFL and local-ized RNFL defects e. presence of disk drusen 284 Standard of care vs. state-of-the-art in glaucoma diagnosis The decision faced by many clinicians regarding whether to commence treatment can be difficult, since the size of the cup is not always diagnos-tic. Likewise, the presence or absence of elevated intraocular pressures is not always diagnostic. Optic nerve head and peripapillary features require careful evaluation, although at times oph-thalmoscopic clues are lacking. Certainly, the deci-sion becomes easier as the patient is followed over time, when the clinician has had an opportunity to make observations of changes in the cupping and decreases in the rim tissue. Diagnosis is also less equivocal when field defects begin to appear and when IOPs demonstrate an increas-ing trend. However, when observing a patient for the first few visits, treatment decisions may not be obvious. While many clinicians realize this, cases of under- and over-diagnosis of this dis-order are encountered frequently. While some clinicians prefer to err on the side of over-treating- assuming they are less likely to expe-rience litigious consequences in the future-there are financial considerations, as well as quality of life issues, for some patients-especially those who experience side effects from medications they may not need. Furthermore, while results of the Ocular Hypertensive Treatment Study (OHTS) have helped clinicians reconsider treat-ing certain ocular hypertensive patients, nor-motensive glaucoma patients continue to be under-diagnosed until a significant increase in cupping flags the clinician's attention. Standard of care testing in glaucoma Standard of care testing-namely, static automated perimetry-continues to be the mainstay of deter-mining functional loss in glaucomatous disease. Its value in following disease progression is unquestionable. However, as an aid in the detection of early glaucoma, perimetry falls short in some instances. This is especially true of the patient whose field loss is inconsistent from visit to visit, whose field loss falls outside of the cen-tral 30 degrees, whose field loss is not considered "glaucomatous," and/or who fails to demonstrate field loss despite the presence of other risk fac-tors (elevated IOP, strong family history, suspi-cious cupping, and RNFL loss). Manufacturers of automated perimeters have attempted to improve the ability of the practi-tioner to detect glaucoma earlier. The develop- - OPTOMETRY VOLUME 75lNUMBER 5lMAY 2004
  • 9. ISSUE HIGHLIGHT ment of short wavelength automated perimetry (SWAP) and frequency doubling technology (FDT) have opened new avenues for early diag-nosis. SWAP is based on the hypothesis that there is less redundancy in the color vision pathway than the luminance pathway. Therefore, a blue stimulus against a yellow background is testing a narrower population of cells and should theo-retically be affected first in early disease. The high sensitivity of SWAP in early detection of glaucoma has been reconfirmed in a study of 500 eyes of 250 ocular hypertensive patients.47 FDT taps into the motion detectors in the visual pathway, which are believed to be affected in early glaucoma. The potential for FDT to be used as a screening method in glaucoma detection has been docu-mented. 48 Perimetry remains the single, most important functional test to identify not only glaucoma, but also retinal, optic nerve, and visual pathway dis-orders. Unlike perimetry, tests that determine structural integrity of the disk and RNFL are not likely to alert the practitioner to suspect intracra-nial tumors and other brain disorders that affect the temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes. Although perimetry has widespread applications, at least four factors limit its clinical utility: 1. Redundancy of retinal ganglion cells which result in normal visual fields in many cases until half of the ganglion cells and their axons are lost. 2. Speed; visual-field testing can never furnish more than one bit of information per second because visual-field testing is limited by the patient's speed in pressing the button. 3. Subjectivity of perimetry. 4. Incomplete testing of the visual field, in that not all retinal points are tested. State-of-the-art the role of high-tech devices Over the past several years, there has been an explosion of new technologies that are particularly well-suited for the diagnosis and management of glaucoma. Collectively, these devices were designed to provide objective evidence of abnor-malities in disk topography and/or nerve fiber layer thinning, and retinal thickness. Designed for in-office use by the clinician, they vary in their user-accessibility, ease of interpretation, and affordability. A primary, common goal of these technologies is the early detection of structural abnormalities that precede functional loss (i.e. ,normal visual fields). All the high-tech devices have added a new and exciting dimension to glaucoma detection. They are objective as opposed to subjective, they are fast (65,000 bits of information are acquired in less than one sec-ond with several of the high-tech devices), and hundreds of thousands of data points are col-lected, in contrast to the limited number of points in visual-field testing. However, the practitioner must recognize the limitations of some of these instruments, as well as the importance of obtain-ing good quality images, and use all clinical data available when interpreting the findings. What do these devices offer and how accurate are they? What information do they add to diagno-sis and management of glaucoma and other optic neuropathies? Does this information justify the cost? What are the shortcomings? HRT 11 Some practitioners claim that a good set of stereo disk photographs is all that an astute clinician needs to detect a glaucomatous disk. However, evaluation and interpretation of disk photographs is subject to inter-clinician ~ariabilityI.t ~is~ p~ar~- ~ ticularly difficult to quantify topographical attributes of the optic nerve head from stereo pho-tographs. A clinician's only quantitative meas-urement when evaluating an optic nerve head is an estimate of the C/D ratio to the nearest 5%, with N f 5% inter-observational accuracy. An accurate quantification of topographical features offers the ophthalmic clinician a means of detect-ing slow and subtle change. The HRT I1 (Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph-Hei-delberg Engineering, Inc., Carlsbad, California) is a commercially available confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope that uses a 670-nm red-diode laser source to provide real-time three-dimen-sional images and measurements of optic disk topography and RNFL. This is accomplished with-out pupil dilation or ocular contact. Three series of scans are captured in quick succession and then averaged. Image quality is assessed by the standard deviation or variability between the three scans. Stereometric parameters of disk topography are measured in detail. The "top five" parameters (as reported by Heidelberg Engi-neering) are: rim area, rim volume, cup shape measure, height variation contour, and RNFL thickness. Mean RNFL "thickness" is measured at the disk border using an artificial reference VOLUME 75lNUMBER 5lMAY 2004 OPTOMETRY
  • 10. ISSUE H I G H L I G H T P a h t - ':8ax:nuk DOB: Pet-ID: - ,[kLw-scmx ., .z Eg!L& finer-dl . I l~HElOEL~BErG 0s ~ c ~ ~ o .De~p(hd:3.2p5mIm opmlocjs *M Ztnrnl ~Bnm) 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.0 Z.4 1, 51 40 440.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.0 QO 04 Q. (1 11 26 24 21 52 40 M 0.0 , w - 0.8 11 -12 . 11 -1.0 . Em - 2.0i, 3 0 . 4 -2.4- ' 2.8. I P . ! -3.8 . , ,'*O . a.a - . . . ~ C I n ~ , 6) o r n ~ n ; r .. - 4 4 44. , . g?-"--. . . - wr -00 - . - I- - - - n -. . -043 3 0.8 - -08 I -: .:, $2 - . * . - 1 2 --- I 1 -7=r * I mw 2200 e I mDm 0.0 0.4 0.0 12 1.8 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 U 4.0 0 90 1s 180 . 22S Pm 315 300 - x M no*, #' Cykr 1.- mm' m' 1.001 m' - 1-1 am- - 'c*r#rurm am ~r L J L o r - --- -4- ~ym aza-km I . L j > 6 -. .'- .> r Y - < + , m-ru - nryrrnarrl ~ 1 - -Ow-- ILkr*.IyIcL -Yolr *~narmJYmYsO 0 ~ ~ - 1 ~ 1 0 5 W 7 ~ 1 ~ a7ro am-amnm am am2rrr awsnn 401laW adlnr s r . L Y - U U I - . ~ ---lk. , > , I r 1, r, r . - 3 - , 3.. ,A < , I .m.J.rJMl-: C*r.dnMamVbphllrU*mpm&m Figure 7 HRT II quantifies various parameters of disk topography (on the bottom left) and compares these values against the normative database in the analysis (on the right). Areas in red represent the cup; green represents the neuroretinal rim. The superior temporal neuroretinal rim is flagged as borderline (yellow exclamation point) and the superior, nasal, and inferior temporal neuroretinal rim are flagged as outside normal limits (red ic). plane located 50 microns beneath the retinal sur- is used to differentiate optic nerve head cup from face of the papillomacular bundle (at the temporal neuro-retinal rim. Of the top five parameters, cup aspect of the disk border). The reference plane shape measure has been shown to have the best 286 OPTOMETRY VOLUME 75lNUMBER 51MAY 2004
  • 11. ISSUE HIGHLIGHT diagnostic pre~ision.S~ix~ e qual sectors of the neuro-retinal rim are evaluated and compared (corrected for age) against the instrument's nor-mative database, which consists of approximately 200 whites. Sectors are assigned a green check mark if the RNFL and rim are within the pre-dicted range; a yellow exclamation mark if they are borderline; and a red "x" if they are outside normal limits. This six-sector evaluation uses Mooresfields Regression Analysis, a linear regres-sion analysis that has been demonstrated to have a sensitivity of 93.5% and specificity of 88.4%.52 All the parameters are globally analyzed and the patient's overall topographic results are catego-rized as "normal," "borderline," or "outside nor-mal limits" (see Figure 7). This technology has some analytical shortcom-ings: without providing for racial variation in the normative database, Hispanics and blacks-whose disks and C/Ds tend to be larger than those of whites-tend to be flagged as "outside normal limits," even if they are physiologically sound. Furthermore, small to minimal cupping is con-sistently classified as "normal," requiring that the clinician carefully consider other findings (e.g., myopia, blurred disk borders, etc.), so as not to miss the glaucomatous disk with small cups. This technology may prove to be most useful in helping the clinician determine the progression of cupping and other topographical changes over time, rather than flagging an abnormal disk at an initial visit. A progression change probability analysis and trend analysis are used to monitor any change over time (see Figure 8). GDxVCC The GDxVCC (Laser Diagnostics Technology, Inc., San Diego, California) is a scanning laser polarimeter that indirectly measures the thickness of the RNFL using a near-infrared laser. GDx makes use of the principle of birefringence of the RNFL as an indirect indicator of its thickness. Because the RNFL is a lamellar structure, con-sisting of parallel layers, it will regularly and pre-dictably slow (retard) the speed at which polarized light passes through it. The thicker the RNFL, the greater is the retardation or birefrin-gence. RNFL thickness is analyzed over a "meas-urement circle," with an inner radius 1.2 mm from the center of the disk, extending outward 20 degrees. Since the disk is never assessed, this instrument is completely independent of any disk parameters. The device performs a scan in 0.7 seconds and the analysis takes about 1 minute per eye. Nei-ther pupil dilation nor corneal contact is required. Image quality is assessed on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the best. The printout contains parameter summary measures, which include the TSNIT (Temporal, Superior, Nasal, Inferior, Temporal) average of RNFL thickness and inter-eye symmetry. These and other parameters are statistically compared to normative data, corrected for age and race. The technology's normative database consists of 600 patients (70% whites and Hispanics, 12% Asians, and 18% blacks). Abnormal data are depicted in red on the print-out, along with the probability values depicting the degree of statistical significance. In addition, all the data are globally summated in the form of a Nerve Fiber Indicator (NF1)-formerly called "The Number" in an earlier version of this instru-ment. The NFI, which will be anywhere from 1 to 100, is a mathematical construct based on an algorithm that was trained to differentiate normal subjects from patients with glaucoma, using a combination of summary data and raw data points. Generally, a number less than 30 is con-sidered to be normal, numbers between 31 and 50 are considered highly suspicious of RNFL loss, and numbers above 50 are indicative of signifi-cant RNFL loss. The numbers assigned to all of these parameters are also valuable for the deter-mination of change over time. All measurements are independent of disk topography. An additional feature of the most recent version of the GDxVCC includes a deviation plot, which depicts the statistical significance of abnormal points in the RNFL measured 0.6 degrees apart superior and inferior to the optic nerve (see Fig-ure 9). The instrument also incorporates a pro-gram to analyze progression over time. Areas in the thickness map that are depicted in blue over time are indicative of statistically significant RNFL loss (see Figure 10). A shortcoming of the first iteration of this tech-nology was that other lamellar structures in the eye (e.g., the cornea) affected these measure-ments- some to a greater degree than others. Since the cornea is a primary contributor of birefringence in the eye, a corneal compensator had to be incorporated to cancel out the VOLUME 75/NUMBER 5/MAY 2004 OPTOMETRY
  • 12. ISSUE HIGHLIGHT ? -k.cIw w 4 4 m 4 4 8 . - .. ' . - a / - - - .OYlnr l . I * Y b d - . . . . 9- A= aaud w-r .IL.lrr am1 4 M d -arraUm U O U W - - ---a 1'. I. -a- m . 1. arswhrw ao, aim L , . I : . --- am I. klY'-."' am *OM * O y ) a8M am?- 111~nr- r am- , .. . - - r*, m:manamw ar-- arnarrr --^ am4 QII-I I + - am# d m 4 R . . . O . r ' h 1.m am#& I . . . --nomwi-C) P)---'-'---'-.--m --'-c-'L - Alre 8 Progression analysis on the HUT11 The area an red denotes stat~stcallys ~g n f~c alnots s an the anferaor neuroret~narll m over tame (redarrowj corneal birefringence from the total measure- cel birerefringence from all corneas). A vari-ments. The original compensator was "fixed," able compensator (GDxVCC) has replaced the (i.e., it did not change position and did not can- fixed compensator. It initially measures each 288 OPTOMETRY VOLUME 75lNUMBER 5lMAY 2004
  • 13. ISSUE H I G H L I G H T . . . . . . . . . '. .. '. .. '. '. .. Fiber Analysis : ":: . '. -,: wmfucu-- . . Figure 8 The GDxVCC display The thickness maps (red arrow) reveal retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thinning in both eyes-greater left eye. The deviat~onp lot (yellowarrow) denotes statistically significant RNFL attenuation in both eyes-greater left eye. The TSNlT (Temporal. Superior, Nasal. Inferior, Temporal) curve (blue arrow) is reduced in both eyes-greater in left eye. The Nerve Fiber Indicator is 48 right eye and 77 left eve, both abnormal. individual patient's cornea and adjusts the istic (ROC) curve of 0.95 for the NFI, with a compensator accordingly to cancel out the sensitivity of 90% and a specificity of 91%.53 corneal birerefringence from that eye. Data In our clinical experience, reproducibility of accumulated so far on 390 normals and 253 measurements in both normal and glaucoma patients with glaucoma have demonstrated an patients appears to be within 2 to 4 microns for area under the Receiver Operator Character- all parameters. 289 V O L U M E 7 5 l N U M B E R 5/MAY 2004 OPTOMETRY
  • 14. ISSUE H I G H L I G H T Fijure 10 Progression analysis on the GDxVCC Areas of progressive retinal nerve fiber layer loss over a 3Xyear period in this patient are depicted in blue (yellow arrow). Stratus OCllM (OCT 3) posed axial A scans that approximate a cross-sec- Optical Coherence Tomography /Stratus OCT, iion of the retina and opiic nerve head. Images Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc., Dublin, California) uses are obtained through an undilated pupil with no a superluminescent diode laser light that is scat- corneal contact. The quality of resolution tered, reflected, and absorbed by retinal tissue. allows the differentiation of 7 to 8 retinal layers The resultant image is up of many juxta- in this latest clinically available version of the 290 OPTOMETRY V O L U M E 7 5 l N U M B E R 5 l M A Y 2004
  • 15. ISSUE H I G H L I G H T . . . . . . . Fiuure 11 A, Stratus OCT ONH Topography: On the left, the display demonstrates a cross-section through the disk (6 to 12 o'clock) and parameters of disk topography in this patient. On the upper right, the cup is depicted in green and the disk is depicted in red Below these displays are quantified disk parameters. B, Stratus OCT RNFL Thickness Analysis: On the left side, average RNFL thickness around the optic nerve head, in a circular area 3.4 mm in diameter, is displayed in a TSNlT curve (Temporal, Superior, Nasal, Inferior, Temporal) for each eye. On the right side, average thickness is displayed in 12 o'clock-hour sectors and in four quadrants for both eyes. The black curve represents the patient's RNFL thickness, which is below the normative database in this case. Areas depicted in green are within 95% of the normative database for that age group, areas in yellow in between 1 % and 5% of the normative database, and any areas in red lie below 1% of the normative database. 2 9 1 VOLUME 75lNUMBER 5 l M A Y 2 0 0 4 OPTOMETRY
  • 16. ISSUE H I G H L I G H T Olaucoma - Analysis nation Date: 211031 Filure 12 A. The Retinal Thickness Analyzer (RTA) optic nerve head topography display. The cup is depicted in red and the neuroretinal rim in green (upper halfl. Various optic nerve head parameters are noted in the lower half of the display. B (on facing page), The RTA measures retinal thickness at the macula. Retinal thinning due to ganglion cell loss may be a sign of early glaucoma. Areas in blueon the deviation map represent statistically significant areas of retinal thinning (blue arrow). OCT, including the RNFL. The OCT was origi-nally developed to detect structural abnormal-ities in the macula, not readily apparent on ophthalmoscopy, such as various stages of macular holes, cysts, cystoid macular edema, central serous choroidopathy, etc. An additional feature of the Stratus OCT is the ability to obtain quantitative measurements of optic disk topog-raphy and RNFL thickness. A series of 4-mm long radial line scans at 12 clock hours across the disk allows topographic measurement of disk parameters (see Figure 11, A). The instrument objectively finds the margin of the disk, using a signal from the end of the retinal pigment epithelium. Disk parameters that are measured include cup volume, disk, cup and rim area, and OPTOMETRY V O L U M E 7 5 l N U M B E R 5 l M A Y 2004
  • 17. ISSUE HIGHLIGHT cupldisk ratios. To determine RNFL thickness, a circular scan of 3.4-mm diameter is centered on the optic nerve head and a peripapillary cross-sectional image is obtained and displayed as a TSNIT curve (see Figure 11, B). 'Itvo recent developments in this technology include the establishment of a normative data-base to establish reference values in a normal population and software that allows the assess-ment of image quality. The normative database was obtained by evaluating the RNFL thickness measurements in an ethnically wide variety of 410 subjects (60% white, 27% Hispanic, 8% black, 3% Asian, 2% other), from which 328 qualified scans were obtained.54 Evaluating the 293 VOLUME 75lNUMBER 5IMAY 2004 OPTOMETRY
  • 18. ISSUE H I G H L I G H T signallnoise ratio after obtaining an image assesses the image quality. Clinical experience has demonstrated good reproducibility when the RNFL is normal or mildly reduced. However, the technology currently appears to have difficulty when the RNFL is very thin, and an error mes-sage is generated that the data is sub-optimal for analysis. The Retinal Thickness Analyzer The Retinal Thickness Analyzer (RTA-Talia Technology, Newe-Ilan, Israel) is a digitized laser slit-lamp that makes use of a helium-neon laser (543-nm wavelength) as a light source. The instru-ment measures retinal thickness using a beam splitter that splits the incoming light into two sep-arate beams. One beam is reflected off the reti-nal pigment epithelium (RPE) and the other reflects off the internal limiting membrane (ILM). The difference between these two reflec-tions is a measurement of the retinal thickness at that point. The RTA was originally developed for the objective detection of retinal thickening, as seen in clinically significant macular edema (CSME)i n diabetic retin~pathyC.~u~rr ently, the RTA has added software to create a topographi-cal map of the optic nerve head. It maps out a two-dimensional rimlcup area map with hori-zontal and vertical cross-sectional graphs, a disk area image, RNFL cross-section (TSNIT Curve), and a three-dimensional topography map of the optic nerve (see Figure 12). The RNFL thickness is determined by measuring retinal thickness in the macula, since the paracentral RNFL is believed to be affected early in glaucoma. In a study of 10 normal patients comparing the RTA measurements with HRT I1 measurements, the mean cup depth, mean RNFL thickness, and cross-sectional area were significantly smaller on the RTA than the HRT 11, but the reproducibility was not significantly different between instru-m e n t ~ . ~ ~ When using this technology, the pupil must be a minimum of 6 mm, usually requiring dilation. In addition, images may be difficult to obtain in eyes with media opacities or in pseudophakia. The RTA measures retinal thickness but does not selectively evaluate the RNFL. Since it meas-ures total retinal thickness, a diabetic patient having macular CSME (resulting in retinal thick-ening) and glaucoma (resulting in retinal thin-ning) could conceivably end up with a normal retinal thickness in the macula. Based on the fact that 40% of the RNFL ganglion cell bodies are in the central 20 degrees, the RTA is designed to detect early glaucoma by evaluat-ing retinal thickness around the macula. Although there is a substantial population of ganglion cell bodies in the macula, the RNFL in this region is actually very thin, perhaps only 10% of its thickness around the optic nerve head. Any detected loss in retinal thickness in the macula is due, therefore, to loss of ganglion cell bodies, not RNFL loss. Although the RTA, like the HRT 11, can generate a TSNIT curve around the disk, both are really topographical curves and not true thickness curves. In contrast, the GDxVCC and Stratus OCTTM generate TSNIT curves around the optic disk that are based on RNFL thickness. Moreover, both latter technologies theoretically measure all the RNFL and not just the RNFL in the macula. Summary The clinician is not challenged by the clear-cut cases of glaucoma and non-glaucoma. But a dis-ease whose presentation has such a broad over-lap with the normal population necessarily creates a confounding "gray" area into which glau-coma suspects are lumped, until further evidence either affirms or negates their status. The diag-nosis of glaucoma is complicated in these equiv-ocal cases. The careful assessment of various optic nerve head features-apart from cupping-is help-ful in the correct classification of such patients. In cases in which optic nerve head assessment is not decisive, the high-tech instruments available today provide a valuable adjunct with the objec-tive assessment of optic nerve head and RNFL structure. Disclaimer Neither Dr. Sherry J. Bass nor Dr. Jerome Sherman has any financial or propri-etary interest in any of the companies mentioned in this article. References 1 Kass MA, Heuer DK, Higginbotham EJ, et al. The Ocu-lar Hypertension Treatment Study: a randomized trial determines that topical ocular hypotensive medication delays or prevents the onset of primary open-angle glau-coma. Arch Ophthalmol2002;120:701-13. 2. Jonas JB, Wido MB, Panda-Jonas S. Ophthalmoscopic evaluation of the optic nerve head. Sun, Ophthalmol 1999; 43:293-320. 3. Caprioli J, Miller JM. Optic disk rim area is related to disk size in normal subjects. Arch Ophthalmol 1987;105:1683-5. OPTOMETRY VOLUME 75lNUMBER 5lMAY 2004
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