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Situational Crime Prevention Essay
Situational Crime Prevention
Situational crime prevention constitutes primary crime prevention measure. This is to say that it is
aimed at deterring crime before it occurs. Situational prevention, like other similar primary
prevention measures, focuses on subduing crime opportunities instead of the attributes of criminals
or even potential criminals. It seeks to curtail opportunities for certain groups of crime by increasing
the risks and difficulties associated with them and significantly reducing the rewards. Situational
prevention is made up of three key elements: a sound theoretical framework, an authoritative
methodology for dealing with specific crimes, and a collection of opportunity–reducing approaches
(Felson & Clarke, 1997) more content...
The reason Starbucks is constantly the arena of thefts is due to the fact that there are about forty
three of its shops throughout the city.
There are however some measures that can be taken to stem this problem and reduce the frequency
of theft in Starbucks premises (Welsh & Farrington, 2012). The first option would be to use vigilant
security guards. While this might be a viable option in increasing the effort needed to commit the
theft, employers should conduct thorough background check prior to employment. Although people
may assume that security guards are honest fellows, the uniform and the badge should not attract
such confidence as they may also collude with the thieves. It should be understood that while many
uniformed guards are good and responsible men and women, some of them are not. This option will
also derogate the Starbucks ambience.
A second option would be the less intrusive option of using of video surveillance. The use of video
surveillance may be helpful. However, it may fail to curtail crime if constant monitoring is required
and staff cannot do this. The successful use of video surveillance must be accompanied by the
prosecution of offenders and the same be publicized to ascertain that the criminals' perception of risk
is altered.
A third option would be to provide an online item registration program that is linked to the police.
This way, owners can register the details of their items like cellphones
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Approaches to Crime Prevention Essay
The Dominant Approaches Used
Crime Prevention
Jamal Sanchez Bush
Crime Prevention
June 21, 2011
Crime prevention has influenced by so many fields like sociology, psychology,criminology, urban
planning and design, health care, education, community development, economics & social work,
among the others. This paper focuses on the dominant approaches to crime prevention which is
currently used by law enforcement, courts, and corrections. The dominant approaches to crime
prevention are situational, social development, community crime prevention, and community
Dominant approaches to crime prevention
Situational – The interventions designed for reducing the opportunity for more content...
Developmental Prevention
Developmental prevention is new frontier of the crime prevention efforts. May be because kids are
much sympathetic recipients of the government attention & funds than are the teenage delinquent &
adult criminal, spending, scale of the social programs & research on the kid development exceeds
those for the situational or the community prevention (Crime Prevention through Social
Development). The interventions aimed at improving life chances of kids at the risk warrant support
for the reasons wholly independent of the crime prevention but even to concern the crime prevention
emerging findings are promising.
Community Police Approach
This approach is based on police community reciprocity; police & public cooperate for preventing &
for solving the crimes. The vital premise of this approach is that the police must fight with crime
locally rather than the follow dictates from the Washington. The Community policing mostly
features the de–centralization of the command via sub–stations for increasing the police citizen
interaction. This also involves the foot patrol so the police may walk & talk with the citizens. The
New York City & the other metropolitan areas incorporate into the community policing the zero
tolerance attitudes toward the minor crimes & disorder for enhancing the feelings of community
The most effective
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Crime Prevention
Crime prevention is an adequate and economical way to curtail crime. Enforcing and maintaining
effective and productive crime prevention programs can be a major factor in creating safe and
secure communities by decreasing the level of crime. In this essay, I will identify a crime prevention
program and describe its components, philosophy, and goals. I will describe the strengths,
weaknesses, ethical issues and the effectiveness of the program.
Over the past thirty years, gun–affiliated injuries and deaths have increased among youth. Most of
the youth involved in accidental shootings and suicides most often acquire the gun from their own
home. Hands Without Guns (HWG) was started in 1995 by the Educational Fund to End Handgun more content...
There are three program goals of Hands Without Guns. The first goal is to decrease the current and
future hazards of handgun violence in Chicago. The second goal is to expand community
participation in the fight against violence and the use of handguns. The third goal is to empower
youth to ameliorate the standard of their lives and lead the way to a secure future (ucan, 2013).
Hands Without Guns offer community organizing, classroom–based violence interruption
workshops, young leadership development, changing direction, media advocacy, teen gun survey,
and teen report card. Community organizing involves collaborating with youth service agencies in
different communities in Chicago to build significant connections with religious organizations,
youth service organizations, and social service agencies. The classroom–based violence interruption
workshops are intensive six to twelve weeks of violence prevention and life skills program of study
that has focal points on gun violence, conflict resolution, and civic activism (ucanchicago, 2013).
HANDS Young Leadership Development Institute gives a conference for prospective young leaders
to acquire the status of change agents through creating community service projects and outreach
events targeted on educating others on the hazards of gun violence (ucanchicago, 2013). The
HANDS Young Leaders motto–" Helping to promote positive alternatives to violence; Advocating
for the protection
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Essay about Crime
In general the definition of a crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered an evil act.
Crime refers to many types of misconduct forbidden by law. Crimes include such things as murder,
stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing of illegal drugs, being nude in public , drunk
driving, and bank robbery. Crime is an act that has been timeless and has been committed practically
since the start of time. For example, ever since Cain killed his brother Abel (B.C.), people being
charged with witchcraft in the 1600's, prostitution, to the current crimes of modern day(A.D.). Even
though crime has existed throughout time it has progressed and branched out taking many types more content...
Crimes are frequently classified according to their seriousness as felonies or misdemeanors.
Generally, felonies are more serious than misdemeanors. Under the federal criminal law system,
felonies are crimes for which the punishment is death or imprisonment for more than a year. A
misdemeanor is punishable by a fine or by imprisonment for less than a year. In most states persons
convicted of felonies are sent to state prisons, while those guilty of misdemeanors serve their
sentence in city, or county jails, or correction houses.
Crimes against people include assault, kidnapping, murder, and sexual attacks. Such crimes usually
bring severe punishments. Crimes against property include arson, automobile theft, burglary,
embezzlement, forgery, fraud, larceny, and vandalism. In most cases, these crimes carry lighter
penalties than the crimes set against the person. Robbery is the crime most difficult to classify. The
law considers robbery a crime against the person or against the property, according to the case.
Robbery may involve simply stealing property from another person, but when a personal encounter
occurs between the robber and his victim, it may include violence and bodily harm. This usually
occurs during muggings or other strong–arm robberies.
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Crime Prevention Essay
Crime Prevention
CRJ 305
Michelle McMichael
Professor Levit
September 10, 2013
Crime Prevention "The ultimate goal of crime prevention is to reduce the risk of being a victim."
(SIU, par. 1) "Successful crime prevention efforts will promote a safer community by enhancing the
perception of safety and the attitudes and behaviors that help people feel safe." (SIU, par. 3)
Reducing crime must be a community effort. It requires the work of not only law enforcement but
also the community itself. Crime prevention programs can be instituted, but until everyone decides
to work together on the effort, they can be futile. In this paper I will be discussing the jurisdiction of
Oklahoma City, the portion of the criminal justice more content...
1). The OJJDP had stated that, "in 1997 juveniles under age 18 were involved in 27% of all
serious violent victimizations, including 14% of sexual assaults, 30% of robberies, and 27% of
aggravated assaults" (OJJDP, 1997, par. 2). Juvenile and adult programs are available to those
individuals that find themselves placed into the criminal justice system. Some of the programs
available to the juveniles and the juveniles guardians are but are not limited to: Parent–Child
Interaction Training Program, Functional Family Therapy (FFT), Education, Community
Involvement, and Boot camp.
These programs are set up to help the juveniles and their parents to gain a certain amount of
control over their child, and teach the child respect, discipline, and how to live a lifestyle without
committing crime or doing the things that takes them down the path of committing crime. These
programs are set up into place to deter juveniles and adults away from committing criminal acts
against society. Many programs have been put in place to help young people avoid temptation and
follow the right path. There are many indicators which indicate whether or not a youth is likely to
commit crime. The indicators are poverty, behavior problems, lack of parenting, bad parental
behavior, social ability, bad school grades, accessibility to drugs, and peer pressure. If these
behaviors are coupled together, the chance of criminal behavior increases. In order to access all
juveniles who
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Crime Prevention
Crime Prevention 1
Crime Prevention
TuLisha Blackshear
CJ212 Crime Prevention
Professor Sperling
March 9, 2010
Crime Prevention 2 Crime is an ever growing problem in our society. Law enforcement officers put
themselves at risk on a daily basis in their quest to apprehend suspects and attempt to deter crime. I
will be discussing the components and concepts of crime prevention throughout the course of this
essay. Crime prevention is the attempt to deter crime and reduce the victimization of our community
resulting in a sense of safety in today's society. According to the Crime Prevention Coalition the
formal definition of crime prevention is "a pattern of attitudes and behaviors directed both at reducing more content...
There are numerous programs offered to help deter our youth from becoming career criminals.
Among these are the, McGruff Club which is a "crime prevention and safety education program for
children who are between the ages of six and ten. Through the McGruff Club, children become
engaged in their communities and learn about safety while having fun with their friends and adults
who care for them; the Be Safe and Sound in School (B3S), an initiative of the National Crime
Prevention Council conducted in collaboration with the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S.
Department of Justice; the Teens, Crime, and the Community program that believes smarter youth
make safer communities" (NCPC, 2012). Our children are our future and must be taught to become
upstanding members of society instead of being left alone or ignored, thus becoming criminals.
New programs have been developed to aid in the prevention of crime across the globe to teach
people that crime does not pay and if you do the crime, you will do the time. "The Center for Crime
Prevention and Control fosters innovative crime reduction strategies through hands–on fieldwork,
action research, and operational partnerships with law enforcement, communities, social service
providers, and other
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Crime Prevention Essay
Crime Prevention
Marcos Williams
Unit 2: Assignment
Crime prevention has become a major issue in our Nation. In our text we have learned that in the
early 1990's President Bill Clinton had passed a bill that hired 100,000 police officers as a result of
the Violent Crime Control Act (Worrall, 2008). The hiring of all thepolice officers looked as if was
going to make a huge impact across the nation. With the rate of crime going up across the world
crime prevention is really needed. Communities and police officers need to come together to help
preserve our neighborhoods. This is the best form of crime prevention.
In this paper I am going to discuss the relationship of crime prevention to the Criminal Justice
System. I am more content...
They also stop and arrest drunken drivers which help and protect the community. When police make
drug bust in which the community helps with tips or make arrest on repeat offenders this type of
crime prevention is key in the relationship with the Criminal Justice System. Police are used as
mediators and negotiators to resolve domestic disturbances or hostage situations (Plant and Scott,
2009). Police are also trying to find ways to protect the youth of today from following in the same
footsteps as the criminals that they deal with on a day to day basis. Police are trying to do
everything that they can to stop trafficking of persons and drugs throughout our nation and help
keep our youth stay out of the criminal justice system. Crime prevention and the Criminal Justice
System go hand in hand with the reduction of crime.
There are many institutions through which crime prevention programs and practices are delivered.
Most of the programs are built around habitual offenders and youths from the 5 to 18 years of age.
One program that they have for repeat offenders is the Circle of Support and Accountability
(COSA). This program targets young to adult males that have been tried and convicted of a sexual
crime, did not get early release, and are at serious risk of reoffending (National Crime Prevention
Centre, 2008). COSA has up to seven but no less than four volunteers that help the offenders
reengage back to a normal life in their community. The volunteers also hold the
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Crime Prevention
The truth about crime prevention is more complicated В–less utopian than some liberals would like,
but far more promising than conservatives will admit. Prevention can work and that it can be far less
costly, in every sense, than continuing to rely on incarceration as out first defense against violent
crimes. Instead of simply insisting that prevention is better than incarceration, then, we need to
pinpoint more clearly what kinds of prevention workВ—and why some programs work and others do
not, the most encouraging efforts share important characteristics; there are reasons why they work,
whether the В‘target' population is abusive families, vulnerable teens, or serious juvenile offenders
who've already broken the law. Likewise, there more content...
Poor children aged three and four were enrolled in preschool for two and half hours a day. In
addition, their teachers visited the children and their mothers at home once a week for about an
hour and a half. Most of the children stayed in the program for two years, a few for just one. This
program as called the Perry project. It allowed children to explore the meaning of those activates with
their teachers. The project was assigned to 123 neighborhoods children and the outcome was widely
disseminated. But what makes them particularly striking is that they were achieved with such
modest means, and with unusually high–risk children in severally disadvantaged communities. The
author then goes on to mention two profound limitations on early intervention as it now practiced in
United States: 1. Unlike many other advanced societies, we cannot link our early–intervention
programs to national–level health care or family–support systems would allow us to provide services
to children and families reliably throughout the course of childhood. The absence of those systems
means that our programs for children and families are usually unstable and short term: most, indeed,
never get beyond the "pilot program" stage. It also means that the most effective programs must
spend a great deal of their time and energy brokering basic support services that ought to be provided
routinely through national policies. Above all, it means that most families that could
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Crime Prevention in Schools Essay
As a society, how should we respond to violence taking place at schools? How do we respond to the
traumatic events of the Columbine shooting and the school killing in Colorado? We feel impotent
and concerned and aware that this is a situation that needs immediate attention. Violent behavior that
occurs in schools today is constantly changing and increasing.
On the Cleveland Plain Dealer, a day does not go by without talking of the violence coming into
schools from the streets. Patrick O'Donnell, a reporter for the Plain Dealer wrote a story on a high
school in Strongsville where the school virtually shut down classes due to Internet threats of
violence made on the school by an 18–year–old boy. Though the student is charged more
Strategies, guidelines and policies are needed to help school officials fulfill their responsibilities in
order to provide a safe and healthy school environment. The purpose of this paper is to look at
patterns and causes of crime in schools, the types of violence and who's committing the crime and
finally, what strategies and ways we can prevent the level of crime in order to decrease and
eliminate crime in schools.
In order to appropriately address the issue of crime and violence in schools, one must first
understand the social and environmental characteristics of crime locations. In Keeping Schools
Safe: a practical approach, Sarah M. Watson, assistant principal at Saint Xavier High School in
Kentucky, believes that: "Unsafe schools are the product of a lost focus. When we neglect to create
an environment where teaching and learning are shared and enjoyed and where vigilance is
everyone's job, we unwittingly foster schools that breed a variety of dangers for students." (Watson,
Legislatures and courts have addressed the issue of violent behavior in the schools and what
responsibility school officials have for the maintenance of schools where education can occur. They
have discussed the challenge of restoring order and discipline. In addition, according to J.L. Curcio,
professor in the department of Educational Leadership, and
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Crime Prevention Essay

  • 1. Situational Crime Prevention Essay Situational Crime Prevention Situational crime prevention constitutes primary crime prevention measure. This is to say that it is aimed at deterring crime before it occurs. Situational prevention, like other similar primary prevention measures, focuses on subduing crime opportunities instead of the attributes of criminals or even potential criminals. It seeks to curtail opportunities for certain groups of crime by increasing the risks and difficulties associated with them and significantly reducing the rewards. Situational prevention is made up of three key elements: a sound theoretical framework, an authoritative methodology for dealing with specific crimes, and a collection of opportunity–reducing approaches (Felson & Clarke, 1997) more content... The reason Starbucks is constantly the arena of thefts is due to the fact that there are about forty three of its shops throughout the city. There are however some measures that can be taken to stem this problem and reduce the frequency of theft in Starbucks premises (Welsh & Farrington, 2012). The first option would be to use vigilant security guards. While this might be a viable option in increasing the effort needed to commit the theft, employers should conduct thorough background check prior to employment. Although people may assume that security guards are honest fellows, the uniform and the badge should not attract such confidence as they may also collude with the thieves. It should be understood that while many uniformed guards are good and responsible men and women, some of them are not. This option will also derogate the Starbucks ambience. A second option would be the less intrusive option of using of video surveillance. The use of video surveillance may be helpful. However, it may fail to curtail crime if constant monitoring is required and staff cannot do this. The successful use of video surveillance must be accompanied by the prosecution of offenders and the same be publicized to ascertain that the criminals' perception of risk is altered. A third option would be to provide an online item registration program that is linked to the police. This way, owners can register the details of their items like cellphones Get more content on
  • 2. Approaches to Crime Prevention Essay The Dominant Approaches Used For Crime Prevention Jamal Sanchez Bush Crime Prevention CJ212 June 21, 2011 Introduction Crime prevention has influenced by so many fields like sociology, psychology,criminology, urban planning and design, health care, education, community development, economics & social work, among the others. This paper focuses on the dominant approaches to crime prevention which is currently used by law enforcement, courts, and corrections. The dominant approaches to crime prevention are situational, social development, community crime prevention, and community policing. Dominant approaches to crime prevention Situational – The interventions designed for reducing the opportunity for more content... Developmental Prevention Developmental prevention is new frontier of the crime prevention efforts. May be because kids are much sympathetic recipients of the government attention & funds than are the teenage delinquent & adult criminal, spending, scale of the social programs & research on the kid development exceeds those for the situational or the community prevention (Crime Prevention through Social Development). The interventions aimed at improving life chances of kids at the risk warrant support for the reasons wholly independent of the crime prevention but even to concern the crime prevention emerging findings are promising. Community Police Approach This approach is based on police community reciprocity; police & public cooperate for preventing & for solving the crimes. The vital premise of this approach is that the police must fight with crime
  • 3. locally rather than the follow dictates from the Washington. The Community policing mostly features the de–centralization of the command via sub–stations for increasing the police citizen interaction. This also involves the foot patrol so the police may walk & talk with the citizens. The New York City & the other metropolitan areas incorporate into the community policing the zero tolerance attitudes toward the minor crimes & disorder for enhancing the feelings of community The most effective Get more content on
  • 4. Crime Prevention Crime prevention is an adequate and economical way to curtail crime. Enforcing and maintaining effective and productive crime prevention programs can be a major factor in creating safe and secure communities by decreasing the level of crime. In this essay, I will identify a crime prevention program and describe its components, philosophy, and goals. I will describe the strengths, weaknesses, ethical issues and the effectiveness of the program. Over the past thirty years, gun–affiliated injuries and deaths have increased among youth. Most of the youth involved in accidental shootings and suicides most often acquire the gun from their own home. Hands Without Guns (HWG) was started in 1995 by the Educational Fund to End Handgun more content... There are three program goals of Hands Without Guns. The first goal is to decrease the current and future hazards of handgun violence in Chicago. The second goal is to expand community participation in the fight against violence and the use of handguns. The third goal is to empower youth to ameliorate the standard of their lives and lead the way to a secure future (ucan, 2013). Hands Without Guns offer community organizing, classroom–based violence interruption workshops, young leadership development, changing direction, media advocacy, teen gun survey, and teen report card. Community organizing involves collaborating with youth service agencies in different communities in Chicago to build significant connections with religious organizations, youth service organizations, and social service agencies. The classroom–based violence interruption workshops are intensive six to twelve weeks of violence prevention and life skills program of study that has focal points on gun violence, conflict resolution, and civic activism (ucanchicago, 2013). HANDS Young Leadership Development Institute gives a conference for prospective young leaders to acquire the status of change agents through creating community service projects and outreach events targeted on educating others on the hazards of gun violence (ucanchicago, 2013). The HANDS Young Leaders motto–" Helping to promote positive alternatives to violence; Advocating for the protection Get more content on
  • 5. Essay about Crime Crime In general the definition of a crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered an evil act. Crime refers to many types of misconduct forbidden by law. Crimes include such things as murder, stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing of illegal drugs, being nude in public , drunk driving, and bank robbery. Crime is an act that has been timeless and has been committed practically since the start of time. For example, ever since Cain killed his brother Abel (B.C.), people being charged with witchcraft in the 1600's, prostitution, to the current crimes of modern day(A.D.). Even though crime has existed throughout time it has progressed and branched out taking many types more content... Crimes are frequently classified according to their seriousness as felonies or misdemeanors. Generally, felonies are more serious than misdemeanors. Under the federal criminal law system, felonies are crimes for which the punishment is death or imprisonment for more than a year. A misdemeanor is punishable by a fine or by imprisonment for less than a year. In most states persons convicted of felonies are sent to state prisons, while those guilty of misdemeanors serve their sentence in city, or county jails, or correction houses. Crimes against people include assault, kidnapping, murder, and sexual attacks. Such crimes usually bring severe punishments. Crimes against property include arson, automobile theft, burglary, embezzlement, forgery, fraud, larceny, and vandalism. In most cases, these crimes carry lighter penalties than the crimes set against the person. Robbery is the crime most difficult to classify. The law considers robbery a crime against the person or against the property, according to the case. Robbery may involve simply stealing property from another person, but when a personal encounter occurs between the robber and his victim, it may include violence and bodily harm. This usually occurs during muggings or other strong–arm robberies. Get more content on
  • 6. Crime Prevention Essay Crime Prevention CRJ 305 Michelle McMichael Professor Levit September 10, 2013 Crime Prevention "The ultimate goal of crime prevention is to reduce the risk of being a victim." (SIU, par. 1) "Successful crime prevention efforts will promote a safer community by enhancing the perception of safety and the attitudes and behaviors that help people feel safe." (SIU, par. 3) Reducing crime must be a community effort. It requires the work of not only law enforcement but also the community itself. Crime prevention programs can be instituted, but until everyone decides to work together on the effort, they can be futile. In this paper I will be discussing the jurisdiction of Oklahoma City, the portion of the criminal justice more content... 1). The OJJDP had stated that, "in 1997 juveniles under age 18 were involved in 27% of all serious violent victimizations, including 14% of sexual assaults, 30% of robberies, and 27% of aggravated assaults" (OJJDP, 1997, par. 2). Juvenile and adult programs are available to those individuals that find themselves placed into the criminal justice system. Some of the programs available to the juveniles and the juveniles guardians are but are not limited to: Parent–Child Interaction Training Program, Functional Family Therapy (FFT), Education, Community Involvement, and Boot camp. These programs are set up to help the juveniles and their parents to gain a certain amount of control over their child, and teach the child respect, discipline, and how to live a lifestyle without committing crime or doing the things that takes them down the path of committing crime. These programs are set up into place to deter juveniles and adults away from committing criminal acts against society. Many programs have been put in place to help young people avoid temptation and follow the right path. There are many indicators which indicate whether or not a youth is likely to commit crime. The indicators are poverty, behavior problems, lack of parenting, bad parental behavior, social ability, bad school grades, accessibility to drugs, and peer pressure. If these behaviors are coupled together, the chance of criminal behavior increases. In order to access all juveniles who Get more content on
  • 7. Crime Prevention Crime Prevention 1 Crime Prevention TuLisha Blackshear CJ212 Crime Prevention Professor Sperling March 9, 2010 Crime Prevention 2 Crime is an ever growing problem in our society. Law enforcement officers put themselves at risk on a daily basis in their quest to apprehend suspects and attempt to deter crime. I will be discussing the components and concepts of crime prevention throughout the course of this essay. Crime prevention is the attempt to deter crime and reduce the victimization of our community resulting in a sense of safety in today's society. According to the Crime Prevention Coalition the formal definition of crime prevention is "a pattern of attitudes and behaviors directed both at reducing more content... There are numerous programs offered to help deter our youth from becoming career criminals. Among these are the, McGruff Club which is a "crime prevention and safety education program for children who are between the ages of six and ten. Through the McGruff Club, children become engaged in their communities and learn about safety while having fun with their friends and adults who care for them; the Be Safe and Sound in School (B3S), an initiative of the National Crime Prevention Council conducted in collaboration with the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice; the Teens, Crime, and the Community program that believes smarter youth make safer communities" (NCPC, 2012). Our children are our future and must be taught to become upstanding members of society instead of being left alone or ignored, thus becoming criminals. New programs have been developed to aid in the prevention of crime across the globe to teach people that crime does not pay and if you do the crime, you will do the time. "The Center for Crime Prevention and Control fosters innovative crime reduction strategies through hands–on fieldwork, action research, and operational partnerships with law enforcement, communities, social service providers, and other Get more content on
  • 8. Crime Prevention Essay Crime Prevention Marcos Williams Unit 2: Assignment Abstract Crime prevention has become a major issue in our Nation. In our text we have learned that in the early 1990's President Bill Clinton had passed a bill that hired 100,000 police officers as a result of the Violent Crime Control Act (Worrall, 2008). The hiring of all thepolice officers looked as if was going to make a huge impact across the nation. With the rate of crime going up across the world crime prevention is really needed. Communities and police officers need to come together to help preserve our neighborhoods. This is the best form of crime prevention. In this paper I am going to discuss the relationship of crime prevention to the Criminal Justice System. I am more content... They also stop and arrest drunken drivers which help and protect the community. When police make drug bust in which the community helps with tips or make arrest on repeat offenders this type of crime prevention is key in the relationship with the Criminal Justice System. Police are used as mediators and negotiators to resolve domestic disturbances or hostage situations (Plant and Scott, 2009). Police are also trying to find ways to protect the youth of today from following in the same footsteps as the criminals that they deal with on a day to day basis. Police are trying to do everything that they can to stop trafficking of persons and drugs throughout our nation and help keep our youth stay out of the criminal justice system. Crime prevention and the Criminal Justice System go hand in hand with the reduction of crime. There are many institutions through which crime prevention programs and practices are delivered. Most of the programs are built around habitual offenders and youths from the 5 to 18 years of age. One program that they have for repeat offenders is the Circle of Support and Accountability (COSA). This program targets young to adult males that have been tried and convicted of a sexual crime, did not get early release, and are at serious risk of reoffending (National Crime Prevention Centre, 2008). COSA has up to seven but no less than four volunteers that help the offenders reengage back to a normal life in their community. The volunteers also hold the Get more content on
  • 9. Crime Prevention The truth about crime prevention is more complicated В–less utopian than some liberals would like, but far more promising than conservatives will admit. Prevention can work and that it can be far less costly, in every sense, than continuing to rely on incarceration as out first defense against violent crimes. Instead of simply insisting that prevention is better than incarceration, then, we need to pinpoint more clearly what kinds of prevention workВ—and why some programs work and others do not, the most encouraging efforts share important characteristics; there are reasons why they work, whether the В‘target' population is abusive families, vulnerable teens, or serious juvenile offenders who've already broken the law. Likewise, there more content... Poor children aged three and four were enrolled in preschool for two and half hours a day. In addition, their teachers visited the children and their mothers at home once a week for about an hour and a half. Most of the children stayed in the program for two years, a few for just one. This program as called the Perry project. It allowed children to explore the meaning of those activates with their teachers. The project was assigned to 123 neighborhoods children and the outcome was widely disseminated. But what makes them particularly striking is that they were achieved with such modest means, and with unusually high–risk children in severally disadvantaged communities. The author then goes on to mention two profound limitations on early intervention as it now practiced in United States: 1. Unlike many other advanced societies, we cannot link our early–intervention programs to national–level health care or family–support systems would allow us to provide services to children and families reliably throughout the course of childhood. The absence of those systems means that our programs for children and families are usually unstable and short term: most, indeed, never get beyond the "pilot program" stage. It also means that the most effective programs must spend a great deal of their time and energy brokering basic support services that ought to be provided routinely through national policies. Above all, it means that most families that could Get more content on
  • 10. Crime Prevention in Schools Essay As a society, how should we respond to violence taking place at schools? How do we respond to the traumatic events of the Columbine shooting and the school killing in Colorado? We feel impotent and concerned and aware that this is a situation that needs immediate attention. Violent behavior that occurs in schools today is constantly changing and increasing. On the Cleveland Plain Dealer, a day does not go by without talking of the violence coming into schools from the streets. Patrick O'Donnell, a reporter for the Plain Dealer wrote a story on a high school in Strongsville where the school virtually shut down classes due to Internet threats of violence made on the school by an 18–year–old boy. Though the student is charged more content... Strategies, guidelines and policies are needed to help school officials fulfill their responsibilities in order to provide a safe and healthy school environment. The purpose of this paper is to look at patterns and causes of crime in schools, the types of violence and who's committing the crime and finally, what strategies and ways we can prevent the level of crime in order to decrease and eliminate crime in schools. In order to appropriately address the issue of crime and violence in schools, one must first understand the social and environmental characteristics of crime locations. In Keeping Schools Safe: a practical approach, Sarah M. Watson, assistant principal at Saint Xavier High School in Kentucky, believes that: "Unsafe schools are the product of a lost focus. When we neglect to create an environment where teaching and learning are shared and enjoyed and where vigilance is everyone's job, we unwittingly foster schools that breed a variety of dangers for students." (Watson, 2003) Legislatures and courts have addressed the issue of violent behavior in the schools and what responsibility school officials have for the maintenance of schools where education can occur. They have discussed the challenge of restoring order and discipline. In addition, according to J.L. Curcio, professor in the department of Educational Leadership, and Get more content on