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Summative Case Study In Nursing
This summative case–study will endeavour to apply the core principles of Behavioural Activation
(BA) to a patient from practice experiencing a major depressive episode. For the purpose of this
assignment, the patient will be referred to under the pseudonym of 'Jordan'. Jordan's personal
information has been removed or altered to ensure that his confidentiality is respected in accordance
with the Nursing and Midwifery Council; Code of Conduct (2015) which outlines the importance of
respecting a patients' right to privacy and confidentiality (NMC, 2015). This summative case–study
will present a structured formulation of Jordan's problems to which he presented to the Emergency
Department Psychiatric Service and his ongoing care he received in a community setting. It will also
describe and clarify the justification for the application of BA, which has arisen directly from
Jordan's formulation. In addition, this summative case–study will apply knowledge, theory and
literature that describes and validates the approach used to measure Jordan's progress in his journey
to recovery.
Case study
Jordan is a 36–year–old man with a diagnosis of depression. Depression is a broad diagnosis which
the ICD–10 classification system requires the patient to present with at least four out of the ten
depressive symptoms to be formally diagnosed (NICE 2009, World Health Organisation 2010). For
a formal diagnosis of depression, the DSM–V system requires five or more of the nine possible
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Practice Of Summative Assessment
The practice of summative assessment is something which has been prominent for a long while in
mainstream education and teachers, students and the school as a whole are judged upon this
achievement (Black et al, 2003). Whilst my initial perception of assessment tied into this idea of
summative assessment, being the testing, ranking and grouping of students accordingly, it was this
process which to begin with was invaluable in my planning as I could not gather understanding of
ability from many other sources(Steinberg and Kincheloe, 2006). Trotter (2006) views correlate to
my experience in that he suggests previous assessment results serve as a substantial benchmark for "
student's performance" and can be valuable to planning lessons more content...
Morgan et al (2015; p22) further to this idea suggesting that "by the time summative assessments are
completed and graded, the course [of learning] has moved on, and before long, many students
[potentially] find themselves swimming in a sea of confusion" and disengaged from the subject.
Thus, summative "assessment should be used to aid learning and not just measure it" (Wareing
2012; p8). Throughout my second placement I have been heavily involved in monitoring and using
formative summative assessments (as per the school policy) and hence I have seen the benefits of
this practice. Once a fortnight I would provide each of my students a Key Assessment Opportunity
'test sheet' (KAO/end of topic test), this would indicate to me and to them, which areas they need
further work upon (see appendix
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Comparing Formative And Summative Evaluations
Spring 2015 Midterm Exam 1.B. Define, compare and contrast formative and summative evaluations.
Formative evaluation is a type of on–going evaluation which allows to learn in process; it is aimed at
analytical support of a policy or program that is being implemented, as well as creating a feedback
mechanism that can be used to make adjustments during the implementation. Interim assessment
results are broadcasted to all stakeholders.Summative evaluation provides information about how the
entire system works in real conditions. It is intended for audiences external to the program 's design
and development team. Although this information can be used to make changes and adjustments to
the system, its primary goals are: 1) assessment of the success of the program, to which extent the
goals of the program were achieved; 2) impact evaluation, which includes the analysis of planned and
unplanned social, economic, and political effects that implementation of the policy/program brought
to life, how and to what extent they are connected to the implementation of the program. Formative
and summative evaluations differ by the audience for which information is collected, by the time in
the development cycle when the information is collected and by the goals of the information
gathering. Robert Stake gave this analogy with the two stages of soup tasting (evaluation): "When
the cook tastes the soup, that 's formative. When the guests taste the soup, that 's summative."(1) In
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Formative and summative assessments are the most common types of educational evaluations, each
with its own distinct purpose and difference in meaning. Formative assessment is to monitor students
learning and provide feedback for the teacher to improve their teaching and for students to improve
their learning. On the other hand, summative assessment is to evaluate students learning at the end of
a unit to compare it against the standards "Formative, Summative, Interim: Putting Assessment in
Context". In my opinion, both formative and assessment evaluation is important for an effect
learning and teaching situation. The goal of formative assessment is to help students identify their
strengths and weaknesses of the content so they know what areas they need to study more, and help
the teacher more content...
Both evaluations require careful thought and planning about what knowledge or skills are being
measured. Each type of evaluation collects useful, important information which is used for a specific
purpose. A strong assessment program in the classroom will include both kinds of assessment.
Formative and summative assessment have more differences then similarities. Formative
Assessment refers to a variety of assessment procedures that provides the required information to
adjust teaching during the learning process. Summative Assessment is defined as a standard for
evaluating learning of students "The Best Value in Formative Assessment". Formative usually
happens monthly or quarterly and it aims at enhancing learning. On the other hand, summative
assessment happens at the middle or end of a term and it aims at measuring students' knowledge.
Formative is lowly graded while summative is highly graded "Formative, Summative, Interim:
Putting Assessment in Context". Overall, they are two different forms of evaluation that also go
hand and hand to help both the teacher and the
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Introduction Summative and formative assessments are two types of evaluations which have distinct
purposes. The need for summative and formative assessing gives the targets' evaluation a focused
purpose. Therefore, exploring summative and formative assessment strategies help identify the
strengths and weaknesses of a student learning outcome. Formative assessment observes the targets'
developmental learning now, therefore determining the targets' learning level; summative assessment
determines the targets future learning objectives (Yu, H., & Li, H. 2014).
Learning Topics
Listening. A listening test is a tool to identify if the target may be at risk for auditory skills deficit
which may hinder the targets' learning outcome (Brindley, G., & Slatyer, H. 2002).
Related content. The target will listen to a passage being read to them and answer question about
the passage orally or writing a response or questions relating to the passage.
Oral. Oral assessment is a tool to directly assess targets ' learning outcomes by questioning them and
waiting for an oral response (Gan, Z., Davison, C., & Hamp–Lyons, L. 2009)
Related content. An audio recording of the target can be conducted and shared with the target to
compare the recording to previous recordings. In addition, computer aided software that prevents a
student from progressing to the next level until the proper pronunciation has been detected (Fatih. C.
& TEKDAL, M. 2014).
Formative Assessment Methods
Listening. Listening
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Formative Vs. Summative Assessment
Formative vs. Summative Assessment In today's schools, teachers are trying to decide which form
of assessment, formative or summative, is a better measure of student's abilities. Teachers are
constantly pressured to make sure their students are doing well on state wide assessments, therefore,
making sure their students have the skills they need to succeed on these tests is extremely important.
Formative assessment gives the student and teacher feedback as the information is gathered (Cotton,
2017). Where summative assessments are better for capturing the amount of material learned and the
quality of learning at the end of a large unit or amount of information (Dixson and Worrell 2016).
Teachers are on the warpath researching which method is the most effective way of assessing
students. In the article "Formative and Summative Assessment in the Classroom", the authors Dixson
and Worrell discuss the differences between formative and summative assessment (2016). They
explain that the goal of formative assessment is to guide instruction and summative assessment is
more intended to more content...
Knowing when to use each is imperative to the success of students. It is the teacher's job to decide
when to use each of the types and subtypes of assessments. Through the research presented in this
literature it has been found that formative assessment is a more helpful form of guiding instruction.
Summative assessment is used to see what students know about a particular topic at a particular
time, such as a cumulative exam. Students and teachers alike feel the pressure that high stakes
testing can bring. Teachers make all the difference when it comes to testing. So, in order for teachers
to have classrooms where testing is used efficiently they must work diligently to make sure their
assessments are balanced and carefully
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Summative Versus Formative Assessments Essay
There are many ways in which teachers can test their students to see where they are at and what still
needs to worked on. These can be broken down into two distinct categories. First there is summative
testing. Summative assessments are formal tests that are constructed by professionals to compare
students with other students. Summative tests are used to measure outcomes of learning over time
and can be criterion or norm referenced. Comparatively assessments can also be informal. Informal
assessments also known as formative are generally constructed by the student's teacher. Formative
assessments are a great resource to see where a student is at and measure what needs to be learned
and help prepare a student for the summative more content...
These types of tests are easy to grade so there is no ambiguity in the grading, which is another
great advantage of criterion referenced testing. However there are some disadvantages to this type
of testing also. One such disadvantage is that if a student fails a criterion referenced test it can lead
to them failing an entire class or needing to repeat an entire concept. Another disadvantage of this
type of test is that they take a lot of time and resources to make. So they are frequently used over and
over again so there is a high chance that a student is taking the same test as a student before him.
This opens the door for cheating either by students leaking the test or coaching other students about
what to expect. In contrast formative tests are much less formal than summative testing. Teachers are
able to administer a formative assessment spur of the moment. The teacher can use their own
discretion on when and how to best administer a formative test. It can be as simple as a quizing
students while standing in line or as structured as a in class science experiment. Experiments are a
great way to assess students level of comprehension. One of the best advantages of using a
experiment is that it requires students to implement what they have learned and actually put their
knowledge into action. Another benefit is that they have a established outcome so the teacher knows
what to expect and can help the students when trouble shooting if
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Reflection On Summative Assessment
Activity 1.2
My negative experience with assessment was in high school, where we only had a summative unit
test. The teacher never gave a formative assessment to provide effective feedback to guide me in my
learning. The key to effective communication of assessment quality was involved in my negative
experience. The teacher lacked implementing learning experiences through formative assessments to
provide us with effective feedback for us to become successful in our learning experiences. Results
from formative assessments provide teachers and students the information needed to know about
their/their students learning progress. My positive experience with assessment was also in high
school, where I had a teacher who aligned our summative assessments with formative assessments
and I felt prepared to take the summative assessment. The keys of clear targets and sound design of
assessment quality not only allowed our teacher to become prepared to provide us with effective
instruction, which was aligned to our curriculum goals, but also to our summative assessment. Our
teacher prepared us to become successful. Before teachers assess students' learning they have a
decision to make on whether they need to know what students have previously learned or if they
need their assessment to assist their students' learning. The information teachers receive from
analyzing students' data allow them to know when to reteach a topic or when to move forward in
their curriculum. Furthermore,
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Essay about Summative Assessment Preparation
Performance Task Analysis– Summative Assessment Preparation
Rita Ybarra
EDU645: Learning and Assessment for the 21st Century
Suhad Sadik
January 19, 2015
Performance Task Analysis–Summative Assessment Preparation
(description and explanation including where found)
(Personal connection & how this will help you construct high quality summative assessments)
1. Students will be able to collect and organize events and appropriate information from the reading
to answer questions in detail about the reading.
Naomi is required to tell about what she learned about her grandma Ruth. This will allow Naomi to
collect information and organize the events into the order that it was read.
4th Grade Reading more content...
4. Students will be able to edit grammar usage and mechanics within a reading passage.
The students are asked to re–write the passage while correcting errors within the reading. This will
allow the students to find mistakes within the reading and make changes as needed.
High School Writing sample
It's interesting to see how each student will find different grammatical errors in reading. This will
show that students can edit mechanical errors within the reading and make changes as necessary.
This will help assess the students in their editing grammar mechanics.
5. Students will be able to apply and develop appropriate reasoning and purpose to a situation.
The students are asked to give reasoning that will support the need to have a longer day.
4th Grade Writing Sample
It was interesting to see how students would revise the school day to support a longer day. This will
show the dedication the students have to learning and spending more time in school. This will allow
more time to study and prepare the students for end of term and end of school assessment testing.
6. Students will be able to identify and comprehend ideas, events, and procedures while using
supporting ideas and details.
The students are given multiple choice questions to best identify how diamonds teach the students
about the nature of diamonds.
11th Grade Reading Sample
It's interesting to see how
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Discuss the role of assessment and its importance in a vocational learning environment such as
`Informative assessment isn`t an end in itself, but the beginning of better instruction.` (Carol Ann
Assignment is the procedure of judging the nature of understudy accomplishment. It impacts how
understudies centre and methodology their learning. A vital part of assessment is that it ought to
develop a "profound" way to learning by understudies' own action and involvement. It ought to
likewise build up their capacity to autonomously assess the nature of their work. Assessment assumes
a noteworthy part in how understudies take in, their inspiration to learn, and how instructors educate.
Assessment is utilized for different more content...
It leads you to a better way. It will be most useful if formative assessment would be provided by
feedback to the student, if possible in a form of written brief comment and also verbal explanation.
The student can be more accurate of what he knows and understand. It enables the students to
evaluate their work. For MCAST as an institution I think it is very important to emphasis on a
formative assessment to engage more the student and to be more familiar with the subject, while to
keep them more aware of the progress of their
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Formative and Summative Assessment
Formative and summative assessments are methods of information gathering used to assess students
during their learning process. This helps to bring out a balanced picture of the students weaknesses
and strengths this determines the student's achievement. These assessments include how there is
sharing of information to the student to how the conducting of the assessment about the information.
Collecting data about the student's progress is part of both assessments.
Formative assessments Formative assessments are normally part of instructional process–it is
majorly instruction based. During classroom practice, this method of assessment is incorporated to
adjust learning and teaching as they happen or modify the learning methods. It gives a feed back on
how learning can be improved. The achievement of the goals is targeted at the appropriate time.
Formative assessments determine whether one has the necessary skills required on a certain level.
Formative assessments do not reflect all the skills one has acquired during a certain learning period.
When students are not in this process, it is ineffective. They show what the students know and what
they have not gotten a grip of so far. Descriptive feedback is accomplished instructional strategy; it
helps students to know what they understand well and determines the next step in learning progress.
Limited feedback could also mean that the student is not improving in their
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Assessment Matters
According to Newman, Fielstein, & Phelps (2013), as a teacher, it's important to have firm
knowledge of summative and formative assessment and their function in ensuring that students are
mastering the significant skills and contents. It's also important for educators capably consider the
information gathered from assessments and use them in making decisions, which support all the
students' learning. This week, builds on the previous assignment while focusing on the importance of
assessments. Assessments matter for both learning and teaching.
The assignment is based on the videos "Rick Wormeli: Formative andSummative Assessment" and
"TEDxSoCal – Dr. Brian Stecher – Cultivating Thriving Schools." Both videos used in this
assignment study the function accountability plays and its impact on educators' work in schools. In
his video, Stecher (2011) discusses three indicators in detail, which drive all that occurs in schools.
Wormeli (2010) on the other hand, outlines how different knowledge types are assessed. The
bottom–line is to seek the importance of assignments in learning/teaching for both learners and
An assessment is an assortment of devices or techniques used by instructors to measure, assess, and
report the learning progress, scholarly preparedness, instructive requirement, or ability obtaining of
students (Newman, et al., 2013). Additionally, assessments help to distinguish each students' strong
qualities and struggling areas. For this
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Summative Paper
A summative assessment is used to assess learning and understanding of a broad concept or
curriculum. This type of assessment summarizes a student's understanding of a group of concepts at
a particular time and almost always comes at the conclusion of a unit, period of time, or an entire
school course. Summative assessment is designed to measure student understanding of required
learning objectives that have been taught. The results of these assessments determine a student's
overall understanding or mastery of the assessed subject.
According to the Eberly Center of Teaching Excellence, "The goal of summative assessment is to
evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or more content...
Harlen and Crick (2003) indicate that with intrinsic motivation, the student typically has a "deeper"
learning of the topic and has a more self–regulated learning which is important for continued
learning both within and outside of school.
The project showcased everything that was learned through the course of the project. There was
little anxiety that was associated over the course of the project. The anxiety that was presents was
associated with the final presentation, as it was public speaking, which is typical. I found that
overall, the anxiety level for the class as a whole was much lower than that when there was a final
This project appealed to many different learning styles and allowed the students to demonstrate the
knowledge and skills learned during a unit. By using a Backward Design, I highlighted a
theme–driven unit which allowed the students to learn as necessary, they had to determine what
information was important enough to include in their report and speech, thus allowing "students to
think deeply throughout the unit" (Greece Central School District, n.d). Every student learned
different material which allowed which enable the entire class to learn more overall. At the
completion of the project, we shared each student's speech, as they were recorded on the presentation
For this project, I used a several rubrics and checklists for the different
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Assessment And Summative Assessment
An assessment is the process of gathering, interpreting and recording information about the students
and reflects on the information gathered to make effective decisions in the future to improve the
learning process.
Assessments is a vital part of our curriculum planning of lessons. It is something connected to the
teaching and learning process. It has an important role to play in deciding the levels of achievement
within the school. Effective assessments provide information to improve the teaching and learning
process. It is also important to give feedback on the student's learning progress, so that they
understand where they went wrong and areas where the student is supposed to work on.
There are three types of assessment, they are diagnostic assessment, formative assessment and
summative assessments. more content...
Examples of summative assessments are tests, assignments and projects. The tests, assignments, or
projects are used to determine whether students have learned what they were expected to learn.
Through summative assessments the teacher can determine whether and to what degree the students
have learned the material taught to them.
Almost every teacher keeps track and records of summative assessments mainly because it
showcases a student's understanding level through grading at the end of a learning session. But it
is also important to keep track and records of formative assessments too because it is done during
the learning process. Record keeping and tracking down the results of assessments is a very
important part of a teacher's role. Schools and teachers keep records of assessments for the purpose
of teaching and enhancing the learning process. Teachers need to keep effective records for every
student. It allows both the teacher and learner to reassess the teaching and learning
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Summary : Formative And Summative Assessments
Summary: Formative and Summative Assessments in the Classroom by Catherine Garrison and
Michael Ehringhais
This article discusses the differences of formative and summative assessments; when to practice
them and in what way would formative and summative assessments benefit both teacher and student.
According to the article, "Formative assessment is a part of the instructional process. When
incorporated into the classroom practice it provides the information needed to adjust teaching and
learning while they are happening" (Garrison & Ehringhaus, 2009). Formative assessment informs
both teacher and student where adjustments can be arranged. Examples of formative assessment can
be asking students higher thinking questions, group discussions and assignments with no point
value. "Summative assessments are given periodically to determine at a particular point in time what
students know and do not know" (Garrison & Ehringhaus, 2009). Summative assessments usually
have a grade. Examples of summative assessments are; state assessments, benchmarks and
standardized tests. Summative assessments are a means of measuring a students' capacity. It is
crucial that both forms of assessments are used in the classroom, one assessment without the other is
Summary: Seven Practices for Effective Learning by Jay McTighe & Ken O'Connor
This article focuses on seven practices teachers can implement in their classrooms, to help enhance
learning and teaching. "Classroom assessment and
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Summative Assessment
The Masters of Education in Teaching and Learning Summative Assessment for non– licensure,
requires the teacher candidate to be proficient or advanced in order to be considered successful in
the completion of the program. The summative assessment consists of three categories with each
having a number of subcategories to be completed. Category one, is referred to as Knows, consists
of three subcategories list as follows; 1.1 General and Professional Knowledge, 1.2 Content
Knowledge, and 1.3 Diversity. To be considered proficient in General and Professional Knowledge
the teacher candidate must demonstrate adequate general knowledge. In order to be considered
advanced; the teacher candidate must show a broad base of general more content...
In subcategory one, Communication, the teacher candidate must sufficient skills in speaking,
writing, reading, and listening in classroom communication to be considered proficient and
exemplary to be considered advance. Subcategory two, Human relations and Leadership, the teacher
candidate must demonstrate adequate citizenship through moral leadership and sensitivity to human
needs to be considered proficient and exemplary to be considered advanced. Subcategory three,
Technology and Resources, the teacher candidate must select appropriate technology and resources
to support instruction to be considered proficient. In order to be considered advanced the teacher
candidate must select highly appropriate technology and resources to support instruction.
Subcategory four, Planning, the teacher candidate must utilize highly effective instructional
strategies based on developmental levels and needs of the learner to be considered proficient and or
advanced in this section. Subcategory five, Assessments, the teacher candidate must use a variety of
assessment strategies to improve student learning to be considered proficient and be exemplary in
this standard for
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Summative Assessment Case Study
Summative assessment: Summative assessment methods are the most traditional way of evaluating
student work. From classroom tests to high–stake testing, summative assessments are used in
universities and schools. From a student perspective, summative assessments are primarily utilized
to determine final course grades; from an instructor perspective, they are means of accountability
(Barrows, 1986).
Summative assessment is comprehensive in nature, provides accountability and is used to check the
level of learning at the end of the program (Angelo & Cross, 1993). It requires conflating the marks
given for each task to produce the subject's final outcome (Ritter & Wilson, 2001).
Ideally, summative assessment is designed to measure student more content...
For the learners to be ready to take on such a heavy part of the responsibility of what is going on in
the classrooms, there must be clearly stated objectives for the course and they should be properly
tained. These objectives may be decided on together with the learners, if the teaching situation
Formative assessment: Formative assessment is assessment for learning and its purpose is helping
students to improve the quality of their own work. This kind of assessment focuses on process rather
than product.
According to Callaghan et al. (2010), ( (as cited in Fry et al, 2009; Nicol, 2007; Race, 2007; Yorke,
2003), the traditional summative assessment of learning is useful for employers and schools to make
decisions, and it doesn't give any feedback to the students. They don't suggest that teachers dispense
with summative assessment. They say they should use a kind of formative assessment with
qualitative formative feedback that makes students aware of their strength and weaknesses
(Callaghan et al.,
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Formative And Summative Assessment
The impact of formative assessment on student's learning and achievement in South Africa and The
United States
The purpose of this paper is to examine the tensions between formative and summative assessments
with a review of how they impact student learning and achievement for South African and American
Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs
undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development (Palomba & Banta,
1999). Assessment is frequently divided into summative assessment and formative assessment. The
distinction between formative and summative is made mainly in terms of purpose and timing, in
formative assessment the positive achievements of a pupil may be recognised and discussed and
the appropriate next steps may be planned, whereas summative assessment is the recording of the
overall achievement of a pupil in a systematic way (DES/WO, 1988, para. 23).
It has been argued that all assessments can be considered summative, but only some of them are
formative (Tyler, Gagne, & Scriven, 1967). Some however favor formative assessments over
summative assessments. There is a critical point to consider when thinking about summative
assessment; can test scores be used to inform us about our teaching and learning? Oftentimes it does
not inform us very well. Students' ability and achievement in learning are not measurable by one
single test. Even if they can reveal some problems
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End-Of-Year Summative Review
Good Afternoon I know it's hard to believe, but it's about time to wrap up the year, which means that
we have to prepare for and scheduled our summative evaluation conferences. At this point, with the
exception of Anne–Marie Szerejko and Kristin Novak, I have completed the required three informal
observations or one formal observation depending on which cycle you're in. Please double–check
your portfolio in EdReflect to make sure that I am accurate. In addition to the observations I have
already conducted, I am willing to conduct an additional formal or informal observation. While not
required, please email me if you would like me to conduct an additional observation. We need to do
few things in order to prepare for the summative more content...
End–of–Year Summative Review (on or before the last teacher day): Teacher self–assessment – (the
submission of which is due to the evaluator five (5) working days prior to the end–of–year
conference). The teacher reviews and reflects on all information and data collected during the year
related to the goals and completes a self–assessment for review by the evaluator. This
self–assessment may focus specifically on the areas for development, referencing the Connecticut
Common Core of Teaching (CCT) Rubric for Effective Teaching (2014), the Common Core of
Teaching Rubric for Service Delivery (2015) and established in the goal–setting conference. a.The
self–assessment should address all components of the evaluation plan and include what the teacher
learned throughout the year supported by evidence and personal reflection. The self–assessment
should also include a statement that identifies a possible future direction that is related to the year's
outcomes. b.End–of–year conference – The evaluator and the teacher meet to discuss all evidence
collected to date. The teacher and evaluator will discuss the extent to which students met the
SMART goals and how the teacher's performance and practice focus contributed to student outcomes
and professional growth. Following the conference, the evaluator assigns a summative rating and
generates a summary report of the evaluation before the end of the school
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What Is Formative And Summative Assessment
"Assessment can be the engine of curriculum reform, or the principal impediment to its
implementation" (Mary Barnes, 2000) is a thought which is of great debate in the Republic of
Ireland today. Education and curriculum are constantly evolving and often assessment gets left
behind. The relationship between student learning and an effective curriculum lies in the power of
the assessment. One cannot thrive without the other, and one cannot be entirely effective unless the
other is equally as effective.
In this assignment I will explore the types of assessment, particularly formative and summative
assessment which are used worldwide in the classroom. As well as the history of assessment in
Ireland, the newest junior cycle programme and more content...
Research has shown that formative assessment is effective in all educational settings (Paul Black,
1998).One major difference between formative assessment and summative assessment is the way in
which formative assessment uses student involvement as an integral pillar. Without student
involvement in the assessment process, formative assessment is not reaching its full potential. Many
research papers have shown that student motivation is dramatically increased when students are
involved in both their own learning and in the learning of others (Pintrich & de Groot,
1990).Teachers, however, do not have a sit back role in formative assessment. They are still crucial
to the proper use of this assessment by ways of designing appropriate assessment tasks, identifying
attainable learning goals and outlining clear criteria for student success. One key factor in formative
assessment is the return of feedback to students. Many studies have shown that substantial learning
gains are the outcome of an effective and frequent feedback process from teacher to student (Wiliam,
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Summative Essay

  • 1. Summative Case Study In Nursing Introduction: This summative case–study will endeavour to apply the core principles of Behavioural Activation (BA) to a patient from practice experiencing a major depressive episode. For the purpose of this assignment, the patient will be referred to under the pseudonym of 'Jordan'. Jordan's personal information has been removed or altered to ensure that his confidentiality is respected in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council; Code of Conduct (2015) which outlines the importance of respecting a patients' right to privacy and confidentiality (NMC, 2015). This summative case–study will present a structured formulation of Jordan's problems to which he presented to the Emergency Department Psychiatric Service and his ongoing care he received in a community setting. It will also describe and clarify the justification for the application of BA, which has arisen directly from Jordan's formulation. In addition, this summative case–study will apply knowledge, theory and literature that describes and validates the approach used to measure Jordan's progress in his journey to recovery. Case study Jordan is a 36–year–old man with a diagnosis of depression. Depression is a broad diagnosis which the ICD–10 classification system requires the patient to present with at least four out of the ten depressive symptoms to be formally diagnosed (NICE 2009, World Health Organisation 2010). For a formal diagnosis of depression, the DSM–V system requires five or more of the nine possible Get more content on
  • 2. Practice Of Summative Assessment The practice of summative assessment is something which has been prominent for a long while in mainstream education and teachers, students and the school as a whole are judged upon this achievement (Black et al, 2003). Whilst my initial perception of assessment tied into this idea of summative assessment, being the testing, ranking and grouping of students accordingly, it was this process which to begin with was invaluable in my planning as I could not gather understanding of ability from many other sources(Steinberg and Kincheloe, 2006). Trotter (2006) views correlate to my experience in that he suggests previous assessment results serve as a substantial benchmark for " student's performance" and can be valuable to planning lessons more content... Morgan et al (2015; p22) further to this idea suggesting that "by the time summative assessments are completed and graded, the course [of learning] has moved on, and before long, many students [potentially] find themselves swimming in a sea of confusion" and disengaged from the subject. Thus, summative "assessment should be used to aid learning and not just measure it" (Wareing 2012; p8). Throughout my second placement I have been heavily involved in monitoring and using formative summative assessments (as per the school policy) and hence I have seen the benefits of this practice. Once a fortnight I would provide each of my students a Key Assessment Opportunity 'test sheet' (KAO/end of topic test), this would indicate to me and to them, which areas they need further work upon (see appendix Get more content on
  • 3. Comparing Formative And Summative Evaluations Spring 2015 Midterm Exam 1.B. Define, compare and contrast formative and summative evaluations. Formative evaluation is a type of on–going evaluation which allows to learn in process; it is aimed at analytical support of a policy or program that is being implemented, as well as creating a feedback mechanism that can be used to make adjustments during the implementation. Interim assessment results are broadcasted to all stakeholders.Summative evaluation provides information about how the entire system works in real conditions. It is intended for audiences external to the program 's design and development team. Although this information can be used to make changes and adjustments to the system, its primary goals are: 1) assessment of the success of the program, to which extent the goals of the program were achieved; 2) impact evaluation, which includes the analysis of planned and unplanned social, economic, and political effects that implementation of the policy/program brought to life, how and to what extent they are connected to the implementation of the program. Formative and summative evaluations differ by the audience for which information is collected, by the time in the development cycle when the information is collected and by the goals of the information gathering. Robert Stake gave this analogy with the two stages of soup tasting (evaluation): "When the cook tastes the soup, that 's formative. When the guests taste the soup, that 's summative."(1) In other Get more content on
  • 4. Formative and summative assessments are the most common types of educational evaluations, each with its own distinct purpose and difference in meaning. Formative assessment is to monitor students learning and provide feedback for the teacher to improve their teaching and for students to improve their learning. On the other hand, summative assessment is to evaluate students learning at the end of a unit to compare it against the standards "Formative, Summative, Interim: Putting Assessment in Context". In my opinion, both formative and assessment evaluation is important for an effect learning and teaching situation. The goal of formative assessment is to help students identify their strengths and weaknesses of the content so they know what areas they need to study more, and help the teacher more content... Both evaluations require careful thought and planning about what knowledge or skills are being measured. Each type of evaluation collects useful, important information which is used for a specific purpose. A strong assessment program in the classroom will include both kinds of assessment. Formative and summative assessment have more differences then similarities. Formative Assessment refers to a variety of assessment procedures that provides the required information to adjust teaching during the learning process. Summative Assessment is defined as a standard for evaluating learning of students "The Best Value in Formative Assessment". Formative usually happens monthly or quarterly and it aims at enhancing learning. On the other hand, summative assessment happens at the middle or end of a term and it aims at measuring students' knowledge. Formative is lowly graded while summative is highly graded "Formative, Summative, Interim: Putting Assessment in Context". Overall, they are two different forms of evaluation that also go hand and hand to help both the teacher and the Get more content on
  • 5. Introduction Summative and formative assessments are two types of evaluations which have distinct purposes. The need for summative and formative assessing gives the targets' evaluation a focused purpose. Therefore, exploring summative and formative assessment strategies help identify the strengths and weaknesses of a student learning outcome. Formative assessment observes the targets' developmental learning now, therefore determining the targets' learning level; summative assessment determines the targets future learning objectives (Yu, H., & Li, H. 2014). Learning Topics Listening. A listening test is a tool to identify if the target may be at risk for auditory skills deficit which may hinder the targets' learning outcome (Brindley, G., & Slatyer, H. 2002). Related content. The target will listen to a passage being read to them and answer question about the passage orally or writing a response or questions relating to the passage. Oral. Oral assessment is a tool to directly assess targets ' learning outcomes by questioning them and waiting for an oral response (Gan, Z., Davison, C., & Hamp–Lyons, L. 2009) Related content. An audio recording of the target can be conducted and shared with the target to compare the recording to previous recordings. In addition, computer aided software that prevents a student from progressing to the next level until the proper pronunciation has been detected (Fatih. C. & TEKDAL, M. 2014). Formative Assessment Methods Listening. Listening Get more content on
  • 6. Formative Vs. Summative Assessment Formative vs. Summative Assessment In today's schools, teachers are trying to decide which form of assessment, formative or summative, is a better measure of student's abilities. Teachers are constantly pressured to make sure their students are doing well on state wide assessments, therefore, making sure their students have the skills they need to succeed on these tests is extremely important. Formative assessment gives the student and teacher feedback as the information is gathered (Cotton, 2017). Where summative assessments are better for capturing the amount of material learned and the quality of learning at the end of a large unit or amount of information (Dixson and Worrell 2016). Teachers are on the warpath researching which method is the most effective way of assessing students. In the article "Formative and Summative Assessment in the Classroom", the authors Dixson and Worrell discuss the differences between formative and summative assessment (2016). They explain that the goal of formative assessment is to guide instruction and summative assessment is more intended to more content... Knowing when to use each is imperative to the success of students. It is the teacher's job to decide when to use each of the types and subtypes of assessments. Through the research presented in this literature it has been found that formative assessment is a more helpful form of guiding instruction. Summative assessment is used to see what students know about a particular topic at a particular time, such as a cumulative exam. Students and teachers alike feel the pressure that high stakes testing can bring. Teachers make all the difference when it comes to testing. So, in order for teachers to have classrooms where testing is used efficiently they must work diligently to make sure their assessments are balanced and carefully Get more content on
  • 7. Summative Versus Formative Assessments Essay There are many ways in which teachers can test their students to see where they are at and what still needs to worked on. These can be broken down into two distinct categories. First there is summative testing. Summative assessments are formal tests that are constructed by professionals to compare students with other students. Summative tests are used to measure outcomes of learning over time and can be criterion or norm referenced. Comparatively assessments can also be informal. Informal assessments also known as formative are generally constructed by the student's teacher. Formative assessments are a great resource to see where a student is at and measure what needs to be learned and help prepare a student for the summative more content... These types of tests are easy to grade so there is no ambiguity in the grading, which is another great advantage of criterion referenced testing. However there are some disadvantages to this type of testing also. One such disadvantage is that if a student fails a criterion referenced test it can lead to them failing an entire class or needing to repeat an entire concept. Another disadvantage of this type of test is that they take a lot of time and resources to make. So they are frequently used over and over again so there is a high chance that a student is taking the same test as a student before him. This opens the door for cheating either by students leaking the test or coaching other students about what to expect. In contrast formative tests are much less formal than summative testing. Teachers are able to administer a formative assessment spur of the moment. The teacher can use their own discretion on when and how to best administer a formative test. It can be as simple as a quizing students while standing in line or as structured as a in class science experiment. Experiments are a great way to assess students level of comprehension. One of the best advantages of using a experiment is that it requires students to implement what they have learned and actually put their knowledge into action. Another benefit is that they have a established outcome so the teacher knows what to expect and can help the students when trouble shooting if Get more content on
  • 8. Reflection On Summative Assessment Activity 1.2 My negative experience with assessment was in high school, where we only had a summative unit test. The teacher never gave a formative assessment to provide effective feedback to guide me in my learning. The key to effective communication of assessment quality was involved in my negative experience. The teacher lacked implementing learning experiences through formative assessments to provide us with effective feedback for us to become successful in our learning experiences. Results from formative assessments provide teachers and students the information needed to know about their/their students learning progress. My positive experience with assessment was also in high school, where I had a teacher who aligned our summative assessments with formative assessments and I felt prepared to take the summative assessment. The keys of clear targets and sound design of assessment quality not only allowed our teacher to become prepared to provide us with effective instruction, which was aligned to our curriculum goals, but also to our summative assessment. Our teacher prepared us to become successful. Before teachers assess students' learning they have a decision to make on whether they need to know what students have previously learned or if they need their assessment to assist their students' learning. The information teachers receive from analyzing students' data allow them to know when to reteach a topic or when to move forward in their curriculum. Furthermore, Get more content on
  • 9. Essay about Summative Assessment Preparation Performance Task Analysis– Summative Assessment Preparation Rita Ybarra EDU645: Learning and Assessment for the 21st Century Suhad Sadik January 19, 2015 Performance Task Analysis–Summative Assessment Preparation CLO Evidence (description and explanation including where found) Self–Reflection (Personal connection & how this will help you construct high quality summative assessments) 1. Students will be able to collect and organize events and appropriate information from the reading to answer questions in detail about the reading. Naomi is required to tell about what she learned about her grandma Ruth. This will allow Naomi to collect information and organize the events into the order that it was read. 4th Grade Reading more content... 4. Students will be able to edit grammar usage and mechanics within a reading passage. The students are asked to re–write the passage while correcting errors within the reading. This will allow the students to find mistakes within the reading and make changes as needed. High School Writing sample It's interesting to see how each student will find different grammatical errors in reading. This will show that students can edit mechanical errors within the reading and make changes as necessary. This will help assess the students in their editing grammar mechanics. 5. Students will be able to apply and develop appropriate reasoning and purpose to a situation. The students are asked to give reasoning that will support the need to have a longer day. 4th Grade Writing Sample It was interesting to see how students would revise the school day to support a longer day. This will show the dedication the students have to learning and spending more time in school. This will allow more time to study and prepare the students for end of term and end of school assessment testing. 6. Students will be able to identify and comprehend ideas, events, and procedures while using supporting ideas and details. The students are given multiple choice questions to best identify how diamonds teach the students about the nature of diamonds. 11th Grade Reading Sample It's interesting to see how
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  • 11. Discuss the role of assessment and its importance in a vocational learning environment such as MCAST. `Informative assessment isn`t an end in itself, but the beginning of better instruction.` (Carol Ann Tomlinson) Assignment is the procedure of judging the nature of understudy accomplishment. It impacts how understudies centre and methodology their learning. A vital part of assessment is that it ought to develop a "profound" way to learning by understudies' own action and involvement. It ought to likewise build up their capacity to autonomously assess the nature of their work. Assessment assumes a noteworthy part in how understudies take in, their inspiration to learn, and how instructors educate. Assessment is utilized for different more content... It leads you to a better way. It will be most useful if formative assessment would be provided by feedback to the student, if possible in a form of written brief comment and also verbal explanation. The student can be more accurate of what he knows and understand. It enables the students to evaluate their work. For MCAST as an institution I think it is very important to emphasis on a formative assessment to engage more the student and to be more familiar with the subject, while to keep them more aware of the progress of their Get more content on
  • 12. Formative and Summative Assessment Introduction Formative and summative assessments are methods of information gathering used to assess students during their learning process. This helps to bring out a balanced picture of the students weaknesses and strengths this determines the student's achievement. These assessments include how there is sharing of information to the student to how the conducting of the assessment about the information. Collecting data about the student's progress is part of both assessments. Formative assessments Formative assessments are normally part of instructional process–it is majorly instruction based. During classroom practice, this method of assessment is incorporated to adjust learning and teaching as they happen or modify the learning methods. It gives a feed back on how learning can be improved. The achievement of the goals is targeted at the appropriate time. Formative assessments determine whether one has the necessary skills required on a certain level. Formative assessments do not reflect all the skills one has acquired during a certain learning period. When students are not in this process, it is ineffective. They show what the students know and what they have not gotten a grip of so far. Descriptive feedback is accomplished instructional strategy; it helps students to know what they understand well and determines the next step in learning progress. Limited feedback could also mean that the student is not improving in their Get more content on
  • 13. Assessment Matters According to Newman, Fielstein, & Phelps (2013), as a teacher, it's important to have firm knowledge of summative and formative assessment and their function in ensuring that students are mastering the significant skills and contents. It's also important for educators capably consider the information gathered from assessments and use them in making decisions, which support all the students' learning. This week, builds on the previous assignment while focusing on the importance of assessments. Assessments matter for both learning and teaching. The assignment is based on the videos "Rick Wormeli: Formative andSummative Assessment" and "TEDxSoCal – Dr. Brian Stecher – Cultivating Thriving Schools." Both videos used in this assignment study the function accountability plays and its impact on educators' work in schools. In his video, Stecher (2011) discusses three indicators in detail, which drive all that occurs in schools. Wormeli (2010) on the other hand, outlines how different knowledge types are assessed. The bottom–line is to seek the importance of assignments in learning/teaching for both learners and teachers. An assessment is an assortment of devices or techniques used by instructors to measure, assess, and report the learning progress, scholarly preparedness, instructive requirement, or ability obtaining of students (Newman, et al., 2013). Additionally, assessments help to distinguish each students' strong qualities and struggling areas. For this Get more content on
  • 14. Summative Paper A summative assessment is used to assess learning and understanding of a broad concept or curriculum. This type of assessment summarizes a student's understanding of a group of concepts at a particular time and almost always comes at the conclusion of a unit, period of time, or an entire school course. Summative assessment is designed to measure student understanding of required learning objectives that have been taught. The results of these assessments determine a student's overall understanding or mastery of the assessed subject. According to the Eberly Center of Teaching Excellence, "The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or more content... Harlen and Crick (2003) indicate that with intrinsic motivation, the student typically has a "deeper" learning of the topic and has a more self–regulated learning which is important for continued learning both within and outside of school. The project showcased everything that was learned through the course of the project. There was little anxiety that was associated over the course of the project. The anxiety that was presents was associated with the final presentation, as it was public speaking, which is typical. I found that overall, the anxiety level for the class as a whole was much lower than that when there was a final test. This project appealed to many different learning styles and allowed the students to demonstrate the knowledge and skills learned during a unit. By using a Backward Design, I highlighted a theme–driven unit which allowed the students to learn as necessary, they had to determine what information was important enough to include in their report and speech, thus allowing "students to think deeply throughout the unit" (Greece Central School District, n.d). Every student learned different material which allowed which enable the entire class to learn more overall. At the completion of the project, we shared each student's speech, as they were recorded on the presentation day. For this project, I used a several rubrics and checklists for the different Get more content on
  • 15. Assessment And Summative Assessment An assessment is the process of gathering, interpreting and recording information about the students and reflects on the information gathered to make effective decisions in the future to improve the learning process. Assessments is a vital part of our curriculum planning of lessons. It is something connected to the teaching and learning process. It has an important role to play in deciding the levels of achievement within the school. Effective assessments provide information to improve the teaching and learning process. It is also important to give feedback on the student's learning progress, so that they understand where they went wrong and areas where the student is supposed to work on. There are three types of assessment, they are diagnostic assessment, formative assessment and summative assessments. more content... Examples of summative assessments are tests, assignments and projects. The tests, assignments, or projects are used to determine whether students have learned what they were expected to learn. Through summative assessments the teacher can determine whether and to what degree the students have learned the material taught to them. Almost every teacher keeps track and records of summative assessments mainly because it showcases a student's understanding level through grading at the end of a learning session. But it is also important to keep track and records of formative assessments too because it is done during the learning process. Record keeping and tracking down the results of assessments is a very important part of a teacher's role. Schools and teachers keep records of assessments for the purpose of teaching and enhancing the learning process. Teachers need to keep effective records for every student. It allows both the teacher and learner to reassess the teaching and learning Get more content on
  • 16. Summary : Formative And Summative Assessments Summary: Formative and Summative Assessments in the Classroom by Catherine Garrison and Michael Ehringhais This article discusses the differences of formative and summative assessments; when to practice them and in what way would formative and summative assessments benefit both teacher and student. According to the article, "Formative assessment is a part of the instructional process. When incorporated into the classroom practice it provides the information needed to adjust teaching and learning while they are happening" (Garrison & Ehringhaus, 2009). Formative assessment informs both teacher and student where adjustments can be arranged. Examples of formative assessment can be asking students higher thinking questions, group discussions and assignments with no point value. "Summative assessments are given periodically to determine at a particular point in time what students know and do not know" (Garrison & Ehringhaus, 2009). Summative assessments usually have a grade. Examples of summative assessments are; state assessments, benchmarks and standardized tests. Summative assessments are a means of measuring a students' capacity. It is crucial that both forms of assessments are used in the classroom, one assessment without the other is ineffective. Summary: Seven Practices for Effective Learning by Jay McTighe & Ken O'Connor This article focuses on seven practices teachers can implement in their classrooms, to help enhance learning and teaching. "Classroom assessment and Get more content on
  • 17. Summative Assessment The Masters of Education in Teaching and Learning Summative Assessment for non– licensure, requires the teacher candidate to be proficient or advanced in order to be considered successful in the completion of the program. The summative assessment consists of three categories with each having a number of subcategories to be completed. Category one, is referred to as Knows, consists of three subcategories list as follows; 1.1 General and Professional Knowledge, 1.2 Content Knowledge, and 1.3 Diversity. To be considered proficient in General and Professional Knowledge the teacher candidate must demonstrate adequate general knowledge. In order to be considered advanced; the teacher candidate must show a broad base of general more content... In subcategory one, Communication, the teacher candidate must sufficient skills in speaking, writing, reading, and listening in classroom communication to be considered proficient and exemplary to be considered advance. Subcategory two, Human relations and Leadership, the teacher candidate must demonstrate adequate citizenship through moral leadership and sensitivity to human needs to be considered proficient and exemplary to be considered advanced. Subcategory three, Technology and Resources, the teacher candidate must select appropriate technology and resources to support instruction to be considered proficient. In order to be considered advanced the teacher candidate must select highly appropriate technology and resources to support instruction. Subcategory four, Planning, the teacher candidate must utilize highly effective instructional strategies based on developmental levels and needs of the learner to be considered proficient and or advanced in this section. Subcategory five, Assessments, the teacher candidate must use a variety of assessment strategies to improve student learning to be considered proficient and be exemplary in this standard for Get more content on
  • 18. Summative Assessment Case Study Summative assessment: Summative assessment methods are the most traditional way of evaluating student work. From classroom tests to high–stake testing, summative assessments are used in universities and schools. From a student perspective, summative assessments are primarily utilized to determine final course grades; from an instructor perspective, they are means of accountability (Barrows, 1986). Summative assessment is comprehensive in nature, provides accountability and is used to check the level of learning at the end of the program (Angelo & Cross, 1993). It requires conflating the marks given for each task to produce the subject's final outcome (Ritter & Wilson, 2001). Ideally, summative assessment is designed to measure student more content... For the learners to be ready to take on such a heavy part of the responsibility of what is going on in the classrooms, there must be clearly stated objectives for the course and they should be properly tained. These objectives may be decided on together with the learners, if the teaching situation permits Formative assessment: Formative assessment is assessment for learning and its purpose is helping students to improve the quality of their own work. This kind of assessment focuses on process rather than product. According to Callaghan et al. (2010), ( (as cited in Fry et al, 2009; Nicol, 2007; Race, 2007; Yorke, 2003), the traditional summative assessment of learning is useful for employers and schools to make decisions, and it doesn't give any feedback to the students. They don't suggest that teachers dispense with summative assessment. They say they should use a kind of formative assessment with qualitative formative feedback that makes students aware of their strength and weaknesses (Callaghan et al., Get more content on
  • 19. Formative And Summative Assessment The impact of formative assessment on student's learning and achievement in South Africa and The United States The purpose of this paper is to examine the tensions between formative and summative assessments with a review of how they impact student learning and achievement for South African and American students. Introduction Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development (Palomba & Banta, 1999). Assessment is frequently divided into summative assessment and formative assessment. The distinction between formative and summative is made mainly in terms of purpose and timing, in formative assessment the positive achievements of a pupil may be recognised and discussed and the appropriate next steps may be planned, whereas summative assessment is the recording of the overall achievement of a pupil in a systematic way (DES/WO, 1988, para. 23). It has been argued that all assessments can be considered summative, but only some of them are formative (Tyler, Gagne, & Scriven, 1967). Some however favor formative assessments over summative assessments. There is a critical point to consider when thinking about summative assessment; can test scores be used to inform us about our teaching and learning? Oftentimes it does not inform us very well. Students' ability and achievement in learning are not measurable by one single test. Even if they can reveal some problems Get more content on
  • 20. End-Of-Year Summative Review Good Afternoon I know it's hard to believe, but it's about time to wrap up the year, which means that we have to prepare for and scheduled our summative evaluation conferences. At this point, with the exception of Anne–Marie Szerejko and Kristin Novak, I have completed the required three informal observations or one formal observation depending on which cycle you're in. Please double–check your portfolio in EdReflect to make sure that I am accurate. In addition to the observations I have already conducted, I am willing to conduct an additional formal or informal observation. While not required, please email me if you would like me to conduct an additional observation. We need to do few things in order to prepare for the summative more content... End–of–Year Summative Review (on or before the last teacher day): Teacher self–assessment – (the submission of which is due to the evaluator five (5) working days prior to the end–of–year conference). The teacher reviews and reflects on all information and data collected during the year related to the goals and completes a self–assessment for review by the evaluator. This self–assessment may focus specifically on the areas for development, referencing the Connecticut Common Core of Teaching (CCT) Rubric for Effective Teaching (2014), the Common Core of Teaching Rubric for Service Delivery (2015) and established in the goal–setting conference. a.The self–assessment should address all components of the evaluation plan and include what the teacher learned throughout the year supported by evidence and personal reflection. The self–assessment should also include a statement that identifies a possible future direction that is related to the year's outcomes. b.End–of–year conference – The evaluator and the teacher meet to discuss all evidence collected to date. The teacher and evaluator will discuss the extent to which students met the SMART goals and how the teacher's performance and practice focus contributed to student outcomes and professional growth. Following the conference, the evaluator assigns a summative rating and generates a summary report of the evaluation before the end of the school Get more content on
  • 21. What Is Formative And Summative Assessment Introduction "Assessment can be the engine of curriculum reform, or the principal impediment to its implementation" (Mary Barnes, 2000) is a thought which is of great debate in the Republic of Ireland today. Education and curriculum are constantly evolving and often assessment gets left behind. The relationship between student learning and an effective curriculum lies in the power of the assessment. One cannot thrive without the other, and one cannot be entirely effective unless the other is equally as effective. In this assignment I will explore the types of assessment, particularly formative and summative assessment which are used worldwide in the classroom. As well as the history of assessment in Ireland, the newest junior cycle programme and more content... Research has shown that formative assessment is effective in all educational settings (Paul Black, 1998).One major difference between formative assessment and summative assessment is the way in which formative assessment uses student involvement as an integral pillar. Without student involvement in the assessment process, formative assessment is not reaching its full potential. Many research papers have shown that student motivation is dramatically increased when students are involved in both their own learning and in the learning of others (Pintrich & de Groot, 1990).Teachers, however, do not have a sit back role in formative assessment. They are still crucial to the proper use of this assessment by ways of designing appropriate assessment tasks, identifying attainable learning goals and outlining clear criteria for student success. One key factor in formative assessment is the return of feedback to students. Many studies have shown that substantial learning gains are the outcome of an effective and frequent feedback process from teacher to student (Wiliam, Get more content on