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Our story today

Produce a multi-channel design framework to
align our offerings, improve design quality and
offer a simple, seamless customer experience.
Our story today

Produce a multi-channel design framework to
align our offerings, improve design quality and
offer a simple, seamless customer experience.

The real brief
What we hope to share with you ...
What we hope to share with you ...

-   Journey creating a framework to support multi-channel design
-   Overcoming organisational factors that impact design
-   The importance of creating a design vocabulary
-   Impact of the design framework
-   Lessons learnt, bruises earnt
and some challenges achieving
behaviour change
What does it take to deliver
consistent experiences across
What is a multi-channel
design framework?

                          Aren’t most of our products and services
                          multi-channel anyway? Bulls**t bingo?
Yes! In fact, there are few

interactions these days that don’t
involve multiple channels ...

                          > 2 CHANNELS OR MORE
                                                 Forrester Research 2009
59% started on a mobile and
finished on a PC

Images courtesy of Bryan Rieger, Yiibu
34% started on a PC and
finished on a mobile

Images courtesy of Bryan Rieger, Yiibu
Move away from “multi-channel
design” towards focussing on
continuous experiences

                   “Continuous Experiences are
                   supported by integrated services
                   across devices whose design is true to
                   each device size, context, and
Pillar 1: Focus on connectedness

                                   A device appropriate experience,
                                   whilst maintaining familiarity
Pillar 2: Make it contextually relevant
Pillar 3: Features are appropriately distributed
Pillar 4: Interaction as conversation

-   Severe disruption SMS
-   Call CRM, wait in line
-   Identify yourself to receive further action
-   Walkthrough support actions
-   Little awareness of customer journey
Pillar 5: Design for activities

                          “You can’t create behaviour change if you don’t
                                   understand motivations and meaning”
Well intentioned, statements like
these really don’t offer much help.

                      “Multi-channel orchestration of customer
                      processes delivers a seamless
                      experience across all interaction points
                      along the customer journey, adding
                      value and maximizing ROI by optimizing
                      sales and service opportunities.”
Clarify deliverables up front in terms of concrete terms

List the existing touch points associated with the product/service

Use examples to help evaluate and communicate
Situate the problem within a
strategic view


                                            fast   Speed of change   slow


Choosing the right level of
granularity for your focus is critical

                       “You need to understand the metaphor
                       of the system rst so that you can
                       shape the interactions within it”
Identify the businesses design

 Stages of                                   No awareness of the importance
                                             of User Experience
 User Experience            unrecognised
 Maturity                                              ad-hoc - importance of UX has been recognised;
                                                       Supporting processes are being put in place
                                                                  repeatable - Understanding of ‘good quality’ UX;
                                                                  Importance under focus
                                                                              documented - Users are being involved in processes;
                                                                              Build-up of UX skills and technology
     the aim is to evolve
          along this axis                                                                managed - UX is fully integrated; processes & method-
                                                                                         ologies are being evolved
                                                                                                     cultural - Processes re UX-led; UX is fully
                                                                                                     embedded in culture
Scaffold your solutions. What
can the client support right now?















                                                                                                                                                                                 Design documentation
                                                                                                                                                                                 produced per individual







             Guideline                                    Guideline                                 Guideline                                    Guideline
                                                                                                                                                                                 Underlying guidelines,
                                                                                                                                                                                 principles and vision
                                        Principle                                                                              Principle                                         covered in this document

                                                                             Experience Vision
Clearly communicate the
purpose to different audiences

                         Executive    Management   Design   Technology   3rd Party
    Experience Vision




Understand your environment
Frame the problem within a strategic view

Match processes and artefacts to your organisations maturity

Identify who will be using your deliverables, and how

Look at past efforts and outcome, and use where possible
Before anything else, talk to people first
Before anything else, talk to people first

-   Shared and divergent visions
-   Desired vs perceived plausible vs actual outcomes
-   Roles and responsibilities
-   Beliefs about each other, the organisation and
    ultimately their importance in the design process
-   How we could ultimately support them deliver
    better designs
Fear is your greatest enemy to
achieving something great

                       “It’s hard to design something when you
                       don’t know how to hold a conversation
                       with someone about the design. I don’t
                       need help with the UI, I need help
                       understanding the key things that should
                       be on each device. What the users
                       need to do, not what they click on.”
Fear is your greatest enemy to
achieving something great

-   No leadership: No real commitment to programs of work
-   Teams had no clear role of their responsibilities
-   No baselining or ways of assessing progress and impact
-   Actively dissuaded from participatory or inclusive design
Reframing the problem

Term            Articulates   Definition                  Example

Vision          Intent        What we stand for.
                                                          We treat our customers with
                                                          respect                          ✓ Correct experience
Framework       Strategy      How we plan to get there.   Customer-centered design         ✓ Continuous experience

Principles      Behaviour     How we normally act
                                                          Conform with user expectations
                                                                                           ✓ Consistent approach

Guidelines      Conventions
                              How context affects our
                                                          Negative/Backward is left;
                                                          Affirmative/Forward is right
                                                                                           ✓ Coherent feel

Specifications   Detail        What we end up doing.       Continue button to the right     ✓ Consistent look

Insight: What we heard from our workshops with teams is an inability to conceptualise,
design and deliver consistent multi-channel experiences. This prohibits relevant,
consistency across platforms.
What the teams required

Term            User           Example                       Challenge

                               Boredom                       What drives user needs and
Vision          Motivations
                               (cognitive pain avoidance)    behaviours?

Framework       Activities     I want to get content on my
                                                             Where, how and with what do
                                                             people engage with us?
                                                                                                ✓ Multi-channel design
                                                             What makes for a good News
Principles      Goals          Find some interesting news
                                                             experience?                        ✓ Clear design and requirements
                                                             What is the most effective News
Guidelines      Tasks          Browse news feed

                                                             How do I indicate if the content
Specifications   Interactions   Read an article
                                                             is free or paid?

Insight: Teams reported that they don’t have a good understanding of certain channels and how they should
engage users effectively. Similarly, they reported having a poor understanding of what key goals/needs they
needed to satisfy within their designs. Product Managers looked to UX. UX, Producers and Visual Design are
looking for guidance at this level.
Referencing best practice frameworks
Not the reception we really wanted ...
Not the reception we really wanted ...

-   KPI = faster time to market at less cost
-   Massive staff (contractor) turn-over, compliance
-   Inability to visualise “good design”
-   Quality through codi cation
A key re-learning towards
developing the framework

                     “Build processes and tools to support
                     and extend existing ways of working,
                     rather than setting out in the belief that
                     you can replace them”
Refining and selling the
Refining and selling the

-   Identify core activities and goals across Online,
    Tablet, Mobile and TV
Refining and selling the

-   Identify core activities and goals across Online,
    Tablet, Mobile and TV
-   Consolidated CxP and Brand experience models
Refining and selling the

-   Identify core activities and goals across Online,
    Tablet, Mobile and TV
-   Consolidated CxP and Brand experience models
-   Created channel matrix and then aligned with
    customer engagement model
Refining and selling the

-   Identify core activities and goals across Online,
    Tablet, Mobile and TV
-   Consolidated CxP and Brand experience models
-   Created channel matrix and then aligned with
    customer engagement model
-   Aligned with corporate strategy (for managers)
Proving the approach using
existing, industry tools
Proving the approach using
existing, industry tools
Proving the approach using
existing, industry tools
Proving the approach using
existing, industry tools
Take the time to understand how people work

Don’t be afraid to tell management about cultural issues

Use concrete examples early on to explain complex and new ideas

When management yells, it’s the perfect time to listen

Prototyping isn’t just for UI - test your ideas early and often
You can’t make people listen and
understand if you can’t express it clearly
You can’t make people listen and
understand if you can’t express it clearly

De ne: Philosophy Principles Guidelines Speci cations Activities Goals
Tasks Features Attributes Rules Actions
Multi-channel design framework

    Research             Purchase            Set-up                 Use                Manage         Troubleshoot        Exit
   I want to ...        I want to ...      I want to ...         I want to ...       I want to ...     I want to ...   I want to ...

      Find            Subscribe to                                                 Show/retrieve          Get            Cancel
                                        Create a profile   Search for something
 what’s out there      something                                                    something        something fixed   something

Have my questions         Buy            Register for        Browse through          Monitor             Get an
                                                                                                                        Sign out
    answered        something one-off    something             something            usage/cost           answer

                                                                  Select            Monitor my         Understand
   something            Pay a bill       Authenticate
                                                                something           usage/cost         something

    Discover              Gift                             Read/watch/listen to/
                                         Personalise                                settings/
    new stuff          something                             look at something

 Find something                                               Play with/learn
   good for me                                                  something

 Compare things                                            Download something

Find something                                                    Flag/
better than what                                           favourite/bookmark
     I have                                                    something
Multi-channel design framework

  - Research
     Customer        lifecycle I want to ...
                       Purchase          Set-up             Use                 Manage         Troubleshoot        Exit
   I want to ...      I want to ...                     I want to ...         I want to ...     I want to ...   I want to ...
   - Design principles

   - Activities, Subscribe to user stories Search for something
                     goals,         Create a profile
                                                                            Show/retrieve          Get            Cancel
 what’s out there    something                                               something        something fixed   something
   - Channel engagement matrix

   - Best practice examples for
Have my questions        Buy          Register       Browse through           Monitor             Get an
                                                                                                                 Sign out
     answered     something one-off   something        something             usage/cost           answer
   - Linked detailed design references and
      speci cationsbill mobile, tablet, PC, TV
    something         Pay a to       Authenticate
                                                                             Monitor my

   Discover             Gift                        Read/watch/listen to/
                                      Personalise                            settings/
   new stuff         something                        look at something

 Find something                                        Play with/learn
   good for me                                           something

 Compare things                                      Download something

Find something                                              Flag/
better than what                                     favourite/bookmark
     I have                                              something
Multi-channel design
Optus Experience language v1.0                                                                                                                                                               Index                  13

                   User goal
                                Find what’s out there                                         Activity        RESEARCH   PURCHASE             SET-UP               USE            MANAGE   TROUBLESHOOT      EXIT

            Primary Principle
                                Don’t waste my time: Don’t confuse me with irrelevant options.
                                  DO   Ensure relevant content is dominant
                                  DON’T Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content

                 Explanation    The more options a user is presented with, the harder they will find it and the less likely they are to
                                make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours.

                    Channels              Mobile
                                Especially in mobile, where screen space is limited and a
                                user’s attention-span is short, the most relevant content
                                must clearly dominate the page, without being drowned out                                       Primary destinations
                                                                                                                                displayed front & centre
                                by other elements.

                                Although Citysearch’s business model is advertising based,
                                the homepage has been designed for context of use with a                                            Related suggestions relevant to the users
                                clear focus on providing direct access to search and nearby                                         location are positioned prominently but
                                                                                                                                    clearly separated from primary destinations
                                venues without interrupting the flow with advertising.
                                                                                              Citysearch iPhone app

                                Online is a multitasking environment in which users are
                                easily distracted. Each web page needs a clear goal and
                                method to fulfil that goal.

                                Mozilla wants people to download and use the Firefox web
                                browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the Firefox website                                                                                                      Product shot to
Multi-channel design
Optus Experience language v1.0                                                                                                                                                                           Index                   13

                   User User goal
                                    Find what’s out there
                                      Find what’s out there
                                                                                                  Activity         RESEARCH
                                                                                                                RESEARCH          PURCHASE
                                                                                                                              PURCHASE           SET-UPSET-UP       USE     USE     MANAGE MANAGE      TROUBLESHOOT
                                                                                                                                                                                               TROUBLESHOOT     EXIT      EXIT

            Primary Principle
                                    Don’t waste my time: Don’t confuse me with irrelevant options.
                                      DO   Ensure relevant content is dominant
                                      DON’T Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content

                 Explanation        The more options a user is presented with, the harder they will find it and the less likely they are to
                                    make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours.

                    Channels                  Mobile
                                    Especially in mobile, where screen space is limited and a
                                    user’s attention-span is short, the most relevant content
                                    must clearly dominate the page, without being drowned out                                            Primary destinations
                                                                                                                                         displayed front & centre
                                    by other elements.

                                    Although Citysearch’s business model is advertising based,
                                    the homepage has been designed for context of use with a                                                 Related suggestions relevant to the users
                                    clear focus on providing direct access to search and nearby                                              location are positioned prominently but
                                                                                                                                             clearly separated from primary destinations
                                    venues without interrupting the flow with advertising.
                                                                                                   Citysearch iPhone app

                                    Online is a multitasking environment in which users are
                                    easily distracted. Each web page needs a clear goal and
                                    method to fulfil that goal.

                                    Mozilla wants people to download and use the Firefox web
                                    browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the Firefox website                                                                                                               Product shot to
Multi-channel design
Optus Experience language v1.0                                                                                                                                                               Index                  13

                   User goal
                                Find what’s out there                                         Activity        RESEARCH   PURCHASE             SET-UP               USE            MANAGE   TROUBLESHOOT      EXIT

            Primary Principle
                                Don’t waste my time: Don’t confuse me with irrelevant options.
                                  DO   Ensure relevant content is dominant
                                  DON’T Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content

                 Explanation    The more options a user is presented with, the harder they will find it and the less likely they are to
                                make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours.

                    Channels              Mobile
                                Especially in mobile, where screen space is limited and a
                                user’s attention-span is short, the most relevant content
                                must clearly dominate the page, without being drowned out                                       Primary destinations
                                                                                                                                displayed front & centre
                                by other elements.

                                Although Citysearch’s business model is advertising based,
                                the homepage has been designed for context of use with a                                            Related suggestions relevant to the users
                                clear focus on providing direct access to search and nearby                                         location are positioned prominently but
                                                                                                                                    clearly separated from primary destinations
                                venues without interrupting the flow with advertising.
                                                                                              Citysearch iPhone app

                                Online is a multitasking environment in which users are
                                easily distracted. Each web page needs a clear goal and
                                method to fulfil that goal.

                                Mozilla wants people to download and use the Firefox web
                                browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the Firefox website                                                                                                      Product shot to
Multi-channel design
Optus Experience language v1.0                                                                                                                                                                Index                  13

                   User goal
                                 Find what’s out there                                         Activity        RESEARCH   PURCHASE             SET-UP               USE            MANAGE   TROUBLESHOOT      EXIT

             Primary Principle
            Primary Principle
                                 Don’t waste mymy time: Don’t confuse me irrelevant options.
                                  Don’t waste time: Don’t confuse me with with irrelevant options.
                                   DO DOEnsure relevant content is dominant
                                          Ensure relevant content is dominant
                                   DON’T Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content
                                     DON’T Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content

                  Explanation    The more options a user is presented with, with, the harder they willand the and the less likelyto
                                   The more options a user is presented the harder they will find it find it less likely they are they are to
                                 make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours.
                                   make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours.

                   Channels                Mobile
                                 Especially in mobile, where screen space is limited and a
                                 user’s attention-span is short, the most relevant content
                                 must clearly dominate the page, without being drowned out                                       Primary destinations
                                                                                                                                 displayed front & centre
                                 by other elements.

                                 Although Citysearch’s business model is advertising based,
                                 the homepage has been designed for context of use with a                                            Related suggestions relevant to the users
                                 clear focus on providing direct access to search and nearby                                         location are positioned prominently but
                                                                                                                                     clearly separated from primary destinations
                                 venues without interrupting the flow with advertising.
                                                                                               Citysearch iPhone app

                                 Online is a multitasking environment in which users are
                                 easily distracted. Each web page needs a clear goal and
                                 method to fulfil that goal.

                                 Mozilla wants people to download and use the Firefox web
                                 browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the Firefox website                                                                                                      Product shot to
Multi-channel design
Optus Experience language v1.0                                                                                                                                                               Index                  13

                   User goal
                                Find what’s out there                                         Activity        RESEARCH   PURCHASE             SET-UP               USE            MANAGE   TROUBLESHOOT      EXIT

            Primary Principle
                                Don’t waste my time: Don’t confuse me with irrelevant options.
                                  DO   Ensure relevant content is dominant
                                  DON’T Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content

                 Explanation    The more options a user is presented with, the harder they will find it and the less likely they are to
                                make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours.

                    Channels              Mobile
                                Especially in mobile, where screen space is limited and a
                                user’s attention-span is short, the most relevant content
                                must clearly dominate the page, without being drowned out                                       Primary destinations
                                                                                                                                displayed front & centre
                                by other elements.

                                Although Citysearch’s business model is advertising based,
                                the homepage has been designed for context of use with a                                            Related suggestions relevant to the users
                                clear focus on providing direct access to search and nearby                                         location are positioned prominently but
                                                                                                                                    clearly separated from primary destinations
                                venues without interrupting the flow with advertising.
                                                                                              Citysearch iPhone app

                                Online is a multitasking environment in which users are
                                easily distracted. Each web page needs a clear goal and
                                method to fulfil that goal.

                                Mozilla wants people to download and use the Firefox web
                                browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the Firefox website                                                                                                      Product shot to
Multi-channel design
Optus Experience language v1.0                                                                                                                                                                       Index                  13

                   User goal
                                Find what’s out there                                           Activity      RESEARCH       PURCHASE            SET-UP             USE             MANAGE        TROUBLESHOOT       EXIT

            Primary Principle
                                Don’t waste my time: Don’t confuse me with irrelevant options.
                                   DO   Ensure relevant content is dominant
                                   DON’T Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content

                 Explanation    The more options a user is presented with, the harder they will find it and the less likely they are to
                                make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours.

                Channels                    Mobile
                    Channels              Mobile
                                Especially in mobile, where screen is limited and a and a
                                Especially in mobile, where screen space space is limited
                                user’sattention-span is short, the most relevantrelevant content
                                user’s attention-span is short, the most content
                                must clearly dominate the page,page, without being out
                                must clearly dominate the without being drowned drowned out                                         Primary destinations       Primary destinations
                                                                                                                                    displayed front & centre   displayed front & centre
                                by otherelements.
                                by other elements.

                                ExampleCitysearch’s business model is advertising based,
                                Although Citysearch’s business context of use with a based,
                                 the homepage has been designed for model is advertising                                                Related suggestions relevant to the users
                                                                                                                                        location are positioned prominently but
                                the homepage has been designed for context of use with a
                                 clear focus on providing direct access to search and nearby                                                                       Related suggestions relevant to the users
                                                                                                                                        clearly separated from primary destinations
                                clear focus on providingthe flow access to search and nearby
                                 venues without interrupting direct with advertising.                                                                          location are positioned prominently but
                                                                                             Citysearch iPhone app                                             clearly separated from primary destinations
                                venues without interrupting the flow with advertising.
                                                                                                            Citysearch iPhone app
                                Online is a multitasking environment in which users are
                                easily distracted. Each web page needs a clear goal and
                                method to fulfil that goal.

                                Mozilla wants people to download and use the Firefox web
                                browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the Firefox website                                                                                                              Product shot to
User goal
                      Find what’s out there                                         Activity        RESEARCH        PURCHASE             SET-UP               USE            MANAGE   TROUBLESHOOT         EXIT

  Primary Principle
                      Don’t waste my time: Don’t confuse me with irrelevant options.
Multi-channel design    DO

                             Ensure relevant content is dominant
                              Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content
       Explanation    The more options a user is presented with, the harder they will find it and the less likely they are to
                      make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours.

          Channels              Mobile
                      Especially in mobile, where screen space is limited and a
                      user’s attention-span is short, the most relevant content
                      must clearly dominate the page, without being drowned out                                            Primary destinations
                                                                                                                           displayed front & centre
                      by other elements.

                      Although Citysearch’s business model is advertising based,
                      the homepage has been designed for context of use with a                                                 Related suggestions relevant to the users
                      clear focus on providing direct access to search and nearby                                              location are positioned prominently but
                                                                                                                               clearly separated from primary destinations
                      venues without interrupting the flow with advertising.
                                                                                    Citysearch iPhone app

                      Online is a multitasking environment in which users are
                      easily distracted. Each web page needs a clear goal and
                      method to fulfil that goal.

                      Mozilla wants people to download and use the Firefox web
                      browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the Firefox website                                                                                                           Product shot to
                      will be one of the first results.                                                                                                                               set expectations

                      • The website is designed to help the user complete
                                                                                                                                                                                      Call to action is the
                        their task: Get a web browser.                                                                                                                                most prominent feature
                      • The dominant feature on the page is the call to action
                        to download Firefox.
                      • Next to it is a product shot to show people what the
                        browser looks like.
                      • Below that is a tour and teasers of the major benefits
                        of this web browser, with deeper information a click
                        away.                                                                                                                                                         Tour & benefits support
                                                                                                                                                                                      the decision to download
                                                                                    Mozilla Firefox download page

                      TV is primarily a consumption medium and the controls are
                      generally not designed for deep interaction, so the most
                      relevant content should be as few clicks away as possible.
User goal
                        Find what’s out there                                        Activity        RESEARCH        PURCHASE             SET-UP               USE            MANAGE   TROUBLESHOOT         EXIT

     Primary Principle
                        Don’t waste myMobileDon’t confuse me with irrelevant options.
                     Channels         time:
Multi-channel design screen space is limited and a
                          DO    Ensure relevant content is dominant
          Especially in mobile, where
                          DON’T  Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content
          user’s attention-span is short, the most relevant content
frameworkmust clearly dominate the page, without being drowned out
         Explanation    The more options a user is presented with, the harder they will find it and the less likely they are to
          by other elements.
                        make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours.
                                  Although Citysearch’s business model is advertising based,
            Channels               Mobile
                                  the homepage has been designed for context of use with a
                        Especiallyclear focus on providing direct access a search and nearby
                                   in mobile, where screen space is limited and to
                        user’s attention-span is short, the most relevant content
                                  venues without interrupting the flow with advertising.                                    Primary destinations
                        must clearly dominate the page, without being drowned out
                                                                                                                            displayed front & centre
                        by other elements.

                        Although Citysearch’s Onlinemodel is advertising based,
                        the homepage has been designed for context of use with a                                                Related suggestions relevant to the users
                                  Online is a multitasking environment in which users are
                        clear focus on providing direct access to search and nearby                                             location are positioned prominently but
                                                                                                                                clearly separated from primary destinations
                        venues without interrupting theEach with advertising. a clear goal and
                                  easily distracted. flow web page needs
                                  method to fulfil that goal.                        Citysearch iPhone app

                        Online is a multitasking environment indownload and use the Firefox web
                                  Mozilla wants people to which users are
                        easily distracted. Each web page needs a clear goal and Firefox website
                                  browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the
                        method towill be one of the first results.
                                    fulfil that goal.

                                  • The website is designed to help the user complete
                        Mozilla wants people to download and use the Firefox web
                                        their task: Get a web browser.
                        browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the Firefox website                                                                                                          Product shot to
                        will be one The dominant
                                  • of the first results. feature on the page is the call to action                                                                                    set expectations
                                      to download Firefox.
                        • The website is designed to help the user complete people what the
                                • Next to it is a product shot to show                                                                                                                 Call to action is the
                          their task: Get a web browser.
                                      browser looks like.                                                                                                                              most prominent feature
                        • The dominant feature on the page is the call to action
                          to download Firefox. is a tour and teasers of the major benefits
                                • Below that
                        • Next to it is a this web browser, people what the
                                      of product shot to show with deeper information a click
                          browser looks like.
                        • Below that is a tour and teasers of the major benefits
                          of this web browser, with deeper information a click
                          away.                                                                                                                                                        Tour & benefits support
                                                                                                                                                                                       the decision to download
                                                                                     Mozilla Firefox download page
                                  TV is primarily a consumption medium and the controls are
                        TV is primarily a consumption medium and the controls are so the most
                                  generally not designed for deep interaction,
                        generally relevant content should be as few most away as possible.
                                  not designed for deep interaction, so the clicks
                        relevant content should be as few clicks away as possible.
Hundred of examples and
Create a shared vocabulary

Align your approach with other business units

Silos exist - provide a shared vision to break down the walls
Choosing the right delivery
mechanism is critical
Framework acceptance factors
Framework acceptance factors

-   De ne intrinsic / extrinsic factors
-   Easily accessed, shared and evolved
-   Promotes visibility of use and participation
-   Designed to be part of the process
-   Embed speci c triggers for speci ed people to
Elements of a good delivery mechanism for

-   Control points
-   Editable
-   Owned and loved
-   Used (and you can see the use)
-   Gateway to other key resources
     - Design libraries
     - Code libraries

     - Asset libraries
     - Brand guidelines

     - Live project examples
Bringing it all together:
1ft, 2ft, 10ft
Bringing it all together:
1ft, 2ft, 10ft
Bringing it all together:
1ft, 2ft, 10ft

 -   Connected
 -   Contextual
 -   Distributed
 -   Conversational
 -   Activity-oriented
The evolved process, still a little chaotic
The evolved process, still a little chaotic

- Design philosophy
- Cross-channel user research -> experience vision

- Channel principles and guidelines

- User stories (activities, goals) -> channel tasks

- Walkthroughs: Principle-based best-practice screens

- Global navigation, channel ows
- Discourse mapping: Private, Public, Hybrid

- High-level interaction models (each references the other)

- Detailed channel designs, cross-channel weekly reviews
The evolved process, still a little chaotic
Figure out the right delivery mechanism to communicate with your teams

Budget for change management
What’s working well?

✓   Focus on activities and goals before task and UI
✓   Teams generating cross-channel user stories before functional
✓   Improved UX maturity
✓   Increased management awareness and buy-in
What needs improvement?

✓   Delivery mechanism
✓   Bringing everyone together
✓   A strategic design roadmap
✓   De ning UX
✓   De ning UX measurements and baselining
✓   Realigning KPIs with actual design practice
✓   Increase focus on people, not artefact --> DESIGN STUDIO
Breaking news, small changes can have big effects

✓   Corporate design strategy
✓   Organisational refocus on design practice
✓   KPIs de nition and alignment
✓   Measurement and monitoring
✓   End-to-end service design approach
✓   Extend the multi-channel design framework, including delivery
    mechanism and suggested enhancement
Don’t forget to find ways to make your
job a little more enjoyable every day
Rod Farmer @rodfarmer
Ash Donaldson @ashdonaldson
Erika Hillemacher @hillemaker

Rod Farmer
Director of Research & Strategy
Mobile Experience
m: +61433131334

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Creating multi-channel design frameworks - Mobile Experience

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. Our story today Produce a multi-channel design framework to align our offerings, improve design quality and offer a simple, seamless customer experience.
  • 5. Our story today Produce a multi-channel design framework to align our offerings, improve design quality and offer a simple, seamless customer experience. 6 WEEKS
  • 7. What we hope to share with you ...
  • 8. What we hope to share with you ... - Journey creating a framework to support multi-channel design - Overcoming organisational factors that impact design - The importance of creating a design vocabulary - Impact of the design framework - Lessons learnt, bruises earnt
  • 9. and some challenges achieving behaviour change
  • 11. What does it take to deliver consistent experiences across channels?
  • 12. What is a multi-channel design framework? Aren’t most of our products and services multi-channel anyway? Bulls**t bingo?
  • 13. Yes! In fact, there are few 75 interactions these days that don’t involve multiple channels ... % > 2 CHANNELS OR MORE Forrester Research 2009
  • 14. 59% started on a mobile and finished on a PC Images courtesy of Bryan Rieger, Yiibu
  • 15. 34% started on a PC and finished on a mobile Images courtesy of Bryan Rieger, Yiibu
  • 16. Move away from “multi-channel design” towards focussing on continuous experiences “Continuous Experiences are supported by integrated services across devices whose design is true to each device size, context, and purpose”
  • 17. Pillar 1: Focus on connectedness A device appropriate experience, whilst maintaining familiarity
  • 18. Pillar 2: Make it contextually relevant
  • 19. Pillar 3: Features are appropriately distributed
  • 20. Pillar 4: Interaction as conversation - Severe disruption SMS - Call CRM, wait in line - Identify yourself to receive further action - Walkthrough support actions - Little awareness of customer journey
  • 21. Pillar 5: Design for activities “You can’t create behaviour change if you don’t understand motivations and meaning”
  • 22. Well intentioned, statements like these really don’t offer much help. Sorry “Multi-channel orchestration of customer processes delivers a seamless experience across all interaction points along the customer journey, adding value and maximizing ROI by optimizing sales and service opportunities.”
  • 23. Clarify deliverables up front in terms of concrete terms List the existing touch points associated with the product/service Use examples to help evaluate and communicate
  • 26. Choosing the right level of granularity for your focus is critical “You need to understand the metaphor of the system rst so that you can shape the interactions within it”
  • 27. Identify the businesses design maturity Stages of No awareness of the importance of User Experience User Experience unrecognised Maturity ad-hoc - importance of UX has been recognised; Supporting processes are being put in place recognised repeatable - Understanding of ‘good quality’ UX; Importance under focus considered documented - Users are being involved in processes; Build-up of UX skills and technology implemented the aim is to evolve along this axis managed - UX is fully integrated; processes & method- ologies are being evolved integrated cultural - Processes re UX-led; UX is fully embedded in culture institutionalised
  • 28. Scaffold your solutions. What can the client support right now? Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec Design documentation produced per individual project Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Guideline Guideline Guideline Guideline Underlying guidelines, principles and vision Principle Principle covered in this document Experience Vision
  • 29. Clearly communicate the purpose to different audiences Executive Management Design Technology 3rd Party Sponsorship Experience Vision Principles Guidelines Flows Specification
  • 31. Frame the problem within a strategic view Match processes and artefacts to your organisations maturity Identify who will be using your deliverables, and how Look at past efforts and outcome, and use where possible
  • 33. Before anything else, talk to people first
  • 34. Before anything else, talk to people first - Shared and divergent visions - Desired vs perceived plausible vs actual outcomes - Roles and responsibilities - Beliefs about each other, the organisation and ultimately their importance in the design process - How we could ultimately support them deliver better designs
  • 35. Fear is your greatest enemy to achieving something great “It’s hard to design something when you don’t know how to hold a conversation with someone about the design. I don’t need help with the UI, I need help understanding the key things that should be on each device. What the users need to do, not what they click on.”
  • 36. Fear is your greatest enemy to achieving something great - No leadership: No real commitment to programs of work - Teams had no clear role of their responsibilities - No baselining or ways of assessing progress and impact - Actively dissuaded from participatory or inclusive design practices
  • 37. Reframing the problem Term Articulates Definition Example Vision Intent What we stand for. We treat our customers with respect ✓ Correct experience Framework Strategy How we plan to get there. Customer-centered design ✓ Continuous experience (towards) Principles Behaviour How we normally act Conform with user expectations (cultural) ✓ Consistent approach (focus) Guidelines Conventions How context affects our actions. Negative/Backward is left; Affirmative/Forward is right ✓ Coherent feel (examples) Specifications Detail What we end up doing. Continue button to the right ✓ Consistent look Insight: What we heard from our workshops with teams is an inability to conceptualise, design and deliver consistent multi-channel experiences. This prohibits relevant, consistency across platforms.
  • 38. What the teams required Term User Example Challenge Boredom What drives user needs and Vision Motivations (cognitive pain avoidance) behaviours? Framework Activities I want to get content on my mobile Where, how and with what do people engage with us? ✓ Multi-channel design What makes for a good News Principles Goals Find some interesting news experience? ✓ Clear design and requirements What is the most effective News Guidelines Tasks Browse news feed layout? How do I indicate if the content Specifications Interactions Read an article is free or paid? Insight: Teams reported that they don’t have a good understanding of certain channels and how they should engage users effectively. Similarly, they reported having a poor understanding of what key goals/needs they needed to satisfy within their designs. Product Managers looked to UX. UX, Producers and Visual Design are looking for guidance at this level.
  • 40. Not the reception we really wanted ...
  • 41. Not the reception we really wanted ... - KPI = faster time to market at less cost - Massive staff (contractor) turn-over, compliance - Inability to visualise “good design” - Quality through codi cation
  • 42. A key re-learning towards developing the framework “Build processes and tools to support and extend existing ways of working, rather than setting out in the belief that you can replace them”
  • 43. Refining and selling the framework
  • 44. Refining and selling the framework - Identify core activities and goals across Online, Tablet, Mobile and TV
  • 45. Refining and selling the framework - Identify core activities and goals across Online, Tablet, Mobile and TV - Consolidated CxP and Brand experience models
  • 46. Refining and selling the framework - Identify core activities and goals across Online, Tablet, Mobile and TV - Consolidated CxP and Brand experience models - Created channel matrix and then aligned with customer engagement model
  • 47. Refining and selling the framework - Identify core activities and goals across Online, Tablet, Mobile and TV - Consolidated CxP and Brand experience models - Created channel matrix and then aligned with customer engagement model - Aligned with corporate strategy (for managers)
  • 48. Proving the approach using existing, industry tools
  • 49. Proving the approach using existing, industry tools
  • 50. Proving the approach using existing, industry tools
  • 51. Proving the approach using existing, industry tools
  • 52. Take the time to understand how people work Don’t be afraid to tell management about cultural issues Use concrete examples early on to explain complex and new ideas When management yells, it’s the perfect time to listen Prototyping isn’t just for UI - test your ideas early and often
  • 54. You can’t make people listen and understand if you can’t express it clearly
  • 55. You can’t make people listen and understand if you can’t express it clearly De ne: Philosophy Principles Guidelines Speci cations Activities Goals Tasks Features Attributes Rules Actions
  • 56. Multi-channel design framework Research Purchase Set-up Use Manage Troubleshoot Exit I want to ... I want to ... I want to ... I want to ... I want to ... I want to ... I want to ... Find Subscribe to Show/retrieve Get Cancel Create a profile Search for something what’s out there something something something fixed something Have my questions Buy Register for Browse through Monitor Get an Sign out answered something one-off something something usage/cost answer Try Select Monitor my Understand something Pay a bill Authenticate something usage/cost something out Change Discover Gift Read/watch/listen to/ Personalise settings/ new stuff something look at something preferences Find something Play with/learn good for me something Compare things Download something Find something Flag/ better than what favourite/bookmark I have something
  • 57. Multi-channel design framework - Research Customer lifecycle I want to ... Purchase Set-up Use Manage Troubleshoot Exit I want to ... I want to ... I want to ... I want to ... I want to ... I want to ... - Design principles - Activities, Subscribe to user stories Search for something Find goals, Create a profile Show/retrieve Get Cancel what’s out there something something something fixed something - Channel engagement matrix - Best practice examples for Have my questions Buy Register Browse through Monitor Get an Sign out answered something one-off something something usage/cost answer - Linked detailed design references and Try speci cationsbill mobile, tablet, PC, TV something Pay a to Authenticate Select something Monitor my usage/cost Understand something out Change Discover Gift Read/watch/listen to/ Personalise settings/ new stuff something look at something preferences Find something Play with/learn good for me something Compare things Download something Find something Flag/ better than what favourite/bookmark I have something
  • 58. Multi-channel design framework Optus Experience language v1.0 Index 13 User goal Find what’s out there Activity RESEARCH PURCHASE SET-UP USE MANAGE TROUBLESHOOT EXIT Primary Principle Don’t waste my time: Don’t confuse me with irrelevant options. DO Ensure relevant content is dominant DON’T Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content Explanation The more options a user is presented with, the harder they will find it and the less likely they are to make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours. Channels Mobile Especially in mobile, where screen space is limited and a user’s attention-span is short, the most relevant content must clearly dominate the page, without being drowned out Primary destinations displayed front & centre by other elements. Example Although Citysearch’s business model is advertising based, the homepage has been designed for context of use with a Related suggestions relevant to the users clear focus on providing direct access to search and nearby location are positioned prominently but clearly separated from primary destinations venues without interrupting the flow with advertising. Citysearch iPhone app Online Online is a multitasking environment in which users are easily distracted. Each web page needs a clear goal and method to fulfil that goal. Example Mozilla wants people to download and use the Firefox web browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the Firefox website Product shot to
  • 59. Multi-channel design framework Optus Experience language v1.0 Index 13 User User goal goal Find what’s out there Find what’s out there Activity Activity RESEARCH RESEARCH PURCHASE PURCHASE SET-UPSET-UP USE USE MANAGE MANAGE TROUBLESHOOT TROUBLESHOOT EXIT EXIT Primary Principle Don’t waste my time: Don’t confuse me with irrelevant options. DO Ensure relevant content is dominant DON’T Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content Explanation The more options a user is presented with, the harder they will find it and the less likely they are to make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours. Channels Mobile Especially in mobile, where screen space is limited and a user’s attention-span is short, the most relevant content must clearly dominate the page, without being drowned out Primary destinations displayed front & centre by other elements. Example Although Citysearch’s business model is advertising based, the homepage has been designed for context of use with a Related suggestions relevant to the users clear focus on providing direct access to search and nearby location are positioned prominently but clearly separated from primary destinations venues without interrupting the flow with advertising. Citysearch iPhone app Online Online is a multitasking environment in which users are easily distracted. Each web page needs a clear goal and method to fulfil that goal. Example Mozilla wants people to download and use the Firefox web browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the Firefox website Product shot to
  • 60. Multi-channel design framework Optus Experience language v1.0 Index 13 User goal Find what’s out there Activity RESEARCH PURCHASE SET-UP USE MANAGE TROUBLESHOOT EXIT Primary Principle Don’t waste my time: Don’t confuse me with irrelevant options. DO Ensure relevant content is dominant DON’T Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content Explanation The more options a user is presented with, the harder they will find it and the less likely they are to make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours. Channels Mobile Especially in mobile, where screen space is limited and a user’s attention-span is short, the most relevant content must clearly dominate the page, without being drowned out Primary destinations displayed front & centre by other elements. Example Although Citysearch’s business model is advertising based, the homepage has been designed for context of use with a Related suggestions relevant to the users clear focus on providing direct access to search and nearby location are positioned prominently but clearly separated from primary destinations venues without interrupting the flow with advertising. Citysearch iPhone app Online Online is a multitasking environment in which users are easily distracted. Each web page needs a clear goal and method to fulfil that goal. Example Mozilla wants people to download and use the Firefox web browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the Firefox website Product shot to
  • 61. Multi-channel design framework Optus Experience language v1.0 Index 13 User goal Find what’s out there Activity RESEARCH PURCHASE SET-UP USE MANAGE TROUBLESHOOT EXIT Primary Principle Primary Principle Don’t waste mymy time: Don’t confuse me irrelevant options. Don’t waste time: Don’t confuse me with with irrelevant options. DO DOEnsure relevant content is dominant Ensure relevant content is dominant DON’T Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content DON’T Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content Explanation Explanation The more options a user is presented with, with, the harder they willand the and the less likelyto The more options a user is presented the harder they will find it find it less likely they are they are to make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours. make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours. Channels Mobile Especially in mobile, where screen space is limited and a user’s attention-span is short, the most relevant content must clearly dominate the page, without being drowned out Primary destinations displayed front & centre by other elements. Example Although Citysearch’s business model is advertising based, the homepage has been designed for context of use with a Related suggestions relevant to the users clear focus on providing direct access to search and nearby location are positioned prominently but clearly separated from primary destinations venues without interrupting the flow with advertising. Citysearch iPhone app Online Online is a multitasking environment in which users are easily distracted. Each web page needs a clear goal and method to fulfil that goal. Example Mozilla wants people to download and use the Firefox web browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the Firefox website Product shot to
  • 62. Multi-channel design framework Optus Experience language v1.0 Index 13 User goal Find what’s out there Activity RESEARCH PURCHASE SET-UP USE MANAGE TROUBLESHOOT EXIT Primary Principle Don’t waste my time: Don’t confuse me with irrelevant options. DO Ensure relevant content is dominant DON’T Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content Explanation The more options a user is presented with, the harder they will find it and the less likely they are to make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours. Channels Mobile Especially in mobile, where screen space is limited and a user’s attention-span is short, the most relevant content must clearly dominate the page, without being drowned out Primary destinations displayed front & centre by other elements. Example Although Citysearch’s business model is advertising based, the homepage has been designed for context of use with a Related suggestions relevant to the users clear focus on providing direct access to search and nearby location are positioned prominently but clearly separated from primary destinations venues without interrupting the flow with advertising. Citysearch iPhone app Online Online is a multitasking environment in which users are easily distracted. Each web page needs a clear goal and method to fulfil that goal. Example Mozilla wants people to download and use the Firefox web browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the Firefox website Product shot to
  • 63. Multi-channel design framework Optus Experience language v1.0 Index 13 User goal Find what’s out there Activity RESEARCH PURCHASE SET-UP USE MANAGE TROUBLESHOOT EXIT Primary Principle Don’t waste my time: Don’t confuse me with irrelevant options. DO Ensure relevant content is dominant DON’T Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content Explanation The more options a user is presented with, the harder they will find it and the less likely they are to make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours. Channels Mobile Channels Mobile Especially in mobile, where screen is limited and a and a Especially in mobile, where screen space space is limited user’sattention-span is short, the most relevantrelevant content user’s attention-span is short, the most content must clearly dominate the page,page, without being out must clearly dominate the without being drowned drowned out Primary destinations Primary destinations displayed front & centre displayed front & centre by otherelements. by other elements. Example ExampleCitysearch’s business model is advertising based, Although Although Citysearch’s business context of use with a based, the homepage has been designed for model is advertising Related suggestions relevant to the users location are positioned prominently but the homepage has been designed for context of use with a clear focus on providing direct access to search and nearby Related suggestions relevant to the users clearly separated from primary destinations clear focus on providingthe flow access to search and nearby venues without interrupting direct with advertising. location are positioned prominently but Citysearch iPhone app clearly separated from primary destinations venues without interrupting the flow with advertising. Citysearch iPhone app Online Online is a multitasking environment in which users are easily distracted. Each web page needs a clear goal and method to fulfil that goal. Example Mozilla wants people to download and use the Firefox web browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the Firefox website Product shot to
  • 64. User goal Find what’s out there Activity RESEARCH PURCHASE SET-UP USE MANAGE TROUBLESHOOT EXIT Primary Principle Don’t waste my time: Don’t confuse me with irrelevant options. Multi-channel design DO DON’T Ensure relevant content is dominant Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content framework Explanation The more options a user is presented with, the harder they will find it and the less likely they are to make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours. Channels Mobile Especially in mobile, where screen space is limited and a user’s attention-span is short, the most relevant content must clearly dominate the page, without being drowned out Primary destinations displayed front & centre by other elements. Example Although Citysearch’s business model is advertising based, the homepage has been designed for context of use with a Related suggestions relevant to the users clear focus on providing direct access to search and nearby location are positioned prominently but clearly separated from primary destinations venues without interrupting the flow with advertising. Citysearch iPhone app Online Online is a multitasking environment in which users are easily distracted. Each web page needs a clear goal and method to fulfil that goal. Example Mozilla wants people to download and use the Firefox web browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the Firefox website Product shot to will be one of the first results. set expectations • The website is designed to help the user complete Call to action is the their task: Get a web browser. most prominent feature • The dominant feature on the page is the call to action to download Firefox. • Next to it is a product shot to show people what the browser looks like. • Below that is a tour and teasers of the major benefits of this web browser, with deeper information a click away. Tour & benefits support the decision to download Mozilla Firefox download page TV TV is primarily a consumption medium and the controls are generally not designed for deep interaction, so the most relevant content should be as few clicks away as possible.
  • 65. User goal Find what’s out there Activity RESEARCH PURCHASE SET-UP USE MANAGE TROUBLESHOOT EXIT Primary Principle Don’t waste myMobileDon’t confuse me with irrelevant options. Channels time: Multi-channel design screen space is limited and a DO Ensure relevant content is dominant Especially in mobile, where DON’T Make a user sift through unrelated offers, ads and information to get to content user’s attention-span is short, the most relevant content frameworkmust clearly dominate the page, without being drowned out Explanation The more options a user is presented with, the harder they will find it and the less likely they are to by other elements. make a decision, so focus must be limited to core propositions, user needs & behaviours. Example Although Citysearch’s business model is advertising based, Channels Mobile the homepage has been designed for context of use with a Especiallyclear focus on providing direct access a search and nearby in mobile, where screen space is limited and to user’s attention-span is short, the most relevant content venues without interrupting the flow with advertising. Primary destinations must clearly dominate the page, without being drowned out displayed front & centre by other elements. Example Although Citysearch’s Onlinemodel is advertising based, business the homepage has been designed for context of use with a Related suggestions relevant to the users Online is a multitasking environment in which users are clear focus on providing direct access to search and nearby location are positioned prominently but clearly separated from primary destinations venues without interrupting theEach with advertising. a clear goal and easily distracted. flow web page needs method to fulfil that goal. Citysearch iPhone app Example Online Online is a multitasking environment indownload and use the Firefox web Mozilla wants people to which users are easily distracted. Each web page needs a clear goal and Firefox website browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the method towill be one of the first results. fulfil that goal. Example • The website is designed to help the user complete Mozilla wants people to download and use the Firefox web their task: Get a web browser. browser. Google ‘Web Browser’ and the Firefox website Product shot to will be one The dominant • of the first results. feature on the page is the call to action set expectations to download Firefox. • The website is designed to help the user complete people what the • Next to it is a product shot to show Call to action is the their task: Get a web browser. browser looks like. most prominent feature • The dominant feature on the page is the call to action to download Firefox. is a tour and teasers of the major benefits • Below that • Next to it is a this web browser, people what the of product shot to show with deeper information a click away. browser looks like. • Below that is a tour and teasers of the major benefits of this web browser, with deeper information a click away. Tour & benefits support the decision to download Mozilla Firefox download page TV TV TV is primarily a consumption medium and the controls are TV is primarily a consumption medium and the controls are so the most generally not designed for deep interaction, generally relevant content should be as few most away as possible. not designed for deep interaction, so the clicks relevant content should be as few clicks away as possible. Example
  • 66. Hundred of examples and references
  • 67. Create a shared vocabulary Align your approach with other business units Silos exist - provide a shared vision to break down the walls
  • 69. Choosing the right delivery mechanism is critical
  • 71. Framework acceptance factors - De ne intrinsic / extrinsic factors - Easily accessed, shared and evolved - Promotes visibility of use and participation - Designed to be part of the process - Embed speci c triggers for speci ed people to action
  • 72. Elements of a good delivery mechanism for frameworks - Control points - Editable - Owned and loved - Used (and you can see the use) - Gateway to other key resources - Design libraries - Code libraries - Asset libraries - Brand guidelines - Live project examples
  • 73. Bringing it all together: 1ft, 2ft, 10ft
  • 74. Bringing it all together: 1ft, 2ft, 10ft
  • 75. Bringing it all together: 1ft, 2ft, 10ft - Connected - Contextual - Distributed - Conversational - Activity-oriented
  • 76. The evolved process, still a little chaotic
  • 77. The evolved process, still a little chaotic - Design philosophy - Cross-channel user research -> experience vision - Channel principles and guidelines - User stories (activities, goals) -> channel tasks - Walkthroughs: Principle-based best-practice screens - Global navigation, channel ows - Discourse mapping: Private, Public, Hybrid - High-level interaction models (each references the other) - Detailed channel designs, cross-channel weekly reviews
  • 78. The evolved process, still a little chaotic
  • 79. Figure out the right delivery mechanism to communicate with your teams Budget for change management
  • 81. What’s working well? ✓ Focus on activities and goals before task and UI ✓ Teams generating cross-channel user stories before functional requirements ✓ Improved UX maturity ✓ Increased management awareness and buy-in
  • 82. What needs improvement? ✓ Delivery mechanism ✓ Bringing everyone together ✓ A strategic design roadmap ✓ De ning UX ✓ De ning UX measurements and baselining ✓ Realigning KPIs with actual design practice ✓ Increase focus on people, not artefact --> DESIGN STUDIO
  • 83. Breaking news, small changes can have big effects ✓ Corporate design strategy ✓ Organisational refocus on design practice ✓ KPIs de nition and alignment ✓ Measurement and monitoring ✓ End-to-end service design approach ✓ Extend the multi-channel design framework, including delivery mechanism and suggested enhancement
  • 84. Don’t forget to find ways to make your job a little more enjoyable every day
  • 85. THE TEAM Rod Farmer @rodfarmer Ash Donaldson @ashdonaldson Erika Hillemacher @hillemaker PASSIONATE ABOUT MOBILE? CONTACT US Rod Farmer Director of Research & Strategy Mobile Experience e: m: +61433131334