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Aesthetic Surgery

Creating Beauty to Cure the Soul
        by Sander Gilman

 Review by William C. Brender, MD
Aesthetic Surgery

                           Jacques Joseph
   Nasenplastik und sonstige Gesichtplastik
Aesthetic Surgery
“We restore, repair and make whole,
 those parts which nature has given but
 which fortune has taken away, not so
 much that they may delight the eye, but
 that they buoy up the spirit and help the
 mind of the afflicted.”
                            Jasper Tagliacozzi 1597
                            Father of Plastic Surgery
Aesthetic Surgery
(Reconstructive Surgery is) “an attempt
 to return to normal,
Aesthetic surgery is an attempt to surpass
 the normal.”
                         Harold Delf Gillies 1882-1960
Aesthetic Surgery
Surgeons were concerned about aesthetic results:
   • careful suturing of edges of facial wounds
   • nasal fractures reduced and splinted

                                Papyrus (3,000 BCE)
Aesthetic Surgery
Importance of “beautiful” suture stressed

                  Cornelius Celsius (25 BCE - 50 CE)
Aesthetic Surgery
“(Billroth performed) plastic operations with artistic
   ability to correct defects of could see his
   joy when he was able to successfully improve the
   appearance of a damaged person, so that that
   person was no longer the object of pity or horror.”

                               Theodore Billroth (1829-1894)
Aesthetic Surgery
“Beauty is the outward and visible sign of
  health - perfection - virtue….”

                               Jules Hericourt (1850-?)
Aesthetic Surgery
               Beauty Myth
“The accepted wisdom is that if you
  understand your body as “ugly”, you bound
  to be “unhappy””
Aesthetic Surgery
   Mens Sana in corpore sano
 The mark of the healthy body is the happy soul

Mens non sana in copore insano
 The mark of the unhealthy body is the sick soul
Aesthetic Surgery
• Modern society - attempt to change our
  body - diet, cosmetics, fashion and surgeons

• Pursuit of “Body Beautiful”/“Happy Soul”.
Aesthetic Surgery
“Plastic surgery with the aesthetic as well
  as the reparative objective, will be
  commonplace in another five years, as
  neatness and cleanliness are today”

                       Henry Schireson (1881-1949)
Aesthetic Surgery
    Widespread Acceptance
  No longer limited to “Rich”
Status symbol in South America
Aesthetic Surgery
Increased number of procedures performed
   liposuction - #1
   breast enlargement - #2
   eyelid correction - #3
   chemical peels - #4
   facelift - #6
   (breast reduction - reconstructive - #5)
Plastic Surgery
Male Cosmetic Surgery

        1992   13%

        1997   33%
Aesthetic Surgery
Benefit psychologically
  “self conscious”
  “social acceptance”
  “positive” change in appearance
   improve professional chances
   increased admiration
Aesthetic Surgery

This artistic branch of surgery has long
 been perceived as “frivolous” and not
            “serious” medicine.
Aesthetic Surgery
Performed nose jobs on three members of
  same family in “vaudeville” manner
People in audience fainted
Reinforcing the tasteless aspect of advertising

                         J. Howard Crum (1888-c.1970)
                               ?performed first facelift
Aesthetic Surgery
Core of the Psychological theory of
         Aesthetic Surgery:

Curing the Physically Anomalous is curing the
           Psychologically Unhappy.
Aesthetic Surgery
“….did not claim only to cure the “pug
  nose”; he claimed also to be curing his
  patient’s unhappiness”

                     John Orlando Roe (1849-1915)
                              Rochester, New York
Aesthetic Surgery
Beautiful is a sign of the healthy and in
 modernity the healthy becomes a sign
 of the happy.
Aesthetic Surgery
Prozac nicknamed Cosmetic surgery of
              the Brain

Decline in stigma associated with Aesthetic Surgery
   parallels the change in stigma of mental illness.
Aesthetic Surgery
“People have the feeling they can’t control
  their own future; that working hard and
  being a good citizen won’t get you
  anywhere, That’s why beauty has
  become the main value in the market.”

                                 Marcelo Hernandez
                             Argentinean psychiatrist
Aesthetic Surgery
“often…compared cathartic
  psychotherapy with surgical
“convinced that the patients would benefit
  if we were more often to hand over the
  treatment of these affections to the
  rhinological surgeons.”
                       Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

                        Studies of Hysteria (1895)
Aesthetic Surgery
  Reversal of Traditional Medical Model

• Classic model - the patient comes to the physician
  who makes a diagnosis and then provides the

• New model - the patient tells the doctor the diagnosis
  and how they want it treated.
Aesthetic Surgery
        Reversal of Traditional Model

Classic model - operation is performed on a deformed
  patient to make them look normal

New model - operation is performed on a healthy patient
  to enhance the way they look
Aesthetic Surgery
 “…the idea that we get a permit to
  operate on someone who is totally
normal is an unbelievable privilege. In
   a way it’s the ultimate surgery.”

                             Joseph M. Rosen MD
               Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Aesthetic Surgery

Definition of heath - “a state of complete
 physical, mental and social well-being.”

                           World Health Organization
Aesthetic Surgery
Cosmetics -adjunct of treatment (disguise) of

Origin of “cosmetic surgery” - late 19th
 century subspecialty of “medical cosmetics”
 - disguise of syphilitic’s symptoms (i.e.
 missing nose or ulcerated lesion )
Aesthetic Surgery
         Medicamenti faciei

make up as a form of medication for the soul

                           Ovid (43 BCE - 17/18 CE)
Aesthetic Surgery
The study of the ugly is to the
 examination of beauty what the study of
 pathology is to illness.

                     Karl Rosenkranz (1805-1879)
Aesthetic Surgery
Caveat: One culture’s “normal” is another
 culture’s ugly.

                        Rod Sterling (1924-1975)
                      The Twilight Zone 11/11/60
                            Eye of the Beholder
Aesthetic Surgery

Men who are “flat-nosed” or
 snub-nosed are forbidden
   from becoming priests.

Aimed against those with leprosy who were seen as
  ritually unclean. The unclean is also the ugly, and the
                                          Leviticus 21:18
Aesthetic Surgery
“absence of the nose is a horrible thing to
  look at.”

                                    Erik, the Phantom
                          Phantom of the Opera (1911)
                           Gaston Leroux (1868-1927)
Aesthetic Surgery
All lost noses, in the age of syphilophobia,
  were signs of sin. Syphilis marked the
  face of the naïve and the innocent as
  well as the lecher and hypocrite.
Aesthetic Surgery
“Big noses” cannot mate with “little noses”

                         Edmond Rostand (1868-1918)
                            Cyrano de Bergerac 1897
Aesthetic Surgery
 The Jewish Visage

 The “unmanly” “bodily infirmity”
 The tubercular Jewish woman
Aesthetic Surgery
The anatomy of the Jew in which the “hooked nose”
   represents the first visual representation of the
         “Primitiveness of the Semitic race”

                                               “Dr. Celticus”
                                   Anti-Semitic Pamphleteer
Aesthetic Surgery
        The Nose was a Sign of the Jew’s Nature.
A sign that does not vanish when the Jew is
Being seen as a Jew meant being persecuted, attacked,
   and harassed.
Alteration of the body through surgery was seen as the
Aesthetic Surgery
Tradition of the Sweet Sixteen Nosejob

  Aesthetic Surgery comes to be understood as
             “Somatopsychic Therapy”
Aesthetic Surgery
The Deformity affects the Conscious Mind
 through the Patient’s Reception in
The Operation alters the Perception of the
 Body in others and thus alters the
 Patient’s Consciousness.
Aesthetic Surgery
The focus of the patient’s unhappiness is
 on their fixed (racial) physiognomy

Image of the African Face: low forehead, flat wide nose

                                 Enrico Morselli (1852-1929)
Aesthetic Surgery
“We, belonging to the higher races,
  regard as ugly all noses which
  approach that of the ape…”

                        Paolo Mantegazza (1831-1910)
Aesthetic Surgery
PLUMPNESS - Double Edged Sword
Aesthetic Surgery
   PLUMPNESS - Double Edged Sword

“Normal” women can be plump and are therefore

“Criminal” women, such as prostitutes are plump, a sign
  of their “natural” tendency to their craft.”

                                Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909)
Aesthetic Surgery

? Real Diagnosis
? American Culture
“Feel less of a Woman”
Desire the fullness of pregnancy
Aesthetic Surgery
“Ideal patient is someone who, in the
  aesthetic sense, is less than optimal,
  but who otherwise is well adjusted.”
                        Jim Pietraszek, MD , La Jolla, CA
Aesthetic Surgery
Ability of the patient to tell a complete
 narrative is a predictor of positive

Inability to narrate is a sign of
  psychological instability.
Aesthetic Surgery
“Unhappiness” is a problem of your fictive life, rather
                 than your ill organs.

     “You are what you imagine yourself to be.”

                                  Hans Vaihinger (1852-1933)
Aesthetic Surgery
“The anomaly of the unhappy patient….is
  explained as a too heightened
  sensitivity to beauty”

                        Jacques Joseph (1865-1934)
Aesthetic Surgery
          Joseph’s Psychological Scale
Hypo-aesthetic - unfazed even by gross deformities
Ortho-aesthetic - normals who can “objectively” evaluate their
Hyper-aesthetic - “extremely unhappy” with strongly developed
   sense of beauty such as painters, sculptors, and others with artistic
Para-aesthetic - pathologic aesthetic sensibility focus on “imagined
   deformities”. Have normal or even beautiful features that do not need
Aesthetic Surgery
             “Bad” Patient Qualities
male, unmarried, twenty to thirty-five. low self esteem,
grandiose ambitions, hyposexual with no long term
relationships, extremely obsessive yet passive with
surgeon, aggressive when not accommodated, anxious,
vague about goals of surgery, dissatisfied following
initial postop enthusiasm, minimized problem

                                  Knorr, Edgerton, and Hoopes
                                       John Hopkins University
Aesthetic Surgery
Dependent and Controlling Females who
       Hate the Aging Process
Any violation of the body engenders exacerbation of
        neurosis even with the normal patient.
Evidence of depressive symptoms preoperatively will
be intensified in the immediate postoperative period

                               Erich Lindermann (1900-1974)
Aesthetic Surgery
Negative Result of Surgical Intervention

Exacerbation of unhappiness through the patient’s
  experience of trauma awaken existent psychic

                                 Helene Deutsch (1884-1982)
Aesthetic Surgery

Male patients requested multiple nasal procedures
The “normal” nose still made the patient unhappy

                                                  1892 paper
                                  Robert F. Weir (1838-1894)
Aesthetic Surgery

The demand for repeated surgery
   A sign of psychopathology
Aesthetic Surgery

Compulsive disorder
Anxiety about having something “obvious or comical”
    about one’s body
(i.e. unusually formed nose, knock-knees, disgusting
Aesthetic Surgery

Preoccupation with some imagined defect in
  appearance in a “normal”-appearing persons or the
  exaggeration of a slight physical anomaly

(i.e. bald head, nose (male), ears, breast (women)
Aesthetic Surgery
                 Nasal Neurosis
male obsession
three qualities (big, ugly, asymmetrical)
Phallic Nature of the Nose (Ex Naso Viris Hastam)
Nose reveals the “Castrated”/Circumcised nature of the
   man with the long nose, where you are a Jew or not
Aesthetic Surgery
               Freud’s Little Hans

“if - says the child - I can be circumcised and made into
      a Jew, can I not also be castrated and made into a
Aesthetic Surgery
               Nasal interventions
One cure for sexual dysfunction and hysteria was to
  operate on the nose
Shared relationship embryologically between the tissue
  of the nose and that of the genitalia
Male menstruation - “occasional bloody nasal

                                   Wilhelm Fliess (1858-1928)
Aesthetic Surgery
“The “surgical quack” is the surgeon who
  does harm, (and) who almost kills the
  patient. “

                                    Sigmund Freud
                        Psychoanalysis and Quackery
Aesthetic Surgery
               Breast Obsession

Female Equivalent of Nasal Neurosis
Large Pendulous Breasts - Mark of the Primitive
Caucasian breast - hemispherical shape
African breast - pointed breast shape
Aesthetic Surgery
               Thersites- Complex
Compulsive sense of being seen as ugly because of a
  specific quality of the body
named after ugliest man in Greek army at Troy
Homer’s Iliad - most vicious warrior, not aware of his

                                      Hermann Stutte (1909-)
Aesthetic Surgery
        Body Dysmorphia Syndrome

1980 - excessive concern with an “imaginary” defect
Patients believe themselves to be “quite ugly” and are
  convinced that they “could be very attractive if some
  changes were made surgically”
1994 - preoccupation with a defect in appearance
  which either “excessive” or “imagined”
Aesthetic Surgery
DMV IV - preoccupation with an
 imagined defect, causing clinically
 significant stress or impairment of
 social, occupational, or other important
 areas of functioning, not accounted for
 by another mental disorder.
Aesthetic Surgery
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Late 20s or early 30s
Affects both men and women
Avoid describing their defects in detail
Their preoccupations are self-described as “intensely
   painful” “tormenting” or “devastating”
Requires psychopharmacological intervention

?Michael Jackson - 30 operations
Aesthetic Surgery
Dysmorphophobia is not necessarily an
 indicator to the surgeon not to operate -
 but you may put your own life at risk

                            M Tavis MD
Aesthetic Surgery
              Polysurgical Addiction
A compulsive need for surgical interventions
Whose search for perfection/(in)visibility, means they
  will never be satisfied
“Castration anxiety” center of male desire for repetitive
Women undertake surgery to “fulfill an ungratified
  infantile wish for a child”

                                  Karl A. Menninger (1893-1990)
Aesthetic Surgery
     “Surgeon’s intuitive response”

knowing a difficult or dangerous or unhappy patient
                  when one sees one
Aesthetic Surgery
“Recommend    a Simple Interview
 Question Method of Counseling
 designed to Identify Underlying
 Psychological Manifestations and to
 control the Problem Patient.”

                         MR Wright and WK Wright
Aesthetic Surgery
          Psychological Testing

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
Patient Attitude Scale
Expectation for Plastic Surgery Scale
Esthetic Analysis Form (dentistry)
Aesthetic Surgery
  The act of narration is one of the marks of a healthy
“The patient’s inability to state accurately and succinctly
  the thing that displeases him.”
“The more pronounced the deformity of loss, the more
  apt is a reasonably good result likely to be
Aesthetic Surgery
“Cosmetic surgery appeals to vain people.
  There many idle men and women who have
  nothing to do but study themselves….learn
  to avoid these psychopaths.”

                       Charles Conrad Miller (1880-1950)
Aesthetic Surgery
The problem patients are dangerous and
  difficult, they are never happy with the
             results and they sue!
Aesthetic Surgery
“Anything that attracts notice to a child in
 an unpleasant way is, as a rule, bad for
 the child.”
                          Vilray Papin Blair (1871-1955)
Aesthetic Surgery
“..a nasal defect may produce such an
   inferiority complex as genuinely to
   hinder the patient’s happiness and

                                     Harold Delf Gillies
                     New Zealand reconstructive surgeon
Aesthetic Surgery
“Thesurgeon seeks to ease the mind by
 remolding the…features to a conformity
 with the normal.”

                                  Maxwell Maltz, MD
                          Chicago aesthetic surgeon
                      New Faces, New Futures (1936)
Aesthetic Surgery
“The result of aesthetic surgery can be
  “ infusion of confidence, and a
  losing of sensitiveness which
  sometimes amounts to an inferiority

                          George Warren Pierce, MD
                             San Francisco surgeon
Aesthetic Surgery
“prejudice and discrimination - real or
  imagined - and the desire to “look
  American” played a substantial role in
  the motivation for surgery”

                        Francis Cooke Macgregor 1989
Aesthetic Surgery
“Passing” remains a major goal of aesthetic surgery
 “Disfigurement becomes the last bastion
             of discrimination”
                                        Angus McGroughter
                                  British Aesthetic Surgeon
Aesthetic Surgery
Body sculpture and Psychic Surgery may
           be closely related.

Passing is either acquiring “health” and “happiness” or
  being seen as “ill or “psychopathological”. Both are
    attributed to the individual who wishes to “pass”
Aesthetic Surgery
                Tagliacozzi Myth

Condemned after his death for his “attempt to improve
  upon the work of the Almighty”
Chastised for his practice of plastic surgery
This was a religious problem not exclusively a Jewish

                              Gaspare Tagliacozzi (1545-1599)
                                     Father of Plastic Surgery
Aesthetic Surgery
            “Chavalah” (Wounding)

Traditional Judaism rejects surgical alteration of the
  body except for reconstructive surgery
Halachic tradition would permit alteration of the shape of
  the nose for men and women for psychological
Aesthetic Surgery
“Cosmetic Surgery” is justified if
          the defect:
1/prevents a woman from finding a marriage partner
2/prevents a happy relationship with her husband
3/prevents a person from fulfilling a constructive
  function in society - this applies especially to men
  who without such improvement could not earn
  enough to support their families

                                           Secular Reposa
Aesthetic Surgery
Aesthetic surgery can be sanctioned if it
 ameliorates “grave psychological
 effect…such as a sense of inferiority”.

At this point it is not “only permissible but also a

                                       Father Charles G. O’Leary
                                              Principle of Totality
Aesthetic Surgery
“Aesthetic surgery is not in contradiction
  to the will of God, in that it restores the
  perfection of the greatest work of
  creation, man.”
                                      Pope Pius XII
Aesthetic Surgery
      Women and Plastic Surgery

Aesthetic surgery is seen as a means of placing the
 woman in a Position of Power concerning her own
    body or is seen as making her complicit with
           Patriarchal Standards of Beauty.
Aesthetic Surgery
“The purpose of cosmetic surgery is to
  improve a person’s psychological
  functioning by modifying their body
                              Gregory Borah, MD
Aesthetic Surgery
Aesthetic Surgery makes patients truly happy by
 restoring the ideal state that already exists in the
                patient’s imagination.
Aesthetic surgery does not remove psychological
        symptoms because there are none.
Aesthetic surgery does not manufacture patients
 because there is no patient role and the individual
            retains a sense of autonomy.
Aesthetic Surgery
“The surgeon, however is not a psychologist or
  psychotherapist, who wants to create mental health
  but rather an artist, whose “artistic ability to create”
  along with “the patient’s willingness to be molded,”
  assures the happiness of both. Happiness is defined
  as the ability “to offer external changes which are
  more compatible with the vision of the inner self.”

                                               Sander L. Gilman
                                 Creating Beauty to Cure the Soul
Aesthetic Surgery

Thank You

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Creating beauty

  • 1. Aesthetic Surgery Creating Beauty to Cure the Soul by Sander Gilman 1998 Review by William C. Brender, MD
  • 2. Aesthetic Surgery Jacques Joseph Nasenplastik und sonstige Gesichtplastik 1931
  • 3. Aesthetic Surgery “We restore, repair and make whole, those parts which nature has given but which fortune has taken away, not so much that they may delight the eye, but that they buoy up the spirit and help the mind of the afflicted.” Jasper Tagliacozzi 1597 Father of Plastic Surgery
  • 4. Aesthetic Surgery (Reconstructive Surgery is) “an attempt to return to normal, Aesthetic surgery is an attempt to surpass the normal.” Harold Delf Gillies 1882-1960
  • 5. Aesthetic Surgery Surgeons were concerned about aesthetic results: • careful suturing of edges of facial wounds • nasal fractures reduced and splinted Papyrus (3,000 BCE)
  • 6. Aesthetic Surgery Importance of “beautiful” suture stressed Cornelius Celsius (25 BCE - 50 CE)
  • 7. Aesthetic Surgery “(Billroth performed) plastic operations with artistic ability to correct defects of could see his joy when he was able to successfully improve the appearance of a damaged person, so that that person was no longer the object of pity or horror.” Theodore Billroth (1829-1894)
  • 8. Aesthetic Surgery “Beauty is the outward and visible sign of health - perfection - virtue….” Jules Hericourt (1850-?)
  • 9. Aesthetic Surgery Beauty Myth “The accepted wisdom is that if you understand your body as “ugly”, you bound to be “unhappy””
  • 10. Aesthetic Surgery Mens Sana in corpore sano The mark of the healthy body is the happy soul Mens non sana in copore insano The mark of the unhealthy body is the sick soul
  • 11. Aesthetic Surgery • Modern society - attempt to change our body - diet, cosmetics, fashion and surgeons • Pursuit of “Body Beautiful”/“Happy Soul”.
  • 12. Aesthetic Surgery “Plastic surgery with the aesthetic as well as the reparative objective, will be commonplace in another five years, as neatness and cleanliness are today” Henry Schireson (1881-1949)
  • 13. Aesthetic Surgery Widespread Acceptance No longer limited to “Rich” Status symbol in South America
  • 14. Aesthetic Surgery Increased number of procedures performed liposuction - #1 breast enlargement - #2 eyelid correction - #3 chemical peels - #4 facelift - #6 (breast reduction - reconstructive - #5)
  • 15. Plastic Surgery Male Cosmetic Surgery 1992 13% 1997 33%
  • 16. Aesthetic Surgery Benefit psychologically “self conscious” “social acceptance” “positive” change in appearance improve professional chances increased admiration
  • 17. Aesthetic Surgery This artistic branch of surgery has long been perceived as “frivolous” and not “serious” medicine.
  • 18. Aesthetic Surgery Performed nose jobs on three members of same family in “vaudeville” manner People in audience fainted Reinforcing the tasteless aspect of advertising J. Howard Crum (1888-c.1970) ?performed first facelift
  • 19. Aesthetic Surgery Core of the Psychological theory of Aesthetic Surgery: Curing the Physically Anomalous is curing the Psychologically Unhappy.
  • 20. Aesthetic Surgery “….did not claim only to cure the “pug nose”; he claimed also to be curing his patient’s unhappiness” John Orlando Roe (1849-1915) Rochester, New York
  • 21. Aesthetic Surgery Beautiful is a sign of the healthy and in modernity the healthy becomes a sign of the happy.
  • 22. Aesthetic Surgery Prozac nicknamed Cosmetic surgery of the Brain Decline in stigma associated with Aesthetic Surgery parallels the change in stigma of mental illness.
  • 23. Aesthetic Surgery “People have the feeling they can’t control their own future; that working hard and being a good citizen won’t get you anywhere, That’s why beauty has become the main value in the market.” Marcelo Hernandez Argentinean psychiatrist
  • 24. Aesthetic Surgery “often…compared cathartic psychotherapy with surgical intervention.” “convinced that the patients would benefit if we were more often to hand over the treatment of these affections to the rhinological surgeons.” Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Studies of Hysteria (1895)
  • 25. Aesthetic Surgery Reversal of Traditional Medical Model • Classic model - the patient comes to the physician who makes a diagnosis and then provides the treatment. • New model - the patient tells the doctor the diagnosis and how they want it treated.
  • 26. Aesthetic Surgery Reversal of Traditional Model Classic model - operation is performed on a deformed patient to make them look normal New model - operation is performed on a healthy patient to enhance the way they look
  • 27. Aesthetic Surgery “…the idea that we get a permit to operate on someone who is totally normal is an unbelievable privilege. In a way it’s the ultimate surgery.” Joseph M. Rosen MD Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
  • 28. Aesthetic Surgery Definition of heath - “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.” World Health Organization
  • 29. Aesthetic Surgery Cosmetics -adjunct of treatment (disguise) of illness Origin of “cosmetic surgery” - late 19th century subspecialty of “medical cosmetics” - disguise of syphilitic’s symptoms (i.e. missing nose or ulcerated lesion )
  • 30. Aesthetic Surgery Medicamenti faciei make up as a form of medication for the soul Ovid (43 BCE - 17/18 CE)
  • 31. Aesthetic Surgery The study of the ugly is to the examination of beauty what the study of pathology is to illness. Karl Rosenkranz (1805-1879)
  • 32. Aesthetic Surgery Caveat: One culture’s “normal” is another culture’s ugly. Rod Sterling (1924-1975) The Twilight Zone 11/11/60 Eye of the Beholder
  • 33. Aesthetic Surgery “Charum” Men who are “flat-nosed” or snub-nosed are forbidden from becoming priests. Aimed against those with leprosy who were seen as ritually unclean. The unclean is also the ugly, and the unhappy. Leviticus 21:18
  • 34. Aesthetic Surgery “absence of the nose is a horrible thing to look at.” Erik, the Phantom Phantom of the Opera (1911) Gaston Leroux (1868-1927)
  • 35. Aesthetic Surgery All lost noses, in the age of syphilophobia, were signs of sin. Syphilis marked the face of the naïve and the innocent as well as the lecher and hypocrite.
  • 36. Aesthetic Surgery “Big noses” cannot mate with “little noses” Edmond Rostand (1868-1918) Cyrano de Bergerac 1897
  • 37. Aesthetic Surgery The Jewish Visage The “unmanly” “bodily infirmity” The tubercular Jewish woman THE JEWISH NOSE
  • 38. Aesthetic Surgery Nostrility The anatomy of the Jew in which the “hooked nose” represents the first visual representation of the “Primitiveness of the Semitic race” “Dr. Celticus” Anti-Semitic Pamphleteer
  • 39. Aesthetic Surgery The Nose was a Sign of the Jew’s Nature. A sign that does not vanish when the Jew is acculturated. Being seen as a Jew meant being persecuted, attacked, and harassed. Alteration of the body through surgery was seen as the “cure”.
  • 40. Aesthetic Surgery Tradition of the Sweet Sixteen Nosejob Aesthetic Surgery comes to be understood as “Somatopsychic Therapy”
  • 41. Aesthetic Surgery The Deformity affects the Conscious Mind through the Patient’s Reception in Society. The Operation alters the Perception of the Body in others and thus alters the Patient’s Consciousness.
  • 42. Aesthetic Surgery The focus of the patient’s unhappiness is on their fixed (racial) physiognomy Image of the African Face: low forehead, flat wide nose Enrico Morselli (1852-1929)
  • 43. Aesthetic Surgery “We, belonging to the higher races, regard as ugly all noses which approach that of the ape…” Paolo Mantegazza (1831-1910)
  • 44. Aesthetic Surgery PLUMPNESS - Double Edged Sword
  • 45. Aesthetic Surgery PLUMPNESS - Double Edged Sword “Normal” women can be plump and are therefore “healthy”. “Criminal” women, such as prostitutes are plump, a sign of their “natural” tendency to their craft.” Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909)
  • 46. Aesthetic Surgery Micromastia ? Real Diagnosis ? American Culture “Feel less of a Woman” Desire the fullness of pregnancy
  • 47. Aesthetic Surgery “Ideal patient is someone who, in the aesthetic sense, is less than optimal, but who otherwise is well adjusted.” Jim Pietraszek, MD , La Jolla, CA
  • 48. Aesthetic Surgery Ability of the patient to tell a complete narrative is a predictor of positive outcome. Inability to narrate is a sign of psychological instability.
  • 49. Aesthetic Surgery “Unhappiness” is a problem of your fictive life, rather than your ill organs. “You are what you imagine yourself to be.” Hans Vaihinger (1852-1933)
  • 50. Aesthetic Surgery “The anomaly of the unhappy patient….is explained as a too heightened sensitivity to beauty” Jacques Joseph (1865-1934)
  • 51. Aesthetic Surgery Joseph’s Psychological Scale Hypo-aesthetic - unfazed even by gross deformities Ortho-aesthetic - normals who can “objectively” evaluate their deformities Hyper-aesthetic - “extremely unhappy” with strongly developed sense of beauty such as painters, sculptors, and others with artistic nature Para-aesthetic - pathologic aesthetic sensibility focus on “imagined deformities”. Have normal or even beautiful features that do not need change.
  • 52. Aesthetic Surgery “Bad” Patient Qualities male, unmarried, twenty to thirty-five. low self esteem, grandiose ambitions, hyposexual with no long term relationships, extremely obsessive yet passive with surgeon, aggressive when not accommodated, anxious, vague about goals of surgery, dissatisfied following initial postop enthusiasm, minimized problem Knorr, Edgerton, and Hoopes John Hopkins University
  • 53. Aesthetic Surgery Dependent and Controlling Females who Hate the Aging Process Any violation of the body engenders exacerbation of neurosis even with the normal patient. Evidence of depressive symptoms preoperatively will be intensified in the immediate postoperative period Erich Lindermann (1900-1974)
  • 54. Aesthetic Surgery Negative Result of Surgical Intervention Exacerbation of unhappiness through the patient’s experience of trauma awaken existent psychic patterns. Helene Deutsch (1884-1982)
  • 55. Aesthetic Surgery “Monomania” Male patients requested multiple nasal procedures The “normal” nose still made the patient unhappy 1892 paper Robert F. Weir (1838-1894)
  • 56. Aesthetic Surgery Polysurgery The demand for repeated surgery A sign of psychopathology
  • 57. Aesthetic Surgery Dysmorphophobia Compulsive disorder Anxiety about having something “obvious or comical” about one’s body (i.e. unusually formed nose, knock-knees, disgusting odor)
  • 58. Aesthetic Surgery Dysmorphophobia Preoccupation with some imagined defect in appearance in a “normal”-appearing persons or the exaggeration of a slight physical anomaly (i.e. bald head, nose (male), ears, breast (women)
  • 59. Aesthetic Surgery Nasal Neurosis male obsession three qualities (big, ugly, asymmetrical) Phallic Nature of the Nose (Ex Naso Viris Hastam) Nose reveals the “Castrated”/Circumcised nature of the man with the long nose, where you are a Jew or not
  • 60. Aesthetic Surgery Freud’s Little Hans “if - says the child - I can be circumcised and made into a Jew, can I not also be castrated and made into a woman?”
  • 61. Aesthetic Surgery Nasal interventions One cure for sexual dysfunction and hysteria was to operate on the nose Shared relationship embryologically between the tissue of the nose and that of the genitalia Male menstruation - “occasional bloody nasal secretion” Wilhelm Fliess (1858-1928)
  • 62. Aesthetic Surgery “The “surgical quack” is the surgeon who does harm, (and) who almost kills the patient. “ Sigmund Freud Psychoanalysis and Quackery
  • 63. Aesthetic Surgery Breast Obsession Female Equivalent of Nasal Neurosis Large Pendulous Breasts - Mark of the Primitive Caucasian breast - hemispherical shape African breast - pointed breast shape
  • 64. Aesthetic Surgery Thersites- Complex Compulsive sense of being seen as ugly because of a specific quality of the body named after ugliest man in Greek army at Troy Homer’s Iliad - most vicious warrior, not aware of his ugliness Hermann Stutte (1909-)
  • 65. Aesthetic Surgery Body Dysmorphia Syndrome 1980 - excessive concern with an “imaginary” defect Patients believe themselves to be “quite ugly” and are convinced that they “could be very attractive if some changes were made surgically” 1994 - preoccupation with a defect in appearance which either “excessive” or “imagined”
  • 66. Aesthetic Surgery DMV IV - preoccupation with an imagined defect, causing clinically significant stress or impairment of social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning, not accounted for by another mental disorder.
  • 67. Aesthetic Surgery BDD Obsessive compulsive disorder Late 20s or early 30s Affects both men and women Avoid describing their defects in detail Their preoccupations are self-described as “intensely painful” “tormenting” or “devastating” Requires psychopharmacological intervention ?Michael Jackson - 30 operations
  • 68. Aesthetic Surgery Dysmorphophobia is not necessarily an indicator to the surgeon not to operate - but you may put your own life at risk M Tavis MD
  • 69. Aesthetic Surgery Polysurgical Addiction A compulsive need for surgical interventions Whose search for perfection/(in)visibility, means they will never be satisfied “Castration anxiety” center of male desire for repetitive surgery Women undertake surgery to “fulfill an ungratified infantile wish for a child” Karl A. Menninger (1893-1990)
  • 70. Aesthetic Surgery “Surgeon’s intuitive response” knowing a difficult or dangerous or unhappy patient when one sees one
  • 71. Aesthetic Surgery “Recommend a Simple Interview Question Method of Counseling designed to Identify Underlying Psychological Manifestations and to control the Problem Patient.” MR Wright and WK Wright
  • 72. Aesthetic Surgery Psychological Testing Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Patient Attitude Scale Expectation for Plastic Surgery Scale Esthetic Analysis Form (dentistry)
  • 73. Aesthetic Surgery The act of narration is one of the marks of a healthy psyche. “The patient’s inability to state accurately and succinctly the thing that displeases him.” “The more pronounced the deformity of loss, the more apt is a reasonably good result likely to be acceptable.”
  • 74. Aesthetic Surgery “Cosmetic surgery appeals to vain people. There many idle men and women who have nothing to do but study themselves….learn to avoid these psychopaths.” Charles Conrad Miller (1880-1950)
  • 75. Aesthetic Surgery The problem patients are dangerous and difficult, they are never happy with the results and they sue!
  • 76. Aesthetic Surgery “Anything that attracts notice to a child in an unpleasant way is, as a rule, bad for the child.” Vilray Papin Blair (1871-1955)
  • 77. Aesthetic Surgery “..a nasal defect may produce such an inferiority complex as genuinely to hinder the patient’s happiness and progress.” Harold Delf Gillies New Zealand reconstructive surgeon
  • 78. Aesthetic Surgery “Thesurgeon seeks to ease the mind by remolding the…features to a conformity with the normal.” Maxwell Maltz, MD Chicago aesthetic surgeon New Faces, New Futures (1936)
  • 79. Aesthetic Surgery “The result of aesthetic surgery can be “ infusion of confidence, and a losing of sensitiveness which sometimes amounts to an inferiority complex.” George Warren Pierce, MD San Francisco surgeon
  • 80. Aesthetic Surgery “prejudice and discrimination - real or imagined - and the desire to “look American” played a substantial role in the motivation for surgery” Francis Cooke Macgregor 1989
  • 81. Aesthetic Surgery “Passing” remains a major goal of aesthetic surgery “Disfigurement becomes the last bastion of discrimination” Angus McGroughter British Aesthetic Surgeon
  • 82. Aesthetic Surgery Body sculpture and Psychic Surgery may be closely related. Passing is either acquiring “health” and “happiness” or being seen as “ill or “psychopathological”. Both are attributed to the individual who wishes to “pass” unnoticed.
  • 83. Aesthetic Surgery Tagliacozzi Myth Condemned after his death for his “attempt to improve upon the work of the Almighty” Chastised for his practice of plastic surgery This was a religious problem not exclusively a Jewish problem Gaspare Tagliacozzi (1545-1599) Father of Plastic Surgery
  • 84. Aesthetic Surgery “Chavalah” (Wounding) Traditional Judaism rejects surgical alteration of the body except for reconstructive surgery Halachic tradition would permit alteration of the shape of the nose for men and women for psychological reasons
  • 85. Aesthetic Surgery “Cosmetic Surgery” is justified if the defect: 1/prevents a woman from finding a marriage partner 2/prevents a happy relationship with her husband 3/prevents a person from fulfilling a constructive function in society - this applies especially to men who without such improvement could not earn enough to support their families Secular Reposa
  • 86. Aesthetic Surgery Aesthetic surgery can be sanctioned if it ameliorates “grave psychological effect…such as a sense of inferiority”. At this point it is not “only permissible but also a necessity” Father Charles G. O’Leary Principle of Totality
  • 87. Aesthetic Surgery “Aesthetic surgery is not in contradiction to the will of God, in that it restores the perfection of the greatest work of creation, man.” Pope Pius XII
  • 88. Aesthetic Surgery Women and Plastic Surgery Aesthetic surgery is seen as a means of placing the woman in a Position of Power concerning her own body or is seen as making her complicit with Patriarchal Standards of Beauty.
  • 89. Aesthetic Surgery “The purpose of cosmetic surgery is to improve a person’s psychological functioning by modifying their body image.” Gregory Borah, MD
  • 90. Aesthetic Surgery Aesthetic Surgery makes patients truly happy by restoring the ideal state that already exists in the patient’s imagination. Aesthetic surgery does not remove psychological symptoms because there are none. Aesthetic surgery does not manufacture patients because there is no patient role and the individual retains a sense of autonomy.
  • 91. Aesthetic Surgery “The surgeon, however is not a psychologist or psychotherapist, who wants to create mental health but rather an artist, whose “artistic ability to create” along with “the patient’s willingness to be molded,” assures the happiness of both. Happiness is defined as the ability “to offer external changes which are more compatible with the vision of the inner self.” Sander L. Gilman Creating Beauty to Cure the Soul