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Oculomotor, Trochlear and Abducent Nerves
Dr M D Mohire MD, DM.
Neurology Centre & Research, Kolhapur
Subjective complaint of Double Vision
Misalignment of Visual Axis results in diplopia.
Monocular diplopia is often due to Optical Causes
Monocular Diplopia – 25 %
Binocular Diplopia – 75 %
Diplopia-Cranial N Palsies
1) Cranial Nerve III
Pituitary Tumor
2) Cranial Nerve IV
3) Cranial Nerve VI
CNS Tumor
Supranuclear Lesions
1) Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
2) Brainstem Ischemia
3) Migraine
4) Wernicke’s Encephalopathy
Diplopia - History
 Is Diplopia Monocular or Binocular
 Is there Exophthalmos or Proptosis
 Is there any Associated Ptosis
 Is the Onset Acute or Gradual
 Is there any Variability or Remission
 Is there any Pain, H/O Trauma
Diplopia – Signs and Symptoms
 Severe Headache ?
 Weakness ?
 Fatigue ?
 Clumsiness / Unsteadiness
 Multiple Cranial Nerve Palsies
If so there are Life Threatening Problems
Diplopia – Acute or Gradual
 Acute
Ocular Muscles
 Gradual
Infiltrative Lesions
CNS Infections
Diplopia - Pain
 SAH – Aneurysm
CNS Infections
 Myopathy (Ocular Myositis )
Diplopia – Examination
 Physical – BP, Pulse, Obesity, Thyroid Disease
 CNS examination – Detailed Cranial Nerves III, IV, VI
 ENT Examination
 CNS Examination
 Cardiac Examination
Supranuclear Control of Eye Movements
N Engl J Med 1956; 254:461-464
Nuclear Complex-3rd, 4th,6th
3rd, 4th and 6th Nerves From Brainstem
Oculomotor Nerve
Trochlear Nerve
Abducent Nerve
Somatic motor
(general somatic efferent)
Supplies four muscles of the eye
and levator palpebrae superioris
Visceral motor
(general visceral efferent)
Parasympathetic innervation of
the constrictor pupillae and
ciliary muscles.
Controls muscles of Eye for precise movements in visual tracking.
Visceral motor component is involved in the pupillary light and
accomodation reflexes.
CN III originates at the
level of the superior
Nucleus is located near
the midline just ventral to
the cerebral aqueduct.
Nucleus is "V-shaped“ is
bordered medially by the
Edinger-Westphal nucleus
and laterally by the MLF
MLF controls
communication between
various brainstem nuclei.
CN III, Origin
Superior Colliculus Cerebral Aqueduct Periaquiductal Grey
3rd nerve passes between the posterior cerebral and superior
cerebellar arteries and to enter the cavernous sinus.
CN - 3rd , 4th, 6th Nerves from Brainstem
Oculomotor Nerve - Nucleus
Medial Subnucleus
Central Nucleus Edinger Westpal Nucleus
Lateral Subnucleus
Cavernous Sinus and Sup Orbital Fissure
CN III then runs along the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus just
superior to the trochlear nerve and enters the orbit via the superior
orbital fissure
Actions of External Ocular Muscles
All muscles work Synchronously
by Contraction of some & Relaxation
of others
Sup Rectus
Inf Rectus
Inf Oblique
Sup Rectus
Sup Oblique
Inf Rectus
Actions of External Ocular Muscles
Medial Rotators
Lat Rotators
Sup & Inf Obliques are Abductors
Sup & Inf Recti are Adductors
Inf Oblique
Sup Oblique
Sup Oblique
Sup Rectus
Inf Oblique
Inf Rectus
Superior division ascends
lateral to the optic nerve
to innervate the superior
rectus and and levator
palpebrae superioris
Inferior division splits into
three branches to innervate
the medial rectus and
inferior rectus muscles and
the inferior oblique muscle.
Intraorbital Course of CN III
Superior Division
Inferior Division
Muscle Innervation Primary action Secondary action Tertiary action
Medial rectus CN III Adduction -- --
Superior rectus CN III Elevation Intortion Adduction
Inferior rectus CN III Depression Extortion Adduction
Inferior oblique CN III Extorsion Elevation Abduction
Superior oblique CN IV Intorsion Depression Abduction
Lateral rectus CN VI Abduction --
Movements of External Ocular Muscles
Cranial nerves III, IV, and VI are usually tested together.
Observing the Eye Movements and Eyelids
Observe Lid-lag, Ptosis, Pupils, nystagmus, Fatiquability
Paralysis results in Ophthalmoparesis
Causes of Paralysis of the CN - III
Multiple Sclerosis
Raised ICT leading to Uncal Heniation
Space-occupying lesion , Carotico-cavernous fistula
Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH)
Microvascular disease, e.g., diabetes.
Diabetes Mellitus
Can impair eye movements, Dilated Pupil, or both.
Diplopia in all Directions except looking laterally.
Nuclear Midbrain
Dorsal midbrain infarction. Small lesions with few associated
neurologic symptoms or signs.
Fascicular midbrain
Benedikt syndrome
third cranial nerve palsy on the side of the lesion, ipsilateral flapping
hand tremor (rubral tremor from red nucleus involvement), and
Nerve Lesions
Diabetes, Aneurysm, Giant Cell Arteritis, Infection
Brainstem Lesions causing CN III Palsy
Diabetic 3rd N Palsy – Pupillary Sparing
Paralysed Eye is Outward & Downward
Caused by microvascular infarction, Down and Out,
Horizontal and vertical diplopia
Pupil-sparing , Parasympathetic nerve fibers ( Superficial ) unaffected.
Orbital Myositis( Levator Palpebral Superioris )
Complete right ptosis and very poor levator function
CT Scan of Orbits in Thyrotoxicosis
Bahn R. N Engl J Med 2010;362:726-738
Thyrotoxicosis Normal
CN 3rd Palsy - Pcom Aneurysm
Dilated Pupil
Trochlear nerve (CN IV)
Innervates Superior Oblique Muscle operates thr the Pulley
Smallest nerve in number of axons.
Greatest intracranial length.
Exits from the dorsal aspect of the Brainstem
Supplies the opposite side Superior Oblique
It causes rotation in a vertical plane (intorsion), Elevation, Abduction
Oblique Section Through Cavernous Sinus
CN IV Nerve Palsy
Diplopia is subtle
Difficulty in reading or going down the stairs is main complaint.
Tilting the head to side opposite the affected eye eliminates Diplopia
Affected eye cannot turn inward and down.
Images above and slightly to the side of the other.
Examination in case of vertical diplopia
• Patient should be asked to look on a
horizontal straight line on a paper placed
below and to the right and left
• If diplopia is present, he should be asked to
draw the false image
• The false image of the line falls below the
true image and is tilted one side, forming
an arrow
If the arrow points to right, it is right superior oblique palsy
If the arrow points to left, it is left superior oblique palsy
IV nerve palsy versus skew deviation
• In skew deviation
– The range of eye movements is normal
• the misalignment is same in all directions of gaze
• Whereas it is asymmetrical in IV nerve palsy
– The higher eye is intorted and the lower eye is
• whereas the higher eye is extorted in a fourth nerve
– because of weakened intortion
How to detect rotation of eye?
• Compare the relationship between the optic
disc and macula
How to detect rotation of eye?
• Compare the relationship between the optic
disc and macula
Skew deviation
Right higher eye is intorted (left photo) & left lower eye extorted (right photo)
Right eye Left eye
Right IV nerve palsy
Showing extorsion of right eye
IV nerve palsy versus skew deviation
• Compare the vertical deviation in upright vs.
supine positioning
– Skew disappears on lying down
• Skew deviation is secondary to dysfunction of the
graviceptive pathway from the urticle
– Lying reduces gravitational effects on the utricles
Worse on downgaze and gaze away from side of affected muscle
Diplopia in Trochlear N Palsy
Vertical Diplopia Torsional Diplopia Or Both
Ask patient to look 'down and in' as the action of the superior
oblique is greatest in this motion.
Alfred Bielschowsky ‘s test for palsy of the superior oblique
Trochlear Nerve - Examination
Alfred Bielschowsky (1871 –1940)
Vertical diplopia and introduced head-tilt test.
Bielschowsky's head tilt test
Step 1: Determine which eye is hypertropic in primary position. If
there is right hypertropia in primary position, it is right 4th N Palsy
Step 2: Determine whether the hypertropia increases on right or left
gaze. If increase on Left gaze, it is Right 4th N Palsy
Step 3: Determine whether the Diplopia decrease on right or left
head tilt. Better on Left head tilt indicates Right 4th N Palsy
Diplopia, is abolished by tilting the head towards the shoulder on the
unaffected side.
Left - Superior Oblique Paralysis
Primary Position
Right and Down
Failure to Depress Left Eye
Right Gaze – Left Eye Elevates Left Gaze - Normal
Left and Down, restricted
Causes of CN IV Nerve Palsy
In primary position there is right head tilt. In gaze right and down
failure to depress the left eye fully (middle). In right gaze the left eye
also elevates,
Microvascular left IV nerve palsy
Primary Position Gaze Right & Down Gaze to the Right
Right Head Tilt Failure to Depress Left Eye Left Eye Elevates
After the Head Injury After Recovery
No Vertical Deviation
Torsional diplopia and on downgaze horizontal diplopia are chief
Bilateral Traumatic 4th N Palsy after Head Injury,
2yr, Right - 4th N palsy After Surgery
Congenital 4th Nerve Palsy
Diagnosis of Congenital Trochlear Nerve Palsy
Excyclotorsion - Line drawn horizontally from the inferior 1/3 of the disc in the left
(normal) eye intersects the fovea. Line drawn in the same manner in the right eye crosses
superior to the fovea.
Sign of fundus excyclotorsion.
Trochlear Nerve Palsy Normal
Fourth cranial nerve palsy and 3rd CN Palsy together
Difficult to diagnose in the presence of third cranial nerve palsy
In 3RD N Palsy alone, Intorsion of the globe on attempted down gaze.
If no intorsion is present, one should suspect concomitant fourth
cranial nerve palsy as part of a cavernous sinus syndrome.
Abducent nerve (CN - VI) is a Somatic efferent Nerve for Lateral Rectus
The abducens nerve leaves the brainstem at the junction of the Pons and Medulla
Abducent nerve (CN - VI)
Abducent Nerve
The long course of the vulnerable to injury at many levels.
Abducent nerve (CN - VI)
Abducent Nerve
Abducent Nerve
Cavernous Sinus
Abducent Nucleus
Abducent Nucleus
Turn the eye outward.
Causes of CN VI (Abducent Nerve Palsy)
Head injuries,Tumors, Multiple sclerosis, Aneurysm, Meningitis, a brain
abscess, or a parasitic infection
SAH, Diabetes, Stroke,
Wernicke encephalopathy
IIH, Tolosa Hunt Syn, Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis
Left 6th Nerve Palsy
On Recovery
Left Eye Turn
Multiple Sclerosis – 6th N Palsy
Site Common causes Nerves involved
Brainstem  Stroke  IIIrd – midbrain
 Demyelination  Vith – pontomedullary junction
 Intraxial neoplasm
Meningeal  Meningitis  IIIrd, IVth and Vith
 Raised intracranial pressure  Vith; IIIrd(uncal herniation)
 Aneurysms  IIIrd (posterior communicating
 Cerebellopontine angle tumour artery aneurysm)
 Trauma  VIth
 IIIrd, IVth and VIth
Cavernous sinus  Infection/ Thrombosis  IIIrd, IVth and VIth
 Aneurysm
 Caroticocavernous fistula
Superior orbital  Granuloma, tumour  IIIrd, IVth and Vith
Orbit  Ischaemic (diabetes, vasculitis)  IIIrd, IVth and Vith
 Infection
 Tumour  Trauma
Common causes of IIIrd, IVth and VIth nerve paralysis
Copyright restrictions may apply.
Keane, J. R. Arch Neurol 2005;62:1714-1717.
Tuberculous meningitis with bilateral 3rd, 4th, 6th Cranial nerve palsies
Rapid diagnosis of rhinocerebral mucormycosis in a diabetic by videoendoscopy
Bilateral 3rd, 4th & 6th Cranial Nerve Palsies
Cavernous sinus thrombosis
Myasthenia Gravis - Tensilon Test
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
Impairment of horizontal eye movements caused by damage to MLF . These fibers
connect 3rd cranial nerve and 4th cranial nerve and the 6th Nerves.
Stroke (Unilateral)
Multiple Sclerosis, (sometimes bilateral)
Head injuries.
People with internuclear ophthalmoplegia may have double vision.
Vertical Gaze : Eye
movements in the
vertical plane,
superior rectus,
inferior rectus, inferior
oblique, and superior
oblique muscles must
work precisely
These muscles are
coordinated by
vertical gaze center
In conjugate gaze palsies, the two eyes cannot move in one direction (side to side, up, or down)
at the same time.
Conjugate gaze palsies affect horizontal gaze +most often. Upward gaze is affected less
often, and downward gaze is affected even less often. People may notice that they cannot look
in certain directions.
There are no specific treatments.
Horizontal gaze palsy
The most common cause is damage to the brain stem, often by a stroke. Often, the palsy is
severe. That is, moving the eyes past the midline to the opposite side is very difficult.
Palsies can also be caused by damage to the front part of the cerebrum, usually by a stroke. The
resulting palsy may not be as severe as that caused by damage to the brain stem, and symptoms
often lessen with time.
Vertical gaze palsy
Vertical gaze decreases gradually with age,
Usually, upward gaze is affected. The most common cause is damage to
the top part of the midbrain, usually by a stroke or tumor.
Parinaud syndrome is an upward vertical gaze palsy. It usually results
from a tumor or stroke. People with this syndrome tend to look down.
Their eyelids are pulled back, and the pupils are dilated.
Downward gaze palsy
If downward gaze but not upward gaze is impaired, the cause is usually
progressive supranuclear palsy Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP)
Nuclear lesions
Horizontal gaze palsy that affects both eyes simultaneously.
Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF), a nerve tract that connects the three extraocular motor
nuclei (abducens, trochlear and oculomotor) into a single functional unit. Lesions of the
abducens nucleus and the MLF produce observable sixth nerve problems, most notably
internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO).
Supranuclear lesions
The sixth nerve is one of the final common pathways for numerous cortical systems that control
eye movement in general. Cortical control of eye movement (saccades, smooth pursuit,
accommodation) involves conjugate gaze, not unilateral eye movement.

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Cranial ns,3,4, 6th, Dr M D Mohire, Kolhapu, Maharashtrar

  • 1. Oculomotor, Trochlear and Abducent Nerves Dr M D Mohire MD, DM. Neurology Centre & Research, Kolhapur
  • 2. Subjective complaint of Double Vision Misalignment of Visual Axis results in diplopia. Monocular diplopia is often due to Optical Causes Monocular Diplopia – 25 % Binocular Diplopia – 75 % Diplopia
  • 3. Diplopia-Cranial N Palsies Infranuclear 1) Cranial Nerve III Diabetes/Vascular Pituitary Tumor 2) Cranial Nerve IV Congenital Diabetes/Vascular Trauma 3) Cranial Nerve VI Dibetes/Vascular MS CNS Tumor IIH
  • 4. Diplopia Supranuclear Lesions 1) Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia 2) Brainstem Ischemia 3) Migraine 4) Wernicke’s Encephalopathy
  • 5. Diplopia - History  Is Diplopia Monocular or Binocular  Is there Exophthalmos or Proptosis  Is there any Associated Ptosis  Is the Onset Acute or Gradual  Is there any Variability or Remission  Is there any Pain, H/O Trauma
  • 6. Diplopia – Signs and Symptoms  Severe Headache ?  Weakness ?  Fatigue ?  Clumsiness / Unsteadiness  Multiple Cranial Nerve Palsies If so there are Life Threatening Problems
  • 7. Diplopia – Acute or Gradual  Acute Stroke Ocular Muscles  Gradual Infiltrative Lesions Myopathy Tumors CNS Infections
  • 8. Diplopia - Pain  SAH – Aneurysm CNS Infections  Myopathy (Ocular Myositis )
  • 9. Diplopia – Examination  Physical – BP, Pulse, Obesity, Thyroid Disease  CNS examination – Detailed Cranial Nerves III, IV, VI  ENT Examination  CNS Examination  Cardiac Examination
  • 10. Supranuclear Control of Eye Movements N Engl J Med 1956; 254:461-464 Nuclear Complex-3rd, 4th,6th
  • 11. 3rd, 4th and 6th Nerves From Brainstem Oculomotor Nerve Trochlear Nerve Abducent Nerve
  • 12. Somatic motor (general somatic efferent) Supplies four muscles of the eye and levator palpebrae superioris Visceral motor (general visceral efferent) Parasympathetic innervation of the constrictor pupillae and ciliary muscles. Controls muscles of Eye for precise movements in visual tracking. Visceral motor component is involved in the pupillary light and accomodation reflexes. CN III
  • 13. CN III originates at the level of the superior colliculus. Nucleus is located near the midline just ventral to the cerebral aqueduct. Nucleus is "V-shaped“ is bordered medially by the Edinger-Westphal nucleus and laterally by the MLF MLF controls communication between various brainstem nuclei. CN III, Origin Superior Colliculus Cerebral Aqueduct Periaquiductal Grey
  • 14. 3rd nerve passes between the posterior cerebral and superior cerebellar arteries and to enter the cavernous sinus. CN - 3rd , 4th, 6th Nerves from Brainstem
  • 15. Oculomotor Nerve - Nucleus Medial Subnucleus Central Nucleus Edinger Westpal Nucleus Lateral Subnucleus Parasympathetic
  • 16. Cavernous Sinus and Sup Orbital Fissure CN III then runs along the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus just superior to the trochlear nerve and enters the orbit via the superior orbital fissure
  • 17. . . Actions of External Ocular Muscles Adductors Elevators Depressors All muscles work Synchronously by Contraction of some & Relaxation of others Sup Rectus Inf Rectus Inf Oblique Sup Rectus Sup Oblique Inf Rectus
  • 18. Actions of External Ocular Muscles Abductors Medial Rotators Lat Rotators Sup & Inf Obliques are Abductors Sup & Inf Recti are Adductors Inf Oblique Sup Oblique Sup Oblique Sup Rectus Inf Oblique Inf Rectus
  • 19. Superior division ascends lateral to the optic nerve to innervate the superior rectus and and levator palpebrae superioris muscles Inferior division splits into three branches to innervate the medial rectus and inferior rectus muscles and the inferior oblique muscle. Intraorbital Course of CN III Superior Division Inferior Division
  • 20. Muscle Innervation Primary action Secondary action Tertiary action Medial rectus CN III Adduction -- -- Superior rectus CN III Elevation Intortion Adduction Inferior rectus CN III Depression Extortion Adduction Inferior oblique CN III Extorsion Elevation Abduction Superior oblique CN IV Intorsion Depression Abduction Lateral rectus CN VI Abduction -- Movements of External Ocular Muscles
  • 21. Examination Cranial nerves III, IV, and VI are usually tested together. Observing the Eye Movements and Eyelids Observe Lid-lag, Ptosis, Pupils, nystagmus, Fatiquability Paralysis results in Ophthalmoparesis
  • 22. Causes of Paralysis of the CN - III Trauma Multiple Sclerosis Aneurysm Raised ICT leading to Uncal Heniation Space-occupying lesion , Carotico-cavernous fistula Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH) Microvascular disease, e.g., diabetes. Diabetes Mellitus Can impair eye movements, Dilated Pupil, or both. Diplopia in all Directions except looking laterally.
  • 23. Nuclear Midbrain Dorsal midbrain infarction. Small lesions with few associated neurologic symptoms or signs. Fascicular midbrain Benedikt syndrome third cranial nerve palsy on the side of the lesion, ipsilateral flapping hand tremor (rubral tremor from red nucleus involvement), and ataxia. Nerve Lesions Diabetes, Aneurysm, Giant Cell Arteritis, Infection Brainstem Lesions causing CN III Palsy
  • 24. Diabetic 3rd N Palsy – Pupillary Sparing Paralysed Eye is Outward & Downward Caused by microvascular infarction, Down and Out, Horizontal and vertical diplopia Pupil-sparing , Parasympathetic nerve fibers ( Superficial ) unaffected.
  • 25. Orbital Myositis( Levator Palpebral Superioris ) Complete right ptosis and very poor levator function
  • 26. CT Scan of Orbits in Thyrotoxicosis Bahn R. N Engl J Med 2010;362:726-738 Thyrotoxicosis Normal
  • 27. CN 3rd Palsy - Pcom Aneurysm Dilated Pupil
  • 28.
  • 29. Trochlear nerve (CN IV) Innervates Superior Oblique Muscle operates thr the Pulley Smallest nerve in number of axons. Greatest intracranial length. Exits from the dorsal aspect of the Brainstem Supplies the opposite side Superior Oblique It causes rotation in a vertical plane (intorsion), Elevation, Abduction
  • 30. Oblique Section Through Cavernous Sinus Medial Lateral
  • 31. CN IV Nerve Palsy Diplopia is subtle Difficulty in reading or going down the stairs is main complaint. Tilting the head to side opposite the affected eye eliminates Diplopia Affected eye cannot turn inward and down. Images above and slightly to the side of the other.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. Examination in case of vertical diplopia • Patient should be asked to look on a horizontal straight line on a paper placed below and to the right and left • If diplopia is present, he should be asked to draw the false image • The false image of the line falls below the true image and is tilted one side, forming an arrow
  • 35. If the arrow points to right, it is right superior oblique palsy If the arrow points to left, it is left superior oblique palsy
  • 36. IV nerve palsy versus skew deviation • In skew deviation – The range of eye movements is normal • the misalignment is same in all directions of gaze • Whereas it is asymmetrical in IV nerve palsy – The higher eye is intorted and the lower eye is extorted • whereas the higher eye is extorted in a fourth nerve palsy – because of weakened intortion
  • 37. How to detect rotation of eye? • Compare the relationship between the optic disc and macula
  • 38. How to detect rotation of eye? • Compare the relationship between the optic disc and macula
  • 39. Skew deviation Right higher eye is intorted (left photo) & left lower eye extorted (right photo) Right eye Left eye
  • 40. Right IV nerve palsy Showing extorsion of right eye
  • 41. IV nerve palsy versus skew deviation • Compare the vertical deviation in upright vs. supine positioning – Skew disappears on lying down • Skew deviation is secondary to dysfunction of the graviceptive pathway from the urticle – Lying reduces gravitational effects on the utricles
  • 42.
  • 43. Worse on downgaze and gaze away from side of affected muscle Diplopia in Trochlear N Palsy Vertical Diplopia Torsional Diplopia Or Both
  • 44. Ask patient to look 'down and in' as the action of the superior oblique is greatest in this motion. Alfred Bielschowsky ‘s test for palsy of the superior oblique muscle. Trochlear Nerve - Examination
  • 45. Alfred Bielschowsky (1871 –1940) Vertical diplopia and introduced head-tilt test.
  • 46. Bielschowsky's head tilt test Step 1: Determine which eye is hypertropic in primary position. If there is right hypertropia in primary position, it is right 4th N Palsy Step 2: Determine whether the hypertropia increases on right or left gaze. If increase on Left gaze, it is Right 4th N Palsy Step 3: Determine whether the Diplopia decrease on right or left head tilt. Better on Left head tilt indicates Right 4th N Palsy Diplopia, is abolished by tilting the head towards the shoulder on the unaffected side.
  • 47. Left - Superior Oblique Paralysis Primary Position Right and Down Failure to Depress Left Eye Right Gaze – Left Eye Elevates Left Gaze - Normal Left and Down, restricted
  • 48. Causes of CN IV Nerve Palsy
  • 49. In primary position there is right head tilt. In gaze right and down failure to depress the left eye fully (middle). In right gaze the left eye also elevates, Microvascular left IV nerve palsy Primary Position Gaze Right & Down Gaze to the Right Right Head Tilt Failure to Depress Left Eye Left Eye Elevates
  • 50. After the Head Injury After Recovery No Vertical Deviation Torsional diplopia and on downgaze horizontal diplopia are chief problems Bilateral Traumatic 4th N Palsy after Head Injury,
  • 51.
  • 52. 2yr, Right - 4th N palsy After Surgery Congenital 4th Nerve Palsy
  • 53. Diagnosis of Congenital Trochlear Nerve Palsy Ophthalmoscopy Excyclotorsion - Line drawn horizontally from the inferior 1/3 of the disc in the left (normal) eye intersects the fovea. Line drawn in the same manner in the right eye crosses superior to the fovea. Sign of fundus excyclotorsion. Trochlear Nerve Palsy Normal
  • 54. Fourth cranial nerve palsy and 3rd CN Palsy together Difficult to diagnose in the presence of third cranial nerve palsy In 3RD N Palsy alone, Intorsion of the globe on attempted down gaze. If no intorsion is present, one should suspect concomitant fourth cranial nerve palsy as part of a cavernous sinus syndrome.
  • 55. Abducent nerve (CN - VI) is a Somatic efferent Nerve for Lateral Rectus The abducens nerve leaves the brainstem at the junction of the Pons and Medulla
  • 56. Abducent nerve (CN - VI) Abducent Nerve
  • 57. The long course of the vulnerable to injury at many levels. Abducent nerve (CN - VI) Abducent Nerve
  • 61. Causes of CN VI (Abducent Nerve Palsy) Head injuries,Tumors, Multiple sclerosis, Aneurysm, Meningitis, a brain abscess, or a parasitic infection SAH, Diabetes, Stroke, Wernicke encephalopathy IIH, Tolosa Hunt Syn, Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis Idiopathic Unknown
  • 62. Left 6th Nerve Palsy On Recovery Left Eye Turn Medially
  • 63. Multiple Sclerosis – 6th N Palsy
  • 64. Site Common causes Nerves involved Brainstem  Stroke  IIIrd – midbrain  Demyelination  Vith – pontomedullary junction  Intraxial neoplasm Meningeal  Meningitis  IIIrd, IVth and Vith  Raised intracranial pressure  Vith; IIIrd(uncal herniation)  Aneurysms  IIIrd (posterior communicating  Cerebellopontine angle tumour artery aneurysm)  Trauma  VIth  IIIrd, IVth and VIth Cavernous sinus  Infection/ Thrombosis  IIIrd, IVth and VIth  Aneurysm  Caroticocavernous fistula Superior orbital  Granuloma, tumour  IIIrd, IVth and Vith fissure Orbit  Ischaemic (diabetes, vasculitis)  IIIrd, IVth and Vith  Infection  Tumour  Trauma Common causes of IIIrd, IVth and VIth nerve paralysis
  • 65. Copyright restrictions may apply. Keane, J. R. Arch Neurol 2005;62:1714-1717. Tuberculous meningitis with bilateral 3rd, 4th, 6th Cranial nerve palsies
  • 66. Rapid diagnosis of rhinocerebral mucormycosis in a diabetic by videoendoscopy Bilateral 3rd, 4th & 6th Cranial Nerve Palsies
  • 68. Myasthenia Gravis - Tensilon Test
  • 69. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia Impairment of horizontal eye movements caused by damage to MLF . These fibers connect 3rd cranial nerve and 4th cranial nerve and the 6th Nerves. Stroke (Unilateral) Multiple Sclerosis, (sometimes bilateral) Head injuries. People with internuclear ophthalmoplegia may have double vision.
  • 70. Vertical Gaze : Eye movements in the vertical plane, superior rectus, inferior rectus, inferior oblique, and superior oblique muscles must work precisely together. These muscles are coordinated by vertical gaze center Thr MLF
  • 71. In conjugate gaze palsies, the two eyes cannot move in one direction (side to side, up, or down) at the same time. Conjugate gaze palsies affect horizontal gaze +most often. Upward gaze is affected less often, and downward gaze is affected even less often. People may notice that they cannot look in certain directions. There are no specific treatments. Horizontal gaze palsy The most common cause is damage to the brain stem, often by a stroke. Often, the palsy is severe. That is, moving the eyes past the midline to the opposite side is very difficult. Palsies can also be caused by damage to the front part of the cerebrum, usually by a stroke. The resulting palsy may not be as severe as that caused by damage to the brain stem, and symptoms often lessen with time.
  • 72. Vertical gaze palsy Vertical gaze decreases gradually with age, Usually, upward gaze is affected. The most common cause is damage to the top part of the midbrain, usually by a stroke or tumor. Parinaud syndrome is an upward vertical gaze palsy. It usually results from a tumor or stroke. People with this syndrome tend to look down. Their eyelids are pulled back, and the pupils are dilated. Downward gaze palsy If downward gaze but not upward gaze is impaired, the cause is usually progressive supranuclear palsy Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP)
  • 73. Nuclear lesions Horizontal gaze palsy that affects both eyes simultaneously. Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF), a nerve tract that connects the three extraocular motor nuclei (abducens, trochlear and oculomotor) into a single functional unit. Lesions of the abducens nucleus and the MLF produce observable sixth nerve problems, most notably internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO).
  • 74. Supranuclear lesions The sixth nerve is one of the final common pathways for numerous cortical systems that control eye movement in general. Cortical control of eye movement (saccades, smooth pursuit, accommodation) involves conjugate gaze, not unilateral eye movement.

Editor's Notes

  1. If the patient complains of an oblique vertical separation of images then a simple test for weakness of the superior oblique muscle, as in a trochlear nerve palsy, is to hold a pencil or ruler horizontally in front of the patient and ask him or her to look at the middle of the object as it is slowly lowered. If the patient experiences vertical separation of the images, which are oblique to one another forming a V shape, the point of the V is directed towards the side of the weakened superior oblique muscle.  
  2. The separation of the images increase when the head is tilted to the side of palsy Deficit improves when the head is tilted to the opposite side. The perceived image rotation is the opposite of the eye’s rotation. Thus, in a case of right 4th nerve palsy, the extorted right eye will see the image rotated counterclockwise, in the case of left 4th nerve palsy, the image seen by the left eye will appear to be rotated clockwise.
  3. The range of eye movements is normal with skew deviation. The diagnosis lies in detection of the pattern of vertical ocular misalignment. Often, the misalignment (and the diplopia) is comitant – or the same size in all directions of gaze. However, skew deviations may also be incomitant. The head and superior poles of both eyes rotate toward the lower eye. Thus the higher eye is incyclotorted and the lower eye is excyclotorted. This is in distinct contrast to the excyclotorsion of the higher eye in a fourth nerve palsy. Fundoscopic examination allows assessment for ocular torsion via comparison of the relationship between the optic disc and macula (Fig. 1). Because bedside undilated ocular fundoscopic examination makes assessment of ocular torsion difficult, thereby precluding accurate topographical diagnosis, skew deviation should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any vertical misalignment with a full range of eye movements when the misalignment does not conform to the pattern expected for a fourth nerve palsy Excyclotorsion of the hypertropic eye suggests fourth nerve palsy because of weakened intorsion; in contrast, intorsion of the hypertropic eye occurs in skew deviation due to decreased stimulation of the inferior oblique subnucleus.
  4. Skew deviation results from an imbalance in utricular-vestibular output which normally controls the vertical and torsional position of each eye in response to body tilt. A new test comparing the vertical deviation in upright vs. supine positioning can help differentiate the two entities since by lying the patient down, one reduces gravitational effects on the utricles thereby reducing the relative contribution of this system to vertical alignment of the eyes and reducing the vertical deviation in skew but not trochlear nerve palsies