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The quote “content is king” is originally from an essay
Microsoft founder Bill Gates wrote in 1996. In it, he
describes the future of the Internet as a marketplace
for content.
Copywriting (CALL TO ACTION)
Copywriting is the writing text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of
marketing. The product, called copy or sales copy, is written content that aims to
increase brand awareness and ultimately persuade a person or group to take a
particular action.
Free Copywriting Resources Link –
1 - Copywriting PDF / EBOOKS -
2 - 30k Words Copywriting Blog -
3 - Killer Web Copywriting Tips -
4 - Abc Copywriting Free Stuff -
5 - 4 U’s: Copywriting Tips for Great Headlines & Copy -
7. Website copy
8. Sales letters
9. Descriptions (undandy)
(KNOWLEDGE AD BY TAI LOPEZ)[direction]=desc&sort...
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 Hypnotic Writing By Joe Vitale
 Influence The Psychology Of Persuasion By Robert
 Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz
 Made to Stick by Dan and Chip Heath
 The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert
 Influence by Robert Cialdini
 Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy
 Finding the Right Message by Jennifer Havice
 Never Split the Difference by Tal Rahz and Chris Voss
 Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
 Building Distinctive Brand Assets by Jen Romaniuk
 How to Write a Good Advertisement by Vic Schwab
Types of Copywriting:
Face Book Ad Library
A copywriter can create a sales letter that captures readers' attention, excites them
about your offer and motivates them to respond.
The letter begins like this (the original copy is attached below):
Dear Reader:
On a beautiful late spring afternoon, twenty-five years ago, two young
men graduated from the same college. They were very much alike,
these two young men. Both had been better than average students,
both were personable and both – as young college graduates are –
were filled with ambitious dreams for the future.
Recently, these two men returned to college for their 25th reunion.
They were still very much alike. Both were happily married. Both had
three children. And both, it turned out, had gone to work for the same
Midwestern manufacturing company after graduation, and were still
But there was a difference. One of the men was manager of a small
department of that company. The other was its president.
What Made The Difference
Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference
in people’s lives? It isn’t always a native intelligence or talent or
dedication. It isn’t that one person wants success and the other
The difference lies in what each person knows and how he or she
makes use of that knowledge.
And that is why I am writing to you and to people like you about The
Wall Street Journal. For that is the whole purpose of The Journal: To
give its readers knowledge – knowledge that they can use in
So what makes this simple introduction so powerful?
The Anatomy of the Best Sales Letter Ever
The sales letter employs 7 highly effective copywriting techniques:
#1 Personalization.
Copywriting can never be impersonal. Talk to your readers like you’re
talking to a friend. Email auto-responder technology wasn’t around
back then, so WSJ’s copywriter couldn’t automatically generate the
reader’s name, but he still gets as personal as he can, by starting with
“Dear Reader.”
He’s not simply preaching to the masses.
Instead of “People often wonder what makes that kind of difference,”
he says, “Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of
difference in people’s lives?” In this way he addresses the reader
personally, and gets the reader to actively participate in the
#2 Storytelling.
Facts tell, stories sell.
Every copywriter knows it and you should too.
That’s not to say that facts don’t help. They do. But the facts are what
the customer uses to justify the purchase.
The actual decision is driven by emotion, and stories are the best way
to invoke the reader’s emotion, which in this case is triggered by using
the “underdog strategy”, which we’ll go over soon.
#3 Targeting.
The copywriter who wrote this $2 billion sales letter clearly understood
his target consumer. His examples are men because the Wall Street
Journal was read almost exclusively by men at the time. The men were
both married. Both had three children. And both, worked at
a Midwestern manufacturing company.
How much do you want to bet that this targeting isn’t a coincidence?
By targeting his consumer, he was able to coax the reader into their
shoes, and it just so happens that the shoes they fill walk into Wall
Street Journal territory.
#4 Clarity.
I want to stress this point before we get to imagery, because in
copywriting, clarity is infinitely more important.
If your reader has to wade through meadows of flowery imagery,
they’ll start to feel like they’re drowning in a sea of pointless
information. So get to the point quickly and cut the fluff.
#5 Imagery.
With the concept of clarity taking first priority, it’s good to use
imagery, especially imagery that appeals to the senses (seeing,
smelling, hearing, tasting, feeling). The more you engage your reader’s
senses, the more real the story, and the more effective the sales letter.
Our WSJ copywriter doesn’t say that it was a “beautiful late spring
afternoon” just because he liked how it sounded. Those words create
a picture and even an effective sales environment for the reader.
#6 The Underdog.
Everybody likes a good underdog story, and there’s a deep,
primal instinct at the root of the reason why.
Every breathing person on God’s green earth has felt like an underdog
at some point in their life.
And nearly every person alive feels like an underdog right now, in
some capacity. Especially where money and prestige is concerned,
and especially in the American market.
That’s why cold-reading psychics use the same technique in their
“In a specific area of your life you feel like you’re alone, waging a war
against a vast army. The battle has been uphill. You’re a David fighting
a Goliath,” they may say, “but you’re poised for victory.”
If that applies to you, you’ll quickly understand the underdog
technique. If not, my hat’s off to you, you glorious freak of nature.
#7 USP.
Your USP (unique selling proposition) is essentially something your
product offers that your competitor’s can’t.
So while everyone else is selling normal black or red boxing gloves,
you’re selling gloves in 12 different colors.
Our copywriter begins to communicate the Wall Street Journal USP, by
saying that it gives “its readers knowledge – knowledge that they can
use in business…”
Now, the techniques our WSJ copywriter uses in his $2 billion sales
letter are great.
However, without structure the emotional triggers, storytelling and
other tools of the trade are pretty much useless.
14-Step Anatomy of the Best Sales Letter Ever
The skeleton of the sales letter is as follows:
#1 Headline.
“It is not uncommon for a change in headlines to multiply returns from
five to ten times over.” – Claude Hopkins
Would you ever go fishing without bait or lure?
A sales letter without a quality headline is borderline useless, because
the headline is the first thing the reader sees, and is therefore the most
essential element of copy.
It is the bait.
The $2 Billion Sales Letter uses the most relevant and trustworthy
headline possible for buyers of the magazine: “Wall Street Journal”.
#2 Personal Intro.
“I don’t know the rules of grammar. If you’re trying to persuade people
to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use
their language.” – David Ogilvy
There’s many methods to employ, but here we see what I consider the
most effective of them all: being personal.
Sometimes authoritative copy works, but every great copywriter
knows how to speak to the common man — that is; you, me, and
everyone else who doesn’t fall into the 1% category of “elites”
(daddy’s money inheritors).
It’s also worth mentioning the use of questions in this sales letter.
Asking good questions (questions that are practically always
answered with a “yes”) is a form of “yes copy”. The more you get your
reader to say yes, the better your chances are of making the sale.
#3 Story.
“The person who says ‘I would never read all that copy’ makes the
mistake of thinking they are the customer. And they’re not.” – Dan
Remember, Facts tell, stories sell.
Enough said.
#4 The Problem.
“To live is to war with trolls.” – Henrik Ibsen
There’s no such thing as a story without conflict, and similarly, there’s
no such thing as a sales letter without a consumer problem to solve.
In this case, the problem can be communicated in a question — “What
did <insert name of person more successful than you here> do
If you’re able to pinpoint your customer’s greatest problem, you’re
halfway through the $2 Billion formula.
#5 The Solution.
“As soon as you open your mind to doing things differently, the doors
of opportunity practically fly off their hinges.” – Jay Abraham
And here’s the second half.
The solution gives your target consumer the answer to his or her
WSJ’s target consumer needed knowledge — knowledge that “the
Journal” was more than happy to give.
#6 USP.
“Advertising says to people, ‘Here’s what we’ve got. Here’s what it will
do for you. Here’s how to get it.” – Leo Burnett
The Unique Selling Proposition? “Wall Street Journal is the
country’s only national business daily.”
#7 Buying Benefits.
“Study your reader first, your product second.” – Robert Collier
The buying benefits are similar to the USP, but are less unique.
Instead of USP’s, they’re simply SP’s.
#8 More Buying Benefits and More USP
“A copywriter should have ‘an understanding of people, an insight into
them, a sympathy toward them.” – George Gribbin
Self explanatory.
#9 Call to Action
“The consumer isn’t a moron; she is your wife.” – David Ogilvy
“Simply fill out the enclosed order card and mail it to…” A simple,
clear call to action, followed by…
#10 Guarantee, the First
“A guarantee removes the risk of buying, making it easier to trust, and
then buy.” – Me.
…the first guarantee, “Should the Journal not measure up to your
expectations, you may cancel this trail arrangement…”
#11 Wrapping up the Story
“All the elements in an advertisement are primarily designed to do one
thing and one thing only: get you to read the first sentence of the
copy.” – Joe Sugarman
A good magazine article or blog post completes the story circle by
connecting the intro with the conclusion.
The same can be applied effectively to the sales letter.
Here our copywriter completes the cycle of the story by repackaging
the main benefit; valuable, life-changing knowledge that can only be
found in one place — the Wall Street Journal.
#12 Guarantee, the Second
“Use a thesaurus. Go buy a REAL thesaurus. The top writers all have a
dog eared thesaurus.” – John Carlton
The bottom bun in this guarantee sandwich is that “you will find the
Journal always interesting, always reliable, always useful.”
#13 Personal Closing
“I have learned that any fool can write a bad ad, but that it takes a real
genius to keep his hands off a good one.” – Leo Burnett
“Sincerely yours,” followed by the Vice President’s signature.
But we’re not finished.
No sales letter ends without a good old fashioned PS note!
#14 “PS I Love Your Extra Incentive to Buy”
“Show a bright side, the happy and attractive side, not the dark and
uninviting side of things. Show beauty, not homeliness… Don’t show
the wrinkles… Your customers know all about wrinkles.” – Claude
Many people at this point are teetering on the edge of buying, and
need only a rice-grain of a benefit to tip their judgement scale.
The entire purpose of the PS section is to give your reader one last
extra nudge toward the finish line.
And there you have it.
Video Sales Letter.
A video sales letter (VSL) is a video designed to sell a product or
service to the viewer. A VSL uses the same principles that a written
sales letter does to persuade its audience, but in video form. You'll
find video sales letters on websites, landing pages, and digital ads.
Hypnotic Words. ⚡
Power Words. ⚡
Copywriting Tips & Triggers to Be INSANELY
More Persuasive.
There are no magical words that can hypnotize your audience to magically
take out their credit and give you money – but there are some proven and
practical psychology techniques based on the study of us weird humans that
can help make your copywriting exponentially more persuasive.
below, you will find 100 of the most powerful marketing words –– each of
which has been placed into various categories. The words that have an “*”
next to them are what the late David Ogilvy considered to be the most
persuasive words in advertising.
Never heard of this Ogilvy character? He is widely considered to be the
greatest advertiser of all time. So, while I believe all these marketing words
are powerful, pay extra attention to Ogilvy’s.
Powerful marketing words that make a promise.
Promising something to your prospective customer sells. One way to get
your readers to turn into buyers is to make them a promise that’s worth
buying. Below you will find a handful of powerful marketing words that can
help you make this promise.
1. Guarantee
2. Sale
3. Unconditional
4. Promise
5. Risk-free
6. Pledge
Powerful marketing words that create a sense of
In marketing and advertising, time is your friend. Use it. If your customer
only has 3-weeks to accept your offer, remind them that time is running out.
7. Now *
8. Expires
9. Quick *
10. Instantaneously
11. Immediately
12. Soon
13. Hurry *
14. Instantly
15. Suddenly *
16. Going-fast
17. Minute
Powerful marketing words that help your
customers feel at ease.
If you’re jumping off the high-dive at the public pool, you like to know how
deep it is. 12 feet makes you feel more at ease than say 3 feet. Your
customer is trading her hard-earned money for your product or service, this
can be as scary as jumping off the high-dive –– make sure she is at ease.
Here are a few powerful marketing words that can help.
20. Bargain *
21. Easy *
22. Best-seller
23. Satisfaction
24. Simple
25. Smooth
26. Painless
27. Light
28. no-fuss
29. Cinch
30. Straight-forward
31. Success
32. Ironclad
33. Safe
34. money-back
35. Protected
36. Privacy
37. Tested
Powerful marketing words that give your product a
premium feel.
If you’re buying bottled water, you probably don’t give a rip whether or not it
is premium –– unless you’re a big fan of Fiji. Now… cars, houses, denim
jeans, designer kicks and sunglasses are different. If you’re selling a luxury
versus a commodity, make your customer aware of the luxury they’re buying
by utilizing these powerful marketing words.
38. State-of-the-art
39. Invite-only
40. Fresh
41. Hand-crafted
42. Small-batches
43. Pristine
44. Spick-and-span
45. Brand-new
46. Premium
47. Luxurious
Powerful marketing words that create a feeling of
Exclusivity is simple. If you and I were to walk into a gas station to buy a
candy bar and the clerk were to say –– you can have any candy bar in this
place but this particular one isn’t for sale –– you and I would look twice at
the candy bar that wasn’t for sale. People want what they can’t have and
they want what other people can’t have –– this is called exclusivity. The
words we use can help high-quality products and services be more highly
sought-after than others.
49. Secret
50. Limited
51. Rare
52. Few
53. Edition
54. Unique
55. Exotic
56. Select
57. Authentic
Powerful marketing words that inspire or motivate.
The late Zig Ziglar was famous for saying, “People often say that motivation
doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing — that’s why we recommend it
daily.” You, myself and our customers don’t wake up motivated or inspired –
– the feeling comes and goes. Our job as marketers and advertisers is to
help our customers get inspired and motivated to buy whatever we’re
selling. This doesn’t magically happen. Igniting the feeling requires well-
placed powerful marketing words that start a fire.
59. Revolutionary *
60. Extraordinary
61. Amazing *
62. Remarkable *
63. Startling *
64. Sensational *
65. Magic *
66. Miracle *
67. You
Powerful marketing words that tickle your
customer’s curiosity.
Today, selling is about getting your prospect to stop scrolling. When writing
copy, this needs to be in the back of your mind at all times –– how can I get
Bob to stop scrolling at 100 mph? The powerful marketing words you’ll find
below can help you freeze your customer's thumbs.
70. Announcing *
71. Start
72. Stop
73. Running
74. Deal
75. Introducing *
76. Offer *
77. Compare *
78. Challenge *
79. Wanted *
80. Discover
81. Release
82. Soon
Powerful marketing words that are lesser-known
and perhaps a bit eccentric (a.k.a my personal
I tend to get a little bit flashy when it comes to writing copy. This can be
either a strength or a weakness depending on the circumstance. While I
think all marketers and advertisers should write with the goal to sell simply
and powerfully… sometimes you just have to spice things up. Here are a
few of my personal favorites when it comes to powerful marketing
83. Dazzling
84. Ravishing
85. Brilliant
86. Honeyed
87. Compelling
88. Ultra
89. Plethora
90. Unicorn
91. Zesty
92. Cosmic
93. Supernova
94. Killjoy
95. Bulletproof
96. Staggering
97. Titanic
98. God-speed
99. Smashing
100. Triumph
The Phases of Copy Creation.
Copywriting Research:
1 It’s Time to Awaken 1
2 Stop! Do This First 6
3 What Is Impossible? 8
4 A Disclaimer 10
5 A Beginning 12
6 Agatha Christie Proves Hypnotic Writing Exists 15
7 My Secret to Hypnotic Writing 18
8 You Can’t Even Bribe Me to Read a Lousy Letter! 22
9 What Is Hypnotic Writing? 26
10 Hypnotic Writing: A Case Study 31
11 The Great Intimacy Secret 38
12 What’s More Important than Copy? 40
13 Hypnotic Writing Controlled Study 44
14 How I Learned the Secret of Hypnotic Writing 53
15 What Is Hypnosis? 58
16 Two Ways to Cause Action 60
17 What About Your Web Site? 70
18 How Long Is Too Long? 75
19 What Every Reader Wants to Know 77
20 The Hypnotic Power of Repetition 81
21 The Inner Game of Hypnotic Writing 84
22 Imitation Sugar Is Sweet, Too! 91
23 How to Jump-Start the Muse 96
24 How to Nail Your Reader’s Attention 99
25 How to Make Your Writing Walk, Talk, and Breathe
26 Give Me Some Meat! 109
27 A Writing Lesson from the World’s Greatest
Hypnotist 112
28 Electrifying Tips for Creating Breakthrough Writing
29 A Case against Perfection 118
30 How to Persuade Readers to Your Side 121
31 Warp Speed Editing Secrets Worth Killing For 127
32 How to Make Your Writing Sexy 133
33 How People Think 137
34 How to Create Hypnotic Stories 139
35 How to Control the “Command Center” in Your
Prospect’s Mind 144
36 The One Hypnotic Command That Always Works
37 What I Learned from The Sea Wolf 152
38 Your Turning Point Message 155
39 What Everyone Will Always Read 158
40 Your Connotation Is Showing 160
41 What Are My Secrets for Writing Hypnotic
Selling Stories? 164
42 Hypnotic Blogging 166
43 Reminders as Triggers 174
44 How to Change Average Writing into
Hypnotic Writing 176
45 30 Ways to Write a Hypnotic Headline 178
46 Hypnotic Openings 189
47 Hypnotic Quiz 192
48 My Three Biggest Secrets 193
49 How Much Is That Doggie in the Window? 197
50 How to Change Perception 199
51 At Last! The Joe Vitale Hypnotic Writing Formula
52 A New Hypnotic Copy Checklist 215
53 The Five Secret Laws of Hypnotic Persuasion 217
54 The Seven Most Hypnotic Books of All Time 219
55 The Hypnotic Writing Formula 222
56 Your Challenge 224
Appendix: Hypnotic E-Mails 225
Bibliography 246
Index 253
About Dr. Joe Vitale 261
Bonus Offer 262
1 Weapons of Influence 13
2 Reciprocation: The Old Give and Take…and Take 43
3 Commitment and Consistency: Hobgoblins of the Mind 87
4 Social Proof: Truths Are Us 126
5 Liking: The Friendly Thief 157
6 Authority: Directed Deference 178
7 Scarcity: The Rule of the Few 205
Notes 211
Bibliography 225

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Copywriting by Dr. Naveed

  • 2. The quote “content is king” is originally from an essay Microsoft founder Bill Gates wrote in 1996. In it, he describes the future of the Internet as a marketplace for content.
  • 3. Copywriting (CALL TO ACTION) Copywriting is the writing text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. The product, called copy or sales copy, is written content that aims to increase brand awareness and ultimately persuade a person or group to take a particular action.
  • 4. Free Copywriting Resources Link – 1 - Copywriting PDF / EBOOKS - 2 - 30k Words Copywriting Blog - 3 - Killer Web Copywriting Tips - 4 - Abc Copywriting Free Stuff - 5 - 4 U’s: Copywriting Tips for Great Headlines & Copy - 6 - Real Life CTA ( CALL TO ACTION EXAMPLES ) - 7. Website copy 8. Sales letters 9. Descriptions (undandy)
  • 5. 10. facebook ads (FRANK KERN, SABRI SUBY, UNPOPULAR OPINION (KNOWLEDGE AD BY TAI LOPEZ)[direction]=desc&sort... facebook ad library _ads&country=PK&media_type=all BOOKS.  Hypnotic Writing By Joe Vitale  Influence The Psychology Of Persuasion By Robert Cialdini  Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz  Made to Stick by Dan and Chip Heath  The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert  Influence by Robert Cialdini  Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy  Finding the Right Message by Jennifer Havice  Never Split the Difference by Tal Rahz and Chris Voss  Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman  Building Distinctive Brand Assets by Jen Romaniuk  How to Write a Good Advertisement by Vic Schwab
  • 6.
  • 7. Types of Copywriting: 1. AD COPY 2. WEB COPY 3. E MAIL COPY 4. SALES LETTER (VSL)
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  • 24. Face Book Ad Library
  • 26.
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  • 28.
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  • 32. 4. SALES LETTER (VSL) A copywriter can create a sales letter that captures readers' attention, excites them about your offer and motivates them to respond.
  • 33.
  • 34. The letter begins like this (the original copy is attached below): Dear Reader: On a beautiful late spring afternoon, twenty-five years ago, two young men graduated from the same college. They were very much alike, these two young men. Both had been better than average students, both were personable and both – as young college graduates are – were filled with ambitious dreams for the future. Recently, these two men returned to college for their 25th reunion. They were still very much alike. Both were happily married. Both had three children. And both, it turned out, had gone to work for the same Midwestern manufacturing company after graduation, and were still there. But there was a difference. One of the men was manager of a small department of that company. The other was its president. What Made The Difference Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in people’s lives? It isn’t always a native intelligence or talent or dedication. It isn’t that one person wants success and the other doesn’t. The difference lies in what each person knows and how he or she makes use of that knowledge. And that is why I am writing to you and to people like you about The Wall Street Journal. For that is the whole purpose of The Journal: To give its readers knowledge – knowledge that they can use in business… So what makes this simple introduction so powerful? The Anatomy of the Best Sales Letter Ever Written The sales letter employs 7 highly effective copywriting techniques: #1 Personalization.
  • 35. Copywriting can never be impersonal. Talk to your readers like you’re talking to a friend. Email auto-responder technology wasn’t around back then, so WSJ’s copywriter couldn’t automatically generate the reader’s name, but he still gets as personal as he can, by starting with “Dear Reader.” He’s not simply preaching to the masses. Instead of “People often wonder what makes that kind of difference,” he says, “Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in people’s lives?” In this way he addresses the reader personally, and gets the reader to actively participate in the conversation. #2 Storytelling. Facts tell, stories sell. Every copywriter knows it and you should too. That’s not to say that facts don’t help. They do. But the facts are what the customer uses to justify the purchase. The actual decision is driven by emotion, and stories are the best way to invoke the reader’s emotion, which in this case is triggered by using the “underdog strategy”, which we’ll go over soon. #3 Targeting. The copywriter who wrote this $2 billion sales letter clearly understood his target consumer. His examples are men because the Wall Street Journal was read almost exclusively by men at the time. The men were both married. Both had three children. And both, worked at a Midwestern manufacturing company. How much do you want to bet that this targeting isn’t a coincidence? By targeting his consumer, he was able to coax the reader into their shoes, and it just so happens that the shoes they fill walk into Wall Street Journal territory. #4 Clarity.
  • 36. I want to stress this point before we get to imagery, because in copywriting, clarity is infinitely more important. If your reader has to wade through meadows of flowery imagery, they’ll start to feel like they’re drowning in a sea of pointless information. So get to the point quickly and cut the fluff. #5 Imagery. With the concept of clarity taking first priority, it’s good to use imagery, especially imagery that appeals to the senses (seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, feeling). The more you engage your reader’s senses, the more real the story, and the more effective the sales letter. Our WSJ copywriter doesn’t say that it was a “beautiful late spring afternoon” just because he liked how it sounded. Those words create a picture and even an effective sales environment for the reader. #6 The Underdog. Everybody likes a good underdog story, and there’s a deep, primal instinct at the root of the reason why. Every breathing person on God’s green earth has felt like an underdog at some point in their life. And nearly every person alive feels like an underdog right now, in some capacity. Especially where money and prestige is concerned, and especially in the American market. That’s why cold-reading psychics use the same technique in their readings: “In a specific area of your life you feel like you’re alone, waging a war against a vast army. The battle has been uphill. You’re a David fighting a Goliath,” they may say, “but you’re poised for victory.” If that applies to you, you’ll quickly understand the underdog technique. If not, my hat’s off to you, you glorious freak of nature. #7 USP.
  • 37. Your USP (unique selling proposition) is essentially something your product offers that your competitor’s can’t. So while everyone else is selling normal black or red boxing gloves, you’re selling gloves in 12 different colors. Our copywriter begins to communicate the Wall Street Journal USP, by saying that it gives “its readers knowledge – knowledge that they can use in business…” Now, the techniques our WSJ copywriter uses in his $2 billion sales letter are great. However, without structure the emotional triggers, storytelling and other tools of the trade are pretty much useless. 14-Step Anatomy of the Best Sales Letter Ever Written The skeleton of the sales letter is as follows: #1 Headline. “It is not uncommon for a change in headlines to multiply returns from five to ten times over.” – Claude Hopkins Would you ever go fishing without bait or lure? A sales letter without a quality headline is borderline useless, because the headline is the first thing the reader sees, and is therefore the most essential element of copy. It is the bait. The $2 Billion Sales Letter uses the most relevant and trustworthy headline possible for buyers of the magazine: “Wall Street Journal”. #2 Personal Intro.
  • 38. “I don’t know the rules of grammar. If you’re trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language.” – David Ogilvy There’s many methods to employ, but here we see what I consider the most effective of them all: being personal. Sometimes authoritative copy works, but every great copywriter knows how to speak to the common man — that is; you, me, and everyone else who doesn’t fall into the 1% category of “elites” (daddy’s money inheritors). It’s also worth mentioning the use of questions in this sales letter. Asking good questions (questions that are practically always answered with a “yes”) is a form of “yes copy”. The more you get your reader to say yes, the better your chances are of making the sale. #3 Story. “The person who says ‘I would never read all that copy’ makes the mistake of thinking they are the customer. And they’re not.” – Dan Kennedy Remember, Facts tell, stories sell. Enough said. #4 The Problem. “To live is to war with trolls.” – Henrik Ibsen There’s no such thing as a story without conflict, and similarly, there’s no such thing as a sales letter without a consumer problem to solve. In this case, the problem can be communicated in a question — “What did <insert name of person more successful than you here> do differently?” If you’re able to pinpoint your customer’s greatest problem, you’re halfway through the $2 Billion formula. #5 The Solution.
  • 39. “As soon as you open your mind to doing things differently, the doors of opportunity practically fly off their hinges.” – Jay Abraham And here’s the second half. The solution gives your target consumer the answer to his or her dilemma. WSJ’s target consumer needed knowledge — knowledge that “the Journal” was more than happy to give. #6 USP. “Advertising says to people, ‘Here’s what we’ve got. Here’s what it will do for you. Here’s how to get it.” – Leo Burnett The Unique Selling Proposition? “Wall Street Journal is the country’s only national business daily.” #7 Buying Benefits. “Study your reader first, your product second.” – Robert Collier The buying benefits are similar to the USP, but are less unique. Instead of USP’s, they’re simply SP’s. #8 More Buying Benefits and More USP “A copywriter should have ‘an understanding of people, an insight into them, a sympathy toward them.” – George Gribbin Self explanatory. #9 Call to Action “The consumer isn’t a moron; she is your wife.” – David Ogilvy “Simply fill out the enclosed order card and mail it to…” A simple, clear call to action, followed by… #10 Guarantee, the First “A guarantee removes the risk of buying, making it easier to trust, and then buy.” – Me.
  • 40. …the first guarantee, “Should the Journal not measure up to your expectations, you may cancel this trail arrangement…” #11 Wrapping up the Story “All the elements in an advertisement are primarily designed to do one thing and one thing only: get you to read the first sentence of the copy.” – Joe Sugarman A good magazine article or blog post completes the story circle by connecting the intro with the conclusion. The same can be applied effectively to the sales letter. Here our copywriter completes the cycle of the story by repackaging the main benefit; valuable, life-changing knowledge that can only be found in one place — the Wall Street Journal. #12 Guarantee, the Second “Use a thesaurus. Go buy a REAL thesaurus. The top writers all have a dog eared thesaurus.” – John Carlton The bottom bun in this guarantee sandwich is that “you will find the Journal always interesting, always reliable, always useful.” #13 Personal Closing “I have learned that any fool can write a bad ad, but that it takes a real genius to keep his hands off a good one.” – Leo Burnett “Sincerely yours,” followed by the Vice President’s signature. But we’re not finished. No sales letter ends without a good old fashioned PS note! #14 “PS I Love Your Extra Incentive to Buy” “Show a bright side, the happy and attractive side, not the dark and uninviting side of things. Show beauty, not homeliness… Don’t show the wrinkles… Your customers know all about wrinkles.” – Claude Hopkins
  • 41. Many people at this point are teetering on the edge of buying, and need only a rice-grain of a benefit to tip their judgement scale. The entire purpose of the PS section is to give your reader one last extra nudge toward the finish line. And there you have it.
  • 43. Video Sales Letter. A video sales letter (VSL) is a video designed to sell a product or service to the viewer. A VSL uses the same principles that a written sales letter does to persuade its audience, but in video form. You'll find video sales letters on websites, landing pages, and digital ads.
  • 44.
  • 45. Hypnotic Words. ⚡ Power Words. ⚡ Copywriting Tips & Triggers to Be INSANELY More Persuasive. PRACTICAL PSYCHOLOGY TECHNIQUES TO USE IN YOUR SALES COPY There are no magical words that can hypnotize your audience to magically take out their credit and give you money – but there are some proven and practical psychology techniques based on the study of us weird humans that can help make your copywriting exponentially more persuasive. below, you will find 100 of the most powerful marketing words –– each of which has been placed into various categories. The words that have an “*” next to them are what the late David Ogilvy considered to be the most persuasive words in advertising. Never heard of this Ogilvy character? He is widely considered to be the greatest advertiser of all time. So, while I believe all these marketing words are powerful, pay extra attention to Ogilvy’s.
  • 46. Powerful marketing words that make a promise. Promising something to your prospective customer sells. One way to get your readers to turn into buyers is to make them a promise that’s worth buying. Below you will find a handful of powerful marketing words that can help you make this promise. 1. Guarantee 2. Sale 3. Unconditional 4. Promise 5. Risk-free 6. Pledge
  • 47. Powerful marketing words that create a sense of urgency. In marketing and advertising, time is your friend. Use it. If your customer only has 3-weeks to accept your offer, remind them that time is running out. 7. Now * 8. Expires 9. Quick * 10. Instantaneously 11. Immediately 12. Soon 13. Hurry * 14. Instantly 15. Suddenly * 16. Going-fast 17. Minute
  • 48. Powerful marketing words that help your customers feel at ease. If you’re jumping off the high-dive at the public pool, you like to know how deep it is. 12 feet makes you feel more at ease than say 3 feet. Your customer is trading her hard-earned money for your product or service, this can be as scary as jumping off the high-dive –– make sure she is at ease. Here are a few powerful marketing words that can help. 20. Bargain * 21. Easy * 22. Best-seller 23. Satisfaction 24. Simple 25. Smooth 26. Painless 27. Light 28. no-fuss 29. Cinch
  • 49. 30. Straight-forward 31. Success 32. Ironclad 33. Safe 34. money-back 35. Protected 36. Privacy 37. Tested
  • 50. Powerful marketing words that give your product a premium feel. If you’re buying bottled water, you probably don’t give a rip whether or not it is premium –– unless you’re a big fan of Fiji. Now… cars, houses, denim jeans, designer kicks and sunglasses are different. If you’re selling a luxury versus a commodity, make your customer aware of the luxury they’re buying by utilizing these powerful marketing words. 38. State-of-the-art 39. Invite-only 40. Fresh 41. Hand-crafted 42. Small-batches 43. Pristine 44. Spick-and-span 45. Brand-new 46. Premium 47. Luxurious
  • 51. Powerful marketing words that create a feeling of exclusivity. Exclusivity is simple. If you and I were to walk into a gas station to buy a candy bar and the clerk were to say –– you can have any candy bar in this place but this particular one isn’t for sale –– you and I would look twice at the candy bar that wasn’t for sale. People want what they can’t have and they want what other people can’t have –– this is called exclusivity. The words we use can help high-quality products and services be more highly sought-after than others. 49. Secret 50. Limited 51. Rare 52. Few 53. Edition 54. Unique 55. Exotic 56. Select 57. Authentic
  • 52. Powerful marketing words that inspire or motivate. The late Zig Ziglar was famous for saying, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing — that’s why we recommend it daily.” You, myself and our customers don’t wake up motivated or inspired – – the feeling comes and goes. Our job as marketers and advertisers is to help our customers get inspired and motivated to buy whatever we’re selling. This doesn’t magically happen. Igniting the feeling requires well- placed powerful marketing words that start a fire. 59. Revolutionary * 60. Extraordinary 61. Amazing * 62. Remarkable * 63. Startling * 64. Sensational * 65. Magic * 66. Miracle * 67. You
  • 53. Powerful marketing words that tickle your customer’s curiosity. Today, selling is about getting your prospect to stop scrolling. When writing copy, this needs to be in the back of your mind at all times –– how can I get Bob to stop scrolling at 100 mph? The powerful marketing words you’ll find below can help you freeze your customer's thumbs. 70. Announcing * 71. Start 72. Stop 73. Running 74. Deal 75. Introducing * 76. Offer * 77. Compare * 78. Challenge * 79. Wanted *
  • 54. 80. Discover 81. Release 82. Soon Powerful marketing words that are lesser-known and perhaps a bit eccentric (a.k.a my personal favorites). I tend to get a little bit flashy when it comes to writing copy. This can be either a strength or a weakness depending on the circumstance. While I think all marketers and advertisers should write with the goal to sell simply and powerfully… sometimes you just have to spice things up. Here are a few of my personal favorites when it comes to powerful marketing terminology. 83. Dazzling 84. Ravishing 85. Brilliant 86. Honeyed 87. Compelling
  • 55. 88. Ultra 89. Plethora 90. Unicorn 91. Zesty 92. Cosmic 93. Supernova 94. Killjoy 95. Bulletproof 96. Staggering 97. Titanic 98. God-speed 99. Smashing 100. Triumph
  • 56. The Phases of Copy Creation. Copywriting Research: Research: Research: Research: Organize/Collect Construct Deconstruct Reconstruct/Rewrite
  • 57.
  • 58. CONTENTS 1 It’s Time to Awaken 1 2 Stop! Do This First 6 3 What Is Impossible? 8 4 A Disclaimer 10 5 A Beginning 12 6 Agatha Christie Proves Hypnotic Writing Exists 15 7 My Secret to Hypnotic Writing 18 8 You Can’t Even Bribe Me to Read a Lousy Letter! 22 9 What Is Hypnotic Writing? 26 10 Hypnotic Writing: A Case Study 31
  • 59. 11 The Great Intimacy Secret 38 12 What’s More Important than Copy? 40 13 Hypnotic Writing Controlled Study 44 14 How I Learned the Secret of Hypnotic Writing 53 15 What Is Hypnosis? 58 16 Two Ways to Cause Action 60 17 What About Your Web Site? 70 18 How Long Is Too Long? 75 19 What Every Reader Wants to Know 77 20 The Hypnotic Power of Repetition 81 21 The Inner Game of Hypnotic Writing 84 22 Imitation Sugar Is Sweet, Too! 91 23 How to Jump-Start the Muse 96 24 How to Nail Your Reader’s Attention 99 25 How to Make Your Writing Walk, Talk, and Breathe 103 26 Give Me Some Meat! 109 27 A Writing Lesson from the World’s Greatest Hypnotist 112 28 Electrifying Tips for Creating Breakthrough Writing 115
  • 60. 29 A Case against Perfection 118 30 How to Persuade Readers to Your Side 121 31 Warp Speed Editing Secrets Worth Killing For 127 32 How to Make Your Writing Sexy 133 33 How People Think 137 34 How to Create Hypnotic Stories 139 35 How to Control the “Command Center” in Your Prospect’s Mind 144 36 The One Hypnotic Command That Always Works 148 37 What I Learned from The Sea Wolf 152 38 Your Turning Point Message 155 39 What Everyone Will Always Read 158 40 Your Connotation Is Showing 160 41 What Are My Secrets for Writing Hypnotic Selling Stories? 164 42 Hypnotic Blogging 166 43 Reminders as Triggers 174 44 How to Change Average Writing into Hypnotic Writing 176
  • 61. 45 30 Ways to Write a Hypnotic Headline 178 46 Hypnotic Openings 189 47 Hypnotic Quiz 192 48 My Three Biggest Secrets 193 49 How Much Is That Doggie in the Window? 197 50 How to Change Perception 199 51 At Last! The Joe Vitale Hypnotic Writing Formula 205 52 A New Hypnotic Copy Checklist 215 53 The Five Secret Laws of Hypnotic Persuasion 217 54 The Seven Most Hypnotic Books of All Time 219 55 The Hypnotic Writing Formula 222 56 Your Challenge 224 Appendix: Hypnotic E-Mails 225 Bibliography 246 Index 253 About Dr. Joe Vitale 261 Bonus Offer 262
  • 62. Contents Introduction 1 Weapons of Influence 13 2 Reciprocation: The Old Give and Take…and Take 43 3 Commitment and Consistency: Hobgoblins of the Mind 87 4 Social Proof: Truths Are Us 126 5 Liking: The Friendly Thief 157 6 Authority: Directed Deference 178 7 Scarcity: The Rule of the Few 205 Notes 211 Bibliography 225