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My initial reaction to the project is excitement about getting to create a project where I have
all creative freedom to make what I want. I feel like over the 18 months of doing this course, I
have developed the skills to create a project that I get to be proud of.
Throughout the year I have been narrowing down what I want to create most, what would be
beneficial to my skill that I have, and what would challenge me. I think its important that I
make something that I care about. The last thing I want to do is create something that I am
unhappy with.
Before I started this course, I felt like my knowledge on film was limited. Since spending the
last 18 months doing this course, not only has my technical skills developed but also my
knowledge of cinema. I feel like I have a developed a personal preference of what I'm drawn to
and feel more opened minded about what I watch. This has made me more interested in
aspects like lighting, set design, camera movements, different types of cinematic shots.
Before, I wouldn’t have even considered this part of film but because I have worked with
different equipment, I am more mindful of the different aspects of film.
In different projects, I have looked at different directors, artists, cinematographers and medias.
For this project I want to be able to look at some directors, cinematographers and media
pieces that I am a fan of. This includes directors like David Fincher, Bong Joon-ho, Denis
Villeneuve, Greta Gerwig, Luca Guandagnino and many more. I want to possibly explore the
concept of magical realism, or tension building so I can have a chance to use different lenses,
lighting, camera angles and possibly aspect ratio.
The main thing I want to be able say I've done in this project is to make sure my choice are
making a difference for the story and isn’t just because I thought it would look good. This year
has made me realise that I want to specialise in cinematography, and be in the camera
department of film so I have to make sure every choice I make in how the story looks visually,
has to link with how I want to story to be portrayed.
I am excited to see what concepts I can come up with and what I will get to create in these
three months.
At this stage of the course I feel confident that I have the organisation skills to
create a short film.
In my time in Aruba where I worked on creating a documentary, I learned on the
importance of working collaboratively. I would say a strength of mine is working
with other people, whether that is people I work with along side them for a
project, or that being a mentor/tutor on giving me criticism or positive reflection. I
enjoy working with people that also have the same passion as I do.
I would say I have a strength in being able to adapt to situation. I do well under
pressure and am good at problem solving. In the production stage of projects, it is
very unlikely that everything goes to plan. I have found that in those cases, I am
good at adapting to try and complete It with the facilities and tools I have. I
always feel like I have had enough interest in the production process that I have
done so much outside research to be able to adapt easily.
Another strength is my interest in the subject matter. I have interest in the visual
concept of how a story is told and the equipment behind it. My interest in camera
and how certain shots are taken will keep me motivated in trying new concepts
and things that I haven’t been able to do before.
After doing different projects over the 18 months on this course, there are always areas
that I struggle with more than others. One of them is time management. I do part time
work as well as college which means that previously I haven’t always had the time to
focus on my projects and had to do my part time job instead. On some projects, I have
spent more time in one process than I should have which has not left enough time to
complete a different process. For example, I have spent more time in my planning
process than I should have which restricted my production prosses. This time I am
trying to stick to a strict time table and speak to tutor if I need help.
In the planning process, one thing I tend to skip over is storyboarding and shot lists. I
know the importance of them, but usually I have such a clear idea of what I want to
create, that I tend to skip over them or not complete them in enough detail so that I can
get straight to production. This time, I want to create really solid story boards and do
my best to stick with them.
Another limitation is the use of expensive equipment. I want to create something that is
cinematically beautiful as that is the area of work I most want to go into. I would really
love to be able to use the Black Magic Pocket 6k from the BA’s course but I would need
to do lots of research and experiments to make sure I am able to work the camera with
what I envision.
Initial ideas
At the beginning of this academic year, I have always kept in mind what I would want to
create. I know that I want my project to be a video based product, and I want to be able to
direct and have creative freedom. I have always doubted my story telling and writing skills
as it is something that comes less natural to me, however when we were learning about the
different criteria of the project, I feel like producing a short film will push my boundaries and
challenge me more than doing a different video based project.
In my time out of college, I work closely with local bands to produce content such as
advertisement, so I have the option to create a music video and video based content as a
graded document, along side photography, EP/single covers and posters. It is something I
enjoy doing, however when I began this course, we started with creating a music video to
help us get used to the idea of creating video media based projects. Therefore, if I were to
create one for these bands, I would feel like I am working backwards. I have also discussed
producing something like this for a few months with the band, which would be a garage band
styles music video, which I do not think could push me or help me develop many new skill. I
did some mind mapping of different short stories I could write a screen play for and film
sections or scenes, but also of any other projects or concepts I could do. In the next few
slides I will go through some of the ideas I initially had and whether or not they are do-able.
Looking at Screen plays
While coming up with different concepts, I had worries about my story
telling and writing skills which I voiced to one of my tutors. I felt like I was
in a slump of what I wanted to create. My tutor offered their assistance in
my struggle of deciding whether or not a concept was worth exploring or
not. One thing they offered were examples of different screen plays that I
could look at so that I could get an idea of the structure. I looked at ‘Attack
the Block’ and watched the opening scene of the film along side reading the
script. It showed how the writing on the script translated into visual which is
something I haven’t looked at during this course. I have always focused on
how things are shot and how it looks visually and haven’t put much thought
into the script writing. This is has helped me see the comparison of how the
writing shows the story versus how the cameras and actors do.
I was also given a screen play called ‘The Artist’ which my tutor gave so that
I could look at a minimal dialogue screen play. I have been told that if I use
actors in my project that don’t do a necessarily good job, it can make it
more likely to down grade my whole project. I have a few actors that would
be available for me to use, however I am not fully confident on how good
their range of ability of acting so I was cautions about the amount of people
I could use. My tutor gave me this screen play to have a look at so I can see
a script that is based of description and a story that wouldn’t need
necessarily strong actors to play. Instead, I felt like It just gave me more
instate in describing detail, movement to set a scene and create a picture
which I hopefully will use in my own project.
I think overall looking at screen plays have gotten me out of my slump of
different concepts. At the start I felt like I was forcing myself to come up
with ideas that in result I didn’t want to create. Looking at screen plays and
having conversation about what is achievable has helped me almost start
from scratch of different concepts.
Idea generation
A lot of my ideas I have been thinking about for a while which is
why by the time I had a good thought on what I could actually
create in this time frame, I started to hate majority of the ideas.
I started by listening to a series of songs
and trying to create small narrative around
them with a solid colour theme. The plan
was to create as many small version of
these and then join them together so in a
portfolio I could show a range of different
location settings, story telling, genres, and
composition skills. I feel like after this
years projects, I have more skills that I
would prefer to show in a different format. I
also don’t like the concept or my thought
This concept of
using songs to
create a narrative
started in
September 2022.
Now it is something
I wouldn’t even
consider making.
process of this anymore. This is also something I would no longer
make as a graded assessment I would prefer to create it out of
college time. I feel like their would be far too many research areas
and it would become difficult to achieve the grade I want. I would
struggle with influences and inspiration unless I was looking at
music videos which I have explained that feels like it is me working
backwards. The concept of coming up with a song and finding a
narrative is using the songwriters intention of a song as the storyline
while I would like to come up with my own.
This was an idea that sparked in a random
moment and I wrote it in my notes app. Now
looking back at it, it has been done before and it
is a boring concept. It also feel very generic for a
student film while I want to create something
different. It is also a very broad concept that I
would need to expand on, but I already feel bored
with the concept and isn't something I want to
look at.
murder. I wanted to tell it from the perspective of the
detective. The reason I didn’t chose to do this concept
was because their were too many elements that I wouldn’t
be able to create. Elements like location, cast, equipment
and my undeveloped script writing skills. The idea is one
that I am happy with, however the story can become
complicate an needs to be structured very well. This would
I did a small mind map on some random concepts
once I decided I wanted to create a short film. I knew
I wanted to make either a romance story or a thriller
story. I liked the idea of creating something where I
could include the themes of magical realism, or
something opposite where I create something horror.
My issue was coming up with a concept that I felt
motivated and felt drawn to create. I don’t want to
create something
cringy or something confusing to people. I would love
to do a dance scene if I did a romance short story.
The new year short story is something that I don’t feel
motivated to make and I would need a large cast. It
would have to be a concept where I would focus of
the script and be confident n my writing which is
something that I am trying to explore.
The concept that I was going to go with before my actual
concept was a short film about a prisoner that was framed
for his first loves
be the first short film I would create so I would rather start with something more
simple and look at make mistakes and things that didn’t work to reflect on than try
achieve something over ambitious. I like this concept so it might be something I
revisit but not for this project.
Idea generation
This is my notebook of what I had as a basic concept of my most likely
leading idea. My idea started with the first picture (1.) from the story board. I
was doing research on different shot types and wanted to look at birds eye
view shots. The story board image is trying to show a person stood holding a
box in front of them from a birds eye point of view. I imagined the image to
have a red and yellow lighting shooting from opposite sides reflecting off the
person. After doing this storyboard, I had a clear idea of what I wanted the
image to look like so I tried to build my concept around that. Storyboard (2.)
is how I have pictured the ending. The lighting would still be red but it will
show more shadows and have deeper colours. Having a storyboard image to
build a concept with, as well as a story board image of how I wanted the
story to end, sparked lots of different scenes I wanted to shoot. That's when I
quickly wrote down the rough idea of the general concept and then on the
following page started to write on how I would build a story around it. I feel
like I want my short film to act as an opening for a tv show or a movie, just
before the title screen comes on. The build story annotations have been
colour codes into the scene cut, camera movement, visual elements and
sound/audio. My idea process is more visual so imagining what I want the
camera to see and audience to hear, and almost following the camera was a
much easier way for me to get it written down than trying to think of a script
first. After coming up with this rough concept, I now know that their wouldn’t
be much dialogue so I feel like creating a screen play might not show as much
as my ability as creating promotional evidence. These are things like posters
and trailers.
Leading simple
• I will create a short film, that would act as an opening for a
thriller/horror film or tv show. Along side the short film, I will possibly
create movie posters and/or trailers. The film will follow a girl that
receives a puzzle box. Once different actions are taken to get to the
bottom of the box, she sees a note along the lines of “by the time you
read this, you will already be dead”. The camera will end with a close
up of the main actors face with a dark figure in blood behind them. I
want it to follow the conventions of a psychologic thriller.
• The aim for me is to create something that is visually pleasing, and a
piece of work that holds tension. I want to be judged on my ability of
creating good compositional shots, right choice in lighting, editing
techniques and sticking to a certain aesthetic. I have a strong picture
in my head of how I want it to look, however I need to be able to use
other pieces of work to look at for influence and inspiration.
• The reason I have chosen this concept over ideas is because I have
always loved films that have build tension and curiosity to keep
audience engaged. I also feel like it was my most achievable concept
with my organisational and technical skills. I am excited to see how
the story progresses and expands.
Yellow and red
Birds eye view
Final scene
Set design and
colour grading
Birds eye view
Close detail shot
Mood Board Analysis
In my mood board, I looked at colours, lighting, shot
type, set design and composition.
I want to follow particular colour theme and aesthetic
which would fit within my genre characteristics.
Shown in the mood board, the colours I want follow are
red, yellows and deep dark blues/blacks. I think I want
to my project to be a fairly dark lit film, however I am
aware that they are more difficult to shoot. I like the
idea of trying opposites colours on the colour wheel
like red and green so it is something that I am going to
keep in mind in planning and production.
In the mood board you can also see some ideas for
composition and different camera shots. I want to be
able to try a birds eye view shot as that is what the
inspiration for the whole concept came from. Other
things like dolly shots and more ambitious shots rather
than stationary shots that I have done previously.
Other things shown are like the details for shots and
set design. The type of things I would look to get a
close up on if it makes an impact on how the story is
told. I also think that set design would play a big role
in how the story looks visually. Some images simply fit
the overall aesthetic that I am trying to achieve.
As it is shown in the mood board, I want to stick
with the dark lighting and themes that would be
shown in the film. I would want a poster that
accurately represents the film so my audience
would know what they are going to watch. For my
own poster, the idea of lots of boxes or puzzles
sticks out to me. Also using my main lead with red
lighting projected onto them is something I have in
mind. I want to come up with the concept after the
film is finished so that I can use elements from the
film within the poster.
However after doing finding some different
inspirations, I like this photo chosen which has
sparked a possible concept. I quite like the idea of
having my lead subject stood behind a red glass
looking down at the present. If I use lots of
rectangular shapes in the poster, it could represent
the concepts of box within a box within a box etc.
this would link to the concept of the film.
I might try take the photo from a possible scene of
the movie of where the girl answers the door to the
puzzle. This is for then I don’t have to set up two of
the different scenes in that would be saying the
same thing. For the scene in the film, I might try
use different lighting and then for the film poster I
can stick with the red lighting that I have intended
to use.
movie poster mood board
looking down
at box
Why are you making this project?
• As I have said previously I want to make something that I am proud of.
I have always loved psychological thrillers and thriller films. I have
also always loved films that pay tension to small details, which is why
I think I want to make this particular project. I want to prove that I
have enough experience and am willing to learn to create a short film
that is cinematically beautiful. This project I want to put all my time
into, so that I can achieve a goal personally.
• This would also be a great way to display my work in
showreels/portfolios for any future opportunities. The project allows
me to work and get feedback with tutors that will be guiding me for
my next future steps with York College.
• In addition, I feel like I need to gain more experience to learn about
myself as a filmmaker and what I want to do with my future. This
project is a good starting point, as it is a ambitious enough for me to
achieve and something that I want to make at this point with my
experience. The format of the project seems to be a step in the right
direction, especially as I feel like one of my strongest qualities is
doing well under high intensity situations and my ability to adapt.
Hopes for the FMP
My hope for the FMP is to create a short film, with some advertisement posters
along side it, with a teaser trailer/trailer. I particularly love the ideas of tension and
keeping the theme of suspense. I personally am excited at looking at directors,
scenes, books and photographs that explore these themes so they can directly
impact my work.
I would love to possibly explore the ideas of boxes. If I use my leading concept, I
could explore the idea of constantly using symmetrical shapes when thinking
about my composition in shots. I can think about the idea of boxes in a
metaphorical way and explore the feeling of trapped and stuck as well as the idea
of comfort and security. I could use lots of different shapes visually. I want to
create an atmosphere so that my audience can feel certain emotions.
I hope to make a film that creates tension, and is shot well. I want to think about
my film visually in a lot of detail and be able to justify why I have chosen to do it
when I have finished the project. I know that I want to work I cameras and
cinematography so I think its important that the lighting, composition, movement
and angles of shots are justified.
I hope to expand on my concept further and I am able to complete my short film
feeling like that I have created my own unique concept.
SCREAM (1996)
David Fincher
Fight club
Seven The Game
Gone Girl
Don’t Worry
Potential Research Activities
Black magic pocket 6k:
I have some experience with the black magic pocket 6k but doing
extra research on the equipment so I can get the best possible
results with the camera could be useful.
Cinematic lighting:
I know how I want my project lit and what colours I want to see
but having a refresh on the rules of effective lighting would be
useful. I also want to include my lighting plan in my story boards
so I think that productions goes smoother.
Camera movement:
It is important that for this project I have don’t do just stationary
shots so I want to do some research on different camera
movements so that I can have a range of movements.
Composition and framing:
This is something that I want to focus on. I want to get this write.
It will something that I will refresh on so that I can consider
different frames and composition for my project.
Colour grading:
Colour grading is something that I have never done before. I know
that it is something I want to do for this project. I would like to
use DaVinci so I would need to do research on how to colour
grade using that software.
Screen plays
I have briefly looked at screen plays and it is potentially
something I will have a look into further. However at first, I
thought about creating a short film with a screen play along side
it. I am slightly steering away from that now and now just
thinking about coming up with different scripts.
Specific directors and films
• Scene analysis
• Zodiac
• 1917
• Possible works:
• Fear street pt1, 2
• Scream (1996)
• Parasite
• Gone Girl
Building tension:
I want to be able to create a project where tension is build so
doing any extra research on the topic would be useful. I can look
at a specific film that creates tension and suspense perfectly. A
film I watched at the aesthetic film festival was perfect for that
expand my knowledge on knowing how to keep people engaged.
My knowledge of Nicolas Winding Refn came during my research about cinematographer
Newton Thomas Sigel for my dissertation when learning that they worked together on
By doing light research, I have learned that Drive is his most famous work, but also
arguable one of his best piece of work. Throughout my light research of his films, he is
most known for his intense neon colours and lighting styles. People criticize the lighting
and cinematography choices to distract the audience from a dull story line, which in some
films I can understand. However, I find the choices captivating and find that its creates an
entire world based of colour. As I have made it clear in my concepts, I want to stick with a
certain lighting aimed around the colour red. I think this is a good director to look at to see
their lighting choices and why for specific scenes. I may chose a specific film to analysis or
a scene, but overall I think his work is visually what I would love to achieve.
With every David Fincher film I have watch, I have watched it numerus times to either try to
understand everything or see aspects you miss during the first watch. He is a filmmaker
that has an a obsession with obsession which translates through a lot of his films. -I think
the first David Fincher movie I watch was the Zodiac. I remember the film emotionally
angering me and feeling left frustrated. That may have done with the fact that it was based
off a true story, but the way the story was presented hooked me in for the entire two and a
half minutes. Since Zodiac I have watch a few of his different films including Gone Girl,
Fight Club, The Game, Seven, The Social Network and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
I want to explore of how Fincher creates tension in these film and do a scene analysis on
one of theses films. I also want to look at how fitches use of low-key lighting and his heavy
use of dark shadows creates the dark atmosphere. The way I light my own project is very
important, so looking at his colour pallets through film could be very useful.
The way I was introduced to David Lynch was by his film Dune from 1984 and the tv show
Twin peaks which I watched with my dad a few years ago from when I first started getting
into film. Since then, I have heard of the cinematic style “Lynchian” when watching movie
analysis videos as well as his work being confusing, disturbing, unique and unsettling. I
understand that he is one of the most well known surrealism and challenges the
expectations of realism.
I have learned that as well as being a film maker, he is a painter, television director, visual
artist, musician, photographer and actor. I don’t know much on David lynch, but this is a
director and filmmaker that I am interested in learning more about. Twin peaks interested
me for its unique visual world. I want to explore more of about lynch's cinematic language
and compositional shots not just shown in twin peaks, but his other work as well. That
includes looking at his photography and art.
The Fourth Wall is a short film directed and written by Kelsey Bollig. The film is a French
short horror film that is directed by an American filmmaker. I watched the fourth wall at the
Aesthetic Film Festival under watching a session called “dark hearts, unhinged minds”. Out
of the 7 disturbing films I watched, I particularly loved the fourth wall. The story is said to
be about “the labyrinth of sanity”. It is a story of an interworking women who has a
decaying acting career and faces the fear of new comers replacing her.
When watching the filming, the elements that’s stuck out to me was the choices of lenses,
lighting and editing techniques. I remember the film having long one shot scenes with great
camera movements. Overall I would say this is one of my favourite short films of all time. I
think its engaging, disturbing and shows a simple concept executed in a unique way.
Lastly I think the actor performances gave a huge contribution to how the story was told.
Now when I came across All Too Well, it was due to me being a fan of Taylor Swifts music. However I
know that she has a love for directing and creating/writing stories. She choses to express that through
music and the film. I mostly know her for directing her own music video’s that have secret messages
placed within them. I watched All Too Well having the intention of watching it as a fan of the song to go
along with the story.
While I did enjoy the telling of the story, and thought the acting along side the side was good, I actually
paid more attention to its colour grading, colour themes and set design. I feel like the composition of
the short film follows a particular aesthetic.
All Too Well is a romance story and doesn’t follow any thriller or horror conventions, however I liked how
they lit the scenes and used certain props to create a certain look for the film. The issue with doing
research about this project, is that the only thing I would take away is what I have just mentioned:
lighting for a scene, colours grading, colour of props etc. I feel like in the movie analysis and other
directors what I chosen to research, I could find the same “unique conventions”. I would just want to
note that my first intention of following these conventions, sparked after rewatching this short film.
I feel like Parasite is a film that 99% of people have the same opinion about. I remember the film took
over 2019 and watching it just before it making history by being the first foreign film to win the Best
Film Award at the Oscars. I have only watched the film once, (having the intention of rewatching it
before starting research) but the film stuck with me for weeks after. I remember a lot of the commotion
around the film was the fact that it is set within the Korean culture, but no matter where everyone lives,
they felt like they could make it relatable to themselves in some way.
The film explores hard hitting themes and uses them to keep the audience well engaged. It touches on
two ends of the spectrum of emotions like love and caring for one another, while on the end it has anger
and hate.
There are a few things I want to take away from this film, like the pacing of the film is executed
beautifully and the tension build throughout is perfectly timed. The cinematography is also creatively
presented with the use of a small space. I feel like all the lighting choices and camera angles as well as
editing techniques are all perfectly justified.
I want to go into further detail with how all these elements effects to way the film builds tension and is
paced in my research but also look at how specific scenes composition.
I have briefly spoken about the film Zodiac during the idea of researching David Fincher. Zodiac
is another film that suck with me weeks after. The film pays attention to lots of small details
which perfectly paces the film and constantly propels it forward. I want to do a scene analysis
from zodiac so that I can see how Fincher's builds tension through his choice of
cinematography. Every shot in Zodiac seems perfectly planned and has meaning to it. The
reason I want to focus on zodiac more than other Flincher films is because It was the first film I
watched directed by him, and it left me emotionally invested. I want my audience to feel the
same way.
My project is most likely to be more horror based than this film. However I want my film to
almost act as the opening for a film like zodiac. The opening of the film sets the tone for the rest
of the film, and gives us a backstory that introduces us to the story line. My film needs to have
the composition to open a film in an interesting way which I think David does very well and is
shown in this film.
Fear Street is a film defiantly on the light side of horror films compared to the other
research influences. This film is part of a trilogy that all have separate aesthetics
that represent different decades or centuries. Fear street 1994 is the first film of the
trilogy. The reason why I have put this film as a possible influence is mainly because
it has a few similar ideas that I think of including in my own project. Some of those
ideas are the way the set is designed, the bright led lighting in specific scenes, the
idea of a masked actor and some gory content. For this film, I might just look at
aspects to take inspiration to expand on my own idea.
Don’t Worry Darling
Don’t Worry Darling is a film I have a lot of opinions on. I was personally a fan of the original screen
play written by Carey and Shane van dyke, which I read after they won an award for best unproduced
screenplay. Once Olivia Wilde got the rights to make the movie she hired Kate Silberman to rewrite
the screen play. I personally didn’t enjoy the ending that Katie Silberman wrote compared to the
original screen play, however there were lots of different aspects of the film that I did enjoy.
I want to mainly focus on the soundtrack and songs used for any influence and inspiration. I am aware
that John Powell composed the soundtrack for Don’t Worry Darling, along with lots of other familiar
soundtracks for films including How To Train Your Dragon. The soundtrack to the film is what created
the tension and made the audience have feel nervous when familiar sounds were heard. It also played
a major role in the film for the plot.
I know I want some creepy possibly classical music, but if I could do some research on the sound
production of don’t worry darling, I could see why that soundtrack in particular creates so much
• 1. A Quiet Place. (2018). [Film]. Los Angeles: Paramount Pictures.
• 2. Don't Worry Darling. (2022). [Film]. New York: New Line Cinema.
• 3. Film Riot. (2009). Film Riot. [Online]. Last Updated: 12 july 2009. Available at: [Accessed 7 February 2023].
• 4. Kelsey Bollig. (Unknown). Kelsey Bollig. [Online]. Last Updated: Unknown. Available at: [Accessed 6 February 2023].
• 5. Parasite. (2019). [Film]. South Korea: Barunson.
• 6. Peter Swanson. (2020). Rules for Perfect Murders. London: Faber & Faber. pp.1-352.
• 7. Scream. (1997). [Film]. New York: Dimension Films.
• 8. StudioBinder. (Unknown). Blog. [Online]. Last Updated: Unknown. Available at: [Accessed 7 February 2023].
• 9. StudioBinder. (2022). Elements of Composition - The Complete Guide. [Laptop]. StudioBinder. Available at: [Accessed 7
February 2023].
• 10. V Renée. (2015). How Do You Define 'Lynchian'?: An Exploration of David Lynch's Cinematic Style. [Online].
Last Updated: December 24 2015. Available at:
lynchs-cinematic-style [Accessed 6 February 2023].
• 11. Zodiac. (2007). [Film]. Phoenix: Phoenix Pictures
• 12. Twin Peaks. (1990). [Film]. New York: SHOWTIME.
• 13. All too well: The Short Film. (13 November 2021). [Film]. Unknown: Taylor Swift Productions.

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  • 1.
  • 2. My initial reaction to the project is excitement about getting to create a project where I have all creative freedom to make what I want. I feel like over the 18 months of doing this course, I have developed the skills to create a project that I get to be proud of. Throughout the year I have been narrowing down what I want to create most, what would be beneficial to my skill that I have, and what would challenge me. I think its important that I make something that I care about. The last thing I want to do is create something that I am unhappy with. Before I started this course, I felt like my knowledge on film was limited. Since spending the last 18 months doing this course, not only has my technical skills developed but also my knowledge of cinema. I feel like I have a developed a personal preference of what I'm drawn to and feel more opened minded about what I watch. This has made me more interested in aspects like lighting, set design, camera movements, different types of cinematic shots. Before, I wouldn’t have even considered this part of film but because I have worked with different equipment, I am more mindful of the different aspects of film. In different projects, I have looked at different directors, artists, cinematographers and medias. For this project I want to be able to look at some directors, cinematographers and media pieces that I am a fan of. This includes directors like David Fincher, Bong Joon-ho, Denis Villeneuve, Greta Gerwig, Luca Guandagnino and many more. I want to possibly explore the concept of magical realism, or tension building so I can have a chance to use different lenses, lighting, camera angles and possibly aspect ratio. The main thing I want to be able say I've done in this project is to make sure my choice are making a difference for the story and isn’t just because I thought it would look good. This year has made me realise that I want to specialise in cinematography, and be in the camera department of film so I have to make sure every choice I make in how the story looks visually, has to link with how I want to story to be portrayed. I am excited to see what concepts I can come up with and what I will get to create in these three months.
  • 3. strengths At this stage of the course I feel confident that I have the organisation skills to create a short film. In my time in Aruba where I worked on creating a documentary, I learned on the importance of working collaboratively. I would say a strength of mine is working with other people, whether that is people I work with along side them for a project, or that being a mentor/tutor on giving me criticism or positive reflection. I enjoy working with people that also have the same passion as I do. I would say I have a strength in being able to adapt to situation. I do well under pressure and am good at problem solving. In the production stage of projects, it is very unlikely that everything goes to plan. I have found that in those cases, I am good at adapting to try and complete It with the facilities and tools I have. I always feel like I have had enough interest in the production process that I have done so much outside research to be able to adapt easily. Another strength is my interest in the subject matter. I have interest in the visual concept of how a story is told and the equipment behind it. My interest in camera and how certain shots are taken will keep me motivated in trying new concepts and things that I haven’t been able to do before.
  • 4. limitations After doing different projects over the 18 months on this course, there are always areas that I struggle with more than others. One of them is time management. I do part time work as well as college which means that previously I haven’t always had the time to focus on my projects and had to do my part time job instead. On some projects, I have spent more time in one process than I should have which has not left enough time to complete a different process. For example, I have spent more time in my planning process than I should have which restricted my production prosses. This time I am trying to stick to a strict time table and speak to tutor if I need help. In the planning process, one thing I tend to skip over is storyboarding and shot lists. I know the importance of them, but usually I have such a clear idea of what I want to create, that I tend to skip over them or not complete them in enough detail so that I can get straight to production. This time, I want to create really solid story boards and do my best to stick with them. Another limitation is the use of expensive equipment. I want to create something that is cinematically beautiful as that is the area of work I most want to go into. I would really love to be able to use the Black Magic Pocket 6k from the BA’s course but I would need to do lots of research and experiments to make sure I am able to work the camera with what I envision.
  • 5.
  • 6. Initial ideas At the beginning of this academic year, I have always kept in mind what I would want to create. I know that I want my project to be a video based product, and I want to be able to direct and have creative freedom. I have always doubted my story telling and writing skills as it is something that comes less natural to me, however when we were learning about the different criteria of the project, I feel like producing a short film will push my boundaries and challenge me more than doing a different video based project. In my time out of college, I work closely with local bands to produce content such as advertisement, so I have the option to create a music video and video based content as a graded document, along side photography, EP/single covers and posters. It is something I enjoy doing, however when I began this course, we started with creating a music video to help us get used to the idea of creating video media based projects. Therefore, if I were to create one for these bands, I would feel like I am working backwards. I have also discussed producing something like this for a few months with the band, which would be a garage band styles music video, which I do not think could push me or help me develop many new skill. I did some mind mapping of different short stories I could write a screen play for and film sections or scenes, but also of any other projects or concepts I could do. In the next few slides I will go through some of the ideas I initially had and whether or not they are do-able.
  • 7. Looking at Screen plays While coming up with different concepts, I had worries about my story telling and writing skills which I voiced to one of my tutors. I felt like I was in a slump of what I wanted to create. My tutor offered their assistance in my struggle of deciding whether or not a concept was worth exploring or not. One thing they offered were examples of different screen plays that I could look at so that I could get an idea of the structure. I looked at ‘Attack the Block’ and watched the opening scene of the film along side reading the script. It showed how the writing on the script translated into visual which is something I haven’t looked at during this course. I have always focused on how things are shot and how it looks visually and haven’t put much thought into the script writing. This is has helped me see the comparison of how the writing shows the story versus how the cameras and actors do. I was also given a screen play called ‘The Artist’ which my tutor gave so that I could look at a minimal dialogue screen play. I have been told that if I use actors in my project that don’t do a necessarily good job, it can make it more likely to down grade my whole project. I have a few actors that would be available for me to use, however I am not fully confident on how good their range of ability of acting so I was cautions about the amount of people I could use. My tutor gave me this screen play to have a look at so I can see a script that is based of description and a story that wouldn’t need necessarily strong actors to play. Instead, I felt like It just gave me more instate in describing detail, movement to set a scene and create a picture which I hopefully will use in my own project. I think overall looking at screen plays have gotten me out of my slump of different concepts. At the start I felt like I was forcing myself to come up with ideas that in result I didn’t want to create. Looking at screen plays and having conversation about what is achievable has helped me almost start from scratch of different concepts.
  • 8. Idea generation process A lot of my ideas I have been thinking about for a while which is why by the time I had a good thought on what I could actually create in this time frame, I started to hate majority of the ideas. I started by listening to a series of songs and trying to create small narrative around them with a solid colour theme. The plan was to create as many small version of these and then join them together so in a portfolio I could show a range of different location settings, story telling, genres, and composition skills. I feel like after this years projects, I have more skills that I would prefer to show in a different format. I also don’t like the concept or my thought This concept of using songs to create a narrative started in September 2022. Now it is something I wouldn’t even consider making. process of this anymore. This is also something I would no longer make as a graded assessment I would prefer to create it out of college time. I feel like their would be far too many research areas and it would become difficult to achieve the grade I want. I would struggle with influences and inspiration unless I was looking at music videos which I have explained that feels like it is me working backwards. The concept of coming up with a song and finding a narrative is using the songwriters intention of a song as the storyline while I would like to come up with my own. This was an idea that sparked in a random moment and I wrote it in my notes app. Now looking back at it, it has been done before and it is a boring concept. It also feel very generic for a student film while I want to create something different. It is also a very broad concept that I would need to expand on, but I already feel bored with the concept and isn't something I want to look at. murder. I wanted to tell it from the perspective of the detective. The reason I didn’t chose to do this concept was because their were too many elements that I wouldn’t be able to create. Elements like location, cast, equipment and my undeveloped script writing skills. The idea is one that I am happy with, however the story can become complicate an needs to be structured very well. This would I did a small mind map on some random concepts once I decided I wanted to create a short film. I knew I wanted to make either a romance story or a thriller story. I liked the idea of creating something where I could include the themes of magical realism, or something opposite where I create something horror. My issue was coming up with a concept that I felt motivated and felt drawn to create. I don’t want to create something cringy or something confusing to people. I would love to do a dance scene if I did a romance short story. The new year short story is something that I don’t feel motivated to make and I would need a large cast. It would have to be a concept where I would focus of the script and be confident n my writing which is something that I am trying to explore. The concept that I was going to go with before my actual concept was a short film about a prisoner that was framed for his first loves be the first short film I would create so I would rather start with something more simple and look at make mistakes and things that didn’t work to reflect on than try achieve something over ambitious. I like this concept so it might be something I revisit but not for this project.
  • 9. Idea generation process This is my notebook of what I had as a basic concept of my most likely leading idea. My idea started with the first picture (1.) from the story board. I was doing research on different shot types and wanted to look at birds eye view shots. The story board image is trying to show a person stood holding a box in front of them from a birds eye point of view. I imagined the image to have a red and yellow lighting shooting from opposite sides reflecting off the person. After doing this storyboard, I had a clear idea of what I wanted the image to look like so I tried to build my concept around that. Storyboard (2.) is how I have pictured the ending. The lighting would still be red but it will show more shadows and have deeper colours. Having a storyboard image to build a concept with, as well as a story board image of how I wanted the story to end, sparked lots of different scenes I wanted to shoot. That's when I quickly wrote down the rough idea of the general concept and then on the following page started to write on how I would build a story around it. I feel like I want my short film to act as an opening for a tv show or a movie, just before the title screen comes on. The build story annotations have been colour codes into the scene cut, camera movement, visual elements and sound/audio. My idea process is more visual so imagining what I want the camera to see and audience to hear, and almost following the camera was a much easier way for me to get it written down than trying to think of a script first. After coming up with this rough concept, I now know that their wouldn’t be much dialogue so I feel like creating a screen play might not show as much as my ability as creating promotional evidence. These are things like posters and trailers. 1. 2. 3.
  • 10. Leading simple concept • I will create a short film, that would act as an opening for a thriller/horror film or tv show. Along side the short film, I will possibly create movie posters and/or trailers. The film will follow a girl that receives a puzzle box. Once different actions are taken to get to the bottom of the box, she sees a note along the lines of “by the time you read this, you will already be dead”. The camera will end with a close up of the main actors face with a dark figure in blood behind them. I want it to follow the conventions of a psychologic thriller. • The aim for me is to create something that is visually pleasing, and a piece of work that holds tension. I want to be judged on my ability of creating good compositional shots, right choice in lighting, editing techniques and sticking to a certain aesthetic. I have a strong picture in my head of how I want it to look, however I need to be able to use other pieces of work to look at for influence and inspiration. • The reason I have chosen this concept over ideas is because I have always loved films that have build tension and curiosity to keep audience engaged. I also feel like it was my most achievable concept with my organisational and technical skills. I am excited to see how the story progresses and expands.
  • 11. CINEATOGRAPHY Mood boards Yellow and red lighting Birds eye view shot Contrasting colours Final scene composition Set design and colour grading Birds eye view shot Close detail shot colours
  • 12. Mood Board Analysis In my mood board, I looked at colours, lighting, shot type, set design and composition. I want to follow particular colour theme and aesthetic which would fit within my genre characteristics. Shown in the mood board, the colours I want follow are red, yellows and deep dark blues/blacks. I think I want to my project to be a fairly dark lit film, however I am aware that they are more difficult to shoot. I like the idea of trying opposites colours on the colour wheel like red and green so it is something that I am going to keep in mind in planning and production. In the mood board you can also see some ideas for composition and different camera shots. I want to be able to try a birds eye view shot as that is what the inspiration for the whole concept came from. Other things like dolly shots and more ambitious shots rather than stationary shots that I have done previously. Other things shown are like the details for shots and set design. The type of things I would look to get a close up on if it makes an impact on how the story is told. I also think that set design would play a big role in how the story looks visually. Some images simply fit the overall aesthetic that I am trying to achieve.
  • 14. As it is shown in the mood board, I want to stick with the dark lighting and themes that would be shown in the film. I would want a poster that accurately represents the film so my audience would know what they are going to watch. For my own poster, the idea of lots of boxes or puzzles sticks out to me. Also using my main lead with red lighting projected onto them is something I have in mind. I want to come up with the concept after the film is finished so that I can use elements from the film within the poster. However after doing finding some different inspirations, I like this photo chosen which has sparked a possible concept. I quite like the idea of having my lead subject stood behind a red glass looking down at the present. If I use lots of rectangular shapes in the poster, it could represent the concepts of box within a box within a box etc. this would link to the concept of the film. I might try take the photo from a possible scene of the movie of where the girl answers the door to the puzzle. This is for then I don’t have to set up two of the different scenes in that would be saying the same thing. For the scene in the film, I might try use different lighting and then for the film poster I can stick with the red lighting that I have intended to use. movie poster mood board Subject looking down at box
  • 15. Why are you making this project? • As I have said previously I want to make something that I am proud of. I have always loved psychological thrillers and thriller films. I have also always loved films that pay tension to small details, which is why I think I want to make this particular project. I want to prove that I have enough experience and am willing to learn to create a short film that is cinematically beautiful. This project I want to put all my time into, so that I can achieve a goal personally. • This would also be a great way to display my work in showreels/portfolios for any future opportunities. The project allows me to work and get feedback with tutors that will be guiding me for my next future steps with York College. • In addition, I feel like I need to gain more experience to learn about myself as a filmmaker and what I want to do with my future. This project is a good starting point, as it is a ambitious enough for me to achieve and something that I want to make at this point with my experience. The format of the project seems to be a step in the right direction, especially as I feel like one of my strongest qualities is doing well under high intensity situations and my ability to adapt.
  • 16. Hopes for the FMP My hope for the FMP is to create a short film, with some advertisement posters along side it, with a teaser trailer/trailer. I particularly love the ideas of tension and keeping the theme of suspense. I personally am excited at looking at directors, scenes, books and photographs that explore these themes so they can directly impact my work. I would love to possibly explore the ideas of boxes. If I use my leading concept, I could explore the idea of constantly using symmetrical shapes when thinking about my composition in shots. I can think about the idea of boxes in a metaphorical way and explore the feeling of trapped and stuck as well as the idea of comfort and security. I could use lots of different shapes visually. I want to create an atmosphere so that my audience can feel certain emotions. I hope to make a film that creates tension, and is shot well. I want to think about my film visually in a lot of detail and be able to justify why I have chosen to do it when I have finished the project. I know that I want to work I cameras and cinematography so I think its important that the lighting, composition, movement and angles of shots are justified. I hope to expand on my concept further and I am able to complete my short film feeling like that I have created my own unique concept.
  • 17. INFLUENCE/INSPIRATION – different works ALL TOO WELL: THE SHORT FILM FEAR STREET SCREAM (1996) THE FOURTH WALL (SHORT FILM) David Fincher Fight club Zodiac Seven The Game Gone Girl PARASITE David Lynch Don’t Worry Darling BODIES BODIES BODIES
  • 18. Potential Research Activities Black magic pocket 6k: I have some experience with the black magic pocket 6k but doing extra research on the equipment so I can get the best possible results with the camera could be useful. Cinematic lighting: I know how I want my project lit and what colours I want to see but having a refresh on the rules of effective lighting would be useful. I also want to include my lighting plan in my story boards so I think that productions goes smoother. Camera movement: It is important that for this project I have don’t do just stationary shots so I want to do some research on different camera movements so that I can have a range of movements. Composition and framing: This is something that I want to focus on. I want to get this write. It will something that I will refresh on so that I can consider different frames and composition for my project. Colour grading: Colour grading is something that I have never done before. I know that it is something I want to do for this project. I would like to use DaVinci so I would need to do research on how to colour grade using that software. Screen plays I have briefly looked at screen plays and it is potentially something I will have a look into further. However at first, I thought about creating a short film with a screen play along side it. I am slightly steering away from that now and now just thinking about coming up with different scripts. Specific directors and films • Scene analysis • Zodiac • 1917 • Possible works: • Fear street pt1, 2 • Scream (1996) • Parasite • Gone Girl Building tension: I want to be able to create a project where tension is build so doing any extra research on the topic would be useful. I can look at a specific film that creates tension and suspense perfectly. A film I watched at the aesthetic film festival was perfect for that (THE FORTH WALL DIRECTED BY KELSY BOLLIG) . I want to expand my knowledge on knowing how to keep people engaged.
  • 19. Influence/Inspiration NICOLAS WINDING REFN My knowledge of Nicolas Winding Refn came during my research about cinematographer Newton Thomas Sigel for my dissertation when learning that they worked together on Drive. By doing light research, I have learned that Drive is his most famous work, but also arguable one of his best piece of work. Throughout my light research of his films, he is most known for his intense neon colours and lighting styles. People criticize the lighting and cinematography choices to distract the audience from a dull story line, which in some films I can understand. However, I find the choices captivating and find that its creates an entire world based of colour. As I have made it clear in my concepts, I want to stick with a certain lighting aimed around the colour red. I think this is a good director to look at to see their lighting choices and why for specific scenes. I may chose a specific film to analysis or a scene, but overall I think his work is visually what I would love to achieve.
  • 20. Influence/Inspiration DAVID FINCHER With every David Fincher film I have watch, I have watched it numerus times to either try to understand everything or see aspects you miss during the first watch. He is a filmmaker that has an a obsession with obsession which translates through a lot of his films. -I think the first David Fincher movie I watch was the Zodiac. I remember the film emotionally angering me and feeling left frustrated. That may have done with the fact that it was based off a true story, but the way the story was presented hooked me in for the entire two and a half minutes. Since Zodiac I have watch a few of his different films including Gone Girl, Fight Club, The Game, Seven, The Social Network and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I want to explore of how Fincher creates tension in these film and do a scene analysis on one of theses films. I also want to look at how fitches use of low-key lighting and his heavy use of dark shadows creates the dark atmosphere. The way I light my own project is very important, so looking at his colour pallets through film could be very useful.
  • 21. Influence/Inspiration DAVID LYNCH The way I was introduced to David Lynch was by his film Dune from 1984 and the tv show Twin peaks which I watched with my dad a few years ago from when I first started getting into film. Since then, I have heard of the cinematic style “Lynchian” when watching movie analysis videos as well as his work being confusing, disturbing, unique and unsettling. I understand that he is one of the most well known surrealism and challenges the expectations of realism. I have learned that as well as being a film maker, he is a painter, television director, visual artist, musician, photographer and actor. I don’t know much on David lynch, but this is a director and filmmaker that I am interested in learning more about. Twin peaks interested me for its unique visual world. I want to explore more of about lynch's cinematic language and compositional shots not just shown in twin peaks, but his other work as well. That includes looking at his photography and art.
  • 22. Influence/Inspiration THE FOURTH WALL (SHORT FILM) The Fourth Wall is a short film directed and written by Kelsey Bollig. The film is a French short horror film that is directed by an American filmmaker. I watched the fourth wall at the Aesthetic Film Festival under watching a session called “dark hearts, unhinged minds”. Out of the 7 disturbing films I watched, I particularly loved the fourth wall. The story is said to be about “the labyrinth of sanity”. It is a story of an interworking women who has a decaying acting career and faces the fear of new comers replacing her. When watching the filming, the elements that’s stuck out to me was the choices of lenses, lighting and editing techniques. I remember the film having long one shot scenes with great camera movements. Overall I would say this is one of my favourite short films of all time. I think its engaging, disturbing and shows a simple concept executed in a unique way. Lastly I think the actor performances gave a huge contribution to how the story was told.
  • 23. Influence/Inspiration ALL TOO WELL: THE SHORT FILM Now when I came across All Too Well, it was due to me being a fan of Taylor Swifts music. However I know that she has a love for directing and creating/writing stories. She choses to express that through music and the film. I mostly know her for directing her own music video’s that have secret messages placed within them. I watched All Too Well having the intention of watching it as a fan of the song to go along with the story. While I did enjoy the telling of the story, and thought the acting along side the side was good, I actually paid more attention to its colour grading, colour themes and set design. I feel like the composition of the short film follows a particular aesthetic. All Too Well is a romance story and doesn’t follow any thriller or horror conventions, however I liked how they lit the scenes and used certain props to create a certain look for the film. The issue with doing research about this project, is that the only thing I would take away is what I have just mentioned: lighting for a scene, colours grading, colour of props etc. I feel like in the movie analysis and other directors what I chosen to research, I could find the same “unique conventions”. I would just want to note that my first intention of following these conventions, sparked after rewatching this short film.
  • 24. Influence/Inspiration PARASITE I feel like Parasite is a film that 99% of people have the same opinion about. I remember the film took over 2019 and watching it just before it making history by being the first foreign film to win the Best Film Award at the Oscars. I have only watched the film once, (having the intention of rewatching it before starting research) but the film stuck with me for weeks after. I remember a lot of the commotion around the film was the fact that it is set within the Korean culture, but no matter where everyone lives, they felt like they could make it relatable to themselves in some way. The film explores hard hitting themes and uses them to keep the audience well engaged. It touches on two ends of the spectrum of emotions like love and caring for one another, while on the end it has anger and hate. There are a few things I want to take away from this film, like the pacing of the film is executed beautifully and the tension build throughout is perfectly timed. The cinematography is also creatively presented with the use of a small space. I feel like all the lighting choices and camera angles as well as editing techniques are all perfectly justified. I want to go into further detail with how all these elements effects to way the film builds tension and is paced in my research but also look at how specific scenes composition.
  • 25. Influence/Inspiration I have briefly spoken about the film Zodiac during the idea of researching David Fincher. Zodiac is another film that suck with me weeks after. The film pays attention to lots of small details which perfectly paces the film and constantly propels it forward. I want to do a scene analysis from zodiac so that I can see how Fincher's builds tension through his choice of cinematography. Every shot in Zodiac seems perfectly planned and has meaning to it. The reason I want to focus on zodiac more than other Flincher films is because It was the first film I watched directed by him, and it left me emotionally invested. I want my audience to feel the same way. My project is most likely to be more horror based than this film. However I want my film to almost act as the opening for a film like zodiac. The opening of the film sets the tone for the rest of the film, and gives us a backstory that introduces us to the story line. My film needs to have the composition to open a film in an interesting way which I think David does very well and is shown in this film.
  • 26. Influence/Inspiration FEAR STREET 1994 Fear Street is a film defiantly on the light side of horror films compared to the other research influences. This film is part of a trilogy that all have separate aesthetics that represent different decades or centuries. Fear street 1994 is the first film of the trilogy. The reason why I have put this film as a possible influence is mainly because it has a few similar ideas that I think of including in my own project. Some of those ideas are the way the set is designed, the bright led lighting in specific scenes, the idea of a masked actor and some gory content. For this film, I might just look at aspects to take inspiration to expand on my own idea.
  • 27. Influence/Inspiration Don’t Worry Darling Don’t Worry Darling is a film I have a lot of opinions on. I was personally a fan of the original screen play written by Carey and Shane van dyke, which I read after they won an award for best unproduced screenplay. Once Olivia Wilde got the rights to make the movie she hired Kate Silberman to rewrite the screen play. I personally didn’t enjoy the ending that Katie Silberman wrote compared to the original screen play, however there were lots of different aspects of the film that I did enjoy. I want to mainly focus on the soundtrack and songs used for any influence and inspiration. I am aware that John Powell composed the soundtrack for Don’t Worry Darling, along with lots of other familiar soundtracks for films including How To Train Your Dragon. The soundtrack to the film is what created the tension and made the audience have feel nervous when familiar sounds were heard. It also played a major role in the film for the plot. I know I want some creepy possibly classical music, but if I could do some research on the sound production of don’t worry darling, I could see why that soundtrack in particular creates so much nerve.c
  • 28. bibliography • 1. A Quiet Place. (2018). [Film]. Los Angeles: Paramount Pictures. • 2. Don't Worry Darling. (2022). [Film]. New York: New Line Cinema. • 3. Film Riot. (2009). Film Riot. [Online]. Last Updated: 12 july 2009. Available at: [Accessed 7 February 2023]. • 4. Kelsey Bollig. (Unknown). Kelsey Bollig. [Online]. Last Updated: Unknown. Available at: [Accessed 6 February 2023]. • 5. Parasite. (2019). [Film]. South Korea: Barunson. • 6. Peter Swanson. (2020). Rules for Perfect Murders. London: Faber & Faber. pp.1-352. • 7. Scream. (1997). [Film]. New York: Dimension Films. • 8. StudioBinder. (Unknown). Blog. [Online]. Last Updated: Unknown. Available at: [Accessed 7 February 2023]. • 9. StudioBinder. (2022). Elements of Composition - The Complete Guide. [Laptop]. StudioBinder. Available at: [Accessed 7 February 2023]. • 10. V Renée. (2015). How Do You Define 'Lynchian'?: An Exploration of David Lynch's Cinematic Style. [Online]. Last Updated: December 24 2015. Available at: lynchs-cinematic-style [Accessed 6 February 2023]. • 11. Zodiac. (2007). [Film]. Phoenix: Phoenix Pictures • 12. Twin Peaks. (1990). [Film]. New York: SHOWTIME. • 13. All too well: The Short Film. (13 November 2021). [Film]. Unknown: Taylor Swift Productions.

Editor's Notes

  1. Log your initial thoughts regarding the FMP - What could you make? What are you good at? Your opinions? Can be a list of bullet points of reactions- does not have to be full prose. Can be hand drawn and scanned in.
  2. Min. 3 of each with explanation and how it affects your production
  3. Min. 3 of each with explanation and how it affects your production
  4. Log your initial thoughts regarding the FMP - What could you make? What are you good at? Your opinions? Can be a list of bullet points of reactions- does not have to be full prose. Can be hand drawn and scanned in.
  5. or hand drawn-scanned using college printers exploring 3 potential ideas
  6. or hand drawn-scanned using college printers exploring 3 potential ideas
  7. Collection of images related to your product/inspirational/visually interesting At least 15 needed
  8. Is there any repetition in the images you have collected? Repeated colours/images styles/fonts/tone/mood How will your mood board influence your final product?