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Comprehensive Experimental Examination On Diesel Engine...
B.S.S.Prasanna Kumar 1, D.Ramesh Babu 2, M.Mastanaiah3
1M.Tech Student, 2 Assistant Professor, 3 Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Petroleum based fuels are producing high emissions in depletion of environment. Due to the usage
with modern globalization these emissions causing hazardous for the environment.
Due to the local topography and climatology, Bio–fuels can be produced from various sources.
Likewise every nation will have its own source. Kanuga oil is abundantly available in india but it 's
not been used and if used it 's a great resource of energy. This study explores the potential alternate
for diesel as fuel for automobiles and other industrial purposes. This study is focused on kanuga
methyl esters performance and emission characteristics and comparing it with the traditional
petroleum diesel. The fuels are used pure methyl ester and different blends of the methyl ester with
The tests were conducted on a 3.7 KW, single cylinder, direct injection, water–cooled diesel engine.
The experimental result shows that every blend performs good with decreased amount of pollution.
This analysis shows that kanuga methyl ester and its blends are a potential alternate for diesel.
Keywords: Experimental Examination; Diesel
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Argumentative Essay On Diesel Engines
Whenever people think of diesel engines, they imagine black soot pouring out of a big rig on the
interstate. While that has been correct in the past, the technology is arriving that changes people's
thoughts to that of a more ecologically friendly. Ever since Rudolf Diesel created the diesel engine,
it has been written off as a smelly, inefficient, and dirty way of converting fossil fuels into power.
Diesel noticed how the steam engines of the times were wasting 80–90% of the fuel they burn,
making them very inefficient. After learning about how inefficient typical gas or steam engines
were, he dedicated himself to create a clean burning engine. In the beginning, the stereotypes were
completely accurate, but those same adjectives are simply incorrect in today's times. These constant
put downs by environmentalist are often uneducated and generalized by the small number of older,
inefficient trucks that are still on the road. The modern diesel engine is an absolute marvel when it
comes to the fuel efficiency, power output and societal benefits. While the light duty diesel pickup
may be loud and intimidating, the benefits they provide society are vastly underappreciated and
need to be more thoroughly recognized.
Diesel trucks are literally cooler than gas trucks, they are a colder running motor and the explosion
inside the engine ... Show more content on ...
She goes on to give us more evidence like "99.8 percent [of mined earth], now contaminated with
toxic chemicals, is dumped back into the environment." The potential buyers of these vehicles want
to be as environmentally friendly as possible and those facts are likely to deter any eco–friendly
buyer. No engine today is completely efficient with zero environmental drawbacks, but if you look
at diesel engines in the sense of its total life as an on–road vehicle, it is easily the better choice for
anyone looking to create a better future for our
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Diesel Engines And Vehicle Performance Metrics Essay
In the automotive world, efficiency and power are two elements of vehicle performance metrics that
while important to many consumers and critics alike, appear to be elusive when in convolution with
one another. In automotive history, good fuel efficiency equaled compromises in power and
performance and vehicles with large displacements and torque usually had worse gas mileage. The
exception to this rule were diesel engines, which managed to combine better efficiency than many
four–cylinder gas engines while providing very high torque number for better performance. The
main drawback that diesel's faced was due to their stigma of being dirty, as they emitted more
greenhouse gases including nitrous and sulfur oxides. Coupled with the stricter emissions that many
states began to implement, primarily overseen by the EPA, it became harder for car manufactures to
certify diesel engines for emissions while maintaining high fuel economy and power output figures.
The emission control hardware and software in diesel vehicles also came at a high price and with
increased complexity, both unwelcoming additions for any car company wanting to mainstream
diesel's. Volkswagen Automotive Group (VAG) pledged to change these preconceived notions
concerning power and efficiency with the debut of the clean diesel technology in 2008 within select
models. These vehicles had miraculously managed to decrease emissions out of vehicles with diesel
motors while not compromising on the power and
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Study Of The Petrol ( Vvt Engines ) And Diesel
PRoJECT REPORT on To study the petrol (VVT engines) and diesel (DDiS engines) Submitted to
Amity School of Engineering & Technology Amity University, Uttar Pradesh Submitted To:
Submitted By: Ms. MÉGHA SHARMA BHARGAB PAUL ABSTRACT Thé training projéct
éntitléd "To study thé pétrol (VVT énginés) and diésél (DDiS énginés)" aims to study thé différént
typés of énginés uséd and manufacturéd by Maruti Suzuki. it also studiés thé various typés of
probléms occurréd in thé énginés in running conditions. This projéct is a thorough study of thé VVT
& DDiS énginés, théir uséfulnéss, théir éfficiéncy and théir high pérformancé dué to théir néw
téchnology. it also includés thé casé studiés of thé cars which wéré réportéd to thé workshop having
énginé rélatéd probléms. Déscription of Éléctric Throttlé Systém Calibrations: ÉCM calculatés
controlléd opéning of thé throttlé valvé on thé basis of thé complétély closéd throttlé valvé position
of thé éléctric throttlé control systém. Thé complétély closéd position data is savéd in mémory of
ÉCM. Howévér , thé complétély closéd position of thé throttlé valvé of thé éléctric throttlé control
systém (signal voltagé from throttlé position sénsor whén throttlé is complétély closéd) différs oné
from thé othér dépénding on individual différéncés of thé throttlé
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The Reflection Of Pressure Analysis Of A Diesel Engine
Abstract: In a diesel engine, three combustion parameters, which describe the crank angle at the start
of ignition, the total amount of heat release and the combustion duration can be used to control the
speed, efficiency, noise and exhaust emission. Pressure analysis of a diesel engine cylinder can be
used for identifying these parameters. The combustion parameters can be determined using the
pressure signal and the pressure derived from a mathematical model of the combustion process. One
such mathematical model of the combustion process called the Wiebe function is widely used in
application. In this work, we investigated the Wiebe function and the analysis shows that the
computational time to determine the combustion parameters is too high to be used in ... Show more
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The position of the piston at the crank angle 180° is the bottom dead centre. At this position, the
cylinder volume is the maximum. We now give a simple description of a four–stroke diesel engine.
Figure 1
Geometric parameters of a diesel engine (see online version for colours)
In the first stroke, the piston moves from top to bottom (BDC) and air is drawn through the intake
valve in the cylinder. The next stroke begins when the piston starts its upwards movement and the
intake valve closes. As the piston moves up, air is compressed and heated tremendously. When the
piston is near TDC, fuel is injected into the cylinder.
High temperature of the compressed air in the cylinder ignites the fuel vapour resulting in a small
explosion. In the next stroke, this explosion forces the piston back downwards to
In the last stroke, the exhaust valve opens, and the cylinder is swept clean of burnt fuel by the piston
moving in the cylinder to TDC. A connecting rod transmits this motion to a crankshaft to convert
linear motion to rotary motion for use as power in a variety of applications. This entire cycle is
repeated for every two revolutions of the crankshaft
(Whitelaw et al., 2000).
3 Physical
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Diesel Engine
The Diesel Engine
Diesel engines are very similar to the gasoline engine you may find in a car. They both are internal
combustion engines, have a four stroke cycle, and convert chemical energy from fuel into
mechanical energy. However, the manner in which the combustion stroke is attained sets these two
engines apart, and although a seemingly meaningless change, a large change in efficiency results.
(Diesel Engines vs. Gasoline Engines) The diesel engine was invented by Rudolf Diesel in 1892. He
learned about the extreme inefficiency of the gasoline engine and worked to produce something
more practical. (Introduction to How Diesel Engines Work) The majority of diesel engines use a
four stroke process. The strokes are intake, ... Show more content on ...
The first way that this problem was solved was through glow plugs. These are simply electrically
heated coils that warm the engine in the early moments of ignition. These are rarely used anymore,
and with recent technology, sensors monitor every cycle of the engine. If a sensor detects the engine
is too cold, it will wait longer to inject the fuel. This allows a slightly higher compression which
yields the higher temperature needed for combustion. (Diesel Fuel Injection) A problem of the diesel
engine is the fuel injector. It must be designed to withstand the extreme temperatures and pressures
inside the cylinder, all the while injecting a fine mist of fuel. Ensuring that the misted fuel circulates
in the chamber and combusts uniformly is a difficult task as well. Some engines use special valves,
pre–combustion chambers, and other devices to swirl the air to improve the efficiency of the
combustion step. (Diesel Fuel Injection) Diesel fuel is different from gasoline. It is heavier and oilier
because it is less refined than gasoline, which actually makes it cheaper to produce. It has a higher
energy density than gasoline as well, which means per gallon of gasoline, more power can be
released. This, accompanied with the higher compression ratio in diesel engines, produces higher
fuel economy than similar sized gasoline engines. (Diesel Fuel)
Cited References 1. Marshall B. 2010. How Diesel Engines Work: Diesel Engines vs.
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The Fuel Of The Diesel Engine
The diesel engine has been the number one choice for power, reliable and high fuel economy
worldwide (Jääskeläinen, 2013). However, as petroleum becomes more and more expensive, the
new challenge that has been presented to todays society has been to find a sustainable way to
continue running these engines without relying on diminishing petrol supplies (Connolly, 2013). The
world has turned to biofuels; the use of biodiesel can produce power, performance and economy,
along with assisting in the reduction of emissions and Greenhouse gases. However, its widespread
use has been halted due to the ethical issues surrounding its production. The use of agricultural land
for the use of bio–fuels, detriments the mass food crisis and insecurity that the world faces. Is it
really ethical to be using bio–fuels to cut carbon emissions, which in turn could lead to millions of
people in Asia starving to death?
The inventor of the diesel engine, Dr. Rudolf Diesel, first conceptualised Biodiesel fuel in 1895. He
generated and demonstrated a diesel engine that used peanut oil as its main fuel source in 1900 at
the Paris World Exhibition, as he viewed using vegetable oil fuel as a means to provide economic
growth in remote areas of the world due to widely available agricultural crops as the source of the
fuel (Diesel Service and Supply, 2013). In Australia, the use of bio–diesel in the transport industry
has been under much debate. Bio–diesel is produced through a process knows as
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Diesel Engines Vs. Gasoline Engines
For more than 100 years, the two most prevalent types of engines used in the manufacture of
vehicles have been mainly diesel and gasoline engines. Despite the fact that both are considered
internal combustion engines, each type of engines comes with unique advantages and disadvantages
when compared to its counterpart (Curtis and Anderson 45). The primary difference between
gasoline and diesel engines is in the ignition process. Gasoline engines use spark plugs for the
ignition of the fuel and air mixture, a process technically referred to as Otto cycle. On the other
hand, diesel engines attain combustion by compression of the diesel fuel, a process technically
referred to as diesel cycle. Although diesel engines are less popular than gas engines, but they are
superior in numerous ways. The primary advantage of diesel engine is that they have higher engine
efficiency, leading to improved fuel economy. Diesel engines have a reputation for producing higher
levels of torque than gasoline powered engines, and boast of longer durability than gas engines. The
absence of an electrical in diesel engines plays an integral role in improving its reliability (Erjavec
145). The distinctive benefits of diesel engines have helped increase their popular usage in
commercial vehicles and large trucks. This is mainly because of the improved levels of torque,
which facilitates greater towing capacity. The design of smaller cars relying on fuel efficiency can
also benefit when using diesel
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The History of Caterpillar Engines Essay
The History of Caterpillar Engines The start of Caterpillar engines actually begins before Caterpillar
was even a company. The history began back in the late1800's when Daniel Best and Benjamin Holt
were experimenting with various forms of steam tractors used for farming. The two competed with
each other to gain the lead in the farm equipment industry. Throughout the late 1800's and early
1900's Holt and Best continued to build both steam and gas tractors. In 1908 Best sold his company
to Holt. In 1925 Holt Manufacturing and C. L. Best Gas Tractor, a company owned by Best's son C.
L. Best, merged to form Caterpillar Tractor Company. Three years later C. L. Best met with Carl
George Arthur Rosen to discuss putting diesel engines in ... Show more content on
This housing then directs the compressed air into the engine. After the use of the turbocharger they
discovered a new problem. The compressed air was much hotter than normal air going into the
engine. The reason was that when the air is compressed it puts pressure on all the atoms. This causes
the atoms to hit each other, causing friction, and move even faster. These rapid movements cause a
massive amount of heat. This excess heat caused less oxygen to get to the cylinders which means a
loss of potential power. Our answer to this dilemma was the aftercooler. Aftercoolers are used to
lower the temperature of the air after it comes out of the turbo but before it enters the engine. By
lowering the temperature the air becomes denser and holds more oxygen. This increase in oxygen
provides an increase in power. There are three types of aftercoolers. The first is an Air–to Air
Aftercooler (ATAAC). With the air–to–air system, a separate cooler core is placed in front of the
engine. The engine fan then passed outside air across the cooler. The outside air is much colder than
the compressed air in the cooler. This difference causes the compressed air to drop in temperature by
losing its heat to the outside air. This method is very common on most on–highway trucks since they
have access to a large volume of fresh cool air. The second type of aftercooler is the Jacket Water
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Rudolf Diesel And The Invention Of The Diesel Engine
Rudolf Diesel is an infamous German innovator, mainly known for the invention of the Diesel
engine, which was named after him. However, Rudolf was not actually born in Germany but in
Paris, France on March 18th, 1858 and was the second of three children. His parents emigrated from
Bavaria to become leather goods manufacturers; their drive and creativity would ultimately spark
Rudolf's passion for inventing. The Diesel family was forced to move out of Paris due to the
Franco–Prussian war in 1870. While the Diesel family settled in England, Rudolf's parents figured it
would be best to send Rudolf to Germany with his aunt and uncle so he could attend a private school
where his uncle taught mathematics. Rudolf demonstrated an inquisitive nature and thirst for
knowledge from an early age, however his parents did not encourage this. They would much rather
see Rudolf dive into the work force rather than pursuing an education. After finishing his basic
education at the top of the class, Rudolf applied and was accepted into the Industrial School of
Augsburg with a scholarship (Bellis, 2015).
After graduating in 1880 and with a few years of work experience under his belt, he began to
develop a steam engine using ammonia vapour. The results of this experiment were disastrous as
during testing the engine exploded and nearly killed him. In 1893, Rudolf published a paper with
designs of an engine based on the Carnot cycle; this created the foundation for the Diesel engine.
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Cummins Diesel Engine Essay
The Cummins diesel engine was manufactured in the year 1919 by its creator Clessie Cummins. The
Cummins was put in a variety of vehicles and the most common are in the dodge ram 2500, 3500,
4500, and 5500 series rams. It is also put into more heavy–duty trucks such as Peterbilt semis. The
reason people choose Cummins over Chevy's Duramax or Ford's Powerstroke is because Cummins'
are built to last longer meaning they can go more hours without maintenance. The Cummins diesel
engines have several different designs, and a number of different models, and assembling one takes
money, time, effort, and knowledge. The Cummins diesel engines has several different designs and
models of engines from 5.9–liters in 1989, to the modern day 6.7–liter engines.
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Engines Run On Petroleum : Diesel Fuel
Engines run on petroleum. Petroleum is used in many products such as plastics, ink paint, shoe
polish, nylons, roof shingles, novelty candy, cosmetics, candles, vaseline, bug biller, ammonia, tires,
asphalt, crayons, paper, cups, and wax paper. Although petroleum may be useful in many
applications, the best used for petroleum is diesel fuel for many reasons. One reason diesel fuel is
the best and most efficient use for petroleum is that diesel fuel contains about 14% more energy by
volume than gasoline. This makes diesel fuel the most efficient fuel for use in automobiles and
trucks. Diesel fuel is especially the most efficient fuel for use in towing all types of vehicles for
many reasons. One reason diesel engines are better for towing is that they have more low end torque
because of their higher compression ratios. A diesel engine 's compression ratio is between 15:1 and
23:1 compared to the compression ratio of a gasoline engine which is 10:1 to 12:1 but if the
compression ratio is raised from 10:1 to 15:1, the thermal efficiency will improve by roughly nine
percent. Diesel engines also deliver twenty–five to thirty percent better fuel economy than similar
performing gasoline engines. When compared to a 4.0 liter gasoline engine, the Cummin's 4BT3.9
diesel engine is much more fuel efficient engine.
In theory, diesel engines and gasoline engines are quite similar. They are both internal combus­
engines designed to convert the chemical energy available in fuel
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The Diesel Hybrid Combustion Engine Essay
The Diesel Hybrid Combustion Engine
Two main types of engines powering everyday machinery are diesel and gasoline internal
combustion engines. Both vary on efficiency levels, but are still effective. Diesel engines have high
efficiency levels, such as producing great amount of torque at very low rpms. They are also known
for their fuel–efficient behavior and capability to produce low emissions.
Their capability to produce power at an efficient rate with little wear on the engine, this makes these
engines ideal for hybrid integration. Hybrid integration takes a typical engine and combines it with
an electric generator and motor, with the application of other electrical systems applied. Allowing
the ... Show more content on ...
These tests represent the percentage of green house gases that the engine will produce over its
lifetime. The results are as follows: the gasoline combustion engine is 88%, the diesel–hybrid engine
is 56% (Weiss 29).
The MIT testing and research went into much more detail besides fuel efficiency and emission
release. These areas are still are very important in the mind of the everyday consumer.
Current Developments:
The diesel–hybrid idea is now being applied to several different applications. It ranges from road, to
water, and railroad. In each scenario the applications are the similar but the designs are different.
In Vancouver, Canada, RailPower Technologies has designed a hybrid locomotive, the Green Goat,
which utilizes diesel fuel and electric motors. The basic design started with removing all the original
engine parts and replacing them with a 6.0L Daewoo diesel engine and 20 volt lead acid batteries
(Siuru 1). This design uses the diesel engine, which acts as a generator to charge the batteries. The
batteries are then used to power the locomotive. Batteries propel the locomotive leaving more empty
space under the hood. The result of all this is: ability to create a smaller hood increasing overall
visibility for locomotive engineers, fuel economy improvement of 35%, and a 90% reduction of
overall emissions (Siuru 1).
In 2001, New York City
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Reduction Of Carbon Diesel Engines And Catalytic Converter
GASOLINE ENGINES Uppu.Nagaraju1, M.V. Sirisha2
1M.Tech Student, 2 Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The main concern of today's automobile industry is to reduce the amount of emissions (HC, CO,
NOx) to meet stringent emission norms. These emission norms can be obtained by modification in
in–cylinder combustion process or after treatment process. It's not possible to achieve the emission
norms by in–cylinder process alone. So, in this project, we make an attempt to reduce the emissions
by the after treatment process. The scope of our project is to reduce emissions in both gasoline and
diesel engines. In the after treatment process, Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) technology
dominates the heavy duty diesel engines and catalytic convertor plays an important role in the
current era of gasoline engines. In this an attempt made to reduce NOx emissions by SCR
technology. In this work, we used Zeolite ZSM–5 as catalyst which was assisted by urea injection in
the exhaust tail pipe. It has been observed that 10 to 12% of NOx was reduced compared to existing
engine set–up.
The rise in civilization is closely related to improvements in transportation. In the development of
transport the internal combustion engines, both petrol and diesel engines, occupy a very
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Troubleshooting Common Diesel Engine Problems
Topic: Troubleshooting Common Diesel Engine Problems Engine won 't start Is the fuel fresh? If
untreated fuel is more than a month old, this fuel will start to break down and engine stalling (in
addition to fuel system component gumming) can result. That 's why it 's important to either drain
the gas from your outdoor power equipment before it sits idle during the winter, or add a fuel
preservative/stabilizer to the fuel. To prevent the fuel from going stale purchase a replacement Fresh
Start Fuel Cartridge for your Fresh Start Fuel Cap, OR purchase our Advanced Fuel Treatment and
mix the prescribed amount with your gasoline. Even better, keep a gas can solely for your outdoor
power equipment filled with gasoline treated with our ... Show more content on ...
An ASE certified mechanic can retrieve the trouble codes from within the onboard electronic control
module and determine the specific cause. Frequent service engine soon light causes: Loose or
missing gas cap Spark plugs or wires that are worn out or damaged Electronic control module
failure Defective distributor or coil packs Emissions control fault such as the oxygen sensor Fuel
quality issue Overheating Overheating is most generally caused by a low coolant level. A quick
check of the coolant overflow reservoir will indicate if coolant is leaking. Most cars are equipped
with temperature gauges or warning lights that will alert the driver to an overheating issue. Frequent
overheating can cause serious and expensive engine damage. Proper maintenance of the cooling
system is vital in order to maintain the quality of the coolant and to make certain the cooling system
is in good operating condition. Additionally, a cracked head or blown head gasket can also cause
overheating, coolant loss and white exhaust smoke, which may indicate the need for engine repair.
Common reasons for overheating: Faulty thermostat Dirty or low coolant level Non–functioning
cooling fan Kinked or broken radiator hose Internal or external coolant leak Defective radiator cap
Dirty air filter The Most Common Small Engine Problems Many owners of small engine vehicles
such as lawnmowers, golf
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A Brief Note On The Diesel Engine Exhaust Gas Emissions...
Diesel engine exhaust gas emissions and particulate matters have been a serious environmental
problem for a long time. Many research have been made in order to reduce these emissions since the
usage of diesel engines came into large. Major emissions from the diesel exhaust are NOx, SOx, CO
and Particulate Matters. Amongst these SOx, CO and Particulate matters can be reduced by using
after treatment methods like Catalytic Reduction, etc. Unlike these NOx reduction is a challenging
issue. In this project various types of technologies which are used till now to reduce NOx ¬has been
discussed and the advantages and dis–advantages of each technology is mentioned. Critical analysis
is made of emerging and new technologies is made and ... Show more content on ...
I also extend my thanks to my friends and family for their support and co–operation without which
this task could have been very difficult to achieve.
PRASANNA SEETHARAMAN (M.Sc Automotive Engineering)
Study about combustion in diesel engine.
Investigate production of NOx in CI engines.
Analyse current technologies used in reduction of NOx with respect to combustion process.
Critical analysis of emergent technologies for NOx reduction.
Write a report which explains all the above process.
Usage of diesel engine in automobiles is increasing worldwide because of its high fuel efficiency. As
the usage increases, the emissions from the exhaust gases also increases which affects the
atmosphere, thereby causing environmental issues such as global warming, smog and even acid rain.
These emissions are mainly due to non–stoichiometric combustion, dissociation of Nitrogen and
impurities in the fuel and air mixture. Major emissions include Oxides of Nitrogen, Oxides of
Sulphur, unburnt Hydrocarbons, oxides of carbon and other carbon particles or soot. Significant
measures are taken by the automotive industries for several years to reduces the intensity of these
exhaust gases. There are two ways of reducing these exhaust gases are
i) Primary methods in which the exhaust gases are reducing within the combustion chamber. ii)
Secondary methods or after
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Diesel Engines Fuel Pressure Is Controlled Mechanically...
In the past, in diesel engine fuel pressure was controlled mechanically and depending on the
camshaft. Due to this geography lots of problems occurs like engine emission, engine torque, engine
efficiency etc. To overcome these problem or for the better performance caterpillar invented new
technology called Hydraulically actuated Electronic Unit Injection (HEUI) fuel systems.
1.1 Introduction:
To achieving outstanding fuel economy, high torque output and to reduce the emission produced
from the relatively small engine displacement an innovative injection technology has came in the
early 1990's. The use of hydraulic force to pressurize fuel for injection was innovative technology to
advance the use of powerful, cleaner and ... Show more content on ...
Since the functions of metering, increase of pressure, timing and atomization are all combined into
the injector. These especially designed injectors are supplied not only with fuel but highly
pressurized lube oil. An engine driven high pressure oil pump supplies fuel to the injectors at
pressures close to 4,000 psi. Within the injector, hydraulic force is further amplified to give HEUI's
the capability to achieve injection pressures of up to 28,500 psi from the latest injectors. Since oil
can be pressurized to very high pressures independently of engine speed, high injection pressure is
achievable at low engine RPM. The high pressure injection capabilities joint with electronic control
of timing and injection rate ensures the best atomization of fuel, low emissions, higher performance
and fuel economy. This pressure is available at almost any engine speed and load condition which
permits the HEUI system to perform in any diesel engine application by simply changing software
programming. This feature by definition tells the difference the HEUI system as a type of common
rail fuel system. In sequence developments in HEUI technology have allowed for improved ability
to shape the rate of fuel injection which further reduces combustion noise and emissions for quieter
cleaner engine operation. HEUI injectors are easily replaced by technicians with almost no
adjustment or special engine
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Environmental And Social Impacts Of New And Remanufactured...
3. Results and discussion
In this section the proposed approach is applied to a case study. In the case study, environmental and
social impacts of new and remanufactured diesel engines are assessed.
3.1 Goal definition, scoping and functional unit
The engines are produced and used in China. Each engine consists of 277 components made of cast
iron, steel, aluminium, steel alloy and rubber. The major components are cylinder block, cylinder
head, fly wheel housing, gear box, connection rod, crankshaft, and flywheel. Those components
account for 66% of the engine mass.
The system boundary for the new engine includes steel production, cast iron production, aluminium
production, electricity production, engine manufacturing and assembly, ... Show more content on ...
The functional unit of the study is 300,000 km travelled by the diesel engine. The fuel efficiency of
the engine is 0.250 litres per km. It is assumed that the fuel efficiency of both engines is equal.
3.2 Life cycle inventory
In order to estimate the amount of resources required and emissions released to produce steel, cast
iron, and aluminium, inventory data published by [11] is utilized. To compute emissions released by
electricity production, China's electricity generation life cycle inventory found in [12] is used. To
calculate resources consumed and emissions produced due to diesel fuel refinery and combustion,
data presented in [13] and [14] are applied.
For the social aspect, based on the information provided by the manufacturer, data summarized in
Table 1 is obtained. Note that Rmfg stands for remanufactured. For the use phase, cost incurred due
to diesel fuel consumption is calculated as the following, 300,000 km × 0.25 litre/km × 7.724
CNY/litre = 579,315 CNY. 7.72 CNY/litre was the average price of diesel fuel in China in 2013.
CNY stands for Chinese Yuan, the currency of China. In order to estimate the portion of value–
added in the form of employee compensation in China (VAchina) over the life cycle of the diesel
engines, China's EIO table (42 sectors) for the year of 2007 is used [15]. Since the economic data is
in terms of 2013 CNY then we convert them to 2007 CNY by using China's GDP deflators, 130.768
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How Did The Diesel Engine Change The World
INTRODUCTION The diesel and gasoline engine changed the world as we know today. Without
these two types of engine the world would still be in the horse and buggy times as far as
transportation goes. These engines set a whole new bar for the standards of getting to work and the
moving and manufacturing of products.
HISTORICAL CONTENT In 1872 an American by the name of George Brayton invented the first
commercial internal combustion engine that was liquid fueled.("Diesel Engine.") In the 1890's
Rudolph Diesel invented the first compression ignition engine (Jääskeläinen).
These two engines impact the world in a tremendous way in the transportation industry from driving
your cars to work and hauling freight across the
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Diesel Engine Essay Outline
Trevor Huegerich
Ms. Frehse
English 3.2
6 Sept. 2017
Diesel engines Essay Outline The power of the truck's' engine is symbolic for the American Eagle
screaming off of the tailpipe. The truck's performance, with the way they were made and how they
were modified by other people has improved throughout the history of the diesel engine. They have
developed more power and more torque including better looks and sound. Throughout history of the
automobile, engines have continued improving. Ford started out with an engine like the 6.4 moving
on to the 6.0 and finally creating the 7.3 engine. (Mike McGlothlin)
The 6.4 Engine may not be the best quality of an engine, but it can still put out a lot of power with
certain modifications. The
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Diesel Engines Are The Best
My dad and I have always argued about which type of engine was better. My dad thinks that gas
engines are the best. I think that diesel engines are the best. The diesel engine has a better design for
all around usability than a gas engines. First, the weight of diesel engines are on average is 1,100
pounds. The engine has to be built stronger, because the compression ratio is a lot higher. As it runs,
the pistons compress air to an extreme heat, and as it reaches top dead center, the fuel is injected into
the combustion chamber. The fuel being injected directly in the hot air results in a highly destructive
explosion that drives the piston down creating power. In addition, it makes the iconic diesel knock
sound. Gas engines are built weaker because the compression ratio is lower. If a gas engine had the
same compression ratio as a diesel, it would not even start to run because it would blow up at idle.
The gasoline engine has spark plugs that ignites the fuel. They don't need to compress air to an
extreme heat like the diesels do. As the pistons travel up, the air–fuel mixture is introduced into the
combustion chamber. The air fuel mixture just sits there for a split second, and then the plug sparks
and ignites the fuel. This is why the gasoline engines are lighter than diesel. In addition, the weight
of a diesel engine also effects the usable power band. The power band is at what rotation per minute
(RPM) the power kicks in. RPM is how fast the crankshaft is spinning in
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Diesel Engines: Increase In The Automotive Industry
The diesel engine was originally designed to be used in commercial areas, but times have since
changed from its invention in 1893. (Jääskeläinen, 2013) In modern times, more and more car
manufacturers are using diesel engines in not only trucks, but also cars. Since there have been
improvements in the automotive field, and a drop in the fuel prices, more people are turning to
diesel powered engines, even in smaller vehicles. Diesel releases fewer pollutants and produces a
higher fuel economy, more power is harvested from diesel fuel, and the performance of diesel
engines is higher than its competitor. Diesel has always had a negative connotation about it of being
dirty and polluting more than gasoline. While this may be true looking at ... Show more content on ...
Perhaps as technology further improves, gasoline will come out on top again, but diesel out
preforms gasoline in every test. Diesel fuel may produce more emissions, but per gallon, it produces
far less than a gasoline vehicle. Diesel fuel allows more power to be created and will last twice as
long as a gasoline engine. This incorporated with the increased fuel savings produces savings for the
owner of the vehicle. Because of these advantages, more and more cars are being outfitted with
diesel engines stock. European cars are already powered mainly by diesel, and the trend is spreading
elsewhere. With more diesel being used, the environment will receive less pollutants and will save
all the owners money as they enjoy the higher performance in the
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Diesel Fuel Vs. Diesel Engines
Who would like to drive a car that gets mediocre gas mileage, a car that has lower torque, and a car
that is all round mediocre? Now who would like to drive a car with improved gas mileage, superior
torque, and a great, reliable engine? The obvious choice is the latter, a car with a diesel engine.
Diesel and gasoline engines have been each other's competition since the 1930's when the first diesel
run car was produced. There is one main mechanical difference between these two engines; a
gasoline engine ignites the gasoline with spark plugs, a lighter of sorts, and the diesel engine ignites
the diesel by compressing it so much that it spontaneously combusts. Although there are a few other
types of engines now, such as hybrid or electric, diesel is still superior to these.
I have spent numerous hours doing extensive research on the different aspects of diesel engines and
have come up with the conclusion that they are the superior motor.
Through the course of this speech I will show you why going diesel is the better choice, and prompt
you to make the switch to diesel if you have not done so already.
The three main reasons that diesel is better compared to all other engines are: they last longer, they
are more economical, and they are capable of running off of biodiesel.
First, diesel engines last longer and are structurally stronger than all other types of engines.
Diesel engines are much stronger than gasoline, hybrid, or electric engines, and they run for a
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The Physics of a Diesel Engine Essay
The Physics of a Diesel Engine
The world we live in is surrounded by diesel engines. They are on the freeways, railways, airways,
and are one of the leading electricity producers in the world. They are also becoming more popular
in automobiles. These engines are efficient and reliable and they are getting very sophisticated.
However, the physics behind these engines has not changed.
By way of definition, courtesy of Diesel Engine
Engineering: [a] diesel engine is an internal combustion engine in which the chemical energy of fuel
is transformed into thermal energy of the cylinder charge, in consequence of the self–ignition and
combustion of fuel in the engine cylinder after compression of the air charge in the cylinder (p1 ...
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The piston then travels down pulling in fresh air, (third stroke), after the piston bottoms again it
travels up compressing the fresh air, (fourth stroke). The fuel is then injected and one cycle is
completed in 720 degrees or two full rotations of the crankshaft.
The disadvantage of two–stroke engines is their dependency on a blower to force air into the
chamber and their inefficiency. A four–stroke engine does not have an expansion stroke every 360
degrees but it is more efficient because it has more time to completely burn the fuel injected into the
There are mechanical and fundamental differences between the two–stroke and four–stroke engines
but the physics remain the same. They both rely upon the compressed air to ignite the pressurized
fuel and the resulting expansion for their power. At first glance it may look like the explosion in the
chamber does the work but upon further inspection you can see the physics involved. There are two
questions I would like to address. The first question is what is the physics behind the compressed air
raising the temperature upwards of 900 degrees. The second question is what is the physics behind
the rapid expansion of the ignited air fuel mixture.
The physics behind the temperature increase of compressed air begins with a fresh charge of air. The
air fills the combustion chamber when the cylinder is at bottom dead center. As the
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Experimental Investigation of a Direct Injection Dual Fuel...
A Seminar Report On
Presented by JAGADEESH PUTTA ME04B118 S8 ME 27
KERALA– 673 601 Winter 2007–08
This is to certify that this seminar report entitled "EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION
record of the seminar presented by JAGADEESH PUTTA, Roll no:ME04B118, during winter
semester 2007–08 in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of B.Tech degree in
Mechanical Engineering by the National Institute of Technology, Calicut.
Faculty In–Charge of Seminar Department of ... Show more content on ...
The seminar focuses on the study of the effect of compressed natural gas (CNG) and diesel fuel
injection pressures, together with the amount of fuel injected during the pilot injection for different
operating conditions, on combustion development, engine emission levels and fuel consumption.
Nowadays the internal combustion engines are spread to the extent that they represent the main
cause of pollutant production. Nevertheless, it is well known that the stocks of fuels traditionally
used in this kind of engines will be able to satisfy the world's needs for few more decades. This
explains the massive research activity, drawn all over the world, addressed to the utilization of
innovative fuels and injection concepts in order to either replace the traditional ones or obtain a
more efficient and clean combustion. Compared to diesel engines, characterized by a high efficiency
but at the same time high levels of articulate, and to premixed charge gasoline engines, characterized
by a low efficiency because of knock limitations and pumping losses, lean burn engines can reach a
higher efficiency thanks to lower pumping losses and heat transfer. On the contrary, lean mixtures
generally imply higher levels of both total unburned hydrocarbons (THC) and carbon monoxide.
Nevertheless, mixing the fuel with an increasing quantity of air, flame instability, sometimes leading
to misfiring, is observed.
1.1 Methane as an Alternative Fuel Among the
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Bio-Diesel from Algae: An Acceptable Answer to Our Prayers...
Imagine a future in which you can fill your car with a liquid that has more mileage than gasoline and
is just as biodegradable as sugar. This is the future of bio–diesel, and is well on its way to becoming
the future we will live in. Bio–diesel has always been an area of study for researchers looking for
renewable fuels, usually biodiesel is produced from plant waste, like corn husks, but recently it was
discovered that bio–diesel could be produced with oils found in algae, which many people are
considering to be our best option when it comes to alternative fuels.
This new–found source of bio–diesel is causing a lot of excitement in the scientific community not
only because of how renewable it is but because of its easy integration into ... Show more content on ...
The only technical issue people may have with putting bio–diesel in their diesel engines is it can eat
through older gaskets and tubing, and it solidifies at lower temperatures. The gaskets and tubing can
be easily replaced with more resistant types, and there is still much research going into making
insolated gas tanks that would stay warm enough to keep alternative fuels from solidifying.
Some other qualities of bio–diesel that make it easily intergraded into today's fuel industry is its
close energy equivalent to gasoline and its matter form. Bio–diesel being a liquid makes it easy to
integrate into today's large fuel enterprise, because all gas stations can be easily converted to bio–
diesel stations by simply filling them up with bio–diesel instead of gas. Another issue is volume,
some alternative fuels have very little energy in them per gallon compared to gasoline, meaning gas
tanks would need to be much larger, but bio–diesel contains more energy per gallon than gasoline,
resulting in no fuel tank expanding necessities. This is especially good news for vehicles like
airplanes that require vast amounts of fuel to travel around. If you were to put ethanol in an airplane
it would need to be completely re–fueled in air during a 5 hour flight. All in all switching the world
from gasoline to bio–diesel as opposed to another alternative fuel saves a lot of money and
resources, and can even help make more money.
One big
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The Compression Ratio Of A Diesel Engine
The compression ratio is the ratio of the maximum to minimum volume in the cylinder of an internal
combustion engine. The compression ratio for a diesel engine usually ranges between 15:1 and 23:1.
The reason being for this high compression ratio is purposely higher causing the temperature of the
air to rise. A four–stroke engine has a camshaft which is used to rotate at half the speed of the
crankshaft. (1:2 Ratio) Therefore the crankshaft will need to rotate twice for the camshaft to make
one rotation. The four–stroke cycle, is a cycle that uses intake, exhaust, fuel injection, compression
and power to accomplish one complete cycle of a diesel engine. The piston moves upward and
approaches before top dead center (BTDC) as the camshaft lobe starts to lift the cam follower. As
the valve is taken up the intake valve is then pushed downward and the valve opens. The intake
stroke begins while the exhaust valve is still open. The flow of exhaust gases creates low pressure
condition within the cylinder and will pull in fresh air. Compression occurs after bottom dead center
(ABDC) the intake valve starts to close. At bottom, top, dead center (BTDC) the intake valve is then
fully closed. The air charge at this point is at normal pressure. The piston at bottom top dead center
(BTDC) has traveled half of its stroke reducing the volume in the cylinder by half doubling the
temperature to 160F. With a piston area of 9.6 in. sq. the pressure in the cylinder releases a force of
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Diesel Engine Research Paper
The diesel (internal combustion) engine has been a major source of power for transportation
vehicles and industrial uses. The Australian railways have utilised diesel engines for regional and
freight purposes since the early 1950 's. Despite the extensive history of the diesel engine, the
efficiency of the modern internal combustion process ranges between 35% – 42%.[1] The losses in
energy arise from heat losses and mechanical losses as illustrated in Fig 1.
Figure 1. Schematic of conventional vehicle system model. Only a small percentage of energy is
converted into useful work to power the wheels and other accessory loads.[2]
Figure 1 indicates that a significant amount of energy is lost from the exhaust and coolant systems.
Exhaust temperatures generally range between 400–900°C depending on the application. This
presents a significant opportunity to recover the heat losses from the exhaust to reduce the fuel
consumption. In addition to the advantage gained from the improved fuel consumption, there are
other benefits such as reducing exhaust emissions and increased engine power.
To effectively capture the energy lost from a diesel engine exhaust pressures, the turbocharger was
implemented to boost the power of engine and thereby increasing the fuel efficiency. The majority
of the heat energy from the exhaust and coolant has yet to be captured and utilised. There has been
many challenges to recovering the heat as the low grade heat from the diesel engine cannot be
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Diesel Engines: Prius Repellent
According to Peter Chaney, the automotive world can be a weird one, filled with a bunch of
oddballs. There are chrome–loving low–riders, electric car fanatics, giant wheeled donkers and the
list goes on. But there is nothing like coal rollers, a group that brings new meaning to the "dirty
diesel." It is impossible to drive through a small town in the south in a Prius. This is like painting a
large bullseye on the windshield for coal rollers to roll coal on, since the black soot is referred to as
"Prius Repellent" (Chaney). Should we be more harsh on the manufacturers of diesel engines to help
regulate and prevent diesel exhaust from causing pollution? The reason these people have given a
new meaning to the term "dirty diesel" is because ... Show more content on ...
CabAire would install 20 modules for trucks to operate heating, air conditioning, and electricity for
in–cab appliances without running their engines. The state, using federal stimulus money, granted
the port a $380,256 grant for the project.
Diesel emissions from idling trucks are a major health threat, according to the EPA, causing heart
attacks and lung problems for drivers and workers, as well as young children and the elderly
("O'Leary"). Apart from the risk of getting lung cancer, idling engines decrease its life and wastes
more than one billion gallons of fuel per year, while adding 15 cents a mile to maintaining costs.
The incentive to use the electrical system is the $5,000 that could be charged if the trucks idle more
than three minutes in the port (O'Leary). Why would we keep putting our nation's citizen at risk by
not regulating emissions as tightly as we should? There are elderly people out there that are being
diagnosed with lung cancer and children having asthma attacks because we do not regulate
emissions up to our full potential. So should we be more harsh on diesel manufactures and the EPA
so we might increase our life expectancy and to reduce asthma and lung cancer in the United
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Motorhome Complaint
This letter is to register a complaint about the extremely poor service life of the Cummins 360 diesel
engine that is in my 2010 Tiffin (Phaeton) Freightliner motorhome.
At 34,569 miles the Cummins diesel engine in my Motorhome required a complete rebuild.
I purchased my Motorhome from an individual with the obvious expectation that a Motorhome with
a Cummins diesel engine would furnish my wife and I with many years and thousands of miles of
trouble free service.
I only purchased the Motorhome after discovering that the individual I was purchasing this
Motorhome from had spent $2,313.64 dollars at Bay City Diesel, Red Bay Alabama. to have the
motorhome completely serviced.
The oil and all the engine filters were changed including the fuel ... Show more content on ...
Just the cost associated with the extended out of service time that is required to repair a Cummins
diesel engine would be detrimental to the successful operation of any trucking business. The
expense, my wife and I have incurred when purchasing this Motorhome makes it the second largest
expenditure that we have ever made. That cost associated with the purchase of this Motorhome was
significantly higher because we wanted the reliability of a Cummins diesel engine over a gasoline
Again my wife and I wish to thank the Cummins Corporation for their financial assistance that we
received related to the cost of rebuilding our Cummins diesel engine.
But even with your financial assistance I find it totally unacceptable that Cummins Corporation
would expect a customer to be responsible to the tune of $9000, 00 dollars that was necessary to
repair a head that was obviously defective either in its designed, casting or installation on this
Cummings diesel
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Diesel Engines Vs. Modern Technology
"Diesel engines, long reputed for being loud and dirty, are making waves in the U.S.," says Alex
Davies of Business Insider. With the never ending evolution of modern technology, the diesel engine
has come a long way since its invention in the late 19th century. With new advancements in
technology, the diesel engine is no longer loud and dirty as it was in the past. In fact, with modern
advancements, diesel engines have come to possess many advantages over gasoline engines.
Modern diesel engines boast better attributes than their gasoline counterparts, such as greater
reliability, increased fuel efficiency, and superior performance.
When most people think of a diesel engine, they think of a semi–truck or a tractor. People think of
something big and dirty when they hear the word "diesel". Diesel engines have long been used in
heavy equipment, things like semi–trucks, tractors, locomotives, and the like. But how about in a
car? What a crazy idea, right? Well, although this may seem crazy, it actually makes perfectly good
sense. Diesel engines have many advantages over a gasoline engine. Diesel engines are more
reliable than gasoline motors. Why are diesel engines more reliable? Diesel engines are built heavier
than gasoline engines. A diesel engine is a compression engine, so to handle the compression
experienced by the engine during ignition, the engine must be built heavier than a typical gasoline
engine. Diesel engines tend to last longer than gasoline engines as well.
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Avoid Revving A Diesel Engine
Some people enjoy having a diesel engine in their car because it provides more horsepower
compared to a standard fuel engine. It gives them the ability to tow things that are very heavy such
as trailers and boats, and can be fuel–efficient as well. Here are a few things to consider that will
keep your car's diesel engine working great.
Avoid Revving A Cold Engine
Since diesel engines are powerful, you may be tempted to rev your engine to warm it up before
heading out onto the road. Doing this when the engine is cold can actually be very bad for it. When
fuel is cold the fluid can be much thicker than normal, and it won't flow smoothly like it does when
it is warm. This will cause unnecessary wear on a diesel engine.
You are better off waiting
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The Persuasive Essay : The History Of Diesel Or Gasoline...
Diesel or gasoline; which is better for me? With today's advances in technology and engineering, the
decision is not as easy as one may think. There are several considerations to evaluate and weigh
before making the decision to buy a diesel or gasoline powered vehicle. The following essay
provides a short history of each while providing key facts to inform a prospective buyer which is
better for him or her.
History of the diesel and gasoline engine:
The first diesel engine was invented by Rudolf Diesel in 1893 and officially patented in 1895
#542846 (USPTO, 1895). What is abundantly clear with Diesel's invention, he did not invent
something entirely new, but rather improved on earlier inventions. Pinpointing the "first" gasoline
engine is harder since there were many variations of fuel fired combustion engines. For this
assignment, I am going to use the engine invented by an American, George Brayton. Brayton
patented the first four–stroke, spark plug ignited gasoline engine in 1872 # US 125166 A (USPTO,
1872). There were similar engines during the 1800's; however, Brayton's engine is closest to the
modern–day passenger car engine we know today.
Diesel and gasoline engine uses:
Due to the specific characteristics of each engine, there are certain applications that each are better
suited. For example, the diesel engine produces more torque, runs at lower Revolutions per Minute
(RPM), while consuming less fuel than a gasoline engine; which makes it better suited for
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Gasoline Engines As A Diesel Engines
Introduction There are many advantages and disadvantages to gasoline engines as well as diesel
engines in both "light trucks" and "cars." The goal of this report is to inform the public on the many
pros and cons of the vehicle buying world. This report will discuss the three main topics of
discussion when choosing between a gasoline and a diesel engine in a vehicle. The people of the
United States purchased 1,507,339 vehicles in the year 2014 alone. Now, 829,185 of those vehicles
were considered "light trucks" and the remaining 678,154 vehicles were "cars." A large portion of
these vehicles are power by a diesel motor as compared to a gas or hybrid motors in the other
vehicles. Traditionally diesel engines are thought of as being used for large tractor trailer trucks,
heavy duty equipment, and other large commercial vehicles. However, in recent years there has been
a shift from the industrial world only to a more balanced market of diesel vehicles for everyday use.
The three main criteria on which vehicles are judged are as follows. First, in today's day and age
what is looked at is the efficiency, Fuel Efficiency. Secondly, is the durability and dependability of
the vehicle, will this car or truck last, can this vehicle drive across country and not worry about it
dying? Lastly, the report will talk about the affordability of the vehicle, is it better to pay less
initially, will paying more initially be a better investment for the long run?
Fuel Efficiency During
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Emission Standards of the Diesel Engine
Diesel engines began to be used in automobiles in the 1930s. They are used in many trucks, ships,
buses and small passenger cars in Europe right now.[1] Many believe that diesel engine are heavier,
noisier and generate black smock when running. However, diesel engine's unique advantages can
make them the engine of the future for vehicles. And with much more stringent standard to take
effect in the future, diesel engine's emissions and control technologies are still very much in the
forefront. This paper will cover the developments in diesel vehicles emission regulation and control
technology for NOx, particulate matter (PM) for diesel vehicles.
Right now there are two kinds of emission standard in US. One of them is federal standards
established by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and another is California standards.
Since the State of California are facing more severe air pollutant problem than most of other state,
they choose to adopt its own emission regulations. The California Air Resources Board (ARB)
establish engine and vehicle emission regulations that are often more stringent than the federal rules.
Other states can make their own decision to either implement the federal emission standards or to
use California requirements.
After the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) on 1990, two sets of standards have been defined for
light–duty vehicles. Tier I standard was published in 1991 and was phased–in between 1994 and
1997. Tier II standard was
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Persuasive Essay On Diesel Engine
When someone purchases a vehicle, diesel engine or gas engine, there is a lot responsibility that
goes with this decision. Not only only do they have to pay close attention to their vehicle's exterior
and interior, but there should also be just as much attention paid to what is under the hood.
As the owner of the vehicle, you will most likely know your car or truck fairly well and can tell
when something is not right. Some problems are easily fixed, and others are not, but depending on
what is wrong, it is something that could have been avoided. This is actually a common occurrence
when people have failed to get regular oil changes, as changing your oil can prevent extensive
damage to your engine and much more.
The following are reasons you
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Diesel Engines Vs. Gasoline Engine
Diesel Engines vs. Gasoline Engines
The issue whether the diesel engine is better than the gasoline engine has been a recent question on
which one is the best to own. This may concern many people who are interested into own one. On
the other hand, A variety of people has discussed why this is important.some discuss that the
gasoline engine is better while others disagree. However, the diesel engines are typically used in the
heavy duty field.
It has been proven that the diesel engine produces more power with fuel efficiency "Diesel fuel has
the advantage when it comes to fuel economy, as there is more energy in a gallon of diesel fuel than
a gallon of gasoline. In other words, a diesel engine can make more power with less fuel than a
gasoline engine" (Hollis). However, Tom Venetis states that " diesel, once the cheaper fuel for many
years, now is the most expensive than gasoline per equivalent liter." In fact, diesel engines are more
commonly used in the work field because of their endurance and fuel ... Show more content on ...
In the other hand, diesel engines are more expensive to keep maintenance because of their sizes of
parts, which require more oil. However, this makes the engine last longer. John Martin states that
"The TMC's S.14 Light– and Medium–Duty Study Group was recently shown comparative
maintenance costs between gasoline engines and turbocharged diesels in service. Although diesel
engine service intervals are longer, most replacement parts and labor costs are significantly higher.
Some diesel filters cost ten times what the equivalent gasoline filter cost. The TMC data showed the
diesel's annual maintenance costs were essentially double those of the gasoline engines."
In conclusion, diesel engines are better than gasoline engines because they produce more power
with less fuel and more life in a diesel engine than the gasoline engine. Finally, diesel engines are
better because they are
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Are Diesels Better Than Gasoline Engines
Are diesels better than gasoline engines? A significant segment of the consumer market thinks so,
especially in Europe where such engines compose nearly half the vehicles purchased. In the US,
diesels have had difficulty gaining acceptance, with heavy–duty pickup trucks and German luxury
cars offering them. But with Audi currently snagged in the Volkswagen diesel scandal mess, a
negative light has been cast on these engines, with some insisting that they're far dirtier than what
manufacturers say they are. Fortunately, not all manufacturers are being dissuaded by such
negativity. Chevrolet now supplies a turbo diesel for its popular midsize pickup trucks, Nissan
recently rolled out a Cummins diesel for its all–new Titan XD full–size pickup, ... Show more
content on ...
Oversized front bucket seats and a plush 40–20–40 bench seat is in the second row. Land Rover
could have stuck in a third row, but wisely chose not to. That would have cost nearly every inch of
this 27.7 cubic foot storage compartment As elegant as the Range Rover Sport is, Land Rover went
with a fairly simple or straightforward interior, marked by an instrument panel featuring a two–cowl
speedometer and tachometer display. In the center of it all is a digital driver's information center
with the expected readouts. It seems as if leather is everywhere – wrapping the thick steering
column surrounding the instrument panel, covering the dash, on door inlays, storage compartments
and, of course, across the seats. The center stack is orderly and uncluttered, amplified by a large
color display followed by large knobs for the audio system. Spitting the front seats is the
transmission stick and two cup holders as well as the four–wheel drive controller and the attendant
switches. Activate the controller and you're ready to take on most any on– or off–road sojourn – ice,
rain, snow, sand, mud, rocks, you name it. Most people who buy Range Rovers aren't about to
venture off road, but just having the security you can is most
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How The Invention Of The Diesel Engine Changed In The...
The invention of the Diesel engine changed the way people lived in the industrial revolution. It had
countless long term consequences both positive and negative. Firstly, the Diesel engine helped
businesses, and people selling goods flourish in their businesses. The engine not only helped the
selling and accessibility of goods in the short term, it also aided the economy in the long term. The
invention of the Diesel engine meant that goods were more accessible and money could be gained
quicker. The Diesel engine has some very terrible long term effects. Still today the diesel engine is
one of the biggest producers of pollution. Studies have shown that a "Diesel engine emits four times
more toxic pollution than a bus."(Carrington, D. (2015).
... Get more on ...

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Comprehensive Experimental Examination On Diesel Engine...

  • 1. Comprehensive Experimental Examination On Diesel Engine... COMPREHENSIVE EXPERIMENTAL EXAMINATION ON DIESEL ENGINE SUPPLIED WITH KANUGA METHYL ESTER/DIESEL BLENDS B.S.S.Prasanna Kumar 1, D.Ramesh Babu 2, M.Mastanaiah3 1M.Tech Student, 2 Assistant Professor, 3 Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering DR.SAMUEL GEORGE INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY MARKAPURAM–523316, PRAKASAM DIST, ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Petroleum based fuels are producing high emissions in depletion of environment. Due to the usage with modern globalization these emissions causing hazardous for the environment. Due to the local topography and climatology, Bio–fuels can be produced from various sources. Likewise every nation will have its own source. Kanuga oil is abundantly available in india but it 's not been used and if used it 's a great resource of energy. This study explores the potential alternate for diesel as fuel for automobiles and other industrial purposes. This study is focused on kanuga methyl esters performance and emission characteristics and comparing it with the traditional petroleum diesel. The fuels are used pure methyl ester and different blends of the methyl ester with diesel. The tests were conducted on a 3.7 KW, single cylinder, direct injection, water–cooled diesel engine. The experimental result shows that every blend performs good with decreased amount of pollution. This analysis shows that kanuga methyl ester and its blends are a potential alternate for diesel. Keywords: Experimental Examination; Diesel ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Argumentative Essay On Diesel Engines Whenever people think of diesel engines, they imagine black soot pouring out of a big rig on the interstate. While that has been correct in the past, the technology is arriving that changes people's thoughts to that of a more ecologically friendly. Ever since Rudolf Diesel created the diesel engine, it has been written off as a smelly, inefficient, and dirty way of converting fossil fuels into power. Diesel noticed how the steam engines of the times were wasting 80–90% of the fuel they burn, making them very inefficient. After learning about how inefficient typical gas or steam engines were, he dedicated himself to create a clean burning engine. In the beginning, the stereotypes were completely accurate, but those same adjectives are simply incorrect in today's times. These constant put downs by environmentalist are often uneducated and generalized by the small number of older, inefficient trucks that are still on the road. The modern diesel engine is an absolute marvel when it comes to the fuel efficiency, power output and societal benefits. While the light duty diesel pickup may be loud and intimidating, the benefits they provide society are vastly underappreciated and need to be more thoroughly recognized. Diesel trucks are literally cooler than gas trucks, they are a colder running motor and the explosion inside the engine ... Show more content on ... She goes on to give us more evidence like "99.8 percent [of mined earth], now contaminated with toxic chemicals, is dumped back into the environment." The potential buyers of these vehicles want to be as environmentally friendly as possible and those facts are likely to deter any eco–friendly buyer. No engine today is completely efficient with zero environmental drawbacks, but if you look at diesel engines in the sense of its total life as an on–road vehicle, it is easily the better choice for anyone looking to create a better future for our ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Diesel Engines And Vehicle Performance Metrics Essay In the automotive world, efficiency and power are two elements of vehicle performance metrics that while important to many consumers and critics alike, appear to be elusive when in convolution with one another. In automotive history, good fuel efficiency equaled compromises in power and performance and vehicles with large displacements and torque usually had worse gas mileage. The exception to this rule were diesel engines, which managed to combine better efficiency than many four–cylinder gas engines while providing very high torque number for better performance. The main drawback that diesel's faced was due to their stigma of being dirty, as they emitted more greenhouse gases including nitrous and sulfur oxides. Coupled with the stricter emissions that many states began to implement, primarily overseen by the EPA, it became harder for car manufactures to certify diesel engines for emissions while maintaining high fuel economy and power output figures. The emission control hardware and software in diesel vehicles also came at a high price and with increased complexity, both unwelcoming additions for any car company wanting to mainstream diesel's. Volkswagen Automotive Group (VAG) pledged to change these preconceived notions concerning power and efficiency with the debut of the clean diesel technology in 2008 within select models. These vehicles had miraculously managed to decrease emissions out of vehicles with diesel motors while not compromising on the power and ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Study Of The Petrol ( Vvt Engines ) And Diesel PRoJECT REPORT on To study the petrol (VVT engines) and diesel (DDiS engines) Submitted to Amity School of Engineering & Technology Amity University, Uttar Pradesh Submitted To: Submitted By: Ms. MÉGHA SHARMA BHARGAB PAUL ABSTRACT Thé training projéct éntitléd "To study thé pétrol (VVT énginés) and diésél (DDiS énginés)" aims to study thé différént typés of énginés uséd and manufacturéd by Maruti Suzuki. it also studiés thé various typés of probléms occurréd in thé énginés in running conditions. This projéct is a thorough study of thé VVT & DDiS énginés, théir uséfulnéss, théir éfficiéncy and théir high pérformancé dué to théir néw téchnology. it also includés thé casé studiés of thé cars which wéré réportéd to thé workshop having énginé rélatéd probléms. Déscription of Éléctric Throttlé Systém Calibrations: ÉCM calculatés controlléd opéning of thé throttlé valvé on thé basis of thé complétély closéd throttlé valvé position of thé éléctric throttlé control systém. Thé complétély closéd position data is savéd in mémory of ÉCM. Howévér , thé complétély closéd position of thé throttlé valvé of thé éléctric throttlé control systém (signal voltagé from throttlé position sénsor whén throttlé is complétély closéd) différs oné from thé othér dépénding on individual différéncés of thé throttlé ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Reflection Of Pressure Analysis Of A Diesel Engine Abstract: In a diesel engine, three combustion parameters, which describe the crank angle at the start of ignition, the total amount of heat release and the combustion duration can be used to control the speed, efficiency, noise and exhaust emission. Pressure analysis of a diesel engine cylinder can be used for identifying these parameters. The combustion parameters can be determined using the pressure signal and the pressure derived from a mathematical model of the combustion process. One such mathematical model of the combustion process called the Wiebe function is widely used in application. In this work, we investigated the Wiebe function and the analysis shows that the computational time to determine the combustion parameters is too high to be used in ... Show more content on ... The position of the piston at the crank angle 180° is the bottom dead centre. At this position, the cylinder volume is the maximum. We now give a simple description of a four–stroke diesel engine. Figure 1 Geometric parameters of a diesel engine (see online version for colours) In the first stroke, the piston moves from top to bottom (BDC) and air is drawn through the intake valve in the cylinder. The next stroke begins when the piston starts its upwards movement and the intake valve closes. As the piston moves up, air is compressed and heated tremendously. When the piston is near TDC, fuel is injected into the cylinder. High temperature of the compressed air in the cylinder ignites the fuel vapour resulting in a small explosion. In the next stroke, this explosion forces the piston back downwards to BDC. In the last stroke, the exhaust valve opens, and the cylinder is swept clean of burnt fuel by the piston moving in the cylinder to TDC. A connecting rod transmits this motion to a crankshaft to convert linear motion to rotary motion for use as power in a variety of applications. This entire cycle is repeated for every two revolutions of the crankshaft (Whitelaw et al., 2000). 3 Physical ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Diesel Engine The Diesel Engine Diesel engines are very similar to the gasoline engine you may find in a car. They both are internal combustion engines, have a four stroke cycle, and convert chemical energy from fuel into mechanical energy. However, the manner in which the combustion stroke is attained sets these two engines apart, and although a seemingly meaningless change, a large change in efficiency results. (Diesel Engines vs. Gasoline Engines) The diesel engine was invented by Rudolf Diesel in 1892. He learned about the extreme inefficiency of the gasoline engine and worked to produce something more practical. (Introduction to How Diesel Engines Work) The majority of diesel engines use a four stroke process. The strokes are intake, ... Show more content on ... The first way that this problem was solved was through glow plugs. These are simply electrically heated coils that warm the engine in the early moments of ignition. These are rarely used anymore, and with recent technology, sensors monitor every cycle of the engine. If a sensor detects the engine is too cold, it will wait longer to inject the fuel. This allows a slightly higher compression which yields the higher temperature needed for combustion. (Diesel Fuel Injection) A problem of the diesel engine is the fuel injector. It must be designed to withstand the extreme temperatures and pressures inside the cylinder, all the while injecting a fine mist of fuel. Ensuring that the misted fuel circulates in the chamber and combusts uniformly is a difficult task as well. Some engines use special valves, pre–combustion chambers, and other devices to swirl the air to improve the efficiency of the combustion step. (Diesel Fuel Injection) Diesel fuel is different from gasoline. It is heavier and oilier because it is less refined than gasoline, which actually makes it cheaper to produce. It has a higher energy density than gasoline as well, which means per gallon of gasoline, more power can be released. This, accompanied with the higher compression ratio in diesel engines, produces higher fuel economy than similar sized gasoline engines. (Diesel Fuel) Cited References 1. Marshall B. 2010. How Diesel Engines Work: Diesel Engines vs. ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Fuel Of The Diesel Engine The diesel engine has been the number one choice for power, reliable and high fuel economy worldwide (Jääskeläinen, 2013). However, as petroleum becomes more and more expensive, the new challenge that has been presented to todays society has been to find a sustainable way to continue running these engines without relying on diminishing petrol supplies (Connolly, 2013). The world has turned to biofuels; the use of biodiesel can produce power, performance and economy, along with assisting in the reduction of emissions and Greenhouse gases. However, its widespread use has been halted due to the ethical issues surrounding its production. The use of agricultural land for the use of bio–fuels, detriments the mass food crisis and insecurity that the world faces. Is it really ethical to be using bio–fuels to cut carbon emissions, which in turn could lead to millions of people in Asia starving to death? The inventor of the diesel engine, Dr. Rudolf Diesel, first conceptualised Biodiesel fuel in 1895. He generated and demonstrated a diesel engine that used peanut oil as its main fuel source in 1900 at the Paris World Exhibition, as he viewed using vegetable oil fuel as a means to provide economic growth in remote areas of the world due to widely available agricultural crops as the source of the fuel (Diesel Service and Supply, 2013). In Australia, the use of bio–diesel in the transport industry has been under much debate. Bio–diesel is produced through a process knows as ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Diesel Engines Vs. Gasoline Engines For more than 100 years, the two most prevalent types of engines used in the manufacture of vehicles have been mainly diesel and gasoline engines. Despite the fact that both are considered internal combustion engines, each type of engines comes with unique advantages and disadvantages when compared to its counterpart (Curtis and Anderson 45). The primary difference between gasoline and diesel engines is in the ignition process. Gasoline engines use spark plugs for the ignition of the fuel and air mixture, a process technically referred to as Otto cycle. On the other hand, diesel engines attain combustion by compression of the diesel fuel, a process technically referred to as diesel cycle. Although diesel engines are less popular than gas engines, but they are superior in numerous ways. The primary advantage of diesel engine is that they have higher engine efficiency, leading to improved fuel economy. Diesel engines have a reputation for producing higher levels of torque than gasoline powered engines, and boast of longer durability than gas engines. The absence of an electrical in diesel engines plays an integral role in improving its reliability (Erjavec 145). The distinctive benefits of diesel engines have helped increase their popular usage in commercial vehicles and large trucks. This is mainly because of the improved levels of torque, which facilitates greater towing capacity. The design of smaller cars relying on fuel efficiency can also benefit when using diesel ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The History of Caterpillar Engines Essay The History of Caterpillar Engines The start of Caterpillar engines actually begins before Caterpillar was even a company. The history began back in the late1800's when Daniel Best and Benjamin Holt were experimenting with various forms of steam tractors used for farming. The two competed with each other to gain the lead in the farm equipment industry. Throughout the late 1800's and early 1900's Holt and Best continued to build both steam and gas tractors. In 1908 Best sold his company to Holt. In 1925 Holt Manufacturing and C. L. Best Gas Tractor, a company owned by Best's son C. L. Best, merged to form Caterpillar Tractor Company. Three years later C. L. Best met with Carl George Arthur Rosen to discuss putting diesel engines in ... Show more content on ... This housing then directs the compressed air into the engine. After the use of the turbocharger they discovered a new problem. The compressed air was much hotter than normal air going into the engine. The reason was that when the air is compressed it puts pressure on all the atoms. This causes the atoms to hit each other, causing friction, and move even faster. These rapid movements cause a massive amount of heat. This excess heat caused less oxygen to get to the cylinders which means a loss of potential power. Our answer to this dilemma was the aftercooler. Aftercoolers are used to lower the temperature of the air after it comes out of the turbo but before it enters the engine. By lowering the temperature the air becomes denser and holds more oxygen. This increase in oxygen provides an increase in power. There are three types of aftercoolers. The first is an Air–to Air Aftercooler (ATAAC). With the air–to–air system, a separate cooler core is placed in front of the engine. The engine fan then passed outside air across the cooler. The outside air is much colder than the compressed air in the cooler. This difference causes the compressed air to drop in temperature by losing its heat to the outside air. This method is very common on most on–highway trucks since they have access to a large volume of fresh cool air. The second type of aftercooler is the Jacket Water Aftercooler ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Rudolf Diesel And The Invention Of The Diesel Engine Rudolf Diesel is an infamous German innovator, mainly known for the invention of the Diesel engine, which was named after him. However, Rudolf was not actually born in Germany but in Paris, France on March 18th, 1858 and was the second of three children. His parents emigrated from Bavaria to become leather goods manufacturers; their drive and creativity would ultimately spark Rudolf's passion for inventing. The Diesel family was forced to move out of Paris due to the Franco–Prussian war in 1870. While the Diesel family settled in England, Rudolf's parents figured it would be best to send Rudolf to Germany with his aunt and uncle so he could attend a private school where his uncle taught mathematics. Rudolf demonstrated an inquisitive nature and thirst for knowledge from an early age, however his parents did not encourage this. They would much rather see Rudolf dive into the work force rather than pursuing an education. After finishing his basic education at the top of the class, Rudolf applied and was accepted into the Industrial School of Augsburg with a scholarship (Bellis, 2015). After graduating in 1880 and with a few years of work experience under his belt, he began to develop a steam engine using ammonia vapour. The results of this experiment were disastrous as during testing the engine exploded and nearly killed him. In 1893, Rudolf published a paper with designs of an engine based on the Carnot cycle; this created the foundation for the Diesel engine. Throughout ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Cummins Diesel Engine Essay The Cummins diesel engine was manufactured in the year 1919 by its creator Clessie Cummins. The Cummins was put in a variety of vehicles and the most common are in the dodge ram 2500, 3500, 4500, and 5500 series rams. It is also put into more heavy–duty trucks such as Peterbilt semis. The reason people choose Cummins over Chevy's Duramax or Ford's Powerstroke is because Cummins' are built to last longer meaning they can go more hours without maintenance. The Cummins diesel engines have several different designs, and a number of different models, and assembling one takes money, time, effort, and knowledge. The Cummins diesel engines has several different designs and models of engines from 5.9–liters in 1989, to the modern day 6.7–liter engines. ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Engines Run On Petroleum : Diesel Fuel Engines run on petroleum. Petroleum is used in many products such as plastics, ink paint, shoe polish, nylons, roof shingles, novelty candy, cosmetics, candles, vaseline, bug biller, ammonia, tires, asphalt, crayons, paper, cups, and wax paper. Although petroleum may be useful in many applications, the best used for petroleum is diesel fuel for many reasons. One reason diesel fuel is the best and most efficient use for petroleum is that diesel fuel contains about 14% more energy by volume than gasoline. This makes diesel fuel the most efficient fuel for use in automobiles and trucks. Diesel fuel is especially the most efficient fuel for use in towing all types of vehicles for many reasons. One reason diesel engines are better for towing is that they have more low end torque because of their higher compression ratios. A diesel engine 's compression ratio is between 15:1 and 23:1 compared to the compression ratio of a gasoline engine which is 10:1 to 12:1 but if the compression ratio is raised from 10:1 to 15:1, the thermal efficiency will improve by roughly nine percent. Diesel engines also deliver twenty–five to thirty percent better fuel economy than similar performing gasoline engines. When compared to a 4.0 liter gasoline engine, the Cummin's 4BT3.9 diesel engine is much more fuel efficient engine. In theory, diesel engines and gasoline engines are quite similar. They are both internal combus­ tion engines designed to convert the chemical energy available in fuel ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Diesel Hybrid Combustion Engine Essay The Diesel Hybrid Combustion Engine Two main types of engines powering everyday machinery are diesel and gasoline internal combustion engines. Both vary on efficiency levels, but are still effective. Diesel engines have high efficiency levels, such as producing great amount of torque at very low rpms. They are also known for their fuel–efficient behavior and capability to produce low emissions. Their capability to produce power at an efficient rate with little wear on the engine, this makes these engines ideal for hybrid integration. Hybrid integration takes a typical engine and combines it with an electric generator and motor, with the application of other electrical systems applied. Allowing the ... Show more content on ... These tests represent the percentage of green house gases that the engine will produce over its lifetime. The results are as follows: the gasoline combustion engine is 88%, the diesel–hybrid engine is 56% (Weiss 29). The MIT testing and research went into much more detail besides fuel efficiency and emission release. These areas are still are very important in the mind of the everyday consumer. Current Developments: The diesel–hybrid idea is now being applied to several different applications. It ranges from road, to water, and railroad. In each scenario the applications are the similar but the designs are different. In Vancouver, Canada, RailPower Technologies has designed a hybrid locomotive, the Green Goat, which utilizes diesel fuel and electric motors. The basic design started with removing all the original engine parts and replacing them with a 6.0L Daewoo diesel engine and 20 volt lead acid batteries (Siuru 1). This design uses the diesel engine, which acts as a generator to charge the batteries. The batteries are then used to power the locomotive. Batteries propel the locomotive leaving more empty space under the hood. The result of all this is: ability to create a smaller hood increasing overall visibility for locomotive engineers, fuel economy improvement of 35%, and a 90% reduction of overall emissions (Siuru 1). In 2001, New York City ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Reduction Of Carbon Diesel Engines And Catalytic Converter REDUCTION OF EMISSIONS IN DIESEL ENGINES AND CATALYTIC CONVERTER IN GASOLINE ENGINES Uppu.Nagaraju1, M.V. Sirisha2 1M.Tech Student, 2 Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering DR.SAMUEL INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY MARKAPURAM–523316, PRAKASAM DIST, ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT The main concern of today's automobile industry is to reduce the amount of emissions (HC, CO, NOx) to meet stringent emission norms. These emission norms can be obtained by modification in in–cylinder combustion process or after treatment process. It's not possible to achieve the emission norms by in–cylinder process alone. So, in this project, we make an attempt to reduce the emissions by the after treatment process. The scope of our project is to reduce emissions in both gasoline and diesel engines. In the after treatment process, Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) technology dominates the heavy duty diesel engines and catalytic convertor plays an important role in the current era of gasoline engines. In this an attempt made to reduce NOx emissions by SCR technology. In this work, we used Zeolite ZSM–5 as catalyst which was assisted by urea injection in the exhaust tail pipe. It has been observed that 10 to 12% of NOx was reduced compared to existing engine set–up. 1.0 INTRODUCTION The rise in civilization is closely related to improvements in transportation. In the development of transport the internal combustion engines, both petrol and diesel engines, occupy a very ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Troubleshooting Common Diesel Engine Problems Topic: Troubleshooting Common Diesel Engine Problems Engine won 't start Is the fuel fresh? If untreated fuel is more than a month old, this fuel will start to break down and engine stalling (in addition to fuel system component gumming) can result. That 's why it 's important to either drain the gas from your outdoor power equipment before it sits idle during the winter, or add a fuel preservative/stabilizer to the fuel. To prevent the fuel from going stale purchase a replacement Fresh Start Fuel Cartridge for your Fresh Start Fuel Cap, OR purchase our Advanced Fuel Treatment and mix the prescribed amount with your gasoline. Even better, keep a gas can solely for your outdoor power equipment filled with gasoline treated with our ... Show more content on ... An ASE certified mechanic can retrieve the trouble codes from within the onboard electronic control module and determine the specific cause. Frequent service engine soon light causes: Loose or missing gas cap Spark plugs or wires that are worn out or damaged Electronic control module failure Defective distributor or coil packs Emissions control fault such as the oxygen sensor Fuel quality issue Overheating Overheating is most generally caused by a low coolant level. A quick check of the coolant overflow reservoir will indicate if coolant is leaking. Most cars are equipped with temperature gauges or warning lights that will alert the driver to an overheating issue. Frequent overheating can cause serious and expensive engine damage. Proper maintenance of the cooling system is vital in order to maintain the quality of the coolant and to make certain the cooling system is in good operating condition. Additionally, a cracked head or blown head gasket can also cause overheating, coolant loss and white exhaust smoke, which may indicate the need for engine repair. Common reasons for overheating: Faulty thermostat Dirty or low coolant level Non–functioning cooling fan Kinked or broken radiator hose Internal or external coolant leak Defective radiator cap Dirty air filter The Most Common Small Engine Problems Many owners of small engine vehicles such as lawnmowers, golf ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. A Brief Note On The Diesel Engine Exhaust Gas Emissions... ABSTRACT Diesel engine exhaust gas emissions and particulate matters have been a serious environmental problem for a long time. Many research have been made in order to reduce these emissions since the usage of diesel engines came into large. Major emissions from the diesel exhaust are NOx, SOx, CO and Particulate Matters. Amongst these SOx, CO and Particulate matters can be reduced by using after treatment methods like Catalytic Reduction, etc. Unlike these NOx reduction is a challenging issue. In this project various types of technologies which are used till now to reduce NOx ¬has been discussed and the advantages and dis–advantages of each technology is mentioned. Critical analysis is made of emerging and new technologies is made and ... Show more content on ... I also extend my thanks to my friends and family for their support and co–operation without which this task could have been very difficult to achieve. PRASANNA SEETHARAMAN (M.Sc Automotive Engineering) OBJECTIVES Study about combustion in diesel engine. Investigate production of NOx in CI engines. Analyse current technologies used in reduction of NOx with respect to combustion process. Critical analysis of emergent technologies for NOx reduction. Write a report which explains all the above process. GANTT CHART INTRODUCTION Usage of diesel engine in automobiles is increasing worldwide because of its high fuel efficiency. As the usage increases, the emissions from the exhaust gases also increases which affects the atmosphere, thereby causing environmental issues such as global warming, smog and even acid rain. These emissions are mainly due to non–stoichiometric combustion, dissociation of Nitrogen and impurities in the fuel and air mixture. Major emissions include Oxides of Nitrogen, Oxides of Sulphur, unburnt Hydrocarbons, oxides of carbon and other carbon particles or soot. Significant measures are taken by the automotive industries for several years to reduces the intensity of these exhaust gases. There are two ways of reducing these exhaust gases are i) Primary methods in which the exhaust gases are reducing within the combustion chamber. ii) Secondary methods or after
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  • 34. Diesel Engines Fuel Pressure Is Controlled Mechanically... ABSTRACT In the past, in diesel engine fuel pressure was controlled mechanically and depending on the camshaft. Due to this geography lots of problems occurs like engine emission, engine torque, engine efficiency etc. To overcome these problem or for the better performance caterpillar invented new technology called Hydraulically actuated Electronic Unit Injection (HEUI) fuel systems. 1.1 Introduction: To achieving outstanding fuel economy, high torque output and to reduce the emission produced from the relatively small engine displacement an innovative injection technology has came in the early 1990's. The use of hydraulic force to pressurize fuel for injection was innovative technology to advance the use of powerful, cleaner and ... Show more content on ... Since the functions of metering, increase of pressure, timing and atomization are all combined into the injector. These especially designed injectors are supplied not only with fuel but highly pressurized lube oil. An engine driven high pressure oil pump supplies fuel to the injectors at pressures close to 4,000 psi. Within the injector, hydraulic force is further amplified to give HEUI's the capability to achieve injection pressures of up to 28,500 psi from the latest injectors. Since oil can be pressurized to very high pressures independently of engine speed, high injection pressure is achievable at low engine RPM. The high pressure injection capabilities joint with electronic control of timing and injection rate ensures the best atomization of fuel, low emissions, higher performance and fuel economy. This pressure is available at almost any engine speed and load condition which permits the HEUI system to perform in any diesel engine application by simply changing software programming. This feature by definition tells the difference the HEUI system as a type of common rail fuel system. In sequence developments in HEUI technology have allowed for improved ability to shape the rate of fuel injection which further reduces combustion noise and emissions for quieter cleaner engine operation. HEUI injectors are easily replaced by technicians with almost no adjustment or special engine ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Environmental And Social Impacts Of New And Remanufactured... 3. Results and discussion In this section the proposed approach is applied to a case study. In the case study, environmental and social impacts of new and remanufactured diesel engines are assessed. 3.1 Goal definition, scoping and functional unit The engines are produced and used in China. Each engine consists of 277 components made of cast iron, steel, aluminium, steel alloy and rubber. The major components are cylinder block, cylinder head, fly wheel housing, gear box, connection rod, crankshaft, and flywheel. Those components account for 66% of the engine mass. The system boundary for the new engine includes steel production, cast iron production, aluminium production, electricity production, engine manufacturing and assembly, ... Show more content on ... The functional unit of the study is 300,000 km travelled by the diesel engine. The fuel efficiency of the engine is 0.250 litres per km. It is assumed that the fuel efficiency of both engines is equal. 3.2 Life cycle inventory In order to estimate the amount of resources required and emissions released to produce steel, cast iron, and aluminium, inventory data published by [11] is utilized. To compute emissions released by electricity production, China's electricity generation life cycle inventory found in [12] is used. To calculate resources consumed and emissions produced due to diesel fuel refinery and combustion, data presented in [13] and [14] are applied. For the social aspect, based on the information provided by the manufacturer, data summarized in Table 1 is obtained. Note that Rmfg stands for remanufactured. For the use phase, cost incurred due to diesel fuel consumption is calculated as the following, 300,000 km × 0.25 litre/km × 7.724 CNY/litre = 579,315 CNY. 7.72 CNY/litre was the average price of diesel fuel in China in 2013. CNY stands for Chinese Yuan, the currency of China. In order to estimate the portion of value– added in the form of employee compensation in China (VAchina) over the life cycle of the diesel engines, China's EIO table (42 sectors) for the year of 2007 is used [15]. Since the economic data is in terms of 2013 CNY then we convert them to 2007 CNY by using China's GDP deflators, 130.768 ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. How Did The Diesel Engine Change The World Title INTRODUCTION The diesel and gasoline engine changed the world as we know today. Without these two types of engine the world would still be in the horse and buggy times as far as transportation goes. These engines set a whole new bar for the standards of getting to work and the moving and manufacturing of products. HISTORICAL CONTENT In 1872 an American by the name of George Brayton invented the first commercial internal combustion engine that was liquid fueled.("Diesel Engine.") In the 1890's Rudolph Diesel invented the first compression ignition engine (Jääskeläinen). These two engines impact the world in a tremendous way in the transportation industry from driving your cars to work and hauling freight across the ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Diesel Engine Essay Outline Trevor Huegerich Ms. Frehse English 3.2 6 Sept. 2017 Diesel engines Essay Outline The power of the truck's' engine is symbolic for the American Eagle screaming off of the tailpipe. The truck's performance, with the way they were made and how they were modified by other people has improved throughout the history of the diesel engine. They have developed more power and more torque including better looks and sound. Throughout history of the automobile, engines have continued improving. Ford started out with an engine like the 6.4 moving on to the 6.0 and finally creating the 7.3 engine. (Mike McGlothlin) The 6.4 Engine may not be the best quality of an engine, but it can still put out a lot of power with certain modifications. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Diesel Engines Are The Best My dad and I have always argued about which type of engine was better. My dad thinks that gas engines are the best. I think that diesel engines are the best. The diesel engine has a better design for all around usability than a gas engines. First, the weight of diesel engines are on average is 1,100 pounds. The engine has to be built stronger, because the compression ratio is a lot higher. As it runs, the pistons compress air to an extreme heat, and as it reaches top dead center, the fuel is injected into the combustion chamber. The fuel being injected directly in the hot air results in a highly destructive explosion that drives the piston down creating power. In addition, it makes the iconic diesel knock sound. Gas engines are built weaker because the compression ratio is lower. If a gas engine had the same compression ratio as a diesel, it would not even start to run because it would blow up at idle. The gasoline engine has spark plugs that ignites the fuel. They don't need to compress air to an extreme heat like the diesels do. As the pistons travel up, the air–fuel mixture is introduced into the combustion chamber. The air fuel mixture just sits there for a split second, and then the plug sparks and ignites the fuel. This is why the gasoline engines are lighter than diesel. In addition, the weight of a diesel engine also effects the usable power band. The power band is at what rotation per minute (RPM) the power kicks in. RPM is how fast the crankshaft is spinning in ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Diesel Engines: Increase In The Automotive Industry The diesel engine was originally designed to be used in commercial areas, but times have since changed from its invention in 1893. (Jääskeläinen, 2013) In modern times, more and more car manufacturers are using diesel engines in not only trucks, but also cars. Since there have been improvements in the automotive field, and a drop in the fuel prices, more people are turning to diesel powered engines, even in smaller vehicles. Diesel releases fewer pollutants and produces a higher fuel economy, more power is harvested from diesel fuel, and the performance of diesel engines is higher than its competitor. Diesel has always had a negative connotation about it of being dirty and polluting more than gasoline. While this may be true looking at ... Show more content on ... Perhaps as technology further improves, gasoline will come out on top again, but diesel out preforms gasoline in every test. Diesel fuel may produce more emissions, but per gallon, it produces far less than a gasoline vehicle. Diesel fuel allows more power to be created and will last twice as long as a gasoline engine. This incorporated with the increased fuel savings produces savings for the owner of the vehicle. Because of these advantages, more and more cars are being outfitted with diesel engines stock. European cars are already powered mainly by diesel, and the trend is spreading elsewhere. With more diesel being used, the environment will receive less pollutants and will save all the owners money as they enjoy the higher performance in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Diesel Fuel Vs. Diesel Engines Who would like to drive a car that gets mediocre gas mileage, a car that has lower torque, and a car that is all round mediocre? Now who would like to drive a car with improved gas mileage, superior torque, and a great, reliable engine? The obvious choice is the latter, a car with a diesel engine. Diesel and gasoline engines have been each other's competition since the 1930's when the first diesel run car was produced. There is one main mechanical difference between these two engines; a gasoline engine ignites the gasoline with spark plugs, a lighter of sorts, and the diesel engine ignites the diesel by compressing it so much that it spontaneously combusts. Although there are a few other types of engines now, such as hybrid or electric, diesel is still superior to these. I have spent numerous hours doing extensive research on the different aspects of diesel engines and have come up with the conclusion that they are the superior motor. Through the course of this speech I will show you why going diesel is the better choice, and prompt you to make the switch to diesel if you have not done so already. The three main reasons that diesel is better compared to all other engines are: they last longer, they are more economical, and they are capable of running off of biodiesel. First, diesel engines last longer and are structurally stronger than all other types of engines. Diesel engines are much stronger than gasoline, hybrid, or electric engines, and they run for a copious ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. The Physics of a Diesel Engine Essay The Physics of a Diesel Engine The world we live in is surrounded by diesel engines. They are on the freeways, railways, airways, and are one of the leading electricity producers in the world. They are also becoming more popular in automobiles. These engines are efficient and reliable and they are getting very sophisticated. However, the physics behind these engines has not changed. By way of definition, courtesy of Diesel Engine Engineering: [a] diesel engine is an internal combustion engine in which the chemical energy of fuel is transformed into thermal energy of the cylinder charge, in consequence of the self–ignition and combustion of fuel in the engine cylinder after compression of the air charge in the cylinder (p1 ... Show more content on ... The piston then travels down pulling in fresh air, (third stroke), after the piston bottoms again it travels up compressing the fresh air, (fourth stroke). The fuel is then injected and one cycle is completed in 720 degrees or two full rotations of the crankshaft. The disadvantage of two–stroke engines is their dependency on a blower to force air into the chamber and their inefficiency. A four–stroke engine does not have an expansion stroke every 360 degrees but it is more efficient because it has more time to completely burn the fuel injected into the cylinder. There are mechanical and fundamental differences between the two–stroke and four–stroke engines but the physics remain the same. They both rely upon the compressed air to ignite the pressurized fuel and the resulting expansion for their power. At first glance it may look like the explosion in the chamber does the work but upon further inspection you can see the physics involved. There are two questions I would like to address. The first question is what is the physics behind the compressed air raising the temperature upwards of 900 degrees. The second question is what is the physics behind the rapid expansion of the ignited air fuel mixture. The physics behind the temperature increase of compressed air begins with a fresh charge of air. The air fills the combustion chamber when the cylinder is at bottom dead center. As the ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Experimental Investigation of a Direct Injection Dual Fuel... A Seminar Report On EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF A DIRECT INJECTION DUAL FUEL DIESEL– NATURAL GAS ENGINE Presented by JAGADEESH PUTTA ME04B118 S8 ME 27 Department of Mechanical Engineering NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CALICUT KERALA– 673 601 Winter 2007–08 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this seminar report entitled "EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF A DIRECT INJECTION DUAL FUEL DIESEL–NATURAL GAS ENGINE "is a bonafide record of the seminar presented by JAGADEESH PUTTA, Roll no:ME04B118, during winter semester 2007–08 in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of B.Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering by the National Institute of Technology, Calicut. Faculty In–Charge of Seminar Department of ... Show more content on ... The seminar focuses on the study of the effect of compressed natural gas (CNG) and diesel fuel injection pressures, together with the amount of fuel injected during the pilot injection for different operating conditions, on combustion development, engine emission levels and fuel consumption. 1 1. INTRODUCTION Nowadays the internal combustion engines are spread to the extent that they represent the main cause of pollutant production. Nevertheless, it is well known that the stocks of fuels traditionally used in this kind of engines will be able to satisfy the world's needs for few more decades. This explains the massive research activity, drawn all over the world, addressed to the utilization of innovative fuels and injection concepts in order to either replace the traditional ones or obtain a more efficient and clean combustion. Compared to diesel engines, characterized by a high efficiency but at the same time high levels of articulate, and to premixed charge gasoline engines, characterized by a low efficiency because of knock limitations and pumping losses, lean burn engines can reach a higher efficiency thanks to lower pumping losses and heat transfer. On the contrary, lean mixtures
  • 51. generally imply higher levels of both total unburned hydrocarbons (THC) and carbon monoxide. Nevertheless, mixing the fuel with an increasing quantity of air, flame instability, sometimes leading to misfiring, is observed. 1.1 Methane as an Alternative Fuel Among the ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Bio-Diesel from Algae: An Acceptable Answer to Our Prayers... Imagine a future in which you can fill your car with a liquid that has more mileage than gasoline and is just as biodegradable as sugar. This is the future of bio–diesel, and is well on its way to becoming the future we will live in. Bio–diesel has always been an area of study for researchers looking for renewable fuels, usually biodiesel is produced from plant waste, like corn husks, but recently it was discovered that bio–diesel could be produced with oils found in algae, which many people are considering to be our best option when it comes to alternative fuels. This new–found source of bio–diesel is causing a lot of excitement in the scientific community not only because of how renewable it is but because of its easy integration into ... Show more content on ... The only technical issue people may have with putting bio–diesel in their diesel engines is it can eat through older gaskets and tubing, and it solidifies at lower temperatures. The gaskets and tubing can be easily replaced with more resistant types, and there is still much research going into making insolated gas tanks that would stay warm enough to keep alternative fuels from solidifying. Some other qualities of bio–diesel that make it easily intergraded into today's fuel industry is its close energy equivalent to gasoline and its matter form. Bio–diesel being a liquid makes it easy to integrate into today's large fuel enterprise, because all gas stations can be easily converted to bio– diesel stations by simply filling them up with bio–diesel instead of gas. Another issue is volume, some alternative fuels have very little energy in them per gallon compared to gasoline, meaning gas tanks would need to be much larger, but bio–diesel contains more energy per gallon than gasoline, resulting in no fuel tank expanding necessities. This is especially good news for vehicles like airplanes that require vast amounts of fuel to travel around. If you were to put ethanol in an airplane it would need to be completely re–fueled in air during a 5 hour flight. All in all switching the world from gasoline to bio–diesel as opposed to another alternative fuel saves a lot of money and resources, and can even help make more money. One big ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Compression Ratio Of A Diesel Engine The compression ratio is the ratio of the maximum to minimum volume in the cylinder of an internal combustion engine. The compression ratio for a diesel engine usually ranges between 15:1 and 23:1. The reason being for this high compression ratio is purposely higher causing the temperature of the air to rise. A four–stroke engine has a camshaft which is used to rotate at half the speed of the crankshaft. (1:2 Ratio) Therefore the crankshaft will need to rotate twice for the camshaft to make one rotation. The four–stroke cycle, is a cycle that uses intake, exhaust, fuel injection, compression and power to accomplish one complete cycle of a diesel engine. The piston moves upward and approaches before top dead center (BTDC) as the camshaft lobe starts to lift the cam follower. As the valve is taken up the intake valve is then pushed downward and the valve opens. The intake stroke begins while the exhaust valve is still open. The flow of exhaust gases creates low pressure condition within the cylinder and will pull in fresh air. Compression occurs after bottom dead center (ABDC) the intake valve starts to close. At bottom, top, dead center (BTDC) the intake valve is then fully closed. The air charge at this point is at normal pressure. The piston at bottom top dead center (BTDC) has traveled half of its stroke reducing the volume in the cylinder by half doubling the temperature to 160F. With a piston area of 9.6 in. sq. the pressure in the cylinder releases a force of 7135lbs ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Diesel Engine Research Paper The diesel (internal combustion) engine has been a major source of power for transportation vehicles and industrial uses. The Australian railways have utilised diesel engines for regional and freight purposes since the early 1950 's. Despite the extensive history of the diesel engine, the efficiency of the modern internal combustion process ranges between 35% – 42%.[1] The losses in energy arise from heat losses and mechanical losses as illustrated in Fig 1. Figure 1. Schematic of conventional vehicle system model. Only a small percentage of energy is converted into useful work to power the wheels and other accessory loads.[2] Figure 1 indicates that a significant amount of energy is lost from the exhaust and coolant systems. Exhaust temperatures generally range between 400–900°C depending on the application. This presents a significant opportunity to recover the heat losses from the exhaust to reduce the fuel consumption. In addition to the advantage gained from the improved fuel consumption, there are other benefits such as reducing exhaust emissions and increased engine power. To effectively capture the energy lost from a diesel engine exhaust pressures, the turbocharger was implemented to boost the power of engine and thereby increasing the fuel efficiency. The majority of the heat energy from the exhaust and coolant has yet to be captured and utilised. There has been many challenges to recovering the heat as the low grade heat from the diesel engine cannot be ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Diesel Engines: Prius Repellent According to Peter Chaney, the automotive world can be a weird one, filled with a bunch of oddballs. There are chrome–loving low–riders, electric car fanatics, giant wheeled donkers and the list goes on. But there is nothing like coal rollers, a group that brings new meaning to the "dirty diesel." It is impossible to drive through a small town in the south in a Prius. This is like painting a large bullseye on the windshield for coal rollers to roll coal on, since the black soot is referred to as "Prius Repellent" (Chaney). Should we be more harsh on the manufacturers of diesel engines to help regulate and prevent diesel exhaust from causing pollution? The reason these people have given a new meaning to the term "dirty diesel" is because ... Show more content on ... CabAire would install 20 modules for trucks to operate heating, air conditioning, and electricity for in–cab appliances without running their engines. The state, using federal stimulus money, granted the port a $380,256 grant for the project. Diesel emissions from idling trucks are a major health threat, according to the EPA, causing heart attacks and lung problems for drivers and workers, as well as young children and the elderly ("O'Leary"). Apart from the risk of getting lung cancer, idling engines decrease its life and wastes more than one billion gallons of fuel per year, while adding 15 cents a mile to maintaining costs. The incentive to use the electrical system is the $5,000 that could be charged if the trucks idle more than three minutes in the port (O'Leary). Why would we keep putting our nation's citizen at risk by not regulating emissions as tightly as we should? There are elderly people out there that are being diagnosed with lung cancer and children having asthma attacks because we do not regulate emissions up to our full potential. So should we be more harsh on diesel manufactures and the EPA so we might increase our life expectancy and to reduce asthma and lung cancer in the United ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Motorhome Complaint This letter is to register a complaint about the extremely poor service life of the Cummins 360 diesel engine that is in my 2010 Tiffin (Phaeton) Freightliner motorhome. At 34,569 miles the Cummins diesel engine in my Motorhome required a complete rebuild. I purchased my Motorhome from an individual with the obvious expectation that a Motorhome with a Cummins diesel engine would furnish my wife and I with many years and thousands of miles of trouble free service. I only purchased the Motorhome after discovering that the individual I was purchasing this Motorhome from had spent $2,313.64 dollars at Bay City Diesel, Red Bay Alabama. to have the motorhome completely serviced. The oil and all the engine filters were changed including the fuel ... Show more content on ... Just the cost associated with the extended out of service time that is required to repair a Cummins diesel engine would be detrimental to the successful operation of any trucking business. The expense, my wife and I have incurred when purchasing this Motorhome makes it the second largest expenditure that we have ever made. That cost associated with the purchase of this Motorhome was significantly higher because we wanted the reliability of a Cummins diesel engine over a gasoline engine. Again my wife and I wish to thank the Cummins Corporation for their financial assistance that we received related to the cost of rebuilding our Cummins diesel engine. But even with your financial assistance I find it totally unacceptable that Cummins Corporation would expect a customer to be responsible to the tune of $9000, 00 dollars that was necessary to repair a head that was obviously defective either in its designed, casting or installation on this Cummings diesel ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Diesel Engines Vs. Modern Technology "Diesel engines, long reputed for being loud and dirty, are making waves in the U.S.," says Alex Davies of Business Insider. With the never ending evolution of modern technology, the diesel engine has come a long way since its invention in the late 19th century. With new advancements in technology, the diesel engine is no longer loud and dirty as it was in the past. In fact, with modern advancements, diesel engines have come to possess many advantages over gasoline engines. Modern diesel engines boast better attributes than their gasoline counterparts, such as greater reliability, increased fuel efficiency, and superior performance. When most people think of a diesel engine, they think of a semi–truck or a tractor. People think of something big and dirty when they hear the word "diesel". Diesel engines have long been used in heavy equipment, things like semi–trucks, tractors, locomotives, and the like. But how about in a car? What a crazy idea, right? Well, although this may seem crazy, it actually makes perfectly good sense. Diesel engines have many advantages over a gasoline engine. Diesel engines are more reliable than gasoline motors. Why are diesel engines more reliable? Diesel engines are built heavier than gasoline engines. A diesel engine is a compression engine, so to handle the compression experienced by the engine during ignition, the engine must be built heavier than a typical gasoline engine. Diesel engines tend to last longer than gasoline engines as well. ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Avoid Revving A Diesel Engine Some people enjoy having a diesel engine in their car because it provides more horsepower compared to a standard fuel engine. It gives them the ability to tow things that are very heavy such as trailers and boats, and can be fuel–efficient as well. Here are a few things to consider that will keep your car's diesel engine working great. Avoid Revving A Cold Engine Since diesel engines are powerful, you may be tempted to rev your engine to warm it up before heading out onto the road. Doing this when the engine is cold can actually be very bad for it. When fuel is cold the fluid can be much thicker than normal, and it won't flow smoothly like it does when it is warm. This will cause unnecessary wear on a diesel engine. You are better off waiting ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Persuasive Essay : The History Of Diesel Or Gasoline... Diesel or gasoline; which is better for me? With today's advances in technology and engineering, the decision is not as easy as one may think. There are several considerations to evaluate and weigh before making the decision to buy a diesel or gasoline powered vehicle. The following essay provides a short history of each while providing key facts to inform a prospective buyer which is better for him or her. History of the diesel and gasoline engine: The first diesel engine was invented by Rudolf Diesel in 1893 and officially patented in 1895 #542846 (USPTO, 1895). What is abundantly clear with Diesel's invention, he did not invent something entirely new, but rather improved on earlier inventions. Pinpointing the "first" gasoline engine is harder since there were many variations of fuel fired combustion engines. For this assignment, I am going to use the engine invented by an American, George Brayton. Brayton patented the first four–stroke, spark plug ignited gasoline engine in 1872 # US 125166 A (USPTO, 1872). There were similar engines during the 1800's; however, Brayton's engine is closest to the modern–day passenger car engine we know today. Diesel and gasoline engine uses: Due to the specific characteristics of each engine, there are certain applications that each are better suited. For example, the diesel engine produces more torque, runs at lower Revolutions per Minute (RPM), while consuming less fuel than a gasoline engine; which makes it better suited for ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Gasoline Engines As A Diesel Engines Introduction There are many advantages and disadvantages to gasoline engines as well as diesel engines in both "light trucks" and "cars." The goal of this report is to inform the public on the many pros and cons of the vehicle buying world. This report will discuss the three main topics of discussion when choosing between a gasoline and a diesel engine in a vehicle. The people of the United States purchased 1,507,339 vehicles in the year 2014 alone. Now, 829,185 of those vehicles were considered "light trucks" and the remaining 678,154 vehicles were "cars." A large portion of these vehicles are power by a diesel motor as compared to a gas or hybrid motors in the other vehicles. Traditionally diesel engines are thought of as being used for large tractor trailer trucks, heavy duty equipment, and other large commercial vehicles. However, in recent years there has been a shift from the industrial world only to a more balanced market of diesel vehicles for everyday use. The three main criteria on which vehicles are judged are as follows. First, in today's day and age what is looked at is the efficiency, Fuel Efficiency. Secondly, is the durability and dependability of the vehicle, will this car or truck last, can this vehicle drive across country and not worry about it dying? Lastly, the report will talk about the affordability of the vehicle, is it better to pay less initially, will paying more initially be a better investment for the long run? Fuel Efficiency During ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Emission Standards of the Diesel Engine Diesel engines began to be used in automobiles in the 1930s. They are used in many trucks, ships, buses and small passenger cars in Europe right now.[1] Many believe that diesel engine are heavier, noisier and generate black smock when running. However, diesel engine's unique advantages can make them the engine of the future for vehicles. And with much more stringent standard to take effect in the future, diesel engine's emissions and control technologies are still very much in the forefront. This paper will cover the developments in diesel vehicles emission regulation and control technology for NOx, particulate matter (PM) for diesel vehicles. Regulation Right now there are two kinds of emission standard in US. One of them is federal standards established by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and another is California standards. Since the State of California are facing more severe air pollutant problem than most of other state, they choose to adopt its own emission regulations. The California Air Resources Board (ARB) establish engine and vehicle emission regulations that are often more stringent than the federal rules. Other states can make their own decision to either implement the federal emission standards or to use California requirements. After the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) on 1990, two sets of standards have been defined for light–duty vehicles. Tier I standard was published in 1991 and was phased–in between 1994 and 1997. Tier II standard was ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Persuasive Essay On Diesel Engine When someone purchases a vehicle, diesel engine or gas engine, there is a lot responsibility that goes with this decision. Not only only do they have to pay close attention to their vehicle's exterior and interior, but there should also be just as much attention paid to what is under the hood. As the owner of the vehicle, you will most likely know your car or truck fairly well and can tell when something is not right. Some problems are easily fixed, and others are not, but depending on what is wrong, it is something that could have been avoided. This is actually a common occurrence when people have failed to get regular oil changes, as changing your oil can prevent extensive damage to your engine and much more. The following are reasons you ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Diesel Engines Vs. Gasoline Engine Diesel Engines vs. Gasoline Engines The issue whether the diesel engine is better than the gasoline engine has been a recent question on which one is the best to own. This may concern many people who are interested into own one. On the other hand, A variety of people has discussed why this is important.some discuss that the gasoline engine is better while others disagree. However, the diesel engines are typically used in the heavy duty field. It has been proven that the diesel engine produces more power with fuel efficiency "Diesel fuel has the advantage when it comes to fuel economy, as there is more energy in a gallon of diesel fuel than a gallon of gasoline. In other words, a diesel engine can make more power with less fuel than a gasoline engine" (Hollis). However, Tom Venetis states that " diesel, once the cheaper fuel for many years, now is the most expensive than gasoline per equivalent liter." In fact, diesel engines are more commonly used in the work field because of their endurance and fuel ... Show more content on ... In the other hand, diesel engines are more expensive to keep maintenance because of their sizes of parts, which require more oil. However, this makes the engine last longer. John Martin states that "The TMC's S.14 Light– and Medium–Duty Study Group was recently shown comparative maintenance costs between gasoline engines and turbocharged diesels in service. Although diesel engine service intervals are longer, most replacement parts and labor costs are significantly higher. Some diesel filters cost ten times what the equivalent gasoline filter cost. The TMC data showed the diesel's annual maintenance costs were essentially double those of the gasoline engines." In conclusion, diesel engines are better than gasoline engines because they produce more power with less fuel and more life in a diesel engine than the gasoline engine. Finally, diesel engines are better because they are ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Are Diesels Better Than Gasoline Engines Are diesels better than gasoline engines? A significant segment of the consumer market thinks so, especially in Europe where such engines compose nearly half the vehicles purchased. In the US, diesels have had difficulty gaining acceptance, with heavy–duty pickup trucks and German luxury cars offering them. But with Audi currently snagged in the Volkswagen diesel scandal mess, a negative light has been cast on these engines, with some insisting that they're far dirtier than what manufacturers say they are. Fortunately, not all manufacturers are being dissuaded by such negativity. Chevrolet now supplies a turbo diesel for its popular midsize pickup trucks, Nissan recently rolled out a Cummins diesel for its all–new Titan XD full–size pickup, ... Show more content on ... Oversized front bucket seats and a plush 40–20–40 bench seat is in the second row. Land Rover could have stuck in a third row, but wisely chose not to. That would have cost nearly every inch of this 27.7 cubic foot storage compartment As elegant as the Range Rover Sport is, Land Rover went with a fairly simple or straightforward interior, marked by an instrument panel featuring a two–cowl speedometer and tachometer display. In the center of it all is a digital driver's information center with the expected readouts. It seems as if leather is everywhere – wrapping the thick steering column surrounding the instrument panel, covering the dash, on door inlays, storage compartments and, of course, across the seats. The center stack is orderly and uncluttered, amplified by a large color display followed by large knobs for the audio system. Spitting the front seats is the transmission stick and two cup holders as well as the four–wheel drive controller and the attendant switches. Activate the controller and you're ready to take on most any on– or off–road sojourn – ice, rain, snow, sand, mud, rocks, you name it. Most people who buy Range Rovers aren't about to venture off road, but just having the security you can is most ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. How The Invention Of The Diesel Engine Changed In The... The invention of the Diesel engine changed the way people lived in the industrial revolution. It had countless long term consequences both positive and negative. Firstly, the Diesel engine helped businesses, and people selling goods flourish in their businesses. The engine not only helped the selling and accessibility of goods in the short term, it also aided the economy in the long term. The invention of the Diesel engine meant that goods were more accessible and money could be gained quicker. The Diesel engine has some very terrible long term effects. Still today the diesel engine is one of the biggest producers of pollution. Studies have shown that a "Diesel engine emits four times more toxic pollution than a bus."(Carrington, D. (2015). ... Get more on ...