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Comparison Of The Han Dynasty And The Roman Empire
The Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire were two of the largest and most powerful civilizations of
their time. During their time of power they both introduced new goods and new ideas to the rest of
the world. I believe that the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire are very similar in the three
following ways, they both wanted to create a superior work environment for their people, they also
focused a great deal on water conservation, and how tools were very important in both civilizations.
The first similarity is the fact that both the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire wanted to help
create a work environment that all the people of the civilization would be happy and comfortable
with. In document 1 it says, "All craftsmen spend their time in the vulgar occupations– no workshop
can have anything enlightened about it" (Cicero). This signifies that there are no positives to
working in the workshops. Even though some of the lower class of the Roman Empire lived in
shabby houses and they had to work is excruciating environments most people worked in
environments comfortable for them (PBS). In comparison to document 1, document 8 states that "Tu
Shih loved the common people and wished to save their labor" (History). This implies that Tu Shih
did not want his people to have to do excruciating work; instead he wanted them to salvage their
labor. Similar to the Roman Empire the people of the Han Dynasty also had working conditions that
were not agonizing; though the rich had it better the
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Roman Empire And The Han Dynasty
The Roman Empire and the Han dynasty both have created inventions that have inspired the modern
world, and created impressive innovations and processes that advanced their primitive societies in
the ancient world. Both civilizations worked tirelessly to create innovative solutions to the problems
they had, or to advance their cities in a way they felt could not be replicated. Each city had their own
view on how these inventions should be created and ran. The Romans created aqueducts and
invented the arch, to be used in architecture to withstand heavy buildings, and a road system that
connected the entirety of the Roman Empire. The Han created paper and compasses, spread further
the trade of silk and the silk road, and inspired ... Show more content on ...
There is an abundant amount of water and Frontius takes pride in what he believes is the greatest
and most useful invention in the Ancient world. (Doc 8) Frontius clearly takes on an air of great
pleasure that the Aqueducts work so well, and accredits himself to their success partly because he is
the water commissioner for the city of Rome. He develops an adverse attitude to other 'great'
structures who do not seem to serve a purpose in his eyes. Each of these men are seeing firsthand the
details that go into creating a vast system that controls water. The Han official is more humble than
the Roman, but sees that there is still a hierarchy to the system.
Each ancient empire has their own acclaimed heroes and great innovators of their time. Fuxi is
credited with creating the mortar and pestle and increasing the power of it by a 'hundredfold' Huan
Tan speaks very highly of the old Emperor and praises his work. (Doc 3) The Han's developed a
prideful attitude when discussing their innovations. They discussed the refinements made up until
the peak of the product, meant to show that they invest time and effort into their work to make it the
best they can be. Meanwhile the Romans have a different view on how items are created. A roman
philosopher Seneca details that he does not care what level of intelligence someone had when
creating a certain product, and that he does not value the importance of how an object came to be,
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Similarities Between The Rome And The Han Dynasty
The Han Dynasty and Imperial Rome were two greatly advanced civilizations for their time period
and their success was no fluke. Both dynasties gained their success through a handful of varying
ideas and strategies involving the economy, military, and social structures. However, one of the
greatest factors that determined the respective dynasty's futures was their methods of political
control. The Han Dynasty and Roman Empire agreed on some major aspects and ideas of politics,
but also had diverging views on a few subjects. For example, one major topic both groups disagreed
on is the form of government. Some examples of subjects they both agreed on was the focus on
infrastructure and trade. One thing that most major political states throughout history can agree on is
the importance of trading, not only within the state but with outside states as well. Both the Roman
Empire and the Han Dynasty were large participants in trade, not only within their states but with
outside states as well. The Han Dynasty exemplifies this by showing their great amount of effort to
get involved in the Silk Road. The Han Dynasty went to the extent of expanding the wall into the
route of the Silk Road. Metaphorically speaking, this is the Han Dynasty's way of sticking their foot
in the Silk Road and regional trade. This was first done in the Han Dynasty because the leaders
knew the necessity for trade and its power to keep their government and society thriving.
The Romans were also greatly
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Women During The Han Dynasty
Women during the Han Dynasty
Lessons for Women is a book of conduct written during the Han Dynasty by Ban Zhao (C. 45–120)
to advise the women of her family on the proper conduct of a wife. Ancient China around this time
was a Confucian state in which the society was control by the belief in order and harmony. The book
contains seven chapters that talks about: humility, husband and wife, respect and caution, womanly
qualifications, wholehearted devotion, implicit obedience, and harmony with younger brothers– and
sisters– in law. This work of literature reflects on how a proper women was to behave obediently to
the husband, by being devoted and respectful to avoid humility to herself, her parents and her clan.
It gives the readers an idea of the power that men had over women during this time period and the
exceptions for both roles of husband and wife. Lessons of women informs the readers that women
during the Han Dynasty had no control over their own lives and the philosophy of Confucian had a
huge influence on the society's everyday life. Ban Zhao emphasizes the importance of distinctions
between men and women, and their separate natures.
From the time of birth a woman is taught to be a good wife, she learns how to submit herself to her
husband and understands that her sole purpose in life is to serve him. Humility was not something
that a women was to bring to her family. Rituals were held because it was believed there were a
necessary rite of passage for a baby girl to
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The Rise And Development Of The Han Dynasty
The Han dynasty achieved a significant amount during its era of 206 BC to 220 AD. The Han was
the largest empire to date when the borders were expanded to Vietnam and North Korea. Because
the Han dynasty lasted for 400 years, it went through 26 emperors. One of them being Emperor Wu
who created trade routes, which established the Silk Road. The road allowed for China and India to
trade and it later expanded when Emperor Wu established foreign trade routes with other countries.
Emperor Wu and the Han Dynasty established the Silk Roads, the invention of paper and
gunpowder, religion, improvement of technology, and their military. Established during the Han
Dynasty, the Silk Road was a system of trade routes, which linked regions to each other, which were
traveled by merchants, mercenaries, monks and others. "This network, for the sake of simplicity, is
referred to collectively as 'the Silk Road,' though there was, in fact, no single route and the
merchants' cargo also included salt, wool, jade and many other items" (Whitfield 2). The Han
Dynasty was harassed on their northern and western borders by Xiongnu, a nomadic tribe. "The
emperor hoped that Zhang Qian would persuade the Yuezhi people, living in the Ferghana region of
modern–day Uzbekistan, to ally with the Chinese against their common enemy to the north, the
Xiongnu tribal confederation, based in modern–day Magnolia" (Hansen 45). During Qian's
expedition, he discovered many different central Asian
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Compare And Contrast Qin Dynasty And Han Dynasty
Two of the earliest empires in Chinese history were the Qin Dynasty (221– 206 BCE) and the Han
Dynasty (202 BCE– 220 CE). They both successfully unified the vast nation of China. Both
Empires allowed government to not only influence politics, but also economy, philosophy, and
social life. The empires ruled China distinctively differently. The Qin was a very fierce and brutal
dynasty, while the Han dynasty tried to reduce the repression of the people brought by the Qin
Dynasty. They also both used two distinctive government styles, the Qin used Legalism, a style
based on based on effective institutional structures, and the Han used Huang–Lao which combined
legalism with Daoist and Confucian ideals. While both empires and schools of thought had their
strengths and weaknesses, both subsequently fell. The Qin Dynasty began in 221 BCE with the
emperor being King Zheng. Even before the Qin ruled over all of China, it was a well established as
a legalist state. The people of Qin were known to be very law–abiding, and the Qin economy was
doing very well due to an increase of production in agriculture. King Zheng conquered the states of
Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi, and became not only the first, and only, emperor of the Qin
Dynasty, but the first emperor of all of ... Show more content on ...
As an uniformed China was his ultimate goal, he standardized currency, weight, measures, and
writing script. He was able to construct a highway system and repair The Great Wall. Legalism also
helped build a strong army, an efficient bureaucracy, a compliant populace, and showed the
importance of a strong central government. Ultimately though, the harshness of Legalism is what
killed the Qin empire. Thousands who fled from punishment under the Qin Dynasty revolted after
King Zheng's and his heirs deaths. Army generals defected and former nobles raised armies.
Eventually, a man of modest background, Liu Bang, became the new emperor of
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Peasants During The Han Dynasty
Past– Peasants were the lowest class of the Han dynasty. About 90% (160 million) of people were
peasants. During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, peasants didn't own their lands. Throughout the
Han Dynasty, most peasants owned a small area of land and gave a portion of their crops to the
government to pay as tax. The peasants' survival depended on the quality of the crops while they
also faced floods, earthquakes, and famine. During the first half of the Han dynasty, there were 20
periods of droughts, floods, and famines. Peasants faced extreme danger to cope with the natural
disasters and ensure the survival of their children. During famine, parents had to kill their babies that
they couldn't feed. They sometimes sold their children into slavery
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Gender Roles In The Han Dynasty
Within the Han Dynasty, there were three different social levels: emperor and their family, skilled
workers (farmers and merchants), and unskilled workers (servants and slaves). These three classes
were determined by social and economic standings within each family. The gender roles within the
region saw that women were not viewed as equally as men, for the women's major role was to birth
& raise children, and take care of the household. The social class system in the Han Dynasty can be
closely compared to the caste system in present–day India since the unskilled are at the bottom
while the more highly people are at the top.
The Han Dynasty was mainly known for its culture and several innovations that many people still
use to this day. One
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Han Dynasty And The Western Roman Empire
Although in different regions of the world and with cultural differences, the same problems plagued
both the Han Dynasty and the Western Roman Empire, significantly contributed to their downfall.
Some similar causes were pressure from barbarians and poor leadership which affected s their
empires. However similar, they were starkly different in areas such as the religious divide that
served to weaken Western Rome that did not exist in China.
One factor they played a role in the fall of both empires was poor leadership in their empires.
During the final days of Western Rome, there was no strong unifying leader in place due to the
number of generals that would claim leader then be quickly killed off. Rome's military were only
loyal to their generals, and when the generals would gather the power to overthrow the current rule,
they were not well received by the public or the rest of the army. They did not unify they public and
the government under strong rule, causing discord and distrust amongst the people. This lead to
many revolts and needless violence that hurt the empire. Similarly, in the Han Dynasty, the lack of
strong leaders caused people to become unsatisfied with their government. The people did not
follow the will of their leaders and the aristocrats refused to pay taxes and support the government.
Like Rome, this lack of poor leadership lead to revolts and needless violence that would ultimately
hurt their citizens, military, and entirety of their empires.
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The Qin Dynasty And The Han Dynasty
Two influential and focal points in ancient Chinese history, the Qin and Han dynasties together
spanned from the 2nd century BCE to the 3rd century CE, both of which utilised comparable
philosophies in order to establish control and continuity in a centralised empire. With the Qin
dynasty adopting Legalism and the Han dynasty using a combination of Confucianism and
Legalism, the two dynasties' bureaucratic governing systems, while similar in nature, achieved
varying levels of success.
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Through extensive research, I have come to the conclusion, and propose the idea, that the Qin
dynasty, was to a large extent, superior to the Han dynasty in terms of its use of philosophy. This can
be seen in the context and differences in the ... Show more content on ...
Emphasising the need for the centralization of power under the emperor, Shang believed that
through utilization of law to weaken the people, an ideal ruler would be able to prevent disorder and
crime and thus result in a virtuous people.
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Furthermore, Shang's Legalistic principles also detailed the ideal everyday lives of the differing
social classes, instructing people to dress in moderation and to be frugal with food to decrease
expenditure, with men fulfilling their duties, both in the military and in agriculture. Recognizing the
importance of military and agriculture to the state, Shang believed that the six parasites, displayed
on the slide above, were detrimental towards the people's effort in both the military and agriculture,
and thus, the stability of the state and the emperor's power.
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Ultimately, the Legalists believed that effective governance came from cultivation and use of power
for state expansion and wealth, which was acknowledged by Liu Bang, the first emperor of the Han
dynasty, reining from 202 to 195 BC, who, at the time of defeating the remnants of the Qin dynasty,
outwardly abolished most of the Qin's laws, but in actuality, retained most
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The Han Dynasty
"The commanderies were composed of counties." A county was the smallest division in this era to
have centrally appointed official." "The founder of the Han Dynasty was Liu Bang." He ruled from
202 BC to 195 BC. "Liu Bang was a commoner of peasant origin who would be known historically
by his imperial title of Han Gaozu." This made him one of the few dynasty creators in Chinese
history to have emerged from peasant class to emperor. Before he became emperor he was a patrol
officer. He used this to forge relationships with other officials in his country. This earned Liu a
reputation for his hometown. Liu's reputation was whenever he was drunk his friends would notice a
silhouette of a dragon all over him. The significance of this is ... Show more content on ...
He ruled China from 141 BC to 87 BC. He was known for his accomplishments that gained China
new and vast territories. "Under his reign, he organized a powerful and highly centralized state."
Chinese history regarded him as the greatest emperor. "His exploits and very effective governance
earned Ancient China as being one of the most powerful nations of the world." Emperor Wu was the
tenth son of Emperor Jing. "He was chosen to rule over China at the age of seven and was presented
the throne at sixteen years old." Emperor Wu was an extraordinary ruler because his great talents
strengthened and held together his bold visions for the empire. He had a keen sense for military
strategy, as well as tactical which is how he became known as the fighting monarch. This is why his
imperial title is Wu of Han. Wu means Marital. The age of Emperor Wu was considered as the
golden and most prosperous periods in China's ancient history. "Emperor Wu set up his nation first
with effective policies to withstand domestic conflicts and pressures and then went about expansive
conquest." He made the empire's western borders expand all the way to modern day Kyrgyzstan.
"Just right after his succession to the throne, he masterminded a stable political arena combined with
a very favorable national economy that paved the way clear for important achievements in the
nation's economy, politics, foreign affairs, and other state affairs." He annexed Northern Korea and
the north of
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Confucianism In The Han Dynasty
Before Emperor Wu of Han decided "oust others doctrines, the overwhelming Confucianism"[
Baisha Yi,易白沙 Kongzi pingyi shang 孔子评议上[Kritische Beurteilung von Kongzi, Teil 1],
Qingnian zazhi 青年杂志,1916a, 571–576], which means use Confucianism as the only religion in
China, Taoism was one of the most popular religions in China. In the beginning of the Western Han
Dynasty, Taoism was the most important religion and philosophy, and it influenced political theory.
What is Taoism? How had Taoism changed politics and activities of people who lived in Han
dynasty? This essay seeks to answer these questions by examining the background and few
important points of Wu–wei, one of the most famous Taoist thoughts.
Firstly, what is Taoism? Before defining ... Show more content on ...
In the way of heaven, it was to diminish superabundance and supplement deficiency, which means
took from those have enough to add those did not have enough things. It was not so with the way of
man, man took away from those who did not have enough to add to his own superabundance.[ Tao
Te Ching, Chapter 77, Who can take his own superabundance and therewith serve all under heaven?
Only he who is in possession of the Tao!] Nevertheless, Emperor Wen took his own superabundance
and therefore serve his people. The son of Emperor Wen, emperor Jing, continued the way of Wu–
wei to govern the
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The Han Dynasty
The Han Dynasty, dating from 206 BCE–220 AD, was founded by Liu Bang who was the winner of
the civil wars that followed the collapse of the first Imperial dynasty in China (Qin Dynasty). The
Han dynasty is considered an influential empire that created a spiritually and philosophically
enlightened nation through the teachings of Daoism, Legalism and Confucianism. At the time that
Liu Bang first founded the Han dynasty the basic structures of the Qin state were retained, and the
ideology of the Qin state initially drifted deeper and deeper into a Legalist and Daoist union. Many
elements of these ancient philosophies can be distinguished in the religious and superstitious beliefs
and practices that were performed in Han China. The implementation of these three philosophies
during a time of political corruption, and spiritual chaos helped to create an overall calmer and
intellectual society. The philosophical and spiritual movement of this time and in turn shaped
modern religions, state ethics and beliefs.
Prior to the so–called da–yi–tong (great unity) within the political systems of the Qin and Han
dynasties, the Warring State period was in chaos; not only within a political context, but also in
terms of the intellectual and ideological views of society during Han China. This breakdown within
the political and social norms gave rise to a philosophical crisis. The philosophy of Confucius
begins from some basic assumptions, several of which are derived from The Analects of
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Similarities Between Achaemenid And Han Dynasty
During the reign of Achaemenid over Persia and the Han over China, they both had differences and
similarities in the way they governed the people. Some of these similarities and differences came
from the political and social development of the society while others came from the economic
development. Both dynasties had similar and different aspects on the social, political, and economic
ways of their people One thing both dynasty's differed/had similarities was the political
development of the society. One major difference was that the Persian Empire was made up of a
number of distinct empires, though the Han Dynasty was divided, it was all governed by a central
government. One difference between the two empires is that the Achaemenid Empire had satrapies
to rule over the various parts of the empire while the Han did not. The Persians had Satraps to help
form a system which made it possible to rule over the whole Achaemenid territory, to raise and ...
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One similarity between the two empires is that they both had close to the same number of people.
Achaemenid Persia had about 50,000,000 and Han China had about 58,000,000 people. One
difference is that there was no slavery allowed in the Achaemenid dynasty because Zoroastrianism
explicitly forbids is while slavery was allowed in the Han dynasty and slaver slaves were given to
nobles as rewards for service. Both dynasties were also polytheistic. The Achaemenid gods were
associated with natural phenomena, with social, military, and economic functions, and with abstract
concepts such as justice and truth and the Han believed that if the emperor did not behave according
to proper ritual, ethics, and morals, he could disrupt the fine balance and cause calamities such as
earthquakes, floods, droughts, epidemics, and swarms of locusts. There were also similarities and
differences in the economic aspects of each
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The Han Dynasty : A Golden Era For China
Chris Phillips Dr. Goldsmith His 304 December 12, 2015 The Han Dynasty The Han dynasty was a
golden era for China. It saw the greatest land confiscation of the nation's history and economic
success. In this paper I will be focusing on the structure of the national government, the
monopolizing of iron and salt, the Yumen Pass and the Yellow Turban rebellion. Join me as we take
a trip back in time to visit a time in Chinas history that is highly revered. Even though the Qin
dynasty was seen as barbaric and brutal, the Han did implement some of the old Qin institutions into
their new government. One of these institutions were the Commanderies. These were administrative
divisions of land in which a governor would be appointed by the government and run it as the
government or emperor wants it to be ran. This is institution is very useful for knowing how many
people you have. When war comes and you need to draft able bodied men to go fight, you will know
just how many you will be able to get. Another reason would be for tax purposes. It is also very
useful to regulate the trade and growing of certain crops. Even more in depth than that the
government can control what the children in the commanderies are taught and what propaganda they
are seeing. Qin law is another thing that the Han used from the former dynasty. One example of this
practice was the fact that women could bring up cases against men even though the women did not
have the same rights as men. Punishments were also
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Differences Between The Roman And Han Dynasty
Thesis: Due to a better centralized and staffed bureaucracy based on a common political philosophy
the Han dynasty was able to more cohesively integrate the regions it ruled over, and because of this
they were able to have a longer lasting influence. One necessary part of any large empire like the
Roman empire or the Han dynasty is an organized power structure. Both the Romans and the Han
had similar power structures in some functions, but they differed in ideologies and emphasis on
roles of the power structure which accounts for the differences in success of integration. The ruler of
the Roman and Han empires were emperors who had absolute control over every aspect of the
empire. For the success of these two empires, a bureaucracy was ... Show more content on ...
The Han dynasty, instead, viewed their government bureaucracy in more high esteem. The origins of
the Han dynasty bureaucracy were in the preceding Qin dynasty. This is described in one passage by
Sima Qian, a Han historian, where he describes the first emperor of the Qin dynasty. In these
writings he describes the first emperor, Qin Shihuangdi, as a very cruel despot who burned
important writings, imposed cruel penalties, and was very arrogant.(FOOTNOTE). However, even
Sima Qian acknowledges that he unified China through the appointment of officials to rule
provinces, and standardizing their measurements and writing system.(FOOTNOTE). When the Qin
dynasty ended in 202 BCE, however their bureaucratic system survived through the Han dynasty.
(FOOTNOTE). This is significant because even though the Han viewed the Qin dynasty very
poorly, they still enacted a bureaucracy that was very similar. The unique attributes of this
bureaucracy was that it was more centralized, and cohesive then that of the Roman empire. Also, as
mentioned earlier, it was better staffed and more equipped. The aspect of the Han dynasty that
allowed for them to have such a cohesive government and empire was that it was built upon
Confucian ideals, or at least, they attempted to build it on Confucian ideals. Mencius, a famous
Confucian philosopher, describes the ideal
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Essay on The Daoism and the Confucianism in Han Dynasty
The Daoism and the Confucianism in Han Dynasty
Yang Yu
History 135: Imperial Chinese History
Professor: Robert J. Culp
Paper I
March 4th, 2011
The Daoism and the Confucianism in Han Dynasty As the dominant philosophical school for around
two thousand years in Chinese imperial history, Confucianism is always regarded as the most
representative ideology of China, associated with numerous books, poems, artworks and stories that
glorify Confucianism's permeation into every corner of Chinese society. However, before Han Wudi,
Confucianism was only one of those competing philosophical schools founded in Spring and
Autumn period. During the Warring States period and Qin dynasty, Legalism took place of all other
philosophical schools ... Show more content on ...
However, it is always easy to start the process of centralization but difficult to maintain the state of
centralization. Faced with this knotty problem, Wudi adopted Confucianism, which underlined "the
moral basis of superior–subordinate relations, appreciating that in the long run the ruler would
achieve his goals more easily and economically when his subordinates viewed their relationship
with the ruler in moral terms of loyalty and responsibility" (65). In fact, Han's Confucianism is not
the same as the Confucianism during the period of the Spring and Autumn or Warring States. It is a
special status of Confucianism. As Ebrey writes in his book, "Han Confucianism itself was eclectic,
fortifying itself with precepts and philosophical concerns drawn from what had been competing
philosophical schools in the pre–Qin period" (77). Different from the traditional Confucianism,
Han's Confucianism assimilated thoughts from Legalism, Daoism and other schools, such as
Moism's thought of universal love (兼爱) and yin and yang school's thought of five phases (阴阳五
行论). "Han Confucians sought ways to comprehend the world around them as a self–generating
and self–sustaining organism governed by cyclical yet never replicating flows of yin and yang and
the five phases (fire, water, earth, metal, and wood)" (78). Han Confucians thought that if one of
these phases was disturbed, the whole system would
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Similarities Between Rome And Han Dynasty
Roman Empire and Han Dynasty Comparison
Han Dynasty and Roman Empire have many cultural aspects including religious, geographical, and
political similarities that can be compared, though many differences are also widespread during this
era. Though Roman and Han political structures, both emphasized bureaucracies, they came to them
quite differently. Through many amounts of expansion, both societies spread culture and earned
money, though expansion was eventually their downfall. Their religions differed greatly, with Rome,
emphasizing polytheism and Han China focusing on Confucianism. The differences and similarities
between these two civilizations are to be discussed in this essay. One might ask, Which civilization
yielded the best ... Show more content on ...
Rome maintained peace through conquering all threats and expanding in every way they could. Wu
Ti expressed peace, and his goal was to keep the people fed and happy. Both societies valued strict
laws and every citizen was expected to adhere to them.
Han China and Rome are actually very similar in their geographical conquests. First of all, both
civilizations were the largest and most expansive in their areas. Rome stretched from Spain,
England, and France to Mesopotamia and North Africa. The Han dynasty expanded to Korea, china,
and central Asia. These huge areas allowed a feeling of power and more economic stability, but also
had a few downfall's. Even though the Roman Empire had close to 60 million people in the lands,
the population began to dwindle by the end of its empire, they could no longer supply enough
people to protect its borders, so they had to turn to outside sources for its military. These outside
sources had distrusting loyalties, so, Rome's borders were not so well protected and eventually fell
to complete invasion. Han Dynasty fell to its fate. Both the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire's
weakened so much that they both crippled under the weight of outside invasions. A huge difference
between the two civilizations, however, was their level of isolation. Being in China, the Han
Dynasty was on the east side and was much more isolated than Rome, which was a peninsula and
quite open to everywhere. Though
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Achievements Of The Han Dynasty
Under the rule of Liu Bang, the Han dynasty (202B.C.E. – 220 C.E.) was one of the world's largest
and wealthiest empires. Among its achievements were improvements to the imperial administration,
urban culture, technology and commerce. The dynasty was so successful that the people began to
call themselves the Han people. Emperor Gaozu formerly known as Liu Bang , changed the
bureaucracy and strict laws by lowering taxes, implementing less severe punishments and allowed
Confucian scholars to serve as state officials. At first government officials were asked to recommend
young men to join the government but eventually the emperor started an imperial university in order
to pick better candidates for the job. These candidates ... Show more content on ...
Moving into central Asia increasing the trade route that was later known as the Silk Road. Trade
along the Silk Road was dangerous but prosperous. Chinese silk fabric was coveted along the route
hence the name the Silk Road. Soldiers had to be dispatched along the route to protect the traders.
For thousands of years this route was successful and along the Silk Road, cities and towns prospered
too. Farmers and artisans sold their goods along this trade route and silk was not the only good
traded along this route, horses , grapes ,wines olives, oils, precious stones jewelry, art and spices
such as cinnamon and ginger as wells as pottery were brought to China. As prosperous as this trade
route was for the people, it also brought disease and in some cases a change in beliefs to China.
Buddhism made its way to China via the Silk Road. Much like China, the Persian Empire had its
share of battles to become the largest advanced empire of its time. Cyrus the Great was one such
leader. He influenced the effectiveness of government and nurtured business relations among many
nations. Before Cyrus the Great, battles were fought and won while many others were lost. Living in
the Zagros Mountains, Aryan migrants, also known as Medes along with the Persians who both
spoke the same language and were grouped together as
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Causes Of The Han Dynasty
Empires rise and they fall, Dynasties come and they go. "The empire, long divided, must unite; long
united, must divide. Thus it has ever been." This quotation in Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the
Three Kingdoms best represents the cyclical nature of the dynasties in China. The Han Empire was
no exception; Corruption plagued the Han Dynasty, inevitably leading to its demise. Within the
court certain families held excessive powers, this influence lead to be just as great as the eunuchs
and eventually diminishing the authority of the Emperor. On top of this the peasants suffered from
natural disasters that befell upon the empire which was a catalyst for a large scale uprising. The
rebellion led to a weaker central government allowing military leaders and local warlords to rise in
power. As such the internal struggle between the eunuchs and government officials played a large
role in the fall of the Han ruled empire, but this was not the sole reason. There were other crucial
factors that contributed to the fall such as, family clans gathering power, natural disasters and
The Han dynasty was the longest imperial dynasty, which lasted around 400 years after the collapse
of the Qin Dynasty. The dynasty began with a struggle between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu which saw
Liu Bang, a man of lower social status winning and reuniting the land in 206 BCE (Qian, S. 1971).
During the course of the Han dynasty there were technological and cultural advancements but in the
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Han Dynasty Research Paper
The Legalist teachings differed from all other philosophies and they became lost in the past. The
Legalists rejected all the Confucians values and really wanted to establish a link between the subject
and the ruler. Minister Shang established population registers to record who lived together in
different households. He stated, "that they supervise each other and be mutually liable. Anyone who
failed to report criminal activity would be chopped in two at the waist, while those who reported it
would receive the same reward as that for obtaining the head of an enemy." (Shang, p 128.) The
creation of Minister Shang's registers showed a break from the past and for the first time ever
officials kept detailed records of their subjects.
The new ruler of the Qin Empire was named Shi Huangdi. Shi implemented various policies.
Policies were also made reflecting closely to Shang Yang's beliefs, and emphasized that farming was
essential to the economy. Shi strengthened and created currency for the empire. The Qin territory
also became divided into units called commanderies which were then divided into counties. The ...
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The Han Empire used many of the Qin–dynasty organizational techniques. (Hansen, p 126.) The
founder of the Han dynasty was Liu Bang. Liu created a new nobility. Liu gave his sons and
brothers the title of king and the lands that they needed and named his most important followers to
the rank of marquis. (Hansen, p 132–133.) The government during the Han Empire consisted of one
branch split into three parts with the collection of taxes, one army, and government officials.
Another important person during the Han Empire was Sima Qian who was a Grand Historian in
China. Sima Qian traveled throughout China collecting historical records and devoted himself to
writing the history of the Han
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Philosophies Of The Han Dynasty Essay
There are different ways that several of the Chinese philosophies were applied during the Han
dynasty. At first when Liu Bang became emperor he as stated in Scores of East Asian Tradition
"issued his famous three article code to replace the elaborate legal code of Qin" (pg130). This did
away with much of the ideologies of Qin's Legalism approach to governing, but yet the Han kept
much of its bureaucracy. What happens next is the evolution from the three articles to a more
complex system evolving much of the other philosophies of the time. The style of governing would
over time evolve to use a few of these philosophies structured around one of them. This is pointed
out in the reading where it states "several philosophical lineages, such as ... Show more content on ...
We see it represented here in The Guanzi where the reading states "While it later came to be known
as a Legalist work, it was initially classified as Daoist" (SEAT pg138). This would make sense of
why it fits into a governing form that has Daoism at hart. In governing it is used for describing the
laws between people, which can be found in the sentence "What is involved in the interactions
between ruler and official, father and son, and among all human beings, we call rightness" (SEAT
pg140). Legalism can also be found in the way the bureaucracy of the government. Another
philosophy that is present during the rule of the Han Dynasty is Confucian ideals. We see these
represented with the essays of Dong Zhongshu from the readings, who "synthesizing the Daoist
ideals that emphasized the quietude and passivity of the ruler with a more active orientation of the
Confucian ideal" (pg161). With Confucian ideals focusing on education of ones self and ritual it
blends with the other philosophy incorporated in the Han's form of governing very well. The
practice of having well educated rulers that understand the Way only benefits the state in a positive
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Han Dynasty Changes
Intro: In our version of the Han Dynasty, we maintained original ideals regarding, politics, social
statuses, philosophy, and governmental aspects. We changed and tweaked certain specific aspects of
these themes, such as the height of the Great Wall of China, and the purpose behind folklore.
Government and political aspects we decided to keep were the Great Wall of China, but in the form
of a full wall around the entirety of the Han Dynasty, as well as making it taller, for better
fortifications. As for the legal systems such as the Han Dynasty law code, we decided it was socially
beneficial to keep it, except... for the Mongols (JK). We also thought it was prudent to keep the
empirical reign over China because it had the mandate of heaven to keep the populace content and
the emperors, relatively, in line.
Economically, we chose to keep the silk road where it is because it was efficient and brought in
good trade from other civilizations. Regarding crops and metalurgey, we left them be because China
had a good source of food rarely led to famine. However, we would change the amount of metal
working the civilization produced, only ... Show more content on ...
While it wasn't optimal for the peasants, it helped the empire flourish and maintain its rule. An
example of flourishing was when peasants were contracted to build the Great Wall of China. The
major change we want to employ in social systems, was the role of women in China. China was
notorious for subjugating their women, and a change in this societal norm would greatly benefit
China, as a whole, not just the Han Dynasty. If women could work and be educated the same as
men, China's civilization could have lasted longer, as well as discovered and developed new
technology. A good blueprint for women's role in society would have been the social structure of the
Egyptian civilization, where women had equal legal rights with
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Roman Empire And The Han Dynasty Contrast
Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty Contrast Rise of the Roman Empire The Roman Empire is still
known today as one of history's most powerful period. Rome government had stick rules and
policies. The Roman government at this point was known as the Roman Republic. The Roman
Republic was controlled by the roar Rome. Bureaucracy was ran throughout the region, but Rome
did not want this nor could they afford it. However, they did allow small cities to run a lower level
of government. The exercise of indirect rule thus became a basic principle of imperial government.
The business of local administration and jurisdiction was delegated to the existing communities of
city or tribe. This type of structure was deemed to be a weakness to some historians because of the
consequences. Consequences that allow a third level government to enforce the emperor's rules.
Because of the expansion of the territory, this was the only reasonable way for it to function
normally. The empire was a "commonwealth of cities" which acted as economic and cultural of the
Roman world and were integrated into the administrative system as local foci of government. This
imperial ruling was first implemented by Rome. It came about because of social trends and not the
Roman strategic policies that was often changed by Romanized upper class citizens. These upper
classman brought about firmness throughout the land with their strategic and educated planning.
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Similarities Between The Rh Dynasty And The Collapse Of...
Just after the significant transition from B.C. to C.E. a mystical dynasty from China referred to as
the Han subsided. Likewise, the Roman Empire which was quite powerful at one point, collapsed in
this same era. The way these organizations collapsed can be compared in many ways but they also
contrast in unique ways. One way they compare is they were both invaded by an outside territory.
The Han dynasty had trouble with the Xiongnu invading, and the Roman Empire was invaded by the
Huns who were led by Attila at the time. Also, the Han Dynasty found it difficult to enforce taxes on
the wealthy, and in the Roman Empire the wealthy elites were not required to pay taxes either. The
fall of these nations can be compared in a lot of ways but there are also many differences. A main
difference was in the Han Dynasty they had the Yellow Turban Rebellion where there was an
internal rebellion that was created by the peasants, but in the Roman Empire most conflict came
externally, they didn't really have a group of people rebelling. The Han Dynasty and the Roman
Empire were two organizations that collapsed around the same time and the way they collapsed can
be compared and contrasted in many ways. As stated above, one way the collapse of the Han
Dynasty and the collapse of the Roman Empire compare is they both had external conflict with other
nations. The Xiongnu invaded the Han which destabilized the Han's government and also negatively
impacted trade on the Silk Road. These invasions
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Compare And Contrast Zhou And Han Dynasty
In the long history of China, there are three dynasties that are similar and different. These three
dynasties are Zhou (1046–256 BC), Qin (221 BC to 206 BC) and Han dynasty (206BC –220AD).
They have similar government structure, different way of strengthen government, and different
The Zhou, Qin, and Han dynasties are similar because they were all led by a single ruler who was
the head of the social structure. For example, Zhou has king, Qin has emperor, and Han have ruler:
They granted land to others in return for loyalty, military support, and other services. The Zhou King
was at the highest level. (Mayer and Shek 189) He gave himself the title Shi Huandi which means
"first emperor."(194) Liu Bang, a peasant, was able to become ... Show more content on ...
he granted plots of land to lords, or people of high rank. Lords pay tax and provide soldier to King
as needed...... Everywhere under vast Heaven There is no land that is not the king's within the
borders of those lands. There are none who are not the king's servants. –From the Zhou Book of
Songs (189) He [Qin Shihuang] created strong government with strict law and harsh punishment
(194) he[Liu Bang] also relied on educated official to help him rule.(201)
The government better. While Han think if you respect the elder, you will respect the ruler. The
difference of Zhou, Qin and Han dynasty was they practice different teachings. Zhou does not
practice specific teaching, but later they start to recognize Confucianism, and Qin practice Legalism,
while Han practice confusion as an official government subject that require testing. The examples of
those teaching are:
During the late Zhou period, thinker came up with idea of how to restore order to
China......Confucius said the Chinese needed to return to ethic, or moral value. (191)He [Qin
shihuang] order of burning all writing that does not agree with legalism.(195)Since the
Confucianism is the official government philosophy during Wudi's reign. Confucian about the
family was also honored.
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Centralised Bureaucracy: The Han Dynasty
The Han Dynasty was ruled from both emperors as a centralized bureaucracy that focused on
administration and imperial expansion. This aided the Han Dynasty to expand and thereby prosper
to be one of the greatest ruling empires of all time. India also share some of these values as during
the Mauryan Dynasty, Chandragupta Maurya ruled a centralised and unified government. He ran a
bureaucratic administrative system which enabled them to implement policies throughout the state,
much like the Han.
Han Wudi built an enormous bureaucracy to expand the empire based around legalists principles of
government. He wanted the individuals to be educated, reliable and intelligent bureaucrats but when
he came to recruit them, he realised that people of the Han dynasty were not educated enough to rule
the empire. So in 124 BCE, Han Wudi addressed this problem by establishing an imperial university
that prepared young men for government service. He recognised that succeeding at ruling a
centralised bureaucratic empire depends on the education of his recruited officeholders. This in turn
will help the Han Dynasty to thrive as trained bureaucrats can be controlled more easily by Han
Wudi which will help him expand the empire. Han Wudi moved aggressively to centralize power, he
enforced a vigorous foreign policy of imperial expansion to ... Show more content on ...
Han rulers built a centralised bureaucracy that administered a unified empire, establishing an
authority for centralised imperial rule in China. They also used Confucian values to organise a
system of advanced education that provided recruits for the imperial bureaucracy. Furthermore, Han
rulers envisaged Chinese influence to Korea, Vietnam and central Asia. Like classical societies in
Persia, India, and the Mediterranean basin, Han China produced a set political and cultural traditions
that shaped Chinese surrounding societies over the long
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Compartive Essay on Han Dynasty and Mauryan/Gupta Dynasties
Han Dynasty (China) vs. Mauryan/Gupta Dynasties (India)
The Han Dynasty lasted from 206 BCE – 220 BCE, and was in China. The Mauryan and Gupta
Dynasty lasted from 322 BCE – 500 CE, and were in India. The Mauryan Dynasty ended by 185
BCE. The Gupta Dynasty started in 320 CE. In my essay I am going to be comparing and
contrasting the 3 dynasty's (2 of them as 1), and their control through religion, trade, male
dominance, and how they fell. The Han Dynasty controlled their empire through Confucianism. One
of the emperor's, Han Wudi, established an Imperial University. Confucianism was the official
course of study. If you wanted to become part of the government you had to have "graduated" from
the University. Any person from an social ... Show more content on ...
They traded from Asia to Persia. If you were born a Vaishyas you were a merchant/ trader. The
social class you were born into decided what you did for a living. Male dominance; the only subject
you can ever get me extremely wound up about. If I had lived during the time period of male
dominance I would have been a very disobedient woman. In China according to Confucius, women
were only around to serve their husbands and take care of the children. They were also not granted a
proper education and most of them couldn't read or write. Their duty was to be a good little house
wife. In India arranged marriage was common. Father's paid another family to have their son marry
his daughter. The daughter could be eight years old, while the man she was married to was twenty. I
think that's just wrong and disgusting. The Han Dynasty fell because of a rebellion. The people were
tired of the tax raises. They didn't like that they were forced to help build the Great Wall. They
definitely didn't like the property policies; having their land easily taken from them and given to
someone richer. The Mauryan Dynasty fell because they kept devaluing the currency; making
everything too expensive and it cause inflation. The Gupta Dynasty fell because it was continuously
invaded by the White Hun's. It disintegrated along regional fault lines. After the Gupta Dynasty fell
smaller kingdoms were created and dominated India until the Mughal
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Compare And Contrast The Song Dynasty And Han Dynasty
In the Dynastic cycle, the Song and Han Dynasties of ancient China showed similar periods of
prosperity. They had many similarities and differences during their ruling. The dynasties always
ruled with an athortain type of government because one man ruled by himself and gave little power
to the council and/or government officials. Moreover, the Han and song dynasty shows many
similarities and differences during the period of prosperity.
First of all, there were 4 similarities that stood out. One is how they both prized education. Not all
dynasties paid attention to education so this was rare. The Han prized it by prizing it more than who
your ancestors were and how rich you were. This made their future generations succeed. Also, the
song ... Show more content on ...
In the first place, the Han dynasty used the idea of Confucianism to rule their dynasty. This meant
that they believed that The emperor was like a father over China and should treat it like his child and
that he should lead by example. In the Song dynasty, the believed that to rule China the only thing
they needed was a well–trained government. Another difference is that the Hans dynasty thrived in
their military and economic system. They used their military to keep the silk road safe and this made
the trade economy thrive. During the Song dynasty, they only focused on the economic system
instead of the military and the economic system. Even though this caused the economic system to
advance the dynasty soon fell. Considering that they didn't have a strong military the Song dynasties
rule was really successful. At the same time, the song had their differences from the Han. One was
that they used the civil service system. As explained above the civil service system test was not very
easy to pass and they did not accept many people compare to how many applied. The Han dynasty
did not have a specific way of selecting the government officials. Another thing that the song had
that the Han didn't be that They didn't rule using force and this caused many people to respect them.
Nevertheless, both of the dynasties had their similarities and
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The Han Dynasty, The Gupta Empire
There was no single event that caused the downfall of the empires of the ancient world. The Han
Dynasty, the Gupta Empire, and the Roman Empire would each collapse because of various reasons.
In the case of the Han Dynasty around 220 C.E. the young emperor, Emperor Xian of Han, that
came to rule the empire lost control. Three different families took control from them, creating the
period known as the Three Kingdoms. Nomadic tribes from central Asia attacked the northern
borders of the empire at this same time. And the final straw was the onset of an epidemic of
Smallpox that struck the population of the empire. About two hundred years later the Roman Empire
will start to decline. Over a thousand years the empire had grown too large to govern ... Show more
content on ...
By 410 C.E. the protection of the Roman Empire was now in the hands of the barbarians that the
empire had conquered. One such barbarian was Alaric the Visigoth. He had become part of the
Roman Army and had learned to fight the way that the Romans did. When he was passed over for
promotion Alaric turned against the Romans. He took his army right to the gates of Rome, and lay
siege to the city for two years. People starved by the thousands, they even resorted to eating the
dead. After two years of starvation and disease one of Rome's Nobleman ordered the gates to open
to the Visigoths to enter. The third and final empire to fall at this time were the Gupta's of India.
Unlike the other two empires the reason for the fall of the Gupta's is very simple. They were invaded
by barbarian invaders known Aryans or White Huns. Both the Hindu Kush and Himalayan
Mountains acted as an impenetrable barrier. For over a thousand years, these two towering barriers
would keep the Gupta safe from invasion. The White Huns were masters of the horse. The horse was
native to the plains of Central Asia, and they had domesticated the horse hundreds of years earlier
and also developed the chariot for
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Rodrick Carter
HIEU 201
Liberty University
29 November 2014
Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty in China
The Roman Empire and Han Dynasty in China are two kingdoms that, despite the geographical
difference between them, managed to achieve great success and failure in equal measure. Both were
characterized by imperial dynasties that were headed by the emperors and they held large territories.
Both of these kingdoms faced various challenges after their formation that became a major stabling
block, but due to good leadership, they both managed to overcome and achieve success.
Nevertheless, due to different reasons, both the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty declined and
fell. This paper ... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless, their skills in the battlefield were tremendous.
The Roman people managed to spread their Latin language across Europe and over a period of short
duration, Latin became known as the Romance language. Italian, Portuguese, French, Spanish, and
Rumanian all developed out of the Latin language. For instance, in Latin the word freedom is
pronounced or written as libertas, it was translated in Italian as liberta, in French as libertein, in
Portuguese as liberdade, in Spanish as libertad, and in Romanian as libertate. This is a clear
indication of how rich the Roman language was and the influence it had on other communities
across the world.
Romans were also known to be the greatest builders and architects. They built the longest and the
largest roads during the ancient period. The Roman roads that stretched for about 56, 000 miles had
29 highways. The Romans built the roads to transport their soldiers across their large territory and
also used it for trade. It is one of the reasons the Roman Empire became more economically
prosperous than any other territories in the ancient world. On the other hand, Han Dynasty also had
better roads. They are known to have established the Silk Road which was used to conduct trade and
to link the dynasty to different markets. Majority of the products that Han people sold were artwork.
One reason that the Han Dynasty stood out during the
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Patriarchy In The Han Dynasty
Patriarchy is a system that determines the hierarchy of men within a society and defines men as the
head of the household. Patriarchy provided men with family authority which acted as a model for
political authority. In ancient China, emperorship was passed on through hereditary principles within
a ruling family lineage or dynasty. The Han dynasty had adopted Confucianism as the state ideology
of Northern China, which implemented changes to the social order. Confucius believed that
everyone should be taught their role in society, but his teachings did little to help women learn their
roles. Ban Zhao, a female Chinese historian born in the first century to a famous family in the Han
dynasty, wrote Lessons for a Woman. Her work highlighted the importance of male authority and
women's perspectives of the patriarchal society that was influenced by Confucianism.
Confucianism is a philosophy that focused on family and social harmony, rather than on spiritual
values. Women's roles were not clearly defined by Confucianism, and many women were
uneducated on the role they played in the household and society. Ban Zhao wrote Lessons for a
Women to educate women of the role and criteria necessary to be a good wife. Ban Zhao states
"Being careless, and by nature stupid, I taught and trained my children without system... I do grieve
that you, my daughters, just now at the age for marriage, have not at this time had gradual training
and advice; that you still have not learned the proper
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Qin And Han Dynasty
Qin and Han Historical Research Paper China has had many dynasties, but there are two which
stand out; which, are the Qin and the Han. Ancient China has had one of the oldest and longest
civilizations in the history of the world. Throughout China's history, China was ruled by powerful
families called dynasties. Because of Qin and Han significance and impact on China, both dynasties
sites are influential to Chinese history, but the Han dynasty had a greater impact on the history of
China due to their significant rise to power, impact, and their influence to Chinese history. The Qin
and Han rose to power by force. In 230 BC. King Zheng of Qin started a campaign to conquer the
remaining six states which he succeeded to do, and for the ... Show more content on
He ordered the creation of common weights and measures, an improved system of writing and a law
code. Shi Huangdi also tried to control the thoughts of his people by outlawing the ideas of
Confucius and other important thing and instead required people to learn the philosophy of Qin
scholars. The period of the Han Dynasty was a time of invention and science. The Han paper, iron
casting, crop rotation, acupuncture as well as improvements in medicine, mathematics, building,
agriculture, engineering, porcelain, and astronomy. During the Han's rule that contact with the West
through the Silk Road was first established, which enabled trade. Both dynasty's left China with a
rich culture, many new laws, practices, and inventions, which made China very prosperous.
Han dynasty was the most influential in Chinese history. First of all the Han lasted much longer than
the fiveteen year of Qin rule. Instead of fighting they made many inventions listed above and other
advances to help China become stronger and prosperous country. The contribution to the Silk road
also helped China because of all the trade they began to do. The paper invention influenced
literature that someone named Sima Qian created the first Chinese history book. In astronomy they
recorded the first record of the solar system. They were also less cruel than the Qin dynasty but yet
they were still power. All their inventions and all there practices and ways of doing things makes the
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Han Dynasty Classicism
Throughout history cultures have changed and evolved into the beautiful diverse groups we see
today. The classical Han, Roman, and Athenian cultures brought about new ideas, art, and institution
that would later become known as classicism. Scientific thinking became more popular and ideas
and technology were spread along with previously unseen goods such as silk and paper.
Following the Qin dynasty, a period of absolute power intended to instill fear in the individual, the
Han dynasty was a time of growth where new ideas were encouraged and its people were valued.
Learning was encouraged and scholars were even given places in governing the country. The Han
dynasty was also the dynasty responsible for creating the Silk Road. With this road connecting
previously inaccessible parts of the country the Han prospered. Silk was one of largest exports of the
Han and the way to make it was a carefully guarded secret. Silk was used for everything from
making clothing to fishing line to writing, before the Han invented paper. The silk banner from the
tomb of the wife of the Marquis of Dai is one example of the fine silk goods that were traded along
the Silk Road. But it saw more traded than just silk on its route. Along with commercial goods, the
Silk Road also saw the trade of religion, philosophy, technology, and other aspects of civilization
that advanced the Han far beyond their predecessor. Religion was another feat that the Han dynasty
breached. With the reign of Emperor Wudi,
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Compare And Contrast The Roman And Han Dynasty
During the first and second century many new technologies were invented and improved in the
Roman Empire and Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty was originally quite supportive of new
technology and their engineers. Rome on the other hand was initially opposed to engineers as
expressed when Cicero a Roman political leader said, "All craftsmen spend their time in vulgar
occupations; no workshop can have anything enlightening about it" (Document 2). Regardless of
these denouncements as time advanced Rome embraced these new technologies. The Romans
utilized aqueducts and a system of building roads. The Han Dynasty seemed to always encourage
and use the technology of their engineers. The Han embraced systems of flood prevention as well as
improved mortar and pestles that could be used to increase food productivity by husking and
dehulling grain (Wikipedia). Regardless of how each society observed new technology both
societies created new machines and techniques that benefited the common folk. Also, both societies
were in states or relative peace during this time of ... Show more content on ...
They show this by hiring many workers concerned with that such subject. This government official
has no reason to provide false data. If no workers were hired and the floods were to overtake parts of
China, his job would be more difficult. Document 3 also conveys the Han Dynasty's encouragement
of new technologies. Through the Han's openness to new concepts the improvement of the mortar
and pestle allowed for greater food yields. The greater food yields would have come from water and
animal powered mortar and pestles that would husk and dehull grain. Through these, yields the
greater Chinese population must have also increased as a result. The source of this information also
seems legitimate as the philosopher would gain or lose nothing as a result of false
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Han Dynasty Essay
The Han Dynasty marked a Golden age of Chinese history, full of technological and cultural
advances. The Roman Empire was one of the most powerful and imperialistic states to this day. So
why did such thriving nations suddenly collapse? The factors which cause a state to collapse can
include both internal and external conflicts; for instance, economic struggles with both the citizens
and the country in debt, the level of cohesion, the political outcry in the country and public health or
other social issues. Analyzing the causes for collapse, you can see that there were many ways that
the collapse of the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty differ, but the similarities in the reasons for
the nations' collapse prevail. Throughout history, many ... Show more content on ...
The Roman Empire had conquered a considerable amount of land which was difficult to maintain
control of. The people of Rome were then divided, ergo the division of Rome into the eastern part,
ruled by the Byzantium and the western part was governed from Rome. Following the split of the
Roman Empire, they both failed to govern the state with supreme leadership so it then collapsed
entirely. The Han Dynasty, however, was not weakened by expansion; they were weakened by the
corruption of the government. The government created laws that were in favor of the rich and
upper–class members of society and left the peasants and the people of the lower classes to form
riots, and were left in a state of social unrest. Many government officials would assassinate a person
with a higher ranking so they could take place of that job, which all ultimately lead to the weakening
of the Dynasty. Additionally when Christianity was brought to Rome in circa 312 A.D., the Romans
didn't expect the new teachings of this religion, as the primary Roman faith at the time was Judaism.
. Officials were ordered to try and eliminate Christianity from spreading and they made laws that
were, in some cases, punishable by death. The citizens of the Roman Empire then revolted against
the government in effort to put an end to the harsh laws set in place. They succeeded in doing so and
with that came a major decline in the amount of power that the government held, which is a clear
indicator that a nation will
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The Han Dynasty And The Qing Dynasty
The Han Dynasty lasted from 206 B.C. until 220 A.D., making them one of China's longest lasting
empires. Their power and reputation rivaled that of the Roman Empire, which was also around at the
same time. With only a few moments when they had some difficulties, they lasted four centuries that
went through the times of B.C. and through the A.D. times. The Han Dynasty was thought to be the
golden age of the Chinese, with their main points of development being in politics, technology, and
the arts. Every following Chinese dynasty looked to the Han dynasty as their role model. The Han
Dynasty first started in 206 B.C. by a man named Liu Bang. However, there were people who
opposed him and started rebellions around the Han kingdom. It took four years to put down all of
the rebellions. In the previous dynasty, Liu Bang was an official of the Qin. However, the Qin
Dynasty was short–lived and angered the public. It only lasted from 221 B.C. until 206 B.C., where
Liu Bang was able to amass an army and overthrow them. Of course, he also had to fight others for
the throne, with one of his biggest opponents being a general named Xiang Ji. Xiang Ji was holding
Liu Bang's father hostage, saying that if Liu Bang did not surrender, Xiang Ji would have his father
executed by being boiled alive. Liu Bang refused, sending a message back to Xiang Ji to save a
piece of the soup for him, basically saying that Liu Bang did not care for his father what so ever. In
the end, Xiang Ji never did boil
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The Rise And Rise Of The Han Dynasty
There was many dynasties and empires to come about between 200 BCE and 600 CE. One specific
dynasty was the Han dynasty. This dynasty was involved in the unification of China. This dynasty
was formed by Lia Bang and lasted from 206 BCE to 220 CE, with an interruption phase from 9 CE
to 23 CE.The Han dynasty was between decentralized and centralized. Han Wudi was the greatest
emperor of this dynasty, who pursued centralization and expansion. There was constant attacks from
Xiongnu nomads of C. Asia; however, Han Wudi briefly came to control Xiongnu. Wang Mang, the
regent for a two year old emperor, took power himself. He tried to redistribute land, but the
wealthier people that did not want to get some of their land taken away assassinated him. In the later
Han dynasty, emperors manage with struggles to control resentment. Another succession to come
about was the Roman empire. The Roman empire started out as a republic, but soon Julius Caesar
Seized Rome in 49 B.C.E. Julius Caesar centralized control but was eventually assassinated in 44
B.C.E. After Julius came Octavian, who ran a monarchy that was disguised as a republic. Octavian
continued expansion and integration of the empire. There was an extreme amount of poor people; in
fact, one third of the population was in slavery. One of the only things that was attempted was
giving them bread and circuses to distract them. There was no policy developed for them. The
Roman empire went through many rulers. Although these
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Confucianism During The Han Dynasty
Confucianism Confucianism is an ethical philosophy with many statements concerning topics such
as social obligations, politics, and religion. Founded by Confucius, a philosopher from "the state of
Lu, in the modern province of Shandong," this system of beliefs seeks wisdom above all other facets
of life and regards knowledge as man's greatest treasure. Confucianism also highly stressed the
importance of putting others above oneself, thinking holistically rather than individually. Studying
the Analects, Confucius's philosophical text, gives students a superior understanding of the Chinese
lifestyle during the Han dynasty because these beliefs reflect the progression of philosophy during
this era. Beginning with the social contracts of Confucianism, Confucius believed that there were
five main relationships, each of which clearly favors men over women. The first of these was the
connection between the ruler and the subject, followed by the bond between a father and his son.
Next was the relationship of a husband and his wife and then the link between an elder brother and a
younger brother. Finally, Confucius spoke of the tie of friendship (Xinyan 232). ... Show more
content on ...
Confucius suggested that if the people were to be led by virtue and laws of propriety, they would
become morally inclined to be lawful citizens, rather than being punished into submission and
overwhelmed by strict laws (Confucius 11). Nonetheless, citizens were encouraged to obey the laws
in place to prevent the government from establishing disciplinary measures. Confucius told the
people to place their confidence in their leaders and their government because without their support
the government could not succeed in providing for the people. Confucianism also encouraged the
consideration of all men as quality individuals, rather than just those of noble heritage. This concept
opened a new world of opportunity for those men of humbler birth
... Get more on ...

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Comparison Of The Han Dynasty And The Roman Empire

  • 1. Comparison Of The Han Dynasty And The Roman Empire The Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire were two of the largest and most powerful civilizations of their time. During their time of power they both introduced new goods and new ideas to the rest of the world. I believe that the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire are very similar in the three following ways, they both wanted to create a superior work environment for their people, they also focused a great deal on water conservation, and how tools were very important in both civilizations. The first similarity is the fact that both the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire wanted to help create a work environment that all the people of the civilization would be happy and comfortable with. In document 1 it says, "All craftsmen spend their time in the vulgar occupations– no workshop can have anything enlightened about it" (Cicero). This signifies that there are no positives to working in the workshops. Even though some of the lower class of the Roman Empire lived in shabby houses and they had to work is excruciating environments most people worked in environments comfortable for them (PBS). In comparison to document 1, document 8 states that "Tu Shih loved the common people and wished to save their labor" (History). This implies that Tu Shih did not want his people to have to do excruciating work; instead he wanted them to salvage their labor. Similar to the Roman Empire the people of the Han Dynasty also had working conditions that were not agonizing; though the rich had it better the ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Roman Empire And The Han Dynasty The Roman Empire and the Han dynasty both have created inventions that have inspired the modern world, and created impressive innovations and processes that advanced their primitive societies in the ancient world. Both civilizations worked tirelessly to create innovative solutions to the problems they had, or to advance their cities in a way they felt could not be replicated. Each city had their own view on how these inventions should be created and ran. The Romans created aqueducts and invented the arch, to be used in architecture to withstand heavy buildings, and a road system that connected the entirety of the Roman Empire. The Han created paper and compasses, spread further the trade of silk and the silk road, and inspired ... Show more content on ... There is an abundant amount of water and Frontius takes pride in what he believes is the greatest and most useful invention in the Ancient world. (Doc 8) Frontius clearly takes on an air of great pleasure that the Aqueducts work so well, and accredits himself to their success partly because he is the water commissioner for the city of Rome. He develops an adverse attitude to other 'great' structures who do not seem to serve a purpose in his eyes. Each of these men are seeing firsthand the details that go into creating a vast system that controls water. The Han official is more humble than the Roman, but sees that there is still a hierarchy to the system. Each ancient empire has their own acclaimed heroes and great innovators of their time. Fuxi is credited with creating the mortar and pestle and increasing the power of it by a 'hundredfold' Huan Tan speaks very highly of the old Emperor and praises his work. (Doc 3) The Han's developed a prideful attitude when discussing their innovations. They discussed the refinements made up until the peak of the product, meant to show that they invest time and effort into their work to make it the best they can be. Meanwhile the Romans have a different view on how items are created. A roman philosopher Seneca details that he does not care what level of intelligence someone had when creating a certain product, and that he does not value the importance of how an object came to be, ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Similarities Between The Rome And The Han Dynasty The Han Dynasty and Imperial Rome were two greatly advanced civilizations for their time period and their success was no fluke. Both dynasties gained their success through a handful of varying ideas and strategies involving the economy, military, and social structures. However, one of the greatest factors that determined the respective dynasty's futures was their methods of political control. The Han Dynasty and Roman Empire agreed on some major aspects and ideas of politics, but also had diverging views on a few subjects. For example, one major topic both groups disagreed on is the form of government. Some examples of subjects they both agreed on was the focus on infrastructure and trade. One thing that most major political states throughout history can agree on is the importance of trading, not only within the state but with outside states as well. Both the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty were large participants in trade, not only within their states but with outside states as well. The Han Dynasty exemplifies this by showing their great amount of effort to get involved in the Silk Road. The Han Dynasty went to the extent of expanding the wall into the route of the Silk Road. Metaphorically speaking, this is the Han Dynasty's way of sticking their foot in the Silk Road and regional trade. This was first done in the Han Dynasty because the leaders knew the necessity for trade and its power to keep their government and society thriving. The Romans were also greatly ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Women During The Han Dynasty Women during the Han Dynasty Lessons for Women is a book of conduct written during the Han Dynasty by Ban Zhao (C. 45–120) to advise the women of her family on the proper conduct of a wife. Ancient China around this time was a Confucian state in which the society was control by the belief in order and harmony. The book contains seven chapters that talks about: humility, husband and wife, respect and caution, womanly qualifications, wholehearted devotion, implicit obedience, and harmony with younger brothers– and sisters– in law. This work of literature reflects on how a proper women was to behave obediently to the husband, by being devoted and respectful to avoid humility to herself, her parents and her clan. It gives the readers an idea of the power that men had over women during this time period and the exceptions for both roles of husband and wife. Lessons of women informs the readers that women during the Han Dynasty had no control over their own lives and the philosophy of Confucian had a huge influence on the society's everyday life. Ban Zhao emphasizes the importance of distinctions between men and women, and their separate natures. From the time of birth a woman is taught to be a good wife, she learns how to submit herself to her husband and understands that her sole purpose in life is to serve him. Humility was not something that a women was to bring to her family. Rituals were held because it was believed there were a necessary rite of passage for a baby girl to ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Rise And Development Of The Han Dynasty The Han dynasty achieved a significant amount during its era of 206 BC to 220 AD. The Han was the largest empire to date when the borders were expanded to Vietnam and North Korea. Because the Han dynasty lasted for 400 years, it went through 26 emperors. One of them being Emperor Wu who created trade routes, which established the Silk Road. The road allowed for China and India to trade and it later expanded when Emperor Wu established foreign trade routes with other countries. Emperor Wu and the Han Dynasty established the Silk Roads, the invention of paper and gunpowder, religion, improvement of technology, and their military. Established during the Han Dynasty, the Silk Road was a system of trade routes, which linked regions to each other, which were traveled by merchants, mercenaries, monks and others. "This network, for the sake of simplicity, is referred to collectively as 'the Silk Road,' though there was, in fact, no single route and the merchants' cargo also included salt, wool, jade and many other items" (Whitfield 2). The Han Dynasty was harassed on their northern and western borders by Xiongnu, a nomadic tribe. "The emperor hoped that Zhang Qian would persuade the Yuezhi people, living in the Ferghana region of modern–day Uzbekistan, to ally with the Chinese against their common enemy to the north, the Xiongnu tribal confederation, based in modern–day Magnolia" (Hansen 45). During Qian's expedition, he discovered many different central Asian ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Compare And Contrast Qin Dynasty And Han Dynasty Two of the earliest empires in Chinese history were the Qin Dynasty (221– 206 BCE) and the Han Dynasty (202 BCE– 220 CE). They both successfully unified the vast nation of China. Both Empires allowed government to not only influence politics, but also economy, philosophy, and social life. The empires ruled China distinctively differently. The Qin was a very fierce and brutal dynasty, while the Han dynasty tried to reduce the repression of the people brought by the Qin Dynasty. They also both used two distinctive government styles, the Qin used Legalism, a style based on based on effective institutional structures, and the Han used Huang–Lao which combined legalism with Daoist and Confucian ideals. While both empires and schools of thought had their strengths and weaknesses, both subsequently fell. The Qin Dynasty began in 221 BCE with the emperor being King Zheng. Even before the Qin ruled over all of China, it was a well established as a legalist state. The people of Qin were known to be very law–abiding, and the Qin economy was doing very well due to an increase of production in agriculture. King Zheng conquered the states of Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi, and became not only the first, and only, emperor of the Qin Dynasty, but the first emperor of all of ... Show more content on ... As an uniformed China was his ultimate goal, he standardized currency, weight, measures, and writing script. He was able to construct a highway system and repair The Great Wall. Legalism also helped build a strong army, an efficient bureaucracy, a compliant populace, and showed the importance of a strong central government. Ultimately though, the harshness of Legalism is what killed the Qin empire. Thousands who fled from punishment under the Qin Dynasty revolted after King Zheng's and his heirs deaths. Army generals defected and former nobles raised armies. Eventually, a man of modest background, Liu Bang, became the new emperor of ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Peasants During The Han Dynasty Past– Peasants were the lowest class of the Han dynasty. About 90% (160 million) of people were peasants. During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, peasants didn't own their lands. Throughout the Han Dynasty, most peasants owned a small area of land and gave a portion of their crops to the government to pay as tax. The peasants' survival depended on the quality of the crops while they also faced floods, earthquakes, and famine. During the first half of the Han dynasty, there were 20 periods of droughts, floods, and famines. Peasants faced extreme danger to cope with the natural disasters and ensure the survival of their children. During famine, parents had to kill their babies that they couldn't feed. They sometimes sold their children into slavery ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Gender Roles In The Han Dynasty Within the Han Dynasty, there were three different social levels: emperor and their family, skilled workers (farmers and merchants), and unskilled workers (servants and slaves). These three classes were determined by social and economic standings within each family. The gender roles within the region saw that women were not viewed as equally as men, for the women's major role was to birth & raise children, and take care of the household. The social class system in the Han Dynasty can be closely compared to the caste system in present–day India since the unskilled are at the bottom while the more highly people are at the top. The Han Dynasty was mainly known for its culture and several innovations that many people still use to this day. One ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Han Dynasty And The Western Roman Empire Although in different regions of the world and with cultural differences, the same problems plagued both the Han Dynasty and the Western Roman Empire, significantly contributed to their downfall. Some similar causes were pressure from barbarians and poor leadership which affected s their empires. However similar, they were starkly different in areas such as the religious divide that served to weaken Western Rome that did not exist in China. One factor they played a role in the fall of both empires was poor leadership in their empires. During the final days of Western Rome, there was no strong unifying leader in place due to the number of generals that would claim leader then be quickly killed off. Rome's military were only loyal to their generals, and when the generals would gather the power to overthrow the current rule, they were not well received by the public or the rest of the army. They did not unify they public and the government under strong rule, causing discord and distrust amongst the people. This lead to many revolts and needless violence that hurt the empire. Similarly, in the Han Dynasty, the lack of strong leaders caused people to become unsatisfied with their government. The people did not follow the will of their leaders and the aristocrats refused to pay taxes and support the government. Like Rome, this lack of poor leadership lead to revolts and needless violence that would ultimately hurt their citizens, military, and entirety of their empires. ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Qin Dynasty And The Han Dynasty Two influential and focal points in ancient Chinese history, the Qin and Han dynasties together spanned from the 2nd century BCE to the 3rd century CE, both of which utilised comparable philosophies in order to establish control and continuity in a centralised empire. With the Qin dynasty adopting Legalism and the Han dynasty using a combination of Confucianism and Legalism, the two dynasties' bureaucratic governing systems, while similar in nature, achieved varying levels of success. [Change Slide] Through extensive research, I have come to the conclusion, and propose the idea, that the Qin dynasty, was to a large extent, superior to the Han dynasty in terms of its use of philosophy. This can be seen in the context and differences in the ... Show more content on ... Emphasising the need for the centralization of power under the emperor, Shang believed that through utilization of law to weaken the people, an ideal ruler would be able to prevent disorder and crime and thus result in a virtuous people. [Change Slide] Furthermore, Shang's Legalistic principles also detailed the ideal everyday lives of the differing social classes, instructing people to dress in moderation and to be frugal with food to decrease expenditure, with men fulfilling their duties, both in the military and in agriculture. Recognizing the importance of military and agriculture to the state, Shang believed that the six parasites, displayed on the slide above, were detrimental towards the people's effort in both the military and agriculture, and thus, the stability of the state and the emperor's power. [Change Slide] Ultimately, the Legalists believed that effective governance came from cultivation and use of power for state expansion and wealth, which was acknowledged by Liu Bang, the first emperor of the Han dynasty, reining from 202 to 195 BC, who, at the time of defeating the remnants of the Qin dynasty, outwardly abolished most of the Qin's laws, but in actuality, retained most ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Han Dynasty "The commanderies were composed of counties." A county was the smallest division in this era to have centrally appointed official." "The founder of the Han Dynasty was Liu Bang." He ruled from 202 BC to 195 BC. "Liu Bang was a commoner of peasant origin who would be known historically by his imperial title of Han Gaozu." This made him one of the few dynasty creators in Chinese history to have emerged from peasant class to emperor. Before he became emperor he was a patrol officer. He used this to forge relationships with other officials in his country. This earned Liu a reputation for his hometown. Liu's reputation was whenever he was drunk his friends would notice a silhouette of a dragon all over him. The significance of this is ... Show more content on ... He ruled China from 141 BC to 87 BC. He was known for his accomplishments that gained China new and vast territories. "Under his reign, he organized a powerful and highly centralized state." Chinese history regarded him as the greatest emperor. "His exploits and very effective governance earned Ancient China as being one of the most powerful nations of the world." Emperor Wu was the tenth son of Emperor Jing. "He was chosen to rule over China at the age of seven and was presented the throne at sixteen years old." Emperor Wu was an extraordinary ruler because his great talents strengthened and held together his bold visions for the empire. He had a keen sense for military strategy, as well as tactical which is how he became known as the fighting monarch. This is why his imperial title is Wu of Han. Wu means Marital. The age of Emperor Wu was considered as the golden and most prosperous periods in China's ancient history. "Emperor Wu set up his nation first with effective policies to withstand domestic conflicts and pressures and then went about expansive conquest." He made the empire's western borders expand all the way to modern day Kyrgyzstan. "Just right after his succession to the throne, he masterminded a stable political arena combined with a very favorable national economy that paved the way clear for important achievements in the nation's economy, politics, foreign affairs, and other state affairs." He annexed Northern Korea and the north of ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Confucianism In The Han Dynasty Before Emperor Wu of Han decided "oust others doctrines, the overwhelming Confucianism"[ Baisha Yi,易白沙 Kongzi pingyi shang 孔子评议上[Kritische Beurteilung von Kongzi, Teil 1], Qingnian zazhi 青年杂志,1916a, 571–576], which means use Confucianism as the only religion in China, Taoism was one of the most popular religions in China. In the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty, Taoism was the most important religion and philosophy, and it influenced political theory. What is Taoism? How had Taoism changed politics and activities of people who lived in Han dynasty? This essay seeks to answer these questions by examining the background and few important points of Wu–wei, one of the most famous Taoist thoughts. Firstly, what is Taoism? Before defining ... Show more content on ... In the way of heaven, it was to diminish superabundance and supplement deficiency, which means took from those have enough to add those did not have enough things. It was not so with the way of man, man took away from those who did not have enough to add to his own superabundance.[ Tao Te Ching, Chapter 77, Who can take his own superabundance and therewith serve all under heaven? Only he who is in possession of the Tao!] Nevertheless, Emperor Wen took his own superabundance and therefore serve his people. The son of Emperor Wen, emperor Jing, continued the way of Wu– wei to govern the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Han Dynasty The Han Dynasty, dating from 206 BCE–220 AD, was founded by Liu Bang who was the winner of the civil wars that followed the collapse of the first Imperial dynasty in China (Qin Dynasty). The Han dynasty is considered an influential empire that created a spiritually and philosophically enlightened nation through the teachings of Daoism, Legalism and Confucianism. At the time that Liu Bang first founded the Han dynasty the basic structures of the Qin state were retained, and the ideology of the Qin state initially drifted deeper and deeper into a Legalist and Daoist union. Many elements of these ancient philosophies can be distinguished in the religious and superstitious beliefs and practices that were performed in Han China. The implementation of these three philosophies during a time of political corruption, and spiritual chaos helped to create an overall calmer and intellectual society. The philosophical and spiritual movement of this time and in turn shaped modern religions, state ethics and beliefs. Prior to the so–called da–yi–tong (great unity) within the political systems of the Qin and Han dynasties, the Warring State period was in chaos; not only within a political context, but also in terms of the intellectual and ideological views of society during Han China. This breakdown within the political and social norms gave rise to a philosophical crisis. The philosophy of Confucius begins from some basic assumptions, several of which are derived from The Analects of ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Similarities Between Achaemenid And Han Dynasty During the reign of Achaemenid over Persia and the Han over China, they both had differences and similarities in the way they governed the people. Some of these similarities and differences came from the political and social development of the society while others came from the economic development. Both dynasties had similar and different aspects on the social, political, and economic ways of their people One thing both dynasty's differed/had similarities was the political development of the society. One major difference was that the Persian Empire was made up of a number of distinct empires, though the Han Dynasty was divided, it was all governed by a central government. One difference between the two empires is that the Achaemenid Empire had satrapies to rule over the various parts of the empire while the Han did not. The Persians had Satraps to help form a system which made it possible to rule over the whole Achaemenid territory, to raise and ... Show more content on ... One similarity between the two empires is that they both had close to the same number of people. Achaemenid Persia had about 50,000,000 and Han China had about 58,000,000 people. One difference is that there was no slavery allowed in the Achaemenid dynasty because Zoroastrianism explicitly forbids is while slavery was allowed in the Han dynasty and slaver slaves were given to nobles as rewards for service. Both dynasties were also polytheistic. The Achaemenid gods were associated with natural phenomena, with social, military, and economic functions, and with abstract concepts such as justice and truth and the Han believed that if the emperor did not behave according to proper ritual, ethics, and morals, he could disrupt the fine balance and cause calamities such as earthquakes, floods, droughts, epidemics, and swarms of locusts. There were also similarities and differences in the economic aspects of each ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Han Dynasty : A Golden Era For China Chris Phillips Dr. Goldsmith His 304 December 12, 2015 The Han Dynasty The Han dynasty was a golden era for China. It saw the greatest land confiscation of the nation's history and economic success. In this paper I will be focusing on the structure of the national government, the monopolizing of iron and salt, the Yumen Pass and the Yellow Turban rebellion. Join me as we take a trip back in time to visit a time in Chinas history that is highly revered. Even though the Qin dynasty was seen as barbaric and brutal, the Han did implement some of the old Qin institutions into their new government. One of these institutions were the Commanderies. These were administrative divisions of land in which a governor would be appointed by the government and run it as the government or emperor wants it to be ran. This is institution is very useful for knowing how many people you have. When war comes and you need to draft able bodied men to go fight, you will know just how many you will be able to get. Another reason would be for tax purposes. It is also very useful to regulate the trade and growing of certain crops. Even more in depth than that the government can control what the children in the commanderies are taught and what propaganda they are seeing. Qin law is another thing that the Han used from the former dynasty. One example of this practice was the fact that women could bring up cases against men even though the women did not have the same rights as men. Punishments were also ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Differences Between The Roman And Han Dynasty Thesis: Due to a better centralized and staffed bureaucracy based on a common political philosophy the Han dynasty was able to more cohesively integrate the regions it ruled over, and because of this they were able to have a longer lasting influence. One necessary part of any large empire like the Roman empire or the Han dynasty is an organized power structure. Both the Romans and the Han had similar power structures in some functions, but they differed in ideologies and emphasis on roles of the power structure which accounts for the differences in success of integration. The ruler of the Roman and Han empires were emperors who had absolute control over every aspect of the empire. For the success of these two empires, a bureaucracy was ... Show more content on ... The Han dynasty, instead, viewed their government bureaucracy in more high esteem. The origins of the Han dynasty bureaucracy were in the preceding Qin dynasty. This is described in one passage by Sima Qian, a Han historian, where he describes the first emperor of the Qin dynasty. In these writings he describes the first emperor, Qin Shihuangdi, as a very cruel despot who burned important writings, imposed cruel penalties, and was very arrogant.(FOOTNOTE). However, even Sima Qian acknowledges that he unified China through the appointment of officials to rule provinces, and standardizing their measurements and writing system.(FOOTNOTE). When the Qin dynasty ended in 202 BCE, however their bureaucratic system survived through the Han dynasty. (FOOTNOTE). This is significant because even though the Han viewed the Qin dynasty very poorly, they still enacted a bureaucracy that was very similar. The unique attributes of this bureaucracy was that it was more centralized, and cohesive then that of the Roman empire. Also, as mentioned earlier, it was better staffed and more equipped. The aspect of the Han dynasty that allowed for them to have such a cohesive government and empire was that it was built upon Confucian ideals, or at least, they attempted to build it on Confucian ideals. Mencius, a famous Confucian philosopher, describes the ideal ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Essay on The Daoism and the Confucianism in Han Dynasty The Daoism and the Confucianism in Han Dynasty Yang Yu History 135: Imperial Chinese History Professor: Robert J. Culp Paper I March 4th, 2011 The Daoism and the Confucianism in Han Dynasty As the dominant philosophical school for around two thousand years in Chinese imperial history, Confucianism is always regarded as the most representative ideology of China, associated with numerous books, poems, artworks and stories that glorify Confucianism's permeation into every corner of Chinese society. However, before Han Wudi, Confucianism was only one of those competing philosophical schools founded in Spring and Autumn period. During the Warring States period and Qin dynasty, Legalism took place of all other philosophical schools ... Show more content on ... However, it is always easy to start the process of centralization but difficult to maintain the state of centralization. Faced with this knotty problem, Wudi adopted Confucianism, which underlined "the moral basis of superior–subordinate relations, appreciating that in the long run the ruler would achieve his goals more easily and economically when his subordinates viewed their relationship with the ruler in moral terms of loyalty and responsibility" (65). In fact, Han's Confucianism is not the same as the Confucianism during the period of the Spring and Autumn or Warring States. It is a special status of Confucianism. As Ebrey writes in his book, "Han Confucianism itself was eclectic, fortifying itself with precepts and philosophical concerns drawn from what had been competing philosophical schools in the pre–Qin period" (77). Different from the traditional Confucianism, Han's Confucianism assimilated thoughts from Legalism, Daoism and other schools, such as Moism's thought of universal love (兼爱) and yin and yang school's thought of five phases (阴阳五 行论). "Han Confucians sought ways to comprehend the world around them as a self–generating and self–sustaining organism governed by cyclical yet never replicating flows of yin and yang and the five phases (fire, water, earth, metal, and wood)" (78). Han Confucians thought that if one of these phases was disturbed, the whole system would ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Similarities Between Rome And Han Dynasty Roman Empire and Han Dynasty Comparison Han Dynasty and Roman Empire have many cultural aspects including religious, geographical, and political similarities that can be compared, though many differences are also widespread during this era. Though Roman and Han political structures, both emphasized bureaucracies, they came to them quite differently. Through many amounts of expansion, both societies spread culture and earned money, though expansion was eventually their downfall. Their religions differed greatly, with Rome, emphasizing polytheism and Han China focusing on Confucianism. The differences and similarities between these two civilizations are to be discussed in this essay. One might ask, Which civilization yielded the best ... Show more content on ... Rome maintained peace through conquering all threats and expanding in every way they could. Wu Ti expressed peace, and his goal was to keep the people fed and happy. Both societies valued strict laws and every citizen was expected to adhere to them. Han China and Rome are actually very similar in their geographical conquests. First of all, both civilizations were the largest and most expansive in their areas. Rome stretched from Spain, England, and France to Mesopotamia and North Africa. The Han dynasty expanded to Korea, china, and central Asia. These huge areas allowed a feeling of power and more economic stability, but also had a few downfall's. Even though the Roman Empire had close to 60 million people in the lands, the population began to dwindle by the end of its empire, they could no longer supply enough people to protect its borders, so they had to turn to outside sources for its military. These outside sources had distrusting loyalties, so, Rome's borders were not so well protected and eventually fell to complete invasion. Han Dynasty fell to its fate. Both the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire's weakened so much that they both crippled under the weight of outside invasions. A huge difference between the two civilizations, however, was their level of isolation. Being in China, the Han Dynasty was on the east side and was much more isolated than Rome, which was a peninsula and quite open to everywhere. Though ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Achievements Of The Han Dynasty Under the rule of Liu Bang, the Han dynasty (202B.C.E. – 220 C.E.) was one of the world's largest and wealthiest empires. Among its achievements were improvements to the imperial administration, urban culture, technology and commerce. The dynasty was so successful that the people began to call themselves the Han people. Emperor Gaozu formerly known as Liu Bang , changed the bureaucracy and strict laws by lowering taxes, implementing less severe punishments and allowed Confucian scholars to serve as state officials. At first government officials were asked to recommend young men to join the government but eventually the emperor started an imperial university in order to pick better candidates for the job. These candidates ... Show more content on ... Moving into central Asia increasing the trade route that was later known as the Silk Road. Trade along the Silk Road was dangerous but prosperous. Chinese silk fabric was coveted along the route hence the name the Silk Road. Soldiers had to be dispatched along the route to protect the traders. For thousands of years this route was successful and along the Silk Road, cities and towns prospered too. Farmers and artisans sold their goods along this trade route and silk was not the only good traded along this route, horses , grapes ,wines olives, oils, precious stones jewelry, art and spices such as cinnamon and ginger as wells as pottery were brought to China. As prosperous as this trade route was for the people, it also brought disease and in some cases a change in beliefs to China. Buddhism made its way to China via the Silk Road. Much like China, the Persian Empire had its share of battles to become the largest advanced empire of its time. Cyrus the Great was one such leader. He influenced the effectiveness of government and nurtured business relations among many nations. Before Cyrus the Great, battles were fought and won while many others were lost. Living in the Zagros Mountains, Aryan migrants, also known as Medes along with the Persians who both spoke the same language and were grouped together as ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Causes Of The Han Dynasty Empires rise and they fall, Dynasties come and they go. "The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been." This quotation in Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms best represents the cyclical nature of the dynasties in China. The Han Empire was no exception; Corruption plagued the Han Dynasty, inevitably leading to its demise. Within the court certain families held excessive powers, this influence lead to be just as great as the eunuchs and eventually diminishing the authority of the Emperor. On top of this the peasants suffered from natural disasters that befell upon the empire which was a catalyst for a large scale uprising. The rebellion led to a weaker central government allowing military leaders and local warlords to rise in power. As such the internal struggle between the eunuchs and government officials played a large role in the fall of the Han ruled empire, but this was not the sole reason. There were other crucial factors that contributed to the fall such as, family clans gathering power, natural disasters and decentralisation. The Han dynasty was the longest imperial dynasty, which lasted around 400 years after the collapse of the Qin Dynasty. The dynasty began with a struggle between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu which saw Liu Bang, a man of lower social status winning and reuniting the land in 206 BCE (Qian, S. 1971). During the course of the Han dynasty there were technological and cultural advancements but in the later ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Han Dynasty Research Paper The Legalist teachings differed from all other philosophies and they became lost in the past. The Legalists rejected all the Confucians values and really wanted to establish a link between the subject and the ruler. Minister Shang established population registers to record who lived together in different households. He stated, "that they supervise each other and be mutually liable. Anyone who failed to report criminal activity would be chopped in two at the waist, while those who reported it would receive the same reward as that for obtaining the head of an enemy." (Shang, p 128.) The creation of Minister Shang's registers showed a break from the past and for the first time ever officials kept detailed records of their subjects. The new ruler of the Qin Empire was named Shi Huangdi. Shi implemented various policies. Policies were also made reflecting closely to Shang Yang's beliefs, and emphasized that farming was essential to the economy. Shi strengthened and created currency for the empire. The Qin territory also became divided into units called commanderies which were then divided into counties. The ... Show more content on ... The Han Empire used many of the Qin–dynasty organizational techniques. (Hansen, p 126.) The founder of the Han dynasty was Liu Bang. Liu created a new nobility. Liu gave his sons and brothers the title of king and the lands that they needed and named his most important followers to the rank of marquis. (Hansen, p 132–133.) The government during the Han Empire consisted of one branch split into three parts with the collection of taxes, one army, and government officials. Another important person during the Han Empire was Sima Qian who was a Grand Historian in China. Sima Qian traveled throughout China collecting historical records and devoted himself to writing the history of the Han ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Philosophies Of The Han Dynasty Essay There are different ways that several of the Chinese philosophies were applied during the Han dynasty. At first when Liu Bang became emperor he as stated in Scores of East Asian Tradition "issued his famous three article code to replace the elaborate legal code of Qin" (pg130). This did away with much of the ideologies of Qin's Legalism approach to governing, but yet the Han kept much of its bureaucracy. What happens next is the evolution from the three articles to a more complex system evolving much of the other philosophies of the time. The style of governing would over time evolve to use a few of these philosophies structured around one of them. This is pointed out in the reading where it states "several philosophical lineages, such as ... Show more content on ... We see it represented here in The Guanzi where the reading states "While it later came to be known as a Legalist work, it was initially classified as Daoist" (SEAT pg138). This would make sense of why it fits into a governing form that has Daoism at hart. In governing it is used for describing the laws between people, which can be found in the sentence "What is involved in the interactions between ruler and official, father and son, and among all human beings, we call rightness" (SEAT pg140). Legalism can also be found in the way the bureaucracy of the government. Another philosophy that is present during the rule of the Han Dynasty is Confucian ideals. We see these represented with the essays of Dong Zhongshu from the readings, who "synthesizing the Daoist ideals that emphasized the quietude and passivity of the ruler with a more active orientation of the Confucian ideal" (pg161). With Confucian ideals focusing on education of ones self and ritual it blends with the other philosophy incorporated in the Han's form of governing very well. The practice of having well educated rulers that understand the Way only benefits the state in a positive ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Han Dynasty Changes Intro: In our version of the Han Dynasty, we maintained original ideals regarding, politics, social statuses, philosophy, and governmental aspects. We changed and tweaked certain specific aspects of these themes, such as the height of the Great Wall of China, and the purpose behind folklore. Government and political aspects we decided to keep were the Great Wall of China, but in the form of a full wall around the entirety of the Han Dynasty, as well as making it taller, for better fortifications. As for the legal systems such as the Han Dynasty law code, we decided it was socially beneficial to keep it, except... for the Mongols (JK). We also thought it was prudent to keep the empirical reign over China because it had the mandate of heaven to keep the populace content and the emperors, relatively, in line. Economically, we chose to keep the silk road where it is because it was efficient and brought in good trade from other civilizations. Regarding crops and metalurgey, we left them be because China had a good source of food rarely led to famine. However, we would change the amount of metal working the civilization produced, only ... Show more content on ... While it wasn't optimal for the peasants, it helped the empire flourish and maintain its rule. An example of flourishing was when peasants were contracted to build the Great Wall of China. The major change we want to employ in social systems, was the role of women in China. China was notorious for subjugating their women, and a change in this societal norm would greatly benefit China, as a whole, not just the Han Dynasty. If women could work and be educated the same as men, China's civilization could have lasted longer, as well as discovered and developed new technology. A good blueprint for women's role in society would have been the social structure of the Egyptian civilization, where women had equal legal rights with ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Roman Empire And The Han Dynasty Contrast Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty Contrast Rise of the Roman Empire The Roman Empire is still known today as one of history's most powerful period. Rome government had stick rules and policies. The Roman government at this point was known as the Roman Republic. The Roman Republic was controlled by the roar Rome. Bureaucracy was ran throughout the region, but Rome did not want this nor could they afford it. However, they did allow small cities to run a lower level of government. The exercise of indirect rule thus became a basic principle of imperial government. The business of local administration and jurisdiction was delegated to the existing communities of city or tribe. This type of structure was deemed to be a weakness to some historians because of the consequences. Consequences that allow a third level government to enforce the emperor's rules. Because of the expansion of the territory, this was the only reasonable way for it to function normally. The empire was a "commonwealth of cities" which acted as economic and cultural of the Roman world and were integrated into the administrative system as local foci of government. This imperial ruling was first implemented by Rome. It came about because of social trends and not the Roman strategic policies that was often changed by Romanized upper class citizens. These upper classman brought about firmness throughout the land with their strategic and educated planning. ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Similarities Between The Rh Dynasty And The Collapse Of... Just after the significant transition from B.C. to C.E. a mystical dynasty from China referred to as the Han subsided. Likewise, the Roman Empire which was quite powerful at one point, collapsed in this same era. The way these organizations collapsed can be compared in many ways but they also contrast in unique ways. One way they compare is they were both invaded by an outside territory. The Han dynasty had trouble with the Xiongnu invading, and the Roman Empire was invaded by the Huns who were led by Attila at the time. Also, the Han Dynasty found it difficult to enforce taxes on the wealthy, and in the Roman Empire the wealthy elites were not required to pay taxes either. The fall of these nations can be compared in a lot of ways but there are also many differences. A main difference was in the Han Dynasty they had the Yellow Turban Rebellion where there was an internal rebellion that was created by the peasants, but in the Roman Empire most conflict came externally, they didn't really have a group of people rebelling. The Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire were two organizations that collapsed around the same time and the way they collapsed can be compared and contrasted in many ways. As stated above, one way the collapse of the Han Dynasty and the collapse of the Roman Empire compare is they both had external conflict with other nations. The Xiongnu invaded the Han which destabilized the Han's government and also negatively impacted trade on the Silk Road. These invasions ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Compare And Contrast Zhou And Han Dynasty In the long history of China, there are three dynasties that are similar and different. These three dynasties are Zhou (1046–256 BC), Qin (221 BC to 206 BC) and Han dynasty (206BC –220AD). They have similar government structure, different way of strengthen government, and different teaching. The Zhou, Qin, and Han dynasties are similar because they were all led by a single ruler who was the head of the social structure. For example, Zhou has king, Qin has emperor, and Han have ruler: They granted land to others in return for loyalty, military support, and other services. The Zhou King was at the highest level. (Mayer and Shek 189) He gave himself the title Shi Huandi which means "first emperor."(194) Liu Bang, a peasant, was able to become ... Show more content on ... he granted plots of land to lords, or people of high rank. Lords pay tax and provide soldier to King as needed...... Everywhere under vast Heaven There is no land that is not the king's within the borders of those lands. There are none who are not the king's servants. –From the Zhou Book of Songs (189) He [Qin Shihuang] created strong government with strict law and harsh punishment (194) he[Liu Bang] also relied on educated official to help him rule.(201) The government better. While Han think if you respect the elder, you will respect the ruler. The difference of Zhou, Qin and Han dynasty was they practice different teachings. Zhou does not practice specific teaching, but later they start to recognize Confucianism, and Qin practice Legalism, while Han practice confusion as an official government subject that require testing. The examples of those teaching are: During the late Zhou period, thinker came up with idea of how to restore order to China......Confucius said the Chinese needed to return to ethic, or moral value. (191)He [Qin shihuang] order of burning all writing that does not agree with legalism.(195)Since the Confucianism is the official government philosophy during Wudi's reign. Confucian about the family was also honored. ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Centralised Bureaucracy: The Han Dynasty The Han Dynasty was ruled from both emperors as a centralized bureaucracy that focused on administration and imperial expansion. This aided the Han Dynasty to expand and thereby prosper to be one of the greatest ruling empires of all time. India also share some of these values as during the Mauryan Dynasty, Chandragupta Maurya ruled a centralised and unified government. He ran a bureaucratic administrative system which enabled them to implement policies throughout the state, much like the Han. Han Wudi built an enormous bureaucracy to expand the empire based around legalists principles of government. He wanted the individuals to be educated, reliable and intelligent bureaucrats but when he came to recruit them, he realised that people of the Han dynasty were not educated enough to rule the empire. So in 124 BCE, Han Wudi addressed this problem by establishing an imperial university that prepared young men for government service. He recognised that succeeding at ruling a centralised bureaucratic empire depends on the education of his recruited officeholders. This in turn will help the Han Dynasty to thrive as trained bureaucrats can be controlled more easily by Han Wudi which will help him expand the empire. Han Wudi moved aggressively to centralize power, he enforced a vigorous foreign policy of imperial expansion to ... Show more content on ... Han rulers built a centralised bureaucracy that administered a unified empire, establishing an authority for centralised imperial rule in China. They also used Confucian values to organise a system of advanced education that provided recruits for the imperial bureaucracy. Furthermore, Han rulers envisaged Chinese influence to Korea, Vietnam and central Asia. Like classical societies in Persia, India, and the Mediterranean basin, Han China produced a set political and cultural traditions that shaped Chinese surrounding societies over the long ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Compartive Essay on Han Dynasty and Mauryan/Gupta Dynasties Han Dynasty (China) vs. Mauryan/Gupta Dynasties (India) The Han Dynasty lasted from 206 BCE – 220 BCE, and was in China. The Mauryan and Gupta Dynasty lasted from 322 BCE – 500 CE, and were in India. The Mauryan Dynasty ended by 185 BCE. The Gupta Dynasty started in 320 CE. In my essay I am going to be comparing and contrasting the 3 dynasty's (2 of them as 1), and their control through religion, trade, male dominance, and how they fell. The Han Dynasty controlled their empire through Confucianism. One of the emperor's, Han Wudi, established an Imperial University. Confucianism was the official course of study. If you wanted to become part of the government you had to have "graduated" from the University. Any person from an social ... Show more content on ... They traded from Asia to Persia. If you were born a Vaishyas you were a merchant/ trader. The social class you were born into decided what you did for a living. Male dominance; the only subject you can ever get me extremely wound up about. If I had lived during the time period of male dominance I would have been a very disobedient woman. In China according to Confucius, women were only around to serve their husbands and take care of the children. They were also not granted a proper education and most of them couldn't read or write. Their duty was to be a good little house wife. In India arranged marriage was common. Father's paid another family to have their son marry his daughter. The daughter could be eight years old, while the man she was married to was twenty. I think that's just wrong and disgusting. The Han Dynasty fell because of a rebellion. The people were tired of the tax raises. They didn't like that they were forced to help build the Great Wall. They definitely didn't like the property policies; having their land easily taken from them and given to someone richer. The Mauryan Dynasty fell because they kept devaluing the currency; making everything too expensive and it cause inflation. The Gupta Dynasty fell because it was continuously invaded by the White Hun's. It disintegrated along regional fault lines. After the Gupta Dynasty fell smaller kingdoms were created and dominated India until the Mughal ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Compare And Contrast The Song Dynasty And Han Dynasty In the Dynastic cycle, the Song and Han Dynasties of ancient China showed similar periods of prosperity. They had many similarities and differences during their ruling. The dynasties always ruled with an athortain type of government because one man ruled by himself and gave little power to the council and/or government officials. Moreover, the Han and song dynasty shows many similarities and differences during the period of prosperity. First of all, there were 4 similarities that stood out. One is how they both prized education. Not all dynasties paid attention to education so this was rare. The Han prized it by prizing it more than who your ancestors were and how rich you were. This made their future generations succeed. Also, the song ... Show more content on ... In the first place, the Han dynasty used the idea of Confucianism to rule their dynasty. This meant that they believed that The emperor was like a father over China and should treat it like his child and that he should lead by example. In the Song dynasty, the believed that to rule China the only thing they needed was a well–trained government. Another difference is that the Hans dynasty thrived in their military and economic system. They used their military to keep the silk road safe and this made the trade economy thrive. During the Song dynasty, they only focused on the economic system instead of the military and the economic system. Even though this caused the economic system to advance the dynasty soon fell. Considering that they didn't have a strong military the Song dynasties rule was really successful. At the same time, the song had their differences from the Han. One was that they used the civil service system. As explained above the civil service system test was not very easy to pass and they did not accept many people compare to how many applied. The Han dynasty did not have a specific way of selecting the government officials. Another thing that the song had that the Han didn't be that They didn't rule using force and this caused many people to respect them. Nevertheless, both of the dynasties had their similarities and ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. The Han Dynasty, The Gupta Empire There was no single event that caused the downfall of the empires of the ancient world. The Han Dynasty, the Gupta Empire, and the Roman Empire would each collapse because of various reasons. In the case of the Han Dynasty around 220 C.E. the young emperor, Emperor Xian of Han, that came to rule the empire lost control. Three different families took control from them, creating the period known as the Three Kingdoms. Nomadic tribes from central Asia attacked the northern borders of the empire at this same time. And the final straw was the onset of an epidemic of Smallpox that struck the population of the empire. About two hundred years later the Roman Empire will start to decline. Over a thousand years the empire had grown too large to govern ... Show more content on ... By 410 C.E. the protection of the Roman Empire was now in the hands of the barbarians that the empire had conquered. One such barbarian was Alaric the Visigoth. He had become part of the Roman Army and had learned to fight the way that the Romans did. When he was passed over for promotion Alaric turned against the Romans. He took his army right to the gates of Rome, and lay siege to the city for two years. People starved by the thousands, they even resorted to eating the dead. After two years of starvation and disease one of Rome's Nobleman ordered the gates to open to the Visigoths to enter. The third and final empire to fall at this time were the Gupta's of India. Unlike the other two empires the reason for the fall of the Gupta's is very simple. They were invaded by barbarian invaders known Aryans or White Huns. Both the Hindu Kush and Himalayan Mountains acted as an impenetrable barrier. For over a thousand years, these two towering barriers would keep the Gupta safe from invasion. The White Huns were masters of the horse. The horse was native to the plains of Central Asia, and they had domesticated the horse hundreds of years earlier and also developed the chariot for ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. ROMAN EMPIRE AND THE HAN DYNASTY IN CHINA ROMAN EMPIRE AND THE HAN DYNASTY IN CHINA Rodrick Carter HIEU 201 Liberty University 29 November 2014 Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty in China The Roman Empire and Han Dynasty in China are two kingdoms that, despite the geographical difference between them, managed to achieve great success and failure in equal measure. Both were characterized by imperial dynasties that were headed by the emperors and they held large territories. Both of these kingdoms faced various challenges after their formation that became a major stabling block, but due to good leadership, they both managed to overcome and achieve success. Nevertheless, due to different reasons, both the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty declined and fell. This paper ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, their skills in the battlefield were tremendous. The Roman people managed to spread their Latin language across Europe and over a period of short duration, Latin became known as the Romance language. Italian, Portuguese, French, Spanish, and Rumanian all developed out of the Latin language. For instance, in Latin the word freedom is pronounced or written as libertas, it was translated in Italian as liberta, in French as libertein, in Portuguese as liberdade, in Spanish as libertad, and in Romanian as libertate. This is a clear indication of how rich the Roman language was and the influence it had on other communities across the world. Romans were also known to be the greatest builders and architects. They built the longest and the largest roads during the ancient period. The Roman roads that stretched for about 56, 000 miles had 29 highways. The Romans built the roads to transport their soldiers across their large territory and also used it for trade. It is one of the reasons the Roman Empire became more economically prosperous than any other territories in the ancient world. On the other hand, Han Dynasty also had better roads. They are known to have established the Silk Road which was used to conduct trade and to link the dynasty to different markets. Majority of the products that Han people sold were artwork. One reason that the Han Dynasty stood out during the ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Patriarchy In The Han Dynasty Patriarchy is a system that determines the hierarchy of men within a society and defines men as the head of the household. Patriarchy provided men with family authority which acted as a model for political authority. In ancient China, emperorship was passed on through hereditary principles within a ruling family lineage or dynasty. The Han dynasty had adopted Confucianism as the state ideology of Northern China, which implemented changes to the social order. Confucius believed that everyone should be taught their role in society, but his teachings did little to help women learn their roles. Ban Zhao, a female Chinese historian born in the first century to a famous family in the Han dynasty, wrote Lessons for a Woman. Her work highlighted the importance of male authority and women's perspectives of the patriarchal society that was influenced by Confucianism. Confucianism is a philosophy that focused on family and social harmony, rather than on spiritual values. Women's roles were not clearly defined by Confucianism, and many women were uneducated on the role they played in the household and society. Ban Zhao wrote Lessons for a Women to educate women of the role and criteria necessary to be a good wife. Ban Zhao states "Being careless, and by nature stupid, I taught and trained my children without system... I do grieve that you, my daughters, just now at the age for marriage, have not at this time had gradual training and advice; that you still have not learned the proper ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Qin And Han Dynasty Qin and Han Historical Research Paper China has had many dynasties, but there are two which stand out; which, are the Qin and the Han. Ancient China has had one of the oldest and longest civilizations in the history of the world. Throughout China's history, China was ruled by powerful families called dynasties. Because of Qin and Han significance and impact on China, both dynasties sites are influential to Chinese history, but the Han dynasty had a greater impact on the history of China due to their significant rise to power, impact, and their influence to Chinese history. The Qin and Han rose to power by force. In 230 BC. King Zheng of Qin started a campaign to conquer the remaining six states which he succeeded to do, and for the ... Show more content on ... He ordered the creation of common weights and measures, an improved system of writing and a law code. Shi Huangdi also tried to control the thoughts of his people by outlawing the ideas of Confucius and other important thing and instead required people to learn the philosophy of Qin scholars. The period of the Han Dynasty was a time of invention and science. The Han paper, iron casting, crop rotation, acupuncture as well as improvements in medicine, mathematics, building, agriculture, engineering, porcelain, and astronomy. During the Han's rule that contact with the West through the Silk Road was first established, which enabled trade. Both dynasty's left China with a rich culture, many new laws, practices, and inventions, which made China very prosperous. Han dynasty was the most influential in Chinese history. First of all the Han lasted much longer than the fiveteen year of Qin rule. Instead of fighting they made many inventions listed above and other advances to help China become stronger and prosperous country. The contribution to the Silk road also helped China because of all the trade they began to do. The paper invention influenced literature that someone named Sima Qian created the first Chinese history book. In astronomy they recorded the first record of the solar system. They were also less cruel than the Qin dynasty but yet they were still power. All their inventions and all there practices and ways of doing things makes the ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Han Dynasty Classicism Throughout history cultures have changed and evolved into the beautiful diverse groups we see today. The classical Han, Roman, and Athenian cultures brought about new ideas, art, and institution that would later become known as classicism. Scientific thinking became more popular and ideas and technology were spread along with previously unseen goods such as silk and paper. Following the Qin dynasty, a period of absolute power intended to instill fear in the individual, the Han dynasty was a time of growth where new ideas were encouraged and its people were valued. Learning was encouraged and scholars were even given places in governing the country. The Han dynasty was also the dynasty responsible for creating the Silk Road. With this road connecting previously inaccessible parts of the country the Han prospered. Silk was one of largest exports of the Han and the way to make it was a carefully guarded secret. Silk was used for everything from making clothing to fishing line to writing, before the Han invented paper. The silk banner from the tomb of the wife of the Marquis of Dai is one example of the fine silk goods that were traded along the Silk Road. But it saw more traded than just silk on its route. Along with commercial goods, the Silk Road also saw the trade of religion, philosophy, technology, and other aspects of civilization that advanced the Han far beyond their predecessor. Religion was another feat that the Han dynasty breached. With the reign of Emperor Wudi, ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Compare And Contrast The Roman And Han Dynasty During the first and second century many new technologies were invented and improved in the Roman Empire and Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty was originally quite supportive of new technology and their engineers. Rome on the other hand was initially opposed to engineers as expressed when Cicero a Roman political leader said, "All craftsmen spend their time in vulgar occupations; no workshop can have anything enlightening about it" (Document 2). Regardless of these denouncements as time advanced Rome embraced these new technologies. The Romans utilized aqueducts and a system of building roads. The Han Dynasty seemed to always encourage and use the technology of their engineers. The Han embraced systems of flood prevention as well as improved mortar and pestles that could be used to increase food productivity by husking and dehulling grain (Wikipedia). Regardless of how each society observed new technology both societies created new machines and techniques that benefited the common folk. Also, both societies were in states or relative peace during this time of ... Show more content on ... They show this by hiring many workers concerned with that such subject. This government official has no reason to provide false data. If no workers were hired and the floods were to overtake parts of China, his job would be more difficult. Document 3 also conveys the Han Dynasty's encouragement of new technologies. Through the Han's openness to new concepts the improvement of the mortar and pestle allowed for greater food yields. The greater food yields would have come from water and animal powered mortar and pestles that would husk and dehull grain. Through these, yields the greater Chinese population must have also increased as a result. The source of this information also seems legitimate as the philosopher would gain or lose nothing as a result of false ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Han Dynasty Essay The Han Dynasty marked a Golden age of Chinese history, full of technological and cultural advances. The Roman Empire was one of the most powerful and imperialistic states to this day. So why did such thriving nations suddenly collapse? The factors which cause a state to collapse can include both internal and external conflicts; for instance, economic struggles with both the citizens and the country in debt, the level of cohesion, the political outcry in the country and public health or other social issues. Analyzing the causes for collapse, you can see that there were many ways that the collapse of the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty differ, but the similarities in the reasons for the nations' collapse prevail. Throughout history, many ... Show more content on ... The Roman Empire had conquered a considerable amount of land which was difficult to maintain control of. The people of Rome were then divided, ergo the division of Rome into the eastern part, ruled by the Byzantium and the western part was governed from Rome. Following the split of the Roman Empire, they both failed to govern the state with supreme leadership so it then collapsed entirely. The Han Dynasty, however, was not weakened by expansion; they were weakened by the corruption of the government. The government created laws that were in favor of the rich and upper–class members of society and left the peasants and the people of the lower classes to form riots, and were left in a state of social unrest. Many government officials would assassinate a person with a higher ranking so they could take place of that job, which all ultimately lead to the weakening of the Dynasty. Additionally when Christianity was brought to Rome in circa 312 A.D., the Romans didn't expect the new teachings of this religion, as the primary Roman faith at the time was Judaism. . Officials were ordered to try and eliminate Christianity from spreading and they made laws that were, in some cases, punishable by death. The citizens of the Roman Empire then revolted against the government in effort to put an end to the harsh laws set in place. They succeeded in doing so and with that came a major decline in the amount of power that the government held, which is a clear indicator that a nation will ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. The Han Dynasty And The Qing Dynasty The Han Dynasty lasted from 206 B.C. until 220 A.D., making them one of China's longest lasting empires. Their power and reputation rivaled that of the Roman Empire, which was also around at the same time. With only a few moments when they had some difficulties, they lasted four centuries that went through the times of B.C. and through the A.D. times. The Han Dynasty was thought to be the golden age of the Chinese, with their main points of development being in politics, technology, and the arts. Every following Chinese dynasty looked to the Han dynasty as their role model. The Han Dynasty first started in 206 B.C. by a man named Liu Bang. However, there were people who opposed him and started rebellions around the Han kingdom. It took four years to put down all of the rebellions. In the previous dynasty, Liu Bang was an official of the Qin. However, the Qin Dynasty was short–lived and angered the public. It only lasted from 221 B.C. until 206 B.C., where Liu Bang was able to amass an army and overthrow them. Of course, he also had to fight others for the throne, with one of his biggest opponents being a general named Xiang Ji. Xiang Ji was holding Liu Bang's father hostage, saying that if Liu Bang did not surrender, Xiang Ji would have his father executed by being boiled alive. Liu Bang refused, sending a message back to Xiang Ji to save a piece of the soup for him, basically saying that Liu Bang did not care for his father what so ever. In the end, Xiang Ji never did boil ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. The Rise And Rise Of The Han Dynasty There was many dynasties and empires to come about between 200 BCE and 600 CE. One specific dynasty was the Han dynasty. This dynasty was involved in the unification of China. This dynasty was formed by Lia Bang and lasted from 206 BCE to 220 CE, with an interruption phase from 9 CE to 23 CE.The Han dynasty was between decentralized and centralized. Han Wudi was the greatest emperor of this dynasty, who pursued centralization and expansion. There was constant attacks from Xiongnu nomads of C. Asia; however, Han Wudi briefly came to control Xiongnu. Wang Mang, the regent for a two year old emperor, took power himself. He tried to redistribute land, but the wealthier people that did not want to get some of their land taken away assassinated him. In the later Han dynasty, emperors manage with struggles to control resentment. Another succession to come about was the Roman empire. The Roman empire started out as a republic, but soon Julius Caesar Seized Rome in 49 B.C.E. Julius Caesar centralized control but was eventually assassinated in 44 B.C.E. After Julius came Octavian, who ran a monarchy that was disguised as a republic. Octavian continued expansion and integration of the empire. There was an extreme amount of poor people; in fact, one third of the population was in slavery. One of the only things that was attempted was giving them bread and circuses to distract them. There was no policy developed for them. The Roman empire went through many rulers. Although these ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Confucianism During The Han Dynasty Confucianism Confucianism is an ethical philosophy with many statements concerning topics such as social obligations, politics, and religion. Founded by Confucius, a philosopher from "the state of Lu, in the modern province of Shandong," this system of beliefs seeks wisdom above all other facets of life and regards knowledge as man's greatest treasure. Confucianism also highly stressed the importance of putting others above oneself, thinking holistically rather than individually. Studying the Analects, Confucius's philosophical text, gives students a superior understanding of the Chinese lifestyle during the Han dynasty because these beliefs reflect the progression of philosophy during this era. Beginning with the social contracts of Confucianism, Confucius believed that there were five main relationships, each of which clearly favors men over women. The first of these was the connection between the ruler and the subject, followed by the bond between a father and his son. Next was the relationship of a husband and his wife and then the link between an elder brother and a younger brother. Finally, Confucius spoke of the tie of friendship (Xinyan 232). ... Show more content on ... Confucius suggested that if the people were to be led by virtue and laws of propriety, they would become morally inclined to be lawful citizens, rather than being punished into submission and overwhelmed by strict laws (Confucius 11). Nonetheless, citizens were encouraged to obey the laws in place to prevent the government from establishing disciplinary measures. Confucius told the people to place their confidence in their leaders and their government because without their support the government could not succeed in providing for the people. Confucianism also encouraged the consideration of all men as quality individuals, rather than just those of noble heritage. This concept opened a new world of opportunity for those men of humbler birth ... Get more on ...