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C 2007 Toronto Community Housing

About the community garden manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
All about community gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

       What is a community garden? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
       How does a community garden work? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
       Why are community gardens valuable? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
       How is Toronto Community Housing involved? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Ten basic steps for starting a community garden
at Toronto Community Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Building your community garden: steps to follow each year . . . . . . . . . . .12
Garden tools and sheds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

       Basic gardening tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
       Taking care of your tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
       Tool sheds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Protecting the garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Do’s and don’ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Harvest calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Map: My community gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Garden planning worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Sample garden rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

What kind of support can we get from Toronto Community Housing? . . . .28

       Land      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
       Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
       Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
       Landscaping services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

How can staff support us? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

Community kitchens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

       How to start a community kitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

Farmers’ markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

       How to start a farmers’ market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

Getting funding for community garden projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

       Tips for fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
       Writing funding proposals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
       Where to get funding for community gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

Community agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

Farm programs for field trips and training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Workshops and training programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Youth strategy opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
School programs and children’s programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Parks, Forestry and Recreation programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Community economic development opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44

       About starting a small business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44

CONCLUSION                    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44



         his manual is about how to plan and develop a community
         garden within Toronto Community Housing. It talks about
         the tools and supports for people who want to create a
    community garden. It also talks about how to set up community
    gardens so that the community can benefit in the future. We
    hope that this manual will support more community gardens in
    Toronto Community Housing.

    This manual is only a guide. We hope that it will give you ideas
    about community gardening, so that you can think about:

    •   what supports exist in your community,

    •   how you can use the skills you’ve learned in the garden, and

    •   how to make the garden last a long time.

    There are two parts to this manual. The first part gives you infor-
    mation to plan and design a community garden, includes maps
    of current community gardens at Toronto Community Housing,
    and talks about community kitchens, farmers’ markets and other
    community agencies with similar programs.

           The second part is a Resource Guide. It includes lists of
           programs in Toronto and many supports that can help
    you plan a community garden. In this manual, any time you see
    the tomato symbol like the one on the left, it means that you can
    find more information in the Resource Guide.

    The idea of a community garden is exciting. But starting a com-
    munity garden is not a simple job. Keeping the garden going is
    even more difficult. In the long run though, a community garden
    is very rewarding.

                                                               In Canada, the first community gardens were started in
What is a community garden?                                    the late 1800s. They were planted along the Canadian
People talk about community gardens in many different          Pacific Railway lines. The first gardens were used to
ways. So, what is a community garden?                          advertise the West as a place pioneers should settle.
A community garden can mean many things. It means              During World War I, more people planted gardens to
any group of people who come together to enjoy gar-            feed their families because so much food was sent to
dening together. Community gardens can be large or             feed the soldiers. These were called Liberty Gardens.
small, in plots or in planters, in the ground or on rooftops   During the Second World War these gardens were
and even a mix of all of these. They can be at schools,        called Victory Gardens. Since the 1970s, more and
in parks, housing communities, places of worship,              more people in Canada have been part of community
vacant lots and on private property. While all communi-        gardens because they worry about the amount of chem-
ty gardens bring people together, they exist for many          icals in food.
reasons. Some grow food to donate to people who are            Today, people plant community gardens for many rea-
hungry, some are outdoor classrooms, some are set up           sons. In some gardens people grow food to feed their
so that people can get exercise and healthy food, and          families or people who are hungry. Other gardens are
others make money by selling what they produce.                used to teach adults or school children, to grow things to
People can have their own garden plots, or all work            sell for extra income and to give people mental or phys-
together to tend one community garden, or they can do          ical therapy. All community gardens have one thing in
both. Community gardens can grow vegetables, herbs             common: They help people feel part of a community.
or flowers, or all three things. Every community garden        Community gardens do this because they encourage
is unique. Each one reflects what the members of the           people to work together, to cooperate and to get to
garden want.                                                   know their neighbours.

    Lawrence Heights community gardens
    In 2004, tenants in Lawrence Heights set up four community gardens. The idea
    came out of talk in the community about how to renew the community and help
    residents feel more in control. More than 60 people came to the first planning
    meeting. Then they chose four important places to plant the gardens.

    After people planted the first vegetables, Tenant Representative Jaquie Waldren
    asked City Councillor Howard Moscoe to help get benches for the gardens. The
    residents wanted benches that were high enough for seniors to use. They asked
    for two benches that were firmly fixed to the ground. Moscoe offered to get four.

    Lawrence Heights has used the gardens to help residents get involved in the com-
    munity. The theme for the community gardens is “come grow with your neighbours
    and make new friends.” People now say hello to each other on the street. The
    gardens have helped break down barriers. The community is very multicultural
    and the garden helped people to connect in a new way. As Waldren says, “The
    gardens are putting neighbourly life and ownership back into the community.”

areas. Community gardens involve all ages and diverse
How does a community                                         groups of people. Members of the community garden
garden work?                                                 learn new skills and are part of the positive development
Community gardens are run in many ways. The ones             of their own community. The garden can lead to other
that last have a system to make plans and decisions.         benefits such as supporting young people, and getting
Community gardens need a good plan so that the               people involved as volunteers.
garden runs smoothly and so that the members work
                                                             SUPPORTING HEALTH
well together.
                                                             Community gardens can help people eat well and feed
Many community gardens are run by a garden team.             people who are hungry. When people grow their own
Garden teams make decisions about maintaining the            food, they are getting healthy food that they can afford.
garden, having celebrations and making links with the        Often they can grow things from their own culture that
community. They also come up with rules for the garden.      they cannot buy in local stores. Fresh produce from com-
Garden teams also create a plan for starting the garden      munity gardens adds healthy food to the families’ diets.
and make plans for the long term. To read more about         Community gardens can also help members learn about
setting up a planning team, go to the section on page        nutrition and other issues related to food. Gardening is
12 called Building your community garden: steps to fol-      a healthy way to stay active, so community gardens also
low each year.                                               help people stay fit and healthy.

Remember that every community garden is different.           SUPPORTING THE ENVIRONMENT
Each one is set up for its own community. What works         Community gardens are good for the environment. They
best for one might not work for others. You will need to     can be used to teach people about things like cutting
find out the best way to make plans and decisions in         down on garbage, recycling and composting. They also
your community.                                              teach people to be environmentally friendly in many
                                                             ways. Community gardens show people how to use the
                                                             land in ways that support it rather than ruining the soil
Why are community                                            and water. Growing food locally cuts greenhouse gases
gardens valuable?                                            because food is not shipped a long distance by truck or
                                                             plane. Composting at a community garden keeps
Community gardens are good for many things. They can
                                                             kitchen waste out of landfills. Also, community gardens
help build the community and support people’s health.
                                                             are green spaces in the city. They help create shade,
They can be good for the environment and the economy.
                                                             improve the air, keep the soil from eroding and cut down
Here are all of the ways that they help.
                                                             on noise pollution. Community gardens also support the
BUILDING COMMUNITY                                           environment because they make the community more
Community gardens are places where people work               beautiful and healthy, and they teach people about how
together in many ways. People have a common purpose          things are connected in the natural world.
and must make decisions and solve problems together.
                                                             BUILDING THE ECONOMY
All of this helps people feel like they belong to a commu-
                                                             Finally, community gardening is good for the economy.
nity. Community gardens can also be public proof that
                                                             People can grow food that their families can afford,
people can build something when they work together. If
                                                             including vegetables they may not be able to get in local
people can create something as valuable as a green
                                                             stores. Community gardens can also help people earn
space, they can use the same skills to fight other local
                                                             money. People can sell any extra food that they grow.
problems such as crime and vandalism.
                                                             They can also learn skills for work. This can help people
Community gardens can also help give new life to areas       think about starting a business or setting up other proj-
that have not been cared for. They can renew natural         ects that can support development in their community.

How is Toronto Community                                              TORONTO
Housing involved?                                                     COMMUNITY
Many neighbourhoods in Toronto Community Housing have com-
munity gardens that are very successful. In 2007, there are 100
community gardens in 25 community housing units (CHUs). As well,      SUCCESS STORIES
many others are being planned. Seven of the community gardens
in Toronto Community Housing have composts.
                                                                      May Robinson “Garden of Eden”
Many of the garden projects within Toronto Community Housing          The Garden of Eden is a community garden
were started with partners from the local community. None of the      located next to the May Robinson senior
projects would be possible without the tenants who cultivate and      apartments in Parkdale. It was started by an
maintain the gardens and other food projects.                         82-year old woman from the Philippines
Here are some of the reasons why community gardens are good for       named Aurora Meliton. Meliton believed that
Toronto Community Housing. Community gardens:                         setting up a garden in the empty yard behind
                                                                      the building might help to keep people from
•   allow people to grow food locally;                                hanging around outside and intimidating ten-
•   restore land that is not being used;                              ants. The garden was started with help from
                                                                      FoodShare and St Christopher House. Today
•   use the land in ways that keep the soil and water healthy;        it has thirty plots, raised beds and an accessi-
•   help people stay healthy and active;                              ble paved pathway so that seniors can use the
                                                                      garden.The Garden of Eden won the City of
•   give people the feeling that the community belongs to them;       Toronto’s Neighbourlies Award in 2000 and
•   involve people in protecting and taking care of Toronto           in 2003 was on HGTV’s Recreating Eden.
    Community Housing property;                                       The seniors who garden here are from many
                                                                      countries. They grow food that reflects their
•   make Toronto Community Housing neighbourhoods more beautiful;
                                                                      cultural diversity.
•   make members feel proud of their community;
                                                                      For more information, see:
•   allow people to feel that they have done something      
    good together;

•   teach young people skills;

•   help young people see how things are connected in the
    natural world;

•   allow people to take responsibility for natural resources; and

•   help people get healthy food that they can afford.

Some Toronto Community Housing garden groups are also involved
with other food projects. Here is a list of these projects in 2007:

•   11 community kitchen programs in 9 CHUs;

•   9 fresh produce stands run by FoodShare; and

•   10 buildings have people who come to the building
    to sell fresh produce.


     lanning a community garden is a lot of hard work.
     But when the garden works, it is worth it. You need        5 for a place to put the garden. What is the right
                                                                    CHOOSE A SITE

     to be well organized, dedicated and you need lots of
time. The ten steps in this list tell you what you need to do   place for your garden? Find out how much sunshine the
to start a community garden within Toronto Community            site gets, because vegetables need at least six hours a
Housing. For more details about each step, go to the            day. Find out if there is water close to the site. Find out
section called Building your community garden on                how the site is being used now.
page 12.

                                                                6   ASK FOR APPROVAL FROM TORONTO
                                                                    COMMUNITY HOUSING

                                                                Once you have chosen a site, you need to meet with the
                                                                Manager and the Health Promotion Officer for your
Hold an informal community meeting to find out if there         CHU. They may need to check the site you have chosen.
are enough people who support the idea. If there are, set       The Manager will decide if you can have the garden.
up a planning team. They will need to be well organized.

                                                                7 community gardens work best if they have a set
                                                                    WRITE RULES FOR YOUR GARDEN
                                                                of rules. The planning team should write guidelines,
The planning team should meet to talk about the garden.
Will you be growing vegetables, flowers, or both? Who           like the sample rules on page 26. You should also
will be involved in the garden? Who will the garden be          decide who is responsible for what before you start
for? Are you planting the garden to make the neighbour-         gardening.
hood more beautiful, to get people involved in the
community or so that people can eat fresh food?                 8most places, you will need to prepare the land before
                                                                    PREPARE THE SITE, DESIGN THE GARDEN

                                                                you can plant anything. Organize volunteers to clean
                                                                the site, gather what you need and decide on a design
Make a list of what you will need. Which things on your         for the garden. Decide how big each plot will be and
list are already available? Which things exist in the           where you will put the tool shed or compost bins.
community? Which things can you get from outside the
                                                                9   MAKE SURE MEMBERS STAY IN TOUCH
                                                                    WITH EACH OTHER

                                                                Start a telephone tree or an e-mail list. Think about
                                                                putting up a bulletin board in the garden or in a CHU
Some community gardens are supported by membership
                                                                building close to the garden. Hold regular events for
fees, but many have a sponsor. Sponsors can help by
                                                                members of the garden. Think about sharing your
giving money or donating water, seeds, plants, mulch,
                                                                garden stories with others from Toronto Community
compost, tools, supplies or services. You can ask individ-
uals, schools, places of worship, private businesses,
foundations or city governments to sponsor your garden.
You can also apply for government and private grants.           10      BEGIN GARDENING, AND HAVE FUN!



      his section tells you what you need to do in the first   October, November
      year. It outlines what you will need to do in differ-
      ent months. Before the fun in the garden can start       and December
you will have to make lots of plans, prepare the site and
                                                               SET UP A PLANNING TEAM
talk to many people. That is why this step-by-step guide
                                                               1.    Hold an informal community meeting to find out
begins in the fall, more than six months before planting
                                                                     how many other people want to be part of a com-
                                                                     munity garden. If there are enough people, start a
                                                                     planning team.

  HOW SHOULD THE                                               2.    Decide what type of garden you want. Will you
                                                                     grow vegetables, flowers, or both?
  GARDEN BE ORGANIZED?                                         3.    Agree on your goals. Do you want to grow fresh
  • Who can be a member? (Is the garden only                         food for people in your community? To make the
    for residents? Do people have to pay to be a                     CHU more beautiful? To encourage people in the
    member? Do people have to agree with the                         community to work together?
    garden’s rules?)
                                                               4.    Decide who will be involved in the garden. Will
  • How big will each plot be? How will the plots be                 the garden be for children or seniors? Make sure
    laid out?                                                        you include these people as you plan the garden.
  • Will the group do some of the tasks as a group,            5.    Make a list of what needs to be done.
    like turning soil in the spring or composting?
                                                               6.    Find a site for the garden. You will need an open
  • How will you deal with vandalism?                                sunny space. The soil must be able to drain when
  • How will people get a plot?                                      it gets wet.

  • When someone leaves a plot, how will you                   7.    Find out where you will get water for the garden.
    choose who will get their plot?                            8.    Write a budget.
  • Will the garden include a plot for children?               9.    Make a list of where you might get funding. Make
  • When will the gardeners meet? Will you hold reg-                 a list of where you might get other types of sup-
    ular meetings?                                                   port such as donated tools, seeds and fences.

  • Who will do maintenance like weeding inside                10.   List all of the skills, knowledge and strengths of
    plots and in common areas?                                       everyone in the group.

  • Will you have rules that every gardener must fol-          11.   Think about who might sponsor the garden or be
    low? How will you enforce the rules?                             a partner. Start by finding out which community
                                                                     organizations might be able to help you start the
  • Will you ask people to be organic gardeners, or                  community garden. A sponsor can really help
    will you allow chemicals in the garden?                          you. They could contribute things like tools, seeds,
  • How much water can people use?                                   fences and money that you will need.

12.   Draw up some rules for members of the garden.
      Look on page 26 for an example of garden rules.
                                                             DESIGN AND PREPARE THE SITE
13.   Decide how the group will keep in touch with
                                                             1.   Develop a design for the whole garden. Make
      each other. Think about making a telephone tree
                                                                  sure your plans include a place to store tools and
      or an e-mail list.
                                                                  other equipment, and a place for compost.
14.   Choose a name for the garden. A name can help
                                                             2.   Decide how big each plot will be.
      tell other people about the purpose of the garden.
                                                             3.   Order seeds and supplies. Ask local experts to
15.   Plan a community-wide meeting to tell other peo-
                                                                  help you choose plants and varieties. They can
      ple what you are doing.
                                                                  tell you what grows best in your area.

January                                                      4.   Keep asking for donations of materials, money
                                                                  and services from local organiza-
MAKE A PLAN FOR THE GARDEN                                        tions and private donors.
1.    Here are the things you must do to develop the
      plan for your community garden:
      • Decide on your goals and objectives.
                                                                                            WEEDING TIPS
      • Put together a complete budget that lists all        THE SITE                    Pull out the whole plant, with the roots.
                                                             1.   Prepare and            You should pull weeds before the plant
        parts of the garden’s development. Remember
                                                                                         produces seeds. Put young weeds in the
        to include anything that will be donated, includ-         develop the
                                                                                          compost. Put older weeds in a brown
        ing people’s time as volunteers and any goods             site. When the
                                                                                         paper bag and leave them to be picked
        and services you get. List where you plan to get          ground is no                      up on recycling day.
        funding.                                                  longer frozen
                                                                                            Once plants are more established
                                                                  or wet, prepare
      • Look at possible locations for the garden. Think                                       you will not have to do as
                                                                  the soil. This can                much weeding.
        about how suitable each one is. When you get              include rototilling.
        a site, prepare a detailed plan of the garden.
                                                             2.   Spring is the busiest time of
      • Tell people in the community about your idea.             year. You will need to spend lots of time in the
      • Create a newsletter.                                      garden. The more you do early in the spring, the
                                                                  easier gardening will be for the rest of the year.
      • Arrange social events so that the gardeners can
        get to know each other.                              3.   Get people involved in the garden.

      • Decide what you will need and how you will           4.   Make sure you have lots of water for the garden. Set
        get each thing.                                           up rain barrels, hoses, buckets and watering cans.

      • Find a local person who knows about plants           5.   Get all the tools you need. For a list of tools you
        and gardening. Ask them to teach people about             should have, see page 17.
        gardening.                                           6.   Find a safe place to store your tools.
      • Decide how the garden should be organized.           7.   Set up compost bins. For more information on
2.    To do all of these things you could divide the tasks        composting, go to or
      among volunteers or set up committees.            

8.     Mulch the garden. Mulch is anything you use to
       hold water and keep weeds from growing. Mulch
       helps plants stay healthy and look good. You              THE GARDENING BEGINS
       should add mulch after the soil has warmed up in          1.    Take a sample of the soil. Send it to be tested so you
       the spring. For vegetable gardens you can use                   can find out the soil pH and whether you need to
       hay, cocoa hulls, mulch cloth or newspaper. You                 add anything to the soil. For a list of labs qualified
       can get mulch from your City Councillor’s office                to test soil in Ontario, see
       on Environment Day. To find out more, go to                     /english/crops/resource/soillabs.htm.
                                                                 2.    Begin to build things in the garden, like paths,
9.      Begin to plant seeds indoors and under lights.                 arbours, walls, fences, and raised beds. If the soil
                    This is a great way to save money and              is still frozen or very wet, do not start to dig. Wait
                               make sure your plants grow              until the ground is thawed and dry.
                                    without pesticides or
                                                                 3.    When you can work the soil, mark where the plots
                                      chemical fertilizers.
                                                                       will be. Prepare the soil by digging in compost,
                                        This is the time to
WATERING TIPS                            plant     tomatoes,
                                                                       manure or anything else the soil needs.

   During the summer, use rain            peppers, eggplants     4.    Plant crops that like cool weather such as peas,
barrels to collect and store water.       and any other                lettuce, onions and spinach.
Water plants early in the morning,        plants that need a
before the sun is high in the sky.                               5.    Water often so that seeds can start growing.
                                         long growing sea-
 Remember to water the soil, not                                       Once the seedlings are strong, let the soil dry a lit-
    the leaves. To keep water
                                        son to mature.
                                                                       tle before you water again.
      in the soil, use mulch.
                                                                 6.    Pull out weeds to keep them from taking over the
                                                                       other plants.

Scadding Court Community Garden and Food Security Programs, Toronto

Scadding Court Community Centre works with culturally diverse people who do not have many other supports.
One of the centre’s many programs is the Urban Agriculture Program. It includes community garden plots, a com-
munity greenhouse and community composting. The Preserving Our Health Community Garden is for low income
women. It has an herb garden, a greenhouse, a worm composting project and a children's program. People grow
                         seedling sprouts, herbs and lettuce in the greenhouse.

                                In Scadding Court’s community kitchen program, members shop, cook and share food
                                together. They often cook with organic vegetables from the community garden.
                                Members of the community kitchen share recipes from around the world and learn about
                                healthy eating, how our bodies use food, and how to get good food for good prices.
                                Sometimes the community kitchen travels to food banks and local housing groups to
                                offer the program there.

                                Scadding Court also gives workshops about topics related to food like how to preserve
                                foods, how to prune plants and how to compost. In the past, they have had programs
                                for young people who are unemployed and out of school. In one, young people helped
                                set up community composting programs in five other neighbourhoods. In another proj-
                                ect, Bike Roots, young people used bikes to deliver affordable and healthy food.

May                                                              HOW TO START SEEDS
1.   Finish all the things you are building in the garden.       Starting seeds indoors is a simple way to start gar-
                                                                 dening so you will be ready when the frost is gone.
2.   After the soil has warmed up, start preparing the gar-
     den beds.                                                   To start seeds indoors, you will need:

3.   After the frost is all gone, you can move the plants you    • seeds
     started indoors into the garden. This is called “setting    • containers – use a milk carton, an aluminum pan
     out transplants”. If the nights are still cool, you will      or plastic can, or buy a plastic tray made for
     need to cover tomatoes and other plants that like warm        seedlings
     weather until the nights are warmer in June.                • potting soil – buy this or make your own by mix-
4.   Check plants regularly. Look for insects and signs of         ing equal amounts of compost, loose garden soil
     disease.                                                      and coarse sand
                                                                 • water
5.   Plant seeds outdoors.
                                                                 • a sunny area or bright light
6.   Hold a BBQ, picnic or other community event.                • some time

                                                                 GERMINATE THE SEEDS
June                                                             Put potting soil into your containers. Fill them
1.   Finish setting out your transplants.                        almost to the top. Wet the soil with warm water.
                                                                 The seeds should not be too deep or too close
2.   Begin to harvest crops. When you can harvest
                                                                 together. Plant seeds in holes that are three times
     depends on the weather each year. Pick things when
                                                                 deeper than the seed. To make sure the plants have
     they are ripe and before they get too ripe. You should
                                                                 enough room, leave 3 mm between small seeds, 1
     be able to gather peas, radishes, lettuce and spinach.
                                                                 to 1.5 cm between medium seeds and 2.5 cm
3.   Stake up tomato plants. Build supports for beans and        between large seeds. Cover your containers to
     other plants that grow on vines.                            keep the moisture in. Put the containers in a warm
                                                                 place. Seedlings take from a few days to two
4.   Plant a second crop of the things you planted in the        weeks to sprout. Keep the soil moist but not soggy.
     spring. This is called “succession planting”. It is a way   When the seedlings come up, give them light.
     to make the gardening season longer. To learn more,         Move the plants to a cooler place.
     read “Succession Planting” at
     /RS11.pdf or look at the information in FoodShare’s         TRANSPLANT THE SEEDS
     Toolkit at                 After plants have their first leaves, move them to a
     succession.htm.                                             deeper container with soil that has more compost
                                                                 in it. Keep the plants warm and moist. Water reg-
5.   Keep the site neat. Mow the borders and paths.
                                                                 ularly and make sure they have enough light.
6.   Make compost. You can buy compost bins from the
     City of Toronto for $15. For information about buying       LET THE SEEDLINGS HARDEN OFF
     bins, go to You         Before you can move the plants outside, you need
     can also make your own compost bin. To find out how,        to slow down their growth for a week. This will
     go to If              make them tougher and ready to be transplanted
     you need compost, get some for free from one of the         into the garden. Water them less, do not give them
     City of Toronto compost depots. You can find a list of      any fertilizer and keep them at a cooler tempera-
     compost depots at          ture. While still in their containers, begin to put the
     Contact your local City Councillor to ask if they will      seedlings outside during the day. Each day, put
     donate compost.                                             them in the sunlight for a little longer. Don’t forget
                                                                 to water the plants regularly.
7.   Invite a class from a local school to visit the garden.

July and August                                             September
1.    Give the garden enough water. July and August         1.    Order bulbs that you can plant at the end of
      are the hottest months. Water as often as you               September or early in October.
      need to.
                                                            2.    Order seeds for a cover crop. These plants help
2.    Keep weeding and mowing.                                    keep the soil healthy and free of weeds.

3.    Keep looking for insects and signs of disease.        3.    Keep harvesting the food from your garden.

4.    If you are going to save seeds, start now. To learn
      how to save your own seeds, read “Seed saving”        October and November
      and “Basic Seed Saving” at
                                                            CLEANING UP
                                                            1.    After the harvest is
5.    Enjoy the food! Hold an event to celebrate                  finished, plan a
      your harvest.                                               day to clean up           FERTILIZING
                                                                  the site. Put all
                                                                  plant parts into
                                                                                    Do you have plants in containers? They
                                                                  the compost.
SEED SAVING TIPS                                            2.    Plant a cover
                                                                                     will need extra help to grow. Over time,
                                                                                    the soil in containers gets weak because it
                                                                  crop. This will     has no way to get fresh nutrients. If you
Saving seeds from one year to the next is easy and                                     are using containers, consider adding
                                                                  help to build the
does not cost a lot. It is a traditional way of keeping                                   compost after about one month.
                                                                  soil, hold mois-           This will put nutrients back
plants for future crops.                                          ture and keep away               into the soil.
• Only save seed from open-pollinated or non-hybrid         3.    Invite local children to help clean
  varieties.                                                      up the garden.

• Only save seed from healthy plants.                       4.    Clean and repair the tools and gardening equip-
• Do not save seeds from greens that bolt quickly.                ment. Put them in storage for the winter.
• To make sure you get the same plant from the seeds,       5.    Repair any damaged fences, walls or buildings.
  keep varieties separate or only grow one variety of
  the same vegetable.                                       6.    Rake leaves. Add them to the compost.

                                                            7.    Prune trees, shrubs and vines.
• Keep the seeds in a cool dry place away from light.       8.    If you have a watering system, flush it and get it
• You can keep seeds in the freezer or refrigerator if            ready for the winter.
  you have dried them properly.
                                                            9.    Remember to thank your volunteers, supporters
• Keep good records. Label each seed package with                 and funders.
  the name of the variety, the origin, when they were
  planted, how many days they take to mature, what          10.   Hold events once a month. Plan some social occa-
  diseases they are resistant to, how much the plant              sions, and offer workshops to teach people more
  yielded and any special characteristics.                        about gardening.


       our community garden will need a few basic gar-         WHEELBARROW: A wheelbarrow is useful for moving
       dening tools. You may be able to get tools donat-       soil, compost, plants, mulch and tools. You could also
       ed from local businesses. If you can not get tools      use a garden cart for some of these jobs.
donated, try to buy ones that are well made. They will         CONTAINERS: Another way to move things is with
cost more, but will last longer. This will save you money      containers such as buckets, garbage cans, nursery
in the long run.                                               flats or tubs.

Basic gardening tools                                          SECATEURS (HAND PRUNERS): A good set of pruners
                                                               will let you do lots of trimming. Use them to cut back
Here is a list of useful tools. You do not need all of them.
                                                               perennials and flowers, and to trim dead stalks and
TROWEL: A well-made trowel is the most important tool.         branches.
You can use a trowel for many different things.
                                                               PRUNING SHEARS, LOPPERS AND SAWS: Use these
A trowel can weed, dig, cultivate, divide plants, pry out
                                                               tools to prune fruit trees.
small rocks and help you put plants into the ground.
                                                               WATER BARREL: Use a water barrel to collect water
FORK: Use a hand fork to cultivate in beds that are full
of plants. A hand fork also lets you chop up clumps of
soil. Use a large fork for bigger jobs.                        WATERING CAN, HOSE, SPRINKLERS: Watering cans
                                                               and soaker hoses let you water the roots of plants
HOE: A hoe helps you easily get weeds out of the
                                                               instead of the soil where nothing is growing. Use a soak-
                                                               er hose to water a larger area. Your hoses must be able
SPADE: Garden spades have round, pointed blades.               to reach all of the plots and beds in your garden.
Use them to dig holes, move soil and plant larger peren-
                                                               GARDENING GLOVES: Use leather gloves if you want
nials, shrubs and trees.
                                                               them to last a long time.
SHOVEL: Gardeners use shovels to move large amounts
                                                               STRING: Use string to outline garden beds.
of dirt and plants, to dig borders and to get rid of plants
with woody roots and stems.                                    STAKES: Put stakes in the soil to hold the strings.
                                                               You can get these at most hardware stores.

    Liz Christy Bowery-Houston Garden, New York
    The Liz Christy Bowery Houston Garden is the oldest community garden in New York
    City. It was founded in 1973 by a local resident named Liz Christy and a group of
    gardening activists known as the Green Guerrillas. They turned an empty lot full of rub-
    ble into a lively community garden. Over time, the garden became a place people
    came to get free plants. Gardeners all through New York come to get plants grown in
    the garden or donated by nurseries, professional horticulturists and local gardeners.

    The Liz Christy Bowery-Houston Garden is right over a New York City subway line. It
    has a public learning centre and includes a wide collection of rare plants such as cac-
    tus and moss. The garden also has a beehive, a wildflower habitat, a grape arbor,
    fruit trees, vegetable gardens, berries, herbs and flowering perennials.

    For more information, see

ROTOTILLERS: These break up the soil for garden plots.           Keep your garden tools sharp. Remember to sharpen
Rototillers can be expensive. You will need to borrow            any tool you use to cut anything. Keep the blades of your
one or hire a contractor to do this work. Clearing the site      shovels and spades sharp, too. Sharpen your tools all
and preparing the garden plot is a lot of very hard work.        through the garden season. When you use tools a lot,
Rather than getting a rototiller, hire hsi solutions or a pri-   they get dull quickly. Keep a sharpener with your tools.
vate company to help. For more information, see the sec-
                                                                 Tools that are damp will rust. After you use a tool, wipe
tion on how Toronto Community Housing supports com-
                                                                 the metal parts with a rag. This is very important for
munity gardens (page 28).
                                                                 pruners, shears and trowels. Drying the tools with a rag
                                                                 will help keep them from getting rusty.
Taking care of your tools
Clean the dirt off of tools each time you use them. If the       Tool sheds
soil has dried on the tool, use a wire brush or a knife to
                                                                 Make sure you have a safe place to keep your tools and
scrape it off.
                                                                 supplies. Use it to store all tools and equipment that
If the wooden handle on a tool is damp, put the tool in          members of the garden share. You can make a great
the sun to dry before you put it away. At the end of the         shed by recycling a metal shipping container. This kind
gardening season, rub linseed oil or tung oil into the           of shed is very safe if you put a lock on the door. Add a
wood.                                                            plywood floor to keep your tools and supplies dry.


      eople worry a lot about vandalism in community             • Do not tell anyone they are not welcome. Ask every-
      gardens but gardens are not vandalized very often.           one in the community to participate, even the people
      There is not one thing that will stop all vandalism,         who are “vandals.”
but most community garden groups can do things to con-           • Fix the damage as soon as possible. If you are lucky,
trol it.                                                           the vandals will get bored and move on to other
If a garden is vandalized, most people react by putting            things.
up a large fence. Sometimes this can work, but a fence           • Put the garden in a place where there are lots of peo-
can also lead to more damage. No matter what kind of               ple.
fence you have, a person who wants to get in will find
a way.                                                           • Create a sign that tells the community whose garden it
                                                                   is. Say that the garden is a neighbourhood project.
Fences can be useful in other ways. You may need a
fence to keep dogs out of the garden. A fence can also           • Set up a place for people to meet in the garden. This
show that the garden is separate from the space around             will help people feel they can use the garden more.
it. When you want a fence to show where the garden
                                                                 • Harvest fruits and vegetables every day. If you leave
begins, think about letting vines grow on the fence or
                                                                   ripe food on plants, people may think the garden has
come up with another creative way to mark the edges of
                                                                   been forgotten.
your garden.
                                                                 • Keep the garden neat. This shows that people care
Remember that no fence will stop all acts of vandalism.
                                                                   about the space.
The best thing for your community garden might be a
short fence.                                                     • Involve children in the garden. This will help protect
                                                                   the garden.
Here are some things you can do to discourage crime
and keep the garden a safe place:

This list of do’s and don’ts will give you answers to the basic questions
you may have before you set up your community garden.

DON’T hide your garden’s success from                      DO get in touch with other Toronto
the community                                              Community Housing gardens

DON’T plant things so close that you                       DO leave enough room between plants
cannot walk or work in the garden

DON’T walk on the soil where plants will grow              DO tend your garden from the paths or put down
                                                           boards for people to walk on

DON’T cultivate so deeply that you injure                  DO put plants in a hole slightly deeper than the roots
the roots of plants

DON’T shade small plants with taller ones                  DO find spots that give small plants the best sunlight

DON’T water more than you need to                          DO water when plants need it

DON’T water in the late afternoon                          DO check that the soil is wet 6 inches deep

DON’T use fertilizer if a plant is sick                    DO use organic fertilizer to keep the soil healthy

DON’T let weeds grow large before you cultivate            DO keep weeds out of the garden

DON’T dump weeds on roads, into ditches or                 DO dispose of plant trimmings with the city’s
down hills                                                 removal system

DON’T work the soil when it is wet                         DO work the garden when the ground is dry

DON’T put mulch where it touches the plants                DO use mulches to hold moisture and control weeds

DON’T trim plants during the summer                        DO thin plants when they are small

DON’T put garden tools away when they are dirty            DO wash and clean garden tools well each time you
                                                           use them

DON’T use herbicides and pesticides in the garden          DO control weeds and diseases without chemicals

DON’T put diseased plants or weeds in the compost          DO use compost to feed the soil

DON’T ignore your garden                                   DO check your garden often to know what you need
                                                           to do to avoid problems

      For other questions about gardening including advice, suggestions and solutions
      to common problems, look in the Appendix on page 51 of the Resource Guide.

HARVEST CALENDAR                                                                                       PEAK

Here is a chart that shows when different fruits and vegetables are ripe in Ontario. Use it to
help you decide what to plant. Think about what grows best and when it will be ripe.

Fruit                           JAN    FEB   MAR     APR    MAY    JUNE    JULY   AUG    SEPT    OCT   NOV     DEC

Cherries - Sweet
Cherries - Sour
Currants - Red, Black
Pears - Bartlett
Pears - Clapp’s favourite
Pears - Anjou, Flemish Beauty
Pears - Bosc
Plums - Blue, Prune
Raspberries - Yellow
Rhubarb - Forced
Rhubarb - Field

Beans - Green, wax
Beets - With tops
Beets - Without tops
Brussels sprouts
Cabbage - Red, Green, Savoy
Carrots - With tops
Carrots - Without tops


Chinese cabbage
Corn - Sweet

Cucumber - Field

Cucumber - Greenhouse




Lettuce - Greenhouse


Onions - Green

Onions - cooking


Peas - Green

Peas - Snow
Hot - green, yellow, red
Sweet - green
Sweet - yellow, red
Greenhouse - green, yellow, red





Sprouts - Bean, alfalfa
- Acorn, pepper, spaghetti
- Buttercup, butternut, hubbard
Swiss chard

Tomatoes - Field

Tomatoes - Greenhouse

 1   Rowntree Manor              2765 Islington Avenue               53   Newbold Avenue             11 Newbold Avenue
 2   Robert J Smith Apartments   101/121 Kendleton Drive             54   Coltsworth Crescent        33 Coltsworth Crescent
 3   Thistletown 1 and 2         6455 Finch Avenue West              55   Elmer Avenue               98 Elmer Avenue
 4   Tandridge Crescent 1        44-80 Tandridge Crescent            56   Hanson House               7 Coatsworth Crescent
 5   Weston Towers               3101 Weston Road                    57   Woodbine Acres             133 Merrill Avenue
 6   Lawrence Heights            1 Leila Lane                        58   Beaches Lions Centennial   50 Norway Avenue
 7   Lawrence Heights            87 Amaranth Court                   59   Yonge Street (2401)        12 Broadway Avenue
 8   Flemington Pengarth         Flemington Road & Pengarth Court    60   Wellesley Jarvis Place     460 Jarvis Street
 9   Varna Flemington            Flemington Road & Varna Drive       61   Jarvis Carlton Apartments  330 Jarvis Street
10   Willowdale Manor            175 Cummer Avenue                   62   Mutual Street (145)        145 Mutual Street
11   Cliffwood Manor             4000 Don Mills Road                 63   Donvale Manor              330 Gerrard Street East
12   West Hill Apartments        4175 Lawrence Avenue East           64   Riverdale Acres            230 River Street
13   Morningside Apartments      4205 Lawrence Avenue East           65   Mutual Street (25)         25 Mutual Street
14   Kingston Galloway           4301 Kingston Road                  66   Wood Street                95 Wood Street
15   Mornelle Morningside        90 Mornelle Court                   67   Winchester Square          55 Bleecker Street
16   Morningside Coronation      157, 198 & 210 Danzig Street        68   Finch Topcliffe            20 Yellowstone Street
17   Lawrence Susan              3847 Lawrence Avenue East           69   Northwood Apartments       3680 Keele Street
18   Woodland Acres South        40 Firvalley Court                  70   Edgeley Apartments         35 Shoreham Drive
19   O’Conner Drive              90 Parma Court                      71   Sentinel Road              182, 192 & 202 Sentinel Road
20   Byng Towers                 3330 Danforth Avenue                72   Downsview Acres            2195 Jane Street
21   McClain Park Apartments     10 Glen Everest Road                73   Jane John Best             1570 Jane Street
22   Woodland Acres North        682 Warden Avenue                   74   East York Acres            9 Haldon Avenue
23   Centennial Apartments       5 – 11 Wakunda Place                75   Teesdale Pharmacy          30/40 Teesdale Place
24   Humber Acres                1 Scarletwood Court                 76   Tam O’Shanter Towers       3825 Sheppard Avenue East
25   Trimbee Court               30 Denarda Street                   77   Silverthorn Place          600 Rogers Road
26   Dundas Mabelle              57 Mabelle Avenue &                 78   Mount Dennis Apartments    101 Humber Boulevard
                                 5005 Dundas Street West             79   Dundas Gooch               3725 & 3735 Dundas Street West
27   Islington Manor             41 Mabelle Avenue                   80   Pelham Park Gardens        61, 1-53, 2-60 Pelham Park Gardens,
28   Grigg’s Manor               98, 100 Cavell Avenue                                               52-82, 100-114 Pelham Avenue,
29   Edwards Manor               340 Royal York Road                                                 135-171 Osler Street
30   Lerette Manor               250 Twelfth Street                   81 Senator D. Croll Apartments 341 Bloor Street West
31   Bartlettt Avenue            331 Bartlett Avenue                  82 Davenport Rd. (250)         250 Davenport Road
32   Pendrith Park               177 Pendrith Street                  83 Symington Place             3-53 Connolly St, 1884 Davenport Rd,
                                                                                                     512-600 Symington Avenue,
33   Wales Casimir               61-67a & 71-75a Wales Avenue,
                                                                                                     160-168 Wiltshire Avenue
                                 15-29a Casimir Street
                                                                      84 Doug Saunders Apartments 1775 Eglinton Avenue West
34   Carling Irene               5-7 Carling Ave & 21-25 Irene Ave
                                                                      85 Huron Madison               480-482, 490-494 Huron Street,
35   Lambert Court               2 Lambertlodge Avenue
                                                                                                     13, 21-27 Madison Avenue
36   May Robinson Apartments     20 & 25 West Lodge Avenue
                                                                      86 Brimley Acres               2950 Lawrence Avenue East
37   Spencer Avenue              85 Spencer Avenue
                                                                      87 St George Manor             17 Brimley Road
38   Church/Granby               389 Church Street
                                                                      88 St George Manor             17 Brimley Road (Greenhouse)
39   Scadding Avenue (15)        15 Scadding Avenue
                                                                      89 Adanac Apartments           140 Adanac Drive
40   Queen’s Quay West           679 Queen’s Quay West
                                                                      90 Regent Park North           295 Gerrard Street East
41   The Esplanade               176 & 171 The Esplanade
                                                                      91 Regent Park North           184 River Street
42   Bishop Tutu Boulevard       17-55 Bishop Tutu Boulevard
                                                                      92 Regent Park North           40 Oak Street
43   Frances Beavis Manor        369 Pape Avenue
                                                                      93 Regent Park North           600 Dundas Street East
44   May Birchard Apartments     859 Dundas Street East
                                                                      94 Regent Park North           463 Gerrard Street East
45   Blair Court                 266 Donlands Avenue
                                                                      95 Regent Park South           All Saints Square (Dundas/Sumach)
46   The Overlea                 12 Thorncliffe Park Drive
                                                                      96 Regent Park North           260 Sumach Street
47   Blake Boultbee              Blake Street/Boultbee Avenue
                                                                      97 Gerrard River               220 Oak Street
48   Sherbourne Shuter           155 Sherbourne Street
                                                                      98 Regent Park South           605 Whiteside Place
49   Dan Harrison Complex        241 Sherbourne Street
                                                                      99 Regent Park North           259 Sumach Street
50   Greenwood Towers            145 Strathmore Boulevard
                                                                     100 Regent Park South           Dundas Street/Regent Street
51   Glen Stewart Acres          828 Kingston Road                                                   (south west corner)
52   Edgewood Avenue             59/93 Edgewood Avenue


Use this garden planning worksheet to help your group get ready to start a community garden. These questions about
your goals can help you plan.


Who is interested in the garden project?


Why do we want to start a garden?


What is the purpose of the garden? How will it be used?



What kind of plants do we want to grow?
H Vegetables      H Fruit       H Native plants     H Annual flowers      H Shrubs       H Trees       H Herbs

What else? ______________________________________________________________________________________
When do we want to start the garden? ____________________________________________________
Who will use the garden?_____________________________________________________________________

How will we tell the neighbourhood about the garden? (eg. flyers, newsletter article, word of
mouth, hold a planning meeting)

Where will the garden be located? Address: ________________________________________________
How will we maintain the garden?

What is on the site now?

Do we need to move anything from the site?
H Trash             H Soil           H Rocks          H Weeds             H Structures        H Appliances    H Shrubs
H Cement            H Posts          H Tree           H Fence             Anything else?      _______________________

Do we already have the basics we need?
A. Sunlight: (check only one)
H Full sun (at least 6-8 hours of sunlight every day) H Partial sun (at least 4 hours of direct sunlight every day)
H Shady (site does not get much sunlight)                H Part sun, part shade (part gets direct sunlight, part is shady)

B. Water: where will water come from?
H A private house             H Public house         H Apartment building                H Containers on the site

C. Tools and Supplies:

What tools and supplies do we have?
H Plants/seeds          H Spades                H Forks                 H Hoes                    H Shovels
H Rakes                 H Wheelbarrow           H Garden hoes           H Watering hose           H Watering cans
H Stakes/string         H Toolshed              H Tarp                  H Rototiller              H Containers

What tools do we need? _____________________________________________________________________
D. Funds and Donations:
What funds or donations do we need? ____________________________________________________
Who can offer funds or donations?                  ________________________________________________________

What other things do we want in the garden?
H Benches         H Tables      H Raised beds       H A place to sit       H Shade        Other _____________________

What do we need to learn more about?

What things do we need to get? Where will we get them?

                                                            13. Clean up after yourself. Please be neat. Put away

         ere is a list of the rules that many community
         garden groups have. Use this list to create your       hoses and tools. Recycle rubbish or take it home.
         own set of rules. Make the rules fit your commu-   14. Conserve water! Use mulch so you do not need
nity. This is your garden!                                      to water as much. Use hoses that do not leak.
 1.   Your plot is reserved for one season. If you have         When you are watering, watch the hose.
      a garden one year, you have the first chance to       15. Please do not water for more than 15 minutes if
      get the same plot for the next year.                      other people are waiting.
 2.   Each year, people can register for plots starting     16. For safety reasons, please keep hoses off the
      on February 15. The first people who can regis-           paths when you are watering.
      ter are those who had a plot last year. Each per-
      son can only get one plot. After May 15, other        17. Children are welcome to garden, but you must
      people can sign up for plots. We will give plots to       watch them. Do not let children run or play on
      people who sign up first.                                 other plots.

 3.   You can not give your plot away. Only the steer-      18. You must take everything that cannot be compost-
      ing committee can say who can use a plot. If you          ed out of your plot by October 31st. Anything you
      decide you cannot garden, please tell the steer-          leave in the garden after then will be thrown away.
      ing committee. We will find another person for
                                                            19. Any crops you leave in your plot after October
      the plot.
                                                                31st may be given to a local food bank or tilled
 4.   You must keep weeds out of your plot and the              into the ground.
      paths around your plot.
                                                            20. You must help with the fall cleanup of the garden.
 5.   Put all weeds and plant stems, leaves and roots in
                                                            21. Do not pick or destroy plants or flowers.
      the compost. Plants are not garbage.
                                                            22. Please keep pets out of the garden.
 6.   You must keep garbage and litter out of your plot
      and the paths around your plot.                       23. Do not smoke in the garden.

 7.   Do not plant tall crops in places that will shade     24. No loud music in the garden.
      plots beside yours.
                                                            25. Always keep the garden gates closed.
 8.   You must pick produce when it is ripe.
                                                            26. Visitors can only come into the garden with
 9.   You can only pick produce from your own plot.             a member.

10. Nobody but you will water your plot.                    27. I know that the garden group and the owners of
                                                                the land are not responsible for things that I do.
11. Please be an organic gardener.
                                                                I therefore agree that I will not blame the garden
    Organic gardening saves
                                                                group and the owners of the land if anything
    our soil, water and air.
                                                                happens when my guests or I use the garden. The
12. You must clean tools and                                    garden group and the owners of the land are not
    put them back into the                                      liable, and I will not claim that they owe me for
    storage shed.                                               any damage, loss or claim.

                                                            Name:_______________________ Date:_____________



       ou can start a garden even if you do not have a
       lot of money or other things. However, you do
       need some things to start a community garden.
Toronto Community Housing can give tenants some of
the most important things you will need.

Toronto Community Housing is a large public housing
company. It is a unique place to create a community
garden. In 2005 the Community Food Animators
Project printed a report called Starting Food Projects by
Building on What Works. The report says that, “Toronto
Community Housing is uniquely positioned to be a
leader by investing in the substantial social benefits that   Water
community gardens can bring to Toronto Community              Another thing Toronto Community Housing can help
Housing communities.”                                         with is water. For many community gardens, getting
                                                              water is a serious problem. Toronto Community Housing
Toronto Community Housing can really make a differ-
                                                              has many apartment buildings across Toronto that all
ence when people are first trying to start a community
                                                              have running water. Most community gardens are next
garden. Here are some of the things Toronto Community
                                                              to Toronto Community Housing buildings. The best way
Housing may be able to help with: make sure the garden
                                                              to get water for the garden is to use hoses and sprin-
can get water, find a contractor to turn and prepare the
                                                              klers connected to the closest Toronto Community
ground and build a fence around the garden.
                                                              Housing building.
Here are the ways Toronto Community Housing can
help you start a community garden.                            Storage
                                                              To start a community garden, you will need a place to
Land                                                          store tools and supplies. You could use a storage shed
The first thing any community garden needs is land.           or some space in a Toronto Community Housing build-
Some community garden projects in Toronto are on              ing. If you use a storage shed, it should be near the
land that belongs to the city. To get started, these proj-    community garden, easy for tenants to get to, and safe.
ects must apply to the City of Toronto’s Community
Gardening Coordinator.                                        Landscaping services
There is a lot of land around some Toronto Community          You will also need help with landscaping, especially
Housing buildings. Because of this, community garden          when you are just starting the community garden.
projects at Toronto Community Housing have an advan-          Before you can do anything else, you must turn the soil
tage. Some community housing units have a large               and prepare the area for gardening. You can turn the
amount of land while others have only a small lot that        soil with a garden spade, fork or rototiller. However,
could be used for a community garden.                         this is difficult work. You can hire hsi solutions or a pri-

vate contractor. Staff can help you find someone to pre-     • Pruning trees and shrubs
pare the soil for you.
                                                             • Removing trees and stumps
hsi solutions is a company that does lots of work for
                                                             • Planting
Toronto Community Housing and other customers. They
do maintenance work such as servicing elevators, con-        • Power sweeping garages and
struction, mechanical and electrical work, and taking          the outsides of buildings
care of life safety and environmental health.
                                                             • Aerating lawns
hsi solutions also does landscaping work. They keep the
                                                             • Fertilizing plants
yards around Toronto Community Housing buildings
neat by removing litter from grassy areas and cutting        • Laying sod or re-seeding lawns
and trimming lawns. hsi solutions mulches clippings and
                                                             • Cultivating the soil
keeps plants healthy. They try to keep the areas around
buildings safe for residents. Here are some of the other     • Cleaning eaves troughs
services that hsi solutions can be hired to do:
                                                             • Picking up litter
• Cleanup in the spring or fall
                                                             • Cleaning catch basins
• Killing weeds


    Waterloo Housing Estate, Sydney, Australia
    Waterloo Housing Estate is a public housing complex of high-
    rise residential buildings in Sydney. The neighbourhood is
    densely populated. Residents are from Russia, Vietnam,
    Indonesia and Australia. All live on low incomes. Starting in
    1997, three community gardens were built on open space
    surrounding the Cook, Marton and Solander towers. The
    Department of Housing hired professional garden designers
    and paid to build fences, lockable gates, compost bins and
    raised garden beds. Now these gardens are very popular.
    Most of the gardeners are people who live in the housing
    blocks. The residents have started to ask for more garden
    plots. The gardens are an important way to improve life in the
    community and relationships between people. They support
    people’s health and well-being and are a good place for peo-
    ple from different cultures to connect.


     oronto Community Housing staff at many levels can    • Tell other people about the garden. This helps make
     give you lots of support. People who can help your     the community interested in the community garden.
     community gardening project include health           • Mediate problems between people caused by the
promoters, CHU managers and grounds staff. Here are         community garden.
the things Toronto Community Housing staff can do to
support community gardens:                                • Set up and manage partnerships with agencies or
                                                            other organizations.
• Give your group ongoing support. This can include
  facilitation, mediation of conflicts or maintenance.    • Help find a contractor to prepare the soil and deliver
                                                            the soil.
• Help assign plots to tenants.
                                                          • Help tenants to apply for funding from Toronto
• Help resolve any disagreements about garden plots.        Community Housing for their gardens.
• Get tenants involved in the community garden by         • Help when garden tools or equipment break down.
  organizing socials, BBQs, harvest festivals and other

• Get people involved so that they feel the community
  garden belongs to them.

• Find ways to help people stay
  involved in the garden.



        community kitchen is any kitchen where people               For information on community kitchens within
        get together to prepare a meal. Often people                Toronto Community Housing, look on page 3 of
        who meet in community kitchens eat healthy,         the Resource Guide. See page 4 of the Resource Guide
nutritious food that does not cost a lot. Each person who   for information on other community kitchens in Toronto.
comes must take part in the work. Members all help to       The table on the next page lists community kitchens in
choose the menu, go shopping, and to prepare and            Toronto. The list is divided by CHU.
cook the food.

Many community kitchens are for specific groups of peo-     How to start a
ple. They can be for new immigrants, people with dia-
betes, vegetarians, people who only cook for them-
                                                            community kitchen
selves, or families cooking for young children.             To start a community kitchen, you will need to think
Community kitchens can also teach people different          about where the group will cook. Many Toronto
things. In many community kitchens the group cooks          Community Housing buildings have a kitchen attached
enough food so that members can take some home for          to the recreation room. You could also meet at a local
later. Because the group cooks so much at once, it can      community centre or place of worship. Many community
help people save money on food.                             centres have the kind of space you will need. A community
                                                            kitchen needs a large kitchen, staff to help coordinate the
Community kitchens are a place for people to meet as a      program and maybe funding to help pay for the food.
group, practice English, learn new cooking skills, cook
nutritious food and meet new neighbours. They can           You will have to think about other things. Choose what
break down barriers and help people feel they belong        kind of recipes the group will cook. Also, decide how
to a community. Community kitchens are a way to sup-        you will buy groceries, who is in charge of the money,
port healthy eating. They are a great place for people to   how you will divide the work and what rules will guide
share ideas about food such as how to get the nutrition     the group. Here are three places that can help you start
you need, how to keep food from spoiling and how to         a community kitchen:
have more variety in your diet. They can help people        • “Basic Steps – How to start a community kitchen.”
save money by teaching people how to cook on a budg-          Web site:
et and buy food in bulk.                                      basic_steps.pdf
Community kitchens often use fresh fruits and vegeta-       • “Community Kitchen Checklist.”
bles. They also teach people about choosing foods that        Web site:
can last in the long term and how to support local farms      Checklist.pdf
and gardens. They can teach people about where food
comes from: how it is planted, nurtured and harvested       • “Community Kitchen Toolbox.” Web site:
and how it gets to the table. Most importantly, communi-
ty kitchens help feed people who are isolated and have
poor access to healthy food.

CHU                         NAME / LOCATION                  ADDRESS                    FOCUS/OTHER DETAILS

1 - Etobicoke North         Somali Youth Support             2304 Islington Avenue,     Somali youth
                            Program Community Kitchen        Suite 101

2 - Eglinton/Lawrence       Lawrence Heights                 5 Replin Road              East African women;
                            Community Centre                                            connected to community garden

3 - Seneca/Don Valley       Willowdale Avenue                415 Willowdale Avenue      Community cooking club – women

8 - Bloor West/Central      Good Food at Home                90 Croatia Street          Women undergoing
                            (FoodShare)                                                 cancer treatment

                            Scadding Court Community         707 Dundas Street West     Focuses on nutrition, healthy and
                            Centre Community Kitchen                                    affordable shopping alternatives,
                                                                                        and sharing food

9 - Downtown West           May Robinson Apartments          20 West Lodge Avenue       Multicultural cooking groups
                                                                                        designed to teach parents good
                                                                                        nutrition and cooking techniques.

                            The Meeting Place Community      588 Queen Street West      An adult drop-in program
                            Kitchen (St Christopher House)

10 - Spadina/Downtown       Hart House Community Kitchen     7 Hart House Circle        Geared to students

12 - Don River              Mustard Seed                     791 Queen Street East      Assists low income individuals
                            Community Kitchen                                           at risk of becoming homeless

16 - St. Jamestown          The Warehouse                    Behind 47 Rose Avenue      Cooking classes for men, women
                                                             & Wellesley Street East    & children. Also has a lunch room
                                                                                        and carpentry shop.

                            Jarvis Street (261)              261 Jarvis Street          Cooking classes, led by tenants

                            Mutual Street (145)              145 Mutual Street          As part of after-school program,
                                                                                        informal cooking program

17 - North York West        Edgeley Village Driftwood        415 Driftwood Avenue       Mental health support group has
                                                                                        a cooking class component

19 - Downsview              Trethewey Tedder                 710, 720 Trethewey Drive   Periodically has community kitchen
                                                                                        with women and/or youth, but not

20 - Don Valley/East York   East York Acres                  9 Halden Avenue            Community kitchen

                            Teesdale Pharmacy                30/40 Teesdale Place       Cooking class for newcomers;
                                                                                        partnership with Access Alliance

22 - Don Mills/Agincourt    Sheppard Birchmount 2            365 Bay Mills Boulevard    Youth cooking club, focusing on
                                                                                        healthy eating for youth 15+
                                                                                        through Heart Health.

25 - Davenport/Midtown      Symington Place                  1884 Davenport Road        Community kitchens run by The Stop

26 - Scarborough/           McCowan Road (400)               400 McCowan Road           Free; open to all. Focuses on
McCowan                                                                                 nutrition, affordable food and
                                                                                        meal exchange.

27 - Regent Park/           Christian Resource Centre        40 Oak Street              Community kitchen provides
Oak Street                                                                              breakfast to the homeless.
                                                                                        Also runs a catering business


     armers’ markets can be great places for people from        There are many farmers’ markets and fresh produce
     different cultures, backgrounds, ages and income           stands in Toronto. The table below lists the farmers’ mar-
     levels to connect. They are also good places for peo-      kets in each CHU.
ple to learn about issues related to food. Farmers’ mar-                 For information on farmers’ markets, look on page
kets make it possible for people in cities to get fresh food             8 of the Resource Guide.
from their culture. They sell fresh, healthy food at prices
people can pay. Farmers’ markets also help support
farmers. If setting up a farmers’ market is not possible,
you could think about setting up a produce stand.

CHU                         NAME / LOCATION                    ADDRESS                     FOCUS/OTHER DETAILS

2 - Eglinton/Lawrence       Lawrence Heights                   4 Replin Road               FoodShare Field to Table
                            Community Centre                                               Produce Stand

3 - Seneca/Don Valley       Willowdale Manor                   175 Cummer Avenue           Fresh produce vendor (informal)

                            Beecroft Manor                     35 Park Home Avenue         Fresh produce vendor (informal)

                            The Kempford                       5430 Yonge Street           Fresh produce vendor (informal)

                            Sheppard Place                     4455 Bathurst Street        Fresh produce vendor (informal)

                            West Don Apartments                6250 Bathurst Street        Fresh produce vendor (informal)

                            Seneca Towers                      1700 Finch Avenue East      Fresh produce vendor (informal)

                            North York Farmers’ Market         5100 Yonge Street           Farmers’ market

4 - Scarborough East        West Hill Community Services       4100 Lawrence               FoodShare Field to Table
                                                               Avenue East                 Produce Stand

                            West Hill Community Services       4205 Lawrence               FoodShare Field to Table
                                                               Avenue East                 Produce Stand

                            West Hill Community Services       50 Tuxedo Court             FoodShare Field to Table
                                                                                           Produce Stand

                            West Hill Community Services       110 Mornelle Court          Fresh produce truck

5 - Scarborough/Warden      Warden Woods                       74 Firvalley Court          FoodShare Field to Table
                            Community Centre                                               Produce Stand

6 - York/Weston             Ethiopian Orthodox                 23 Denison Road East        FoodShare Field to Table
                            Tewahedo Church                                                Produce Stand

7 - Etobicoke/Lakeshore     Etobicoke Farmers’ Market          399 The West Mall           Farmers’ market
                            at Etobicoke City Hall,
                            west parking lot

                            Stonegate Farmers’ Market,         276 Parklawn Road           Farmers’ market
                            Parklawn Baptist Church

CHU                         NAME / LOCATION                ADDRESS                     FOCUS/OTHER DETAILS

8 - Bloor West/Central      Dufferin Grove Organic         873 Dufferin Street         Farmers’ market
                            Farmers’ Market

9 - Downtown West           Sunshine Garden Organic        1001 Queen Street West      Farmers’ market
                            Market, Centre for Addiction
                            and Mental Health

10 - Spadina/Downtown       Nathan Phillips Square         100 Queen Street West       Farmers’ market
                            Farmers’ Market

11 - St. Lawrence           St Lawrence Farmers’ Market    92 Front Street East        Farmers’ market

16 - St. Jamestown          Bleecker Wellesley             275 Bleecker Street         Small informal market on
                                                                                       CHU grounds

20 - Don Valley/East York   Teesdale Pharmacy              40 Teesdale Place           Farmers’ market in partnership
                                                                                       with Warden Woods
                                                                                       Community Centre

                            East York Farmers’ Market,     850 Coxwell Avenue          Farmers’ market
                            East York Civic Centre

26 - Scarborough/           Adanac Apartments              140 Adanac Drive            FoodShare Field to Table
McCowan                                                     (Markham and Eglinton)     Produce Stand

                            West Hill Community Services   65 Greencrest Circuit       FoodShare Field to Table
                                                           (Markham and Lawrence       Produce Stand
                                                           Avenue East)

                            Brimley Acres                  2950 Lawrence Avenue East   Informal vendor on-site

27 - Regent Park/           Christian Resource Centre      40 Oak Street               Farmers’ market
Oak Street

                            Regent Park South              19 Belshaw Place            Informal vendor on-site.
                                                                                       Culturally appropriate produce.

                            Riverdale Farmers’ Market      201 Winchester Street       Farmers’ market


The Warehouse
Tenants of CHU 16 in St. Jamestown partnered with the Salvation Army
to start a community kitchen on Toronto Community Housing property that
was not being used. They built a new building behind 47 Rose Avenue
at Wellesley Street East. The building does not have an official address
and people call it The Warehouse. It is operated by tenants and the
Salvation Army. They offer men’s, women’s and children’s cooking clubs
as well as a literacy class, an open coffee house, a breakfast program,
a music jam session and spiritual programs. There is a lunch room and
carpentry shop on the main floor. Many single men live in rooming hous-
es in St. Jamestown. They are most of the people who come to the cook-
ing programs at The Warehouse.

Community Gardening Manual - Toronto
Community Gardening Manual - Toronto
Community Gardening Manual - Toronto
Community Gardening Manual - Toronto
Community Gardening Manual - Toronto
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Community Gardening Manual - Toronto
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Community Gardening Manual - Toronto

  • 3.
  • 4. TABLE OF CONTENTS COMMUNITY GARDENING MANUAL INTRODUCTION About the community garden manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 All about community gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 What is a community garden? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 How does a community garden work? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Why are community gardens valuable? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 How is Toronto Community Housing involved? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Ten basic steps for starting a community garden at Toronto Community Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT COMMUNITY GARDENING Building your community garden: steps to follow each year . . . . . . . . . . .12 Garden tools and sheds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Basic gardening tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Taking care of your tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Tool sheds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Protecting the garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Do’s and don’ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Harvest calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Map: My community gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Garden planning worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Sample garden rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 3
  • 5. COMMUNITY GARDENING IN TORONTO COMMUNITY HOUSING What kind of support can we get from Toronto Community Housing? . . . .28 Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Landscaping services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 How can staff support us? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 OTHER PROGRAMS: COMMUNITY KITCHENS AND FARMERS’ MARKETS Community kitchens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 How to start a community kitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Farmers’ markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 How to start a farmers’ market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 FUNDING AND PARTNERSHIPS Getting funding for community garden projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Tips for fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Writing funding proposals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Where to get funding for community gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Community agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 EDUCATION PROGRAMS: WHERE TO LEARN MORE Farm programs for field trips and training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Workshops and training programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Youth strategy opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 School programs and children’s programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Parks, Forestry and Recreation programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Community economic development opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 About starting a small business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 4
  • 7. ABOUT THE COMMUNITY GARDEN MANUAL T his manual is about how to plan and develop a community garden within Toronto Community Housing. It talks about the tools and supports for people who want to create a community garden. It also talks about how to set up community gardens so that the community can benefit in the future. We hope that this manual will support more community gardens in Toronto Community Housing. This manual is only a guide. We hope that it will give you ideas about community gardening, so that you can think about: • what supports exist in your community, • how you can use the skills you’ve learned in the garden, and • how to make the garden last a long time. There are two parts to this manual. The first part gives you infor- mation to plan and design a community garden, includes maps of current community gardens at Toronto Community Housing, and talks about community kitchens, farmers’ markets and other community agencies with similar programs. The second part is a Resource Guide. It includes lists of programs in Toronto and many supports that can help you plan a community garden. In this manual, any time you see the tomato symbol like the one on the left, it means that you can find more information in the Resource Guide. The idea of a community garden is exciting. But starting a com- munity garden is not a simple job. Keeping the garden going is even more difficult. In the long run though, a community garden is very rewarding. 6
  • 8. ALL ABOUT COMMUNITY GARDENS In Canada, the first community gardens were started in What is a community garden? the late 1800s. They were planted along the Canadian People talk about community gardens in many different Pacific Railway lines. The first gardens were used to ways. So, what is a community garden? advertise the West as a place pioneers should settle. A community garden can mean many things. It means During World War I, more people planted gardens to any group of people who come together to enjoy gar- feed their families because so much food was sent to dening together. Community gardens can be large or feed the soldiers. These were called Liberty Gardens. small, in plots or in planters, in the ground or on rooftops During the Second World War these gardens were and even a mix of all of these. They can be at schools, called Victory Gardens. Since the 1970s, more and in parks, housing communities, places of worship, more people in Canada have been part of community vacant lots and on private property. While all communi- gardens because they worry about the amount of chem- ty gardens bring people together, they exist for many icals in food. reasons. Some grow food to donate to people who are Today, people plant community gardens for many rea- hungry, some are outdoor classrooms, some are set up sons. In some gardens people grow food to feed their so that people can get exercise and healthy food, and families or people who are hungry. Other gardens are others make money by selling what they produce. used to teach adults or school children, to grow things to People can have their own garden plots, or all work sell for extra income and to give people mental or phys- together to tend one community garden, or they can do ical therapy. All community gardens have one thing in both. Community gardens can grow vegetables, herbs common: They help people feel part of a community. or flowers, or all three things. Every community garden Community gardens do this because they encourage is unique. Each one reflects what the members of the people to work together, to cooperate and to get to garden want. know their neighbours. TORONTO COMMUNITY HOUSING SUCCESS STORIES Lawrence Heights community gardens In 2004, tenants in Lawrence Heights set up four community gardens. The idea came out of talk in the community about how to renew the community and help residents feel more in control. More than 60 people came to the first planning meeting. Then they chose four important places to plant the gardens. After people planted the first vegetables, Tenant Representative Jaquie Waldren asked City Councillor Howard Moscoe to help get benches for the gardens. The residents wanted benches that were high enough for seniors to use. They asked for two benches that were firmly fixed to the ground. Moscoe offered to get four. Lawrence Heights has used the gardens to help residents get involved in the com- munity. The theme for the community gardens is “come grow with your neighbours and make new friends.” People now say hello to each other on the street. The gardens have helped break down barriers. The community is very multicultural and the garden helped people to connect in a new way. As Waldren says, “The gardens are putting neighbourly life and ownership back into the community.” 7
  • 9. areas. Community gardens involve all ages and diverse How does a community groups of people. Members of the community garden garden work? learn new skills and are part of the positive development Community gardens are run in many ways. The ones of their own community. The garden can lead to other that last have a system to make plans and decisions. benefits such as supporting young people, and getting Community gardens need a good plan so that the people involved as volunteers. garden runs smoothly and so that the members work SUPPORTING HEALTH well together. Community gardens can help people eat well and feed Many community gardens are run by a garden team. people who are hungry. When people grow their own Garden teams make decisions about maintaining the food, they are getting healthy food that they can afford. garden, having celebrations and making links with the Often they can grow things from their own culture that community. They also come up with rules for the garden. they cannot buy in local stores. Fresh produce from com- Garden teams also create a plan for starting the garden munity gardens adds healthy food to the families’ diets. and make plans for the long term. To read more about Community gardens can also help members learn about setting up a planning team, go to the section on page nutrition and other issues related to food. Gardening is 12 called Building your community garden: steps to fol- a healthy way to stay active, so community gardens also low each year. help people stay fit and healthy. Remember that every community garden is different. SUPPORTING THE ENVIRONMENT Each one is set up for its own community. What works Community gardens are good for the environment. They best for one might not work for others. You will need to can be used to teach people about things like cutting find out the best way to make plans and decisions in down on garbage, recycling and composting. They also your community. teach people to be environmentally friendly in many ways. Community gardens show people how to use the land in ways that support it rather than ruining the soil Why are community and water. Growing food locally cuts greenhouse gases gardens valuable? because food is not shipped a long distance by truck or plane. Composting at a community garden keeps Community gardens are good for many things. They can kitchen waste out of landfills. Also, community gardens help build the community and support people’s health. are green spaces in the city. They help create shade, They can be good for the environment and the economy. improve the air, keep the soil from eroding and cut down Here are all of the ways that they help. on noise pollution. Community gardens also support the BUILDING COMMUNITY environment because they make the community more Community gardens are places where people work beautiful and healthy, and they teach people about how together in many ways. People have a common purpose things are connected in the natural world. and must make decisions and solve problems together. BUILDING THE ECONOMY All of this helps people feel like they belong to a commu- Finally, community gardening is good for the economy. nity. Community gardens can also be public proof that People can grow food that their families can afford, people can build something when they work together. If including vegetables they may not be able to get in local people can create something as valuable as a green stores. Community gardens can also help people earn space, they can use the same skills to fight other local money. People can sell any extra food that they grow. problems such as crime and vandalism. They can also learn skills for work. This can help people Community gardens can also help give new life to areas think about starting a business or setting up other proj- that have not been cared for. They can renew natural ects that can support development in their community. 8
  • 10. How is Toronto Community TORONTO Housing involved? COMMUNITY Many neighbourhoods in Toronto Community Housing have com- munity gardens that are very successful. In 2007, there are 100 HOUSING community gardens in 25 community housing units (CHUs). As well, SUCCESS STORIES many others are being planned. Seven of the community gardens in Toronto Community Housing have composts. May Robinson “Garden of Eden” Many of the garden projects within Toronto Community Housing The Garden of Eden is a community garden were started with partners from the local community. None of the located next to the May Robinson senior projects would be possible without the tenants who cultivate and apartments in Parkdale. It was started by an maintain the gardens and other food projects. 82-year old woman from the Philippines Here are some of the reasons why community gardens are good for named Aurora Meliton. Meliton believed that Toronto Community Housing. Community gardens: setting up a garden in the empty yard behind the building might help to keep people from • allow people to grow food locally; hanging around outside and intimidating ten- • restore land that is not being used; ants. The garden was started with help from FoodShare and St Christopher House. Today • use the land in ways that keep the soil and water healthy; it has thirty plots, raised beds and an accessi- • help people stay healthy and active; ble paved pathway so that seniors can use the garden.The Garden of Eden won the City of • give people the feeling that the community belongs to them; Toronto’s Neighbourlies Award in 2000 and • involve people in protecting and taking care of Toronto in 2003 was on HGTV’s Recreating Eden. Community Housing property; The seniors who garden here are from many countries. They grow food that reflects their • make Toronto Community Housing neighbourhoods more beautiful; cultural diversity. • make members feel proud of their community; For more information, see: • allow people to feel that they have done something good together; • teach young people skills; • help young people see how things are connected in the natural world; • allow people to take responsibility for natural resources; and • help people get healthy food that they can afford. Some Toronto Community Housing garden groups are also involved with other food projects. Here is a list of these projects in 2007: • 11 community kitchen programs in 9 CHUs; • 9 fresh produce stands run by FoodShare; and • 10 buildings have people who come to the building to sell fresh produce. 9
  • 11. TEN BASIC STEPS FOR STARTING A COMMUNITY GARDEN AT TORONTO COMMUNITY HOUSING P lanning a community garden is a lot of hard work. But when the garden works, it is worth it. You need 5 for a place to put the garden. What is the right Look CHOOSE A SITE to be well organized, dedicated and you need lots of time. The ten steps in this list tell you what you need to do place for your garden? Find out how much sunshine the to start a community garden within Toronto Community site gets, because vegetables need at least six hours a Housing. For more details about each step, go to the day. Find out if there is water close to the site. Find out section called Building your community garden on how the site is being used now. page 12. 6 ASK FOR APPROVAL FROM TORONTO COMMUNITY HOUSING 1 ORGANIZE A MEETING TO FIND OUT WHO IS INTERESTED Once you have chosen a site, you need to meet with the Manager and the Health Promotion Officer for your Hold an informal community meeting to find out if there CHU. They may need to check the site you have chosen. are enough people who support the idea. If there are, set The Manager will decide if you can have the garden. up a planning team. They will need to be well organized. 7 community gardens work best if they have a set WRITE RULES FOR YOUR GARDEN 2 DECIDE ON THE GOALS FOR YOUR GARDEN Many of rules. The planning team should write guidelines, The planning team should meet to talk about the garden. Will you be growing vegetables, flowers, or both? Who like the sample rules on page 26. You should also will be involved in the garden? Who will the garden be decide who is responsible for what before you start for? Are you planting the garden to make the neighbour- gardening. hood more beautiful, to get people involved in the community or so that people can eat fresh food? 8most places, you will need to prepare the land before In PREPARE THE SITE, DESIGN THE GARDEN 3 THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE AND WHAT YOU NEED you can plant anything. Organize volunteers to clean the site, gather what you need and decide on a design Make a list of what you will need. Which things on your for the garden. Decide how big each plot will be and list are already available? Which things exist in the where you will put the tool shed or compost bins. community? Which things can you get from outside the community? 9 MAKE SURE MEMBERS STAY IN TOUCH WITH EACH OTHER 4 MAKE A LIST OF SPONSORS AND SOURCES OF FUNDING Start a telephone tree or an e-mail list. Think about putting up a bulletin board in the garden or in a CHU Some community gardens are supported by membership building close to the garden. Hold regular events for fees, but many have a sponsor. Sponsors can help by members of the garden. Think about sharing your giving money or donating water, seeds, plants, mulch, garden stories with others from Toronto Community compost, tools, supplies or services. You can ask individ- Housing. uals, schools, places of worship, private businesses, foundations or city governments to sponsor your garden. You can also apply for government and private grants. 10 BEGIN GARDENING, AND HAVE FUN! 10
  • 13. BUILDING YOUR COMMUNITY GARDEN: STEPS TO FOLLOW EACH YEAR T his section tells you what you need to do in the first October, November year. It outlines what you will need to do in differ- ent months. Before the fun in the garden can start and December you will have to make lots of plans, prepare the site and SET UP A PLANNING TEAM talk to many people. That is why this step-by-step guide 1. Hold an informal community meeting to find out begins in the fall, more than six months before planting how many other people want to be part of a com- season. munity garden. If there are enough people, start a planning team. HOW SHOULD THE 2. Decide what type of garden you want. Will you grow vegetables, flowers, or both? GARDEN BE ORGANIZED? 3. Agree on your goals. Do you want to grow fresh • Who can be a member? (Is the garden only food for people in your community? To make the for residents? Do people have to pay to be a CHU more beautiful? To encourage people in the member? Do people have to agree with the community to work together? garden’s rules?) 4. Decide who will be involved in the garden. Will • How big will each plot be? How will the plots be the garden be for children or seniors? Make sure laid out? you include these people as you plan the garden. • Will the group do some of the tasks as a group, 5. Make a list of what needs to be done. like turning soil in the spring or composting? 6. Find a site for the garden. You will need an open • How will you deal with vandalism? sunny space. The soil must be able to drain when • How will people get a plot? it gets wet. • When someone leaves a plot, how will you 7. Find out where you will get water for the garden. choose who will get their plot? 8. Write a budget. • Will the garden include a plot for children? 9. Make a list of where you might get funding. Make • When will the gardeners meet? Will you hold reg- a list of where you might get other types of sup- ular meetings? port such as donated tools, seeds and fences. • Who will do maintenance like weeding inside 10. List all of the skills, knowledge and strengths of plots and in common areas? everyone in the group. • Will you have rules that every gardener must fol- 11. Think about who might sponsor the garden or be low? How will you enforce the rules? a partner. Start by finding out which community organizations might be able to help you start the • Will you ask people to be organic gardeners, or community garden. A sponsor can really help will you allow chemicals in the garden? you. They could contribute things like tools, seeds, • How much water can people use? fences and money that you will need. 12
  • 14. 12. Draw up some rules for members of the garden. Look on page 26 for an example of garden rules. February DESIGN AND PREPARE THE SITE 13. Decide how the group will keep in touch with 1. Develop a design for the whole garden. Make each other. Think about making a telephone tree sure your plans include a place to store tools and or an e-mail list. other equipment, and a place for compost. 14. Choose a name for the garden. A name can help 2. Decide how big each plot will be. tell other people about the purpose of the garden. 3. Order seeds and supplies. Ask local experts to 15. Plan a community-wide meeting to tell other peo- help you choose plants and varieties. They can ple what you are doing. tell you what grows best in your area. January 4. Keep asking for donations of materials, money and services from local organiza- MAKE A PLAN FOR THE GARDEN tions and private donors. 1. Here are the things you must do to develop the plan for your community garden: March • Decide on your goals and objectives. PREPARE WEEDING TIPS • Put together a complete budget that lists all THE SITE Pull out the whole plant, with the roots. 1. Prepare and You should pull weeds before the plant parts of the garden’s development. Remember produces seeds. Put young weeds in the to include anything that will be donated, includ- develop the compost. Put older weeds in a brown ing people’s time as volunteers and any goods site. When the paper bag and leave them to be picked and services you get. List where you plan to get ground is no up on recycling day. funding. longer frozen Once plants are more established or wet, prepare • Look at possible locations for the garden. Think you will not have to do as the soil. This can much weeding. about how suitable each one is. When you get include rototilling. a site, prepare a detailed plan of the garden. 2. Spring is the busiest time of • Tell people in the community about your idea. year. You will need to spend lots of time in the • Create a newsletter. garden. The more you do early in the spring, the easier gardening will be for the rest of the year. • Arrange social events so that the gardeners can get to know each other. 3. Get people involved in the garden. • Decide what you will need and how you will 4. Make sure you have lots of water for the garden. Set get each thing. up rain barrels, hoses, buckets and watering cans. • Find a local person who knows about plants 5. Get all the tools you need. For a list of tools you and gardening. Ask them to teach people about should have, see page 17. gardening. 6. Find a safe place to store your tools. • Decide how the garden should be organized. 7. Set up compost bins. For more information on 2. To do all of these things you could divide the tasks composting, go to or among volunteers or set up committees. 13
  • 15. 8. Mulch the garden. Mulch is anything you use to hold water and keep weeds from growing. Mulch April helps plants stay healthy and look good. You THE GARDENING BEGINS should add mulch after the soil has warmed up in 1. Take a sample of the soil. Send it to be tested so you the spring. For vegetable gardens you can use can find out the soil pH and whether you need to hay, cocoa hulls, mulch cloth or newspaper. You add anything to the soil. For a list of labs qualified can get mulch from your City Councillor’s office to test soil in Ontario, see on Environment Day. To find out more, go to /english/crops/resource/soillabs.htm. 2. Begin to build things in the garden, like paths, 9. Begin to plant seeds indoors and under lights. arbours, walls, fences, and raised beds. If the soil This is a great way to save money and is still frozen or very wet, do not start to dig. Wait make sure your plants grow until the ground is thawed and dry. without pesticides or 3. When you can work the soil, mark where the plots chemical fertilizers. will be. Prepare the soil by digging in compost, This is the time to WATERING TIPS plant tomatoes, manure or anything else the soil needs. During the summer, use rain peppers, eggplants 4. Plant crops that like cool weather such as peas, barrels to collect and store water. and any other lettuce, onions and spinach. Water plants early in the morning, plants that need a before the sun is high in the sky. 5. Water often so that seeds can start growing. long growing sea- Remember to water the soil, not Once the seedlings are strong, let the soil dry a lit- the leaves. To keep water son to mature. tle before you water again. in the soil, use mulch. 6. Pull out weeds to keep them from taking over the other plants. COMMUNITY GARDEN SUCCESS STORIES Scadding Court Community Garden and Food Security Programs, Toronto Scadding Court Community Centre works with culturally diverse people who do not have many other supports. One of the centre’s many programs is the Urban Agriculture Program. It includes community garden plots, a com- munity greenhouse and community composting. The Preserving Our Health Community Garden is for low income women. It has an herb garden, a greenhouse, a worm composting project and a children's program. People grow seedling sprouts, herbs and lettuce in the greenhouse. In Scadding Court’s community kitchen program, members shop, cook and share food together. They often cook with organic vegetables from the community garden. Members of the community kitchen share recipes from around the world and learn about healthy eating, how our bodies use food, and how to get good food for good prices. Sometimes the community kitchen travels to food banks and local housing groups to offer the program there. Scadding Court also gives workshops about topics related to food like how to preserve foods, how to prune plants and how to compost. In the past, they have had programs for young people who are unemployed and out of school. In one, young people helped set up community composting programs in five other neighbourhoods. In another proj- ect, Bike Roots, young people used bikes to deliver affordable and healthy food. 14
  • 16. May HOW TO START SEEDS 1. Finish all the things you are building in the garden. Starting seeds indoors is a simple way to start gar- dening so you will be ready when the frost is gone. 2. After the soil has warmed up, start preparing the gar- den beds. To start seeds indoors, you will need: 3. After the frost is all gone, you can move the plants you • seeds started indoors into the garden. This is called “setting • containers – use a milk carton, an aluminum pan out transplants”. If the nights are still cool, you will or plastic can, or buy a plastic tray made for need to cover tomatoes and other plants that like warm seedlings weather until the nights are warmer in June. • potting soil – buy this or make your own by mix- 4. Check plants regularly. Look for insects and signs of ing equal amounts of compost, loose garden soil disease. and coarse sand • water 5. Plant seeds outdoors. • a sunny area or bright light 6. Hold a BBQ, picnic or other community event. • some time GERMINATE THE SEEDS June Put potting soil into your containers. Fill them 1. Finish setting out your transplants. almost to the top. Wet the soil with warm water. The seeds should not be too deep or too close 2. Begin to harvest crops. When you can harvest together. Plant seeds in holes that are three times depends on the weather each year. Pick things when deeper than the seed. To make sure the plants have they are ripe and before they get too ripe. You should enough room, leave 3 mm between small seeds, 1 be able to gather peas, radishes, lettuce and spinach. to 1.5 cm between medium seeds and 2.5 cm 3. Stake up tomato plants. Build supports for beans and between large seeds. Cover your containers to other plants that grow on vines. keep the moisture in. Put the containers in a warm place. Seedlings take from a few days to two 4. Plant a second crop of the things you planted in the weeks to sprout. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. spring. This is called “succession planting”. It is a way When the seedlings come up, give them light. to make the gardening season longer. To learn more, Move the plants to a cooler place. read “Succession Planting” at /RS11.pdf or look at the information in FoodShare’s TRANSPLANT THE SEEDS Toolkit at After plants have their first leaves, move them to a succession.htm. deeper container with soil that has more compost in it. Keep the plants warm and moist. Water reg- 5. Keep the site neat. Mow the borders and paths. ularly and make sure they have enough light. 6. Make compost. You can buy compost bins from the City of Toronto for $15. For information about buying LET THE SEEDLINGS HARDEN OFF bins, go to You Before you can move the plants outside, you need can also make your own compost bin. To find out how, to slow down their growth for a week. This will go to If make them tougher and ready to be transplanted you need compost, get some for free from one of the into the garden. Water them less, do not give them City of Toronto compost depots. You can find a list of any fertilizer and keep them at a cooler tempera- compost depots at ture. While still in their containers, begin to put the Contact your local City Councillor to ask if they will seedlings outside during the day. Each day, put donate compost. them in the sunlight for a little longer. Don’t forget to water the plants regularly. 7. Invite a class from a local school to visit the garden. 15
  • 17. July and August September 1. Give the garden enough water. July and August 1. Order bulbs that you can plant at the end of are the hottest months. Water as often as you September or early in October. need to. 2. Order seeds for a cover crop. These plants help 2. Keep weeding and mowing. keep the soil healthy and free of weeds. 3. Keep looking for insects and signs of disease. 3. Keep harvesting the food from your garden. 4. If you are going to save seeds, start now. To learn how to save your own seeds, read “Seed saving” October and November and “Basic Seed Saving” at CLEANING UP /issi/issi_904.html. 1. After the harvest is 5. Enjoy the food! Hold an event to celebrate finished, plan a your harvest. day to clean up FERTILIZING the site. Put all plant parts into CONTAINERS Do you have plants in containers? They the compost. SEED SAVING TIPS 2. Plant a cover will need extra help to grow. Over time, the soil in containers gets weak because it crop. This will has no way to get fresh nutrients. If you Saving seeds from one year to the next is easy and are using containers, consider adding help to build the does not cost a lot. It is a traditional way of keeping compost after about one month. soil, hold mois- This will put nutrients back plants for future crops. ture and keep away into the soil. weeds. WHAT SEEDS SHOULD I SAVE? • Only save seed from open-pollinated or non-hybrid 3. Invite local children to help clean varieties. up the garden. • Only save seed from healthy plants. 4. Clean and repair the tools and gardening equip- • Do not save seeds from greens that bolt quickly. ment. Put them in storage for the winter. • To make sure you get the same plant from the seeds, 5. Repair any damaged fences, walls or buildings. keep varieties separate or only grow one variety of the same vegetable. 6. Rake leaves. Add them to the compost. 7. Prune trees, shrubs and vines. HOW SHOULD I STORE THE SEEDS? • Keep the seeds in a cool dry place away from light. 8. If you have a watering system, flush it and get it • You can keep seeds in the freezer or refrigerator if ready for the winter. you have dried them properly. 9. Remember to thank your volunteers, supporters • Keep good records. Label each seed package with and funders. the name of the variety, the origin, when they were planted, how many days they take to mature, what 10. Hold events once a month. Plan some social occa- diseases they are resistant to, how much the plant sions, and offer workshops to teach people more yielded and any special characteristics. about gardening. 16
  • 18. GARDEN TOOLS AND SHEDS Y our community garden will need a few basic gar- WHEELBARROW: A wheelbarrow is useful for moving dening tools. You may be able to get tools donat- soil, compost, plants, mulch and tools. You could also ed from local businesses. If you can not get tools use a garden cart for some of these jobs. donated, try to buy ones that are well made. They will CONTAINERS: Another way to move things is with cost more, but will last longer. This will save you money containers such as buckets, garbage cans, nursery in the long run. flats or tubs. Basic gardening tools SECATEURS (HAND PRUNERS): A good set of pruners will let you do lots of trimming. Use them to cut back Here is a list of useful tools. You do not need all of them. perennials and flowers, and to trim dead stalks and TROWEL: A well-made trowel is the most important tool. branches. You can use a trowel for many different things. PRUNING SHEARS, LOPPERS AND SAWS: Use these A trowel can weed, dig, cultivate, divide plants, pry out tools to prune fruit trees. small rocks and help you put plants into the ground. WATER BARREL: Use a water barrel to collect water FORK: Use a hand fork to cultivate in beds that are full easily. of plants. A hand fork also lets you chop up clumps of soil. Use a large fork for bigger jobs. WATERING CAN, HOSE, SPRINKLERS: Watering cans and soaker hoses let you water the roots of plants HOE: A hoe helps you easily get weeds out of the instead of the soil where nothing is growing. Use a soak- garden. er hose to water a larger area. Your hoses must be able SPADE: Garden spades have round, pointed blades. to reach all of the plots and beds in your garden. Use them to dig holes, move soil and plant larger peren- GARDENING GLOVES: Use leather gloves if you want nials, shrubs and trees. them to last a long time. SHOVEL: Gardeners use shovels to move large amounts STRING: Use string to outline garden beds. of dirt and plants, to dig borders and to get rid of plants with woody roots and stems. STAKES: Put stakes in the soil to hold the strings. You can get these at most hardware stores. COMMUNITY GARDEN SUCCESS STORIES Liz Christy Bowery-Houston Garden, New York The Liz Christy Bowery Houston Garden is the oldest community garden in New York City. It was founded in 1973 by a local resident named Liz Christy and a group of gardening activists known as the Green Guerrillas. They turned an empty lot full of rub- ble into a lively community garden. Over time, the garden became a place people came to get free plants. Gardeners all through New York come to get plants grown in the garden or donated by nurseries, professional horticulturists and local gardeners. The Liz Christy Bowery-Houston Garden is right over a New York City subway line. It has a public learning centre and includes a wide collection of rare plants such as cac- tus and moss. The garden also has a beehive, a wildflower habitat, a grape arbor, fruit trees, vegetable gardens, berries, herbs and flowering perennials. For more information, see 17
  • 19. ROTOTILLERS: These break up the soil for garden plots. Keep your garden tools sharp. Remember to sharpen Rototillers can be expensive. You will need to borrow any tool you use to cut anything. Keep the blades of your one or hire a contractor to do this work. Clearing the site shovels and spades sharp, too. Sharpen your tools all and preparing the garden plot is a lot of very hard work. through the garden season. When you use tools a lot, Rather than getting a rototiller, hire hsi solutions or a pri- they get dull quickly. Keep a sharpener with your tools. vate company to help. For more information, see the sec- Tools that are damp will rust. After you use a tool, wipe tion on how Toronto Community Housing supports com- the metal parts with a rag. This is very important for munity gardens (page 28). pruners, shears and trowels. Drying the tools with a rag will help keep them from getting rusty. Taking care of your tools Clean the dirt off of tools each time you use them. If the Tool sheds soil has dried on the tool, use a wire brush or a knife to Make sure you have a safe place to keep your tools and scrape it off. supplies. Use it to store all tools and equipment that If the wooden handle on a tool is damp, put the tool in members of the garden share. You can make a great the sun to dry before you put it away. At the end of the shed by recycling a metal shipping container. This kind gardening season, rub linseed oil or tung oil into the of shed is very safe if you put a lock on the door. Add a wood. plywood floor to keep your tools and supplies dry. PROTECTING THE GARDEN P eople worry a lot about vandalism in community • Do not tell anyone they are not welcome. Ask every- gardens but gardens are not vandalized very often. one in the community to participate, even the people There is not one thing that will stop all vandalism, who are “vandals.” but most community garden groups can do things to con- • Fix the damage as soon as possible. If you are lucky, trol it. the vandals will get bored and move on to other If a garden is vandalized, most people react by putting things. up a large fence. Sometimes this can work, but a fence • Put the garden in a place where there are lots of peo- can also lead to more damage. No matter what kind of ple. fence you have, a person who wants to get in will find a way. • Create a sign that tells the community whose garden it is. Say that the garden is a neighbourhood project. Fences can be useful in other ways. You may need a fence to keep dogs out of the garden. A fence can also • Set up a place for people to meet in the garden. This show that the garden is separate from the space around will help people feel they can use the garden more. it. When you want a fence to show where the garden • Harvest fruits and vegetables every day. If you leave begins, think about letting vines grow on the fence or ripe food on plants, people may think the garden has come up with another creative way to mark the edges of been forgotten. your garden. • Keep the garden neat. This shows that people care Remember that no fence will stop all acts of vandalism. about the space. The best thing for your community garden might be a short fence. • Involve children in the garden. This will help protect the garden. Here are some things you can do to discourage crime and keep the garden a safe place: 18
  • 20. DO’S AND DON’TS This list of do’s and don’ts will give you answers to the basic questions you may have before you set up your community garden. DON’T hide your garden’s success from DO get in touch with other Toronto the community Community Housing gardens DON’T plant things so close that you DO leave enough room between plants cannot walk or work in the garden DON’T walk on the soil where plants will grow DO tend your garden from the paths or put down boards for people to walk on DON’T cultivate so deeply that you injure DO put plants in a hole slightly deeper than the roots the roots of plants DON’T shade small plants with taller ones DO find spots that give small plants the best sunlight DON’T water more than you need to DO water when plants need it DON’T water in the late afternoon DO check that the soil is wet 6 inches deep DON’T use fertilizer if a plant is sick DO use organic fertilizer to keep the soil healthy DON’T let weeds grow large before you cultivate DO keep weeds out of the garden DON’T dump weeds on roads, into ditches or DO dispose of plant trimmings with the city’s down hills removal system DON’T work the soil when it is wet DO work the garden when the ground is dry DON’T put mulch where it touches the plants DO use mulches to hold moisture and control weeds DON’T trim plants during the summer DO thin plants when they are small DON’T put garden tools away when they are dirty DO wash and clean garden tools well each time you use them DON’T use herbicides and pesticides in the garden DO control weeds and diseases without chemicals DON’T put diseased plants or weeds in the compost DO use compost to feed the soil DON’T ignore your garden DO check your garden often to know what you need to do to avoid problems For other questions about gardening including advice, suggestions and solutions to common problems, look in the Appendix on page 51 of the Resource Guide. 19
  • 21. HARVEST CALENDAR PEAK AVAILABLE Here is a chart that shows when different fruits and vegetables are ripe in Ontario. Use it to help you decide what to plant. Think about what grows best and when it will be ripe. Fruit JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC Apples Apricots Blueberries Cherries - Sweet Cherries - Sour Crabapples Cranberries Currants - Red, Black Gooseberries Grapes Muskmellon Nectarines Peaches Pears - Bartlett Pears - Clapp’s favourite Pears - Anjou, Flemish Beauty Pears - Bosc Plums - Blue, Prune Raspberries - Yellow Rhubarb - Forced Rhubarb - Field Strawberries Watermelon Vegetables Asparagus Beans - Green, wax Beets - With tops Beets - Without tops Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage - Red, Green, Savoy Carrots - With tops Carrots - Without tops Cauliflower Celery 20
  • 22. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC Chinese cabbage Corn - Sweet Cucumber - Field Cucumber - Greenhouse Eggplant Garlic Kale Leeks Lettuce Lettuce - Greenhouse Mushrooms Okra Onions - Green Onions - cooking Parsnips Peas - Green Peas - Snow Peppers Hot - green, yellow, red Peppers Sweet - green Peppers Sweet - yellow, red Peppers Greenhouse - green, yellow, red Potatoes Radicchio Radishes Rapini Rutabaga Spinach Sprouts - Bean, alfalfa Squash - Acorn, pepper, spaghetti Squash - Buttercup, butternut, hubbard Swiss chard Tomatoes - Field Tomatoes - Greenhouse Zucchini 21
  • 23. WHERE TO FIND GARDENS AT TORONTO COMMUNITY HOUSING 1 Rowntree Manor 2765 Islington Avenue 53 Newbold Avenue 11 Newbold Avenue 2 Robert J Smith Apartments 101/121 Kendleton Drive 54 Coltsworth Crescent 33 Coltsworth Crescent 3 Thistletown 1 and 2 6455 Finch Avenue West 55 Elmer Avenue 98 Elmer Avenue 4 Tandridge Crescent 1 44-80 Tandridge Crescent 56 Hanson House 7 Coatsworth Crescent 5 Weston Towers 3101 Weston Road 57 Woodbine Acres 133 Merrill Avenue 6 Lawrence Heights 1 Leila Lane 58 Beaches Lions Centennial 50 Norway Avenue 7 Lawrence Heights 87 Amaranth Court 59 Yonge Street (2401) 12 Broadway Avenue 8 Flemington Pengarth Flemington Road & Pengarth Court 60 Wellesley Jarvis Place 460 Jarvis Street 9 Varna Flemington Flemington Road & Varna Drive 61 Jarvis Carlton Apartments 330 Jarvis Street 10 Willowdale Manor 175 Cummer Avenue 62 Mutual Street (145) 145 Mutual Street 11 Cliffwood Manor 4000 Don Mills Road 63 Donvale Manor 330 Gerrard Street East 12 West Hill Apartments 4175 Lawrence Avenue East 64 Riverdale Acres 230 River Street 13 Morningside Apartments 4205 Lawrence Avenue East 65 Mutual Street (25) 25 Mutual Street 14 Kingston Galloway 4301 Kingston Road 66 Wood Street 95 Wood Street 15 Mornelle Morningside 90 Mornelle Court 67 Winchester Square 55 Bleecker Street 16 Morningside Coronation 157, 198 & 210 Danzig Street 68 Finch Topcliffe 20 Yellowstone Street 17 Lawrence Susan 3847 Lawrence Avenue East 69 Northwood Apartments 3680 Keele Street 18 Woodland Acres South 40 Firvalley Court 70 Edgeley Apartments 35 Shoreham Drive 19 O’Conner Drive 90 Parma Court 71 Sentinel Road 182, 192 & 202 Sentinel Road 20 Byng Towers 3330 Danforth Avenue 72 Downsview Acres 2195 Jane Street 21 McClain Park Apartments 10 Glen Everest Road 73 Jane John Best 1570 Jane Street 22 Woodland Acres North 682 Warden Avenue 74 East York Acres 9 Haldon Avenue 23 Centennial Apartments 5 – 11 Wakunda Place 75 Teesdale Pharmacy 30/40 Teesdale Place 24 Humber Acres 1 Scarletwood Court 76 Tam O’Shanter Towers 3825 Sheppard Avenue East 25 Trimbee Court 30 Denarda Street 77 Silverthorn Place 600 Rogers Road 26 Dundas Mabelle 57 Mabelle Avenue & 78 Mount Dennis Apartments 101 Humber Boulevard 5005 Dundas Street West 79 Dundas Gooch 3725 & 3735 Dundas Street West 27 Islington Manor 41 Mabelle Avenue 80 Pelham Park Gardens 61, 1-53, 2-60 Pelham Park Gardens, 28 Grigg’s Manor 98, 100 Cavell Avenue 52-82, 100-114 Pelham Avenue, 29 Edwards Manor 340 Royal York Road 135-171 Osler Street 30 Lerette Manor 250 Twelfth Street 81 Senator D. Croll Apartments 341 Bloor Street West 31 Bartlettt Avenue 331 Bartlett Avenue 82 Davenport Rd. (250) 250 Davenport Road 32 Pendrith Park 177 Pendrith Street 83 Symington Place 3-53 Connolly St, 1884 Davenport Rd, 512-600 Symington Avenue, 33 Wales Casimir 61-67a & 71-75a Wales Avenue, 160-168 Wiltshire Avenue 15-29a Casimir Street 84 Doug Saunders Apartments 1775 Eglinton Avenue West 34 Carling Irene 5-7 Carling Ave & 21-25 Irene Ave 85 Huron Madison 480-482, 490-494 Huron Street, 35 Lambert Court 2 Lambertlodge Avenue 13, 21-27 Madison Avenue 36 May Robinson Apartments 20 & 25 West Lodge Avenue 86 Brimley Acres 2950 Lawrence Avenue East 37 Spencer Avenue 85 Spencer Avenue 87 St George Manor 17 Brimley Road 38 Church/Granby 389 Church Street 88 St George Manor 17 Brimley Road (Greenhouse) 39 Scadding Avenue (15) 15 Scadding Avenue 89 Adanac Apartments 140 Adanac Drive 40 Queen’s Quay West 679 Queen’s Quay West 90 Regent Park North 295 Gerrard Street East 41 The Esplanade 176 & 171 The Esplanade 91 Regent Park North 184 River Street 42 Bishop Tutu Boulevard 17-55 Bishop Tutu Boulevard 92 Regent Park North 40 Oak Street 43 Frances Beavis Manor 369 Pape Avenue 93 Regent Park North 600 Dundas Street East 44 May Birchard Apartments 859 Dundas Street East 94 Regent Park North 463 Gerrard Street East 45 Blair Court 266 Donlands Avenue 95 Regent Park South All Saints Square (Dundas/Sumach) 46 The Overlea 12 Thorncliffe Park Drive 96 Regent Park North 260 Sumach Street 47 Blake Boultbee Blake Street/Boultbee Avenue 97 Gerrard River 220 Oak Street 48 Sherbourne Shuter 155 Sherbourne Street 98 Regent Park South 605 Whiteside Place 49 Dan Harrison Complex 241 Sherbourne Street 99 Regent Park North 259 Sumach Street 50 Greenwood Towers 145 Strathmore Boulevard 100 Regent Park South Dundas Street/Regent Street 51 Glen Stewart Acres 828 Kingston Road (south west corner) 52 Edgewood Avenue 59/93 Edgewood Avenue 22
  • 25.
  • 26. GARDEN PLANNING WORKSHEET Use this garden planning worksheet to help your group get ready to start a community garden. These questions about your goals can help you plan. NAME OF COMMUNITY GARDEN : NAME OF CHU / BUILDING: Who is interested in the garden project? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do we want to start a garden? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the purpose of the garden? How will it be used? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ What kind of plants do we want to grow? H Vegetables H Fruit H Native plants H Annual flowers H Shrubs H Trees H Herbs What else? ______________________________________________________________________________________ When do we want to start the garden? ____________________________________________________ Who will use the garden?_____________________________________________________________________ How will we tell the neighbourhood about the garden? (eg. flyers, newsletter article, word of mouth, hold a planning meeting) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Where will the garden be located? Address: ________________________________________________ How will we maintain the garden? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 24
  • 27. What is on the site now? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do we need to move anything from the site? H Trash H Soil H Rocks H Weeds H Structures H Appliances H Shrubs H Cement H Posts H Tree H Fence Anything else? _______________________ Do we already have the basics we need? A. Sunlight: (check only one) H Full sun (at least 6-8 hours of sunlight every day) H Partial sun (at least 4 hours of direct sunlight every day) H Shady (site does not get much sunlight) H Part sun, part shade (part gets direct sunlight, part is shady) B. Water: where will water come from? H A private house H Public house H Apartment building H Containers on the site C. Tools and Supplies: What tools and supplies do we have? H Plants/seeds H Spades H Forks H Hoes H Shovels H Rakes H Wheelbarrow H Garden hoes H Watering hose H Watering cans H Stakes/string H Toolshed H Tarp H Rototiller H Containers What tools do we need? _____________________________________________________________________ D. Funds and Donations: What funds or donations do we need? ____________________________________________________ Who can offer funds or donations? ________________________________________________________ What other things do we want in the garden? H Benches H Tables H Raised beds H A place to sit H Shade Other _____________________ What do we need to learn more about? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ What things do we need to get? Where will we get them? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 25
  • 28. SAMPLE GARDEN RULES 13. Clean up after yourself. Please be neat. Put away H ere is a list of the rules that many community garden groups have. Use this list to create your hoses and tools. Recycle rubbish or take it home. own set of rules. Make the rules fit your commu- 14. Conserve water! Use mulch so you do not need nity. This is your garden! to water as much. Use hoses that do not leak. 1. Your plot is reserved for one season. If you have When you are watering, watch the hose. a garden one year, you have the first chance to 15. Please do not water for more than 15 minutes if get the same plot for the next year. other people are waiting. 2. Each year, people can register for plots starting 16. For safety reasons, please keep hoses off the on February 15. The first people who can regis- paths when you are watering. ter are those who had a plot last year. Each per- son can only get one plot. After May 15, other 17. Children are welcome to garden, but you must people can sign up for plots. We will give plots to watch them. Do not let children run or play on people who sign up first. other plots. 3. You can not give your plot away. Only the steer- 18. You must take everything that cannot be compost- ing committee can say who can use a plot. If you ed out of your plot by October 31st. Anything you decide you cannot garden, please tell the steer- leave in the garden after then will be thrown away. ing committee. We will find another person for 19. Any crops you leave in your plot after October the plot. 31st may be given to a local food bank or tilled 4. You must keep weeds out of your plot and the into the ground. paths around your plot. 20. You must help with the fall cleanup of the garden. 5. Put all weeds and plant stems, leaves and roots in 21. Do not pick or destroy plants or flowers. the compost. Plants are not garbage. 22. Please keep pets out of the garden. 6. You must keep garbage and litter out of your plot and the paths around your plot. 23. Do not smoke in the garden. 7. Do not plant tall crops in places that will shade 24. No loud music in the garden. plots beside yours. 25. Always keep the garden gates closed. 8. You must pick produce when it is ripe. 26. Visitors can only come into the garden with 9. You can only pick produce from your own plot. a member. 10. Nobody but you will water your plot. 27. I know that the garden group and the owners of the land are not responsible for things that I do. 11. Please be an organic gardener. I therefore agree that I will not blame the garden Organic gardening saves group and the owners of the land if anything our soil, water and air. happens when my guests or I use the garden. The 12. You must clean tools and garden group and the owners of the land are not put them back into the liable, and I will not claim that they owe me for storage shed. any damage, loss or claim. Name:_______________________ Date:_____________ 26
  • 30. WHAT KIND OF SUPPORT CAN I GET FROM TORONTO COMMUNITY HOUSING? Y ou can start a garden even if you do not have a lot of money or other things. However, you do need some things to start a community garden. Toronto Community Housing can give tenants some of the most important things you will need. Toronto Community Housing is a large public housing company. It is a unique place to create a community garden. In 2005 the Community Food Animators Project printed a report called Starting Food Projects by Building on What Works. The report says that, “Toronto Community Housing is uniquely positioned to be a leader by investing in the substantial social benefits that Water community gardens can bring to Toronto Community Another thing Toronto Community Housing can help Housing communities.” with is water. For many community gardens, getting water is a serious problem. Toronto Community Housing Toronto Community Housing can really make a differ- has many apartment buildings across Toronto that all ence when people are first trying to start a community have running water. Most community gardens are next garden. Here are some of the things Toronto Community to Toronto Community Housing buildings. The best way Housing may be able to help with: make sure the garden to get water for the garden is to use hoses and sprin- can get water, find a contractor to turn and prepare the klers connected to the closest Toronto Community ground and build a fence around the garden. Housing building. Here are the ways Toronto Community Housing can help you start a community garden. Storage To start a community garden, you will need a place to Land store tools and supplies. You could use a storage shed The first thing any community garden needs is land. or some space in a Toronto Community Housing build- Some community garden projects in Toronto are on ing. If you use a storage shed, it should be near the land that belongs to the city. To get started, these proj- community garden, easy for tenants to get to, and safe. ects must apply to the City of Toronto’s Community Gardening Coordinator. Landscaping services There is a lot of land around some Toronto Community You will also need help with landscaping, especially Housing buildings. Because of this, community garden when you are just starting the community garden. projects at Toronto Community Housing have an advan- Before you can do anything else, you must turn the soil tage. Some community housing units have a large and prepare the area for gardening. You can turn the amount of land while others have only a small lot that soil with a garden spade, fork or rototiller. However, could be used for a community garden. this is difficult work. You can hire hsi solutions or a pri- 28
  • 31. vate contractor. Staff can help you find someone to pre- • Pruning trees and shrubs pare the soil for you. • Removing trees and stumps hsi solutions is a company that does lots of work for • Planting Toronto Community Housing and other customers. They do maintenance work such as servicing elevators, con- • Power sweeping garages and struction, mechanical and electrical work, and taking the outsides of buildings care of life safety and environmental health. • Aerating lawns hsi solutions also does landscaping work. They keep the • Fertilizing plants yards around Toronto Community Housing buildings neat by removing litter from grassy areas and cutting • Laying sod or re-seeding lawns and trimming lawns. hsi solutions mulches clippings and • Cultivating the soil keeps plants healthy. They try to keep the areas around buildings safe for residents. Here are some of the other • Cleaning eaves troughs services that hsi solutions can be hired to do: • Picking up litter • Cleanup in the spring or fall • Cleaning catch basins • Killing weeds COMMUNITY GARDEN SUCCESS STORIES Waterloo Housing Estate, Sydney, Australia Waterloo Housing Estate is a public housing complex of high- rise residential buildings in Sydney. The neighbourhood is densely populated. Residents are from Russia, Vietnam, Indonesia and Australia. All live on low incomes. Starting in 1997, three community gardens were built on open space surrounding the Cook, Marton and Solander towers. The Department of Housing hired professional garden designers and paid to build fences, lockable gates, compost bins and raised garden beds. Now these gardens are very popular. Most of the gardeners are people who live in the housing blocks. The residents have started to ask for more garden plots. The gardens are an important way to improve life in the community and relationships between people. They support people’s health and well-being and are a good place for peo- ple from different cultures to connect. 29
  • 32. HOW CAN STAFF SUPPORT US? T oronto Community Housing staff at many levels can • Tell other people about the garden. This helps make give you lots of support. People who can help your the community interested in the community garden. community gardening project include health • Mediate problems between people caused by the promoters, CHU managers and grounds staff. Here are community garden. the things Toronto Community Housing staff can do to support community gardens: • Set up and manage partnerships with agencies or other organizations. • Give your group ongoing support. This can include facilitation, mediation of conflicts or maintenance. • Help find a contractor to prepare the soil and deliver the soil. • Help assign plots to tenants. • Help tenants to apply for funding from Toronto • Help resolve any disagreements about garden plots. Community Housing for their gardens. • Get tenants involved in the community garden by • Help when garden tools or equipment break down. organizing socials, BBQs, harvest festivals and other events. • Get people involved so that they feel the community garden belongs to them. • Find ways to help people stay involved in the garden. 30
  • 34. COMMUNITY KITCHENS A community kitchen is any kitchen where people For information on community kitchens within get together to prepare a meal. Often people Toronto Community Housing, look on page 3 of who meet in community kitchens eat healthy, the Resource Guide. See page 4 of the Resource Guide nutritious food that does not cost a lot. Each person who for information on other community kitchens in Toronto. comes must take part in the work. Members all help to The table on the next page lists community kitchens in choose the menu, go shopping, and to prepare and Toronto. The list is divided by CHU. cook the food. Many community kitchens are for specific groups of peo- How to start a ple. They can be for new immigrants, people with dia- betes, vegetarians, people who only cook for them- community kitchen selves, or families cooking for young children. To start a community kitchen, you will need to think Community kitchens can also teach people different about where the group will cook. Many Toronto things. In many community kitchens the group cooks Community Housing buildings have a kitchen attached enough food so that members can take some home for to the recreation room. You could also meet at a local later. Because the group cooks so much at once, it can community centre or place of worship. Many community help people save money on food. centres have the kind of space you will need. A community kitchen needs a large kitchen, staff to help coordinate the Community kitchens are a place for people to meet as a program and maybe funding to help pay for the food. group, practice English, learn new cooking skills, cook nutritious food and meet new neighbours. They can You will have to think about other things. Choose what break down barriers and help people feel they belong kind of recipes the group will cook. Also, decide how to a community. Community kitchens are a way to sup- you will buy groceries, who is in charge of the money, port healthy eating. They are a great place for people to how you will divide the work and what rules will guide share ideas about food such as how to get the nutrition the group. Here are three places that can help you start you need, how to keep food from spoiling and how to a community kitchen: have more variety in your diet. They can help people • “Basic Steps – How to start a community kitchen.” save money by teaching people how to cook on a budg- Web site: et and buy food in bulk. basic_steps.pdf Community kitchens often use fresh fruits and vegeta- • “Community Kitchen Checklist.” bles. They also teach people about choosing foods that Web site: can last in the long term and how to support local farms Checklist.pdf and gardens. They can teach people about where food comes from: how it is planted, nurtured and harvested • “Community Kitchen Toolbox.” Web site: and how it gets to the table. Most importantly, communi- ty kitchens help feed people who are isolated and have poor access to healthy food. 32
  • 35. COMMUNITY KITCHENS IN TORONTO BY CHU CHU NAME / LOCATION ADDRESS FOCUS/OTHER DETAILS 1 - Etobicoke North Somali Youth Support 2304 Islington Avenue, Somali youth Program Community Kitchen Suite 101 2 - Eglinton/Lawrence Lawrence Heights 5 Replin Road East African women; Community Centre connected to community garden 3 - Seneca/Don Valley Willowdale Avenue 415 Willowdale Avenue Community cooking club – women 8 - Bloor West/Central Good Food at Home 90 Croatia Street Women undergoing (FoodShare) cancer treatment Scadding Court Community 707 Dundas Street West Focuses on nutrition, healthy and Centre Community Kitchen affordable shopping alternatives, and sharing food 9 - Downtown West May Robinson Apartments 20 West Lodge Avenue Multicultural cooking groups designed to teach parents good nutrition and cooking techniques. The Meeting Place Community 588 Queen Street West An adult drop-in program Kitchen (St Christopher House) 10 - Spadina/Downtown Hart House Community Kitchen 7 Hart House Circle Geared to students 12 - Don River Mustard Seed 791 Queen Street East Assists low income individuals Community Kitchen at risk of becoming homeless 16 - St. Jamestown The Warehouse Behind 47 Rose Avenue Cooking classes for men, women & Wellesley Street East & children. Also has a lunch room and carpentry shop. Jarvis Street (261) 261 Jarvis Street Cooking classes, led by tenants Mutual Street (145) 145 Mutual Street As part of after-school program, informal cooking program 17 - North York West Edgeley Village Driftwood 415 Driftwood Avenue Mental health support group has a cooking class component 19 - Downsview Trethewey Tedder 710, 720 Trethewey Drive Periodically has community kitchen with women and/or youth, but not ongoing 20 - Don Valley/East York East York Acres 9 Halden Avenue Community kitchen Teesdale Pharmacy 30/40 Teesdale Place Cooking class for newcomers; partnership with Access Alliance 22 - Don Mills/Agincourt Sheppard Birchmount 2 365 Bay Mills Boulevard Youth cooking club, focusing on healthy eating for youth 15+ through Heart Health. 25 - Davenport/Midtown Symington Place 1884 Davenport Road Community kitchens run by The Stop 26 - Scarborough/ McCowan Road (400) 400 McCowan Road Free; open to all. Focuses on McCowan nutrition, affordable food and meal exchange. 27 - Regent Park/ Christian Resource Centre 40 Oak Street Community kitchen provides Oak Street breakfast to the homeless. Also runs a catering business 33
  • 36. FARMERS’ MARKETS F armers’ markets can be great places for people from There are many farmers’ markets and fresh produce different cultures, backgrounds, ages and income stands in Toronto. The table below lists the farmers’ mar- levels to connect. They are also good places for peo- kets in each CHU. ple to learn about issues related to food. Farmers’ mar- For information on farmers’ markets, look on page kets make it possible for people in cities to get fresh food 8 of the Resource Guide. from their culture. They sell fresh, healthy food at prices people can pay. Farmers’ markets also help support farmers. If setting up a farmers’ market is not possible, you could think about setting up a produce stand. FARMERS’ MARKETS IN TORONTO BY CHU CHU NAME / LOCATION ADDRESS FOCUS/OTHER DETAILS 2 - Eglinton/Lawrence Lawrence Heights 4 Replin Road FoodShare Field to Table Community Centre Produce Stand 3 - Seneca/Don Valley Willowdale Manor 175 Cummer Avenue Fresh produce vendor (informal) Beecroft Manor 35 Park Home Avenue Fresh produce vendor (informal) The Kempford 5430 Yonge Street Fresh produce vendor (informal) Sheppard Place 4455 Bathurst Street Fresh produce vendor (informal) West Don Apartments 6250 Bathurst Street Fresh produce vendor (informal) Seneca Towers 1700 Finch Avenue East Fresh produce vendor (informal) North York Farmers’ Market 5100 Yonge Street Farmers’ market 4 - Scarborough East West Hill Community Services 4100 Lawrence FoodShare Field to Table Avenue East Produce Stand West Hill Community Services 4205 Lawrence FoodShare Field to Table Avenue East Produce Stand West Hill Community Services 50 Tuxedo Court FoodShare Field to Table Produce Stand West Hill Community Services 110 Mornelle Court Fresh produce truck 5 - Scarborough/Warden Warden Woods 74 Firvalley Court FoodShare Field to Table Community Centre Produce Stand 6 - York/Weston Ethiopian Orthodox 23 Denison Road East FoodShare Field to Table Tewahedo Church Produce Stand 7 - Etobicoke/Lakeshore Etobicoke Farmers’ Market 399 The West Mall Farmers’ market at Etobicoke City Hall, west parking lot Stonegate Farmers’ Market, 276 Parklawn Road Farmers’ market Parklawn Baptist Church 34
  • 37. CHU NAME / LOCATION ADDRESS FOCUS/OTHER DETAILS 8 - Bloor West/Central Dufferin Grove Organic 873 Dufferin Street Farmers’ market Farmers’ Market 9 - Downtown West Sunshine Garden Organic 1001 Queen Street West Farmers’ market Market, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health 10 - Spadina/Downtown Nathan Phillips Square 100 Queen Street West Farmers’ market Farmers’ Market 11 - St. Lawrence St Lawrence Farmers’ Market 92 Front Street East Farmers’ market 16 - St. Jamestown Bleecker Wellesley 275 Bleecker Street Small informal market on CHU grounds 20 - Don Valley/East York Teesdale Pharmacy 40 Teesdale Place Farmers’ market in partnership with Warden Woods Community Centre East York Farmers’ Market, 850 Coxwell Avenue Farmers’ market East York Civic Centre 26 - Scarborough/ Adanac Apartments 140 Adanac Drive FoodShare Field to Table McCowan (Markham and Eglinton) Produce Stand West Hill Community Services 65 Greencrest Circuit FoodShare Field to Table (Markham and Lawrence Produce Stand Avenue East) Brimley Acres 2950 Lawrence Avenue East Informal vendor on-site 27 - Regent Park/ Christian Resource Centre 40 Oak Street Farmers’ market Oak Street Regent Park South 19 Belshaw Place Informal vendor on-site. Culturally appropriate produce. Riverdale Farmers’ Market 201 Winchester Street Farmers’ market TORONTO COMMUNITY HOUSING SUCCESS STORIES The Warehouse Tenants of CHU 16 in St. Jamestown partnered with the Salvation Army to start a community kitchen on Toronto Community Housing property that was not being used. They built a new building behind 47 Rose Avenue at Wellesley Street East. The building does not have an official address and people call it The Warehouse. It is operated by tenants and the Salvation Army. They offer men’s, women’s and children’s cooking clubs as well as a literacy class, an open coffee house, a breakfast program, a music jam session and spiritual programs. There is a lunch room and carpentry shop on the main floor. Many single men live in rooming hous- es in St. Jamestown. They are most of the people who come to the cook- ing programs at The Warehouse. 35