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issue 09                       Inner space for women’s
Summer/autumn 2010           mental health & wellbeing
                                (across Surrey and the south east)

                         Digging yourself out of a hole
                          gardening for heart and soul

                     No clean knickers – let alone a toothbrush
                               the indignity of being sectioned

                              Painting yourself into the picture
                             art therapy creates self knowledge
                                                                                                                 DepenDing on your political / social                                    provided by frontline professionals like          and the ugly, we also want to continue
                                                                                                                 / economical viewpoint the envisaged                                    counsellors and specialist mental health          to bring you the good and positive in
                                                                                                                 and planned developments in healthcare                                  nurses. All they need to do is ‘skill up’.        mental health and wellbeing. In this issue
                                                                                                                 (being hailed as the biggest change in                                  So, with such variance of views and               we look at the benefits gardening and art
                                                                                                                 the NHS since it began) could be the best                               predictions, here is a ‘call to arms’ to all      therapy can have; how women and men
                                                                                                                 or the worst time in history for mental                                 our readers!                                      from black and minority ethnic groups, are
                                                                                                                 health. What will ‘Equity and Excellence;                               Whether you are someone with direct               being supported to access mental health
                                                                                                                 Liberating the NHS’ mean for mental                                     experience of mental health services,             services; we also cover the Personalisation
                                                                                                                 health? Will it be a welcome sea change,                                as a patient, carer or member of staff,           ‘agenda’ and what it can mean for
                                                                                                                 bringing understanding that there is no                                 or whether you come into contact with             patients / service users wanting more
                                                                                                                 health without mental health, sitting as                                mental health services as part of your work       control about what they do in their lives.
                                                                                                                 it should in public health, or will it be a                             e.g. local authority, voluntary sector etc,       There’s a relaxation technique to help
                                                                                                                 tsunami of utter chaos and devastation?                                 we are asking you to keep a watching brief        you – well – relax! And we hear two stories
                                                                                                                 The view of which direction we are                                      and be Sanctuary’s women – and men –              from two women who both experienced
                                                                                                                 heading in is fuzzy to say the least. Plaudits                          in the field. Report anything you think is        being sectioned under the Mental Health
                                                                                                                 abound in some areas of the mental                                      getting better, or worse, as the changes          Act. One experience led to helping others
                                                                                                                 health field; deep mistrust and criticism                               start to hit where it hurts – or benefits - the   in an acute psychiatric inpatient unit and
                                                                                                                 circle in others. One thing we know for                                 patient. Tell us your news, ideas, stories.       the other to finding a voice for justice.
                                                                                                                 certain: GPs will be commissioning a                                    Together we can build a picture of mental         Just looking at the wealth of experience,
                                                                                                                 wide range of mental health services.                                   health from where it matters – you – and          knowledge and expertise among our
                                                                                                                 Somewhat alarmingly though, and at                                      use it to show politicians, commissioners         contributors and readers who have
                                                                                                                 their own admission, only 31% of GPs                                    and providers how things really are – at          contacted us, makes me think that GPs
                                                                                                                 feel equipped to commission secondary                                   the frontline of mental health. Contact           need look no further: we can skill them up
                                                                                                                 care services for mental health. But                                    details below.                                    in mental health matters…
                                                                                                                 optimists suggest GPs are, nevertheless,                                Meanwhile, at Sanctuary, we know exactly

                                                                                                                 being provided with great opportunities                                 which direction we’re headed. Whilst

    New website
                                                                                                                 for developing practice-based services                                  we are not afraid to highlight the bad

2   for mental wellbeing
                                                                                                                 Editorial                                                                                                                                                               3

    Let’s Link, publishers of Sanctuary are launching a website
    that will provide news and information on mental health and
    wellbeing. Also included will be links to national and local
                                                                     Coming up on the website and
                                                                     in your local area:
    organisations plus details of events and consultations with        Service user and carer monitoring         senD your news anD information to megan aspeL, sanCtuary magazine,
    which you can get involved. Whilst its focus will be on Surrey   of the Crisis helpline: in the next few     Let’s Link, PO Box 533, Betchworth RH4 9FL. Text: 07824 364703.
    services and support, the range of information and support       months you will be able to take part in a   Email:
    for people who experience mental ill health and for those who    survey to find out what patients/service
    care for them will be a resource for many in the south east.     users and carers think about accessing
    You will be able to download issues of Sanctuary magazine,       the mental health Crisis helpline in
    other mental health related publications, the latest national    Surrey. There will be opportunities in
    and local health documents and in due course there will be       various locations – CMHTs for instance
    a forum where you will be able to comment on local mental        – to participate in the survey, a simple
    health services.                                                 questionnaire of around 8-10 questions,
                                                                     and online on the Let’s Link mental
     Setting up the website is underway but it takes time to have    wellbeing website. Details will be
    everything in place. Please visit www.letslinkmentalwellbeing.   posted on the website in due course.        Sanctuary is free to everyone.
                                                                                                                 Managing Editor: Megan Aspel
    com to see our progress and if you have any initial comments,                                                Assistant Editor: Louisa Daniels
    please email us at                                                          Sanctuary is commissioned by NHS Surrey

                                                                                                                 Design by Aspects:

                                                                                                                 Printed by Reliant Colour Solutions:
                                                                                                                 No part of this magazine may be reproduced without prior permission of the publishers. Copyright © Aspects 2010.
No clean
    –let alone a toothbrush
    Being aDmitteD to an acute                        “I had to ask for soap and stuff, and       probably one of the swiftest ‘done
    psychiatric unit under section of the          worse, sanitary wear – traipsing through       deals’ I’ve ever known. In a matter of            I went to a CPA (care plan) meeting – on my own, I didn’t
    mental Health act – especially for             a ward full of men, going to the office,       half an hour, the trust manager and I             know I could have someone with me, and they told me I had
    the first time – can be a frightening          requesting Tampax and going back               had said we could joint fund a pilot!             to go into hospital straight away. I felt alarmed and horrified.
    and traumatic experience; on top of            through the ward clutching them –              So began a partnership between a                  But they knew best I thought. I asked to go home and pack
    the traumatic experience of finding            hardly dignified to say the least!             patient, a charity and an NHS mental              some things. They said no, I couldn’t do that. I said what
    yourself mentally unwell! and when                Julia was able to transfer to a private     health trust: ‘The Wellbeing & Dignity            about if someone comes with me. No was the answer. So
    you arrive with nothing, just the              clinic however, because of a health            Partnership’ was born.                            they bundled me off to a secure psychiatric unit. I felt very
    clothes you stand up in, maybe                 insurance scheme.One major difference                                                            frightened and so alone. I was in total shock about being
    because you arrived in the back of             stood out for Julia. When she went             it gets better                                    admitted, and to have nothing – no personal belongings –
    a police car, the entire experience            to her room at the private clinic, it            Funding was limited. What could                 made me feel even worse. It was three days before a relative
    can be an affront to your dignity and          was like stepping into a hotel (with a         be provided were ‘hotel style’ packs              could bring anything in for me.”
    self worth. sanctuary’s editor, megan          few exceptions!) and in the en-suite           of essential toiletries – shampoo/
    met a young woman who’s been                   bathroom was a beautiful box of toiletries     conditioner/shower gel/dental kit                 Young woman at a Sanctuary women’s group
4   there, done that, wouldn’t mind the            from the White Company. Everything             etc – with simple, caring messages of                                                                                5
    t-shirt (on the ward as a change of            she needed for a few days or so. Sadly,        hope, for everyone admitted over a 6
    clothes!) but also, passionately, wants        the NHS ward just didn’t compare. Items        month period onto the wards at the
    something else…                                might have been available but not in           Department of Psychiatry in Epsom.
                                                   individual packs for each patient.               A few months down the way of
      I first met Julia after she contacted           But it was how that simple gesture of       organising this though, came some good
    me to say how much she had enjoyed             fresh smelling toiletries made Julia feel      news. Let’s Link has been awarded a
    reading Sanctuary. So much so that she         that was the real eye-opener.                  Comic Relief grant. This will enable us
    was keen to get involved in some way.             “To have something – slightly               to produce leaving hospital information
    We met. In a very short space of time          pampering – and extremely ‘normal’ had a       packs to complement the toiletries packs.
    we had gabbled our way (constructive           profound effect,” Julia told me “Suddenly        Work is now underway to get the pilot
    gabble!) through a myriad of subjects          I felt I was being treated with respect – my   up and running as soon as possible.
    and issues linked to mental health             sense of dignity was intact again. And I         The beauty of this project is that it will
    and wellbeing and other things totally         thought, ‘I wish everyone admitted to a        include people in the community who
    unrelated. I soon discovered that Julia        mental health ward could have this’.”          have ‘been there / done that’ as well.
    is full of ideas. But not just ideas: Julia                                                   Clients of the Joseph Palmer Centre will
    has a real ambition. Two very different        Cutting the long story…                        help assemble the packs. So people in
    experiences of being hospitalized                The work of my organisation Let’s            hospital will have the added benefit of
    in a private and an NHS acute unit             Link, publishers of Sanctuary magazine,        knowing the toiletries packs were put
    highlighted a real need in Julia’s mind.       echoed what Julia was saying;                  together by fellow sufferers / survivors: a
    She thought everyone admitted to               everything we do is about promoting            message of hope in itself.
    NHS units should have the quality of           dignity, privacy and respect for people          For Julia and everyone concerned it is
    experience she had received in the             who suffer mental distress.                    an exciting project based on a gesture
    private unit. She explained:                     Together, we felt the time was right         of kindness, respect, privacy and dignity:
      “I had arrived at a psychiatric unit after   to really see if we could get something        the simple gift with the big heart. Julia’s
    being compulsorily detained under              going. Julia, along with Occupational          next ‘Big Idea’ is to build a retreat in the
    Section of the Mental Health Act. I had        Therapist (OT) Bryonie from the Joseph         Peak District – and possibly Italy: form
    nothing but the clothes I stood up in.         Palmer Centre in Molesey, Surrey set           an orderly queue everyone!
    I was feeling very low anyway, as you          up a meeting with one of Surrey &
    can imagine; being without personal            Borders Partnership NHS Foundation
    belongings or a change of clothes made         Trust’s (SaBPFT) key managers and              See the article starting on page 16 for another
    me feel a lot, lot worse.                      myself from Let’s Link. I think it was         woman’s experience of being sectioned.
Sometimes it’s difficult to ground yourself.
    There is a way though, almost literally, by                                                                                                             butterfly.
                                                                                                                                                ,’ said the
    participating in a little gardening.                                                                            ‘Just livin
                                                                                                                                g is n ot enough d a little flower.’
                                                                                                                                   ine, freed
                                                                                                                                              om, an        ndersen
                                                                                                                        ave sunsh ans Christian A
    The Old Moat Horticultural Services in                                                                 ‘On e must h               H

    Epsom, Surrey helps people with mental
    health problems dig deep for recovery...

    Digging yourself


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                                                                                                                    Aut ging in a lot o
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    run By riCHmonD feLLowsHip,                           administrative work are all available to train                     Unk dirt.
    The Old Moat is a garden centre with a                and become expert in.                                                      n
    difference. Many of the people who work                 For the visitor, the Old Moat provides a
    there suffer mental ill health. It is a haven for     wonderful array of all the plants and flowers
    anyone needing some calm, thoughtful, safe            you need: shrubs, ornamental trees, roses
    and supported occupation. Achieving the               from David Austin are all there. Up to 80%
    sowing, growing and maintenance of plants             of the plants are grown in The Old Moat’s
    and flowers is satisfying in itself. What it          own nursery, reducing plant miles, with
    does for lifting the spirit, boosting self worth      bedding plants grown in biodegradable
    and taking away some of the pain of mental            pots, showing further consideration for the
    ill health is immeasurable.                           environment. You will find a wide variety
       But the Old Moat isn’t just about recovery         of vegetable and fruit plants and trees in
    and restitution. It is a not for profit, but          stock, and if you don’t fancy growing your
    nonetheless commercial enterprise and                 own, you can buy seasonal, freshly picked
    offers training in the real world of garden           produce from The Old Moat shop.
    centre work and management. Contract
    gardening, park maintenance, conservation               Find out more about the training The Old
    work, stock growing, propagation,                     Moat offers. It’s a kind of down to earth
    vegetable and fruit production, retailing and         thing to do!

    Contact The Old Moat to enquire about referrals or you can visit the garden centre anytime.

    The Old Moat Garden Centre, Horton Lane, Epsom KT19 8PQ. T. 01372 731971 (office) or
    01372 731970 (retail); email:
    Visit the Richmond Fellowship website to learn more about our work
    itthe BME
    Helping people from black and        “The key issues                                        that prevent   engagement of black people with services and vice versa.”         9
    minority ethnic backgrounds          people from African/Caribbean communities – and from
                                         elsewhere such as Asian communities – accessing mental
                                                                                                                 Social risk factors impede engagement with the right health
                                                                                                               and social care services as well. Poverty and homelessness
    (BME), particularly refugees,        health services,” says Lorraine “are stigma, racism and lack of       (many refugees seeking asylum for instance are living destitute

    to access mental health              awareness and knowledge of mental ill health.”
                                            Whilst some of the issues reflect those experienced by a
                                                                                                               in the UK with no recourse to public funds); loneliness and
                                                                                                               isolation or contact with the criminal justice system all put
    services demands a special           white community, such as stigma and even a lack of awareness          people at risk. African Caribbean people for instance are more

    understanding of how mental          around what happens to you when you receive mental health
                                         services, there is far less acceptance of the condition. Mental
                                                                                                               likely to be held under a section of the Mental Health Act.
                                                                                                               They are also over-represented in Special Hospitals, secure
    health is perceived in countries     health simply doesn’t translate properly in other languages
                                         and attracts misconceptions of witchcraft and other negative
                                                                                                               institutions, medium secure units and prisons.
                                                                                                                 For those who do get to see someone, there is hope and
    like Africa. Lorraine is a           attitudes linked with tradition. Put simply, a mental health          enlightenment. However, services don’t always get it right:

    community development worker         problem translates as someone who has ‘lost it’. Mental illness
                                         is associated with shame and stigma and a fear of being
                                                                                                               there is evidence that BME patients are more likely to receive
                                                                                                               medication rather than be offered talking therapies. As
    who knows that building              labelled, isolated or alienated by friends or family members.         mentioned, compulsory admission to hospital is prevalent and

    relationships is the first step to   In addition, it is seen as a sign of failure or something to be
                                         feared. And perhaps pertinently ‘madness’ is thought to be
                                                                                                               families and carers have difficulties accessing help.
                                                                                                                 Lorraine and her colleagues believe the way forward is for
    supporting this community. She       incurable, unlike our view that people can recover from mental
                                         ill health. It is not surprising then that language is the key
                                                                                                               better working relationships with faith leaders to promote
                                                                                                               inter-cultural understanding of race equality in mental health
    explained some of the issues to      contributing factor to misdiagnosis.                                  and better involvement of communities in the planning and

    Sanctuary...                            Lorraine also sees a circle of fear surrounding mental health.
                                         “If you combine the different layers of fear – fear of mental
                                                                                                               implementation of services from the outset.
                                                                                                                 In this way people will begin to benefit in a very real way
                                         illness and fear of mental health services, you witness a vicious     from being supported and cared for, and respected for their
                                         circle,” she explains “A circle that impacts negatively on the        culture and race rather than misunderstood and abandoned.

                                                                                                               Contact the team:
                                                                                                               Lorraine yates – CDw, african/Caribbean,
                                                                                                               refugee & asylum seekers; 01483 459292, ext. 214
                                                                                                               Charmaine Valler – CDw, gypsies & travellers;
                                                                                                               01483 459292, ext. 235
                                                                                                               kate Johnson – CDw, asian, Chinese & nepalese;
                                                                                                               01483 459292, ext. 203
of Art
                                                                          mes,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ciation                nable a
                                                                 est of ti t. It                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Britis h Asso                is ‘to e
                                                         t the b                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to the                    herapy                          h
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ing                       rt T                        throug
                                                 ssible a st too difficul er.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  al level
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Accord                     im of A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ggles.                    main a                   person
                                          r impo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           tru                                                                                 nt’.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ing s                         AT) the               wth on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 a                    ironme
                                                          u                  t
                                n be nea is sometimes j us feel any bet re
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ed dur                     ists (BA                 nd gro                       ing env
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ddress                    Therap                   ange a                      facilitat                      her
                     otion s ca       rds              ake                 the                                                                                                                               co vered a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          nd a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        n ism. In
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           client   to effec
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               t ch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              in a safe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      sit ive cha
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nges to
            lising em e feel into wo lp, let alone m be the answer, m art
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ma dis                   erfectio                                              aterials                 ade po                      she wo
                                                                                                                                                                                          that Em                   aring p                     ade a                   of art m                   y has m                   ws that
     Ve rba        ww
                                                                                                                                                                              r  aspect
                                                                                                                                                                                               sense o
                                                                                                                                                                                                        f overbe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          hat wh
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   e n she m                t he use                Art  Therap
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        for art s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  he kno
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ot cure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             d  from
                                  ’t he             not                 ho                                                                                           Anothe                                     a said t                           of                     sked if
         tting ho e talking won therapies may someone for w herself.
                                                                                                                                                                                      as her                                             feeling                When a                         wasn’t                    she is n                  r
                                                                                                                                                                           erapy w                   ay, Emm                    to the                                              that if it               lthough                      elps he
      pu         lik              g                to                ith
                                                                                                                                                                    her th            and qu
                                                                                                                                                                                               iet w
                                                                                                                                                                                                              t more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         hat it w
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  as ok
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  , Emma
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               now, an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       life and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    art h
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              life for
       can feel er, when talkin Daniels spoke her in touch w
                                                                                                                                                                             ernal                         go                       y, t                      life                        e is                     er
                                                                                                                                                                    very int                      slowly                   raduall           ated b
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      y                        ell as sh         unders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         tands h                     way of
                                                                                                                                                                                in her   art she                 lised, g                cre                        be as w                    r                       ec   ome a                    I
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and rea                s were                           not                   a bette                rt has b                      h, when
         Howev erapy. Louisa py helped put
                                                                                                                                                                     mistake                  wrong,                  t thing                                            ia, Emm                    very, ‘A                     intbrus
                                                                                                                                                                                   g going                  the bes                                             Anorex                    er reco                   up a pa                    e t how
                                                                                                                                                                                in                ome of                                            tion                   going in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         w, I pic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    en I forg
                  h           thera                                                                                                                                                    takes. ‘S                 hically.
       is Arts T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           munica                to keep                        eling lo                 and wh
                                                                                                                                                                            ake mis                sp  hilosop                l  of com                                     , when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I am fe               a  pencil,
                                                                                                                                                                       to m               she say                    channe                   rt.                 me now                          pick up                       I smile.’
                                                                                                                                                                                 takes’,                   ating a                  ce of a                                             can’t, I                   gs, and
                                                                                                                                                                        my mis                   s by cre                  the pie                                             ry and                     paintin

                                                                                                                                                                                             ork                        d                         e  of                      c                         y
                                                                                                                                                                                    rapy w                     pist an                   ry mod                   want to                     ok at m

                                                                                                                                                                          Art The                     e thera                 e prima                                               me, I lo

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ouisa D
                                                                                                                                                                                            lient, th                mes th                     y hidde                  have co
                                                                                                                                                                                   n the c              edia be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  co                ccess a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              n                    far I

                                                                                                                                                                         betwee                e art m                    lps to a                 g
                                                                                                                                                                                      this, th                  cess he                ve  rcomin
                                                                                                                                                                                    h                 the pro               g and o
                                                                                                                                                                                              n, and               dressin
                                                                                                                                                                          comm     unicatio             e y to ad
                                                                                                                                                                                              re the k
                                                                                                                                                                                     s that a

                                                                                                                           rt Thera
                                                                                                             ip lines: A                a
                                                                                                   ain disc                   erapy is
                                                                                       three m                     , Art Th
                                                                          rapy are                    e finition                   n of a
                                                                rts The                     py. By d                      creatio
                                                      ea of A                 ic Thera                       with the                   nd
                                            tHe ar            py a   nd Mus               ycho   therapy                cons   cious a
10                                  witHin           a Thera                   ines ps                      art that                   red.                                                                                                                                                                                                              11
                                              Dram                         mb                  on of th
                                                                                                                            re explo
                                                                 that co
                                                      therapy                   th e creati                d fe  elings a             . She
                                             logical                 through                    ghts an                      herapy
                                      psycho             and it is                   us thou                      ed art t
                                                  f art,              un con
                                                                               scio                  xperien
                                                                                                                c                  rds and
                                          piece o                                         o has e                        sing wo
                                                                          per son wh                   kw   ithout u                isorder.
                                                               to one             d her t
                                                                                              o spea                       ating d
                                                    I spoke                  ble                           fro  m an e                 entity)
                                                                    t it ena                     covery                      t her id
                                                   told   me tha                er  in her re                  to   protec              Emma
                                                                     elped h                      hanged                      psom.
                                                    that  it has h                   s  been c                  ou   se in E                  Art
                                                                          ame ha                    ughta H                       scribed
                                                       Emm     a (her n                   y at Lo                       she de
                                                                    ed Art
                                                                              Therap                       xia, and                    n asked
                                                           access                               r Anore                      n.’ Whe
                                                                                at ment fo                   su  ffocatio               he said
                                                                     iving tre                    om my                       rently s
                                                        w as rece                 ein  g me fr                      el diffe                  r apy
                                                                       y as ‘fre                        er to fe                    art the
                                                            Therap                           elped h                     ge, and                     t,
                                                                            ow   it has h             , em   pty frid              g in  .’ In fac
                                                                 about h               ea    locked                 ut o  ne thin                 sn’t
                                                                           I felt lik                   r and p                        she wa
                                                                ‘Before              pen t    he doo                      u nd that                     t
                                                                         me to o                              mma fo                      uite a lo
                                                              helped                               y that E                     tually q
                                                                                   art   therap                   re  was ac                 s, a   way
                                                                        hrough                         t; ‘The                    motion
                                                             it was t                       though                       hose e                        lf.’
                                                                           pty   as she                 o re  lease t                rvin  g myse
                                                          quit  e so em                    d  a way t                min   g or sta              estion
                                                                              d I foun                    lve har                     r to qu
                                                             goin   g on an                    n’t invo                 for  ced he                 ional                            Fo r mo r
                                                                                   that did                  gently                      s emot                                                e      info r ma
                                                                                                  herapy                      c ess wa                                                                                ti
                                                                                   ma, Ar
                                                                                              tT                   the pro                       when it                                                               o n co nta
                                                                                                                                                                                  Art Ther
                                                                        For Em                         hough                                                                               apy, Dram                                    ct:
                                                                                        lly  and alt                  to  make p               ly locke
                                                                                                                                                            d                  available
                                                                                                                                                                                         from Surr a Therapy and M
                                                                            interna                      id start                    evious                                  01372 20              ey and B               usic Ther
                                                                   things                  ult , she d                   e  had pr                       h ich                         4113 for
                                                                                                                                                                                                general en
                                                                                                                                                                                                             orders N
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        HS Partn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     apy are
                                                                               ry diffic                      that sh                       tions, w                                                        quiries a             ership Tru
                                                                      and ve                        things                       se emo                                                                               nd detail              st:                                                             apy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         What other ar t ther :
                                                                                         g with                        kle tho                     ee from                              British A                               s about re
                                                                                       n                           ac                            fr                                                                                        ferral
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ve said
                                                                            o deali                     an to t                      uld be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           clients ha
                                                                  came t                                                    she co
                                                                                                                                                                                                            n of Art
                                                                                             ma beg             ee that
                                                                                                                                                          from                               T: 020 76                 Therapis
                                                                                 ay. Em                                                     overing
                                                                                                                                                                                                       86 E: info                 ts
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                                                                                        help   ed her                   ow   ork on                   th e hurt                    The Briti                                g                                                                        Art therapy has:
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Digging Yourself Out of a Hole: Gardening for Heart and Soul

  • 1. issue 09 Inner space for women’s Summer/autumn 2010 mental health & wellbeing (across Surrey and the south east) Digging yourself out of a hole gardening for heart and soul No clean knickers – let alone a toothbrush the indignity of being sectioned Painting yourself into the picture art therapy creates self knowledge
  • 2. g DepenDing on your political / social provided by frontline professionals like and the ugly, we also want to continue / economical viewpoint the envisaged counsellors and specialist mental health to bring you the good and positive in and planned developments in healthcare nurses. All they need to do is ‘skill up’. mental health and wellbeing. In this issue (being hailed as the biggest change in So, with such variance of views and we look at the benefits gardening and art the NHS since it began) could be the best predictions, here is a ‘call to arms’ to all therapy can have; how women and men or the worst time in history for mental our readers! from black and minority ethnic groups, are health. What will ‘Equity and Excellence; Whether you are someone with direct being supported to access mental health Liberating the NHS’ mean for mental experience of mental health services, services; we also cover the Personalisation health? Will it be a welcome sea change, as a patient, carer or member of staff, ‘agenda’ and what it can mean for bringing understanding that there is no or whether you come into contact with patients / service users wanting more health without mental health, sitting as mental health services as part of your work control about what they do in their lives. it should in public health, or will it be a e.g. local authority, voluntary sector etc, There’s a relaxation technique to help tsunami of utter chaos and devastation? we are asking you to keep a watching brief you – well – relax! And we hear two stories The view of which direction we are and be Sanctuary’s women – and men – from two women who both experienced heading in is fuzzy to say the least. Plaudits in the field. Report anything you think is being sectioned under the Mental Health abound in some areas of the mental getting better, or worse, as the changes Act. One experience led to helping others health field; deep mistrust and criticism start to hit where it hurts – or benefits - the in an acute psychiatric inpatient unit and circle in others. One thing we know for patient. Tell us your news, ideas, stories. the other to finding a voice for justice. certain: GPs will be commissioning a Together we can build a picture of mental Just looking at the wealth of experience, wide range of mental health services. health from where it matters – you – and knowledge and expertise among our Somewhat alarmingly though, and at use it to show politicians, commissioners contributors and readers who have their own admission, only 31% of GPs and providers how things really are – at contacted us, makes me think that GPs feel equipped to commission secondary the frontline of mental health. Contact need look no further: we can skill them up care services for mental health. But details below. in mental health matters… optimists suggest GPs are, nevertheless, Meanwhile, at Sanctuary, we know exactly Megan being provided with great opportunities which direction we’re headed. Whilst New website for developing practice-based services we are not afraid to highlight the bad 2 for mental wellbeing Editorial 3 Let’s Link, publishers of Sanctuary are launching a website that will provide news and information on mental health and wellbeing. Also included will be links to national and local Coming up on the website and in your local area: comment organisations plus details of events and consultations with Service user and carer monitoring senD your news anD information to megan aspeL, sanCtuary magazine, which you can get involved. Whilst its focus will be on Surrey of the Crisis helpline: in the next few Let’s Link, PO Box 533, Betchworth RH4 9FL. Text: 07824 364703. services and support, the range of information and support months you will be able to take part in a Email: for people who experience mental ill health and for those who survey to find out what patients/service care for them will be a resource for many in the south east. users and carers think about accessing You will be able to download issues of Sanctuary magazine, the mental health Crisis helpline in other mental health related publications, the latest national Surrey. There will be opportunities in and local health documents and in due course there will be various locations – CMHTs for instance a forum where you will be able to comment on local mental – to participate in the survey, a simple health services. questionnaire of around 8-10 questions, and online on the Let’s Link mental Setting up the website is underway but it takes time to have wellbeing website. Details will be everything in place. Please visit www.letslinkmentalwellbeing. posted on the website in due course. Sanctuary is free to everyone. Managing Editor: Megan Aspel com to see our progress and if you have any initial comments, Assistant Editor: Louisa Daniels please email us at Sanctuary is commissioned by NHS Surrey Design by Aspects: Printed by Reliant Colour Solutions: No part of this magazine may be reproduced without prior permission of the publishers. Copyright © Aspects 2010.
  • 3. No clean knickers –let alone a toothbrush Being aDmitteD to an acute “I had to ask for soap and stuff, and probably one of the swiftest ‘done psychiatric unit under section of the worse, sanitary wear – traipsing through deals’ I’ve ever known. In a matter of I went to a CPA (care plan) meeting – on my own, I didn’t mental Health act – especially for a ward full of men, going to the office, half an hour, the trust manager and I know I could have someone with me, and they told me I had the first time – can be a frightening requesting Tampax and going back had said we could joint fund a pilot! to go into hospital straight away. I felt alarmed and horrified. and traumatic experience; on top of through the ward clutching them – So began a partnership between a But they knew best I thought. I asked to go home and pack the traumatic experience of finding hardly dignified to say the least! patient, a charity and an NHS mental some things. They said no, I couldn’t do that. I said what yourself mentally unwell! and when Julia was able to transfer to a private health trust: ‘The Wellbeing & Dignity about if someone comes with me. No was the answer. So you arrive with nothing, just the clinic however, because of a health Partnership’ was born. they bundled me off to a secure psychiatric unit. I felt very clothes you stand up in, maybe insurance scheme.One major difference frightened and so alone. I was in total shock about being because you arrived in the back of stood out for Julia. When she went it gets better admitted, and to have nothing – no personal belongings – a police car, the entire experience to her room at the private clinic, it Funding was limited. What could made me feel even worse. It was three days before a relative can be an affront to your dignity and was like stepping into a hotel (with a be provided were ‘hotel style’ packs could bring anything in for me.” self worth. sanctuary’s editor, megan few exceptions!) and in the en-suite of essential toiletries – shampoo/ met a young woman who’s been bathroom was a beautiful box of toiletries conditioner/shower gel/dental kit Young woman at a Sanctuary women’s group 4 there, done that, wouldn’t mind the from the White Company. Everything etc – with simple, caring messages of 5 t-shirt (on the ward as a change of she needed for a few days or so. Sadly, hope, for everyone admitted over a 6 clothes!) but also, passionately, wants the NHS ward just didn’t compare. Items month period onto the wards at the something else… might have been available but not in Department of Psychiatry in Epsom. individual packs for each patient. A few months down the way of I first met Julia after she contacted But it was how that simple gesture of organising this though, came some good me to say how much she had enjoyed fresh smelling toiletries made Julia feel news. Let’s Link has been awarded a reading Sanctuary. So much so that she that was the real eye-opener. Comic Relief grant. This will enable us was keen to get involved in some way. “To have something – slightly to produce leaving hospital information We met. In a very short space of time pampering – and extremely ‘normal’ had a packs to complement the toiletries packs. we had gabbled our way (constructive profound effect,” Julia told me “Suddenly Work is now underway to get the pilot gabble!) through a myriad of subjects I felt I was being treated with respect – my up and running as soon as possible. and issues linked to mental health sense of dignity was intact again. And I The beauty of this project is that it will and wellbeing and other things totally thought, ‘I wish everyone admitted to a include people in the community who unrelated. I soon discovered that Julia mental health ward could have this’.” have ‘been there / done that’ as well. is full of ideas. But not just ideas: Julia Clients of the Joseph Palmer Centre will has a real ambition. Two very different Cutting the long story… help assemble the packs. So people in experiences of being hospitalized The work of my organisation Let’s hospital will have the added benefit of in a private and an NHS acute unit Link, publishers of Sanctuary magazine, knowing the toiletries packs were put highlighted a real need in Julia’s mind. echoed what Julia was saying; together by fellow sufferers / survivors: a She thought everyone admitted to everything we do is about promoting message of hope in itself. NHS units should have the quality of dignity, privacy and respect for people For Julia and everyone concerned it is experience she had received in the who suffer mental distress. an exciting project based on a gesture private unit. She explained: Together, we felt the time was right of kindness, respect, privacy and dignity: “I had arrived at a psychiatric unit after to really see if we could get something the simple gift with the big heart. Julia’s being compulsorily detained under going. Julia, along with Occupational next ‘Big Idea’ is to build a retreat in the Section of the Mental Health Act. I had Therapist (OT) Bryonie from the Joseph Peak District – and possibly Italy: form nothing but the clothes I stood up in. Palmer Centre in Molesey, Surrey set an orderly queue everyone! I was feeling very low anyway, as you up a meeting with one of Surrey & can imagine; being without personal Borders Partnership NHS Foundation belongings or a change of clothes made Trust’s (SaBPFT) key managers and See the article starting on page 16 for another me feel a lot, lot worse. myself from Let’s Link. I think it was woman’s experience of being sectioned.
  • 4. Sometimes it’s difficult to ground yourself. There is a way though, almost literally, by butterfly. ,’ said the participating in a little gardening. ‘Just livin g is n ot enough d a little flower.’ ine, freed om, an ndersen ave sunsh ans Christian A The Old Moat Horticultural Services in ‘On e must h H Epsom, Surrey helps people with mental health problems dig deep for recovery... Digging yourself All Ra hole my spa o Eme lp out f a hW hu de c rs rts al my an he n d gar al. Ga enta pre rde tiv den v nin e m o g i edi s a cin She kin e, g ryl d o oo , L f se d f on lf-p or a don res ll il cri ls. be d 6 trou Y 7 bles ou can dig bur y Aut ging in a lot o hor the f run By riCHmonD feLLowsHip, administrative work are all available to train Unk dirt. now The Old Moat is a garden centre with a and become expert in. n difference. Many of the people who work For the visitor, the Old Moat provides a there suffer mental ill health. It is a haven for wonderful array of all the plants and flowers anyone needing some calm, thoughtful, safe you need: shrubs, ornamental trees, roses and supported occupation. Achieving the from David Austin are all there. Up to 80% sowing, growing and maintenance of plants of the plants are grown in The Old Moat’s and flowers is satisfying in itself. What it own nursery, reducing plant miles, with does for lifting the spirit, boosting self worth bedding plants grown in biodegradable and taking away some of the pain of mental pots, showing further consideration for the ill health is immeasurable. environment. You will find a wide variety But the Old Moat isn’t just about recovery of vegetable and fruit plants and trees in and restitution. It is a not for profit, but stock, and if you don’t fancy growing your nonetheless commercial enterprise and own, you can buy seasonal, freshly picked offers training in the real world of garden produce from The Old Moat shop. centre work and management. Contract gardening, park maintenance, conservation Find out more about the training The Old work, stock growing, propagation, Moat offers. It’s a kind of down to earth vegetable and fruit production, retailing and thing to do! Contact The Old Moat to enquire about referrals or you can visit the garden centre anytime. The Old Moat Garden Centre, Horton Lane, Epsom KT19 8PQ. T. 01372 731971 (office) or 01372 731970 (retail); email: Visit the Richmond Fellowship website to learn more about our work
  • 5. Getting itthe BME for right community 8 Helping people from black and “The key issues that prevent engagement of black people with services and vice versa.” 9 minority ethnic backgrounds people from African/Caribbean communities – and from elsewhere such as Asian communities – accessing mental Social risk factors impede engagement with the right health and social care services as well. Poverty and homelessness (BME), particularly refugees, health services,” says Lorraine “are stigma, racism and lack of (many refugees seeking asylum for instance are living destitute to access mental health awareness and knowledge of mental ill health.” Whilst some of the issues reflect those experienced by a in the UK with no recourse to public funds); loneliness and isolation or contact with the criminal justice system all put services demands a special white community, such as stigma and even a lack of awareness people at risk. African Caribbean people for instance are more understanding of how mental around what happens to you when you receive mental health services, there is far less acceptance of the condition. Mental likely to be held under a section of the Mental Health Act. They are also over-represented in Special Hospitals, secure health is perceived in countries health simply doesn’t translate properly in other languages and attracts misconceptions of witchcraft and other negative institutions, medium secure units and prisons. For those who do get to see someone, there is hope and like Africa. Lorraine is a attitudes linked with tradition. Put simply, a mental health enlightenment. However, services don’t always get it right: community development worker problem translates as someone who has ‘lost it’. Mental illness is associated with shame and stigma and a fear of being there is evidence that BME patients are more likely to receive medication rather than be offered talking therapies. As who knows that building labelled, isolated or alienated by friends or family members. mentioned, compulsory admission to hospital is prevalent and relationships is the first step to In addition, it is seen as a sign of failure or something to be feared. And perhaps pertinently ‘madness’ is thought to be families and carers have difficulties accessing help. Lorraine and her colleagues believe the way forward is for supporting this community. She incurable, unlike our view that people can recover from mental ill health. It is not surprising then that language is the key better working relationships with faith leaders to promote inter-cultural understanding of race equality in mental health explained some of the issues to contributing factor to misdiagnosis. and better involvement of communities in the planning and Sanctuary... Lorraine also sees a circle of fear surrounding mental health. “If you combine the different layers of fear – fear of mental implementation of services from the outset. In this way people will begin to benefit in a very real way illness and fear of mental health services, you witness a vicious from being supported and cared for, and respected for their circle,” she explains “A circle that impacts negatively on the culture and race rather than misunderstood and abandoned. Contact the team: Lorraine yates – CDw, african/Caribbean, refugee & asylum seekers; 01483 459292, ext. 214 Charmaine Valler – CDw, gypsies & travellers; 01483 459292, ext. 235 kate Johnson – CDw, asian, Chinese & nepalese; 01483 459292, ext. 203
  • 6. of Art mes, ciation nable a est of ti t. It Britis h Asso is ‘to e t the b to the herapy h ing rt T throug ssible a st too difficul er. al level Accord im of A ggles. main a person r impo tru nt’. ing s AT) the wth on a ironme u t n be nea is sometimes j us feel any bet re ed dur ists (BA nd gro ing env ddress Therap ange a facilitat her otion s ca rds ake the co vered a nd a n ism. In a client to effec t ch in a safe and sit ive cha nges to uld lising em e feel into wo lp, let alone m be the answer, m art ma dis erfectio aterials ade po she wo that Em aring p ade a of art m y has m ws that Ve rba ww r aspect sense o f overbe hat wh e n she m t he use Art Therap for art s he kno ot cure d from ’t he not ho Anothe a said t of sked if tting ho e talking won therapies may someone for w herself. as her feeling When a wasn’t she is n r erapy w ay, Emm to the that if it lthough elps he pu lik g to ith her th and qu iet w t more used hat it w as ok , Emma says now, an da life and art h life for can feel er, when talkin Daniels spoke her in touch w ernal go y, t life e is er very int slowly raduall ated b y ell as sh unders tands h way of in her art she lised, g cre be as w r ec ome a I and rea s were not a bette rt has b h, when Howev erapy. Louisa py helped put mistake wrong, t thing ia, Emm very, ‘A intbrus g going the bes Anorex er reco up a pa e t how someth in ome of tion going in h w, I pic k en I forg h thera takes. ‘S hically. is Arts T munica to keep eling lo and wh ake mis sp hilosop l of com , when I am fe a pencil, to m she say channe rt. me now pick up I smile.’ takes’, ating a ce of a can’t, I gs, and my mis s by cre the pie ry and paintin niels ork d e of c y rapy w pist an ry mod want to ok at m a Art The e thera e prima me, I lo ouisa D n lient, th mes th y hidde have co n the c edia be co ccess a n far I L betwee e art m lps to a g this, th cess he ve rcomin Throug h the pro g and o n, and dressin comm unicatio e y to ad re the k s that a feeling py, rt Thera ip lines: A a ain disc erapy is three m , Art Th rapy are e finition n of a rts The py. By d creatio ea of A ic Thera with the nd tHe ar py a nd Mus ycho therapy cons cious a 10 witHin a Thera ines ps art that red. 11 Dram mb on of th e re explo that co therapy th e creati d fe elings a . She logical through ghts an herapy psycho and it is us thou ed art t f art, un con scio xperien c rds and piece o o has e sing wo per son wh kw ithout u isorder. to one d her t o spea ating d I spoke ble fro m an e entity) t it ena covery t her id told me tha er in her re to protec Emma elped h hanged psom. that it has h s been c ou se in E Art ame ha ughta H scribed Emm a (her n y at Lo she de ed Art Therap xia, and n asked access r Anore n.’ Whe at ment fo su ffocatio he said , iving tre om my rently s w as rece ein g me fr el diffe r apy y as ‘fre er to fe art the Therap elped h ge, and t, ow it has h , em pty frid g in .’ In fac about h ea locked ut o ne thin sn’t I felt lik r and p she wa ‘Before pen t he doo u nd that t me to o mma fo uite a lo helped y that E tually q art therap re was ac s, a way hrough t; ‘The motion it was t though hose e lf.’ pty as she o re lease t rvin g myse quit e so em d a way t min g or sta estion d I foun lve har r to qu goin g on an n’t invo for ced he ional Fo r mo r that did gently s emot e info r ma herapy c ess wa ti ma, Ar tT the pro when it o n co nta rogress Art Ther For Em hough apy, Dram ct: lly and alt to make p ly locke d available from Surr a Therapy and M interna id start evious 01372 20 ey and B usic Ther things ult , she d e had pr h ich 4113 for general en orders N HS Partn apy are ry diffic that sh tions, w quiries a ership Tru and ve things se emo nd detail st: apy What other ar t ther : g with kle tho ee from British A s about re n ac fr ferral ve said o deali an to t uld be ssociatio clients ha came t she co n of Art ma beg ee that from T: 020 76 Therapis ay. Em overing 86 E: info ts aw to s rec @baat.or help ed her ow ork on th e hurt The Briti g Art therapy has: order t sh Associ in turn r from ation of recove T: 01242 that in had to inside her. 235 515 Dramath l when times were des perate ia and E: enquir erapists “kept me out of hospita Anorex isorder she s bottled up Associati ies@badth and helped me move on” ing d that wa on of Pro the eat T: 020 78 37 6100 fessiona l Music T hard to verbalise” E: APMT herapists h the issues that are office@aol .com “helped me to deal wit e stayed would otherwise hav things inside me which “helped me express myself and my life situ ation and insights into suppressed. I’ve gained n’t know were inside me” highlighted issues I did mirror (my work) became a face my feelings ….. “helped me learn to It has helped me face reality” image of my feelings.