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Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus
Student ID: P66067055
Course: Digital Photogrammetry
Collinearity Equations
1. The collinearity equations are equations that express the condition in which the exposure
station of a photograph, any object point, and it is photo image all lie along a straight line
in three-dimensional space. The equations expressing this condition are called the
Collinearity Condition Equations. They are perhaps the most useful of all equations to the
photogrammetry. The collinearity condition is illustrated in Figure 1, where 𝐿, π‘Ž, and 𝐴 lie
along a straight line. Two equationsexpressthe collinearityconditionforanypointona photo:
one equation for the π‘₯ photo coordinate and another for the 𝑦 photo coordinate.
Figure 1. Collinearity condition
The collinearity equations are:
π‘₯ π‘Ž = π‘₯0 βˆ’ 𝑓 [
π‘š11( 𝑋𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š12( π‘Œπ΄ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š13( 𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿)
π‘š31 ( 𝑋𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š32( π‘Œπ΄ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š33( 𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿 )
𝑦 π‘Ž = 𝑦0 βˆ’ 𝑓 [
π‘š21( 𝑋𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š22( π‘Œπ΄ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š23 ( 𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿 )
π‘š31 ( 𝑋𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š32( π‘Œπ΄ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š33( 𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿)
where [ π‘₯ π‘Ž , 𝑦 π‘Ž] = image coordinates of point a, [ π‘₯0 , 𝑦0 ] = coordinates of the principal point,
𝑓 = camera focal length, [ 𝑋𝐴 , π‘Œπ΄ , 𝑍𝐴]= object coordinates of point A, and π‘š 𝑖𝑗 = elements of
the rotation matrix M which is 3x3.
In a simplified development of the equations for the two-dimensional projective
transformation, an 𝑋′
coordinate systemis adopted which is parallel to the π‘‹π‘Œπ‘ system
and has it is origin at 𝐿. The π‘₯β€²
coordinatesof anypoint,suchas 𝑝 of Fig.2, can be expressed
in terms of 𝑋′
coordinates as follows:
π‘₯ 𝑝
= π‘š11 𝑋 𝑝
+ π‘š12 π‘Œπ‘
+ π‘š13 𝑍 𝑝
𝑦 𝑝
= π‘š21 𝑋 𝑝
+ π‘š22 π‘Œπ‘
+ π‘š23 𝑍 𝑝
Eq. 1
Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus
Student ID: P66067055
Course: Digital Photogrammetry
𝑧 𝑝
= π‘š31 𝑋 𝑝
+ π‘š32 π‘Œπ‘
+ π‘š33 𝑍 𝑝
Figure 2. Geometry of two-dimensional projective transformation
Figure 3. Parallel relationships between 𝑋′
and π‘‹π‘Œπ‘ planes in two-dimensional
projective transformation
Consider figure 3, which shows the parallel relationships between the 𝑋′
and π‘‹π‘Œπ‘
planes after rotation. From similar triangles of figure 2,
𝑋 𝑝
𝑋 𝑝 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿
βˆ’π‘ 𝑝
From which
𝑋 𝑝
βˆ’π‘ 𝑝
(𝑋 𝑝 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) (a)
Again from similar triangles of figure 2.
Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus
Student ID: P66067055
Course: Digital Photogrammetry
π‘Œπ‘ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ
βˆ’π‘ 𝑝
From which
βˆ’π‘ 𝑝
(π‘Œπ‘ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) (b)
Also, intuitively the following equation may be written:
𝑍 𝑝
βˆ’π‘ 𝑝
(𝑍 𝐿) (c)
Substituting Eqs. (a), (b), and (c) into Eq. 1 gives
π‘₯ 𝑝
= π‘š11
βˆ’π‘ 𝑝
(𝑋 𝑝 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š12
βˆ’π‘ 𝑝
(π‘Œπ‘ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ ) + π‘š13
βˆ’π‘ 𝑝
(𝑍 𝐿)
𝑦 𝑝
= π‘š21
βˆ’π‘ 𝑝
(𝑋 𝑝 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š22
βˆ’π‘ 𝑝
(π‘Œπ‘ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š23
βˆ’π‘ 𝑝
(𝑍 𝐿) Eq. 2
𝑧 𝑝
= π‘š31
βˆ’π‘ 𝑝
(𝑋 𝑝 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š32
βˆ’π‘ 𝑝
(π‘Œπ‘ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š33
βˆ’π‘ 𝑝
(𝑍 𝐿)
Factoring Eq. 2 gives
π‘₯ 𝑝
βˆ’π‘ 𝑝
[ π‘š11( 𝑋 𝑃 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š12( π‘Œπ‘ƒ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š13(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿)] (d)
𝑦 𝑝
βˆ’π‘ 𝑝
[ π‘š21( 𝑋 𝑃 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š22 ( π‘Œπ‘ƒ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š23(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿)] (e)
𝑧 𝑝
βˆ’π‘ 𝑝
[ π‘š31 ( 𝑋 𝑃 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š32( π‘Œπ‘ƒ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ ) + π‘š33(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿)] (f)
Dividing Eqs. (d) and (e) by Eqs. (f) yields
π‘₯ 𝑝
𝑧 𝑝
β€² =
π‘š11( 𝑋 π‘ƒβˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿)+ π‘š12( π‘Œ π‘ƒβˆ’ π‘Œ 𝐿 )+ π‘š13(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿)
π‘š31 ( 𝑋 π‘ƒβˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿)+ π‘š32( π‘Œ π‘ƒβˆ’ π‘Œ 𝐿)+ π‘š33(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿)
𝑦 𝑝
𝑧 𝑝
β€² =
π‘š21( 𝑋 π‘ƒβˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿)+ π‘š22( π‘Œ π‘ƒβˆ’ π‘Œ 𝐿)+ π‘š23(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿)
π‘š31 ( 𝑋 π‘ƒβˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿)+ π‘š32( π‘Œ π‘ƒβˆ’ π‘Œ 𝐿)+ π‘š33(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿 )
Referring to Fig. 2, it can be seen that the x'y' coordinates are offset from the fiducial
coordinates xy by x, and 𝑦0. Furthermore, for a photograph, the z coordinates are equal to
-f. The following equations provide for these relationships:
π‘₯ 𝑝 = π‘₯ 𝑝
+ π‘₯0 (i)
𝑦 𝑝 = 𝑦 𝑝
+ 𝑦0 (j)
𝑧 𝑝 = βˆ’π‘“ (k)
Substituting Eqs. (i), (j), and (k) into Eqs. ( g ) and (h) and rearranging gives
π‘₯ 𝑝 = π‘₯0 βˆ’ 𝑓[
π‘š11( 𝑋 𝑃 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š12( π‘Œπ‘ƒ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š13(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿)
π‘š31 ( 𝑋 𝑃 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š32 ( π‘Œπ‘ƒ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š33(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿)
Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus
Student ID: P66067055
Course: Digital Photogrammetry
𝑦 𝑝 = 𝑦0 βˆ’ 𝑓 [
π‘š21( 𝑋 𝑃 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š22 ( π‘Œπ‘ƒ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š23(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿)
π‘š31 ( 𝑋 𝑃 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š32( π‘Œπ‘ƒ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š33(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿)
2. Kinds of product that can be derived by the collinearity equation
- Space Resection By Collinearity
- Space Intersection By Collinearity
- Interior Orientation
- Relative Orientation
- Absolute Orientation
- Self-Calibration
3. Detail explanation about the equations (unknowns & knows) and their production
- Space Resection By Collinearity
Space resection in photogrammetry is the process of determining the six exterior
orientation parameters of a single tilted photo based on photographic measurements
of object (control) points whose XYZ ground coordinates are known. Than the
linearized forms of the space resection collinearity equations for a point A are
𝑏11 π‘‘πœ” + 𝑏12 π‘‘πœƒ + 𝑏13 𝑑𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑏14 𝑑𝑋 𝐿 βˆ’ 𝑏15 π‘‘π‘ŒπΏ βˆ’ 𝑏16 𝑑𝑍 𝐿 = 𝐽 + 𝑉π‘₯π‘Ž
𝑏21 π‘‘πœ” + 𝑏22 π‘‘πœƒ + 𝑏23 𝑑𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑏24 𝑑𝑋 𝐿 βˆ’ 𝑏25 π‘‘π‘ŒπΏ βˆ’ 𝑏26 𝑑𝑍 𝐿 = 𝐾 + π‘‰π‘¦π‘Ž
Figure 2. Geometry of space resection using collinearity condition
Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus
Student ID: P66067055
Course: Digital Photogrammetry
Production workflow
The Rotation
Initial Approximations
Ground Control
The Linearized
Observation Equations
Add corrections
Six Elements of Exterior
A near-vertical aerial photograph taken with focal- length camera contains images of
four ground control points 𝐴 through 𝐷. Refined photo coordinates and ground
control coordinates (in a local vertical system). Calculate the exterior orientation
parameters 𝑀, βˆ…, π‘˜, 𝑋 𝐿, π‘ŒπΏ and 𝑍 𝐿 for this photograph.
a. Determine initial approximations
a) Set πœ” = 00 and βˆ… = 00.
b) Use the method Pythagorean theorem, based on points A and B, to compute
𝐴𝐡 = √( 𝑋 𝐡 βˆ’ 𝑋𝐴)2 + ( π‘Œπ΅ βˆ’ π‘Œπ΄ )2
c) Compute ground coordinates from an assumed vertical photo for every point.
𝑋𝐴 = π‘₯ π‘Ž (
𝐻 βˆ’ β„Ž 𝐴
π‘Œπ΄ = 𝑦 π‘Ž (
𝐻 βˆ’ β„Ž 𝐴
d) Compute two-dimensional conformal coordinate transformation parameters
by a least squares solution using all control points, and use the results for
assigning initial approximations.
π‘Ž, 𝑏, 𝑇𝑋, π‘‡π‘Œ, π‘˜
𝑋𝐴 = π‘Žπ‘₯ π‘Ž βˆ’ 𝑏𝑦 π‘Ž + 𝑇𝑋
π‘Œπ΄ = π‘Žπ‘₯ π‘Ž βˆ’ 𝑏𝑦 π‘Ž + π‘‡π‘Œ
π‘˜ = πœƒ = π‘‘π‘Žπ‘›βˆ’1
Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus
Student ID: P66067055
Course: Digital Photogrammetry
b. Form the rotation matrix
𝑀 = [
π‘š11 π‘š12 π‘š13
π‘š21 π‘š22 π‘š23
π‘š31 π‘š32 π‘š33
π‘š11 = cosβˆ…cos π‘˜
π‘š12 = sin Ο‰ sin βˆ… cosπ‘˜ + cos Ο‰ sin π‘˜
π‘š13 = βˆ’cos Ο‰ sinβˆ… cos π‘˜ + sin πœ” sin π‘˜
π‘š21 = βˆ’ cosβˆ…sin π‘˜
π‘š22 = βˆ’sin Ο‰ sin βˆ… sin k + cosπœ” cos π‘˜
π‘š23 = cos πœ” sin βˆ…sin π‘˜ + sin πœ” cos π‘˜
π‘š31 = sin βˆ…
π‘š32 = βˆ’sin Ο‰ cosβˆ…
π‘š33 = cos πœ” cosβˆ…
c. Form the linearized observation equations. Note that a pair of these equations is
formed for each control point, and thus a total of eight equations results. These
can be represented in matrix form as
π΅βˆ†= πœ€ + 𝑉
𝐡 =
𝑏11 π‘Ž
𝑏12 π‘Ž
𝑏13 π‘Ž
𝑏21 π‘Ž
𝑏22 π‘Ž
𝑏23 π‘Ž
𝑏11 𝑏
𝑏12 𝑏
𝑏13 𝑏
𝑏21 𝑏
𝑏22 𝑏
𝑏23 𝑏
𝑏11 𝑐
𝑏12 𝑐
𝑏13 𝑐
𝑏21 𝑐
𝑏22 𝑐
𝑏23 𝑐
𝑏11 𝑑
𝑏12 𝑑
𝑏13 𝑑
𝑏21 𝑑
𝑏22 𝑑
𝑏23 𝑑
βˆ’π‘14 π‘Ž
βˆ’π‘15 π‘Ž
βˆ’π‘16 π‘Ž
βˆ’π‘24 π‘Ž
βˆ’π‘25 π‘Ž
βˆ’π‘26 π‘Ž
βˆ’π‘14 𝑏
βˆ’π‘15 𝑏
βˆ’π‘16 𝑏
βˆ’π‘24 𝑏
βˆ’π‘25 𝑏
βˆ’π‘26 𝑏
βˆ’π‘14 𝑐
βˆ’π‘15 𝑐
βˆ’π‘16 𝑐
βˆ’π‘24 𝑐
βˆ’π‘25 𝑐
βˆ’π‘26 𝑐
βˆ’π‘14 𝑑
βˆ’π‘15 𝑑
βˆ’π‘16 𝑑
βˆ’π‘24 𝑑
βˆ’π‘25 𝑑
βˆ’π‘26 𝑑
𝑑𝑋 𝐿
𝑑𝑍 𝐿]
πœ€ =
𝐽 𝑑
𝑉 =
𝑉π‘₯ π‘Ž
𝑉𝑦 π‘Ž
𝑉π‘₯ 𝑏
𝑉𝑦 𝑏
𝑉π‘₯ 𝑐
𝑉π‘₯ 𝑑
𝑉𝑦 𝑑
Calculation of the coefficients corresponding to point A is shown as an example.
Compute r, s, and q terms for point A.
π‘Ÿ = π‘š11( 𝑋𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š12( π‘Œπ΄ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ ) + π‘š13( 𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿 )
𝑠 = π‘š21( 𝑋𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š22( π‘Œπ΄ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ ) + π‘š23( 𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿)
π‘ž = π‘š31 ( 𝑋𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š32( π‘Œπ΄ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š33 ( 𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿)
Compute linearized collinearity equation for point A
𝑏11 =
[ π‘Ÿ (βˆ’π‘š33βˆ†π‘Œ + π‘š32βˆ†π‘) βˆ’ π‘ž(βˆ’π‘š13βˆ†π‘Œ + π‘š12βˆ†π‘)]
𝑏12 =
[ π‘Ÿ (cosβˆ… βˆ†π‘‹ + sin πœ” sin βˆ… βˆ†Y βˆ’ cos πœ” sin βˆ… βˆ†π‘) βˆ’ π‘ž(βˆ’sin βˆ… cos π‘˜ βˆ†π‘‹ +
sin πœ” cosβˆ…cos π‘˜ βˆ†π‘Œβˆ’ cos πœ” cosβˆ…cos π‘˜ βˆ†π‘)]
𝑏13 =
( π‘š21βˆ†π‘‹ + π‘š22βˆ†π‘Œ + π‘š23βˆ†π‘)
𝑏14 =
( π‘Ÿπ‘š31 βˆ’ π‘žπ‘š11)
Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus
Student ID: P66067055
Course: Digital Photogrammetry
𝑏15 =
( π‘Ÿπ‘š32 βˆ’ π‘žπ‘š12)
𝑏16 =
( π‘Ÿπ‘š33 βˆ’ π‘žπ‘š13)
𝑏21 =
[ 𝑠 (βˆ’π‘š33βˆ†π‘Œ+ π‘š32βˆ†π‘) βˆ’ π‘ž(βˆ’π‘š23βˆ†π‘Œ + π‘š22βˆ†π‘)]
𝑏22 =
[ 𝑠 (cosβˆ… βˆ†π‘‹ + sin πœ” sinβˆ… βˆ†Y βˆ’ cos πœ” sin βˆ… βˆ†π‘) βˆ’ π‘ž(βˆ’sin βˆ… cos π‘˜ βˆ†π‘‹ +
sin πœ” cosβˆ…cos π‘˜ βˆ†π‘Œβˆ’ cos πœ” cosβˆ…cos π‘˜ βˆ†π‘)]
𝑏23 =
( π‘š11βˆ†π‘‹ + π‘š12βˆ†π‘Œ + π‘š13βˆ†π‘)
𝑏24 =
( π‘ π‘š31 βˆ’ π‘žπ‘š21)
𝑏25 =
( π‘ π‘š32 βˆ’ π‘žπ‘š22)
𝑏16 =
( π‘ π‘š33 βˆ’ π‘žπ‘š23)
𝐽 = π‘₯ π‘Ž βˆ’ π‘₯0 + 𝑓
𝐾 = 𝑦 π‘Ž βˆ’ 𝑦0 + 𝑓
Remaining coefficients, corresponding to points B, C, and D, are calculated in a similar
d. Form and solve normal equations, where βˆ†, 𝐡, and πœ€ have been substituted for 𝑋,
π‘Œ, and 𝐿, respectively. The solution is
βˆ†= ( 𝐡 𝑇
𝐡)βˆ’1( 𝐡 𝑇
e. Add corrections. (Note: Angle corrections are in radians.)
πœ” = 00
+ 𝑑𝑀 (
βˆ… = 00
+ π‘‘βˆ… (
π‘˜ = πœƒ + π‘‘π‘˜
𝑋 𝐿 = 𝑇𝑋 + 𝑑𝑋 𝐿
π‘ŒπΏ = π‘‡π‘Œ + π‘‘π‘ŒπΏ
𝑍 𝐿 = 𝑇𝑍 + 𝑑𝑍 𝐿
f. Second iteration: Repeat step b, using updated approximations
- Space Intersection By Collinearity
In space intersection, two photos (in a stereo pair) with known exterior orientation
parameters are used to determine the spatial position of any object point in the
overlap area since the two rays to the same object point from the two photos must
intersect at the point.
The procedure is known as space intersection, so called because corresponding rays
to the same object point from the two photo must intersect at the point. To calculate
Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus
Student ID: P66067055
Course: Digital Photogrammetry
the coordinates of points A by space intersection, collinearity equations of the
linearized. Note, however, that since the six elements of exterior orientation are
known, the only remaining unknown in these equations are 𝑑𝑋𝐴, π‘‘π‘Œπ΄, 𝑑𝑍𝐴. These are
corrections to be applied to initial approximations for object space coordinates
𝑋𝐴, π‘Œπ΄ , 𝑍𝐴 respectively, for ground point A. The linearized forms of the space
intersection equations for point A are
𝑏14 𝑑𝑋𝐴 + 𝑏15 π‘‘π‘Œπ΄ + 𝑏16 𝑑𝑍𝐴 = 𝐽 + 𝑉π‘₯π‘Ž
𝑏24 𝑑𝑋𝐴 + 𝑏25 π‘‘π‘Œπ΄ + 𝑏26 𝑑𝑍𝐴 = 𝐽 + π‘‰π‘¦π‘Ž
Figure 3. Space intersection with a stereopair of aerial photos
- Self-Calibration
Self-calibration is a computational process wherein calibration parameters are
included in the photogrammetric solution, generally in a combined interior-relative-
absolute orientation. The process uses collinearity equations that have been
augmented with additional terms to account for adjustment of the calibrated focal
length, principal-point offsets, and symmetric radial and decentering lens distortion.
The common form of the augmented collinearity equations is given as
π‘₯ π‘Ž = π‘₯0 βˆ’ π‘₯Μ… π‘Ž( π‘˜1 π‘Ÿπ‘Ž
+ π‘˜2 π‘Ÿπ‘Ž
+ π‘˜3 π‘Ÿπ‘Ž
6) βˆ’ (1 + 𝑝3
2)[ 𝑝1(3π‘₯Μ… π‘Ž
+ 𝑦̅ π‘Ž
2) + 2𝑝2 π‘₯Μ… π‘Ž 𝑦̅ π‘Ž] βˆ’ 𝑓
𝑦 π‘Ž = 𝑦0 βˆ’ 𝑦̅ π‘Ž( π‘˜1 π‘Ÿπ‘Ž
+ π‘˜2 π‘Ÿπ‘Ž
+ π‘˜3 π‘Ÿπ‘Ž
6) βˆ’ (1 + 𝑝3
2)[2𝑝1 π‘₯Μ… π‘Ž 𝑦̅ π‘Ž + 𝑝2( π‘₯Μ… π‘Ž
+ 3𝑦̅̅̅̅ π‘Ž
2)] βˆ’ 𝑓
π‘₯ π‘Ž, 𝑦 π‘Ž = measured photo coordinates related to fiducials
π‘₯0, 𝑦0 = coordinates of the principal point
π‘₯Μ… π‘Ž = π‘₯ π‘Ž βˆ’ π‘₯0
Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus
Student ID: P66067055
Course: Digital Photogrammetry
𝑦̅ π‘Ž = 𝑦 π‘Ž βˆ’ 𝑦0
= π‘₯Μ… π‘Ž
+ 𝑦̅ π‘Ž
π‘˜1, π‘˜2, π‘˜3 = symmetric radial lens distortioncoefficients
𝑝1, 𝑝2, 𝑝3 = decentering distortion coefficients
𝑓 = calibrated focal length
π‘Ÿ, 𝑠, π‘ž = collinearity equation terms

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Collinearity Equations

  • 1. Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus Student ID: P66067055 Course: Digital Photogrammetry Collinearity Equations 1. The collinearity equations are equations that express the condition in which the exposure station of a photograph, any object point, and it is photo image all lie along a straight line in three-dimensional space. The equations expressing this condition are called the Collinearity Condition Equations. They are perhaps the most useful of all equations to the photogrammetry. The collinearity condition is illustrated in Figure 1, where 𝐿, π‘Ž, and 𝐴 lie along a straight line. Two equationsexpressthe collinearityconditionforanypointona photo: one equation for the π‘₯ photo coordinate and another for the 𝑦 photo coordinate. Figure 1. Collinearity condition The collinearity equations are: π‘₯ π‘Ž = π‘₯0 βˆ’ 𝑓 [ π‘š11( 𝑋𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š12( π‘Œπ΄ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š13( 𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿) π‘š31 ( 𝑋𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š32( π‘Œπ΄ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š33( 𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿 ) ] 𝑦 π‘Ž = 𝑦0 βˆ’ 𝑓 [ π‘š21( 𝑋𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š22( π‘Œπ΄ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š23 ( 𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿 ) π‘š31 ( 𝑋𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š32( π‘Œπ΄ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š33( 𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿) ] where [ π‘₯ π‘Ž , 𝑦 π‘Ž] = image coordinates of point a, [ π‘₯0 , 𝑦0 ] = coordinates of the principal point, 𝑓 = camera focal length, [ 𝑋𝐴 , π‘Œπ΄ , 𝑍𝐴]= object coordinates of point A, and π‘š 𝑖𝑗 = elements of the rotation matrix M which is 3x3. In a simplified development of the equations for the two-dimensional projective transformation, an 𝑋′ π‘Œβ€² 𝑍′ coordinate systemis adopted which is parallel to the π‘‹π‘Œπ‘ system and has it is origin at 𝐿. The π‘₯β€² 𝑦′ 𝑧′ coordinatesof anypoint,suchas 𝑝 of Fig.2, can be expressed in terms of 𝑋′ π‘Œβ€² 𝑍′ coordinates as follows: π‘₯ 𝑝 β€² = π‘š11 𝑋 𝑝 β€² + π‘š12 π‘Œπ‘ β€² + π‘š13 𝑍 𝑝 β€² 𝑦 𝑝 β€² = π‘š21 𝑋 𝑝 β€² + π‘š22 π‘Œπ‘ β€² + π‘š23 𝑍 𝑝 β€² Eq. 1
  • 2. Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus Student ID: P66067055 Course: Digital Photogrammetry 𝑧 𝑝 β€² = π‘š31 𝑋 𝑝 β€² + π‘š32 π‘Œπ‘ β€² + π‘š33 𝑍 𝑝 β€² Figure 2. Geometry of two-dimensional projective transformation Figure 3. Parallel relationships between 𝑋′ π‘Œβ€² 𝑍′ and π‘‹π‘Œπ‘ planes in two-dimensional projective transformation Consider figure 3, which shows the parallel relationships between the 𝑋′ π‘Œβ€² 𝑍′ and π‘‹π‘Œπ‘ planes after rotation. From similar triangles of figure 2, 𝑋 𝑝 β€² 𝑋 𝑝 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿 = βˆ’π‘ 𝑝 β€² 𝑍 𝐿 From which 𝑋 𝑝 β€² = βˆ’π‘ 𝑝 β€² 𝑍 𝐿 (𝑋 𝑝 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) (a) Again from similar triangles of figure 2.
  • 3. Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus Student ID: P66067055 Course: Digital Photogrammetry π‘Œπ‘ β€² π‘Œπ‘ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ = βˆ’π‘ 𝑝 β€² 𝑍 𝐿 From which π‘Œπ‘ β€² = βˆ’π‘ 𝑝 β€² 𝑍 𝐿 (π‘Œπ‘ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) (b) Also, intuitively the following equation may be written: 𝑍 𝑝 β€² = βˆ’π‘ 𝑝 β€² 𝑍 𝐿 (𝑍 𝐿) (c) Substituting Eqs. (a), (b), and (c) into Eq. 1 gives π‘₯ 𝑝 β€² = π‘š11 βˆ’π‘ 𝑝 β€² 𝑍 𝐿 (𝑋 𝑝 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š12 βˆ’π‘ 𝑝 β€² 𝑍 𝐿 (π‘Œπ‘ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ ) + π‘š13 βˆ’π‘ 𝑝 β€² 𝑍 𝐿 (𝑍 𝐿) 𝑦 𝑝 β€² = π‘š21 βˆ’π‘ 𝑝 β€² 𝑍 𝐿 (𝑋 𝑝 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š22 βˆ’π‘ 𝑝 β€² 𝑍 𝐿 (π‘Œπ‘ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š23 βˆ’π‘ 𝑝 β€² 𝑍 𝐿 (𝑍 𝐿) Eq. 2 𝑧 𝑝 β€² = π‘š31 βˆ’π‘ 𝑝 β€² 𝑍 𝐿 (𝑋 𝑝 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š32 βˆ’π‘ 𝑝 β€² 𝑍 𝐿 (π‘Œπ‘ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š33 βˆ’π‘ 𝑝 β€² 𝑍 𝐿 (𝑍 𝐿) Factoring Eq. 2 gives π‘₯ 𝑝 β€² = βˆ’π‘ 𝑝 β€² 𝑍 𝐿 [ π‘š11( 𝑋 𝑃 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š12( π‘Œπ‘ƒ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š13(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿)] (d) 𝑦 𝑝 β€² = βˆ’π‘ 𝑝 β€² 𝑍 𝐿 [ π‘š21( 𝑋 𝑃 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š22 ( π‘Œπ‘ƒ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š23(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿)] (e) 𝑧 𝑝 β€² = βˆ’π‘ 𝑝 β€² 𝑍 𝐿 [ π‘š31 ( 𝑋 𝑃 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š32( π‘Œπ‘ƒ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ ) + π‘š33(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿)] (f) Dividing Eqs. (d) and (e) by Eqs. (f) yields π‘₯ 𝑝 β€² 𝑧 𝑝 β€² = π‘š11( 𝑋 π‘ƒβˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿)+ π‘š12( π‘Œ π‘ƒβˆ’ π‘Œ 𝐿 )+ π‘š13(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿) π‘š31 ( 𝑋 π‘ƒβˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿)+ π‘š32( π‘Œ π‘ƒβˆ’ π‘Œ 𝐿)+ π‘š33(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿) (g) 𝑦 𝑝 β€² 𝑧 𝑝 β€² = π‘š21( 𝑋 π‘ƒβˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿)+ π‘š22( π‘Œ π‘ƒβˆ’ π‘Œ 𝐿)+ π‘š23(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿) π‘š31 ( 𝑋 π‘ƒβˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿)+ π‘š32( π‘Œ π‘ƒβˆ’ π‘Œ 𝐿)+ π‘š33(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿 ) (h) Referring to Fig. 2, it can be seen that the x'y' coordinates are offset from the fiducial coordinates xy by x, and 𝑦0. Furthermore, for a photograph, the z coordinates are equal to -f. The following equations provide for these relationships: π‘₯ 𝑝 = π‘₯ 𝑝 β€² + π‘₯0 (i) 𝑦 𝑝 = 𝑦 𝑝 β€² + 𝑦0 (j) 𝑧 𝑝 = βˆ’π‘“ (k) Substituting Eqs. (i), (j), and (k) into Eqs. ( g ) and (h) and rearranging gives π‘₯ 𝑝 = π‘₯0 βˆ’ 𝑓[ π‘š11( 𝑋 𝑃 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š12( π‘Œπ‘ƒ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š13(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿) π‘š31 ( 𝑋 𝑃 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š32 ( π‘Œπ‘ƒ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š33(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿) ]
  • 4. Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus Student ID: P66067055 Course: Digital Photogrammetry 𝑦 𝑝 = 𝑦0 βˆ’ 𝑓 [ π‘š21( 𝑋 𝑃 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š22 ( π‘Œπ‘ƒ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š23(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿) π‘š31 ( 𝑋 𝑃 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š32( π‘Œπ‘ƒ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š33(βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿) ] 2. Kinds of product that can be derived by the collinearity equation - Space Resection By Collinearity - Space Intersection By Collinearity - Interior Orientation - Relative Orientation - Absolute Orientation - Self-Calibration 3. Detail explanation about the equations (unknowns & knows) and their production workflow - Space Resection By Collinearity Space resection in photogrammetry is the process of determining the six exterior orientation parameters of a single tilted photo based on photographic measurements of object (control) points whose XYZ ground coordinates are known. Than the linearized forms of the space resection collinearity equations for a point A are 𝑏11 π‘‘πœ” + 𝑏12 π‘‘πœƒ + 𝑏13 𝑑𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑏14 𝑑𝑋 𝐿 βˆ’ 𝑏15 π‘‘π‘ŒπΏ βˆ’ 𝑏16 𝑑𝑍 𝐿 = 𝐽 + 𝑉π‘₯π‘Ž 𝑏21 π‘‘πœ” + 𝑏22 π‘‘πœƒ + 𝑏23 𝑑𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑏24 𝑑𝑋 𝐿 βˆ’ 𝑏25 π‘‘π‘ŒπΏ βˆ’ 𝑏26 𝑑𝑍 𝐿 = 𝐾 + π‘‰π‘¦π‘Ž Figure 2. Geometry of space resection using collinearity condition
  • 5. Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus Student ID: P66067055 Course: Digital Photogrammetry Production workflow The Rotation Matrix Initial Approximations Ground Control Coordinates Photo Coordinates The Linearized Observation Equations Add corrections Six Elements of Exterior Orientation Iteration Measurements A near-vertical aerial photograph taken with focal- length camera contains images of four ground control points 𝐴 through 𝐷. Refined photo coordinates and ground control coordinates (in a local vertical system). Calculate the exterior orientation parameters 𝑀, βˆ…, π‘˜, 𝑋 𝐿, π‘ŒπΏ and 𝑍 𝐿 for this photograph. Solution: a. Determine initial approximations a) Set πœ” = 00 and βˆ… = 00. b) Use the method Pythagorean theorem, based on points A and B, to compute H. 𝐴𝐡 = √( 𝑋 𝐡 βˆ’ 𝑋𝐴)2 + ( π‘Œπ΅ βˆ’ π‘Œπ΄ )2 c) Compute ground coordinates from an assumed vertical photo for every point. 𝑋𝐴 = π‘₯ π‘Ž ( 𝐻 βˆ’ β„Ž 𝐴 𝑓 ) π‘Œπ΄ = 𝑦 π‘Ž ( 𝐻 βˆ’ β„Ž 𝐴 𝑓 ) d) Compute two-dimensional conformal coordinate transformation parameters by a least squares solution using all control points, and use the results for assigning initial approximations. π‘Ž, 𝑏, 𝑇𝑋, π‘‡π‘Œ, π‘˜ Where 𝑋𝐴 = π‘Žπ‘₯ π‘Ž βˆ’ 𝑏𝑦 π‘Ž + 𝑇𝑋 π‘Œπ΄ = π‘Žπ‘₯ π‘Ž βˆ’ 𝑏𝑦 π‘Ž + π‘‡π‘Œ π‘˜ = πœƒ = π‘‘π‘Žπ‘›βˆ’1 ( π‘Ž 𝑏 )
  • 6. Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus Student ID: P66067055 Course: Digital Photogrammetry b. Form the rotation matrix 𝑀 = [ π‘š11 π‘š12 π‘š13 π‘š21 π‘š22 π‘š23 π‘š31 π‘š32 π‘š33 ] Where: π‘š11 = cosβˆ…cos π‘˜ π‘š12 = sin Ο‰ sin βˆ… cosπ‘˜ + cos Ο‰ sin π‘˜ π‘š13 = βˆ’cos Ο‰ sinβˆ… cos π‘˜ + sin πœ” sin π‘˜ π‘š21 = βˆ’ cosβˆ…sin π‘˜ π‘š22 = βˆ’sin Ο‰ sin βˆ… sin k + cosπœ” cos π‘˜ π‘š23 = cos πœ” sin βˆ…sin π‘˜ + sin πœ” cos π‘˜ π‘š31 = sin βˆ… π‘š32 = βˆ’sin Ο‰ cosβˆ… π‘š33 = cos πœ” cosβˆ… c. Form the linearized observation equations. Note that a pair of these equations is formed for each control point, and thus a total of eight equations results. These can be represented in matrix form as π΅βˆ†= πœ€ + 𝑉 Where 𝐡 = [ 𝑏11 π‘Ž 𝑏12 π‘Ž 𝑏13 π‘Ž 𝑏21 π‘Ž 𝑏22 π‘Ž 𝑏23 π‘Ž 𝑏11 𝑏 𝑏12 𝑏 𝑏13 𝑏 𝑏21 𝑏 𝑏22 𝑏 𝑏23 𝑏 𝑏11 𝑐 𝑏12 𝑐 𝑏13 𝑐 𝑏21 𝑐 𝑏22 𝑐 𝑏23 𝑐 𝑏11 𝑑 𝑏12 𝑑 𝑏13 𝑑 𝑏21 𝑑 𝑏22 𝑑 𝑏23 𝑑 βˆ’π‘14 π‘Ž βˆ’π‘15 π‘Ž βˆ’π‘16 π‘Ž βˆ’π‘24 π‘Ž βˆ’π‘25 π‘Ž βˆ’π‘26 π‘Ž βˆ’π‘14 𝑏 βˆ’π‘15 𝑏 βˆ’π‘16 𝑏 βˆ’π‘24 𝑏 βˆ’π‘25 𝑏 βˆ’π‘26 𝑏 βˆ’π‘14 𝑐 βˆ’π‘15 𝑐 βˆ’π‘16 𝑐 βˆ’π‘24 𝑐 βˆ’π‘25 𝑐 βˆ’π‘26 𝑐 βˆ’π‘14 𝑑 βˆ’π‘15 𝑑 βˆ’π‘16 𝑑 βˆ’π‘24 𝑑 βˆ’π‘25 𝑑 βˆ’π‘26 𝑑 ] βˆ†= [ π‘‘πœ” π‘‘βˆ… π‘‘π‘˜ 𝑑𝑋 𝐿 π‘‘π‘ŒπΏ 𝑑𝑍 𝐿] πœ€ = [ π½π‘Ž πΎπ‘Ž 𝐽𝑏 𝐾𝑏 𝐽𝑐 𝐾𝑐 𝐽 𝑑 𝐾𝑑] 𝑉 = [ 𝑉π‘₯ π‘Ž 𝑉𝑦 π‘Ž 𝑉π‘₯ 𝑏 𝑉𝑦 𝑏 𝑉π‘₯ 𝑐 𝑉𝑦𝑐 𝑉π‘₯ 𝑑 𝑉𝑦 𝑑 ] Calculation of the coefficients corresponding to point A is shown as an example. Compute r, s, and q terms for point A. π‘Ÿ = π‘š11( 𝑋𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š12( π‘Œπ΄ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ ) + π‘š13( 𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿 ) 𝑠 = π‘š21( 𝑋𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š22( π‘Œπ΄ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ ) + π‘š23( 𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿) π‘ž = π‘š31 ( 𝑋𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑋 𝐿) + π‘š32( π‘Œπ΄ βˆ’ π‘ŒπΏ) + π‘š33 ( 𝑍𝐴 βˆ’ 𝑍 𝐿) Compute linearized collinearity equation for point A 𝑏11 = 𝑓 π‘ž2 [ π‘Ÿ (βˆ’π‘š33βˆ†π‘Œ + π‘š32βˆ†π‘) βˆ’ π‘ž(βˆ’π‘š13βˆ†π‘Œ + π‘š12βˆ†π‘)] 𝑏12 = 𝑓 π‘ž2 [ π‘Ÿ (cosβˆ… βˆ†π‘‹ + sin πœ” sin βˆ… βˆ†Y βˆ’ cos πœ” sin βˆ… βˆ†π‘) βˆ’ π‘ž(βˆ’sin βˆ… cos π‘˜ βˆ†π‘‹ + sin πœ” cosβˆ…cos π‘˜ βˆ†π‘Œβˆ’ cos πœ” cosβˆ…cos π‘˜ βˆ†π‘)] 𝑏13 = βˆ’π‘“ π‘ž ( π‘š21βˆ†π‘‹ + π‘š22βˆ†π‘Œ + π‘š23βˆ†π‘) 𝑏14 = 𝑓 π‘ž2 ( π‘Ÿπ‘š31 βˆ’ π‘žπ‘š11)
  • 7. Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus Student ID: P66067055 Course: Digital Photogrammetry 𝑏15 = 𝑓 π‘ž2 ( π‘Ÿπ‘š32 βˆ’ π‘žπ‘š12) 𝑏16 = 𝑓 π‘ž2 ( π‘Ÿπ‘š33 βˆ’ π‘žπ‘š13) 𝑏21 = 𝑓 π‘ž2 [ 𝑠 (βˆ’π‘š33βˆ†π‘Œ+ π‘š32βˆ†π‘) βˆ’ π‘ž(βˆ’π‘š23βˆ†π‘Œ + π‘š22βˆ†π‘)] 𝑏22 = 𝑓 π‘ž2 [ 𝑠 (cosβˆ… βˆ†π‘‹ + sin πœ” sinβˆ… βˆ†Y βˆ’ cos πœ” sin βˆ… βˆ†π‘) βˆ’ π‘ž(βˆ’sin βˆ… cos π‘˜ βˆ†π‘‹ + sin πœ” cosβˆ…cos π‘˜ βˆ†π‘Œβˆ’ cos πœ” cosβˆ…cos π‘˜ βˆ†π‘)] 𝑏23 = 𝑓 π‘ž ( π‘š11βˆ†π‘‹ + π‘š12βˆ†π‘Œ + π‘š13βˆ†π‘) 𝑏24 = 𝑓 π‘ž2 ( π‘ π‘š31 βˆ’ π‘žπ‘š21) 𝑏25 = 𝑓 π‘ž2 ( π‘ π‘š32 βˆ’ π‘žπ‘š22) 𝑏16 = 𝑓 π‘ž2 ( π‘ π‘š33 βˆ’ π‘žπ‘š23) 𝐽 = π‘₯ π‘Ž βˆ’ π‘₯0 + 𝑓 π‘Ÿ π‘ž 𝐾 = 𝑦 π‘Ž βˆ’ 𝑦0 + 𝑓 𝑠 π‘ž Remaining coefficients, corresponding to points B, C, and D, are calculated in a similar manner. d. Form and solve normal equations, where βˆ†, 𝐡, and πœ€ have been substituted for 𝑋, π‘Œ, and 𝐿, respectively. The solution is βˆ†= ( 𝐡 𝑇 𝐡)βˆ’1( 𝐡 𝑇 πœ€) e. Add corrections. (Note: Angle corrections are in radians.) πœ” = 00 + 𝑑𝑀 ( 1800 πœ‹ ) βˆ… = 00 + π‘‘βˆ… ( 1800 πœ‹ ) π‘˜ = πœƒ + π‘‘π‘˜ 𝑋 𝐿 = 𝑇𝑋 + 𝑑𝑋 𝐿 π‘ŒπΏ = π‘‡π‘Œ + π‘‘π‘ŒπΏ 𝑍 𝐿 = 𝑇𝑍 + 𝑑𝑍 𝐿 f. Second iteration: Repeat step b, using updated approximations - Space Intersection By Collinearity In space intersection, two photos (in a stereo pair) with known exterior orientation parameters are used to determine the spatial position of any object point in the overlap area since the two rays to the same object point from the two photos must intersect at the point. The procedure is known as space intersection, so called because corresponding rays to the same object point from the two photo must intersect at the point. To calculate
  • 8. Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus Student ID: P66067055 Course: Digital Photogrammetry the coordinates of points A by space intersection, collinearity equations of the linearized. Note, however, that since the six elements of exterior orientation are known, the only remaining unknown in these equations are 𝑑𝑋𝐴, π‘‘π‘Œπ΄, 𝑑𝑍𝐴. These are corrections to be applied to initial approximations for object space coordinates 𝑋𝐴, π‘Œπ΄ , 𝑍𝐴 respectively, for ground point A. The linearized forms of the space intersection equations for point A are 𝑏14 𝑑𝑋𝐴 + 𝑏15 π‘‘π‘Œπ΄ + 𝑏16 𝑑𝑍𝐴 = 𝐽 + 𝑉π‘₯π‘Ž 𝑏24 𝑑𝑋𝐴 + 𝑏25 π‘‘π‘Œπ΄ + 𝑏26 𝑑𝑍𝐴 = 𝐽 + π‘‰π‘¦π‘Ž Figure 3. Space intersection with a stereopair of aerial photos - Self-Calibration Self-calibration is a computational process wherein calibration parameters are included in the photogrammetric solution, generally in a combined interior-relative- absolute orientation. The process uses collinearity equations that have been augmented with additional terms to account for adjustment of the calibrated focal length, principal-point offsets, and symmetric radial and decentering lens distortion. The common form of the augmented collinearity equations is given as π‘₯ π‘Ž = π‘₯0 βˆ’ π‘₯Μ… π‘Ž( π‘˜1 π‘Ÿπ‘Ž 2 + π‘˜2 π‘Ÿπ‘Ž 4 + π‘˜3 π‘Ÿπ‘Ž 6) βˆ’ (1 + 𝑝3 2 π‘Ÿπ‘Ž 2)[ 𝑝1(3π‘₯Μ… π‘Ž 2 + 𝑦̅ π‘Ž 2) + 2𝑝2 π‘₯Μ… π‘Ž 𝑦̅ π‘Ž] βˆ’ 𝑓 π‘Ÿ π‘ž 𝑦 π‘Ž = 𝑦0 βˆ’ 𝑦̅ π‘Ž( π‘˜1 π‘Ÿπ‘Ž 2 + π‘˜2 π‘Ÿπ‘Ž 4 + π‘˜3 π‘Ÿπ‘Ž 6) βˆ’ (1 + 𝑝3 2 π‘Ÿπ‘Ž 2)[2𝑝1 π‘₯Μ… π‘Ž 𝑦̅ π‘Ž + 𝑝2( π‘₯Μ… π‘Ž 2 + 3𝑦̅̅̅̅ π‘Ž 2)] βˆ’ 𝑓 𝑠 π‘ž Where π‘₯ π‘Ž, 𝑦 π‘Ž = measured photo coordinates related to fiducials π‘₯0, 𝑦0 = coordinates of the principal point π‘₯Μ… π‘Ž = π‘₯ π‘Ž βˆ’ π‘₯0
  • 9. Name: Muhammad Irsyadi Firdaus Student ID: P66067055 Course: Digital Photogrammetry 𝑦̅ π‘Ž = 𝑦 π‘Ž βˆ’ 𝑦0 π‘Ÿπ‘Ž 6 = π‘₯Μ… π‘Ž 2 + 𝑦̅ π‘Ž 2 π‘˜1, π‘˜2, π‘˜3 = symmetric radial lens distortioncoefficients 𝑝1, 𝑝2, 𝑝3 = decentering distortion coefficients 𝑓 = calibrated focal length π‘Ÿ, 𝑠, π‘ž = collinearity equation terms