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Coacervates Experiment
The purpose of this lab was to investigate how the concentration of ammonia affects the formation
of coacervates. It was hypothesized that as the ammonia concentration increase, so will the number
of coacervates until it reaches the optimal state, then would start to decrease. For this experiment 4
mL of gum arabic solution (carbohydrate) was mixed with a gelatin solution (protein) and was
placed under a microscope to observe the number of coacervates. According to Oparin, combining
organic macromolecules would create coacervates. The first run was the control so no ammonia was
added but after each run, 2 drops of ammonia was added to see its effect of coacervates. On run 1,
49 coacervates was recorded. This data confirmed Oparin's theory ... Show more content on ...
Another error could be the small sample space. Only vial was tested so the data is not very reliable.
If more vials were tested, it could help disprove the mistake of this experiment or confirm it by
making it more legitimate with consistent results. The unequal amount of solution on each
microscope slide could also be an error. Even though only 1 drop of solution was dropped onto the
slide each run, the pipets are not precise and could lead to some drop being bigger than other. The
bigger drop would have more coacervates than the smaller drop. This could make the data less
reliable since a variable was added which makes it harder to understand the effect of ammonia on
the formation of coacervates. Understanding the impact of chemicals in the atmosphere and the
presence of water is very important in identifying life. Scientists are currently observing other
planets in the universe and determine their potential to sustain life by studying the planet's
atmospheric makeup. By comparing its atmosphere to Earth's atmosphere, scientists can determine
if life exist on a distant planet without going there
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Pollution Analysis of River Running through a Community
1. –Environmental issue
2. –Variables: Controlled
–Results: Table
Bar Graph
3. –Conclusion
4. –Article with proposed solutions
5. –Continuation of Article
6. –Bibliography
This document includes a cover page and attached Plagiarism report.
Human activities generate many different forms of pollution that are harmful to our environment, for
example; water pollution. Pollutants change the pH balance of the water sources they infest, which
in large cases is dangerous to the plants and animals that both live in that water source and rely on it
for survival. Industrial activities such as mining and manufacturing produce waste that make the pH
balance of water acidic, while in suburban areas the waste produced and the activities that affect the
water sources generally make the water more alkaline.
This investigation will determine whether a river running through the local suburban area is being
polluted by the community, its occupants, and their regular lifestyles or not.
Hypothesis: The water in the river running through a suburban area is more polluted with alkaline
substances than acidic substances.
Aim: to investigate whether the water in the river running through a suburban area is more polluted
with alkaline substances than acidic substances.
 Six containers for different water samples
 Two droppers
 Chlorine neutraliser –found in a fresh water test kit
 Solution 4 (pH test
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Hardness And What Impact Does It Have On Water Quality
1. What is hardness and what impact does it have on water quality?
Hardness is the amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in the water. Hardness impacts on
water quality throughout the aesthetic acceptability by consumers (meaning the concentration of the
calcium and magnesium and other dissolved solids are measureable by the consumers). In addition
to, economic and operational considerations (which is controllable throughout the treatment or
blending in public drinking water), hard water tends to leave scale deposition in the water
distribution system, as well as in heated water applications. (Hardness in Drinking–water, 2011).
2. What water quality standards are associated with water hardness?
There is no Primary or Secondary standard for water hardness by EPA. Also hardness has no health
risk. As the hardness of water is classified: 0 to 60 mg/ as calcium carbonate is classified as soft; 61
to 120 mg/L as moderately hard; 121 to 180 mg/L as hard; and more than 180 mg/L as very hard.
(Water–quality criteria. (n.d.).
3. Briefly describe your understanding about pH and why is pH important in water treatment. Give
two examples. pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion activity in the water and is determined by the
relative number of the hydrogen ions for acidity and hydroxide ion for alkalinity, thus
mathematically expressed as pH=–log [H+] where [H+] is the hydrogen ion activity . pH values are
calculated in powers of 10.Thus, the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution
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The Depth Of The River Affect Its Overall Ph From Mid July...
Question: Does the depth of the river affect its overall pH from mid december 2015– to early
january 2016?
Knowledge Probe: According, pH is a measure of the
hydrogen ion concentration of a solution. Solutions with a high concentration of hydrogen ions have
a low pH and solutions with a low concentrations of H+ ions have a high pH. A pH of 7 is the most
neutral you can get and 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most basic. each level is 10 times
more basic/ acidic than the previous level, for example a pH of 8 is 10 times more basic than 7, and
a pH of 9 is 100 times more basic than 7. when an acidic substance reacts with a basic substance
they counter each other like mixing hot and cold water. ... Show more content on ...
The blue bar grapH below it shows the pH of each of the 12 trial collected. The table below
compares the depth in inches to the pH directly, and the average of each is at the bottom of the table.
Data Analysis: On trial 5 something interesting happened where it did not match the trend of other
data points. you can see this when comparing the depth to pH with the grapHs; for example trial 1's
depth and pH is lower than trial 2's depth and pH, and trial 2's depth and pH is lower than trial 3's
depth and pH etc. that sort of trend is fluent through the data except trial 5 where depth was lower
than the previous trials but the pH was the highest collected. My data is accurate to a point but when
collecting the depth of the river it presented a challenge to get 100% accurate because it is
constantly changing; also the pH scale only measures to the hundredth of a digit. The pH Scales
calibration could also have been of slightly but all of my trials were collected under the same
calibration so it does not seem to present a change in trend but instead with the actual numbers.
Claim: When the depth on the Looking Glass river was higher it had a higher pH in late december
2015 to early January 2016.
Data Supporting Claim: When analysing my data you can clearly see that when the
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Cardiovascular Regulation Of Plasma Volume
In order to study the kidney 's regulation of plasma volume, osmolality, and pH, the changes in urine
flow rate, specific density, and urine pH of adult human subjects were measured. Subjects were
assigned one of four beverage options: water, Gatorade, Coke, or nothing. Beverages of different
compositions were used to study what effects does fluid intake have on urine volume and
composition. Subjects fasted five hours prior to the experiment, in which the subjects were required
to void and test their own urine every thirty minutes for 120 minutes after ingesting the beverage
they were assigned. The urine volume, specific gravity, and urine pH were measured for each void.
The subjects were instructed to fast five hours prior to the experiment and were allowed to drink
only eight ounces of water if necessary (Manuguid et al., 2015). Avoiding food or drink rendered the
subjects in a similar physiological state at the start of the experiment. This is important because the
consumption of food or drink shortly before the experiment may affect the volume and composition
of the urine voided, which would have affected the results. If a subject had ingested a considerable
amount of fluid an hour before the experiment, their urine volume for their first void could have
been greater than expected. The amount of liquid the subjects ingested depended on their body
weight. As a result, the amounts of liquid ingested varied within the drinking groups. At T0, the
subjects were in a state of
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Essay on SCI 207 Week 4 Lab
Charles Jacquier Lab 4 – Energy Sources and Alternative Energy SCI 207 Professor Selhorst
Experiment 1: The Effects of Coal Mining Table 1: pH of Water Samples Water Sample Initial pH
Final pH (24–48 hours) Pyrite 5 5 Activated Carbon 5 7 Water 5 5 POST LAB QUESTIONS 1.
Develop hypotheses predicting the effect of pyrite and coal on the acidity of water? a. Pyrite
hypothesis = If pyrite is added to water, it will make the water more acidic. b. Coal hypothesis = If
the activated carbon is added to the water, it will make the water more acidic. 2. Based on the results
of your experiment, would you reject or accept each hypothesis that you produced in question 1?
Explain how you determined this. a. ... Show more content on ...
Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept each hypothesis that you
produced in question 1? Explain how you determined this. Direct vs indirect accept/reject
=Rejected. The motor was just as fast when the solar panel was set up at a 45 degree angle Direct vs
reflected accept/reject = Accepted. When the foil was reflected at the solar panel, the motor moved
faster. Direct vs shaded accept/reject = At 25% shading–Rejected–The motor moved just as fast as
when the solar panel was completely exposed to sunlight. At 50%–Accepted–The motor moved
slower than when the solar panel was completely exposed to sunlight (speed medium to fast) At
75%–Accepted–The motor moved very slow compared to when the solar panel was completely
exposed to sunlight (Very slow) Direct vs filtered accept/reject = Rejected–Upon being covered by
the red, yellow, green, and blue cellophane, the motor moved the same as in direct sunlight 3. Does
increased exposure to the sun's light produce more current? Explain how you know this based on
your data. Answer = YES. The more exposure the solar panel had to the sun, the faster the motor
moved. Through a variety of trials with the solar panel and exposure to the sun, it was determined
that the more exposure the solar panel had, the
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Meat Tenderness, And Consumer Perceptions
Meat Tenderness, and Consumer Perceptions
Introduction The current climate of the relationship between the food–producing industry and
consumers is volatile. Current self–appointed consumer leaders such as Vani Hari, known as the
"Food Babe" ( pressure food industry sectors for changes in products. Reasoning for
these changes largely reside in the practices of fear–mongering, using terminology outside the
knowledge of the readers these leaders attract, exacerbating worst–case scenarios without full
disclosure of required toxic– or lethal–doses. Common consumer concerns have migrated into the
meat products industry. Consumers often demand livestock animals used for meat production to be
raised similarly to their ... Show more content on ...
Post–exsanguination, the cellular processes continue to be active until an environmental or
substrate–level limitation ceases operation. Koohmaraie et al. (1987) suggested that all animals prior
to slaughter are equally tender. Differences in tenderness level therefore, are a result of the process
of harvest, and the conversion of muscle to meat products. The first 24 hours following slaughter
includes many events that are decisive in the resulting tenderness of meat products. During this
time, energetic biological processes result in decreasing pH within the meat. Muscle rigor delay
phase and onset phase occur, as well as heat dissipation and resultant carcass cooling. Each of these
various factors greatly impact meat quality. pH Changes. The pH of living muscle is 7.0; literature
suggests that final post–slaughter pH ranges from 5.3 – 5.8 (Smulders et al., 1992; Yu et al., 2008).
The decline of muscle pH during the conversion of muscle to meat carries importance to both meat
quality as well as a bacterial growth inhibitor. Ultimate pH in beef carcasses may be reached from
24 – 40 hours post–mortem (Savell et al., 2005). The decline of pH is a direct result of adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) production maintained in muscle through the anaerobic energy production
system: glycolysis. As blood–loss is completed via exsanguination, the ability to maintain oxygen as
the terminal electron acceptor for aerobic ATP production fails
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Essay about Acid/ Base properties of an antimicrobial agent
Chem 253
Lab 1: Acid/Base Properties of an Antimicrobial Agent
Purpose The purpose was to determine the acid and base properties of the antimicrobial agent
sodium benzoate. Theory Sodium has mainly been used in food processing to avoid growth of
bacteria and harmful microorganisms. It is commonly used to preserve foods and beverages that
have an acidic pH. Rather than benzoic acid, sodium benzoate is used because it is generally soluble
in most aqueous solutions but benzoic acid is not.
Reaction Sodium benzoate mixed with water, dissociates into benzoate and sodium ions.
Hydrogen chloride, which is a gas, will exist in ionized form when combined with water to form
hydrochloric acid.
Then when ... Show more content on ...
Moisten the filter paper in the funnel with a little distilled water, and make sure that the moist filter
paper fits snugly in the bottom of the Buchner funnel with no folds or bends in the filter paper
visible. Use the thick rubber tubing from your drawer to provide vacuum from the "aspirator" to
your "filter flask." Be sure you are connecting the tubing to the "aspirator," not to the water or gas
outlet. Turn on the water to a low volume to create a vacuum in the filter flask but not so much that
you flood the sink.
6) Transfer the crystals (quantitatively) from Step 4 to the funnel. Use about 5 mL of distilled water
to rinse any solid that remains in the beaker onto the filter paper. Let the solid air–dry with the
aspirator running for a few minutes.
7) Place the filter paper with solid in the oven for about 15 minutes to dry. Weigh and then dry again
for 5 minutes. Weigh again. If your second weight differs from the first weight by more than 0.5%,
dry again for 10 minutes. Continue this process until successive weighing's are within 0.5%.
For this lab, we must be sure to always wear our safety glasses whenever we are in the laboratory
and wear gloves when we are conducting an experiment. Benzoic acid and sodium benzoate used in
this experiment can be mild irritants to the skin. We must be careful not to get them on our skin or
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Enzyme Lab Report On Hydrogen Peroxide
Enzyme Lab Report
Hydrogen peroxide is a toxic byproduct of cellular functions. To maintain hydrogen peroxide levels
the catalase enzyme deconstructs hydrogen peroxide and reconstructs the reactants into oxygen gas
and water. The catalase enzyme is found inside cells of most plants and animals. Regulating the
levels of hydrogen peroxide is crucial in homeostasis and analyzing it's optimal conditions for
performance is just as important. To understand the optimal environment for this enzyme, they are
put into different environments based off protein activity (enzymes are proteins). Catalase samples
will be put into different hydrogen peroxide environments based off pH and temperature. The more
active the enzyme, the more oxygen and water it will produce. Enzyme activity can be seen through
the release of oxygen in the hydrogen peroxide. Since oxygen cannot be accurately measured, the
data will consist of the longevity of the reaction in different environments. If the pH is higher than 7,
then the reaction rate will increase due to the ample amount of hydrogen ions in the hydrogen
peroxide. However the pH level cannot be higher than 10 or else there will be too many hydrogen
atoms in the peroxide for the enzyme to be able to deconstruct them. If the temperature is increased,
then the reaction rate will increase due to the ample amount of energy and movement in the
hydrogen peroxide and enzyme.
This investigation requires:
Juiced potato (catalase solution)
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Determining The Ph Of Household Items
Determining the pH of Household Items
March 22, 2016: Sara, Sam
Introduction: Everyday household items can be seen as just "household items". However, it is often
not realized that we could actually determine the pH very easily. It could also be important to know
the pH in everyday life. For example, it is important to keep track of human pH levels. Some people
are curious to see the pH of their own body, which is a great use to keep acidic levels leveled.
Another use in real life is determining the pH of pools. Whether it's your own or a public pool, pH
indicators come in hand to make sure the pool is sanitary and safe. pH indicators are indicators that
contain halochromic synthetic compound which is added to a solution so that it can be ... Show more
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An example would be pure water. Most of the time the pH is determined by pH paper but there are
also other ways to determine the pH. For example, in this lab, cabbage juice was used. Cabbage
juice is a great pH indicator because it can be homemade and easy to access.
Purpose/Hypothesis: The purpose of this experiment is to use both cabbage juice and pH paper to
determine the pH of household items. This way, we can tell which products are basic and which one
are acidic. If we use cabbage juice as an universal pH indicator by comparing it to pH paper then pH
determined by the cabbage juice will be unstable because by using cabbage juice, it can be different
depending on how diluted it is.
List of Materials needed:
1 drop bottle of cabbage juice
Beakers (depending on how many items)
pH paper
Spot plate(s)
Household products (Dish detergent, coffee, laundry detergent, milk, tap water, etc)
1. In order to find the pH of each household item by using pH paper, the pH paper was placed on the
drop plate. Using the dropper, start by having the household item dropped onto the pH paper.
Immediately observe in order to spot any colour changes on the pH paper. To determine the pH by
using the pH scale and record the pH on your table of observations. Depending on what the pH is, it
could be very acidic, basic or neutral. Repeat these steps for the other products.
2. The second step in this lab is to use
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Coal Seam Gas
Coal seam gas (CSG) is mostly composed of methane and is typically attached to coal underground.
This gas is released when pressure on the coal seam is reduced by removing water from the seams
(Queensland Government, 2014 ). In order to obtain the gas, wells are drilled into the coal seams,
bringing water from the coal seams to the surface. This process reduces pressure and allows the gas
to be released (Queensland Government, 2014 ). CSG is an important energy resource in
Queensland and production of this gas takes up an ever–increasing proportion of Queensland gas
use. Almost every farmer in Queensland depends at times on underground water. The effect of CSG
extraction using underground fracturing on underground water is not clear. Basic sets of impacts that
are broadly well understood are that aquifer levels will sink dramatically and will depressurise. It
also risks groundwater contamination and the salt that is present in the water of coal seams will be
brought to the surface as well, in a quantity of about 1.8 million tonnes of salt per year (ABC, 2010).
There are several types of water contamination that are possible. One is through the injection of
chemicals through the fracking processes, which will go underground and can travel to nearby water
systems that are in use (Gasfield Free Northern Rivers, 2014). Another is through chemicals that
naturally exist in coal seams being taken out of the coal seams and exposed to other the various
water systems nearby. Some of
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An Unknown Grignard Reagent Experiment Essay
5. Introduction In this experiment, an unknown Grignard reagent was prepared from an aryl halide.
The unknown reagent was then reacted with carbon dioxide to form a carboxylic acid. The solid acid
was then isolated and recrystallized before the melting point was taken. The precipitate was then
dissolved in water and titrated to determine the molecular weight. The melting point and molecular
weight were then used to determine the unknown acid obtained from the experiment.
6. Data and Results The product obtained had a melting point of approximately 107 °C and a weight
of .324 grams. Some of the product would not dissolve in water and so was removed through
vacuum filtration, which left .141 g not dissolved in solution. It took 13.2 mL of sodium hydroxide
to turn the solution of the product dissolved in water pink. A molecular weight of 138.63 g/mol was
calculated from the data. These results indicate that the product was 2–methylbenzoic acid, the
Grignard reagent was 2–methylphenylmagnesium bromide, and the unknown bromide solution was
2–methylbromobenzene. Calculations showed that the limiting reagent of the Grignard preparation
was magnesium and that the experiment had a 23.13 % yield. 7. Discussion and Conclusion
Organometallic compounds, such as Grignard reagents, are molecules containing carbon–metal
bonds and are often used to create new carbon–carbon bonds. Grignard reagents–or
organomagnesims– are specifically those that have a carbon–magnesium bond.
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The Effect Of Temperature And Ph Levels On Enzyme Activity
Joshua Kwon
Sep 19, 15
Biology p 4
How Do Changes in Temperature and pH Levels Affect Enzyme Activity? Lab Report
In biology class, we've learned that sugars produce energy and to use sugars to gain energy, an
organism needs a proper enzyme should exist to break it down the chemical bonds of the sugar.
Enzymes and proteins are important in organisms because they are involved in most chemical
reactions that take place inside of an organism. Our example of an important enzyme was catalase,
which breaks down H2O2. H2O2 is a natural by–product and toxic. When H2O2 contacts catalase,
it breaks down into water and oxygen. Our group got curious about how changes in temperature and
pH levels affect enzyme activity. Since enzymes are group of protein and protein can break easily by
acid, base, and hot temperature. To experiment our question, we used catalase solution, 3% H2O2
solution, 0.1 M HCl solution, 0.1 M NaOH solution, a beaker, an O2 gas sensor, sensor interface on
a Chromebook, pH paper, and safety gloves. Therefore, we conducted experiments to test how
enzyme activity in different conditions. Plus, we predicted that if temperature increases or enzyme
have contacts with acid or base, enzyme activity will decrease. We held four controlled experiments
which are controller, temperature, HCl Acid, and NaOH Base. We controlled the amount of catalase
to 10 mL and H2O2 solution to 4 mL. First we mixed catalase with H2O2 solution and used O2
sensor to gather
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Effects of Acidic Depositon
The graph shows the pH value of acid rain water affecting crops in Vietnam. The two bar charts
represent two different places in Vietnam: Hoa Binh and Ha Noi. The graph proves that the
frequency of rain with below a pH of 5 is more frequent than above 5. This pH value results in the
crops growing less.
Like Vietnam, Canada is also facing issues with acidic deposition. A case study done by
claims that 'The North American Maple is dying at a rate of 2.3% for each 100 exceedance units due
to the loss of calcium and other nutrients from soils. Lakes and streams are also remaining too acidic
or are not recovering to the point where they cannot support sensitive fish and aquatic biota. The
result is aquatic ecosystems that are unable to support a variety of species; therefore, biodiversity
continues to remain below pre–acidification levels."
After reviewing different examples of how pH affects other types of plants and seeds and the
scientific information of acid rain, it is now clear that the optimum pH for plant growth is between
5.5 and 7. It is also evident that acidic solution affects the growth rate, in which the pH's with a low
value slow down the growth process. There were a low number of seeds germinated in the pH of
1.65 and 2.11 due to the fact that seeds do not germinate efficiently at acidic solutions. However,
they do germinate at solutions of between 5.5 and 6.5. There is a chance that there was a decline at
pH 5 (the anomaly) due to the fact that it could
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Where Does Taurine Come From Essay
Where Does Taurine Come from?
If you are wondering what makes energy drinks work, you may find ingredients like taurine as an
important component of these beverages. Taurine is found in products like Red Bull and many
energy drinks. What is it and where does taurine come from? Taurine is an amino acid that contains
sulphur, a molecule that is not found in many proteins. This amino acid helps increase muscle
function, aids performance and sports endurance, and helps regulate blood sugar levels, reduce
anxiety, and improve cardiac health. Although taurine is found in bull semen or bile, commercial
products that contain taurine uses lab–synthesized taurine, which is safe and suitable for people who
want to avoid using animal products.
Part 1: ... Show more content on ...
It also helps in the development of mental function in children. Research shows that taurine, when
paired with caffeine, improves reaction time and reduces sleepiness in sleep–deprived people.
Part 3: Is Taurine in Energy Drinks Safe?
Now that you know the answer to where does taurine come from, you probably also want to know if
it is safe to use. In small doses (up to 3,000 mg per day) supplemental taurine is considered safe. It
is therefore important to observe moderation in taking energy drinks containing taurine. For
example, Red Bull contains approximately 1000 mg of taurine per 8 oz can. So if you consume
more than 3 cans of this product per day and also eat meats and dairy products containing taurine,
you are likely to exceed the daily recommended amount.
 Possible Side Effects of Taurine in Energy Drinks
Heavy or long–term use of taurine may have side effects. One study found that it can lower heart
rate. Mixing alcoholic drinks and taurine could lead to dehydration and abnormal heart rates, since
they are both diuretics. Other side effects include increased stomach acid and diarrhea. People with
bipolar disorder should avoid taking too much taurine since it may exacerbate their
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Why Are My Fish Dying? Lab
Why Are My Fish Dying? Lab Jillian Jeffries Cadiz Marine Eco Period 4 November 19'th, 2014
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to identify the element that is causing the fish in the Halibut tank
to die, by testing each variable between both of the identical tanks. Background Information: To
truly understand the cause of this awful fish mortality crisis in the HAGS Company, it is essential
that we gather all the information we can about the normal living conditions of both the Halibut and
Grunion fish. Halibut or Hippoglossus, is a flatfish from the family of the right–eye flounder fish,
the largest of all the flatfish, and can grow to more than 8 ft long and 700 lbs. They usually reside in
the North Pacific and the North Atlantic oceans, and are a readily enjoyed food all around the world.
Physically, they are dark brown on the top side with a cream underbelly and have very small scales
embedded within their skin.This color scheme is a form of countershading and disguises Halibut
from above and from below by blending into the light above and the ocean floor below
simultaneously. Halibut live at depths from nearly 10–100 meters, yet spend most of their time near
the bottom, they can often move up the water column to feed.Younger Halibut, up to 10 years of
age, are highly migratory, and generally migrate in a clockwise direction. Relatively inactive yet
strong swimmers, able to eat a large variety of fish such as cod, crab, and shrimp. Adult Atlantic
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The Effects of Exercise on the Pulmonary Ventilation Rate
Respiration is the process that takes place in every living cell to make energy available to the body.
Energy is vital for us to carry out many life processes such as movement and so respiration in
essential to life. During respiration glucose and oxygen are used in a reaction that produces energy
and gives out carbon dioxide and water as waste products. Glucose is obtained by digestion of food
and oxygen is taken from the air during a process called breathing or ventilation. Pulmonary
Ventilation is the term given to the movement of air in and out of the lungs; the rate of pulmonary
ventilation is defined as the tidal volume multiplied by the number of breaths taken per minute.
Tidal volume is the volume of air breathed in or out during ... Show more content on ...
The inspiratory system sends an impulse to the muscles of inspiration – the diaphragm and the
external intercostals muscles – and the stimulation of these muscles causes us to breathe in. As the
lungs expand due to inspiration this change is detected by pressure receptors of stretch receptors
which then stimulate the expiratory centre, which then stimulates the muscles of expiration – the
diaphragm and the internal intercostals
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Osmosis Egg Lab
Table 2. Shows the 10 groups results of the rate of change in g/s with the average rate displayed
along with the standard deviation. As shown the average rate is within negative 0.000293 and
positive 0.001740. From this table we can confirm that there have not been outliers in the results,
outliers could come down to the results of errors on the practical. These errors could be caused by
incorrect use of equipment, fluctuations in the solution or difference in eggs used. At a zero
concentration the average was 0.001740, when increasing the solution by one percent the average
revealed a decrease by 0.00084. From two percent to five percent it increased by 0.00074, this
shows that between the concentration of two and five percent the egg and solution had the same
concentration gradient which caused the crossover from negative to positive.
Finally from five to ten percent NaCl there is an increase of 0.00067, from these results we can see
there is a small increase in averages as the concentration increases. However when analysing the
sample size results there was the highest initial mass volume for the egg at 0.002267, 0.002167 ...
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Our independent variable is the mass of the egg after being submerged into a sodium chloride
solution. The egg began to increase in size due to the passing of the concentration gradients
equilibrium. This is displayed in the results table using the average results. As the results table 1.
And the graph above it shows, the hypothesis was proven correct with minor problems when
compared to results in table 2. This showed there was dramatic differences in the data collected and
this could be due to multiple factors. It was concluded that between two and five percent sodium
chloride in 100mL water that the egg and the concentration reached an equal zero concentration
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Is The Three To-One Blend Of Methylchloro Isothiazolinone
CMIT/MIT: The three–to–one blend of methylchloro–isothiazolinone (CMIT) and
methylisothiazolinone (MIT) is commonly used as a biocide in polymer dispersions. CMIT/MIT is a
broad–spectrum biocide that works between 3–9 pH. The mode of action for the CMIT/MIT is that
it reacts with the cell proteins causing the inhibition of respiration and ATP synthesis (PCIMAG).
Isothiazolones first mechanism which is performed in minutes is the swift inhibition of growth and
metabolism. This is then tailed by loss of viability due to irreversible cell damage which happens in
a matter of hours. Inhibition occurs by disrupting the metabolic pathways involving dehydrogenase
enzymes. Microbes are quickly inhibited due to the inhibition of critical physiological functions
including growth, respiration, and energy generation (adenosine triphosphate synthesis). Cell death
results in the destruction of protein thiols and production of free radicals. Compounds such as
surfactants can enhance and speed up the rate of inhibition and death. (Williams, 2007)
The interaction of isothiazolone biocides with microbial cells proceeds via several sequential
reactions. Initially, a biocide molecule reacts with a thiol group to form a disulphide linkage with the
biocide. This structure then interacts with a second thiol group to establish a new disulphide linkage.
Following this, the cell releases the biocide as a mercaptoacrylamide. The mercaptoacrylamide
derivative of CMIT tautomerizes to a thioacyl chloride under physiological conditions. The thioacyl
chloride is highly reactive and proceeds to interact with other cell macromolecules. The ability of
CMIT to degrade to a thioacyl chloride might account for it's much greater antimicrobial activity
when compared to BIT or MIT. (Daniel, 1997)
Barman did a study on the first–order rate constant and half–life values for the degradation of MIT
(Kathon 886 MW) and a MIT/CMIT (Kathon MWC) Mixture. These consist of 2–methyl–4–
isothiazolin–3–one and its chlorinated counterpart, 5–chloro–2–methyl–4–isothiazolin–3–one. At
100–fold more effective, the chlorinated counterpart is considered to be the active and require
concentrations 100–fold less than MIT. In fact, at very low concentrations of just 2–20 ppm
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Chemistry : The Effects Of Chemical Reacting, And Its Effects
Chemical weathering occurs when a rock or building material is eroded and/or disintegrated by a
chemical process. This will occur primarily when a water is mixed with a chemical. Chemical
weathering will also often occur by water and in areas where warmer water or temperatures more
frequently occur and are common (kidsgeo), as the process accelerates and thrives in these
conditions. Often this process will occur in warmer seasons in the summer or spring to take
advantage of the warmer weather in order to accelerate the process. There are three distinct types of
chemical weathering that can occur: oxidation, hydrolysis, and carbonation. Oxidation will occur
when a molecule will gain an extra oxygen molecule. A good example of this is rust (passel), which
occurs when iron reacts with oxygen and it becomes iron oxide. So when a rock goes oxidised is
becomes weaker and can break down easily as the extra oxygen has weakened its structure .
Hydrolysis will occur when an extra water molecule is added. And carbonation will occur when
water reacts with carbon dioxide to form a carbonic acid, which can hollow out rocks by breaking
them down, leading to cave formations.
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate the effects of chemical weathering on zinc.
If metal is placed in mixture of acid and water then the amount of rust will increase because the
metal will be more exposed to the acid for a period of time with one or the other mixture
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The Chemistry Of A Heating Bath
A heating bath is used in the laboratory to allow the chemical reaction to occur at an elevated
temperature around 1000C. The beaker is a glass vessel which contains the chemical solutions for
the purpose of coating. It is placed in the electroless bath where the chemicals are being heated up.
The glass rod is used to stir the chemical where the magnetic stirrer is not necessary. The tongs are
used to lift the bath after the coating is completed. Tri–sodium citrate and thallium acetate are the
chemicals used during coating process which acts as a stabilizer for the bath. It stabilizes the
reaction occurring in the bath. Laboratory grade distilled water is used for the cleaning process and
also to mix up with the chemicals. Nickel chloride acts as the source for the coating process as the
nickel is being coated upon the surface of the substrate. Ethylene di amine is used as a complexing
agent which creates a bond between the nickel and aluminium and causes the coating. Thallium
acetate is used as the stabilizer. Sodium borohydride is the reducing agent which removes the
hydrogen ions which are being formed up inside the bath during the coating process. Fig.1 Zincate
pre–treatment process Table.1 Composition of Zincate Sodium hydroxide 400 g/l Zinc sulphate 120
g/l Sodium potassium tartarate 6 g/l Temperature Room Temperature Immersion time 3 mins Table.2
Nickel phosphorous and Nickel boron composition and conditions S.No Chemicals Used &
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What is Fermentation? Essay
Fermentation a metabolic process with occurs in the absence of oxygen molecules also known as an
anabolic reaction. It is a process of glycolysis in which sugar molecules are used to create ATP.
Fermentation has many forms the two most known examples are lactic acid and alcoholic
fermentation (Cressy). Lactic acid fermentation is used in many ranges from food production such
as bacteria to its use by fatigued muscles in complex organisms (Cressy). When experimenting with
organisms such as yeast which was done in this experiment you follow the metabolic pathway of
Alcoholic fermentation (Sadava). Where the sugar molecules are broken down and become ethanol
(Sadava). But the end product of fermentation is the production of ... Show more content on ...
Showing that an acidic medium will still allow for yeast to ferment with little to no change from a
neutral pH which is supposed to be the optimal condition. But I predict that there will be a
significant change in how yeast will react in different conditions.
Collect to 2 large beakers both large beakers are to be filled with hot water (labtutor). Then obtain
seven conical tubes these will be used to collect the levels of gas, you will also need test tube a
stopper and a plastic tube (labtutor). You want to fill the conical tube to at least 50 ml of water
(Cressy). Take the four conical tubes filled with water and place two in each beaker, to do this you
must invert the tube and cover the release hole as to not lose any water (Cressy). Then place the
beakers with the tubes in the bath so they can be at the same temperature as the bath (Cressy). Next
mark all of your test tubes in number order to be sure which tube contains what concentrations and
pH (Cressy). Having mixed a solution to the specifications of 2.5 ml of glucose in all tubes, 3 ml of
yeast in 2 tubes of pH 5, 2 tubes of pH 9, and the single pH 7 tube, the remaining two tubes will
contain no yeast as they will be negative controls. Next add 2 ml of pH buffer 3 tubes will receive
pH of 5, three will receive a pH of 9 and a single tube of pH 7. Finally add pure water to make sure
all test tubes have 10 ml of solution. When making the solutions
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The Use Of Ester Interchange Reactions During The...
We utilize the rapidity of ester–interchange reactions during the production process. The acid
(terephthalic acid) is converted to the dimethyl ester, which is further purified by distillation or
crystallization. This is then allowed to react with the glycol by ester interchange. The reaction
generally is a two–step reaction a. First, low MW polyester is made with excess of glycol to ensure
that the hydroxyl end groups are formed and then the temperature is raised and pressure is decreased
to facilitate condensation of these molecules by ester interchange simultaneously with the loss of
glycol. [7]
PET resins can be produced in two ways commercially. These two ways are by using one among
dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) or terephthalic acid (TPA) with Ethylene Glycol (EG). These
processes are generally known as the DMT Process and the TPA process. The intermediate bis–(2–
hydroxyethyl)–terephthalate monomer (BHET) is produced in both these processes. This is
accompanied by methanol when using DMT and water when using TPA. The BHET intermediate
formed is polymerized with heat and catalyst to produce PET resins. The older route is the DMT
process. [8]
Process using DMT [9]
It is a two–step process. The ratio of DMT to EG is generally 2:1. There is the possibility of using
either batch operation or continuous operations to produce PET using DMT. Some basic differences
between the batch operation and continuous operations:
In the continuous process the
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The Game Of Soccer : The Atp / Pc System
1. Soccer is one of the most demanding of all sports. The game is played on one of the largest fields
of any sport, for the longest sustained time and with the least amount of breaks. Players in a soccer
team are in continuous activity as they compete for loose balls, move to encourage teammates,
rotate positions and run to make a space or test opponents. Running, jumping, sprinting movements
in relation with sudden changes of acceleration and route outweigh the play. The power of the game
ranges between low–level activities such as walking or jogging to ones of high intensity such as
sprinting . This is what is known as intermittent exercise. The rhythm of soccer is dynamic and
constantly changing, which is a characteristic that divides it from other endurance sports , this
suggests that in order for a midfielder to successfully endure for the entire 90 minutes all three
energy systems assist in different stages although the ATP/PC system is dominant.
The ATP/PC system, which lasts up to 10 seconds, is the body's initial source of fuel and is reliant
on its stores of ATP and CP and provides the required burst of energy without the presence of
oxygen for high intensity purposes. This burst of energy is due to separating of the chemical bonds
between the Phosphate and Creatine which releases additional energy that helps produce more ATP
so that we have it upon requirement for only a short period of time. This system is the most
dominant system because this system is
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Chemical Coagulation vs Electrocoagulation for Groundwater...
Arsenic contamination in groundwater has become a major health problem for human being. There
are many treatment methods have been developed for arsenic removal. It is important to develop a
treatment method that is economical and accessible for people who live in rural areas and cannot
afford the expensive treatment methods. Due to its several advantages, such as low cost and
maintenance, electrocoagulation is one of the promising methods that can be used for arsenic
treatment. In this study, we compare chemical coagulation with electrocoagulation and try to show
the advantages of electrocoagulation over chemical coagulation. Three experimental studies have
been reviewed and based on the results of these studies it has been concluded that by determining
optimum parameters such as electrolysis time, initial arsenic concentration, current density,
electrode surface area, and pH value, electrocoagulation can be an effective treatment method for
arsenic removal from groundwater due to its low cost, eco–friendly and low maintenance.
Keywords: arsenic removal, groundwater, electrocoagulation, chemical coagulation
Arsenic Removal from Groundwater by Electrocoagulation
Water is the most essential necessity for human life. Can you imagine life without clean drinking
water supply? Due to increasing the population of the world, the clean water has become a huge
concern. Arsenic has been one of the important components in contamination of drinking water in
many regions
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Application Of Edible Coating And Shelf Life Study Essay
Studies on various aspect and objectives related to the present research work were carried during the
year 2016 in Department of Food Technology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and
Technology Hisar, Haryana. This chapter deals with the experimental set up of various experiments
performed during the study. The experimental design and statistical analysis are also explained as
3.1 Materials:
Shellac was provided by National Institute of Gum and Raisin, Ranchi. Chemicals were used in this
study was of analytical grade and best grapes was purchased from the local market of Hisar,
3.2 Methodology employed for application of edible coating and shelf life study:
3.2.1 Coating Solution Preparation and Application
Dewaxed shellac, oleic acid, morpholine and ammonia in predetermined quantities were dispersed
in 100ml distilled water as shown in Table 3.1. The Coating treatment performed named as S1, S2,
S3, S4, and S5. Oleic acid is used an emulsifier and antioxidant agent. The other component
morpholine as emulsifying agent and ammonia was used to dissolve shellac being insoluble in
water. Samples dipped in distilled water were used as Control.
The solution was heated with constant stirring on a heating mantle at 70⁰C for 6 minutes. Samples
were dipped in different concentration coating for 20sec and the excess coating was drained. The
coated samples were then kept for surface drying at room temp for 15mins. Dewaxed shellac:
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Stomach Acid Lab Report
This experiment investigates the effect of stomach acid at different pH levels on the solubility of
metformin hydrochloride tablets. According to my results, the metformin hydrochloride tablets
dissolved at a faster rate in the simulated stomach acid with less alcohol, and therefore, more acidic.
This conclusion, proves the hypothesis stated above. As predicted, the simulated acid with less
traces of alcohol was a more suitable environment for the medicine to dissolve at a faster rate.
Consequently, the tablets took a longer time to dissolve in the acid with a greater concentration of
alcohol. In consideration of the uncertainties, the two graphs above show that as the pH level
increases and becomes more basic, the amount of time for the tablets ... Show more content on ...
When measuring out the substances for this experiment, an individual could get random errors when
slightly different values are collected each time they perform the measurement. Systematic errors,
on the other hand, are more difficult to detect but can be avoided if an individual looks for them
with care. A systematic error can occur in this experiment if the chemicals that are used are expired
or when the scales that are being used have been tampered with beforehand. Aside from random and
systematic errors, there are a few limitations in the design of this experiment. The use of small
graduated cylinders can provide inaccurate results for the experiment. Since the smaller cylinders
can only hold a small amount of acid, there is a possibility that the solutions can undergo
supersaturation, when a solution contains more of the dissolved material than could be dissolved by
the solvent. In a case that this happens, it would be difficult to predict when the tablet stop
dissolving in the solution. Therefore, due to the number of errors that could be made in this
experiment, the results are a little unreliable unless changes are made during the procedure and
design of the lab set
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Essay about Module 1 Homework
Module 01 Homework Assignment Use the information presented in this module along with
additional outside research to answer the questions: 1. Describe how applied microbiology is used to
improve aspects of life and the environment. Microbiology is the study of microorganisms
(VanMeter, VanMeter, & Hubert, n.d., p.3). These are all of the things not visible to the human eye.
With the study of microbiology, it enables us to find things such as viruses and bacteria. This is
helpful because sickness and certain outbreaks can be prevented. In turn, this creates a safer more
stable environment. 2. Describe how the table of elements is ordered and discuss four common
elements in living organisms. Elements are ordered on the ... Show more content on
OSHA created a biosafety program. This provides rules and guidelines for handling and storing
chemicals in the laboratory. The program contains everything you need to be safe in the lab. It also
lays out an exposure plan in case someone were to get something in the lab. (VanMeter, VanMeter,
& Hubert, n.d., p.101). 6. Discuss the technique and importance of proper hand washing and
describe at least two other types of hand cleaning/sanitizing techniques. Hands should be washed
with soap and warm running water. The should also be washed for 20 seconds paying special
attention to the back of the hand, the wrist, between the fingers and under the nail. Rinse well and
dry with a single use towel. Always turn the water off with the towel. Aint–bacterial hand sanitizer is
also effective. Alcohol can also be used. (VanMeter, VanMeter, & Hubert, n.d., p.100–101). 7. Name
five pieces of information provided by the NIOSH Pocket guide to Chemical Hazards found at 1.Water flush immed | If this chemical contacts the skin, immediately flush the
contaminated skin with water. If this chemical penetrates the clothing, immediately remove the
clothing and flush the skin with water. Get medical attention promptly. | 2.Water flush prompt | If
this chemical contacts the skin, flush the contaminated skin with water promptly. If this chemical
penetrates the clothing, immediately remove the clothing and flush the skin with water
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Classifying chemical reaction
02/19/14 Classifying Chemical Reactions Introduction Pre–lab questions 1. Which reactants used in
this experiment are flammable? Discuss the safety precautions that are necessary when working
with flammable materials in the lab? 2. Summarize the following description of a chemical reaction
in the form of a balanced chemical equation? 3. Common observations of a chemical reaction are
described in the introduction section. For each observation, name a common or everyday occurrence
that must involve a chemical reaction? Research question What is the appearance of reactant,
Evidence of chemical reaction, and properties of a product? Background information The
experiment is to observe a variety of chemical reactions and to identify patterns in ... Show more
content on ...
2. When the magnesium ignited, removed it from the flame and held it over an evaporating dish or a
pyrex watch glass until the metal had burned completely. Let the product fall into the evaporating
dish. 3. Turned off the laboratory burner and observed the properties of the product in the
evaporating dish. 4. Recorded observation in the data table Reaction 2 – 1.Used a Beral– type pipet,
added about 2mL (40 Drops) of 1M hydrochloric acid solution to a small test tube. 2. Obtained a 2–
3 cm strip of magnesium metal ribbon and coiled it loosely into a small ball. Added the magnesium
metal to the acid in the test tube. 3. Carefully felt the sides of the test tube and observed the resulted
chemical reaction for about 30 seconds. 4. While the reaction was still occurred, lighted a wood
splint and quickly placed the burned splint in the mouth of the test tube. Do not put the burned splint
into the acid solution. 5. Recorded observations in the data table. Reaction 3– 1. Obtained a clean
and dry test tube and placed a small amount ( about the size of a jelly bean) of ammonium carbonate
into the test tube. 2. Used a test tube clamp to held the test tube and gently heated the tube in a
laboratory burner flame for about 30 seconds. 3. Removed the test tube from the flame and places a
piece of moistened litmus paper in the mouth of the test tube. Identified any odor that is readily
apparent by wafted the fumes toward your nose. Caution: Do not sniff
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Enzyme Catalase Experiment
Within a cell, enzymes are used as a catalyst to increase the rate of chemical reaction. They do not
consume themselves, rather they help in increasing the rate of reaction. Within the body, enzymes
vary depending on their specific functions. For instance, hydrogen peroxide is a toxic chemical, but
it breaks down into harmless oxygen and water. This reaction can be sped up using the enzyme
catalyst produced by yeast. Hydrogen peroxide is produced as a byproduct in cellular reaction,
because it is poisonous and must be broken down, therefore this reaction is important. The speeding
up of the reaction is shown below:
2H2O (aq) catalyses 2H2O (l) + O2 (g)
This experiment is designed to analyze how the enzyme catalase activity is affected by the pH
levels. The experiment has also been designed to outline all of the directions and the ways by which
the observation can be made clearly and accurately. Yeast, will be used as the enzyme and hydrogen
peroxide will be used as a substrate. This experiment will be used to determine the effects of the
concentration of the hydrogen peroxide versus the rate of reaction of the enzyme catalase.
The presence of catalyst will cause hydrogen peroxide to break down into water and oxygen. The
increase in the pH of the substrate will cause the increase in the rate of reaction. It will optimize at
pH 7 and will diminish/moderate after pH 9.
The important questions that will help clarify the
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Ph Levels Lab Report Essay
The relatively close pH levels of Tap Water, Spring Water,
Flavored Water, and Seltzer Water.
This experiment was performed to investigate the following hypothesis: The following four different
types of drinking water (spring water, seltzer water, tap water, and flavored water) we test will
relatively have the same pH level.
Our group decided to test different types of drinking water to see if a pH level of tap water is
comparable to other types of water. Many people believe that city water has many chemicals,
causing us to form the expirement to see how close the different types of drinking water's pH levels
Materials and Methods
For the first part of our exiperiment we used the Red Cabbage Indicator. Red ... Show more content
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We then moved the electrode in one of the beakers of water we wanted to test. We measured the pH
level, recorded it, then placed it back into the clean water it was orignally in. We repeated these
steps for each of the different type of drinking water.
The control treatment in our expirement was thr red cabbage indicator. The dependent variable is the
pH of the water. The independent variable is the different types of drinking water ( tap water, spring
water, seltzer water, and flavored water). The standard variables in the expirement are the clean test
tubes, the clean pipettes, the Paraflim, the pH tester, and the pH levels pH 2, pH 4, pH 6, pH 7, pH
8, pH 10, and pH 12.
Table 1 shows the standard of the standard of the expirement. It is used to compare the color of the
red cabbage expirement to form an educated guess on the pH level of the different types of water.
Table 2 shows the pH numbers we got from the red cabbage expirement and from the pH tester. This
informations enables to compare the red cabbage and the pH tester numbers in order to prove the red
cabbages accuaracy, and to prove our hypothesis that all of the pH numbers of the different types of
drinking water are relatively close.
Table 1: Red Cabbage Indicator standards pH LEVEL | COLOR | 2 | Red | 4 | Pink | 6 | Purple | 7 |
Dark Purple | 8 | Blue | 10 | Dark Green | 12 | Green |
Table 2: Table of red
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Chemical Reactions
"Chemical Reaction and the PH Scale" Chemical reactions are the heart of chemistry. People have
always known that they exist. The Ancient Greeks were the firsts to speculate on the composition of
matter. They thought that it was possible that individual particles made up matter. As you might
imagine, it's useful to be able to measure the acidity of solutions. Scientists have come up with the
pH scale for determining the concentration of acid in a solution so we can distinguish between
solutions with varying acidity. A Chemical reaction is the outcome of two or more elements together
results in the formation of a chemical bond between atoms and compound. Chemicals react together
due to ... Show more content on ...
The PH Scale which is a diagram that is used to show the different measurements of water. In
general is important to know how the pH scale works because it determines whether or not a liquid
is acidic or
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Conventional Drug Delivery Systems ( Ddss )
With the emergence of more novel and effective drug therapies, increased importance is being
placed upon the methods by which these drugs are being delivered to the body. Different
methodologies have been heavily investigated as possible solutions , one of these methods are
intelligent or 'Smart polymeric drug–delivery systems'. "Stimuli responsive" and "self regulating"
drug delivery systems have captured the imagination of researchers, in large part because they
suggest a means to mimic the physiological homeostatic feedback mechanisms that are essential for
health. As dysregulation of homeostasis is a feature of many diseases such as diabetes and cancer.
1. Introduction:
Conventional drug delivery systems (DDSs) are often accompanied by systemic side effects that
mainly are attributed to their nonspecific bio–distribution and uncontrollable drug release
characteristics. To overcome these limitations, advanced controlled DDSs have been developed to
achieve the release of payloads at the target sites in a spatial controlled manner.
Commercially available controlled release devices offer several advantages, e.g. they maintain the
drug within the desired therapeutic range with just a single dose, they allow localized drug delivery
which ultimately may reduce the need for follow–up care, they preserve drugs that are rapidly
destroyed by the body and ultimately improve patient compliance.
With the breakthrough of the biotechnology field in medicine, many advantages of
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Is Soda Really Bad?
Is soda really that bad? Time and time again magazines, schools, and television say that sodas are
harmful to the body. They go on to scare people to death, by saying that sodas have been linked to
obesity. They state that the rising consumption of sugary drinks has been a major contributor to the
obesity epidemic (Harvard). They also say, that it is related to kidney damage and cancer (Boyles).
In reality, these sodas are not as bad as they have been made out to be, as long as they are drunk in
moderation. Drinking one soda will not kill people, soda is not the enemy! As a matter of fact, sodas
have a great benefit to everyone who drinks them, from curing multiple stomach issues, giving
people that extra boost to get you through the day, to using it as a multi–purpose household cleaner.
Come and join the millions of soda drinkers and enjoy the pleasing taste and big benefits found is
this small can. Soda drinkers hear a soda can being opened and it is like music to their ears. They
hear the fuzziness and bubbles inside the can and their mouth begins to tingle eagerly waiting to
take that sip. As they taste that sip of sweetness inside their mouth, their taste buds are jumping for
joy as their thirst is being quenched. As the soda goes down their throat, it is getting deeper into
their body and their body is thanking them for the wonderful benefits they are about to experience.
First of all, when someone has an upset stomach where do people turn to? Well, it would be a
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Taking a Look at Polyester Fiber
2.2 Polyester Fiber
2.2.1 Background and General Properties of Polyester Fiber
Polyesters are those fibers containing at least 85% of a polymeric ester of a substituted aromatic
carboxylic acid including but not restricted to terephthalic acid and f–hydroxybenzoic acid. The
major polyester in the market is polyethylene terephthalate (PET), an ester formed by step growth
polymerization of terephthalic acid and the diol ethylene glycol. The polyester fibers all have similar
properties, are highly resilient and resistant to wrinkling, possess high durabilily and dimensional
stability, and are resistant to chemical and environmental attack(Needles, 1986). In 1996, 24.1
million metric tons of manmade fibres were produced globally. The main volume gain took place in
production of PET fibres (PET filament 9%, PET staple 4%) (Froehlich, 1997). Dramatic growth in
PET fibre production is foreseen in Asia in the near future (Harris, 1996). The cost of polyester, with
the combination of its superior strength and resilience, is lower than that of rayon. Polyester fibres
are hydrophobic which is suitable for lightweight facing fabrics used in disposable industry
providing a perceptible dry feel on the facing, even when the inner absorbent media is fully
saturated. As the new methods of PET processing and bonding of are developed, rayon is replaced
by polyester on the market. 49% of the total nonwovens market share in USA belongs to polyester
staple, reaching up to 291 million pounds in
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The Dangerous Everyday
There are things all around us that can be very dangerous and we might never know. Soaps and
detergents are one of those things. Acids and bases are everywhere but, there are two specific types:
Sulphuric Acid and Sodium Hydroxide which we use on a regular day bases. An acid classifies a
wide range of materials including Sulphuric acid and bases Sodium Hydroxide. When
manufacturing soaps they use Sodium Hydroxide, and detergents use Sulphuric Acid. But these two
can be very poisonous, and there are many symptoms that may happen, some even severe. The title
shows how much people may be using dangerous things without having the knowledge that they can
harm them.
Acid and bases can be found in our everyday lives. An acid is a compound that usually has a sour
taste, containing hydrogen that can be replaced by a metal to form salt. Bases taste bitter and feel
slippery, their water solution conducts and electric currents. When acids and bases are put together
they make salt and water. The Arrhenius theory states that acids are substances which produce
hydrogen ions in a solution and bases are substances in which produce hydroxide ions in a solution.
Neutralization happens when hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions produce water. Something we use
every is soaps, detergents and fertilizers, all of these have acids and bases. The manufacturing of
soaps use the base Sodium hydroxide and the detergent and fertilizer use Sulphuric acid. Sodium
hydroxide is a white solid,
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Investigating The Relationship Between Ph And Water Hardness
The purpose of this investigation was to determine the relationship between pH and water hardness.
Water samples from above the Mount Morgan mine site and below the Mount Morgan mine site
were also compared.
8.1 Analysis of the Data
It was hypothesised that the water sample from above the mine site would be of better water quality
than the sample from below the mine site. It was found that this was, in fact, the case. As seen in
Table 7.2, the above sample had lower acidity, hardness and conductivity than the below sample.
Given that acidity is indicated by a pH of below 7, the below mine water sample was considered
acidic, at a pH of 4.92. Conversely, the above mine site sample had a pH of 7.35, indicating an
almost neutral profile.
The above mine sample had a conductivity of 2200 µS/cm, whereas the below mine sample had a
conductivity of 7500 µS/cm. This suggests that there are a significantly greater number of ions in
solution in below mine water than above mine water.
The below mine sample also had greater water hardness, with a calcium ion concentration of
5183.29 mg/L, compared with the above mine sample's hardness of only 115.02 mg/L.
The above mine water mostly exhibited water quality parameter values that aligned with the water
quality guidelines for fresh water. With an almost neutral pH of 7.35, meaning it is within the
recommended pH range of 6.8–9.5 and is also safe for consumption. The hardness (concentration of
calcium ions) of 115.02 mg/L also lies
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Part a: Dehydration of 1-Butanol & 2-Butanol/Part B:...
Ashley Droddy
CHM 235LL–Monday, 3/19/2012 & 3/26/2012
Part A: Dehydration of 1–butanol & 2–Butanol/Part B: Dehydrobromination of 1–Bromobutane
& 2–Bromobutane
The objective of this experiment is to successfully perform a dehydration of 1–butanol and 2–
butanol, also dehydrobromination of 1–bromobutane and 2–bromobutane to form the alkene
products 1–butene, trans–2–butene, and cis–2–butene. The dehydration reactions react under and
acid–catalysis which follows an E1 mechanism. It was found that dehydration of 1–butanol yielded
3.84% cis–2–butene, 81.83% trans–2–butene, and 14.33% 1–butene, while 2–butanol is unknown
due to mechanical issues with the GC machine. For the dehydrobromination, with the addition of a
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That the more stable alkene trans–2–butene, is the major product at approximately 82%. While, the
two minor products would be 1–butene at 14%, and cis–2–butene at only approximately 4%.
Although, dehydration was not performed on 2–butanol, it would also produce the 3 isomeric
alkenes like 1–butanol via an E2 mechanism. The percentages would probably be very similar as
well. With trans–2–butene, being the major product, and cis–2–butene and 1–butene being minor
products as well. The GC results would appear again very similar to 1–butanol with 3 peaks
representing the 3 alkenes produced, however, 2–butanol has a lower BP, so it takes longer to react
and produce gaseous mixture because it is a secondary alcohol.
Part B: Dehydrobromination of 1–bromobutane & 2–bromobutane Compound | Temperature
(⁰C) | Products | Peak Area(mm2) | % Composition | 1–bromobutane | 90 | Trans–2–butene | ––––– |
–––– | | | Cis–2–butene | ––––– | –––– | | | 1–butene | 17500 | 100 | 2–bromobutane | 80 | Trans–2–
butene | 2469 | 49.95 | | | Cis–2–butene | 3336 | 13.09 | | | 1–butene | 8741 | 36.97 |
–(GC) Calculations for relative amount of products:
Total peak area=17500 mm2
17500 mm2/17500 mm2x100%=100%, 1–butene
Total peak area=6679mm2
2469 mm2/6679 mm2x100%=36.97%, 1–butene
3336 mm2/6679 mm2x100%–=49.95% trans–2–butene
8741 mm2/6679 mm2x100%=13.09% cis–2–butene
1–bromobutane with a strong base reacts
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Chemistry lab report Essay
The goal of the project was to characterize an "unknown" organic acid in order to make a proper
identification of the acid, while learning proper techniques for scientific measurement and analysis
of error.
In order to ensure the most accurate data, a purification was performed by the process of
recrystallization. To perform the recrystallization the powder was dissolved in a minimal amount of
hot ethanol/H2O solvent that allowed the unknown powder to crystallize properly when cooled. This
process allowed for the removal of soluble impurities when suction filtered. A sample of the
unknown acid was weighed at 8.24 g, and it was found that 164ml of a 40% ethanol, 60% H20
solvent dissolved the 8.24 g of unknown acid when heated. The ... Show more content on ...
Phenolphthalein was used as an endpoint indicator to determine the molarity of the NaOH solution,
which was found to be approximately .0979 M. The data collected from the titration follows in the
table below.
"NaOH Titration"
Trial I II III
Mass KHP (g) .403 .402 .411
Final NaOH 21.02mL 41.04mL 30.01mL
Initial NaOH .89mL 21.02mL 9.50mL
Volume NaOH Total 20.13mL 20.02mL 20.60mL
Molarity NaOH .0980 M .0980 M .0977 M
The molarity of each trial was found using the formula below; following the formula is a sample
Molarity of NaOH Solution = Mass KHP (g) / [(204.34 g/mole) x (Delivered NaOH (ml)]
.403g /[(204.24g/mole)x(0.02013L)] = .0980 moles/liter
To ensure the best possible data, the error of the collected data was determined. This error was found
to be: (9.80–9.77)/9.77 = .003 x 100% = .31% error.
The equivalent weight of the unknown was determined by titration with NaOH. By discovering the
amount of NaOH required to react with the unknown acid, it was possible to determine the
equivalent weight of 98.4 g/mole. Three samples of the pure unknown acid were weighed at .403g,
.406g, and .394g. Each sample was placed in a flask and dissolved in approximately 40–50mL of the
heated solvent used in the recrystallization (40% ethanol/60% H2O). A drop of Phenolphthalein was
added to each flask. Each flask was titrated with the standardized
... Get more on ...

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Coacervates Experiment

  • 1. Coacervates Experiment The purpose of this lab was to investigate how the concentration of ammonia affects the formation of coacervates. It was hypothesized that as the ammonia concentration increase, so will the number of coacervates until it reaches the optimal state, then would start to decrease. For this experiment 4 mL of gum arabic solution (carbohydrate) was mixed with a gelatin solution (protein) and was placed under a microscope to observe the number of coacervates. According to Oparin, combining organic macromolecules would create coacervates. The first run was the control so no ammonia was added but after each run, 2 drops of ammonia was added to see its effect of coacervates. On run 1, 49 coacervates was recorded. This data confirmed Oparin's theory ... Show more content on ... Another error could be the small sample space. Only vial was tested so the data is not very reliable. If more vials were tested, it could help disprove the mistake of this experiment or confirm it by making it more legitimate with consistent results. The unequal amount of solution on each microscope slide could also be an error. Even though only 1 drop of solution was dropped onto the slide each run, the pipets are not precise and could lead to some drop being bigger than other. The bigger drop would have more coacervates than the smaller drop. This could make the data less reliable since a variable was added which makes it harder to understand the effect of ammonia on the formation of coacervates. Understanding the impact of chemicals in the atmosphere and the presence of water is very important in identifying life. Scientists are currently observing other planets in the universe and determine their potential to sustain life by studying the planet's atmospheric makeup. By comparing its atmosphere to Earth's atmosphere, scientists can determine if life exist on a distant planet without going there ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Pollution Analysis of River Running through a Community Contents: 1. –Environmental issue –Hypothesis –Aim –Apparatus –Method 2. –Variables: Controlled Independent Dependent –Results: Table Bar Graph 3. –Conclusion –Evaluation 4. –Article with proposed solutions 5. –Continuation of Article 6. –Bibliography This document includes a cover page and attached Plagiarism report. Human activities generate many different forms of pollution that are harmful to our environment, for example; water pollution. Pollutants change the pH balance of the water sources they infest, which in large cases is dangerous to the plants and animals that both live in that water source and rely on it for survival. Industrial activities such as mining and manufacturing produce waste that make the pH balance of water acidic, while in suburban areas the waste produced and the activities that affect the water sources generally make the water more alkaline. This investigation will determine whether a river running through the local suburban area is being polluted by the community, its occupants, and their regular lifestyles or not. Hypothesis: The water in the river running through a suburban area is more polluted with alkaline substances than acidic substances. Aim: to investigate whether the water in the river running through a suburban area is more polluted with alkaline substances than acidic substances. Apparatus:  Six containers for different water samples  Two droppers  Chlorine neutraliser –found in a fresh water test kit  Solution 4 (pH test
  • 4. ... Get more on ...
  • 5.
  • 6. Hardness And What Impact Does It Have On Water Quality 1. What is hardness and what impact does it have on water quality? Hardness is the amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in the water. Hardness impacts on water quality throughout the aesthetic acceptability by consumers (meaning the concentration of the calcium and magnesium and other dissolved solids are measureable by the consumers). In addition to, economic and operational considerations (which is controllable throughout the treatment or blending in public drinking water), hard water tends to leave scale deposition in the water distribution system, as well as in heated water applications. (Hardness in Drinking–water, 2011). 2. What water quality standards are associated with water hardness? There is no Primary or Secondary standard for water hardness by EPA. Also hardness has no health risk. As the hardness of water is classified: 0 to 60 mg/ as calcium carbonate is classified as soft; 61 to 120 mg/L as moderately hard; 121 to 180 mg/L as hard; and more than 180 mg/L as very hard. (Water–quality criteria. (n.d.). 3. Briefly describe your understanding about pH and why is pH important in water treatment. Give two examples. pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion activity in the water and is determined by the relative number of the hydrogen ions for acidity and hydroxide ion for alkalinity, thus mathematically expressed as pH=–log [H+] where [H+] is the hydrogen ion activity . pH values are calculated in powers of 10.Thus, the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution ... Get more on ...
  • 7.
  • 8. The Depth Of The River Affect Its Overall Ph From Mid July... Question: Does the depth of the river affect its overall pH from mid december 2015– to early january 2016? Knowledge Probe: According, pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution. Solutions with a high concentration of hydrogen ions have a low pH and solutions with a low concentrations of H+ ions have a high pH. A pH of 7 is the most neutral you can get and 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most basic. each level is 10 times more basic/ acidic than the previous level, for example a pH of 8 is 10 times more basic than 7, and a pH of 9 is 100 times more basic than 7. when an acidic substance reacts with a basic substance they counter each other like mixing hot and cold water. ... Show more content on ... The blue bar grapH below it shows the pH of each of the 12 trial collected. The table below compares the depth in inches to the pH directly, and the average of each is at the bottom of the table. Data Analysis: On trial 5 something interesting happened where it did not match the trend of other data points. you can see this when comparing the depth to pH with the grapHs; for example trial 1's depth and pH is lower than trial 2's depth and pH, and trial 2's depth and pH is lower than trial 3's depth and pH etc. that sort of trend is fluent through the data except trial 5 where depth was lower than the previous trials but the pH was the highest collected. My data is accurate to a point but when collecting the depth of the river it presented a challenge to get 100% accurate because it is constantly changing; also the pH scale only measures to the hundredth of a digit. The pH Scales calibration could also have been of slightly but all of my trials were collected under the same calibration so it does not seem to present a change in trend but instead with the actual numbers. Claim: When the depth on the Looking Glass river was higher it had a higher pH in late december 2015 to early January 2016. Data Supporting Claim: When analysing my data you can clearly see that when the ... Get more on ...
  • 9.
  • 10. Cardiovascular Regulation Of Plasma Volume In order to study the kidney 's regulation of plasma volume, osmolality, and pH, the changes in urine flow rate, specific density, and urine pH of adult human subjects were measured. Subjects were assigned one of four beverage options: water, Gatorade, Coke, or nothing. Beverages of different compositions were used to study what effects does fluid intake have on urine volume and composition. Subjects fasted five hours prior to the experiment, in which the subjects were required to void and test their own urine every thirty minutes for 120 minutes after ingesting the beverage they were assigned. The urine volume, specific gravity, and urine pH were measured for each void. The subjects were instructed to fast five hours prior to the experiment and were allowed to drink only eight ounces of water if necessary (Manuguid et al., 2015). Avoiding food or drink rendered the subjects in a similar physiological state at the start of the experiment. This is important because the consumption of food or drink shortly before the experiment may affect the volume and composition of the urine voided, which would have affected the results. If a subject had ingested a considerable amount of fluid an hour before the experiment, their urine volume for their first void could have been greater than expected. The amount of liquid the subjects ingested depended on their body weight. As a result, the amounts of liquid ingested varied within the drinking groups. At T0, the subjects were in a state of ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Essay on SCI 207 Week 4 Lab Charles Jacquier Lab 4 – Energy Sources and Alternative Energy SCI 207 Professor Selhorst Experiment 1: The Effects of Coal Mining Table 1: pH of Water Samples Water Sample Initial pH Final pH (24–48 hours) Pyrite 5 5 Activated Carbon 5 7 Water 5 5 POST LAB QUESTIONS 1. Develop hypotheses predicting the effect of pyrite and coal on the acidity of water? a. Pyrite hypothesis = If pyrite is added to water, it will make the water more acidic. b. Coal hypothesis = If the activated carbon is added to the water, it will make the water more acidic. 2. Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept each hypothesis that you produced in question 1? Explain how you determined this. a. ... Show more content on ... Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept each hypothesis that you produced in question 1? Explain how you determined this. Direct vs indirect accept/reject =Rejected. The motor was just as fast when the solar panel was set up at a 45 degree angle Direct vs reflected accept/reject = Accepted. When the foil was reflected at the solar panel, the motor moved faster. Direct vs shaded accept/reject = At 25% shading–Rejected–The motor moved just as fast as when the solar panel was completely exposed to sunlight. At 50%–Accepted–The motor moved slower than when the solar panel was completely exposed to sunlight (speed medium to fast) At 75%–Accepted–The motor moved very slow compared to when the solar panel was completely exposed to sunlight (Very slow) Direct vs filtered accept/reject = Rejected–Upon being covered by the red, yellow, green, and blue cellophane, the motor moved the same as in direct sunlight 3. Does increased exposure to the sun's light produce more current? Explain how you know this based on your data. Answer = YES. The more exposure the solar panel had to the sun, the faster the motor moved. Through a variety of trials with the solar panel and exposure to the sun, it was determined that the more exposure the solar panel had, the ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Meat Tenderness, And Consumer Perceptions Meat Tenderness, and Consumer Perceptions Introduction The current climate of the relationship between the food–producing industry and consumers is volatile. Current self–appointed consumer leaders such as Vani Hari, known as the "Food Babe" ( pressure food industry sectors for changes in products. Reasoning for these changes largely reside in the practices of fear–mongering, using terminology outside the knowledge of the readers these leaders attract, exacerbating worst–case scenarios without full disclosure of required toxic– or lethal–doses. Common consumer concerns have migrated into the meat products industry. Consumers often demand livestock animals used for meat production to be raised similarly to their ... Show more content on ... Post–exsanguination, the cellular processes continue to be active until an environmental or substrate–level limitation ceases operation. Koohmaraie et al. (1987) suggested that all animals prior to slaughter are equally tender. Differences in tenderness level therefore, are a result of the process of harvest, and the conversion of muscle to meat products. The first 24 hours following slaughter includes many events that are decisive in the resulting tenderness of meat products. During this time, energetic biological processes result in decreasing pH within the meat. Muscle rigor delay phase and onset phase occur, as well as heat dissipation and resultant carcass cooling. Each of these various factors greatly impact meat quality. pH Changes. The pH of living muscle is 7.0; literature suggests that final post–slaughter pH ranges from 5.3 – 5.8 (Smulders et al., 1992; Yu et al., 2008). The decline of muscle pH during the conversion of muscle to meat carries importance to both meat quality as well as a bacterial growth inhibitor. Ultimate pH in beef carcasses may be reached from 24 – 40 hours post–mortem (Savell et al., 2005). The decline of pH is a direct result of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production maintained in muscle through the anaerobic energy production system: glycolysis. As blood–loss is completed via exsanguination, the ability to maintain oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor for aerobic ATP production fails ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. Essay about Acid/ Base properties of an antimicrobial agent Chem 253 Lab 1: Acid/Base Properties of an Antimicrobial Agent 09/03/13 Purpose The purpose was to determine the acid and base properties of the antimicrobial agent sodium benzoate. Theory Sodium has mainly been used in food processing to avoid growth of bacteria and harmful microorganisms. It is commonly used to preserve foods and beverages that have an acidic pH. Rather than benzoic acid, sodium benzoate is used because it is generally soluble in most aqueous solutions but benzoic acid is not. Reaction Sodium benzoate mixed with water, dissociates into benzoate and sodium ions. Hydrogen chloride, which is a gas, will exist in ionized form when combined with water to form hydrochloric acid. Then when ... Show more content on ... Moisten the filter paper in the funnel with a little distilled water, and make sure that the moist filter paper fits snugly in the bottom of the Buchner funnel with no folds or bends in the filter paper visible. Use the thick rubber tubing from your drawer to provide vacuum from the "aspirator" to your "filter flask." Be sure you are connecting the tubing to the "aspirator," not to the water or gas outlet. Turn on the water to a low volume to create a vacuum in the filter flask but not so much that you flood the sink. 6) Transfer the crystals (quantitatively) from Step 4 to the funnel. Use about 5 mL of distilled water to rinse any solid that remains in the beaker onto the filter paper. Let the solid air–dry with the aspirator running for a few minutes. 7) Place the filter paper with solid in the oven for about 15 minutes to dry. Weigh and then dry again for 5 minutes. Weigh again. If your second weight differs from the first weight by more than 0.5%, dry again for 10 minutes. Continue this process until successive weighing's are within 0.5%. For this lab, we must be sure to always wear our safety glasses whenever we are in the laboratory and wear gloves when we are conducting an experiment. Benzoic acid and sodium benzoate used in this experiment can be mild irritants to the skin. We must be careful not to get them on our skin or ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. Enzyme Lab Report On Hydrogen Peroxide Enzyme Lab Report Hydrogen peroxide is a toxic byproduct of cellular functions. To maintain hydrogen peroxide levels the catalase enzyme deconstructs hydrogen peroxide and reconstructs the reactants into oxygen gas and water. The catalase enzyme is found inside cells of most plants and animals. Regulating the levels of hydrogen peroxide is crucial in homeostasis and analyzing it's optimal conditions for performance is just as important. To understand the optimal environment for this enzyme, they are put into different environments based off protein activity (enzymes are proteins). Catalase samples will be put into different hydrogen peroxide environments based off pH and temperature. The more active the enzyme, the more oxygen and water it will produce. Enzyme activity can be seen through the release of oxygen in the hydrogen peroxide. Since oxygen cannot be accurately measured, the data will consist of the longevity of the reaction in different environments. If the pH is higher than 7, then the reaction rate will increase due to the ample amount of hydrogen ions in the hydrogen peroxide. However the pH level cannot be higher than 10 or else there will be too many hydrogen atoms in the peroxide for the enzyme to be able to deconstruct them. If the temperature is increased, then the reaction rate will increase due to the ample amount of energy and movement in the hydrogen peroxide and enzyme. Materials: This investigation requires: Juiced potato (catalase solution) ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Determining The Ph Of Household Items Determining the pH of Household Items March 22, 2016: Sara, Sam Introduction: Everyday household items can be seen as just "household items". However, it is often not realized that we could actually determine the pH very easily. It could also be important to know the pH in everyday life. For example, it is important to keep track of human pH levels. Some people are curious to see the pH of their own body, which is a great use to keep acidic levels leveled. Another use in real life is determining the pH of pools. Whether it's your own or a public pool, pH indicators come in hand to make sure the pool is sanitary and safe. pH indicators are indicators that contain halochromic synthetic compound which is added to a solution so that it can be ... Show more content on ... An example would be pure water. Most of the time the pH is determined by pH paper but there are also other ways to determine the pH. For example, in this lab, cabbage juice was used. Cabbage juice is a great pH indicator because it can be homemade and easy to access. Purpose/Hypothesis: The purpose of this experiment is to use both cabbage juice and pH paper to determine the pH of household items. This way, we can tell which products are basic and which one are acidic. If we use cabbage juice as an universal pH indicator by comparing it to pH paper then pH determined by the cabbage juice will be unstable because by using cabbage juice, it can be different depending on how diluted it is. List of Materials needed: 1 drop bottle of cabbage juice Beakers (depending on how many items) pH paper Spot plate(s) Household products (Dish detergent, coffee, laundry detergent, milk, tap water, etc) Procedure: 1. In order to find the pH of each household item by using pH paper, the pH paper was placed on the drop plate. Using the dropper, start by having the household item dropped onto the pH paper. Immediately observe in order to spot any colour changes on the pH paper. To determine the pH by using the pH scale and record the pH on your table of observations. Depending on what the pH is, it could be very acidic, basic or neutral. Repeat these steps for the other products. 2. The second step in this lab is to use ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. Coal Seam Gas Coal seam gas (CSG) is mostly composed of methane and is typically attached to coal underground. This gas is released when pressure on the coal seam is reduced by removing water from the seams (Queensland Government, 2014 ). In order to obtain the gas, wells are drilled into the coal seams, bringing water from the coal seams to the surface. This process reduces pressure and allows the gas to be released (Queensland Government, 2014 ). CSG is an important energy resource in Queensland and production of this gas takes up an ever–increasing proportion of Queensland gas use. Almost every farmer in Queensland depends at times on underground water. The effect of CSG extraction using underground fracturing on underground water is not clear. Basic sets of impacts that are broadly well understood are that aquifer levels will sink dramatically and will depressurise. It also risks groundwater contamination and the salt that is present in the water of coal seams will be brought to the surface as well, in a quantity of about 1.8 million tonnes of salt per year (ABC, 2010). There are several types of water contamination that are possible. One is through the injection of chemicals through the fracking processes, which will go underground and can travel to nearby water systems that are in use (Gasfield Free Northern Rivers, 2014). Another is through chemicals that naturally exist in coal seams being taken out of the coal seams and exposed to other the various water systems nearby. Some of ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. An Unknown Grignard Reagent Experiment Essay Grignard 5. Introduction In this experiment, an unknown Grignard reagent was prepared from an aryl halide. The unknown reagent was then reacted with carbon dioxide to form a carboxylic acid. The solid acid was then isolated and recrystallized before the melting point was taken. The precipitate was then dissolved in water and titrated to determine the molecular weight. The melting point and molecular weight were then used to determine the unknown acid obtained from the experiment. 6. Data and Results The product obtained had a melting point of approximately 107 °C and a weight of .324 grams. Some of the product would not dissolve in water and so was removed through vacuum filtration, which left .141 g not dissolved in solution. It took 13.2 mL of sodium hydroxide to turn the solution of the product dissolved in water pink. A molecular weight of 138.63 g/mol was calculated from the data. These results indicate that the product was 2–methylbenzoic acid, the Grignard reagent was 2–methylphenylmagnesium bromide, and the unknown bromide solution was 2–methylbromobenzene. Calculations showed that the limiting reagent of the Grignard preparation was magnesium and that the experiment had a 23.13 % yield. 7. Discussion and Conclusion Organometallic compounds, such as Grignard reagents, are molecules containing carbon–metal bonds and are often used to create new carbon–carbon bonds. Grignard reagents–or organomagnesims– are specifically those that have a carbon–magnesium bond. ... Get more on ...
  • 25.
  • 26. The Effect Of Temperature And Ph Levels On Enzyme Activity Joshua Kwon Sep 19, 15 Biology p 4 How Do Changes in Temperature and pH Levels Affect Enzyme Activity? Lab Report In biology class, we've learned that sugars produce energy and to use sugars to gain energy, an organism needs a proper enzyme should exist to break it down the chemical bonds of the sugar. Enzymes and proteins are important in organisms because they are involved in most chemical reactions that take place inside of an organism. Our example of an important enzyme was catalase, which breaks down H2O2. H2O2 is a natural by–product and toxic. When H2O2 contacts catalase, it breaks down into water and oxygen. Our group got curious about how changes in temperature and pH levels affect enzyme activity. Since enzymes are group of protein and protein can break easily by acid, base, and hot temperature. To experiment our question, we used catalase solution, 3% H2O2 solution, 0.1 M HCl solution, 0.1 M NaOH solution, a beaker, an O2 gas sensor, sensor interface on a Chromebook, pH paper, and safety gloves. Therefore, we conducted experiments to test how enzyme activity in different conditions. Plus, we predicted that if temperature increases or enzyme have contacts with acid or base, enzyme activity will decrease. We held four controlled experiments which are controller, temperature, HCl Acid, and NaOH Base. We controlled the amount of catalase to 10 mL and H2O2 solution to 4 mL. First we mixed catalase with H2O2 solution and used O2 sensor to gather ... Get more on ...
  • 27.
  • 28. Effects of Acidic Depositon The graph shows the pH value of acid rain water affecting crops in Vietnam. The two bar charts represent two different places in Vietnam: Hoa Binh and Ha Noi. The graph proves that the frequency of rain with below a pH of 5 is more frequent than above 5. This pH value results in the crops growing less. Like Vietnam, Canada is also facing issues with acidic deposition. A case study done by claims that 'The North American Maple is dying at a rate of 2.3% for each 100 exceedance units due to the loss of calcium and other nutrients from soils. Lakes and streams are also remaining too acidic or are not recovering to the point where they cannot support sensitive fish and aquatic biota. The result is aquatic ecosystems that are unable to support a variety of species; therefore, biodiversity continues to remain below pre–acidification levels." After reviewing different examples of how pH affects other types of plants and seeds and the scientific information of acid rain, it is now clear that the optimum pH for plant growth is between 5.5 and 7. It is also evident that acidic solution affects the growth rate, in which the pH's with a low value slow down the growth process. There were a low number of seeds germinated in the pH of 1.65 and 2.11 due to the fact that seeds do not germinate efficiently at acidic solutions. However, they do germinate at solutions of between 5.5 and 6.5. There is a chance that there was a decline at pH 5 (the anomaly) due to the fact that it could ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Where Does Taurine Come From Essay Where Does Taurine Come from? If you are wondering what makes energy drinks work, you may find ingredients like taurine as an important component of these beverages. Taurine is found in products like Red Bull and many energy drinks. What is it and where does taurine come from? Taurine is an amino acid that contains sulphur, a molecule that is not found in many proteins. This amino acid helps increase muscle function, aids performance and sports endurance, and helps regulate blood sugar levels, reduce anxiety, and improve cardiac health. Although taurine is found in bull semen or bile, commercial products that contain taurine uses lab–synthesized taurine, which is safe and suitable for people who want to avoid using animal products. Part 1: ... Show more content on ... It also helps in the development of mental function in children. Research shows that taurine, when paired with caffeine, improves reaction time and reduces sleepiness in sleep–deprived people. Part 3: Is Taurine in Energy Drinks Safe? Now that you know the answer to where does taurine come from, you probably also want to know if it is safe to use. In small doses (up to 3,000 mg per day) supplemental taurine is considered safe. It is therefore important to observe moderation in taking energy drinks containing taurine. For example, Red Bull contains approximately 1000 mg of taurine per 8 oz can. So if you consume more than 3 cans of this product per day and also eat meats and dairy products containing taurine, you are likely to exceed the daily recommended amount.  Possible Side Effects of Taurine in Energy Drinks Heavy or long–term use of taurine may have side effects. One study found that it can lower heart rate. Mixing alcoholic drinks and taurine could lead to dehydration and abnormal heart rates, since they are both diuretics. Other side effects include increased stomach acid and diarrhea. People with bipolar disorder should avoid taking too much taurine since it may exacerbate their ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Why Are My Fish Dying? Lab Why Are My Fish Dying? Lab Jillian Jeffries Cadiz Marine Eco Period 4 November 19'th, 2014 Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to identify the element that is causing the fish in the Halibut tank to die, by testing each variable between both of the identical tanks. Background Information: To truly understand the cause of this awful fish mortality crisis in the HAGS Company, it is essential that we gather all the information we can about the normal living conditions of both the Halibut and Grunion fish. Halibut or Hippoglossus, is a flatfish from the family of the right–eye flounder fish, the largest of all the flatfish, and can grow to more than 8 ft long and 700 lbs. They usually reside in the North Pacific and the North Atlantic oceans, and are a readily enjoyed food all around the world. Physically, they are dark brown on the top side with a cream underbelly and have very small scales embedded within their skin.This color scheme is a form of countershading and disguises Halibut from above and from below by blending into the light above and the ocean floor below simultaneously. Halibut live at depths from nearly 10–100 meters, yet spend most of their time near the bottom, they can often move up the water column to feed.Younger Halibut, up to 10 years of age, are highly migratory, and generally migrate in a clockwise direction. Relatively inactive yet strong swimmers, able to eat a large variety of fish such as cod, crab, and shrimp. Adult Atlantic ... Get more on ...
  • 33.
  • 34. The Effects of Exercise on the Pulmonary Ventilation Rate Respiration is the process that takes place in every living cell to make energy available to the body. Energy is vital for us to carry out many life processes such as movement and so respiration in essential to life. During respiration glucose and oxygen are used in a reaction that produces energy and gives out carbon dioxide and water as waste products. Glucose is obtained by digestion of food and oxygen is taken from the air during a process called breathing or ventilation. Pulmonary Ventilation is the term given to the movement of air in and out of the lungs; the rate of pulmonary ventilation is defined as the tidal volume multiplied by the number of breaths taken per minute. Tidal volume is the volume of air breathed in or out during ... Show more content on ... The inspiratory system sends an impulse to the muscles of inspiration – the diaphragm and the external intercostals muscles – and the stimulation of these muscles causes us to breathe in. As the lungs expand due to inspiration this change is detected by pressure receptors of stretch receptors which then stimulate the expiratory centre, which then stimulates the muscles of expiration – the diaphragm and the internal intercostals ... Get more on ...
  • 35.
  • 36. Osmosis Egg Lab Table 2. Shows the 10 groups results of the rate of change in g/s with the average rate displayed along with the standard deviation. As shown the average rate is within negative 0.000293 and positive 0.001740. From this table we can confirm that there have not been outliers in the results, outliers could come down to the results of errors on the practical. These errors could be caused by incorrect use of equipment, fluctuations in the solution or difference in eggs used. At a zero concentration the average was 0.001740, when increasing the solution by one percent the average revealed a decrease by 0.00084. From two percent to five percent it increased by 0.00074, this shows that between the concentration of two and five percent the egg and solution had the same concentration gradient which caused the crossover from negative to positive. Finally from five to ten percent NaCl there is an increase of 0.00067, from these results we can see there is a small increase in averages as the concentration increases. However when analysing the sample size results there was the highest initial mass volume for the egg at 0.002267, 0.002167 ... Show more content on ... Our independent variable is the mass of the egg after being submerged into a sodium chloride solution. The egg began to increase in size due to the passing of the concentration gradients equilibrium. This is displayed in the results table using the average results. As the results table 1. And the graph above it shows, the hypothesis was proven correct with minor problems when compared to results in table 2. This showed there was dramatic differences in the data collected and this could be due to multiple factors. It was concluded that between two and five percent sodium chloride in 100mL water that the egg and the concentration reached an equal zero concentration ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Is The Three To-One Blend Of Methylchloro Isothiazolinone CMIT/MIT: The three–to–one blend of methylchloro–isothiazolinone (CMIT) and methylisothiazolinone (MIT) is commonly used as a biocide in polymer dispersions. CMIT/MIT is a broad–spectrum biocide that works between 3–9 pH. The mode of action for the CMIT/MIT is that it reacts with the cell proteins causing the inhibition of respiration and ATP synthesis (PCIMAG). Isothiazolones first mechanism which is performed in minutes is the swift inhibition of growth and metabolism. This is then tailed by loss of viability due to irreversible cell damage which happens in a matter of hours. Inhibition occurs by disrupting the metabolic pathways involving dehydrogenase enzymes. Microbes are quickly inhibited due to the inhibition of critical physiological functions including growth, respiration, and energy generation (adenosine triphosphate synthesis). Cell death results in the destruction of protein thiols and production of free radicals. Compounds such as surfactants can enhance and speed up the rate of inhibition and death. (Williams, 2007) The interaction of isothiazolone biocides with microbial cells proceeds via several sequential reactions. Initially, a biocide molecule reacts with a thiol group to form a disulphide linkage with the biocide. This structure then interacts with a second thiol group to establish a new disulphide linkage. Following this, the cell releases the biocide as a mercaptoacrylamide. The mercaptoacrylamide derivative of CMIT tautomerizes to a thioacyl chloride under physiological conditions. The thioacyl chloride is highly reactive and proceeds to interact with other cell macromolecules. The ability of CMIT to degrade to a thioacyl chloride might account for it's much greater antimicrobial activity when compared to BIT or MIT. (Daniel, 1997) Barman did a study on the first–order rate constant and half–life values for the degradation of MIT (Kathon 886 MW) and a MIT/CMIT (Kathon MWC) Mixture. These consist of 2–methyl–4– isothiazolin–3–one and its chlorinated counterpart, 5–chloro–2–methyl–4–isothiazolin–3–one. At 100–fold more effective, the chlorinated counterpart is considered to be the active and require concentrations 100–fold less than MIT. In fact, at very low concentrations of just 2–20 ppm ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. Chemistry : The Effects Of Chemical Reacting, And Its Effects Chemical weathering occurs when a rock or building material is eroded and/or disintegrated by a chemical process. This will occur primarily when a water is mixed with a chemical. Chemical weathering will also often occur by water and in areas where warmer water or temperatures more frequently occur and are common (kidsgeo), as the process accelerates and thrives in these conditions. Often this process will occur in warmer seasons in the summer or spring to take advantage of the warmer weather in order to accelerate the process. There are three distinct types of chemical weathering that can occur: oxidation, hydrolysis, and carbonation. Oxidation will occur when a molecule will gain an extra oxygen molecule. A good example of this is rust (passel), which occurs when iron reacts with oxygen and it becomes iron oxide. So when a rock goes oxidised is becomes weaker and can break down easily as the extra oxygen has weakened its structure . Hydrolysis will occur when an extra water molecule is added. And carbonation will occur when water reacts with carbon dioxide to form a carbonic acid, which can hollow out rocks by breaking them down, leading to cave formations. Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate the effects of chemical weathering on zinc. Hypothesis If metal is placed in mixture of acid and water then the amount of rust will increase because the metal will be more exposed to the acid for a period of time with one or the other mixture ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. The Chemistry Of A Heating Bath A heating bath is used in the laboratory to allow the chemical reaction to occur at an elevated temperature around 1000C. The beaker is a glass vessel which contains the chemical solutions for the purpose of coating. It is placed in the electroless bath where the chemicals are being heated up. The glass rod is used to stir the chemical where the magnetic stirrer is not necessary. The tongs are used to lift the bath after the coating is completed. Tri–sodium citrate and thallium acetate are the chemicals used during coating process which acts as a stabilizer for the bath. It stabilizes the reaction occurring in the bath. Laboratory grade distilled water is used for the cleaning process and also to mix up with the chemicals. Nickel chloride acts as the source for the coating process as the nickel is being coated upon the surface of the substrate. Ethylene di amine is used as a complexing agent which creates a bond between the nickel and aluminium and causes the coating. Thallium acetate is used as the stabilizer. Sodium borohydride is the reducing agent which removes the hydrogen ions which are being formed up inside the bath during the coating process. Fig.1 Zincate pre–treatment process Table.1 Composition of Zincate Sodium hydroxide 400 g/l Zinc sulphate 120 g/l Sodium potassium tartarate 6 g/l Temperature Room Temperature Immersion time 3 mins Table.2 Nickel phosphorous and Nickel boron composition and conditions S.No Chemicals Used & Conditions ... Get more on ...
  • 43.
  • 44. What is Fermentation? Essay Introduction: Fermentation a metabolic process with occurs in the absence of oxygen molecules also known as an anabolic reaction. It is a process of glycolysis in which sugar molecules are used to create ATP. Fermentation has many forms the two most known examples are lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation (Cressy). Lactic acid fermentation is used in many ranges from food production such as bacteria to its use by fatigued muscles in complex organisms (Cressy). When experimenting with organisms such as yeast which was done in this experiment you follow the metabolic pathway of Alcoholic fermentation (Sadava). Where the sugar molecules are broken down and become ethanol (Sadava). But the end product of fermentation is the production of ... Show more content on ... Showing that an acidic medium will still allow for yeast to ferment with little to no change from a neutral pH which is supposed to be the optimal condition. But I predict that there will be a significant change in how yeast will react in different conditions. Methods: Collect to 2 large beakers both large beakers are to be filled with hot water (labtutor). Then obtain seven conical tubes these will be used to collect the levels of gas, you will also need test tube a stopper and a plastic tube (labtutor). You want to fill the conical tube to at least 50 ml of water (Cressy). Take the four conical tubes filled with water and place two in each beaker, to do this you must invert the tube and cover the release hole as to not lose any water (Cressy). Then place the beakers with the tubes in the bath so they can be at the same temperature as the bath (Cressy). Next mark all of your test tubes in number order to be sure which tube contains what concentrations and pH (Cressy). Having mixed a solution to the specifications of 2.5 ml of glucose in all tubes, 3 ml of yeast in 2 tubes of pH 5, 2 tubes of pH 9, and the single pH 7 tube, the remaining two tubes will contain no yeast as they will be negative controls. Next add 2 ml of pH buffer 3 tubes will receive pH of 5, three will receive a pH of 9 and a single tube of pH 7. Finally add pure water to make sure all test tubes have 10 ml of solution. When making the solutions ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. The Use Of Ester Interchange Reactions During The... PRODUCTION OF PET We utilize the rapidity of ester–interchange reactions during the production process. The acid (terephthalic acid) is converted to the dimethyl ester, which is further purified by distillation or crystallization. This is then allowed to react with the glycol by ester interchange. The reaction generally is a two–step reaction a. First, low MW polyester is made with excess of glycol to ensure that the hydroxyl end groups are formed and then the temperature is raised and pressure is decreased to facilitate condensation of these molecules by ester interchange simultaneously with the loss of glycol. [7] PET resins can be produced in two ways commercially. These two ways are by using one among dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) or terephthalic acid (TPA) with Ethylene Glycol (EG). These processes are generally known as the DMT Process and the TPA process. The intermediate bis–(2– hydroxyethyl)–terephthalate monomer (BHET) is produced in both these processes. This is accompanied by methanol when using DMT and water when using TPA. The BHET intermediate formed is polymerized with heat and catalyst to produce PET resins. The older route is the DMT process. [8] Process using DMT [9] It is a two–step process. The ratio of DMT to EG is generally 2:1. There is the possibility of using either batch operation or continuous operations to produce PET using DMT. Some basic differences between the batch operation and continuous operations: In the continuous process the ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. The Game Of Soccer : The Atp / Pc System 1. Soccer is one of the most demanding of all sports. The game is played on one of the largest fields of any sport, for the longest sustained time and with the least amount of breaks. Players in a soccer team are in continuous activity as they compete for loose balls, move to encourage teammates, rotate positions and run to make a space or test opponents. Running, jumping, sprinting movements in relation with sudden changes of acceleration and route outweigh the play. The power of the game ranges between low–level activities such as walking or jogging to ones of high intensity such as sprinting . This is what is known as intermittent exercise. The rhythm of soccer is dynamic and constantly changing, which is a characteristic that divides it from other endurance sports , this suggests that in order for a midfielder to successfully endure for the entire 90 minutes all three energy systems assist in different stages although the ATP/PC system is dominant. The ATP/PC system, which lasts up to 10 seconds, is the body's initial source of fuel and is reliant on its stores of ATP and CP and provides the required burst of energy without the presence of oxygen for high intensity purposes. This burst of energy is due to separating of the chemical bonds between the Phosphate and Creatine which releases additional energy that helps produce more ATP so that we have it upon requirement for only a short period of time. This system is the most dominant system because this system is ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Chemical Coagulation vs Electrocoagulation for Groundwater... Arsenic contamination in groundwater has become a major health problem for human being. There are many treatment methods have been developed for arsenic removal. It is important to develop a treatment method that is economical and accessible for people who live in rural areas and cannot afford the expensive treatment methods. Due to its several advantages, such as low cost and maintenance, electrocoagulation is one of the promising methods that can be used for arsenic treatment. In this study, we compare chemical coagulation with electrocoagulation and try to show the advantages of electrocoagulation over chemical coagulation. Three experimental studies have been reviewed and based on the results of these studies it has been concluded that by determining optimum parameters such as electrolysis time, initial arsenic concentration, current density, electrode surface area, and pH value, electrocoagulation can be an effective treatment method for arsenic removal from groundwater due to its low cost, eco–friendly and low maintenance. Keywords: arsenic removal, groundwater, electrocoagulation, chemical coagulation Arsenic Removal from Groundwater by Electrocoagulation Water is the most essential necessity for human life. Can you imagine life without clean drinking water supply? Due to increasing the population of the world, the clean water has become a huge concern. Arsenic has been one of the important components in contamination of drinking water in many regions ... Get more on ...
  • 51.
  • 52. Application Of Edible Coating And Shelf Life Study Essay Studies on various aspect and objectives related to the present research work were carried during the year 2016 in Department of Food Technology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology Hisar, Haryana. This chapter deals with the experimental set up of various experiments performed during the study. The experimental design and statistical analysis are also explained as well. 3.1 Materials: Shellac was provided by National Institute of Gum and Raisin, Ranchi. Chemicals were used in this study was of analytical grade and best grapes was purchased from the local market of Hisar, Haryana. 3.2 Methodology employed for application of edible coating and shelf life study: 3.2.1 Coating Solution Preparation and Application Dewaxed shellac, oleic acid, morpholine and ammonia in predetermined quantities were dispersed in 100ml distilled water as shown in Table 3.1. The Coating treatment performed named as S1, S2, S3, S4, and S5. Oleic acid is used an emulsifier and antioxidant agent. The other component morpholine as emulsifying agent and ammonia was used to dissolve shellac being insoluble in water. Samples dipped in distilled water were used as Control. The solution was heated with constant stirring on a heating mantle at 70⁰C for 6 minutes. Samples were dipped in different concentration coating for 20sec and the excess coating was drained. The coated samples were then kept for surface drying at room temp for 15mins. Dewaxed shellac: ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Stomach Acid Lab Report This experiment investigates the effect of stomach acid at different pH levels on the solubility of metformin hydrochloride tablets. According to my results, the metformin hydrochloride tablets dissolved at a faster rate in the simulated stomach acid with less alcohol, and therefore, more acidic. This conclusion, proves the hypothesis stated above. As predicted, the simulated acid with less traces of alcohol was a more suitable environment for the medicine to dissolve at a faster rate. Consequently, the tablets took a longer time to dissolve in the acid with a greater concentration of alcohol. In consideration of the uncertainties, the two graphs above show that as the pH level increases and becomes more basic, the amount of time for the tablets ... Show more content on ... When measuring out the substances for this experiment, an individual could get random errors when slightly different values are collected each time they perform the measurement. Systematic errors, on the other hand, are more difficult to detect but can be avoided if an individual looks for them with care. A systematic error can occur in this experiment if the chemicals that are used are expired or when the scales that are being used have been tampered with beforehand. Aside from random and systematic errors, there are a few limitations in the design of this experiment. The use of small graduated cylinders can provide inaccurate results for the experiment. Since the smaller cylinders can only hold a small amount of acid, there is a possibility that the solutions can undergo supersaturation, when a solution contains more of the dissolved material than could be dissolved by the solvent. In a case that this happens, it would be difficult to predict when the tablet stop dissolving in the solution. Therefore, due to the number of errors that could be made in this experiment, the results are a little unreliable unless changes are made during the procedure and design of the lab set ... Get more on ...
  • 55.
  • 56. Essay about Module 1 Homework Module 01 Homework Assignment Use the information presented in this module along with additional outside research to answer the questions: 1. Describe how applied microbiology is used to improve aspects of life and the environment. Microbiology is the study of microorganisms (VanMeter, VanMeter, & Hubert, n.d., p.3). These are all of the things not visible to the human eye. With the study of microbiology, it enables us to find things such as viruses and bacteria. This is helpful because sickness and certain outbreaks can be prevented. In turn, this creates a safer more stable environment. 2. Describe how the table of elements is ordered and discuss four common elements in living organisms. Elements are ordered on the ... Show more content on ... OSHA created a biosafety program. This provides rules and guidelines for handling and storing chemicals in the laboratory. The program contains everything you need to be safe in the lab. It also lays out an exposure plan in case someone were to get something in the lab. (VanMeter, VanMeter, & Hubert, n.d., p.101). 6. Discuss the technique and importance of proper hand washing and describe at least two other types of hand cleaning/sanitizing techniques. Hands should be washed with soap and warm running water. The should also be washed for 20 seconds paying special attention to the back of the hand, the wrist, between the fingers and under the nail. Rinse well and dry with a single use towel. Always turn the water off with the towel. Aint–bacterial hand sanitizer is also effective. Alcohol can also be used. (VanMeter, VanMeter, & Hubert, n.d., p.100–101). 7. Name five pieces of information provided by the NIOSH Pocket guide to Chemical Hazards found at 1.Water flush immed | If this chemical contacts the skin, immediately flush the contaminated skin with water. If this chemical penetrates the clothing, immediately remove the clothing and flush the skin with water. Get medical attention promptly. | 2.Water flush prompt | If this chemical contacts the skin, flush the contaminated skin with water promptly. If this chemical penetrates the clothing, immediately remove the clothing and flush the skin with water ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Classifying chemical reaction 02/19/14 Classifying Chemical Reactions Introduction Pre–lab questions 1. Which reactants used in this experiment are flammable? Discuss the safety precautions that are necessary when working with flammable materials in the lab? 2. Summarize the following description of a chemical reaction in the form of a balanced chemical equation? 3. Common observations of a chemical reaction are described in the introduction section. For each observation, name a common or everyday occurrence that must involve a chemical reaction? Research question What is the appearance of reactant, Evidence of chemical reaction, and properties of a product? Background information The experiment is to observe a variety of chemical reactions and to identify patterns in ... Show more content on ... 2. When the magnesium ignited, removed it from the flame and held it over an evaporating dish or a pyrex watch glass until the metal had burned completely. Let the product fall into the evaporating dish. 3. Turned off the laboratory burner and observed the properties of the product in the evaporating dish. 4. Recorded observation in the data table Reaction 2 – 1.Used a Beral– type pipet, added about 2mL (40 Drops) of 1M hydrochloric acid solution to a small test tube. 2. Obtained a 2– 3 cm strip of magnesium metal ribbon and coiled it loosely into a small ball. Added the magnesium metal to the acid in the test tube. 3. Carefully felt the sides of the test tube and observed the resulted chemical reaction for about 30 seconds. 4. While the reaction was still occurred, lighted a wood splint and quickly placed the burned splint in the mouth of the test tube. Do not put the burned splint into the acid solution. 5. Recorded observations in the data table. Reaction 3– 1. Obtained a clean and dry test tube and placed a small amount ( about the size of a jelly bean) of ammonium carbonate into the test tube. 2. Used a test tube clamp to held the test tube and gently heated the tube in a laboratory burner flame for about 30 seconds. 3. Removed the test tube from the flame and places a piece of moistened litmus paper in the mouth of the test tube. Identified any odor that is readily apparent by wafted the fumes toward your nose. Caution: Do not sniff ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Enzyme Catalase Experiment Introduction: Within a cell, enzymes are used as a catalyst to increase the rate of chemical reaction. They do not consume themselves, rather they help in increasing the rate of reaction. Within the body, enzymes vary depending on their specific functions. For instance, hydrogen peroxide is a toxic chemical, but it breaks down into harmless oxygen and water. This reaction can be sped up using the enzyme catalyst produced by yeast. Hydrogen peroxide is produced as a byproduct in cellular reaction, because it is poisonous and must be broken down, therefore this reaction is important. The speeding up of the reaction is shown below: 2H2O (aq) catalyses 2H2O (l) + O2 (g) This experiment is designed to analyze how the enzyme catalase activity is affected by the pH levels. The experiment has also been designed to outline all of the directions and the ways by which the observation can be made clearly and accurately. Yeast, will be used as the enzyme and hydrogen peroxide will be used as a substrate. This experiment will be used to determine the effects of the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide versus the rate of reaction of the enzyme catalase. Hypothesis: The presence of catalyst will cause hydrogen peroxide to break down into water and oxygen. The increase in the pH of the substrate will cause the increase in the rate of reaction. It will optimize at pH 7 and will diminish/moderate after pH 9. The important questions that will help clarify the ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Ph Levels Lab Report Essay The relatively close pH levels of Tap Water, Spring Water, Flavored Water, and Seltzer Water. Introduction This experiment was performed to investigate the following hypothesis: The following four different types of drinking water (spring water, seltzer water, tap water, and flavored water) we test will relatively have the same pH level. Our group decided to test different types of drinking water to see if a pH level of tap water is comparable to other types of water. Many people believe that city water has many chemicals, causing us to form the expirement to see how close the different types of drinking water's pH levels are. Materials and Methods For the first part of our exiperiment we used the Red Cabbage Indicator. Red ... Show more content on ... We then moved the electrode in one of the beakers of water we wanted to test. We measured the pH level, recorded it, then placed it back into the clean water it was orignally in. We repeated these steps for each of the different type of drinking water. The control treatment in our expirement was thr red cabbage indicator. The dependent variable is the pH of the water. The independent variable is the different types of drinking water ( tap water, spring water, seltzer water, and flavored water). The standard variables in the expirement are the clean test tubes, the clean pipettes, the Paraflim, the pH tester, and the pH levels pH 2, pH 4, pH 6, pH 7, pH 8, pH 10, and pH 12. Results Table 1 shows the standard of the standard of the expirement. It is used to compare the color of the red cabbage expirement to form an educated guess on the pH level of the different types of water. Table 2 shows the pH numbers we got from the red cabbage expirement and from the pH tester. This informations enables to compare the red cabbage and the pH tester numbers in order to prove the red cabbages accuaracy, and to prove our hypothesis that all of the pH numbers of the different types of drinking water are relatively close. Table 1: Red Cabbage Indicator standards pH LEVEL | COLOR | 2 | Red | 4 | Pink | 6 | Purple | 7 | Dark Purple | 8 | Blue | 10 | Dark Green | 12 | Green | Table 2: Table of red
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  • 65. Chemical Reactions Chemistry "Chemical Reaction and the PH Scale" Chemical reactions are the heart of chemistry. People have always known that they exist. The Ancient Greeks were the firsts to speculate on the composition of matter. They thought that it was possible that individual particles made up matter. As you might imagine, it's useful to be able to measure the acidity of solutions. Scientists have come up with the pH scale for determining the concentration of acid in a solution so we can distinguish between solutions with varying acidity. A Chemical reaction is the outcome of two or more elements together results in the formation of a chemical bond between atoms and compound. Chemicals react together due to ... Show more content on ... The PH Scale which is a diagram that is used to show the different measurements of water. In general is important to know how the pH scale works because it determines whether or not a liquid is acidic or ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Conventional Drug Delivery Systems ( Ddss ) Abstract: With the emergence of more novel and effective drug therapies, increased importance is being placed upon the methods by which these drugs are being delivered to the body. Different methodologies have been heavily investigated as possible solutions , one of these methods are intelligent or 'Smart polymeric drug–delivery systems'. "Stimuli responsive" and "self regulating" drug delivery systems have captured the imagination of researchers, in large part because they suggest a means to mimic the physiological homeostatic feedback mechanisms that are essential for health. As dysregulation of homeostasis is a feature of many diseases such as diabetes and cancer. 1. Introduction: Conventional drug delivery systems (DDSs) are often accompanied by systemic side effects that mainly are attributed to their nonspecific bio–distribution and uncontrollable drug release characteristics. To overcome these limitations, advanced controlled DDSs have been developed to achieve the release of payloads at the target sites in a spatial controlled manner. Commercially available controlled release devices offer several advantages, e.g. they maintain the drug within the desired therapeutic range with just a single dose, they allow localized drug delivery which ultimately may reduce the need for follow–up care, they preserve drugs that are rapidly destroyed by the body and ultimately improve patient compliance. With the breakthrough of the biotechnology field in medicine, many advantages of ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Is Soda Really Bad? Is soda really that bad? Time and time again magazines, schools, and television say that sodas are harmful to the body. They go on to scare people to death, by saying that sodas have been linked to obesity. They state that the rising consumption of sugary drinks has been a major contributor to the obesity epidemic (Harvard). They also say, that it is related to kidney damage and cancer (Boyles). In reality, these sodas are not as bad as they have been made out to be, as long as they are drunk in moderation. Drinking one soda will not kill people, soda is not the enemy! As a matter of fact, sodas have a great benefit to everyone who drinks them, from curing multiple stomach issues, giving people that extra boost to get you through the day, to using it as a multi–purpose household cleaner. Come and join the millions of soda drinkers and enjoy the pleasing taste and big benefits found is this small can. Soda drinkers hear a soda can being opened and it is like music to their ears. They hear the fuzziness and bubbles inside the can and their mouth begins to tingle eagerly waiting to take that sip. As they taste that sip of sweetness inside their mouth, their taste buds are jumping for joy as their thirst is being quenched. As the soda goes down their throat, it is getting deeper into their body and their body is thanking them for the wonderful benefits they are about to experience. First of all, when someone has an upset stomach where do people turn to? Well, it would be a ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Taking a Look at Polyester Fiber 2.2 Polyester Fiber 2.2.1 Background and General Properties of Polyester Fiber Polyesters are those fibers containing at least 85% of a polymeric ester of a substituted aromatic carboxylic acid including but not restricted to terephthalic acid and f–hydroxybenzoic acid. The major polyester in the market is polyethylene terephthalate (PET), an ester formed by step growth polymerization of terephthalic acid and the diol ethylene glycol. The polyester fibers all have similar properties, are highly resilient and resistant to wrinkling, possess high durabilily and dimensional stability, and are resistant to chemical and environmental attack(Needles, 1986). In 1996, 24.1 million metric tons of manmade fibres were produced globally. The main volume gain took place in production of PET fibres (PET filament 9%, PET staple 4%) (Froehlich, 1997). Dramatic growth in PET fibre production is foreseen in Asia in the near future (Harris, 1996). The cost of polyester, with the combination of its superior strength and resilience, is lower than that of rayon. Polyester fibres are hydrophobic which is suitable for lightweight facing fabrics used in disposable industry providing a perceptible dry feel on the facing, even when the inner absorbent media is fully saturated. As the new methods of PET processing and bonding of are developed, rayon is replaced by polyester on the market. 49% of the total nonwovens market share in USA belongs to polyester staple, reaching up to 291 million pounds in ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Dangerous Everyday There are things all around us that can be very dangerous and we might never know. Soaps and detergents are one of those things. Acids and bases are everywhere but, there are two specific types: Sulphuric Acid and Sodium Hydroxide which we use on a regular day bases. An acid classifies a wide range of materials including Sulphuric acid and bases Sodium Hydroxide. When manufacturing soaps they use Sodium Hydroxide, and detergents use Sulphuric Acid. But these two can be very poisonous, and there are many symptoms that may happen, some even severe. The title shows how much people may be using dangerous things without having the knowledge that they can harm them. Acid and bases can be found in our everyday lives. An acid is a compound that usually has a sour taste, containing hydrogen that can be replaced by a metal to form salt. Bases taste bitter and feel slippery, their water solution conducts and electric currents. When acids and bases are put together they make salt and water. The Arrhenius theory states that acids are substances which produce hydrogen ions in a solution and bases are substances in which produce hydroxide ions in a solution. Neutralization happens when hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions produce water. Something we use every is soaps, detergents and fertilizers, all of these have acids and bases. The manufacturing of soaps use the base Sodium hydroxide and the detergent and fertilizer use Sulphuric acid. Sodium hydroxide is a white solid, ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Investigating The Relationship Between Ph And Water Hardness The purpose of this investigation was to determine the relationship between pH and water hardness. Water samples from above the Mount Morgan mine site and below the Mount Morgan mine site were also compared. 8.1 Analysis of the Data It was hypothesised that the water sample from above the mine site would be of better water quality than the sample from below the mine site. It was found that this was, in fact, the case. As seen in Table 7.2, the above sample had lower acidity, hardness and conductivity than the below sample. Given that acidity is indicated by a pH of below 7, the below mine water sample was considered acidic, at a pH of 4.92. Conversely, the above mine site sample had a pH of 7.35, indicating an almost neutral profile. The above mine sample had a conductivity of 2200 µS/cm, whereas the below mine sample had a conductivity of 7500 µS/cm. This suggests that there are a significantly greater number of ions in solution in below mine water than above mine water. The below mine sample also had greater water hardness, with a calcium ion concentration of 5183.29 mg/L, compared with the above mine sample's hardness of only 115.02 mg/L. The above mine water mostly exhibited water quality parameter values that aligned with the water quality guidelines for fresh water. With an almost neutral pH of 7.35, meaning it is within the recommended pH range of 6.8–9.5 and is also safe for consumption. The hardness (concentration of calcium ions) of 115.02 mg/L also lies ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Part a: Dehydration of 1-Butanol & 2-Butanol/Part B:... Ashley Droddy CHM 235LL–Monday, 3/19/2012 & 3/26/2012 Part A: Dehydration of 1–butanol & 2–Butanol/Part B: Dehydrobromination of 1–Bromobutane & 2–Bromobutane Abstract The objective of this experiment is to successfully perform a dehydration of 1–butanol and 2– butanol, also dehydrobromination of 1–bromobutane and 2–bromobutane to form the alkene products 1–butene, trans–2–butene, and cis–2–butene. The dehydration reactions react under and acid–catalysis which follows an E1 mechanism. It was found that dehydration of 1–butanol yielded 3.84% cis–2–butene, 81.83% trans–2–butene, and 14.33% 1–butene, while 2–butanol is unknown due to mechanical issues with the GC machine. For the dehydrobromination, with the addition of a ... Show more content on ... That the more stable alkene trans–2–butene, is the major product at approximately 82%. While, the two minor products would be 1–butene at 14%, and cis–2–butene at only approximately 4%. Although, dehydration was not performed on 2–butanol, it would also produce the 3 isomeric alkenes like 1–butanol via an E2 mechanism. The percentages would probably be very similar as well. With trans–2–butene, being the major product, and cis–2–butene and 1–butene being minor products as well. The GC results would appear again very similar to 1–butanol with 3 peaks representing the 3 alkenes produced, however, 2–butanol has a lower BP, so it takes longer to react and produce gaseous mixture because it is a secondary alcohol. Part B: Dehydrobromination of 1–bromobutane & 2–bromobutane Compound | Temperature (⁰C) | Products | Peak Area(mm2) | % Composition | 1–bromobutane | 90 | Trans–2–butene | ––––– | –––– | | | Cis–2–butene | ––––– | –––– | | | 1–butene | 17500 | 100 | 2–bromobutane | 80 | Trans–2– butene | 2469 | 49.95 | | | Cis–2–butene | 3336 | 13.09 | | | 1–butene | 8741 | 36.97 | –(GC) Calculations for relative amount of products: 1–bromobutane: Total peak area=17500 mm2 17500 mm2/17500 mm2x100%=100%, 1–butene 2–Bromobutane: Total peak area=6679mm2 2469 mm2/6679 mm2x100%=36.97%, 1–butene 3336 mm2/6679 mm2x100%–=49.95% trans–2–butene
  • 78. 8741 mm2/6679 mm2x100%=13.09% cis–2–butene 1–bromobutane with a strong base reacts ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Chemistry lab report Essay The goal of the project was to characterize an "unknown" organic acid in order to make a proper identification of the acid, while learning proper techniques for scientific measurement and analysis of error. In order to ensure the most accurate data, a purification was performed by the process of recrystallization. To perform the recrystallization the powder was dissolved in a minimal amount of hot ethanol/H2O solvent that allowed the unknown powder to crystallize properly when cooled. This process allowed for the removal of soluble impurities when suction filtered. A sample of the unknown acid was weighed at 8.24 g, and it was found that 164ml of a 40% ethanol, 60% H20 solvent dissolved the 8.24 g of unknown acid when heated. The ... Show more content on ... Phenolphthalein was used as an endpoint indicator to determine the molarity of the NaOH solution, which was found to be approximately .0979 M. The data collected from the titration follows in the table below. "NaOH Titration" Trial I II III Mass KHP (g) .403 .402 .411 Final NaOH 21.02mL 41.04mL 30.01mL Initial NaOH .89mL 21.02mL 9.50mL Volume NaOH Total 20.13mL 20.02mL 20.60mL Molarity NaOH .0980 M .0980 M .0977 M The molarity of each trial was found using the formula below; following the formula is a sample calculation: Molarity of NaOH Solution = Mass KHP (g) / [(204.34 g/mole) x (Delivered NaOH (ml)] .403g /[(204.24g/mole)x(0.02013L)] = .0980 moles/liter
  • 81. To ensure the best possible data, the error of the collected data was determined. This error was found to be: (9.80–9.77)/9.77 = .003 x 100% = .31% error. The equivalent weight of the unknown was determined by titration with NaOH. By discovering the amount of NaOH required to react with the unknown acid, it was possible to determine the equivalent weight of 98.4 g/mole. Three samples of the pure unknown acid were weighed at .403g, .406g, and .394g. Each sample was placed in a flask and dissolved in approximately 40–50mL of the heated solvent used in the recrystallization (40% ethanol/60% H2O). A drop of Phenolphthalein was added to each flask. Each flask was titrated with the standardized ... Get more on ...