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Neurodynamics: Anatomy, Biomechanics,
and Physiology
Kerry K. Gilbert, PT, ScD
Professor/Program Director- Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
Director- Anatomy Research and Education
Director- Clinical Anatomy Research Laboratory
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
School of Health Professions
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Lubbock, Texas, USA
Butler’s Seven Points for Consideration NVMT (2017):
1.  Aim	to	make	neurodynamics	central	and	essen8al	to	Neurology	
-Goal:	to	provide	mechanically	permissible	movement	
2.  Biopsychosocial	considera8ons	
-all	parts	are	important	to	treatment	
3.  Confident	Clinicians	are	cri8cal	
-Pa8ents	respond	to	confident	clinicians	
4.  Educa8on	is	therapy-	Neurodynamics	enriches	therapy	
-educa8on	is	especially	important	with	pain	pa8ents;	explain	the	con8nuum	of	the	nervous	system;	odd	
symptom	paLerns	are	not	surprising;	“Nothing	about	your	condi8on	surprises	me.”	
5.  Recognize	the	Neuroimmune	cascade	
-not	just	neuro,	but	neuroimmune;	ac8vated	inflamma8on	
6.  Consider	CNS	mobiliza8on	
-cord	movement;	meninges	movement;	CSF	flow	
7.  Consider	Neurodynamics	with	reasoned	judgment	(in	context	of	clinical	exam)	
-s8ff,	s8cky,	stuck	–	mobilize	the	nervous	system;		
There	is	an	“awakening	to	Neurodynamics”	
-David	Butler,	NVMT	2017		
Educa#on	Imaging	
Treatment	Plan	
Special	Tes#ng	
Clinical	Examina8on	
Take	Home	Message:	Neurodynamic	tes#ng	is	a	small	(but	vital)	part	of	the	overall	clinical	examina#on	picture.	
•  History	of	ND	
•  Macro	Anatomy	
•  Micro	Anatomy	
•  Biomechanics	
•  Rela8on	to	Tes8ng	and	
•  Recent	Findings	
NVMT	2017	
1929-	Nerve	Extension	upper	lim
b-	Bragard	
1959-	Upper	Lim
b-	Von	Laniz	&	W
1960-1980-	Adverse	M
echanical	Tension-	Breig	
1970’s-sensi8vity	of	NS-	Grieve;	Slum
p-	Cyriax/M
1980’s-	Adverse	NT-	Butler;	M
aitland;	Elvey;		
History	of	Neurodynamics	
2800	BC?	–Im
1982-	Pain-	M
elzack	and	W
1991-	M
obiliza#on	of	the	NS-	Butler	
1880’s-	Nerve	Stretching-	Cavafy,;	Sym
ington;	M
1979-	Brachial	Plexus	Tension	Test	(ULNT)-	Elvey	
1960-1980-	Nerve	Com
pression/Tension-	Rydevik,	
Sunderland,	Olm
arker,	Lundborg		
1993-	LNR	Disp.-	Sm
ith	and	M
2005-	Clinical	Neurodynam
ics-	Sequencing-	Shacklock	
2012-	ND	Validity-Nee,	Coppieters,	Schm
2011-	Tibial	Nerve	Fluid	Dynam
ics-	Brown,	Gilbert	
2007-	LNR-SLR	Displacem
ent	and	Strain-	Gilbert		
History	of	Neurodynamics	
2017–	Neuroim
une;	Rx-	Coppieters,	Schm
	“ND	Aw
2008-	Treatm
ent	Effi
cacy-	Ellis;	In	Vivo	US-	Dilley		
2000-	Sensi#ve	NS-	Butler	
2013-	Entrapm
ent	Neuropath-Schm
id	and	Coppieters	
2015-	CNR	Displ/Strn-Foram
inal	Ligs-	Lohm
an	and	Gilbert	
2015-Fluid	Disp-	Gilbert,	Sobczak	
2000-	ND	Tes8ng	Reliability-	Coppieters	
Median and
Clinical	Applica8on:	Pathoanatomy	
•  Upper	Limb	Neural	Pathoanatomy	
–  Axillary	Arch	
•  Anomalous	bands	of	the	la8ssimus	dorsi	muscle	
•  Bands	compressed	the	underlying	neurovascular	structures	during	ABD/ER	including	the	axillary	vessels,	musculocutaneous,	
median,	and	ulnar	nerves.	
•  Similar	reports	have	shown	this	type	of	8ssue	to	aLach	to	coracoid	process,	pectoralis	major,	and	coracobrachialis	muscle.	
•  Authors	suggest	clinical	manifesta8on	similar	to	TOS	symptoms	and	suggest	a	clinical	test	using	ABD/ER	and	palpa8on.	
11	Smith	AR,	Cummings	JP.	The	Axillary	Arch:	Anatomy	and	Suggested	Clinical	Manifesta#ons.	JOSPT,	2006;	36(6):425-429.	
Clinical	Applica8on:	Pathoanatomy	Ulnar	Nerve	
•  Upper	Limb	Neural	Pathoanatomy	
–  Archade	of	Struthers	
Macro (Gross)
Radial Nerve
Clinical	Applica8on:	Pathoanatomy	Median	Nerve	
•  Upper	Limb	Neural	Pathoanatomy	
–  Ligament	of	Struthers	
–  Pronator	Syndrome	
–  Carpal	Tunnel	Syndrome	
Clinical	Applica8on:	Pathoanatomy	Radial	Nerve	
•  Upper	Limb	Neural	Pathoanatomy	
–  Fracture	of	humeral	shal-	radial	nerve	injury	
–  Radial	Tunnel	Syndrome-	Archade	of	Frosche	
Clinical	Applica8on:	Pathoanatomy	Radial	Nerve	
•  Upper	Limb	Neural	Pathoanatomy	
–  Fracture	of	humeral	shal-	radial	nerve	injury	
–  Radial	Tunnel	Syndrome-	Archade	of	Frosche	(Calavert,	2009)	
Macro (Gross)
Radial Nerve
Macro (Gross)
Tibial and Common
Fibular Nerves
Moore	&	Dalley:.Ch	5;		
NeLer:	plate	528	
Gilroy:	Fig	29.1-29.28	
Lower	Limb	
Scia8c	and	
Posterior	Cut.	
Nerve	of	the	
Moore	&	Dalley:.Ch	5;		
NeLer:	plate	529	
Gilroy:	Fig	29.1-29.28	
Summary:	Lower	
Limb	Innerva8on	
Tibial	Nerve	
Moore	&	Dalley:.Ch	5;		
NeLer:	plate	530	
Gilroy:	Fig	29.1-29.28	
Summary:	Lower	
Limb	Innerva8on	
Common	Fibular	
(Peroneal)	Nerve	
Dermatomes	vs.	Cutaneous	Innerva8on	
Moore	&	Dalley:.Ch	5;		
NeLer:	plate	470;	530	
Gilroy:	Fig	29.27-29.28	
The	Anatomy	of	the	PNS	
•  Peripheral	Nervous	System	(PNS)	Layout:	
–  Mechanical	interface	
•  “con8nuum”–	Butler,	1989		
•  “container”	–	Shacklock	1995	
•  “nerve	bed”	consists	of	anything	that	lies	next	to	the	nervous	system	(tendon,	
muscle,	bone,	IV	disc,	ligaments,	fascia,	blood	vessels)	
–  Neural	structures	
•  Actual	nerve	8ssue	
–  Innervated	8ssues	
•  The	actual	8ssue	innervated	by	the	neural	structures	
Butler,	1988;	Shacklock,	1995;	2005	
The	micro	Anatomy	of	a	Nerve	
•  Endoneurium	
–  Surrounds	axons	
•  Perineurium	
–  Surrounds	fasicles	
•  Epineurium	
–  Surrounds	nerve	
•  Mesoneurium	
–  Outside	the	epineurium	
Butler	1991	
The	Anatomy	of	a	Nerve	
•  Blood	Flow	
1.  Extrinsic	
2.  Intrinsic	
•  2a-superficial	intrinsic	
•  2b-interfascicular	
•  2c-endoneurial	capillary	
3.  Vascular	“coils”	
4.  Spinal	dura	
5.  Root	sheath	
Nordin	&	Frankel,	Fig	5.5;	Olmarker	1991	
Biomechanics-	Movement	of	Nerves	
•  Mechanical	func8ons	of	all	nerves:	
–  Tension	
•  Perineurium	–	18-22%	strain	before	failure	(Sunderland	&	Bradley,	1961;	
Sunderland	1991)	
•  Leads	to	decrease	of	cross-sec8onal	area	and	“transverse	compression”	
–  Sliding	
•  Movement	of	neural	structures	within	the	container	or	nerve	bed	(McLellan	&	
Swash	1976;	Wilgis	&	Murphy	1986)	
•  AKA-	“excursion,”	“displacement,”	or	“gliding”	
•  Longitudinal	or	transverse	movement;	dissipates	strain	
•  Mesoneurium-sliding	in	the	nerve	bed;	
•  Interfascicular	epineurium-	interfascicular	gliding;	(Millesi	1990)	
–  Compression	
•  Bone,	tendon,	muscle,	fascia,	etc.,	pressing	on	the	nerve	
Shacklock	2005	
Movement	of	Nerves	
•  Movement	of	joints	
–  Related	to	the	posi8on	of	the	nerve	to	the	joint	
–  “convergence”-	movement	of	the	nerve	8ssue	
toward	the	joint	that	is	moved/moved	most.	
(Smith	1956;	McLellan	&	Swash	1976)	
–  Bending	of	a	joint	à	tension	and	compression	of	
•  Movement	of	the	innervated	8ssues	
–  Causes	elonga8on;	“sensi8zing	maneuvers”	
•  Movement	of	the	mechanical	interface	
–  Opening	(ê	pressure)	vs.	Closing	mechanisms	
•  These	concepts	are	important	for	clinical	diagnosis	
Shacklock	2005	
ULNT	Tension	(Strain)	
Kleinrensink	GJ,	et	al.	 	Upper	limb	tension	tests	as	tools	in	the	diagnosis	of	nerve	and	plexus	
lesions.	Anatomical	and	biomechanical	aspects.	Clin	Biomech	(Bristol,	Avon).	2000;	15(1):9-14.	
•  Median	nerve	bias	caused	
the	most	ten>on	(strain)	
•  ‘it	is	unlikely	that	any	of	
the	six	tests	studied	will	
selec>vely	stress	specific	
cervical	nerve	roots’	
•  ‘So,	based	on	tensile	force	
distribu>on	and	
considering	both	
sensi>vity	and	specificity,	
exclusively	the	median	
nerve	ULTT	and	ULTT+	can	
be	seen	as	specific	nerve	
tension	tests’	
Upper	Limb	NDM	Displacement	and	Strain	
Coppieters	 MW,	 Alshami	 AM.	 Longitudinal	 excursion	 and	 strain	 in	 the	 median	 nerve	 during	
novel	nerve	gliding	exercises	for	carpal	tunnel	syndrome.	J	Ortho	Rsch.	2007;	25(7):972-80.	
•  Sliding	technique	elicited	
the	most	displacement	
and	the	least	strain	in	the	
median	nerve	at	the	
carpal	tunnel.	
•  	Allowing	movement	of	
other	joints	during	NDM	
leads	to	less	strain.		
•  This	sliding	strategy	is	
recommended	for	use	in	
order	to	maximize	
displacement	but	
minimize	strain	to	the	
nerve	>ssue.	
The	Nerve	“Con8nuum”	
•  The	nervous	system	is	a	long	organ	
–  Movement	(gentle	or	aggressive)	has	an	effect	on	the	nervous	system/
path.	Important	for	clinical	tes8ng	and	sequencing.	
•  Structural	differen8a8on	
–  Performed	during	all	neurodynamic	tests	to	determine	whether	the	
nervous	8ssue	is	involved	in	the	pathology	(i.e.,	a	pain	generator).	
–  Differen8a8on	occurs	when	nerve	8ssue	is	moved	in	a	region	of	interest	
without	moving	the	musculoskeletal	8ssues	in	the	same	region.	
–  **Change	in	symptoms	with	the	differen8a8ng	maneuver	may	indicate	a	
neural	mechanism.	
Butler,	1989,	1991;	Shacklock	2005	
Nerve	Movement	PaLerns	
•  Joint	movement	leads	to	movement	of	the	nerves	closest	to	the	movement	
(force)	first	and	then…tension	passes	to	the	more	remote	nerve	path	in	a	
delayed	fashion	as	the	movement	takes	up	the	slack.	
•  Mid-range,	slack	is	taken	up	and	sliding	occurs	of	the	nerve	within	its	nerve	
bed	or	container.	
•  End	range,	tension	ensues	to	the	en8re	system.	
•  Applica8on	to	treatment	
–  If	the	desired	mechanical	input	is	sliding-	apply	large	amplitude	movement	in	mid-range.	
–  If	the	desired	mechanical	input	is	tension-	apply	smaller	amplitude	movement	at	the	end	
–  Or,	combine	the	techniques-	large	range	amplitude	up	to	the	end-range	of	mo8on.	
–  Or,	incorporate	minimal	amplitude	movement	to	simply	take	up	the	slack	in	the	nerve…
–  Olen	the	pa8ent’s	symptoms	will	indicate	which	mobiliza8on	approach	is	most	
appropriate…don’t	work	into	the	painful	movement.	
Shacklock	2005	
Physiology	of	Nerve	Tissue	
•  Mechanics	and	physiology	of	the	nervous	system	have	been	
described	as	“interdependent.”	This	concept	forms	the	basis	for	
neurodynamics	according	to	Shacklock.	While	not	described	this	
specific	manner,	Butler	discussed	nerve	physiology	as	well	(1989	
and	2000).	
•  This	is	an	important	considera8on	in	that	we	can	not	consider	only	
mechanical	or	only	physiological	aspects	of	neural	8ssue	in	clinical	
prac8ce.	We	must	consider	both.	
Shacklock	2005	
Physiology	of	Nerve	Tissue	
•  “Improving	physiology	through	treatment	of	mechanical	func>on	is	
also	an	integral	part	of	the	concept	of	neurodynamics	and	can	be	
highly	effec>ve	in	both	diagnosis	and	treatment.	Releasing	
pressure	or	tension	in	a	nerve	could	improve	its	physiology	and	
clinical	correlates.”	–	Shacklock,	2005	
–  Note	the	mechanical	focus	to	the	physiological	benefit.	Is	it	possible	the	
physiological	benefit	by	itself	may	be	sufficient	to	lead	to	posi>ve	clinical	
Shacklock	2005	
Intraneural	Blood	Flow	
•  Blood	flow	is	redundant	and	designed	to	maintain	flow	in	light	of	
mechanical	influence/stress.	
•  Changes	in	blood	flow,	especially	secondary	to	inflamma8on,	may	
contribute	to	painful	response	to	neurodynamic	tes8ng	without	
the	objec8ve	findings	of	changes	in	conduc8on	velocity.	
•  Vasodila8on-nocicep8ve	(C	fibers)àincrease	of	intraneural	blood	
flowàinflamma8on	and	edemaàmay	lead	to	fibrosis	
•  Vasoconstric8on-	sympathe8c	NSà	reduc8on	of	intraneural	blood	
flowàoverac8vity	of	sympathe8cs	may	lead	to	decreased	blood	
flow	to	nerve	
Shacklock	2005	
Mechanical	Stress	on	Intraneural	Blood	Flow	
•  Movement	has	an	effect	on	intraneural	fluid	movement	(Browne,	Gilbert,	et	al	2011;	
Gilbert	et	al	2015a;	Gilbert	et	al	2015b;	Gilbert	et	al	2017	(unpublished);	Sobczak	et	al,	2015	(submiLed)	
•  Movement	is	expected	to	have	an	effect	on	intraneural	blood	flow.	
•  Tension-	reduces	intraneural	blood	flow	
–  8%	elonga8on-	diminished	venular	flow	(Lundborg	&	Rydevik	1973)	
–  15%	elonga8on-	cessa8on	of	arterial	and	venular	flow	(Lundborg	&	Rydevik	1973)	
–  Time	dependent-	6%	strain	for	1	hour	decreases	conduc8on	by	70%;	longer	dura8on	=	
longer	recovery	8me	necessary	(Lundborg	&	Rydevik	1973)	
•  Movement	has	an	effect	on	neural	blood	flow.	
•  Compression-	30-50mmHg	leads	to	hypoxia,	decreased	flow,	conduc8on,	and	
axonal	transport	(Gelberman	et	al	1983;	Ogata	&	Naito	1986,	Remel	et	al	
•  Same	occurs	in	nerve	roots	(Olmarker	et	al	1991;	Rydevik	1993)	
•  Tension	and	compression	can	be	cumula8ve	in	effect-	“double	crush”	
	 (Lundborg	&	Rydevik	1973)	
Mechanical	Stress	on	Intraneural	Blood	Flow-Physiology	
•  Inflamma>on	à	intraneural	edemaàê	func>on,	blood	supply	and	
venous	drainage.	(Butler	1989;	Butler	2001)	
•  “physiology	must	be	included	in	management	of	mechanical	problems	in	
the	nervous	system.”-	(Shacklock	2005;	Shacklock	1995a)	
•  Clinical	applica8on	note:	these	were	big	steps	to	recognize	the	role	of	
physiology	in	the	recovery	of	nerve	pathology.	However,	this	is	s8ll	in	
the	context	of	there	being	a	“mechanical	problem”	to	manage.	Is	it	
possible	that	the	problem	is	chemical,	fluid,	pressure,	neuroimmune	
related	instead	of	mechanical	alone?	Or	that	a	nerve	could	adapt	to	the	
mechanical	challenge	if	the	chemical/pressure	issues	were	resolved?	
Shacklock	2005	
Inflamma8on	and	PNS	
Shacklock	2005	
Lundborg	G,	Myers	R,	Powell	H.	Nerve	
compression	injury	
and	increased	endoneurial	fluid	pressure:	a	
‘‘miniature	compartment	
syndrome’’.	J	Neurol	Neurosurg	Psychiatry	
Brown	C,	Gilbert	KK,	Brismee	JM,	James	CR,	
Smith,	MP,	Sizer	PS.	The	effects	of	neurodynamic	
mobiliza8on	on	fluid	dynamics	within	the	8bial	
nerve	at	the	ankle:	An	unembalmed	cadaveric	
study.	Journal	of	Manual	&	Manipula>ve	
Therapy,	2011;	19:26-34.	
•  Serial	Neurodynamic	sequences	
–  Shacklock	suggests	that	if	the	sequencing	is	different,	then	the	test	is	completely	
–  Topp	et	al,	2013	suggests	no	difference	in	excursion	or	strain	(scia8c	or	8bial	nerves)	at	
the	end	posi8on	regardless	of	the	sequencing	of	the	test.	
–  Nee	et	al,	2010	suggests	no	difference	in	strain	and	rela8ve	posi8on	between	different	
sequences	of	ND	tes8ng.	However,	the	paLern	of	mo8on	and	loading	may	change	
with	varying	sequences.	
•  Considera8on:	What’s	the	goal	of	tes8ng?	
–  To	determine	whether	the	peripheral	nervous	system	8ssue	is	involved	in	the	
pathological	problem	at	some	level.		
–  Is	it	possible	for	some	people	to	respond	differently	and	therefore,	is	it	helpful	(in	light	
of	a	history	that	might	lead	us	to	think	of	neurogenic	involvement)	to	approach	the	
clinical	tes8ng	from	a	variety	of	direc8ons…to	“sneak	up”	on	it?	Proximal	vs.	Distal	
	Shacklock,	2005;	Topp	et	al,	2013;		
Nee	RJ1,	Yang	CH,	Liang	CC,	Tseng	GF,	Coppieters	MW.	Impact	of	order	of	movement	on	nerve	strain	
and	longitudinal	excursion:	a	biomechanical	study	with	implica8ons	for	neurodynamic	test	sequencing.	
Man	Ther.	2010	Aug;15(4):376-81.	doi:	10.1016/j.math.2010.03.001.	Epub	2010	Mar	31.	
Rela8on	to	Neurodynamic	Tes8ng	 Rela8on	to	Neurodynamic	Treatment	
Summary	of	Treatment	Recommenda8ons:	
•  First,	do	no	harm	(nonmaleficence);	Be	gentle	and	get	the	pa8ent	moving	
•  Treat	the	primary	problem	(e.g.,	disc,	muscle,	tendon)	that	is	affec8ng	the	
•  If	the	nerve	is	the	primary	problem,	then	treat	the	nerve.	
•  If	irritable,	consider	sliding;	work	away	from	painful	segment	
•  If	less	irritable,	consider	tensioning;	work	closer	to	painful	segment	
•  Play	with	posi8oning	using	one	and	two-ended	approaches	to	get	the	desired	
input	into	the	system	
•  Manage	reps,	sets,	dura8on,	etc.	based	on	pt.	response	and	desired	outcomes.	
•  Consider	external	sol	8ssue	mobiliza8on	as	adjunct	Rx	
•  Nee	et	al	2013a	and	2013b-Baseline	indica8ons	may	help	predict	efficacy,	
(absence	of	NP	pain,	older	age,	small	ROM	deficits);	and	RCT	supports	use	of	
ND	Mobiliza8on	with	no	adverse	effects	
Butler,	1991;	Butler,	2000;	Shacklock,	2005	
Theory	of	Neurodynamic		
Summary	Tes8ng	and	Treatment	
Review	of	Neurodynamic	Tes8ng:	
•  Aler	the	systems	review	(CP,	NM,	Msk,	Integ,	etc.)	screening.	
•  Aler	the	Basic	Clinical	Exam	(AROM/PROM/RROM)	
•  Special	Tes8ng	to	rule	in	or	out	(ND	tes8ng)-Sequencing	
•  Tissue	specific	diagnosis	
Review	of	Clinical	Treatment:	
•  Treatment	aimed	at	the	problem	(e.g.,	disc,	nerve,	etc.)	
•  Tissue	specific-	slide/tension,	etc.	
•  Restore	func8onal	ability-	(posture,	strength,	stretch)	
•  Educa8on	and	daily	management	
•  1994- SLR; Slump; ULTT; TOS; Carpal Tunnel (Phil Sizer, PT, PhD and Omer Mattijs, PT, ScD)
•  1997- Frustration as a clinicianà IAOM-US (Valerie Phelps, PT, ScD) (“Diagnosis Specific Orthopaedic
Management”- Maitland History, Cyriax Examination, Butler ND, Kaltenborn mobilization
•  2000/2002- COMT IAOM-US- Spine and Extremities
•  2003- Elbow Study- Soft Tissue Mobilization dorsal forearm (posterior interosseous nerve)
•  2004- ScD Dissertation- L4, L5, S1 root movement during SLR
•  2007- K. Gilbert-Lumbosacral NR Displacement Strain Parts 1 and 2- SPINE Young Investigator Award 2006;
•  Dilemma- if < 1mm movement at the root level, how is NDM helping…won’t break scar tissue...must be
physiological health of the nerve tissue...but how. (Butler 1989; Shacklock 2005)
•  Breig- extension of spine = slack to lumbar roots—relation to Mackenzie Ext Protocol…maybe it’s not the Disc
•  2009-Intraneural Fluid Dispersion-
•  2011- C. Brown- Tibial Nerve; 2015- K. Gilbert- Simulated Sciatic Nerve; 2015- K. Gilbert- L4 Root; 2016- S.
Sobczak- Median Nerve; 2018- N. Burgess- Cervical NR
•  2015-C. Lohman- Cervical NR Displacement and Strain Parts 1 and 2- Spine Young Investigator Award 2015
•  2016- R. Ellis; S. Sobczak; P. Sizer; S. Pol; A. Ali—continuing to seek ways to evaluate nerve tissue…stay tuned.
•  In vitro à In situ à In vivo (desire to progress from passive system to active system in order to build on
physiological nerve health).
Recent	Findings	and	My	Neurodynamic	Story	
•  Novel method for neural marking
(lumbar roots) that spared
foraminal ligaments
•  Computer digitization and
--L4, L5, S1 move less than
previously reported (Smith &
Massie, 1993)
--Relatively large SLR ROM
needed to provide lumbar
root displacement
--SLR NPP moved more than
--distal initiation (DF) may
increase strain
•  SLR NPP and SLR DF are
useful clinical tools that provide
displacement and strain to the
lumbar roots.
•  Clinical	applica8on	of	ULNTT	is	not	limited	
to	the	brachial	plexus	or	within	upper	
•  Provides	mechanical	founda8on	for	
provoca8ve	neurodynamic	tes8ng	of	the	
roots.	Kleinrensink,	2000	could	not	
measure	roots	
–  Bolsters	the	exis8ng	clinical	research	
that	has	validated	ULNTT	for	
symptom	reproduc8on	in	pa8ents	
with	neck	pain	and	radiculopathies	
(Sandmark	&	Nisell,	1995;	Wainner	et	
al.,	2003)	
•  May	be	useful	in	the	examina8on	of	
pathology	of	the	cervical	nerve	roots	
•  Clinical	implica8ons	of	foraminal	ligaments	
are	unclear	
–  Hypothesized	they	paly	a	role	in	
compression	pathologies	(Nowicki	&	
Haughton,	1992;	Park	et	al.,	2001)	
–  Foraminal	ligaments	appear	to	
protect	cervical	nerve	roots	by	
limi8ng	transfer	of	strain	to	prox		root
Fluid	Dynamics-	Peripheral	Nerve	Tissue-	
Scia8c	(in	vitro)-JMMT	2015	
Fluid	Dynamics-	Tibial	Nerve	
(in	situ)-	JMMT	2011	
Fluid Dispersion with Neurodynamic
Pre-mobilization Post-mobilization
Pre	 Post	
Distance	(mm)		
Time	(premobiliza#on	to	post	mobiliza#on)	
Rela#ve	Fluid	Movement		
Compared	to	Baseline	
Fluid	Dynamics-	Lumbar	Nerve	Root-		
(in	situ)	JMMT	2015	 Nerve	Tissue	Fluid	Dynamics	
Series	of	studies	examining	the	dynamics	of	intraneural	fluid:	
•  Scia8c	Nerve	–	in	vitro	
•  Tibial	Nerve	–	in	situ	
•  Lumbar	(L4)	Root–	in	situ	
•  Median	Nerve-	in	situ	(In	prepara>on;	emphasize	tension	vs.	slide)	
•  Boudier-Revéret	M.,	Gilbert	K.K.,	Allégue	D.R.,	Moussadyk	M.,	Brismée	J-M.,	Feipel	V.,	Sizer	P.S.,	Dugailly	P-
M.,	Sobczak	S.,	Carpal	Tunnel	Syndrome:	Effect	of	Specific	Neural	Mobiliza8on	on	Median	Nerve	Edema	
Dispersion:	A	Cadaveric	Inves8ga8on.	Best	Scien>fic	Poster,	Texas	Society	for	Hand	Therapy	22nd	Annual	
Educa8on	Conference	San	Antonio,	March	24-26,	2017.-Poster	Presenta8on.	
•  Cervical	Roots–	in	situ	(data	collec>on)	
Neurodynamic	(mechanical)	input	moves	intraneural	fluid	aler	it	has	
stabilized	over	8me.
Nerve	Tissue	Fluid	Dynamics	(Pressure)		
Study	Pedigree:	
•  Displacement	not	as	large	as	originally	thought…
(Gilbert	et	al,	2007a;	Gilbert	et	al,	2007b);	perhaps	
another	mechanism	dealing	with	intraneural	fluid	
mechanics;	flushing/pumping	
•  NDM	causes	intraneural	fluid	to	move:	scia8c	nerve	
sec8on;	8bial	nerve,	lumbar	root,	(Median),	(Cervical	
•  Next	line	of	direc8on	will	deal	with	intraneural	
pressure	changes	associated	with	neural	mobiliza8on.	
•  Pilot	Study-	N=1:	Intraneural	pressure	of	CNR	during	
ULNT	incorpora8ng	Median	Bias	
•  Significant	at	C5	and	C6	
•  SB	increased	intraneural	pressure	at	C5	but	not	C6.	
•  Poster	submission	
Theory	of	Neurodynamics		
Summary-	Current	Literature	
So,	what	do	we	take	away	from	these	areas	of	study?	
1.  Anatomy/Biomechanics-	structure	and	func8on****	
–  Nerves	are	meant	to	move	but	do	not	tolerate	tension	and	compression	as	well	as	other	
2.  Pathophysiology-	blood	flow	and	chemical	response***	
–  Tension/compression	can	alter	blood	flow,	axoplasmic	flow,	and	lead	to	pain,	
inflamma8on,	and	intraneural	edema	
3.  Tes8ng**	
–  Tes8ng	has	been	shown	to	be	valid	and	reliable	as	long	as	clinicians	fully	examine	
pa8ent;	1)	reproduc8on	of	pa8ent	symptoms;	2)	change	in	response	resul8ng	from	
differen8a8ng	maneuvers;	3)	asymmetrical	presenta8on?	
4.  Treatment*	
–  Seems	to	work;	not	really	sure	why;	may	have	something	to	do	with	mechanical	input,	
but	evidence	is	moun8ng	to	suggest	that	the	physiological	component	of	treatment	is	
beneficial	and	may	work	to	“pump”	out	inflamma8on	and	restore	appropriate	blood	
Nerve	Related	Pain	Research	Model	
Mechanical	 Anatomical/	
Cadaveric			/			Animal			/				Normals	
				(CARL)				/				(LARC)					/				(Msk/Bm/PC)	
Clinical	Research		
	•  Theore8cal	Modeling	
•  Valida8on	Modeling	
•  Clinical	Tes8ng	
•  Interven8on	
•  Outcomes	
1.  Can	we	improve	pain/func8on	in	pa8ents	with	nerve	related	pain?	
2.  Is	improvement	in	pain/func8on	correlated	with	nerve	movement	or	fluid	dispersion/
change	in	pressure?	
3.  What	parameters	of	interven8on	provide	the	best	clinical	outcomes?	
Grant	Progression:	
1.  SPFàSHP	2012	
2.  SHP	2012àCH	Found	
3.  SHP	2014àNSF	
4.  SHP	NicheàR15	
5.  R15àR01	
Copyright:	Gilbert,	Sizer,	Brismee,	Sobczak,	Pol,	2013	
Byorn	Rydevik-ISSLS	Hong	Kong	 TTUHSC/TTU/AUT/UQ	Research	
Lel	to	Right:	Suhas	Pol,	PhD;	Richard	Ellis,	PT,	PhD;	
Kerry	Gilbert,	PT,	ScD;	Stephane	Sobczak,	PT,	PhD;	
	Not	pictured:	Jean-Michel	Brismee,	PT,	ScD;	Phil	
Sizer,	PT,	PhD
Selected	References	
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nerve	at	the	ankle:	An	unembalmed	cadaveric	study.	Journal	of	Manual	&	Manipula>ve	Therapy,	2011;	19:26-34.	
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•  Coppieters	MW1,	Hough	AD,	Dilley	A.	Different	nerve-gliding	exercises	induce	different	magnitudes	of	median	nerve	longitudinal	excursion:	an	in	
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Selected	References	
•  Gilbert	KK,	James	CR,	Apte	G,	Brown	C,	Sizer	PS,	Brismee	JM,	Smith	MP.	Effects	of	Simulated	Neural	Mobiliza8on	on	Fluid	Movement	in	Cadaveric	
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•  Gilbert	KK,	Brismee	JM,	Sobczak	S,	James	CR,	Smith	M.	Effects	of	Lower	Limb	Neurodynamic	Mobiliza8on	on	Intraneural	Fluid	Dispersion	of	the	
Fourth	Lumbar	Nerve	Root:	An	Unembalmed	Cadaveric	Inves8ga8on.	Journal	of	Manual	&	Manipula>ve	Therapy,	2015;	23:239-243.	
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•  Kleinrensink,	G.	J.,	Stoeckart,	R.,	Mulder,	P.	G.,	Hoek,	G.,	Broek,	T.,	Vleeming,	A.,	&	Snijders,	C.	J.	(2000).	Upper	limb	tension	tests	as	tools	in	the	
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•  Kleinrensink,	G.	J.,	Stoeckart,	R.,	Vleeming,	A.,	Snijders,	C.	J.,	Mulder,	P.	G.	H.,	&	van	Wingerden,	J.	P.	(1995).	Peripheral	nerve	tension	due	to	joint	
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•  Kleinrensink,	G.,	Stoeckart,	R.,	Vleeming,	A.,	Snijders,	C.,	&	Mulder,	P.	(1995).	Mechanical	tension	in	the	median	nerve.	The	effects	of	joint	posi8ons.	
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•  Kleinrensink,	G.,	Stoeckart,	R.,	Vleeming,	A.,	Snijders,	C.,	Mulder,	P.,	&	van	Wingerden,	J.	(1995).	Peripheral	nerve	tension	due	to	joint	mo8on.	A	
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Selected	References	
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•  Kraan,	G	A,	Smit,	T.	H.,	Hoogland,	P.	V.	J.	M.,	&	Snijders,	C.	J.	(2010).	Lumbar	extraforaminal	ligaments	act	as	a	trac8on	relief	and	prevent	spinal	
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•  Kraan,	G	A.,	Delwel,	E.	J.,	Hoogland,	P.	V.	J.	M.,	van	der	Veen,	M.	R.,	Wuisman,	P.	I.	J.	M.,	Stoeckart,	R.,	…	Snijders,	C.	J.	(2005).	Extraforaminal	
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•  Lohman	C,	Gilbert	KK,	Sobczak	S,	Brismée	JM,	James	CR,	Day	M,	Smith	MP,	Taylor	L,	Dugailly	PM,	Pendergrass	TP,	Sizer	PS.	2015	Young	
Inves8gator	Award	Winner:	Cervical	nerve	root	displacement	and	strain	during	upper	limb	neural	tension	tes8ng:	Part	1.	A	minimally	invasive	
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Inves8gator	Award	Winner:	Cervical	nerve	root	displacement	and	strain	during	upper	limb	neural	tension	tes8ng:	Part	2.	Role	of	foraminal	
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•  Loyd	L,	Gilbert	KK,	Sizer	PS,	Atkins	L,	Sobczak	S,	Brismee	JM,	Pendergrass	TJ.	The	rela8onship	between	various	anatomical	landmarks	used	for	
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•  Nee	RJ1,	Jull	GA,	Vicenzino	B,	Coppieters	MW.	The	validity	of	upper-limb	neurodynamic	tests	for	detec8ng	peripheral	neuropathic	pain.	J	Orthop	
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•  Nee	RJ1,	Vicenzino	B,	Jull	GA,	Cleland	JA,	Coppieters	MW.	Neural	8ssue	management	provides	immediate	clinically	relevant	benefits	without	
harmful	effects	for	pa8ents	with	nerve-related	neck	and	arm	pain:	a	randomised	trial.	J	Physiother.	2012;58(1):23-31.	doi:	10.1016/
•  Nee	RJ1,	Vicenzino	B,	Jull	GA,	Cleland	JA,	Coppieters	MW.	Baseline	characteris8cs	of	pa8ents	with	nerve-related	neck	and	arm	pain	predict	the	
likely	response	to	neural	8ssue	management.	J	Orthop	Sports	Phys	Ther.	2013	Jun;43(6):379-91.	doi:	10.2519/jospt.2013.4490.	Epub	2013	Apr	
•  Nee	RJ1,	Yang	CH,	Liang	CC,	Tseng	GF,	Coppieters	MW.	Impact	of	order	of	movement	on	nerve	strain	and	longitudinal	excursion:	a	biomechanical	
study	with	implica8ons	for	neurodynamic	test	sequencing.	Man	Ther.	2010	Aug;15(4):376-81.	doi:	10.1016/j.math.2010.03.001.	Epub	2010	Mar	
•  Nee	RJ1,	Vicenzino	B,	Jull	GA,	Cleland	JA,	Coppieters	MW.	A	novel	protocol	to	develop	a	predic8on	model	that	iden8fies	pa8ents	with	nerve-
related	neck	and	arm	pain	who	benefit	from	the	early	introduc8on	of	neural	8ssue	management.	Contemp	Clin	Trials.	2011	Sep;32(5):760-70.	
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•  Rade	M1,	Könönen	M,	Vanninen	R,	Mar|la	J,	Shacklock	M,	Kankaanpää	M,	Airaksinen	O.	2014	young	inves8gator	award	winner:	In	vivo	
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Selected	References	
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‘Clinical Neurodynamics: clinical application from an anatomical perspective’

  • 1. 4/7/17 1 Title Name Neurodynamics: Anatomy, Biomechanics, and Physiology Kerry K. Gilbert, PT, ScD Professor/Program Director- Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Director- Anatomy Research and Education Director- Clinical Anatomy Research Laboratory Department of Rehabilitation Sciences School of Health Professions Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Lubbock, Texas, USA Butler’s Seven Points for Consideration NVMT (2017): 1.  Aim to make neurodynamics central and essen8al to Neurology -Goal: to provide mechanically permissible movement 2.  Biopsychosocial considera8ons -all parts are important to treatment 3.  Confident Clinicians are cri8cal -Pa8ents respond to confident clinicians 4.  Educa8on is therapy- Neurodynamics enriches therapy -educa8on is especially important with pain pa8ents; explain the con8nuum of the nervous system; odd symptom paLerns are not surprising; “Nothing about your condi8on surprises me.” 5.  Recognize the Neuroimmune cascade -not just neuro, but neuroimmune; ac8vated inflamma8on 6.  Consider CNS mobiliza8on -cord movement; meninges movement; CSF flow 7.  Consider Neurodynamics with reasoned judgment (in context of clinical exam) -s8ff, s8cky, stuck – mobilize the nervous system; There is an “awakening to Neurodynamics” -David Butler, NVMT 2017 Pa#ent Social Screening Examina#on Clinical Examina#on Educa#on Imaging History/ Observa#on Bio/Patho/ Physiological Psychological Assessment Treatment Plan Re-Examina#on Special Tes#ng (Neurodynamics) Clinical Examina8on Take Home Message: Neurodynamic tes#ng is a small (but vital) part of the overall clinical examina#on picture. Research: Reliability/Validity Outcomes
  • 2. 4/7/17 2 Anatomy/ Biomechanics Neurodynamic Treatment Neurodynamic Tes8ng •  History of ND •  Macro Anatomy •  Micro Anatomy •  Biomechanics •  Rela8on to Tes8ng and Treatment •  Recent Findings NVMT 2017 1929- Nerve Extension upper lim b- Bragard 1959- Upper Lim b- Von Laniz & W achsm uth 1960-1980- Adverse M echanical Tension- Breig 1970’s-sensi8vity of NS- Grieve; Slum p- Cyriax/M aitland 1980’s- Adverse NT- Butler; M aitland; Elvey; 8 History of Neurodynamics 2800 BC? –Im hotep 1982- Pain- M elzack and W all 1991- M obiliza#on of the NS- Butler 1880’s- Nerve Stretching- Cavafy,; Sym ington; M arshall 1979- Brachial Plexus Tension Test (ULNT)- Elvey 1960-1980- Nerve Com pression/Tension- Rydevik, Sunderland, Olm arker, Lundborg 1993- LNR Disp.- Sm ith and M assey 2005- Clinical Neurodynam ics- Sequencing- Shacklock 2012- ND Validity-Nee, Coppieters, Schm id 2011- Tibial Nerve Fluid Dynam ics- Brown, Gilbert 2007- LNR-SLR Displacem ent and Strain- Gilbert 9 History of Neurodynamics 2017– Neuroim m une; Rx- Coppieters, Schm id 2017-Beyond- “ND Aw akening”-Butler 2008- Treatm ent Effi cacy- Ellis; In Vivo US- Dilley 2000- Sensi#ve NS- Butler 2013- Entrapm ent Neuropath-Schm id and Coppieters 2015- CNR Displ/Strn-Foram inal Ligs- Lohm an and Gilbert 2015-Fluid Disp- Gilbert, Sobczak 2000- ND Tes8ng Reliability- Coppieters Macro (Gross) Anatomy: Median and Ulnar Nerves
  • 3. 4/7/17 3 Clinical Applica8on: Pathoanatomy •  Upper Limb Neural Pathoanatomy –  Axillary Arch •  Anomalous bands of the la8ssimus dorsi muscle •  Bands compressed the underlying neurovascular structures during ABD/ER including the axillary vessels, musculocutaneous, median, and ulnar nerves. •  Similar reports have shown this type of 8ssue to aLach to coracoid process, pectoralis major, and coracobrachialis muscle. •  Authors suggest clinical manifesta8on similar to TOS symptoms and suggest a clinical test using ABD/ER and palpa8on. 11 Smith AR, Cummings JP. The Axillary Arch: Anatomy and Suggested Clinical Manifesta#ons. JOSPT, 2006; 36(6):425-429. Clinical Applica8on: Pathoanatomy Ulnar Nerve •  Upper Limb Neural Pathoanatomy –  Archade of Struthers 12 Macro (Gross) Anatomy: Radial Nerve Clinical Applica8on: Pathoanatomy Median Nerve •  Upper Limb Neural Pathoanatomy –  Ligament of Struthers –  Pronator Syndrome –  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 14
  • 4. 4/7/17 4 Clinical Applica8on: Pathoanatomy Radial Nerve •  Upper Limb Neural Pathoanatomy –  Fracture of humeral shal- radial nerve injury –  Radial Tunnel Syndrome- Archade of Frosche 15 Clinical Applica8on: Pathoanatomy Radial Nerve •  Upper Limb Neural Pathoanatomy –  Fracture of humeral shal- radial nerve injury –  Radial Tunnel Syndrome- Archade of Frosche (Calavert, 2009) 16 Macro (Gross) Anatomy: Radial Nerve Macro (Gross) Anatomy: Tibial and Common Fibular Nerves Moore & Dalley:.Ch 5; NeLer: plate 528 Gilroy: Fig 29.1-29.28 18 Summary: Lower Limb Innerva8on Distribu8on: Scia8c and Posterior Cut. Nerve of the Thigh
  • 5. 4/7/17 5 Moore & Dalley:.Ch 5; NeLer: plate 529 Gilroy: Fig 29.1-29.28 19 Summary: Lower Limb Innerva8on Distribu8on: Tibial Nerve Moore & Dalley:.Ch 5; NeLer: plate 530 Gilroy: Fig 29.1-29.28 20 Summary: Lower Limb Innerva8on Distribu8on: Common Fibular (Peroneal) Nerve Dermatomes vs. Cutaneous Innerva8on Moore & Dalley:.Ch 5; NeLer: plate 470; 530 Gilroy: Fig 29.27-29.28 21 The Anatomy of the PNS •  Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Layout: –  Mechanical interface •  “con8nuum”– Butler, 1989 •  “container” – Shacklock 1995 •  “nerve bed” consists of anything that lies next to the nervous system (tendon, muscle, bone, IV disc, ligaments, fascia, blood vessels) –  Neural structures •  Actual nerve 8ssue –  Innervated 8ssues •  The actual 8ssue innervated by the neural structures Butler, 1988; Shacklock, 1995; 2005 22
  • 6. 4/7/17 6 The micro Anatomy of a Nerve •  Endoneurium –  Surrounds axons •  Perineurium –  Surrounds fasicles •  Epineurium –  Surrounds nerve •  Mesoneurium –  Outside the epineurium Butler 1991 23 The Anatomy of a Nerve •  Blood Flow 1.  Extrinsic 2.  Intrinsic •  2a-superficial intrinsic arterioles •  2b-interfascicular arterioles •  2c-endoneurial capillary networks 3.  Vascular “coils” 4.  Spinal dura 5.  Root sheath Nordin & Frankel, Fig 5.5; Olmarker 1991 24 Biomechanics- Movement of Nerves •  Mechanical func8ons of all nerves: –  Tension •  Perineurium – 18-22% strain before failure (Sunderland & Bradley, 1961; Sunderland 1991) •  Leads to decrease of cross-sec8onal area and “transverse compression” –  Sliding •  Movement of neural structures within the container or nerve bed (McLellan & Swash 1976; Wilgis & Murphy 1986) •  AKA- “excursion,” “displacement,” or “gliding” •  Longitudinal or transverse movement; dissipates strain •  Mesoneurium-sliding in the nerve bed; •  Interfascicular epineurium- interfascicular gliding; (Millesi 1990) –  Compression •  Bone, tendon, muscle, fascia, etc., pressing on the nerve Shacklock 2005 25 Movement of Nerves •  Movement of joints –  Related to the posi8on of the nerve to the joint axis –  “convergence”- movement of the nerve 8ssue toward the joint that is moved/moved most. (Smith 1956; McLellan & Swash 1976) –  Bending of a joint à tension and compression of nerve •  Movement of the innervated 8ssues –  Causes elonga8on; “sensi8zing maneuvers” •  Movement of the mechanical interface –  Opening (ê pressure) vs. Closing mechanisms (épressure) •  These concepts are important for clinical diagnosis Shacklock 2005 26
  • 7. 4/7/17 7 ULNT Tension (Strain) Kleinrensink GJ, et al. Upper limb tension tests as tools in the diagnosis of nerve and plexus lesions. Anatomical and biomechanical aspects. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2000; 15(1):9-14. •  Median nerve bias caused the most ten>on (strain) •  ‘it is unlikely that any of the six tests studied will selec>vely stress specific cervical nerve roots’ •  ‘So, based on tensile force distribu>on and considering both sensi>vity and specificity, exclusively the median nerve ULTT and ULTT+ can be seen as specific nerve tension tests’ Upper Limb NDM Displacement and Strain Coppieters MW, Alshami AM. Longitudinal excursion and strain in the median nerve during novel nerve gliding exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome. J Ortho Rsch. 2007; 25(7):972-80. •  Sliding technique elicited the most displacement and the least strain in the median nerve at the carpal tunnel. •  Allowing movement of other joints during NDM leads to less strain. •  This sliding strategy is recommended for use in order to maximize displacement but minimize strain to the nerve >ssue. The Nerve “Con8nuum” •  The nervous system is a long organ –  Movement (gentle or aggressive) has an effect on the nervous system/ path. Important for clinical tes8ng and sequencing. •  Structural differen8a8on –  Performed during all neurodynamic tests to determine whether the nervous 8ssue is involved in the pathology (i.e., a pain generator). –  Differen8a8on occurs when nerve 8ssue is moved in a region of interest without moving the musculoskeletal 8ssues in the same region. –  **Change in symptoms with the differen8a8ng maneuver may indicate a neural mechanism. Butler, 1989, 1991; Shacklock 2005 29 Nerve Movement PaLerns •  Joint movement leads to movement of the nerves closest to the movement (force) first and then…tension passes to the more remote nerve path in a delayed fashion as the movement takes up the slack. •  Mid-range, slack is taken up and sliding occurs of the nerve within its nerve bed or container. •  End range, tension ensues to the en8re system. •  Applica8on to treatment –  If the desired mechanical input is sliding- apply large amplitude movement in mid-range. –  If the desired mechanical input is tension- apply smaller amplitude movement at the end range. –  Or, combine the techniques- large range amplitude up to the end-range of mo8on. –  Or, incorporate minimal amplitude movement to simply take up the slack in the nerve… early-range. –  Olen the pa8ent’s symptoms will indicate which mobiliza8on approach is most appropriate…don’t work into the painful movement. Shacklock 2005 30
  • 8. 4/7/17 8 Physiology of Nerve Tissue •  Mechanics and physiology of the nervous system have been described as “interdependent.” This concept forms the basis for neurodynamics according to Shacklock. While not described this specific manner, Butler discussed nerve physiology as well (1989 and 2000). •  This is an important considera8on in that we can not consider only mechanical or only physiological aspects of neural 8ssue in clinical prac8ce. We must consider both. Shacklock 2005 31 Physiology of Nerve Tissue •  “Improving physiology through treatment of mechanical func>on is also an integral part of the concept of neurodynamics and can be highly effec>ve in both diagnosis and treatment. Releasing pressure or tension in a nerve could improve its physiology and clinical correlates.” – Shacklock, 2005 –  Note the mechanical focus to the physiological benefit. Is it possible the physiological benefit by itself may be sufficient to lead to posi>ve clinical outcomes? Shacklock 2005 32 Intraneural Blood Flow •  Blood flow is redundant and designed to maintain flow in light of mechanical influence/stress. •  Changes in blood flow, especially secondary to inflamma8on, may contribute to painful response to neurodynamic tes8ng without the objec8ve findings of changes in conduc8on velocity. •  Vasodila8on-nocicep8ve (C fibers)àincrease of intraneural blood flowàinflamma8on and edemaàmay lead to fibrosis •  Vasoconstric8on- sympathe8c NSà reduc8on of intraneural blood flowàoverac8vity of sympathe8cs may lead to decreased blood flow to nerve Shacklock 2005 33 Mechanical Stress on Intraneural Blood Flow •  Movement has an effect on intraneural fluid movement (Browne, Gilbert, et al 2011; Gilbert et al 2015a; Gilbert et al 2015b; Gilbert et al 2017 (unpublished); Sobczak et al, 2015 (submiLed) •  Movement is expected to have an effect on intraneural blood flow. •  Tension- reduces intraneural blood flow –  8% elonga8on- diminished venular flow (Lundborg & Rydevik 1973) –  15% elonga8on- cessa8on of arterial and venular flow (Lundborg & Rydevik 1973) –  Time dependent- 6% strain for 1 hour decreases conduc8on by 70%; longer dura8on = longer recovery 8me necessary (Lundborg & Rydevik 1973) •  Movement has an effect on neural blood flow. •  Compression- 30-50mmHg leads to hypoxia, decreased flow, conduc8on, and axonal transport (Gelberman et al 1983; Ogata & Naito 1986, Remel et al 1999) •  Same occurs in nerve roots (Olmarker et al 1991; Rydevik 1993) •  Tension and compression can be cumula8ve in effect- “double crush” (Lundborg & Rydevik 1973) 34
  • 9. 4/7/17 9 Mechanical Stress on Intraneural Blood Flow-Physiology •  Inflamma>on à intraneural edemaàê func>on, blood supply and venous drainage. (Butler 1989; Butler 2001) •  “physiology must be included in management of mechanical problems in the nervous system.”- (Shacklock 2005; Shacklock 1995a) •  Clinical applica8on note: these were big steps to recognize the role of physiology in the recovery of nerve pathology. However, this is s8ll in the context of there being a “mechanical problem” to manage. Is it possible that the problem is chemical, fluid, pressure, neuroimmune related instead of mechanical alone? Or that a nerve could adapt to the mechanical challenge if the chemical/pressure issues were resolved? Shacklock 2005 35 Inflamma8on and PNS Shacklock 2005 36 Lundborg G, Myers R, Powell H. Nerve compression injury and increased endoneurial fluid pressure: a ‘‘miniature compartment syndrome’’. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1983;46:1119–24. Brown C, Gilbert KK, Brismee JM, James CR, Smith, MP, Sizer PS. The effects of neurodynamic mobiliza8on on fluid dynamics within the 8bial nerve at the ankle: An unembalmed cadaveric study. Journal of Manual & Manipula>ve Therapy, 2011; 19:26-34. •  Serial Neurodynamic sequences –  Shacklock suggests that if the sequencing is different, then the test is completely different. –  Topp et al, 2013 suggests no difference in excursion or strain (scia8c or 8bial nerves) at the end posi8on regardless of the sequencing of the test. –  Nee et al, 2010 suggests no difference in strain and rela8ve posi8on between different sequences of ND tes8ng. However, the paLern of mo8on and loading may change with varying sequences. •  Considera8on: What’s the goal of tes8ng? –  To determine whether the peripheral nervous system 8ssue is involved in the pathological problem at some level. –  Is it possible for some people to respond differently and therefore, is it helpful (in light of a history that might lead us to think of neurogenic involvement) to approach the clinical tes8ng from a variety of direc8ons…to “sneak up” on it? Proximal vs. Distal ini8a8on? Shacklock, 2005; Topp et al, 2013; 37 Nee RJ1, Yang CH, Liang CC, Tseng GF, Coppieters MW. Impact of order of movement on nerve strain and longitudinal excursion: a biomechanical study with implica8ons for neurodynamic test sequencing. Man Ther. 2010 Aug;15(4):376-81. doi: 10.1016/j.math.2010.03.001. Epub 2010 Mar 31. Rela8on to Neurodynamic Tes8ng Rela8on to Neurodynamic Treatment Summary of Treatment Recommenda8ons: •  First, do no harm (nonmaleficence); Be gentle and get the pa8ent moving •  Treat the primary problem (e.g., disc, muscle, tendon) that is affec8ng the nerve •  If the nerve is the primary problem, then treat the nerve. •  If irritable, consider sliding; work away from painful segment •  If less irritable, consider tensioning; work closer to painful segment •  Play with posi8oning using one and two-ended approaches to get the desired input into the system •  Manage reps, sets, dura8on, etc. based on pt. response and desired outcomes. •  Consider external sol 8ssue mobiliza8on as adjunct Rx •  Nee et al 2013a and 2013b-Baseline indica8ons may help predict efficacy, (absence of NP pain, older age, small ROM deficits); and RCT supports use of ND Mobiliza8on with no adverse effects Butler, 1991; Butler, 2000; Shacklock, 2005 38
  • 10. 4/7/17 10 Theory of Neurodynamic Summary Tes8ng and Treatment Review of Neurodynamic Tes8ng: •  Aler the systems review (CP, NM, Msk, Integ, etc.) screening. •  Aler the Basic Clinical Exam (AROM/PROM/RROM) •  Special Tes8ng to rule in or out (ND tes8ng)-Sequencing •  Tissue specific diagnosis Review of Clinical Treatment: •  Treatment aimed at the problem (e.g., disc, nerve, etc.) •  Tissue specific- slide/tension, etc. •  Restore func8onal ability- (posture, strength, stretch) •  Educa8on and daily management 39 •  1994- SLR; Slump; ULTT; TOS; Carpal Tunnel (Phil Sizer, PT, PhD and Omer Mattijs, PT, ScD) •  1997- Frustration as a clinicianà IAOM-US (Valerie Phelps, PT, ScD) (“Diagnosis Specific Orthopaedic Management”- Maitland History, Cyriax Examination, Butler ND, Kaltenborn mobilization •  2000/2002- COMT IAOM-US- Spine and Extremities •  2003- Elbow Study- Soft Tissue Mobilization dorsal forearm (posterior interosseous nerve) •  2004- ScD Dissertation- L4, L5, S1 root movement during SLR •  2007- K. Gilbert-Lumbosacral NR Displacement Strain Parts 1 and 2- SPINE Young Investigator Award 2006; •  Dilemma- if < 1mm movement at the root level, how is NDM helping…won’t break scar tissue...must be physiological health of the nerve tissue...but how. (Butler 1989; Shacklock 2005) •  Breig- extension of spine = slack to lumbar roots—relation to Mackenzie Ext Protocol…maybe it’s not the Disc afterall... •  2009-Intraneural Fluid Dispersion- •  2011- C. Brown- Tibial Nerve; 2015- K. Gilbert- Simulated Sciatic Nerve; 2015- K. Gilbert- L4 Root; 2016- S. Sobczak- Median Nerve; 2018- N. Burgess- Cervical NR •  2015-C. Lohman- Cervical NR Displacement and Strain Parts 1 and 2- Spine Young Investigator Award 2015 •  2016- R. Ellis; S. Sobczak; P. Sizer; S. Pol; A. Ali—continuing to seek ways to evaluate nerve tissue…stay tuned. •  In vitro à In situ à In vivo (desire to progress from passive system to active system in order to build on physiological nerve health). Recent Findings and My Neurodynamic Story •  Novel method for neural marking (lumbar roots) that spared foraminal ligaments •  Computer digitization and analysis: --L4, L5, S1 move less than previously reported (Smith & Massie, 1993) --Relatively large SLR ROM needed to provide lumbar root displacement --SLR NPP moved more than SLR DF --distal initiation (DF) may increase strain •  SLR NPP and SLR DF are useful clinical tools that provide displacement and strain to the lumbar roots. •  Clinical applica8on of ULNTT is not limited to the brachial plexus or within upper extremity. •  Provides mechanical founda8on for provoca8ve neurodynamic tes8ng of the roots. Kleinrensink, 2000 could not measure roots –  Bolsters the exis8ng clinical research that has validated ULNTT for symptom reproduc8on in pa8ents with neck pain and radiculopathies (Sandmark & Nisell, 1995; Wainner et al., 2003) •  May be useful in the examina8on of pathology of the cervical nerve roots •  Clinical implica8ons of foraminal ligaments are unclear –  Hypothesized they paly a role in compression pathologies (Nowicki & Haughton, 1992; Park et al., 2001) –  Foraminal ligaments appear to protect cervical nerve roots by limi8ng transfer of strain to prox root
  • 11. 4/7/17 11 Fluid Dynamics- Peripheral Nerve Tissue- Scia8c (in vitro)-JMMT 2015 Fluid Dynamics- Tibial Nerve (in situ)- JMMT 2011 Fluid Dispersion with Neurodynamic Mobilization 20.65 20.84 21.77**# 20 20.2 20.4 20.6 20.8 21 21.2 21.4 21.6 21.8 22 Pre-mobilization Post-mobilization Time LongitudinalDye Spread(mm) Control Experimental 15.3 16.3 15 15.2 15.4 15.6 15.8 16 16.2 16.4 16.6 16.8 17 Pre Post Distance (mm) Time (premobiliza#on to post mobiliza#on) Rela#ve Fluid Movement Compared to Baseline Experimental Fluid Dynamics- Lumbar Nerve Root- (in situ) JMMT 2015 Nerve Tissue Fluid Dynamics Series of studies examining the dynamics of intraneural fluid: •  Scia8c Nerve – in vitro •  Tibial Nerve – in situ •  Lumbar (L4) Root– in situ •  Median Nerve- in situ (In prepara>on; emphasize tension vs. slide) •  Boudier-Revéret M., Gilbert K.K., Allégue D.R., Moussadyk M., Brismée J-M., Feipel V., Sizer P.S., Dugailly P- M., Sobczak S., Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Effect of Specific Neural Mobiliza8on on Median Nerve Edema Dispersion: A Cadaveric Inves8ga8on. Best Scien>fic Poster, Texas Society for Hand Therapy 22nd Annual Educa8on Conference San Antonio, March 24-26, 2017.-Poster Presenta8on. •  Cervical Roots– in situ (data collec>on) Neurodynamic (mechanical) input moves intraneural fluid aler it has stabilized over 8me.
  • 12. 4/7/17 12 Nerve Tissue Fluid Dynamics (Pressure) Study Pedigree: •  Displacement not as large as originally thought… (Gilbert et al, 2007a; Gilbert et al, 2007b); perhaps another mechanism dealing with intraneural fluid mechanics; flushing/pumping •  NDM causes intraneural fluid to move: scia8c nerve sec8on; 8bial nerve, lumbar root, (Median), (Cervical root). •  Next line of direc8on will deal with intraneural pressure changes associated with neural mobiliza8on. •  Pilot Study- N=1: Intraneural pressure of CNR during ULNT incorpora8ng Median Bias •  Significant at C5 and C6 •  SB increased intraneural pressure at C5 but not C6. •  Poster submission Theory of Neurodynamics Summary- Current Literature So, what do we take away from these areas of study? 1.  Anatomy/Biomechanics- structure and func8on**** –  Nerves are meant to move but do not tolerate tension and compression as well as other 8ssues 2.  Pathophysiology- blood flow and chemical response*** –  Tension/compression can alter blood flow, axoplasmic flow, and lead to pain, inflamma8on, and intraneural edema 3.  Tes8ng** –  Tes8ng has been shown to be valid and reliable as long as clinicians fully examine pa8ent; 1) reproduc8on of pa8ent symptoms; 2) change in response resul8ng from differen8a8ng maneuvers; 3) asymmetrical presenta8on? 4.  Treatment* –  Seems to work; not really sure why; may have something to do with mechanical input, but evidence is moun8ng to suggest that the physiological component of treatment is beneficial and may work to “pump” out inflamma8on and restore appropriate blood flow. 48 Nerve Related Pain Research Model Mechanical Anatomical/ Physiological Clinical Engineering (CARL/TTU-ME) Cadaveric / Animal / Normals (CARL) / (LARC) / (Msk/Bm/PC) Clinical Research (UMC/TTUHSC/Grace) •  Theore8cal Modeling •  Valida8on Modeling •  Clinical Tes8ng •  Interven8on •  Outcomes Ques#ons: 1.  Can we improve pain/func8on in pa8ents with nerve related pain? 2.  Is improvement in pain/func8on correlated with nerve movement or fluid dispersion/ change in pressure? 3.  What parameters of interven8on provide the best clinical outcomes? Grant Progression: 1.  SPFàSHP 2012 2.  SHP 2012àCH Found 3.  SHP 2014àNSF 4.  SHP NicheàR15 5.  R15àR01 Copyright: Gilbert, Sizer, Brismee, Sobczak, Pol, 2013 Byorn Rydevik-ISSLS Hong Kong TTUHSC/TTU/AUT/UQ Research Team: Lel to Right: Suhas Pol, PhD; Richard Ellis, PT, PhD; Kerry Gilbert, PT, ScD; Stephane Sobczak, PT, PhD; Not pictured: Jean-Michel Brismee, PT, ScD; Phil Sizer, PT, PhD
  • 13. 4/7/17 13 Selected References •  Butler, David S. (1989). Adverse mechanical tension in the nervous system: a model for assessment and treatment. The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 35(4), 227–238. •  Butler, David Sheridan, & Jones, M. A. (1991). Mobiliza>on of the nervous system: CIP >tle. Elsevier Health Sciences. •  Brown C, Gilbert KK, Brismee JM, James CR, Smith, MP, Sizer PS. The effects of neurodynamic mobiliza8on on fluid dynamics within the 8bial nerve at the ankle: An unembalmed cadaveric study. Journal of Manual & Manipula>ve Therapy, 2011; 19:26-34. •  Boyd BS1, Topp KS, Coppieters MW. Impact of movement sequencing on scia8c and 8bial nerve strain and excursion during the straight leg raise test in embalmed cadavers. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2013 Jun;43(6):398-403. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2013.4413. Epub 2013 Apr 30. •  Coppieters MW1, Hough AD, Dilley A. Different nerve-gliding exercises induce different magnitudes of median nerve longitudinal excursion: an in vivo study using dynamic ultrasound imaging. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2009 Mar;39(3):164-71. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2009.2913. •  Coppieters MW, Alshami AM. Longitudinal excursion and strain in the median nerve during novel nerve gliding exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome. J Ortho Rsch. 2007; 25(7):972-80. •  Côté, P., Cassidy, J. D., & Carroll, L. (1998). The Saskatchewan Health and Back Pain Survey. The prevalence of neck pain and related disability in Saskatchewan adults. Spine, 23(15), 1689–1698. •  Elvey, R. (1979). Brachial plexus tension tests and the pathoanatomical origin of arm pain. In Aspects of Manipula>ve Therapy. Melbourne, Australia. •  Elvey, R. L. (1986). Treatment of arm pain associated with abnormal brachial plexus tension. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 32(4), 225–230. •  Gilbert, K. K., Brismée, J.-M., Collins, D. L., James, C. R., Shah, R. V., Sawyer, S. F., & Sizer, P. S., Jr. (2007a). 2006 Young Inves8gator Award Winner: lumbosacral nerve root displacement and strain: part 1. A novel measurement technique during straight leg raise in unembalmed cadavers. Spine, 32(14), 1513–1520. doi:10.1097/BRS.0b013e318067dd55 •  Gilbert, K. K., Brismée, J.-M., Collins, D. L., James, C. R., Shah, R. V., Sawyer, S. F., & Sizer, P. S., Jr. (2007b). 2006 Young Inves8gator Award Winner: lumbosacral nerve root displacement and strain: part 2. A comparison of 2 straight leg raise condi8ons in unembalmed cadavers. Spine, 32(14), 1521–1525. doi:10.1097/BRS.0b013e318067dd72 Selected References •  Gilbert KK, James CR, Apte G, Brown C, Sizer PS, Brismee JM, Smith MP. Effects of Simulated Neural Mobiliza8on on Fluid Movement in Cadaveric Peripheral Nerve Sec8ons: Implica8ons for the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain and Dysfunc8on. Journal of Manual & Manipula>ve Therapy, 2015; 23:219-225. •  Gilbert KK, Brismee JM, Sobczak S, James CR, Smith M. 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