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Humans Aren’t 
Effective Management 
Strategies for IT 
Who Are We? 
Michele Chubirka, aka "Mrs. Y.,” Security architect, professional 
contrarian, blogger, nerd stalker. 
Joe Weston, workshop facilitator, consultant, and author of the book 
Mastering Respectful Confrontation. Also founder of the Heartwalker 
Peace Project.
Who We Aren’t
How engaged can you be today?
• Introductions and Background 
• State of the Workplace 
• Understanding Leadership 
• The Missing Employee Manual 
• Learning to Connect 
• Your Message Matters 
• Building a Healthy Culture 
• Takaways
Introductions and Background
Let’s Talk About Why We’re Here 
• How many of you started out as engineers or 
technical staff? 
• Do you feel happy and energized by your work? 
• Would you like to improve the quality of your 
professional environment? 
• Why did you accept a leadership role?
What’s the SLA with Our Staff? 
• Employees Are the Most Valuable Asset. 
• Why is the relationship so challenging? 
• Do we treat them better or worse than our 
hardware assets?
"If you don’t understand people, 
you don’t understand business….” 
-Simon Sinek
State of the Workplace
An "engaged employee” 
• Enthusiastic 
• Furthers the goals of the organization 
Engagement improves productivity, profits, 
customer ratings and employee retention
Gallup’s 2013 State of the American 
• Disengagement costs U.S. $450 to $550 billion 
per year. 
• 70% of American workers are “not engaged” or 
“actively disengaged.” 
• Those with college degrees are less likely to be 
2012 Global Workforce Study by Towers Watson 
• Out of 32,000 full-time workers, only 35% were 
highly engaged. 
• Employee retention depends on relationship with 
management, trust in senior leadership and 
ability to manage work-related stress. 
• Less than half surveyed believed that supervisors 
have time to address interpersonal issues.
79 % of IT staff consider quitting 
due to job-related stress. 
-From GFI Software’s 3rd Annual IT Admin Stress Survey
Engaged employees in the UK take an average of 
2.69 sick days per year; disengaged take 6.19. 
- From Gallup’s “Employee Engagement: How to Build a High 
Performance Workforce”
The Bottom Line 
Organizations with highly engaged employees 
achieve twice the annual net income of those where 
employees are less engaged. 
- from Kenexa’s “The Impact of Employee Engagement”
Drivers of Engagement 
• Leadership 
• Stress management, balance, workload 
• Clear goals, objectives, mission 
• Relationship with supervisors based on trust 
• Organization’s image
Motivation and Engagement 
Study sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank 
found three main factors motivate people in their 
– Autonomy 
– Mastery 
– Purpose
Gallup’s 12 “Rules” of Engagement 
1. I know what is expected of me at work 
2. I have the material and equipment I need to do my work right. 
3. At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day. 
4. In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good 
5. My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person. 
6. There is someone at work who encourages my development. 
7. At work, my opinions seem to count. 
8. The mission or purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important. 
9. My associates or fellow employees are committed to doing quality work. 
10. I have a best friend at work. 
11. In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress. 
12. This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow.
Understanding Leadership
“Leadership is not a rank, it’s a decision.” 
-Simon Sinek 
Author of “Leaders Eat Last”
Happiness As The New ROI 
“…the ROI that you will receive from putting together a culture in which 
you put your employees first, and their happiness and satisfaction first, 
the payoff is immeasurable over the long term. And they really want it….” 
— Shawn Riegsecker, Founder and CEO of Centro, Crain’s Chicago 
Business’ Best Place to Work List for four straight years, 2011 – 2014 
Riegsecker has a 98% approval rating on and he reports 
that 65% of new hires come from internal referrals.
Power and Leadership in the 
21st century
Key Areas for Balance in the Workplace 
• Work Tasks 
• Relationship 
• Self Care
“Human beings have discretionary energy, 
and they would give it to you if you treat 
them with dignity and respect.” 
-Paul O’Neill, former Treasury 
Secretary of US under George W. Bush
When one moves into their 
their true power is revealed.
The Missing Employee Manual
Brain RTFM
"The human brain hasn't had a hardware upgrade in about 
100,000 years." 
- Daniel Goleman, Author of Emotional Intelligence
Neuroscience 101 
Limbic System: The interior of the cortex, 
includes the hippocampus and amygdala. 
Supports emotion and long-term memory. 
Prefrontal Cortex: Region responsible for 
planning, decision making and moderating 
Think of the limbic system to the 
prefrontal cortex as a horse is to a 
Demonstration: A Brain In the Palm of 
Your Hand 
• Hold up your hand and make a fist. 
• This is a good representation of the brain and 
spinal column. 
• The brain stem, limbic system and neocortex. 
* These two slides are oversimplifications of a very complex 
The Threat Response: Step 1 
Cortex receives input from the thalamus, a component of the 
limbic system responsible for relaying sensory information and 
pain perception.
The Threat Response: Step 2 
Limbic system and prefrontal cortex (the executive or 
evaluator of the brain) take in data simultaneously.
The Threat Response: Step 3 
Amygdala, responsible for emotional response and memory, 
acts as an alarm activating the fight/flight hormonal 
response if threat is perceived.
The Threat Response: 4 
Sympathetic nervous system sets up organs and muscles for 
fight/flight response, inhibiting digestion and the 
hypothalamus prompts the release of stress hormones.
Emotional Contagion 
• Limbic system is an “open loop,” influenced by 
other people’s emotions, aka mirror neurons. 
• Mirror neurons activate when an animal performs 
an action or when an animal observes the same 
action of another animal. 
• Basis of empathy. 
• Also called emotional contagion.
The Power of Mirror Neurons 
Researcher Marie Dasborough observed two groups: 
• One group was given negative feedback accompanied by 
positive emotional signs, nods and smiles. 
• Another was provided positive feedback that was delivered 
using negative emotional cues, frowns and narrowed eyes.
• Those receiving positive feedback with negative emotional 
signs felt worse than those receiving negative feedback 
given with positive emotional cues. 
Your emotions and actions are mirrored by 
those around you.
• The brain has a negativity bias because the limbic system 
is quicker than the prefrontal cortex when evaluating 
• Traumatic experiences are “stickier” than positive, happy 
experiences, i.e. harder to un-map. 
• It takes five to twenty seconds for positive experiences to 
register in the brain.
No Escape From Threat 
• Negativity is useful for a species to evolve. 
• Most are in a permanent state of cortisol overload due to 
the constant stressors of modern life. 
• Stress hormones stay in the body for hours. 
• Decreases intellectual capacity, memory and lowers impulse 
Stress makes you stupid.
Amygdala Hijack? 
Intense and immediate emotional reaction, followed by 
the understanding that it was inappropriate. 
• I thought that stick on the ground was a snake! 
• I don’t like you or I’m bored, so I won’t cooperate or 
listen to what you have to say. 
• That guy who cut me off in traffic was trying to kill 
• Why were you so insulting to me in that email 
yesterday? (studies show there’s a negativity bias in 
• Other examples?
Thin Slicing: Warren Harding Syndrome 
• Human beings make quick decisions based on 
• “Love at first sight” or a “gut reaction.” 
• Called “Thin Slicing” or “Fast Thinking.” 
• Example is “Warren Harding Syndrome.” 
• A mediocre presidential candidate, Americans 
voted for him , because he was tall, good looking 
and charming.
Harding has been 
called one of the 
worst presidents 
in history.
Thin Slicing: Bedside Manner 
• The likelihood of a doctor being sued doesn’t 
correlate with the number of errors made. 
• Psychologists can predict which doctors will be 
• They analyze the amount of time spent with 
patients and if the tone of their voices sounded 
There’s No Mr. Spock 
• Neurologist, Dr. Antonio Damasio, had a patient 
who had been a successful corporate lawyer. 
• A tumor was discovered in his prefrontal lobes. 
• When removed, the circuit between this area 
and amygdala was severed.
Somatic Marker 
• No damage to his cognitive abilities, but his life 
fell apart. 
• He couldn’t make decisions when presented with 
simple choices. 
• He no longer had any feelings regarding 
options, no preferences. 
• Basis for the Somatic Marker Hypothesis, a 
theory that emotions assist with decision-making.
Bounded Emotionality 
It is a gross 
misconception that 
reason can be 
separated from 
Learning to Connect
Big Brains Are Social 
• Anthropologist Robin Dunbar found that a 
species’ brain size is linked to the size of its 
social group. 
• We have big brains in order to socialize.
We’re Wired for Empathy 
• In brain’s non-active moments, it reverts to a 
configuration called the “default network.” 
• According to researcher, Matthew Lieberman, this 
resembles the social thinking brain, which is 
Is Efficiency Overrated? 
• Study conducted by Gillian M. Sandstrom and 
Elizabeth W. Dunn of the University of British 
• People who “smiled, made eye contact, and 
talked with the cashier” at a coffee shop 
reported better moods than those who avoided 
• Small interactions with others can create a 
feeling of connection according to researchers.
How To Engage a Terrorist 
Interrogator, Matthew Alexander discovered that 
building rapport with prisoners in Iraq was the most 
effective interrogation method, not torture.
“The quickest way to get most (but not all) captives 
talking is to be nice to them.” 
Mark Bowden, author of Black Hawk Down
Common Social Heuristics 
• Tit for Tat: 
– Be kind first, keep a memory of size one, and 
imitate your partner’s last behavior. 
– Only the last behavior is remembered and 
– Political scientist Robert Axelrod found this to 
be the most frequently winning strategy. 
• Don’t Break Ranks
FBI’s Tips for Building Relationship 
1. Understand the other’s priorities and goals. 
2. Place their needs ahead of yours. 
3. Listen without formulating your reply. Let the other person talk. 
1. Ask for thoughts and opinions. 
1. Suspend your ego, avoiding judgment and criticism. 
Robin Dreeke oversees the FBI’s Counterintelligence Behavioral Analysis 
Program and author of "It’s Not All About Me."
Making Stress Your Friend 
• A study tracked stress in 30,000 adults over eight 
• Researchers found those under great stress had a 
43% increased risk of death, if they believed 
stress was dangerous. 
• Under stress, the pituitary gland releases 
Oxytocin, the bonding hormone. 
• Acts as anti-inflammatory which can counteract 
negative effects of stress.
Your Response to Stress Makes a Difference 
"When you choose to connect with others under 
stress, you can create resilience" 
- Kelly McGonigal, health psychologist and 
researcher, Stanford University
Methods of Connecting with Others 
• Interaction based on Emotional Intelligence: 
self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and 
• Social engineers and con artists use the same 
skills to create emotional and social affinity with 
a target. 
• Conflict resolution methods.
Your Message Matters
“People don’t buy what you do, 
they buy why you do it." 
- Simon Sinek
Golden Circle
The Golden Circle + Human Brain
Building a Healthy Culture
“We have to face the fact that either 
all of us are going to die together or 
we are going to learn to live together, 
and if we are to live together we have 
to talk.” 
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Communication Models Based On Empathy 
• XYZ model 
• NVC 
• Respectful Confrontation
Marshall Rosenberg’s Non-Violent 
• Facts or observations 
• Feelings 
• Needs or what’s “alive” 
• Request
Joe Weston’s Respectful Confrontation 
• Behavior 
• Impact 
• Need 
• Make a request
"Niceness can be a dodge to avoid engaging in 
unpleasant interactions." 
-Bill Kahn, Ph.D.
What’s Really Going On?
• Learn about empowered, collaborative 
• Reframe views on confrontation, 
assertiveness, and true power. 
• Achieve greater self-confidence, personal 
freedom, fulfillment, and peaceful 
interactions with others.
My truth ≠ The truth
Respectful Confrontation 
• The practice of developing the respectful self 
• The practice of respectful engagement 
• The practice of respectful offense 
• The practice of respectful defense
3 F’s 
“Hmm, I’d like a cup of tea…”
5 Steps of Clear Communication 
1. Contact with yourself 
2. Contact with other 
3. Desire/Impulse 
4. Act of communication 
5. Received message
True power = Brute force 
Confrontation = Conflict 
Assertiveness = Aggression
Brute force ≠ true power
4 Pillars of True Power 
• Grounding 
• Focus 
• Strength 
• Flexibility
Conflict ≠ confrontation
“Courage is what it takes to stand 
up and speak. Courage is what it 
takes to sit down and listen.” 
- Winston Churchill
1 : FIGHT, BATTLE, WAR 2 a : competitive or 
opposing action of incompatibles : antagonistic 
state or action (as of divergent ideas, interests, or 
persons) b : mental struggle resulting from 
incompatible or opposing needs, drives, wishes, or 
external or internal demands; see DISCORD
con·front 1 : to face especially in challenge : 
OPPOSE 2 a : to cause to meet : bring face-to-face 
<confront a reader with statistics> b : to meet 
face-to-face : ENCOUNTER
Respectful Confrontation 
CONFLICT: an encounter that leads to 
the further separation of individuals, 
the breakdown of relationship, and 
the disempowerment of the other.
Respectful Confrontation 
CONFRONTATION: an encounter that 
leads to individuals coming closer 
together, deepening of relationship, 
and the empowerment of all involved.
“If you fear making anyone mad, 
then you ultimately probe for the 
lowest common denominator of 
human achievement.” 
- Former President, Jimmy 
Aggression ≠ Assertiveness
1 a: tending toward or exhibiting aggression <aggressive 
behavior> b: marked by combative readiness <an aggressive 
2 a: marked by obtrusive energy b: marked by driving 
forceful energy or initiative : enterprising <an aggressive 
3: strong or emphatic in effect or intent <aggressive colors> 
<aggressive flavors> 
4: growing, developing, or spreading rapidly <aggressive 
bone tumors>
1 : disposed to or characterized by bold or 
confident assertion <an assertive leader> 
2 : having a strong or distinctive flavor or aroma 
<assertive wines>
Respectful Confrontation 
AGGRESSION: any behavior, action, 
remark, gesture, or facial expression 
that impacts another with the goal to 
disempower and/or is received by the 
other in a harmful, threatening way.
Respectful Confrontation 
ASSERTIVENESS: any behavior, 
action, remark, gesture, or facial 
expression that impacts another with 
the goal to empower and/or is 
received by the other in a positive 
Respectful Offense: 
Giving Feedback 
1. Prepare (come with facts, times, dates). 
2. Make contact. Be sure it is a good time and place. 
3. Introduce the topic. Let the other know why you are having this 
4. Share what you have NOTICED about the behavior in question. Give 
5. Express how it affects you (feelings, state of being, unmet needs) 
6. Identify desired need. Be open to listen to the need of the other. 
7. Mention the desired behavior and collaborate on solutions. 
8. Sum up. Make clear goals, agreements for the future, and how to follow 
9. End the confrontation.
Important Feedback Points 
• You are addressing someone’s BEHAVIOR, not 
them as a person. 
• You MUST share how their behavior affects you, 
otherwise you are not giving feedback, you are 
Name, behavior, effect, need, desired 
behavior, follow-up
“With realization of one’s potential, and self-confidence 
in one’s ability, one can build a better 
- His Holiness the Dalai Lama
“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will 
wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield.... 
what is soft is strong.” 
- Lao Tzu
Key Takeaways 
• Bad trumps good in the human brain. 
• You can’t turn your emotions off, they’re critical for decisions. 
• We’re all responsible for the quality of the emotional landscape. 
• Stress makes you stupid, by shutting down blood flow to the pre-frontal 
• If you set off a stress response in someone, you minimize the 
chance of having a rational dialogue. 
• Confrontation isn’t always negative. Resistance to change can 
provide valuable feedback. 
• Leadership is a decision, not a role you’re hired into. 
• A happy, pleasant work environment fosters engaged, productive 
staff with less stress for everyone.
“People don't care how much you know until they 
know how much you care” 
― Theodore Roosevelt
Where Can You Find Us? 
Michele Chubirka, spending quality time in kernel mode. 
Twitter @MrsYisWhy 
Google+ MrsYisWhy 
Joe Weston, writing and teaching workshops.
Esfahani Smith, Emily. "Social Connection Makes a Better Brain." The Atlantic 29 Oct. 2013: n. pag. Print. 
Global Workforce Study - Engagement at Risk: Driving Strong Performance in a Volatile Global Environment. Rep. no. TW-NA-2012- 
25644. N.p.: Towers Watson, 2012. Print. 
Goleman, Daniel, and Richard Boyatzis. "Social Intelligence and the Biology of Leadership." Harvard Business Review Sept. 2008: 74- 
81. Print. 
Goleman, Daniel. Working with Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam, 1998. Print. 
Hanson, Rick, and Richard Mendius. Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love & Wisdom. Oakland, CA: New 
Harbinger Publications, 2009. Print. 
Kryder, Suzanne. The Mind to Lead. N.p.: NeuroLeap, 2011. Print. 
Luders, Eileen, Florian Kurth, Emeran A. Mayer, Arthur W. Toga, Katherine L. Narr, and Christian Gaser. "The Unique Brain Anatomy of 
Meditation Practitioners: Alterations in Cortical Gyrification." Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.34 (2012): 1-9. Print. 
O'Connell, Andrew. "HBR Blog Network / The Daily Stat." Harvard Business Review. Harvard Business Review, 30 Oct. 2013. Web. 02 
Nov. 2013. 
Pink, Daniel H. Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us. New York, NY: Riverhead, 2009. Print. 
Pink, Daniel. "Why Bosses Need to Show Their Soft Side." The Telegraph 17 July 2011: n. pag. Print. 
Rosenberg, Marshall B. Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life. Encinitas, CA: PuddleDancer, 2003. Print. 
Siegel, Daniel J. The Mindful Brain: Reflection and Attunement in the Cultivation of Well-being. New York: W.W. Norton, 2007. Print. 
State of the American Workplace: Employee Engagement Insights for U.S. Business Leaders. Rep. N.p.: Gallup, 2013. Print. 
Street, Farnam. "An FBI Agent Reveals 5 Steps To Gaining Anyone's Trust." Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 20 Jan. 2014. Web. 
18 Mar. 2014. <>. 
Weston, Joe. Mastering Respectful Confrontation: A Guide to Personal Freedom and Empowered, Collaborative Engagement. 
Emeryville, CA: Heartwalker, 2011. Print.
Humans Aren’t Computers: Effective Leadership Strategies for IT

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Humans Aren’t Computers: Effective Leadership Strategies for IT

  • 1. Humans Aren’t Computers Effective Management Strategies for IT Leaders
  • 2. Who Are We? Michele Chubirka, aka "Mrs. Y.,” Security architect, professional contrarian, blogger, nerd stalker. @MrsYisWhy Joe Weston, workshop facilitator, consultant, and author of the book Mastering Respectful Confrontation. Also founder of the Heartwalker Peace Project.
  • 4. How engaged can you be today?
  • 5. Agenda • Introductions and Background • State of the Workplace • Understanding Leadership • The Missing Employee Manual • Learning to Connect • Your Message Matters • Building a Healthy Culture • Takaways
  • 7. Let’s Talk About Why We’re Here • How many of you started out as engineers or technical staff? • Do you feel happy and energized by your work? • Would you like to improve the quality of your professional environment? • Why did you accept a leadership role?
  • 8. What’s the SLA with Our Staff? • Employees Are the Most Valuable Asset. • Why is the relationship so challenging? • Do we treat them better or worse than our hardware assets?
  • 9. "If you don’t understand people, you don’t understand business….” -Simon Sinek
  • 10. State of the Workplace
  • 11. An "engaged employee” • Enthusiastic • Furthers the goals of the organization Engagement improves productivity, profits, customer ratings and employee retention
  • 12. Gallup’s 2013 State of the American Workplace • Disengagement costs U.S. $450 to $550 billion per year. • 70% of American workers are “not engaged” or “actively disengaged.” • Those with college degrees are less likely to be engaged.
  • 13. 2012 Global Workforce Study by Towers Watson • Out of 32,000 full-time workers, only 35% were highly engaged. • Employee retention depends on relationship with management, trust in senior leadership and ability to manage work-related stress. • Less than half surveyed believed that supervisors have time to address interpersonal issues.
  • 14. Stress 79 % of IT staff consider quitting due to job-related stress. -From GFI Software’s 3rd Annual IT Admin Stress Survey
  • 16. Absenteeism Engaged employees in the UK take an average of 2.69 sick days per year; disengaged take 6.19. - From Gallup’s “Employee Engagement: How to Build a High Performance Workforce”
  • 17. The Bottom Line Organizations with highly engaged employees achieve twice the annual net income of those where employees are less engaged. - from Kenexa’s “The Impact of Employee Engagement”
  • 18. Drivers of Engagement • Leadership • Stress management, balance, workload • Clear goals, objectives, mission • Relationship with supervisors based on trust • Organization’s image
  • 19. Motivation and Engagement Study sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank found three main factors motivate people in their work. – Autonomy – Mastery – Purpose
  • 20. Gallup’s 12 “Rules” of Engagement 1. I know what is expected of me at work 2. I have the material and equipment I need to do my work right. 3. At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day. 4. In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work. 5. My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person. 6. There is someone at work who encourages my development. 7. At work, my opinions seem to count. 8. The mission or purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important. 9. My associates or fellow employees are committed to doing quality work. 10. I have a best friend at work. 11. In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress. 12. This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow.
  • 22. “Leadership is not a rank, it’s a decision.” -Simon Sinek Author of “Leaders Eat Last”
  • 23. Happiness As The New ROI “…the ROI that you will receive from putting together a culture in which you put your employees first, and their happiness and satisfaction first, the payoff is immeasurable over the long term. And they really want it….” — Shawn Riegsecker, Founder and CEO of Centro, Crain’s Chicago Business’ Best Place to Work List for four straight years, 2011 – 2014 Riegsecker has a 98% approval rating on and he reports that 65% of new hires come from internal referrals.
  • 24. Power and Leadership in the 21st century
  • 25. Key Areas for Balance in the Workplace • Work Tasks • Relationship • Self Care
  • 26. “Human beings have discretionary energy, and they would give it to you if you treat them with dignity and respect.” -Paul O’Neill, former Treasury Secretary of US under George W. Bush
  • 27. When one moves into their vulnerability, their true power is revealed.
  • 28.
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  • 31.
  • 34. "The human brain hasn't had a hardware upgrade in about 100,000 years." - Daniel Goleman, Author of Emotional Intelligence
  • 35. Neuroscience 101 Limbic System: The interior of the cortex, includes the hippocampus and amygdala. Supports emotion and long-term memory. Prefrontal Cortex: Region responsible for planning, decision making and moderating behavior. Think of the limbic system to the prefrontal cortex as a horse is to a rider.
  • 36. Demonstration: A Brain In the Palm of Your Hand • Hold up your hand and make a fist. • This is a good representation of the brain and spinal column. • The brain stem, limbic system and neocortex. * These two slides are oversimplifications of a very complex system.
  • 37. The Threat Response: Step 1 Cortex receives input from the thalamus, a component of the limbic system responsible for relaying sensory information and pain perception.
  • 38. The Threat Response: Step 2 Limbic system and prefrontal cortex (the executive or evaluator of the brain) take in data simultaneously.
  • 39. The Threat Response: Step 3 Amygdala, responsible for emotional response and memory, acts as an alarm activating the fight/flight hormonal response if threat is perceived.
  • 40. The Threat Response: 4 Sympathetic nervous system sets up organs and muscles for fight/flight response, inhibiting digestion and the hypothalamus prompts the release of stress hormones.
  • 41. Emotional Contagion • Limbic system is an “open loop,” influenced by other people’s emotions, aka mirror neurons. • Mirror neurons activate when an animal performs an action or when an animal observes the same action of another animal. • Basis of empathy. • Also called emotional contagion.
  • 42. The Power of Mirror Neurons Researcher Marie Dasborough observed two groups: • One group was given negative feedback accompanied by positive emotional signs, nods and smiles. • Another was provided positive feedback that was delivered using negative emotional cues, frowns and narrowed eyes.
  • 43. Entrainment • Those receiving positive feedback with negative emotional signs felt worse than those receiving negative feedback given with positive emotional cues. Your emotions and actions are mirrored by those around you.
  • 44. Negativity • The brain has a negativity bias because the limbic system is quicker than the prefrontal cortex when evaluating threat. • Traumatic experiences are “stickier” than positive, happy experiences, i.e. harder to un-map. • It takes five to twenty seconds for positive experiences to register in the brain.
  • 45. No Escape From Threat • Negativity is useful for a species to evolve. • Most are in a permanent state of cortisol overload due to the constant stressors of modern life. • Stress hormones stay in the body for hours. • Decreases intellectual capacity, memory and lowers impulse control. Stress makes you stupid.
  • 46. Amygdala Hijack? Intense and immediate emotional reaction, followed by the understanding that it was inappropriate. • I thought that stick on the ground was a snake! • I don’t like you or I’m bored, so I won’t cooperate or listen to what you have to say. • That guy who cut me off in traffic was trying to kill me! • Why were you so insulting to me in that email yesterday? (studies show there’s a negativity bias in email.) • Other examples?
  • 47.
  • 48. Thin Slicing: Warren Harding Syndrome • Human beings make quick decisions based on intuition. • “Love at first sight” or a “gut reaction.” • Called “Thin Slicing” or “Fast Thinking.” • Example is “Warren Harding Syndrome.” • A mediocre presidential candidate, Americans voted for him , because he was tall, good looking and charming.
  • 49. Harding has been called one of the worst presidents in history.
  • 50. Thin Slicing: Bedside Manner • The likelihood of a doctor being sued doesn’t correlate with the number of errors made. • Psychologists can predict which doctors will be sued. • They analyze the amount of time spent with patients and if the tone of their voices sounded “concerned.”
  • 51. There’s No Mr. Spock • Neurologist, Dr. Antonio Damasio, had a patient who had been a successful corporate lawyer. • A tumor was discovered in his prefrontal lobes. • When removed, the circuit between this area and amygdala was severed.
  • 52. Somatic Marker • No damage to his cognitive abilities, but his life fell apart. • He couldn’t make decisions when presented with simple choices. • He no longer had any feelings regarding options, no preferences. • Basis for the Somatic Marker Hypothesis, a theory that emotions assist with decision-making.
  • 53. Bounded Emotionality It is a gross misconception that reason can be completely separated from emotion.
  • 55. Big Brains Are Social • Anthropologist Robin Dunbar found that a species’ brain size is linked to the size of its social group. • We have big brains in order to socialize.
  • 56. We’re Wired for Empathy • In brain’s non-active moments, it reverts to a configuration called the “default network.” • According to researcher, Matthew Lieberman, this resembles the social thinking brain, which is empathetic.
  • 57. Is Efficiency Overrated? • Study conducted by Gillian M. Sandstrom and Elizabeth W. Dunn of the University of British Columbia. • People who “smiled, made eye contact, and talked with the cashier” at a coffee shop reported better moods than those who avoided interaction. • Small interactions with others can create a feeling of connection according to researchers.
  • 58. How To Engage a Terrorist Interrogator, Matthew Alexander discovered that building rapport with prisoners in Iraq was the most effective interrogation method, not torture.
  • 59. “The quickest way to get most (but not all) captives talking is to be nice to them.” Mark Bowden, author of Black Hawk Down
  • 60. Common Social Heuristics • Tit for Tat: – Be kind first, keep a memory of size one, and imitate your partner’s last behavior. – Only the last behavior is remembered and imitated. – Political scientist Robert Axelrod found this to be the most frequently winning strategy. • Don’t Break Ranks
  • 61. FBI’s Tips for Building Relationship 1. Understand the other’s priorities and goals. 2. Place their needs ahead of yours. 3. Listen without formulating your reply. Let the other person talk. 1. Ask for thoughts and opinions. 1. Suspend your ego, avoiding judgment and criticism. Robin Dreeke oversees the FBI’s Counterintelligence Behavioral Analysis Program and author of "It’s Not All About Me."
  • 62. Making Stress Your Friend • A study tracked stress in 30,000 adults over eight years. • Researchers found those under great stress had a 43% increased risk of death, if they believed stress was dangerous. • Under stress, the pituitary gland releases Oxytocin, the bonding hormone. • Acts as anti-inflammatory which can counteract negative effects of stress.
  • 63. Your Response to Stress Makes a Difference "When you choose to connect with others under stress, you can create resilience" - Kelly McGonigal, health psychologist and researcher, Stanford University
  • 64. Methods of Connecting with Others • Interaction based on Emotional Intelligence: self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and motivation. • Social engineers and con artists use the same skills to create emotional and social affinity with a target. • Conflict resolution methods.
  • 66. “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it." - Simon Sinek
  • 68. The Golden Circle + Human Brain
  • 69.
  • 71. “We have to face the fact that either all of us are going to die together or we are going to learn to live together, and if we are to live together we have to talk.” - Eleanor Roosevelt
  • 72. Communication Models Based On Empathy • XYZ model • NVC • Respectful Confrontation
  • 73. Marshall Rosenberg’s Non-Violent Communication • Facts or observations • Feelings • Needs or what’s “alive” • Request
  • 74. Joe Weston’s Respectful Confrontation • Behavior • Impact • Need • Make a request
  • 75. "Niceness can be a dodge to avoid engaging in unpleasant interactions." -Bill Kahn, Ph.D.
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  • 79.
  • 80. Goals • Learn about empowered, collaborative engagement. • Reframe views on confrontation, assertiveness, and true power. • Achieve greater self-confidence, personal freedom, fulfillment, and peaceful interactions with others.
  • 81. My truth ≠ The truth
  • 82. Respectful Confrontation • The practice of developing the respectful self • The practice of respectful engagement • The practice of respectful offense • The practice of respectful defense
  • 83. 3 F’s Fight Flight Freeze
  • 84.
  • 85. “Hmm, I’d like a cup of tea…”
  • 86. 5 Steps of Clear Communication 1. Contact with yourself 2. Contact with other 3. Desire/Impulse 4. Act of communication 5. Received message
  • 87. True power = Brute force Confrontation = Conflict Assertiveness = Aggression
  • 88. Brute force ≠ true power
  • 89. 4 Pillars of True Power • Grounding • Focus • Strength • Flexibility
  • 91. “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is what it takes to sit down and listen.” - Winston Churchill
  • 92. Conflict 1 : FIGHT, BATTLE, WAR 2 a : competitive or opposing action of incompatibles : antagonistic state or action (as of divergent ideas, interests, or persons) b : mental struggle resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, drives, wishes, or external or internal demands; see DISCORD
  • 93. Confront con·front 1 : to face especially in challenge : OPPOSE 2 a : to cause to meet : bring face-to-face <confront a reader with statistics> b : to meet face-to-face : ENCOUNTER
  • 94. Respectful Confrontation Definition CONFLICT: an encounter that leads to the further separation of individuals, the breakdown of relationship, and the disempowerment of the other.
  • 95. Respectful Confrontation Definition CONFRONTATION: an encounter that leads to individuals coming closer together, deepening of relationship, and the empowerment of all involved.
  • 96. “If you fear making anyone mad, then you ultimately probe for the lowest common denominator of human achievement.” - Former President, Jimmy Carter
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  • 101. Aggressive 1 a: tending toward or exhibiting aggression <aggressive behavior> b: marked by combative readiness <an aggressive fighter> 2 a: marked by obtrusive energy b: marked by driving forceful energy or initiative : enterprising <an aggressive salesman> 3: strong or emphatic in effect or intent <aggressive colors> <aggressive flavors> 4: growing, developing, or spreading rapidly <aggressive bone tumors>
  • 102. Assertive 1 : disposed to or characterized by bold or confident assertion <an assertive leader> 2 : having a strong or distinctive flavor or aroma <assertive wines>
  • 103. Respectful Confrontation Definition AGGRESSION: any behavior, action, remark, gesture, or facial expression that impacts another with the goal to disempower and/or is received by the other in a harmful, threatening way.
  • 104. Respectful Confrontation Definition ASSERTIVENESS: any behavior, action, remark, gesture, or facial expression that impacts another with the goal to empower and/or is received by the other in a positive way.
  • 105. Respectful Offense: Giving Feedback 1. Prepare (come with facts, times, dates). 2. Make contact. Be sure it is a good time and place. 3. Introduce the topic. Let the other know why you are having this conversation. 4. Share what you have NOTICED about the behavior in question. Give examples. 5. Express how it affects you (feelings, state of being, unmet needs) 6. Identify desired need. Be open to listen to the need of the other. 7. Mention the desired behavior and collaborate on solutions. 8. Sum up. Make clear goals, agreements for the future, and how to follow up. 9. End the confrontation.
  • 106. Important Feedback Points • You are addressing someone’s BEHAVIOR, not them as a person. • You MUST share how their behavior affects you, otherwise you are not giving feedback, you are criticizing. Name, behavior, effect, need, desired behavior, follow-up
  • 107. “With realization of one’s potential, and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.” - His Holiness the Dalai Lama
  • 108. “Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield.... what is soft is strong.” - Lao Tzu
  • 110. Key Takeaways • Bad trumps good in the human brain. • You can’t turn your emotions off, they’re critical for decisions. • We’re all responsible for the quality of the emotional landscape. • Stress makes you stupid, by shutting down blood flow to the pre-frontal lobes. • If you set off a stress response in someone, you minimize the chance of having a rational dialogue. • Confrontation isn’t always negative. Resistance to change can provide valuable feedback. • Leadership is a decision, not a role you’re hired into. • A happy, pleasant work environment fosters engaged, productive staff with less stress for everyone.
  • 111. “People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care” ― Theodore Roosevelt
  • 112. Where Can You Find Us? Michele Chubirka, spending quality time in kernel mode. Twitter @MrsYisWhy Google+ MrsYisWhy Joe Weston, writing and teaching workshops.
  • 113. References Esfahani Smith, Emily. "Social Connection Makes a Better Brain." The Atlantic 29 Oct. 2013: n. pag. Print. Global Workforce Study - Engagement at Risk: Driving Strong Performance in a Volatile Global Environment. Rep. no. TW-NA-2012- 25644. N.p.: Towers Watson, 2012. Print. Goleman, Daniel, and Richard Boyatzis. "Social Intelligence and the Biology of Leadership." Harvard Business Review Sept. 2008: 74- 81. Print. Goleman, Daniel. Working with Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam, 1998. Print. Hanson, Rick, and Richard Mendius. Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love & Wisdom. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2009. Print. Kryder, Suzanne. The Mind to Lead. N.p.: NeuroLeap, 2011. Print. Luders, Eileen, Florian Kurth, Emeran A. Mayer, Arthur W. Toga, Katherine L. Narr, and Christian Gaser. "The Unique Brain Anatomy of Meditation Practitioners: Alterations in Cortical Gyrification." Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.34 (2012): 1-9. Print. O'Connell, Andrew. "HBR Blog Network / The Daily Stat." Harvard Business Review. Harvard Business Review, 30 Oct. 2013. Web. 02 Nov. 2013. Pink, Daniel H. Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us. New York, NY: Riverhead, 2009. Print. Pink, Daniel. "Why Bosses Need to Show Their Soft Side." The Telegraph 17 July 2011: n. pag. Print. Rosenberg, Marshall B. Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life. Encinitas, CA: PuddleDancer, 2003. Print. Siegel, Daniel J. The Mindful Brain: Reflection and Attunement in the Cultivation of Well-being. New York: W.W. Norton, 2007. Print. State of the American Workplace: Employee Engagement Insights for U.S. Business Leaders. Rep. N.p.: Gallup, 2013. Print. Street, Farnam. "An FBI Agent Reveals 5 Steps To Gaining Anyone's Trust." Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 20 Jan. 2014. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>. Weston, Joe. Mastering Respectful Confrontation: A Guide to Personal Freedom and Empowered, Collaborative Engagement. Emeryville, CA: Heartwalker, 2011. Print.

Editor's Notes

  1. welcome
  2. What is leadership? How do you know a good leader?
  3. Questions to ask that will engage audience: How many of you wanted to be in management? How many of you have an engineering or science degree? What does leadership mean to you?
  4. According to the Gallup poll: 50% of employees with a best friend at work reported that they feel a strong connection with their company, compared to just 10 percent of employees without a best friend at work.
  5. Grounding exercise
  6. What is leadership? How do you know a good leader?
  7. Productivity Self care relationship
  8. Productivity Self care relationship
  9. None of this is opinion. It’s all grounded in the tenets of biology. If you look at a cross-section of the human brain, what you see is that it is actually laid out in three major components that correlate perfectly with The Golden Circle. Our newest brain, our Hom-sapien brain, our neo-cortex, corresponds with the What level. The neo-cortex is responsible for all of our rational and analytical thought and language. The middle two sections make up our limbic brain. Our limbic brain is responsible for all of our feelings, like trust and loyalty. It’s also responsible for all human behavior, all decision-making, and it has no capacity for language. In other words, when we communicate from the outside-in, though people can understand vast amounts of complicated information like features, benefits, facts and figures, it just doesn’t drive behavior. When we can communicate from the inside-out, we’re talking directly to the part of the brain that controls behavior and decision-making, and then people rationalize their decisions with the neo-cortex. The neo-cortex, the thinking part of the brain, is always trying to understand and make sense of the world. This is the reason we think we’re rational beings when we’re really not. If we were, we would never buy a product or service simply because of how it makes us feel. We would never be loyal, we’d always just choose the best deal. We’d never care about trust, we’d only evaluate the numbers. But we don’t do that. We do choose one product, service or company over another because we feel we can trust them more. We do buy things that we think are worth extra money even though all the facts and figures may indicate there is no significant difference. This is the reason we can say that people don’t buy What you do, they buy Why you do it and What you do simply serves as the tangible proof of what you believe. For the Golden Circle to work properly, you must have clarity of Why, discipline of How and consistency of What you do. For others to know Why you do what you do, you must be clear first. You must hold yourself and your people accountable to your values and guiding principles. And everything you say and everything you do must be consistent. We live in the tangible world. They only way people will know what we believe is if we say and do what we believe. Again – people don’t buy What you do, they buy Why you do it.
  10. break